Journal of the House of Lords: September 1566

The Journals of All the Parliaments During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Originally published by Irish University Press, Shannon, Ireland, 1682.

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Simonds d'Ewes, 'Journal of the House of Lords: September 1566', in The Journals of All the Parliaments During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth(Shannon, Ireland, 1682), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].

Simonds d'Ewes, 'Journal of the House of Lords: September 1566', in The Journals of All the Parliaments During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth(Shannon, Ireland, 1682), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,

Simonds d'Ewes. "Journal of the House of Lords: September 1566". The Journals of All the Parliaments During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. (Shannon, Ireland, 1682), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.


A Journal of the Proceedings of the House of Lords in the Session of Parliament holden at Westminster, An. 8 Regin. Eliz. A. D. 1566. which began there (after divers Prorogations of the same) on Monday the 30th of September, and then and there continued until the Dissolution thereof on Thursday the 2d day of Jan. Ann. 9. Regin. ejusdem.

THIS Parliament de An. 8 Regin. Eliz. being in Law but one and the same with that held in an. 5 Reginæ ejusdem, An. Dom. 1563. although not Assembled till about three Years after, was in the mean time never Dissolved, but only Prorogued from time to time by six several Prorogations, whereof the two first falling out in the said fifth Year of the Queen, are there mentioned as most properly belonging to the first Session of this Parliament (although the latter of them be entered at large in the Journal-Book de an. 8 Regin. Eliz.) and the four last of the said six Prorogations do all here follow before the beginning of this Journal of Parliament of the passages of the Upper House (being full of excellent and rare matter) as necessary matter of preparation unto it, being in Law (as hath been observed) but the second Session of that former Parliament Assembled in An. 5 Regin. Eliz. predicte, whereof those two former prorogations (as they do at large appear in the end of the Journal of the Upper House of that fifth year of the Queen) were the first of them from Saturday the 10th day of April, on which day that said first Session of this Parliament ended in that fifth year aforesaid, to the second day of October next ensuing, de an. 5. Reginæ ejusdem; and the second Prorogation of those foresaid two former, was from the said second day of October in the said fifth Year of the Queen, to the 5th day of October, which should be in an. 6 Regin. Eliz. An. Dom. 1564. upon which foresaid 5th day of October in an. 6 Regin. supradictæ, Annoq; Dom. 1564. Prorogatum suit ulterius prædictum Parliamentum mode & forma sequentibus.

Memorandum quod quinto die Octobris Anno Regni Elizabethæ Dei gratiâ Angliæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ Reginæ, fidei defensor. &c. Sexto, in quem diem præsens hoc Parliamentum Prorogatum fuerat, convenerunt Domini tam Spirituales quam Temporales, quorum nomina subsequuntur.

Archiepiscopus Cantuarien., Marchio Winton. Thesaurarius, Comes Sussex, Comes Huntington, Episcopus London., Episcopus Roffen., Dominus Clinton Admirallus, Dominus Howard Camerarius, Dominus Cobham, Dominus Hunsdon.

Qui cum convenissent una cum populi atq; Burgensium, ut vocant, satis magna frequentia, prædictus Archiepiscopus Cantuarien. paucis verbis declaravit conventum Procerum & populi, quem Parliamentum vocant, in hunc diem deftinatum, à dict a domina Regina, certis quibusdam de causis & considerationibus illam ad id specialiter moven. differri in tricesimum diem Aprilis prox. futurum; atq; uttam proceribus quam populo palam fieret Regiam Majestatem it a constituisse, Literas Commissorias dict. Dominæ Reginæ Francisco Spilman Armig. Clerico Parliamenti publicè & clarâ voce legendas in manus tradidit, Earum autem Tenor sequitur in hæc verba.

Elizabetha Dei gratiâ Angliæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ Regina, fidei defensor, &c. Reverendissimo in Christo Patri, Matheo Cantuarien. Archiepiscopo totius Angliæ Primati & Metropolitano, ac Charissimo Consanguineo & Consiliario suo Willielmo Marchioni Winton. Thesaurario Angliæ, nec non charissimis consanguincis suis Thome Comiti Sussex, Henrico Comiti Huntingdon, Reverendis in Christo partibus Edmundo Episcopo London, Edmundo Episcopo Rossen., ac etiam prædilectis & fidelibus consiliariis suis Edwardo Domino Clinton, mango Admirallo suo Angliq, Willielmo Domino Howard de Effingham Domino Camerario suo, ac prqdilect is & fidelibus suis Willielmo Domino Cobham Gardiano five Custodi quinq; portuum suorum, ac Henrico Domino Hunsdon, salutem. Cum nuper pro quibusdam arduis & urgentibus negotiis, nos, statum & desensionem Regni nostri Angliæ ac Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ concernen., præsens hoc Parliamentum nostrum apud Civitat. nostram Westmonasterii duodecimo die Jannuarii Anno regni nostri Quinto inchoari & teneri ordinaverimus, à quo die idem Parliamentum nostrum tunc & ibidem tent. & continuat. fuerat usq; decimum diem Aprilis tunc prox. sequen. ac post diversas as Prorogationes idem Parliamentum nostrum usq; ad & in instantem Quintum diem Octobris Prorogatum, ibidemque tunc tenend. & prosequend. Sciatis tamen quod certis urgentibus causis & considerationibus nos specialiter moven., idem Parliamentum nostrum ulterius Prorogand, duximus; de fidelitate igitur, prudentiâ & circumspectione vestris plurimum confidentes, de avisamento & assensu Concilii nostri, assignavimus vos & tres vestrum, dantes vobis novem, octo, septem, sex, quinque, quatuor, & tribus vestrum tenore præesentium, plenam potestatem, facultatem & authoritatem, hoc instan. die Jovis ad præsens Parliamentum nostrum nomine nostro, ad & in tricesimum Aprilis prox. futur. usq; predictam Civitatem nostram Westmonasterii Prorogand., & continuand., ibidemq; tunc tenend. & prosequend.: & ideo vobis mandamus, quod circa premissa diligenter intendatis, & ea in formâ predicta effectualiter expleatis. Damus autem universis & singulis Archiepiscopis, Ducibus, Magnatibus, Comitibus, Vice-Comitibus, Episcopis, Baronibus, Militibus, Civibus & Burgen. ac omnibus aliis quorum interest, ad dictum Parliamentum conventur. tenore presentium firmiter in mandatis, quod vobis in premissis faciend. pareant, obediant, & intendant, prout decet. In cujus rei testimonium has Literas nostras fieri fecimus Patentes. Teste me ipss apud Westmonasterium, Quinto die Octobris, Anno Regni nostri Sexto.

The like Commission, bearing date 30. die Aprilis An. 7 Eliz. was directed unto the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Marquess of Winchester Lord Treasurer, the Duke of Norfolk Earl Marshal of England, the Earl of Arundel, the Earl of Shrewsbury, the Earl of Derby, Thomas Earl of Sussex, the Earl of Huntingdon, the Earl of Pembroke, the Earl of Warwick, and the Earl of Leicester, the Bishop of London, and the Bishop of Rochester, the Lord Cobham, Warden of the CinquePorts, the Lord Wentworth, and the Lord Hunsdon, Authorizing them 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, &c. or three of them to Prorogue and continue the Parliament, ut supra in the other Commissions, mutatis mutandis, unto the 4th day of October next coming. Teste me ipsa apud Westmonasterium 30 die Aprilis Anno Regni nostri Septimo.

On which 30th day of April, the Lord Treasurer, the Duke of Norfolk, the Earl of Arundel, the Earl of Derby, the Earl of Suffex, the Earls of Huntingdon, Pembroke, and Warwick, the Bishop of London, the Lord Admiral, the Lord Chamberlain, the Lord Cobham, the Lord Wentworth, and the Lord Hunsdon, did meet in the Parliament Chamber, and in due and accustomed Form did Adjourn the Parliament unto the 4th day of October according to the said Commission last specified; and caused the said Commission to be publickly read by Francis Spilman Esq;, Clerk of the Parliament, in hearing of the Commons then also present, according to antient Custom in that behalf.

On the 4th day of October Anno Regni Regnie Eliz. Septimo, The like Commission ut Supra, bearing date the said 4th day of October, directed unto the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Marquess of Winchester Lord Treasurer, the Duke of Norfolk Earl Marshal of England, the Earl of Sussex Chief Justice of all Forrests, &c. on this side Trent, Ambrose Earl of Warwick Master of the Ordnance, the Bishop of London, and the Bishop of Rochester, Edward Lord Clinton great Admiral of England, William Lord Howard of Effingham Lord Chamberlain, Thomas Lord Wentworth, and Henry Lord Hunsdon, authorizing them 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, and 3. ut antea, mutatis mutandis, to Prorogue and continue the same Parliament, in Septimum diem Februarii prox. futurum. Teste me ipsa apud Westmonasterium 4 die Octobris, Anno Regni nostri Septimo. Which Commission was read by the Clerk of the Parliament, in the Parliament Chamber, in presence of ten of the Commissioners, and of the Commons.

Memorandum quod hodie septimo die Februarii, Anno Regni Eliz. Dei gratiâ Anglis, Francis & Hiberniq Reginæ fidei defensor. &c. Octavo, in quem diem presens hoc Parliamentum Prorogatum fuerat, convenerunt Domini tam spirituales quam temporales quorum nomina subsequntur, viz.

Archiepiscopus Cantuarien., Nicolaus Bacon Miles, Custos magni Sigilli, Marchio Winton. The saurar, Dux Norfolc. Comes Mareseallus, Marchio North., Comes Sussex, Comes Warwick, Episcopus London., Episcopus Roffen., Dominus Clinton Admirallus, Dominus Howard Camerarius, Dominus Wentworth, & Dominus de Hunsdon.

Qui cum convenissent, unà cum populi atq; Burgen. ut vocant, satis magnâ frequentiâ, predictus Nicolaus Bacon Miles, Dominus Custos magni Sigilli, paucis verbis declaravit conventum Procerum & populi, quem Parliamentum vocant, in bunc diem destinatum, à dictâ Dominâ Reginâ, certis quibusdam de causis & considerationibus illam ad id specialiter moven., differri in 30 diem Septembris prox. futur.

These foregoing Prorogations of this present Session of Parliament, being thus at large, or abstractedly transcribed, now follows in Order the Assembling and Meeting of both Houses in their several places, on Monday the 30th day of September, to which day it had been last Prorogued, so that either House going on where they last left, there was no Meeting in the Upper House at all of both Houses, nor the Queen came not in Person, as she used to do when a new Parliament began, nor hath it ever been used in latter times upon a meer Prorogation; but yet on Wednesday the second day of October following, by reason of the Choice of a new Speaker in the House of Commons, which was occasioned by the Death of the former, the Queens Majesty came in her accustomed Royalty, as at the beginning of a Parliament is usual, and there admitted of their new Speaker, presented unto her, whom they had Chosen but the day before, by vertue of her Majesties Commission, all which in due Form and Order follows.

On Monday the 30. day of September, to which day this present Session of Parliament had been last Prorogued, there Assembled in the Upper House according to the usual form and course (as also the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses of the House of Commons did in their own proper place) Sir Nicholas Bacon Knight, Lord Keeper of the great Seal of England, the Lord Archbishop of York, the Lord Marquess of Winchester Lord Treasurer of England, the Duke of Norfolk Earl Marshal of England, the Marquess of Northampton, with divers Earls, Viscounts, Bishops and Barons; the particular setting down of whole names is purposely omitted here (although it were the first day of their Assembling together) because they are at large set down on the second day of October following, being Wednesday; when by reason of her Majesties coming in Person to the Upper House, the presence of the Lords was somewhat greater than upon this instant Monday.

Hodiè retornatum suit Breve, quo Edwardus Dominus Stafford ad presens Parliament. summonitus suit, qui admissus est ad suum preheminentix locum salvo semper jure superioris sedentis. Consimile pro Henrico Domino Paget. Consimile pro Rogero Domino North. Consimile pro Roberto Comite Leicestric. Consimile pro Henrico Comite Westmorl.

This day Sir Edward Rogers Knight, Comptroller of her Highness Houshold, Sir Francis Knolles Knight, her Highness Vice-Chamberlain, Sir William Cecill Knight, her Highness Principal Secretary, and Sir Ambrose Cave Knight, Chancellor of her Highness Dutchy of Lancaster, four Chief Members of the House of Commons, and divers others of that Assembly to the number of twenty persons, being sent up to the Lords from that House upon some urgent and weighty occasions, desired to be admitted into the Upper House, there to make known to their Lordships somewhat wherein they should require their advice, and need their assistance; upon which, being admitted, the said Mr Comptroller, assisted with the Personages and Company aforesaid, did in comely order and discreet modesty, make manisest and known unto the said Lords, that Thomas Williams Esquire, their late Speaker in the last Session of this Parliament, in the fifth Year of the Queens Majesty that now is, was bereft from them by Death, which had been openly and manifestly made known and testified unto them; for remedy of which defection, they humbly prayed their Lordships advice; after which the Lord Keeper, first requiring the said Personages a while to withdraw themselves, and then commending the Order of the matter to the Lords sitting in consultation for the same, it was by them all upon considerate advice therein had, thought fit to signifie unto the said Commons by the Personages aforesaid, that they thought it expedient and good, the said Lord Keeper, the Lord Treasurer of England, the Duke his Grace of Norfolk, and the Lord Marquess of Northampton, with the four forecited Personages of the said House of Commons, being also of her Highness most Honourable Privy-Council, should in the name of both of the Assemblies, with all humbleness and due celerity, make intimation of their said Estate, and the Petition thereupon depending, unto her said Highness, to which advice the said House of Commons, upon knowledge had of the same, wholly assented.

Dominus Custos magni Sigilli continuavit presens Parliamentum usq; in diem Martis primum Octobris.