
The Rulers of London 1660-1689 A Biographical Record of the Aldermen and Common Councilment of the City of London. Originally published by London & Middlesex Archaeological Society, London, 1966.

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J R Woodhead, 'Abbreviations', in The Rulers of London 1660-1689 A Biographical Record of the Aldermen and Common Councilment of the City of London(London, 1966), British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].

J R Woodhead, 'Abbreviations', in The Rulers of London 1660-1689 A Biographical Record of the Aldermen and Common Councilment of the City of London(London, 1966), British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,

J R Woodhead. "Abbreviations". The Rulers of London 1660-1689 A Biographical Record of the Aldermen and Common Councilment of the City of London. (London, 1966), British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.


ABk Act Book
Account of the Aldermen Account of the Aldermen, 1672 BM, Stow MS 186
adm admitted
Admon Administration
AH All Hallows
Ald Alderman
APO Society of Apothecaiies
appr apprenticed
Appr Bk Apprenticeship Book
Arch Lond Archdeaconry of London
Arm Armiger
ARM Armourers' Company
asses Assessment
Assis Assistant
b born
BAK Bakers' Company
bap baptised
BASKET Basketmakers' Company
Beaven A B Beaven, The Aldermen of the City of London2vols (1908-13)
Bk book
BLACK Blacksmiths' Company
BM British Museum
Bodl Lib Bodleian Library, Oxford
BOW Bowyers' Company
Boyd Percival Boyd's Units Citizens of London
BREW Brewers' Company
bro brother
A Browning, DanbyAndrew Browning, Thomas Osborne, Earl of Danby(1951)
BS Barber-Surgeons' Company
Bt Baronet
Bul IHR Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research
bur buried
Burn Token J H Burn, A Descriptive Catalogue of the London Traders Tokens(1855)
C Company
Cal Comm Comp Calendar of the Committee for Compounding
Cal Min EIC Calendar of the Court Minutes, etc, of the East India Company, ed E B Sainsbury (1922-38)
Cal Treas Bks Calendar of Treasury Books
Capt Captain
CARP Carpenters' Company
Chivers information supplied by Dr G V Chivers of Manchester University
ChW Churchwarden
ChWA Churchwardens' Accounts
Citizens of London, 1651 J C Whitebrook, ed London Citizens in1651
CLO Clothworkers' Company
Clutterbuck, HertfordshireR Clutterbuck, The History and Antiquities of the County of Hertford(1815-27)
Co Court
Co Co Common Council/Common Councilman
Col Colonel
Co MBk Court Minute Book
comm committee
Commsr Commissioner
COOK Cooks' Company
COOP Coopers' Company
CORD Cordwainers' Company
cr created
CRO Corporation of London Record Office
CSB Common Sergeant's Book
CUT Cutlers' Company
d died
da daughter
Dale T C Dale, The Inhabitants of London in 1638 (1931)
K G Davies, Index K G Davies, The Royal African Company (Index to) (1957)
Dep Deputy
Directory, 1677 Little Directory of London, of1677, ed John C Hotton (1863)
disch discharged
DIST Distillers' Company
DNB Dictionary of National Biography
DR Drapers' Company
DYE Dyers' Company
EcHR Economic History Review
educ educated
EHR English Historical Review
EIC East India Company
F Fine
f father
Familiae Minorum Gentium Hunter's Familiae Minorum Gentium, Harleian Society Pub, vols 37-40 (1884-96)
Firth and Rait Charles Firth and R Rait, Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum
FISH Fishmongers' Company
FLETCH Fletchers' Company
FOUND Founders' Company
fr free
FRUIT Fruiterers' Company
GEC GEC[ockayne] Baronets
g'f grandfather
GHL Guildhall Library, London
GIRD Girdlers' Company
GLAZ Glaziers' Company
GOLD Goldsmiths' Company
Gov Governor
GR Grocers' Company
HAB Haberdashers' Company
Hatton, View of LondonEdward Hatton, A New View of London(1708)
Heal, London GolsdmithsSir Ambrose Heal, The LondonGoldsmiths1200-1800 (1935)
Hilton Price, Handbook F G Hilton Price, A Handbook ofLondon Bankers(1890-1)
Hilton Price, Old Lombard StreetF G Hilton Price, The Signs of Old Lombard Street(1887)
Hinton, Eastland TradeR W K Hinton, The Eastland Trade and the Common Weal(1959)
HMC Rept Historical Manuscript Commission Reports
H of L House of Lords
HT, 1663 Hearth Tax Returns, 1663, transcribed by Rev T C Dale
IMB Imbroiderers' Company
INN Innholders' Company
Inv Inventory
I o W Isle of Wight
IRON Ironmongers Company
Johnson, DR A H Johnson, History of the Worshipful Company of Drapers of London, IV (1922)
JOIN Joiners' Company
Jones Trades information supplied by Mr Philip Jones of CRO
Journ Journal of the Court of Common Council
Kt Knight/Knighted
L Livery
LC Levant Company
Le Neve Harleian Society, Pub, vol 8 (1873) Le Neve's Pedigrees of the Knights
Lieut Lieutenancy
Lipscombe, Buckinghamshire G Lipscombe, The History and Antiquities of the County of Buckingham (1847)
LM Lord Mayor
LS Leathersellers' Company
Lt Col Lieutenant Colonel
LTR London Topographical Record
Luttrell N Luttrell, A Brief Historical Relation of State Affairs, I (1857)
LVP, 1633-4 Harleian Society Pub, vols 15-16 London Visitation Pedigrees, 1633-4 (1880-3)
LVP, 1664 Harleian Society Pub, vol 92 London Visitation Pedigrees, 1664 (1940)
Lysons, Environs Daniel Lysons, The Environs of London (1792)
Lysons, Middlesex Daniel Lysons, An Historical Account of those Parishes in the County of Middlesex which are not described in the Environs of London(1800)
m mother
M Master
Maj Major
Manning and Bray, Surrey G Manning and W Bray, The History and Antiquities of the County of Surrey(1804-14)
mar married
MAS Masons' Company
McMurray William McMurray, The Record of Two Parishes(1925)
MER Mercers' Company
MG et H Miscellania Genealogica et Heraldia
Mills and Oliver Surveys Peter Mills and John Oliver, The Survey of Building Sites in London, 2 vols, LTS 1946-56
Misc Inv Roll Miscellaneous Inventory Roll
MT Merchant Taylors' Company
MTS Merchant Taylors' School
Ogilby and Morgan Map John Ogilby and William Morgan's Large and Accurate Map of the City of London, 1677
Orridge B B Orridge, Some Account of the Citizens of London(1867)
P Patrimony
PAB Probate Act Book
PCC Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Pearl V Pearl, London and the Outbreak of the Puritan Revolution(1961)
PEW Pewterers' Company
Pink MS W D Pink, The Dictionary of M Ps
PLAIS Plaisterers' Company
Plomer, Booksellers, 1641-67 H R Plomer, A Dictionary of Booksellers1641-67 (1907)
Plomer, Booksellers, 1668-1725 H R Plomer, A Dictionary of Booksellers1668-1725 (1922)
PLUM Plumbers' Company
pr proved
Prec Precinct
Pres Presentments
PS Painter-Stainers' Company
psh parish
PW Prime Warden
R Redemption
RAC Royal African Company
Reg Register
Regt Regiment
K Rogers, I K Rogers, Signs and Taverns round about Old London Bridge(1937)
K Rogers, II K Rogers, Old Cheapside(1931)
K Rogers, III K Rogers, The Mermaid and Mitre Taverns in Old London(1928)
K Rogers, IV K Rogers, Old London Cornhill, Threadneedle Street, and Lombard Street(1935)
RW Renter Warden
s son
SAD Sadlers' Company
SALT Salters' Company
SBk Sessions Book of Gaol Delivery London
SCR Scriveners' Company
SHIP Shipwrights' Company
sis sister
SKIN Skinners' Company
Smith information supplied by A G Smith of University of Wisconsin
Smyth, Obituary The Obituary of Richard Smyth, Camden Soc, vol No 44 (1848)
SOAP Soapmakers' Company
sp sine prole
STA Stationers' Company
Strype John Stow's Survey of London corrected by John Strype(1720)
TCH Tallowchandlers' Company
TLMAS Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society
Treas Treasurer
TURN Turners' Company
TYL Tylers' and Bricklayers' Company
UPH Upholders' Company
VBk Vestry Minute Book
VCH Victoria County History
VIN Vintners' Company
Vis Visitation
w wife
W Warden
Walcott, MPs Tempus Anne Micro-film copy of notes by Robert Walcott, with History of Parliament Trust, London University
WAX Waxchandlers' Company
WEA Weavers' Company
Welch, CUT C Welch, History of the Cutler's Company (1916)
wid widow
WIM Wardmote Inquest Minutes Book
WMBk Wardmote Minute Book
WOOD Woodmongers' Company
Wotton, Eng BartsThomas Wotton, English Baronetage(1741)
W Token Boyn, ed Williamson, Trade Tokens
Yeo Yeoman