Additional Material For the History of the Grey Friars, London. Originally published by Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1922.
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'Wills relating to Grey Friars, London: 1513-43', in Additional Material For the History of the Grey Friars, London, ed. C L Kingsford (Manchester, 1922), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Wills relating to Grey Friars, London: 1513-43', in Additional Material For the History of the Grey Friars, London. Edited by C L Kingsford (Manchester, 1922), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Wills relating to Grey Friars, London: 1513-43". Additional Material For the History of the Grey Friars, London. Ed. C L Kingsford (Manchester, 1922), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
1513. Richard Hastings, Lord Wilughby. "To be buried in the Grey freres in London, in suche place within the qwere or within the Vestry Chapell of the same freers where as most conveniable may be ordred (fn. 1) and agred by the seid lord or his executors and the Wardeyn and his brothers of the same. . . . To the Grayfreers for the breking (fn. 2) of the ground, leyng of my seid body within oon of the seid places afore rehersed and a tombe to be made for me according to the seyd agrement, and they to sey for me daly a masse x yeres next Immediatly after my decesse, ther as my body shall be buried be or afore and they to pray for my soule x l. To the four orders to bring my body to buriall and sing dirige and mass of Requiem and do a trental of masses, 20s. each."
Will dated 18 August, 1510. Proved 5 Oct., 1513. 26 and 29 Blamyr. Will and Testament.
There are similar provisions for burial in both Will and Testament. The extract above is from 26 Blamyr, with two words corrected from 29 Blamyr. Richard, Lord Willoughby and Welles, was buried with his wife in a raised tomb of alabaster in the centre of the All Hallows Chapel, which adjoined the Vestry. Grey Friars, p. 77.
1517. Julyan Maryner, widow of William Maryner. To be "honestly beryd in the covent churche of the gray ffreers, that ys to wytte as nye the bueryng place wher the body of William Maryner late my husband lyeth." To the High Altar at the Friars for tithes forgot, 6s. 8d. To the Warden and Convent, 66l. 13s. 4d., "to thentent that the same Warden and Covent for the tyme being" daily during 200 years after her death say mass for her soul and for the souls of her husbands William Poynton, Robert Lynne, John Blowbold, and William Maryner. One overseer of her Will was "John Cutler, doctor of divinite and lat Wardayn of the gray ffreers of London."
Will dated 21 Oct., 1516. Proved 30 July, 1517. Comm. Lond., Bennet, f. 37.
For William Maryner's Will see under 1512. In the Register the date of Juliana's death is left blank; one may suspect that it had never been filled in on the original (Grey Friars, p. 119). The description of Cutler as "lat Wardayn" may mean no more than "now or late"; if he had ceased to be Warden on 21 Oct., 1516, he must have resumed office afterwards. See p. 73.
1518. * John Aldryge, of London, grocer. "To be buried at the gray ffreres in London."
Will nuncupative. Proved 11 Feb., 1518–19. 5 Ayloffe.
1518. Edward Assheley. To be buried "in the Church of the Freres Mynors of London, before Saint Mighell awter, otherwise called the Comyn awter." He bequeathed "to the grey ffreres to pray for my soul, to fett my body and to bury it in the place named, and there to keepe my dirige and masse by note," 40s.
Will dated 26 May, 1518. Proved 12 June, 1518. 8 Ayloffe.
He was buried before the Common Altar. Grey Friars, p. 110.
1519. † Sir Richard Rede. "I woll have at the Grey Freres in London two trentalls songe for my soule of two goode vertuous freres there, gevyng either of them for the same x s. And I bequeth to the Warden and Covent of the same Grey Freres xx s. in money for the which I will have theym synge devoutly for my soule a solempne dirige and masse of requiem of all the convent there as sone as it may be with gode and spedy diligence after my decesse, and the daies of the same dirige and masse songe for my soule by theym specially and devoutly recommended in theyr quere and Chapter house to all theyr suffrages and praiers." Similar bequests to the other three houses of Friars in London.
Will dated 29 December, 1518. Proved 24 Jan., 1518–19. 13 Ayloffe.
Sir Richard Rede, who was Chief Justice, had his London house in the Old Bailey. He was buried in the Chapel of S. Katherine at the Charterhouse.
1519. Nicholas Pembyrton. To be buried "yn the gray freeres yn London on the north syde of the quere yn the lytyll chapell cawlyd our lady chapell by the organs." Left 10s. to the Friars.
Will dated 3 Oct., 1519. Proved 22 Oct., 1519. Comm. Lond., Bennet, f. 129.
Nicholas Pembyrton or Pemerton was buried in the seventh bay of the Choir in S. Mary Chapel. The organ was presumably at the extreme west end of the Chapel. Grey Friars, p. 87.
1520. Margaret Assheley. To be buried "in the same place wher the body of my housbande Edwarde Asshelay now restith." Bequeathed to each Order of Friars at her burial, 6s. 8d.
Will dated 25 May, 1520. Proved 26 June, 1520. 31 Ayloffe.
She was buried by her husband, who died in 1518 (see p. 129 above), before the Common Altar. Grey Friars, p. 110.
1520. John Tresawell. To be buried "in the church of the ffrieres Minors in London, where my wif lithe buried. I will that myn executours do make the daye, yere, and moneth of my deceas to be graven and putt in my epithafe upon my stone before it be layde on my grave agayne. I bequeth to the place of the seid ffrieris Mynors xx marcs sterling to be paid every yere xiij s. iiij d. til the said xx marcs be paid, to the entent that the Warden and Convent of the same place and their successours during the term of xx yeres after my deceas do kepe my obite in the said churche for my soule, my wifis soule, our faders and moders soules, oure benefactors soules, and all cristen soules, and the same daye to synge a trentall of masses duryng the said xx yeres. To the Wardeyn of the said Frieris Mynours xxiij l. vjs. viij d. to find a friar to syng for my soule, etc., for the terme of vij yeres."
Will dated 28 April, 1519. Proved 19 November, 1520. 3 Maynwaring.
He was buried in the very middle of the Nave, in the fourth bay, by his wife Margery, who died in 1510. Grey Friars, p. 113.
1521. * John Felde, cook. To be buried "yn the churche of the gray freers." Left the Friars, for his grave and for bringing him to his parish church and thence to Grey Friars, 20s.
Will dated 17 November, 1520. Proved 21 January, 1520–1. Comm. Lond., Bennet, f. 172.
1521. Robert White, citizen and grocer. To be buried "before the ymage of our lady of pytie in the gray fryers of London, nygh to the place where Cristian, my wyff, lieth buryed." Left for his burial 10s. To every priest of the house to say dirige and mass 4d., to every novice 2d. "Master doctor Cutler, Warden of the Grey frerys," was overseer of the Will.
Will dated 12 June, 1521. Proved 21 June, 1521. Comm. Lond., Bennet, f. 181.
Robert White and his wife were buried in the second bay of the Nave immediately west of the Altars (Grey Friars, p. 117). Their tomb was, therefore, close to Our Lady of Pity, as to which see p. 67 above. The Will shows that Cutler was Guardian as late as June 1521. If, therefore, Goodfield succeeded him, he can only have held office for a very short time. Alternatively Cutler may have had two terms: the one from 1508 to 1515, and the other from 1518 onwards. Goodfield might then have been Guardian from 1515 to 1518.
1521. * Thomas Dolphyn, of S. Ewen's parish, tailor. "To be buryed in the grene churchyard of the freres mynors within the Cite of London. For the church work of S. Ewen's to help buy a "pair of sensars a pound apiece," 20s.
Will dated 21 Nov., 1521. No date of Probate. Comm. London, Bennet, f. 188.
1522. Raffe Massey, gentleman, left his lands in Noke, Oxfordshire, to Richard Massey his eldest son, with remainders to other son John and daughters Margaret and Frances. His wife Philippa was executrix. "Master John Cutteler, doctour, Warden of the Grey freres of London," was one of the overseers of his Will. The witnesses include John Cutteler and "Sir Nicholas Newman, frere of the said place."
Will dated 6 April, 1521. Proved 2 May, 1522. Comm. Lond., Bennet, f. 177.
Massey was buried next Alice FitzRauff in the sixth bay of the Choir in S. Francis' Chapel. The Will is important as showing that Cutler was Guardian as late as April 1521. Nicholas Newman signed the Surrender in 1538. Grey Friars, p. 97.
1522. * Nicholas White, citizen and skinner. To be buried in "Graye Freres in London, within our lady chapell." His executors were "to cause to be saide or songe a dirige and masse at the Graye Freres during the terme of xxti yeres, and they to have for the same every yere ij s. vj d."
Will dated 9 April, 1521. Proved 15 Feb., 1521–2. 22 Maynwaring.
1522. † John Pette. To be buried before S. Kateryn and S. Margaret Altar at S. Botolph without Aldersgate. "Also I will that the gray freres and the blak freres be at my burying and to sey and singe a dirige for my soule and masse of Requiem on the morowe at their owne houses, whereto they be bounde, for I am a brother of either Religion, and either of them to have for their labour xx s."
Will dated 10 Sept., 1522. Proved 1522. 8 Bodfelde.
1523. Sir Stephen Jenyns. To be buried "in the chapell on the south side of the quere of the conventual church of the ffreres minors of London, under the tombe that I have there prepared for the same entent." Forty tapers to be provided for his funeral and to remain in the church for the use of the same. He bequeathed "x l. to those of the same church to pray for my soule"; and to each of the five Orders of Friars 40s.
Will dated 29 Jan., 1521. Proved 28 May, 1523. 8 Bodfelde.
He was buried in the fifth bay of the Choir in S. Francis' Chapel, in a raised tomb, at the south side of the door into the "parva capella." The date of his death is given in the Register as 6 May, 1523. Grey Friars, p. 94.
1524. John Button. To be buried at "Graye ffreres." His son was to pay from the profits of "all shepe letten to ferme" 5 marks yearly for ten years to the Grey Friars of London to find a priest "singing daily for me during the said terme."
Will dated 15 Feb., 1523–4. Proved 30 April, 1524. 20 Bodfelde.
He was buried in the middle of the Nave, towards the east end. The date of his death—"12 Feb."—given in the Register is presumably an error for 21 Feb. Grey Friars, p. 112.
1524. Alice Lewcas or Lucas, "gentyll woman," of "Sant Stewenes" (S. Ewen's), London. To be buried "before the Imayge of owre lady standyng on the right hand of morow messe aulter within the churche of gray freeres within Newgate in London, betweene the pellor standyng within the burdes and pykes and the fote of owre lady afor sayd. . . . I bequete to the house of the gray frears afor sayd for the brekyng of the grownte wheras my body schull fortune to be buryed and for buryenge of my body ther a goblet of sillver parsell gylt weyng x ounces of troy weight more or lesse."
Will dated 4 Oct., 1524. Proved 17 Oct., 1524. Comm. Lond., Tunstall, f. 53.
Her grave was in the second bay of the Nave, next that of Gilbert Belamy; but the name is an addition, and it is possible that the exact position is not accurately given. But the reference is evidently to Our Lady of Pity, the position of which thus seems to be clearly fixed at the right hand of the entry to the Altar of S. Mary, to which presumably the "morow messe aulter" refers. The "pellor within burdes and pykes" should then be the first column west of the Altars, where was the pulpit; the "burdes and pykes" may refer to a railing round the pulpit, or be a description of the pulpit itself. Grey Friars, p. 117.
1525. Alice Almon. To be buried in the Church of "the Freres Minors in London, where the body of my late husband Robert Almon lyeth buried. . . . To the Gray ffreres to thentent they come and bryng my body to my burying place, and also synge a solempne dirige and masse of requiem within their convent churche for my soule and the soule of my said late husbandes soule [sic] and all christen soules, xl s."
Will dated 15 Feb., 1524–5. Proved 9 March, 1524–5. 17 Bodfelde.
Robert Almon died in 1510. He and his wife were buried, "coram altaribus," in front of the Altar of the Holy Cross. Grey Friars, p. 109.
1525. * John Basforth. "To be buried in the Gray freres, etc." To the High Altar of S. Vedast Church, 2s. 6d.
Will dated 30 May, 1525. Proved 20 July, 1525. 30 Bodfelde.
The reference to S. Vedast shows he was a Londoner.
1525. George Barett. To be buried in "Gray ffreres if I die in London." "I wyll that myn executours bestowe upon a marble stone to cover me foure or fyve pounds with myn Image and my wife, and our names to be graven in latten upon the same. . . . I wyll at Wolverton there be made an Image of saint Kateryn in glasse in the wyndowe at the high awter, and my Image on the oon side and my wyffes Image on the other, and at Stamford oon of the Trinite, and at Foxcote oon of Saint James, and an Image of me and my wyffe kneling on every side."
Will dated 18 Jan., 1524–5. Proved 18 Aug., 1525. 36 Bodfelde.
He was buried in a raised tomb under the window wall in the fifth bay of the Choir in S. Francis' Chapel. Grey Friars, p. 95.
1526. Robert Browne. To be buried in "Gray Freres" of London, "in suche place as my executors shall thinke convenient. Oon of the freres prestes within the said place to singe for my soule and all cristen soules within the said churche by the space of iij yeres, and to have for his stipend every yere xvij s. iiij d. To the prior and convent of the Gray Freres xl s., they therfor to pray for my soul and all cristen soules."
Will dated 3 Sept., 1526. Proved 10 Oct., 1526. 10 Porch.
Buried in the middle of the Nave at the east end. Grey Friars, p. 112.
1526. Richard Hanchett. Buried at S. Antonine's. For a trental of masses to each of the four Orders of Friars and to the Crossed Friars, to pray for his soul, 10s. To the Black and Grey Friars to bring his body to the burying, 10s. each.
Will dated 4 Sept., 1526. Proved 29 Sept., 1526. 11 Porch.
1527. † James Wylford. To be buried at S. Bartholomew the Little, in the Chapel of SS. Nicholas and Katherine, before the Image of S. Katherine. To the Grey Friars "to the entent that they shall come to my burying and say in their church placebo, dirige, and mass, xl s." The like to the other four Orders. "I wolle that six shillings and eightpence be given to a ffrere mynor of the place of the ffreres mynors within the Citie of London, beyng a doctor of diuinitie or els a Bacheler of Dyvynytie att leest, yf any such graduate ther can be, to thentent that he on every Good ffryday yere for evermore shall in the Church of Saint Bartholomew the Little preche and make a sarmond of the passion of our Lord from the houre of Syx of the Cloke in the mornyng or theraboutes unto the houre of Nyne of the Cloke before none of every such Good ffrydaye." Failing such graduate some other doctor is to be appointed.
Will dated 27 April, 1526. Proved 12 Jan., 1526–7. 13 Porch.
1527. Sir Thomas Lucy. To be buried at "Graye ffreers," in London. Four great tapers were to be set about his herse and kept burning for a whole year during high mass. Two trentals were to be said at Grey Friars and White Friars. "I will that the iiij orders of ffreers conveye my bodie to the Graye ffreirs above saied": they were to have for their prayers as shall be thought necessary by his executors. "To the graye ffriers of Brigenorth, whereof I am founder, iiij l." "I will that within the yere next after my decease there be a grave stone layed uppon my grave and on the same stone my pickture and my wifes and my children with myn Armes at the iiij corners of the same stone, with suche scripture as myn executors shall devise, to thentent that good people shall have remembrance to praye for my soule."
Will dated 31 July, 1525. Proved 24 July, 1527. 28 Jankyn.
He was buried, "coram altaribus," near the Altar of S. Mary. According to the Register he died on 3 Sept., 1525. Grey Friars, p. 108.
1527. * Alice Baynton, widow of John Baynton. "To be buryed within the Grey freers in the grene cloyster there. To the freers for my buryall and to pray for me, x s."
Will dated 26 June, 1526. Proved 20 Dec., 1527. Comm. Lond., Tunstall, f. 79.
One John Baynton appears amongst the tenants at Greyfriars in 1544.
1529. Thomas Roos or Rosse. "To be buried within the churche of the Gray freres within Newgate, as nyh unto the pulpytt wher as Elizabeth my late wyfe now lieth buried. To the Wardeyn of the Gray freres for my laystowe, x s. To every of the three susters of saint ffraunces order to thentent that they shalbe at dirige and mass of requiem the day of my buriall, viij d. I wulle that every frere of the said place, being a preest and being present at the said masse and dirige, shal have for their diligence iiij d. And to every frere being preest and to every novesse, ij d." One of the witnesses was "frere James Payne."
Will dated 7 Sept., 1529. Proved 15 Oct., 1529. 11 Jankyn.
He was buried in the midst of the Nave, at a short distance from the column separating the second and third bays (i.e., the first column on the north in the Nave proper); the pulpit was probably against this column, on the south side of which there was a space without any tomb. See Will of William Robynson on p. 137 below. Grey Friars, p. 113.
1529. Stevyn Lynne. "To be buried in the chapell of oure Lady in the Grey fryers of London on the north side of there church. For my burying, fetting from my parische churche, dirige, mass of requyem, brekyng of the ground, bell-ronging, with all other costes and charges, three pounds. My burial shall be doon … without any pompe of the worlde … I will that oon of the said brethren of the said Gray Fryers, which shalbe at the assignement of the said Wardeyn, to say mass daily … and to say at the lavatory of the said mas every day De profundis with the orison following," for the space of three years. His obit was to be kept for eight years after his decease: "that is to say, a solemp dyrige by note and on the morow mas of Requiem, with an hers and twoo tapers burnyng all the said dyrige and mas of Requiem: and they to have for the said dyrige and mas tenne shillings." One witness was "Fryer James Payne, mynoritan, which red the said testament."
Will dated 7 July, 1528. Proved 26 Oct., 1529. 12 Jankyn.
He was buried in the fifth bay of the Choir in the Chapel of S. Mary. Grey Friars, p. 81.
1529. William Robynson. "To be buried in the church of the Graye fryers betwene the North Wall of the same church and the pulpit in the same churche."
Will dated 6 July, 1529. Proved 26 Oct., 1529. 12 Jankyn.
He was buried in the second bay of the North Aisle of the Nave, nearly at the end of the last row close to the first pillar west of the Altars, where was the pulpit (see Will of Thomas Roos on p. 136 above). Grey Friars, p. 118.
1530. William Thomas, one of the Clerks of the Exchequer. "To be buried in the freres mynors within the citie of London, nygh unto the sepulture of Roger Thomas and Elizabeth his wife, my father and mother, before the lityll ymage of our blessed lady in the north side of the body of the said churche. . . . To the Wardeyn or governour of the said church and house of the said freres mynours for my said sepulture there and for his labour and of the brethren there feching me to the said churche and for dirige to be songe at the day of my burying with masse of Requiem upon the morowe next folowing within the said church, xxvj s. viij d."
Will dated 22 April, 1530. Proved 1 July, 1530. 25 Jankyn.
He was buried on the right of William Robynson at the southwest corner of the second bay of the North Aisle of the Nave. The Image of Our Lady here referred to is clearly that of Our Lady of Pity. See p. 67 above. Grey Friars, p. 119.
1530. Hugh Acton. To be buried in the Church of Grey Friars, "before the pyctour of Seint Mary Magdaleyn standyng in the South Ile of the quere of the same churche, where as I have made a memory." To each of the five Orders of Friars, 10s. The witnesses include "Maister Thomas Cudnor, doctour, and ffrater James Payne."
Will dated 7 June, 1530. Proved 13 August, 1530. 26 Jankyn.
He was buried in the sixth bay of the Choir in S. Francis' Chapel, in a raised tomb against the wall between the Chapel and the Choir proper. In this case it is clear that the "pyctour" was either a painting or a carving affixed to the wall. Grey Friars, p. 98.
1530. William Hayes. To be buried "in Gray Friars between the quere there and the body of the same churche." To each of the four Orders of Friars, 10s. To the Prior and Convent of Grey Friars, for dirige and mass of requiem, 10s.
Will dated 16 Aug., 1529. Proved 28 July, 1530. 25 Jankyn.
He was buried near the centre of the Walking place. Grey Friars, p. 102.
1530. William Lego, barber-surgeon. To be buried within the Church of the "Graye friers" in London. Mentions his daughters Anne and Alice, who were nuns.
Will dated 15 Aug., 1530. Proved 8 Oct., 1530. 21 Jankyn.
He was buried in the centre of the Nave. Grey Friars, p. 114. See his wife's Will under date 1543.
1530. Gilbert Eccleston. To be buried "in the chapell of Allhallows within the conventuall churche of the Freres mynours … as nye unto the grave there where the bodies of Kateryne and Agnes my late wifis lye buryed as conveniently may be." To the Prior of "the Friers mynours for my sepulture there to be had," 53s. 4d. To each of the five Orders of Friars "to bring my body to my burial and for dirige and mass of requiem, and for a trental of masses," 13s. 4d.
Will dated 12 Aug., 1529. Proved 3 Dec., 1530. 24 Jankyn.
The tombs of Eccleston and his wives were in the second bay of the Choir in the All Hallows Chapel. Grey Friars, p. 79.
1531. Buckingham, Eleanor Stafford, Duchess of. "My harte to be buryed within the churche of the gray fryers within the citie of London before the image of Saint Frauncis in the same churche." John Massy, Prior of the Carmelites at Bristol, was a witness to the Will.
Will dated 24 June, 1528. Proved 15 May, 1531. 4 Thower.
The Register gives her burial place as next to the north arch adjoining the High Altar, and does not state that it was only a heart burial. Presumably the directions of her Will were followed, and there was an Image of S. Francis here. The duchess was buried at Whitefriars, Bristol. Grey Friars, p. 71.
1531. John Moyle. To be buried in Grey Friars, "in the Ile before the ij aulters of the right hand."
Will dated 31 Jan., 1530–1. Proved 1 August, 1531. 6 Thower.
He was buried in the middle of the Nave, close to the entry to the Jesus Altar on the right-hand side of the door into the Choir. Grey Friars, p. 111.
1533. * Thomas Hewett. To be buried at Grey Friars, "in the bodye of the Churche, where as is a table hangyng of Saincte Erasmus in the north syde as you come oute of the west doore." To the Friars for fetching him to the church, 6s. 8d. "And as for my brother, John Hewett, of Canterbury, never a pennye, and I hadd as moche Richesse by me as all London wer worth: he shall not fare the better by me, not of a pennye, for the unjust that he hathe don to his brethern and sustern, whiche is not unknowen in Canterbury."
Will dated 23 Feb., 1531–2. Proved 16 Jan., 1532–3. 13 Thower.
The martyrdom of S. Erasmus was a favourite subject with the English alabaster workers. See English Mediæval Alabaster Work, pp. 55–7 and 65, and Plate xiii.
1535. * Henry Standish, bishop of S. Asaph, and sometime Provincial. To be buried "inter fratres minores." To the library of the Friars Minors at Oxford, 5 marks. To the Friars Minors of Hereford, 20 marks. To the Friars Minors of Oxford, 10 marks. For a trental at the Friars Minors of London, 10l. All his books to be distributed at the discretion "Magistri Johannis [sic] Cudnor, sacre theologie doctoris, nunc Gardiani fratrum minorum, London, et magistri Willelmi German ejusdem facultatis." For building an Aisle of the Friars Minors at Oxford, 40l.
Will dated 3 July, 1535. Proved 21 Aug., 1535. 26 Hogen.
Standish was actually buried at Grey Friars, London, where his tomb survived till 1666. The above are all the bequests to Franciscans in his Will.
1537. † Nicholas Newton. Left 10s. "to the reparacion of the library as in glasynge in the gray fryers."
Will dated 11 Dec., 1536. Proved 3 March, 1536–7. 2 Dyngeley.
1537. * Alys Adams. To be buried in the "Gray Freres" Church of London. "To the Gray Freres of Reding, xl d. To every frere there that is preest dwelling in Reding, xij d. To the Warden of the Gray Freres of Reding my cupp fashioned like a pere with the cover. To frere John Thornall, x s. To the covent of Reding at my month mynde, xl d., and to every frere preest dwelling there, viij d., and to every yong frere, iiij d., and to every boye, ij d. To the Gray freres of London, x s."
Will undated. Proved 21 Nov., 1537. 11 Dyngeley.
The date of her death is two years after the latest entry in the Register. John Thornall was a friar of the London house, and signed the deed of Surrender in 1538.
1538. † John Hone. To be buried in S. Luke's Chapel at S. Nicholas atte Flessh Shameles before the Image of S. Mary Magdalen. "I will that the Gray Freres of London as sone after my deceas as may be shall say for my soule and all the soules abovesaid as many masses as ther be preestes in the said house, and I will that every such frere being a preest shall have for his labour viij d. And I bequeth to the said house of Gray freres twoo dosyn of Lynkes to brenne at the sakering tyme of the morowe masse there in the mornyng."
Will dated 18 March, 1534–5. Proved 20 May, 1538. 16 Dyngeley.
1539. Michael Inglissh. "I bequeth to the Freres Mynors called the Greye Freres within Newgate to pray for my soule, the soule of my well-beloved wife Margarete Inglissh, and for to bring my body to the sepulture and do a trentall in their church for my soule and the soules of Margaret late my wife, and the soules of all my benefactors, xx s."
Will dated 1 July, 1527. Proved 30 Jan., 1538–9. 24 Dyngeley.
The Will was not proved till after the Surrender, but Inglish had probably been dead some years. He was alderman of Coleman Street ward from 1524 to 1531. He and his wife may probably be identified with the Michael and Margaret Inglyshe who were buried in the second bay of the North Aisle of the Nave. The Register gives the date of Margaret's death as 23 January, 1507. Grey Friars, p. 118.
1539. * Elizabeth Copley. To be buried "in the church of Greye Friers in London. I give unto the Warden and Brethern, fryers of the same house, xx s. to them for their paynes and to be prayed for in ther massis, and dirige according to the laudable custome and use. And I will they do singe dirige and masse for me at the tyme of my buryall for the saide xx s."
Will dated 28 Nov., 1535. Proved 5 Feb., 1538–9. 32 Hogen.
This Will was not proved till after the Surrender.
1543. * Ann Lego. To be buried "in the Gray fryers next the sepulture by my housbonde. To the gray fryers amonges theym to be praide for fyve poundes, and to the yonge fryers amonges theyme vj s. viij d. And to iiij friers to beare me to churche, xij d. To John Marsham, fryer, fourteen shillinges and a payre of sheetes and a pillow of doune to the said ffryer."
Will dated 2 Oct., 1537. Proved 28 March, 1543. 5 Pynnyng.
This Will, though not proved for some years after, was made just over a year before the Surrender, and appears to be the latest Will with a bequest for the Friars. Her husband, William Lego, had been buried in the Church in 1530. Ann Lego was apparently a woman of considerable wealth. At her death she was resident within the precinct of the Grey Friars, and her husband may also have resided there. John Marsham does not appear amongst the Friars who signed the Surrender in 1538. Grey Friars, pp. 47, 114n., 226, 228.