Mary (St.) at Hill - Mary (St.) de Cricherche, Chapel

A Dictionary of London. Originally published by H Jenkins LTD, London, 1918.

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Henry A Harben, 'Mary (St.) at Hill - Mary (St.) de Cricherche, Chapel', in A Dictionary of London(London, 1918), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

Henry A Harben, 'Mary (St.) at Hill - Mary (St.) de Cricherche, Chapel', in A Dictionary of London(London, 1918), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

Henry A Harben. "Mary (St.) at Hill - Mary (St.) de Cricherche, Chapel". A Dictionary of London. (London, 1918), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

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Mary (St.) at Hill

On the west side of St. Mary at Hill (Street) (P.O. Directory). In Billingsgate Ward.

Earliest mention found in records : "St. Mary de Hull," " St. Mary de la Hulle," temp. John (Anc. Deeds, A. 2445 and 1997).

Other forms of name : "Sanctae Mariae Hupehulle," c. 1189-98 (ib. A. 2442). "Sanctae Mariae Upehulle" (ib. A. 2424). "St. Mary de Hyll," 1216 (H. MSS. Com. 9th Rep. 17). "St. Mary de Hilla," 1259 (Ct. H.W. I. 3). "St. Mary de Ia Hille," 1218-21 (H. MSS. Com. 9th Rep. 17). "St. Mary de Hulla," 13 Ed. I. (Anc. Deeds, A. 2418). "Sanctae Mariae atte Hille," 31 Ed. I. (Lib. Cust. I. 229). "St. Mary atte helle," 4 Ed. II. (Cal. L. Bk. D. 264). "St. Mary atte Hulle," 1314-15 (Ct. H.W. I. 251). "Seint Mary atte the Holle," 1320 (ib. 288). "St. Mary on the hill," 20 H. VI. (Cal. P.R. H. VI. 1441-6, p. 35). "St. Mary at Hill " (apud montem), 2 Eliz. (Anc. Deeds, A. 11332).

Church new built 1490-7 (S. 210).

Four chapels : St. Stephen (on the north), St. Katherine, St. Ann's, St. Christopher (Records of St. Mary at Hill, E.E.T. Soc. xli.).

There was a pardon churchyard (ib.). The litil chyrchyerd by the "abbotes kechen" was closed 1495-6 (p. 219).

The north aisle was commenced 1487 (ib. p. 142), and the south aisle was built in 1500-1 on the site where the Abbot of Waltham's kitchen had stood (ib. xl. and 240).

Repaired and beautified 1616 (Strype, ed. 1720, I. ii. 168).

Burnt in the Fire 1666 and rebuilt with a towered steeple (ib.). Remodelled 1848-9, exterior of east end of Wren's church only left.

Parish of St. Andrew Hubbard united to it after the Fire (ib.), and in 1904 St. George Botolph Lane and St. Botolph Billingsgate.

A Rectory. Patrons : Advowson formerly in private hands. Now in the parishioners' hands and purchased by them 1638 (Elmes).

Patronage of St. Andrew Hubbard in hands of Duke of Northumberland, and he and the parishioners present alternately (ib.).

End. Charities Report, 1902, says Sir Henry Peek had the alternate right of presentation, and that he exchanged it for the right of presentation to St. Magnus the Martyr, etc. (St. Mary at Hill parish, p. 10). But See Magnus (St.) the Martyr.

Called "on the Hill" because of the ascent from Billingsgate (S. 210).

The ground rises here somewhat rapidly from the river, and the church being placed on the ascent of the hill derives the appellation from its situation.

Mary (St.) at Hill (Street)

South out of Eastcheap, at No. 28, to Lower Thames Street (P.O. Directory). In Billingsgate Ward.

Earliest mention found in records : "Venell' Sce Mar' de la Hulle," 3 Ed. I. (Rot. Hund. I. 404).

Other names : "Seynt Mari-strete atte Hille," 22 Rich. II. 1399 (Cal. P.R. Rich. II. 1396-9, p. 485). "Seint mary hill lane," 1520-1 (Records of St. Mary at Hill, p. 308). (New houses built there.) "Saint Mary at Hill lane," 33 H. VIII. (Anc. Deeds, A. 13608). "St. Mari Layne," "St. Mary Hill Lane," 2 and 3 P. and M. (Lond. I. p.m. I. 138). "St. Mary Hill lane" (S. 207-10). "St. Mary Hill" (Leake, 1666-Elmes, 1831). "St. Mary at Hill" (O.S. 1848-51).

Named after the church.

Roman Wall found under the foot pavement of the street on the east side (Arch. XXXII. 114).

Mary (St.) atte Bow, Fraternity of

Bequest to this fraternity made in 1361 (Ct. H.W. II. 33).

Mary (St.) atte Naxe

See Mary (St.) Axe.

Mary (St.) atte Stokke

See Mary (St.) Woolchurch.

Mary (St.) Axe

On the west side of the street of St. Mary Axe. In Lime Street Ward.

First mention found in records : "St. Mary del Axe," 15 H. III. (Anc. Deeds, A. 2664).

The later forms are : "St. Mary apud Ax" (Rot. Hund. I. p. 409). "St. Mary de Ax" (Lib. Cust. II. 229, 236). "St. Mary atte Axe" (Rot. Hund. I. p. 420). "St. Mary atte Naxe," 1349 (Ct. H.W. I. 622).

It seems also to have been called "Sancte Marie pellipariorum" (Anc. Deeds, A. 7307), being the endorsement on a deed of 1170-1197 "Modo Mari Ax." The endorsement may be of later date.

Parish united to St. Andrew Undershaft, 1565 (S. 162), the church being in disrepair and no services held (Bills, 5 H. VIII. No.79).

It had belonged to the Priory of St. Helens (Lib. Cust. I. 229 and 236).Wheatley says that the church was given in 1562 to the Spanish Protestant refugees for divine worship.

The site occupied by the church and churchyard was granted by the Bishop of London in 1561 to the rector and churchwardens of St. Andrew Undershaft for the support and reparation of that church, and the grant was confirmed by Queen Elizabeth in the fourth year of her reign, and is known as the Black House Estate. The estate in 1860 consisted of five houses numbered 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42 St. Mary Axe ; No. 39 being occupied by the Lime Street and Cornhill Wards School. The houses have since been renumbered and three taken down, one only being built on the vacant site.

The numbers now are 37,43 (the School House) and 45 St. Mary Axe, and part of 115 Leadenhall Street, and they are partly erected on the site of the churchyard (End. Ch. Rep. 1903, p. 16).

This seems to correspond with the identification of the site in O.S. 1875.

Derivation of name : Stow says the name "at the Axe" was derived from the Sign of an Axe over against the East end of the Church, and "Pellipar" from a plot of ground lying on the north side pertaining to the Company of Skinners (S. 162).

But the forms as set out above are "de," "del," "apud," as well as "atte," and the true origin of the name appears from a document of the reign of H. VIII. 1514, above referred to, in which the full dedication is set out to St. Mary the Virgin, St. Ursula and the Eleven thousand Virgins, the name "Axe" being added because the church boasted possession, as a relic, of one of the three axes with which the Virgins were executed (Bills, 5 H. VIII. No.79) set out in Gentleman's Mag. Lib. XVI. 44, 45.

Mary (St.) Axe (Street)

North out of Leadenhall Street, at No. 116, to Houndsditch (P.O. Directory). Eastern side in Aldgate Ward, western in Lime Street Ward (O.S.).

Earliest mention : "Vicum Sancte Marie Attenaxe," 3 Ed. I. (Rot. Hund. I. 431).

"St. Marie at Axe," 37 Eliz. (1595) (Lond. I. p.m. III. p. 224).

Former name : "St. Mary Street." "Sainte Marie Strate," 44 H. III. (Anc. Deeds, A. 2663, and Stow, p. 152).

Named after the Church.

Up to the middle of the 18th century the street only extended as far north as Camomile Street, the extension north into Houndsditch being shown first in Horwood's map, 1799. This northern extension was at first called "New Street" (q.v.).

Mary (St.) Axe Warehouses

See Leadenhall Chambers.

Mary (St.) Bethlehem

See Old Bethlehem Hospital.

Mary (St.) Bothaw

On the east side of Turnwheel Lane, in Dowgate and Walbrook Wards (O. and M. 1677).

Earliest mention found in records : Mentioned in 1117 in gift of land near the church by the Prior and Convent of Christ Church, Canterbury (L. and M. Arch. Soc. N.S. I. (2), 207).

Peter the priest gave his church of "St. Mary Bothage" to Christchurch Canterbury, c. 1150 (Litterae Cant. III. 357).

Other forms : "Parochia Bothaghe," temp. Hen. Fita. Ailwin, 1189-1212 (Anc. Deeds, A. 7351). "St. Mary Bothaw," 54 H. III. (ib. A. 1785). "St. Mary de Bothaug," 1283-5 (ib. A. 1674). "St. Mary de Bothawe," 1296 (Cal. L. Bk. C. p. 25). "St. Mary Bethaghe," 28 Ed. I. (Cal. P.R. Ed. I. 1292-1301, p. 507). "St. Mary de Bothehawe," 1312 (Ct. H.W. I. 236). "parish of St. Bothowe," 11 Eliz. (Lond. I. pm. II. 118). "St. Mary Botolfe," 25 Eliz. (ib. III. 63). "St. Mary Buttolphe," 1600-1 (Ct. H.W. II. 727).

Had a small cloystrie adjoining the church (S. 230).

Repaired and beautified 1621.

Burnt in the Fire and not rebuilt, the parish being united to St. Swithin (Strype, ed. 1720, I. ii. 200).

Order made in 1669 for the removal of the walls and steeple of the church, the materials to be preserved and employed towards the rebuilding of St. Swithin's (Trans. L. and M. Arch. Soc. N.S. I. (2), p. 99).

A Rectory. Patrons : Prior and Convent of Christ Church, Canterbury, and afterwards the Dean and Chapter.

A peculiar of the Archbishop of Canterbury and not subject to the jurisdiction of the Bishop of London (Newcourt, I. 446-7).

Stow derives the name "Bothaw" from "boat" and "haw," and says it was so called as adjoining a haw or yard wherein of old time boats were made and landed from Dowgate to be repaired (S. 230). But O.E. "bat"="boat" would hardly give M.E. "bot."

The site was preserved for some time in the churchyard. But all trace of it has now been swept away by the erection of Cannon Street Station.

Mary (St.) Botolfe

See Mary (St.) Bothaw.

Mary (St.) Buttolphe

See Mary (St.) Bothaw.

Mary (St.) Chapel

In Churchyard of St. Benet Gracechurch.

The chapel of St. Mary situate in the churchyard of St. Benedict de Gras-chirche is mentioned in 1349 (Ct. H.W. I. 583).

No later reference.

Mary (St.) Colechurch

On the north side of Cheapside, at the south-west corner of Old Jury (Leake, 1666). In Cheap Ward.

Earliest mention found in records : "St. Mary Colecherche," 1213-16 (Anc. Deeds, A. 1988).

Other names and forms : "St. Mary Colecherch," 1239 (Cal. Charter Rolls, I. 238). "Colechurch parish," 49 H. III. (Anc. Deeds, A. 1673). "Colecherche," 1269 (Ct. H.W. I. 10). "St. Mary of Colecherche," 17 H. III. (Anc. Deeds, A. 2073). "St. Mary de Coleschirch," 1257 (H. MSS. Com. 9th Rep. p. 17). "Kolchirch," 1278 (Ct. H.W. I. 36). "St. Mary Colkirche," 1288 (Anc. Deeds, A. 2019).

Fraternity or guild of St. Katherine Colchirche in church of St. Mary Colchirche, 1 H. IV. (Cal. P.R. H. VI. 1399-1401, p. 284).

It is said that Thomas a Becket and Edmund, king of East Anglia, were baptized in the font of St. Mary Colecherche (S. 266).

Repaired and beautified 1623 (Strype, ed. 1720, I. iii. 34).

Burnt in the Fire and not rebuilt, the parish being united to St. Mildred Poultry (ib. 1670, and Milbourne, p. 37).

A Rectory. Patrons : Master of St. Thomas of Acres. After the dissolution of the monasteries in 1542, the Mercers' Company.

Given to the Hospital c. 1256-7 (Watney, Register, fo. 8, p. 240).

The site of the church adjoins the east end of the Mercers' Hall and Chapel and stood over the cellar of the Mitre Tavern (Milbourne, 40).

Stow says the church was so named of one Cole that builded it upon a vault above ground, so that it had steps up to it (p. 266).

Mary (St.) de Aldermygbure

See Mary (St.) Aldermanbury.

Mary (St.) de Arcubus

See Mary (St.) le Bow.

Mary (St.) de Berkingcherch, Chapel

Chapel of St. Mary de Barking founded on the north side of the church of All Hallows, Barking, by King Richard I. Called "capella beatae Mariae de Barking" (S. 132).

Bequest to chapel of St. Mary by the church of All Hallows Barking Church, 1310 (Hist. MSS. Com. 9th Rep. App. p. 46).

This seems to be the earliest mention in records.

Thos. Pilk directed that he should be buried in the churchyard of All Hallows, near the chapel of St. Mary de Berking, near the Tower, 1350-1 (Ct. H.W. i. 645).

Pulled down 1548, used as a garden plot until temp. Q. Elizabeth, when a strong house for merchants' goods was built there (S. 133) and used by Sir William Winter. The Navy Office occupied the site according to Povah, p. 293, but it seems to be too far north, and it is not even in the parish.

Mary (St.) de Berkyngcherch

See All Hallows Barking.

Mary (St.) de Coneyhope (Chapel of)

-At the eastern end of Cheapside, in the Poultry, in Coneyhope Lane, now Grocer's Hall Court. In Cheap Ward.

Annexed to the church of St. Mildred, Poultry.

First mention found in records : "St. Mary de Conehop," 1279 (Ct. H.W. I. 41).

Other names and forms : "Chapel of Coneop" (1279, ib. 42). "Capella de Conehop," 31 Ed. I. (Lib. Cust. I. 229). "Chapel of St. Mary de Conynghope," 1312 (Ct. H.W. I. 236). "Chapel of St. Mary del Conynghop," 1323 (ib. 305). "Chapel of St. Mary de Conynghoplane," 1349 (ib. 558). "Chapel in Conynghoplane," 1349 (ib. 576). Guild of Corpus Christi in chapel of "St. Mary de Conynghopelane," 1443 (ib. 501). "Corpus Christi chapell in the Pultry" (1500-21, Arnold's Chron. 254). "Chapell of corpus Christi in the Pultry," 1516 (Fabyan's Chr. 297). "Corpus Christi Chappell," 24 Eliz. (Lond. I. p.m P. 51).

This Fraternity or Guild of Corpus Christi was, Stow says, suppressed by Henry VIII. and purchased by Thomas Hobson, haberdasher (S. 265).

It appears from an Inquisition taken after the death of William Hobson in 24 Eliz that the property then consisted of his messuage newly built in which he dwelt, called Corpus Christi Chappell, with two shops adjoining (Lond. I. p.m. III. 51).

Stow says the chapel was founded by one Ionirunnes, a citizen of London in the time Edward III. (S. 265). But this must be an error, as the chapel is mentioned long before the reign of Edward III. There may also be an error in the name, and it is most likely that "Ionirunnes" is a mistake for John Mymmes, who had property in Coneyhope Lane and the neighbourhood in 1360. Indeed the family seem to have held property there from some time prior to 1279 down to the time of H. VIII., and Thomas de Mymmes bequeathed the residue of his estate in 1279 for the maintenance of a chantry in the chapel (Ct. H.W. I. 41).

Site now covered by Nos. 34 and 35 Poultry (Milbourne, p. 26).


For derivation of Coneyhope See Coneyhope Lane.

Mary (St.) de Cricherche, Chapel

John de Cantebrigge to be buried Chapel of Crichiche (sic.) Holy Trinity, 49 Ed. III. (Anc. Deeds, A. 1507).

Possibly a chapel within the church of Holy Trinity Priory.