Additional Material For the History of the Grey Friars, London. Originally published by Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1922.
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'Wills relating to Grey Friars, London: 1432-81', in Additional Material For the History of the Grey Friars, London, ed. C L Kingsford (Manchester, 1922), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Wills relating to Grey Friars, London: 1432-81', in Additional Material For the History of the Grey Friars, London. Edited by C L Kingsford (Manchester, 1922), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Wills relating to Grey Friars, London: 1432-81". Additional Material For the History of the Grey Friars, London. Ed. C L Kingsford (Manchester, 1922), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
1432. Joan Basset, of S. Alban's, Wood Street, widow of John Basset, d. 1426. To be buried in the Church of the Friars Minors.
Will dated 11 Feb., 1431–2. Proved 21 May, 1432 Comm. Lond., More, f. 307.
Buried with her husband. Grey Friars, p. 115.
1433. Thomas Berowe. To be buried "in corpore ecclesie Fratrum Minorum ex parte australi." Left "le Whithert" in S. Sepulchre's to his wife for life, with remainder to the Rector of All Hallows, Honey Lane.
Will dated 4 Aug., 1433. Proved 16 Oct., 1433. 18 Luffenam.
Appears in the Register as Thomas Barro, citizen and vintner. He was buried in the centre of the second bay of the South Aisle of the Nave. Grey Friars, p. 124.
1435. * Joan Pomerey. To be buried at the Friars Minors, "secundum disposicionem Gardiani ibidem et magistri Thome Wynchelsey." Bequeathed 40s. to the Friars to pray for his soul. Mentions Thomas Whalesburgh, her son, who was heir of her first husband John Whalesburgh, her son Robert Whalesburgh, and her second husband Sir Thomas Pomerey.
Will dated 20 Nov., 1435. Proved 18 Jan., 1435–6. 19 Luffenam.
Her tomb is not recorded in the Register; but it was in S. Francis' Chapel where her daughters Anne Molens and Alice FitzRauff were buried. Elizabeth Hamden, who was buried in the Nave, was possibly a granddaughter. Grey Friars, pp. 90, 96, 97, 118. See p. 105 below.
1436. * Elias Stoke. To be buried at the discretion of his executors. To each Friar Minor of London being a priest 4d., and to each other Friar Minor 2d., to hold his exequies in their house with placebo, dirige, commendation, and mass immediately after his death. A similar bequest to the Austin Friars. To John Rowe, of Excestre College in Oxon., and his fellows, 26s. 8d., viz., to the Rector and one other priest 20d., and to 13 fellows 12d. each; the remainder to the College. To John Rowe "bibliam meam et unum alium librum meum de sermonibus Januensis, et psalterium meum glossatum, et unum librum medicinarum qui dudum fuit magistri Ricardi Broun," for life, and after his death to the College for the use of any student in theology there.
Will dated 28 May, 1436. Proved 16 June, 1436. 20 Luffenam.
Elias Stoke entered at Exeter College, Oxford, in 1384, and was Rector from 1391–1393. On Jan. 21, 1406, Elias Stoke, master in arts and scholar in theology at Oxford, had licence to take a benefice granted him by papal provision, and became Rector of Greinton, Somerset, accordingly. He exchanged Greinton for the living of S. Mary Steps at Exeter on March 21, 1412. In 1415 he received a canonry at Crantock, Cornwall. In the Exeter College Register the receipt of bequest of 11s. 4d. from Elias Stoke is recorded. John Rowe was Rector of Exeter College from 1433– 1440. All Souls College MS. 79, which contains the "Laurea Medicine" of Gilbertus Anglicus, formerly belonged to Stoke: it may be the "Liber medicinarum" referred to in his Will. See Reg. Coll. Exon. (Oxford Hist. Soc.), pp. 23, 34; Cal. Pat. Rolls Henry IV, iii, 115, 172; Henry V, i, 369.
1436. † Margaret Butvelyne. Left "Magister Wolfe, frater minor," 5 marks, and "Warennus Sporil, frater minor," 4 marks, to celebrate masses.
Will dated 4 Sept., 1436. Proved 20 Sept., 1436. 21 Luffenam.
Wolfe may be the William Wolfe, "doctor egregius," of the Register, who was a friar of the London house and died in 1466. Grey Friars, p. 83.
1438. John Jakes, of Asshen, Essex. To be buried "in domo Fratrum Minorum, London." Bequeathed 20s. to the convent to pray for his soul and for his burial.
Will dated 27 Oct., 1438. Proved 6 Nov., 1438. 25 Luffenam.
May possibly be the same as John Joyes, who was buried "coram altaribus," near the Common Altar. Grey Friars, p. 111.
1439. John Barowe alias Markeley. To be buried at Friars Minors. Bequeathed 13s. 4d. for his burial and to pray for his soul.
Will dated 8 June, 1439. Proved 20 June, 1439, 25 Luffenam.
Buried in the third bay of the South Aisle of the Nave (Grey Friars, p. 126). See also Cal. Wills Husting, ii, 488.
1439. † Marmaduke Kirkeby, Rector of S. Andrew, Baynard Castell. "Lego fratri Johanni Patyon de ordine fratrum Minorum ad dicendum unum Trentale."
Will dated 7 Oct., 1439. Proved 10 Dec., 1439. Comm. Lond., Prowet, f. 35.
1440. William Danvers or Deaunvers, squire, of Bucks. To be buried in the Church of the Friars Minors. Mentions wife, Joan.
Will dated 14 Dec., 1439. Proved 30 Jan., 1439–40. 27 Luffenam.
Buried with his wife in the fourth bay of the Choir in the Chapel of S. Francis. Grey Friars, p. 94.
1440. Richard Aughton. To be buried in the Church of the Friars Minors, London. The greater par of the Will is illegible.
Will dated 23 July, 1440. Proved 15 Oct., 1440. 28 Luffenam.
Buried in the sixth bay of the Choir in the Chapel of S. Francis. Grey Friars, p. 99.
1442. † William Wennard, merchant of Exeter, and a great benefactor to the Friars Minors there. Left 20s. to the Friars Minors of London for placebo, dirige, and requiem.
Will dated Jan. 1442. Proved 5 Nov., 1442. 14 Rous.
1443. * Henry Asshebourne, citizen and surgeon. To be buried in the Church of the Friars Minors with Joan, his late wife. Left, for his sepulture to be had, 20s. "Et si fratres predicti pro predictis xx s. corpus meum in ecclesia sua predicta sepelire noluerunt, tunc lego eisdem fratribus x s. et alios x s. residuos lego pro sepultura mea in Pardonchurchawe juxta ecclesiam Sancti Pauli . . . Lego Henrico filio meo vij libros meos principales, videlicet unum librum nigrum vocatum Tederyk; secundum librum rubrum, cum circumstanciis in prinipio; tercium librum vocatum parvum Lamfrank; cuartum librum nigrum, cum capitulis de ffestres in fine; quintum librum vocatum Anothonomye, notificavit a corona capitis ad plantam pedis; vjtum librum vocatum Ardern; et septimum librum nigrum in Gallico; cum aliis libris pertinentibus arti cirurgie ac librum meum vocatum Punner." After his son's death the seven books are to be given to the Charterhouse.
Will dated 4 Oct., 1442. Proved 7 March, 1442–3. Comm. Lond., Prowet, f. 115.
The book called Ardern is some treatise of the celebrated surgeon John Arderne (Dict. Nat. Biog., ii, 70): one of his works has been edited by d'Arcy Power in E.E.T.S. Tederyk is Teodorico dei Borgognoni, 1206–1298, surgeon at Bologna, works printed first at Venice 1498. Parvum Lamfrank is the Chirurgia Minor of Lanfranchi de Milano, written 1270. Anothonomye is probably the Anatomy of Nicholas of Salerno, published by F. Redeker Leipzig, 1917), which became popular in early thirteenth century, and is sometimes printed among the spurious works of Galen: it proceeds from head to heel, an unusual method for anatomies. The book "cum circumstanciis in principio" may be the well-known Salernitan work on medical herbs beginning "circa instans" lating from the fourteenth century. (From notes kindly supplied by Dr. and Mrs. Singer.)
1443. * John Tele, citizen and pastelar. To be buried in the Church of the Friars Minors of London. Left 6s. 8d. to the Friars for his sepulture.
Will dated 15 April, 1443. Proved 17 June, 1443. Comm. Lond., Prowet, f. 191.
1444. * Agnes Wynsley. To be buried in the Church of the Friars Minors within Newgate, "juxta sepulturam matris mee." Mentions her brother John Tybbay.
Will dated 14 March, 1443–4. Proved 27 March, 444. Comm. Lond., Prowet, f. 135 B.
Agnes Wynslaw, daughter of Joan de Tybbay. See p. 91 above.
1446. * John Bayle, citizen and spurrier. "Corpus meum sepeliendum in quodam cimiterio ex parte occiden tali ecclesie Fratrum Minorum ordinis, civitatis London."
Will dated 14 April, 1445. Proved 6 May, 1446. Comm. Lond., Prowet, f. 188.
1446. * William Michell, tailor, of S. Ewen's. To be buried "in claustro Fratrum Minorum infra Newgate." Left the prior and convent 6s. 8d. to pray for his soul.
Will dated 9 Nov., 1446. Proved 16 Nov., 1446. Comm. Lond., Prowet, f. 200.
1447. Thomas Gloucester, esquire. To be buried in the Friars Minors, where his executors were "to ordeyne a convenyent Tombe for me and for my wyf beryell in the church of the Freres Mynours within Newgate in London afore the auter of our Lady." A perpetual chantry was to be founded there for him and his wife Anne.
Will dated 31 Jan., 1446–7. Proved 5 April, 1447 Lambeth Series, Stafford, f. 146.
He and his wife were buried against the wall under the window of the fourth bay of the Choir in S. Mary's Chapel: they are described in the Register as "principui benefactores huius conventus." Grey Friars, p. 80.
1447. William Hoton. To be buried "in ecclesia fratrum minorum juxta corpus Margarete nuper uxoris mee jacentis in Aleya Boreali nave ejusdem ecclesie coram ymaginibus beate Marie et sancti Jacobi." Left 20s. for his sepulture and exequies. Left the other three Orders of Friars 3s. 4d. each. Left Robert Shepton "tractatus vocatus Pharao is pistele," and J. Mordon "tractatus vocatus Hokclyff, (fn. 1) inc. O precious tresour incomparable."
Will dated 23 April, 1445. Proved 19 Aug., 1447. Comm. Lond., Prowet, f. 220.
There was a William Hoton buried in the third bay of the North Aisle of the Nave. There was an Image of the Virgin in that bay, to which reference is made in the Will of William Gee in1485. This makes it probable that the two William Hotons are identical. But the William Hoton of the Register was buried with his brother Robert, who did not die till 1493. The time between the two deaths is long, but not impossible, supposing that Robert lived to be an old man. Grey Friars, p. 120.
1448. * John Grenefeld, of Southwelles, Hants. To be buried at Friars Minors, London, "videlicet in introitu sub campanile coram hostio cancelle eiusdem ecclesie." Bequeathed 20s. to the Prior and Convent or his burial. Service by note to be said for his soul in the Choir daily for one month after his decease; for which purpose he left each friar chaplain in the said church 2s. 6d.
Will dated 8 June, 1448. Proved 24 June, 1448. 35 Luffenam.
His tomb was in the Walking place.
1448. John Wyot, citizen and clothworker. To be buried "in ecclesia Fratrum Minorum, London, juxta tumulum Johannie Assheley, militis." His executors were to remunerate the Convent at their discretion.
Will dated 25 Sept., 1448. Proved 10 October, 1448. Comm. Lond., Prowet, f. 244.
John Wyot, or Wyett, was buried with his wife Margaret in the fifth bay of the Choir in S. Mary's Chapel, on the right hand of Sir John Assheley. Grey Friars, p. 84.
1449. * Nicholas Bray, citizen and baker. To be buried "in Insula corporis seu navis ecclesie conventualis Fratrum Minorum, prope Newgate . . . Lego fraterniati sive societati Sancte [sic] Clementis Pape artis mee pistorum in ecclesia conventuali Fratrum Minorum antedicta unam torticam"; to burn at levation time before the Altar of S. Clement aforesaid.
Will dated 11 Feb., 1445–6. Proved 26 March, 1449. Comm. Lond., Prowet, f. 257.
For another reference to the Fraternity and Altar of S. Clement see the Will of John Lethum, 1498. This Will makes it clear that the Fraternity was attached to the Church of the Friars Minors.
1450. * William Hert, citizen and mercer, of London. To be buried at Friars Minors by his brother John. "Pro sepultura mea habenda, xx s."
Will dated 20 Aug., 1450. Proved 27 Oct., 1450. 12 Rous.
William Hert's name does not appear in the Register. But John Hert, who died in 1449, appears twice over, as buried in the Middle Aisle of the Nave; one of these entries may belong to William Hert. Grey Friars, pp. 114–15.
1450. * Arthur Cursy. Makes his Will "coram fratre Wolfe domus Fratrum Minorum, London." To be buried in the Church of the Friars Minors at the discretion of his executors. Left the Friars 20s.
Will dated 16 Sept., 1450. Proved 18 Sept., 1450 Comm. Lond., Sharp, f. 13.
1451. William Anne the elder, of North Aston, lying sick in the hospice called "le Whitehors," in Southwark. To be buried within the Choir of the Church of the Friars Minors: "pro sepultura mea habenda et ad orandum specialiter pro anima mea xl s."
Will dated 19 Dec., 1451. Proved 31 Dec., 1451. 17 Rous.
Buried in the sixth bay of the Choir in the Chapel of S. Mary. Grey Friars, p. 86.
1452. * Cristyon Griffyn. "To be beryed in the schyrch of the greyfrerys in London by Joon, my dawter. Also I be qwethe to the same freris ffor my beryyng place, xiij s. iiij d. Also I by qweth an harnest gyrdil and a peyr of bedys off Get with iij ryngis of silver across a broche hanging on the bedys, my best brasen pot for to make a Schales to the hey awter off the ffreeris. Also I be queth to the hey awter off the ffrerys a borcloth."
Will dated 6 Jan., 1451–2. Proved 21 Feb., 1451–2. Comm. Lond., Sharp, f. 42.
1452. Joan Neumarch, widow. To be buried in the All Hallows Chapel in the Church of the Friars Minors. "Magister Willelmus Woolfe" was to celebrate for her soul, and the souls of Richard, late Earl of Warwick, and his consort Isabell, late Countess of Warwick—domine mee Isabelle—Henry, late Duke of Warwick, and Cicely his consort, Sir Henry Shirley her father, and the Lady Beatrice her mother, Sir Robert Neumarch her husband, and Ralph her son. Friar Woolfe was left 3 gold tablets and a silver cup. Friar Reginald Ewell was to have 40s. Mentions her daughter Elizabeth, wife of John Neville, and her sister the Lady Elizabeth Cokayne. "Magister Willelmus Woolf, sacre theologie doctor," was an executor.
Will dated 10 July, 1452. No record of Probate. Comm. Lond., Sharp, f. 110.
Joan Numarch is described in the Register (Grey Friars, p. 77) as "nobilis domicella Isabelle, Comitisse Warwici." The Will makes it clear that this refers to Isabell, the second wife of Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick (d. 1439), and not to Richard Beauchamp's granddaughter, as previously suggested. Joan Numarch was buried in the first bay of the Choir in the All Hallows Chapel. This Will fixes the date of Friar Reginald Ewell.
1453. William Wollashull. To be buried at the "Gray Freres" in London.
Will dated 10 July, 1452. Proved 10 Nov., 1453. Lambeth.
Buried "coram altaribus." Grey Friars, p. 110.
1454. John Wyggemore. To be buried at the Friars Minors, London. Left 8l. to the church there. To the Chapel of Gray's Inn for a new chalice, 20s.
Will dated 20 Aug., 1452. Proved 24 April, 1454. Stokton.
He was a fellow of Gray's Inn, and was buried near the centre of the Walking place. Grey Friars, p. 102.
1455. * Robert Vince, citizen and pastelar. To be buried in the Conventual Church of the Friars Minors. Left 6s. 8d. to the work of the same church.
Will dated 25 June, 1455. Proved 7 August, 1455. Comm. Lond., Sharp, f. 165.
Robert Vyns occurs as one of the Masters of the Mistery of Cooks sworn on December 16, 1428 (Cal. Letter Book, K, p. 99).
1456. * Elizabeth Rikill, widow of Thomas Rikill. To be buried in the Church of the Friars Minors, London. "Lego Gardiano et conventui pro reparacione ecclesie ibidem unum ciphum coopertum vocatum a fflatcuppe." Left for her sepulture 6s. 8d. "Lego sex presbiteris ordinis Fratrum Minorum, London, xl s. ad orandum pro anima mea et benefactorum meorum secundum nominationem Magistri Willelmi Woolf, doctoris." Left Fr. Woolf a silver cup.
Will dated 22 Nov., 1456. No record of Probate. Comm. Lond., Sharp, f. 197.
1457. John Babande. To be buried "infra Prioratum Fratrum Minorum, London." Left the Friars three torches to burn at levation time. To the Friars to come to Trinity Church—his parish—and say placebo and dirige on the day of his burial and for mass of requiem by note at the Priory on the morrow, 20s. Mentions wife, Agnes.
Will dated 20 Dec., 1456. No date of Probate, but apparently about May. Comm. Lond., Sharp, f. 212.
Incorrectly given as John Banand in the Register, where the date of his death is given as 23 April, 1457. His tomb was in the seventh bay of the Choir in the Chapel of S. Francis. Grey Friars, p. 99.
1458. Joan Danvers, widow of William Danvers, squire. To be buried "in ecclesia ffratrum ordinis sancti Francisci, London, in tumulo ubi corpus predicti Willelmi Danvers . . . quiescit humatum." To each Friar of the said house being a priest, 12d., and to each novice, 6d.
Will dated 10 June, 1453. Probate not given. 11 Stokton.
In the Register the date of her death is given as 18 January, 1457–8. She and her husband were buried in a raised tomb in the Chapel of S. Francis in the west part of the arch of the fourth bay between the Chapel and the Choir. Grey Friars, p. 94.
1458. William Canynges, son of William Canynges, merchant, of Bristol. To be buried as his father willed.
Will dated 8 June, 1458. Proved 20 Nov., 1458. 14 Stokton.
Buried "coram altaribus," near the north end. Grey Friars, p. 108.
1459. Walter Potter, citizen and goldsmith. To be buried in the Church of the Friars Minors, London, "coram alta cruce ibidem." Left the Friars for his burial and their prayers, 20s.
Will dated 21 May, 1459. Proved 25 May, 1459. Comm. Lond., Sharp, f. 274.
Potter was buried with his wife Agnes in the third bay of the North Aisle of the Nave towards the centre of the Church. Grey Friars, p. 119.
1460. * Thomas Mathon, "yoman," of London. To be buried in the Church of the Friars Minors "juxta sepulturam Walteri Potter, aurifabri."
Will dated 29 December, 1459. Proved 13 Feb., 1459–60. Comm. Lond., Sharp, f. 292.
1460. Richard Walter, of S. Ewen's. To be buried in the Church of the Friars Minors "ubi corpus Cecilie nuper uxoris mee requiescit humatum sub lapide marmoreo per me empto et ordinato." To the Friars for his burial and their prayers, 40s. Administration granted to wife, Alice.
Will dated 4 May, 1460. No entry of Probate. Comm. Lond., Sharp, f. 302.
Buried with his two wives in the fourth bay of the North Aisle of the Nave. Grey Friars, p. 121.
1463. * Baldwin Payne, citizen and brewer. To be buried "in ecclesia Fratrum Minorum, London, coram ymagine beate Marie de Graciis ex parte boreali dicte ecclesie." For his burial and exequies, mass of requiem on the morrow, and exequies and mass of requiem "die trecennali" (? month-mind) by note, he left 20s. in money "et unum Kynderkyn optime cervisie cum dimidio duodene albi panis pro potacione inter eos facienda."
Will dated 8 April, 1463. Proved 10 May, 1463. Comm. Lond., Sharp, f. 339.
In the absence of evidence as to the position of Payne's tomb we cannot be certain where the Image of S. Mary of Graces stood; but perhaps it was that near the tomb of William Hoton in the third bay of the North Aisle.
1463. John Aleyn, citizen of London and "Serviens domini Humfridi, ducis Gloucestre." To be buried in the Church of the Friars Minors: left 6s. 8d. to the Church for repairs. He appointed as overseers of his Will, "discretos viros, magistrum Johannem Kyry, sacre theologie doctorem, et Johannem Aleyn, filium meum, in sacra theologia inceptorem, fratres minores Civitatis London," and left them each for their trouble 40d.
Will dated 4 Aug., 1463, in his house in S. Sepulchre's. Proved 25 Aug., 1463. 2 Godyn.
Described in the Register as "quondam de capella Johannis, ducis Bedfordie." Buried under the second window in the All Hallows Chapel. His son was Guardian. Grey Friars, p. 78.
1463. John Wetwang. To be buried before the crucifix in the body of the Hospital Church of S. Bartholomew, West Smithfield. Bequeathed to the Guardian and Convent of the Friars Minors for his exequies and mass of requiem by note, 20s.
Will dated 6 Feb., 1463. Proved 24 July, 1463. 3 Godyn.
Clearly to be identified with the John Wetwang who was buried "coram altaribus" on the north side of the Altar of S. Mary, in spite of the directions in his Will. Grey Friars, p. 107.
1464. * Joan Golding. "To be buried in the Church of the Freres Minours of London, before the ymage of our Lady there. And I bequethe to the Wardeyn and Covent of the same Church for my buryyng and for my dirige and masse of Requiem and for fecching of my body, xx s."
Will dated 9 April, 1464. Proved 21 April, 1464. 4 Godyn.
As to the Image here referred to see p. 68 above.
1464. * Maud Lawrence, widow. To be buried "in ecclesia Fratrum Minorum, London, prope summum altare coram ymagine beate Marie ibidem." Left 6s. 8d. for her burial, and to each friar priest 6d. and to each other friar 4d.
Will dated 5 April, 1464. Proved 7 May, 1464. Comm. Lond., Sharp, f. 357.
The Image of S. Mary here named may, perhaps, be that in the Chapel of S. Mary (see p. 68 above). It does not seem likely that Maud Lawrence could have contemplated burial in the High Choir.
1464. * Richard Myller, brewer. To be buried within the Church of the Friars Minors "secundum directionem magistri mei Gardiani eiusdem domus."
Will dated 22 Sept., 1464—"tercio anno Regis Edwardi." Proved 6 Sept., 1464. Comm. Lond., Sharp, f. 364.
Myller was presumably the brewer at Greyfriars. The date "Mcccclxiiij" given for his Will is shown to be an error by the addition of the regnal year.
1465. Alexander Crayke. To be buried in the Church of the Friars Minors, London, "scilicet ante crucem in corpore eiusdem ecclesie," if he died in London; or otherwise at Beverley. If he was buried here the Friars were to have 3s. 4d.
Will dated 6 July, 1465. Proved 12 Nov., 1465. Comm. Lond., Sharp, f. 376.
Since Crayke's Will was proved in the Commissary of London's Court, he may be identified with the Greyke of the Register. Grey Friars, p. 115. For the cross in the Nave see the Will of Walter Potter in 1459.
1465. * Thomas Creyke, son of Alexander Creyke, of Beverley. If he died in London he desired to be buried in the Church of the Friars Minors there.
See Testamenta Eboracensia, iv, 34 (Surtees Society).
1468. † John Norman. To be buried at All Hallows, Honey Lane. "To the Covent of the hous of the freres manours of London, to pray for my soule, xxvj s. viij d. Item I bequeth to Doctour Godard to pray for my soule xl s."
Will dated 13 May, 1468. Proved 5 October, 1468. 25 Godyn.
He was mayor in 1453–4. See Survey of London, i, 271. Doctor Godard is presumably William Goddard the elder.
1468. John Wydeslade. To be buried "in the church of the freres menours within Newgate of London on the south side of the Qwere dore." Bequeathed 4l. 3s. 4d. to the Friars for 400 masses, and over that to the Warden for the time being 16s. 8d. for his labour and oversight of the same. Mentions his wife Elizabeth and his son John.
Will dated 1 July, 1468. Proved 6 October, 1468. 24 Godyn.
He was buried in the Walking place, in the eighth tomb from the south wall of the Church, i.e., somewhat nearer the Choir door than the wall. Grey Friars, p. 101.
1468. * Thomas Battell, citizen and mercer. To be buried "in capella ex parte boriali chori fratrum Minorum, London, coram ymagine sancti Bernardini ibidem." Left the Friars 4l. for his burial and their prayers.
Will dated 4 Nov., 1468. Proved 19 Dec., 1468. Comm. Lond., Wilde, f. 33.
The Chapel is clearly that of S. Mary, which, from the Will of Roger Spencer in 1492, we know was called also the Chapel of S. Barnardyne. This is the only allusion to the saint's Image. The name of Thomas Battaille, mercer, occurs frequently in Letter Book K between 1428 and 1444.
1469. John Baldewyne. To be buried in the Chapel of S. Francis at the Church of the Friars Minors. Left the Friars 40s. for the repair of their church. "Magister doctor Johannes Aleyn" was a witness of the Will.
Will dated 2 June, 1469. Proved 21 July, 1469. 27 Godyn.
He was fellow of Gray's Inn and Common Serjeant of London. His tomb was in the fourth bay of the Choir in S. Francis' Chapel. Grey Friars, p. 93.
1470. William Chamberleyn. To be buried in the Chapel of S. Mary at the Friars Minors. Bequeathed 5l. "ad fabricam ejusdem capelle." Mentions his messuage in which he dwelt in Horne Alley in Aldrichegate Strete.
Will dated 3 October, 1470. Proved 5 November, 1470. 31 Godyn.
His tomb was in the fifth bay of the Choir in S. Mary's Chapel. Grey Friars, p. 83.
1471. Alice Fitz Rauff. If she died in London, to be buried at the "grayfreres called freres menours beside Newgate, by my modres sepulture called Dame Johane Pomeray." On the day of her burial the Warden was to have 40d., every doctor 2s., and every "other frere cladde there in the same place," 12d. Bequeathed to the Friars her "candelstikkes" of silver, and her blue gown of damask to make vestments. Mentions Rauff and Anne, children of her daughter Elizabeth and Sir Robert Chamberleyn.
Will dated 24 April, 1471. Proved 10 June, 1471. 2 Wattys.
She was buried about the centre of the sixth bay of the Choir in S. Francis' Chapel. For Joan Pomeray see under 1435 above. Grey Friars, p. 97.
1472. John Wardale. To be buried in the Conventual Church of the Friars Minors, London, before the Altar of the Holy Cross. His executors were to have made "in muro juxta altare sancte crucis, unum memoriale de fundacione Cantarie mee ibidem, et quomodo fratres domus fratrum minores presentes et futuri ad observacionem ejusdem Cantarie perpetue tenentur." He left 10l. to Friars to pray for his soul.
Will dated 1 May, 1472. Proved 26 May, 1472. 6 Wattys.
His tomb was at the south end of the Altar of the Holy Cross. Grey Friars, p. 107.
1472. Richard Kesteyn. To be buried "in the body of the Covent Church of the Freres Menours of London," by his wife Johane. Left "for my sepulture to be hadde . . . . my vestment of white bawdekin with all the apparell therto, and my gowne of russet damask to make a newe vestiment therof, and a pece of blak velvet poudred with leves of gold to make the orfreis and parures therto . . . the same newe vestment to be garnisshed up in alle degrees as it owth at my cost." Left the Warden and Convent 4l. for placebo, dirige, and requiem.
Will dated 21 November, 1472. Proved 26 March, 1473. 8 Wattys.
Called Keston in the Register. His tomb was in the third bay of the Nave in the South Aisle. He left a widow, who is perhaps the Elizabeth of the Register. Grey Friars, p. 125.
1473. Robert Orchard, of London, gentleman. To be buried at Friars Minors "subtus fenestram quam Thomas Caundissh, avus meus, ibidem fieri fecit." His executors were to provide "in pariete subtus dictam fenestram quoddam memoriale pro me et avo meo predicto." Left 16s. 8d. to the Friars for his burial. His tenements in Bogerowe were left to his wife Lucy.
Will dated 10 May, 1471. Proved 24 July, 1473. 9 Wattys.
Thomas Candysch, goldsmith, was donor of the third window from the west end of the North Aisle of the Nave (or the fifth from the east); he was buried under the first part of this window. Robert Orchard, attorney of the Guildhall, was buried in the third part of the same window. Both tombs were in the centre of the Aisle. This indicates that the window was a late insertion, probably made after 1400, but before 1419 (see Will of Richard Hallam in that year). Grey Friars, pp. 122, 123, 168.
1473. * James Gyfford. To be buried at Friars Minors, "coram imagine Sancti Christofori."
Will dated 30 July, 1473. Proved 17 August, 1473. 9 Wattys.
Gyfford's tomb does not appear in the Register, and since its position is unknown the place of the Image cannot be fixed: but it may have been near the fifth window from the east in the North Aisle of the Nave (see under Richard Hallam, 1419). Or possibly the reference may be simply to that window.
1473. * George Belton, "capellanus diocesis London." To be buried in the Nave of the Friars Minors, "coram imagine beate Marie communiter vocata Mauricii Poynes." For his burial and prayers, 13s. 4d. To the cross being made in the cemetery of S. Andrew's Church, 12d. "Frater Andrew Bavard ordinis minorum" executor.
Will dated 2 Oct., 1473. Proved 7 Oct., 1473. Comm. Lond., Wilde, f. 138.
The Image of Our Lady, commonly called Maurice Poyns, may possibly be the same with one of those named in the Wills of David Bardevyle in 1411, or Joan Golding in 1464 (see p. 102 above). There appears to be no other reference to Maurice Poyns.
1474. * Stephyn Preston, of Sylton, Dorset. To be buried at "freres minoresse," within the City of London. Bequeathed "to the Wardeyn and Convent of the same place their to bury my body and kepe solemne dirige and masse atte tyme of my burieng, and att moneth mynde c s." Bequests to "freres Prechours," "freres Austynesse," and "Whitefreres" of 20s. each: "they to pray for me and bryng my body atte the freres minoresse, and then to say placebo and dirige for me, and masses on the morowe, every of them in their own chirche." In another bequest Preston leaves "my naprye wrought with presses and tonnes, my byble, my boke called Bonaventure, my boke called the Pater noster, my boke called Boys de consolacione philosophie, my ii bokes called every of them Stimulus consciencie, and all my other bokes of grammar, sophistr., logyk, and lawe."
Will dated 22 Feb., 1473. Proved 20 April, 1474. 14 Wattys.
Preston's name does not appear in the Register. But the terms of the Will make it clear that by "minoresse" the Grey Friars are intended. The list of books is rather remarkable for a layman.
1474. * Thomas Dagworthe, citizen and tayllour. To be buried "on the north syde in the Chyrche off the ffreyr mynors affore the ymage off Seint Erasmus . . . . and ther apon me to be layde a marbole stone a yard long square or more, with thre ymagys and scripture at theyr ffete off ther namys, that ys to sey or wytte: An ymage off the seyd Thomas in the myddys, and Johan his ffyrst wyffe on his ryght hand with theyr x sonnys at theyr fote, and Alice his secund wyffe with ther iiij sonnys and iii dowghters at hyr fote."
Will dated 31 March, 1474. Proved 2 July, 1474. Comm. Lond., Wilde, f. 206.
The Image of S. Erasmus is probably the same as the Table of S. Erasmus on the north side as you come out of the west door, which is mentioned in the Will of Thomas Hewett in 1532.
1474. * Robert Warde. To be "beryed atte the grey freres if it may be."
Will dated 25 Oct., 1474. Proved 19 Nov., 1474. Comm. Lond., Wilde, f. 165.
1474. Walter Blount, Lord Mountjoy. To be buried at "Grey Freres." Bequeathed "a cope of crymesyn cloath of golde, a chesible and two tunycles of the same suyt, wrought with myn armes, with all the apperell belonging to the same suyt." The bones of his son William were to be taken out of the place where he lies and laid on the left side of his tomb, and "oon tombe to serve us both."
Will dated 8 July, 1474. Proved 10 Feb. [1474–5]. (fn. 1) 18 Wattys.
Lord Mountjoy lay in a great raised tomb of alabaster under the window on the south of the Altar in the Apostles Chapel. According to the Register his grandson, Edward Blount, lay on his left in the same tomb. William Blount lay in the same place at the head of his father's tomb. Grey Friars, pp. 88–9.
1475. * Gilbert Hampton, "citizen and skynner of London, dwellyng in Bermondesey Strete in Southwerk." To be buried "in the Chirche of the Grey ffreres of London, in the North Ile of the same Church, about the Middele Arche of the same Ile." Bequeathed "for my burieng place there to be hadde," 20s. Two of the torches used at his burying were bequeathed to the Friars to serve them at the High Altar. His "monthmynd" was to be kept at the Grey Friars.
Will dated 1 Sept., 1475. Proved 21 Sept., 1475. 20 Wattys.
1477. * Joan Smyth, widow. To be buried "in ecclesia Fratrum Minorum, London, sub petra marmorea ubi corpus Johannis Bythewater, baker, nuper mariti sui requiescit humatum."
Will dated 1 June, 1477. Proved 2 July, 1477. Comm. Lond., Wilde, f. 207. Nuncupative.
1478. John Lethum. "To be buried in the Church of the Frere Mynours within Newgate of London, afore the aulter of Saint Clement their. . . . To the workes of the same church for my burieng their to be had and to pray for my soule, xl s. . . . To the Fraternite of Saint Clement of my craft and feleshep of Bakers of London, xl s." Mentions wife Margaret.
Will dated 8 Oct., 1478. Proved 12 Nov., 1478. 35 Wattys.
Lethum and his wife were buried "coram altaribus" before the Altar of S. Mary. Either there were two Altars in this Chapel or there was a secondary dedication. See p. 66 above. Grey Friars, p. 108.
1481. Sir John Clerk. If he died in S. Clement Danes he was to be buried at Friars Minors. He left 4l. to the Friars Minors of London to pray for his soul, and to the Friars of Aylesford 10s.
Will dated 21 March, 1480, "incipiente." Proved 10 March, 1480–1. 2 Logge.
His tomb was at the south-east corner of the seventh bay of the middle of the Nave. Grey Friars, p. 117.
1481. † Laurence Fyncham. Bequeathed a jewel of the value of 6l. 13s. 4d. to the Friars Minors of London, and also one of the torches used at his burial at S. Mary Magdalen, Old Fish Street.
Will dated 27 December, 1480. Proved 9 February, 1481. 3 Logge.
He was a fishmonger. See Stonor Letters, i, p. xxix.