A Dictionary of London. Originally published by H Jenkins LTD, London, 1918.
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Henry A Harben, 'Lawrence (St.) Pountney College - Ledenpentitz (Ye)', in A Dictionary of London(London, 1918), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/dictionary-of-london/lawrence-pountney-college-ledenpentitz [accessed 25 March 2025].
Henry A Harben, 'Lawrence (St.) Pountney College - Ledenpentitz (Ye)', in A Dictionary of London(London, 1918), British History Online, accessed March 25, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/dictionary-of-london/lawrence-pountney-college-ledenpentitz.
Henry A Harben. "Lawrence (St.) Pountney College - Ledenpentitz (Ye)". A Dictionary of London. (London, 1918), British History Online. Web. 25 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/dictionary-of-london/lawrence-pountney-college-ledenpentitz.
In this section
- Lawrence (St.) Pountney College
- Lays Court, St. Katherine's
- Le Neve Inn
- Leaden Porch (The)
- Leaden Portch
- Leadenhall
- Leadenhall Buildings
- Leadenhall Chambers
- Leadenhall Chapel
- Leadenhall Market
- Leadenhall Place
- Leadenhall Street
- Leather Lane
- Leatherdressers' Yard
- Leathersellers' Almshouses
- Leathersellers' Buildings
- Leathersellers' Company
- Leathersellers' Hall
- Leden Porch (Le)
- Ledenpentitz (Ye)
Lawrence (St.) Pountney College
Adjoined the Church of St. Lawrence Pountney in Lawrence Pountney Lane, in Candlewick Ward.
In 1334 John de Pulteney, Mayor 1333-4 and Alderman of Candlewick Ward, erected a chapel in honour of Corpus Christi and St. John the Baptist, adjoining the church of St. Lawrence in Candelwikestrete (Cal. P.R. Ed. III. 1334-8, pp. 60, 319) and founded a College there for a master and seven chaplains (S. 224).
Called : "College or Collegiate Chapel of Corpus Christi," 1349 (Ct. H.W. I. 575 and 609). "College of St. Lawrence de Pulteneye," 1369 (ib. II. 127).
Advowson of St. Lawrence church given to the Master, 1334 (Cal. P.R. Ed. III. 1334-8, p. 60). Also of church of All Hallows on the Cellar in Thames Street, by the Bishop of Winchester, 1336 (Hist. MSS. Com. 9th Rep. 2).
"Pulteneysyn" (the house of John de Pulteneye the founder) also belonged to the College and was granted by them to the earl of Arundel and Surrey, 8 Rich. II. (Anc. Deeds, III. D. 805).
Patronage of the College in the hands of Edmund de la Pole, duke of Suffolk at the time of his attainder, when it passed to the Crown.
House of St. Lawrence Pountney assured to earl of Sussex, 1539 (L. and P. H. VIII. D.S. XIV. Pt. 1, p. 403).
Dissolved by Ed. VI. and sold to John Cheke (Strype, ed. 1720, I. ii. 189).
Site of the church and college enclosed and planted with trees and shrubs.
See Corpus Christi Chapel, Laurence (St.) Pountney and Manor of the Rose.
Lays Court, St. Katherine's
See Lees Court.
Le Neve Inn
In parish of St. Benets, belonging formerly to John do Mountague, Earl of Salisbury, and later to Sir John Beauchamp (Strype, ed. 1720, I. iii. 223).
No further reference.
Probably=the new inn.
Leaden Porch (The)
An old house in Crooked Lane, in the parishes of St. Michael Crooked Lane and St. Martin Orgar, in Candlewick Ward.
Called "le Leden Porche," 1441, 20 H. VI., granted to John Merston (Cal. P.R. H. VI. 1441-6, p. 5).
Stow describes it as one of the most ancient houses in the lane and says it belonged sometime to Sir John Merston, 1 Ed. IV. (S. 220).
It is now called "the Swan" in Crooked Lane, possessed of strangers and selling of Rhenish wine (ib.).
Mentioned in Ch. I. p.m. 1398-9. In 1485 granted to Thomas Freeman on the attainder of John, Duke of Norfolk (Kingsford's Stow, II. 314).
The demolition of some of the buildings surrounding the church of St. Michael, Crooked Lane, in 1831 for the formation of the approaches to the new London Bridge, brought to light the remains of an old crypt of the 12th century, too far east to occupy the site of the original church. It possibly formed the crypt of this mansion (Gent. Mag Lib. XVI. pp. 55 and 56).
Leaden Portch
Described by Stow as next but one to the Leadenhall on the east and as being divided into two tenements, one a Tavern and the other a Cook's shop (S. 154).
The site is identified on O.S. 1875.
In 1416 it was decreed that the tithes of the inn called the "Ledynporch" should go to St. Peter's Cornhill parish in exchange for certain benefits in the church to be given to the inhabitants (H. MSS. Com. 6th Rep. 408).
Before this property came into the hands of the Mayor and Commonalty and was converted into a market it had formed a considerable estate in private ownership, and was for some years in the possession of the Nevill family, although it seems probable that the hall may have been leased to the City authorities from an early period.
The earliest mention of it seems to be in 1296, when it is referred to in a will as "La Ledenehalle " (Ct. H. Wills, I. 128).
In 1315, 8 Ed. II., it was in possession of Dame Margaret de Neuill, licence being then given to her, to grant to her son Hugh de Nevill her hostell and "maysonns que le Gardyn rentes" and all other things belonging to the said hostel in the city of Loundr' "q'est appelle la sale de plum suz Cornhulle" saving to the said Margaret "les auouesons de les eglises en ladyte ville de Loundr' a tote sa uie qe sunt porcin3 al dyst hostel."
If Hugh die before Margaret right of re-entry is reserved to her for life, after her death the hostel, advowsons, etc., to go to the heirs of Hugh (Campbell Charter, XXIII. 16, B.M.).
In 1320 the rent of a small garden adjoining the Leadenhall (aule plumbi) opposite the choir of St. Peter's Cornhill was taken by the Mayor for completion of the pavement appertaining to the court (curia) of the Leadenhall (Cal. L. Bk. E. p. 119).
In 1343 the garden of Sir John Neville is called "Ledenhalle Gardyn" (ib. F. p. 86).
In 1379-80 the estate was granted to Alice, widow of Sir John de Nevyle for life, she having previously given the fee simple to Thos. de Coggeshale and others (Cal. L. Bk. I. p. 92, note).
In 1404 a share of it, described as "the great place called 'le ledynhalle' with 'advowsons,'" etc., belonged to Robert Lyndeseye, draper.
By 1411 it had passed into other hands and licence was given to Richard Whityngtone and others to assign to the Mayor and Commonalty the manor and place called "le ledenhalle" together with the advowsons of the churches of St. Peter de Cornhull and St. Margaret Patyns (Cal. L. Bk. I. p. 92, and Cal. P.R. 12 H. IV. 1408-13, p. 292).
In 1444, Katherine, late wife of John Carpenter, granted a right of way through a hostel and garden in the parish of St. Peter Cornhill to a Garner about to be erected by Simon Eyre, in exchange for a garden situate east of the ancient chapel adjoining. Sharpe says she held a lease of the property from the Mayor and Commonalty (Cal. L. Bk. K. p. 294 and note).
The garner was erected in 1446 (S. 156-8) and the tronage of wool was appointed to be at Ledenhall, 3 Ed. IV. (Cal. P.R. Ed. IV. 1461-7, p. 285).
With reference to the suggestion that the hall may have been in the hands of the City authorities and may have been made use of for public purposes before the estate came into their possession, it is to be noted that in 1300-1 the Justices adjourned from the Guildhall to the "Sale de plom" to hear a suit of "oyer and terminer" there (Lib. de Antiquis Legibus, p. 249), and that the Commons assembled there armed ("atte Ledenhalle sure Cornhille"), 20 Ed. II. after the flight of the king, to make terms with the constable of the Tower (French Chr. of London, p. 54).
It is not clear from the references to the sale of Poultry at the Leadenhall in Liber Albus, I. p. 465, in Lib. Cust. I. 305, or in the Letter Books whether the market was held outside or inside the Leadenhall, indeed the references in the Liber Albus suggest that it was held outside, viz. at the "Carfukes" and at the "corner" of Leadenhall, but the Ordinance of the Cheesemongers in 1377 providing that foreigners bringing cheese and butter into the City should take them into the market of the Ledenhalle suggests that the market at that date may have been held inside the Hall as well as outside (L. Bk. H. f. lxii.), set out in Riley's Mem., p. 405.
In 1463 it was ordained that lead, nails and cloth called worstedes, hitherto housed at "Bosomysyn" should be weighed, housed and sold at the "Ledenhall" (Cal. L. Bk. L. p. 36).
It is possible that in earlier times the Hall itself may have been leased to the City for long periods and used for public purposes, although the fee simple of the whole estate remained in private hands.
For the later history See Leadenhall Market.
Leadenhall Buildings
East out of Gracechurch Street at No. 80, leading into Leadenhall Market (Lockie, 1810-Elmes, 1831).
Not named in the maps.
Leadenhall Chambers
At No. 4 St. Mary Axe, on the east side. In Aldgate Ward (P.O. Directory).
In Rocque's map, 1746, called "St. Mary Axe Warehouses."
Leadenhall Chapel
Mentioned in 1444 (Cal. L. Bk. K. p.294). A fraternity of 60 priests besides other brethren and sisters founded in the Chapel by William Rouse and others in 1466, for celebration of divine service there for the benefit of the Market people (S. 157).
The fraternity was dissolved, temp. H. VIII. But the Chapel was not taken down until 1812.
Leadenhall Market
On the south side of Leadenhall Street between Gracechurch Street and Lime Street, at No. 88 Gracechurch Street (P.O. Directory).
Partly in Lime Street Ward, partly in Bishopsgate Ward Within.
After the acquisition of the Leadenhall estate by the City in 1411, and the erection of the Granary in 1446, the Hall seems to have increased rapidly in importance. Besides being used for the weighing and sale of cloth and wool, it was ordained in 1488 that the assay of leather should be held there only (Cal. L. Bk. L. p. 251), and the petition of the citizens set out in Stow (p. 160) against the leasing of the Hall by the City shows the value they attached to its use for public purposes in the 16th century.
From this petition it appears that the Leadenhall was used at that time for storing munitions of war and timber for repairing the buildings of the Corporation, for the preparation of Pageants and triumphs and for market people bringing victuals to the City to have a standing place under cover (S. 160 and 161).
In 1534 an attempt was made to remove "the Burse" here from Lombard Street (S. 161).
In addition to the above-mentioned uses we find : In 1622 it was enacted that all cutlery was to be sold at Leadenhall and nowhere else in the City (Remembrancia, p. 260), while it appears that shops and warehouses of freestone had been built there for the purpose (ib. 262).
The butchers had stalls there in 1595 (ib. 202) and a regular Meat Market was held there (p.289).
The whole place was destroyed in the Great Fire in 1666, and after its rebuilding it is described by Strype in 1720 as a very large building of Freestone, wholly converted into a Market, with three Courts, the Beef Market at the north-east corner of Gracechurch Street properly Leadenhall, the Green Yard, with shops in the middle and on the south and west sides, and the Herb Market also with stalls (Strype, ed. 1720, I. ii. 89).
The Market House was at the east end, inhabited by Fishmongers, etc., and the passages into the Markets by Poulterers, Fishmongers, etc. (Strype, ed. 1720, I. ii. 89).
Under the Act for the Improvement of Leadenhall Market, 1879-80, the old buildings, etc. were demolished and the first stone of the New Market was laid in 1881, with an area of about 26,900 ft., the principal entrance being out of Gracechurch Street.
The Green Market is shown in Rocque, 1746, on the eastern side of the market, east of the Hide Market, between that market and the East India House.
Places for "Hides" and "Horns" to be sold, shown in O.S. 1880.
The remains of a Roman building were discovered on the site in 1880, the walls extending east and west having been unearthed near Half Moon Passage in 1848, now covered by the avenue of the market along to Gracechurch Street. The principal wall was 12 ft. 7 in. in thickness, running 150 ft. in length, due east and west. It has been suggested that the building was a Roman forum or a basilica.
Leadenhall Place
West out of Lime Street, at No. 6 to Leadenhall Market (P.O Directory). In Lime Street Ward.
First mention : O.S. ed. 1848-51.
Former names : In Strype's maps part of the site seems to be occupied by Queen's Colledge Passage Square (q.v.).
Leadenhall Street
East from Cornhill to Aldgate (P.O. Directory).
The east end is in Aldgate Ward, the western portion in Lime Street Ward (O.S.).
First mention : 1622 (Remembrancia, p. 51).
In former times this street seems to have been included in Aldgate and Cornhill, or to have been called the "high Street."
"Aldgate Street" as far as Lime Street (S. ed. 1603, p. 140).
The church of St. Andrew Undershaft (See s.v.) is often styled in early records. "St. Andrew upon Cornhill," which would seem to suggest that that part of Leadenhall Street was then included in Cornhill.
Largely rebuilt during the later years of the 19th century and old houses and shops taken down.
Under No.71 was the crypt of the chapel of St. Michael, filled in and destroyed 1870. The discovery suggests that the level of the street has been considerably raised since the original foundation of the chapel.
Houses at the east end taken down 1760 to widen the street.
In 1766, after the fire in Leadenhall Street, the remains were discovered of an old Gothic church, or of the crypt of the church, on the north side of Leadenhall Street at its junction with Bishopsgate Street, about 40 ft. long and 26 ft. wide (Gent. Mag. Lib. XV. 82).
It seems unlikely that this can be the crypt of the original church of St. Peter, Cornhill, as the remains suggest a church of later date than the original foundation, and there is no evidence as to the rebuilding of this church on a different site in the 12th or 13th centuries. On the other hand there are no records of any other church existing on or near this site in early times.
See Leaden portch.
Named after the Leadenhall (q.v.).
A very fine tessellated Roman pavement was found in this street opposite the eastern end of the portico of the East India House, 9 ft. 6 in. below the street level, and another 19 ft. below (R. Smith, 57).
Walls found under Leadenhall Market extending nearly from Gracechurch Street to Whittington Avenue at a depth of 18 ft. (Arch. LX. 224).
Leather Lane
North out of Holborn at No.128 (P.O. Directory). The extreme south-western corner only is in Farringdon Ward Without, the street lying in the borough of Holborn.
First mention : "Lither lane" (S. 374).
Earlier and later forms, etc.: "Louerone lane," 1306 (Ct. H.W. I. 181). "Lyuerounelane," 1331 (ib. 367). "Liveronelane," 4 Ed. III. (Hust. Roll, 58, No. 36). "Lenur Lane," 1353 (Ct. H.W. I. 671). "Leveroune Lane," 27 Ed. III. (Hust. Roll 81, No. 100). "Lyver lane," 10 H. IV. (Hust. Roll 136, No. 80). "Lyyer lane," 23 H. VIII. (Cal. L. and M. Ft. of Fines, II. 38). "lither lane alias 'liver lane,' " 1604 (L.C.C. Deeds, Harben Bequest, 1600-1700, No. 196).
The earliest form as shown above is "Loueronelane," and perhaps it may be derived from one of the personal names,"Leofrun" or "Leueron." The present form is obviously very corrupt.
Leatherdressers' Yard
Out of Paul's Alley (Strype, ed. 1755-Boyle, 1799).
Not named in the maps.
Leathersellers' Almshouses
Erected by the Leathersellers in Clarke's Court, Bishopsgate, founded 1544.
In White's Alley, Coleman Street, 1617. In Hart Street, Cripplegate, 1612, on the north side (Lockie, 1816-Elmes, 1831).
Leathersellers' Buildings
South out of London Wall to Little Bell Alley, in Broad Street Ward (Horwood, 1799-O.S.).
Site occupied by : "Angel Alley" (O. and M. 1677). "Thompsons Rents" (W. Stow, 1722-London Guide, 1758). "Sedgwick's Rents" (P.C. 1732-Boyle, 1799).
Derivation of name : In 15 H. VIII. 1523, before the Leathersellers' Company purchased the site of their new Hall within the precincts of the dissolved Priory of St. Helen's from the King, their Hall was situated on the site of these buildings (L. and P. H. VIII. III. Pt. 2, p. 1515), and their gardens are mentioned as abutting on the northern boundary of Drapers' Hall and Gardens in 35 H. VIII. 1543 (ib. XVIII. Pt. 1, p. 528).
Site now occupied by Copthall Avenue.
Leathersellers' Company
Incorporated 21 Rich. II (S. 173).
They purchased the Hall and other buildings belonging to the dissolved Priory of St. Helen's (ib.) and erected almshouses in Little St. Helen's for the poor of the Company (Strype, ed. 1720, I. ii. 107).
See Leathersellers' Hall.
Leathersellers' Hall
At the east end of Saint Helen's Place, at No. 13 (P.O. Directory). In Bishopsgate Ward Within.
Erected in 1878. Architect, G. A. Wilson.
The original Hall was the Hall of the dissolved Priory of St. Helen's purchased with other buildings belonging to the Priory by the Leathersellers' Company, 35 H. VIII. (Lond. I. p.m. III. 143).
They afterwards rebuilt the Hall on the same site and it remained there until 1799, when it was taken down for the formation of St. Helen's Place and another hall erected further east on the present site 1820-2, Architect, W. F. Pocock (Cox, St. Helen's). (There is a description of the old Hall in Gent. Mag. Lib. XV. 296-8.)
Prior to this purchase in 35 H. VIII. the Leathersellers had their Hall in the parish of All Hallows London Wall, in Broad Street Ward, 15 H. VIII. 1523 (L. and P. H. VIII. III. Pt. 2, p. 1515).
Their gardens there are mentioned in 35 H. VIII. 1543 as abutting on the northern boundary of the Drapers' Hall and Gardens (ib. XVIII. Pt. 1, p. 528), and the Hall probably occupied the site of Leathersellers' Buildings, the present Copthall Avenue.
It is interesting to note that in 25 Eliz. 1584 the tenement of the Art of the Leathersellers in the parish of All Hallows in the Wall had been then lately divided into several tenements (Lond. I. p.m. III. p. 70).
Leden Porch (Le)
Tenements so called in parish of St. Andrew of Holborne near land of the Charterhouse, west and north and the highway south, 10 H. V. (Aug. Off. Conv. Leases, 147 and 31).
A brewery in Smethefeld called "le ledenporche," 1416 (Ct. H.W. II. 410). Also in Fletestrete in parish of St. Dunstan West, 37 Ed. III. (Cal. Close Rolls, Ed. III. 1364-8, p. 72).
No later mention.
Ledenpentitz (Ye)
A brewhouse so called in Holebourne Street, 1341 (Ct. H.W. I. 446).
No later mention.