The Rulers of London 1660-1689 A Biographical Record of the Aldermen and Common Councilment of the City of London. Originally published by London & Middlesex Archaeological Society, London, 1966.
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J R Woodhead, 'Gale - Gynes', in The Rulers of London 1660-1689 A Biographical Record of the Aldermen and Common Councilment of the City of London(London, 1966), British History Online [accessed 1 April 2025].
J R Woodhead, 'Gale - Gynes', in The Rulers of London 1660-1689 A Biographical Record of the Aldermen and Common Councilment of the City of London(London, 1966), British History Online, accessed April 1, 2025,
J R Woodhead. "Gale - Gynes". The Rulers of London 1660-1689 A Biographical Record of the Aldermen and Common Councilment of the City of London. (London, 1966), British History Online. Web. 1 April 2025.
In this section
GALE, Ralph
Co Co Farringdon Without (St Martin Ludgate), 1669 St Martin Ludgate, 1638, 1670 (1) HAB, appr, 1616, to Isaac Swift (2) Will PCC 20 Duke pr, 3 Feb 1670/1 f John Gale of Scruton, Yorks, yeo, m Jane Frank of Pontefract, Yorks, mar ? 1632, Dorothy March (3)
(1) Boyd 40422, will (2) Will, HAB, Binding Bk, 29 Nov 1616 (3) HAB, Binding Bk, 29 Nov 1616, Boyd 40422
GARDNER, Abraham
Co Co Bridge, 1661 'The White Lyon', London Bridge, 1661, St Magnus, 1638, 1641 (1) FISH, appr, 1628, fr, 1637 (2) bur ? St Pauls Covent Garden (3) Will PCC 19 Laud pr, 4 Feb 1661/2 f Richard Gardner, Armourer of London, mar 1637, at St Mary Abchurch, Susan Fincham (4) "in trade" with John Sheldon and Richard Claget (5) Land Surr, Norf, Isle of Ely (5)
(1) Will, Boyd 48226 (2) Will, Boyd 48226, FISH, Fr and Appr Reg, 1628 (3) Boyd 48226 ("to be buried at Streatham, Surr"-will) (4) FISH, Fr and Appr Reg, 1628, Boyd 48226 (5) Will
Co Co Langborn, 1675 Ald Cordwainer, 12 Aug 1687-3 Oct 1688, superseded on restoration of Charter (1) St Mary at Hill, 1656, Fenchurch Street, 1677, 1681, St Gabriel, 1688/9 (2) SKIN, appr, 1640, to Joseph Parker, fr, 1648, M, 1678 (3) b Evesham, Wore, d 1 Apr 1690, bur St Margaret Pattens (4) Will PCC 58 Dyke pr, 14 Apr 1690 f Samuel Gardner of Evesham, Wore, mercer, mar Mary (5) Merchant ? Assis RAC, 1675, West Indies merchant, commission agent (6) ? RAC, stock £400 of original stock, 1671 (7) Whig, non-con- formist (8)
(1) Beaven, I, p 119 (2) Boyd 14086, Directory, 1677, SP/29/417/114, will (3) Beaven, II, p 114, Boyd 14086, SKIN, Appr and Fr Reg, 1601-94, ff 271, 336 (4) Will Boyd 14086 (5) SKIN, Appr and Fr Reg, 1601-94, f 271, will (6) Directory, 1677, K G Davies, Index, pp 67, 129 (7) PRO, T 70/100 (8) SP/29/417/114, Beaven, II, p 114, will
(A) Co Co Aldgate, 1688-9, Dep, 1690-3, 1699-1710 3rd Prec of Aldgate, 1670, 1687, St Katherine Creechurch, Richmond, Surr, 1709, lodgings in London, 1709 (1) APO, appr, 1651, to Augustine Brooke, M, 1702 (2) b ? Maunden, Essex (3) Will PCC 16 Smith pr, 9 Jun 1709/10 mar Elizabeth (4) Apothecary, in partnership with s William Gardner (4) City and London property (4) Tory, 1690 (5)
(1) GHL, Aldgate Reg of Officers, will (2) Will, APO, Co MBk, I, f 496, Boyd Index (3) Will (legacy of £100 to psh) (4) Will (5) Bodl Lib, Rawlison MS 734, f 31d
(B), Co Co Cordwainer, 1677-83, 1689-93 Bow Lane, 1681, St Mary le Bow, 1672, St Pauls Covent Garden, 1710 (1) BS, M, 1697 (2) d Dec 1710, bur St Pauls Covent Garden (3) Will PCC 235 Young pr, 28 Nov 1711 mar Elizabeth (3) Surgeon Sergeant Surgeon, 1697 Surgeon to HM's Household, 1695 (4) Whig ("factious", 1681, "stark naught", 1682) (5)
(1) SP/29/417/114, Boyd 50043, will (2) A T Young, The Annals of the Barber-Surgeons of London (1890), p 10 (3) Boyd 50043 (4) SP/29/417/114, 418/199, A T Young, op cit, p 18, CRO, Asses on Marriage, etc, 1695, 62/10 (5) SP/29/417/114, 418/199, 435/100
GARDNER, William
Co Co Bassishaw, 1661-2 St Michael Bassishaw MER, fr, 1660, by P (1) b c 1618, bur 23 Jun 1691, at Fareham, Hants (2) PCC Admon, 6 Jul 1691 f Robert Gardner of Wigan, Lancs, and MER of Bassishaw, merchant, m Mary, sis of Sir William Palmer of Hill, Beds, mar 1661, at St Pancras, Middx, Jane, sis and co-heir of Bernard Brocas of Beaurepaire, Hants (3) Barrister (? Middle Temple) (2) Cr Bt, 24 Dec 1660, KB, Apr 1661 (2) A Burgees of Wigan, 1639, MP Wigan, 1660 (unseated) (2) Estate Hants (2)
(1) MER, Fr List, p 205 (2) GEC, III, p 146 (3) GEC, III, p 146, MER, Fr List, p 205, MG et H, 2nd Ser, II, p 36
Co Co Tower, 1675-80, Dep, 1682 'The White Swan', Tower Street, 1682, St Dunstan-in-the- East, 1678, 1682 (1) APO, appr, 1648, to Willian Lithall (2) d 8 Aug 1683, bur St Dunstan-in-the-East (3) Will PCC 94 Drax pr, 17 Aug 1683, f James Garat, Apothecary of London (4) Apothecary, 1678 Doctor of Physick, Cantab, College of Physicians, 1682 (5) Tory ("good", 1682) (6)
(1) Will, SBk, Sep 1677-Oct 1678 (2) Will, APO, CMB, I, f 468 (3) Hatton, View of London, p 216 (4) APO, CMB, I, f 468 (5) SBk, Sep 1677-Oct 1678, will, SP/29/418/199 (6) SP/29/418/199
Ald Dowgate, 18 Jun 1667-19 Sep 1676, disch, no F (1) Clapham, Surr, 1684 (2) CLO, M, 1667 (3) b c 1600, d 1 Jul 1688, bur Clapham, Surr (4) Will PCC 106 Exton pr, 17 Aug 1688 f John Gauden of Mayland, Essex, m ? Ethelred Spilman, mar 1653, Elizabeth Clarke of Clapham, Surr (4) Surveyor of Victualling to the Navy (5) City property (mortgaged to Richard THOROWGOOD-£1,000 principal owed), land Surr (6) Kt, 23 Oct 1667 Sheriff, 1667-8 (3) ? Tory, not Whig, 1687 (7) Bro of John Gauden, Bishop of Exeter and Winchester (8)
(1) Beaven, I, p 141 (2) Lysons, Environs, I, p 162, will (3) Beaven, II, p 101 (4) Boyd 15763 (5) Beaven, II, p 101, see Pepys, Diary, passim (6) Will, will of Richard THOROWGOOD, will of Willian DANIEL (7) H of L, MS 154 (f) (8) Beaven, II, p 189, Lysons, Environs, I, p 162
Co Co Lime Street, 1660-2, Dep, 1663-7, 1669-76 Ald Cordwainer 22 Jun 1676-Aug 1687 removed by Royal Letter Restored 3 Oct 1688-6 Feb 1703/4 (d) (1) Lime Street, 1677, St Dionis, "where I have lived many years", 1703/4 (2) IRON, M, 1667, 1685 (3) b 1622, d 6 Feb 1703/4, bur St Dionis (4) Will PCC 63 Ashe pr, 13 Mar 1703/4 f- Geffreys of Truro, Corn, mar 1651, at Mercers' Chapel, Priscilla, da of Luke Copley, attorney (5) Merchant Assis RAC, 1691 (6) RAC stock £400 of original stock, 1671 (7) Kt, 29 Oct 1673 Sheriff 1675, LM, 1685 (8) Tory (9)
(1) Beaven, I, p 119 (2) Directory, 1677, will (3) Beaven, II, p 107 (4) Boyd 15772 (5) Boyd 15722, 28518, Le Neve, p 288 (6) Directory, 1677, K G Davies, Index (7) PRO, T 70/100 (8) Beaven, II, p 107, I, p 119 (9) H of L, MS 154 (f)
Co Co Dowgate, 1678-82, 1689, 1690-9, Dep, 1689 (1) Thames Street, 1689, AH the Less, 1678 (2) VIN, appr, 1650/1, to Anthony Robins, fr, 1658 (3) d 21 Dec 1698 (4) f John Genew of the City of Westminster, Middx, gent (5) Sugar-baker, in partnership with Daniel DORVILLE (6) Tory ("good", 1682), 1687, 1690 (7) Cf W Token, 1602 (p 647) "O John Genew at ye old Renishe - a vase of flowers I FG, R Wine House in King Street, Westminster - his ½ 1668"
(1) 1699 he died on election day (2) H of L, MS 154 (y), VBk, AH the Less (3) CRO list, VIN, Appr Pres, 4 Feb 1650/1, Cal of Freemen, p 1 (4) Reg, AH the Less "carried out of ye parish to be interred" (5) VIN, Appr Pres, 4 Feb 1650/1 (6) SP/29/418/199, H of L, MS 154 (y) (7) SP/29/ 418/199, H of L, MS 154 (f), (y), Bodl Lib, Rawlinson MS D 734, f 31d
GETHING, Maurice
Dep Cordwainer 1646, 1651 Co, Co 1657-9, 1662 (1) AH Bread Street, 1638, St Mary Islington, Middx, 1670 (2) MT, W 1653 (3) b Spillie, Denbigh (4) Will PCC 4 Pye pr, 20 Jun 1672/3 mar (A) 1627, at St Augustine, Elizabeth, da of John Juxon, MT, and Elizabeth Kenell of St Giles Cripplegate, (B) Hanna, (C) Mary (5) Woollendraper (6) House at Southwark, lands Denbigh (4) In command of City Militia, May 1647 Asses Commsr, 1648-50, 1652, 1657 Comm to eject scandelous Ministers Aug 1654 Loaned £9,625 to government, Apr 1649 (7) Ruling Elder of 1st Classis of London Province, Nov 1648, May 1649 (8)
(1) 1646, 1651 Boyd 388, 1657-9, 1662 Chiveis (2) Boyd 388, will (3) Boyd 388, CSB, II, 128 (Samuel Turner) (4) Will (5) Boyd 388, 3725, will (6) Boyd 388 (7) Firth and Rait, I, pp 928, 1007, 1129, 1145, II, pp 38, 100, 302, 470, 662, 973, 1073, 1247 (8) Sion College, MS Acc L40 2/ E17
GIBBON, Mathew (A)
Co Co Lime Street, 1682-3 St Andrew Undershaft, 1667, 1678 (1) MT, appr, 1657, to John BRETT (2) b 1642, "gone from City" by Nov 1688, dead by Oct 1698 (3) f Thomas Gibbon of Hartshipp, Kent, gent, mar 1667, at St Helen, Hester Abrahall of AH Barking (4) Linendraper (5) Tory ("good", 1682), 1687 (6) Bro-in-law of Thomas ABRAHALL His wid mar Richard ACTON Son Edward Gibbon mar Catherine, da of Richard ACTON (7)
(1) Boyd 39573, SBk, Sep 1677-Oct 1678 (2) Boyd 39573, MT, Appr Bindings, XIV, f 257 (3) Boyd 39573, CRO, MS, 40C annotated list of Co Co of 1683, Boyd 26103 (4) Boyd 39573 (5) SBk, Sep 1677-Oct 1678, H of L, MS 154 (x) (6) SP/29/418/199, 435/102, H of L, MS 154 (1), (x) (7) Boyd 9004, 26103, 29573, 3641
GIBBON, Mathew (B)
Co Co Walbrook, 1663-4, 1666-7 (1) St Swithin, 1662 (1) ? LS, fr, 1628, by Symon Clarke (2) ? d 1673 (3)
(1) VBk, St Swithin (2) Boyd Index, LS, Names of Apprentices and Early Members prior to the commencement of the registers (3) Boyd Index
GIBBONS, William
Co Co Bread Street, 1658-9, 1663-7 (1) 'The Black Moore's Head', Cheapside, 1659, Cheapside, 1642, St Mathew Friday Street, 1634, 1638, Christ Church, 1679 (2) GOLD, late W, 1660 (3) d 1679, bur ? cloisters of Christ's Hospital (4) Will PCC 116 King pr, 15 Sep 1679 f ? Thomas Gibbon of Broome, Suff, yeo (5) Goldsmith, with Thomas Smith (Thomas Smith at Blackmoors Head 1656-9) (6) City property (4)
(1) 1659 Chivers, 1665-6 Journ 46, f 96 (2) Heal, London Goldsmiths, pp 245, 159, Reg, St Mathew Friday Street, PCC, PAB, 1679 Cf Robert CUTHBERT (3) Journ 46, f 96, CRO, MS 40/3 (4) Will (5) GOLD, Appr Reg, I, f 285 (6) Heal, London Goldsmiths, pp 159, 245
GIFFORD, Humphrey
Co Co Cheap, 1666-7, 1671-6 St Helen Bishopsgate, 1639, St Mildred Poultry, 1677/8 (1) DR, fr, 1651 (2) d 8 Nov 1680, bur St Mildred Poultry (2) f Philip Gifford of St Helen, London, and Isle of Rees, gent, m Susan, da of Ald Henry Offley and Dorothy Weld, mar 1639, at Ealing, Middx, Susan Turnei (3) ? Bro of Mary Gifford, w of Thomas PEARLE (4)
(1) Boyd 4334, VBk, St Mary Colechurch, 20 Mar 1677/8 (2) Boyd 4334 (3) Boyd 4334, 4333, 8968 (4) Boyd 4332, 5763
Co Co Farringdon Within, 1675-79 (1) St Michael Le Quern, 1656, Old Exchange Prec, St Augustine, 1675, East Greenwich, Kent, 1686 (2) MER, fr, 1650, by Ralph Copinger (3) b 1626, d 28 May 1689, bur Trinity College Chapel, Greenwich, Kent (4) Will PCC 96 Ent pr, 23 Jul 1689 f Thomas Gilbert of West Beer, Kent, m Anne Fitzgerald, mar 1656, at St Gregory, Dorothy, da and heiress of William and Dorothy Kingsley of Sarrat, Herts (4) Bankrupt, 1681 Warden of Trinity College, East Greenwich, 1686 (4) Lands Kent (wife's portion) (5)
(1) 1678-9 VBk, St Augustine (2) Boyd 14258, VBk, St Augustine, will (3) Boyd 14258, MER, Fr List, p 204 (4) Boyd 14258, will (5) Will
Co Co Cheap, 1671-83, 1688-91 'The Griffen', Bucklersbury, 1695, St Benet Sherhog, 1675 (1) GR, appr, 1635, to Anthony TITHER, W, 1677 (2) b 1616, d 1 Dec 1695, bur St Stephen Walbrook (3) Will PCC 235 Irby pr, 10 Dec 1695 f Sir Edward Gilbourne of Sharham, Lancs, Kt, mar 1650, at St Christopher, Lucy Dawson (4) Druggster and merchant (5) Tory ("good", 1582), 1687, 1690 (6)
(1) Will, VBk, St Benet Sherhog (2) Boyd 34622, will GR, Appr Reg, 1629-66, f 53d (3) Boyd 34622 (4) GR, Appr Reg 1629-66, f 53d, Boyd 34622 (5) Memorial plaque in St Stephen Walbrook church (6) SP/29/418/199, 435/102, H of L, MS 154 (f), Bodl Lib, Rawlinson MS D 734, f 31d
GILMAN, Joseph
Co Co Castle Baynard, 1661-62 (1) St Benet Pauls Wharf, 1661 (2) VIN, appr, 1626, sometime W (3) bur ? St Gregory (4) Will PCC 144 Mico pr, 23 Oct 1666 mar Dorothy (4) City property, land Herts, Wilts, Kent, Hants (4)
(1) 1661 VBk, St Benet Pauls Wharf (2) VBk, St Benet Pauls Wharf (3) Will, VIN, Appr Pres, 3 Oct 1626 (4) Will
Co Co Vintry, 1682-3, 1688-9 St James Garlickhith, 1678, 1680, 1689 DYE, appr, 1654/5, to Richard Hudson, M, 1702 (2) b 1640 (3) mar (B) 1680, Mary Pettiford of St Lawrence Jewry, wid (3) "Naught Goes allways to Conventicles, a meer Whigg", 1682 (4)
(1) VBk, St James Garlickhith, Boyd 54682 (2) Boyd 54682, DYE, Appr Reg, 1649-1706 (3) Boyd 54682 (4) SP/29/418/199
GLYD, Richard
Dep Farringdon Within, 1649, 1660 (1) St Vedast, 1647, Pendall, Bletchingly, Surr, built for him 1638 (2) TCH appr, 1611, to William Evans (wife's uncle) (3) d Mar 1666 (4) f Richard Glyd of Brightling, Suss, m Martha Scotesford of Bransby, Kent, mar Elizabeth, da of Charles Evans and Jane Elphick of Horne, Surr (5) Mercer (6) Treas of Christ's Hospital, 1666 (4) Ruling Elder of 5th Classis of London Province, May 1647-Nov 1649 Trustee of Bishops' lands, 1648 (7) Da Elizabeth mar (B) Richard CHANDLER Son Richard Glyd of New College, Oxford, his son, John, MP Bletchingly, 1688-9 (d) (8)
(1) 1649 Sion College, MS Acc L40 2/E17 (2) Sion College, MS Acc L40 2/E17, Boyd 9516, Uvedale Lambert, Bletchingly a Parish Hislory (1921), p 313 (3) CRO, MS 40/3, Uvedale Lambert, p 313 (4) Smyth, Obituary, p 71 (5) Boyd 9516 (6) Smyth, Obituary, p 71, Boyd 9516 (7) Sion College, MS Acc L40 2/E17, The Second Centurie (1648) [GHL,B's 1 2] (8) Boyd 9516, 26239, Manning and Bray, Surrey, III, p 307
Co Co Coleman Street, 1676 (1) Coleman Street, 1677, 1689, St Stephen Coleman Street, 1676 (2) MER, fr, 1671, by R (£50) (3) b 1620, d 26 Oct 1700, bur Digswell, Herts (4) mar 1670, Elizabeth, da of Humphrey Shalcross, esq, and Elisa Kemp of Digswell, Herts (5) Merchant (6) Tory (7)
(1) VBk, St Stephen Coleman Street, SP/29/387/155 (2) Directory, 1677, H of L, MS 154 (y), VBk, St Stephen Coleman Street (3) H of L, MS 154 (1), MER, Fr List, p 206 (4) Boyd 10155 (5) Boyd 10155, Clutterbuck, Hertfordshire, II, p 326 (6) Directory, 1677, H of L, MS 154 (y), Boyd 10155 (7) H of L, MS 154 (1), (y)
GODFREY, Michael
Co Co Walbrook, ? 1677, 1678-83, 1688-9 (1) St Lawrence Pountney, 1660, ChW, 1666, Bush Lane, 1677, Walbrook, 1681, 1st Prec St Swithin, 1676, 1688, Woodford, Essex (2) MER, appr, 1648, to Thomas CHAMBERLAIN, fr, 1655 (3) b 11 Feb 1623/4, 11th son, d 3 Dec 1689, bur St Swithin (4) Will PCC 175 Ent pr, 16 Dec 1689 f Thomas Godfrey of Hoddiford, Kent, esq (5) m Sarah, da of Thomas Isles of Fulham, Middx, mar 1655, at St Dionis, Anne-Marie, eldest da of Thomas CHAMBERLAIN (6) Merchant, trading to France (7) London property, land Middx, Kent, Essex (8) Leader of City Whigs ("naught", 1682) "A stark Ph[anatic] but goes to Church", 1681 (9) ? Uncle of Charles CHAMBERLAIN Bro of Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey Son Michael Godfrey, jur, First Dep Gov of Bank of Eng Son Peter, Director of Bank of Eng, 1695-7, Director New EIC, 1698 9, United EIC, 1710-18, MP London 1715 Da Hester mar Hugh Smithson of Tottenham, Middx, esq, MP Middx (10)
(1) Not 1677 in VBk, St Swithin, 1679 Journ 49, f 23 (2) VBk, St Lawrence Pountney, Directory, 1677, SP/29/417/ 114, VBk, St Swithin, will (3) H B Wilson, History of St Lawrence Pountney, p 114, MER, Fr List, p 205 (4) Boyd 14107, H B Wilson, op cit, p 114 (5) Boyd 14107, MP Winchelsea, 1614, New Romney, 1628-9, 1640 (DNB sub Michael Godfrey) (6) Boyd 14107, 8299 (7) Directory, 1677, M Priestley, "London merchants and opposition politics in Charles II's reign", in Bul IHR (1956) (8) Will (9) SP/29/417/114, 418/199, 435/122 (10) Will of Charles CHAMBERLAIN, will, Boyd 14107, Beaven, I, p 291, H B Wilson, op cit, p 144
Ald Farringdon Without, 5 Jun 1662, disch same day, F £520 (1) ? St Olave Hart Street, 1677/8 (2) MER (1) ? d 3 mar 1687/8 (2) Will ? PCC 33 Exton, 1688 Cf John Godwyn, s of William Godwyn, MER, fr, by P, 1594 (3)
(1) Beaven, I, p 162 (2) Will (3) MER, Fr List, p 200
GOLD, Thomas
Ald Dowgate, 26 Sep 1676-13 Oct 1683 superseded by Royal Commission (1) Aldermanbury, 1677, St Mary Aldermanbury (2) DR, M 1678 (3) d 17 Mar 1685/6, bur ? St Mary Aldermary (4) PCC Admon, 17 Apr 1686 mar 1659, at All Staining, ? Bridget Simons, wid (4) Merchant (5) Kt, 29 Oct 1676 Sheriff, 1676-6 Admitted Grays Inn, 1675/6 (6) Leading City Whig, candidate for mayoralty, 1682 (7) Da Mary mar Morgan Randyll, MP Guildford, 1679-81, 1690-1705, 1708-10, 1711-22 Da Elizabeth mar (A) Sir David Wymondsell, (B) Sir Walter Clarges, MP Colchester 1679-81, 1685-7, Westminster 1690-5, 1702-5, a high tory and neph of General George Monck (8)
(1) Beaven, I, p 141 (2) Directory, 1677, Reg, St Mary Aldermanbury (3) Beaven II, p 107 (4) Boyd 15770 (5) Directory, 1677 (6) Beaven, II, p 107, I, p 141, Boyd 15770 (7) Beaven, II, p 192 (8) Boyd 15770, Walcott, MPs Tempus Anne, Le Neve, pp 280, 302
GOODAY, George
Co Co Walbrook, 1671-2, 1675-83, 1689-99 (1) Candlewick Street, 1699, near London Stone, 1669, 1682, St Mary Bathaw, 1682 (2) LS, appr, 1651, to John Best, M, 1693 (3) d 3 Nov 1699, bur St Christopher (4) Will PCC 23 Noel pr, 9 Feb 1699/1700 f George Gooday, GR, of Broad Street ward, m Margaret, da of John Britten of Hadley, Suff, mar Jane, da of Edward NASH (5) Stationer, "the great bookseller" (6) City property, land Suff (7) Tory, 1682 ("good"), but "a Trimmer" 1683 He was executor and "trusty friend" of the Independent John OWEN (B) (8) ? Bro-in-law of Thomas COLCLOUGH (9)
(1) 1671 CRO, MS 109 15, 1672 CRO, Small MS, Box 20, No 1 (2) Will, E B Jupp, An Historical Account of the Worshipful Company of Carpenters (1887), p 281, SP/29/418/199, Boyd 18126 (3) CRO list, Boyd Index, LS, Appr Reg, 22 Aug 1651 But in Boyd 18126 he is called "SALT" He gave £200 to LS (will) (4) Boyd 18126 (5) Boyd 18126, LS, Appr Reg, 22 Aug 1651, Boyd 9532, will of Edward NASH (who left this da £4,000) (6) E B Jupp, op cit, p 281, SP/29/418/199 Called STA in will of John OWEN (B) (7) Will (8) SP/29/418/199, 435/122 as "Goodwin", will of John OWEN (B) (9) Will of Thomas COLCLOUGH
Co Co Cheap, 1666-7 St Lawrence Jewry, 1651, ChW, 1666 (1) GIRD, M, 1669 (2) bap 19 May 1619, at St Lawrence Jewry, d 19 May 1691, bur St Lawrence Jewry (2) f Mathias Goodfellow, GIRD (M, 1641), of St Lawience Jewry, gent, m Mary, da of James Worrell of London, mar 1648, at St Pancras, Elianor, da of John Clutterbuck of London (3) Goods-seller, silkman (4) ? Tory, not Whig (2) Bro Christopher Goodfellow Judge of Sheriffs' Court, 1681 (2)
(1) Citizens of London, 1651, VBk, St Lawrence Jewry (2) LVP, 1664, p 69 (3) LVP, 1664, pp 68, 69, Boyd 10556 Father was s of William Goodfellow of Granford, Northants, yeo (4) Citizens of London, 1651
GORE, Robert.
Co Co Vintry, 1658-60 (1) St James Garlickhith, 1661, Chelsea, Middx, 1668 (2) MER, fr, 1637, by Robert Perry (3) d 30 Oct 1668, bur St Luke, Chelsea (4) Merchant (5) Land Middx (5) Aldermanic nomination Bread Street, 23 Jul 1661, and Cordwainer, 6 Aug 1668 (6)
(1) 1658-9 Chivers, 1660 Journ 41, f 235 (2) GHL, MS 10116, Box, 1, file 1, will (3) MER, Fr List, p 203 (4) Boyd 4492 (5) Will (6) Beaven, I, pp 51, 118
GOSTLYN, William
Co Co Castle Baynard, 1675-82, Dep, 1683 Ald Farringdon Without, Oct 1684-30 Apr 1685 removed to Candlewick-3 Oct 1688 superseded on restoration of Charter Castle Baynard, 18 Oct 1688-May 1690 (1) St Pauls Covent Garden, 1667, Paternoster Row, 1682, St Faith, 1681 (2) MER, fr, 1653, by John Godden, M, 1685 (3) b 1638, d 28 Jul 1690 (4) PCC Admon, 14 Nov 1690 mar (A) Sarah, da of Thomas Norwich of Bury St Edmund, Suff, (B) 1668, Abigail, da of John RANDALL (5) Laceman (6) Kt, 26 Sep 1684 Sheriff, 1684 (7) High Tory ("good", 1682) (8) Da-, mar Sir Henry Bendish, 4th Bt (9) Cf William Goslin merchant in Pancras Lane, 1677 (10)
(1) Beaven, I, pp 164, 186, 96 (2) Boyd 15786, SP/29/417/ 168, 418/199 (3) Beaven, II, p 110, MER, Fr List, p 205 (4) Boyd 17478 (5) Boyd 17478, 15786, 5578 (6) SP/29/ 418/199 (7) Beaven, II, p 110 (8) SP/29/418/199, 435/ 102 (9) Beaven, II, p 193 (10) Directory, 1677
GOUGH, William
Co Co Aldersgate Without, 1678-9 ? Aldersgate, St Botolph Aldersgate "where I had six children born", Hammersmith, Middx, gent, 1707 (1) FISH (1) b St Anne Blackfriars, d 1708, bur Hammersmith Chapel (1) Will PCC 238 Barrett pr, 14 Oct 1708 f William Gouge (Eton, Cambridge MA, BD, DD), Fellow of King's College Cambridge, 1598-1604, Rector of St Anne Blackfriars 1621-53 Member of Westminster Assembly Prolacutor of Provincial Assembley, London 1647 Trier of Elders of 1st Classis 1645, m -, da of Henry Caulton of London, merchant, mar Sarah (2) Shop in Popeshead alley/ Lombard Street (1) EIC stock £500, 1663 (3) City and Southwark property, land Middx (1) Nonconformist (1) Bro of Thomas Gough, ejected minister of St Sepulchre (4)
(1) Will (2) DNB, A G Matthews, Calamy Revised, being a revision of Edmund Calamy's "Account" of the Ministers and others ejected and silenced 1660-62 (Oxford, 1934), p 229 will (3) Cal Min EIC, 1660-3 (4) A G Matthews, op cit, p 229, Harleian Society, vols LXXXII-LXXXIII The RegisterBooke of the Fourth Classis in the Province of London, 1646-59 (1953), pp 143-4
GOULD, Thomas
? Co Co, 1677, 1680 (1)
(1) CRO list Cf Ald Thomas GOLD
GOWER, Thomas
Ald Farringdon Within, 1652 (1) Co Co Walbrook, 1657-62 (2) St Mary Woolchurch, 1659, Highgate, Middx, 1676 (3) GR, M 1656 (1) d 1676, bur ? Highgate Chapel, Middx (4) Will PCC 101 Bence pr, 8 Aug 1676 mar (A) Cassandra, da of Lawrence and Elizabeth Needham (and step-da of Andrew CROOK), (B) Susanna ? Rudd, wid of- ? Birkenhead (5) Nonconformist Elder of 3rd Classis of London Province, 1648-53 Treas of Soldiers' Moneys, June 1647 Comm for determining differences among the adventurers to Ireland, Aug 1654 Commsr for London Militia, 1659 Commsr for Asses, Jun 1657, Jan 1659/60 (6) Da Elizabeth mar William GREENE (7)
(1) Beaven, II, p 80 (2) 1657-9 Chivers (3) VBk, St Mary Woolchurch, will (4) Will (5) Will of Elizabeth Crook PCC 117 North, 1681, will (6) Will, Sion College, MS Acc L 40 2/E17, Firth and Rait, I, p 942, II, pp 942, 1295, 1073, 1373, HMC, Popham, p 167 (7) Will, will of Sir William GREENE
Co Co Aldersgate Within, 1682-3 St Anne's Lane, 1662, St John Zachary, 1679, "Ancient parishoner" (1) PLUM M, 1662 (2) Living, 1694 (3) Tory ("good", 1682), 1687 (4)
(1) McMurray, pp 177, 115, 116 (2) McMurray, p 177, H of L, MS 154 (f) (3) McMurray, p 278 (4) SP/29/418/ 199, H of L, MS 154 (f)
Co Co Cornhill, 1669-71 (1) Birchin Lane, 1641, 1674, St Michael Cornhill, 1641, St Dunstan-in-the-West, 1674 (2) DR, fr, 1641, W, 1671 (3) b 20 Apr-1 May 1620, at St Michael Cornhill, d 18, bur 22 Apr 1674, St Dunstan-in-the-West (4) Commissary Court of London Admon, May 1674 f Henry Grant, DR, at 'the Seven Stars', Birchin Lane, St Michael Cornhill, collar maker, m Mary Collis (5) Haberdasher of small wares Bankrupt (6) Author of Observations on the Bills of Mortality Friend of Sir William Petty, FRS (7) Formerly a Socinian, he was a convert to Catholicism, ? c 1671 His da was a nun in France (8) "Capt, Major in Trained Bands" (9)
(1) 1669-71 WIM Cornhill, 1662-71 in CRO list (2) Johnson, DR, IV, p 150, Smyth, Obituary, p 102, Catholic Record Society, vol 34 (1934), London Session Records, 1604-85, p 181 (3) Boyd 38003 (4) John Aubrey, Brief Lives (ed Anthony Powell, 1949), pp 275, 276 Stated as dead by 10 Apr 1674 in Catholic Record Society, vol 34 p 181 (5) Brief Lives, p 273, Boyd 38003, 2620 (6) Brief Lives, pp 275, 276, DNB (7) See Brief Lives, p 275-6, and DNB article (8) Brief Lives, p 276 (9) Brief Lives, p 276, Smyth, Obituary, p 102
GRASTY, Philip
Co Co Bridge, 1665 2nd Prec London Bridge, 1659 (1) GIRD (2) Will PCC 82 Hyde pr, 19 Aug 1665 mar 1651, at AH London Wall, Bridget Crane (3)
(1) WMBk, Bridge (2) Will, Boyd 48230 (3) Boyd 48230
GRAY, Henry
Co Co Langborn, 1655-8, 1660-2 (1) Ald [GREY] Candlewick 28 Jul-3 Sep 1668, disch, F £300 and 20 marks (later reduced by £100) (2) St Nicholas Acon, 1655, 1662, Enfield, Middx, 1583 (3) SALT, M, 1673 (4) d 16 Oct 1683, bur St Nicholas Acon (5) Will PCC 124 Drax pr, 19 Nov 1683 mar 1638, at St Nicholas Acon, Mary, da of John Berry, merchant, and Anne Babbington (6) City property, land Essex, Suff (7) Bro-in-law of Nicholas SKINNER Da Sarah mar James BODDINGTON (8)
(1) 1655-7 VBk, St Nicholas Acon (2) Beaven, I, p 85 (3) VBk, St Nicholas Acon (4) Beaven, I, p 85, will, Boyd 1157 (5) Boyd 1157 (6) Boyd 1157, 102 (7) Will (8) Will of Nicholas SKINNER, will
GREENE, Jeremy
Ald Farringdom Without, 17-19 Sep 1667, disch, F £520 (1) Co Co Bridge, 1668 (2) Lower Prec, St Benet Gracechurch, 1659, St Benet Gracechurch, 1655, ChW, 1658, 1668 (3) CUT, M, 1666 (4) Will PCC 29 Hene, 1668 f John Greene of St Magnus, HAB, m Margaret, da of Jeremiah Smith of London (5) mar (A) 1646, at Hackney, Middx, Anne Arden, (B) 1655, Anne Powel of St Margaret Moses, spin (6) Silkman (6) Personalty, Nov 1668, £12,514 (7) Land Surr, Middx, Essex (8) Bro of John GREENE (B), Cousin of John GREEN (C) (9) Cf W Token 646 (p 567) Jeremiah Green at ye-Bust of Charles II, Kings Head in Clar Market-IAG
(1) Beaven, I, p 163 (2) 1668-70 in CRO list, but he died in 1668 (3) WMBk, Bridge, Boyd 16712, VBk, St Benet Gracechurch, will (4) Beaven, I, p 163, Boyd 16712 (5) LVP, 1664, p 70 Jeremy is not in the pedigree, but is stated in St Magnus VBk, Nov 1671, to be the deceased bro of John GREENE (B), whose parents are these See will (6) Boyd 16712 (7) CSB, II, 218 (8) Will (9) LVP, 1664, pp 70-1
GREEN, John (A)
Co Co Bridge, 1654-6, 1658-60, 1664-7 1st Prec New Fish Street, 1659, 1662, 'The Sun', St Magnus, 1667 (1) FISH, appr, 1629, to Thomas Yeomans, fr, 1637 (2) b St Peter, Oxford, d St Botolph Bishopsgate (3) Will PCC 20 Carr, 1667 f William Greene of London, Currier (4) Personalty, Feb 1670/1, £1,997 (5) City property (6) ? Dissenter (6)
(1) WMBk, Bridge, will (2) Will, FISH, Fr and Appr Reg, 1629, Boyd 16710 (3) Boyd 16710, PCC, PAB, 1667 (4) FISH, Fr and Appr Reg, 1629 (5) CSB, II 238 (6) Will
GREENE, John (B)
Co Co Bridge, 1666-74 2nd Prec London Bridge, 1659, St Magnus, 1667, ? 'Swan on the Hoop', New Fish Street, 1680, Walton on Thames, Surr, 1687 (1) HAB (2) bap 6 Jun 1623, St Magnus, 2nd son, bur 9 Mar 1687/9, St Magnus (3) Will PCC 32 Exton pr, 22 Mar 1687/8 f John Greene of St Magnus, HAB, m Margaret, da of Jeremiah Smith of London, mar (A) Elizabeth, (B) Sarah, da of William Blackwell of Fulham, Middx (4) City property (5) Bro of Jeremy GREENE, cous of John GREEN (C) (6)
(1) WMBk, Bridge, VBk, St Magnus, Rogers, I, p 93, will (2) CRO list, will (3) LVP, 1664, p 71 (4) LVP, 1664, p 71 (4) LVP, 1664, p 70 Father was s of Richard Greene of Navestock, Essex (5) Will (6) VBk, St Magnus, Nov 1671, LVP, 1664, pp 70-1
GREEN, John (C)
Co Co Cheap, 1683, 1689-91 Poultrey, 1687-8, St Mildred Poultrey, 1677/8 (1) MT, transl to GLASS, W 1673, M, 1679 (2) bap 5 Sep 1637 (3) f Rev Edward Green, Rector of Shelley, Essex, m Sarah, da of - Bawd of Cherry Hinton, Cambs, mar 1657, at St Nicholas Cole Abbey, Mary, da of Robert Tudnam, GR, wid of Jonathan Puller of Chester (4) Glass-seller (3) Tory, 1683, 1690 (5) Cous of Jeremy GREENE, and of John GREENE (B) (6)
(1) LVP, 1664, p 71, VBk, St Mary Colechurch (2) LVP, 1664, p 71, S Young, History of the Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers of London (1913), p 5 (3) LVP, 1664, p 71 (4) LVP, 1664, pp 70-1 Father was s of John Green of Navestock, Essex (5) SP/29/435/102, Bodl Lib, Rawlinson MS D 734, f 31d (6) LVP, 1664, pp 70-1
GREEN, Richard
Co Co Aldersgate Without, 1679-81 St Botolph Aldersgate, ChW, 1677-8 (1) bur 11 Sep 1684, St Botolph Aldersgate (2) PCC Admon, Oct 1684 Capt Yellow Regt 1678 1681
(1) GHL, MS 10116, Box 4 file 10 (2) Reg, St Botolph Aldersgate
GREENE, William
Ald Bread Street, 23-30 Jul 1661, disch, F £420 (1) St Margaret, Westminster, Middx, Mitcham, Surr, 1667/8 (2) WEA, transl to BREW, fr, 1634/5, by Henry Greene, M, 1662-3 (3) d sp, bur 12 Oct 1671, Mitcham Surr (4) Will PCC 143 Duke pr, 7 Dec 1671 mar Elizabeth, da of Thomas GOWER, (5) Brewer (2) Property Westminster (in Abbey sanctuary), land Middx (hop fields), Suss, Radnor (2) Kt, cr Bt, 2 Nov 1664 Sheriff of Surr, 1667-8 (6)
(1) Beaven, I, p 51 (2) Will (3) BREW, Co MBk, XVI, 26 Feb 1634/5, Beaven, II p 93, BREW, Search Bk, f 5d (4) Will, GEC, III, p 301 (5) Will, will of Thomas GOWER (6) GEC, III, p 301
Co Co Bishopsgate Without, 1646-8, 1654-60 Bedlam, 1662, St Botolph Bishopsgate, 1654, 1660 (1) CORD, M, 1660 (2) b 1604, d 29, bur 30 Nov 1662, St Helen (3) Cordwainer (4) Capt, 1654, 1660, SergeantMajor White Regt, 1660, 1662 (5)
(1) Smyth, Obituary, p 57, VBk, St Botolph Bishopsgate (2) C H W Mander, A Descriptive and Historical Account of the Guild of Cordwainers of the City of London (1931), p 204 (3) Reg, St Botolph Bishopsgate, Smyth, Obituary, p 57 (4) Smyth, Obituary, p 57 (5) VBk, St Botolph Bishopsgate, C H W Mander, op cit, p 204, Reg, St Botolph Bishopsgate
GREGORY, Anthony
Co Co Cornhill, 1689, 1690-3 (1) St Michael Cornhill (2) VIN, appr, 1658, to Thomas Blagrave (3) d 8 Oct 1699, bur St Michael Cornhill (2) PCC Admon, 19 Jun 1705 f William Gregory of Ashfordby, Leic, gent, mar Susan (4) Tory, 1687, 1690 (5)
(1) 1690 Bodl Lib, Rawlinson MS D 734, f 31d (2) Boyd 2627 (3) H of L, MS 154 (1), VIN, Appr Pres, 7 Sep 1658 (4) VIN, Appr Pres, 7 Sep 1658, Boyd 2627 (5) H of L, MS 154 (1), Bodl Lib, Rawlinson MS D 734, f 31d
Co Co Cornhill, 1677-8 (1) St Christopher, Cornhill, 1685, St Michael Cornhill, 1669, 1685, Sonning Hill, Berks, 1685 (2) GOLD, appr, 1637/8, to Jeremy East, also CLOCK, M, 1665-6, 1676 (3) d 4 Jun 1686 bur St Michael Cornhill (4) Will PCC 163 Lloyd pr, 8 Dec 1686 f Edward Gregory of St Dunstan-in- the-West, esq, mar (A) Elizabeth, (B) 1669, Susan Hancock, ? wid of Robert HANCOCK (5) Goldsmith, 1668, ? clockmaker (6) City property, land Berks (7) Capt White Regt, 1672-81
(1) CRO list has years 1676-7, not so WIM, Cornhill (2) Boyd 425, will, VBk, St Michael Cornhill (3) Journ 48, f 293, will, GOLD, Appr Reg I, f 344, Boyd 425 (4) Boyd 425 (5) GOLD, Appr Reg, I, f 344, Boyd 425, will, Boyd 20972 (6) Heal, London Goldsmiths, p 164, Boyd 425 (7) Will
Dep Cheap, 1666, 1671-2 St Swithin, 1625, Barge Yard, 1677, Bucklersbury, 1677, 1688, Mortlake, Surr, 1685/6 (1) CLO, M, 1676 (2) b Gresford, Derbs, bur 21 Dec 1688, St Botolph Aldersgate (3) Will PCC 5 Ent pr 17 Jan 1688/9 mar (A) 1625, Elizabeth Withers of St Gregory, (B) Abigail (4) Merchant, esq, 1688 (5) City property (6) Tory (7) ? Father-in-law of Nicholas CAPLIN (6)
(1) Boyd 28751, Directory, 1677, H of L, MS 154 (y), will (2) Will, Boyd 28751 (3) Will, Reg, St Botolph Aldersgate (4) Boyd 28751, will (5) Directory, 1677, H of L, MS 154 (y) (6) Will (7) H of L, MS 154 (y)
Co Co Farringdon Within, 1666-70, 1672-83, 1688-91, Dep, 1668-81 (1) Newgate Street, near Newgate, 1676, 1685/6, St Sepulchre Prec, Christ Church, 1663, ChW, 1673 (2) FISH, appr, 1647, to John HAYNE (3) f Roger Griffith of Hereford, gent, mar Anne, da of John HAYNE (4) "Rich scrivener" (5) Tory ("very good" 1682), 1690 (6) Capt Yellow Regt, 1681, 1686
(1) 1669 Journ 46, f 265, 1670 Journ 47, f 15, Dep, 1681 Journ 49, f 174 (2) LTR, II, p 72, will of Edward GRIFFITH, HT, 1663, GHL, MS 10116, Box 3, file 8 (3) Journ 46, f 265, FISH, Fr and Appr Reg, 1647 (4) FISH, Fr and Appr Reg, 1647, Boyd 17139, will of John HAYNE (5) SP/29/418/199, H of L, MS 154 (x) (6) SP/29/418/199, Bodl Lib, Rawlinson MS D 734, f 31d
Ald Aldersgate, 14 Mar 1686/7-16 Jun 1687, disch, no F (1) Bishopsgate Street, 1677, 1689 (2) There is no evidence that he was a Citizen Merchant (2) Tory (3) Commsr for Lieut, 1688
(1) Beaven, I, p 7 (2) Directory, 1677, H of L, MS 154 (y) (3) H of L, MS 154 (y)
Co Co Farringdon Without (St Dunstan-in-the-West), 1652-3, 1658-61 Fleet Street, Prec next Ludgate, 1660, St Dunstan-in-the-West, 1641, 1661 (1) BLACK (2) d 1661, bur St Dunstan-in-the-West (3) Will PCC 45, May 1661 f ? Robert Grinkin, BLACK, of St Dunstan-in-the-West, d 1626, mar Elizabeth (4) Blacksmith (5)
(1) GHL, MS 2909/1, Boyd 49236, VBk, St Dunstan-in-the- West (2) Will, Boyd 49236 (3) Boyd 49236 (4) Boyd 46317, will (5) GHL, MS 2909/1
GRONING, Anthony
Ald Langborn, 7-21 Jul 1687, disch, F £520 (1) HAB (1) PCC Admon, 11 Dec 1689 mar 1653, at AH London Wall, Mary Yates (2) Cf Anthony, Adam, and Frederick Gronen, merchants at Devonshire House, 1677 (3)
(1) Beaven, I, p 171 (2) Boyd 28264 (3) Directory, 1677
Co Co Candlewick, 1689-91 St Mary Abchurch, 1676, 1689 (1) COOP (2) b 1648, ? at Rothwell, Yorks, d 1695 (3) Will PCC 115 Irby pr, 17 Jul 1695 mar (A) ? - Glover, (B) 1688, Anne Luther of Stapleford Towney, Essex (3) Merchant, in partnership with bro Richard Grosvenor (4) Land Suff (2)
(1) VBk, St Mary Abchurch (2) Will (3) Boyd 21807, will (4) Boyd 21807, will, GHL, MS 10188, A/c 52F (200)
GUN, William
Co Co Billingsgate, 1682-3, Dep, 1689- 1708 Billingsgate, 1677, St Mary at Hill, 1676 (1) FISH (2) Merchant, orange merchant (1) ? Tory 1682 ("indifferent, rather good"), not Tory 1683 (3) Cf as possible parents Richard Gunn, FISH of St Botolph Billingsgate, mar 1625, Joan Benson, d 1657 (4)
(1) Directory, 1677, SBk, Aug 1676-Jul 1677 (2) CRO list (3) SP/29/418/199, 435/101 (4) Boyd 48222
GUNSON, Sackford
Co Co Bridge, 1683, 1690-3 St Olave Southwark, 1668, 1st Prec Thames Street, 1688, St Magnus, 1672 (1) GR, W, 1692 (2) b 1642 (2) f Sackford Gunson, MT (M, 1653) of St Michael Crooked Lane and Kingston upon Thames, Surr, esq, Ald, 1651, m Mary, da of John Forth of-, Suff, mar (A) 1668 Elizabeth Saywell of Shelley, Essex, ? (B) 1672, at AH London Wall, Hester Phillips (3) In business with Randolph RICHARDSON (who was a hop merchant), 1688 (4) Whig (5) Bro-in-law of John FORTH Bro-in-law of Randolph RICHARDSON (6)
(1) Boyd 23606, WMBk, Bridge, VBk, St Magnus (2) Boyd 23606 (3) Boyd 9564, 183964, Beaven II, p 77, will of Sackford Gunson, snr PCC 106 Bunce, 1674, Boyd 23606 Father was s of Humphrey Gunson, MT, of London (4) WMBk, Bridge, 1688, VBk, St Magnus, 1672 (5) SP/29/ 435/100 (6) Will of Sackford Gunson, snr
Co Co Walbrook, 1667-77 St Swithin, 1671, 1678 (1) SALT (2) Major (3) Cf Thomas Gunson, tallowchandler, b 1640, mar 1665, Elizabeth Giddins of St Michael Queenhith (4)
(1) VBk, St Swithin (2) CRO list (3) VBk, St Swithin, 1671 (4) Boyd 20728
GUY, Richard
Ald Broad Street, 7-21 Jul 1687, disch, no F (1) St Andrew Holborn, Middx, 1703 (2) There is no evidence that he was a Citizen d Jan 1702/3, sp, bur St Bride (3) Will PCC 7 Degg pr, 15 Jan 1702/3 (4) £14,600 in legacies (2) lands (unspecified), ? in Herts (2)
(1) Beaven, I, p 77 (2) Will (3) Will, Boyd 28261 (4) Beaven, II, p 112, attributes this will to the Ald, although there seems to be no evidence for so doing Cf will of Richard Guy, VIN PCC 81 Young, 1711
GYNES, Edmund
Co Co Coleman Street, 1676-83 (1) St Olave Jewry, 1676, 1685 (2) SKIN, appr, 1646, to John Brayne, fr, 1654 (3) f Richard Gynes of Hayles, Glouc, gent, mar Alice, da of Edward Johnson of Cheltenham, Glouc, mercer (4) Tory ("rather good", 1682), 1687 (5)
(1) Not 1676 in SP/29/387/155 (2) VBk, St Olave Jewry (3) H of L, MS 154 (h), SKIN, Appr and Fr Reg, 1601-94, ff 314, 384 (4) SKIN, Appr and Fr Reg, 1601-94, f 314, Boyd 9512 (5) SP/29/418/199, H of L, MS 154 (h)