Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840. Originally published by W.S. Maney and Son Limited, Leeds, 1986.

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'O', in Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840, ed. Geoffrey Beard, Christopher Gilbert (Leeds, 1986), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/dict-english-furniture-makers/o [accessed 14 March 2025].

'O', in Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840. Edited by Geoffrey Beard, Christopher Gilbert (Leeds, 1986), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/dict-english-furniture-makers/o.

"O". Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840. Ed. Geoffrey Beard, Christopher Gilbert (Leeds, 1986), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/dict-english-furniture-makers/o.


Oaker, William, 3 Hart St, Covent Gdn, London, carver (1778–85). In 1778 insured his house for £200; and in 1785 household goods for £70 and let tenements for £400. [GL, Sun MS vol. 268, p. 461; vol. 333, p. 627]

Oakes, Richard, 86 Snow Hill, Holborn Bridge, London, case and cabinet maker (1775–79). In 1775 described in one directory as a ‘cabinet & plate case maker’. In 1778 took out insurance cover of £2,000 on his house, wareroom and workshops. Bankrupt, Gents Mag., February 1779. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 267, p. 256]

Oakey, —, Liverpool, cm (1819). On 10 December 1819 Messrs Taylor & Pinnington advertised the coming sale of Oakey's utensils and stock ‘on the Premises 25 Tarleton-street Church-street’. This consisted of ‘lofty Four-post Bedsteads with carved, reeded, twisted & pannelled Feet-posts, Sideboards, Wardrobes, Chests of Drawers, set of Patent Dining-tables, Sets of Trafalgar & other Chairs, Loo, Library, Sofa, Card, Pembroke, Bagatelle, Work, Reading & Dressingtables, Gardevines, Portable Desks, Hall Chairs, Sofa covered with Hair-cloth, Washtands, Gentlemen's enclosed ditto, Canterburys, Music-stools, Draught-boards, Tea caddies etc: Chimney & large-sized Dressing-glasses, handsome Brussels, Venetian & Kidderminster Carpets, Hearth-rugs, about 20 pairs of Blankets, a quantity of fashionable Room Paper etc: also a quantity of Tools, Benches’. [Liverpool Mercury, 10 December 1819]

Oakey, Caleb, Fishergate, Preston, Lancs., u and paper hanger (1825–42). At 34 Fishergate in 1825 but from 1828–42 the number was 24. [D]

Oakley, George (& various partners), London, cm and u (1773–1840). The firm of George Oakley produced stylish furniture in the Grecian taste during the decades spanning the turn of the 19th century, and was one of the pioneers of ‘Buhl’ inlay, a form of decoration that regained popularity during the early years of the Regency. Fashionable materials such as rosewood, mahogany and calamander were often used in Oakley's furniture, combined with inlays of satinwood and ebony, and brass stars and bands of metalwork. The highclass furniture made by George Oakley earned him a royal appointment and a contemporary reputation for fine craftsmanship.
George Oakley was the son of Richard Oakley (skinner) of Weobley, Herefs., and he was app. in 1773 to William Elliot of 2 Clements Lane, Lombard St. He was admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude in 1782 [GL, Upholders’ Co. records] and from this year until 1789 is listed in London directories as an upholder, under his own name, at 2 Clement's Lane, although in the meanwhile he had acquired other premises. His trade card [Heal and Banks Colls, BM] dated 1 March 1786 — a swagged shield surmounted by a plume of three feathers — describes him as ‘Upholder, | (No. 22) | The South Side of | St. Paul's Church Yard | London | Goods Appraised | and Funerals Furnishd’. A large assortment of finished furniture was also kept at their ware rooms and manufactory in the City, which were retained until at least 1811 [D], but in the meanwhile, by 1799, new premises had been opened at 35 St Paul's Churchyard, where orders could be placed, and where a stock of fabric patterns in great variety was kept in order to accommodate the ‘Wholesale Houses and their Customers in the City’. The ‘Elegant Printed Furniture Warehouse at No. 67 New Bond Street, next Phillips's Auction Rooms’ appears to have been devoted exclusively to the sale of fabrics of every description, also ‘the most fashionable Paper Hangings and Borders’ in a variety of widths. [Morning Chronicle, 23 February, 2, 3, 11 and 13 July] (Between 1802–05 Oakley, Dudding & Co., Furniture Printers, 67 Old Bond St are listed in trade directories since Oakley had acquired the printed textile business of Dudding & Co.) The POD for 1811 and 1812 also gives 35 Piccadilly as an address. Business must have been flourishing, because an entry in The Times, October 1812 refers to the ‘late extensive additions’ to his manufactory ‘in which the first artists and mechanics are employed’, and an advertisement mentions warerooms at 16 Old Bond St. In 1822 he became master of the Upholders’ Co. and insurance records for 1823 show him still to be at 8 Old Bond St, as u and cm. An entry in the Upholders’ Co. records dated 1825 gives his address as 8 Baker St, Portman Sq., and by 1838 he was at 43 Cirencester Pl., Titchfield St. He is known to have died by 1841.
George Oakley's name appears on bill-headings somewhat indiscriminately either on its own or in conjunction with other cm. His first partner was Henry Kettle, whose trade label appears on several pieces at Saltram, Devon, and the bills of 1796–97 are headed Oakley & Kettle. In 1798 George Oakley acquired new premises and a new partner, Thomas Shackleton, an upholder and cm [GL, Upholders’ Co. records] who had previously worked at 115 Long Acre (1781–93) and then at 150 Aldersgate St (1793–1800) where he worked in partnership with his father-in-law, George Seddon. The style Oakley & Shackleton appears on a bill dated 1798, and two years later the firm was joined by another partner, John Evans, a water gilder, and the three names of Oakley, Shackleton and Evans appear together on bill-headings in 1800 and 1805, and are still together in 1809. After Shackleton had left the firm, Oakley and Evans remained in partnership, and are listed together in 1819 [POD] still trading from two addresses, the manufactory at 22 St Paul's Churchyard and the Magazine at 8 Old Bond St.
Visits by the royal family to Oakley's Bond St Showrooms are recorded in the Morning Chronicle of 1799. In May ‘the ROYAL FAMILY, with the PRINCE and PRINCESS of ORANGE did Mr. OAKLEY the honour of viewing his Printed Furniture Warehouse in New Bond Street; when her MAJESTY, the Duke and Duckess of YORK, and the PRINCESSES, &c., highly approved of the splendid variety which has justly attracted the notice of the fashionable world.’ Two weeks later, ‘Notwithstanding the fatigues which the Royal Family underwent [at the King's Birthday Parade], the Queen and Princesses, accompanied by the Duke and Duchess of York made a tour of the most elegant shops and manufactories in the different lines of the useful Arts. We saw them at Oakley and Shackleton's magazine of furniture in Old Bond Street … and thus Their Majesties, in the prevailing taste for magnificence in every article of decoration, give the most flattering encouragement to the arts by their countenance and protection’. On the evening of the celebrations in honour of the King's Birthday, ‘the illuminations were mostly confined to the gaming houses and the tradesmen. OAKLEY's furniture magazine was the most tasteful and novel in its design’. [Morning Chronicle, 23 May, 5, 6 and 17 June]
The accolade of Royal Appointment followed shortly after this tribute to royal patronage, and on 2 July an entry in the Morning Chronicle advertising the wide stock of fabrics available at 67 New Bond St is headed ‘GEO. OAKLEY and Co. FURNITURE PRINTERS to her MAJESTY’. The lion and unicorn flanking the crowned garter on a bill-heading of 1802 [Windsor RA 25115] is corroborated by his trade card of the same year: here the premises at 8 Old Bond St are described as a ‘Magazine of General and Superb Cabinet Furniture’, and below the address and royal cypher, the firm of Oakley & Co., Furniture Printers to Her Majesty, ‘respectfully acquaints those Ladies and Gentlemen | who do him the honor to inspect his Rooms, that the greatest Care | is taken in the manufacturing of his Articles and in the choice of | fine and well-season'd Materials. In this Magazine will be | found a constant supply of every kind of fashionable Furniture | compleat & ready for immediate delivery. The number of Artists | and Mechanics, as well as the large Capital necessarily employ'd in | this Concern, together with the extensive Stock kept for ye Accommodation | of the Public are obvious reasons which render it impossible to conduct | it by giving Credit.’ Whether any of these Mechanics were employed in the manufacture of brass inlay is not known, but Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803, to which George Oakley subscribed, implies that this aspect of decoration was executed by the cm rather than by specialist ‘Buhl’ workers — who did not set up manufactories until 1815. The jointlyaddressed letter heading on George Oakley's bills gives the impression that the furniture was displayed and bought in the Magazine at 8 Old Bond St and constructed in the manufactory at 22 St Paul's Churchyard, but it would be wrong to assume the total separation of workshops and showrooms. Insurance records of 1809 confirm that a flourishing set-up of considerable size and value existed at 8 Old Bond St, consisting of a saw-pit, stables, open sheds and yard, showroom, womens’ workroom, veneer room and drying lofts. Little is known of the craftsmen employed by Oakley, but his concern to satisfy clients with an up-to-the-minute taste in furnishings is witnessed by his employment of a designer, John Taylor, who later contributed four designs to Ackermann's Repository between 1821 and 1824. A newspaper article published in Weimar in 1804 stated that ‘all people with taste buy their furniture at Oakley's’ and this fashionable reputation abroad is confirmed in 1807 by another German writer who refers to the firm as being ‘famous for goods of the latest fashion’, and lists Oakley alongside Gillows and Charles Elliott as being the chief makers and sellers of furniture and upholstery in London. [Joy, English Furniture, 1800–1851]
The scope and quality of Oakley's stock was constantly advertised in glowing terms, and entries in the Morning Chronicle show that the firm's output was geared to a discerning and fashion-conscious clientèle. On 4 July 1788 ‘OAKLEY and SHACKLETON beg permission to present to the Nobility and Public a selection of Articles for their approbation, which, for their superior elegance, novelty and execution, will be found unequalled by any other House in London. Their patent Chairs for Drawing and Eating Rooms, French and Polonese Beds, with elegant draperies, and Beds of all other kinds: Window Curtains, and every other article of elegance, of the newest invention and most tasteful design, are adapted both to the superb mansion and the cottage ornée. The Magazine, which has been honoured with the inspection and countenance of Her Majesty, accompanied by other illustrious members of the Royal Family, as well as by many of the highest Nobility, is now submitted to the public eye. The extensive stock always kept ready for delivery enables them to completely furnish capital Houses in a few days. Ladies and Gentlemen may have designs made of every article, and Rooms of Furniture to their own taste, wherein it will be the study of the Proprietors to unite elegance and convenience with economy, which has hitherto given them a decided preference, and for which they beg to return their grateful acknowledgements’.
Surviving bills show that George Oakley was patronized by many discriminating private clients as well as by public bodies and royalty. In 1788–89 he carried out an extensive commission to the order of Thomas Baring, for the Manor House at Lee (Lewisham), Kent, supplying carpets, curtains and upholstery fabrics as well as furniture throughout the house. Items listed include a bedstead ‘Spanish mahogany pillars, richly japanned cornice, tester with flounced valence’, a mahogany dressing table and a ‘neat mahogany commode’ both ‘fitted up with a variety of conveniences’ a ‘pair of eliptic card tables of fine mahogany, satinwood border neatly inlaid’ and a Pembroke table en suite: a large quantity of seat furniture included a ‘panelled back sofa with broad tablet, caned seat on socket castors and ‘12 broad tablet back chairs with elbows, caned seats, Etruscan ground japanned and gilt trellis ornaments’: also ‘16 mahogany broad tablet back chairs (with stuffed seats covered with satin covering) and finished with Princes metal nails’ to go with ‘a set of fine mahogany dining tables consisting of 5 pieces on fashionable shaped legs, shifting hinges and brass fastenings’. The bill totals over £170. [Private archive] A small bill to James Brogden amounting to £15 has been traced. [Essex RO, D/D5 e 8]
In 1800–02 a bill totalling £30 12s 6d for tables and for 106 yards of ‘Furniture Linen’ appears in the account book of Lady Cotton of Madingley Hall, Cambridge [Cambs. RO, 588/A45] and in 1801 and 1809 he supplied furniture to Edward Lord Lascelles for Harewood House, Hanover Sq., London. [Leeds archives dept, Harewood MS, 191–92] In 1800 he carried out the refurnishing of the chief bedroom at Williamstrip Park, Glos., the bill totalling £208. He supplied a ‘handsome commode chest of drawers, fine wood, neatly inlaid, pillastry impannell'd with Sattin wood’, a ‘neat mahogany folding top Lady's dressing Table, fitted up with a variety of useful conveniences’, a ‘fine mahogany Lady's Writing Table neatly inlaid and a cabinet above, with drawers’, also a ‘fine mahogany oval pillar and claw worktable in suite’. The chief item was a ‘superb lath bottom double screwed Dome Bedstead, sides and posts japanned, slate ground and enriched with ornaments, Gothic ribs supporting a square lath terminated by shorter ribs, supporting an Ovalo Dome, head and foot frames, japanned in suite, french stuffed in fine linen … a sett of sweep cornices to fix at the lower extremity of the tester and a set of straight do. to the upper tester, japanned, a slate ground … and trellis friezes with tablets of flowers in greens and whites, the mouldings relieved in pinks …’. All the fabrics used for furnishing this bed are minutely listed as to colour and quantity: ‘pink net calico … and roof quilted of entire slate calico, elegant draping reversed and head vallens of the chintz bound with green Geranium Garment border, panelled with broad and narrow green trellis borders trimmed with Etruscan ornamented fringe, ditto tassels, plaitted line, light cases for the head and foot boards of slate and chintz in suite …’. The colour scheme was carried through to the 5 sets of French window curtains, ‘pink nett chintz lined with slate ditto, with elegant draperies finished in suite with Bed and handsome japanned cornices …’ and every item that went into the making of these is again minutely recorded in fascinating detail.

Furnishings of this sort, and general upkeep formed a substantial part of an upholder's business. In 1804 Colonel Rebow of King St, Cheltenham, was invoiced by the firm of Oakley, Shackleton & Evans for several small maintenance jobs to do with repairing, fitting and fixing a number of rollerblinds, supplying new curtains to a 4-poster bed, making dimity cases for easy chairs, carpet-laying, and replacing door-handles and sash-lines. [Private archive]

An early mention of the Boulle revival comes in an invoice dated 1810 [Windsor RA 25318] for supplying the Prince Regent with a ‘capital mahogany pedestal library table, inlaid with Bhull bordering, fitted with drawers on both sides … the top covered with black leather and raised on brass castors’. At about the same time a sideboard was bought from George Oakley as part of the refurnishing programme at the Bank of England. [C. Life, 3 October 1947] There is also a mahogany sideboard and sidetable attributed to him in the Ballroom of the Mansion House (closely related to one at Papworth Hall, Cambs.) which is described as a ‘capital mahogany sideboard supported on a stand, reeded legs and carved and bronzed paw feet, with antique bronze heads’.

Papworth Hall, Cambs. is widely quoted as George Oakley's major commission — partly, perhaps, for lack, hitherto of other documentation on his career. Built in 1809 for Charles Madryll Cheere, Papworth Hall was furnished by Oakley the following year. The furniture is now scattered, but many documented pieces survive. Two sets of chairs were designed in a modified Klysmos style: the hall chairs had sabre legs and a painted crest, and the sabre-legged dining chairs had turned arm supports and a horizontal backrest superimposed upon and overlapping the uprights; and in the same room the sideboard was flanked by pedestals to match. Oakley also supplied a winged library bookcase of architectural design, the mahogany veneer decorated with vertical bands of palmleaf ornament and ebony dots; the pedimented cornice is enriched with ormolu scroll-work above recessed open shelves, and the doors of the projecting sidewings are filled with brass trellis backed with pleated silk. [Christie's, 1 December 1977, lot 150] Other identifiable pieces from Papworth include a toilet mirror and mahogany dressing table with central arched kneehole, the mahogany veneer outlined with ebony inlays; a pedestalled loo table of calamander wood inlaid with ebony; [both illus. DEF] a set of quartetto tables in mahogany, the top edged by broad banding inlaid with brass stars; an elegant satinwood winged wardrobe fitted with drawers and clothes shelves and elaborately inlaid with ebony. Documented evidence of this sort shows how Oakley furniture was used throughout the house to create a fashionable contemporary decor to match the newly-built mansion. So far, no comparable set of later bills has yet come to light, and the last twenty years of George Oakley's life are still wrapped in mystery, since no bills as yet post-date 1819, although George Smith in his Cabinet-Maker's Guide, 1826, refers to furniture supplied by Oakley & Evans for Alexander Copeland's house in Gt George St, Westminster.

The last evidence of George Oakley's career is found in bills invoiced to J. H. Leigh of Stoneleigh Abbey, Warks. [Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Leigh receipts, DR18/5] In 1813 George Oakley supplied ‘an ebonized Chaise Longue with Bolster end and squab stuffed with the best hair’ complete with ‘a tight case of Chintz lined with white Calico and finished with Silk and Cord with Tassel to Bolster’, also ‘12 Grecian Ebonized Chairs with brass Ornaments and Cane Seats’ complete with bordered hair seat cushions. His last known bill [DR 18/5] is dated 3 July 1819, when J. H. Leigh bought of George Oakley ‘an imitation rosewood sofa with seat Cushion and Bolsters stuffed with best hair … finished silk Gimp, Cord and Tassels’ and also ‘an elegant Rosewood Commode with Chiffonier top and plate glass at the back’, two central wire trellis doors flanked by slightly recessed open shelves, divided by fluted pilasters, the frieze inlaid with brass foliage.

Identifiable pieces by George Oakley are typified by the architectural quality of design, the high standard of craftsmanship, and the smart Regency aspect of decoration which characterize the output of this fashionable cabinet maker, throughout the whole of his known career. [DEF; GCM; C. Life, 3 October 1947; Conn. Year Bk, 1960; adverts in The Times, 8 and 11 July 1811, 1 and 10 October 1812; Burlington, June 1980, p. 416; Joy, English Furniture, 1800–1851; F. Collard, Regency Furniture, 1985; GL, Sun MS vol. 447, ref. 823899; vol. 443, refs 836711–13; vol. 459, ref. 875079; vol. 498, ref. 1001094] M.S.

Oakley, J. & H., Waterloo Terr., Southampton, Hants., cm and u (1834–39). [D]

Oakley, James, High St, Halstead, Essex, cm (1823–32). [D]

Oakley, James, Greenwich Rd, Greenwich, London, bedstead maker (1832–38). See John Oakley, u at this address, 1826–32. [D]

Oakley, John, Greenwich Rd, Greenwich, London, u (1826–32). James Oakley, bedstead maker traded from this address 1832–38. [D]

Oakley, John & Benjamin, Southampton, Hants., cm and u (1830–39). Listed at Bedford Pl. in 1830 and Waterloo Terr. in 1839. [D]

Oakley, Richard, Halstead, Essex, cm (1787–d. 1798). In 1787 insured his dwelling house for £300. Probate on his will granted 1798. [GL, Sun MS vol. 345, p. 78; Wills at Chelmsford, III, p. 239]

Oakley, Thomas, Hatter St, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, cm (early 19th century). Licensed to set apart a room in his house for the meeting of protestant dissenters. Possibly the Thomas Watts Oakley born in Halstead, Essex who moved to Bury St Edmunds and married Elizabeth Holland and was later ‘called to the Baptist Ministry’. [V.B. Redstone, Records of Protestant Dissenters in Suffolk, 1912, p. 45]

Oakley, Thomas, Southend St, Ledbury, Herefs., cm and brush manufacturer (1840). [D]

Oakley & Dudding, see George Oakley.

Oakley & Kettle, see George Oakley.

Oakley & Shackleton, see George Oakley.

Oakman, Thomas, Castle St, Long Acre, London, carpenter and bedstead maker (1806–10). At 16–17 Castle St in 1806, 16 only, 1807–09, and 14 in 1810. Stock and utensils in both houses that he was using in 1806 only amounted to £100 in value but in 1808 this had been raised to £300 and in 1810 to £400. [GL, Sun MS vol. 437, ref. 795660; vol. 440, ref. 806679; vol. 445, ref. 814465; vol. 453, ref. 844475]

Oakman, William, Belton St, London, cm and bedstead maker (1780–1808). In 1780 on the corner of Shorts Gdns, but by 1804 at 11 Belton St. Total insurance cover was £400 in 1780 and £600 in 1804. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 282, ref. 428763; vol. 431, ref. 762100]

Oaksford, James, 26 Pitt St, Old Kent Rd, London, chair and sofa maker (1839). [D]

Oates, Bartholomew, 17 and 18 Blackfriargate, Hull, Yorks., cm and broker (1821–31). In 1826 shown as u and from 1834 the business appears to have changed its nature becoming a pawnbroker and dealer in plate and by 1840 ‘auctioneer, sheriff's officer & pawnbroker’. [D]

Oates, John, 34 Gt Sutton St, Clerkenwell, London, cm (1808). [D]

Oates, Joseph, Leeds, Yorks., cm (1826–40). At 13 York St in 1826 and no. 26, 1828–30. By 1834 had moved to 8 Moxon's Yd, Kirkgate and in 1839 was at 12 Saville St. [D]

Oates, Mark, High St, Falmouth, Cornwall, cm and u (1830). [D]

Oates, Reuben, 16 Noble St, Goswell, London, chairmaker (1787). In June 1787 insured his goods and utensils for £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 345, p. 215]

Oates, Richard, 11 Robinhood Ct, Shoe Lane, London, cm (1784). In 1784 insured his utensils and stock for £60 out of a total cover of £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 322, p. 588]

Oats, Joseph, 187 Drury Lane, London, cm and u (1817–30). Freeman of Canterbury. In 1817 trading as Oats & Son but by 1820 under his own name only, suggesting that in 1817 he was in partnership with his father, who was probably Richard Oats. In 1823 was taking out insurance of £700 of which £500 was for utensils and stock. [D; Canterbury poll bk; GL, Sun MS vol. 498, ref. 1001056]

Oats, Richard, 187 Drury Lane, London, cm (1804–08). Probably the father of Joseph Oats and if this is the case trading in partnership with him at this address in 1817. Between 1804 and 1808 maintained insurance cover of £100 on utensils and goods in his dwelling house with an additional £400 cover on those items in a workshop behind. In 1804 also covered for insurance a house at 20 Judd Pl., West Somers Town valued at £400. [GL, Sun MS vol. 431, ref. 767835; vol. 434, ref. 781424; vol. 445, ref. 823239]

Oborne, W. & I., High St, Shaftesbury, Dorset, cm and u (1840). [D]

Ockford, John, Bartholomew St, Exeter, Devon, cm (1822). Son, Samuel Thomas, bapt. at St Olave's Church on 9 June 1822. [PR (bapt.)]

Ockford, Samuel, Southgate St, Gloucester, cm and chairmaker (1820). [D]

Ockleford, G., 17 Kingsland Pl. North, and 1 Brewhouse Lane, Southampton, Hants., cm (1792–1839). [D]

Odams, David, Derby, cm (1826). App. to John Shipley of Leicester, cm, and free by servitude in 1826. [Leicester freemen rolls]

Oddie, Henry, London, and Ipswich, Suffolk, u (1740). In April 1740 announced his move from London to Ipswich where he had taken premises opposite ‘The Griffin’ near Cornhill. He offered ‘all Sorts of Upholsters Goods after the newest and best Manner or Fashion’ and in addition ‘Looking-Glasses and Mahogany Ware, also Trunks and Portmanteaus’. [Ipswich Journal, 5 April 1740]

Oddy, William, Drake St, Rochdale, Lancs., cm and u (1825– 28). [D]

Odell, Mr, address unknown, u (1710–25). Supplier of furniture to Chicheley Hall, Bucks. His first commission, which involved silvering and framing glasses, was paid for in February 1710 and cost only £2. No further work is recorded until the 1720s when the sums are much more substantial. In April 1722 two sconces in burnished gilt frames were paid for at a cost of £10 and in August of this year £132 was paid for glasses, gilt frames and carpets. In January 1724 gilt tables, frames and glass was paid for amounting to £24 12s and Mr Odell was concerned in the making of a coach which cost £105 in the following year. [Bucks. RO, D/C/3(ii), D/C/36(iii); C. Life, 27 February 1975, p. 500]

Odge, —, Uphill, Malmsbury, Wilts., cm and u (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Ody, John, ‘The Castle’, St Paul's Churchyard, London, cm and u (1723–27). Member of the Joiners’ Co. In May 1727 was working on a commission which involved the supply of two pier and two chimney glasses to Thomas Foley of Stoke Edith, Herefs. Included in a letter that he forwarded to his patron on 11 May 1727 was a sketch and a discussion of alternative ways of framing and finishing the glasses. [Heal; Herefs. RO, Foley MS 12/7673] See William Old.

Offer, Robert, Gainsborough, Lincs., joiner, cm and chairmaker (1761). In 1761 took app. named Beeley. [S of G, app. index]

Officer, James, York, carver and gilder (1771–84). Son of Thomas Officer of Leeds, hatter. App. to George Gibson, carver and gilder, on 1 August 1764. Free by servitude in 1771 and living at Coney St in 1774 and North St in 1784. [Freemen rolls; poll bks]

Offord, James, 9 Lower Castle St, Bristol, chairmaker (1820). [D]

Offord, James, Brighton, Sussex, chairmaker (1830–37). At Spring St, 1830–32; Jubilee St, 1835; and 1 Mulberry Sq. in 1837. Two daughters bapt., 1830–35, and a son James married in 1837. [D; PR (bapt. and marriage)]

Ogborn, Samuel, 5 Cathay, Bristol, cm (1793–94). [D]

Ogborn, William, 19 Old George St, Southwark, London, chair and sofa manufacturer (1820). [D]

Ogden, Joseph, Mytholmroyd, Halifax, Yorks., joiner and cm (1830). [D]

Ogden, Nathan, Oxnop, near Keighley, Yorks., cm (1822). [D]

Ogden, Samuel, Birmingham, cm and u (1816–22). Listed at 7 Ann St in 1816 and 16 Church St in 1822. [D]

Ogden, Thomas, Manchester, chairmaker (1752). In 1752 took app. named Baley. [S of G, app. index]

Ogden, William, Upper Mill, Saddleworth, near Rochdale, Yorks., cm and u (1822). [D]

Ogg(s), Charles Morris (or Marris), 47 London Rd, Manchester, cm (1822–40). One directory of 1834–40 shows 103 London Rd. [D]

Ogilvie, Edward Johnson, Welton, Yorks., cm (1823). [D]

Ogilvie, James, 35 Blackfriargate, Hull, Yorks., cm and broker (1831). [D]

Ogilvy, Thomas, Peter St, Westminster, London, chairmaker (1749). [Poll bk]

Oglethorpe, Joseph, Lancaster (1805–25). Named in the Gillow records 1805, 1810, 1813, 1815 and 1819. Shown at Penny St, 1822–34 and Nicholas St in 1825. [D; Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow]

O'Hara, T., 33 Suffolk St, Charing Cross, London, u (1820). [D]

O'Hara, Thomas, 20 Gravel Lane, Manchester, chairmaker (1825). [D]

O'Hara, Thomas, 95–96 Richmond Row, Liverpool, tailor, draper and u (1837). [D]

Okely, John, London, cm (b.1752–c.1772). Born at Bedford in 1752 and app. to Abraham and David Roentgen at Neuweid, near Cologne, in 1766. He remained with the German cm at Neuwied near Cologne until 1772. Heal records him as Oakley at 13 Dean St, Soho, c. 1775–93. It has been suggested that the Okely who subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book in 1793 and was at St Paul's Churchyard may be the same person. Sheraton's subscriber may however have been George Oakley. [DEF; H. Huth, Roentgen Furniture, 1974, p. 10]

Okleford (or Okelford), George, Gloucester Sq., Southampton, Hants., cm (1805–08). [D]

Okell, George, Liverpool, painter and carver (1736). Free 7 October 1736. Dead by 1780. [Freemen reg.]

Okey, Caleb, 13 Griffin Lane, Bristol, u (1817–18). [D]

Okey, Thomas, Kensington Gore, London, upholder (1794). Son of Henry Lucas Okey of St Helens, Lancs., Gent. App. to William Yateman on 6 September 1786 and free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 2 April 1794. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Old, Thomas, London, upholder (1754–64). Son of Thomas Old of St John, Wapping, London, shopkeeper. App. to Thomas Booden on 7 September 1754 and then transferred to William Harwood, clothworker, 4 August 1756. Free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 1 March 1764. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Old, Thomas, 14 Fish St Hill, London, upholder (1778–84). Made free of the Upholders’ Co. under the terms of the 1750 Upholders’ Act, 7 March 1781. He appears to have been trading as an upholder and cm as early as 1778 however and in this year took out insurance cover of £600 of which £400 was in respect of utensils and tools. [D; GL, Upholders’ Co. records; Sun MS vol. 264, p. 415]

Old, William, ‘The Castle’, St Paul's Churchyard, London, turner and chairmaker (1703–21). A payment of £1 14s to this maker by the 1st Duke of Leeds is recorded in 1703. Insurance records describe him as a wood turner. Later became a partner with John Ody at the St Paul's Churchyard address. [Heal; YAS, DDS/39]

Old, William & Ody, John, ‘The Castle’, St Paul's Churchyard, London, cm and chairmakers (c.1723–38). John Ody was free of the Joiners’ Co. in 1723 and this may well mark the beginning of the partnership. A policy was adopted of marking their case-furniture by affixing their trade label to it. This informs us that the partners made and sold ‘all sorts of Cane & Dutch Chairs, Chair Frames for Stuffing and Canesashes. And also all sorts of the best Looking-Glass & Cabinet-work in Japan Walnut Tree & Wainscot’. A walnut bureau cabinet with a single glazed door, flanked by pilasters and with a broken shaped pediment is recorded with this label. A walnut cabinet, the inner drawers enclosed by two doors on a chest of four long drawers is so marked, as is also a chest of drawers. William Old was dead by 1738 when his stock of cabinet goods and chairs was offered for disposal by his widow from the St Paul's Churchyard address. [DEF; Wills, English Furniture 1550–1760, p. 182; Christie's, 28 June 1973, lot 48; Conn., May 1935, p. xxix]

Oldaker, —, address unknown, cm (1824). On 29 December 1824 paid £2 ‘in part for a Table’ made from the wood of the Farlop Oak, a large and well-known tree in Epping Forest. The patron was Nicholas Pearse of Loughton in Essex who also had a London house. [Essex RO, D/DHt A1/4]

Oldfield, John, Milford Lane, Westminster, London, u (1774). [Poll bk]

Oldfield, Jonathan, 7 Blake St, York, billiard table maker (1838). [D]

Oldfield, William, 2 St James St, Clerkenwell, London, chairmaker (1803). In May 1803 took out insurance cover of £100 of which £20 was in respect of utensils and stock in the dwelling house of Oakley a cm in St Paul's Churchyard (George Oakley). [GL, Sun MS vol. 426, ref. 747655]

Oldfield & Farn (or Tarn), 167 Aldersgate St, London, cm (1779–94). Thomas Oldfield was a member of the Ironmongers’ Co. and as early as 1779 was established in Aldersgate St as a cm and in that year took out a licence to employ two nonfreemen for three months. The business is shown as Oldfield & Farn, 1782–84 but then in most years until 1791 as Oldfield & Tarn. After this date in most years listed under Thomas Oldfield's name only but in 1794 in one directory as Oldfield & Co. [D; GL, City Licence bk, vol. 9]

Oldham, —, address unrecorded, u (1756). Named in the Duke of Beaufort's accounts for Badminton House, Glos., receiving £16 13s 10d in 1756. [Badminton papers; account bks] Possibly Thomas Oldham of Tetbury, Glos.

Oldham, Anthony, Carpenters’ Lane, Tib St, Manchester, carver and gilder (1840). [D]

Oldham, Daniel, 37 or 40 Clayton St, Liverpool, cm (1830). Son of James Oldham, joiner and free 15 November 1830. [Freeman reg.]

Oldham, G. & J., 40 Lower Brook St, Grosvenor Sq., London, u (1819–20). [D]

Oldham, John, 16 Davies St, Berkeley Sq., London, u etc. (1823–25). [D]

Oldham, Thomas, Tetbury, Glos., upholder (1739–54). Freeman of Bristol. [Bristol poll bks] Possibly Oldham, —.

Oldham, Thomas, Scotland, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancs., cm and joiner (1816–24). [D]

Olding, Ebenezer, London, u etc. (1816–39). At 270 Strand, 1816–19, but by 1821 at 71 Fleet St, an address that he continued to occupy until 1839. In 1828 fined for declining parochial office in the parish of St Brides. [D; GL, MS 6561]

Oldman, John, Thetford, Norfolk, u and cm (1836–39). At Well St in 1836 and King St in 1839. [D]

Oldmeadow, Charles, Tower St, King's Lynn, Norfolk, cm (1836–39). The number in Tower St is shown as 14 in 1836 and 16 in 1839. [D]

Oldmeadow(s), James, High St, King's Lynn, Norfolk, upholder and cm (1778–1826). App. to Robinson Crusoe, upholder and cm of High St, King's Lynn, and free, 1778–79. It is possible that he took over his business. Oldmeadow took as apps Thomas Cooper and Samuel Pearson (free 1810–11), Henry Young (free 1813–14) and Daniel Coates (free 1817– 18). In 1791 took out insurance cover for £500 of which £400 was for utensils and stock. Poll bks in 1824 and 1826 give his address as Gaywood. [D; poll bks; freemen rolls; GL, Sun MS vol. 381, p. 531]

Oldmeadow, W., 11 Bridge St, Westminster, London, carver and gilder (1804). [D]

Oldner (or Older), George, Bankside, Southwark, London, upholder (1703–27). Father of George Oldner. App. to William Meakins and free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 29 October 1703. In 1727 at Bankside. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records; Heal]

Olford, Gunston, Exeter, Devon, cm (1756–58). In 1756 took app. named Sherry and in 1758 another named Clark. [S of G, app. index]

Olford, William, East St, Southampton, Hants., carver and gilder (1811). [D]

Oliffe, Robert, London, cm (1769–70). Paid £44 9s 6d for goods supplied to Sylas Neville of Scratby Hall near Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk on 7 June, 7 July and 4 August 1769. The items included a table and elbow chair. On 28 November 1769 he wrote to the same patron indicating that a claw table, an elbow chair and four cushions had been despatched to Gt Yarmouth and on 4 July 1770 sent him a sketch for a cabinet of drawers on a stand. [Norfolk RO, MC7/78–165 395X5]

Oliphant, T., London, u (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Olivant, Edward, Wakefield, Yorks., cm, u and chairmaker (1814–30). At Northgate, 1814–22, but by 1830 at Gt Bull Yd. [D]

Olive, George, London, cm (1777–80). At Silver St in 1777 but at Redcross St, 1779–80. Member of the Joiners’ Co. Took out licences to employ three non-freemen in 1777 and 1779 and four non-freemen in 1780. [GL, City Licence bks, vols 9 and 10]

Olive, John Daniel, 24 Noel St, Soho, London, carver and gilder (1823). In December 1823 took out insurance cover of £200 which included £50 for stock and utensils. [GL, Sun MS vol. 499, ref. 1012039]

Olive, Nicholas, Mote Rd, Maidstone, Kent, cm (1838). [Poll bk]

Olive, William, 7 Parson's Yd, Shoreditch, London, u (1791–1816). Not shown in trade directories until 1811–16 when the address is given as 7 near The Church, Shoreditch, which may be the same address as 7 Parsons Yd. In 1791 took out insurance cover of £200 of which half was in respect of utensils and stock. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 375, p. 184]

Olive, William, Chirwell St, London, see John Luck Baker & William Olive.

Olive, William, 5 King John's Ct, Holywell Lane, London, u (1818). In September 1818 insured household goods for £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 480, ref. 946155]

Olive & Elkins, Charterhouse Sq., London, cm (1788–93). In 1789 the number in Charterhouse Sq. was shown as 12. See Oliver & Rayner. [D]

Oliver, —, London, u (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Oliver, Charles, Spalding, Lincs., clock-case maker (c.1820–30). Labelled clock case recorded. [A. Smith, The Guinness Book of Clocks, 1984, p. 104]

Oliver, Christopher James, Leeds, Yorks., cm (1826–40). Recorded at West St in 1826, no. 1 in 1830; 1 Saville Row, 1828–30; 19 Kirkgate, 1834–37, also as an u. [D]

Oliver, Daniel, Fairview St, Cheltenham, Glos., chair and sofa maker (1839). [D]

Oliver, George, Silver St, Enfield, Middlx, cm (1826). [D]

Oliver, George, High St, Sunderland, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1828). [D]

Oliver, Iron, Humberstone Gate, Leicester, u (1797). On 5 May 1797 advertised the arrival of new materials. [Leicester Journal, 5 May 1797]

Oliver, Isaac, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, u (1722–28). In 1722 took app. named Oliver. Elected a Common Councillor for Bury St Edmunds, 21 August 1728. [S of G, app. index]

Oliver, James, 31 Castle St East, Oxford Mkt, London, cm and u (1826–27). [D]

Oliver, James, 25 Princes St, Cavendish Sq., London, cm (1837–39). [D]

Oliver, John, address unknown, u (1760). Working at Raby Castle, Co. Durham, 1760. [V&A archives]

Oliver, John, Gt Market Pl., Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, u (1766–c.1786). Elected Common Councillor, 19 August 1771. In April 1785 insured his household goods for £200 and his utensils and stock for £400. By 1784 the business appears to have been trading as John Oliver & Son. Died c.1786. [D; Suffolk RO(Bury), 847a Acc2314; GL, Sun MS vol. 327, p. 609]

Oliver, John, Sudbury, Suffolk, u (1779–84). In 1779 took out insurance cover of £700 but only £50 of this was in respect of utensils and stock. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 274, p. 120]

Oliver, John, Castle Foregate, Shrewsbury, Salop, cm (1796). Freeman of Shrewsbury. [Freemen rolls]

Oliver, John, Staindrop, Co. Durham, cm (1815). Son bapt. on 13 July 1815. [PR (bapt.)]

Oliver, John, 29 Houndsditch, London, u and cm (1826–29). Shown additionally at no. 30 in 1827–29. [D]

Oliver, John, Whickham, Co. Durham, joiner/carpenter/cm (1834). [D]

Oliver, Jonathan, Plymouth, Devon, cm (1759). Took app. in 1759 named George. [S of G, app. index]

Oliver, Joseph, Gould's Ct, Deansgate, Manchester, builder, joiner and cm (1825). [D]

Oliver, Joseph & Co., Sudbury, Suffolk, upholder (1784–85). Bankruptcy announced, Gents Mag., October 1785. [D]

Oliver, Joseph snr, High St, St Neots, Hunts., cm and u (1839– 40). Described in one directory of 1839 as a draper and u and in another as cm and furniture broker. [D]

Oliver, Laver, Andrews St, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, u and cm (c.1779–d. 1817). First mentioned in 1779 when he insured his house in Bury St Edmunds for £300. Became a Common Councillor on 21 August 1781, Alderman, 1801–02 and Chief Burgess on 20 August 1810. On 3 August 1803 he took out a patent (no. 2727) for ‘Dining, card, pembroke and other tables upon an improved construction’. Furniture was made in accordance with this patent and to this he affixed brass plates. A D-shaped card table c.1810 now at 8 Angel Hill (Nat. Trust) and a pedestal card table are known with plates inscribed ‘OLIVER'S PATENT/BURY ST EDMUNDS’. A two pedestal dining table is also recorded with a plate: ‘OLIVER'S PATENT No 25/ BURY ST EDMUNDS’. Paid rates on a warehouse, workshops and stables at Andrews St, 1805–11. [GL, Sun MS vol. 272, p. 616; Suffolk RO(Bury), 3847a Acc No. 2314]

Oliver, Mark, parish of St Lawrence, Ipswich, Suffolk, u (1752–58). Married 1752. Bankruptcy announced in Gents Mag., November 1758. [Suffolk RO, FAA: 50/2/89–93];

Oliver, Mark, Leicester, u (1779–95). At Cole Hill in 1779 and Humberstone Gate, 1794. In December 1779 advertised for an app. and in October 1794 for a journeyman u. Took William Jennings as app. in December 1795. [D; Leicester Journal, 11 December 1779, 24 October 1794; app. reg.]

Oliver, Robert, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Oliver, Thomas, Crewkerne, Som., chairmaker (1738). In 1738 took app. named Saint. [S of G, app. index]

Oliver, Thomas, Yeovil, Som., chairmaker (1744). In 1744 took app. named Bartlett. [S of G, app. index]

Oliver, Thomas, 34 South St, Manchester Sq., London, u (1826). [D]

Oliver, Thomas, 7 Braddons Row, Torquay, Devon, cm and u (1838). [D]

Oliver, Walter, 89 Week St, Maidstone, Kent, u (1838–39). [D; poll bk]

Oliver, William, Cambridge, upholder (d.1715). [Cambridge Univ. Lib., Will AR 2:9]

Oliver, William, Sudbury, Suffolk, u (1798–1802). [D; Ipswich Journal, 4 January 1800, 2 January 1802]

Oliver, William, Hadleigh, Suffolk and Halstead, Essex, cm and u (1800). [Ipswich Journal, 30 August 1800]

Oliver, William, 13 Spear St, Manchester, builder, joiner and cm (1825). [D]

Oliver, William, Back Lane, Gainsborough, Lincs., cm (1828). [D]

Oliver & Rayner, Rutland Ct, Charterhouse Sq., London, cabinet chairmakers (1784). See Olive & Elkins. [D]

Olley, Thomas, 21 Buckingham Pl., Fitzroy Sq., London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Olley, William, London, cm and undertaker (1785–1808). In 1785 insured his utensils and stock at 190 High Holborn for £50 and his household goods for £30. By 1793 however the total cover had risen to £300 of which £200 was in respect of utensils and stock. In 1808 at 23 Swan Yd, Drury Lane. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 333, p. 670; vol. 392, p. 98]

Ollis, Thomas, 25 Berry St, Liverpool, cm (1835). [D]

Ollive, —, Aldersgate St, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Olton, Thomas, 25 Buckingham St, York Buildings, London, chairmaker (1801). Took out insurance cover of £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 419, ref. 715230]

Olvius, John, 1 Round Ct, London, ornamental clockcase maker (1777). In 1777 took out insurance of £600 of which £600 covered his utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 261, p. 452]

Olyett, Robert, Deptford Green, Deptford, London, cm etc. (1839). [D]

Omans, William, St George, Queen Sq., London, upholder (1766). In 1766 insured a house at Twickenham, Middlx for £150. [GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 105, p. 120]

Ombler, Thomas, 20 Mount Pl., Coldbath Sq., London, cm (1829). [D]

Omer, I., 18 Howland St, Fitzroy Sq., London, carver and gilder (1837–39). Trade card in the Landauer Coll., MMA, NY. [D]

O'Neal, Francis, Liverpool, u (1804). Traded from Brownlow St, Brownlow Hill with a feather and paper warehouse at 3 Cable St, Pool Lane. See James & Alan Francis O'Neill. [D]

O'Neil & Smith, White St, Southwark, London, japanned chairmakers (1793). [D]

O'Neill, Charles, 4 Eldon St, Liverpool, cm (1821). App. to John Ward Turner and free by servitude, 20 October 1821. [Freemen reg.]

O'Neill, James & Alan Francis, 3 Cable St, Liverpool, u feather merchants and paper hangers (1812–27). Before 1812 in partnership with their father who was probably Francis O'Neal. Kept in stock, feathers, paper hangings, carpets, blankets, counterpanes ‘and every article in the Upholstery Business’. Claimed to have workmen ‘in the Paper Hanging and Upholstery branches’. From 1827 traded as Jane O'Neill & Co. [D; Liverpool Mercury, 28 August 1812]

O'Neill, Jane & Co., Cable St, Liverpool, u and feather merchant (1827–39). The number in Cable St was 3 in 1827, 6 from 1834–37 and 9 in 1839. [D]

O'Neill, John, Lancaster, cm and carver (1753–87). App. to Christopher Walker, joiner and cm in 1753 and free by servitude, 1767–68. Between 1769 and 1787 took seven apps. [App. reg.; freemen rolls; poll bk]

O'Neill, John, Liverpool, cm (1816–39). App. to Thomas Dutton and free by servitude, 6 June 1816. Married on 27 September of the same year at St Peter's Church. His address at this date was Gt Crosshall St. Trading at 40 Standish St in 1818, 34 Cable St, 1821–37 and 67 Cable St in 1839. Took as apps Peter Hitchcock in 1819, William Foley in 1821, William Durante in 1823, Daniel Birchall in 1824, Colin Mackenzie Lewes in 1827, Joseph Thomas Clarke in 1828, William Welsh in 1829, Samuel Pope in 1830, Jacob Williams and Peter Erlam in 1831, Edward John Owens in 1832 and William Sharp Lyons and James Griffiths in 1834. Bankrupt by June 1826 though recommenced business from the same address. In 1834 he announced that he had in stock ‘Wardrobes, Chests of Drawers, Chairs, Loo & Card Tables & various other Articles’, which he claimed had been made under ‘his own immediate inspection’. [D; freemen reg.; Liverpool Mercury, 27 September 1816, 30 June 1826, 4 April 1834; app. reg.]

O'Neill, Mary, 23 Chatham St, Liverpool, u (1835). [D]

Onely, John, Leicester and London, cm (1764–91). Son of Samuel Onely of Lutterworth, Leics. App. to Joseph Johnson of Leicester on 5 July 1764, a premium of £20 being paid. Free 7 June 1779. By 1791 at West Smithfield, London, and in this year took as app. his son John jnr. [Freemen reg.]

Onion, Edward, Temple parish, Bristol, cm (1774). [Poll bk]

Onions, George, 37 Constitution Hill, Birmingham, cm and u (1830–39). Listed at 37 Constitution Hill in 1830 and 66 Livery St in 1839. [D]

Onions, James, Worcester St, Birmingham, chairmaker (1818–22). Listed also as a broker in 1818. [D]

Onwin, Richard, 26 St James St, Pall Mall, London, cm and u (1827). [D]

Onwin, Richard, Fitzroy Sq., London, cm and u (1827–29). At 4 Howland Mews, Fitzroy Sq. in 1827 and 10 Charlotte St, Fitzroy Sq. in 1829. [D]

Oppenheim, Henry, London, looking-glass manufacturer (1817–39). At King St, Commercial Rd in 1817 when the business was listed as H. Oppenheim & Co. In 1829 at 17 Mansell St, Goodman's Fields and in 1839 at this address and also 1 King St, Commercial Rd East. [D]

Oppenheim, Michael, 27 Mansell St, Goodman's Fields, London, looking-glass and cabinet warehouse (1809–11). Succeeded by Henry Oppenheim by 1817. [D]

Opra, Richmond, 33 King St, Whitehaven, Cumb., cm (1834). [D]

Opton, Charles, Lower Northgate St, Gloucester, cm and chairmaker (1820). [D]

Oram, William, South Moulton, Devon, cm (1823–30). At Market Pl. in 1823 and Broad St in 1830. [D]

Oram, Skidmore & Co., Westbar, Sheffield, Yorks., cabinet case and razor strop manufacturers (1817). [D]

Orange, George, 23 Shoe Lane, London, cm and dealer in bird cages (1787–93). In July 1787 took out insurance cover of £500 on his household goods etc. In 1793 subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book. [GL, Sun MS vol. 345, p. 468]

Orange, Joseph, 56 Hanover St, Portsea, Portsmouth, Hants., cm and u (1830). [D]

Orange, Joseph, 7 Yardley St, Clerkenwell, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Orange, Mary & Rebecca, Turner's Hill, Cheshunt, Herts., cm and u (1839). [D]

Orange, Samuel, Turner's Hill, Cheshunt, Herts., cm, u and appraiser (1826–32). [D]

Orchard, James, 28 King St, Soho, London, upholder, cm and undertaker (1805–33). The 28 King St address appears to have been used throughout the life of this business but in 1821 and 1823 one directory lists the number as 30. Another directory in 1826 lists George Yd, Crown St, Soho. The business was fairly substantial in size and insurance cover in April 1805 was £1,000 and in April 1806, £1,250. Of these sums £770 and about £1,000 respectively concern utensils and stock in trade. A workshop was maintained behind the dwelling house. The business had a number of important clients. In 1820 it was patronised by the 4th Marquess of Londonderry in connection with the furnishing of Wynyard Park, Co. Durham and entries are recorded in the Chatsworth, Derbs. accounts for every year from 1822 to 1833. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 434, ref. 775612; vol. 437, ref. 787828; Durham RO, D/LO/E 492]

Orchard, Robert, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leics., cm (1829–40). At Church St, 1829–35, in partnership with John Orchard in 1835; but by 1842 had moved to Market Pl. [D]

Orchard, William, 40 Wellington St and Cathay, Bristol, chairmaker (1829). [D]

Orchard & Son, 46 Margarets Buildings, Bath, Som., u (1819– 24). [D]

Ord, John, Bridge End, Morpeth, Northumb., joiner and cm (1827–34). Recorded also at Water Lane in 1834. [D]

Ord, Robert, London, upholder (1761). Son of Christopher Ord of Chelmsford, Essex, peruke maker. Free of the Upholders’ Co. by redemption under the terms of the 1750 Upholders’ Act, 7 January 1761. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Ordas, William, Wainfleet, Lincs., cm (1806). Freeman of Lincoln. [Lincoln poll bk]

Ore, William, Cogdell's Yd, Silver St, Westminster, London, cm (1741). [Poll bk]

Orford, John, Manchester, cm (1794–1817). At 11 Hanging Ditch in 1794 and 7 Back Baloon St in 1817. [D]

Organ, John, London, cm, u and chair and bedstead maker (1835–39). At 50 Hoxton Sq. in 1835 and 3 Featherstone St, City Rd in 1839. [D]

Orley, Robert, East St, Bridport, Dorset, cm (1840). [D]

Ormandy, John, Lancaster (1790). [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow records]

Ormandy, John, Portland Sq., Workington, Cumb., joiner/cm/ ironmonger (1811). [D]

Ormandy, Richard, New St, Whitehaven, Cumb., joiner/cm (1793–1811). [D]

Ormandy, William, Lancaster (1819–20). [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow records]

Orme, John, Liverpool, cm (1765–77). App. to Charles Charles and free by servitude, 4 May 1765. In 1769 at King St and from 1772 at 9 Ranelagh St. His son John Orme jnr, a merchant, petitioned for freedom by patrimony in 1796. [D; freemen reg.]

Orme, Thomas, opposite Meards Ct, Dean St, Soho, London, cm (d. by 1753). On 13 February 1753 the sale of his stock in trade and utensils was advertised following his death. On offer at the auction were bookcases, bureaus, tables and chairs ‘amongst which are several curious pieces made by his late Master, Thomas Turner, deceased’. His stocks of timber, specified as mahogany, including some fine veneers and his work benches and tools were in the sale. [Public Advertiser, 13 February 1753]

Orme, Thomas, 2 Back Irwell St, Manchester, cm (1838–39). [D]

Orme, William, Bridge St, Derby, cm and u (1835). [D]

Ormes, John, Chester and London, cm (1747). Son of Richard Ormes of Chester, pipemaker, who was dead by 21 July 1747 when his son was declared free. Immediately following this date he moved to London. [Freemen rolls; Chester poll bk]

Ormes, William, Bromboren, Chester, cm (1747). [Poll bk]

Ormo, Joseph, 36 Rupert St, London, portable desk, dressing case, work box and cabinet case maker (1839).[D]

Ormrod, John, Salford, Lancs. and Manchester, chairmaker and cm (1808–34). At 21 Spaw St, Salford as a chairmaker, 1808–25, but in 1834 at 6 Bond St, Manchester as a cm. [D]

Ormrod, Richard, 168 Chapel St, Salford, Lancs., chairmaker (1813–17). [D]

Ornsby, William, Dockwray Sq. Bank, North Shields, Northumb., cm and joiner (1827). [D]

Orphin, S., 11 Monmouth St, Seven Dials, London, chair japanner (1826). [D]

Orpwood, John, 12 Hewitt's Ct, Strand, London, cm (1792–93). In December 1792 took out insurance cover of £100. Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. [GL, Sun MS vol. 389, ref. 609023]

Orpwood & Fetherston, 7 Church St, Minories, London, cm (1823). [D]

Orrell, —, Lombard St, Liverpool, cm (1766). In Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 31 October 1766, the auction was announced of ‘all that Messuage with Appertenances in Lombard Street, now in the possession of Mr. Orrell, Cabinet Maker’.

Orrell, John, Liverpool, cm (1781–90). At 6 Edmund St, 1781 and 36 Ormond St, 1790. [D]

Orrell, Stephen, Malden, Essex, cm (1826–39). [D; poll bk]

Orrell, Thomas, Liverpool, cm (1797). Marriage to Miss Ann Tasker of Ormskirk, Lancs. announced in Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 5 June 1797.

Orridge, John, Leeds, Yorks., journeyman cm (1791–93). Included in the list of journeymen cm in basic sympathy with the Leeds Cabinet and Chair Makers Book of Prices, 1791. Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Orrin, Christopher, Black Boy Lane, Colchester, Essex, chairmaker (1826–d. 1829). Probate granted on his will 1829. [D; Wills at Chelmsford, III, p. 241]

Orrin, William, East Hill, Colchester, Essex, chairmaker (1823). [D]

Orson, John, London and Oxford, carver and gilder (1767–68). In October 1767 at ‘The Golden Eagle’, High St, Oxford and advertised his arrival from London. By April of the following year he was the tenant of a house opposite ‘The Two-Faced Pump’ in the High St, a property which was in this month advertised for sale. [Jackson's Oxford Journal, 24 October 1767, 9 April 1768]

Orson (or Orsor), John, Melton Mowbray, Leics., cm and u (1822). [D]

Ortelli, Peter, 3 Leather Lane, London, looking-glass, barometer and thermometer manufacturer (1835–40). [D; Goodison, Barometers]

Orton, Joseph, Moseley St, Birmingham, cabinet, dressing case and portable desk maker (1828–30). [D]

Orton, Mark & Co., Last Lane, Dover, Kent, cm and u (1839). [D]

Orton, William, Hinckley, Leics., cm (1788–98). In May 1788 advertised for a partner. His son William was declared free in 1798. [D; freemen rolls; Leicester Journal, 24 May 1788]

Orven, Samuel, 54 Bread St, London, upholder and cm (1779). Took out insurance cover in 1779 for £300 of which £140 was in respect of utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 274, p. 574]

Osborn, Arthur, ‘The Three Chairs’, Paternoster Row, London, u (1704–36). In 1704 contracted to supply a hundred beds and bedding for Greenwich Hospital to a pattern supplied. The beds were to cost £1 18s each. The beds supplied may not have been particularly comfortable, for the Clerk of Works was instructed to ‘make the battens thinner so that they give somewhat’. In 1716–17 supplied six chairs for the Library at St Paul's Cathedral, London, and undertook some repairs. In 1717 made and put up four curtains for which £3 7s 6d was paid. Shown taking an app. in 1711. His insurance cover in 1726 came to £500. [Heal; Wren Soc., VI, pp. 31, 49; XV, pp. 221–22; S of G, app. index; GL, Sun MS vol. 23, p. 164]

Osborn, George, 135 and 139 Tottenham Ct Rd, London furniture warehouse (1804–26). In 1804–07 shown at 135 and 139 Tottenham Ct Rd, but from 1808–14 139 alone is usually indicated, and from 1816 it is 135 alone. Described as u in 1809, 1812 and 1814–19 but as furniture broker in 1826. [D]

Osborn, George, 48 Roper St, Whitehaven Cumb., joiner and cm (1828). John Osborne was trading at this address in 1829. [D]

Osborn, James, London, u (1830–31). Freeman of Colchester, Essex. [Colchester poll bks]

Osborn, John, 9 Whiskin St, Clerkenwell, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Osborn, Joseph, Nottingham, joiner and cm (1798). [D]

Osborn, Matthew, 179 Drury Lane, London, cm (1791). In December 1791 took out insurance cover of £400 which included £200 for utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 382, ref. 593686]

Osborn, N., address unknown, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Osborn, Robert, Norwich, u (1724). On 3 May 1724 his app. Gregory Cook was made free. [Norwich freemen reg.]

Osborn, Watkin, Sidbury, Worcester, cm (1797–98). [D]

Osborn, William, Liverpool, cm (1810–18). App. to Edward Huddleston in 1810 and in 1818 free by servitude. [Freemen's committee bk]

Osborn, William Arthur, Littlehampton, Sussex, cm and u (1834–39). Undertook work for the Earl of Surrey at Littlehampton 1834–39. Some small pieces of furniture were supplied such as a chest of drawers charged at £2 15s and a mahogany towel horse at 4s 6d in 1838. A chair was on hire for 1s per week in 1834 but most of the work was involved in the repair and removal of furniture, curtains and upholstery, blinds and other minor items. The totals involved were – £34 8s 6d in 1834, £326 14s 4d in 1836–37 and £31 5s 9d in 1839. [D; Arundel Castle papers, A2002, A2006, A2112]

Osborne, —, London (?), chairmaker (1751). In 1751 paid £21 for chairs to an earlier design by Sir Christopher Wren, by All Souls College, Oxford. Carriage was charged additionally at 17s 6d. [MS DD, All Souls College, c.257]

Osborne, —, 5 Black Swan Ct, Bath, Som., u (1819). [D]

Osborne, Christopher, London, upholder (1712–22). Son of Thomas Osborne of Newtimber, Sussex, Gent. App. to John Osborne on 3 September 1712 and free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 5 December 1722. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Osborne, James, 1 Gwynne's Pl., Hackney Rd, London, chair and sofa manufacturer (1829). [D]

Osborne, John, parish of St Peter Mancroft, Norwich, u (1700– 14). App. to Timothy Ganning and free, 8 November 1700. [Freemen rolls; poll bks]

Osborne, John, ‘The Crown’, corner of Crown Ct, Old Change, London, u (1710–36). Free of the Upholders’ Co., 5 April 1710. Took as apps Christopher Osborne (1712–22), Benjamin Baron (1720–28) and Thomas Elmes (1727–36). In September 1723 took out insurance cover of £400 on goods and merchandise in his dwelling house. [Heal; GL, Upholders’ Co. records; Sun MS vol. 16, ref. 29841]

Osborne, John, Whitehaven, Cumb., joiner/cm (1811–29). At Scotch St in 1811 and at 48 Roper St in 1829. This latter address was used by a George Osborn, joiner and cm, in 1828. [D]

Osborne, John Benjamin, London, cm (1820–21). At 6 West St, Soho in November 1820 when he took out insurance cover of £150. This included £10 in respect of a chest of tools in the workshop of Blackman, cm at 7 Green St, Leicester Sq. A year later when he had moved to 5 York Pl., Carlisle Pl., Lambeth, insurance cover had risen to £200 and the value of his tool chest at Blackman's to £20. [GL, Sun MS vol. 483, ref. 972677; vol. 488, ref. 985415]

Osborne, Joseph, Parliament St, Nottingham, joiner and cm (1786–99). In 1786 took app. named John Williamson. [D; app. bk]

Osborne, Robert, Southwold, Suffolk, u (1813). Married on 20 July 1813. [Suffolk RO, FAA: 50/2/116, pp. 96–97]

Osborne, Thomas, London, u (1812–31). Freeman of Colchester, Essex. [Colchester poll bks]

Osborne, Thomas, 29 Curtain Rd, London, cm etc. (1820). [D]

Osborne, William, 102 Wardour St, London, chair and sofa maker (1807–15). In December 1808 took out insurance cover of £1,000 which included £600 for stock and utensils and £200 cover for the tool chests of his workmen. Although directories show the Wardour St address until 1815, insurance records suggest that by June 1812 he was living at 30 Queen Sq., Bloomsbury. Here a workshop existed behind the dwelling house and stock and utensils kept here were covered for £600 out of a total of £800. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 445, ref. 814196; vol. 459, ref. 871428]

Osborne, William, Shaw St, Livesly Pl., Liverpool, cm (1810– 18). App. to Edward Huddestone in 1810 and free by servitude on 11 June 1818. [Freemen reg.]

Osborne, William, London, chairmaker (1812–31). Freeman of Colchester, Essex. [Colchester poll bks]

Osborne, William, Woodbridge, Suffolk, cm (d. 1825). Will proved at Norwich 1825. [Norfolk Record Soc., index of wills]

Osborne, William, 232 Whitechapel Rd, London, cm and u (1827–39). [D]

Osbourne, Joseph, Brow Top, Workington, Cumb., joiner/cm (1811). [D]

Osbourne, William, Pow St, Workington, Cumb., joiner/cm (1811). [D]

Osburn, William, 7 Fan St, Goswell St, London, cm and u (1822–35). In 1827 listed as a firescreen and chairmaker. [D]

Osman, Mary, 57 Ratcliffe Highway, London, cm (1790–93). [D]

Osman, Robert, 47 Chiswell St, London, cm and desk maker (1822). In December 1822 took out insurance cover of £600, half this sum being for utensils and stock. He also owned a house at 19 Red Lion St, Kingsland Rd valued at £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 489, ref. 9999289]

Osment, Edward, Paris St, Exeter, Devon, cm (1821–40). Four sons and six daughters bapt. at St Sidwell's Church, 1821–37. In 1828 an address at Marsh's Pl. is given but this may have been merely a dwelling house and the business appears to have remained in Paris St. Appears to have also acted as an agent for the sale of houses. [D; PR (bapt.); Exeter Flying Post, 7 May 1835]

Osmond, George, 60 London St, Fitzroy Sq., London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Osmond, J., 23 Upper Cleveland St, London, u (1835). [D]

Osmond, Joseph, London, cm (1820–31). Freeman of Colchester, Essex. [Colchester poll bk]

Osmond, S., 21 High St, Shadwell, London, cm etc. (1820). [D]

Osmond, William, 58 Minster St, Reading, Berks., cm and u (1820–40). [D; poll bks]

Ostler, Henry George, Hull, Yorks., cm (1835–40). At 51 Savile St in 1835 and 3 Castle St in 1840. [D]

Oswald & Lumley, 75 Well St, Oxford St, London, cm (1800– 11). This business traded as Oswald & Lumley, 1800–01 but as Oswald & Nicols, 1803–11. It is this latter partnership which is given in the list of subscribers to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803, where they are referred to as cm and chairmakers. A man by the name of Oswald was purchasing ‘Irish’ cloth from Kennet & Kidd in 1794 and may be the Oswald involved in both of these partnerships. [D; PRO, C114/181, journal 3, p. 333]

Oswald & Nicols, see Oswald & Lumley.

Oswell, Andrew, Rose St, Westminster, London, cm (1784). [Poll bk]

Otewell, James, Knutsford, Cheshire, joiner and cm (1782). [D]

Othen, William, High St, Godalming, Surrey, cm and u (1832– 39). [D]

Ottley, John, 32 Upper Milk St, Liverpool, cm (1839). [D]

Otton, Mr, Exeter, Devon, turner and carver (1818–23). In January 1818 married a Miss Hancock at St Edmunds Church. By April 1822 trading from an address in Cathedral Yd and advertising for an app. ‘to the turning & carving business’. By the following year trading from Gandy St. [D; Exeter Flying Post, 22 January 1818; The Alfred, 16 April 1822]

Ottoway, Samuel, address unknown, u (1688). [PRO, C114/164, pt. I]

Ottway, J., 35 St Martin's Lane, London, dressing and writing case maker (1819–20). [D]

Otty, John, Upper Milk St, Liverpool, cm (1827–37). Son of William Otty, cooper. Free, 17 October 1827. At this date at Standish Ct, 40 Upper Milk St but in 1835 the number in Upper Milk St was 41, reverting to 40 in 1837. Took as apps John Ellis in 1827 and Richard Ellis in 1828. [D; freemen reg.; app. bk]

Otty, Samuel, Liverpool, cm (1816–18). At 21 Johnson Ct in 1816 and 10 Christian St in 1818. [D]

Oughton, Clement, Newington Butts, London, chair and sofa maker (1826–35). At Parsonage Walk in 1826 and 4 Providence Walk in 1835. [D]

Oughton, J., Bridge Stairs, Lambeth, London, chairmaker (1808). [D]

Oughton, John, 37 Union Row, New Kent Rd, London, cm and u (1827). [D]

Oughton, Levi, 22 Bridge Rd, Lambeth, London, chairmaker (1809–39). Trade listed as japanned chairmaker, 1813–20; chair, sofa and couch manufacturer, 1820–25; and Windsor chairmaker in 1829. [D]

Oughton, Mary, Botley, Hants., chairmaker (1830). [D]

Oughton, Samuel, 14 Grosier St, Lambeth, London, u (1835). [D]

Oughton, Thomas, 3 Bridge St, Lambeth, London, u (1826). [D]

Ould, Joseph, address unknown, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Oulton, James, London, upholder (1736). Free of the Upholders’ Co., 3 March 1735/36 ‘by order of the Court of Aldermen’. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Oulton, Thomas Clownes (or Clowes), King St, Knutsford, Cheshire, cm (1828–40). [D]

Ounsworth, Benjamin, Edgar St, Hull, Yorks., cm (1835–40). At 3 Edgar St in 1835 but shown as Ounsworth Ct, Edgar St, 1838–39. [D]

Ounsworth, Jesse, Hull, Yorks., u and chairmaker (1803–39). At Low Church Alley, Lowgate and Chapel Lane 1803–10; Salthouse Lane, 1821–22; Cent per Cent St, 1826; St James St in 1831; and 19 St James St, 1835–38. [D]

Ounsworth, John, Low Church Alley, Lowgate and Chapel Lane, Hull, Yorks., cm (1803–10). Between these dates Jesse Ounsworth, u and chairmaker operated from these addresses also.[D]

Ounsworth, Samuel, Hull, Yorks., cm (1774–80). [Poll bks]

Ousey, George, Staylybridge, Lancs., cm (1825–34). At 79 Rossbottom St, 1825–28, and 14 Old St in 1834. [D]

Ousey, H., Staylybridge, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancs., cm (1825). Bankruptcy announced, Brighton Gazette, 10 March 1825.

Outram, John, Kingsley, near Frodsham, Cheshire, cm and joiner (1834). [D]

Outram, Richard, Sheffield, Yorks., cm (1814–28). At 26 Trippet Lane but by 1825 at 38 Portobello St. Thomas Outram, cm was trading from 30 Trippet Lane in 1821. [D]

Outram, Thomas, Sheffield, Yorks., cm (1821–33). At 30 Trippet Lane in 1821, Carver St in 1828 and 105 Rockingham St in 1833. Richard Outram, cm, was at 26 Trippet Lane from 1814. [D]

Outram, William, Sheffield, Yorks., cm (1814–34). At Wainegate 1814–16; 52 High St, 1818–28; and 20 Market Pl., 1833–34. A Regency Trafalgar type chair is known with the impressed mark ‘W. OUTRAM/MAKER/SHEFFIELD’. [D]

Outrem, William, ‘The Cock’, Catherine St, Strand, London, u (1722–25). His name appears in a report from a committee appointed in February 1722/23 and July 1723 to superintend the repair and enlargement of Hicks Hall and the provision of furniture for it. In May 1725 took out insurance cover of £500 on his goods and merchandise. [Winterthur, Delaware, Symonds 75×69.29; Heal; GL, Sun MS vol. 20, ref. 35710]

Ouvry, James, Against Half Moon Alley, Bishopsgate Without, London, upholder (1718). [GL, Sun MS vol. 8, ref. 11455]

Ovenston, John, 72 Gt Titchfield St, Oxford St, London, cm and u (1826–39). Shown as cm 1826–35 and thereafter as u. Made a chair from the timbers of Old London Bridge in 1832 for the Hall of the Fishmongers’ Co. Took over this address from John Barker, u who in 1825 or 1826 moved to 54 Dorset St, Manchester Sq. [D; Heal]

Over, James, Market Harborough, Leics., cm and u (1810–40). From 1835–40 his address was Cheapside. [D]

Overall, William, High St, Chelmsford, Essex, cm and u (1832–39). [D]

Overend, Brian, Lancaster (1793–1803). Named in the Gillow records 1793–94, 1796–98 and 1802–03. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow]

Overend, Joseph, Lancaster, carver (1828–29). [Lancaster freemen rolls]

Overend, Joseph, 72 York St, Leeds, Yorks., cm and joiner (1837). [D]

Overend, William, Cheapside, Liverpool, joiner and cm (1821– 39). The number in Cheapside was 66 in 1821–29; 53 in 1835–37; and 14 in 1839. [D]

Overley, William, at the sign of ‘The East India House’, Leadenhall St, London, joiner and cm (c. 1710–32). Prior to 1711 Overley conducted his business from a small shop which stood at the entrance to East India House. When obliged to move he transferred four or five doors from his old place of business but retained the trade sign that he had used previously. His trade card [Heal Coll., BM] states that he made all sorts of Sea Chests in Deal or Wainscot, Ruff or Smooth Packing Chests or Cases and Cases of Bottles & Boxes of all Sizes, Presses in Deal in Wainscot & Bedstids, Tables, Desks, Book Cases, Burows & Writing-Desks, Letter holes, &c.’ [Heal]

Overlove, John, ‘The Golden Key’, 36 Leadenhall St, London, frame maker and gilder (1775–82). Advertised on his trade card [GL] that he was ‘From ye late Mr Evendon's in Leadenhall Street’. He stated that he made ‘all Manner of Frames for Paintings, Glasses, or Prints, Fits up Indian Pictures for Stair Cases, Lines, Cleans & Repairs Pictures, new Gilds old Frames & also Makes Window Blinds, after ye newest fashion’. J. B. Pursseveill who had set up in business at 5 Lime St, Leadenhall St by the early 1780s claimed to have been his app. as did also William Wade. Overlove was succeeded at this address by John Merle. [D; Heal]

Overton, —, Dean St, Soho, London, upholder (1705). [Heal]

Overton, James, 180 Bristol St, Birmingham, cm and chairmaker (1830). [D]

Overton, Philip, address unknown, frame maker (1734). On 12 November 1734 submitted his invoice for 10s 6d for making a black picture frame with gold carved edge to Paul Foley. Foley had addresses in Little Ormond St and the Temple, London, and Newport House, Almeley, Herefs. [Herefs. RO, Foley F/AIII/55]

Overton, Richard, 127 Rotherhithe St, London, carver (1826). [D]

Overton, Richard, London Rd, Swaffham, Norfolk, cm and u (1830). [D]

Owen, —, 42 Little Sutton St, Clerkenwell, London, cm (1829). [D]

Owen, Catherine, 41 Duke St, Liverpool, u (1824). [D]

Owen, Francis, 35 The Quay, Bristol, cm (1755–75). In 1755 took app. named Weare. At 35 The Quay in 1775. [D; S of G, app. index; poll bks]

Owen, Francis, Wem, Salop, u (1822). [D]

Owen, J., 30 Copperas Hill, Liverpool, cm (1827). [D]

Owen, James, Hereford, chairmaker (1822–35). At Bye St, 1822, and Built's Buildings, 1830–35. [D]

Owen, John, parish of St Nicholas, Bristol, upholder (1754–59). In 1756 took app. named Ledgingham and in 1759 another named Elsley. [Poll bk; S of G, app. index]

Owen, John, Pool Lane, Liverpool, u (1761–67). App. to Charles Aven for five years and Ambrose Evans for a further two. Free by servitude, 11 February 1761. By 1766 had set up in business at Pool Lane where he had a house and shop with a cellar under. The business was not successful and in August 1767 his bankruptcy was announced. His stock, consisting of ‘very good Bedsteads, with Morine & Check Furnitures, Feather Beds, Blankets, Mahogany Chairs, Tables etc.’ together with his household goods had already been put up for sale in April though tenders for the whole, and enquiries about the letting of the shop and house were invited. [D; freemen reg.; freemen's committee bk; Gents Mag., August 1767; Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 20 March 1767, 31 March 1767, 11 November 1767]

Owen, John, Manchester (1772–81). At 27 Market St Lane, 1772–73 and Old Church Yd, 1781. [D]

Owen, John, Liverpool, u (1790–d. 1830). At 12 St Peter St, 1790–96 and 1813–14; but from 1804–11 the number was 41. In 1813–14 at 32 Standish St, and from 1816–21 at Gloucester St. By 1823 had a shop at 2 Hood St, and in 1824 the addresses are given as 5 Hood St and 5 Gloucester St. The addresses had changed to 1 Jervis St and 53 Copperas Hill by 1827–30. Probably trained in Shrewsbury but by 1790 in Liverpool where in November he was married at the Church of St Thomas to Mrs Jane Boardman. In 1805 signed the supplement to the Liverpool Cabinet and Chairmakers’ Book of Prices on behalf of the masters. His wife died on 28 March 1821 at Clayton Sq., presumably John Clayton's dwelling house at this date. She was aged 78. Almost two years later on 18 April 1823 the death of the wife of John Owen aged 70 at Gloucester St was announced. Either John Owen re-married after the death of his first wife or there are two makers of roughly the same age and in the same trade in Liverpool at this period. John Owen of Copperas Hill died on 30 November 1830 and his stock was put up for sale in March 1831 on the instructions of his executors. The manufactured stock consisted of ‘Mahogany, Zebra & Rosewood, Pembroke, Library, Loo, Card & Sofa Tables; Chests of Drawers, Parlour & Hall Chairs, Sofa, Hatstand, Music Seat, Portable Desks, long Port & Camp Bedsteads, Imitation Rosewood Chairs & various other Articles’. In addition there was a stock of materials which included ‘Mahogany, Rosewood, Cedar, Oak, Ash, Birth & Pine Planks & Boards, Mahogany, Rosewood & other Veneers; Tool Chests & Tools, Work Benches, Cramps, large Iron Vice, Stoves, Brass Work etc.’. [D; Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 22 November 1790; Liverpool Mercury, 13 April 1821, 18 April 1823, 17 December 1830, 4 March 1831]

Owen, John Edward, Nantwich, Cheshire, u (d.1812). Buried on 17 March 1812. [PR (burial)]

Owen, John, City Rd, Finsbury, London, upholder and undertaker (1817–35). At 8 City Rd in 1817 but in 1835 the number was 1. [D]

Owen, John, Nottingham, u (1818–22). Listed at Castlegate in 1818 and Clumber St in 1822. [D]

Owen, John, 71 Leadenhall St, London, u (1821). Described as an ‘Upholstery Warehouse, Mattress and Feather-bed Manufactory, and Agency House to the Cabinet-makers’ Society’. [D]

Owen, John, Old St, St Luke's, London, cm (1826–39). At 2 Old St in 1826 but in 1839 at 92. [D]

Owen, John, corner of Providence Rd and Finsbury Sq., London, cm etc. (1837). [D]

Owen, John, Knight St, Liverpool, u (1837–39). At 35 Knight St in 1837 but by 1839 the number was 10. [D]

Owen, Michael, Lyme Regis, Dorset, cm (1778). In 1778 took out insurance cover for £300 of which £50 was in respect of utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 269, p. 370]

Owen, Owen, 2 Bannister St, Vauxhall Rd, Liverpool, u (1804). [D]

Owen, R., 23 Hackney Rd, London, chairmaker (1826). [D]

Owen, Richard, Nantwich, Cheshire, u (1808–14). Three daughters and a son bapt., 1808–14. [PR (bapt.)]

Owen, Richard, 5 and 6 Curtain Rd, Shoreditch, London, cm and furniture warehouse (1809–16). Described as cm in 1809 and furniture warehouse 1816. [D]

Owen, Robert, 17 Townwell Fold, Wolverhampton, Staffs., cm (1802). [Rate bk]

Owen, Samuel, 54 Broad St, Carnaby Mkt, Soho, London, u and cm (1781–1809). In most years trade directories described him as upholder or u, occasionally with cm added. In 1797 only the business is listed as Owen & Cox. Included in the list of master cabinet makers in Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. In 1781 took out insurance cover of £600 of which £420 was in respect of utensils and stock. In 1805 utensils and stock were valued at £850 for insurance purposes. Samuel Owen also insured in 1805 two houses near the ‘King's Arms’ at Acton Bottom for £900 and in the following year a house at 45 Wigmore St rented to a sadler at £400. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 292, ref. 4444914; vol. 434, refs 777111, 777302; vol. 437, ref. 787040; vol. 440, ref. 802420]

Owen, Samuel Middleton, Bristol, cm (1784–94). At Castle Precincts 1784 and Castle Ditch 1794. [D; poll bk]

Owen, Sarah, 17 York St, Whitechapel, London, u (1839). [D]

Owen, Thomas, near Moorfields, London, cm and glass grinder (1736). [Heal]

Owen, Thomas, 17 Tarleton St, Liverpool, cm (1818). [D]

Owen, Thomas, 59 Skinner St, Snowhill, London, u (1829). [D]

Owen, William, Liverpool, cm (1796–1839). At 12 Vernon St, Dale St, 1796–1804. By 1807–14 at 31 Cable St, but in 1818 the number was 30 and in 1821–24, 28. In the period 1835– 37 had a shop in Cable St and also at 3 Seymour St. [D]

Owen, William, address unknown, cm and u (1812). On 13 September 1812 supplied to Erddig, Clwyd, N. Wales a pair of dressing glasses at £1 11s. Also supplied a mahogany table costing £9 10s. [V&A archives]

Owen, William, High St, Wem, Salop. cm (1828). [D]

Owen & Cox, see Samuel Owen, 54 Broad St, London.

Owen & King, 63 Berners St, Oxford St, London, cm, u and undertakers (1835–39). [D]

Owens, Joseph, 1 Jervis St, Liverpool, cm (1827). [D]

Owens, Owen, 43 London Wall, London, victualler and cm (1785). In April 1785 insured his utensils and stock for £180. [GL, Sun MS vol. 329, p. 63]

Owens, Thomas, 27 Rose Pl., Liverpool, cm (1834). [D]

Owens, Thomas, Gt Square, Braintree, Essex, cm and u (1839). [D]

Owsley, Samuel, Kingsbury, Som., cm (1719). In 1719 took app. named Meade. [S of G, app. index]

Oxendale, Thomas, Tubwell Row, Darlington, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1827). [D]

Oxendale, William, Preston, Lancs., joiner and cm (1816–18). In 1816 near Roe St with a house at 3 Walton St and in 1818 at Shepherd St. [D]

Oxenham, Henry, Exeter, Devon, cm (d.1823). Death on 29 October 1823 reported in Exeter Flying Post, 30 October.

Oxenham, Mark, Poland St, Oxford Rd, London, cm (1749). [Westminster Poll Bk]

Oxenham, Samuel, see Thomas Oxenham.

Oxenham, Thomas, London, patent mangle and napkin-press maker, cm and u (1795–1832). At 354 Oxford St in 1795 as a mangle and napkin-press maker, and claimed to be maker to ‘their Majesties, Prince of Wales and Royal Family’. He was friendly with Thomas Butler of Catherine St, Strand, an important cm and u and associated with the manufacture of patent furniture. When late in 1800 Butler took a decision to dispose of the business and Joseph Sanders and Thomas Morgan, two of his employees stated an interest in taking over, Thomas Oxenham was called in to value the stock. To the outrage of Morgan and Sanders, Butler sold the business to Oxenham who subsequently stated that he had purchased from Butler ‘his sole Patent-right for making the said much admired Bedsteads … together with all his Stock in Trade, Engines, Tools &c.’. Oxenham was in possession of Butler's Catherine St premises by June 1801 and in July insured 13 and 14 for £1,200 of which £750 was for utensils and stock. He offered to the public similar items to those formerly featured by Butler which included patent four post bedsteads, Imperial Dining Tables, ‘Curious new invented Folding Chair Beds, Double and Single Sofa Beds … Couch Beds on various constructions; Sofa Beds for Merchant's ships and travelling in general, elegant Card and Pembroke Sofa Tables’. By April of the following year the premises in Catherine St were vacated and the trade transferred to Thomas Oxenham's Oxford St address. From here he offered his ranges of furniture ‘from 10 to 20 per Cent cheaper than the boasted Manufactories in Catherine Street’. A Samuel Oxenham, using the 354 Oxford St address subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. There is also a trade card [Banks Coll., BM] dated 1803 in the name of Samuel Oxenham & Co. Samuel was probably involved in the business as a partner and it traded as Oxenham & Co. 1806–08 and as Thomas Oxenham & Son 1809–12.

The only known patron of Thomas Oxenham for furniture was Sir George Sitwell of Renishaw, Derbs. who in 1808 purchased furniture to the value of £835. The most significant items were two ‘superb sofas’ the arms and front legs formed of carved lion's heads and legs, the woodwork bronzed and parcel gilt. These alone cost £120 12s 8d.

Oxenham continued to trade as a mangle manufacturer until 1832 when he retired to Welwyn, Herts. where since 1792 he had been a prominent member of the Bethel Chapel and an ardent supporter of the Duchess of Huntingdon's connection. His success in business had by this date made him a man of some means. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 419, ref. 718891; C. Life, 26 November 1938, p. xc; Conn., November 1974, pp. 180–81; W. Brand, Welwyn Briefly] B.A.

Oxerby, Geo., Barnsley, Yorks., cm (1814–16). [D]

Oxlade, James, Downley, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (b. c. 1816–41). Aged 25 at the date of the 1841 Census.

Oxland, William, Hinchingdon, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (b. c. 1816–41). Aged 25 at the date of the 1841 Census.

Oxley, Daniel, Doncaster, Yorks., cm (1782–84). In 1782 took out insurance cover for £600 of which £100 was in respect of utensils and stock. A William Oxley, cm traded in this town, 1818–22. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 306, p. 418]

Oxley, Thomas, Plough Yd, Banbury, Oxon, chairmaker (1830–41). [D]

Oxley, William, High St, Doncaster, Yorks., cm (1818–22). See Daniel Oxley in this town as a cm, 1782–84. [D]

Oxton, Thomas, 49 Gt George St, Liverpool, cm (1823–24). [D]