Sheriffs' Court Roll, 1320: Membrane 12 (trancript pp.46-48)

London Sheriffs Court Roll 1320. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, London, 2010.

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'Sheriffs' Court Roll, 1320: Membrane 12 (trancript pp.46-48)', in London Sheriffs Court Roll 1320, ed. Matthew Stevens (London, 2010), British History Online [accessed 12 March 2025].

'Sheriffs' Court Roll, 1320: Membrane 12 (trancript pp.46-48)', in London Sheriffs Court Roll 1320. Edited by Matthew Stevens (London, 2010), British History Online, accessed March 12, 2025,

"Sheriffs' Court Roll, 1320: Membrane 12 (trancript pp.46-48)". London Sheriffs Court Roll 1320. Ed. Matthew Stevens (London, 2010), British History Online. Web. 12 March 2025.

Membrane 12

[m 12.]

Maude Russel was summoned to answer John of the Chamber in a plea of debt. The pl.complains that whereas the def. rented from him a house in Abcherchelane for 12s. a year payable quarterly, she refuses payment of the 3s. due from Christmas to Easter, to his damage etc. The def. comes and denies that she owes the money, and thereupon she puts herself upon her country. Therefore let a jury of the venue be summoned to the next court.
patria Roger le Glasyere was attached to answer Roger Elys in a plea of trespass. The pl. complains that on Tuesday the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 13 Edward II [24th June, 1320], in the par. of St. Michael in Candelwickstrete in la Crokedelane, the def. assaulted him with force and arms, pursuing him as far as Thamysestrete, when he beat him and wounded him in the breast with a knife, to his damage £20. The def. comes and denies the charge, and thereupon puts himself upon his country. A jury of the venue of la Crokedelane is summoned, and the def. is mainprised by Elias le Barbier, Nicholas le Cordewanere, Richard of Mereworthe and Nicholas le Verrer. On the day appointed the def. did not come, and it was adjudged that the inquest be taken in his absence. The jury returned a verdict of guilty and awarded the pl. 100s. damages. It was ordered that the def. be taken etc.

William of Castre, John Cotrel, Geoffrey of Heydene, and Richard of Heyles, were attached to answer Robert de la Porte in a plea of trespass. The pl. complains that on Monday the feast of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 14 Edward II [7th July, 1320], near the church of St Peter of Wodestrete in Westchep, the defs., together with Martin of Aumesberi and Thomas of Walpol assaulted him with force and arms etc., to his damage £40. The defs come and deny the charge, and thereupon put themselves upon their country. A jury of the venue is summoned, and returns a verdict of not guilty. The defs. are adjudged to be sine die, and the pl. is in mercy for a false plaint.
Robert of Woxbregge claims v. Alexander le Settere 12s. lent to him in the par. of St. Peter upon Cornehulle on Tuesday before the feast of St. Peter in Chains, 12 Edward II [25th July 1318], and repayable within-
[p. 47]

lex ad quindeman
-the quindene, but not repaid. The def. comes and says that he made satisfaction in full for the same aforesaid. The pl. repeats his allegation and thereupon wages his law. He is given a day is make his law.
[m 12d.]
lex ad quindenam

Robert le Shethere wages his law v. Alice la Tappestere concerning the charge that on Sunday before the feast of the Ascension, 13 Edward II [4th May 1320], in the house of Gerard Latonner, he broke a cup, to the damage of the said Alice 10s. Afterwards the said Roger came and made his law, whereupon it was adjudged that he be quit and the pl. in mercy.

A jury of Cornehulle is summoned to recognize whether Hamo le Chaundeler, on Monday after the Octave of Trinity, 13 Edward II [9th June, 1320], assaulted Robert of Stowe and Joan his wife on Cornehulle, to their damage 100s. Pledges of the said Hamo:- Robert le Blund and Gregory le White. Afterwards the jury came and returned a verdict of guilty. Damages 4s. The def. is committed to prison until he make satisfaction for the same and for the fine etc.

lex ad quindenam
Copyn le Barbier wages his law v. Peter of Ware concerning the charge that on Wednesday before the feast of St. James the Apostle, 10 Edward II [21st July, 1316], he received from the said Peter ten gold florins, worth 46s., to exchange ['ad escambriam ride faciendum'] and that he is still bound to him in 34s. of the said sum.
lex ad quindenam Richard Dask claims v. John Cobbe and Margery his wife £15. 16. 6.; viz. £ 11. 11. 6 for corn, barley and oats sold to the said Margery when she was 'femme sole', and £ 4.5.0 for wood sold to her between Easter, 10 Edward II [1317], and the Michaelmas following: the which sum she undertook to pay within the quidene. The defs. come and deny the purchases, and thereupon they wage their law.
judicium in respectu Stephen Alayn was summoned to answer Richard Cros in a plea of debt. The pl. complains that whereas he and the pl., on Monday after the feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin, 11 Edward II [6th January, 1318], submitted to the arbitration of Robert Youn, William Lambyn, Andrew Horn and Adam Pikeman concerning 40s. which the said Stephen was to give him for divers purchases made between them, and 40s. which the same Stephen pledged himself to pay by his servant ['vallettus'] William, the said sum to be payable before the quindene, he refused and still refuses, to pay the same. Stephen comes and says that the pl. has no action, because in his narration he states that the def. submitted to arbritration, but produces no deed whereby the def. can be bound. The pl answers that he claimed payment of a debt owed him by the def. who has shown no adequate reason why he should be excluded-
[p. 48]

-from his action. The court adjourns to seek counsel. Later the parties come, and after recitation of the record and process, the def. reports that he never accepted the arbitration of the abovenamed Robert Youn and the others, and thereupon he puts himself upon his country. It is ordered that a jury be summoned and that a day be given to the parties and to the aforesaid Robert Youn, William Lambyn, Andrew Horn and Adam Pikeman.

judicium in respectu

Richard Cros was summoned to answer Stephen Alayn in a plea of debt. The pl. complains that on Friday after Michaelmas 7 Edward II [5th Oct, 1313] the def. purchased from him a thousand herrings for 10s. 6d. and on the Saturday following [6th Oct.] half a thousand for 4s. 6d. and on the Wednesday before the feast of the St. Faith [3rd October] half a thousand for 5s. 6d., and salt fish, price 4s., by the hands of John Brian his servant ['vallettus']; and, to William his apprentice, the pl. lent 14s. in cash ['in denariis numeratis'], so that the def. owed in all 38s. 6d. which he undertook to pay within the quindene, but now refuses to pay. The def. says that the pl. has no action, because on Monday after the feast of the Purification, 11 Edward II [6th February 1318], he and the said Stephen submitted to the arbitration of Robert Youn [and the others named above] concerning all debts, disputes and contracts between them since the
beginning of the world, and in consequence the def. remains indebted to him to the extent of £4.0.0.