Chronicles of the Mayors and Sheriffs of London 1188-1274. Originally published by Trübner, London, 1863.
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'Index', in Chronicles of the Mayors and Sheriffs of London 1188-1274, ed. H T Riley (London, 1863), British History Online [accessed 12 March 2025].
'Index', in Chronicles of the Mayors and Sheriffs of London 1188-1274. Edited by H T Riley (London, 1863), British History Online, accessed March 12, 2025,
"Index". Chronicles of the Mayors and Sheriffs of London 1188-1274. Ed. H T Riley (London, 1863), British History Online. Web. 12 March 2025.
Abingdon, Stephen de, Sheriff, 251; Mayor,
-, Symon de, Sheriff, 209, 253.
"Abominations," novel application of the term, 60.
Acon, or Acre, 131.
Addrien, or Adrian, John, 42, 93, 94, 97, 101, 129, 133, 218, 235, 236, 238.
Aix, 29.
Albaga, King of the Tartars, his league with Prince Edward, and Letter, 148.
Albemarle, Earl of, 40.
Alderman, Jacob, Sheriff, 2; Mayor, 4; condemned to lose the Mayoralty, 4.
Aldermanebyri, or Aldermanbury, Symon de, Sheriff, 2.
Aldermen of London, contemplated rising against the, 157.
Ale, salt in, 261.
Alegate, or Aldgate, 11, 47, 220.
Alianora, Queen, of Provence. See Eleanor.
Almaine, or Germany, 26; corn imported from, 40.
Almaine, Richard, King of, 43, 47, 48, 91,
97; taken prisoner, 66; Letter of, to the
Barons, 68; his award, 129; his son
murdered, 139; Letter thereupon, 139.
See Cornwall.
-, Henry of, 76.
"Amercement," meaning of the term, 11.
Amnesty pronounced in Parliament, 75.
Andwerp, or Antwerp, 273.
"Anelace," meaning of the word, 54.
Angevin, an, burnt to death, 3.
Antioch, Godard de, Sheriff, 2.
"Appealed," meaning of the term, 108.
Arbalesters, sent to King Edward I., by the City, 238.
Arches, regulations concerning, 180.
Artefeld, Jacob de, of Flanders, 278, 282; his wife slain, 287.
Artoys, Count of, besieges St. Omer, 277.
Arundel, Earl of, his submission, 225; beheaded, 266.
Asseles, Atheles, or Athol, Earl of, hanged, 222, 248.
Assize of ale and wine, 43.
-, of bread and ale, effects of nonobservance of, 22.
-, of buildings, the, 179.
"Assizes," meaning of the term, 74.
Atheles, or Athol, Earl of. See Asseles.
"Attached," meaning of the term, 10.
Aubry, Andrew, Mayor, 275.
Audeleye, James de, 40.
Aumesbury, Martin de, Sheriff, 219, 243.
Aunger, Peter, Sheriff, 234.
Awerhinge, or Haveringe, Lucas de, Sheriff, 220, 245.
Ba, or Bath, Henry de, Justiciar, 14, 18, 27, 33.
Bacwelle, Sir John, death of, 249.
Badlesmere, Sir Bartholomew, put to death, 225; his wife sent to the Tower, 254.
"Bailey," meaning of the term, 66.
Bailiffs amerced by the Justiciar, 42.
Baillol, Sir John, and King Edward, war between, 243; imprisoned in the Tower, 243.
Bakers, City regulations concerning, 43; lawlessness of the, 150; drawn on a hurdle, 240, 251
Balaunce, Ralph la, Sheriff, 252.
Bardulf, William, 9.
Barons, the, opposed to King John, enter London, 4; remove the King's Sheriffs and appoint others, 52; address of, to the King, 57; seize the Bishop of Hereford, 57; conciliate the City, 60; their Letter to the King, 68.
Bartholomew's, Canons of Saint, 18.
Barton, or Garton, Hugh de, Sheriff, 250.
Basilica, a new, for St. Edward, 122.
Basing, Adam de, Mayor of London, 20.
Basinge, Robert de, Sheriff, 218, 238.
-, William de, Sheriff, 213, 249.
Basinges, Hugh de, Sheriff, 4.
-, Salomon de, Sheriff 4; Mayor, 4.
-, Thomas de, 55; Bailiff of the City, 114,
Basques, the, 289.
Basset, Fulk, Bishop of London, 11.
-, Philip, 97.
Bastardy, rights of, 249.
Bat, Gerard, Sheriff and Mayor of London,
6, 7, 8; his interview with the King, 9.
-, Nicholas, Sheriff, 11, 12, 14, 19; Mayor,
21; trial of, 35.
Batencurt, Luke de, Bailiff, 93, 94, 235; Sheriff, 101, 237.
Bath, Peter, Sheriff, 3.
"Batur," probably meaning, "Fuller," 126.
Baudok, Robert de, (properly "Ralph,")
-, Bishop of London, 215.
Beams and Weights, 37.
Beaucaire, the Brethren of, 139.
Beaumond, Sir Henry de, 213, 260.
Beche, Sir Nicholas de la, surprised, 283.
Bek, Sir Antony de, 238.
Bekke, Canon Adam de, slain, 237.
Bel, Robert le, Sheriff, 2.
Belers, Sir Roger, Justiciar, slain, 260.
Bells, City, forbidden to be rung, 96.
Benetleye, Adam de, Sheriff, 12.
Bereford, Simon de, 270.
-, Sir William de, Justiciar, 246.
Berkeley Castle, Edward II., murdered in, 267.
Berking, Richard de, Sheriff, 289.
Berkingecherche, 82, 240.
Berkle, Sir Thomas de, 267.
Bermundesheie, or Bermondsey, 55; overflowed, 243.
Betevile, Angecelin, or Hauncetin, de, Sheriff, 219, 240.
Betoygne, Richard de, Mayor, 210, 265, 267.
Bettoyne, William de, Sheriff, 219.
Beverley, the Provost of, elected Bishop of London, 169.
Bigot, Hugh, Justiciar, 41, 88.
Bishops, three, chosen as Judges in behalf of the Church, 74.
Blacebrok, Sir John de, 217.
Blaceneye, or Blakeney, Peter de, Sheriff, 212, 214, 249.
Blackomore, the Scots make a descent on, 256.
Black Prince, the, created Prince of Wales, 291.
"Blader," meaning "Corndealer," 213.
Blakelowe, Gaveston executed at, 250.
Blanched money, 129.
Blaunk, Cardinal, 214.
Blond, Blound, or Blount, Edward le, Sheriff, 74, 234.
Blount, John le, May or, 217, 218, 222, 246,
247, 248.
-, Ralph le, Sheriff, 216, 219, 237.
-, Walter le, Sheriff, 219, 279, 240.
Blund, Hugh, Sheriff, 10.
-, Norman, Sheriff, 2.
-, Peter, 18.
-, Robert, Sheriff, 2.
-, Roger, Sheriff, 7.
-, William, Sheriff, 4.
Bodele, John de, Sheriff, 236.
Bodeleyhg, William, Sheriff, 252.
Bohun, Humphrey de, Earl of Hereford, 40.
Boklaunde, Philip de, 51.
Bokointe, John, Sheriff, 1.
Bole, Henry le, Sheriff, 219, 242.
Bolet, Edmund, Sheriff, 248.
Bollete, Simon, Sheriff, 222.
Boloyne, or Boulogne, 223.
Bones of the Eleven Thousand Virgins, a relic, 251.
Boreford, John de, Sheriff, 221, 246.
Bosenho, Peter de, Sheriff; 246.
Bossam, Peter de, Sheriff, 220.
Botetourte, John, Justiciar, 221.
Botiller, James le, Sheriff, 213, 249.
Bouser, Sir Robert, Chancellor, 284.
Bow, Ralph de, Sheriff, 11.
Bowe, Alice Atte, burned, 240.
Box, Hamo, Sheriff, 219.
-, Henry, Sheriff, 243.
-, Martin, Sheriff, 219, 240.
-, Thomas, Sheriff, 218, 239.
Brabant, Duke of, 223; marries a daughter of King Edward I., 242.
Brabason, Sir Roger, Justiciar, 246.
"Brandwodde," or "Brentwood," meaning of the name, 7.
Brasil wood, 123.
Bream, William, 10, 11.
Bredstrete, 2; great fire in, 234.
Breme, Count de, 223.
Breton, Sir John le, Warden of the City; 241, 242, 243, 244, 247.
Brikelesworthe, William, Sheriff, 271.
Bristoue, or Bristol, 227.
Brond, Hamo, Sheriff, 3.
Broning, Adam, Sheriff, 23.
Brun, Walter, Sheriff, 2.
Bruneswik, or Brunswick, Duke of, 204.
Brus, David le, marries the Princess
Joanna, 269.
-, Robert le, 214; crowned, 222; his
oath at Westminster, 247; made King
by the Scots, 247; his two brothers
hanged, 248; truce between him and
Edward II., 257.
Bufle, Walter le, Sheriff, 6.
Bukerel, Andrew, Sheriff, 5; Mayor, 6.
-, Matthew, Sheriff, 24, 31; sued for
grievances, 35.
-, Stephen, Sheriff, 6; Marshal of London, 65.
-, Thomas, Sheriff, 4.
Bunge, Reginald de, Sheriff, 8; Mayor, 9.
Burdeaus, or Bordeaux, 117.
Burdeyn, Robert de, Sheriff, 250.
"Burels," meaning of the term, 131.
Burghaisse, (Burghersh,) Sir Bartholomew de, sent to the Tower, 254.
Bury, Isabel de, slays a clerk, 253; is executed, 254.
Butlership, the Mayor serves the King in the, 223.
Butlery, service of the citizens in the royal, 121.
Bydouese, the, 289.
Cadsand, the Isle of, 272.
Caerphilly, the Castle of, 284.
Callere, Robert de, Sheriff, 220, 246.
Cambridgeshire laid waste by the Barons, 94.
Campes, Richard de, Sheriff, 220.
Canterbury, Archbishops of, mentioned, 10, 18; the Archbishop of, accuses Edward II., 266.
Capital punishment inflicted in the City, for breaking the peace, 78.
Capper, John the, imprisoned and fined, 235.
Carnervan, or Caernarvon, 208.
Carols, 214.
Catelonie, Robert de, Sheriff, 31.
Caunterbury, John de, Sheriff, 219, 241.
Caustone, John de, Sheriff, 210, 259.
-, William de, Sheriff, 252.
Cendale, or Sandale, Robert de, Warden, 216.
Cenilleworth. See Kenilworth.
Cestrefield, or Chesterfield, conflict at, 91.
Chamberlain of the City, his duty, 34, 39.
Chamberleyn, Gervaise, Sheriff, 8.
-, William, Sheriff, 2.
Chardelowe, Sir John, Justiciar, 284.
Charlemagne, the seat on which he was enthroned, 167.
Charter extorted by the Barons, 41; the citizens refuse to seal a certain, 254.
Charter of Liberties of the Bishop of London, 211.
Charters, granted to the City, 21, 22, 41, 107, 227, 252; the citizens stand upon their, 18, 92; of the Forest, 75.
Chaumps, Richard de, Sheriff, 245,
Chaunceler, Roger, Sheriff, 210, 262, 267.
Chepe, or Market, 7, 266; pillory in, 127; rejoicings in, 220; the Cross in, 262; the Conduit in, runs with wine, 137.
Cherringe, or Charing, early mention of, 50.
Chichester, Stephen, Bishop of, suspended, 88.
Chigewelle, Richard de, Sheriff, 219, 240.
Chikewelle, Hamo de, Sheriff, 209, 250; Mayor, 216, 253, 254, 256, 258, 260, 262, 269.
"Childewite," meaning of the term, 109.
Chirographer of the Jews, 17.
Chirographs, the Chest of, sent to the Tower, 66.
Chishull, Master John de, 239.
Church, Holy, robbed by King Edward, I., 247.
Church, Lawless, a place so called, 263.
Cinque Ports, the, 73; pirates of the, 87; pardoned by Prince Edward, 87; men of the, prevent the export of wool, 167; side with Edward II., 254.
Cipeham, or Chippenham, 115.
Cistercian Monks, the, 162.
Citizens of London, muster in arms at Mile End, 7; fined one thousand pounds, 11; keep Watch and Ward, 58; alarmed by fears of the King's vengeance 81; throw themselves on his mercy, 82; houses of sixty, given away by King Henry, 83; sixty, taken as hostages, 84; pray to be punished according to their deserts, 84; pardoned by King Henry, 98; are fined 20,000 marks, 85; assessment of, 130; fined 204. See Charters, City, and London.
City of London, greatest part of the, burnt, 3; taken in hand by the King, 11; redelivered to the Mayor, 11; taken in hand by the King, 15; tapestried, to greet the wife of Prince Edward, 24; seized into the King's hands, 34; aggrieved by the Mayor and others, 35, 37; hung and arrayed in honour of the return of the Earl of Cornwall, 44; arming of persons from fifteen years and upwards in, 47; resolution against harbouring Prince Edward or the Earl of Gloucester in, 47; about to be besieged, 81; houses seized by King Henry, 83; the populace resist the King's orders, 91; keys of the, taken, 95; and Tower, a covered way made between, 97; privileges restored to the, 129; seized into the King's hand, 241; liberties restored to the, 244. See Charters, and London.
Clare, Richard de, Earl of Gloucester, 33, 40; death of, 53.
Clerc, John le, condemned, 19.
Cleremound, Sir Louys de, 223.
Clerks, regulations concerning, 69, 70, 71.
Clinton, William, Earl of Huntingdon, 272.
Cloths, imported, regulations concerning, 130.
Cobeham, Thomas de, Archbishop of Canterbury, 215.
Coc, "the Dandy," 125.
"Cofferer," meaning of the term, 125.
"Cog," whence "cock-boat," 277.
Cokham, Henry de, Sheriff, 6, 7.
Colas, or, Scolace, Saint, 213.
Cologne, the Archbishop of, 28.
Combemartin, Henry, Sheriff, 269.
-, William, Sheriff and Mayor, 218, 221,
Comet seen, 234.
"Commons" of the City, 59, 85, 95, 155.
Composition with the Barons, read at Westminster Hall, 45.
Compurgators, or jurors, 19.
Comyn, Sir John le, slain by Brus, 247.
-, John, the younger, sent to the Tower,
Conduit, Geoffrey de, Sheriff, 222.
-, Reginald de, Mayor and Sheriff, 253,
Conference, between Henry III. and the King of France, at Boulogne, 61; at Dover, between the royal party and the Barons, 73.
Conow, Peter, of Flanders, his victory, 245
Conradin, King of Sicily, 137.
Constantin, Richard, Sheriff, 254.
Corenhell, or Cornhill, Henry de, one of the
first two Sheriffs of London, 1.
-, Robert de, Sheriff, 42, 114, 236.
-, Stephen de, Sheriff, 219, 241.
Cornhulle, or Cornhill, the Soke of, 210.
Cornwaleis, Walter de, Sheriff 238.
Cornwall, Richard, Earl of, 13, 28.
Coronation of Richard I., persecution of the
Jews at, 1.
-, of Edward I., preparations for, 178.
Corp, Simon de, Sheriff, 214, 249.
Costentin, Richard, Sheriff, 209, 216.
Cosyn, William, Sheriff, 222, 247.
Cotiller, Salamon le, Sheriff, 219, 242.
Coton, John, Sheriff, 210, 260.
Coventre, Jordan de, Sheriff, 7.
-, Henry de, Sheriff, 44, 231, 237.
Crafts, extortionate proceedings of the London, 60.
Crane, Nicholas, Sheriff, 272.
Crepelgate, or Cripplegate, 54.
Cressingham, Sir Hugh de, slain, 244.
Cromwelle, Sir John de, 224, 250, 251.
Cros, Thomas, Sheriff, 219. 241.
Cross, Crusaders, marked with the, 1.
Crown, Pleas of the, at the Tower of London, 6.
Croxton Abbey burnt, 261.
Crusaders, the, diverted from Palestine, 138.
Culeworth, Sir Richard de, High Bailiff, 96.
Cusin, Peter, Sheriff, 166; convicted of having taken a bribe, 167; deposed in consequence, 167; enquiry by the Justiciars, 168.
Dadintone, or Deddington, 213.
Dallingge, John, Sheriff, 252.
Damiete, or Damietta, capture of, 17.
Darcy, Henry, Sheriff, 269.
-, Sir John, 285.
D'Armenters, John, Sheriff, 220, 245
D'Arras, Robert, Sheriff, 218, 238.
D'Audelee, Sir Hugh, 288.
Davy, brother of Leulyn, beheaded, 240.
Dearth, great, of corn, 209.
D'Eli, Roger, Sheriff, 210.
Denmars, Bartholomew, Sheriff, 286.
Depredators, clerical and lay, regulations respecting, 69, 70, 71.
Desert, Roger de, Sheriff, 2.
D'Espaygne, Bernard, beheaded, 266.
Despenser, Sir Hugh le, Justiciar, 48;
the Tower delivered to, 58; slain, 80.
-, Sir Hugh le, the Elder, quarrels with
the Barons, 254; is banished, 254;
executed, 227, 265.
-, Sir Hugh le, the Younger, 254; executed, 266.
"Disherisoned," the, rules as to their property, 93; ordinances concerning the, 93; fortify the Isle of Ely, 94; truce granted to, 97.
Douglas, James, his plot to capture Edward III., 268.
Dover, 4, 21; plundered and partly burnt by the Normans, 242.
Dower, judgment regarding, 13.
D'Oxenford, John, Sheriff and Mayor, 210, 289.
Drawbridge toll remitted as to London Bridge, 19.
Drawbridge Gate, the, 42.
Drowning, men executed by, 97.
Druerye, Neel, Sheriff, 223, 248.
Duc, Peter le, Sheriff, 3
-, Roger le, Sheriff and Mayor, 1,
5, 6.
Duket, Nicholas, Sheriff, 1, 2.
Dunbarre, the Battle of, 243.
Dunheued, Friar Thomas, a partizan of Edward, II., 267.
Dunstan, Godfrey de Saint, the citizens appeal against, 111.
Dunstaple, John de, Sheriff, 219, 243.
Durdreych, or Dortrecht, 29.
Durham, Thomas de, Sheriff 9, 12.
-, William de, Sheriff, 20, 106, 112;
Warden, 176, 236.
Earthquakes at London, 13, 216, 219, 244.
Eclipse of the sun, while Roger Bishop of London is being buried, 9.
Eddeworthe, Sir Stephen de, Warden, 111.
Edelmeton, Henry de, Sheriff, 6.
Edmund, son of Richard, King of Almaine,
his marriage, 159.
-, Sir, King Henry's son, marriage of,
Edward I., returns with his Queen from Palestine, 164, 237; their Coronation, 178, 237; reconciles three kings, 241; his two daughters married, 242; marries Princess Margaret of France, 219, 220; his death and burial, 223, 248; See Edward, Prince (son of Henry III.).
Edward II., Coronation of, 249; his disgraceful flight from Scotland, 256 disagreement with the King of France, 259; his proclamation against Queen Isabella, 260; false report of his being reconciled with the Queen, 265; his imprisonment and death, 227, 267. See Edward, Prince, of Caernarvon.
Edward III., reign of, 267—291.
Edward, Prince (son of Henry III.), fealty sworn to, 20; goes to Gascoigne, to marry the King of Spain's sister, 22; his titles, 23; returns to London, 25; maltreats the Welsh, 31; at strife with the Earl of Gloucester, 47; done fealty to, by the Mayor and citizens, 56; given as a hostage, 67; his defiant Letter to the Barons, 69; restored to the King, 76; his promises, 76; defeats Adam Gurdan at Aulton, 91; reconciled to the Earl of Gloucester, 100; assumes the Cross, 112; and King of France, convention between, 116—119; and Earl of Gloucester, award concerning, 128; departs on the Crusade, 130, 236; his agreement with the other Crusading princes, 137. See Edward I.
Edward, Prince, of Caernarvon, born, 240; created Prince of Wales, 245; knighted, 222, 247. See Edward II.
Edward, de Wyndesore (afterwards Edward III.), born, 214, 250. See Edward III.
Egeblaunch, Peter de, Bishop of Hereford, 57, 231.
Eleanor, of Provence, Queen, crowned, 7; death of, 242; a Queen of that name reviled for the murder of Fair Rosamond, 232.
English, the, in France, arrested, 261.
Eppegrave, Sir Thomas de, Warden, 106.
Esclus, or Sluys, 283; the Battle of, 276.
Esshwy, Stephen, obtains the City seal, 241.
Essoiners, or Attorneys, 75.
Essoins remitted, 10.
Eswy, Ralph, Mayor, 9, 10.
-, William, Sheriff, 22, 25.
Euerwick, or York, the Exchequer removed from, 246, 258; King Edward III. marries Philippa at, 268.
Evesham, the Battle of, 80, 235.
Ewelle, Richard de, Sheriff, 25.
Exchequer, the, transferred to St. Paul's, 89 removed from York, 246, 258.
Excommunication, pronounced by the Archbishops and Bishops, against violators of the Charters of Henry III., 20; formula of, 20; pronounced, 45, 76, 128.
Exestre, or Exeter, Walter, Bishop of, beheaded, 263.
Eyvile, John de, 91, 95, 100.
Falkirk, the Battle of, 245.
Famines, in England, 40, 209, 252.
Farendone, Nicholas de, Sheriff and Mayor,
210, 213, 216, 218, 249, 250, 253, 257,
-, William de, Sheriff, 218.
Fauconberge, Eustace de, High Treasurer, 210.
Fayleham, or Folsham, Beneyt de, Sheriff, 210, 259.
Fealty, oath of, to Prince Edward and the Queen, 20; required of the citizens, 133.
Ferers, Sir William de, 97.
"Ferm," or rent, meaning of the term, 21; for the liberty of St. Paul's Church, 21.
Ferreres, Sir Thomas, captured, 284.
Ferrers, Earls of, 91, 224.
Ferrun, or Ironmonger, Alexander le, 17, 126.
Fevre, Humphrey le, Sheriff, 19.
-, Ralph le, Sheriff, 218, 238.
Fingrie, Henry de, Sheriff, 220, 245.
Fishmongers, of London, their pageant, 250.
Fitz-Alan, Peter, Mayor, 13, 14.
-, Roger, Sheriff and Mayor, 1, 3.
Fitz-Aliz, Martin, Sheriff, 3.
-, William, Sheriff, 2.
Fitz-Athelhulf, Constantine, Sheriff, 2; hanged for treason, 5.
Fitz-Athulf, Arnulf, Sheriff, 2.
-, William, Sheriff, 2.
Fitz-Auger, Peter, Sheriff, 74.
Fitz-Barthelmeu, Richard, Sheriff, 2.
Fitz-Duraunt, Robert, Sheriff, 2.
Fitz-Eylwin, Henry, first Mayor of London, 1; death of, 3.
Fitz-Joce, Nicholas, Sheriff, 15; sued for grievances, 35, 46.
Fitz-John, John, Sheriff, 238.
-, Robert, Sheriff, 6, 10.
Fitz-Mary, Symon, Sheriff 7; wastes the property of the Sheriffwick, 7; refusal to admit him to the Shrievalty, 8; surrenders his Aldermanry, 11; Sheriff, 13; his Aldermanry restored to him, 16; again taken from him, 16.
Fitz-Otes, Sir Hugh, Constable of the Tower, 84, 113; Warden of London, 235.
Fitz-Peter, Geoffrey, Justiciar, death of, 4.
-, Joce, Sheriff, 3.
Fitz-Reyner, Richard, one of the first two Sheriffs of London, 1.
Fitz-Richard, William, Mayor and Sheriff,
39, 45, 48, 90, 231, 235.
-, le Prestre (the Priest), Sheriff of
London, 19.
Fitz-Roger, Roger, Mayor, 17.
Fitz-Thedmar, Arnald, 37, 39, 40, 46; marked for proscription, 120; history of his family, 201–208; his unjust assessment, 204–5; Letters concerning, 206; oppressed by Henry le Waleys, 207; settlement of the matter, 208. See the Introduction, pp. viii—x.
Fitz-Thomas, Thomas, Mayor, 31, 53, 62, 74, 231; his wicked designs, 119.
Fitz-Neal, Thomas, Sheriff, 3.
Fitz-Walter, Richard, Sheriff, 6.
Fitz-William, Martin, Sheriff, 5, 6.
Fitz-Yzabel, William, Sheriff, 2.
Flanders, clipped coins brought from, 220. the Countess of, her injustice to English merchants, 132; retaliation upon, 132; her haughty proposal, 149; her envoys summarily dismissed, 150. See Flemings.
"Flauner," a, meaning of the word, 125.
Flemings, expelled from London, 143; inquisition as to the property of, 147; arrested, 148. See Flanders.
Flux, great, from eating fruit, 214.
Flete Bridge, injured by a storm, 252.
Folkmote, convened at St. Paul's Cross, 37,
40, 45, 49, 213.
-, summoned, 33.
Folsham. See Fayleham.
Ford, Thomas de, Sheriff, 61, 234.
Forsham, Roger de, Sheriff, 275.
Fouke, James, Sheriff, 249.
Foukirke, or Falkirk, the Battle of, 245.
Foulam, or Fulham, Adam de, Sheriff, 219, 244.
Fourneys, William, Sheriff, 209.
"Frail," meaning of the term, 32.
France, Louis IX. King of, captured by the Saracens, 19; arbitrates between Henry and the Barons, 63, 64.
Franchises, certain, are recovered, 17; the citizens refuse to recede from their, 18; withdrawn, 106; restored, 268.
Fraser. See Frisel.
Fraunceis, Simon, Mayor and Sheriff, 269; 289.
French traders, enactments as to, 146, 261.
Fretheric, or Frederic, Emperor of the Romans, death of, 19.
Friars Preachers, the, 264.
Frisel, or Fraser, Simon, executed, 222, 247.
Frome, John de, 23.
Frowick, Henry de, Sheriff, 237; Warden of London, 157, 160.
Frowyk, Laurence de, Sheriff, 13, 19.
Fuleham, or Fulham, 60.
Fulham. See Foulam.
Furneaux, William de, Sheriff, 252.
Garlaund, John, Sheriff, 3.
Gascoigne, or Gascony, 9, 20.
Gatesdene, John de, 18.
Gavastone, or Gaverstone, Sir Piers de, recalled from banishment, 213, 249; his nicknames for the nobles, 249, 250; his execution, 213, 250.
Gernemue, or Yarmouth, 28, 29, 44, 83.
Gerneseye, the Castle of, 275.
Ghennok, or Glamorgan, 31.
Ghent, or Gaunt, 274, 281.
Giseburne, Adam de, Sheriff, 10.
Gisors, Henry, Sheriff, 270.
Gizors, John de, Sheriff, 8, 12; Mayor, 13, 23, 42, 213, 249, 250, 252, 253.
Glasgow, the Bishop of, 248.
Gloucester, Earl of, 77, 97, 98, 225; takes possession of the City, 95; takes the Cross, 112; his oath, 160; marries King Edward's daughter, 242; dies, 243.
Gloucester, Cross of the Earl of, in Chepe,
-, Richard de, Sheriff, 219, 243.
Godchep, Hamo, Sheriff, 252.
-, Jordan, Sheriff, 219, 240.
Godestowe, the religious house of, 234.
Golden pennies issued, 31, 32; considered detrimental by the citizens, 32.
Goldsmiths and tailors of London, at strife, 104; certain of the rioters hanged, 105.
Grantebrigge, or Cambridge, John de, Warden, 212.
Grantham, John de, Sheriff, 210, 256; Mayor, 269.
Grapefige, William, Sheriff, 31.
Gravesend, 115.
Graveshende, Richard de, Bishop of London, 115.
Great Law, waging the, 19.
Grenewyz, or Greenwich, 136, 224.
Grey Friars, Church of the, injured by lightning, 286.
Grievances, enquiry into, committed by ministers of Edward III., 286, 287.
Grocers' pound of wax or fruit, 216.
Gros, Stephen le, Sheriff, 3.
Griffyn of Wales, escape of, from the Tower, 287.
Gueldres, or Gerle, Count of, 273.
Guildhall, the, 11, 13, 27, 34, 43.
Hackenheie, or Hackney, 79.
Hadestok, Simon de, Sheriff, 81.
-, William de, Alderman, 114.
Hainault. See Henaud.
Hainaulters, English hated by the, 268.
Hakeneye, Richard de, Sheriff, 209, 216.
Hale, Edmund de la, Sheriff, 3.
Hallingbury, Adam de, Sheriff, 219, 243.
Hamond, John, Sheriff, 271.
Hardel, Ralph, Sheriff, 17; Mayor, 22,
24, 25.
-, Robert, Sheriff, 7.
-, William, Sheriff, 3; Mayor, 4.
Harwich, or Herwiz, 262, 275.
Haselbech, William de, 204.
Haunsard, William, Sheriff, 271; good service of his ship, 277.
Hauteyn, John, Sheriff, 269.
-, Nicholas, Sheriff, 223.
-, Walter, Sheriff, 219, 241.
Haverille, William de, 15, 18; Sheriff, 1.
-, Thomas de, Sheriff, 3.
Haveringe, Lucas de, Sheriff, 220, 245.
Heliland, John, Sheriff, 3.
-, Ralph, Sheriff, 3, 4.
Henaud, or Hainault, Count of, 273.
-, Countess of, King Philip's envoy, 280.
-, John de, 227.
Henry, King, III., crowned, 4; asks leave of the citizens, at St. Paul's Cross, to pass over to Gascoigne, 9; crosses over, 9; returns home, 10; his sister married to the Earl of Warenne, 13; assumes the Cross, 17; his anger against the citizens, 34; his oath assenting to the Ordinances, 40; his promises at St. Paul's Cross, 45; his seal changed, 46; return to London, 47; temporary reconciliation with the Barons, 52; without the assent of the Barons, appoints Basset Chief Justiciar, 52; absolved by the Pope from his oath in Parliament, 53; writ concerning the same, 53; crosses over to France, 53; returns to England, 54; crosses over to France, 61; captured at the Battle of Lewes, 66; his Letter to the Barons, 67; his Letters quashed, 77; cancels all Charters granted after the Battle of Lewes, 81; pardons the citizens, 85; permits the election of Bailiffs, 90; his letter of forgiveness to the citizens, 98, 99, 100; grants liberties to the citizens, 106; withdraws certain franchises, 106; letters to the City, 133, 134; his proclamation against the Countess of Flanders, 140; Letter concerning the Countess's envoys, 143; Letter concerning the Jews, 199, 200; his death, 158, 236.
Henry, Prince, of Almaine, a hostage, 67; his marriage, 114; his death, 138—40.
Hercleye, Sir Andrew de, created Earl of Carlisle, 257; hanged, 257.
Hereford, Adam Orleton, Bishop of, 258.
-, See Egeblaunch.
-, Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of, 40,
216, 225, 252.
-, William de, Sheriff, 219, 241.
-, the Sheriff of, hanged, 255.
Herevy, Walter, Sheriff, 106, 112; chosen Mayor by the populace, 153; warned by the King's Council, 153, 155; his factious proceedings, 154; proceeds to Westminster with a large following, 156; his declaration of disinterestedness, 156; elected Mayor, 159, 236, 267; his injustice, 205, 208.
Herlisun, John, Sheriff, 1; fails in "making his law," 6; granted life and limb, 6.
Hermine, Sir William, Bishop of Norwich, declared a traitor, 261.
Hinggestone, John de, Sheriff, 271.
Hobelers, or light horsemen, 287.
Hockeday, or Hocktide, 10.
Holand, or Holland, in Lincolnshire, 89.
Holborne Bridge, injured by a storm, 252.
Homicide, foreigners attached in the City for, 10.
Horewod, Thomas, Sheriff, 270.
Horn, John, Sheriff, 153, 159, 218, 237.
Hospital of Jerusalem, at Clerkenwell, 47, 203.
Hospitallers, the, 6.
Hoyland, or Holland, 29.
Husbonde, John, Sheriff, 271.
"Ibote atte Knolle" aids Griffyn of Wales, 287.
Innocent IV, Pope, 19.
Inquisition, throughout twelve Wards, 33, 35; throughout England, 101, 103.
Interdict, laid on England, 3; laid on the City, 97; laid on the City, through the Archbishop of York, 113.
Ireland, Barons exiled to, 75.
Isabel, Princess, of France, married to Edward II., 223; as Queen, deprived of her title, 261; her letters to the citizens, 262, 265; her conduct, 266, 269, 270.
Isabella, King Henry's sister, wife of the Emperor Frederic, 19.
Istleworthe, or Isleworth, ravaged with fire, 234.
"Iter," meaning of the term, 209.
Jacob Alderman, Sheriff, 2.
Jacobins, Dominicans, or Friars-Preachers, 279.
Jay, Brian, slain by Wallace, 245.
Jewry, of Winchester, destroyed, 78; of London, burnt, 234.
Jews, to plead before the citizens in certain cases, 17; a moiety of their moveables exacted by the King, 21; a Christian child slain by, 25; their punishment, 25; persecution of, 54; slaughtered in London, 66; enquiry as to flesh sold by, and the buyers and sellers thereof, 177; concerning advowsons of churches, etc., held by, 194; concerning their wardships of Christians, 194, 195, 196; five hundred killed for extortion, 234; drawn and hanged for clipping coin, 239; all in England imprisoned, 241; banished from England, 242.
Jige, William, Justiciar, 221.
John, King, crowned, 2; death of, 4.
John, Prince, son of Edward I., birth of, 92; his death, 146.
Joynier, William, Sheriff, 5; Mayor, 8.
Jukel Alderman, Sheriff, 2.
Julers, or Juliers, Count of, 273.
Justiciar, a, over England, elected by the Barons, 41; complaints against him, 43.
Justiciars and citizens, altercation between, 33, 34; Roll of, 51; Itinerant appointed, 105; Itinerant, 243, 253.
Juvene, Constantine le, Sheriff, 3.
-, Joce le, Sheriff, 5.
-, Peter le, Sheriff, 3.
Kaye, John de, Sheriff, 2.
Keels, or merchant vessels, 77.
Kendale, Sir Robert de, Warden, 253.
Kenilworth, 79, 81, 92, 94, 234, 235, 239, 266.
Keningtone, or Kennington, 8, 10.
Kermes, or grains, 123.
Keslingbury, Richard de, Sheriff, 290
Kidels (nets of a peculiar nature), sailors seized with, in the Thames, brought to London, amerced, and nets burnt, 8.
Killesby, Sir William de, 284, 288.
Kilwardby, Robert de, Archbishop of Canterbury, 160, 162, 239.
Kniwtebrigge, or Knightsbridge, 34.
Korenhelle, or Cornhill. See Corenhell.
Koudres, John de, Sheriff, 8, 12, 13.
Lacer, Richard, Sheriff, 270.
Lacy, Henry de, Earl of Lincoln, burial of, 214.
Lamb, monstrous, yeaned, 136.
Lambert de Legis, John Herlisun charged with his death, 6.
Lambhethe, or Lambeth, 169.
Lambin, John, Sheriff, 215, 250.
Lancaster, Henry, Earl of, guardian of
Edward III., 265, 269.
-, Thomas, Earl of, 213, 224, 225, 255.
"Lastage," meaning of the term, 108.
Laumbert, Thomas, Sheriff of London, 5.
Lawless Church, the, 263.
"Law-merchant," meaning of the term, 107.
Ledes, Castle of, 254.
Legate, the Pope's, turns the cloisters of an Abbey into a stable, 96.
Leggleys, Walter, Sheriff, 218, 219.
Leiburne, Sir Roger de, his message, 82, 83.
Leicester. See Montfort.
Leuwelin, Prince of Wales, 31, 78, 101, 238, 239.
Lewes, Battle of. See Liawes.
Leyre, William de, Sheriff, 219, 242.
Liawes, or Lewes, the Barons defeat Henry III. at, 66, 75, 234; results of the battle, 67.
Lincoln, called "Nicole," 245.
Lincoln, John de, Sheriff, 222, 247.
Linde, John de la, 84, 235.
Linge-draper, or linendraper, 125.
Linton, Robert de, Sheriff, 22, 96.
Liseny, Sir Geoffrey de, 40.
-, Sir Guy de, 40.
Lodekin, or Lucekyn, Adam, Sheriff, 215, 281.
Londenestane, or London Stone, 1.
London, custom of, for homicide, 36; under Interdict, 88.
London, Eustace, Bishop of, charter to,
210, 211, 212.
-, Henry, Bishop of, suspended, 88. See
Newport, and Roger.
London Bridge, held by the Queen, 146; resigned by the Queen, 147; again resumed, 147; broken by a great frost, 240.
Louis, Prince, of France, lands in England,
and besieges the castle of Dover, 4;
departs from England, 4.
-, Monsire, of France, 214.
Love and reconciliation day appointed, 17.
Loveday, Sir Roger, 238.
Lovekyn, John, Sheriff, 290.
Lovetot, Sir John, 238.
Lucas, Adam, Sheriff, 281.
Lucekyn. See Lodekin.
Lundy, Isle of, 9.
Lynn, 51, 83.
Mad Parliament, the, 40.
"Making his law," meaning of the term, 6.
Manewourhe, Simon de, Sheriff, 213.
Manny, Sir Walter de, 277.
Marberer, Hughe, Sheriff, 272.
Marche, the Count de la, 9.
Margaret, daughter of King Henry, married to the King of Scotland, 20.
Margaret, Queen, wife of Edward I., 214, 245.
Marisco, William de, drawn and hanged, 9.
Marshal of the King's houshold, his right as to lodging, 108.
Marshal, Roger, Bailiff, 96.
Maserner, William le, Sheriff, 218, 240.
"Maudeleyne," meaning of the term, 213.
Maule, Sir Simon de, 213.
Maunsel, John, 34, 40, 73.
Mautravers, Sir John, keeper of Edward II., 267.
"Mayhem," or "Maiming," what, 105.
Mayors of London, 193, 194.
Measures, for liquids, regulations concerning, 75.
Meldeburne, Robert de, Sheriff, 166, 168, 170.
Mentz, Archbishop of, 29, 30.
Mercer, Richer le, Sheriff, 219.
-, Serlo le, Sheriff, 3; Mayor, 34.
Merchandize, weights for, 123.
Merchants, foreign, forced to use the legal beam and tron, 123; imprisoned and fined, 128.
Mereworthe, Simon de, Sheriff, 249.
Merleberge, or Marlborough, homage to King John at, 3.
Merton, Walter de, Chancellor, 159.
Middletone, Gilbert de, hanged, 209.
Mile Ende, 7.
Milkstrete, great fire in, 234.
Minur, John le, 46.
Miracles wrought in St. Paul's Church, 257.
"Miskenning," meaning of the term, 109.
Mokkinge, John de, Sheriff, 271.
Money, old, exchanged for new, 239.
Montfort, Guido de, aids in the murder of Prince Henry, the King's nephew, 140.
Montfort, Peter de, 40, 46, 74; slain, 80.
Montfort, Simon de, Earl of Leicester, 40; his dissensions with the King, 62; sanctions piracy, 78; slain, 80; ill-treatment of his remains, 80; cruelty of his supporters, 119; persons proscribed by them, 120; his supporters banished the City, their names, 124, 125, 126, 127. See Liawes.
Montfort, Simon de, the Younger, 65; plunders Winchester, 78; surprised at Kenilworth, 79; meets the King at Winchester, 80; retires to Kenilworth, 81; throws himself on the King's mercy, 87; joins the pirates of the Cinque Ports, 87; crosses the seas, 87; murders Prince Henry, the King's nephew, 140.
Mordone, Gilbert de, Sheriff, 210, 260.
-, Walter de, Sheriff, 271.
More, Ralph de la, Sheriff, 219, 239.
Mortality, great, 209, 214.
Mortimer, Roger de, 40; war levied upon, by the Barons, 64; remains of De Montfort sent to his wife, 80.
Mortimer, Roger, the Younger, accompanies Queen Isabel, 227; escapes from the Tower, 258; his insolence, 269; the first person hanged at Tyburn, 270.
Mortimers, the, sentenced to be hanged, 256; sentence commuted, 258.
Munchanesey, William de, his attempt to prove the will of his deceased wife, 26.
Munchensy, William de, 79.
Munferat, Marquis of, assassinated, 162.
Munpelers, or Montpelier, Robert de, Sheriff, 54, 231.
"Murage," meaning of the term, 239.
Musteroil, or Montreuil, 176.
Mynur, John le, Sheriff, 24.
"Naam," what, 109.
Navarre, King of, with the army of the Christians, 138.
Nele, Walter, Sheriff, 272.
Nets burnt at Westchep, 8, 22, 121, 166; for fishing the Thames, seized for having their meshes smaller than the prescribed size, 120; seized by the Constable of the Tower, beyond the liberties of the City, 121.
Nevelun, Andrew, Sheriff, 4, 188.
-, Peter, Sheriff, 1, 187.
Nevile, Hugh de, captured at Kenilworth,
-, Peter de, sent by the King to Cherringe, to obtain the delivery of the
four citizens of London, brought
thither by the Mayor and Bailiffs
of Northampton, 50.
-, Robert de, Inquisitor as to disorders
in the Midland Counties, 103.
Newcastle, preparations at, to invade Scotland, 268.
Newebigging, Thomas de, arrests many citizens, 258.
Newgate, sailors imprisoned in, 8; those imprisoned there for political offences set free, 96; several of the banished citizens, for returning to the City, imprisoned in, 168; prisoners escape from, 231.
New Hall at Westminster burnt, 231.
Newmarket, Adam de, captured at Kenilworth, 79.
New money, exchange of, at the Tower, 239.
Newport, Richard de, elected Bishop of London, 216.
New Temple, meeting of Bishops and Barons there, to confer upon the state of the realm, 159.
New Work of St. Paul's commenced, 44.
Nicole. See Lincoln.
No Man's Land, where, 266.
Norfolk, disturbances there by the disherisoned, 89, 94.
Norman, John, Sheriff, 7, 189; Mayor, 19, 194.
Normans land at, and plunder Dover, 242.
Northall, John de, Sheriff, 271.
Northampton, affray at the Fair of, between the Londoners and inhabitants, 49; Bailiffs of, refuse to deliver up to the Mayor of London, upon the King's precept, four citizens, accused of the death of a man at the Fair, 49; citizens of, claim their privilege of not pleading without the walls of their own borough, 50; taken by the King, 65; Parliament held there, 189.
Northampton, John de, Sheriff, 21, 189, 231.
Northborough, Roger de, Bishop of Chester, removed as Treasurer to the King, 284.
Northumberland plundered by the Scots, 246.
Norton, Robert de, Sheriff of Suffolk and Norfolk, 106.
Norwich, plundered by the disherisoned, 94; Cathedral burnt, 150; thirty-two citizens of, hanged, drawn, and burnt, for being concerned in the burning of the Cathedral, 152.
Nottingham, Council held by Edward III. at, 270.
Oath, the citizens refuse to take an, in the arbitration of the question of tallage, 34; certain, prescribed on the graves of the dead, 108.
Onions, dearness of, 252.
Ottoboni, Cardinal and Deacon of St. Adrian, and Legate of Rome, summons the refractory Bishops to London, 88; holds a General Council at Saint Paul's, 107.
Oxenford, John de, Sheriff, 220, 258.
Oxford, non-observance of the Statutes by the Parliament of, produces disturbances throughout the kingdom, 41; the Charter drawn up by the Parliament of, ratified by the King, 41; assented to by the Mayor and citizens of London, 41; the Earl of, captured at Kenilworth, and taken to Gloucester, 79.
Oystergate, John de, expelled from the City,
-, Stephen de, Sheriff, 24.
Page, Thomas, hanged, 255.
Palermo, Prince Edward at, 137.
Palmere, Roger, Sheriff, 213, 249.
Paris, Edward I. arrives at, and does homage to the King of France, 165.
Paris, Richard de, Sheriff, 191, 236.
-, Roger de, Sheriff, 222, 247.
-, Simon de, Sheriff, 221, 246.
Parliament, Mad, of Oxford, ordains that grievances be abolished, 40; at Oxford, between the King and his Barons, 65; held by the Bishops and Barons for the reformation of the condition of the realm, 69; in London, 75; at Winchester, 81; at Windsor, where a reconciliation is effected between the Prince of Wales and the Earl of Gloucester, 100; held at the Blackfriars, in London, 224; at Lincoln, 245.
Parmenters, take part in the disputes between the tailors and goldsmiths, 104; what, 104.
Passelee, Edmund, Justiciar Itinerant, 253.
Patriarch of Jerusalem sends some of the blood of Jesus to King Henry, 14.
Paul's Cross. See Saint Paul's Cross.
Paulina, wife of William de Munchanesey, her will revoked, as being made by a femme coverte, 26.
Peace between the King and the Barons declared in London, 67.
Peinfurer, Fulk, Sheriff of Kent, 106.
Pekham, John de, elected Archbishop of Canterbury by the Pope, 215, 239.
Pembroke, Richard Marshal, Earl of, ejects Hubert de Burgh from sanctuary, 7; Aymer de Valence, Earl of, lays siege to Scarborough Castle, 213; attends the King to St. Paul's Cross, 213; flies to Dunbar after the Battle of Sterling, 251.
Penalties, attached to contravention of the Charter granted by the King to the citizens, 108; for vending goods in transitu, 109.
Pennies, clipped, to be perforated, 14; golden, new coinage of, of the value of twenty sterlings, issued, 32; the circulation of, remonstrated against by the Mayor and citizens, 32.
Penny, one to be paid upon each pound enrolled in the Exchequer, 110.
Pepperer, Andrew le, makes the Great Law, proving his innocence, 19.
Percy, Sir Henry, pursues Wallace, 244.
-, Sir Nichol, flies the country, 256.
Perth taken by Edward I., 248.
Pervinke, Sir Robert, made Treasurer of Edward III., 284.
"Pesage," what, 123.
Pestilence, a great, 252.
Pesur, Joce le, Sheriff, 4, 188.
Peter de Savoy. See Savoy.
Pevencestre, Sir Stephen de, Justiciar, investigates the clipping of coin, 239.
Philip III., King of France, 131, 142; Letter of, to Richard, King of the Romans, on the murder of his son, 139.
Philip de Valois, cowardice of, 273; prepares a large navy, 275; sends the Countess of Hainault to Edward III., to treat of peace, 280.
Philippa, daughter of the Count of Hainault, espouses Edward III., 268; crowned at Westminster, 270; sojourns at Ghent, 274.
Pikard, Richard, Sheriff, 21, 189, 231.
Pike, Nicolas, Sheriff, 271.
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land discussed at Boulogne between Henry III. and the King of France, 61.
Pillards, thirteen taken at Dundee, 244.
Pillory in Chepe broken, and bakers, in consequence, escape punishment, 127; a new, made, 131.
Pinnot, Robert, hanged, 240.
Piracy of men of the Cinque Ports, by sanction of the Earl of Leicester, 77.
Piwelesdon, Richard, expelled the City, 126.
-, Roger de, expelled the City, 126.
-, Thomas de, appointed Constable by
the Londoners, 65; taken prisoner at
Windsor, in contravention of the
safe-conduct, 83; confusion in the
City in his time, 103; cruelties of,
119; expelled the City, 125; excites the populace, 155; attended by
a multitude to Westminster, 156;
sent to the King, at Windsor, 235.
Pleaders, not required by citizens in their plaints, except in pleas of the Crown, pleas of land, or of distresses, 45; mulcted or suspended for consenting to take part of the tenement pleaded for, in payment, 45.
Pleas in Bank, formerly held at Westminster, transferred to the Hall of the Bishop of London, at Saint Paul's, 89.
Pleas of the Crown, held at the Tower, 6, 10, 19; held at Guildhall, resisted by the citizens as contravening their rights, 43; of debt, to be held before the Sheriffs only, 44; of intrusion, and pleas on plaint made, only, held in the year 1263, 74.
Plenty, a year of, 100.
Plumer, Hanekin le, expelled the City, 126; meaning of the word, 126.
Poitiers, Bishop of, comes to London, 214.
Poitou, Henry III. quits his claim on, to the King of France, 46.
Pole, Nicholas Fitz-Adele de la, appointed
Inquisitor as to the property of Flemings, 143.
-, Sir William de la, ordered to appear
before Edward III., 283; sent to
the Castle of Devizes, 284.
Pollards, prohibited, 220, 245.
Polteney, John de, Mayor, 270, 271; ordered to appear before Edward III., 283; sent to Somertone Castle, 284.
Ponthieu, Count of, envoy to the King of
Tunis, 138.
-, Countess of, has charge of a daughter
of King Edward I., 176.
Porchester, Sir Roger Mortimer flies to, 258.
Ports of England conquer a fleet of Spain, 243.
Portsmouth burnt by the ships of the King of France, 275.
Portsoken, the liberty of the City without the walls, near Aldgate, 107; privileges at, granted to the citizens by Charter, 107; exempted from forcible occupation, or livery of the King's Marshal, 108.
Posts to which chains in the streets were attached, ordered to be rooted up and taken to the Tower, 82.
Poter, Philip le, appointed with two others
to hear complaints during the absence of
the Mayor in Gascoigne, 176.
-, Walter le, Sheriff, 114, 129, 153, 155,
157, 159, 191, 236, 237.
Pountfreit, William, Sheriff, 272.
Pourte, Hugh, Sheriff, 221, 246.
Poyntel, John, Mayor, 209; Sheriff, 252.
Prebends bestowed by the King, recalled, 81.
Preston, Gilbert de, Justiciar, determines
the suit between the Abbot of Westminster and the citizens of London,
-, John de, Sheriff, 253; Mayor, 271.
Prior of Canterbury rejected by the Pope for Archbishop, as being too illiterate, 160.
Prior of Norwich Cathedral, proved to have set fire to it, 153; accused of having purposed burning the whole city, 153; purged by the Bishop, 153.
Priour, John, Sheriff, 209, 252.
Prisage of corn not taken before the vessel reaches the wharf, 55; restricted to the King, 55.
Prisage of wine, 42, 108.
Probate, of all testaments ordered, 44; of Wills at the Hustings in the City, confirmed by Charter, 111.
Prodhomme, William, Sheriff, 209, 253.
Property, tax upon, 257.
Provence, Eleanor of. See Eleanor.
Provisions of Oxford ordered to be observed, after the Battle of Lewes, 67.
Purprestures, attempted to be removed by the populace, 59.
Pycot, Nicholas, Sheriff, 248.
Queen Hythe taken by the citizens of London, at a rent, of Richard, Earl of Cornwall, 13.
Quercy, houses of the people of, resident in London, broken into by night and plundered, 59; money of the people of, deposited in the Abbeys and Priories about London, plundered, 66.
Rains, heavy, lasting from Pentecost to Easter, 251.
"Receipt," the meaning of, 166.
Reconciliation between the King and the Earl of Gloucester, terms of the, 98.
Redingge, Simon de, hanged, 266.
Refham, Richer de, Mayor, 214, 249; Sheriff, 214, 244.
Reinald, Walter, Bishop of Worcester, confirmed as Archbishop of Canterbury by the Pope, 215; enthroned, 250; preaches at Guildhall, 267.
Reinger, Richard, Mayor and Sheriff, 5, 8, 187, 193.
Relic of the Eleven Thousand Virgins found in the belfry of St. Paul's, 251.
Rents of London Bridge collected on behalf of the Queen, 147.
Report of the Inquisition as to the goods of the Flemings, 147.
Richard I. sets out for Jerusalem, with Philip, King of France, 1; made captive in Germany, 1; ransomed for 100,000 marks of silver, 1; liberated, and lands at Sandwich, 2; slain, 2.
Richard, Earl of Cornwall, as King of the Romans, receives the homage of the Electors of Almaine in London, 28; embarks at Yarmouth for Germany, 28; crowned King of the Romans at Aix la Chapelle, 30.
Richard, King of the Romans. See Almaine, Richard, King of.
Rochester taken by the discontented Barons and Londoners, 66.
Rochester, Salamon de, Justiciar in Eyre, sits at the Cross of St. Peter, 237.
Roger, Bishop of London, replaces Hubert de Burgh in sanctuary at Brentwood, 7; buried, 9.
Rokesle, Gregory de, Sheriff and Mayor, 61,
81, 131, 207, 234, 236, 237, 238, 241; intended to be slain by the disaffected, 120;
included in the writ sent by the King
to the City, 170; with three others, proceeds to Gascoigne to the King, 176;
with others, appointed by the King as
mediator to effect a peace with the Countess of Flanders, 176; made Master of
the Exchange throughout England, 239.
-, John de la, Sheriff, 289.
-, Robert de, Sheriff, 219, 241, 243; has
charge, with others, of the chest
containing the Charters of the City,
Romans, two slain in Westchepe, 231.
Rome, Henry de Sandwich, Bishop of London, and Stephen de Barksteed, Bishop of Chichester, sent as contumacious to, 88.
Romeyn, Thomas, Sheriff, 242; Mayor, 249.
Rosamonde, The Fair, Legend of, 232.
Rossel, Reginald, envoy to the King of the Tartars, 148.
Rotherhithe, Breach at, caused by the overflow of the Thames, 243.
Rothinge, Richard de, Sheriff, 210, 262.
Round Table held at Kenilworth, 239.
Ruhinges, Geoffrey de, expelled the City, 126.
Russell, Elias, Sheriff, 242; Mayor, 217,
245; concerned in an action of trespass,
-, Thomas, hanged, 240.
Safe-conduct granted to the Mayor and citizens of London on repairing to Windsor, 83.
Sailors fined by the King at Keningtone,
and their nets burnt, 8.
-, of the Cinque Ports, pardoned for
their acts of piracy, 87.
Saint Albans, Henry de, Sheriff, 3, 188.
Saint Bartholomew's, belfry of, struck by lightning, 234; Priors and Canons of, set up a new tron or beam for weighing heavy goods and wool, 13; desist from the imposition of it, 14.
Saint Botolph (Boston), fire at, 239.
Saint Edward, his body translated, 121; his basilica repaired with gold, 130.
Saint Ermin, William de, permitted to leave England, 41.
Saint Heleyne, Michael de, Sheriff, 6, 188.
Saint Martin's-le-Grand, Richard, King of the Romans, sojourns there, 52.
Saint Mary-le-Bow, tower of, falls, and twenty persons killed, 136; belfry falls, 236.
Saint Maur, Baldwin de, Sheriff of Cambridge and Huntingdon, 106.
Saint Omer besieged, 278.
-, William de, Inquisitor into the disorders in the Southern and Eastern
Counties, 103.
Saint Paul, John de, ordered to appear before Edward III., 283; confined in the Tower, 284.
Saint Paul's, London, dedicated, 8; Sheriffs have seven pounds granted by Henry III. for the liberty of the Church, 21; the King and Queen sojourn there, 52; Henry III. lodges there after the Battle of Lewes, 67; Exchequer removed from Westminster thither, 89; Henry de Sandwich, Bishop of London, buried there, 166; cross and ball gilt, 215; belfry taken down, 251.
Saint Paul's Cross, solemn meeting of Bishops at, to excommunicate all who contravened the Charter granted by the King to his Barons, 128; the King takes leave of the citizens at, to pass into France, 45, 53. See Folkmote.
Salisbury, Adam de, Sheriff, 210, 258.
Salisbury, the Earl of, taken prisoner in France, 274; released at Tournay, 281.
Salt, dearness of, 252.
Saly (Sely), Thomas, Sheriff, 244.
Sanctuary broken at St. Sepulchre's, 235.
Sandwich, Henry de, Bishop of London,
sent by the Legate as contumacious to
Rome, 88; dies, 165.
-, Ralph de, Warden, 207, 241, 242;
removed, 243.
Sansaver, Ralph, Sheriff of Surrey and Sussex, 106.
Saracen, a, attempts to slay Edward I. with a poisoned dagger, 162.
Saracens, capture the King of France, and defeat the Christian army, 19; slain by the Christians, 137.
Sarton, Hugh de, Sheriff, 215.
Saunnays, Henry, expelled the City, 126.
Savoy, Peter de, appointed to enquire into grievances complained of in the Parliament of Oxford, 40; conference between him and his colleagues with the envoys of the King's party at Dover, 73; conspires for the invasion of England, 71.
Scarborough Castle besieged by the Earl of Pembroke, 213.
"Scavage," what, 22.
Schireburne, the Abbot of, Inquisitor into disorders in the Western Counties during the disturbances, 103.
Scone, the Abbot of, taken prisoner, 248.
"Scotale," what, 109.
Scotland, King and Queen of, visit Henry III. at Woodstock, 25; visit London, 25, 48; the King of, comes to London, where he has a mansion, 238, 242; Robert le Brus causes himself to be crowned King of, 222; war with, 243; conquered, 243.
Scots, make oath at Westminster not to rise against England, 244; invade England as far as Stanhope Park, 268.
Scott, Robert, hanged, 240.
Scrope, Sir Geoffrey, sent to France to treat of peace, 272.
Seal, of the King, and its superscription changed, 46; of Edward I. made, 159; of Henry III. broken at his death, 159; of the King of Sicily affixed to the Letters sent by Edward I. to the City, 164; of the City surrendered by Gregory de Rokesle, 241.
Sea-ports, property of citizens of London at various, given away by the King, 83.
Segrave, Gilbert de, elected Bishop of
London, 216; dies, 209; deposits precious things in the Cross of the belfry of
St. Paul's, 215.
-, Nicholas de, received into the King's
peace, 100.
"Selds," what, 16; and shops closed in the City in celebration of the birth of John, eldest son of Prince Edward, 92.
Seli, Thomas, Sheriff, 219.
Seneschal, the title of the Warden of the
City, 84.
-, John Waleraven made, 84.
Sequestration of the goods of the chief men of the City by the Earl of Gloucester, 96.
Serjeants, alien, dismissed the City, but placed in garrison at Windsor, 58; and clerks of the Sheriffs, sworn at Westminster, 23.
Seton, Roger de, Justiciar, sits at the Cross of St. Peter, 237.
Severn, bridges over the river, broken down by Prince Edward, 79; crossed at Worcester by Henry III., 79.
Seynter, Benedict le, Sheriff, 4, 188.
Sharshille, Sir William de, Justiciar, arrested, 284; sent to the Castle of Caerphilly, 284.
Sheep produces a monstrous lamb with two bodies, at Greenwich, 136.
Sheriff, of Middlesex, permission granted to the citizens of London by the King, at Northampton to elect one, 90.
Sheriffs of London, command given to them
to apprehend Hubert de Burgh, 6;
prohibited holding office two successive
years, 6, 12; seize the sailors found in
the nets standing in the Thames, 8;
appointed to hold the bailiwick of
Bridge Street, and of Queen Hythe,
upon payment of rent, 21; have seven
pounds yearly granted by the King for
the liberty of the Church of St. Paul,
21; the citizens demur to the responsibility for the acts of the, 23; imprisoned
in the Tower for having permitted the
escape of a prisoner from Newgate, 24;
subsequently freed upon the surety of
the Mayor, but discharged from office,
24; ride to Newgate to receive charge
of the prisoners and fealty of all officials,
at the several Gates, and at Guildhall,
25; justified in taking toll upon the
Bridge as far as the Staples, 43; determine a plea of a Marshal of the King
against a merchant, 52; with the Mayor,
disperse a mob plundering the Jews, in
consequence of a Christian having been
wounded by one, 54; imprison those
convicted of the riot upon the Jews, 54;
ordered to resist any attachment made
by the Constable of the Tower on the
Thames, 56; not to interfere with the
liberties of the Abbey at Westminster,
90; prohibited from making Scotale,
109; permission granted to the City to
elect them upon payment of a fee, 129;
receive the King's letters not to aggrieve
the citizens with respect to the tallage of
the ransom, 154; questioned by the
King's Council as to the uses made by
the Jews of the flesh they do not eat,
177; received by the Mayor at Guildhall, 238.
-, of England, during the inquisition into
the disorders of the kingdom during
the disturbances, 105; have the
King's Letters sent to them respecting the Flemings, 145.
-, of London and Middlesex appointed by
the King to collect all issues for his
use, 106.
Sheriffwick of London, the property of, wasted by the Sheriff, Symon Fitz-Mary, 7.
Shilling, regulation of the weight of the, 216.
Shrewsbury, the King returns from, after concluding peace with Leuwelin, Prince of Wales, 101.
Sicily, the King of, peace between him and the King of Tunis, 137; the Chancellor of, envoy to the King of Tunis, 138; Conrad, King of, defeats the object of the Crusaders, 138.
Skerving, Roger de, Bishop of Norwich, summoned by the King, 152.
Skyret, Gervays, drawn, for the death of Giles de Wodeham, 235.
Sluys, the naval battle of, 267.
Smithfield, Freemen of the City exempted from payment of scavage for beasts sold at, 22.
Snacard, William, expelled the City, 127.
Soke, in Cornhill, exclusive privilege of the, 210; of the King of Scotland, bakers of the, 211.
Soldan, relieved from the attack of the Crusaders, 137; sends a Saracen to slay Edward I., 162.
Southampton burnt by the ships of the King of France, 275.
Southwark, great fire at, in 1212, 3; inhabitants of, make complaint against the City, of custom imposed at the Stone Gate on the Bridge, 42; the Earl of Gloucester takes up his quarters there, in compliance with the wish of the citizens of London, 95; banished persons found there to be arrested, 135.
Spain, the sister of the King of, as bride of Prince Edward, welcomed to London by the nobles, bishops, and citizens, 24.
Sperling, Ralph, 12.
"Spinneys," what, 100.
Spygornel, Henry, Justiciar, 250.
Stamford given by Henry III. to his son Edward upon his marriage, 23.
Stanes, Thomas de, Sheriff, 219, 241.
Stapledon, Walter, Bishop of Exeter, murdered in Chepe, 263.
"Starrs" of the Jews, what, 21.
Statutes, new, and provisions, made by the crafts of the City of London prejudicial to merchants visiting the Fairs of England, 60.
Statutes of Oxford, 40; again assented to by Henry III., 56; Barons make war on those who infringe them, 56; citizens of London required by the Barons to observe them, 57; the King requested to order that they be observed, 57; when infringed, the party to be arrested, 60; dispute relative to, between the King and his Barons, determined by the arbitration of the King of France, 63.
Staunton, Sir Hervey de, Justiciar, 250; Justiciar Itinerant, 253.
Stephen, Bishop of Chichester, sent by the Legate, as contumacious to Rome, 88; permitted by the Pope to return to England and resume his dignity, 164; his barony ordered to be taken, by the King's Justiciars, 164.
Stepney, the people of, complain at the Hustings, 175.
Sterlings, new, made, 239.
Stirling, defeat of the English at, and many noblemen slain, 226, 244; Castle taken, 244, 245; Battle of (Bannockburn), 251.
Stonore, Sir John, ordered to appear before Edward III., 283; sent to Nottingham, 284.
Stor, Robert, expelled the City, 127.
Stortford, John de, Sheriff, 219, 244.
-, William de, Sheriff, 244.
Stratford, Henry de, ordered to appear before Edward III., 283 ; sent to Corfe Castle, 284.
Stratford, the people of, complain at the Hustings, 175.
Stratherne, Earl of, makes oath not to bear arms against England, 244.
Streets, chains across the, of the City, ordered by the King to be removed, 82.
Stybbenheth, Paul de, hanged, 240.
Suffolk laid waste by the disherisoned, 94.
Suffolk, the Earl of, taken prisoner in France, 274; released at Tournay, 281.
Suffolk, Osbert de, Sheriff, 54, 231.
-, Reginald de, intended to be slain by
the disaffected, 120; included in the
Writ sent by the King to the City,
-, Thomas de, Sheriff, 219, 244.
Sumeri, Roger de, Inquisitor into the disorders in the Midland Counties during the disturbances, 103.
Swords prohibited to be worn, 253.
Taillour, Philip le, Sheriff, 52, 129, 131, 190, 236; ordered to be removed from the Mayoralty, 157; included in the Writ sent by the King to the City, 170; appointed one of the Wardens of the City during the absence of the Mayor in Gascoigne, 176.
Tailors, the craft of, dispute between and the goldsmiths, 104.
Talbot, Richard, Dean of St. Paul's, elected Bishop of London, but dies before consecration, 53.
Tallage, grievances respecting, referred by the King to arbitration, 33; inquisition respecting, 35; rolls of, delivered to John Maunsel, one of the King's Justiciars, 35; levied by the Mayor without assent of the King and chief citizens, 175.
Tapers offered at the altar of St. Edward by the citizens, at the request of the King, 20.
Tars, King of, gains part of the Holy Land, 245.
Tartars, the King of the, Letter of, to Prince Edward, 148.
Tateshall, Iseuda de, fulfils the wage of the Great Law, 19.
"Tawyers," what, 104; take part in the disputes between the tailors and goldsmiths, 104.
Tempest in London on the day of the Battle of Evesham, 80.
Templars, ransom the King of France from the Saracens, 19; Hospitallers, and Cistercians, exempted from the tenths to be paid to the King, 162; destroyed, 248.
Temple at Paris, the appointed place for repayment of the loan made by the King of France to Prince Edward, 117.
Tenements, devised, can be claimed by the rightful inheritor, notwithstanding probate, 44; right of possessors of, secured by Writ of Right, Writ of Entry, or Writ of Mort d'Ancestor, 44.
Testaments, required to have immediate probate, 44; probate on, permitted at the Hustings, 111.
Thames, great rise of the water of, 21; rights of the City upon the, extend to the New Wear, 42; frozen over, 54; attachments on the, belong only to the Sheriffs, 55; whole water of the, from shore to shore and as far as the New Wear, belongs to the City, 55; four men-atarms of Sir William de Ferers drowned in, by order of the Earl of Gloucester, for having robbed and slain a citizen, 97; frozen for 27 days, 213, 249; floods Bermondsey and the country adjacent, 243; made salt by the rising of the sea, 261.
Tholosane, John de, hanged, 240.
Thomas a Becket translated, 5.
Thorneye, William de, Sheriff, 275.
Thorpe, John de, ordered to appear before Edward III., 263; kept in the Tower, 284.
Thunderley, Reginald de, Sheriff, 222.
"Tiffany," meaning of, 285.
Tipetoft, Payn, slain, 226.
Tolls for repair of walls, called "Murage," levied, 239.
Toucestre, Geoffrey de, escapes from Newgate, 231.
Tournay, besieged by Edward III., 277; siege raised, 284.
Tovy, Mychael, Sheriff, 8, 189; entrusted
with the City by Henry III., 11; Mayor,
11, 12, 193, 194; sent by the King to
the citizens to assure them of the preservation of their franchise, 34; substituted for one of the elected Sheriffs, by
the King, upon dissatisfaction with the
City, 34; sent to the King at Windsor,
235; hanged, 237.
-, Thomas, taken prisoner at Windsor in
contravention of the safe-conduct,
Tower, ninety-two Jews imprisoned in the, for the murder of a child at Lincoln, and eighteen of them hanged, 25; delivered into the hands of Hugh Bygot, the Justiciar of England appointed at the Parliament of Oxford, 41; Constable of the, attempts to seize vessels before the Tower, and take prisage of corn, 55; delivered into the charge of Hugh le Despencer, Justiciar of England, 58; Jews sent there to protect them from the populace, 66; the Legate lodged there, 89; left by the Legate, 96; merchants imprisoned in, for using false weights, and the weights and balances destroyed at Westchep, 124; John Baillol, King of Scotland, sent thither, 243.
"Trailbaston," what, 246; inquisitions of, 246, 287.
Trapani, Prince Edward lands at, 131.
Travers, John, Sheriff, 4, 5, 188.
Treasurer's office searched, 285.
Treasury of the King at Westminster robbed, 226, 246.
Treves, Archbishop of, defeated, and compelled to raise the siege of Bopardt, 29.
"Tron," what, 110.
Trussel, Sir William, flies the country, 256.
Tuchet, Sir William, hanged, 255.
Tulesan, John, Mayor, 20; summoned before the King's Inquisitor respecting tallages, 35; degraded and removed from his bailiwick, 39; Sheriff, 189, 194.
"Tumbrel," what it probably means, 43; bakers whose bread is lighter than the assay of the City, punished by being placed in the, 43.
Tunbridge Castle to be delivered to the King, as security, by the Earl of Gloucester, 129.
Tunis, King of, peace between him and the
King of Sicily, 137.
-, Prince Edward lands at, 131.
Turberville, Thomas de, drawn and hanged, 243; his treason described, 293.
Turke, Walter, Sheriff, 271.
Turkelby, Roger de, appointed associate of the Itinerant Justiciar in the Pleas of the County of Surrey, 42; and at the Guildhall, 43.
Twyford, Sir John de, flies the country, 256.
Tyeis, Sir Henry, hanged, 255.
Ulster, Earl of, his daughter married to the Earl of Gloucester, 224.
Uptone, Ralph de, Sheriff, 271.
Urban IV., Pope, a Bull of, read at Saint Paul's Cross, absolving the King from the oath made to the Parliament of Oxford, 53.
Valence, Sir Eymer de, Bishop Elect of
Winchester, withdraws from the Parliament of Oxford, 40; has permission to
leave England, 41.
-, Sir William de, withdraws from the
Parliament of Oxford, 40; has permission to leave England, 41; permitted to return to England, 52;
conspires for the invasion of England,
71; with others, takes the Castle
of Gloucester, 78; returns from the
Holy Land, 161.
Victuals, in transitu, the forestalling of, prohibited before reaching the City, 109.
Vills, compelled to furnish a contingent of soldiers, well armed, for forty days, to the Sheriff, to resist the threatened invasion, 72; forced to pay ransom by the disherisoned, 94.
Vintners summoned by the King's Justiciar, for breach of the assize of wine, 27.
Viterbo, Henry, son of Richard, King of the Romans, slain at, 139.
Vyel, John, Sheriff, 4, 188.
-, John Fitz-John, Sheriff, 9, 189.
-, Margery, the relict of, claims the third
of his chattels, 13; her cause argued at St. Martin's-le-Grand,
between the King's Justiciar and
the Mayor and citizens, 14, 16.
Wade, John, Sheriff, 219, 241.
-, Roger, a crowder, celebrates his own
interment, 258.
Wager of battle, citizens exempted from, by charter, 107.
Wake, the Lord de, ordered to appear before Edward III., 283.
Wake, Andrew, Sheriff of Somerset and
Dorset, 106.
-, Baldwin, captured at Kenilworth, 79;
with others, resorts to Chesterfield
with horses and arms, 91; takes
flight before the King's forces, 91.
Walebrok, John de, Sheriff, 187.
-, Richard de, Sheriff, 52, 190, 231;
goods of, excepted from the commutation granted to the citizens generally, 86.
Waleraund, or Walraven, Henry de,
Sheriff, 24.
-, John, Sheriff, 3, 188; made Seneschal,
84; Warden of the City and Tower,
192; assesses the citizens towards a
portion for the King's cousin, 204;
Constable of the Tower, 235.
-, Robert, one of the King's Council, by
whom and the King the dispute
between the citizens of London and
Northampton is investigated, but
judgment deferred, 50; sent to the
citizens of London, while awaiting
the pleasure of the King without
Windsor Castle, 83; witness to the
Charter granted to the citizens,
110; returns from beyond sea,
115; one of the sureties to the
King of France for Prince Edward,
Wales, the parts of, in possession of Henry III., given by him to his son Edward on his marriage, 23; three castles in the March of, promised to be delivered by the Prince of Wales, to be held for three years, 76; King Edward goes thither with his forces, 238; conquered, 243.
Wales, Prince of, the son of Edward the First made, 245.
Waleys, Henry le, Sheriff, 131, 236, 237; chosen by the Aldermen for approval as Warden of the City, 157; Mayor, 167, 193, 217, 240, 244; proceeds with three others to the King in Gascoigne, 176; and his colleagues, return from Gascoigne, 176.
Wallace, Sir John, brother of William,
hanged, 248.
-, William, adjudged to be hanged,
drawn, and quartered, 222; heads
the Scots, 244; slays Brian Jay,
245; taken and condemned, 247.
Walle, William, Esquire of the Bishop of Exeter, beheaded in Chepe, 263.
Waltham, the Abbot of, differences between him and the citizens of London with respect to stallage, settled, 31.
Wandsworth, part of, burnt, 261.
Wardens, of the Bridge have their toll on ships and property of citizens rescinded, 19; of the Gates, the Thames, and the Gaol, sworn at Westminster, 23; appointed by the King for the assize of wine, 27; of the assize of wine, empowered to confiscate it when there is breach of the assize, 27; of the Counties, appointed by the refractory Barons in lieu of the Sheriffs appointed by the King, 52; of the City, Sir Hugh Fitz-Otes made one, 84; of the City, permission granted to the citizens to elect one, 90; of the City, not to interfere with the liberties of the Abbey of Westminster, 90; of the Bishopric of London, ordered to withdraw sentence of excommunication against those who granted probate of testaments upon the Hustings, 111.
Ware, Sir John de la, exempted from the ransom for disherison, 93, 94.
Wares, regulations as to the mode of weighing, 26, 37; of citizens exempted by Charter from toll throughout the territories of the King, and at all seaports, both in England and beyond the sea, 108; forfeiture of, if sold before custom paid, 109; sale of, prohibited until weighed, 109; regulations as regards their weighing, 123.
Warenne, John, Earl of, marries the King's
sister, daughter of the Count de la
Marche, 13; conspires for the invasion of England, 71; with others, takes
the Castle of Gloucester, 78; arrives at
Kenilworth, and surprises the army of
Simon de Montfort, 79; makes oath to
keep the peace in the realm during the
absence of King Edward, 159; pursues Wallace, 244; crosses to Gascoigne,
-, John, Earl of, the Younger, lays
siege to Scarborough Castle, 213;
attends the King to Saint Paul's
Cross, 213; takes the Mortimers to
the Tower, 255.
Warwick, John, Earl of, appointed one of
the King's inquisitors respecting tallages,
35; appointed one of the inspectors of
grievances complained of in the Mad
Parliament of Oxford, 40.
-, Guy, Earl of, captures Piers de Gavestone, 213, 215; solicits pardon of
the King at Westminster, 225; dies,
Watch and Ward kept by the citizens, 58.
Wathe, Michael, ordered to appear before Edward III., 283; sent to Windsor Castle, 284.
Waus, Godfrey de, Envoy to the King of the Tartars, 148.
Wax, regulation of the weight of, 216.
Wears in the Thames, towards the West, destroyed by order of Henry III., 22; between London and the sea, destroyed by the Sheriffs, 22.
Weigher, public, allowed a fee, 27.
Weights, regulation of, 123, 216.
Welleford, Richard de, Sheriff, 213, 249; Mayor, 215.
Welsh, the, successfully resist the attack of Henry III. at Glamorgan, 31; Henry III.'s league with the, 78.
Wengham, Henry de, Chancellor, one of the referees respecting tallage, 33; consecrated Bishop of London, 46, 53.
Wengrave, John de, Mayor, 209, 216, 252.
Wenlock, Walter, Abbot of Westminster, charged with breaking open the Royal Treasury, 246.
Westmille, Nicholas de, slain, 259.
Westminster, Fair at, citizens of London and
other cities required by the King to send
their wares thither, 15; the Abbot of, refused franchises by the Commons, which
had been granted them by charter, 18;
Henry III. appoints that the newly
elected Mayor, when the King is not
in London, shall be presented to the
Barons of the Exchequer at, 21; Parliament held there, confirming the Statutes
of the Parliament of Oxford, 45; Abbot
of, dispute of, with the citizens of London
determined in the Exchequer, 61; Exchequer removed thence to St. Paul's,
89; citizens resort thither to offer
prayers for the safe delivery of the
Princess of Wales, 92; King's palace there
despoiled by the retainers of the Earl
of Gloucester, 96; Church of, exempted
from operation of the Charter to the
citizens, 110; banished persons found
there to be arrested, 135; John, son of
Prince Edward, buried there, 146;
Henry III. buried there, 159; preparations at, for the Coronation of Edward I.,
178; Edward I. buried there, 223, 248;
Edward II. crowned at, 223; Eleanor,
wife of King Edward, buried at, 242;
Barons of Scotland make oath at, 247.
-, Edward de, entrusted by the King's
writ with the City, 15.
Westminster Hall, assemblage of the people there, to see the King take the Cross, 17.
Weyland, Sir Thomas de, a Templar, foreswears the country, 242.
Whale taken in the Thames, at Greenwich, 224.
Wheat, the King's privilege of having it at twopence less per quarter than it sells at, 55; prices of, 209, 256.
Wiggemor Castle, head of the Earl of Leicester sent thither to the wife of Sir Roger de Mortimer, 80.
Wilehale, John de, Sheriff, 8, 189.
Wilingham, Sir Henry, hanged at Bristol, 256.
Willeby, Sir Richard, placed at the bar at Westminster, 285.
William Longbeard (William Fitz-Osbert) hanged, 2.
Wilton, Sir William de, answers the citizens in reference to the Constable of the Tower's claim of prisage, 56.
Winchelsea, Robert de, Archbishop of Canterbury, 215, 250; buried at Canterbury, 215; his Ordinances confirmed by Edward II., 257.
Winchester, Parliament at, 80, 134; taken and plundered, 78.
Winchester, bishop Elect of, dies on the road to England, 52; John Gernsey, Bishop of, suspended by the Legate from duty and benefice, 88, 89; the Bishop of, brings letters from the Queen, 265.
Winchester, Geoffrey de, Sheriff, 15; intended to be slain by the disaffected,
-, Henry de, chosen by Walter Hervey
for approval as Warden of the City,
-, Nicholas de, included in the writ sent
by the King to the City, 168; Sheriff,
191, 240, 218.
-, Robert de, Sheriff, 3, 188.
-, Walter de, Sheriff, 6, 188.
Winchester, the Earl of, taken and beheaded, 227, 265.
Wind, violent, in 1267, 106.
Windsor, Castle of, delivered to the discontented Barons, 60; occupied by the King and Prince of Wales, 62; prisoners at, set at liberty without ransom, 80; Earls, Barons, and Knights, summoned thither to lay siege to the City of London, 81; deputation sent thither to submit the City to the King's mercy, 82; the Mayor and citizens of London ordered to repair thither, 83; certain citizens imprisoned there, in contravention of the safe-conduct, set free, 84; the remainder liberated by the King's Letter from Northampton, 87.
Wine and ale measures, as also of all other liquors, to be of the same dimensions, 75.
Wine, assize of, power of fining for breach of, referred to the decision of the King, 27; King's prisage of, permitted in the City, 42; prisage of, excepted from the redemption from toll, 108; unduly removed out of the City, 175; given to be drunk on the birth of Edward of Caernarvon, 214; flowing in Chepe, on the passage of Queen Margaret through the City, 220; flowing at the Conduit of Chepe, 236.
Winter, severe, and great frost, in 1268, 113.
Wite, William, Sheriff, 3, 188.
Woad, usages as to, by the Sheriffs, annulled, 32; tax on its importation by merchants, 32.
Wombestrong, Richard, expelled from the City, 126.
Wool, permitted to be exported by all merchants except those of Flanders, 132; prohibited from being sold to Flemings, 132; prohibited from being exported, 141, 167; belonging to any foreign merchants, except the Flemings, permitted to be exported, 146; sacks to be marked with the King's seal, 150.
Wool ships intercepted at sea by the men of the Cinque Ports, 167.
Worcester, Edward II. marches thither, 255.
Worcester, Bishop of, appointed by the King as inspector of grievances, complained of in the Ordinances of the Mad Parliament of Oxford, 40; appointed one of the Wardens of the kingdom during the King's absence in France, 45; with others, passes oter to France to arrange a treaty of peace with the invading malcontents, 74; one of the arbitrators to determine between the King and the discontented Barons, 77.
Wouborne, John de, Sheriff, 6, 188.
Writ of Henry III. sent throughout the kingdom, commanding that his absolution from the oath to the Parliament of Oxford shall not be gainsayed, 53; of the King issued to the Sheriffs, relative to the threatened invasion, 71; of Edward I. to the Sheriff of Norfolk, 161.
Writs of the King relative to the prohibited sale of wools and other merchandize to the Flemings, 140.
Wylebye, Sir Richard, ordered to appear before Edward III., 283; sent to Corfe Castle, 284.
Wymbeldon, Richard de, Sheriff, 4, 188.
Wymburne, Thomas de, Sheriff, 20, 189.
Wyteby, Adam de, Sheriff, 3, 188.
Yarmouth, property of the citizens of London there, given away by the King, 83; inhabitants of, assist the Prior of Norwich against the citizens of Norwich, 151. See Gernemue.
Yarmouth, John de, appointed inquisitor as to the property of the Flemings, 143.
"Yeresgive," what, 109.
York, Walter Giffard, Archbishop of, contravenes the rights of the See of Canterbury, 113; contravenes the dignity of the See of Canterbury at the Translation of the body of St. Edward, 122; comes to the City to proclaim peace after the death of Henry III., 158.
York, the Exchequer removed from, 246, 258.
York and London, persecution of the Jews at, commencing on the day of the Coronation of Richard I., 1.
Zouche, Sir Alan la, made Constable of the Tower, and Warden of the City, 97, 192; receives the King's writ for the continuance of the Bailiffs, 100.