Public affairs

Analytical Index to the Series of Records Known as the Remembrancia 1579-1664. Originally published by EJ Francis, London, 1878.

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'Public affairs', in Analytical Index to the Series of Records Known as the Remembrancia 1579-1664, ed. W H Overall, H C Overall (London, 1878), British History Online [accessed 31 March 2025].

'Public affairs', in Analytical Index to the Series of Records Known as the Remembrancia 1579-1664. Edited by W H Overall, H C Overall (London, 1878), British History Online, accessed March 31, 2025,

"Public affairs". Analytical Index to the Series of Records Known as the Remembrancia 1579-1664. Ed. W H Overall, H C Overall (London, 1878), British History Online. Web. 31 March 2025.

Public Affairs.

I. 201. Letter from William Lord Burghley, to the Lord Mayor, by command of Her Majesty, thanking his lordship, the Aldermen, and other governors in the City for the courtesy and entertainment shown to the noblemen of France, the King's Commissioners, which Her Majesty fully appreciated and would keep in her memory, and upon any just occasion reward.
11th May, 1581.

I. 373. Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs, informing them that John Symcot, merchant of London, stood bound to Her Majesty in the sum of 2,000l. for the bringing over from Barbary of a certain quantity of saltpetre and other commodities necessary for the maintenance of Her Majesty's munition, and that this was the time to carry out his engagement. They understood that he was likely to be called upon for certain sums of money by his creditors, and to have his goods seized, they therefore desired that he should be exempted from molestation for six or eight months from this date.
10th July, 1582.

I. 378. Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Lords of the Council in reply. The Court of Aldermen were persuaded that Symcot's suit had been made without reasonable cause, to delay or defraud his creditors. They did not see why he might not serve Her Majesty, according to his bargain, by his factors or otherwise, without fraud to his creditors.
19th July, 1582.

I. 406. Letter from Robert Earl of Leicester to Sir James Harvey, Knight, Lord Mayor. The Lords of the Council had lately written to him and the Sheriffs of London concerning John Simcott, desiring that he should have liberty for himself and his goods for six or eight months, which instruction had been disregarded, and licence had been given to sundry persons to attach his goods; he had lately also been arrested, to the great hindrance of Her Majesty's service. If any stay were made either of Simcott or his goods, there would be great negligence found in the Lord Mayor, and it might peradventure breed great trouble to the ships and the merchants of London.
Beaudley, 20th September, 1582.

I. 407. Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Earl of Leicester, in reply. The doings of Simcott being suspected to have proceeded from fraud, he had written to the Council thereon, and requested further instructions. Not receiving any reply, he thought they were satisfied, and having first called Simcott, together with his creditors, before him, and endeavoured to make some arrangement between them, to which he would not consent, he had permitted Mr. Campion to take proceeding against him. He trusted that the Council would take what he had done in good faith.
4th October, 1582.

I. 557. Letter from Sir Christopher Hatton to the Lord Mayor. The Queen had been pleased, for her private recreation, to take the air abroad for the last two or three days, and she intended to return to St. James's on Friday evening next by the same road as before. He thought it expedient to give him notice thereof, in case the citizens should desire the comfort of beholding her royal person.
From the Court at Hampton Court, 27th November, 1583.

I. 558. Letter from the Lord Mayor to Sir Thomas Heneage. When the Duke of Anjou and his train visited London, certain poor men in the City supplied horses for their use by commandment, for which they had not been paid. He requested that their claim might be favourably considered.
26th November, 1583.

I. 558*. Letter from the Lord Mayor to Sir Christopher Hatton, thanking him for his intimation of the return of Her Majesty, and asking his advice as to his attendance with the Aldermen and the Members of the several Companies.
27th November, 1583.

I. 599. Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Earl of Essex, forwarding him a small present on behalf of the City for the great assistance he had rendered to the glory of God, the safety of the realm, and the general defence of all Christian estates that professed the Gospel and true religion of Almighty God. (fn. 1) If some offence had been given to him they besought him to wrap it up in this public testimony of their hearty good will.
24th July, 1591.

II. 34. Letter from Lord Hunsdon to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council, recommending the employment of Captain Allen Lewis to train and view the arms and weapons kept in private houses of citizens, and to be allowed to receive 6d. a year from each householder for that service.
14th October, 1594.

II. 41. Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, bringing to their notice the decay of the piers at Whitby, in Yorkshire, and the distress in trade therefrom, and soliciting contributions from the merchants of the City for their repair.
31st November, 1594.

II. 160. Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Lord Treasurer. He had removed the Gramies, (fn. 2) and kept them apart without arresting them, according to his directions; they appeared discontented, and desired to have some attendants to wait upon them, and permission for their friends to visit them. He therefore requested further instructions.
27th June, 1596.

II. 180. Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, requiring them, in conjunction with the Justices of the Peace for the counties of Middlesex, Kent, and Surrey, to make a return of the names of the knights, gentlemen, and others of good possessions and abilities, who continued to reside within the City and the suburbs, contrary to the express command of Her Majesty to reside upon their estates in the country.
12th July, 1601.

II. 205. Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Justices of the Peace for the County of Middlesex, enclosing a letter received from the Lords of the Council (No. 180), and directing them to make a return to him of the names of any such persons residing in the suburbs or the county.
14th July, 1601.

II. 215. Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Lords of the Council, acknowledging the receipt of their letter, enclosing a petition from the upholdsters and others for an allowance for furnishing the Duke Byron (fn. 3) and his train with stuffs, saddles, &c., and requesting them to excuse the City from this service, as they were hardly pressed for payment of the many demands made upon them for the service of the State.
10th December, 1601.

II. 262. Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Lords of the Council, acknowledging their order to supply 200 carts, with two horses to each, together with the Lord Mayor's barge, for removing His Majesty's effects to Greenwich, and calling their attention to the great inconvenience occasioned to trade by the withdrawal of so many carts from the City. The barge had been some time since borrowed by the Lord Chamberlain to carry the Guards; it was not fitted to carry luggage.
26th May, 1606.

II. 291. Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Lord Haddington, enclosing a petition to the King, and praying his mediation for the obtaining of His Majesty's Letters to the French King for present satisfaction of the Money so unjustly detained from him after a sentence obtained for the restitution thereof, and for treating with the French Ambassador thereon; also sending two warrants for Bucks, which had always been granted in her late Majesty's time, and praying that the custom might be continued.
17th June, 1607.

II. 300. Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Lords of the Council, enclosing a petition from certain Merchants trading to "Biskey," and such as used the trade of making Vardingales, (fn. 4) Boddyes, and Sleeves for Women in and about the City, requesting that the Duty proposed, 6d. in the pound upon Whalebone-fins, might not be enforced.
12th December, 1607.

III. 20. Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Lord Mayor, stating that the Landgrave of Hesse had sent his son into England, to visit the King and to see the country. It would be well taken that he might return with some such note of welcome and good acceptance from the City as might be afforded to the son of so great a Prince. They, therefore, according to His Majesty's pleasure, prayed his Lordship to invite him and his train, one day before his going away, to dinner at his house, where he might see the manner and fashion of his Lordship's entertainment, as no little part of the state of the City, and such as he would not find in any City elsewhere.
23rd July, 1611.

III. 41. Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Lord Mayor. The King of Denmark, being at war, had solicited the King by an express ambassador for leave to make levies within this kingdom, and had commissioned Lord Willoughby (fn. 5) and others to raise them upon such terms as might invite men to volunteer into his service. The King had, therefore, directed the Council to write to the Lord Mayor, and to his Majesty's Lieutenants in several counties, requiring them to take notice of his gracious pleasure in the matter, and to give order that whenever Lord Willoughby, or others authorized by the King of Denmark, levied men in the City or its Liberties for the service aforesaid, by sound of drum or otherwise, he should not only have free permission, but should be assisted and furthered in the matter, but so that there should be no press or coercion of any man against his will. If any man, having, voluntarily or by persuasion, engaged himself, should attempt to leave his captain, or run away, all possible means should be taken to apprehend him and commit him to the common gaol, there to receive such punishment as his offence deserved.
10th March, 1611.

III. 64. Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Lord Mayor, announcing the death of the Prince of Wales. (fn. 6) They had addressed letters to the Justices of the Peace of Middlesex and Surrey for the suppressing of all plays or shows within those counties, and required him to prohibit all plays, shows, bearbaitings, or other such sights within the City and Liberties, until further orders, and to commit offenders to prison.
8th November, 1612.

III. 167. Letter from the Earl of Nottingham to the Lord Mayor, by command of His Majesty, requesting that a pension might be granted to Ottwell Astmore, who had been maimed upon the River Thames in the triumphs (fn. 7) at the marriage of the Lady Elizabeth.
Chelsea, 25th July, 1614.

IV. 140. Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Lord Mayor, requiring him to appoint two or three principal citizens in every ward to take notice what strangers were remaining or dwelling therein, and to cause each of such strangers to set down under what Prince or State he was born, and to what sovereignty he belonged, and to take special care as well of all inmates and lodgers as of the principal householders. The certificate to be returned as soon as possible.
6th September, 1618.

V. 39. Letter from Frederick, Count Palatine, (fn. 8) King of Bohemia, to the Lord Mayor. He had instructed the Baron Achatius de Dona, his Ambassador to the King of Great Britain, to give assurances of his good will, and to represent to the Lord Mayor the state of his affairs in the kingdom of Bohemia and the countries thereupon depending. He prayed that he would hear what the said Baron would more especially deliver by word of mouth, and further his request in respect of the most apparent justice of a cause which concerned the glory of God, the advancement and maintenance of the religion of the Gospel, and the common interest of all Christendom.
Nuremberg, 26th November, 1619.

V. 58. Letter from the Lord Mayor to the King, enclosing the letter received from the Count Palatine, and intimating that either himself or the Recorder would wait upon His Majesty thereon when convenient.
(Circa November, 1619.)

V. 60. Letter from Mr. Secretary Calvert to the Lord Mayor. The King had received his letter, with the enclosed letter from the Prince Palatine. Understanding that some request had been made to the City for a loan of money, His Majesty had desired him to say that he was a mere stranger to the business, and could say nothing to it until he was satisfied as to the justness of the cause. In the mean time, if the Lord Mayor desired to say anything else to His Majesty, he would shortly draw towards London; or if the matter were urgent, the Lord Mayor or the Recorder might attend His Majesty at Theobalds.
Newmarket, 13th February, 1619.

V. 62. Letter from Achatius, Baron de Dona, Ambassador from the King of Bohemia, to the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen, referring to the letter which they had received from His Majesty, and informing them that he was charged by the King to pray them to grant him the loan of 10,000l. towards the maintenance of the forces they were constrained to entertain for the safety of their persons and the defence of the Crown. He further begged that some speedy resolution might be taken, considering how urgent were His Majesty's occasions, and how much a present relief would advance the business.
28th February, 1619.

V. 65. Letter from Frederick, Count Palatine, King of Bohemia, &c., to the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen, intimating his satisfaction at the information received from his Ambassador, that the opinion and confidence in them expressed in his former letter had been so fully answered, and praying them to continue their good intention, and to make no scruple now, in this time of alteration and trouble of his affairs, to listen with effect to the request propounded by his Ambassador.
Prague, 25th March, 1620.

V. 89. Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen. They had already heard of the invasion of the Palatinate by a foreign enemy; many of the principal towns had been surprised, a great part of the country being in the possession of strangers, and the inhabitants forced to take oath against their natural prince. The King had declared for an auxiliary war for the defence and recovery thereof. The occasion, being so weighty and pressing, had moved His Majesty, by the general advice of his Council, to think of some course for providing treasure for the maintenance of the succours already sent, and for reinforcing them as the occasion of the war should require. Because the present occasion did not permit a supply by other means so readily as was needful, the Council had all concurred to begin with themselves in offering a voluntary gift to His Majesty, assuring themselves (the City being the principal port of this land, and the King's Chamber) that the Lord Mayor and the rest would readily follow their example. If so much alacrity was found in the nobility and others to contribute when the Palatinate was not invaded, and the King had not declared himself, they would do it the more readily and in better proportion now.
Whitehall, 31st October, 1620.

V. 92. Letter from Sir Clement Edmonds to the Lord Mayor, reminding him that no answer had been sent to the letter from the Council of the 31st October, last, concerning a contribution for the defence of the Palatinate. They had directed him to call for the City's answer, and to request it might be sent to the Council tomorrow by certain Aldermen, named, when the Council would meet on purpose to receive it.
3rd December, 1620.

V. 94. Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen. They understood some scruples had arisen as to the persons who were intended by their former letters to be called upon to contribute for the defence of the Palatinate. Their meaning was that, besides the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, all those who had fined either for Sheriff or Alderman should assist in that service.
4th December, 1620.

V. 102. Letter from Henry Viscount Mandeville, Lord Treasurer, to the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen. A difference having arisen between the Grocers and Apothecaries Companies as to the rateable proportion of each of them towards the contribution for the Palatinate, he had heard them; but as they were both Companies of London, to be ruled and guided in all such matters by the Court of Aldermen, he had directed that they should attend the Lord Mayor and such of the Aldermen as were not of the Grocers Company, who should determine the matter. In the event of their not submitting the Privy Council would send for the parties, and give such order as they should see fit.
Whitehall, 26th March, 1621.

Note in margin, "Delivered 26th April: the date supposed to be mistaken."

V. 103. Letter from the Lord Treasurer to the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen. His Majesty, having occasion presently to use a good sum of money for the service of the Palatinate, had directed him to pray them by way of advance to lend him 20,000l., to be paid back with interest out of the first subsidies granted and payable by the City. If they could not suddenly advance the whole sum, they should give credit for the rest to the merchant to be appointed by the Baron de Dona for receiving and transferring the said 20,000l., by bills of exchange, to the Palatinate.
Whitehall, 27th March, 1621.

Note in margin, "The answer of this Letter, sent by word of mouth by the Common Serjeant and the City's Remembrancer, was that the City hoped rather to receive part of the moneys lent than to run in further."

V. 118. Petition of the Apothecaries Company of London to the King, reciting that His Majesty had been pleased to divide them from the Grocers and to make them a Company of themselves, and had further required the Court of Aldermen to conform themselves thereto, and to provide that being incorporated they might without impeachment enjoy all grants and privileges conferred upon them by His Majesty. They were constrained to trouble him, touching a most unequal assessment, imposed upon them by the Court of Aldermen towards the contribution money to the Palatinate. After a collection had been made in all the parishes of London towards the contribution, the total not rising to the proportion required, the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen had ordered that 5,000l. should be collected from the Companies of London, each Company paying rateably according to their usual rates for other assessments, which the Companies had accordingly paid. The petitioners had offered to pay according to their rate 25l., as much as they ever paid when they were with the Grocers, which the Court of Aldermen had refused to accept, and had ordered that no apprentice of the Company should be made free of the City until the Company had paid 200l. towards the contribution, which was as much as any Company under the twelve had paid, one only excepted. Most of the Companies had not paid a fourth part, many not a sixth part, some not a tenth part, and some not a twentieth part of the assessment made upon the Apothecaries, which inequalities they left to His Majesty's consideration, and prayed him to write to the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen, and require them not to exact from them any other proportion to this or any other charge than they paid when they were with the Grocers, the same rates being now paid by them severally as were formerly paid by the two Companies jointly; otherwise they feared that the Grocers would procure them on all occasions to be so overcharged that they could not long subsist, which was the principal scope the Grocers had in view.
October, 1621.

V. 119. Order of the King on the foregoing petition, directing it to be shown to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, that they might give order for the admission of the apprentices of the Company to the freedom according to His Majesty's letters, and agreeably to an order made by themselves on the 18th April, 1618, without laying any greater taxation upon the Apothecaries in their ordinary assessments now or hereafter, than they were charged with whilst they were united to the Grocers; and further directing that if the Lord Mayor and Aldermen did not conform, the Lords and others of the Privy Council should call the Master and Wardens of the Grocers Company before them, and set such final order in the matter as they should think meet.
Dated "At the Court at Royston, 10th October, 1621."
Signed, "Henry Montagu."

VI. 10. Certificate from the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen to Viscount Mandeville, Lord High Treasurer. Upon the levy of moneys towards the recovery of the Palatinate, they had followed the usual course of rating the Companies of London; and although they found the Apothecaries lately divided into a Company from the Grocers (fn. 9) they rated them as formerly, altogether at 500l., of which the Grocers paid 300l. and allotted the residue for payment by the Apothecaries, upon whose refusal the Court had called both Companies before them and heard them thereon. The Grocers readily assented to submit to such order as the Court might think fit, but the Apothecaries refused, holding the sum of 200l. to be too great a proportion for them; and the money was still unpaid. The Court having gone as far in the business as they lawfully could, and the Apothecaries as they then stood being a divided Company, and not so far bound to obedience by oath as they were before their separation from the Grocers, and the Court being unable by their own authority to compel them, they referred the ordering of the matter to his Lordship.
15th May, 1621.

VI. 34. Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen, intimating that His Majesty upon very great and important occasions had determined to send Mr. Auditor Phillips as a Commissioner into Ireland, and requesting that during his absence the service upon which he was engaged by the City of London might be performed by his clerks, with the assistance of Mr. Auditor Sawyer.
Whitehall, 31st December, 1623.

VI. 67. Letter from the King, under his signet, to the Lord Mayor. It was well known what careful endeavours he had made to obtain restitution of his children's inheritance by such fair and peaceable ways as best stood with his own natural desire to avoid the effusion of Christian blood. Finding all endeavours fruitless, he had been moved by his son-in-law and daughter to lend them the assistance of men, to be impressed in this kingdom and employed in their service under Count Mainsfield, (fn. 10) for the recovery of the Palatinate. He therefore required the Lord Mayor to levy and impress within the City of London 2,000 men for the wars, and to observe the orders to be given them by the Privy Council as to their ordering and disposal.
At the Court at Royston, 29th October, 22 James I. (1624.)

VI. 68. Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Lord Mayor thereon, requiring him to take especial care that the men were of able bodies and years meet for the employment, but not taken out of the Trained Bands; and that they were ready before the last of November to be received at an hour's warning by such officers as the Council should send for the charge and leading of them to the port of Dover. As, on account of the diversity of their habitations, it would be uncertain what conduct—money, which was accustomed to be a halfpenny per mile, would suffice them to the seaside, the Council thought it better to allow them their ordinary pay of 8d. per day, from the time they assembled and were delivered to the captains, &c. As by the Act of Parliament the charges of coats, conduct, armour, and otherwise were to be paid out of the subsidy thereby granted, the Council desired the Lord Mayor to require of the collectors so much as should suffice for the press and conduct of the men to the above port, where coats would be provided for them. They desired that the men should be delivered over to the captains by indenture, giving the number and quality of the persons to be received, a duplicate thereof being sent to the Council.
Whitehall, the last of October, 1624.

VI. 69. Further Letter of the Council to the Lord Mayor thereon nominating the officers to receive the men and conduct them to Dover by the 24th of December, and requesting the Lord Mayor to take care that the men were delivered to the officers by roll, indented, to be subscribed by himself or his deputy—lieutenants on the one part, and the said captains or officers on the other.
Whitehall, 30th November, 1624.

VI. 86. Letter from the Earl of Pembroke, Lord Chamberlain, to the Lord Mayor. The Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen had been directed by letters from the Earl Marshal to prepare and erect in several places in the City sundry pageants for the fuller and more significant expression of their joy on the King and his Royal Consort's intended entrance through the City. His Majesty having altered his purpose, and directed him to signify so much to the Lord Mayor, he requested him to take notice thereof, and to remove such pageants, which, besides the charge they caused in the City, hindered the passage of coaches or carriages.
Whitehall, 25th May, 1626.

VI. 154. Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Lord Mayor, requiring him to aid and assist Captain Francis Trafford (who was to be employed in the service of the King of Denmark) in taking up and impressing within the City and Liberties eighty idle and vagrant people, if so many could be found, who were unable to give any good account of how they got their living.
Whitehall, 5th July, 1628.

VI. 162. Extract from the proceedings of the Court of Aldermen, reciting that a letter from the Privy Council and a copy of a petition presented to them by the Master, Wardens, and Assistants of the Trinity House, had been read, from which it appeared that, upon request of the owners and masters of ships trading to Newcastle for coals to Russia, Greenland, Norway, the Hostland, and Hamburg, the Trinity House had set out a safe and convenient channel (the accustomed one, "the Spitts," having become dangerous), in consideration whereof, and to defray the annual cost of keeping such channel, the owners and masters had voluntarily granted to the Trinity House 6d. per 100 tons burden on their ships brought into the Thames and Medway, and for every fifty chaldrons, Newcastle measure, 6d.; and that the Trinity House prayed for a warrant from the Council, authorizing them to collect the same in the Custom Houses of London and Rochester. As by the Council's letters the Lord Mayor was required to hear such persons as he should think best, and to certify in writing whether he found the said shipowners and masters within the City of London willing to make such grants, the Court of Aldermen directed certain Aldermen named to conduct the inquiry and report thereon.
22nd January, 1628.

VI. 175. Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Lords of the Council in reply to the letter referred to in No. 162, Vol. VI., stating that the matter had been referred by the Court of Aldermen to a Committee, whose certificate he enclosed.
Dated in margin, 28th April, 1629.

VI. 176. Certificate of the Committee above referred to, stating that having called before them, and conferred with, divers owners and masters of coal ships belonging to the City of London, and also received certificates from the port of Kingston-upon-Hull, and other outports using the channel, they found such masters and owners, both of London and the outports, willing to allow the said 6d. per 100 tons, provided the channel were well buoyed and duly maintained.
Dated the last of April, 1629.

VI. 186. Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Lord Mayor, concerning the petition of the Trinity House referred to in No. 162, Vol. VI.
Whitehall, 24th December, 1628.

VI. 187. Petition of the Master, Wardens, and Assistants of the Trinity House of Deptford, referred to in the above order.
(Circa 1628.)

(The new channel is called Goldimore Gatt.)

VII. 14. Order of the Privy Council, reciting that the differences between His Majesty's Post (fn. 11) of the Western Stages between London and Plymouth, and Samuel Jude, calling himself the Travelling Post for the dispatch of merchants' affairs between the said places, had been heard before the Council. The complaint of the Post was that, under pretence of carrying private letters only of merchants willing to employ him, he endeavoured not only to appropriate the sole carriage of all merchants' letters and dispatches, but had taken upon him and used the speedy carriage of men and packets on horseback in the nature of a Post. To prevent the Posts from carrying the letters of any merchants willing to employ them, he had caused their bills at London and Plymouth to be pulled down. The Council, finding that Jude's proceedings were contrary to any of their former orders made in his favour, which were not intended to permit him to maintain and keep horses and servants at several stages on the road for the carriage of passengers and the dispatch of business in the nature of a Post, much less to give him power to take up horses by Warrant from the Postmasters or others, ordered that he should be licensed to continue the carriage of letters and dispatches of merchants, &c., willing to employ him, and that His Majesty's Post should also be permitted to do the same, without the pulling down of bills or giving them other interruption.
Whitehall, 24th February, 1629.

VII. 20. Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Lord Mayor of London, the Mayors of Salisbury, Plymouth, and Exeter, and all other His Majesty's loving subjects, reciting that His Majesty's Posts of the Western Stages, from London to Plymouth, had proposed that, for the better dispatch of the King's service and the common good of others, they would undertake the speedy dispatch of all private letters weekly between London and Plymouth, and the faithful delivery of all letters and dispatch of other business on the road, or within twenty miles of it, if necessary, and to provide post horses for all such as would ride with the letters for single-post pay, from stage to stage, viz., 2d. ob. per mile, without further charge, except 4d. to the guide for return of his horses, which course the Council approved, and entreated the Lord Mayor, &c., and all others, to countenance, encourage, and assist them.
In margin, March, 1629.

VII. 40. Letter from the King, under his signet, to the Lord Mayor and Common Council announcing the birth, on the 29th instant, at St. James's Palace, of a son. (fn. 12) According to the laudable custom of his Royal progenitors, he had thought fit to make the joyful tidings known to them as to his principal City and Chamber. He had therefore sent his letters by Sir Wm. Segar, (fn. 13) Garter King-at-Arms.
Westminster, 29th May, 1630 (6 Charles I.).

VII. 74. Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, requiring a return to be made of the names of all such persons as might stay and reside within the City beyond the time limited by the late Proclamation directing all noblemen, gentlemen, and persons of quality to repair to their country houses, there to reside and keep hospitality according to their several degrees.
29th October, 1632.

VII. 89. Order in Council, reciting that information had been given to them that, contrary to the King's Proclamation of the 20th June, 1632, there were still great numbers of people, especially noblemen and gentlemen of quality, who resorted to the City and suburbs, and also to Westminster and the places adjacent; and directing the Lord Mayor and the Justices of the Peace of Westminster, Surrey, and Middlesex forthwith to return the names of all persons who, since the making of the last certificate, had come to lodge or inhabit, Termers only excepted, in the aforesaid places.
Star Chamber, 29th May, 1633.

VII. 95. Letter from the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen to the Lords of the Council, forwarding certificate thereon (in answer to No. 89).
Dated in margin, 8th October, 1633.

VII. 125. Order in Council directing the Lord Mayor, the Justices of the Peace of Westminster, Middlesex, and Surrey, to cause diligent inquiry to be made within their several jurisdictions of all noblemen and gentlemen of quality who had come to lodge and inhabit, out of Term times, in the City and suburbs, and also in the City of Westminster and adjacent places, and particularly in the last vacation, contrary to the Proclamation of the 20th June, 1632, and to report their names to the Board.
15th October, 1634.

VII. 130. Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Lords of the Council, forwarding certificate of persons (Termers excepted) who had come to reside within the City and liberties since his last certificate.
Dated in margin, 11th November, 1634.

VII. 135. Order in Council with respect to their order of the 15th October last for a return of the names of all noblemen and gentlemen residing in London and Westminster out of Term times, requiring a more strict and particular return to be made, it appearing that the former one was defective, and that connivance had been used in omitting the names of divers persons.
9th January, 1634.

VII. 140. Further certificate from the Lord Mayor to the Lords of the Council to the same effect as No. 130.
7th March, 1634.

VII. 156. Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Lord Mayor. They were daily importuned by pitiful petitions from tradesmen and shopkeepers of London, Westminster, and part of the county of Middlesex that their labours and livelihood were taken from them by the multitude of strangers and foreigners exercising manual trades. They required him to certify the number of strangers, born beyond the seas, who dwelt or carried on any manual trade within his jurisdiction, and their countries, qualities, and professions.
Whitehall, 30th September, 1635.

VII. 165. Certificate from the Lord Mayor to the Lords of the Council of the number of strangers born beyond seas dwelling within the City and suburbs.

(The numbers are given under Wards, &c., the total amounting to 2,547; but their trades and countries, as required by the Privy Council, are not stated.)
Dated in margin, 20th December, 1635.

VII. 171. Petition of the Lord Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, and Chamberlain of the City of London to the King, reciting that, by a late Proclamation, he had prohibited persons from going in the streets of London or Westminster, or the suburbs or liberties, in a coach, unless the owner of such coach should constantly keep four sufficient horses or geldings fit for the King's service; and praying that as the petitioners were aged men in public places as Magistrates of the City, and often required to attend His Majesty's service, they might be permitted to keep horses and coaches as formerly.
(Circa 1635–6.)

(Note in margin: "Not granted till Fen, Mayor.")

Subjoined is a note signed by Secretary Windebank, intimating that the King was pleased to comply with the prayer of the petition, and directing the Attorney-General to take notice thereof, and not to prosecute or inform against them in the Star Chamber or elsewhere.
Greenwich, 3rd July, 1638.

VIII. 66. Letter from Sir Edward Conway to the Lord Mayor, certifying, by His Majesty's command, that news had arrived from his ambassadors that his marriage with the excellent Lady Mary, (fn. 14) sister to the French King, had been accomplished on Sunday last at Paris, and requesting that joy be expressed thereat by bonfires and all other ways usual.
(— May, 1625.)

VIII. 105. Same as No. 74, Vol. VII.
29th October, 1632.

VIII. 112. Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Lord Mayor, requesting contributions towards the expense of repairing the highway at Broughton Bleane, between Canterbury and Faversham, on the main road between Canterbury and London, which was almost impassable.
31st March, 1632.

VIII. 142. Same as No. 125, Vol. VII.
25th October, 1634.

VIII. 146. Same as No. 135, Vol. VII.
9th January, 1634.

VIII. 176. Letter from the King to the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen, requesting them to solicit contributions from the citizens towards the erection of an Academy for the education of the young nobility and gentry in the practice of arms and arts.
3rd June, 1636.

VIII. 190. Letter from the King to the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen, complaining that, after nearly a year's delay, his letters requesting contributions for the erection of an Academy had not been answered in effect, and requiring a speedy answer in writing as to what had been done, and what was intended to be done, in the matter.
4th May, 1637.

VIII. 211. Order in Council, directing the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the City, and the Justices of the Peace of Middlesex, Surrey, and Westminster, to cause a survey to be forthwith made in their several jurisdictions of the number, names, qualities, and conditions of all strangers inhabiting, lodging, or remaining therein.
10th March, 1638.

VIII. 230. Letter from Sir H. Vane, (fn. 15) addressed "To my very good Lords," intimating that His Majesty had taken notice of a rumour, spread by some factious spirits ill affected to the good of his affairs, that, upon receipt of the Londoners' petition, he had publicly spoken reproachful words against them, and had commanded him to acquaint them how untrue it was; and that, could the authors be found out, he would make them public examples.
15th May, 1640.

VIII. 231. Letter from Thomas (Moreton), Lord Bishop of Durham, to the Lords' Committee for London, giving an account of the ravages committed by the Scots in the countries of the Bishopric, Northumberland, and the Town of (New) Castle.
(Circa 1640.)

IX. 1. Letter from the King, Charles the Second, to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council. He had received much satisfaction from the frequent and public manifestations of the affections of the Citizens of London in encouraging and asserting that form of Government under which they had enjoyed as great felicity as any nation in Europe, and discountenancing the imagination of those who desired an arbitrary from of Government, which would only satisfy the pride and ambition of a few ill men, and would introduce the most tyrannical power ever heard of. How much he desired to obtain, without further bloodshed or war, the peace and happiness of his subjects and the restoration of the laws, would be seen from the Declaration forwarded to them by the hands of Viscount Mordaunt (fn. 16) and Sir John Granville, Knight, (fn. 17) to be published for the information of all his subjects. The letter contains a promise to renew the City's charter, and to restore to them all the privileges which they had received from his predecessors.
Dated from Breda, April, 1660.

IX. 2. A copy of the Declaration forwarded to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council, given under the King's sign manual, from the Court at Breda, the 14th April, 1660, in the twelfth year of his reign. The document sets forth the King's desire to heal the wounds under which the kingdom had so long suffered, and his wish to regain quiet and peaceful possession of his throne, and to restore law and justice throughout the land, and promises, upon his restoration and that of the peers and people to their just, ancient, and fundamental rights, to grant a free and general pardon under the Great Seal to all who within forty days after the publication of this Declaration should return to their obedience, excepting such persons as should afterwards be excepted by Parliament, and engages that no crime committed against him or his royal father should ever be brought in question against them. It also expresses His Majesty's desire that all discord and differences between parties should be utterly abolished; promises freedom of opinion in matters of religion, and intimates his readiness to consent to an Act of Parliament granting these indulgences. With reference to the titles to estates purchased during the Revolution by officers, soldiers, and others, he would be willing to leave all differences to be settled by Parliament. In conclusion, the King promises to satisfy all arrears due to the officers and soldiers of the army under the command of General Monk, and to receive them into his service.

IX. 9. Letter from Secretary Edward Nicholas, by command of the King, to the Lord Mayor, directing that the oaths of allegiance and supremacy should be taken by all Constables, Headboroughs, Churchwardens, and other officers and inhabitants of age within the City and Liberties, and that proceedings in law should be taken against all who refused.
27th September, 1660.

IX. 15. Letter from the Duke of Albemarle and the principal Secretaries of State to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen. For the preservation of the peace of the City, which might be endangered by the resort of a great number of cashiered officers, soldiers, and other disaffected persons, many of them residing within the City and suburbs, the King had commanded them to require the Lord Mayor and Aldermen to cause the keepers of all inns, victualling houses, or hostelries, within twenty-four hours after receiving the order, to return in writing the names of all persons lodging in their houses, and how long they had been there; of the number of horses kept in their several stables, to whom they belonged, &c.
15th December, 1660.

IX. 16. Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen. Notwithstanding all the Acts and concessions made by His Majesty for the settlement of peace, there were many factious and turbulent persons who still retained rebellious designs. Some of them had lately entered into dangerous plots and conspiracies; had held meetings, and had purchased arms and ammunition. The Council recommended that all suspected persons should be disarmed, and compelled to take the oaths of allegiance and supremacy, as directed by the several Statutes, and that such other security should be taken for their good behaviour as might appear advisable. In case of refusal they should be proceeded against.
7th January, 1660.

IX. 18. Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen. On account of the late barbarous and bloody rebellious attempts of some wicked persons in the City of London, especial care should be taken to observe their motions and meetings; to disarm, apprehend, secure, and imprison the leading persons who might influence the multitude to disturb the public peace, and any who should refuse to take the oath of allegiance. The Council should be informed of the steps taken to carry into effect this order.
22nd January, 1660.

IX. 21. Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, referring to the foregoing Letter, and approving of the steps taken in imprisoning many persons under the notion of Quakers. The danger which occasioned their commitment being past, His Majesty had been petitioned to release the multitudes committed to prison. He desired to leave the Lord Mayor free to discharge all such persons as had been secured only upon suspicion, except the ringleaders of faction.
4th March, 1660.

IX. 24. Letter from the King to the Lord Mayor, directing him to call a meeting of the Common Council for Monday, the 11th of March instant, when some of the Lords of the Council would attend with a communication from His Majesty.
8th March, 1660.

IX. 27 Letter from Sir William Morrice, Secretary of State, to the Lord Mayor, Sir Richard Browne, Knight and Baronet, directing that collections should be made in the several churches for the relief of persons wounded, and the widows and orphans of those slain, in the late insurrection of the Fifth Monarchists.
15th March, 1660.


  • 1. This probably refers to his expedition into Normandy and Brittany to the succour of King Henry IV. of France.
  • 2. Some Scotch prisoners of importance. See Aytoun's Lays, 'The Burial of Dundee' 'The Græmes' (the Grahams).
  • 3. Charles de Gontant, Due de Biron, Marshal of France; born, 1562; beheaded in the Bastille, 31st July, 1602. Sent, in September, 1601, as Ambassador from Henry IV. of France to Queen Elizabeth. During his stay he was lodged in Crosby Place, Bishopsgate.
  • 4. Farthingales.
  • 5. Robert Bertie, twelfth Baron, succeeded his father in 1601. Created Earl of Lindsey, November 22nd, 1626; Lord Great Chamberlain, 1626; Governor of Berwick, 1639. Killed at the Battle of Edgehill, October 23rd, 1642.
  • 6. Henry Frederick, eldest son of King James I., by Anne of Denmark, was born at Stirling Castle, February 19th, 1594. At the accession of his father to the English throne he became Duke of Cornwall as heir apparent, and was created Prince of Wales, May 10th, 1610. Died November 6th, 1612; buried at Westminster Abbey, December 7th, in the same year.
  • 7. A copy of the Pageant performed on the occasion, written by John Taylor, the waterpoet, is preserved in the Guildhall Library.
  • 8. The son of Frederick, the fourth Count, who died 1610; married the Princess Elizabeth, eldest daughter of King James I., February 14th, 1613; created K.G. December 19th, 1612; elected King of Bohemia, 26th August, 1619; crowned November 4th, 1619; defeated at the Battle of Prague, November 8th, 1620; died at Mentz, November 29th, 1632. The celebrated Prince Rupert was his third son; and the Princess Sophia, his youngest daughter, was the ancestress of the House of Brunswick.
  • 9. By Charter, dated 6th December, 1617.
  • 10. Mansfeld, Ernst, Count von, born in 1585; distinguished himself in the thirty years' war. He took part with the Bohemians against the Emperor Ferdinand, and promoted the election of Frederick, Elector Palatine, as King, 1619; he was several times engaged against Tilly. He subsequently commanded the Elector's force, and was defeated by Count Wallenstein in 1625; died in 1626.
  • 11. A "Thorough Post" was established between the North and London in 1603. The Post for the Packet was started shortly afterwards. For the latter the postmaster was bound to keep not less than two horses ready, and upon the receipt of a Packet to send it on the next stage. In 1649 the Common Council established a Post Office for inland letters, in which they were opposed by the Government, who succeeded, after considerable difficulty, in establishing a monopoly. A book, entitled 'John Hill's Penny Post,' was issued, vindicating the liberty of every Englishman to carry their own or other merchants' letters. An Act was passed in 1656, settling the Post Office on a new and enlarged basis. See Lewin's 'Her Majesty's Mails.' 'Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1629–31.'
  • 12. Charles, afterwards King Charles II.
  • 13. In 1603 he was sent with the Garter to Christian IV., King of Denmark. Made Garter King-at-Arms, January, 1604. Assisted by the Sheriffs of London, he proclaimed peace between England and Spain, 1604; sent with the Garter to Maurice, Prince of Orange, 1612; Knighted 1616; died December, 1633; buried at Richmond, Surrey. VideNoble's 'History of the College of Arms.' For Treaty of Peace with Spain, see Rymer's 'Foedera,' Vol. XVI., page 585.
  • 14. Henrietta Marin, Queen of Charles I., to whom he was married by proxy at Paris on a theatre erected before the Church of Notre Dame, May 1, 1625. Landing at Dover under the care of the Duke of Buckingham, she was afterwards, on the 14th of June, 1625, re-married to the King at Canterbury.
  • 15. Ambassador to Holland, Denmark, and Sweden, 1631; Treasurer of the Household, 1639; Postmaster-General in 1640; appointed Principal Secretary of State and Lord Treasurer, 1641; died 1654. See Hasted's 'History of Kent.'
  • 16. John, second son of John, first Earl of Peterborough; created Viscount Mordaunt, of Avalon, Co. Somerset, July 10th, 1659; died 1675.
  • 17. Granville, Sir John, the eldest son of Sir Bevil, born 1628; he attended Charles II. in his wandering abroad. He was chosen by the King to deliver to both Houses of Parliament His Majesty's letter from Breda; attended the Houses with the letter, and received their thanks, May 2nd, 1660; received their answer with 500l. for his pains, May 4th; despatched to the King with supplies. After the Restoration he was created Baron Granville and Earl of Bath, April 20th, 1661; died 1701.