Historical Gazetteer of London Before the Great Fire Cheapside; Parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane, St Martin Pomary, St Mary Le Bow, St Mary Colechurch and St Pancras Soper Lane. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, London, 1987.
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D J Keene, Vanessa Harding, 'St. Mary Colechurch 105/9', in Historical Gazetteer of London Before the Great Fire Cheapside; Parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane, St Martin Pomary, St Mary Le Bow, St Mary Colechurch and St Pancras Soper Lane(London, 1987), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/london-gazetteer-pre-fire/pp444-447 [accessed 1 April 2025].
D J Keene, Vanessa Harding, 'St. Mary Colechurch 105/9', in Historical Gazetteer of London Before the Great Fire Cheapside; Parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane, St Martin Pomary, St Mary Le Bow, St Mary Colechurch and St Pancras Soper Lane(London, 1987), British History Online, accessed April 1, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/london-gazetteer-pre-fire/pp444-447.
D J Keene, Vanessa Harding. "St. Mary Colechurch 105/9". Historical Gazetteer of London Before the Great Fire Cheapside; Parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane, St Martin Pomary, St Mary Le Bow, St Mary Colechurch and St Pancras Soper Lane. (London, 1987), British History Online. Web. 1 April 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/london-gazetteer-pre-fire/pp444-447.
In this section
This property consisted of 5 shops on Cheapside (9A-E), between Bordhaw Lane on the W., 10 on the E., and 8 on the S.; see Fig. 2. They may originally have been part of a larger property, with 8. In the mid to late 13th century they were held separately, but thereafter they came individually into the same ownership as 8.
9 (and probably 8) may have belonged in the early 13th century to Gerard Bat (sheriff 1232-3, 1235-6, and mayor 1240). Roger de la Bordhaghe may have been a mid 13th-century owner. By a deed that must date from before 1271, Adam de Clyve, son of Robert le Sumeter, granted to Hugh de Rokyngeham, goldsmith, his interest and rents in several tenements in Bordhaw Lane, which Adam de Benetleya, goldsmith, and his wife Maud had had. These included 5 shops in Bordehawe, sometime of Thomas Adrian son of John Adrian and of his wife Joan, daughter of Gerard Bat, late citizen, lying between the lane of la Bordhawe to the W., Cheapside to the N., 10 to the E., and 8, the tenement late of Serlo de la Bordhawe, to the S. Alan de Benetleya, goldsmith, quitclaimed in the same rents, etc. to de Rokyngeham. In 1271 Hugh de Rokingham granted to John de Frowyk, son of Geoffrey de Frowyk, the right to distrain in his tenements including 5 shops in the parish of St. Mary Colechurch in fronte towards Cheapside, between Bordhaw Lane to the W. and 10 to the E., if the 8 marks (£5. 6s. 8d.) rent due from a tenement in orfauer London', which Hugh held of John, fell into arrears. In 1285 Nicholas de Linton, to whom John de Frowyk had left the 8 marks rent, did distrain in the tenements of Richard de Rokingham, son of Hugh, removing 25 pieces of brass (pecias eneas). Richard denied that John or Nicholas had been seised of the rent, and a jury was summoned, but the conclusion of the case is not recorded. (fn. 1)
By his will proved in 1275 Hugh de Rokyngham left 4 shops (sic; perhaps A, B, C, and E) to his sons Richard, William, Henry, and John and their issue, with cross remainders, and his tavern (8) to his wife Christina, with remainder for sale. Possibly the entrance to the tavern, which lay between the third and fourth shops, had once been one (D) of the 5 shops referred to earlier. (fn. 2)
Hugh de Rokyngham left the shop in Bordhaghe which Stephen le Ferron held of him to his son Richard, paying his (Hugh's) mother Anabla 6s. 8d. yearly for life. In 1305 William de Bettone left a quit-rent of 13s. 4d. (1 mark) from the shop of Richard de Rokingham at the Conduit, next to and on the E. side of Bordhaw Lane, to Henry de Rokingham for life, with remainder to Richard. Richard granted the shop to Thomas of Norwich, furbisher (furbour) and his son Andrew quitclaimed in it. By his will of 1329, proved in 1330, Thomas left this shop, in cornario venelle de Bordehawelane, to his wife Agnes for life, with remainder for sale. Later in 1330 Agnes and her co- executor granted the shop, said to lie between the lane to the W., 9B to the E., Cheapside to the N., and 8 to the S., to Robert de Seymor, armourer. They also granted him 7 (q.v.). 9A and 7 then descended together; this descent is given under 7. In 1339 9A was described as a shop with solars over. It was given as the N. and W. abutment of 8 and 9C-E in the later 14th century. 7 and 9A can be traced as far as 1451, when the latter was described as a tenement on the corner of Bordhaw Lane, between the lane on the W., Cheapside on the N., and the tenement of the wardens and community of the Goldsmiths (8, 9B-E) on the S. and E. It is not clear what happened to 9A after this, but it was probably acquired by the Goldsmiths' Company and merged with the rest of their property. (fn. 3)
By his will proved in 1275, Thomas de Basing left to his wife Margery as dower a quit-rent of 8s. from the tenement sometime of Roger de la Bordhaghe. A later deed indicates that this was due from 9A, though Roger de la Bordhaghe is not otherwise known as an owner of this property. After Margery's death half of this rent, and others, was to go to his brother Richard Eswy and his heirs, and the other half to Margery's heirs. This 8s. rent appears to have descended with a £1 rent from 145/35B to Henry de Bydyk, who by his will of 1335 left all his rents in London not specifically devised to his son Thomas in tail, with remainder to his son John in tail, and then to the nearest heirs of his blood. Thomas then granted the rent, in spite of the entail, to John Mareys, who died c. 1361 seised of 8s. rent from the tenement held by John Boton'. In 1369 Alexander, son and heir of Thomas Bydik, claimed that the rents were his, by inheritance. All Mareys's property was still in the sheriffs' hands, as he had no heirs, and after inquisition the rents were restored to Alexander in 1371. In 1386 John Flete, citizen and goldsmith, and his wife Margaret, daughter of Thomas Bedik, kt., and sister of Alexander, and heir of both, granted quit-rents totalling £10. 2s. 4d. to John Shadeworth, citizen and mercer, John Hatfeld, rector of Hanslape, Richard Roose, tailor, and William Frating, hurer. The rents included 8s. from the tenement which John Sylam, pewterer, held in the right of his wife Joan, who was the widow of John Walsyngham, in the parish of St. Mary Colechurch, between Bordhaw Lane to the W., Cheapside to the N., and 9C and 8, the tenement which William Stamelden held in the right of his wife Alice to the E. and S. The later history of this rent is not known. (fn. 4)
In 1275 Hugh de Rokyngham left his shop next to 9A towards the E. to his son William, charged like 9A with 6s. 8d. yearly to Hugh's mother Anabla. By 1311 it was held by Richard de Betoyne. By his will, dated and proved in 1341, Richard left various rents and tenements in London to his wife Margaret for life, with remainder to his son Thomas and his wife Isabel and their male heirs, and then to the male heirs of his brothers John and Thomas. Juliana, daughter of Thomas son of Richard, and her husband William de Thame took possession of these tenements, which included 105/16 (q.v.) and probably this one, claiming that they had been held by Richard de Betoyne in tail general, by the grant of Alan le Potter, and that Richard could not dispossess Juliana by restricting the entail to male heirs by his will. William and Juliana appear to have retained possession of 9B, and to have granted it for a term of years to Robert de Thame, William's father, who held it in 1368. Robert died in 1374, survived by his wife Rose. In 1376 William Tame, citizen and fishmonger, and his wife Juliana granted several tenements, and the reversions of the tenements which Rose widow of Robert de Tame held for a term of years, in St. Pancras parish and in St. Mary Colechurch parish, on the S. side of Cheapside, to Thomas de Clifton, William Norwyche, William Blakewell, Geoffrey de Osmeston, and Edmund Walsyngham, to hold for the grantees' lives. In 1377 William and Juliana made this grant permanent, and in 1378 de Clifton and his co-feoffees granted all the properties back to William and Juliana and the heirs of William. (fn. 5)
By his will of 1396, proved in 1398, William Thame left all his rents and tenements in London to his wife Juliana for life, with remainder to his son Thomas in tail, and then to his kinsman Robert Louthe, junior, and his heirs for ever. Later in 1398 Robert Louthe granted his reversionary interest in the properties, which included a shop in Cheapside in the parish of St. Mary Colechurch, between 9A to the W. and 9C to the E. and Cheapside to the N., to Hugh Herlond, John Cornwaleys, and Thomas Colred. 9B seems to have been only a ground-floor shop, the solars over which went with 9C or 8. In 1398 9C-E were described as 3 shops with solars over, together with a solar over the shop once of Thomas de Thame, citizen. Soon after these transactions, Robert Betoigne or Betaigne, citizen and goldsmith, son of Richard Betaigne (d. 1389), probably son of John de Betoyne and therefore nephew of Richard de Betoyne (d. 1341), apparently made good his claim to these properties (see 105/16 for a full account of the family). He granted 9B to John Carbonell, citizen and goldsmith, who already held 8 and 9C-E. By his will of 1405, proved 1406, Carbonell left his shop with solars over (sic) which he had bought of Robert Beteign, situated between 9A to the W. and 9C to the E., Cheapside to the N. and 8 to the S., to his son John in tail. In default of heirs the tenement was to go to the wardens of the Goldsmiths' Company, to maintain a chantry in the church of St. Vedast. John son of John Carbonell appears to have died without heirs by 1426, when Henry Lyndeby and his wife Margaret, widow of John (the son), claimed dower in tenements in the parish of St. Mary Colechurch and elsewhere from the Goldsmiths' Company. Dower was granted, but Henry and Margaret then granted their estate to the Goldsmiths. The later history of 9B is given with 8. (fn. 6)
Hugh de Rokyngham left the shop next to 9B and next to his tavern to his son Henry, charged with a rent of 6s. 8d. to his (Hugh's) mother Anabla for her life. In 1310 Henry leased his shop in Cheapside, between 9B to the W., and the tenement of Richard de Rokyngham (9D) to the E., to Robert Newcomen, seal-maker (sigillar'), to hold for 5 years, for the sum of 5 marks (£3. 6s. 8d.) for the whole term. If Henry sold the shop within the 5 years Robert was to be favoured as purchaser. In 1325 Richard de Rokyngham, citizen and goldsmith, Hugh's eldest son, granted 8 and apparently also 9D-E to Richard Denys, citizen and goldsmith, together with the reversion of a shop which Henry de Rokyngham, his brother, held on the W. side of the entry to the tavern. This shop seems to be 9C, but it is not clear how Richard had obtained this reversionary interest. By 1339 it was held by Richard Denys, who granted £1 quit-rent for life to Henry de Rokyngham, from his tenements, houses, cellars, and solars, between Bordhaw Lane, 9A and 9B (the latter being probably only a ground-floor shop) on the W., Cheapside on the N., 10 on the E., and 7 on the S. In 1344 Alice, widow of Henry de Rokyngham, quitclaimed to Rose, widow of Richard Denys, all right of dower in a shop in the parish of St. Mary Colechurch, between 9B to the W., Cheapside to the N., and Rose's tenement to the E. and S. The later history of 9C is given as part of 8. (fn. 7)
Although 9 was described as 5 shops in 1271, Hugh de Rokyngham only mentioned 4 shops in his will of 1275. The entry to the tavern (8) lay between the 3rd and 4th of these shops (9C and 9E) and it may therefore represent the fifth of the 5 shops. If this is the case, 9D must have descended with 8 (q.v.). In 1398 the parts of 9 held with 8 were described as 3 shops with solars over, together with the solar over the shop once of Thomas de Thame (9B), bounded to the W. by the tenement of John Selam (9A) and to the E. by 10. This suggests that 9D was again being used as a shop. 8 was described in the same deed as a house in Burdellane, between 9A to the N. and 7 to the S. The descent of 9D is included under 8. (fn. 8)
In 1275 Hugh de Rokingham left his 4th shop, between the doorway of the tavern and the land of John de Gisors (10), to his son John. By 1281-2 it appears to have passed to Richard de Rokingham, citizen and goldsmith, son of Hugh, who granted a quit-rent of 13s. 4d. (1 mark) from his whole tenement in the parish of St. Mary Colechurch, between 8 to the S., his brother Henry's shop (9C) and Bordhaw Lane to the W., Cheapside to the N., and the tenement of Margery la Potere (? 10) to the E., to John de Chesterhunte, citizen and vintner. The grantee paid £6 (9 marks) as a gersum. Richard's brother William quitclaimed in the rent and entered into a bond for its payment. By 1305 9E had passed to William de Bettone. By his will proved in 1305 he quitclaimed in the shop which Manekyn le Heaumer held of him in the parish of St. Mary Colechurch by the Conduit, to Richard de Rokyngham; the shop had once been Richard's and lay next to the door of his tavern. Manekyn Larmurer, evidently identical with Manekyn le Heaumer, sublet the houses at the Conduit he held for a term of years from Richard de Rokyngham, goldsmith, to Richard de Bluntesham, taverner; in 1306, de Rokyngham, acknowledging a bond of £6 to de Bluntesham, granted that he should hold the houses for a further 2 years after Manekyn's term expired, as he now held them. De Rokyngham was to repair the tenements during the 2 years. In 1325 Richard de Rokyngham granted 8 and apparently 9D-E, together with the reversion of 9C, to Richard Denys, citizen and goldsmith. In 1326 John de Chesthunte, son and heir of John de Chesthunte, late taverner, nephew of the John de Chesthunte to whom Richard de Rokyngham had granted 13s. 4d. quit-rent in 1281-2, from the tavern which Richard Denys now held, quitclaimed to Denys in the rent. On Richard's death in 1339 the property was held by his wife Rose. A quit-rent of 2s. from two shops (? 9C, 9E) of Rose Deneyis, opposite the church of St. Thomas of Acre, was granted by the king to Reginald de Conductu, formerly mayor, in 1339. Neither the origin nor the later history of this quit-rent is known. (fn. 9)
The later history of 9E is included under 8.