Sheriffs' Court Roll, 1320: Membrane 8 (transcript pp.29-33)

London Sheriffs Court Roll 1320. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, London, 2010.

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'Sheriffs' Court Roll, 1320: Membrane 8 (transcript pp.29-33)', in London Sheriffs Court Roll 1320, ed. Matthew Stevens (London, 2010), British History Online [accessed 12 March 2025].

'Sheriffs' Court Roll, 1320: Membrane 8 (transcript pp.29-33)', in London Sheriffs Court Roll 1320. Edited by Matthew Stevens (London, 2010), British History Online, accessed March 12, 2025,

"Sheriffs' Court Roll, 1320: Membrane 8 (transcript pp.29-33)". London Sheriffs Court Roll 1320. Ed. Matthew Stevens (London, 2010), British History Online. Web. 12 March 2025.

Membrane 8

[m. 8] [p. 29] Court for Foreigners held on Monday after the feast of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 14 Edward II [14th July, 1320]
John of Ware, 'stokfishmongere', pl., v. Luke of Berkwey in a plea of debt, by Scot.
Walter le Crokkere, pl., v. Nicholas of Donesle in a plea of covenant, by the same.
nihil habet Robert of Kent, sen., distrained v. Robert of Westele in a plea of account.
John Dosynoun, attached v. Hugh le Fourbour in a plea of covenant.
James Beauflour, citizen and vintner, distrained v. Giles Fanward, merchant of Pere in Agenois, in a plea of debt.
Margaret, relict of Ralph of Farneham, John Sausemer and Warim Martel, executors of the will of the said Ralph of Farneham, better attached v. Robert of Donmowe in a plea of debt.
Luke of Berkway, better distrained v. John of Ware, 'stokfishmongere', in a plea of debt.
Roger atte Watere, butcher, better distrained v. Estmar le Litle in a plea of debt.
Agnes, wife of William le Chaundeler, better distrained v. John of Kyngestone and Alice his wife in a plea of debt; and William, husband of the said Agnes, appears.
Ralph Burghard, better attached v. Peter Martyn in a plea of trespass.
Maria, relict of William of Goldyngham, William Quynci and William of Wedryngsete, executors of the will of the said William of Goldyngham, better attached v. Roger le Botiller in a plea of debt.
Isabella Knokyn, Thomas of Eytone, Roger Carels and Ralph Restwold, executors of the will of John Knokyn, better attached v. Roger Sauvage in a plea of debt.
John of Pichford, better attached v. Walter of Keles, goldsmith, in a plea of
Richard of Hodesdon, baker, better distrained v. Belanger Bretoun in a plea of
Adam atte Conduit, better distrained v. Isabella Reymond of Folham and William her son in a plea of debt.
Lawrence le Tornor of Eppyngehethe and Brother Thomas of Eppyngeburi, executors of the will of John, parson of the church of St Mildred of Bredstrete, better attached v. William Wastel in a plea of debt.
Ralph Beauflour, citizen and tavener, better distrained v. Berard de la Tour of Besaz in a plea of debt.
John of Hautone, kt., better attached v. John Pynnere in a plea of debt.
Hugh Herre, better attached v. Richard of Rameseie and Margery his wife in a plea of trespass.
The same Hugh, better attached v. William le Brewere in a plea of trepass.
John of Donewiz, clerk, better attached v. John Rastel in a plea of trespass.
John Gouys, better attached v . Hervey de Buri in a plea of debt.
John of Louthe, better distrained v. the said Hervey in a plea of debt.
Richard of Redyngge, better attached v. Gerard le Barber and Nicholas of Hurle in a plea of debt.
[p. 30]
The same Richard better attached v. Richard of Graftone and Sabine his wife in a plea of debt.

Geoffrey atte Barnette better distrained v. John atte Halle in a plea of debt. Maud, wife of the said Geoffrey, appears.
Walter of Essex, better distrained v. Alan Raven in a plea of covenant.

William Cosyn, Gascon merchant - misericordia -, better attached v. Henry of Basynnge, William Tubbyng, John Child, Hugh of the Cross, Peter Drynkewatere, John of Hanyngfeld, John of Kyngestone and Geoffrey Scot in a plea of debt.
Roger of Kinebantone, attached by his body v. Reiner Piggesflesh in a plea of account.

nihil habent separentur
Henry Gernet, John, vicar of Westchurrok, Thomas of Abyndone and Thomas
Frembaud, executors of the will of Nicholas Frembaud, kt., better distrained v. Thomas Coke in a plea of debt.
Walter Hudde of St. Albans, chaplain, attached by his body v. John of Perers,
Reimund of St. Clements, Gerard of Biole and Johan of Stoketone, executors of the will of William Seruat, in a plea of debt.
The same Walter, attached by his body v. the same executors in a plea of trespass.
John Hereward, attached by his body v. Henry of Bidike in a plea of account.
Walter of Essex, better distrained v. Gilbert le Marschal in a plea of debt.
Ralph Beauflour, attached by his body v. Saunz Arnald of Castelioun in a plea of account.
Richard of Welyngtone, better attached v. Godfrey atte Hide, taverner, in a plea of debt.
Walter Crepyn, better distrained v. Robert Belebarbe in a plea of debt.
Thomas of Hales, better distrained v. William le Clerk of Excestre in a plea of covenant.
Judgment between Jordan of Langele, pl., and Ralph Giffard and Gilles his wife, executrix of the will of Thomas of Praers, in a plea of debt, in respite etc.
adhuc Judgment between Richer [sic.] of Refham, kt., pl., and the Prior of Bermundeseie in a plea of covenant, in respite etc.
Judgment between Eustace Aldeyn of Risyngge, pl., and Hamo le Barber and Richard of Reynham in a plea of trespass by record, in respite etc.
Jury between John del Gout, merchant of Besatz, pl., and Robert of Thame in a plea of debt, in respite etc.
attorney Nicholas of Denesle, def., appoints as his attorney John Cook v. Walter le Crockere in a plea of debt.
Richard of Balsham, pl., appoints as his attorney William of Reille v. William of Bermyngham, kt., in a plea of debt.

William of Coule, def., appoints as his attorney William of Spaldyngge v. Robert of Bardelbi in a plea of debt.

attachiamentum deliberatur per manucaptiones
Gerard le Barber, Nicholas Hurle, Sabine of Hendone appear v. Richard of Redyngge in a plea of debt. The said Richard made default four times, and was attached by two chests and other household utensils. The pls. ask that the attachments be valued delivered to them by sureties until the def. allows himself to be brought to justice. They are valued at 15s 4d. and delivered to the pls. on the security of John of Kyngestone, pelter, and John le Chaundeler, living in Holebourne. Thereupon came Agnes of Honylane and claimed 4s. as [blank space].
[m. 8d.] Court for foreigners held Friday before the feast of St. Margaret the Virgin [18 July 1320]
essoins The Prior of Theford, pl., v. Baldewin of Aiere, citizen of Paris, in a plea of debt, by T. Orpedeman.
Brother John of Paris, sacristan of the monks of St. Mary of Theford, pl., v. the same Baldwin in the same, by the same.
Hamo le Barber, def., v. Eustace Aldeyn of Risyngge to hear his judgment in a plea of trespass, whereof the record etc., by Orpedeman.
Richard of Reynham, def., v. the same Eustace to hear his judgment in the same, whereof the record etc., by the same.
John Cook, attorney of Nicholas of Donesle, def., v. Walter Crokere in a plea of covenant, by N. Kranele.
Copin le Barbier, def., v. Peter of Ware in a plea of debt, by Thomas Orpedeman.
jurata Edmund of Kersaultone, def., v. William of Michford in a plea of trespass,
whereof a jury etc. by the same.
John Hamond, cook, pl. appears v. William atte Rie in a plea of trespass.
William, attached to appear, does not come. Therefore let him be better attached.
William le Clerk, butcher, pl., appears v. Richard Cave of Shroutone in a plea of debt. The def. does not come. Therefore let him be better attached.
Luke of Berkwei attached v. John of Ware, 'stokfisshmonger', in a plea of debt.
Robert of Westele, pl., appears v. Robert of Kent, sen., in a plea of account, and it is testified in court that the said Robert of Kent has nothing within the city whereby he can be distrained. Therefore the serjeant is ordered to attach him by his body.
John Dosynoun better attached v. Hugh le Fourbour in a plea of covenant.
James Beauflour, citizen and vintner of London, better distrained v. Giles Fanward, merchant of Pere in Agenois, in a plea of debt.
Robert of Donmowe, pl., appears v. Margaret, relict of Ralph of Farneham,
John Sausemer and Warin Martel in a plea of debt, and it is testified in court that the said Warin has nothing by which he can be distrained. Therefore let Margaret and John answer. Margaret does not come, and it is ordered that she be distrained. John appears by his attorney.
Roger atte Ware, butcher, better distrained v. Estmar le Litle in a plea of debt.
[p. 32] William le Chaundeler - misericordia - and Agnes his wife, better distained v. John of Kyngestone and Alice his wife in a plea of debt.
Mary, relict of William of Goldyngham, William Quynci and William of Wedryngsete, executors of the will of the said William of Goldyngham, better attached v. Roger le Botiller in a plea of debt.
Isabella Knokyn, Thomas of Eytone, Roger Carels and Ralph Restwold, executors of the will of John Knokyn, better attached v. Roger Sauvage in a plea of debt.
John of Pichford, better attached v. Walter of Keles, goldsmith, in a plea of debt.
Richard of Hodesdone, baker, better distrained v. Belanger Bretoun in a plea of debt.
Adam atte Conduit, citizen and taverner of Bredstrete, better distrained v. Isabella Reymond of Folham and William his son in a plea of debt.
Lawrence le Tornor of Eppyngehethe and Brother Thomas of Eppyngburi, executors of the will of John, parson of St. Mildred of Bredstrete, better attached v. William Wastel in a plea of debt.
Ralph Beauflour, citizen and taverner, better distrained v. Berard de la Tour of Besatz in a plea of debt.
John of Hautone, kt., better attached v. John Pymme in a plea of debt.
John of Donewiz, clerk, better attached v. John Rastel in a plea of trespass.
John of Gouys, better attached, v. Hervey of Buri in a plea of debt.
Thomas of Louthe, better distramed v. the said Hervey in a plea of debt.
Geoffrey atte Barnette, better distrained v. John atte Halle in a plea of debt. Maude, wife of the said Geoffrey, appears.
Roger of Kinebautone, attached by his body v. Reiner Piggesflesh in a plea of account.
Thomas Coke, pl., appears v. Henry Gernet, John, vicar of Westchurruk, Thomas of Abyndone, Thomas Frembaud, executors of the will of Nicholas Frembaud, in a plea of debt. It is testified in court by the serjeant that Henry, John and Thomas of Abyndone have nothing in the city by which they can be distrained. Therefore let Thomas Frembaud answer. He does not come; therefore let him be distrained.
Walter Hudde of St. Albans, chaplain, attached by his body v. John of Perers, Reimund of St. Clements, Gerard of Biole and John of Stoketone, executors of the will of William Seruat, in a plea of debt.
The same Walter, attached by his body, v. the same executors in a plea of trespass.
John Hereward, attached by his body v. Henry of Bedik in a plea of account.
Walter of Essex, better distrained v. Gilbert le Mareschal in a plea of debt.
Ralph Beauflour, attached by his body v. Saunz Arnald of Castelioun in a plea of account.
Walter Crepyn, better distrained v. Robert Belebarbe in a plea of debt.
Thomas of Hales, better distrained v. William le Clerk of Excestre in a plea of covenant.
[p.33] adhuc Judgment between Richer [sic.] of Refham, kt., pl., and the Prior of Bermundeseie in a plea of covenant, in respite etc.
jurata Jury between John del Gout, merchant of Besatz, pl. and Robert of Thame, in a plea of debt, in respite etc.
cogniciones William of Coule, by William of Spaldying his attorney acknowledges his obligation to pay to Robert of Bardelby, clerk, on the morrow, £6.0.0, but he says that he has pledges, which are immediately valued in court by Richard of Shordiche and [blank space], viz a cup of silver worth 36s. 8d, a cup plated with silver, worth 13s., and two cups of [blank space], worth 9s. Sum: 58s. 8d.
attornati Richard of Wodeford and Agnes his wife, defs., appoint as their attorney Robert Gonnebi v. William Osebern, 'toundor', in a plea of the detention of a silver cup in his court of Abyndone.
Peter of Ware, pl., appoints as his attorney John of Cornhulle v. Copin le Barber in a plea of debt.
misericordie Richard of Barsham and his pledges in mercy because he did not prosecute his suit v. William of Bermyngham, kt., in a plea of debt.
The same William in mercy because he did not come.
Alice la Foundors in mercy for not prosecuting her suit v. William Jordan of Salesburi in a plea of debt.
Peter Martyn in mercy because he did not prosecute his suit v. Ralph Burghard in a plea of trespass.
The same Ralph in mercy because he did not come.
Richard of Rameseie and Margaret his wife in mercy because they did not prosecute their suit v. Hugh Herre in a plea of trespass.
The same Hugh in mercy, because he did not come.
William le Briwere in mercy, because he did not prosecute his plaint v. the said Hugh. The same Hugh in mercy, because he did not come.