Analytical Index to the Series of Records Known as the Remembrancia 1579-1664. Originally published by EJ Francis, London, 1878.
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'Paul's, St, cathedral of', in Analytical Index to the Series of Records Known as the Remembrancia 1579-1664, ed. W H Overall, H C Overall (London, 1878), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].
'Paul's, St, cathedral of', in Analytical Index to the Series of Records Known as the Remembrancia 1579-1664. Edited by W H Overall, H C Overall (London, 1878), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,
"Paul's, St, cathedral of". Analytical Index to the Series of Records Known as the Remembrancia 1579-1664. Ed. W H Overall, H C Overall (London, 1878), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.
Pauls, St., Cathedral of.
I. 166. Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Lords of the Council,
reporting the steps taken by the Committee appointed to consider
what should be done in the matter of re-edifying the steeple of St.
Paul's Cathedral, (fn. 1) and requesting the advice of Her Majesty and the
Council as to the form of the building, the manner of proceeding,
and the amount necessary to be collected for carrying out the work.
3rd December, 1580.
I. 262. Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Lord Mayor
and Aldermen, complaining that, although Her Majesty's pleasure had
several times been made known to them touching the re-eifying of
St. Paul's steeple, nothing had been done, and desiring that certain
Aldermen or others should attend the Council, and explain what had
been determined in the matter. About two years since Her Majesty
had issued a Proclamation, prohibiting the building of any new
tenements in and within a certain limit of the City, whereby idle
poverty and infection had increased, and victuals and provisions been
made scant, yet sundry new houses had been erected. The Council
required the Lord Mayor to cause a view and certificate to be made in
each ward and precinct of all new buildings erected contrary to the
meaning of the Proclamation, and at the next sessions of the Peace
to cause a jury to be empanelled, of such persons as had not so
offended, to inquire and indict all those found to have disobeyed the
Proclamation, and to order that a true certificate of their names and
the nature of their offences be made and delivered to the Star
Chamber at the beginning of the next term.
10th September, 1581.
I. 278. Letter from John (Aylmer) Bishop of London, to the
Lord Mayor, stating that, upon view of the report of the Surveyors
touching the decay of the Church of St. Paul, he found that the
ruin was very great; more, he supposed, than they estimated. In his
opinion it would be well that an account should be called for of the
last great collection for repairing the Church after the burning thereof
by fire, to see how that collection was bestowed. Some of the officers
of the Church seemed to guess that the bulk of the Church ought to
be repaired by the Bishop; he had never heard that to be true, nor
did he think it reasonable, for in divers other cathedral churches (of
the old foundation, as St. Paul's was,) the Bishop had no such charge,
neither would almost the whole revenue of the bishopric serve for it.
He thought rather that the building was a public work, at the alms
of the whole realm, and that the Bishops had made general collections
from time to time for its repair, and so it might have been thought
the Bishop's charge, whereas it was the donation of the people. He
requested his lordship and the rest not to urge him any further than
his predeccssors in the matter.
Fulham, 12th October, 1581.
I. 286. Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Lord Bishop of
London in reply. The reason the report of such as had surveyed the
Church of St. Paul and the defects in its reparation had been forwarded to him, was their good will to him, not to increase his burdens,
but rather friendly to prepare him against a communication which
he might receive from the Lords of the Council. He begged him to
cause his Registrars, officers and accountants to look into such
records, accounts, and rememberance as would inform him and the
Council in that behalf, not for his discharge only, but to ascertain to
whom the charge belonged. Among other notes he would find in the
report of Bishop Bonner's proceedings against Mr. Phillpott, in the
Book of Acts and Monuments of the Church, an account by that
Bishop of the yearly charge to him for the reparations. As for the
accounts of the former contributions and the employment thereof,
which he advised should be taken, they were ready to be shown.
Being particularly advised by the Lord Treasurer, and also admonished
by Her Majesty and the Council, to use all good means for the stay
of the infection, they requested that he would give advice to the
preachers to publicly confute the indiscreet error of tempting God
by the whole resorting to the sick where no special office, charge, or
duty, required them to do so.
17th October, 1581.
I. 326. Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Archbishop of
Canterbury, (fn. 2) informing him that of late the Church of St. Paul,
especially the body thereof, had been viewed by discreet citizens
appointed by the City upon the command of the Privy Council. The
viewers had reported that where the Church had been newly repaired
and wholly covered and leaded, at the public charge of the realm,
and especially by this City's benevolence, it had since been so ill
looked after that the walls were laid open and greatly spoiled with
rain, the gutter leads cut off, and other defaults permitted, whereby
great ruin had ensued, and more would follow. Though it pertained
not to the charge of the City, yet being in the nature of a public
monument, and seeing that the burden by delay would grow so great,
on account of the insufficiency of those that ought to repair it, and
that the City and the whole realm, or at least the whole province of
Canterbury, especially the clergy, would be drawn in by necessity to
contribute towards the reparation, they had, at divers times, sent and
written to the Bishop (of London), praying him to do the repairs
which belonged to him, or to inform the City to whom it appertained
to prevent the ruin, that, by the advice of Her Majesty and her
Council, means might be taken to supply their inability. The Bishop,
in his answers, removed the whole charge from himself in part to the
common state, and in part to the Archbishop and his other predecessors. The City understood that his grace, while Bishop of London,
not only gave largely of his own, but, like his predecessors, had
liberally borne some ordinary and yearly charge. In order to place
the matter clearly before the Council, it would be very advantageous
if his grace would give the City a speedy answer, with his opinion to
whom the charge of reparation belonged, and what he had bestowed,
and how the yearly accounts of himself, his predecessors, and their
officers, might be seen for the City's information.
— April, 1582.
I. 327. Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Lord Bishop of London,
stating that, having considered the great ruin of St. Paul's Church
likely to ensue, and the desirability of causing it to be repaired at
once, he thought it right again to remind him of the advice given to
him by the late Lord Mayor, and to acquaint him that the City would
be obliged to bring the subject to the notice of the Privy Council,
when it might be that they, finding the body of the church had been
repaired, and newly covered and leaded at the public charge, especially
of the City, would report that those to whose charge it pertained
should have kept it from any notable decay, by the daily oversight of
their officers; this not having been done, it had grown into a great
peril, both to the building and Her Majesty's subjects walking there.
He prayed him to examine the officers and accountants of his predecessors, and the rest of the accounts, in order that some light might
be thrown upon the question as to whom the charge of the repairs
belonged, and if it should be to him, and more than he could
surmount (which might perhaps be thought otherwise), that the
Privy Council might take means to supply the deficiency, and ordain
a future remedy.
— April, 1582.
I. 328. Letter from John (Aylmer) Bishop of London, to the
Lord Mayor, in reply, stating that he had informed the late Lord
Mayor that he could not find any records to show why the Bishop of
London should be called upon to repair a public monument, and
especially by the Lord Mayor, who by no law could intermeddle as a
competent judge in matters of dilapidations which were merely
ecclesiastical. Such notable public monuments had at first been
erected not by private individuals, but by common charity and
devotion of cities and countries, and so they should be maintained
and repaired at common charge of the same. It could not be found
throughout all England that the Bishop had been charged with
any such matter, for if such persons and pastors were charged at all
in common benefices, it would be only with the Chancel, and not
with what was called the Navis Ecclesice, as appeared by divers statutes.
He did not see why bishops, being the chief pastors, should be charged
with the body of the chief church. He denied the right of the Lord
Mayor to call for the accounts. If the Privy Council should deem it
good to call for them, the matter should be moved to the Archbishop of Canterbury, the then incumbent, and the executors of his
agent, Dr. Watts. (fn. 3)
28th April, 1582.
I. 336. Letter from the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Lord
Mayor, stating that the Church had been burned by fire from
heaven, and rebuilt at the public charge of the Prince, the City, and
others, and that therefore the re-edifying of the present decay of the
body of the Church, and all other parts, ought still, in his opinion, to
be done at the public charge, until it should be perfectly finished, the
want of which finishing had been the cause of the present decay. As
for the accounts of the former charges bestowed upon the Church,
they should be demanded of the late surveyors and auditors of the
works who were appointed by order from former Lord Mayors and
Aldermen of the City. As to the answer of the Bishop of London,
removing the charge from himself to the writer, and to his successor
the Archbishop of York, he would only answer for himself, that the
did in his time as much, or more, than either by law or reason he was
bound. The law could not bind the province of Canterbury to contribute to the re-edifying of St. Paul's, —Canterbury being the Metropolitan Church, and St. Paul's only a cathedral. That which the
province contributed last time was their own free benevolence, and
the present charge not being so great, it ought to be borne by the
City. When all the decayed works had been completed, then, in his
opinion, the Bishop of London for the time being ought to preserve
the steeple and body of the Church in good repair, and the Dean and
Chapter the upper part and the Choir.
Dated from Lambeth,
2nd May, 1582.
I. 340. Letter from Sir Christoper Hatton, Knight, to the Lord
Mayor, informing him that Her Majesty had appointed himself and
the Chancellor of the Exchequer, (fn. 4) to take steps for redressing and
building up again that ancient and famous monument, the church and
steeple of Paul's Her Majesty being much offended that the finishing
of so good a work had been so long protracted, and requesting his
Lordship to appoint four Aldermen, and such other persons as had
been acquainted with the former proceedings, to attend upon Tuesday
next, at his house in Holborn, to confer with them thereon.
19th May, 1582.
VII. 88. Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Lord
Mayor and Court of Aldermen, expressing their regret at the smallness of the contributions towards the repair of St. Paul's, and that
only a collection from one of the Wards had been received, and
requiring them to see that the contributions from the other Wards
were speedily paid over to the Chamberlain.
23rd April, 1633.
VII. 105. Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Lord
Mayor and Court of Aldermen, requesting them to give directions to
the collectors to call upon all persons for their contributions in arrear
for the repair of St. Paul's, and to pay the same into the Chamber as
speedily as possible; and forward a list of all who had not contributed, in order that the Board might take steps for receiving such
contributions as they should be willing to advance towards the work.
24th January, 1633.
VII. 110. Same as No. 125, Vol. VIII.
VII. 113. Order in Council for the attendance of the Lord
Mayor and the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's at the Council on
the 3rd May next, for settlement of the dispute as to the carrying up
of the sword before the Lord Mayor in St. Paul's.
17th April, 1633.
VII. 114. Same as No. 126, Vol. VIII.
VII. 117. Order of the Star Chamber upon some differences
lately arisen between the Lord Mayor and the Dean and Chapter of
St. Paul's concerning the carrying up of the Lord Mayor's sword
within the Cathedral, and especially within the choir; and also concerning arrests made within the Cathedral churchyard and the liberties
and precincts thereof, under colour of the Lord Mayor's authority;
directing counsel on both sides to meet and peruse the privileges and
charters of both parties, and in case they could not amicably settle
the matter, to return it to the Board for their further assistance and
3rd May, 1633.
VII. 122. Letter from William (Juxon) Lord Bishop of London,
(Sir) Henry Martin, and (Sir) Henry Spiller, to the Lord Mayor, with
reference to the contributions for the repair of St. Paul's. They
found no books or particulars thereof delivered into the Chamber
lain's Office from several of the Wards, and requested that they
might be delivered with convenient speed.
London House,
5th July, 1634.
VIII. 85. Letter from the King to the Lord Mayor, with respect
to the Commission lately issued (fn. 5) for the repair of St. Paul's, and
exhorting the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Sheriffs to assign out of
their own purses, and out of the public treasure of the City, an
honourable proportion to the work. The money should be sent
to the Chamber, there to be kept and disposed of as directed by
the Commission.
26th June, 1631.
VIII. 110. Same as No. 117, Vol. VII.
VIII. 114. Same as No. 88, Vol. VII.
VIII. 117. Same as No. 113, Vol. VII.
VIII. 122. Letter from the Archbishop of Canterbury to the
Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen, exhorting them to make additions to their former gifts for the repair of St. Paul's; and requesting
that, as many of the Aldermen the first time gave but 10l., which had
prevented many citizens from giving a greater sum, they would make
their gifts, whatever they might be, annual.
(Circa 1632–3.)
VIII. 123. Same as No. 105, Vol. VII.
VIII. 125. Letter from the Archbishop of Canterbury (Laud) to
the Lord Mayor, &c., forwarding, by desire of the King, copy of His
Majesty's letter, in which he had signified his intention of taking
upon himself the cost of the repair of the whole west end of the
Cathedral; and expressing his hope that the King's great munificence
would stir them up to extend their charity.
28th April, 1634.
VIII. 126. Copy of the King's Letter above referred to.
23rd April, 1634.