All Hallows Honey Lane 11/6

Historical Gazetteer of London Before the Great Fire Cheapside; Parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane, St Martin Pomary, St Mary Le Bow, St Mary Colechurch and St Pancras Soper Lane. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, London, 1987.

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D J Keene, Vanessa Harding, 'All Hallows Honey Lane 11/6', in Historical Gazetteer of London Before the Great Fire Cheapside; Parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane, St Martin Pomary, St Mary Le Bow, St Mary Colechurch and St Pancras Soper Lane(London, 1987), British History Online [accessed 31 March 2025].

D J Keene, Vanessa Harding, 'All Hallows Honey Lane 11/6', in Historical Gazetteer of London Before the Great Fire Cheapside; Parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane, St Martin Pomary, St Mary Le Bow, St Mary Colechurch and St Pancras Soper Lane(London, 1987), British History Online, accessed March 31, 2025,

D J Keene, Vanessa Harding. "All Hallows Honey Lane 11/6". Historical Gazetteer of London Before the Great Fire Cheapside; Parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane, St Martin Pomary, St Mary Le Bow, St Mary Colechurch and St Pancras Soper Lane. (London, 1987), British History Online. Web. 31 March 2025.

In this section


This property lay on the E. side of Honey Lane, bounded to the S. by Cheapside and to the N. by the churchyard of All Hallows. In the 13th century it and 7, its neighbour to the E., were held together as one property, part of the Herlison or Herlicun fee which also included 1 and 2. For the early history of this fee, see under 1.

The property corresponded approximately to no. 111 Cheapside in 1858.

6 and 7, thirteenth century

These two properties belonged, probably in the early 13th century, to John Herlizun. At some time after that they came to the king, who granted them to the Domus Conversorum. Robert the Chaplain, keeper of that house, granted them to Robert de Monte Pessulano, citizen, and his heirs, for a rent of £3, and the king confirmed this grant in 1246, describing the property as a seld with shops in the Chepe of London, between the seld of the nuns of Haliwell (2) to the W. and the seld of Ralph Eshwy, mercer, (8) to the E. In the 16th century the £3 rent was charged only on 7. (fn. 1) Clerkenwell Priory had a rent from 6 in the 14th century and later; possibly the property at which the nuns of Clerkenwell had erected a pentice in 1246 was identical with this. The brothers of the Conversi had erected one nearby. (fn. 2)

In 1255-6 Robert de Mumpelers or Montpelers was appealed for the death of Robert de Langley; he was pardoned but his chattels and houses were seized and valued, including two shops and two solars in the ward of Cheap, with £6. 13s. 4d., and a house and two shops in Honey Lane worth £2. 10s. The will of Robert de Mounpelliers, proved 1279, mentions a shop in Cheapside which he left to his son Richard, and solars from which he left rents to his sons Henry, Nicholas, and Reginald; it is possible however that these were in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen Milk Street. The text of the will as enrolled is obscure and some of the legacies may have been confused. (fn. 3)

6, thirteenth to sixteenth century

The ownership of 6 in the later 13th and early 14th centuries is uncertain. Henry de Kantabr' had a term in the corner shop with 2 solars in All Hallows Honey Lane, which he left to his son Roger in his will proved in 1290; it lay between the tenement of Simon de Arcubus (7, to E.) and that of Henry de Burgo, which seems to have been another part of 6 to the N. He also directed Emma de Paris to sustain his daughter Alice in food and clothing for 18 years, according to a chirograph agreement concerning the tenement of Henry de Burgo in Honey Lane. There seems also to have been a small shop within the bounds of this property but associated with 7 (q.v.) which Simon de Arcubus, apothecary, left for sale in his will proved in 1301, referring to it as a small shop sub redditu Ricardi de Monte Pessulano. (fn. 4)

The tenement of Henry de Burgo probably passed to Peter de Burgo, citizen, whose widow Christina had a third of it in dower in 1307; in that year she and her husband William atte Wode granted their third part, which lay in the S. part of the property, to Thomas Sely, citizen and skinner (pelliparius), and his wife Alice. The tenement lay between 7 to the E., Honey Lane to the W., the tenement of Robert de Lipton to the S. and the way to the tenements in the corner beside the church (communis via per quam itur ad tenementa que sunt in angulo iuxta dictam ecclesiam) to the N. Robert de Lipton, citizen and hosier (caligarius), was then or later became the owner of the whole of 6, which he granted before 1312 to Thomas Romeyn, citizen, and his wife Juliana, whose daughter Margery he married. (fn. 5)

Thomas Romeyn died in 1312 or 1313, leaving his properties to his wife Juliana for life, with remainder for sale; she was to be one of his executors, with special powers in the sale of properties which they had held jointly. In 1316 she granted the tenements she and Thomas had of Robert de Lipton's gift to Michael Minot or Minyot, vintner, and his wife Juliana, daughter of Robert de Lipton and Margery. The tenements lay between 7 to the E., Honey Lane to the W., Cheapside to the S., and the iter between the tenement and the church to N. Two versions of this grant survive, with the same date, one in an apparently genuine original and copy, and the other in copy only; the former granted the tenements as above to Michael and Juliana, their heirs and assigns, for ever, and the latter granted the same to them in free maritagium, with remainder if there was no issue of the marriage to the heirs of Margery widow of Robert de Lipton. Later in the 14th century the precise terms of the grant became important. (fn. 6)

Michael and Juliana Minot were in possession of the tenement(s) in 1318, when Cecilia, widow of John de Bancquell, distrained therein for arrears of a rent of £1, of which she had formerly been seised by the hands of Robert de Lipton. Michael and Juliana admitted that they held the tenement, in Juliana's right, of Cecilia for the service of £1, and in return she remitted 15s. of the £1. 10s. arrears. The origin and later history of this rent are not known. (fn. 7)

In 1335 John de Waltham, principal executor of Thomas Romeyn, confirmed the grant made by Juliana, Thomas's widow and executrix, to Michael and Juliana Mingyhot, in words that imply it was a grant in fee simple. Michael Myngihot, vintner, granted the same tenements, shops, and rents to William de Elsyng, citizen and mercer, in 1336. De Elsyng, who had acquired 7 and other properties in the city, sought licence in 1338 to alienate them to the warden and chaplains of the hospital of St. Mary de Aldermanbury, afterwards known as the hospital of St. Mary within Cripplegate, or Elsing Spital, which he founded. The properties 6 and 7 were worth £13. 10s. together, less £6 to Clerkenwell Priory, £3 to the Domus Conversorum, £1. 16s. to Merton Priory (Surrey), 4s. to St. Helen's Priory, and £1. 10s. in repairs; only the first of these rents was due from 6. Licence was granted in 1338 and confirmed in 1343, but the properties may not actually have been conveyed until 1349, when William de Elsingg devised his properties in All Hallows Honey Lane and elsewhere by will to the hospital in augmentation of his previous endowments. (fn. 8)

In 1353-4 Alice, daughter of John Mynot son of Michael and Juliana, sought by her guardian John Dauncer to recover 7 shops, 3 selds, and another 4 messuages from the prior of Elsing Spital by writ of right in the Husting. She alleged that Juliana Romeyn's grant to Michael and Juliana Mingyhot had been in free marriage (and therefore inalienable), which the prior denied; judgment was that Alice should recover. The prior brought a plaint of intrusion against Alice Minot touching a tenement in All Hallows Honey Lane in 1355, but probably did not prosecute it. (fn. 9)

Alice Minot died without heirs, as did her uncle Thomas, son of Michael and Juliana Minyot, and the property passed to Richard Weston, son of Margery wife of Robert de Lipton, presumably by another marriage. In 1378 William Messager, lethermonger, Christina atte Bowe and her son John, and Simon Wynchecombe, armourer, brought separate pleas of intrusion against Richard Weston of Clopham (Clapham; Beds., Surrey or Sussex) in their free tenements in All Hallows Honey Lane. These may all have been tenants or grantees of Weston. Later that year Richard Weston granted his tenement in All Hallows Honey Lane, late recovered by assize of novel disseisin at Guildhall, to his kinswoman Margery Lodewyk. (fn. 10)

In 1379 the prior of Elsing Spital brought another action to recover the premises against Margery Ludwyk, who had 3 shops in her own occupation, Thomas atte Bowe and his wife Katharine, who held 2 shops of Margery for life, William Messager, lethermongere, and Joan his wife, who held one shop and 2 selds, Walter Selham, chaplain, who held one shop, and John Wyllardby, tailor, and his wife Mariona, who held one seld, all apparently part of 6. The case turned on whether Juliana Romeyn had, after the grant in free marriage, made a further grant in fee simple to Michael and Juliana Mingyhot; the pleading included a recital of the grant in those terms. The suit was respited several times and judgment, if it was ever given, is not recorded. In 1380 John Prentys, draper, produced a deed in court at Guildhall, which deed he claimed in right of his ward John, son of John de Gartone, and which Richard Weston and the prior of Elsing Spital both claimed in their own rights. The deed was a confirmaton by Peter de Cheyham, prior of St. Mary Overy, John de Boreford, Robert de Keleseye, Richard de Braynford, chaplain, Thomas de Enefeld, and John de Wantham, executors of Thomas Romeyn, of his widow Juliana's grant to Michael and Juliana Myniot without any special terms. The deed was copied into Letterbook H and delivered to Richard Weston, which may imply that Elsing Spital's suit for the property had failed. (fn. 11)

The succession to the property in the next 40 years is uncertain. Roger Gloucester, citizen and glover, held a tenement in All Hallows Honey Lane for a term of years by demise of Margery Lodewyk in 1407, when he left this term for sale. William Baketon was said in the 16th century to have been a former tenant or owner, probably in the first half of the 15th century. Baketon might be an error for Caketon: in 1424 John Chestreford, citizen and leatherseller, left his term in the corner tenement he inhabited by demise of Walter Caketon to his wife Joan. In 1428 William Caketon, citizen and vestment maker, brought a plea against the prioress of Haliwell (owner of 2) and Nicholas Wyfold, citizen and grocer, of nuisance in his tenement in All Hallows Honey Lane. In 1429 Caketon, with Sir John Preston, clerk, of Suffolk, John Aylewyn, citizen and bookbinder, of London, and John Justice of Tunstall (Suffolk) brought a similar plea against the same. Wyfold might have been the tenant of Haliwell for 2, but he emerges later as owner of 6, and may already have had an interest there. (fn. 12)

Between 1422 and 1441 John Hore, esquire, of Childerley (Cambs.), Gilbert Hore his son, Thomas Pulter, parson of Hemingford Abbots (Hunts.), and Richard Argaston of London, fishmonger, granted tenements in All Hallows Honey Lane in Cheapside to Nicholas Wyfold, citizen and grocer, Master Reginald Kentwode, dean of St. Paul's, Robert James, esquire, and John Kentwode of Berkshire, gentleman. Wyfold survived the other grantees and in 1454 granted the tenements to William Chivaler, chaplain, who then granted them back to Wyfold, Thomas Billyng, sergeant at law, William Marwe, William Hulyn, Robert Gayton, and William Clover. (fn. 13)

Nicholas Wyfold died in 1456, and his widow married John Howard, duke of Norfolk (k. 1485); they apparently held the property for a time. Wyfold's heir was his daughter Isabel, who married John Nores and afterwards Sir Henry Marny, kt. (cr. Lord Marny 1523). The London properties appear to have been settled, by agreement, on Isabel's children by Sir Henry Marny. In 1503 John Marny, esquire, probably the elder son of Sir Henry by a previous marriage, and Robert Sympson, clerk, recovered certain properties in London, including 4 messuages in All Hallows Honey Lane, against Edmund Nores, son of John Nores and Isabel. The recovery was to the use of Thomas Marny, son of Sir Henry and Isabel, and his heirs, with remainders successively to Grace Marny, daughter of Sir Henry and Isabel, Edmund Nores, and Anne, wife of Edmund Suliard and daughter of John Nores and Isabel. John Marny and Robert Sympson granted the properties to Sir Henry Marny and Robert Badby, clerk, to hold for the former's life with remainders as above. In 1505 Edmund Nores quitclaimed in the property for Sir Henry Marny's life and to Thomas Marny and Grace Marny and their heirs. (fn. 14)

Thomas Marny died without heirs and on Sir Henry (now Lord) Marny's death in 1523 the properties passed to Grace, who married Sir Edmund Bedyngfeld, kt. In 1523 they demised a tenement in Cheapside in All Hallows Honey Lane, formerly in the tenure of Richard Rawson, to John Ellyot, citizen and draper, to hold for 12 years at £4 rent; in 1525 they demised another part of the property, described as a tenement with shop(s), solar(s), and cellar in Cheapside, to William Apps, citizen and leatherseller, for 20 years at £6 rent. Apps may already have been in occupation, as in 1522-4 he was assessed for subsidy in the parish. In 1527 a number of properties, including 6, which was described as 4 messuages, 4 shops, 3 cellars, and 3 gardens in the parish of All Hallows Honey Lane, were recovered by William Holgill, clerk, John Hales, baron of the Exchequer, and Edmund Holgill, by writ of right in the Husting against Sir Edmund Bedyngfeld and his wife Grace, who shortly afterwards quitclaimed in the same. The object of the recovery was to endow Henry VII's new hospital of the Savoy, of which William Holgill was the first master, with these properties. (fn. 15)

Quit-rent to Clerkenwell Priory

A quit-rent of £6 was due to Clerkenwell Priory from the tenements late of Michael Minyot in 1338. In 1489-90 a rent of £5 was said to be due from the tenement of Sir John Hayward in All Hallows Honey Lane. Hayward is probably meant for Howard: John Howard, duke of Norfolk (d. 1485), married Nicholas Wyfold's widow. The alteration in value of the rent is not explained. In 1524- 5 the £5 rent was said to be due from the tenement of Sir Henry Marney, kt., formerly John Howard duke of Norfolk, formerly Wyfold, formerly William Baketon; the Clerkenwell rentals were clearly often out-of-date by a few years. In 1539-40 the rent was due from the master of the Savoy, for a tenement formerly of Edmund Wingefeld (?Bedyngfeld). The rent was probably extinguished in 1553 on the dissolution of the Savoy hospital. (fn. 16)

Sixteenth and seventeenth centuries

The Savoy Hospital held 6 until its dissolution in 1553. At that time 6 comprised 4 units. 6A, on the corner of Cheapside and Honey Lane, was probably identical with the tenement let to John Ellyot in 1525. It was leased by the hospital to Edmund Sprott, citizen and clothworker, in 1535 for 30 years at £4 rent. It was a tenement with yard and garden; the landlords were to repair and pay quit- rents. Edmund Sprat was assessed for subsidy in this parish in 1544. In 1547 a lease was granted in reversion to John Fermer, citizen and clothworker, for 21 years from 1565 at £4 rent. The property leased measured 11 ft. 3 in. (3.43 m.) E.-W. along Cheapside, 41 ft. 5 in. (12.62m) N.-S. along Honey Lane, and 10 ft. 11 in. (3.33 m.) E.-W. at its northern end. Fermer was to repair, pave, and pay quit-rents; he guaranteed Sprott's term but would be allowed to enter earlier if Sprott surrendered his lease. William Patten dwelt in this tenement or the one to the N. before 1547; John Whitebroke was the tenant in 1553. (fn. 17)

6B, to the N. of 6A, was a smaller tenement, with shop, cellar, and solars, leased to Sprott for 31 years in 1548 at £1. 6s. 8d. rent. The landlords were bound to repair, pave, and cleanse the privies. John Whitebroke was the tenant or occupant in 1553. (fn. 18)

6C, between 6A and 7 on the Cheapside frontage , was probably the tenement let to William Apps in 1525. He must have surrendered his lease, and in 1533 a new lease was granted to Henry Marre, citizen and girdler, for 36 years at £6 rent; the property was described as two tenements with shops, cellars, solars, and warehouses, and Marre was already in occupation. The landords were to do all repairs save glazing. Marre probably occupied 6C in 1544, when he was assessed for subsidy in this parish. He died in 1547, leaving the lease of his house to his wife. In 1547 the hospital granted a lease in reversion to John Fermer for 21 years from 1569 at £7 rent; the tenements lay between 7 to the E., the hospital's tenement in which William Patten late dwelt to the W., Cheapside to the S. and the church of All Hallows Honey Lane to the N. John Wheler was the tenant or occupant in 1553. (fn. 19)

6D was described in 1547 as a cellar with warehouse over, lying under one of Marre's two tenements between 7 to the E., Marre's tenements to the W. and S., and the church of All Hallows Honey Lane to the N. Elizabeth, widow of William Whyte, citizen and leatherseller, occupied it in 1547, when a lease in reversion for 21 years from 1557 was granted to John Fermer at £1. 6s. 8d. rent, with repairs and charges to the tenant. Richard Smith was the occupier in 1553. (fn. 20)

Edward VI granted 5 messuages in All Hallows Honey Lane, with other properties late of the dissolved Savoy Hospital, to the hospitals of Christ, Bridewell, and St. Thomas the Apostle in 1553. The Honey Lane property (6) was assigned to St. Thomas's Hospital. The rents from the 4 parts of the tenement totalled £12. 13s. 4d. in 1553. (fn. 21) In 1562, when the St. Thomas's Hospital accounts begin, this rent was paid as a single sum by Thomas Sotherne. He continued to pay until 1593; John Lacie paid in 1593-4; Thomas Garraway in 1594-5, John Tylton from 1595 to 1607 and William Robinson from 1607 to 1609. In 1610 Margaret Burnham or Bournam became tenant for a fine of £350, a term probably of 21 years and the old rent of £12. 13s. 4d. The fine was paid in several instalments from 1611 to 1615. (fn. 22) Margaret Burnham continued to pay the rent of £12. 13s. 4d. until 1631, occasionally in arrears but never seriously. In July 1631 she asked for a new lease, and the hospital ordered a view of the premises, which was taken in October. The property was still divided into 4 units (see Fig. 2). 6A, now known as the Maidenhead, had two cellars, occupying part of the property, a shop 11 ft. by 41 ft., (3.35 m. by 12.5 m.) which probably occupied the whole ground area, and above the shop a hall, kitchen, chambers over both, a countinghouse and a garret forward. The upper floors were wider than the shop and probably jettied out over Honey Lane. The viewers valued the property at £30 rent without a fine. Behind 6A was 6B, a small property comprising only a cellar, kitchen 12 ft. E.-W. and 16 ft. N.-S. (3.66 m. by 4.88 m.), a chamber above, another chamber above that, and a garret, all equal in size to the kitchen. 6C, between 6A and 7, may once have been called the Nag's Head but was now known as the Shepherd. In one corner was a little shop, 3 ft. (910 mm.) lower than the adjoining house, not included in the view or the lease; this might represent the survival through successive rebuildings of the little shop sub redditu Ricardi de Monte Pessulano mentioned in 1301. The Shepherd was about 13 ft. (3.96 m.) wide, except on the frontage where it was only 9 1/2 ft. (2.9 m.) wide, because of the shop, and extended some 50 ft. (15.15 m.) back from Cheapside, with a passage and entry at the rear into the lane or yard to the S. of the church. It consisted of two cellars; a shop, back room, and countinghouse; a hall above the shop, a kitchen, and a room joining the two; two chambers above and a garret towards the street; the value was estimated at £40 rent without fine. 6D, the small tenement behind 6C, had a ground area 9 ft. E.-W. by 17 ft. N.-S. (2.74 m. by 5.18 m.), and consisted of a cellar, a shop or warehouse, a kitchen, a room above and a garret, all on top of one another. The two back tenements 6B and 6D were valued at £10 rent without fine; the estimated value of the whole came to £80 yearly. (fn. 23)

After the view, the hospital agreed to make a lease to Margaret Burnham for 21 years from the expiry of the present lease in 1633, at £20 rent and £450 fine, to be paid £50 in hand and by half-yearly instalments of £50. She was to make a further lease to her under-tenant Edward Griffith, linendraper, of the Maidenhead (6A) for 7 years from the expiry of his present term, at £40 rent without fine, so long as he lived there himself and did not let it to others without her consent. Mrs. Burnham paid the new rent of £20 from 1633 to 1638. In 1638 6 was probably occupied by Mr. Griffith (A), with a house worth £30 p.a., and Mr. Powel (C) with a house also worth £30 p.a., both in Cheapside; Mr. Ashmore occupied a house worth £7 p.a., and Mr. Hirrick occupied one worth £12 p.a., both in Honey Lane and probably corresponding to D and B. Thomas Powell paid the rent for the tenements late of Widow Burnham from 1639 to 1649, when Edward Powell and Edward (recte Robert) Price began to pay the rent together. (fn. 24)

In 1651 Edward Powell, citizen and skinner, and Robert Price, merchant tailor, tenants of 4 tenements in Honey Lane, asked for a new view and lease. The hospital agreed in 1652 that they should have separate leases for 43 years (having surrendered the previous lease which was not due to expire until 1654), in consideration of £160 fine each, £400 to be spent by each in rebuilding within 3 years, and a rent of £10 each. Price was the lessee of 6A and B, Powell of 6C and D. The rebuilding was to include pulling down the old tenements and making and framing new ones, with principals, windows, and rafters of oak. The fines were paid by instalments of £60 in hand and £50 in 1653 and 1654. In August 1654 a view was taken of the site of the new-demolished tenements (see Fig. 3); it measured 29 ft. 9 in. (9.07 m.) wide at N. and S. ends and 28 ft. ll in. (8.81 m.) in the middle. A 'little room', presumably the 'little corner shop' noted in the view of 1631, measured 4 ft. 6 1/2 inches (1.38 m.) wide at the S. end by the stone pier, 5 ft. 2 in. (1.57 m.) wide at the N. end and 12 ft. 2 in. (3.71 m.) in length N.-S.; it was only 6 ft. 5 in. (1.96 m.) high. Honey Lane was then 5 ft. (1.52 m.) wide at the S. end. (fn. 25)


Robert Price was recorded as one of the 2 tenants paying the rent (£10 each, £20 in all) for 6 until the Great Fire. The occupants in 1662-3 appear to have been Walter Lane, with a house with 7 hearths, probably equivalent to most of 6A, and John Clease, possibly Cleave, occupying one with 6 hearths, probably equivalent to 6B. In August 1666 Robert Price sublet 6A-B to Anthony Sanback or Sambach, clothworker, for 22 years at £20 rent and £35 fine. Sanback is probably identical with Anthony Samlesh, 'coffyman', occupant of 6A (with 8 hearths) early in 1666. In a parish rate of c. 1672 Mr. or Mrs. Sambach lived at the 'Coffee Signe', though this was probably not 6A. Charles Mason occupied the next house listed after Samlesh in 1666, probably 6B, with 5 hearths. The alteration in the number of hearths may indicate a small rearrangement of rooms between 6A and 6B. (fn. 26)


Edward Powell is recorded as paying the rent with Robert Price until 1656, but had been succeeded as lessee of 6C and D in late 1654 or early 1655 by William Robinson, citizen and grocer. In February 1655 Robinson sub-let 6C, described as a messuage in Cheapside next to the street, lately new built by Robinson, part of 2 messuages (6C and D) late in the occupation of Edward Powers (sic), to Bartholomew Collier, citizen and painter-stainer, for 20 years at £65 rent. The house contained a cellar, shop, warehouse, and yard behind the warehouse, hall and kitchen over the shop, 2 chambers over the hall and kitchen, 2 chambers over the last 2, and 2 garrets and a balcony towards the street. This description shows that the new house was one storey higher than that described in 1631. The lease also referred to easements belonging to the messuages of Robinson and Price (6D, 6B) to the N. of that being let. In May 1655 Robinson let certain rooms to the N. of 6C to William Graunt, citizen and painter-stainer, for 20 years at £18 rent, and in July let a warehouse under part of the tenement occupied by Graunt, to William Goddard, citizen and grocer, for 20 years at £5 rent. The rooms held by Graunt and Goddard together probably represented 6D, in its rebuilt form. In 1660 Graunt assigned his lease from Robinson to John Cleeve, citizen and clothworker, for 5s. This seems to have been only temporary, as in 1664 Graunt assigned the same lease to Maurice Carpender, citizen and clothworker, who was thereafter to pay the rent of £18 to Robinson. William Robinson may have died before then, as in 1663 he was succeeded as rent-payer to the hospital by Elizabeth Robinson, widow. In 1662-3 6C, with 6 hearths, was occupied by Bartholomew Collyer, and 6D, with 7 hearths, still by William Graunte. In 1665 Collier assigned his lease of 6C to Edward Greene, citizen and haberdasher, for £100. In 1666 Edward Greene, hosier, occupied 6C, now said to have 7 hearths, and William Graunte, haberdasher, occupied 6D, also with 7 hearths. (fn. 27)

After the great fire

After the Fire the City proposed to enlarge Honey Lane to a uniform 10 ft. (3.05 m.) width, to improve access to the new market place. This entailed cutting off a strip of Price's land 5 ft. (1.52 m.) wide at the S. end and 2 ft. (610 mm.) at the N. end, and 68 ft. (20.73 m.) long. In 1668, before this was settled, Price, Sambach, and the hospital came to an agreement whereby Sambach would rebuild and his own and Price's terms would be extended. Subsequently, however, Price assigned his interest to the mayor and commonalty, and was compensated with £240 for this. After the widening of Honey Lane, the rest of Price's ground was insufficient for a house, and the hospital governors granted it to Richard Marshall, now tenant of 6C-D, to rebuild as one messuage. In 1676, after the house had been rebuilt, another lease was made to Marshall and his associates in a marriage settlement. The property was described then as 3 brick messuages, on a site 27 ft. 4 in. (8.33 m.) wide to the N. by the market, 68 ft. (20.73 m.) long along Honey Lane, and 16 ft. 6 in. (5.03 m.) wide on Cheapside at ground-floor and cellar levels but 22 ft. (6.71 m.) wide on the floors above, over the shop of this property and the shop belonging to William Godart, silkman, which measured some 5 ft. 6 in. (1.68 m.) wide and 12 ft. (3.66 m.) long. The cellar under Godart's shop belonged to Mr. Fox, owner of 7. It is curious that this intermixture of freeholds was allowed to persist. (fn. 28)


  • 1. Cal. Chart R 1226-57, p. 292; Valor i, 389-90.
  • 2. PRO, C143/247/14; London Eyre 1244, nos. 384-5.
  • 3. London Eyre 1276, no. 72; HR 10(12).
  • 4. HR 19(41), 30(93).
  • 5. HR 35(90), 41(66).
  • 6. HR 41(66); PRO, LR14/202, 1092.
  • 7. HCP 43, m.2.
  • 8. HR 64(12, 21); PRO, C143/247/14; Cal P M R 1323-64, pp. 182-3; Cal Pat R 1338-40, p. 171; ibid. 1343-5, p. 113; HR 76(242).
  • 9. HPL 76, m. 6-6d; PRO, LR14/1169, 1171; Cal P M R 1323-64, p. 254.
  • 10. HPL 100, m. 13d; HR 107(50).
  • 11. HPL 101, mm. 19-19d, 28, 32; HPL 102, mm. 7-7d, 9, 12, 16d, 20d, 23d, 28d, 34d; LBH, 143-4.
  • 12. GL, MS 9171/2, f. 103; PRO, SC6/Hen 8/2116; GL, MS 9171/3, ff. 118v-119; HCP 152, m. 2; HPL 153, m.3.
  • 13. HR 183(25-26); for Reginald Kentwood, dean 1422-41, see Fasti 1300-1541, St. Paul's, London, p. 6.
  • 14. Beaven; PRO, SC6/Hen 8/2116; HR 231(20, 29). Cf. Complete Peerage, viii, p. 523, ix, p. 612; Burke's Extinct Peerages (s.n. Marney).
  • 15. PRO, E179/251/156, f. 52v; HPL 177, m. 9; HR 240(8-9); VCH London i, 546-9.
  • 16. PRO: C143/247/14; SC6/Hen 7/396; SC6/Hen 8/2116-2120; SC6/Hen 8/2396-2401; SC6/Edw 6/291; SC11/452; LR2/262, ff. 12v-14.
  • 17. GLRO: H1/ST/E15 (lease bk.) ff. 132-133v; H1/ST/E65/17/7; H1/ST/E14 ('Foundation Bk.'), f. 58v. GL, MS 12815/1 (Christ's Hospital Evidence Bk.), f. 27; PRO, E179/251/123, m. 21.
  • 18. Sources as in n. 17.
  • 19. GLRO: H1/ST/E15, ff. 131v, 132v-133v; H1/ST/E65/17/7; H1/ST/E14, f. 58v. GL, MS 12815/1, f. 27; PRO, E179/251/123, m. 21; PRO, PROB11/31. f. 368 (will of Henry Marre).
  • 20. Sources as in n. 19.
  • 21. Cal Pat R 1553, p. 283; GLRO, H1/ST/E14, ff. 20v-21, 58v. After Edward's death Queen Mary re-founded the Savoy Hospital but endowed it with properties outside London: VCH London i, 546-9.
  • 22. GLRO: H1/ST/A24/1, f. 312 et seqq; H1/ST/E29/2; H1/ST/E26/1, ff. 58, 55; H1/ST/E29/1; H1/ST/D3/1; H1/ST/E35/1-2.
  • 23. GLRO: H1/ST/E29/2-3; H1/ST/A1/5, f. 39v; H1/ST/E102 (view bk.). For the little shop, see above, section ii and HR 30(93).
  • 24. GLRO: H1/ST/A1/5. f. 40; H1/ST/E26/1, ff. 98-95; H1/ST/E33; H1/ST/E29/3-4. Inhabitants in 1638, p. 13.
  • 25. GLRO: H1/ST/A1/5, ff. 103v, 104v; H1/ST/E26/1, f. 134; H1/ST/E102; H1/ST/E29/4-5. Drapers Co. Deeds, A IV 200.
  • 26. GLRO, H1/ST/E29/4-5; Fire Court ii, 129-30; PRO, E179/252/27, m. 60; PRO, E179/252/32/16; GL, MS 5026/1 (not foliated; c. 1672).
  • 27. Gloucs. RO, D 1447/ London deeds; GLRO, H1/ST/E29/4- 5; Fire Court ii, 129-30; PRO, E179/252/27, m. 60; PRO, E179/252/32/16.
  • 28. M & O iv, f. 170v; Fire Court ii, 129-30. GLRO: H1/ST/A1/5, f. 156v; H1./ST/E26/1, f. 152; H1/ST/E67/9/19. CLRO: Coal Duty a/c Bks. i, f. 94; Comp. Deeds Box 29, no. 7; Copies of Deeds, vol. 6 ff. 184-8.