Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840. Originally published by W.S. Maney and Son Limited, Leeds, 1986.

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'C', in Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840, ed. Geoffrey Beard, Christopher Gilbert (Leeds, 1986), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/dict-english-furniture-makers/c [accessed 14 March 2025].

'C', in Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840. Edited by Geoffrey Beard, Christopher Gilbert (Leeds, 1986), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/dict-english-furniture-makers/c.

"C". Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840. Ed. Geoffrey Beard, Christopher Gilbert (Leeds, 1986), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/dict-english-furniture-makers/c.


Cable, —, (1766–76). Payments made by Nathaniel Ryder, 1st Lord Harrowby of Sandon Hall, Staffs. to ‘Cable Cabt. Maker’ of £13 1s on 30 July 1766 and £9 7s on 15 January 1776, in the latter instance for ‘a Table for M. de Chabrauseut’. [Harrowby MS Trust, Notebooks vols 330 and 337]

Caborne, Thomas, 3 Grub St, London, bedstead maker, broker, smith and butcher (1821). [GL, Sun MS vol. 487, ref. 980343]

Cacket, Thomas, Northgate, Canterbury, Kent, cm (1830). [Poll bk]

Cadby, Joel, parish of St Mary, Devizes, Wilts., cm (1761). On 22 August 1761 discharged from Debtors’ Prison. [London Gazette]

Caddey, John, ‘The Cabinet’, King St and Wood St, London, cabinet and looking-glass maker (1724–27). On 5 June 1725 took out insurance cover ‘on goods and merchandise in dwelling house only’ for £500. [GL, Sun MS vol. 21, ref. 36035; Heal; Wills, Looking-Glasses]

Cade, Robert, Beverley, Yorks., cm (1790). [Poll bk]

Cadman, John, Manchester, chairmaker, upholder and cm (1772–93). At Shudehill from 1772 to 1788 and in the latter year was advertising his business as a ‘stain'd chair warehouse’. In the next year he was trading from 31 Swallow St, Piccadilly and by 1793 his number had changed to 81. On 10 November 1788 he was paid £7 13s by George Cooke for twelve chairs supplied to Dunham Massey. [D; John Rylands Lib., Manchester Univ., George Cooke's accounts]

Cadman, Rebecca, 26 Shudehill, Manchester, chairmaker (1797). Probably the widow of John Cadman. [D]

Cadwell, William, London, upholder (1729). Son of William Cadwell of Peterborough, apothecary. App. to Samuel Kempster 2 May 1706 and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 3 December 1729. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Cadwell, William, Maidstone, Kent, u (1802). [Poll bk]

Cadow, Matthew, Stanley St, Liverpool, joiner, cm and dealer in household goods (1778). In 1778 insured his stock for £700 [GL, Sun MS vol. 268, p. 72]

Caffyn, Henry, 13 Egremont Pl., Brighton, Sussex, u (1839). [D]

Caffyn, John Benjamin & Charles, Brighton, Sussex, carvers and gilders (1839–40). In 1839 John Benjamin was trading from addresses at 32 Marine Parade and 51 and 53 East St. The business was sometimes referred to as John Benjamin Gaffyn & Co. On 2 January 1840 he was married to Mary Ann Hudson and his address was then listed as 7 Market St. [D; E. Sussex RO, PAR 255/1/3/12]

Cafrani, Lewis, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1811–13). At 18 Pitt St in 1811 but two years later the number is listed as 28. [D]

Cain, Henry, 16 Rathbone St, Liverpool, cm (1839). [D]

Cain, James, King St, Richmond, Surrey, carver and gilder (1822–39). [D]

Cain, John, 29 Wilson St, Finsbury, London, cm (1835). [D]

Cainey, James, opposite Gravel Lane, Ratcliff Highway, London, cm and broker (1777). In 1777 insured his stock and goods for £650 out of a total cover of £1,200. [GL, Sun MS vol. 255, p. 129]

Caird, James, address unrecorded, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Caird, James, 20 King St, Golden Sq., London, cm and u (1827). [D]

Caird, W., 20 King St, Golden Sq., London, cm (1827). [D]

Cairncross, William, Soho, London, cm (1784–1825). In 1784 at Greek St, but by 1795 had moved to Wardour St. After 1786 his usual trade address is given as 11 Hollen, St, but he seems to have retained the Wardour St building (no. 17) which was possibly his dwelling house. No. 11 Hollen St was his manufactory and had in the yard behind a ‘sawpit and loft over’. He also appears to have occupied the yard behind no. 5 Hollen St. His total insurance cover in 1805 was £500 but this had risen to £800 by 1810. Declared bankrupt in 1795 which may well explain the change of address from Greek to Wardour St. Listed in Sheraton's, Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 431, ref. 769989; vol. 437, ref. 787080; vol. 453, ref. 844466; vol. 459, ref. 873587; Westminster poll bk; Heal; Liverpool Advertiser, 16 February 1795]

Caistor, Thomas, Nottingham, cm (1790). [Poll bk]

Caistor, Thomas, Newark, Notts., cm (1806). Admitted freeman of Lincoln, November 1806. [Lincoln freemen rolls]

Caistor, Thomas, High St, Boston, Lincs., cm, joiner and u (1826). [D]

Caistor, William, Nottingham, cm (1790). [Poll bk]

Caitcheon, John, carver and gilder (1758). Recorded in the Blair Castle accounts 13 November 1758 for work on balusters, carved details and gilding picture frames and a bust. [V & A archives]

Caiton, William, Cambridge, joiner (1670–d. c. 1723). William Caiton is first recorded in the Trinity College, Junior Bursar's account bks from 1670 and received regular payments up to his death c. 1723. Although at this period the work undertaken included general joinery, he seems to have been almost a specialist furniture maker as most of the payments are for the supply or repair of furniture, a large percentage being for tables, chairs and stools, which would make up the majority of a Colleges furnishings. However they include ‘a table turned and polished in the Masters Gallery 6s. 6d.’ (1676), the Masters bedstead (1677), ‘a spanish table to Joyn to ye Bursars table 12s. od.’ (1679), ‘for new feet turned and screw cut by hand for ye Quadrant 8s. od.’ (1682), ‘for an oval table in the Library’ (1685), ‘for 2 new frames for ye great globes in ye Library 15s. od.’ (1702). William Caiton rented from Trinity College a property in the parish of St Mary the Great from 1696–1723, at which date it is listed in the names of Susan and Jane Caiton. [Archives of Trinity College] R. W.

Cakebread, William, Royston, Herts, chairmaker (1732). In 1732 took app. called Broughton. [S of G, app. index]

Calam, Richard, 31 Scale Lane, Hull, Yorks., cm (1799–1814). Recorded in Beverley, Yorks. poll bk of 1799 and was possibly trained in that town, though by this date he was already living in Hull. [D; Beverley poll bk]

Calar, William, York Rd, Nottingham, joiner, cm and carpenter (1778–1805). His apps included Thomas Milligan (1778), George Pearson and Robert Lamb (1785), William Collinson (1800), George Wightman (1802) and John Eden (1805). On 31 July 1784 he advertised in the Nottingham Journal for craftsmen. All of this suggests an extensive business. [D; Notts. RO, app. list]

Calbreath, Robert, Newcastle, u (1777). App. to William Charnley and admitted freeman 20 January 1777. [Newcastle freemen reg.]

Calcott, Arthur, London, u (1709–22). In 1709 his address was New South St, St Martin's Lane but by 1720 he had moved to the Black-Moor Head upon the Pavement in St Martin's Lane and on 18 July of that year insured with the Sun Fire Office. [GL, Sun MS vol. 12, ref. 19052; Heal]

Caldcleugh, Robert, Silver St, Durham, u and cm (1839). On 29 November 1839 a notice was inserted in Durham Advertiser by John Tiplady, solicitor requiring claims from creditors to be lodged with him within two months.

Caldcleugh, Thomas, Framwellgate, Durham, joiner and cm (1827). [D]

Caldecott, William Edward, 53 Gt Russell St, Bloomsbury, London, u, cm and undertaker (1815–40). Successor to W. Burdock. By 1820 he had developed an extensive business and in December insured his dwelling house and the adjacent one, no. 54 which he was also using, for £2,800. Additional cover of £600 was taken out for the workshops in the yard behind. A further policy covered his stock in the two houses for £1,650 and those in a warehouse behind 7 Duke St for £300. He also owned a house at 4 Crescent Pl., Burton Cresc. which was let to a tenant and valued with the contents at £1,100. Similar cover was maintained in 1824 with his insurers. Several of Caldecott's commissions have been traced: On 3 July 1819 he invoiced furniture to J. H. Leigh amounting to £37 8s 3d which included ‘a fine rosewood sofa table’ at 12 guineas. [Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Leigh receipts, DR 18/5] On 3 May 1821 Nicholas Pearse of Loughton, Essex and London settled his account for a night stool £1 11s 6d. [Essex RO, D/DHt A1/4] On 24 March 1827 and 28 March 1828 bedding to the value of £22 16s was invoiced to Sir William Fraser. [Lincoln RO, Monson 11/51] The business was still trading in the early 1840s and two bills of this period are in the V & A archives. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 483, refs 974317, 974366, 974367, 962867; vol. 498, ref. 999605; vol. 499, ref. 1014217; Heal]

Calder, John, 8 St George's Pl. (1826) and 4 James St, (1833), Bath, Som., cm. [D]

Calder, John, Broad St, Worcester, cm (1833–35). Admitted freeman 1833. Noted in Worcester freemen rolls, 1 December 1835.

Calder, Robert, New Glass-house Bridge, North Shields, Northumb., cm, joiner and carpenter (1790–98). In 1798 his address is listed simply as Newcastle-upon-Tyne but this does not necessary imply that he had moved from North Shields. [D]

Caldwell, Elizabeth, 12 Wigmore St, Cavendish Sq., London, cm and u (1808). Possibly the widow of William Caldwell. [D]

Caldwell, William, Wigmore St, Cavendish Sq., London, cm and u (1783–c. 1805). In 1783 at Wigmore St which he insured for £800 of which £300 was for utensils, stock and goods. In 1791 took out a joint insurance policy with Robert Stone, an ironmonger of 13 Oxford St on a property at 32 Welbeck St, which was tenanted by a Mr Wells. [GL, Sun MS vol. 313, refs 485226 and 583072]

Caldwell, William, London, cm and u (1809–35). Successor and possibly the son of William and Elizabeth Caldwell. Initially traded from 12 Wigmore St, Cavendish Sq. and in 1811 the business is referred to as Caldwell & Co. By this date the trade had changed from cm to u. In 1826 at 4 Dorset St, Manchester Sq. but in 1835 the number had changed to 2. [D]

Caleborne, Thomas, Bennett St, Bath, Som., upholder, auctioneer and undertaker (1784). [D]

Cales, Charles, The Square, Winchester, Hants., carver and gilder (1839). [D]

Calken, Thomas, Liverpool, cm (1747–71). May be related to the Thomas Calkin who was in business as a cm in Chester from 1732–42, as he was also a freeman of Chester. In 1771 his address is listed as Wavertree. [Chester poll bks]

Calkin, Thomas, Eastgate St, Chester, cm (1725–d. by 1742). App. to Edward Twanbrooke, cm, 5 November 1725 and admitted freeman on 26 January 1732. On 9 June 1742 Adam's Weekly Courant carried an announcement that the stock of the late Thomas Calkin was to be sold off. [Chester app. bks; freemen rolls; poll bk]

Call, James, 29 Barnes St, Bunhill Row, London, carver and gilder (1808). [D]

Callan & Booth, Mesdames Westgate St, Bath, Som., cm and upholders (1805–19). [D]

Callcott, William, parish of St Ebbe's, Oxford, cm (1772). On 20 April 1772 married Jane Carpenter. [Bodleian index of Oxf. marriage bonds]

Calldicolt, —, address unknown (1736). In October 1736 submitted to Edward Monnington of Sarnesfield Court near Kington, Herefs., an account for 19s 6d for ‘making a box for a clock’ and ‘altering ye Great Table in ye Dyning Room’ amongst other work. [Herefs. RO, P94/32]

Callen, Charles Coombes, Southampton, Hants., carver and gilder (1830–39). Trading at 21 Union Terr. in 1830 and 101 High St in 1839. [D]

Callen, John, 11 St Mary's St, Southampton, Hants., carver and gilder (1839). [D]

Callendar, Alexander, Bishopgate St, London, chairmaker (b. 1760–d. 1838). Death at the age of 78 reported in Gents Mag., May 1838 where he was described as the philosophical chairmaker.

Callenio, C., Coldbath Sq., London, looking-glass manufacturer (1825). [D]

Callon, James, St Helens, Lancs., joiner and cm (1818–34). At Bridge St in 1818 and 1834, but in 1828 his address is listed as Moorflat. [D]

Callow, Martin, Melton Mowbray, Leics., u (1823). Honorary freeman of Leicester 1823. [Leicester freemen rolls]

Callow, Martin, 3 High St, Bordesley, Birmingham, u and paper hanger (1835). [D]

Calloway, Felix, Bond St, London, u (1749). [Westminster poll bk]

Calloway, Henry, New Bond St, London, u (1710/11). Admitted a freeman of the Upholders’ Co., 3 January 1710/11. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Calloway, John, Hanover Sq., London, u (1727–34). [Heal]

Calloway, John, New Bond St, London, u and undertaker (1789–1820). At 64 New Bond St from 1789–1809 when the number changed to 69. [D]

Calloway, John, 3 Howland St, Fitzroy Sq., London, chair carver (1835). [D]

Callowey, R., Salisbury, Wilts., u (1797). In March 1797 Richard Cox of Quarley, Hants. settled an account of £6 9s from R. Callowey. [Lloyds Bank archives]

Calow (or Callow), John, Southwark, London, manufacturer of japan chairs and furniture (1820–39). In 1820 at 44 Gt Dover St, but by 1835 had moved to 62 Kent St. [D]

Calthrop, —, address not known (1775). Paid £22 4s in connection with the furnishing of Denton Park, Yorks. [Furn. Hist., 1968]

Calver, James, Lion Walk, Colchester, Essex, carver and gilder (1839). [D]

Calver, William, parish of St Lawrence, Ipswich, Suffolk, u (1790–1800). [Poll bk; Suffolk RO, calendar of marriage licence bonds]

Calvert, —, ‘The Raven’, Cornhill, London, u (1693). [Heal]

Calvert, Matthew, London, u (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Calvert, Nathaniel, Swainson's Yd, Market Pl., Lancaster, cm (1811–18). Freeman of Lancaster 1811–12. [D; freemen rolls]

Calvert, Rupert, Castle St, Uttoxeter, Staffs., cm (1828). [D]

Calvert, Thomas, Goodramgate, York, joiner and cm (1760–80). In 1760 took app. named Marshall. Advertised in York Courant, 4 March 1777. Insured his house for £300 in 1780. [S of G, app. index; Furn. Hist., 1971; GL, Sun MS vol. 285, p. 453]

Calvert, William, Liverpool, cm (d. 1797). Died in New York aged 25. Mother living in Chapel St, Liverpool at the time of his death. [Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 15 May 1797]

Calvert, William, Lancaster, u (1811–12). [Lancaster freemen rolls]

Calvert William, Leeds, Yorks., cm and u (1814–40). At Mill Hill in 1814 and listed at no. 9, 1828–30. By 1837 at Butler's Ct, Kirkgate. [D]

Cambridge, John, London, cm (1775–78). At 12 Ranelagh St, Pimlico in 1778 when he insured his utensils, stock and goods for £250 out of a total cover of £500. Three years later his address was opposite Mays Buildings, St Martin's Lane and his insurance cover had been increased to £400 and £700 respectively. [GL, Sun MS vol. 238, p. 381; vol. 266, p. 379]

Came, J., Marlborough St, Plymouth, Devon, cm (1822). [D]

Cameron, Charles, 107 St John's St and 3 Dorrington St, Clerkenwell, London, Tunbridge-ware manufacturer (1826–35). From 1834 at Dorrington St only. [D]

Cameron, George, Hollyhill, Jarrow, Co. Durham, cm (1828). [D]

Camfield, John Thomas, 5 Upper Clifton St, Finsbury, London, cabinet wood carver (1839). [D]

Caminada, Francis, 13 Bond St, Manchester, cm (1832). [D]

Cammegh, John, 217 Whitechapel Rd, London, u, cm and undertaker (1814–39). From 1825 the business is listed as John Cammegh & Son. In 1839 the number was changed to 216 Whitechapel Rd and for the first time he was recorded as cm instead of u. [D]

Camotta, Richard, Halifax, Yorks., carver, gilder, optician and thermometer and barometer maker (1830–40). In 1830 at 14 Bull Green but by 1837 the number had changed to 12. [D.; Goodison, Barometers]

Camms, James, Hog Hill, Norwich, cabinet and chairmaker (1805). [D]

Camory (or Camery), James, Castle St, Westminster, London, cm (1749). [Poll bk]

Camozi, James, 37 Gt Saffron Hill, London, billiard table and backgammon board maker (1832). [D]

Campbell, A., London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Campbell, Daniel, address unknown (1743). On 7 April 1743 he was paid £13 10s for ‘Dressing Beds’ for Gibside, Co. Durham. [Durham RO, Strathmore MS D/St/V989]

Campbell, Edward, Old Church Yd, Preston, Lancs., cm (1818). [D]

Campbell, George, Grosvenor St, London upholder (1764–76). Insured his house in 1776 for £500. [Heal; Westminster poll bk; GL, Sun MS vol. 248, p. 421]

Campbell, George, Market St, Northampton, cm (1823). [D]

Campbell, John, 140 High Holborn, London, u (1774–1801). The house in High Holborn included ware rooms and workshops. From 1785 he maintained additional workshops at Dumbs Alley, Holborn. Other property owned by John Campbell included houses in Hart St, Bloomsbury and in 1793 a house, offices, stables and other buildings in Mile End Rd let to Abraham Hall and insured alone for £1,800. He was clearly a man of some considerable affluence for the total insurance cover on his properties amounted to £5,900 in 1790 and reached £6,200 two years later. By the early 1790s he was probably living at 2 Lyon St, Holborn. Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. Between 1783–86 he was employed at Carlton House and his bills amounted to £663 14s 9d. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 255, p. 266; vol. 276, p. 604; vol. 293, p. 65; vol. 294, p. 302; vol. 329, p. 64; vol. 370, p. 278; vol. 386, p. 461; vol. 392, p. 230; H. Clifford Smith, Buckingham Palace]

Campbell, John, 5 Rosemary St, Bristol, ‘beach chair’ and bedstead maker (1822–30). From 1829 his address changed to 4 Old King St. [D]

Campbell, John, Gainsborough, Lincs., chairmaker and turner (1831). [D]

Campbell, Richard, Horse-fair, Bristol, cm and joiner (1794). [D]

Campbell, Robert, London, u and cm (1754–80). At Porter St near Newport Mkt from the 1750s until the late 1780s when he moved to 33 Marylebone St, Piccadilly. Subscribed to Chippendale's Director, 1754, his copy now being in the British Library. A trade card of this period in a Chinoiserie style survives. [MMA, NY, print dept] It states that Robert Campbell ‘Makes and Sells all sort of Household Furniture, Useful & Ornamental in the Newest Fashion, at the most Reasonable Rates. NB. Rooms Neatly Paper'd & all sorts of Goods … for Exportation’. In 1761 he signed statements regarding the working conditions of journeymen cabinet and chairmakers which were published in Lloyds Evening Post and British Chronicle. In this year he took John Finnis as an app.

Robert Campbell was a man of considerable ingenuity and his business flourished, diversifying away from the purely upholstery side of the trade. In 1774 he took out a patent on sets of library steps which could be ‘contained in tables … chairs or stools’ when not in use. The first set was stated to have been made for George III. The practical nature of this piece of furniture had a strong appeal and a number of examples are known of sets of library steps enclosed in tables which bear Robert Campbell's trade label. One of these sets of steps enclosed in a mahogany Pembroke table is in the Library at Saltram, Devon and was supplied to John Parker in 1777 at a cost of £6 10s. Thomas Sheraton thought this item of furniture of sufficient merit to illustrate and describe it in his Drawing Book, 1793.

By the 1780s Robert Campbell was attracting patronage of the very highest order and his firm was described as ‘Upholsterers to their Majesties’ and ‘Cabinet maker to the Prince of Wales’. He produced an estimate for furniture required for Carlton House in 1789 amounting to £10,500 and subsequently was employed there on upholstery work. Chinoiserie chairs for the Chinese Drawing Room, Carlton House (illustrated by engravings dated 1793 in Sheraton's Drawing Book) were made by François Hervé but upholstered in plain yellow satin and brocaded satin by Robert Campbell. A set of four chairs at the Nieborow Palace, near Warsaw, owned formerly by the Radziwill family, are labelled ‘Robt. Campbell … upholders & cabinetmakers … to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales on the west side of Leicester Square London. Makes all Kinds of useful & ornamental furniture in the newest taste’.

In 1785 he took out insurance cover on his dwelling house and workshop amounting to £1,500 with a further £750 for utensils, stock and goods in trust. He owned other property and in 1791 insured a house at 28 Gt Ormond St tenanted by James Buckley Esq. He subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. From 1784 the business is usually described as Robert Campbell & Son. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 330, p. 247; ref. 585598; S of G, app. index; Westminster poll bk; V & A archives; DEF; Burlington, September 1967] B.A.

Campbell, Robert, Windsor, Berks., u (1780–84). [D; poll bk]

Campbell, Robert, 3 Broker's Row, Moorfields, London, upholder (1808). [D]

Campbell, Samuel, Liverpool, u (1812–39). Son of William Campbell, breeches maker. Sworn freeman 5 October 1812. At 7 Clayton Sq., 1813–14 but in 1816 was at 2 Trafalgar St with a shop at 18 Church St. From 1835–39 in School Lane. [D; Liverpool freemen reg.]

Campbell, Samuel, Market St, Bolton, Lancs., u (1824). [D]

Campbell, Theodore, London, cm and broker (1793–94). Recorded at both 24 Fore St and 24 Barbican in 1793. Bankrupt 1794. [D; Liverpool Advertiser, 23 June 1794]

Campbell, William, London, u (1726–49). In 1726 his address was listed as within 3 doors of the ‘Dog & Duck’ on the south side of new Bond St, near Hanover Sq. but in the next year as Grosvenor St. In 1745 a payment of £150 was made by the Earl of Stair for ‘part of his bill for furniture’ to Campbell. In the following year further payments were made to ‘Messrs. Campbell & Bruce’. [Heal; Westminster poll bk, 1749; Scottish RO, GD 135/Box 51/2/1–2; Box 55/31]

Campbell, William jnr, Pedley St, upper end of Bond St, London, upholder (1753). Took out insurance on 27 January 1753 for household goods and furniture in a house ‘near opposite the Coach & Horses in Conduit Street in Occupation of Barlow Esqre’. [GL, Sun MS vol. 98, ref. 134090]

Campe, James, London, upholder (1720). Son of John Campe of Chipping Ongar, Essex, clerk. App. to Richard Chambers 2 May 1711 in trust for William Wood, girdler ‘who neglected to turn him over’. Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by redemption 7 December 1720. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Camper-Harris, James, Sampson Gdns Hermitage by Worship Ct, Worship St, Moorfields, London cm (1787). On 12 May 1787, together with James Patterson, insured utensils, stock, goods and ‘Mr Patterson's household goods’ for £400. [GL, Sun MS vol. 345, p. 30]

Campfield, Richard, Old Palace Yd, Westminster, London, upholder (1700–12). Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co., 28 September 1700. Took an app. 22 December 1711. Between 1705 and 1712 took out insurance cover on three houses immediately to the west of Westminster Abbey to the extent of £1,000. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records; Hand in Hand MS vol. 4, p. 17; vol. 12, refs 9128–30; S of G, app. index]

Campfield, Richmond, King St, St James's, London, upholder (1712–24). [Heal]

Campfield, Robert, Duke St, St James's, London, upholder (1712). [GL, Sun MS vol. 2, p. 27]

Campini & Capella, 8 Court, Digbeth, Birmingham, picture frame makers (1839). [D]

Campion, George, 23 Union St, Bishopsgate, London, cm, u and carpenter (1808–16). In 1808 took out insurance cover on his house in Bishopsgate St for £450 and another at 31 Skinner St for £350. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 444, ref. 819529]

Campion, Thomas, Bridge St, Northampton, cm (1830). [D]

Campion, Thomas, Hull, Yorks., cm (1831–42). At 3 Burke's Sq. in 1831, but by 1838 had moved to 4 James Sq., Myton St at which address he continued in trade until 1842. [D]

Campion & Watkins, London, billiard and backgammon table makers (1829–39). At 13 Henrietta St, Covent Gdn in 1829 but by 1835 the partnership had ended and Arthur Campion was trading from 10 Adele St, Cheapside. By 1839 the address had changed to 5 Princes St, Gate St. [D]

Camplin, William, East Moor, Wakefield, Yorks., cm and u (1828). [D]

Campsall, John, Hull, Yorks., carver and gilder (1723). [Poll bk]

Canes, William, Painter's Row, Exeter, Devon, builder and cm (1822–25). [D]

Canham, Peter, Bridewell St, Wymondham, Norfolk, cm (1839). [D]

Canham, William, Norwich, cm (1713). Took app. named Melchior. [S of G, app. index]

Cann, James, 35 Timberland, Norwich, cm (1801–18). Admitted freeman of Norwich 24 February 1804 (not by apprenticeship). [D; freemen reg.; poll bks]

Cann, John, Norwich, cabinet and chairmaker (1798). [D]

Cann, Peter, Finkle St, Stockton, Co. Durham, cm and winnowing machine maker (1832). [D]

Cannaway (or Canneway or Caneway), Walter, Head of Fleshmarket, Newcastle, carver and gilder (1778–98). On 28 February 1778 advertised in Newcastle Courant that he was capable of ‘carving up marble, wood or stone. Old square glasses are cut to any oval and framed to any taste’. [D]

Cannell, Hugh, Henry St, Liverpool, cm (1802–27). Admitted freeman on 5 July 1802 after app. to William Smith. Took apps named William Dyer in 1822 and Daniel Waddle in 1823. After 1821 frequently changed his address being located at 33 King St in that year, 7 Roscoe Lane in 1823 and 20 Coopers Row in 1827. [D; Liverpool freemen reg. and app. enrolment bk]

Canning, Joseph, 8 Little St Andrews St, Seven Dials, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Cannings, William, Bath, Som., u (1831). Bankrupt 4 November 1831. [Liverpool Mercury, 11 November 1831]

Cannon, Charles, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (1827–40). [D; PR (bapt.)]

Cannon (or Canon), Edward, 109 High Holborn, London, papier mâché manufacturer and looking-glass warehouse (1771–93). An address at 17 Crutched Friars is listed in directories in 1775 only. Business continued after 1793 as Cannon & Buzzard. [D; Wills, Looking-Glasses]

Cannon & Buzzard, 109 High Holborn, London, carvers, gilders and paperhangers (1793–1829). [D]

Cannon, George, Tylers Green, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (1834–41). Aged 25 at the time of the 1841 Census. [PR (bapt.)]

Cannon, John, High Wycombe, Bucks, chair manufacturer (b. c. 1781–1841). Mentioned in Militia Census 1798. Three daughters and two sons bapt. between 1814 and 1824. Aged 60 at the time of the 1841 Census. [PR (bapt.)]

Cannon, Joseph, High Wycombe, Bucks, chairmaker, (1815–26). Three daughters and a son bapt. 1815–26. [PR (bapt.)]

Cannon, Mary, Tylers Green, High Wycombe, Bucks., chair bottomer (b. c. 1806–41). Aged 35 at the time of the 1841 Census.

Cannon, Thomas, 58 Shadwell High St, London, broker and cm (1781). Took out insurance on his utensils, stock and goods for £150. [GL, Sun MS vol. 298, p. 159]

Cannor (or Connor), Charles, Wycombe Marsh, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (b. c. 1781–1841). Aged 60 at the time of the 1841 Census.

Canns, James, Hoghill, Norwich, cabinet and chair manufacturer (1805). [D]

Cansick, Robert, Bradford, Yorks., cm (1840). Bankrupt January 1840. [Leeds Mercury, 1 February 1840]

Cant, James, High St, Uppingham, Rutland, chairmaker and turner (1835). [D]

Cant, Robert James, High St, Uppingham, Rutland, chairmaker and turner (1840). [D]

Cant, William, North St, Ripon, Yorks., cm (1822). [D]

Cant & Collins, London, cabinet and cornice maker and u (1820–26). Shown at 11 Brook St, New Rd in 1820 and 1826, but at 1 Gt Brook St, Fitzroy Sq. in 1822. [D]

Canter, William, Ixworth, Suffolk, cm (1839). [D]

Canton, James, Church St, Hackney, London, carver and gilder (1808). [D]

Cantrill, Joseph, Market Pl., Blandford, Dorset, cm, u and auctioneer (1823–30). [D]

Canway, John, Lancaster, cm (1779–80). [Lancaster freemen rolls]

Cape, John, Lancaster, cm (1792–93). Named in the Gillow records as a maker of bookcases. [Westminster Ref Lib., vol. 344/96, pp. 883 and 938]

Cape, Thomas, Liverpool, cm (1813–37). At 34 Stanley St, 1813–16, but address changed to 3 Norris St, 1835–37. [D]

Cape, William, Main St, Cockermouth, Cumb., cm and joiner (1829). Subsequently traded as William & George Cape. Address in 1829 also recorded as Cocker Bridge End. [D]

Cape, William & George, Main St, Cockermouth, Cumb., cm, joiners and builders (1834). [D]

Capel(l), James, Watford, Herts., cm (1832–39). [D]

Caple, Robert, Edward St, Carnaby Mkt, London, cm (1749). [Poll bk]

Capon, George, London, u and cm (1811–39). In 1811 at 7 Theobalds Rd, Red Lion Sq., but by 1813 at 13 Greek St, Soho, at which address he remained until at least 1815. In 1820 he was trading from 1 Nassau St, Middlx Hospital, and in the next year from 388 Oxford St. From this date the trade in the directories is changed from u to cm. In November 1824 he was declared bankrupt but despite this continued to trade from the same address until at least 1826. In 1835 the address is recorded as 54 Poland St, Oxford St and in 1839 as Woodstock St. A John Capon is recorded at 388 Oxford St in the 1825 edition of Kent's London Directory but this may be an error. [D]

Capon, J., Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, u (1732). Bankruptcy announced in Gents Mag., May 1732.

Capon, William, Newport Pagnell, Bucks., cabinet and chairmaker (1780–98). In 1780 insured his utensils and stock for £50 out of a total insurance cover of £200. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 288, p. 27]

Capp, Dennis, 46 Foley St, London, carver and gilder (1820– 37). [D]

Capp, James, Holbeach, Lincs., joiner and cm (1822–26). Trading also as an ironmonger in 1822 and paperhanger in 1826. [D]

Capprani (or Caprini), Antonio, 110 Tib St, Manchester, carver, gilder, looking-glass, picture frame and barometer maker (1836–40). [D]

Caprani, John B., 29 Pitt St, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1827–39). [D]

Caprani, Lewis, 28–29 Pitt St, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1814–23). Succeeded by John B. Caprani. [D]

Caprani & Sanderson, 30 Pitt St, Liverpool, carvers and gilders (1835). [D]

Capson, John, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, u (1725). In 1725 took app. named Cross. [S of G, app. index]

Capstack (or Capstick), James, Market St, Lancaster, cm (1798–1812). A cm of this name is recorded in the Gillow records for the periods 1798–99, 1800 and 1812–14. He may, or may not, be the same person as the James Capstick whose household and business goods were put up for sale in April 1811. Apart from his household furniture, much of which was mahogany, carpets, looking-glasses, etc, he had a stock consisting of ‘new-made mahogany writing desks, wardrobes, chests of drawers, clock-cases, washstands, night-chairs, tables, pier and swing looking glasses’, eight work benches, mahogany and oak in planks and boards and mahogany veneers. In the same year a James Capstick was made freeman of Lancaster as a cm. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow vol. 344/98, p. 1600; Lancaster Gazette, 27 April 1811, 25 April 1812; freemen rolls]

Capstick, Thomas, Lancaster, cm (1817). Son of James Capstick ‘late of Lancaster’. Made a freeman of Lancaster, 1817–18, when stated ‘of Preston’. [Lancaster freemen rolls]

Capstick, Thomas, Liverpool, cm (1824–29). From 1823–24 at 187 Vauxhall Rd but by 1827 had moved to 13 Grafton St and two years later was at Academy Pl., Gore St. [D]

Capstick, Thomas, Caldcoats, Carlisle, Cumb., cm and joiner (1828–34). [D]

Carbanati, Joseph, 37 Southampton St, Strand, London, looking-glass manufacturer (1835). [D]

Carberry, Christopher & Cubett, Benjamin, 17 Cow Lane, West Smithfield, London, cm (1783–84). Insurance on stock, goods and utensils in 1783 was £60 out of a total cover of £100. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 314, p. 300]

Carbery, Christopher, 24 Red Lion Ct, Saffron Hill, London, cm (1787–92). Insurance cover on utensils and stock was £200 in 1787 rising to £300 for the period 1790–92. [GL, Sun MS vol. 344, p. 628; vol. 370, July 1790; vol. 388, p. 124]

Carbinall, William, St Catherine's New Court, St Catherine's, London, cm (1782–91). Out of a total insurance cover of £1,000 in 1782 only £50 was in respect of utensils, stock and goods. Declared bankrupt by 1791 when described as ‘late of St Catherine's Court’. [GL, Sun MS vol. 300, p. 622; Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 4 April 1791]

Carbon, John, 6 High St, Brighton, Sussex cm (1824). [D]

Carby, William, 53 Cannon St, Ratcliffe, London, carver and gilder (1817). [D]

Card, C. H., West St, Wareham, Dorset, cm and u (1840). [D]

Card, Edward, West St, Wareham, Dorset, u (1823–30). [D]

Carden & Stoddard, Jew St, Brighton, Sussex, cm and u (1832). [D]

Carder, Thomas, Fore St, Teignmouth, Devon, cm and dealer in earthenware (1823–32). By 1832 was bankrupt and in this year appeared before the court for the relief of insolvent debtors. Afer leaving Teignmouth he moved to the parish of St Sidwell, Exeter and then to Dawlish, Devon before dwelling in Goldsmith St, Exeter and finally at a college in the precinct of the Cathedral Close. [D; Exeter Flying Post, 16 February 1832]

Cardiff, Hester, Edmonds Ct, Dead Wall, London, u (1723). Took out insurance cover of £150 on her dwelling house, and the goods and merchandise in it were covered for a similar sum. [GL, Sun MS vol. 16, ref. 29703]

Cardinal, Roger, Bridge End, Saffron Walden, Essex, cm (1811). [Census in possession of the Town Clerk, Saffron Walden]

Careless, Henry, Richmond, Surrey, u (1738). Took app. named Perkins in 1738. [S of G, app. index]

Careless, Thomas, London, upholder (1712 d. by 1732). Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co., 1 October 1712. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Careswell, John, St Alkmund's Churchyard, Shrewsbury, Salop, u (1796). [Freemen rolls]

Carey, John, 8 East Ascent, St Leonards, Sussex, u and cm (1839–40). [D]

Carey, Peter, ‘The Golden Lyon’, Bridges St, Covent Gdn, London, u (1720). [GL, Sun MS vol. 11, 11 April 1720]

Carhill, George & Joseph, 45 Whitefriargate, Hull, Yorks., cm (1837). [D]

Cark, John, Blackman St, Southwark, London, carver (1784). [Bristol poll bk]

Carkeel, N., 4 Albion St, Blackfriars Rd, London, u and cm (1809). [D]

Carkeet, Nathaniel, Truro, Cornwall and London cm and u (1797–1820). Initially at West Bridge St, Truro, from which address he advertised in December 1798 that he could supply ‘Japan chairs, sofas, fire-screens’ of his own manufacture together with a ‘a very large & handsome assortment of Chintz Bed Furniture, Feather Beds, Carpets etc.’ He offered to take old furniture in part exchange. By March 1801 he had moved to Lemon St and was once again making a feature of japanned ‘Modern & Rich drawing-room chairs’. In addition to his cabinet and upholstery stock he was offering tea for sale in July 1803. During 1806 and 1807 he continued to use the local press to feature ‘paper hangings of the newest patterns from one of the first houses in London’ together with fabrics and japanned and mahogany furniture. He constantly emphasised his knowledge of the latest London fashions and his ability to match goods made in the capital. In June 1807 for instance he was offering to furnish drawing rooms and beds ‘on a new principle according to the present London method.’

The claim that he had an intimate knowledge of the London fashions and was importing into Cornwall the most elegant fashions of the capital may not have been an idle boast. He clearly had London connections and in August 1807 indicated his intention of moving his business there. His stocks were offered at prime cost or below. In the same year he established himself at 49 Skinner St, London. As foreman for his London manufactory he obtained the services of a Mr Hixon who had previously been employed by ‘Mr. Stephen's business in Piccadilly’, and that of ‘Mr Smith of Grosvenor St. Grosvenor Square, each of whom are employed by the Royal Family’. In order to benefit from his previous Cornish connections he sent Mr Hixon to the county in the summer of 1809 ‘to fix an assemblage of handsome furniture’ for a client in the Lostwithiel area, and announced that he would be prepared to call on any ‘gentlemen in Devonshire or any other County’ on his way back to London. Two of his trade cards from this London period are in the Banks Coll., BM, and feature an elaborately draped window and a Grecian sofa. They also reflect the frequent changes of address that this business underwent in its latter years. It remained at 49 Skinner St, Snow Hill until at least 1812, but by 1814 was at 5 Lisle St, Leicester Sq. In the next year the business was at 17 Tavistock St, Covent Gdn at which it continued until 1819, but by the next year it was at 23 New Bond St.

Nathaniel Carkeet appears to have been a Non-Conformist and his signature is recorded on the trust deed of the Dissenting Meeting House, Bull Hill, Fowey, Cornwall dated 29 September 1798. [D; Cornwall RO, D.D. CF. 1255; Sherborne Mercury, 10 December 1798; Royal Cornwall Gazette, 7 March 1801, 26 December 1801, 30 July 1803, 3 May 1806, 6 June 1807, 24 June 1809] B.A.

Carkman, Robert, John St, Dale St, Liverpool, cm (1796–1803). Recorded at 14 John St in 1796 and no. 8 from 1800. [D]

Carkman, Thomas, 6 Chapel St, Liverpool, cm (1767–1803). The number of the business premises in Chapel St was constantly changing. By 1777 it was 51; in 1781, 39; and in 1790 it was 40. After 1796 the business was conducted from 4 Lord St. In 1781 Carkman advertised himself as a cabinet and trunk maker. [D]

Carlaw, William, 55 Davies St, Berkeley Sq., London, cm (1808). [D]

Carle, Charles, London, carver and gilder (1817–39). At 11 Kent St, Southwark 1817–20, but by 1829 had moved to 2 Cumberland Pl., Newington, and recorded at no. 3 in 1837. [D]

Carlean, John, address unknown, cm (1717–28). Received small payments from the Duke of Northumberland in 1712, 1714, 1717, 1727 and 1728, the largest sum being £8 15s in the latter year. [V & A archives]

Carleton, —, Ludgate Hill, London, maker of travelling and other writing cases (1763). [D]

Carley, Jesse, 37 George St, Brighton, Sussex, cm and u (1826– 28). Daughter Sarah bapt. 2 April 1828. [D; E. Sussex RO, PR (bapt.)]

Carley, Stephen, 66 North St, Brighton, Sussex, bed and mattress manufacturer, (1826). [D] See S. and Stephen Carly.

Carlill, George & Joseph, 45 Whitefriargate, Hull, Yorks., cm, u and undertakers (1838–40). This partnership took over from the former one of Thomas & George Carlill trading from the same address. Apart from the business address directories show also a residence at 36 Dock St in their occupation, 1838–39. [D]

Carlill, Thomas & George, Whitefriargate, Hull, Yorks., cm, u and undertaker (1810–35). The number of the business premises in Whitefriargate is variously given as 42 (1810), 45 (1814 and 1821–35) and 43 (1817). The partnership was succeeded by that of George & Joseph Carlill trading from the same address. [D]

Carlton, John, York, cm (1823–30). Address given as Pavement in 1823, but by 1828 had moved to 8 Coppergate and trading as John & Co. After 1830 the business continued at this address as Sarah Carlton & Co. [D]

Carlton, Samuel, Beeston, Leeds, Yorks., cm (1817–22). [D]

Carlton Sarah & Co., 8 Coppergate, York, cm and u (1830–34). Successor to John Carlton. [D]

Carly, Cornelius, 7 Bolingbroke Row, Walworth, London, u, bed and mattress maker (1822–39). [D]

Carly, J., Edward St, Brighton, Sussex, cm and u (1827). [D]

Carly, James, East St, Kent Rd, London, bed and mattress maker (1822). [D]

Carly, James, All Saints St, Hastings, Sussex, bed and mattress maker (1826). [D]

Carly, S., North St, Brighton, Sussex, cm and u (1827). [D] See Stephen Carley and Stephen Carly.

Carly, Samuel, 13 Ship St, Brighton, Sussex, u (1822–24). [D]

Carly, Stephen, 14 Ship St, Brighton, Sussex, u (1823). [D]

Carmichael, John, address unknown but possibly Newcastle, joiner and cm (1774). Advertised in the Newcastle Courant, 26 February 1774 that he was continuing his father's business ‘in the trade of shop-keeping … has laid in fresh assortment of all kinds of linen drapery, haberdashery, hosiery & teas; & also executes, in the neatest manner, all sorts of household furniture in the cabinet & upholstery branches’.

Carnaby, John, Low Friar St, Newcastle, cm (1838). [D]

Carnaby, Ralph, Newcastle, cm (1808–34). In March 1808 the Newcastle Courant carried an announcement that W & R. Carnaby ‘cabinet-makers from London’ had commenced business at Green-court, Newgate St. The partnership was obviously unsuccessful for in April of the next year Ralph was advertising that he had never had any trading connection with his brother, William, who had already by this date set himself up in opposition at 3 Collingwood St. Ralph continued to trade from the Newgate St premises until 1812. In May of that year he advertised his move to 21 Low Friar St at which address he continued to trade until 1834. In 1827 he was also shown to have had a house in Gallowgate. [D; Newcastle Courant, 5 March 1808, 22 April 1809, 2 September 1809, 9 May 1812]

Carnaby, Robert, Newcastle, cm (1752). On 25 January 1752 announced in Newcastle Courant that he had moved his business from the foot of Butcher-bank to ‘his house near Pardon-gate’. His stock included ‘lead, tea & bottle boards’.

Carnaby, William, Newcastle, cm (1808–24). Before setting up in business in partnership with his brother Ralph in 1808 he had been employed in London as foreman to W. D. Watson of Parliament St. The partnership with Ralph at 1 Green-court, Newgate St, was short-lived and by 1809 he was trading on his own account at 3 Collingwood St. In 1813 however he moved back to 1 Green-court which in May 1812 had been vacated by his brother when he moved to Low Friar St. [D; Newcastle Courant, 5 March 1808, 29 April 1809, 12 August 1809; Newcastle Chronicle, 27 February 1813]

Carnley, John, Hull, Yorks., cm (1828–31). At 3 King St in 1828 but by 1831 had moved to 12 Prince St. [D]

Carp, Plenty, High St, Southampton, Hants., joiner and cm (1783). [D]

Carpenter, Abraham, parish of St Nicholas, Bristol, upholder (1754). [Poll bk]

Carpenter, Andrew, Westminster, London, carver (1696–1730). Married Ann Billingsley at Holy Trinity Church in 1696 when he was described as being resident in the parish of St Ann, Westminster. In 1730 his address was St George's, Hanover Sq. He is almost certainly the Carpenter who was paid on 9 May 1701 for carved work ‘in his Majesties garden at Kensington’. The entry appears in a Garden account bk, 1696–1702, for the royal gardens of William III, kept for the Earl of Portland by Caspar Frederick Henning. [Marriage reg; Lincoln RO, 3ANC 8/19; Worcs. RO, 2252/705: 366/2]

Carpenter, Benjamin, 11 Gt Titchfield St, London, carver and gilder (1815). [D]

Carpenter, Conyngesby, London, upholder (1711). Son of William Carpenter, Gent. of Mawden, Herefs. App. to Thomas Few(?) on 17 August 1704. Admitted a freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 24 August 1711. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Carpenter, Jabez, 147 High St, Bromley, Kent, cm and u (1826– d. 1847). [D; Bromley Ref. Lib., Baxter, Itinerary of Bromley, p. 38]

Carpenter, James, 3 Gt Bath St, Clerkenwell, London, cm and u (1825). [D]

Carpenter, John, carver (1741). Listed in York poll bk with an address given as ‘Hilton Castle’ which may be Hylton Castle, near Sunderland, Co. Durham.

Carpenter, John, 12 Hanover St, Bristol, carver and gilder (1819–21). [D]

Carpenter, John, 3 Gt Bath St, Clerkenwell, London, cm and u (1820–26). [D]

Carpenter, John, Back St, Exeter, Devon, cm (1838). A son, George, bapt. at the Church of St Mary Minor on 12 April 1838. [PR (bapt.)]

Carpenter, Joseph, Birmingham, cabinet case maker (1830–35). Trading at 10 Court, Lancaster St in 1830 and 6 York St in 1835. [D]

Carpenter, Robert, Westgate St, Bath, Som., carver, gilder and frame maker (1785–91). [D]

Carpenter, Samuel, High St, Lambeth, London, cm and u (1827). [D]

Carpenter, Stephen, Bryanston, Dorset, carver (1759). Took an app. called Noyes. [S of G, app. index]

Carpenter, Stephen, Blandford, Dorset, cm, builder and joiner (1771–1816). On 16 April 1771 took an app. John Tucker for 7 years. A contract of 1816 exists between John Austen of Spethisbury, clerk, and Stephen Carpenter for the erection of a dwelling house at Tarrant Keyneston. [D; Dorset RO, B5; D81, E2]

Carpenter, Thomas, Marylebone St, London, chairmaker (1734–49). Recorded commissions for Lady Monson (1734 and 1745) and the Earl of Hertford (1741) suggest that his main trade was that of sedan chair maker. [Lincoln RO, Monson 12; V & A archives [Duke of Northumberland's accounts); Westminster poll bk]

Carpenter, William, East St, Southampton, Hants., cm (1793–1811). [D]

Carr, — (widow), 53 Colehill St, Sutton Coldfield, Warks., u (1767–77). [D]

Carr, Adam, Fenkle St, Alnwick, Northumb., cm (1828–34). Recorded also at Coming's Yd in 1834 as cm and joiner. [D]

Carr, Andrew Henry, 13 St Michael's Sq., Southampton, Hants., cm and u (1811–36). Business continued by George Carr at the same address. [D]

Carr, Ann, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (b. c. 1806–41). Aged 35 at the time of the 1841 Census.

Carr, George C., Newcastle, u (1784). App. to Thomas Hunt, and admitted freeman of Newcastle 15 April 1784. [Freemen rolls]

Carr, George, 13 St Michael's Sq., Southampton, Hants., and cm and chairmaker (1839). Successor to Andrew H. Carr. [D]

Carr, James, Holt, Norfolk, cm and joiner (1822). [D]

Carr, James, 6 Clipstone St, London, chair and sofa manufacturer (1827). [D]

Carr, John, London, upholder (1731–37). Son of William Carr of Lambeth, surgeon. App. to Ezra Doughty on 14 July 1721. Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 3 February 1731. Took as app. Charles Maynard in 1737. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Carr, John, Lancaster, u (1767–68). [Lancaster freemen rolls]

Carr, John, Leicester, cm (1772). App. to John Shipley in 1761 and admitted freeman in 1772. [App. and freemen rolls]

Carr, John, New St, Broad St, London, cm (1775). Took out insurance cover of £300, £100 being in respect of utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 238, p. 265]

Carr, John, Woolmarket, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumb., cm (1806). [D]

Carr, John E, ., Grimsby, Lincs., joiner and cm (1819–40). At St Mary's Gate in 1826, but by 1831 had moved to Bethlem St where he advertised in addition that he was a builder. Trading at Baxtergate in 1835 as joiner and cm. [D]

Carr, John, Thomas St, Cirencester, Glos., cm (1830). [D]

Carr, Thomas, 20 High St, Birmingham, u (1767–80). [D]

Carr, Thomas, Sunderland, Co. Durham, cm (1784). [D]

Carr, Thomas, Clayport St, Alnwick, Northumb., cm and joiner (1828–34). [D]

Carr, Thomas, Market Pl., Pontefract, Yorks., cm (1834–37). [D]

Carr, William, 12 St James St, King's Lynn, Norfolk, carver, gilder and painter (1836–39). [D]

Carrack, John, Leeds, Yorks., cm and u (1816–34). His address initially is variously described in directories as near Bank (1816), Rear Bank (1818) and Far Bank (1817 and 1822). From 1826–30 he was trading from 1 Cavalier St and in 1834 at The Calls. [D]

Carrall, Richard jnr, Hull, Yorks., cm (1826–40). App. to Joseph Hick in January 1817. Trading at 20 Bishop Lane in 1826. By 1838 he had moved to 18 George's Pl., Mytongate. The business continued to trade until 1848. [D; Hull app. reg.]

Carraway, —, Margate, Kent, upholder and cm (1803–39). Initially traded as an upholder but from the 1820s was describing himself solely as a cm. At Union Cresc., 1823–26, and this address re-appears in a directory entry of 1839. His main place of business after 1831 however appears to have been 4 Cecil St. [D]

Carrick, George, Lawrence Pouteney Lane, London, upholder, paper hanger and cm (1778–83). The number of the business premises is listed as 39 in 1778 but from 1781 as 17. He also appears to have owned another house at 20 in 1778. Insurance cover on his business premises amounted to £800 including £400 for stock, goods and utensils in 1778; and £1,000 with £700 for stock in 1782. A George Carrick of 73 Lombard St who was admitted a freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by redemption on 4 November 1778 may be the same person. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 263, p. 176; vol. 270, p. 189; vol. 298, p. 318; GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Carrick, Mark, Skelton, Guisborough, Yorks., joiner, cm and wheelwright (1828–34). [D]

Carrier, John, London, upholder (1726). Son of John Carrier of the parish of St Botolph Without, Bishopgate, tailor. App. to John Newton and admitted a freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 4 May 1726. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Carrington, Benjamin, Lincoln, cm, u and furniture broker (1819–35). Trading at ‘Strait’, 1819–22; 29 ‘Straight’ in 1826; and High St in 1835. [D]

Carrington, Joseph, 28 Snow Hill, Birmingham, cm (1777–80). [D]

Carrington, Richard, High St, Colchester, Essex, cm and u (1790–93). May well be the Richard Carrington who is recorded as residing in London in the 1784 Colchester poll bk and declared his trade as upholder. May well have returned from London in 1790 when he took out insurance cover for £500 on property in the High St described as a ‘new house, shops & ware room’. [D; GL, Sun MS 1790, ref. 572493]

Carrington, William, London, u (1763–93). On 12 April 1763 married Mary Smeaton of Stanlake, Oxon. at Stanlake. His address is recorded as Marylebone, London. In 1776 took out insurance cover of £200 on a property on the corner of Castle St in Hanover St, Long Acre which he was using as business premises. Of this £60 was to cover utensils, stock and goods. By the next year he had moved to 8 Little St Martin's Lane which he was to occupy until 1793. The insurance cover taken out in 1775 on this new property was £300 of which £160 was for utensils, stock and goods. [D; Bodleian index of Oxf. marriage bonds; GL, Sun MS vol. 237, p. 223; vol. 249, p. 76]

Carrivon (or Carrivor), Mr, Wapping, London, cm (1774). An insurance policy in respect of a beer and wine merchant's premises near King Edward Stairs, Wapping mentions insurance on goods ‘in a cellor under the Dwelling House of Mr Carrivon, Cabinetmaker’. [GL, Sun MS vol. 235, ref. 347634]

Carroll, Andrew, Nottingham, u and mattress maker (1834–40). Trading at Plat(t) St, 1834–35, and 4 Parliament St in 1840. [D]

Carrs, Henry, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (b. c. 1819–41). Aged 22 at the time of the 1841 Census.

Carruthers, Reginald, Spring Gdn Lane, Carlisle, Cumb., joiner and cm (1811). [D]

Carse, Samuel, King's Lynn, Norfolk, cm and u (1830–39). At 38 High St in 1830, but by 1836 the number had changed to 72. His trade label is known applied to a bow-fronted chest of drawers of early 19th-century date sold by Sotheby Bearne in November 1981. [D]

Carsey, James, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, cm (1836). [Poll bk]

Carsey, William, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, cm (1826–32). [Poll bks]

Carson, W., 19 Lambs Conduit Passage, London, bedstead maker (1829). [D]

Carstairs, George, 64 King St, Argyle Pl., London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Carter, Mr, Piccadilly, London, ‘eminent Carver’ (d. 1756). [Public Advertiser, 30 August 1756]

Carter, Adcock, address unknown (1833). Payments made in February 1833 by 3rd Lord Braybrooke of Audley End for a music stool (7s) and a picture frame (2s). [Essex RO, D/DBy/ A358]

Carter, Andrew & John, 8 Market Pl., Preston, Lancs., carvers and gilders (1825). [D]

Carter, Anthony, 349 Rotherhithe St, London, cm and u (1827). [D]

Carter, Anthony, Brickhouses, Keighley, Yorks., cm and u (1830). [D]

Carter, B., Exeter, Devon u (1816). [Election Squibs]

Carter, Burrington, Fore St, Exeter, Devon, u and cm (1777– 87). In 1777 insured his utensils, and stock for £500 out of a total insurance cover of £600. In the next year however the figures were reduced to £250 and £300 and total cover was still £300 in 1787. [GL, Sun MS vol. 256, p. 640; vol. 269, p. 152; vol. 344, pp. 380]

Carter, David & Sons, Berrycroft, Honley, near Huddersfield, Yorks., joiner and cm. (1837). [D]

Carter, Edward, 58 Exmouth St, Spitalfields, London, carver and gilder (1829–39). [D]

Carter, Elias, Exeter, Devon, u (1803–24). Address given in the 1803 Militia Census as St Stephen. May have traded as Carter & Son, High St (1809–17). At 25 High St from 1819. In November 1824 a decision appears to have been made to operate solely as an auctioneer and appraiser. [Exeter Flying Post, 18 February 1819, 4 November 1824]

Carter, Gabriel, Camberwell, London, cm (1718). [GL, Sun MS vol. 8, ref. 12787]

Carter, George, at the George in Hays St, against St Ann's Church, parish of St James, Westminster, London, upholder (1717–18). Probably the u who was paid £3 3s on 6 December 1718 for appraising the Goods ‘at Squerries’. [GL, Sun MS vol. 9, p. 73; PRO, private accounts, Countess of Jersey, C 111/54 pt 1]

Carter, Henry, Wilbar's Yd, High St, Lewes, Sussex, chair manufacturer and turner (1839–40). [D]

Carter, J., 20 Hanway St, Oxford St, London, u (1821–25). [D]

Carter, James, 62 Leadenhall St, London, carver, gilder and dealer in pictures (1808–09). [D]

Carter, James, 8 St John's St, Brick Lane, London, carpenter and cm (1820). [D]

Carter, James, 37 Friargate, Preston, Lancs., cm (1825). [D]

Carter, James, London, carver and gilder (1829–37). At 9 Little Vine St, Piccadilly in 1829 but by 1837 had moved to 65 Berwick St, Soho. [D]

Carter, James, Norwich, cm (1830). Son of John Carter, hotpresser. Admitted freeman of Norwich 14 August 1830. [Freemen rolls]

Carter, John, Dean St, Westminster, London, cm (1713). [GL, Sun MS vol. 3, ref 3054]

Carter, John, High St, Poplar, London, cm (1820–39). In 1820 at 67 High St but from 1837 the business is styled John Carter & Sons, u and cm and the address is changed to 67 High St. [D]

Carter, John, Beastmarket, Gainsborough, Lincs., chairmaker (1819–26). [D]

Carter, John, Liverpool, chairmaker (1818–34). At 3 Trueman St in 1818 but between 1823 and 1827 at Gildart's Gdn. By 1834 the address had changed again to Cheapside. [D]

Carter, John, 2 Stone Buildings, Clifton, Bristol, ‘painter, plumber, tiler, plasterer, builder, carpenter, cm, undertaker, house agent, licenced maltster and dealer in hops’ (1832–39). [D]

Carter, John, 60 Powis St, Woolwich, London, cm and u (1838–39). [D]

Carter, Joseph, Hull, Yorks., cm and chairmaker (1821–31). App. to Thomas Ross of Cottingham near Hull in February 1806. In business by June 1821 when he in turn took John Todd of Cottingham as his app. The business continued at Cottingham until 1826. In 1831 however the address is shown as 51 Wincolmlee, Hull and the trade is changed from cm to chairmaker. [D; Hull app. reg.]

Carter, Joseph, Portland Sq., Workington, Cumb., joiner and cm (1829). [D]

Carter, Joseph, Westgate, Otley, Yorks., joiner and/or cm (1837). [D]

Carter, Richard John, Devonport, Devon, cm (1830). [Rochester poll bk]

Carter, Richard, York, cm (1834). Son of Thomas Carter of the parish of St John, York. App. to John Bellerby, cm and u of the parish of St Martin-cum-Gregory, 1 June 1814. In business on his own behalf in 1834. [D; York RO, D15 f287]

Carter, Robert, Lancaster, cm (1753–68). App. to David Wright of Lancaster 1753 and free 1767–68. [Lancaster app. reg., freemen rolls and poll bk]

Carter, Robert, Rainsford's Gdns, Liverpool, cm (1790–96). At 25 Rainsford's Gdns in 1790 but by 1796 the number had changed to 27. [D]

Carter, Robert, parish of St Mary Major, Exeter, Devon, cm (1803). [Militia Census]

Carter, Robert, Friernhay St, Exeter, Devon, u (1816–19). Son William Faithful bapt. 22 June 1816 and further son Thomas Fortescue on 29 March 1819. [PR (bapt.)]

Carter, Robert Burgess, Barnstaple, Devon, cm and u (1823–30). At High St in 1823 but by 1830 at Baker's Ct. [D]

Carter, S., Wellclose Sq., London, cabinet manufacturer (1820). [D]

Carter, Samuel, Richmond, Surrey, cm (1798). [D]

Carter, Samuel, St George's Pl., Cannon St Rd and 12 New Rd, St George's East, London, cm (1817). [D]

Carter, Samuel, Church Rd, Camberwell, London, cm and u (1822). [D]

Carter, Thomas, 12 Wardour St, London, cm (1776). Took out insurance cover for £600, half of which was for his workshop, utensils, stock and goods. [GL, Sun MS vol. 245, p. 552]

Carter, Thomas, 3 Withy Grove, Manchester, cm (1788–1833). Listed in a directory of 1788 and then there is a considerable gap until 1804. The 1804 entry is for Robert Carter but this may be an error. Regular and frequent listings begin in 1814. In 1818–21 the business is listed as Thomas Carter & Sons but this style is not used thereafter. Recorded also at Water St in 1824 and at 13 Bond St only in 1833. [D]

Carter, Thomas, Stone St, Maidstone and Blue Town, Sheerness, Kent, cm, u, tin man and brazier (1790–1834). The earliest reference to this business occurs in the Maidstone Journal, 27 July 1790. The business was trading as Carter & Palmer and offered a wide range of goods and services. They acted as auctioneers and sworn appraisers. They offered to supply ‘Bath, Pantheon and all kinds of STOVES with Windup and other Kitchen ranges’. ‘Hair Trunks and Caravan Boxes’ were included in their stock. They offered to re-silver mirrors and dealt in second hand furniture, as well as keeping large stocks of paper hangings. They could ‘lay Oast and Malt Kilns with Iron-plate’ and offered to purchase old metal or take it in exchange. They also stated they required two apps for whom premiums would be required. The size of the business is reflected in the insurance cover that they carried which included £400 for a house and offices, £500 for stock and utensils at Maidstone, and a further £200 for premises at Sheerness, with £600 for stock and utensils. From 1803–09 the business traded as Thomas Carter & Son but the Sheerness side is not mentioned after 1803. In 1810 the firm was styled Carter & Morris and was offering stock ‘in fashion and workmanship inferior to none in London and at Prices considerably lower’. They offered to supply country shopkeepers with their range of goods. The firm continued to trade as Carter & Morris until 1829 though from 1823 their address was given as Week St, Maidstone. A Thomas William Carter with house and premises in Stone St is however listed in the 1834 poll bk. [D; Maidstone Journal, 27 July 1790, 27 February 1810; GL, Sun MS vol. 37, ref. 713331]

Carter, Thomas, London, cm, u and paperhanger (1802–15). At 8 Hanover St, Hanover Sq. from 1802–07 when the address changed to 141 Oxford St. In 1808 supplied to Farnley Hall, Otley, Yorks. ‘10 Grecian chairs stained to imitate ebony’ at £22 10s and ‘2 large Grecian couches to accord with above’ at £15 15s. This suite is still at Farnley Hall. The business continued to trade in Oxford St until at least 1811 but in 1814 was at New Bond St. [D; Farnley Hall papers]

Carter, Thomas, Greengate St, Stafford, cm (1822). [D]

Carter, Timothy, King St, Hammersmith, London, Windsor chairmaker (1804–08). He is probably the ‘Carter’ who was paid £3 3s 6d in May 1804 for ‘rustic chairs’, the transaction being recorded in the Heathcote account book. [D; Lincoln RO, 3 ANC 6/380]

Carter, William, Newgate St, London, case maker. Trade card, c. 1760, in MMA, NY.

Carter, William, London, carver (1761). Discharged from Debtors’ Prison, 13 June 1761. Described as being ‘formerly of St Ann, late of Bedfordbury, St Martin in the Fields’. [London Gazette,, 1761, p. 11]

Carter, William, 30 Cross St, Hatton St, London, carver (1794). Insured his utensils and stock for £20 out of a total cover of £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 321, p. 126]

Carter, William, 17 Willow, Shoreditch, London, carver and gilder (1808). [D]

Carter, William, Beastmarket, Gainsborough, Lincs., chairmaker (1822). [D]

Carter, William, 172 Pilgrim St, Newcastle, cm and wood turner (1827). [D]

Carter, William, 34 East St, Leeds, Yorks., cm (1837–40). [D]

Carter, William, Middle St, Gt Driffield, Yorks., cm (1837–40). [D]

Carter, Wright John, Lancaster, chairmaker (1806–07). Admitted freeman 1806–07, when stated ‘of Liverpool’. [Freemen rolls]

Carter & Crane, 92 New Bond St, London, upholders and cm (1812–13). In 1813 listed as Crane & Co. wholesale u. [D]

Carter & Morris, Maidstone, see Thomas Carter of Maidstone.

Carter & Son, High St, Exeter, Devon, u and cm ((1809–17). In July 1807 advertised for good workmen as journeymen cm. By 1816 a decision had been taken to dispose of the business and they advertised in July that they were willing to offer possession of the shop and manufactory at Christmas. This may not have produced a satisfactory response immediately but in April of the following year they organised an auction sale of household furniture ‘mostly brought from the country for the convenience of sale’ and announced at the same time that the premises had been let to Messrs Holman & Shufflebotham. The relationship of this business with the Elias Carter who traded from 25 High St from 1819 but was resident in Exeter as early as 1803 is unclear. [D; Exeter Flying Post, 20 July 1809, 3 April 1817; Western Luminary, 9 September 1816]

Cartledge, N., Boughton, Cheshire, cm (1819). [Chester poll bk]

Cartlich (or Cartlick), Thomas, 43 Sadlergate (or Sadler St), Derby, cm and u (1835). [D]

Cartner, Isaac, Middlegate, Penrith, Cumb., u (1834). [D]

Carto, David, ‘The Dripping Pan, between New Broad St. and Little Moorgate in Moorfields, London’, cm, undertaker and sworn appraiser (1745). Trade card states that he ‘buys and sells all sort of Household Goods’ and his trade may have been more that of a broker than a cm. [Heal]

Carto, Nicholas, ‘The King's Arms’, over against Bride Lane, Fleet St, London cm (1725). [Heal]

Cartwright, Mr, address unknown (1764). Paid for ‘the Pulpit & Library Ladder £20’ for Rousham House, Oxon. [Account bk of Sir Charles Cottrell Dormer (kept at the house)]

Cartwright, —, London carver (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Cartwright, —, Ipswich, Suffolk, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Cartwright, —, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffs., turner and chairmaker (1798). [D]

Cartwright, —, Cross St, Leamington, Warks., joiner and cm (1822). [D]

Cartwright, Elizabeth, Manchester, u (1817–29). At 4 Halliwell St in 1814 but by 1829 had moved to 1 Welling St. Recorded also at 1 Wellington St, Salford, in 1829. [D]

Cartwright, F. & R., High St and Back Castle St, Bridgnorth, Salop, cm (1829). [D]

Cartwright, Francis, Back Castle St, Bridgnorth, Salop, cm (1835). [D]

Cartwright, Jane, 2 Old Shambles, Manchester, u (1825). [D]

Cartwright, John, Chester, cm (1812–26). Admitted freeman 5 October 1812 at which time he was living in Cow Lane. From 1818 living at Frodsham St. [Chester freemen rolls and poll bks]

Cartwright, John, 35 Barter St, Liverpool, cm (1837–39). [D]

Cartwright, Joseph, Birmingham, cm and u (1823–30). Trading at 22 Smallbrook St in 1823 and 22 Digbeth, 1828–30. [D]

Cartwright, Joseph, Richmond Row, Liverpool, cabinet-case maker (1837–39). At 67 Richmond Row in 1837 and 141 in 1839. [D]

Cartwright, Richard, 8 Duke Court, Bow St, Covent Gdn, London, cm (1822). Insured ‘household goods etc in new dwelling house’ for £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 492, ref. 999176]

Cartwright, Richard, High St, Bridgnorth, Salop, cm (1835). [D]

Cartwright, Thomas, Bryanston, Dorset, carver (1755). Took app. named Walker. [S of G, app. index]

Cartwright, Thomas, Manchester, u (1794–1802). At 2 Bever Yd in 1794 and 12 Old Mill Gate in 1797. Bankrupt 1802. [D; Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 27 December 1802]

Cartwright, Thomas, Chester, cm (1818–40). Admitted freeman 12 May 1818 at which date he was living at George St. An address in Frodsham St is also recorded for the same year. From 1819 at King's St. [D; Chester freemen rolls and poll bks]

Cartwright, William, High St, Bridgnorth, Salop, cm (1822–28). Recorded at High St or High Town in 1822 and Castle St in 1828. [D]

Carus, Edward, 6 Everton Gdns, Preston, Lancs., u and paper hanger (1834). [D]

Carver, Richard, Plymouth, Devon, carver (1750–61). Took the following apps: Olives (1750), Spry (1755), Kingston (1759) and Bryant (1761). [S of G, app. index]

Carver, Thomas, Weobley, Herefs., builder, cm etc. (1835). [D]

Cary, John, Wyre St, Colchester, Essex, chairmaker (1832). [D]

Cary, John, St Andrews St, Hertford, carver and gilder (1838). [D]

Cary, Robert, 33 Dukenfield St, Liverpool, u (1829). [D]

Casartelli, Lewis, 133 Duke St, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1835–39). [D]

Casbert, John, address unknown, u (1660–76). Supplied furnishings for royal palaces during the reign of Charles II on a very extensive scale. These included upholstered chairs, some chairs of estate with the associated stools and cushions, bedsteads, canopies of state and hangings and curtaining. Much of the material used was of fine quality and included Turkey work, crimson velvet and scarlet satin. Gold and silver fringe is frequently mentioned. Typical of the type of furniture supplied is an entry in the royal accounts for May 1674 for ‘a French chaire Hollow in ye back and quilted with two Stooles suitable of crimson Damaske with border and bayes and silke Fringe and cases of Serge’ for which £1 was charged. One ‘rich bed of Crimson Velvett’ supplied to Hampton Court was charged at £30. The Palace of Whitehall, Windsor Castle and Somerset House were likewise supplied by Casbert. He also appears to have been responsible for the fitting up the the royal yachts Monmouth, Cleveland and Henrietta and in September 1668 made a charge of £13 ‘for going and coming by water to the Monmouth Yacht fowre severall tymes, and carriage of Goodes’. [Heal; PRO, LC5/39–40, LC9/271–75; Conn., vol. 43, pp. 15, 19, 86, 89; C. Life, 8 April 1954, p. 1028, 9 June 1977, p. 1620; DEF]

Case, George, Eastgate St, Gloucester, carver and gilder (1830). [D]

Case, John, Bristol, carver and gilder (1805–10). At 37 Milk St, 1805–07 but in 1810 at Lower Maudlin St. [D]

Case, John, Eastgate St, Gloucester, carver, gilder and picture frame maker (1820–22). [D]

Case, Matthew, Ulverston, Lancs., cm (1825–29). At King St in 1825 but from 1828 at Duke St. [D]

Case, Peregrine, Banbury Ct, Westminster, London, cm (1749). [Poll bk]

Case, Richard, 163 Brick Lane, Whitechapel, cm and u (1822). [D]

Casebow, William, High St, Downham Market, Norfolk, cm (1839). [D]

Casement, Evans, address unknown, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Casement, William, address unknown, cm and designer of furniture (1793). Contributed three plates to The Cabinet Makers’ London Book of Prices, 1793. Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. Heal states that a dining table bearing his label exists at Clarence House.

Casser, Thomas, Long Acre, London, frame maker (1692). In June 1692 fined as a papist for refusing the oath of fidelity. [Westminster Ref. lib., Middlx session bk, 498 pp. 76–79]

Cash, Charles, Liverpool, cm (1794–1827). In 1794 at 2 Jordan St but the number changed to 5 in 1803 and 8 in 1805. After 1810 at Sparling St for a number of years before moving to Pellow St by 1818 and 1 Pembroke St by 1824. [D]

Cash, George, 4 Pembroke St, Liverpool, cm (1823). [D]

Cash, William, Mansfield, Notts., joiner and cm (1828–35). Trading at Tenter Lane in 1828 and Portland Sq., 1832–35. A Samuel Cash is shown at the same address in 1841. [D]

Cashen, Charles snr, 55 Paradise St, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1796–d. 1829). Trade card in Banks Coll., BM. Took an app. John Steele jnr in 1824. [Liverpool app. enrolment bk; freemen reg.]

Cashen, Charles jnr, Liverpool, gilder (1818–39). Admitted freeman 17 June 1818. At 13 Jarvis St in 1821. In 1837 at 31 Shaws’ Bow and 3 Adelaide Buildings, 124 Mt Pleasant, but in 1839 at 32 Shaws’ Bow only. [D; freeman reg.]

Cashen, Christopher, 122 Duke St, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1823–24). App. to William Cashen and admitted freeman 5 September 1823. Took an app. Edward John Williams in 1823 and in May of the following year was advertising for two good journeyman carvers and gilders and an app., stating ‘one from the country would be preferred’. In the advertisement the business is referred to as Christopher Cashen & Co. [D; freemen reg.; app. enrolment bk; Liverpool Mercury, 28 May 1824.]

Cashen, David, 15 Greenfield St, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1827). [D]

Cashen, Edward, 124 Adelaide Buildings, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool, carver, gilder and cm (1830–39). Son of William Cashen. Admitted freeman 22 November 1830. Initially in partnership with his brother Henry under the style Henry & Edward Cashen, but the arrangement was dissolved in November 1833. Thereafter he traded on his own account as a cabinet-maker. [D; freemen reg.; Liverpool Mercury, 8 November 1833]

Cashen, Ellen, Paradise St, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1834– 39). At 88 Paradise St in 1834 but subsequently at 10, 87 and 90. [D]

Cashen, Henry, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1827–35). Son of William Cashen. Admitted freeman, 19 February 1827. Address initially 77 Whitechapel, but by 1832 in partnership with his brother Edward at Adelaide Buildings, Ranelagh Pl. The partnership declared that they were in a position to supply ‘Chimney Glasses, Mirrors & Dressing Glasses, of all sizes & of every description; Ornamental, Gilt & rosewood Pier Tables, Window Cornices, Picture Frames & Gilt Mouldings for Rooms’. The services offered included picture cleaning and restoration, the re-silvering of glass and the regilding of frames. The trade and ship's captains were invited to patronise their services. They also advertised for two journeyman gilders. The partnership was however short-lived and was dissolved in November 1833. John Richardson was taken as app. in 1831 and Hugh O'Donnell in the following year. An address at 30 Bold St was being used in 1834. [D; freemen reg.; app. enrolment bk; Liverpool Mercury, 10 February 1832, 8 November 1833]

Cashen, James, 87 Paradise St, Liverpool, gilder (1830). Son of William Cashen, gilder. Admitted freeman 10 November 1830. [Freemen rolls]

Cashen, Philip, Liverpool, gilder (1818–29). Son of William Cashen, carver and gilder. Admitted freeman 17 June 1818 and trading at 51 Ranelagh St in that year. In 1821 and 1824 shown at 9 White Mill St but from 1827 at 60 Copperas Hill. [D; freemen rolls]

Cashen, Thomas, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1827–39). At 15 Sydney Pl., Edgehill in 1827 but by 1829 had moved to 39 St Anne's St. In 1834 and 35 at 2 Kensington Pl. but by 1839 had moved once again at Frederick Buildings, 4 Back Queen Anne St. [D]

Cashen, William snr, Liverpool, gilder (1796–1824). Admitted freeman 31 May 1796. Initially in business in Paradise St where his number is shown as 55 (1796), 65 (1800), 67 (1804), 86 (1805), 85 (1807–10 and 1814), 81 (1811) and 84 (1813 and 1816–18). Between 1821–24 the business address was 90 Paradise St and in addition 53 Byron St in 1821. His apps were James Smart (indenture 1793, free 1802), Harry Wilson (indenture 1800, free 1812), John Davies (indenture 1804, free 1812), William Kenyon (indenture 1814, free 1822) and William Smith (indenture 1824, free 1831). [D; freemens’ committee bk]

Cashen, William jnr, 90 Paradise St, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1818–d. 1829). Second son of William Cashen snr. Sworn freeman 17 June 1818. Took as apps Thomas Hardman in 1826 and William Miles Walters in 1831 according to the app. enrolment bk. As he is recorded dying on 16 December 1829 ‘after a lingering illness’ the existence of a third William Cashen would seem likely. [D; Liverpool freemen reg.; Liverpool Mercury, 25 December 1829]

Casimir, Josiah, Nag's Head Ct, Gracechurch St, London, u (1714–24). [Heal]

Caspall, James Austen, Snargate St, Dover, Kent, cm (1832–37). [Poll bks]

Cassell, J. H., 47 High St, Whitechapel, London, cm etc. (1835). [D]

Cassera, Charles, Dudley, Worcs., cm and u (1838–40). Trading at High St in 1840. [D]

Casson, John, Sandside Low Quarter, Broughton, Westmld, cm (1829). [D]

Casson, John, Corn Mkt, Wigton, Cumb., cm and joiner (1834). [D]

Casson, Thomas, Lancaster. Craftsman named in the Gillow records between 1814–40. [Westminster Ref. Lib.]

Cassteel(?), Lewis, London(?), carver and gilder (1702). Sums amounting to £8 paid by Samuel Tufton of Middle Temple, London for gilt frames. [Essex RO, D/DTu 276]

Castairs, J., 64 King St, Golden Sq., London, cm (1837). [D]

Castell, James, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Castell, John, 43 King St, Clerkenwell, London, cm (1835–37). [D]

Castell, Peter, 4 Lewis Pl., Duncan St East, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1829). [D]

Castille, Nathaniel, London, carver and gilder (1829–39). At 25 Charlotte St (1829) but between 1835 and 39 at 6 Chapel St, Tottenham Ct Rd. [D]

Castle, Daniel, Canterbury and London, u (1757–96). Sworn freeman of Canterbury 1757 and whilst in that city took app. named Hampton in 1758 and another named Homersham in 1760. In 1796 shown at Windmill St, Middlx. [Canterbury freemen rolls and poll bk; S of G, app. index]

Castle, John, 73 Chiswell St, Finsbury Sq., London, cabinet manufacturer (1816–17). [D]

Castle, Richard, Middle St, Deal, Kent cm (1813–19). [D; Sandwich poll bks]

Castle, Samuel, Hull, Yorks., cm (1780). [Poll bk]

Castle, Thomas, parish of St Michael, Bristol, carver and gilder (1715–34). [Poll bks]

Castle, Thomas, Canterbury, Kent and Portsmouth, Hants., cm (1767–1826). Sworn freeman of Canterbury 1767. At Portsmouth in 1796 but by 1818 had moved back to Canterbury where he was living in Love Lane. [Canterbury freemen rolls and poll bks; Dover poll bk]

Castle, William, London, cabinet and chair maker, knife case manufactory (1796–1823). Initially at 38 Smithfield but by 1802 had moved to 65 Aldersgate St where he was to remain in business until 1823. His trade card [Johnson Coll., Bodleian Lib., Oxford] states that he made ‘Knife cases, Portable Desks and every article in the Cabinet Line — carpentry of every description’. [D]

Castleman, Richard, Gosport, Hants., cm (1792–93). [D]

Castley, William, Shap, Westmld, joiner and cm (1828). [D]

Castoll, John Soames, Norwich, cm (1791). Son of Richard Castoll, grocer. Admitted freeman, 12 March 1791. [Norwich freemen reg.]

Caston, Thomas, 7 York Pl., Lambeth, London, cm and u (1827). [D]

Caswell, Thomas & W., 71 Lower Sloane St, Chelsea, London, cm and u (1823). [D]

Cataneo, Evangelista, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1820). Declared bankrupt, Liverpool Mercury, 31 March 1820.

Catchmead, John, Canterbury, Kent, u (1674). [Canterbury freemen rolls]

Catchpole, Thomas, 44 Cannon St Rd, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Catchpool, John, Sittingbourne, Kent, cm and u (1832). [D]

Catear, Jewell, Plymouth, Devon, cm (1815). Appears in a list of creditors of the cm Thomas Smith of Plymouth. [Exeter Flying Post, 2 March 1815]

Cater, Andrew, Stapleton, Glos., u (1715–39). [Bristol poll bks]

Cater, David & Son, Berry Croft, Holme, Yorks., joiner and/or cm (1837). [D]

Cater, J., Higher Broad St, Plymouth, Devon, cm and u (1814). [D]

Cater, John Wyatt, Stapleton, Glos., carver (1784). [Bristol poll bk]

Cater, William Charles, London, u and cm (1811–39). At 95 Wardour St, 1811–16, and then 45 London St, Fitzroy Sq. until 1828. An entry for 1839 however shows the address as 38 Newman St. [D]

Catesby, Frederick, 99 High St, Marylebone, London, japanner and gilder (1837–39). [D]

Catesby, Jekel & Spencer, Alexander, 62 Castle St East, Oxford Mkt, London, chair painters (1805). Took out insurance cover on their workshop behind 122 Wardour St, which contained a stove, for £100. Both Catesby and Spencer each took out similar cover on their dwelling houses and household goods. [GL, Sun MS vol. 434, ref. 781705]

Catherick, Henry, 74 Charlotte St, Tottenham Ct Rd, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Cathery, Desbrough, Poole, Dorset, cm (1823–30). At Long Fleet in 1823 but by 1830 had moved to High St. [D]

Cathrall, William, Bunbury, Cheshire, cm (1818). On 16 November married Miss Martha Peacock of Denham. [Chester Guardian, 21 November 1818]

Cathrow, Thomas, Minories, London, upholder (1768–82). Son of James Cathrow of Tottenham, London, gardener. App. to Elizabeth Dawson, 1 May 1760 and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 1 June 1768. Took apps John Harris (1771–78) and James H. Kirby (1778–82). [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Catignou, James. Supplied many sconces for Kensington Palace, c. 1795. [Conn., vol. 57, p. 90]

Catley, James, Factory Lane, Doncaster, Yorks., carver and gilder (1830). [D]

Catley, James, 21 Waterhouse Lane, Hull, Yorks., wood turner and carver (1831). [D]

Caton, John Varley, Lancaster, u (1806–07). [Lancaster freemen rolls]

Catt, Benjamin, Buttermarket, Ipswich, Suffolk, cm and auctioneer (1782–1807). In 1782 insured his house for £200. [GL, Sun MS vol. 301, p. 4]

Cattall, Samuel, Cow Lane, Daventry, Northants., joiner, carpenter and cm (1792). Insured his house, workshop and stable for £300. [GL, Sun MS vol. 388, p. 200]

Cattaneo, Charles, London, carver, gilder and look-glass maker (1826–39). Initially at 30 Guildford Pl., Bagnigge Wells Rd, but by 1835 he was trading as Charles Cattaneo & Co., ‘looking glass manufacturer to His Majesty’ at 377 Strand. [D]

Cattaneo & Co., E., 66 Hanover St, Liverpool, opticians, barometer, thermometer and looking-glass manufacturers (1818). In November 1818 advertised that they had recently moved from London and set up a business that stocked a wide range of scientific equipment, ‘Foreign & English Toys, Ladies’ French Fancy Baskets etc. Sheffield & Birmingham good of all kinds, Umbrellas, Parasols’ etc. They could supply ‘Concave & Convex Glasses & Mirrors’ and ‘Looking Glasses of all sizes & kinds’. They also offered to re-silver mirrors and frame and glaze pictures and needlework and regild frames. [Liverpool Mercury, 13 November 1818]

Cattaneo, Pasqual, High St, Croydon, Surrey, carver and gilder (1839). [D]

Catter, Charles, 22 Warwick St, Golden Sq., London, carver, gilder and housepainter (1809). [D]

Catterall, John, Liverpool, carver (1796–1816). Sworn freeman 31 May 1796. At 12 Edgar St in 1807 but by 1810 had moved to Brooks Alley where his number was 7 from 1810–11, 11 in 1813–14 and 8 in 1816. [D; freemen reg.]

Catterall, William, Liverpool, cm (1796–d. by 1820). Sworn freeman 27 May 1796. [Freemen reg.]

Cattle, Enoch, 9 Gloucester St, St John's St Rd, London, fancy cm and u (1837–39). [D]

Cattle, William, 65 Aldersgate St, London, knifecase maker (1821). [D]

Cattrall, John, 31 Prince Edward St, Edgehill, Liverpool, carver (1796). Sworn freeman 31 May 1796. [Freemen reg.]

Cattrall (or Catherall), William, Liverpool, cm (1818–40. Son of Jonathan Cathrall, pot maker. App. to Ralph Magill in 1806 and free, 17 June 1818. By 1827 he was in partnership with Thomas Whittingham and trading from 3 Hood St. In July 1831 the partners advertised that they had to let in Gt Charlotte St ‘an excellent WORKSHOP, with an OFFICE & STORE ROOM, a good STOVE & roomy YARD; together with a very convenient DWELLING HOUSE adjoining’ suitable for ‘JOINERS CABINET MAKERS etc’. Subsequently the business was carried on from 6 Leigh St North (1835) and Westmorland Pl. with a shop at 6 and 11 Brooks Alley. The business took the following apps: Neil NcNabb (1822), Joseph Mitchell (1823), Frances Underwood (1823), Joseph Davies (1825), Thomas Pike (1825), Robert Pawlett (1827), Thomas Wakefield (1830), John Maybreck (1832), and Thomas Thompson (1834). [D; Liverpool Mercury, 1 July 1831; freemen reg.; app. enrolment bks]

Caudby, —, Lancaster, japanner (1819). Named in the Gillow records. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow vol. 344/100, p. 3015]

Caulton, Edward, Leicester, u (1695–98). App. to Ann Sherwin. Had two sons John and Richard. [Freemen reg.]

Caulton, Edward, Nottingham, u (1703). [Freemen reg.]

Caulton, John, Leicester, u (1726). Son of Edward Caulton of Leicester, u. Free 1726. [Freemen reg.]

Caulton,, Richard, Leicester, u (1734). Son of Edward Caulton of Leicester, u. Freeman 1734. [Freemen reg.]

Caunce, John, 7 Barnes St, Manchester, cm (1804). [D]

Caunce, William, 12 Blake St, Liverpool, cm and u (1829). [D]

Causby, John, 46 Noble St, Goswell St, London, bedstead and chair carver (1808–09). [D]

Cauty, William, London, cm and u (1748–80). Established initially at the sign of ‘The Chair & Curtains’ at the west end of Somerset House, Strand. His trade card from this period states that he was able to supply ‘Chairs, Tables and Glasses of all sorts, neat Mahogany Bedsteads & Cloaths-Presses, with the greatest variety of nice Tea-Tables, Trays and Chests.’ In 1755 he subscribed to the second edition of Chippendale's Director. Although a number of commissions executed from the late 1740s would suggest a successful and fashionable business he nevertheless was declared bankrupt in March 1757. In the same month however he was advertising in the London Chronicle offering ‘Mahogany and walnut-tree corner chairs, reading chairs, shaving chairs, compass seat chairs and dressing chairs.’ He also stated that his ‘Bedsteads, Sophas and Chairs’ were ‘finished so that no vermin of any denomination can possibly exist in either’, a claim that he was to repeat on subsequent trade cards. He was supplying furniture from the same address in 1757 and the interruption of the business by the bankruptcy may therefore have been minimal. From 1769–70 he is recorded as a Fellow of the Society of Arts. By this date he had however moved his business to King St, corner of Bury St, St James's St where he carried on a similar trade. He used his trade bills both for issuing invoices for goods supplied and marking his furniture. One is recorded on a mahogany chest of drawers made in the 1770s. By 1780 however the business must have hit hard times for in the Westminster rates bk of this year his failure to pay is recorded with the marginal remark ‘poor. Give him time’.

Cauty's earliest recorded commission was on 21 July 1748 when he invoiced two mahogany card tables at £4 10s each, two girandoles and a mahogany tea table to a ‘Mr West’. This was the Hon. James West of Alscot Park, Warks. who also purchased from him in July 1751 ‘twelve Nova Scotia walnut chairs’ at £1 7s 6d each. In the same year he supplied to John Dalrymple of Stair ‘6 Large French Chairs stuffed in canvas with mahogany frames’ and ‘check cases’ for them, amounting with cartage to £8 8s 6d. An account written on his trade bill in the Heal Coll. records the supply in 1757 of a mahogany bookcase for which £26 5s was charged. [DEF; Heal; Gents Mag., March 1757; C. Life, 7 July 1966, p. 48; poll bks; GCM; Scottish RO, GD 135/Box 42/7/6; V & A archives] B.A.

Cavallier, William, Whitby, Yorks., cm and u (1823–40). At ‘West end of the Bridge’ in 1823 but by 1828 at Old Market Pl. In 1840 at Flowergate as cm, chairmaker and undertaker. [D]

Cave, George, Old Market, Wisbech, Cambs., cm and auctioneer (1830–39). [D]

Cave, Henry, 69a Gravel Lane, Manchester, cm, joiner and builder (1825). [D]

Cave, James, High St, Oakham, Rutland, cm (1840). [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 268, ref. 1340270]

Cave, John, London, chair and sofa maker (1826–37). In 1826 the address is recorded as 9 Richmond St, St Luke's but by 1837 this had changed to 9 Bartholomew Sq., St Luke's. [D]

Cave, Robert, Jewin St, Cripplegate, London, cm and broker (1793). [D]

Cave, William, 7 College St, Worcester, cm and u (1830). A Richard Cave, cm, u and chairmaker, was trading at College St, date unspecified. [D]

Cave, William, Pump St, Worcester, cm and u (1830). [D]

Cavel, George, 26 Bridge House Pl., Newington Causeway, London, chair and sofa maker (1820–39). [D]

Cavey, James, 73 Pitt St, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1821). [D]

Cawdle, —, address unknown. Recorded on the Holkham Hall, Norfolk accounts in 1728 working on a bed and repairing furniture for which £1 5s was paid. [V & A archives]

Cawley, Edward & Joseph, High St, Poole, Dorset, cm and u (1840). [D]

Cawley, James, Exeter and Budleigh Salterton, Devon, cm (1791–d. 1832). Trading at Mary Arches Lane, Exeter in 1791 and Fourth St, Exeter in 1796. He is recorded in the Exeter Militia list for 1803 in the parish of St Mary Major. On 1 March 1810 he advertised the sale of cabinet and upholstery furniture and plank mahogany prior to his removal to Budleigh Salterton. His life at this new location was however to take a dramatic turn, for in November of the same year two newly built houses belonging to him with all their furniture were swept out to sea as a result of severe flooding. He died at Budleigh Salterton in June 1832. [D; Exeter Flying Post, 1 March 1810, 15 November 1810; The Alfred, 5 June 1832]

Cawley, James, West St, Bridport, Dorset, cm, u and auctioneer (1823–30). In 1830 the business is recorded as James Cawley & Son. [D]

Cawley, James, 144 High St, Poole, Dorset, cm (1830). [D]

Cawley, William Bale, High St, Huntingdon, builder, u and cm (1830–40). [D; Cambs. RO (Hunts), HB 12/4]

Cawood, Benjamin, Pinfold, Knaresborough, Yorks., joiner, cm and builder (1828–34). [D]

Cawood, Henry, Green Hammerton, near Boroughbridge, Yorks., cm (1822). [D]

Cawston, James, 27 Burlington Arcade, Piccadilly, London, dressing case and writing desk maker (1829–35). Recorded on the 1830 voters list for Petersfield, Hants. although living and working in London at this period. [D]

Cawthorn, John, Red Cross St, London, cm (1790–93). [D]

Cawthorn, William, 1 Upper James St, Golden Sq., London, cm (1809–26). [D]

Cawthorne (or Cawthorpe), William, Mardol, Shrewsbury, Salop, cm and u (1828). [D]

Cawthorne, William, 36 Finch St, Liverpool, cm (1839). [D]

Cayford, James, London, cm and u (1790–1819). In the period 1790–93 recorded at 31 Fetter Lane but in 1795 the address changed to 31 Bartlet's Building, High Holborn. From 1809 the number is changed to 13. [D]

Cayley, William, London, cm, u and undertaker (1820–39). Initially at 137 Upper St, Islington but by 1826 the number had changed to 123. By 1835 the number had changed again to 122 and the business was styled W. Cayley & Son and in 1839, Cayley & Sons. [D]

Cayzer, James, St Columb, Cornwall, u (1827–30). [D; Cornwall RO, DD/CF 999/1–2]

Cazzanigha, F. & Co., 3 Spring Gdns, Manchester, lookingglass and picture frame makers (1804). [D]

Ceely, William, Aldersgate St, London, cm (1774–84). [Bristol poll bks]

Cerne, John, Middlesex Ct, St Martin-in-the-Fields, London, cm (1749). [Westminster poll bk]

Cetta, John, London, looking-glass and barometer maker, picture and looking-glass frame maker (1838–40). At 7 Union Ct, Black Hill, Holborn in 1838, but by the next year had moved to 15 Brook St. [D]

Cetti, John & Co., 25 Red Lion St, London, looking-glass and barometer makers (1820–40). [D; Goodison, Barometers]

Cetti, Isaac & Co, 55 Red Lion St, London, carver and gilder (1839). [D]

Cetti, Joseph & Co., Red Lion St, London, looking-glass manufacturer (1813–35). At 54 Red Lion St in 1813 but by 1817 the number had changed to 25. [D]

Ceulas, Marmaduke, St Augustine's Back, Bristol, upholder. Trade card in MMA, NY.

Chabanel, —, New Broad St Buildings, London, u and company merchant (1775). [D]

Chabot, Robert, 31 Leadenhall St, London, looking-glass manufacturer (c. 1790). [Wills, Looking-Glasses]

Chaddock, Charles, ‘The Red Hart’, Red Cross St, The Mint, Southwark, London, broker, cm and undertaker (1786). Took out insurance cover of £400 on utensils and stock on 3 January 1786. [GL, Sun MS vol. 334, p. 164]

Chadley, James, Frogmore-ward, High Wycombe, Bucks., cm and u (1823). [D]

Chadley, Robert & George, London, cm and u (1821–25). Successors to Proctor & Chadley who had traded in Albemarle St, 1818–20. Also referred to as Chadley & Co. At 28 Albemarle St, Piccadilly in 1821 when insurance cover of £2,200 was taken out on stock, utensils and goods in trust in warerooms and workshops, an open shed under the workshops and an open yard. A further £200 cover was taken out on china and glass. Such figures suggest a very substantial business. After 1822, however, the address used was 42 Jermyn St, a dwelling house. In the insurance policy it was stated that there was ‘no stove nor cabinet work done therein’ and cover was for £650 with £100 extra for china and glass and £25 for stock, utensils and goods in trust. It is possible that by this date the partnership had been dissolved though the evidence is not entirely clear. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 488, ref. 976759; vol. 493, ref. 989375]

Chadwell, —, Oxford. In 1756 received £1 4s from All Souls College for two reading desks. [MS DD c. 257]

Chadwell, Robert, Wivelscombe, Som., cm (1755). In 1755 took app. named Tymewell. [S of G, app. index]

Chadwick, Benjamin, King's Lynn, Norfolk, u (1774). App. to John Chadwick and free 1774–75. [Freemen rolls]

Chadwick, Jeremiah, Batley Carr, Dewsbury, Yorks., cm (1830–37). [D]

Chadwick, John, King's Lynn, Norfolk, u (1759–75). App. to Asty Harwick and free 1759–60. In the freemen rolls he is described as John Chadwick jnr. Took app. Benjamin Chadwick, probably his son, who was made free 1774–75. [Freemen rolls; poll bk]

Chadwick, Joseph, Standish Gate, Wigan, Lancs., cabinet and chair maker (1825). [D]

Chadwick, Joseph, Liverpool, cm (1835–39). At 41 Wood St, Toxteth in 1835 and 13 Shannon St in 1839. [D]

Chadwick, Richard, Liverpool, joiner and cm (1790). Took an app. John Whitby who was made free 1790. [Freemen's committee bk]

Chadwick, William Henry, Manchester, carver and gilder, looking-glass and picture frame maker (1825–40). At 15 Exchange St in 1825; 22 Fountain St, 1828–29; 75 Fountain St in 1832–33; 21 Ridgefield, 1834–38 and 9 King St, 1840. [D]

Chaffe, Stephen, Yealmpton near Plymouth, Devon, chairmaker and carpenter (1819–23). [PR; Furn. Hist., 1976]

Chaffer, Benjamin, Burnley, Lancs., cm (1834–38). At 7 Goodham Hill, 1834 and in partnership with Wm. C. Chaffer at Howe St in 1838. [D]

Chaffer(s), William, Burnley, Lancs., cm, chairmaker, cooper, u, constable and appraiser (1792–1838). Initially at Hill Top, and still there in 1822; but by 1818 also recorded at Church St. Also recorded living near the ‘Bull Inn’ in Market St and tenant of the New Sparrow Hawk by the church in 1824. Paid £50 p.a. c. 1835 as ‘deputy constabale’ which by 1838 had risen to £65. [D; Bennett, History of Burnley, vol. 3, pp. 208 ff, 213]

Chaffin, Charles, London, cm and u (1809–35). At Gt Somerset St, Aldgate in 1809 but after 1813 at 9 Somerset St, Whitechapel. One directory entry of 1820 however gives the address as 3 Swan St, Minories. [D]

Chalk, Charles, London, cm (1812–20). At 18 Gt Sutton St, Clerkenwell 1812–13, but by the next year had moved to 19 Goswell St at which address he continued till 1820. [D]

Chalk, James T., 18 Gt Sutton St, Clerkenwell, London, cm (1809–11). Succeeded at this address by Charles Chalk. [D]

Chalk, Thomas, 49 Little Eastcheap, London, cm (1794–95). [D]

Chalk, Thomas, High St, Lincoln, cm (1805–08). [D]

Chalker, George, 29 St Mary St, Maiden St, Weymouth, Dorset, cm and u (1840). [D]

Challand, W., Arnold, Notts., joiner and cm (1832). [D]

Challen, William, 17 Gt Saffron Hill, London, chairmaker (1790–97). [D; Heal]

Challenor, J., 2 Bath Rd, Cheltenham, Glos., carver and gilder (1839). [D]

Challice, Richard, Spillers Lane, Exeter, Devon, carver (1826). Baptism of daughter Sarah, 8 October 1826. [PR(bapt.)]

Challiner, Thomas, Chester, cm (1811). Sworn freeman 12 June 1811. [Freemen rolls]

Challis, Charles, 3 Noel St, Berwick St, London, cm (1787). On 25 June 1787 took out insurance cover on goods for £200. [GL, Sun MS vol. 342, ref. 532032]

Challis, John, London, u (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Chalmer, Charles, 78 Berwick St, Soho, London, cm (1808–09). [D]

Chalmers, James, 1 Milk Alley, Wardour St, London, chairmaker and carver (1780). In 1780 took out insurance cover of £100 which included £40 for utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 280, p. 638]

Chalmers, T., 9 Charlotte St, Fitzroy Sq., London, u (1815). [D]

Chamber, Samuel, Southampton, Hants., cm (1793). [D]

Chamberlain, Charles, London, cm (1774–76). Bankruptcy recorded November 1774. In 1776 he took out insurance cover of £200 of which £100 was for utensils, stock and goods. The addresses recorded are Somerset Yd, Strand in 1774 and corner of Durham St, Strand in 1776. [Gents Mag., November 1774; GL, Sun MS vol. 244, p. 597]

Chamberlain, Charles, Bridge St, Norwich, cm (1839). [D]

Chamberlain, Dixon, Sun St, Bernwell, Cambridge, turner and chairmaker (1830). [D]

Chamberlain, J & T., 19 Newington Causeway, London, cm etc. (1820). [D]

Chamberlain, John, corner of Crown Ct, Knave's Acre, London, cm and broker (d. 1743). In March 1743 the sale of his stock by auction was announced. The stock consisted of ‘Desks and Bookcases, Desks, Tables, Chests of Drawers, Cloaths Chests, Scrutores etc in Walnut-Tree, Wainscot, and Mahogany, Pier and Chimney Glasses, Sconces, Chairs, Carpets, Standing Beds … with divers other Goods in the Cabinet, Chair and Upholstery way’. It is possible that John Chamberlain may have been the Mr Chamberlain, u who supplied chairs and upholstery work for the Earl of Rockingham in September 1692 and August 1696. [Daily Advertiser, 4 March 1743; Lincoln RO, Monson 10/1/A/19]

Chamberalin, John, parish of St Edmund, Exeter, Devon, cm (1803–10). Recorded in Militia list 1803, and may in 1810 have occupied a house in Newbridge as a tenant. [Exeter Flying Post, 8 November 1810]

Chamberlain, John, 15 Sherborne Lane, Lombard St, London, billiard table maker (1810–22). In May 1810 took out insurance cover for £500 of which £300 was for household goods and £200 for stock and utensils. May be the John Chamberlain recorded as dying at Poplar in March 1835. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 451, ref. 844707; PR, St Mary Abchurch (bapt. and burial)]

Chamberlain, John, 28 Western Rd, Brighton, Sussex, cm (1832–40). Births of two sons and two daughters recorded between 1832 and 1840. [D; E. Sussex RO, PAR 255/1/2/10–12]

Chamberlain, T., Ipswich, Suffolk, cm (1793–1801). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. [Ipswich Journal, 10 January 1801]

Chamberlain, William, Colegate St, St George's, Norwich, cm and u (1822–40). [D]

Chamberlayne, James, Barnstable, Devon, cm and maltster (1793). [D]

Chambers, —, address not known, u (1814). Paid £3 in July 1813 by 2nd Lord Braybrooke for Audley End, Essex or Billingbear, Berks. [Essex RO, D/DBy/A376]

Chambers, Andrew, 13 Turnstile Alley, Drury Lane, cm and broker (1782). Took out insurance of £200 of which half was for utensils, stock and goods. [GL, Sun MS vol. 300, p. 176]

Chambers, George, Woolshops, Halifax, Yorks., carver, gilder and painter (1837). [D]

Chambers, Henry, Yealmpton, near Plymouth, Devon, chairmaker (1832). [Furn. Hist, 1976]

Chambers, James, Lancaster, turner and chairmaker (1797–1813). App. to J. Tyson 1797 and free 1806–07. Mentioned in Gillow records 1797–1813. [App. and freemen regs; Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow]

Chambers, James, St Mary's, Ely, Cambs., carpenter, joiner and cm (1830). [D]

Chambers, James, 71 Sloane St, London u (1835). [D]

Chambers, Joseph, 15 Panton St, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Chambers, Peter, 147 Whitechapel Rd, London, u (1814–37). [D]

Chambers, Richard, Throgmorton St, London upholder (1706–34). Admitted freeman of Upholders’ Co. on 3 July 1706. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records; Heal]

Chambers, Richard, Wokingham, Berks., cm (1823). [D]

Chambers, Samuel, Milk St, London, u (1709–68). Son of Abraham Chambers of Selling, Kent, yeoman. App. to Henry Winton, 10 March 1709/10 and free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 7 May 1718. Master of the Upholders’ Co., 1746. In 1768 trading as Chambers & Lynes and on 22 October of that year supplied ‘bed furniture etc’ for Shelburne House, Berkeley Sq. amounting to £22 14s. A further account dated 19 November of that year for ‘Crimson Nassau Damask’ amounted to £36 15s. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records; Heal; Bowood MS]

Chambers, Samuel, Coventry, Warks., carver and gilder (1818–30). At Hertford St, 1818–28 and Little Park St, 1822–30. [D]

Chambers, Samuel, 80 Bull St, Birmingham, fancy box, case and caddy maker (1835). [D]

Chambers, Thomas, London, cm and upholder (1784–87). At 99 Upper East Smithfield in 1784 when he took out insurance cover for £2,000 which included £320 for utensils, stock, goods and workshop. In 1787 he insured thirteen houses in Nightingale Lane, Upper East Smithfield, for a total of £900. [GL, Sun MS vol. 319, p. 419; vol. 340, p. 522]

Chambers, Thomas, Yealmpton, near Plymouth, Devon, chairmaker (1815). [Furn. Hist., 1976]

Chambers, Tristram, Cary St, near Lincoln's Inn Playhouse, London, u (1749). [Heal; poll bk]

Chambers, William, Raistrick, near Halifax, Yorks., cm and valuer (1822–28). [D]

Chambers, William, Brighouse, Halifax, joiner/cm (1834). [D]

Chambers & Lynes, see Samuel Chambers, London.

Champ, George, 9 Upper Baker St, New Rd, Marylebone, London, carver, gilder etc. (1809–37). [D]

Champion, John, Sheffield, Yorks., cm (1821–22). At Duke St in 1821 and 7 Ramsden's Ct, High St the following year. [D]

Champion, John, London, cm and u (1835–39). At St James's in 1835 and 1 Richmond St, Soho in 1839. [D]

Champion & Watkins, 13 Henrietta St, Covent Gdn, London, billiard and backgammon table makers (1829). [D]

Champman & Son, 31 Market Pl., Hull, Yorks., u (1805). [D]

Champness, Thomas, London, turner and chairmaker (1761). Discharged from Debtors’ Prison 26 September 1761. His address was stated to be ‘formerly of Holborn and late of Old Bailey’. [London Gazette, September 1761, p. 5]

Champney, Robert Nelson, Prebend Row, Darlington, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1834). [D]

Champneys, Edmund, Trim St, Bath, Som., u and auctioneer (1783–91). [D]

Chance, James & Henry, 84 Charlotte St, Fitzroy Sq., London, carvers and gilders (1839). [D]

Chandle, Thomas, 19 Bow Lane, Cheapside, London, cm, u and chairmaker (1827). [D]

Chandler —, 144 Sloane St, Chelsea, London, cm and u (1823). [D]

Chandler, Charles, Fairview Pl., Cheltenham, Glos., cm (1839). [D]

Chandler, Edward, 7 Queen's Row, Pimlico, upholder (1814). [D]

Chandler, George Loudon, Worcester, cm (1835). App. to James Mason and free 26 January 1835. [Freemen reg.]

Chandler, John, Shoreham, Sussex, carver (1742). In 1742 took app. named Chatfield. [S of G, app. index]

Chandler, John, New St, Westminster, London, carver (1749). [Poll bk]

Chandler, John, Kingston, Surrey, cm (1796). [Canterbury poll bk]

Chandler, John, Cambridge, turner, chairmaker and cm (1820–40). At Petty Cury (1823–24), Red Heart Yd (1830), Willow Pl. (1832–35) and Fitzroy St in 1837. On 29 September 1820 claimed freedom as first born son of Thomas Chandler, freeman. [D; poll bks; Cambs. RO, Corp. records] See Chandler & Hazelwood.

Chandler, John, 7 Oyle Mews, London, chairmaker and cm (1840). [GL, Sun MS ref. 133065]

Chandler, Richard, Paul St, Exeter, Devon, u (1835). [D]

Chandler, Thomas, Cambridge, cm, joiner, broker and turner (1788–1845). On 31 March 1788 he was bound app. to Edward and Thomas Yorke of Cambridge, cm and joiners, for a fee of 10s. He claimed his freedom of the Corporation of Cambridge through his apprenticeship on 29 September 1798. In June 1806 he is listed as one of the Bailiffs of the Corporation and in September of the same year a Common Councillor. Poll bks list him at various addresses: in 1818, Sparrow Lane; in 1832 Hobson St; in 1834, Willow Pl.; and from 1837–40, Fitzroy St. Accounts submitted by him to the Corporation survive for the years 1820–24, and are mostly for general joinery work although the repair of furniture is mentioned. He appears to have worked with his son John, as both are named in the apprenticeship of Thomas Legge. Many of the poll bks also list them at the same addresses. His apps were William Swan from 15 May 1810 for a fee of £20, Thomas Legge jnr from 4 February 1822 for a fee of £20 and Joseph Rutherford from 3 January 1831 for an undisclosed fee. By 1822 his son John Chandler was active in the business. [Cambs. RO, Cambridge Corp. day bks and app. lists] See Chandler & Hazelwood. R. W.

Chandler, Thomas, Bristol, cm (1818–40). At 6 St John's Bridge (1818–19), Upper Maudlin St (1820), 6 Barrs St (1822), Merchants St (1823–24), College Pl. (1825), 4 Limekiln Lane (1826–28), 17 Redcliff Hill (1829–31) and 6 Sussex Pl. (1833–40). [D]

Chandler & Hazelwood, Brazenwell George Yd, Cambridge, turner and chairmakers (1839). [D] Presumably John Chandler and Thomas Hazelwood who are both recorded in 1830 at Red Hart Yd.

Chandlor, Thomas, 9 Colville Ct, Rathbone Pl., London u (1809). [D]

Channon, Atho, Exeter, Devon, cm (1742). In 1742 he took app. named Thomas Parker for a consideration of £15. [S of G, app. index] Possibly the same person as Otho Channon, chairmaker.

Channon, George, St Martin's Lane, London, cm (1749). [Westminster poll bk]

Channon, John, 109 St Martin's Lane, London, cm (b. 1711–d. c. 1783). In the 18th century there were many Channons living in Exeter and Tiverton, and it is not always possible to establish their precise relationship to each other. However, it is likely that John was the younger brother of Otho, an Exeter chairmaker, and that both were the sons of Otho Channon who on 8 October 1697 married Anne Sone and who appears in the Exeter poor rate bk between 1699 and 1732 wherein he is described as innkeeper, 1714 and 1719, and as a serge maker 1725–26. Otho Channon snr lived in the parish of St Sidwell, the baptism of his son Otho being listed in the church register on 4 November 1698 and of his son John on 21 May 1711. In 1726, at the age of fifteen, John was app. to his elder brother Otho ‘of Exeter joiner’ for a consideration of £8. [PRO, IR 1/13/155, vol. 6, p. 1012] He would have completed his training in 1733 and is next heard of in London in 1737 when he set up a cabinet making business at premises ‘upon the Pavement’ on the west side of St Martin's Lane, later numbered 109. His name first appears in the Westminster poor rate bk for the last quarter of 1737. He lived in the house until 1783 when he was succeeded by Hugh Channon who vacated it after a year. The church registers of St Martin-in-the Fields record the baptism and subsequent burial of five children born to John Channon and his wife Martha between 1758 and 1771.

No trade card or label issued by Channon has been recorded, but it is possible that his shop sign was ‘The Golden Fleece’ since the inner hinge plate of a cabinet on stand in the V & A [W. 7–1964] which has been attributed to him is engraved with a ram pendant from twisted snakes and it is known that, in 1742 and 1747 one house ‘on the Pavement’ in St Martin's Lane displayed the sign of ‘The Golden Fleece’. However it is not mentioned in the following advertisement which appeared in The Craftsman, 24 July 1742: ‘This is to give Notice, that Furbur's Collection of Twelve Monthly Flower Prints are now reprinted, and to prevent the Public being imposed upon, by spurious Copies sold about Town, the original Prints are Sixteen inches and a Quarter by Twelve, with a Handsome Title Plate of the Subscriber's Names, and under each Plate is engrav'd these words, From the Collection of Robert Furbur, Gardener at Kensington, design'd by P. Cassteels, and engrav'd by H. Fletcher; and now sold colour'd for Two Guineas a Set by Samuel Sympson, Engraver and Print Seller, in Maiden-Lane, Covent Garden; John Channon, Cabinet maker and Frame Maker, in St Martin's Lane and George Lacy who colours the said Flowers, in RedLion Court, Long-Acre. NB At the above Places are sold Mr. Furbur's Collection of Fruit Pieces’. Another notice mentioning Channon appeared in the Daily Advertiser, 23 November 1742: ‘Mr Eade having left off his publick school in St. Martin's Lane, continues to teach (only abroad) some few Persons Writing, Arithmetic and Merchants’ Accounts, in a very short and easy Method. His Lodgings are at Mr. Channon's, a Cabinet-Warehouse, upon the Pavement in St. Martin's Lane’.

John Channon's fire insurance policy dated 9 January 1760 gives the following values: on household goods, utensils and stock in trade in dwelling house £500; glass in trade £100; household goods, utensils and stock in trade in a house behind £150; wearing apparel £50; glass therein not exceeding £50; utensils, stock in trade in shop only in the yard behind £150. Total £1,000. [GL, Sun MS vol. 130, p. 283] In 1741 in the app. records John Channon is described as a joiner, but in 1752 when he took app. named Rowland Jackson, as a cm. He required a fee of £25 and £15 respectively on these occasions, but when in 1762 Edward Henry Williamson was taken as app. the sum of £50 was charged. [S of G, app. index]

The only signed or labelled pieces of furniture by John Channon are a spectacular pair of bookcases at Powderham Castle, near Exeter, Devon, bearing brass tablets engraved ‘J Channon Fecit 1740’. In 1965–66 John Hayward published a group of furniture which, on account of design, type and quality of wood, manner of construction, similarities in brass inlay decoration and ormolu mounts appeared to come from the same workshop. He attributed them all to John Channon on the evidence of stylistic analogy and technical parallells with the Powderham bookcases. [V & A Bulletin, January 1965 and April 1966] John Channon's furniture displays a strong continental influence in the association of brass inlay with Boulle-work, the use of tortoiseshell veneer on arched pediments, refined gilt brass mounts and vigorous serpentine shapes which show an affinity with German furniture. In addition to engraved brass inlay, pieces attributed to Channon exhibit the following characteristics. The wood is not ordinary Cuban mahogany but is particularly richly figured, often with rosewood cross banding. Drawer linings are frequently mahogany and when oak is employed the bottoms may be of framed panel construction. Cabinets have brass cock beads, mouldings and stringing, the latter sometimes precisely engraved with very fine bordering lines. The inlay work on many pieces differs from the familiar Boulle technique of veneering sheets of worked brass onto a carcase; instead, decorative brass elements are inset directly into the mahogany or rosewood surface. The locks on several cabinets and boxes are fitted with an unusual hinged keyhole cover, released by a concealed spring. Two writing cabinets have a desk drawer that pulls forward on divided front corner trusses. Channon's distinctive repertoire of flamboyant ormolu mounts include satyr and nereid masks, elaborate cartouche-shaped handle and keyhole plates and elaborate foot mounts. His decorative brass inlay work is curiously old fashioned, almost Bérainesque in character compared with the progressive Rococo mounts. The principal items attributed to John Channon are:

Pair of bookcases signed and dated 1740 (Powderham Castle, Devon)

Cabinet on stand (V & A, No. W. 7–1964)

Bureau cabinet (V & A, No. W. 37–1953)

Writing table (V & A, No. W. 44–1947)

Armchair (V & A, No. W. 32–1959)

Bureau (Kenwood House, London)

Bureau cabinet, stamped ‘J.GRAVELY’ (Hayward, 1965, p. 15)

Library desk (V & A, No. W. 4–1956)

Library desk, companion to above (Sotheby's, 12 February 1965, lot 88)

Medal cabinet (Bristol City Art Gallery)

Commode (Temple Newsam House, Leeds)

Commode (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge)

Writing cabinet, made for the Murray family of Ochtertyre, Scotland (Temple Newsam House, Leeds)

Writing cabinet, ex. Leverhulme Coll. (C. Life, 13 January 1950, p. 104, fig. 2)

Cabinet on stand (C. Life, 18 October 1956, p. 893)

Tea caddy (V & A, No. W. 11–1956)

Tea caddy (V & A Bulletin, October 1966, p. 146)

Supper table (V & A, No. W. 22–1962)

Bureau cabinet (C. Life, 3 June 1962, p. 1620)

The Germanic personality of some of the pieces ascribed to Channon's workshop raises the question as to whether he may have been German or have employed German craftsmen. The name Otho recurs in the family, certainly over three generations, while his mother's name Anne Sone, could be an Anglicised version of Anne Sohn or Sonne. Peter Thornton and Desmond Fitz-Gerald have explored a possible link with the great Abraham Roentgen who came to London about 1733 and worked for several different masters over a number of years. Their hypothesis rests on certain similarities between furniture made by Roentgen after his return to Germany and pieces thought to have been produced in the Channon workshop. The items of furniture listed above all date from about 1740–55. It may be that John and his elder brother Otho were both involved in the business since the subscribers to Chippendale's Director, 1754 include ‘–Channon, Senr.’, and ‘—Channon, Jnr.’ If this is so, Otho's death in 1756 coincided with a change in the firm's style to conform more with routine fashions, which explains why Channon's later products are not readily distinguishable from others working at the time.
POWDERHAM CASTLE, Devon (Sir William Courtenay). A massive and very richly styled pair of rosewood library bookcases with fine engraved brass inlay work and gilt carving, each bear a brass plaque inscribed ‘J. Channon Fecit 1740’ (the initial was originally misread ‘T’). The Powderham Castle papers [Ledger 1, f. 104] record under 29 April 1741 ‘Cash to John Channon part on acct — £50’. The entry presumably refers to these bookcases. The bookcases, now in the ante-room on the ground floor, were commissioned for the library on the first floor of the north east wing, created 1739–46. The room still retains its original chimney piece, possibly by Otho Channon.
HORNBY HALL, Lancs. (Mrs Anne Fenwick). A bill, some letters and a receipt spanning the years 1766–69 survive. The account dated 18 June 1766 totals £6 8s 5½d and itemises ‘2 pictures in carved and gilt, frames £5.5.0.’ and ‘a small pair of garrendoles painted flack white with brass norsels, hold fasses and screws 15s 6d’. [Preston RO, RCHy 2/6/8] At the bottom of this bill Channon wrote: ‘If you have a Desire for any Perticular Picture or Pictures please to lett me know what will sute for it Offon falls in my way to Meet with Some Very Good I shall take A pleasure to Oblege you Without any fee or Reward’. In a further letter to Mrs Fenwick, (4 August 1766), written by Martha Channon, John's wife, it is stated that ‘Mr Channon has been in pursuit of some Vast Curious and Valuable pictures which at last he has purchased its our Blessd. Savour and Six of his Apostles Supposed by the best Judges to be done by Raphel Urbin the Size of the pictures and frames together is 19 by 14 in neat Carvd. frames the price is thirteen Guineas in all probability worth three times the Money but Mr. Channon was Requested by you he would take no Advantage and if you please to Desire it they shall be sent Down for you to see and if you dont like them Mr. Channon will keep them himself he Coud not Get them to Send without Buying them and their being a great bargain he will take them if Dislikd. by you’. The seven pictures were sent up to Hornby, but were returned. Friendly relations evidently continued since there is also a receipt dated 19 December 1769 for £7 worth of Channon's lottery tickets.

HENRIETTA ST, Covent Gdn, London (Richard Crosse, miniature painter). [V & A Lib., R. Crosse accounts. Shelf mark 86. GG.23] 1773 June 20: To Repaireing a Mahogy Clock case head a New frett to Do. Cleaning & Lackering the Capitles & bases & varses & polishing Do. alover Screwes & c 0 – 6. 6
To Repaireing a Serpentine teatable a New frett to Do. scrapeing & polishing Do. Alover 0 5.6
July 12: To a 5ftt. Bedstead Stout Mahogy Pillers fine Wood Carv on Strong Castors the best Double horsecloath Ticking bottom & Laceing line Compas rod & base latts & a Scerpintain Cutt cornis &c Compleate 6 – 16 – 6
To 55yds… of the best Crimsen Moreene at 2s 9p. Yard 7 – 11 – 3
To 102yds of the best Coverd, lace 1 – 9 – 3
To 8yds of brown hesings to Back line the head & teaster 0 – 10 – 6
To 2 Torsels 0 – 3 – 0
Buckram to back line the Vallens & Bases & tamme to back line Do. 0 – 17 – 0
Brass Rings Silk tape thread Studs tax &c – 10 – 6
To Makeing the Furniture and Covering the Cornishses 2 – 12 – 6
To 3 Men & fixing up the bedstead & furniture at Yr House tax &c 0 – 5 – 0
Cash paid for a Bedwrinch left at Yr House 0 – 2 – 0
To a paper case to the teaster of Cateredge paper 0 – 2 – 0
Octobr 18 1773 £21 – 11 – 6

Recd, the Contents in full & all Demands
John Channon
[John Hayward, ‘Brass-inlaid Furniture’, V & A Bulletin, January 1965, pp. 10–23 and ‘The Channon family of Exeter and London, chair and cabinet makers’, V & A Bulletin, April 1966, pp. 64–70; Peter Thornton and Desmond Fitz-Gerald, ‘Abraham Roentgen “englische kabinetmacher” and some further reflections on the work on John Channon’, V & A Bulletin, October 1966, pp. 137–147; Coleridge, Chippendale Furniture; Gilbert, Leeds Furn. Cat., pp. 177–78; Christopher Claxton Stevens and Stuart Whittington, Eighteenth Century Furniture: The Norman Adams Collection, 1983, pp. 182–86, Mark Girouard, ‘Powderham Castle, Devon 1’, C. Life, 4 July 1963, pp. 18–21; Rococo Art and Design, exhib. cat., V & A, 1984 (L2)] C.E.L.-J.

Channon, John, 12 Poland St, Oxford St, London, cm and u (1827–39). [D]

Channon, Joseph, address unknown, cm (1769). Supplied furniture, probably for a London house in 1769. [Scottish RO, Polesworth papers, box 4, household accounts]

Channon, Otho, Exeter, Devon, and London? chairmaker (b. 1698–1756). The eldest son of Otho Channon of the parish of St Sidwell, Exeter and elder brother of John Channon the celebrated cm of St Martin's Lane, London. Otho was app. in 1714 to William Culme, joiner, of Exeter for a consideration of £8 [PRO, IR 146/155, vol. 6, p. 1012] and in 1726 his younger brother John was app. to him. The subscription list to Chippendale's Director, 1754 lists ‘– Channon, senr, cabinet maker’ and ‘Channon, jun, cabinet maker’; it is likely that Otho is the former, John the latter. In 1729 Otho took on an app. Charles Morgan of Exeter for a fee of £10. His only known commission was for Sir William Courtenay at Powderham Castle, Devon where the account books record: 24 March 1743 ‘Pd Otho Channon in full of all demands £27 13’; 12 October 1748 ‘To cash paid him in full £14 5’; 23 August 1751 ‘To cash, paid him full for a mahogany table and chairs £33 10’. Some of these payments may relate to the library which was decorated between 1739 and 1746 and contained two bookcases made by John Channon in 1740. [J. Hayward, ‘The Channon family of Exeter and London’, V & A Bulletin, No. 2 (April 1966), pp. 64–70; C. Life, 4 July 1963, pp. 18–21]

Channon, T., (fictitious). Misreading by Heal and Edwards, DEF, of initial letter J on engraved brass maker's tablets on the Powderham bookcases.

Channon, Thomas, Taunton, Som, cm and shopkeeper (1757– 58). Insured his house, household goods and stock, etc. in January for £300, the stock accounting for £50. In 1758 he took on an app. Richard Tucker. [GL, Sun MS vol. 118, p. 155; S of G, app. index]

Chantler, John, 9 Water St, Bridge St, Manchester, cm (1815– 17). Trading at 9A Water St in 1815 and no. 9 in 1817. [D]

Chantler, Joseph, London, u (1820–37). At Layton's Buildings, Southwark in 1820 but after 1829 at 12 Alfred Pl., Newington Causeway. [D]

Chantler, William, Foregate St, Chester, chairmaker (1797). [D]

Chantrell, Jane, Liverpool, u (1833–39). Initially at Torbock St but by 1837 was at 9 King St, Soho and in 1839 at Wilton St. [D]

Chapell, Daniel, London, upholder (1712–33). App. to Joseph Green on 7 October 1704 and free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 2 April 1712. Took app. George Heath, 1725–33. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Chapelow, Thomas, 297 Newton St, Manchester, joiner and cm (1811). [D]

Chaplain, Robert, Woodbridge, Suffolk, cm (1783). Married on 26 September 1783. [Suffolk RO, FAA: 50/2/105]

Chaplin, James, Long Melford, Suffolk, cm (1762–84). In 1762 took app. named Burning. [S of G, app. index]

Chaplin, John, Tiverton, Devon, u (1810). On 13 December 1810 married Miss Mary Ann Worthy of Exeter. [Exeter Flying Post, 13 December 1810]

Chaplin, John, High St, Exeter, Devon, carver and gilder (1825). Son Johnathan bapt. at St Martin's 10 May 1825. [PR (bapt.)]

Chaplin, Joseph, Clifton, Bristol, cm, u, house agent and auctioneer (1815–35). Between 1815–23 at York House, and from 1824–35 at 5 Gloucester Row. [D]

Chaplin, William, Eversly, Southampton, Hants, chairmaker (1719–37). In 1719 took app. named Clarke and in 1737 another named May. [S of G, app. index]

Chaplin, William, London, upholder (1768–76). Son of Richard Chaplin of Sudbury, Suffolk, merchant. App. to William Brushfield and Samuel Burton 4 May 1768 and free by servitude 3 April 1776. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Chaplin, William, John's Lane, John's St, London, cm (1787). On 12 February 1787 insured goods, utensils and stock in the house of John Gill, cm, for £200. [GL, Sun MS vol. 344, p. 81]

Chaplin, William, Wymondham, Norfolk and Ipswich, Suffolk, cm (1790–1805). By 1800 he had moved from Wymondham to Ipswich, and in 1805 was trading from an address in Tacket St as a cm and broker [D; Ipswich poll bk; Ipswich Journal, 12 July 1800]

Chaplins & Co., Hotwell Rd, Bristol, cm and u (1810–13). [D]

Chapman, Mr, Coleman St, London, ‘eminent Upholder’ (1748). Death of his wife reported in General Advertiser, 25 March 1748.

Chapman, —, Ipswich, Suffolk, u (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. It is possible that this is an erroneous entry and that the subscriber was William Chaplin of Ipswich.

Chapman, —, Oldbury, Glos., chairmaker, (1839). [D] Probably John Chapman of Old Bury, Tewkesbury.

Chapman, C., Church St, Basingstoke, Hants., cm and u (1839). [D]

Chapman, Charles, 130 Pottergate St, Norwich, u (1754–99). Son of Benedict Chapman, grocer. Admitted a freeman 23 October 1756. His own sons John Charles and Benedict, both described as clerks, were admitted freemen 27 July 1799. Took apps named Ireland in 1754 and Parson in 1760. Appears to have been concerned with the furnishings of Holkham Hall, Norfolk, and also was paid £89 for carpets and upholsterers’ work carried out at Felbrigg Hall, Norfolk. This, combined with the long period during which the business traded, suggests an extensive and important provincial establishment. [D; poll bks; freemen reg.; S of G, app. index; V & A archives]

Chapman, Charles, Newmarket, Suffolk, cm and u (1830). [D]

Chapman, Charles, 1 Exeter St, Sloane St, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Chapman, Edward, address unknown, cm (1723). A receipt signed by Edward Chapman for £5 5s and dated 17 May 1723 exists for goods supplied to Paul Foley Esq., of The Temple and Little Ormond St, London, and Newport House, Almeley, Herefs. The goods supplied were a marble table costing £3 10s with its frame at £1 15s. [Herefs. RO, F/AIII/ 55]

Chapman, Edward, 1 and 20 Princess St, Mason St, Hull, Yorks., joiner and cm (1826–38). In 1838 the number is changed to 6 Princess St. Edward Chapman was also a beer retailer from 1835 and in 1838 is shown, additionally, as trading from ‘The King's Arms’. [D]

Chapman, Edward, St Matthews's, Ipswich, Suffolk, cm and u (1839). [D]

Chapman, Elizabeth, London, upholder (1747). Daughter of William Chapman of Highgate, London, clerk. Sister of Sarah Chapman to whom she was app. 25 November 1738. Free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude 10 October 1747. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Chapman, Francis, High St, Tewkesbury, Glos., chairmaker (1820–30). Recorded at no. 98 in 1820. [D]

Chapman, George & John, 31 Market Pl., Hull, Yorks., u and cm (1776–1815). John Chapman, the founder of the business was the son of Thomas Chapman of York, a painter. John took the freedom of York as an u in 1776 and in the same year established himself in a shop and house in the Market Pl. at Hull. This he insured for £600, with an additional £250 cover for utensils and stock, and £100 for warehouse stock. In February 1793 he insured a ‘house, shop & warehouse in one building on the East side of Market Place Yard, on the W. side of Tinkle Street’ with two tenements adjoining at £500. The tenements may have been used as a lodging house as he advertised this aspect of his business from 1791. By 1803 his son George was assisting with the business which was styled John Chapman & Son. The father is however no longer named after 1807 and had probably died by this date, or certainly retired from the business. George took the freedom of York as an u in 1810. He followed a similar line of trade to his father and included paper hanging and paper staining in his activities. He died in 1815.

Apps of the business included Thomas Hallam of Rotherham, May 1802; Christopher Burnett of Laceby, Lincs., July 1802; Richard Binnington of Hull, March 1803; Charles Hart; Thomas England of Sutton near Hull, October 1806; Thomas Marshall of Hull, January 1807; Thomas Dobson of Hull, May 1807; Edward Gainer of Hull, May 1810; Thomas Johnson of Sculcoates near Hull, January 1812 and William Collison, James Hill and Charles Robinson, all of Hull, July 1813. The death of George Chapman in 1815 forced the assignment of Edward Gainer to a new master, Robert Waugh and Thomas Johnson to George Brook both in March 1815; and James Hill was also assigned to Robert Waugh, March 1818. A number of commissions undertaken by the business are recorded in the Hull Corp. archives. These included work on the Corporation pews in Holy Trinity Church in November 1798, and upholstery work including blinds, curtaining and recovering 8 cabriole chairs, 1814–15, amounting to £43 3s. The painting of 4 small and two arm chairs ‘blue striped with white’ cost an additional £1 4s. [D; poll bk; York freemen rolls; Hull app. reg.; Hull Corp. accounts bks; GL, Sun MS vol. 392, p. 291; vol. 248, ref. 369067] B.A.

Chapman, George, Snettisham, Norfolk, cm (1836). [D]

Chapman, George, Northallerton, Yorks., cm (1840). [D]

Chapman, George, Durham St, Middlesbrough, Yorks., joiner and cm (1840). [D]

Chapman, Henry, London (1771). Son of Cludd Chapman of Houndsditch, tallow chandler. App. to Joseph Merryman 4 June 1761 and free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude 5 June 1771. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Chapman, J., Spalding, Lincs., joiner and cm (1792). On 27 March 1792 advertised for two journeymen joiners and cm offering from twelve to fifteen shillings a week each as wages. He also indicated the diverse nature of his business which included the stocking of ‘Dry and Ground Colours of all Sorts, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, and every Kind of Paint of the first Quality, for House-painting, ready prepared for the Brush’. He also kept ‘A large Quantity of Grave-stones, curiously carved … which will be lettered and finished in a masterly Manner’. [Lincoln, Rutland and Stamford Mercury, 30 March 1792]

Chapman, James, 51 High St, Southampton, Hants., chairmaker (1803–11). [D]

Chapman, James, Suffolk, u and clothes dealer (1817–24). [D; Cambridge Chronicle and Journal, 20 June 1817]

Chapman, James, Northallerton, Yorks., cm (1828). [D]

Chapman, John, Hull. See George & John Chapman.

Chapman, John, Newcastle, joiner, cm and house carpenter (1778–1811). From 1778 to 1801 at Bigg-market but in 1811 at Queen St. [D]

Chapman, John, Canterbury, Kent, cm (1779–1830). At Longport in 1790, parish of St George in 1826 and Canterbury Lane in July 1830. [Poll bks]

Chapman, John, 7 Peter St, Saffron Hill, London, chairmaker (1808). [D]

Chapman, John, 62 Red Lion St, Clerkenwell, London, Japan chairmaker (1817–25). [D]

Chapman, John, 6 Red Lion St, Clerkenwell, London, clock case maker (1823). [D]

Chapman, John, 95 Cromer St, Brunswick Sq., London, cm and u (1822). [D]

Chapman, John, North end, Gt Yarmouth, cabinet and chairmaker and u (1822). [D]

Chapman, John, Yorkshire St, Oldham, Lancs., joiner and cm (1825). [D]

Chapman, John, Gt Aycliffe, near Darlington, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1828). [D]

Chapman, John, Norwich, cm (1829). App. to John Ling and free 21 September 1829. [Freemen reg.]

Chapman, John, Old Bury, Tewkesbury, Glos., chairmaker, (1830–40). [PR (bapt.)] See Chapman, —.

Chapman, John, Staithes, Yorks., joiner/cm/cartwright (1834). [D]

Chapman, John, Snow Hill, Stafford, chairmaker (1828–35). Recorded at Union Buildings in 1834. [D]

Chapman, John, Chingswell St, Bideford, Devon, cm and u (1838). [D]

Chapman, John, 28 Berwick St, Oxford St, London, chair and sofa maker (1839). [D]

Chapman, John, 2 Pitt St, Fitzroy Sq., London, picture and looking-glass frame maker (1839). [D]

Chapman, John, Cheveley Rd, Newmarket, Suffolk, cm (1839). [D]

Chapman, R., 6 Red Lion St, Clerkenwell, London, clock and dial case maker (1820). See also John Chapman, carrying on a similar trade at this address in 1823. [D]

Chapman, Sarah, London, upholder (1716–38). Daughter of William Chapman of Highgate, London, clerk. App. to Joseph Williams 20 December 1716 and free of the Upholders Co. by servitude 6 July 1737. Took her sister Elizabeth as app. 25 November 1738. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Chapman, Thomas, Little Brickhill, Bucks., upholder (1727). Took out insurance cover on 5 October 1727 of £500 which included £300 for a dwelling house and brewhouse, £50 for a barn and stable, £50 for a tenement and £100 for household goods and stock in trade. [GL, Sun MS vol. 25, ref. 42661]

Chapman, Thomas, Old Bethlem, London, cm and bedsteadmaker (1748–83). App. to John Price, upholder of London, in September 1741 for seven years. Subscribed to Chippendale's Director, 1754. Already trading on his own account by 1758 when he was licensed to employ four non-freemen for six months. From this date until 1775 he was a frequent employer of such labour and in 1760 was using as many as thirteen non-freemen in his business. Initially his address was 17 Old Bethlem (or Bedlam) but by 1787 the number had changed to 13. In 1779 his workshop, utensils and stock were insured for £375, out of an entire insurance of £700. The nature of his trade is well described on his trade card [Heal Coll., BM] which states that he made and sold ‘Mahogany Tea & Dining Tables, Chamber-Tables, Tea Boards, Waiters, and TeaChests’. He was also able to undertake ‘Bed Carving and Joyners Work on Bed Cornishes, Window Cornishes, Teastors and Head Boards, Settees, Beauroes and Field Beds’. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 275, p. 11; City Licence bks, vols 2, 8; Heal]

Chapman, Thomas, Bishopsgate Without, London, carver (1782). Bankruptcy announced in Gents Mag., April 1782.

Chapman, Thomas, Yorkshire St, Oldham, Lancs., joiner and cm (1825). [D]

Chapman, Thomas, 8 Denmark St, Soho, London, u and cm, patent invalid furniture (1835–39). In 1835 his works were described as an ‘invalid bed, chair & sofa manufactory’, the words ‘By Appointment’ being added. Advertised in the 1839 edition of Pigot's Directory. [D]

Chapman, Thomas, Leeds, Yorks., cm (1837–39). At 18 Lands Lane, in 1837 and 44 George's St in 1839. [D]

Chapman, Thomas, Brighton, Sussex, cm and u (1837–40). At Grenville Pl. in 1837 but by 1839 had moved to 9 Duke St. [D; poll bks]

Chapman, Walter, Bristol and London, upholder (1774–84). Living in Temple parish, Bristol in 1774 but by 1781 had moved to Ludgate Hill, London. In 1784 at Bennet's St, Oxford Rd, London. [Bristol poll bks]

Chapman, William, 43 Coleman St, corner of Lothbury, London, u (1748–1820). The long time span involved might suggest a father and son of the same name. Heal cites a Chapman, christian name unspecified, at Coleman St in 1748. The next recorded reference is in 1774 when William Chapman was summoned to be made free of the Upholders’ Co. under the terms of the 1750 Upholders’ Act. He paid £15 15s to be excused and declared himself a freeman of the Armourers and Braziers’ Co. In 1785 he insured his utensils and stock for £1,000. He probably had additional warehouse premises in Coleman St at Coleman St Buildings, since in 1789, Brough Maltby, Gent. of 73 Basinghall St, insured some of his household goods at the warehouse of Mr Chapman at this address. He is only infrequently listed in London directories, listings of 1781, 1789 and 1820 being recorded. In 1789 the business was named as Chapman & Sons and their trade included that of auctioneer, carpenter and undertaker. [D; GL, Upholders’ Co. records; GL, Sun MS vol. 331, p. 612; vol. 362, p. 439]

Chapman, William, Castle Precincts, Bristol, upholder (1754). [Poll bk]

Chapman, William, 41 Berwick St, London, cm (1782). Insured his house at the above address for £300. [GL, Sun MS vol. 302, p. 196]

Chapman, William, Pottergate St, opposite Lower Goat Lane, Norwich, upholder etc. (1802–03). [D]

Chapman, William, 59 King St, Southwark, London, cm and Venetian shade maker (1803). On 30 July 1803 took out insurance cover of £1,100 of which £400 was for stock and utensils. [GL, Sun MS vol. 426, ref. 750772]

Chapman, William, Norwich, cm (1829). Admitted freeman 21 September 1829. [Freemen rolls]

Chappell, Job, Cirencester, Glos., cm (1793). [D]

Chappell, Daniel, 39 Temple St, Bristol, carpenter, builder, cm, appraiser and undertaker (1827–29). [D]

Chappell, Thomas, London, bedstead maker (1820–37). At 8 Bowling St, Westminster in 1820 though by 1826 the number had changed to 5. From 1835 the business was conducted from Gt Smith St, Westminster, first at no. 17, and by 1839 at no. 28. [D]

Chapple, Charles, Exeter, Devon, cm (1819–24). At St Thomas in 1819 when the death of his wife was recorded. By 1822 at North St and in the following year at 26 Holloway St. It was at this address that in January 1824 his stock was sold by auction together with his household furniture ‘under a distress for Rent & an execution from the Sheriff’. The stock was said to be well manufactured. It was principally of mahogany, but satinwood, birch and chestnut are also mentioned. [D; Exeter Flying Post, 8 July 1819; The Alfred, 20 January 1824]

Charles, Charles, 60 Stanley St, Liverpool, cm (1735–87). Sworn freeman 17 October 1735. He took apps: George Chares, John Orme, Richard Fleetwood, Richard Tyrer and George Wainwright. Charles petitioned freedom in 1760, Orme in 1765, Fleetwood and Tyrer in 1780 and Wainwright in 1790. In September 1778 he advertised his dwelling house and large workshop in Stanley St as available for letting. Despite this the business continued to trade in Stanley St. [D; freemen reg. and committee bk; Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 1 September 1778]

Charles, Edward, Liverpool, cm (b. c. 1750–d. 1820). Son of Charles Charles. Free 11 September 1780 and by 1790 in trade at 18 Bold St. Another directory of the same year gives the address as 43 Bold St with a shop at 44, and subsequently 42–44 Bold St is the address used to 1803. From then until 1811 the business traded from 9 Commutation Row, Shaw's Brow and between 1816 and 1818 was at Bridgport St. In 1796 Edward married Miss Elizabeth Skillicorn, possibly the sister of his app. Robert Skillicorn whom he had taken on the previous year and was made free 1803. He also took as apps Ralph Summers and Edward Dillart in 1802, and both became free 1812. His death is recorded on 24 February 1820 aged 70. [D; freemen's committee bks and reg.; Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 4 April 1796; Liverpool Mercury, 10 March 1820]

Charles, Edward, High St, Thrapston, Northants., cm and u (1823). [D]

Charles, George, Batchelor St, Liverpool, cm (1760–74). Petitioned freedom in 1760 after serving as app. to Charles Charles. In 1774 a tenant of John Forrest, also of Batchelor St, marble cutter. [Freemen's committee bk; GL, Sun MS vol. 235, 15 November 1774]

Charles, Michael, Gardeners Lane, Petty France, London, carver (1749). [Westminster poll bk]

Charles, Robert, 9 Fisher St, Red Lion Sq., London, carpenter, chairman and cm (1809). On 1 May 1809 took out insurance cover of £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 443, ref. 830553]

Charles, Walter, Allonby, Maryport, Cumb., joiner and cm (1828–34). [D]

Charles, William, Uttoxeter, Staffs., chairmaker and turner (1818–34). Trading at Balance St in 1818 and High St in 1834. [D]

Charleton, John, Liverpool, u (1767). App. to Samuel Kirks for seven years. Petitioned for freedom 1767. [Freemen's committee bk]

Charley, Josiah, Crown St, parish of St Ann, Westminster, London, looking-glass maker (1714). Took out insurance cover on two adjoining buildings in Crown St at £100 each on 30 December 1714. [GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 13, p. 638]

Charlton, Mr, ‘near the Haymarket’, London, ‘eminent Upholsterer’ (d. 1767). Death ‘at his lodgings near Vauxhall’ reported in Public Advertiser, 18 June 1767.

Charlton, Charles, 9 Friday St, London, u (1738–78). Frequently described as wholesale u after 1768. [D]

Charlton, John, Wardour St, London, u (1784). Westminster poll bk]

Charlton, John, 44 Upper Rathbone Pl., London, cm (1809). [D]

Charlton, John, 39 Windmill St, Tottenham Ct Rd, London, cm, u and firescreen manufacturer (1820–25). [D]

Charleton, John, Levett's Sq., Hodgson St, Hull, Yorks., cm (1823). [D]

Charlton, John, Union St, Morpeth, Northumb., joiner and cm (1827). [D]

Charlton, John, Smith St, Stockton, Co. Durham, cm (1832). [D]

Charlton, John, Hexham, Co. Durham, joiner/cm (1834). [D]

Charlton, Michael, Gainford, near Darlington, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1827). [D]

Charlton, Samuel, Coventry St, London, chairmaker (1749). [Westminster poll bk]

Charlton, Samuel, Glasshouse St, London, upholder (1749). [Westminster poll bk]

Charlton, Sarah & Co., Coppergate, York, cm and u (1830–40). At 8 Coppergate 1830–34, but from 1837–40 at no. 10. [D]

Charlton, Thomas, Newcastle, joiner, cm and furniture broker (1833–38). Shown at 14 Cloth-market in 1833, but in the same year moved to High-bridge. Listed there at no. 47 in 1834, but at 14 Cloth-market again in 1838. [D]

Charlton, William, 38 Moxon St, Hull, Yorks., cm (1838–40). [D]

Charlwood, Joseph, 127 High Holborn, London, u (1799). [D]

Charman, Samuel, 9 Fisher St, Red Lion Sq., London, cm (1809). Appears to be associated with Robert Charles who also occupied this address in 1809. [D]

Charmbury, Daniel, Blandford, Dorset, builder, cm and u (1809). In May 1809 advertised that his property and business were for sale as he was giving up the business because of ‘ill-health brought on by over exertion’. Succeeded by Penning & Charmbury. [Sherborne Mercury, 15 and 22 May 1809]

Charnley, Alexander, corner of Duke St and Queen St, the Mint, Southwark, London, cm, bedstead maker and broker (1775). Took out insurance cover of £1,100 in 1775 of which £480 was for utensils and stocks, £75 for similar items in the cabinet-making shop and £75 for those in the bedsteadmaking shop. [GL, Sun MS vol. 243, p. 112]

Charnley, Jane, 9 Chapel Yd, Preston, Lancs., u (1825). [D]

Charnley, Richard, 58 Friargate, Preston, Lancs., cm (1825). [D]

Charnley, Richard, Chapel St, Little Bolton, Lancs., cm (1834). [D]

Charnley, William, Newcastle, u (1753–82). In early 1760s also described himself as a tinplate worker and stationer. Took apps named Robert Baron, 15 October 1760; Thomas Saint, 26 March 1761; David Crool, 6 October 1763; James Mitchell, 12 October 1767; James Rayson, 23 February 1771; Robert Walton, 31 October 1771; Thomas Brown, 22 August 1774; Robert Rumney, 4 October 1774; Robert Calbreath, 20 January 1777; Anthony Douthwaite, 16 September 1780 and William Barras, 12 November 1782. [Freemen reg.; poll bks]

Charnock, John, Thomas St, Bristol, picture frame maker (1795). [D]

Charnock, John, 3 Back Pickup St, Liverpool, u (1814–23). [D]

Charnock, Robert, 6 Horseferry Rd, Westminster, London, u (1782–1808). Freeman of Preston, Lancs., in both 1782 and 1802 but living in London. [D; freemen reg.]

Charnock, Thomas, Liverpool, cm (1767). App. to William Quin and free 2 December 1767. [Freemen reg.]

Charpentier, Benjamin, London, carver, gilder and picture frame maker (1775–1825). In 1775 at 430 Oxford St and from 1778–87 at 24 Cumberland St, Tottenham Ct Rd. After 1808 at 11 Gt Titchfield St. In 1775 the house in Oxford St was insured for £200 and in 1778 a total insurance cover of £300 was taken out on the Cumberland St address, which included £200 on the utensils, stock and goods. The cover was the same in 1787 but by 1808 had increased to £500 which included £300 for household goods in the dwelling house, £100 for the workshop behind and £100 for utensils and goods in trust. His trade card is dated 1783. [Banks Coll., BM] He appears to have developed an extensive and widespread patronage. In 1794 a frame was supplied to Alexander Wedderburn at a cost of £6 10s and in 1816 an account was rendered to Adam Cottam of Whalley, Lancs. through James Northcote, the artist, for a frame for the painting ‘Christ in the Garden’ for Whalley Church at a cost of £8 10s and £5 10s for the packing case. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 243, p. 531; vol. 266, p. 613; vol. 342, ref. 527551; vol. 445, ref. 823745; Scottish RO, GD 164/Box 20/AA/2–3; Preston RO, DDX 3361, 31]

Charrington & Henning, 23 Leicester Sq., London, cm and u (1790–93). [Heal]

Chart, William, London, cm and u (1822–29). At Charlotte Pl. in 1822, Upper Kennington Lane in 1827 and 8 Hollen St, Soho in 1829. In 1827 the business is recorded as William Chart & Mason. [D]

Charter, Charles, 57 Stanley St, Liverpool, upholder (1784). [D]

Charters, John, 37 Stanley St, Liverpool and shop 9 Back Leeds St, cm (1834). [D]

Chartres, David, Hyde (or Hide) Hill, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumb., cm and u (1806–34). [D]

Chartres, Francis, Church St, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumb., cm (1827). [D]

Chase, Edward, London, upholder (1762). Son of Edward Chase of Sunbury, Middlx, Gent. App. to Timothy Goulding 20 February 1755 and free by servitude 1 April 1762. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Chassereau, —, High St, Lewes, Sussex, carver and gilder (1805). [D]

Chater, Thomas, Salisbury, Wilts., chairmaker (1798). [D]

Chater, William, 5 Sans St, Bishop Wearmouth, Sunderland, Co. Durham, cm (1827–28). [D]

Chatfield, Thomas & Joseph, Small Silver St, Uttoxeter, Staffs., cm (1818). [D]

Chatfield, Thomas, Bridge St, Uttoxeter, Staffs., chairmaker and turner (1834). [D]

Chatfield, Thomas, Silver St, Uttoxeter, Staffs., cm (1828–35). [D]

Chatham, Charles, 9 Nash Grove, shop at 46 Limekiln Lane, Liverpool, cm (1814–21). Later in partnership with A. Blain. A set of chairs with the impressed mark ‘C CHATHAM’ and ‘A BLAIN’ is known. [D]

Chatham, Thomas, 15 Roscoe Lane, Liverpool, carver (1837). [D]

Chatterton, Richard, Lichfield, Staffs., cm and upholder (1780–95). In 1780 took out insurance cover of £400 of which £30 was for his workshop. His wife died in February 1795. [GL, Sun MS vol. 289, p. 257; Staffordshire Advertiser, 28 February 1795]

Chatterton, Richard, Dam St, Lichfield, Staffs., carver and gilder (1818). [D]

Chatterton, Thomas, 101 Digbeth, Birmingham, cm (1770). [D]

Chaunder, Thomas, Romsey, Hants., cm (1792). [D]

Chawner, William, Cank St, Pump Lane, Leicester, gilder and japanner (1796–1822). Opened trading in April 1796 as a furniture painter and gilder, but not made a freeman until 1807. [D; Leicester Journal, 1 April 1796; freemen reg.]

Chead, Joseph, 1 Brimble's Ct, Bath, Som., cm (1826). [D]

Cheale, Charles, Southover, Lewes, Sussex, cm and u (1823–40). [D]

Cheary, William, 1 St James's Back, Bristol, cm (1775). [D]

Cheater, John jnr, Easterton, Wilts., chairmaker (1751). Took an app. named Gifford Draper in 1751. [Wilts Apps and their Masters]

Cheater, Sara, 6 Rose St, Soho, London, chair and sofa maker (1835–39). [D]

Cheater, William, 7 Sutton St, Soho Sq., London, chair and sofa maker (1829). [D]

Cheatham, J., Eagle Ct, Clerkenwell, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Chebsey, John, ‘The Hand & Chair’, first shop from Ludgate St, St Paul's Churchyard, London, chair and cm (c. 1710–36). A kneehole desk veneered in figured walnut, c. 1710, with a trade label pasted inside the frieze drawer is known. This features his trade sign showing a chair of early Georgian character, as does his invoice for a ‘Walltre wisk table & lined with Green Cloth’ dated 1 March 1735/36. The card table was charged at £3 3s and was for Paul Foley of the Temple and Little Ormond St, London and Newport House, Almeley, Herefs. [Herefs. RO, Foley MS, F/AIII/55]

Checketts, John, Wolverhampton, Staffs., cm (1830–40). At 8 Queen St in 1830 and Red Lion St, 1833–34. [D]

Chedsey, Mathew, Donyatt, Som., chairmaker (1743). In 1743 took app. named Cape. [S of G, app. index]

Cheere, Sir Henry, St Margaret's, Westminster, London, carver (b. 1703–d. 1781). For details of the work of this noted sculptor in stone see Gunnis. Amongst the Blackett accounts for Fenham Hall, Northumb. is an entry of 14 December 1751 for two oval looking-glasses at £16 10s and two carved table frames, both painted, one costing £16 7s 6d and the other £21 7s. These accompanied two Sienna marble table tops charged at £27. [V & A archives]

Cheeseman, Charles, 21 French Row, Aldersgate St, London, cm and Tunbridge-ware maker (1809). [D]

Cheesewright, Joshua, 7 Percival St, Clerkenwell, London, cm and u (1822). [D]

Cheesewright, Samuel, Aldersgate St, London, cm (1774). In 1774 given a licence to employ two non-freemen for three months. [GL, City Licence bks, vol. 8]

Cheesman, Samuel George, 4 Weymouth St, New Kent Rd, London, chair and sofa maker (1829). [D]

Cheesman, Thomas, Brighton, Sussex, Tunbridge-ware maker and turner (1818-c. 1835). Lived at Richmond Row between 1818–23, at which time he was probably in the employment of Morris's, one of the major Brighton Turnbridge-ware manufacturers. At Alban St in 1825 but does not feature in directories until 1832 when he was at Riding School Lane. A rosewood tea caddy and a rosewood workbox, both decorated with perspective cube parquetry and bearing trade labels of this maker are known. These however feature an address at 9 Cranbourn St not recorded in directories. On the trade label he indicates his ability to supply ‘Every description of Ladies’ Work Boxes, Fire Screens &c.’. [D; E. Sussex RO, PAR 255/1/2/1, 255/1/2/4, 255/1/2/5]

Cheesman, Thomas, 7 George St, Blackfriars Rd, London, u (1821). [D]

Cheetham, Joseph, Eagle St, St John's St, London, cm (1809). [D]

Cheetham, Joshua, 7 Percival St, Goswell Rd, London, cm (1820). [D]

Cheltman, John, 10 Shorts Buildings, Clerkenwell, London, cm and u (1777). Insured a house for £100 in 1777. [GL, Sun MS vol. 256, p. 630]

Chenery, Benjamin, near the Cornhill, Ipswich, Suffolk, carver (1743–59). Moved from London and in 1743 advertised his ability to carve all Sorts of Chimney Pieces, Picture-Frames, Glass Frames, Sconces, Table-Frames for Marble Slabs … in the newest Taste’. Married 22 February 1756. Took app. named Goodchild in 1759. [Ipswich Journal, 22 October 1743; Suffolk RO, 50/2/89–93; S of G, app. index]

Chenery, William, London, u and cm (1777–93). Successor to Thomas Phipps. In Leadenhall St from 1777 to c. 1790, the number being variously given as 83 (1777), 81 (1784) and 84 (1786). About 1790 declared bankrupt but was in business again at 57 Crutched Friars from 1790–93. [D; Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 26 November 1792; Heal Coll., BM]

Chenery, William, 6 Swithins Lane, Cannon St, London, upholder (1780). Son of Joseph Chenery of Lambourn, Essex, innholder. App. first to David Langton on 4 December 1771 and then to J. Shephard, feltmaker and upholder, on 3 March 1773. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Cheney, William, Aldersgate St, London, cm (1785). [Bailey's list of bankrupts]

Cheppett, Elias, Walcot, Som., cm (1819). Declared bankrupt, Exeter Flying Post, 11 March 1819.

Cherington, Pettit & Oliver, 19 New Bond St, London, u (1814–15). [D]

Cherrington, Edward, 13 Tottenham Ct Rd, New Rd, London, cm (1829). [D]

Cherrington & Henning, Leicester Sq., London, u (1784–93). At 23 Leicester Sq. 1784–90, from then at 22. [D]

Cherry, David, 12 and 18 Bridewell Lane, Bristol, auctioneer and cm (1774–75). [D; poll bk]

Cherry, Henry Granger, Bristol, cm (1821–24). In 1821 at 8 Redcross St but by the following year had moved to 19 Montague St where he was to remain until 1824. [D]

Cherry, J. L., Bristol, cm (1818–20). In Cannon St in 1818 but by the following year had moved to 22 North St. [D]

Cherry, James, Cross Cheaping, Coventry, Warks., carver and gilder (1818–31). Trading at High St in 1828. Bankrupt by January 1831. [D; London Gazette, 18 January 1831]

Cherry, John, Bristol, cm (1774–84). In the parish of St Michael in 1774, St James in 1781 and St John in 1784. [Poll bks]

Cherry, William, 81 John's St, London, cm and undertaker (1808). [D]

Cherry, William, Pithay, Bristol, cm (1814–16). [D]

Cheshire, John, Coleham, Shrewsbury, Salop, cabinet carver (1835). [Freemen rolls]

Cheshire, Stanbridge, West St, Dunstable, Beds., cm and u (1839). [D]

Cheshire, Thomas, Albion St, Rugeley, Staffs., cm and u (1828–34). Recorded also as a builder in 1828. Trading at Albion St in 1834. [D]

Cheshire, William, Oxford Rd, Bilston, Staffs., cm and u (1828–30). [D]

Chessey, Robert, London, upholder (1764–99). Son of William Chessey of Ware, Herts., yeoman. App. to William Woodward, draper 14 April 1756. Admitted freeman under the 1750 Upholders’ Act, 15 November 1764. Recorded in Moorfields 1778–86 and at 54 Houndsditch 1794–99. [D; GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Chesson, William, London, u and auctioneer (1744–74). Initially traded from ‘The Three Chairs’, Grocer's Alley, Poultry but by 1753 was installed at 157 Fenchurch St, from which address the business traded for the remainder of its existence. After 1767 the business was styled Chesson & Bathurst. In 1756 involved with Thomas Humphreys in selling by auction the stock of Stephen Theodore Janssen of York Pl., Battersea (the enamel works). He was one of the furniture makers employed in the furnishing of the Mansion House, 1752–53, and in February 1764 was paid £76 1s for ‘furniture and upholsterer's work’ at East India House, Leadenhall St. [D; Heal; Apollo, November 1965, p. 405; Conn., December 1952, p. 181; Antique Collector, June 1953, p. 126; GL, City Licence bks, vols 2 and 3]

Chester, E., 4 Mount St, Lambeth, London, u (1835). [D]

Chester, John jnr, Fetter Lane, Hull, Yorks., cm and joiner (1840). [D]

Chester, Joseph, 7 Gloucester Pl., Islington Green, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Chester, Joshua, 209 High Holborn, London, u (1835). [D]

Chester, Nicholas, London, cm (1767–1808). At 9 Butcher Row, Ratcliff Cross until 1789 when the number changed to 12. After 1799 at White Horse St, Ratcliff. From 1788 the business is referred to as Nicholas Chester & Son. [D]

Chester, Robert, Stanley St, Liverpool, cm and household broker (1824–39). Initially at 23 Stanley St but from 1835 the number changed to 21 and in 1839 it is shown as 45–47. [D]

Chesters, Charles, Chester, cm (1759). App. to John Croughton of Chester, cm and free 10 February 1759. [Freemen rolls]

Chesters, James, 34 Stanley Pl., Liverpool, cm and furniture broker (1835–37). [D]

Chesters (or Chester), John snr and jnr, Liverpool, cm (1806– 39). John Chesters snr was app. to Edward Lowe and free 31 October 1806. His first recorded trade address was 24 Harrington St in 1811. Subsequent addresses are 32 Addison St in 1816, 3 Mathew St in 1818, 9 Nash Grove in 1821 and 37 Stanley St in 1823. The latter address is also recorded in the period 1834–37 as a shop. Additionally the address 1 Chester Pl., Marquis St appears from 1827–37. In 1839 the number in Stanley St was 73. John Chesters jnr was app. to his father in 1817 and free 17 October 1827. Other apps taken were John Mercer (1811 and free 1818), William Chesters (1819 and free 1827), William Gerrard (1820), Robert Musker (1823), Adam Wilkinson Orierie (1828), George Johnson (1828 and free 1835) and Thomas Blackburn (1832). [D; app. enrolment bks]

Chesters, Thomas, Nantwich, Cheshire, u, undertaker and paper hanger (1829–34). Opened his business in Pillory St in January 1829. By 1834 had moved to Welsh Row. [D; Chester Chronicle, 6 February 1829]

Chesters, William, Albion Pl., Upper Birkett St, Liverpool, cm (1827). App. to John Chesters snr in 1819 and free 17 October 1827. [Freemen reg.]

Chesterton, George, 50 Gloucester St, Queen's Sq., London, cm (1820). [D]

Chesworth, George, Liverpool, u (1774). App. to Lloyd Baxendale and free 8 December 1774. [Freemen reg.]

Chesworth, William, 17 Hanover St, Long Acre, London, u (1808). [D]

Chesworth, William, 27 Edmund St, Liverpool, u (1811). [D]

Chettee, William, Oxford, cm (1730). Took app. named Dewell in 1730. [S of G, app. index]

Chevers, Philip, Piccadilly, London, upholder (1780). [Bailey's list of bankrupts]

Cheverton, John, High St, Newport, Isle of Wight, Hants., chairmaker and patten maker (1823–39). [D]

Chew, John, Liverpool, u and cm (1787–1811). In 1787 shown at Ormond St, where his trade was listed as upholder and victualler. He is recorded at both 18 York St and 3 George's St in 1790. Thereafter he traded from addresses in Lord St, first at no. 10 (1792–1803) and then no. 12. In April 1792 he announced the ending of a partnership with Robert Smith and the opening of ‘a commodious SHOP opposite the Post Office in Lord-street’. In April of the following year he announced that he had just returned from London ‘with an assortment of the most fashionable articles in the UPHOLSTERY BUSINESS’. He was also seeking an app. Although the directories show no change of address, he advertised in January 1798 that he had moved ‘six doors higher than his late shop’. His trade card survives in both the Banks Coll., BM, and Leverhulme Coll., MMA, NY. On it he declares himself u and cm to ‘His Royal Highness Prince William Frederick of Gloucester’. The business continued to trade after 1811 initially as Chew & Son and then under the sole control of his son William. [D; Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 9 April 1792, 1 April 1793; Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 8 January 1798.]

Chew, William, 12 Lord St, Liverpool, u and cm (b. 1784–d. 1824). Initially traded in partnership with his father John Chew under the style ‘Chew & Son’. In November 1811 it was announced that they were agents for ‘patent adjusting bedsteads for the relief of sick, lame & infirm persons’ devised by Messrs Parker and Cluley of Sheffield. An example of this patent bedstead was shown in their shop. William Chew may have been involved in the business long before 1811 however as he is recorded as a subscriber to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803 at which date he was aged 19. The period when the business was in his sole charge was however brief. In July 1815 he informed the public that because of his ill-health he was retiring from trade and his stock was offered to the public ‘at prime cost’. The stock was said to consist of ‘large and Brilliant Looking Glasses, cut glass Lustres, Lights and Mirrors, Lamps for Halls, Passages &c. Chairs, Tables, and a variety of Cabinet Goods in Satin, Mahogany and other Woods, Ladies’ Work, Console and Pier Tables, superfine Kidderminster, Venetian and Brussels Carpets, with Imperial Hearth Rugs to match, elegant Fourpost Bedsteads, with Cotton, Morine, Calico and other Hangings, with Window Curtains to match, a variety of Paper Hangings, with Fancy Borders to match, a few sets of handsome Mahogany Dining-room Chairs and Tables, quite new, with every other Article in the above business’. The unsold stock and the supplies of materials in his workshops were sold by auction in two sales conducted by Charles Chester jnr of Lord St on the 10 and 24 November 1815. William Chew retired from Liverpool to Holt Hill, Cheshire and in April 1816 his household furniture was also auctioned by Charles Chester at William Chew's house, no. 6 Maryland St. His death at the age of 40 ‘after a short illness’ was announced in May 1824. [D; Liverpool Mercury, 22 November 1811, 14 July 1815, 27 October 1815, 24 November 1815, 26 March 1816, 7 May 1824] B.A.

Chewter, Thomas, London, upholder (1724). Son of Thomas Chewter of London, tallow chandler. App. to Giles Bly 14 February 1716/17. Free by servitude 7 October 1724. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Cheyney, William, 81 Leadenhall St, London, u (1784). [D]

Chick, Thomas, 7 Mount Row, Liverpool Rd, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Chickley, Richard, Chatham and Rochester, Kent, carver (1732–61). Recorded at Chatham in 1732 when he took app. named Sarjant. In 1736 at Rochester when he took app. named Whitfield and in 1742 another app. of the same name. In 1761 at Chatham when he took app. named Munton. [S of G, app. index]

Chidwick, William, 14 and 15 Red Cross Sq., London, cm (1784–90). In 1784 licenced to employ three non-freemen for six weeks. Took out insurance cover in May 1790 of £500 which included £50 for utensils and stock in his workshop, and £150 for utensils and stock in an open yard. [GL, City Licence bks, vol. 10; Sun MS ref. 570026]

Chiffen, William, Whitechapel, London, upholder (1763). [D]

Chignall, Charles, Botolph St, Colchester, Essex, cm and u (1832–39). [D]

Chilcot, Jos., 16 Rawstone St, Goswell Rd, London, cm (1826). [D]

Child, George, 6 Rotten Row, Old St, London, cm (1802). In October 1802 took out insurance cover of £100 of which £50 was for utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 426, ref. 738934]

Child, I., High St, Shaftesbury, Dorset, cm and u (1830–40). Initially traded in partnership as Child & Sweet, but by 1840 I. Child was the sole proprietor. [D]

Child, John, 37 Ludgate St, London, upholder (1791–93). Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by redemption 16 November 1791. Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. In the same year in partnership with Pearce at the Ludgate St address. [D; GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Child, John, Birmingham, picture frame maker (1812–18). At Deritend in 1812 and in the same year moved to Cheapside were he was to remain until 1818. [D]

Child, Michael, Cross Lane, St Martin-in-the-Fields, London, bedstead maker (1774). Declared bankrupt Gents Mag., February 1774.

Child, Richard, 38 Albert Pl., Bedford Sq., London, u (1835). [D]

Child, Richard, 70 Berners St, Oxford St, London, u etc. (1837). [D]

Child, Robert, address unknown, cm (1794). Payment of £2 9s made by Edward, Lord Harewood in respect of Harewood House, Hanover Sq., London, to Robert Child on 10 June 1794. [Leeds archives dept, Harewood MS 212]

Child, Thomas, Dudley, Worcs., cm (1818–19). Trading at High St in 1818. [D]

Child(e) & Walker, Dudley St, Woverhampton, Staffs., u and cm (1802–09). Recorded at 41 High Green in 1802 and Dudley St, 1805–09. [D; rate bk]

Childerhouse, Charles, Attleborough, Norfolk, cabinet and chairmaker (1822). [D]

Childs, William, Brighton, Sussex, Tunbridge-ware manufacturer and toyman (1832–40). At 4 East Cliff, 1832–33, but in 1839 at 53 King's Rd. [D]

Chilevier, —, 30 Brunswick St, Blackfriars, London, cm (1808). [D]

Chiles, Edward & Gumbrett, John, Richmond, Surrey, carpenters and u (1802). Declared bankrupt, Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 22 November 1802.

Chillingworth, Robert & Burnett, Thomas, London, cm, u and appraisers, (1724–44). In 1724 the firm was trading at the sign of ‘The King's Arms’, near Harp Alley, Fleet Ditch (now New Bridge St). About 1740 they moved to a position opposite the newly built church of St Mary-le-Strand, at the east end of the Strand. The partnership dissolved in 1741 and Chillingworth set up at this address on his own. His business had ceased by 1744 when the shop was taken by Dominic Hornon, a grocer. Thomas Burnett was however trading from this address or a shop adjacent from 1747. [V & A archives; Heal; Phillips, Mid-Georgian London, 1964, p. 172]

Chilton, John, Lewes, Sussex, cm and auctioneer (1796). [Poll bk]

Chilton, Thomas, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker. (b. c. 1807–41). Aged 34 at the time of the 1841 Census.

Chilver, Robert, Queen St, Ipswich, Suffolk, cm and u (1839). [D; poll bk]

Chinn, Charles, Honey Hill, Cambridge, cm (1840). [Poll bk]

Chinn, Frederick, Milford St, Salisbury, Wilts., cm and u (1839). [D]

Chinnock, Charles, 219 Tottenham Ct Rd, London, cm and u (1835–39). For part of the period of the existence of this business Chinnock had a partner named Lorimer. In 1835 the business was described as Chinnock & Son. The partnership with Lorimer was dissolved in January 1839. [D; Chester Courant, 30 January 1839]

Chinnock, Frederick, 18 Duke St, Grosvenor Sq., London, cm and u (1837–39). In 1837 the business was styled Chinnock & Son. [D]

Chipchase, Robert & Lambert, Robert, London, cm and u (1767–88). At 2 Beak St, Golden Sq., 1767–75 when the address became 28 Warwick St, Golden Sq. The Beak St address was still being used by Robert Chipchase as late as 1787. About 1788 the partnership was dissolved and Robert Lambert formed a new partnership in Beak St known as Lambert & Turner. Robert Chipchase took his son Henry into partnership and moved to 39 Dover St. Insurance records provide additional information about the business. The Beak St premises are called a house, and only household goods appear to have been insured there. By February 1787 however a workshop in North Bruton Mews, Bruton St was being used and utensils, stock and goods there were covered for £700, indicating an extensive trade. One of the firm's workmen, John Robertson insured his tools in their workshop in 1779 for £20. Robert Chipchase subscribed in 1775 to Thomas Malton's Treatise on Perspective. Several important commissions carried out by the firm are known.
AUDLEY END, Essex. On 18 May 1768 Chipchase & Lambert submitted their account to Lord Howard de Walden for a state bed. The four-page invoice added to a total cost of £398 0s 4d. A further invoice of 28 June 1786 amounting to £160 11s 1d was concerned with the making and hanging of curtains, putting up tapestry hangings, covering chairs etc. Much of this work, in the state bedroom, ante room and dressing room survives, including the state bed itself. [Essex RO, D/DBy/A45/3, A44/5; V & A archives; Conn., June 1977, p. 143]
BLAIR CASTLE, Tayside, Scotland. Chipchase & Lambert were working for the 3rd Duke of Atholl as early as 1767 undertaking repair work to carpets and curtains and supplying and cleaning bedding. In the next year they submitted an account for ‘a sett of mahog. Dining tables to join together making 20 feet in length, of very fine wood with the best brass fastnings’ at a cost of £21, and 20 mahogany dining chairs at 28s each, six of which still survive. A much more important commission was carried out in 1783 for twelve giltwood chairs and a pair of sofas in a restrained Neo-classical manner which are still in the State Drawing Room. [Conn., February 1966; V & A archives]
NEW BURLINGTON ST, London. Furniture was supplied and work carried out 1783–84 for the London house of Sir John Griffin Griffin (later Lord Howard de Walden and 1st Lord Braybrooke). The main item recorded was the supply of a pair of satinwood painted pier tables in 1784 at a cost of £21. [Essex RO, D/DBy/A41/11, A42/1, A42/5]
OTHER COMMISSIONS. The Stanhope papers record a payment of £12 8s in 1775 for a chest of drawers and a 3ft mahogany bed. [Kent RO, U590 A61/7] In 1777 the Earl of Stair was supplied with a mahogany Pembroke table at £4 10s, a mahogany clothes press at £9 10s and four secondhand settees and two elbow chairs for which £10 10s was charged. A further account amounting to £25 14s was settled in 1785. [Scottish RO, GD 135/Box 59/34/5, Box 54/4/15] B.A.
Chipchase, Robert & Henry, 39 Dover St, London, cm and u (1788–1809). Successors to Chipchase & Lambert. The business is also styled Chipchase & Son. The first mention of the use of the Dover St premises was in April 1787 when household goods, stock etc. were insured for £2,400. The firm is recorded by Sheraton in his list of master cabinet makers, 1803. The Dover St address was a dwelling house tenanted by the Chipchase family and their workshops appear to have been adjacent to the house in Berkeley St. These consisted of a stable, warehouse, workshop over and a workroom and with utensils and goods which were insured for £3,500 alone in 1791. Property in Albemarle St variously described as 22(1791), 14(1792), 17(1806), 12 and 22(1809) and 14(1810) was also insured. During this period many important commissions were undertaken, several being those served formerly by the Chipchase & Lambert partnership.
BLAIR CASTLE, Tayside, Scotland. In 1805 Robert & Henry Chipchase supplied the 4th Earl of Atholl with ‘six strong mahogany elbow chairs with loose seats covered with your Grace's Needlework’ at £14 2s and ‘Three shell back chairs japanned black’ also at £14 2s. Other items supplied were three stools, and two fine Wilton carpets for the Drawing Room and Billiard Room which cost £51. A further carpet for the State Dining Room costing £34 12s 9d was supplied in 1808. Chipchase's appear to have been heavily involved in the supply of carpeting to which there are many references in the Blair Castle accounts of this period. An account of 1807 in respect of furniture for Blair Castle and Dunkeld House, Perthshire, included ‘two very large sofas with scrole heads’ charged at £84 and ‘Two large Indulgent chairs’ at £18. [Conn., February 1966]
GORHAMBURY, St Albans, Herts. In 1796 supplied furniture to the value of £100. [Herts. RO, account bk XI 74]
KENWOOD, Highgate, London. In 1795 Chipchase & Co. were paid £14 9s by Hoare & Co., Lord Mansfield's bankers. [V & A archives]
LONGFORD CASTLE, Wilts. Payment of 18s in 1804. [V & A archives]
PORTMAN SQ., London, the town house of the Earl of Athol. Chipchase & Son appear to have been responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of the house in the absence of the Earl and acting as the Earl's agents for its supervision when let to others. They even supplied resident caretakers for the Earl, and accounts for 1809 included sums of £4 ‘to porter for wages and board in charge of the house’ and £11 for ‘the man and woman in charge of the house … 11 weeks’. [Conn., February 1966]
OTHER COMMISSIONS. An account dated 5 May 1797 survives recording the hire of a sofa for 19 weeks at 19s, and general repairs and maintenance to furniture and wall coverings amounting to £4 13s 6d. [Lincoln RO, NEL 9/19/ 10] B.A.
Chipchase & Proctor, Albemarle St, London, cm and u (1809– 18). As the business was styled R. & H. Chipchase & Proctor in 1809 this suggests that both father and son were still active. Little is known about Proctor but it has been suggested that he may have been the firm's manager, and his full name appears to have been William Grosvenor Proctor. No. 27 (later 28) Albemarle St appears to have been the centre of production with an insurance cover of £2,000 for stock and utensils and a further £200 for similar items in an open yard. A further cover of £800 in 1810 for household goods suggests that a part was being used as a dwelling. From 1812 however Robert and Henry Chipchase appear to have lived at 29 Albemarle St. Few commissions of this period are recorded though there is no reason for thinking that their trade had changed from that conducted earlier. Two invoices made out to James Henry Leigh exist, presumably for work at Stoneleigh, Warks. One dated 19–26 July 1813 is largely in respect of furniture and amounts to £132 13s 6d. The main item was a brass inlaid rosewood loo table costing £36 12s. A further invoice dated 4 April 1814 lists a similar table at £36 12s and ‘a Handsome four post bedstead the posts carved & japanned in imitation of Bamboo’ for the ‘India Bed room’ costing £16 7s. The total of the invoice is £154 19s 6d. This document also shows that an account had been rendered for £235 5s 3d of which £200 had been settled on 16 June 1814 in cash. [Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Leigh receipts, DR 18/5] By 1818 Robert & Henry Chipchase appear to have been no longer active in the business which briefly traded as Proctor & Chadley before these partners broke away in 1820 to trade independently as William Grosvenor Proctor at 29 Argyle St and Robert & George Chadley at the Albemarle St address. [D; Westminster poll bks; GL, Sun MS vol. 238, p. 299; vol. 247, p. 95; vol. 273, p. 105; vol. 296, p. 576; vol. 342, refs 527977, 529377, 574941 and 580662; vol. 389, ref. 606428; vol. 434, refs 781258, 785055; vol. 445, refs 819006, 825222; vol. 448, ref. 830825; vol. 453, refs. 839918, 841517, 839918, 841517; vol. 459, refs 867002, 864798, 864799, 864800, 867001; Heal] B.A.

Chipendale, John, Park St, London, cm (1774). [Westminster poll bk]

Chipp, Jane, Aldersgate St, London, cm (1768–69). Licenced in 1768 to employ twelve non-freemen and in the following year ten and then fourteen. [GL, City Licence bks, vol. 6]

Chippendale, A., Boston and Thorpe Arch, Yorks., cm (1837). [D]

Chippendale, Benjamin, Bondgate, Otley, Yorks., joiner, builder and cm (1822–34). [D]

Chippendale, John, Bondgate, Otley, Yorks., cm (1822). [D]

Chippendale, Thomas snr, London, cm (b. 1718–d. 1779). Enjoys an international reputation as author of The Gentleman and Cabinet-Maker's Director and is often described as ‘the Shakespeare of English furniture makers’: his career and achievements have been researched in depth and his name is now freely used as a convenient generic label to describe all Director-style furniture. Thomas Chippendale, the son of a joiner, was bapt. in the Yorkshire market town of Otley on 5 June 1718. Hardly anything is known about his early life or craft training, although it is likely that after serving a family apprenticeship he spent some time in the workshop of Richard Wood, a York joiner and cm. He may have received his artistic education from Matthias Darly, a professional designer, engraver and drawing master, the two men were certainly on friendly terms; but prior to his marriage in 1748 to Catherine Redshaw at St George's Chapel, Mayfair, Chippendale is a very shadowy figure.

At Christmas 1749, shortly after the birth of his eldest son, Thomas, who was to inherit the business, Chippendale took a house in Conduit Ct, a small enclave off Long Acre on the fringes of a fashionable furniture making district. At midsummer 1752 he moved to more respectable premises in Somerset Ct adjoining the Earl of Northumberland's palatial residence. Throughout 1753 Thomas Chippendale and Matthias Darly were collaborating on the Director plates, and a smart address from which to solicit subscriptions for his ambitious pattern book was obviously an advantage. It is difficult to gauge the extent of Chippendale's commercial activities at this time, but it is likely that he was serving the London cabinet trade as a free-lance designer and making small quantites of furniture on a sub-contract basis for established firms rather than dealing directly with private clients.

In 1754 Chippendale moved to spacious new premises in St Martin's Lane, formed an alliance with a financing partner named James Rannie and issued his celebrated volume of furniture designs titled The Gentleman and Cabinet-Maker's Director which clearly benefited his trade, for all known commissions to supply furniture date from after its appearance. This folio volume, published by subscription, contained 161 superbly engraved plates portraying a wide range of fashionable household furniture. It was reprinted in 1755 and a third enlarged edition featuring progressive Neo-classical elements was issued in parts between 1759 and 1762. Chippendale's popular reputation is largely founded on this distinguished collection of designs which exerted a powerful influence on contemporary styles. He stated in the preface that ‘Persons of Distinction’ and ‘Eminent Taste’ had encouraged him to publish the Director, one of whom may have been Lord Burlington whose private account book contains the intriguing entry under 13 October 1747 ‘to Chippendale in full £6.16.0.’. The first two editions were dedicated to the Earl of Northumberland, a notable patron of the arts, while the third was dedicated to H R H Prince William Henry: both commissioned furniture from the author. Many titled individuals ordered copies of the Director, which was marketed through London and provincial newspaper advertisements, however the majority of subscribers were practicing tradesmen.

Chippendale and Rannie called their new establishment at nos 60–62 St Martin's Lane ‘The Cabinet and Upholstery Warehouse’ and adopted a chair as their shop sign. They issued a trade card featuring a chair at about this time, although it was never applied as a label to identify their products. In 1755 the property was rated at £124 and Chippendale arranged fire cover with the Sun Insurance Office for £3,700. Several early policies (1755 (2), 1756 and 1767) and a highly instructive plan showing the layout of the premises was attached to Chippendale, the Younger's, 1803 schedule. The firm suffered a setback in April 1755 when fire ravaged the cabinet shop destroying the chests of 22 journeymen: £847 was paid in compensation and the partners helped to organise a public appeal to replace their employees tools. Ceasar Crouch, a cm living on the South Side of St Paul's was one of the people nominated to receive donations, he had subscribed to the Director and Chippendale designed an ornamental invitation card for him which displays such striking affinities to several trade cards engraved by Darly, that it is likely Chippendale was in demand as a designer of decorative surrounds.

James Rannie was a Scotsman with relatives living in Edinburgh which doubtless explains the firm's early success in attracting patrons such as the Earls of Dumfries and Morton, Lord Arniston and the Duke of Atholl, who lived north of the border. Rannie died in January 1766 and the next month press notices appeared announcing the dissolution of the partnership and that the ‘Trade will for the future be carried on by Mr Chippendale on his own account’. Faced with a pressing need for ready money to satisfy Rannie's executors who were intent on withdrawing his capital, a well publicised auction of ‘The entire genuine and valuable Stock in Trade of Mr Chippendale and his late Partner Mr Rannie … also all the large unwrought Stock consisting of fine mahogany and other woods, in Plank, Boards, Vanier and Wainscot’ was held on the premises in March and April. The acute financial strains that this crisis imposed on the firm are vividly reflected in Chippendale's letters to Sir Rowland Winn; he feared he would be arrested for debt, ruined or driven out of his mind by money problems. These troubles were aggravated by the dilatoriness of many patrons in settling their accounts and in 1771, to stave off bankruptcy, Rannie's book keeper Thomas Haig who had remained with the firm, and another executor Henry Ferguson each bought a third share in the business. This injection of funds seems to have paved the way for a period of relative prosperity.

Although Chippendale's business career is impressively documented little is known about his private life. His first wife Catherine Redshaw bore five boys and four girls. She died in 1772 and in 1777 he married Elizabeth Davis. They had three children, but only four of his offspring survived until 1784. Chippendale died of consumption at Hoxton and was buried in the graveyard of St Martin-in-the-Fields on 13 November 1779. In the absence of a will administration was granted to his widow. A probate inventory suggests that the couple lived quite simply.

Most of our information about Chippendale's activities comes from the firm's surviving bills and two collections of letters associated with his work at Nostell Priory and Mersham-le-Hatch. In his day he was regarded merely as a successful tradesman and did not enjoy the social status of fashionable architects or artists, so it is hardly surprising that few references to his affairs occur in diaries or journals and no obituary notice appeared. Diligent searches have revealed the identity of some sixty-five patrons (with a significant concentration in Yorkshire) although in many cases only bills, payments for unspecified work in ledgers or entries in bank accounts remain, the furniture having been dispersed. Even so, significantly more furniture from Chippendale's workshop has been identified — about 700 items — than from any of his rivals. Chippendale therefore fulfils the most important requirement of any major artistic figure: he has left a substantial body of high quality work that displays a steady development from an early through a middle to a late style.

Obviously Chippendale did not personally make the furniture recorded in his bills; in fact it is highly unlikely that he ever worked at the bench after setting up in St Martin's Lane, although the prefatory notes to the Director plates confirm that he received a sound practical training as a cm. It would, however, be unfair to regard him merely as an entrepreneur — the managing director of a successful company employing a team of up to 50 specialist tradesmen — because he certainly conceived his own designs, selected materials and supervised workshop production: he remained responsible to his patrons for artistic and quality control. It should be stressed that Chippendale did not possess a monopoly of the most skilled craftsmen and was only one of several elite London furniture makers. Chippendale's special achievement was as an inspired and innovative designer.

Unless a piece of furniture carries a maker's label, and Chippendale never used this form of advertisement, the only sure way of identifying the author is by tracing the original bill or equivalent documentation. Even if an item corresponds exactly to one of Chippendale's published designs this does not amount to proof since many practicing cm bought the Director in order to copy the engravings. If, however, superlative ‘post-Director’ furniture displaying striking stylistic and technical affinities with the firm's proven work for other patrons is discovered at a house — such as Newby or Brocket — where Chippendale is known to have worked, an attribution is acceptable, even if the itemized bills do not survive.

Chippendale was patronised by the Royal Family, wealthy members of the nobility, gentry and connoisseurs who lived in the highest style of elegance; one therefore naturally associates him with luxurious furnishings. However, in addition to equipping state apartments the partners provided a complete house furnishing service supplying everything from the most opulent beds, mirrors and cabinets to cheap domestic wares for the staff quarters. The firm regularly provided curtains, carpets, wall papers, chimney-pieces, loose covers and bell systems; undertook repairs, removals, hired out furniture, and were even prepared to direct and furnish funerals for respected customers.

Chippendale often furnished interiors designed by Robert Adam who laid great stress on stylistic continuity, but he is only known to have executed one of the latter's furniture designs (for Sir Lawrence Dundas in 1765). It is a myth to believe they formed a partnership with Adam supplying, and Chippendale carrying out, designs provided by the architect. On the contrary, when an owner did not require Adam to produce furniture drawings he appears frequently to have recommended Chippendale as the most accomplished exponent of Neo-classical furniture who could safely be trusted to equip his most elegant interiors with decorum. Architects of course expected to be consulted about schemes for rooms they had designed and Sir William Chambers insisted in a rather highhanded manner on vetting Chippendale's proposals for the principal apartments at Melbourne House, Piccadilly.

Chippendale's versatility is underlined by the fact that in addition to furniture he was prepared to design wallpapers, carpets, needlework, cast-iron stoves, silverware, decorative ormolu, trade cards and complete room schemes. He is known to have visited Paris in 1768 and in 1769 was apprehended at the Customs while attempting to import illegally 60 unfinished French chair frames. This episode raises the question of sub-contracting. From our knowledge of the infrastructure of the London cabinet trade it is likely (but not, as yet, proven) that at busy times Chippendale farmed out work involving specialist skills such as marquetry, carving and gilding or brass work to other firms — to be executed according to his designs. It is also probable that he bought-in and merely invoiced to customers common ‘backstairs’ articles and sometimes sophisticated items such as the combination backgammon and chessboard supplied to Ninian Home in 1774 and the French tortoiseshell and brass inlaid commode listed in his Dumfries House account.

Many of Chippendale's original manuscript designs survive in two major and several minor holdings. In 1920 the MMA, NY acquired two albums of drawings formerly owned by the Foley family, which include nearly all Chippendale's drawings for the first edition of the Director, plus a fair number prepared for the third edition and a scattering of unpublished designs. To these can be added an unprovenanced portfolio of 144 furniture drawings ascribed to Chippendale purchased by the V & A in 1906 and 7 Director designs which survive in the archive of Matthias Lock, bought by the same institution in 1862. The presence of Chippendale material amongst the Lock sketches prompted speculation in the 1920s that Lock and his associate Copland had ghosted the Director plates, but since then abundant evidence in the form of letters and drawings in country house archives has confirmed that Chippendale was perfectly capable of producing his own furniture designs.

From the catalogue of Chippendale's known commissions the following may be singled out as pre-eminent owing to the abundance of elite documented furniture which survives for the most part in its original setting. His finest ensemble of ‘Director’ period furniture is at Dumfries House with a smaller anthology at Wilton; Nostell Priory and Aske Hall contain the best collections of pieces illustrating Chippendale's transition to Neo-classical ideals of taste, while Harewood, despite post-war sales, still retains the largest and most outstanding concentration of masterpieces in his mature ‘Adam’ manner. Paxton House and Mersham-le-Hatch deserve a special mention for their repertoire of well made but not overtly ambitious mahogany furniture expressing a very English character which illustrates Chippendale ‘manor house’ rather than palatial style. Much of the green and white japanned furniture enchantingly decorated in the Chinese taste ordered by David Garrick for his villa on the Thames at Hampton has been identified, it conveys a gay, lighthearted spirit appropriate to a rural retreat. Other notable Neoclassical suites survive at Newby Hall, Brocket Hall and Burton Constable, while no fewer than three beds complete with their original cut velvet hangings are to be found at Petworth. The most complete Chippendale archives are associated with his Nostell, Mersham and Harewood commissions. [O. Brackett, Thomas Chippendale, 1924; A. Coleridge, Chippendale Furniture; Gilbert, Chippendale] BURLINGTON HOUSE (?) London (3rd Earl of Burlington) 1747. His private account bk records under 13 October 1747 ‘to Chippendale in full £6 16s od’. [Chatsworth papers, account bk 1747–51]
BULLER, JAMES. Account 29 January 1757 for £8 11s 0d. [Cornwall RO, Buller papers, bundle 337]
STOWE HOUSE, Bucks. (Earl Temple). A bill of 14 February 1757 for a library table costing £13 13s. [Huntington Lib., California, Stowe MS, STG. 144, 1756 bundle]
ARNISTON HOUSE, Midlothian, Scotland (Lord Arniston). Minor ledger entries 2 April 1757 encourage speculation that a fine ‘Director’ pattern dressing table now in the Lady Lever Art Gallery may be by the firm. [Arniston papers, House bk 1757, p. 125]
EAST SUTTON PARK, Kent (Sir John Filmer). Ten ledger payments 1757–73 total £598 14s 10d. [Kent RO, no. VI 736 A1]
CALTHORPE, JAMES. His pocket book notes on 13 March 1758 an appointment with Chippendale. [Chippendale Soc.]
BLAIR CASTLE, Perthshire, Scotland (Duke of Atholl). A bill of 8 May 1758 invoices a surviving firescreen and pair of candlestands. [Blair Castle papers]
DUMFRIES HOUSE, Ayrshire, Scotland (5th Earl of Dumfries). The main bill May/July 1759 amounting to £647 14s 1d is followed by lesser accounts of 1763 and 1766. Nearly all the furniture survives, it is of elite quality and forms easily the best documented collection illustrating Chippendale's ‘Director’ style. [Dumfries House papers, 34/49–54–56–68]
DALMAHOY, Midlothian, Scotland (14th Earl of Morton). A prefatory note in the Director, 1762 states the Earl had ordered the bed featured on Pl. xxxix
LONDON, 26 Soho Sq. and Glasshouse St (Sir William Robinson). Two large accounts of 1759–60 for £469 9s 1d and 1763–65 for £208 7s 9d together with four smaller bills provide a record of goods supplied and services performed when Sir William moved his London home. An inventory compiled by Chippendale for his patron but no furniture survives. [Leeds archives dept, NH. 2785A; 2277/27; 2277/29/2–3]
WILTON HOUSE, Wilts. and PEMBROKE HOUSE, London (Earl of Pembroke). The Earl is named in a prefatory note to Pl. xlvi in the Director, 1762. Receipts 1763–73 total £1,500. Three magnificent bookcases, a library table and two drawings for torchères at Wilton can be ascribed to the firm. [Wilton Estate Office, Pembroke papers]
ALSCOT PARK, Warks. (James West). Two bills of 1760 and 1767 survive; the latter documents a pair of side tables costing £44 0s 8d.
HESTERCOMBE HOUSE, Som. (Coplestone Warre Bampfylde). A pier glass in ‘the Chippendale albums’ at the MMA, NY is annotated ‘for Cop Warr Bampfylde Esq'r at Hestercombe’. This design can probably be associated with a pair dispersed at the Hestercombe sale in 1872. [MMA, Acc. No. 20. 40. 1, 2 — No. 83]
CRANFORD PARK, Middlx (Countess of Berkeley). Bank ledgers record that in 1761 she paid Chippendale £130 3s. [Royal Bank of Scotland, Drummonds Branch]
WOLVERLEY HOUSE, Worcs. (Edward Knight jnr). Two note books record minor payments 1763–69 totalling £195 which may relate to certain pieces which have descended in the family. [Kidderminster Lib., Knight MS Notebooks 283 and 287]
SANDON HALL, Staffs. (Earl of Harrowby). Various ledgers record minor payments mostly for unspecified work 1763–77. [Sandon Hall papers, vols 324, 326, 330, 337, 338]
NORTHUMBERLAND HOUSE (?), London (1st Duke of Northumberland). Chippendale dedicated his Director to Hugh, Earl of Northumberland (created Duke in 1766) but the only proof of his patronage is an isolated payment dated June 1763 ‘Mr. Chippendale for Writing table £24’ — it has not been identified. His name also occurs in two lists of fashionable cm drawn up c. 1767 and a memorandum in Lady Northumberland's notebooks. [Alnwick papers, U. 1. 42; 121/60, p. 344 and 121/63]
ASKE HALL, Yorks. and 19 Arlington St, London (Sir Lawrence Dundas). A bill of 1763–66 lists luxurious furniture costing £1,123 1s 6d; many of the finest pieces are now at Aske, including part of a suite of seat furniture designed by Robert Adam and made by Chippendale in 1765. [N. Yorks RO, ZNK X 1/7/19]
GOODNESTONE, Kent (Sir Brook Bridges). A cash note book records one payment in 1765 for £177 2s. [Kent RO, U373/ A2]
CARLISLE HOUSE, Soho Sq., London (Theresa Cornelys). When in 1772 Madam Cornelys, owner of the fashionable assembly rooms at Carlisle House, was declared bankrupt, Chippendale was amongst her creditors. [PRO, B1, vol. 59, pp. 164–69]
MIDDLESEX HOSPITAL, London. A notice in the Gazeteer and New Daily Advertiser, 28 November 1767 states that Chippendale ‘designed and executed’ an elegant frame for R. E. Pine's (surviving) portrait of the Duke of Northumberland. The Governor's minute books record that Samuel Hayworth was paid for the frame, so Chippendale presumably supplied it on a sub-contract basis. [Middlx Hospital archives]
GLOUCESTER HOUSE, London (H R H Prince William Henry, 1st Duke of Gloucester). An account book records payments to Chippendale 1764–66 totalling £134 15s 6d. He had dedicated the 3rd Edition of his Director to the Prince in 1762. [Royal Archives, Duke of Glos. accounts 1764–67)
ROUSHAM HOUSE, Oxon. (Sir Charles Cotterell-Dormer). A pocket account book records small payments in 1764. [Rousham papers]
BADMINTON HOUSE, Glos. (Duchess of Beaufort). A red leather bound book entitled ‘Bills & Receipts The Duchess of Beaufort’ includes a bill dated 3 March 1764 ‘for a mahogany frame 10s 6d’. [Badminton papers]
CROOME COURT, Worcs. and 29 Piccadilly, London (Earl of Coventry). Four small bills 1764–70 exist; the earliest documents a box on frame sold at Christie's, 30 November 1978, lot 58; the last invoices a looking-glass plate to fit a frame designed by Robert Adam for the Earl's London house. [Worcs. RO, Croome papers]
CHRIST CHURCH, Oxford. On 21 July 1764 Chippendale was paid £38 15s od for library stools; they were of X-frame design and are still in use. [Christ Church Lib., MS 373 f 26]
FOX-STRANGWAYS, Lady Susan. Before emigrating to New York in 1764 Lady Susan bought goods to the value of £247. [Ilchester (ed.), The Life and Letters of Lady Susan Lennox, 1901. i. pp. 148–49]
FOREMARK HALL, Derbs. (Sir Robert Burdett). Account books 1766–74 record payments of £510. [Reading archives dept, D/EUB A8/2-A/8/3-A9/1]
CLAYDON HOUSE, Bucks. (Earl Verney). Two obscure references to Chippendale and his first partner James Rannie occur in 1771 and 1766 respectively. There are also three drawings for library bookcases possibly from Chippendale's hand. [Claydon House papers]
NOSTELL PRIORY, Yorks. and 11 St James's Sq., London (Sir Rowland Winn). This highly important commission initiated in 1766 is impressively documented by letters, estimates, memoranda, accounts and drawings. Much of the furniture survives in situ (Figs 41–42). [Nostell Priory papers]
BURLINGTON HOUSE, London (Duke of Portland). A ledger records under 1 November 1766 ‘Chippendale for Girandoles £48 10s od’ [Notts. RO, Portland MS DD SP 3/1]
LANGTON HALL, Yorks. (Thomas Norcliffe). A scrappy note of articles ordered from Chippendale in 1767. [Scunthorpe Museum]
BOYNTON HALL, Yorks. (Sir George Strickland). Account book payment, June 1767 of £16 7s od. [Mrs L. Strickland]
HAREWOOD HOUSE, Yorks. (Edwin Lascelles). This commission was the most notable of Chippendale's career. One bill amounting to £6,838 19s 1d survives, but the final figure probably exceeded £10,000. There is a Day Work Book 1769–76 recording how the firm's outworkers spent their time, also many ledger payments, relevant letters and a group of drawings at large provided for local tradesmen. Despite some sales, the collection still illustrates a full range of Chippendale's pre-eminent Neo-classical furniture. [Leeds archives dept, Harewood papers]
MERSHAM LE HATCH, Kent (Sir Edward Knatchbull). A major commission to equip a new Adam house; documented by letters, estimates memoranda and bills. Comparatively little furniture has been identified. [Kent RO, KnatchbullBradbourne MS U957 A/18/14–33]
BOREHAM HOUSE, Essex (Richard Hoare). An account book lists four modest payments 1767–76. [Essex RO, D/DU 649/2]
CANNON HALL, Yorks. (John Spencer). His diary records a visit to Chippendale's shop in 1768. [Sheffield archives dept, Spencer-Stanhope MS 60633–19/JS (3)]
GARRICK, DAVID, Between 1768 and 78 Chippendale furnished three houses for Garrick — 27 Southampton St and 5 Royal Adelphi Terr., London and a villa on the Thames at Hampton. The Adelphi bill totals £931 but only a pair of bergère chairs has been identified. Documentation of the Hampton commission is slighter but many pieces of white and green japanned furniture from this house survive — mostly at the V & A. [V & A Lib., RC Q20; 86NN 4–iii, iv and VIII]
NORMANTON PARK, Rutland; BROWNE'S HOUSE, Fulham and GROSVENER SQ., London (Sir Gilbert Heathcote). Five accounts span 1768–79; no furniture can be positively identified, but a bill for Lady Bridget Heathcote's funeral is of capital interest since the coffin was photographed in 1972 and the hardware is now owned by the Chippendale Soc. [Lincoln RO, Ancaster papers]
LANDSDOWNE HOUSE, London (Earl of Shelburne). A bill of 1768–69 amounts to £428 13s od together with two lesser accounts of 1770 and 1772, no furniture has been identified. [Bowood MS]
KENWOOD HOUSE, Middlx (Earl of Mansfield). In 1769 Chippendale contracted to supply looking-glass plates for two mirrors in the library; the frames were made by William France to Adam's design. [Scottish RO, Mansfield papers]
THANET, 8th Earl. His bank account records under 12 April 1769 a payment of £66. [Hoare's Bank, London]
BROCKENHURST PARK, Hants. (Edward Morant). His 1769 notebook records a payment of £8 18s 6d. [Morant papers]
THORESBY PARK, Notts. (Duke of Kingston). His bank account records two payments in 1770 totalling £300. [Hoare's Bank, London]
SALTRAM HOUSE, Devon (Lord Boringdon). In 1771 Chippendale received three payments amounting to £225 which relate to gilt chairs and sofas in the saloon. [Saltram papers]
GOLDSBOROUGH HALL, Yorks. (Daniel Lascelles). Chippendale and his foreman William Reid made several trips to Goldsborough to supervise work between 1771–76. [Leeds archives dept, Harewood MS 492]
CLEVELAND COURT, London (George Selwyn). In 1772 he ordered a flower pot stand costing £1 16s od. [Castle Howard papers]
ROCHFORD, Earl of. His bank account records payments of £68 11s 0d and £75 to Chippendale in 1772 and 1773. [Coutt's Bank, L58, L59]
BROCKET HALL, Herts. and MELBOURNE HOUSE, Piccadilly, London (Viscount Melbourne). Both houses were furnished c. 1771–76; documentation exists in the form of letters between his Lordship and Sir William Chambers and in the Journal of Thomas Mouat. Magnificent furniture survives. [BM, Add MS 41135]
NEWBY HALL, Yorks. (William Weddell). A major but thinly documented commission of c. 1772–76. The Tapestry Room is one of several expensively furnished interiors. [Leeds archives dept, Harewood MS 490, 492; Newby MS 2980
MANOR HOUSE, Beckenham, Kent (Henry Hoare jnr). An account at Hoare's Bank records a payment on 2 January 1773 of £63 8s 6d.
SHERBORNE CASTLE, Dorset (Earl Digby). A note of expenditure dated 1774 lists a payment of £14 6s od. [Sherborne Castle papers]
TEMPLE NEWSAM HOUSE, Yorks. (Viscount Irwin). A bill dated 10 February 1774 totals £8. [Leeds archives dept, TN EA 12/5]
PAXTON HOUSE, Berwick, Scotland (Ninian Home). One account of 1774 totals £405 6s 10d; this extensive commission is also documented in later letters. Numerous furnishings survive. [Paxton House papers]
AUDLEY END, Essex (Sir John Griffin Griffin). An account of 30 May 1774 records the purchase of a tripod table. [Essex RO, D/DBy A/32/9]
BURTON CONSTABLE, Yorks. and MANSFIELD STREET, London (William Constable). Between 1768 and 79 Chippendale provided costly furniture for both houses which survives; the saloon suite at Burton Constable is sumptuous. [Hull University archives dept, Burton Constable papers]
THOMAS MOUAT, Shetland Isles, Scotland. On a visit to London in 1775 he purchased a set of mahogany chairs. [Furn. Hist., 1975]
APPULDURCOMBE HOUSE, Isle of Wight (Sir Richard Worsley). Bank ledgers record that 1776–78 Chippendale was paid £2,638. Eight library chairs now at Brocklesby, Lincs relate to these payments. [Hoare's Bank, London]
CASTLE HOTEL ASSEMBLY ROOMS, BRIGHTON, Sussex (Samuel Shergold). Two letters of 1777 from J. Crunden, architect, to the proprietor refer to the purchase of furniture. [Brighton Public Lib.]
WIMPOLE HALL, Cambs. (Earl of Hardwicke). Bank books record that in 1777 Chippendale was paid £14 4s od. [Herts. RO, E/ECd F82]
DALTON HALL, Yorks. (Sir Charles Hotham-Thompson). A bank ledger records under 21 November 1777 the payment of £84. [Coutt's Bank: L.69 f 676]
PETWORTH HOUSE, Sussex and other properties (Earl of Egremont). A bill of 1777–78 in four sections headed ‘Petworth/Shortgrove/Newmarket/Town acc’ invoices goods amounting to £764 19s 10d; documented furniture at Petworth includes three bed with their original hangings. [W. Sussex RO, Petworth papers No. 6611]
DENTON HALL, Yorks. (Sir James Ibbetson). An undated (c. 1778) summary of money spent on furniture includes ‘Chippendale's Bill £551’; a marquetry commode and a pair of pier tables survive. [Chippendale Soc.]
CLIFFORD, Lord. The general accounts of the executors of the Rt Hon. Lord Clifford January 1778–June 1779, vol. 1, include under the heading ‘Funeral charges’ payments dated 20 January 1778 ‘for Lord Clifford £279’ and 5 December 1778 ‘for Master Southwell £47.8’. [Badminton papers]
CORSHAM COURT, Wilts. (Paul Methuen). A day book records under 1 November 1779 a payment ‘for the Library Table £18 16s od’. [Wilts. RO, Corsham Papers] C. G. G.

Chippendale, Thomas jnr, London, cm (b. 1749–d. 1822). The eldest of his illustrious father's children, was bapt. at St Paul's, Covent Gdn on 23 April 1749. He was brought up to assist in the family business, the earliest known letter from him (in the Nostell archive) being dated 5 August 1767. Thereafter young Thomas became increasingly involved in running the firm, assuming a major share of artistic control following his father's second marriage in 1777. The cm George Smith spoke of him posthumously as possessing ‘a very great degree of taste, with great ability as a draughtsman and designer’. His earliest finished drawing is, rather surprisingly, an elegant Neo-classical cartouche on a survey of the High St, Hull executed in 1772 — a date that coincides with the firm's commission at neighbouring Burton Constable. In 1779 he published a modest suite of eight decorative designs on five plates titled Sketches of Ornament inscribed ‘T. Chippendale, Jun'r inv et ex.’ He exhibited five genre scenes at the Royal Academy between 1784 and 1801 and in Regency days filled a small book with drawings of fashionable French furniture. The existence of this volume (formerly in the Ralph Bernal collection) described as Sketches by Tho. Chippendale at various times was reported by Margaret Jourdain, but its whereabouts is unknown. Other evidence of his artistic ability is provided by an accomplished ‘exploded’ drawing room scheme in pen, ink and watercolour prepared for William Weddell's town house in Upper Brook St, about 1787 and preserved amongst the Newby Hall papers; he also purchased numerous lots at a Christie's sale held on 31 December 1794 devoted to a collection of prints and drawings by Cipriani, Bartolozzi and others, which suggests that he may have dealt in fine art engravings. He subscribed to four pattern books by George Richardson, Robert Adam's chief draughtsman.

After his father's death in 1779, Chippendale continued the business with Thomas Haig who became the senior partner until his retirement in 1796, the firm trading as Haig & Chippendale. A Fire Insurance policy of 1796 shows that the dwelling house and personal belongings of Thomas Chippendale, 62 St Martin's Lane, Gent., were covered for £1,200. [GL, Sun MS vol. 407, ref. 655620] There is some evidence that during the 1780s and 90s the partners transacted business with Gillows whose archive includes a sketch and estimate for a secretary desk and bookcase (1794) inscribed ‘No. 30433 Mr Chippindale London made by Jno Crookall’; a similar entry relates to a guardawine made in 1789. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow vol. 344/96, p. 1047 and 344/ 95, p. 525]

On his death in 1803 Haig bequeathed over £10,000 to various friends and relatives, directing that the legacies were to be paid out of ‘monies secured to me on several bonds of Thomas Chippendale, my successor in business.’ Regretfully his late partner, unable to meet these obligations, was declared bankrupt in 1804. The trustees disposed of Chippendale's assets, which included ‘many articles of great taste and of the finest workmanship’ at four public auctions devoted to manufactured stock in trade; holdings of timber and veneers; upholstery materials and finally his household goods. The advertisements for these sales [Morning Chronicle, 23, 27, 31 July 1804] yield important information about Chippendale's business and his private circumstances. Another valuable item of evidence from this time is an annotated plan of Chippendale's premises in St Martin's Lane attached to his Sun Fire Insurance policy taken out in 1803 which provides an excellent record of the workshop layout.

Chippendale survived this setback, for in Holden's Directory for 1805 he is still entered at 60 St Martin's Lane as ‘upholsterer and cabinet-maker to the Duke of Gloucester.’ The bankruptcy does not reflect adversely on Chippendale's status as one of the leading cm of his day; such mishaps were common and he continued to receive lucrative commissions. According to poor rate bk entries [Westminster Ref. Lib.] he remained at 60 St Martin's Lane until Michaelmas 1813 when he moved to 17 Haymarket, then in 1818 he took up residence at 42 Jermyn St which he vacated in 1821. His will, dated 22 December 1822, is addressed from 61 Regent St. [PRO, Prob. 11/1665, 17101] He died a bachelor, leaving the whole of his personal property to Sarah Wheatley of Regent St who presumably nursed him in his last illness. Although less charismatic than his father, Thomas Chippendale, the Younger, was perhaps commercially more successful, while both in design and quality his furniture compares favourably with the great tradition of the firm he inherited. The major commissions, where documented furniture survives, are at Stourhead, Harewood and Paxton. [D; Gilbert, Chippendale; Furn. Hist., 1975, 1981]
APPULDURCOMBE, Isle of Wight and STRATFORD PL., London (Sir Richard Worsley Bt). Largely furnished 1776–78 but settlement of the accounts dragged on into the next decade, including a payment in 1781 of over £300 for work for the town house. [Burlington, May 1968, pp. 352–55]
HAREWOOD HOUSE, Yorks. and HAREWOOD HOUSE, Hanover Sq. London (Lord Harewood). The firm of Chippendale was deeply involved from 1767 onwards. A bill of 5 August 1796 totalling £564, 15s 2d lists furniture ordered for the newly acquired London house and the Yorkshire residence; identifiable pieces include the Gallery pier tables and a large mahogany press. The White Drawing Room and the Gallery were equipped during the 1780s; the last recorded payment on 28 June 1799 was for £42 19s but some extant Regency furniture may also be by the firm. [Leeds archives dept, Harewood MS 210 and 211]
WIMPOLE HALL, Cambs. (Earl of Hardwicke). His bank bks record three payments in 1779, 1780 and 1784 totalling £662 8s od. [Herts. RO, D/Ecd F82 and 83]
SCAWBYHALL, Lincs. (Sir John Nelthorpe). An account dated 13 June 1780 totals £19 7s 7d. [Lincoln RO, NEL 1X/1/68]
LANSDOWNE HOUSE, Berkeley Sq., London (Earl of Shelburne). Following a major commission in the 1770s there is an account of 12 February 1780 for a bidet costing £2 15s od. [Bowood MS, Bundle 11 B.3.7]
AUDLEY END, Essex (Sir John Griffin, Lord Howard de Walden). Two minor accounts of 1780 and 1790 total £5 16s; both are receipted by John Peareth. [Essex RO, D/DBy/A38/9 and A/49/6]
NORMANTON HALL, Rutland, NORTH END, Fulham; houses in Richmond, Surrey, and Grosvener Sq., London (Sir Gilbert and Dowager Lady Heathcote, etc.). The family patronised the firm of Chippendale for over half a century. Two bills of 1782 total £203 11s 1d and £49 12s 7d; an invoice dated 1800 amounts to £807 6s 9d, another of 1804 is for £144 16s 1d, while an account bk lists payments between 1815–21 totalling £1,665 11s od. No furniture has been traced. [Lincoln RO, 2 ANC 12/D/35– 36– 45– and 3 ANC 6/30a]
WREST PARK, Beds. (Lady Polworth). A letter advising on the rent of her house survives, dated 28 February 1782. [Beds. RO, L30/11/126]
SOANE, Sir John. His notebooks contain four references to Chippendale between July and September 1782. [Sir John Soane's Museum]
BURTON CONSTABLE, Yorks. (William Constable). As a post-script to their main commission of 1778–79 worth £1,100 the firm received in 1782 £48 7s 9d, possibly for 4 small sofas in the saloon. [Hull University archives dept, Burton Constable MS]
NEWBY HALL, Yorks. (William Weddell). Chippendale compiled an inventory of Newby in 1792; there is also a splendid ‘exploded’ room scheme of c. 1785 for Weddell's house in Upper Brook St, London. [Leeds archives dept, N.H 2800; drawings coll. at Newby]
CORSHAM COURT, Wilts. (Paul Methuen). A day book records payments 1785–87. [C. Life, 12 March 1938]
NOSTELL PRIORY, Yorks. (Sir Rowland Winn). An invoice of 1785 lists surviving parade furniture for the saloon and drawing room ‘now in hand’ valued in its ‘present and unfinished state’ £570. There is also a letter from Haig dated 10 July 1781 requesting payment and the immediate return of some silk patterns. The firm was also involved in furnishing the town house. [Nostell Priory papers, C. and C.]
HAM COURT, Glos. (John Martin). His bank account records a payment on 8 May 1786 to ‘Haigh and Co. £23 7s 0d’. [Christie's, 19 June 1980, lot 140]
NEWBY PARK, Yorks. (Lord Grantham). A statement of receipts and payments in 1786 contains ‘Chippendale, Cabinet maker £24 18s 3d.’ [Leeds archives dept, N H 2797A]
DALTON HALL, Yorks. (Sir Charles Hotham-Thompson Bt). Several passing references to work in London and Yorkshire occur in drafts and copies of letters of 1788–94; the correspondence includes one Chippendale autograph letter. [Hull University archives dept, DD HO/4/23; 13/11; 4/27]
PAXTON HOUSE, Berwick, Scotland (Ninian Home). Fourteen copy letters to Haig & Chippendale 1789–91 document an extant suite of drawing room furniture. [Conn., August 1972, pp. 254–66]
BARR CONVENT, York. A ledger records payments under 5 December 1789 for minor items costing £38 12s 6d. [Barr Convent MS 7B2]
BURWOOD PARK, Surrey (Sir John Frederick Bt). A long bill of 1790–92 headed ‘Town Account’ totals £723 10s 0d. [Surrey RO, 183/34/10c]
RICHMOND PARK, Surrey (Earl of Pembroke). Two bills dated 1790–91 total £151 6s 4d. [Wilton Estate Office]
STOURHEAD, Wilts. (Sir Richard Colt Hoare). Chippendale, the Younger's, most celebrated commission. Fifteen bills of 1795–1820 amounting to over £3,500 and associated material document an impressive array of progressive Regency furniture. [Wilts. RO, Stourhead MS VRO 381/1; private household accounts 4, 1801–38; 383/4/63; National Trust Year Book, 1975–76, pp. 93–102]
LONDON, 13 College St, Westminster (John Bruce). Furnishing bill of 1795 amounting to £252 5s 10d. [Scottish RO, GD 152/216/2]
LUSCOMBE CASTLE, Devon (Charles Hoare). Between 1796 and 1808 the firm was paid £1,434. [K. Woodbridge, Landscape and Antiquity, 1970, pp. 147–53]
BROWN B. His notebook refers under 24 April 1799 to a patent writing box seen at Chippendale's shop. [Birmingham Assay Office, memorandum bk 11, p. 210]
AYNHO PARK, Northants. (William Cartwright). In 1804 Chippendale was paid £41 9s 6d for a bed. [C. Life, 16 July 1953, p. 205]
GRANGE, Yorks. (Sir John Lister Key). In 1817 he ordered from Mrs Coade by Mr Chippendale ‘2 statues of lamps Vestal and Sybil’ to be bronzed £65 19s. [PRO, C 111/106]
RAYNHAM HALL, Norfolk (Marquis of Townshend). In 1819 Chippendale was paid £1,200. [Conn., VII, 1903, p. 219]
CARLTON HOUSE, London (The Prince Regent). In 1820 John Children commissioned an elaborate commemorative armchair for the Prince from the wood of the famous elm tree from the battlefield of Waterloo. [Furn. Hist., 1978]
C. G. G.

Chippendale, William, Farnley, Yorks., joiner (1735–70). Second cousin to Thomas Chippendale snr. In 1767–68 erected a second storey over the school house at Burnt Yates, Yorks. and in 1770 made the Trustees of Admiral Long's School ‘A strong wooden Chest well secured with iron clamps and three locks and Keys … wherein to deposit the Deeds and other writings and papers relating to the trust £1.11s. 6d.’. [Temple Newsam House, Leeds, exhib., ‘Town & Country Furniture’, 1972; C. Life, 3 October 1974]

Chippett, —, St James's Churchyard, Bristol, carver and gilder (1812–16). Listed as Bush & Chippett 1812–14. [D]

Chippett, E., 5 St Margaret's Buildings, Bath, Som., cm (1819). [D]

Chippett, John, Priest's Row, Wells, Som., carver and gilder (1839). [D]

Chippindale, Edmund, Aighton Bailey and Chaigley in the parish of Mitton, Lancs., chairmaker and bobbin turner (1815). Sustained loss in fire 19 September 1815. [Furn. Hist., 1981]

Chippindale, Mark, Aighton Bailey and Chaigley in the parish of Mitton, Lancs., chairmaker and bobbin turner (1815). Sustained loss in fire 19 September 1815. [Furn. Hist., 1981]

Chippindale, William, Boroughgate, Otley, Yorks., joiner and cm (1834–37). [D]

Chippindall, Richard, 59 Watling St, London, cm and brass founder (1783). In 1783 insured his utensils and stock for £900 out of a total insurance cover of £1,000. [GL, Sun MS vol. 313, p. 258]

Chisholm, Charles, Long Ditton, Surrey, rustic chairmaker (1839). [D]

Chisholm, George, 2 Portsmouth St, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, cm, billiard table and backgammon board maker (1808–28). In 1809 insured his own house for £300 and no. 3 adjoining, let to Kennett, a box maker, for £200. Also appears to have owned property in Kingland Rd (1813) and Union St, Somers Town (1821). [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 443, ref. 836161; vol. 463, ref. 887361; vol. 488, ref. 985401]

Chisholm, William, Gt Newport St, London, carver (1749). [Westminster poll bk] Probably the ‘Mr Chisolm’, picture frame maker of Gt Newport St who advertised in General Advertiser, 1 April 1747. See William Chissham.

Chisholme, Thomas, 7 Gt Pulteney St, London, cm (1773–93). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. Probably the Chisholme who supplied two cabriole sofas, four cabriole arm chairs and twelve cabriole back stools for the Drawing Room at Drayton House, Northants. [D; Westminster poll bk; C. Life, 3 June 1965, p. 1350]

Chislome, William, address unknown, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Chisman, John, Skinnergate, Darlington, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1827–34). [D]

Chissham, William, Newport St, Covent Gdn, London, carver (1749). [Westminster poll bk] See William Chisholm.

Chissholm, John, 36 Old Compton St, Soho, London, cm (1809). [D]

Chiswell, Jock, Hockley, Nottingham, cm (1828). [D]

Chiswell, John, Drury Hill, Nottingham, joiner and cm (1832). [D]

Chisworth, William, address not known, u (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Chittenden, George, Maidstone, Kent, cm (1834–39). At Pudding Lane, 1834–35 and 1839 but in 1837 at Stone St. The Pudding Lane address appears to have been a dwelling house. [D; poll bks]

Chitty, John, Rose & Crown Ct, Moorfields, London, u (1779). Insured his house for £100 in 1779. [GL, Sun MS vol. 279, p. 292]

Chivers, James, Bristol, cabinet and ivory turner (1832–40). At 1 Baldwin St, 1832–35 but from 1836 at 12 Horse fair. [D]

Chivers, John, High St, Calne, Wilts., cm and u (1822–30). [D]

Chivers, Matthew, High St, Calne, Wilts., cm and u (1822–39). Recorded also at Market Pl. in 1830. [D]

Chivers, Noah, High Holborn, London, u and cm (1770–93). Son of Thomas Chivers of Warminster, Wilts., farmer. App. to Thomas Humphreys 5 August 1762, then James Grange 5 June 1765. Free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude 4 April 1770. Trading from 290 High Holborn, 1772–75. He moved to 308 High Holborn in 1776; from 1783 the number changed to 307. His trade card [BM] describes him as an upholder, cm, undertaker and auctioneer. He appears to have attracted some important customers though their known purchases are for small items only. The Croome Court accounts of the Earl of Coventry record the supply of a mahogany tea chest at 18s on 27 June 1776. On 23 May 1776 Edward Knight of Wolverley House, Worcs., paid £16 14s for a mahogany commode. In the following year a fire screen costing £1 was supplied to Alexander Wedderburn. Chivers used his trade label to identify some of his furniture, and it has been noted on a harewood and satinwood Pembroke table offered for sale in 1968. By 1794 he had probably retired from the business and in this year and in 1802 he is recorded living in Bath. [D; GL, Upholders’ Co. records; V & A archives; Kidderminster Lib., Knight MS; Scottish RO, GD 164/Box 20/AA/2 & 3; Antique Collector's Guide, May 1968, p. 40]

Chivers, Philip, 219 Piccadilly, London, u (1778–80). Took out insurance cover for £1,900 in 1778 of which £1,400 was for utensils, stock and goods. In 1779 the total was the same but the cover for utensils, stock and goods was raised to £1,500. The business thus appears to have been of substantial size. Its life was however short for its bankruptcy was announced in January 1780. [GL, Sun MS vol. 264, p. 532; vol. 276, p. 69; Gents Mag., January 1780]

Chivers, William, London, u, cabinet warehouseman and auctioneer (1794–1803). Brother of Noah Chivers. App. to Robert Herring on 5 January 1785 and free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 5 March 1794. At that date his address is given as Salisbury Ct, Fleet St. He is first recorded in London directories in 1797 at 137 Salisbury Sq., Fleet St which may be the same address. He remained here until 1799 but in 1801 was trading from 15 Newgate St. He was still at the address in 1803 but in the previous year an address in Wilstead St, Sommers Town is listed which may have been his dwelling house. [D; GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Choat, George, Maldon, Essex, cm and u (1832). [D]

Cholerton, Matthew, 2 Brookside, Derby, cm and u (1829–35). [D]

Choles, Joseph, Wandsworth, London, chairmaker and turner (1777). In 1777 insured his goods for £200 out of a total cover of £300. [GL, Sun MS vol. 254, p. 146]

Chopping, Mat., 85 Upper St, Islington, London, japanner and cm (1835). [D]

Chorley, James, Market St, Chorley, Lancs., cm and joiner (1818). [D]

Chorley, John, Newcastle, joiner and cm (1794). In June 1794 announced that his former partnership with Peter Foreman had been amicably dissolved and that he was setting up on his own. [Newcastle Courant, 7 June 1794]

Chorlton, James, Back of Nile St, Leeds, Yorks., cm (1822). [D]

Chowis, Thomas, Stangate Mews, Stang St, London, cm (1837). [D]

Chowles, Charles, North Audley St, London, u and cm (1775– 1814). Recorded in 1775 as a subscriber to Thomas Malton's Compleat Treatise on Perspective. At North Audley St by 1784, and shown at no. 21 in 1793 when he subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book. The number changed to 16 in 1797, and from 1809 to 17. An additional address of 3 Lower North Row, Oxford St is shown in 1809 but this may have been his dwelling house. Bankrupt October 1794. In the last years of trading the business is listed as Charles Chowles & Son, and it was his son George who took over the enterprise in 1814 on his father's retirement. A number of commissions have been identified. In 1777 two mahogany dumb waiters of ‘Jamaica wood’ were supplied to Sir John Griffin Griffin at Audley End, Essex for which £3 3s was charged. In the period 1780–81 the same patron paid 6s 6d for repairs to a cabinet and two dumb waiters. [D; Westminster poll bk; Derby Mercury, 16 October 1794; Essex RO, D/DBy/A35/4, A39/5]

Chowles, George, 17 North Audley St, London, u (1814–37). Son of Charles Chowles to whose business he succeeded. Declared bankrupt London Gazette, 20 November 1829. [D]

Chowles, Henry, London, cm (1829–39). At 32 Hackney Rd in 1829 and 16 Hertford St, Kingsland Rd in 1839. [D]

Chowne, John, 8 Rose St, Soho, London, carver and gilder (1839). [D]

Choyce, Christopher, 18 George Yd, Old St, London, cabinet and portable desk maker (1808). [D]

Chreiman, Olive, Albion St, Cheltenham, Glos., carver and gilder (1839). [D]

Chrichley, Hugh, 34 Whitechapel, Liverpool, u (1781). [D]

Chrippis (or Chripps), Thomas, Back St, Petworth, Sussex, cm and u (1826–39). [D]

Crisp, William, London, portable desk and dressing case maker (1814–37). At 39 Cockspur St in 1814 but by 1820 the number had changed to 34. From 1829 the address of 49 New Bond St is used in directories. An invoice of June 1831 however records both addresses and indicates that writing cases, ink stands and work boxes were also items he could supply. The business was also that of a silversmith and cutler. The invoice referred to concerned the repair of a Russian leather dressing pouch for Sir John Packington, later 1st Lord Hampton of Westwood Park near Droitwich, Worcs. [D; Worcs. RO, 2309/705: 380/18 (i)]

Christian, John, Nook St, Workington, Cumb., joiner/cm (1811). [D]

Christian, John Houghton, Liverpool, u (1836). App. to George Philander Lyon and free 29 July 1836. [Liverpool freemen reg.]

Christian, Thomas, London, u (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Christian, Thomas, 3 Marsh St, Queen's St, Liverpool, joiner and cm (1804). [D]

Christie, —, 83 Craven St, near Oxford Mkt, London, cm (1767). [Survey of London, vol. 18, p. 131]

Christie, —, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Christie, Charles, 14 Brewer St, Golden Sq., London, upholder and auctioneer (1786–92). [D]

Christie, J., High Cross, Tottenham, London, u (1838). [D]

Christie, James, Castle St, Cavendish Sq., London, upholder (1764–68). Fellow of the Society of Arts, 1764–68.

Christie, James, London, u (1829–39). At 5 Gt Portland St in 1829 and Middle Ward, Tottenham, London in 1839. [D]

Christie, John, London, cm (1789–1808). At 2 Queen's St, Bartholomew Close 1789–93 and in 1808 at 38 Silver St, Golden Sq. [D]

Christie, John, 4 Warwick St, Golden Sq., London, chairmaker. In Sheraton's list of master cabinet makers in his Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Christie, Robert, London, cm (1780–93). At 4 Little Pulteney St in 1780 when he took out insurance cover of £200, half of which was for utensils and stock. By 1790 he was at 2 Newman St and in 1793, whilst at this address, subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book. By this period his insurance cover had risen to £700, all but £100 of which was in respect of property and stock used in connection with his trade. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 280, p. 162; vol. 339, p. 396]

Christmas, Erasmus, Norwich, cm (1831). [Gt Yarmouth poll bk]

Christmas, Joseph, Cley, Norfolk, joiner and cm (1822). [D]

Christmas, William, Liverpool, chairmaker (1807–29). At 72 Brownlow Hill in 1807 and 15 Shaw's Bow in 1829. [D]

Chrystall, D., Paddington, London, cm (1808). [D]

Chub, Stephen, Exeter, Devon, carver (1686). (Freemen rolls]

Chubb, William, New Rd, Newcastle, cm and joiner (1838). [D]

Chubb, William, 37 High Holborn, London, cm and u (1839). Supplier of patent night commodes. [D]

Chubbard, Samuel, Liverpool, carver, gilder and glass grinder (b. 1741–d. 1807). From the 1780s also referred to as a cm on a number of occasions. Initially at Williamson St but in 1774 at 16 Liver St where he remained until 1781. He then moved to 17 Lord St staying here until at least 1787. His address in 1796 was however 44 Harrington St with a warehouse at 3 Lord St. He took the following apps: William Turner (1784 and free 1802), George Smith (1789 and free 1796), Thomas Hignett (1797 and free 1806), Edward Jones (1797 and free 1806), Hugh Jones (1796 and free 1806) and William Belshaw (1797 and free 1807). He died in February 1807 aged 66 at his house in Kensington, London Rd, Liverpool. [D; Liverpool freemen reg.; Liverpool Chronicle, 11 February 1807]

Chubbe, Robert, Chester, cm (1818). Sworn freeman 13 June 1818. [Freemen reg.]

Chuck, John, London, cm, u, appraiser and furniture broker (1822–39). At 18–19 Shoe Lane from 1822–29. By 1835 at 154 High Holborn. One directory of 1839 gives this latter address and indicates that the business was then trading as John & Joseph Chuck. Another directory of the same year gives the address as 90 Shoe Lane and mentions John Chuck only. An invoice dated 22 June 1822 made out to a Mr Wilson in respect of ‘four bordered mattresses in brown Holland & tick borders’ charged with carriage at £5 1s 6d exists in the collection of the GL. The billhead indicates that the business is a ‘NEW & SECONDHAND FURNITURE WAREHOUSE’ with ‘Household Furniture Bought Sold or Exchanged’ and ‘Rents Legally Recovered’. A trade card is in the Landauer Coll., MMA, NY. [D]

Chudley, John, Hatherleigh, Devon, joiner and cm (1830). [D]

Chupain, Elijah, ‘The Crown’, King St, Bloomsbury, London, chair and cabinet maker (d. 1739). Died early in 1739 and on 27 July his household goods and stock were listed for sale by auction. They consisted of ‘large glass Sconces in carv'd and gilt Frames, a large Quantity of Mahogany, Walnut-Tree and other Work, as fine Desks and Bookcases with Glass Doors: Mahogany and Walnut-Tree double Chests, with a Desk in them or without; quadrille Tables, fine Writing-Tables, Spring Tables, dining, Box, Right, Corner, Square and other Tables; a large quantity of Mahogany or Walnut-Tree Chairs, cover'd or uncover'd’. Chupain was described as ‘eminent in his Profession for his many new and beautiful designs in the Cabinet Way’. [London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 27 July 1739]

Church, Christopher, Norwich, u (1660). His son Robert made a freeman in 1660. [Freemen reg.]

Church, G., address unknown. Paid £21 for library tables for Felbrigg, Norfolk on 19 December 1756. [Norfolk RO, WKC 6/453]

Church, George, Somerset St, Bristol, musical instrument and cm (1834). [D]

Church, Robert, Norwich, u (1660). Son of Christopher Church, admitted freeman in 1660. [Freemen reg.]

Church, Thomas, Hull, Yorks., u (1749–74). Took the following apps: Addinhall and Johnson (1749), Jolland (1755) and Ellis (1757). Charged £26 1s 3d on 6 September 1769 for work in connection with furnishing and upholstering the Chintz Bedroom at Burton Constable, Yorks. [S of G, app. index; poll bk; C. Life, 3 June 1976, p. 1476]

Church, Thomas, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, u (1755). Declared bankrupt, Gents Mag., March 1755.

Churcher, J. M., Bishops Waltham, Hants., cm, u and agent for the Crown Life Assurance Office (1839). [D]

Churchill, Frederick, Epsom, Surrey, u and paper hanger (1838–39). [D]

Churchill, George, 58 Hanover St, Portsea, Portsmouth, Hants., cm and u (1830). [D]

Churchill, James, 29 Charlotte St, Old St Rd, London, fancy cm and u (1835–39). [D]

Churchill, John, New Woodstock, Oxon., cm (1772–85). Married Elizabeth Turner of Blenheim Park at Woodstock 6 January 1772. Party in a lease of property at Kidlington, Oxon. in 1780. Insured tenanted property for £300 in 1785. [PR (marriage); Oxford RO, U1/pl10; GL, Sun MS vol. 329, p. 106]

Churchill, John, 15 Tib St, Manchester, chairmaker (1813–24). [D]

Churchill, John, Church St, Sidmouth, Devon, cm, u and auctioneers (1830). [D]

Churchill, John, Market Pl., Warminster, Wilts., cm and u (1830–39). [D]

Churchill, Nichols & Kelly, 29, 30 and 31 Charlotte St, London, cm (1832). Sold lease. [Rose Lipman Lib., Shoreditch archives]

Churchward, George, Paris St, Exeter, Devon, cm (1832). Daughter Elizabeth bapt. 26 December 1832 at St Sidwell's, Exeter. [PR (bapt.)]

Churchward, John, St George's Sq., Exeter, Devon, cm (1832). His son, Leonard William Goading, bapt. at St George's, Exeter 18 January 1832. [PR (bapt.)]

Churchward, Robert, Exe Lane, Exeter, Devon, cm (1839). His son, Robert Henry, bapt. at St David's, Exeter, 1 September 1839. [PR (bapt.)]

Churchyard, John, Long Melford, Suffolk, cm (1830). [D]

Churley, William, 19 Islington Row, Birmingham, cm (1835). [D]

Churnside, Thomas, Newcastle, u (1782). App. to Thomas Brown and free 7 October 1782. [Freemen reg.]

Churton, William, High St, Whitchurch, Salop, and Foregate St, Chester, cm, u, chairmaker, auctioneer and appraiser (1822– 40). William Churton started his business in Whitchurch but in 1833 took his sons into the firm and expanded, taking over the premises formerly occupied by Joseph Cliffe in Foregate, Chester. From this date the business is styled Churton & Sons. Cliffe's remaining stock in trade was offered ‘at very reduced prices’. The business was still operating from both towns in 1840 when in addition to an ‘Extensive Assortment of CABINET FURNITURE’ they stocked Brussels carpets and offered to execute orders for ‘British Plate glass’ with punctuality. [D; Chester Courant, 9 December 1833]

Clack, Henry, 49 George St, Portman Sq., London, cm and u (1835–39). [D]

Clackson, William, Oxford, u (1673–98). Married Mary Such of Oxford 7 June 1673. Marriage settlement between Benjamin Howes and Mary Clackson, William Clackson's daughter 1698. [Bodleian index of Oxf. marriage bonds; Oxford RO, Dash XIV/V/14–16]

Clackson, William, Ditch Side, St Bride's, London, u (1709–15). Supplied furniture for St Paul's Cathedral in 1709 amounting to £12 13s and in 1713 also supplied 30 Spanish leather chairs, a footstool and a ‘fine armed chair’ for the Chapter House, £78 17s 1d. A further bill in 1713 amounted to £43 1s 9d. In 1715 fined for non-service, St Bride's. [Wren Soc., XV; GL, MS 6561/7]

Clair, John, address unknown, cm (1754). Subscribed to Chippendale's Director, 1st edn.

Clancy, John, 7 New Turnstile, Holborn, London, broker and cm (1809–21). In February 1821 took out insurance cover of £600 of which £330 was in respect of stock and utensils in his dwelling house in New Turnstile. Supplied furniture to Nicholas Pearse of Loughton, Essex and Marylebone, London, consisting of a kidney shape writing table in November 1809 costing £8 8s, and further items in May 1813, £52 7s 9d and March 1815 £31 15s 6d. [GL, Sun MS vol. 488, ref. 976421; Essex RO, D/DHt A1/3]

Claney, Daniel, 20 Shire Lane, Temple Bar, London, cm (1790–93). [D]

Clansey, Michael, 8 Orange St, Liverpool, cm (1818–21). [D]

Clapcott, Henry, Bedford St, Holborn, London, bedstead and cm (1753–57). Declared bankrupt early in 1753. In June 1757 listed as a ‘fugitive for debt’. [Gents Mag., February-March 1753; London Gazette, 14–17 June 1757]

Clapham, Charles, York, carver (1752). Took app. named Marshall in 1752. [S of G, app. index]

Clapham, Edward, Lindum Rd, Lincoln, cm and u (1835). [D]

Clapham, George, London, cm, timber merchant and broker of household goods (1797–1811). Declared bankrupt 1797. In 1808 he was trading from 12–13 Orange St, Loman's Pond, Southwark, but the following year his address is recorded in directories as 11 Norfolk St, Southwark. He took out insurance cover on the Orange St premises to the extent of £900 in 1808. Stock and utensils were valued at £350 with an additional £100 each for the workshop behind no. 16 and items in the open yard behind. Trade card in MMA, NY. [D; Liverpool Advertiser, 17 April 1797; GL, Sun MS vol. 446, ref. 821985]

Clapham, John, parish of St Sepulchre, Norwich, chairmaker (1816–39). Son of Charles Blundell, carpenter. Free 7 December 1816. [D; poll bks; freemen rolls]

Clapham, Richard, Halesworth, Suffolk, cm (1830). [D]

Clapham, Samuel, parish of St John Timberhill, Norwich, chairmaker, (1830). [Poll bk]

Clapham, William, Norwich, cm (1816). Son of Charles Blundell Clapham and brother of John Clapham. Free 20 March 1816. [Freemen reg.]

Clappen, F., Cricklade St, Cirencester, Glos., cm and u (1839). [D]

Clapton, William, High St, Stamford, Lincs., chairmaker and turner (1802–26). App. to John Barrow, chairmaker and free 1802. Recorded also at St Paul's St, 1819–22. [D; freemen rolls]

Clarchtrue, —, address unknown, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Clare, Elizabeth, Sheep Green, Rossendale, Lancs., joiner and cm (1828). [D]

Clare, Francis, parish of St Martin-in-the-Fields, London, carver (1741). Three polices totalling £300 5s cover taken out 25 February 1741. [GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 62, refs 42961, 42962, 67497]

Clare, Francis, Tottenham Ct Rd, London, u (1784). [D]

Clare, F. Knight, London, cm and u (1816–39). From 1816–19 at 33 Aylesbury St, Clerkenwell where his trade is listed as cm. The business continued under the style of Clare & Son in the 1820s from 33 Rosamon St, Clerkenwell trading as cm; and from 1835 as u, when the former style was once more reverted to. [D]

Clare, G. & W., Mount St, London, trade unknown (1826). Signed the prefatory recommendation to P. & M. A. Nicholson's Practical Cabinet Maker, 1826.

Clare, James, 18 Northampton Row, Spitalfields, London, cm (1808–29). In 1808 referred to as a chairmaker. [D]

Clare, John, Mayfair, London, cm (1749). [Westminster poll bk]

Clare, John, Handbridge, Chester, cm (1812). [Poll bk]

Clare, John, 64 West St, Hull, Yorks., cm and u (1814). [D]

Clare, John, Liverpool, cm and household broker (1821–24). At Walker Pl., Hatton Gdn in 1821. In 1824 the address is recorded as 23 Hatton Gdns. [D]

Clare, Richard, Birmingham, cm (1731). In 1731 took app. named Clarson. [S of G, app. index]

Clare, Sarah, 38 Holloway Head, Birmingham, u (1839). [D]

Clare, Thomas, Gothic St, Cambridge, carver and gilder (1837). [Poll bk]

Clare, William, Haslingden, Lancs., cm, joiner and house builder (1822–24). Trading at Chapel St, Sheep Green in 1824. [D]

Clare, William, 8 Clerkenwell Close, London, bed and mattress maker (1822–27). [D]

Clarebrough, Joseph, Ackworth, Yorks., cm (1822). [D]

Claridge, Robert, London, u, cm and undertaker (1790–1817). At Orchard St, Portman Sq., 1790–93 but by 1795 was at 185 Oxford St. This latter address continued to be used until 1815 when the firm moved to 2 Upper Montague St, Montague Sq. Included in Sheraton's list of London master cabinet makers, 1803. In June 1795 the 1st Earl of Harewood paid a small invoice amounting to £2 5s no doubt concerned with goods supplied to, or for work undertaken at, Harewood House, Hanover Sq., London. [D; Heal; Leeds archives dept, Harewood MS 212]

Claris, William, Canterbury, Kent, cm (1793). [D]

Clark, —, ‘The Lyon and Lamb’, James St, Covent Gdn, London, u (1707–48). [Heal]

Clark, —, Suffolk Pl., Hackney Rd, London, chair and cabinet maker (1820). [D]

Clark, Alexander, 30 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, upholder and cm (1792–93). In 1793 listed as Clark & McKinnon. [D]

Clark, Arthur, Lancaster, u (1792). On 28 July 1792 married Miss Cotham of Lancaster. [Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 6 August 1792]

Clark, Charles, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (b. c. 1806–1841). Two sons and two daughters bapt. 1833– 39. Aged 35 at the time of the 1841 Census. [PR (bapt.)]

Clark(e), Cornelius, Kirkbymoorside, Yorks., joiner, cm and auctioneer (1823–40). At Crown Sq. in 1823. Addresses given as Market Pl. in 1828 and West end in 1840. [D]

Clark, D., 27 Gloucester St, St John's St Rd, London, cm (1835–37). [D]

Clark, George, Durham, u (1744–84). In 1744 took app. named Shaffield and in 1762 one named Clarke. In 1756 acted as an agent in connection with the sale of furniture for Sir Richard Hylton. Sir Richard was not the only member of the local gentry to use his services for between 1743–47 he is frequently mentioned in connection with the furnishing of Gibside, Co. Durham. On 18 June 1743 he was paid £14 5s 2½d for hanging rooms, putting up beds and for two carpets and paper. A sum of £11 11s was paid on 20 July 1749 for two beds and further sums of £11 9s and £20 1s were paid on 25 November 1751 and 15 November 1752. Ticking and crimson harrateen were paid for in April 1751 and further harateen, tape and a ‘coverlid’ supplied in 1753. [D; S of G, app. index; Newcastle Courant, 24 July 1756; Durham RO, D/St/v. 989, D/St/325, D/St/V1488–90, D/St/330/3, D/St/326/a, D/St/v. 995]

Clark, George, Deal, Kent, upholder and cm (1784). [D]

Clark, George, Bedale, Yorks., joiner and cm (1828–40). [D]

Clark, George, Somerset Pl., Ripon, Yorks., joiner/cm (1834–37). [D]

Clark, George, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (1831). Daughter bapt. 1831. [PR (bapt.)]

Clark, George, foot of Pilgrim St, Newcastle, cm (1838). [D]

Clark, Henry, 41 Lavender St, Brighton, Sussex, chairmaker (1823). [D]

Clark, Henry, 15 South Row, New Rd, London, cm (1835). [D]

Clark, Henry, 9 Merchant St, Bristol, furniture broker and cm (1836–37). [D]

Clark, J., London, u (1793–1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793 and Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Clark, J., Church St, Croydon, Surrey, cm (1838). [D]

Clark, James, ‘The Three Black Lyons’, Paternoster Row, parish of St Michael le Quern, London, upholder and undertaker (1719–32). On 9 October 1725 took out insurance cover of £1,000 of which £750 was in respect of goods and merchandise in his dwelling house and £250 for those in his shop. [Heal; GL, Sun MS vol. 10, 25 December 1719; vol. 20, ref. 36949]

Clark, James, 54 Broad St, Carnaby Mkt, London, u, cm and carpet warehouse (1809–13). In 1808 took out insurance cover of £1,000 of which £780 was for stock, utensils and goods in trust. This was increased to £1,300 in the following year, the addition being in respect of a workshop in Portland Mews. A further £100 was added in 1810 but by 1812 the cover had been reduced to £500 with £300 in respect of stock, utensils and goods in trust. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 445, ref. 819332; vol. 448, ref. 825837; vol. 453, ref. 846208; vol. 459, ref. 873028]

Clark, James, Bristol, u (1815–25). At 17 Lower Maudlin St, 1815–16; 18 Union St 1819; 3 St James's Parade, Churchyard, 1819–21; and 13 St James's Parade, Churchyard, 1822–25. [D]

Clark, James, 13 Henrietta St, Covent Gdn, London, cm and u (1820–25). In 1822 listed as Clark & Manchett. Trade card in BM. [D]

Clark, James, Botesdale, Suffolk, cm and chairmaker (1824). [D]

Clark, James, 14 Upper East St, Southampton, Hants., cm and u (1824). [Southampton Herald, 12 April 1824]

Clark, James, High Row, Darlington, Co. Durham, turner and chairmaker (1827–28). [D]

Clark, James, London, bedstead maker (1829–35). At 11 Lower Marsh in 1829 and 48 Guildford Pl., Kennington in 1835. [D]

Clark, James, Portingscale, near Keswick, Cumb., cm/joiner and machine maker (1834). [D]

Clark, James, 18 City Terrace Rd, London, chair and sofa maker (1839). [D]

Clark, John, ‘The Crown and Cabinet’, Fleet Ditch near Holborn Bridge, London, joiner and cm (1720–24). In 1720 served as a Constable for the parish of St Bride and in 1724 as a Collector for the Poor. In the same year he insured goods and merchandise in his dwelling house for £500. [GL, MS 6561/30; Sun MS vol. 17, p. 330]

Clark, John, Gerrard St, Covent Gdn, London, u (1749). [Westminster poll bk]

Clark, John, Bristol and London, carver and gilder (1774–81). In 1774 shown in the parish of St Augustine, Bristol and in the following year at 9 Denmark St. By 1781 he was residing at Blackman St, St George's, Southwark, London. [D; Bristol poll bks]

Clark, John, Durham, u (1793–1827). Recorded in the Streatlam household accounts in 1814 and in the South Durham Estate accounts, 1814–17, supplying furniture including a sofa bed. In 1827 trading as Clark & Robson at Old Elvet, Durham. [D; Durham RO, D/St/V612, S/St/V308]

Clark, John, 20 Duke St, Brighton, Sussex, turner and chairmaker (1779–1800). [D]

Clark, John, Hull, Yorks., joiner, cm and paper hanger (1814– 17). In February 1814 took an app. called Joseph Sharp of Sculcoates near Hull. William Gibson, also of Sculcoates became his app. in January 1815. John Clark's business may have ceased trading in 1817 for in June of that year William Gibson was assigned to John Levett. [Hull app. reg.]

Clark, John, 13 Henrietta St, Covent Gdn, London, upholder and undertaker (1817). [D]

Clark, John, Kirkbymoorside, Yorks., joiner, cm, toy dealer and ironmonger (1823). In 1823 in Crown Sq. A mahogany tea caddy, cross banded, with brass paw feet and ring handle was sold by Phillips (Leeds), 20 October 1982. In style it looked c. 1820 and bore the trade label of this maker featuring engravings of a pair of Regency chairs and table and a toilet mirror. The text read ‘J. CLARKE/CABINET MAKER/AND /IRONMONGER/KIRBY MOORSIDE//Bar Rod Hoop & Plate Iron/ Birmingham & Sheffield Goods in Great Variety/ Wedding Rings Jewellery &c.’. [D]

Clark, John, Leeds, Yorks., cm (1825–30). Recorded as bankrupt August 1825. At 6 Lonsdale Gdns the following year and from 1828–30 at Bramley's Yd. [D; Brighton Gazette, 25 August 1825]

Clark, John, 21 White Hart Row, Kennington, London, cm and u (1827). [D]

Clark, John, York St, Leicester, cm (1828). [D]

Clark, John, King St, Leicester, carver and gilder (1835). [D]

Clark, John, Islington, London, cm and turner (1835). Recorded in one directory of 1835 at Lower St and at Cross St in another. [D]

Clark, John, St Andrew St, Hertford, cm and u (1838–39). [D]

Clark, Joseph, parish of St James, Bristol, cm (1754). [Poll bk]

Clark, Joseph, London, carver, gilder and picture frame maker (1784–93). At 51 Fetter Lane in 1784 and 92 Fenchurch St. 1790–93. [D]

Clark, Joseph, 16 Wellclose Sq., London, u (1803). [D]

Clark, Joseph, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (b. c. 1815–1841). Two sons and two daughters bapt. 1835– 40. Aged 26 at the 1841 Census. [PR (bapt.)]

Clark, Josiah, Abington St, Northampton, cm (1830). [Poll bk]

Clark, Lancelot, Gateshead, Co. Durham, cm and carpenter (1778–82). At Silver St in 1778 and Bottle-Bank in 1782. [D]

Clark, Morris, 31 St Thomas St, Weymouth, Dorset, cm, u and auctioneer (1823). [D]

Clark, Peter, 9 Soho Sq., Collier St, Hull, Yorks., cm (1838–39). [D]

Clark, Phineas, Willenhall, Staffs., joiner/cm (1834). [D]

Clark, Richard, 168 Ratcliff Highway, London, cm and u (1775). In 1775 took out insurance cover for £700 of which £500 was for utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 240, p. 605]

Clark, Richard, Bond St, Weymouth, Dorset, cm and u (1823– 30). Also auctioneer in 1830. [D]

Clark, Richard, 9 Hillgate, Gateshead, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1833). [D]

Clark, Richard, Blomberg Terr., Vauxhall Bridge Rd, London, cm (1835–39). [D]

Clark, Rob., 19 Crooked Lane, Cannon St, London, carver and gilder (1808). [D]

Clark, Robert, parish of St Sidwell, Exeter, Devon, cm (1815). His son Charles Gardener bapt. 1 October, 1815. [PR (bapt.)]

Clark, Robert, 7 West St, Seven Dials, Soho, London, cm (1829–37). [D]

Clark, Samuel, North St, Bedminster, Bristol, chairmaker (1818–23). [D]

Clark, Thomas, 5 Broker Row, Moorfields, London, u (1789–93). [D]

Clark, Thomas, 11 New Inn Yd, Shoreditch, London, cabinet and chairmaker (1810–13). In October 1810 took out insurance cover on his dwelling house for £150, a similar cover on 12 New Inn Yd and cover for the same sum on a workshop behind. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 449, ref. 848957]

Clark, Thomas, Fleur-de-Lis St, Spitalfields, London, carver and gilder (1820). [D]

Clark, Thomas, 21 Mount St, Berkeley Sq., London, cm (1829). [D]

Clark, Thomas, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (1814–40). Three sons and two daughters bapt., 1814–38. Recorded at ‘Canal’ in 1839. [D; PR (bapt.)]

Clark, Thomas, High Wycombe, Bucks., cm (1835–37). A daughter bapt. 1835 and a son 1837. [PR (bapt.)]

Clark, W., Stockton, Co. Durham, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Clark, William, Birmingham, cm (1762). In 1762 took app. named Sandford. [S of G, app. index]

Clark, William, 109 Whitechapel Rd, London, cm (1786). In 1786 took as app. Elizabeth Poole. [PR, St Clement Danes]

Clark, William, High St, Hull Yorks., carver and gilder (1790– d. 1793). In 1792 in partnership with Dring. [D; Hull Packet, May 1793]

Clark, William, 4 Warwick St, Golden Sq., London, cm and upholder (1817). [D]

Clark, William, High Wycombe Bucks., chairmaker (1815–18). Daughter bapt. in 1815 and sons in 1816 and 1818. [PR (bapt.)]

Clark, William, 6 and 7 Clerkenwell Green, London, cm (1820). On 29 May 1820 took out insurance cover which included £800 for his dwelling house and workshops at 6 Clerkenwell Green and a similar sum for no. 7 which was in his tenure. Cover of £1,500 was taken out for utensils and goods in trust with a further £150 for china and glass and £150 for household goods. Two of the policies were issued jointly with Samuel Garnon. [GL, Sun MS vol. 485, refs 968317, 968319–20]

Clark, William, Allen St, Sheffield, Yorks., cm and u (1828). [D]

Clark, William jnr, Hull Yorks., cm and u (1828–40). At 37 Bridge St, 1828–31; by 1834 at 17 Humber Dock St, and from 1835–40 at no. 21. [D]

Clark, William, Newcastle, u and cm (1833–38). Recorded at 28 Arcade with house in Dean Ct, 1833; and Royal Arcade, 1834–38. [D]

Clark, James & Thomas, Philip, 11 New Inn Yd, Shoreditch, London, cm (1810). In October 1810 took out insurance cover on 11 and 12 New Inn Yd and a workshop behind amounting to £450. This is identical in amount to that taken out by Thomas Clark on the same property, also in October 1810. [GL, Sun MS vol. 449, ref. 848957]

Clark & Wyatt, 5 Digbeth, Birmingham, cm, u and broker (1830). [D]

Clarke, Mr, near Beaufort Buildings, Strand, London, many years an eminent Cabinet-maker’ (d. 1768). Death reported, Public Advertiser, 16 April 1768.

Clarke, Anthony, Lancaster and London, u (1806–07). App. to J. Roberts 1785. Free 1806–07. Freemen rolls state ‘of London’. [Lancaster app. reg.]

Clarke, Daniel, 95 Sparling St, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1821). [D]

Clarke, Edward Gillborn, London, upholder (1767). Son of Zachariah Clarke of London, upholder. Admitted a freeman of the Upholders’ Co. patrimony 1 January 1767. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Clarke, Elizabeth, Castle St, Long Acre, London, upholder and broker (1810). Took out insurance cover for £500 on 7 November 1810. Stock and utensils were covered for £400. GL, Sun MS vol. 453, ref. 850604]

Clarke, Elizabeth, High St, Staines, Middlx, cm/carpenter (1823). [D]

Clarke, Francis, parish of St Peter Mancroft, Norwich, cm (1813–30). App. to Thomas Smith of Norwich and free 3 May 1813. [Freemen reg.; poll bk]

Clarke, Henry, ‘The sign of the Harrow and Crooked Billett’, Cumpton St, Clerkenwell, London, upholder (1700–22). Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. on 1 May 1700. Between 1712 and 1719 insured his own house ‘situate on the south side of Cumpton St. in Woods Close in the parish of St. James Clerkenwell’ for £100 and another house on the ‘North side of Northampton St. in Woods Close … known by the sign of the Cheshire Cheese’ for a similar sum. In 1722 insured for £300 a house in the possession of Thomas Brownjohn ‘on the south side of Ormond St’. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records; GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 9, p. 524; vol. 19, p. 329; vol. 26, p. 135]

Clarke, Henry, Midhurst, Sussex, cm and (1794). [D]

Clarke, Henry, London, cm (1806). Included in election roll of the freemen of Lincoln, November 1806.

Clarke, Henry, Clapham Common, London, cm and u (1822– 39). [D]

Clarke, Henry, 50 Fuller St, Bethnal Green, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Clarke, James, Newbury, Oxford, cm (1802). [Oxford poll bk]

Clarke, James, Green Walk, Blackfriars Rd, London, chairmaker (1808). [D]

Clarke, James, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (b. c. 1807–1841). Sons bapt. in 1834 and 35. Aged 34 at the time of the 1841 Census. [PR (bapt.)]

Clarke, James & Son, 33 Rosamond St, Clerkenwell, London, cm and upholders (1820). [D]

Clarke, Joab, York, fancy chairmaker (d. 1830). [York Gazette, 3 April 1810]

Clarke, John & Yardley, Samuel, Coventry, Warks., u, cm, joiners, cider merchants, brickmakers and farmers (1777–83). In 1777 insured house and workshops for £100 and utensils and stock for £730 out of an entire insurance cover of £2,200. By 1781 insurance cover had fallen to £850 of which £280 was for utensils and stock. Corresponding figures for 1782 are £700 and £360 and for 1783 £700 and £170. In 1783 only John Clarke is named on the insurance records and his address is given as Smithford St. [GL, Sun MS vol. 257, p. 595; vol. 292, pp. 354–55; vol. 302, p. 267; vol. 314, p. 72]

Clarke, John, corner of Round Ct, Chandos St, London, upholder (1779). In 1779 insured his house for £400. [GL, Sun MS vol. 278, p. 331]

Clarke, John, 8 Gardeners Row, Bevington Bush Lane, Liverpool (1790). Son of William Clarke, plasterer. Sworn freeman 24 June 1790. [D; freemen reg.]

Clarke, John, Hinckley, Leicester, cm (1791). [D]

Clarke, John, 1 Castle St, Long Acre, London, u (1794–1812). After 1806 occupied both 1 and 2 Castle St. In 1794 insured the utensils and stock in his dwelling house at 1 Castle St for £600. Included in Sheraton's list of master cabinet makers in his Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 401, ref. 628026]

Clarke, John jnr, Nottingham, carver and gilder (1820). [Freemen reg.]

Clarke, John, Blandford St Mary, Dorset, cm and u (1823–30). [D]

Clarke, John, New Chapel St. Guildford, Surrey, cm (1826–40). [D; poll bks]

Clarke, John, Leicester, cm (1829–35). In 1829 at York St and in 1835 at Hotel St. [D]

Clarke, Joseph, Loughborough, Leics., joiner and cm (1719). In 1719 took app. named Ray. [S of G, app. index]

Clarke, Joseph, Chapel St, Westminster, London, carver (1749). [Poll bk]

Clarke, Joseph, Preston, Lancs., u (1818–34). In 1818 at 3 Old Cock Yd and in 1834 at 122 Church St. [D]

Clarke, Joseph, Benton End, Hadleigh, Suffolk, cm (1830–39). [D]

Clarke, Massey, Market Pl., Wisbech, Cambs., furniture broker, u and paper hanger (1830). [D]

Clarke, Michael, Leicester, joiner and cm (1723–d. 1754). Free 1723 as a joiner. Took on several apps [Freemen reg.]

Clarke, Morley, Guisborough, Yorks., joiner and cm (1828–40). In Market Pl. in 1829 but by 1840 had moved to Westgate. [D]

Clarke, R., ‘The Royal Billiard Table’, under the Piazza, Covent Gdn, London, billiard table maker (1759). [Public Advertiser, 3 November 1759]

Clarke, Robert, opposite St Clement's, Norwich, cm and u (1822). [D]

Clarke, Robert, High Pavement, Nottingham, cm and u (1834– 40). [D]

Clarke, Samuel, Cheapside, London, exchange and stockbroker and cm (1765–72). Address given as ‘facing Bow Church’ in 1765 and as 104 Cheapside subsequently. Complained about furniture smuggling to the Commissioners of Customs. [D; Apollo, August 1965, p. 114]

Clarke, Samuel, Coventry, Warks., cm (1793). [D]

Clarke, Samuel, Pershore, Worcs., cm (1818). [Evesham poll bk]

Clarke, Stephen, Smallgate St, Beccles, Suffolk, cm (1839). [D]

Clarke, Thomas, ‘The Crown’ within Bishopsgate, London, upholder (1719–d. 1746). On 29 September 1719 insured a dwelling house at Havant, Hants. Master of the Drapers’ Co. [GL, Sun MS vol. 10, ref. 15250; Penny London Post, 24–26 February 1746]

Clarke, Thomas, ‘The Three Black Lyons’, Paternoster Row, London, u (1733). On 31 July 1733 took out insurance cover of £100 on a house at 5 Crane Ct, Fleet St ‘at present empty’. [GL, Sun MS vol. 38, ref. 61496]

Clarke, Thomas, Liverpool, cm (1764). App. to George Parker and free 20 December 1764. [Freemen reg.]

Clarke, Thomas, parish of St Giles, Norwich, cm (1818). [Poll bk]

Clarke, Thomas, Windmill Row, Camberwell, London, cm and u (1822). [D]

Clarke, Thomas, 4 Hatton Wall, London, cm (1829). [D]

Clarke, Thomas, Charles St, Wolverhampton, Staffs., cm (1834–38). [D]

Clarke, Thomas Hardeman, 5 Digbeth, Birmingham, cm and chairmaker (1835). [D]

Clarke, Thomas M., Botesdale, Suffolk, chair and cabinet maker (1830–39). [D]

Clarke, W. D., 10 Trinity St, Southwark, London, upholder (1835). Recorded as W. & D. Clarke at this address in 1837. [D]

Clarke, William, London, u (1688–1707). Mentioned in the Hatfield House MS, 1688–91, supplying ‘a new damask bed with chairs and other appertinences’ at £177, a ‘set of new chairs for Turkey Work; for rugs bedding and other new goods’ £98, and for ‘disfurnishing at Salisbury House and setting new goods up’ and ‘unfurnishing house in St Martin's Lane’ at a cost of £147. In 1690 Clarke advertised ‘Several Fair Tents well lined and little used, whereof one large Tent for a Colonel with chairs and Camp Beds’. At this period his address is given as ‘next Bedford House in the Strand’. By 1707 he had moved to the sign of ‘The Lyon and Lamb in Jame-street, Covent Garden’. [Hatfield MS, bills 472; Heal: London Gazette, 3 February 1690; Daily Courant, 8 February 1707]

Clarke, William ‘Painter’, Ansford, Som., furniture maker, tailor, undertaken and auctioneer (1760). Friend of the family of the Rev. James Woodforde. [R. L. Winstanley, ed., The Ansford Diaries of James Woodforde, vol. 1. p. 103]

Clarke, William, corner of Cross St, Long Acre, London, broker and cm (1808). Took out insurance cover of £1,500 of which £1,000 was in respect of utensils and goods in trust in a warehouse communicating with the workshop of Godsal & Co., coachmakers. Further stock and utensils in a workshop opposite accounted for £350. [GL, Sun MS vol. 445, ref. 821289]

Clarke, William, 79 St John St Rd, London, u (1823). Took out insurance cover of £300 on a house at 11 Vine St, Hatton Wall in the tenure of Fleetwood, broker. [GL, Sun MS vol. 491, ref. 1001726]

Clarke, William, 10 Gt Mount St, Manchester, u and paper hanger (1825). [D]

Clarke, William, 40 School Lane, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1827). [D]

Clarke, William, 7 Broad St, Golden Sq., London, carver and gilder (1829). [D]

Clarke, Zachariah, London, upholder (1734–c. 1760). Son of Zachariah Clarke of Southgate, Middlx. App. to Thomas Abbis on 14 July 1728 and free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 1 August 1734. His son Edward Gillborn Clarke was admitted a freeman by patrimony in 1767 by which date his father was dead. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Clarke & Wyatt, 136 Digbeth, Birmingham, u (1828). [D]

Clarkson, Edward, Windmill St, Finsbury, London, cm and u (1825–27). At 33 Windmill St in 1825 and no. 4 in 1827. [D]

Clarkson, George, Bristol, carpenter, joiner, cm, corn machine maker, auctioneer, appraiser and undertaker (1799–1817). At 2 Frog Lane and 24 Park St in 1799. In 1801 and 1810–13 at 2 Frog Lane only, and from 1805–07 and 1814 at 1 Park St, though from 1815–17 the number changed to 2. Declared bankrupt 1809. Activities as an auctioneer, appraiser and undertaker date from 1810. [D; Exeter Flying Post, 15 June 1809]

Clarkson, George, Aughton St, Ormskirk, Lancs., cm (1828). [D]

Clarkson, John, London, upholder (1714). Son of Anthony Clarkson of Abingdon, maltster. App. to Thomas Cooke on 24 July 1705. Free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 7 April 1714. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Clarkson, John, Middleham, Yorks., joiner/cm (1834). [D]

Clarkson, Mary, 32 Pitt St, Liverpool, u (1813). [D]

Clarkson, Robert, Lancaster (1784–1800). Free 1784–85. Named in Gillow records, 1788–1800. [Westminster Ref. Lib. Gillow; Lancaster freemen rolls]

Clarkson, Thomas, 3 Charles St, Hoxton, London, cm (1808). [D]

Clarkson, Thomas, 2 Turnham Pl., London, cm (1809). [D]

Clarkson, Thomas, Liverpool, cm (d. 1819). Died 31 January 1819, aged 63. [Liverpool Mercury, 5 February 1819]

Clarkson, William, Liverpool, cm (1760). App. to William Quin and petitioned freedom in 1760. [Freemen's committee bk]

Clarkson, William, ‘The King's Head’, corner of Old Bedlam, Moorfields, London, upholder, appraiser, cm and undertaker (c. 1760). His trade card states that he ‘Makes & sells all Sorts of Upholstery, Cabinet Goods viz. Four Post & other Bedsteads, wth Damask, Mohair, Moreen, Harratteen, Cheney, Cotton & Check Furnit1, Feather Beds, Blankets, Quilts, Matresses, Counterpanes, Coverlids and Rugs, Desks & Bookcases, Chests of Drawers &c., Chairs, Ding Card & other Tables in Mahogany & Walnuttree. Looking Glasses in Carv'd, Gilt & other Frames, wth Carpets & Paper Hanggs of all sorts’. He also offered to sell estates, stocks in trade and household furniture on commission. [Heal]

Clarkson, William, Little Pulteney St, London, cm (1784). [Westminster poll bk]

Clarkson, William, 39 Highfield St, Liverpool, cm (1803). [D]

Clarkson, Knight & Pratt, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey, drapers, mercers, undertakers, u etc. (1794–96). Supplied for Garrick House, Hampton, Middlx on 28 May 1794 hangings for a four poster bed, deal tables, rush seat chairs and recovered a sofa etc. at a total cost of £60 1s 6d. In June and July 1796 supplied beech chairs, a mahogany low night table, bookcase, bedstead etc. amounting to £12 16s 6d. [V & A archives]

Claron, —, Plymouth, Devon, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Clarridge, —, address unknown, cm (1802). The Heathcote account book records the supply of a sofa table on 27 July at a cost of £12 12s. [Lincoln RO, 3 ANC 6/380]

Clater, John, 6 Castle St, Long Acre, London, cm and undertaker (1808). [D]

Claus, William, 1 Exeter St, Strand, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Claverie, John, 2 Bullet, Goswell St, London, cm and u (1827). [D]

Clawson, Joshua, High St, Southampton, Hants., cm and u (1783–93). [D]

Claxton, Samuel, Wisbech, Cambs., cm, chairmaker, u, auctioneer and appraiser (1807–24). In April 1807 he advertised that his shop had been taken over by H. Norton. In August 1818 he was advertising for a good cabinet and chairmaker to act as manager possibly because he wished to develop the auctioneering and appraising side of the business. [D; Cambridge Chronicle and Journal, 25 April 1807, 7 August 1818]

Claxton, Thomas, Norwich, cm and u (1830–39). In 1830 the address is given as Orford Hill but 1836–39 it was Back of the Inns. [D]

Claxton, William, ‘The Golden Lyon’, Fleet Ditch, London, (1711–d. 1718). Accidentally killed on Shrove Tuesday 1718. [Heal; Weekly Packet, 22 February 1718]

Claxton, William, Hog Lane, Westminster, London, cm (1749). [Poll bk]

Clay, Henry, Birmingham and London, japanner and papiermâché manufacturer (1772–d. 1812). App. to John Baskerville of 22 Moor St, Birmingham from 1740–49. He then became a printer, but the wealth and fame that he subsequently achieved was based upon a patent taken out on 20 November 1772 for a ‘new Improved Paper-ware’. This involved pasting sheets of paper together and then oiling, varnishing and stove-hardening them. This process produced panels suitable for coaches, carriages, sedan chairs and furniture. It was claimed that the material could be ‘sawn, planed, dove-tailed or mitred in the same manner as if made in wood’. The trade in this new material developed rapidly with smaller furniture wares such as teatrays, waiters, caddies and dressing cases finding particular favour. These were japanned and decorated with painted scenes and classical (Etruscan) and Chinoiserie subjects; and in some items Wedgwood cameos were employed. The wares that emerged from his works at 19 New Hall St, Birmingham found favour with the rich and influential, and in 1790 his status was such that he was appointed High Sheriff of Warks. He employed as his London agent Thomas Eagles of Bedford St. At this early phase his wares may bear the impressed mark ‘CLAY PATENT’ with sometimes a crown over the name.

About 1785 Clay transfered his business to London, trading from 18 King St, Covent Gdn, though production continued in Birmingham until at least 1801. He had been reported in 1781 as producing ‘Several pieces of superb furniture which now adorn the royal residences’ and King George III seemed happy in expressing his utmost approbation. In 1792 he claimed the title of ‘Japanner to His Majesty’ and by 1803 was incorporating in his billhead the words ‘Japanner in ordinary to His Majesty and to His Royal Highness the Princes of Wales’. Clay died in 1812 reputably worth £80,000, all made from his papier mâché manufactures. The business was however continued in London at his King St address until 1822, and also under the style of W. Clay & Sons at an address in Fenchurch St with showrooms in Haymarket. Clay's patent had expired in 1802 however, and a number of rival producers set up including Jennens & Bettridge who opened up in 1816 in Henry Clay's former Birmingham works. Wares by Clay produced in this London phase are found with the impressed mark ‘CLAY, KING STREET, COVENT GARDEN’. Large pieces are frequently so marked, but smaller items are less likely to be.

Clay's commissions for the Royal family, the nobility and gentry are well documented. As early as 1776 Boulton & Fothergill reported him as making japanned knife cases [Goodison, Ormolu, p. 135]; and in 1778 Horace Walpole purchased two waiters, a card rack, a tea caddy and a table decorated by Paul Sandby, from him. By 1787–88 Clay was supplying waiters, tea boards etc. to Carlton House for the Prince of Wales, and in June 1800 supplied him with four large paper tea trays finely painted with four views of the Landgrau of Hessen-Cassel at a cost of 25 guineas each.

On 27 May 1793 Queen Charlotte accepted a sedan chair decorated with copies of Guido paintings, and console tables similarly finished. A japanned mahogany Pembroke table in the Etruscan Room at Osterley Park, Middlx, is identified in a 1782 inventory as originating from Clay's manufactory; and the doors in the Hall at Kedleston, Derbs., were decorated by him. Clay's name appears in the Longford Castle accounts, 1778–86, and the Stoneleigh Abbey accounts in 1790. Other known patrons included Lady Howard de Walden (1785), Lady Grenville (1794), Sir Thomas Baring (1798), 6th Duke of Bedford (1803–18), Lord Braybrooke (1810), and the Duke of Northumberland. [D; Heal; DEF; Antique Dealer and Collector's Guide, November 1970, p. 72; V & A archives; MMA, NY, trade card; Windsor, RA 25103; Cornwall RO, DDF (4) 114/27; Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Leigh receipts, 1, DR 10/5; Essex RO, D/DBy/A43/7, A376; Whitten, Nollekens and his Times; Warner's Northern Tour, vol. 2, 1802, pp. 222–23; Tomlin, Catalogue of Adam Furniture, 1972, p. 82; Goodison, Ormolu, pp. 135 and 200] B.A.

Clay, Samuel, 5 Bowl Alley Lane, Hull, Yorks., cm and broker (1828–31). [D]

Clay, William, Coventry, Warks, cm (1744). Took app. named Clay in 1744. [S of G, app. index]

Clay, William Hopper, 2 Todd's Entry, Silver St, Hull, Yorks., cm (1831). [D]

Clayford, J., London, u (1802–03). The address is given as either 31 Barlett's Buildings, Holborn or 31 Boulter's Buildings, Holborn. Included in Sheraton's list of master cabinet makers in the Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. [D]

Clayson, William, St Edmund's Terr., Northampton, u (1830). [Poll bk]

Clayton, Dennis, London, cm (1812). [Colchester poll bk]

Clayton, Henry, 3 Francis St, Tottenham Ct Rd, London, cm (1781). Insured his house in 1781 for £300. [GL, Sun MS vol. 289, p. 368]

Clayton, James, Cheapside, Deritend, Birmingham, picture frame maker (1793–1800). [D]

Clayton, John, Haye's Ct, Leeds, Yorks., cm (1822). [D]

Clayton, John, Drighlington, near Bradford, Yorks., cm (1822). [D]

Clayton, Theophilus, parishes of St Michael-at-Plea and St Stephen, Norwich, u (1720–34). Son of Mark Clayton. Admitted freeman 22 March 1720. In 1722 took app. named Church and in 1730 another named Leeds. Bankrupt 1733. [Freemen reg.; poll bks; S of G, app. index; Gents Mag., July 1733]

Clayton, Theophilus, New Palace Yd, Westminster, London, u (1749). [Poll bks]

Clayton, Thomas, Newgate St, Chester, u (1819–d. 1820). Freeman 20 October 1819; d. 11 December 1820. [Freemen reg.; poll bks; Chester Guardian, 14 December 1820]

Clayton, William, Crab Lane, St Helens, Lancs., cm and joiner (1825). [D]

Clayton, William, 4 High St, Newington Causeway, London, carver and gilder (1829–39). [D]

Cleare, Thomas, ‘The Indian Chair’, south side of St Paul's Churchyard, London, cm (1724). His trade label has been recorded on a walnut kneehole writing desk sold at Sotheby's on 26 March 1976, lot 47. The label illustrates an early Georgian chair, with central shaped splat, framed by an ornate carved mirror. The text states that he ‘makes and sells all Sorts of Cabinet Work and Looking Glasses, as Sconces, and Corner Cupboards. Likewise Blinds for Windows of all Sorts, painted on Wier or Canvass and all Sorts of Chairs of the newest and best Fashion, Wholesale or Retail and Reasonable Prices’. He is probably the same person as the Thomas Cleare of the parish of St Giles-in-the-Fields who declared his trade as ‘joyner’ and on 17 March 1724 insured a house on the north side of Holborn, in the parish of St Giles for £150. [GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 28, ref. 8674]

Cleare, William, London, carver (c. 1660–70). Collaborated with John Wratton and Whitting in building a triumphal arch for Charles Il's coronation in 1661. Recorded 1663–65 in the accounts of the 6th Duke of Richmond and Lennox during the building programme at Cobham Hall, Kent. [Colvin, ed., History of King's Works, V, pp. 252, 278, 284, 289, 330] Probably William Cleer(e).

Clearson, James, 125 Strand, London, carver and gilder (1799). [D]

Clearson, Samuel, 125 Strand, London, carver and gilder (1800). [D]

Cleator, George, Liverpool, cm (1767–82). At 7 Atherton St, 1767–81 according to directory entries but in 1782, the year of his retirement, he was in Lord St. By this year he also had a partner Thomas Potter whose death was the occasion for the termination of the business. Their stock of furniture was sold on 7 January 1782 and consisted of ‘mahogany chairs, tables, desks, chests of drawers, bedsteads, a very good mahogany wardrobe, looking-glasses etc.’. On 14 January 1782 the stocks of timber were auctioned consisting of ‘about seven thousand feet of mahogany in boards & plank, & a quantity of very fine veneers; together with some walnut, oak, deal etc.’. [D; Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 3 and 10 January 1782]

Cleaver, Richard, 164 Tottenham Ct Rd, London, cm (1819–25). [D]

Cleaver, Samuel, Hungerford Mkt, London, cm (1830). Declared bankrupt, 24 August 1830. [Chester Courant, 31 August 1830]

Cleere, George, ‘The Chair’, Castle St, near Long Acre, London, cm (1788). His trade card [GL] states that he ‘sells all Sorts of household Goods at reasonable Rates N.B. Funerals decently performed’. The Rococo frame of the trade card might suggest an earlier period of operation, but it bears the manuscript date 29 July 1788.

Cleer(e), William, London, carver and joiner (1668–90). Cleere worked at Badminton (1668), the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, many London City Churches, and on the Great Model of St Paul's Cathedral. Payments of £147 and £60 are recorded in the Vice-Chancellor's accounts for 1669–70 in respect of joiner's work done on the Divinity School by Cleere ‘and his brother the carver’, possibly Richard Cleere. [Beard, Georgian Craftsmen, p. 251] Probably William Cleare.

Cleets, J., 4 Little Compton St, Soho, London, carver, gilder, looking-glass and picture frame maker (1814). [Trade card, Banks Coll., BM]

Clegg, Andrew, Failsworth, near Manchester, cm (1825). [D]

Clegg, George, Hebden Bridge, Yorks., cm (1837). [D]

Clegg, James, Liverpool, cm (1777–90). App. to George Parker and free 6 November 1777. In this year shown at 126 Dale St, but by 1790 at 27 Vernon St, Dale St. [D; freemen reg.]

Clegg & Bowes, Swan Bank, Congleton, Cheshire, gilders, sign painters and furniture painters (1828). [D]

Cleland, Alexander, London, cm (1792–1825). Initially at 28 Peter St, Soho, where on 18 May 1792 he took out insurance cover of £200, the utensils and stock in the house and workshops accounting for £180 of this. He subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. By 1802 he had moved to 14 Charles St, Middlx Hospital, at which address he was to remain until 1825. From 1812 in certain years directories list him as an u. In 1803 he was included in the list of master cabinet makers in Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary. At this period and in the years that followed the business increased in size, and in 1810 insurance cover amounted to £1,100. This included £500 for stock, utensils and goods in trust in his dwelling house, in the women's workroom, warehouse and cabinet workshop, and a further £400 for similar items in a warehouse behind and above it, and in an open shed and yard. Despite this high level of activity he was declared bankrupt early in 1811. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 453, ref. 848524; Sussex Weekly Advertiser, 4 March 1811]

Clemapon, George, Mugwell St, Cripplegate, London, cm (1743). In 1743 a George Siddon (or Seddon) was app. to him at a premium of £16. [Heal]

Clemence, Thomas, Truro, Cornwall, cm (1827). Bankrupt 9 February 1827. [Exeter Flying Post, 15 February 1827]

Clemenson, Joseph, Whitehaven, Cumb., cm (1798). [D]

Clement, —, 22 New Kent Rd, London, carver and gilder (1820). [D]

Clement, Henry, East St, Chichester, Sussex, upholder (1717–23). Also owned a house in Alingborne near Chichester, leased to a John Barcher, which with its outbuildings was insured for £500 in 1723. [GL, Sun MS vol. 6, p. 208; vol. 15, ref. 28733]

Clement, John, Dover, Kent, cm and auctioneer (1792–93). [D]

Clementia, Samuel, 13 Stafford Pl., Richmond Row, Liverpool, cm (1834). [D]

Clements, George, Leicester, cm (1834). [Freemen reg.]

Clements, George, Plaxtol, near Wrotham, Kent, u (1838). [D]

Clements, James, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1816–39). The main place of business for the entire period of operation was in Richmond Row but the number seems to have changed frequently. Between 1816–27 it was 18 and 19, in 1829 it was 95, in 1834 no. 121, 1835 no. 26, 1837 no. 29 and in 1839 no. 60. Apart from these addresses a workshop was maintained in Myrtle St from 1829–37, but in 1839 the workshop was at 3 Holly St, St Anne's St. [D]

Clements, John, George St, Devonport, Plymouth, Devon, cm and u (1822–30). In 1823 at 8 George St. The business was in financial difficulties by the mid 1820s. In July 1826 it was declared that John Clements was entitled to the benefit of the act for the relief of insolvent debtors and it was ordered that he be discharged. He re-established his business by 1830 and was trading from 83 George St. [D; Exeter Flying Post, 13 July 1826]

Clements, John snr, Southgate St, Leicester, chairmaker (1808– 15). In 1808 took John Townsend as an app. [D; freemen reg.]

Clements, John jnr, High Cross St, Leicester, chairmaker (1826–40). App. to his father John Clements snr, and free 1826. [D; freemen reg.]

Clements, John, Norwich, cm and u (1836–40). At Dove St in 1836 but by 1839 had moved to 81 St Giles St. [D]

Clements, Joseph, Market end, Bicester, Oxon., cm and u (1830). [D]

Clements, Joseph, High Cross St, Leicester, turner and chairmaker (1834–40). Second son of John Clements snr. Free 1834. [D; freemen reg.]

Clements, Robert, 5 Fashion St, Spitalfields, London, cm and looking-glass frame maker (1808–22). In January 1808 took out insurance cover of £1,800 which included £50 for stock and utensils in his dwelling house, £250 for his workshop behind, £350 for stock and utensils therein, and £200 for stock and utensils in an open yard which also included a sawpit. A further £200 of the total was for no. 6 Fashion St. By January 1822 the cover had been increased to £2,000 of which £770 was for the two houses which included a warehouse and manufactory and £550 for stock, utensils and goods in trust. [GL, Sun MS vol. 442, ref. 812488; vol. 491, ref. 987781]

Clements, Valentine, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, cm (1832). Will proved at Norwich in 1832. [Norfolk Record Soc., index of wills]

Clements, W. George, 15 Bartholomew Close, London, carver, gilder and picture frame maker (1790–93). [D]

Clements, William, Monmouth St, parish of St Giles in the Fields, London, cm (1712). In 1712 insured his own dwelling house for £100 and three other houses in Monmouth St leased to others for £100, £100 and £50 respectively. [GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 10, ref. 23068]

Clements, William, 9 Mitchell St, St Luke's, London, cm (1809). [D]

Clements, William, 16 New St, Old St, London, cm (1817). [D]

Clementson, Thomas, Broad St, Westminster, London, cm (1784). [Poll bk]

Clemesha, Samuel, Liverpool, cm (1827–39). At 46 Lime St in 1827 but two years later the number had changed to 51. By 1835 he had moved to 13 Stafford Pl., Richmond Row and from 1837–39 he was at 7 Back Rathbone St. [D]

Clemetshaw, Thomas, Little Lane, Easingwold, Yorks., joiner and cm (1828–34). [D]

Cleminshaw, John, Henry St, Bury, Lancs., joiner and cm (1816). [D]

Clemman, J., 3 Worship St, Finsbury, London, u (1826). [D]

Clemmans, James & Son, Holywell, Shoreditch, London, u, auctioneers and appraisers (1835–37). At 21 Holywell Row in 1835 but in 1837 were occupying 17 and 18. John Clemmans was the son. [D]

Clemmans, William, 2 Cross St, Bethnal Green, London, bedstead maker (1829). [D]

Clemmy, William, Lancaster (1828–32). Named in Gillow records. [Westminster Ref. Lib.]

Clennell, George, Sunderland St, Houghton-le-Spring, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1827–28). [D]

Cleugh, George, Salmon Lane, Limehouse, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Clewes, Jacob, Nantwich, Cheshire, u (d. 1733). Buried 21 June 1733. [PR (burial)]

Clewlow, William, Flint St, Lane End, Staffs., chairmaker (1818). [D]

Clewlow, William, Stockwell St, Leek, Staffs., joiner and cm (1818). [D]

Clewly, George, 11 Market St, Borough Rd, London, chair and sofa maker (1839). [D]

Clews, James, Shropshire St, Market Drayton, Salop, cm (1835–36). [D]

Cliff, —, London, u (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Cliff, George, High St, Nantwich, Cheshire, u (1828–38). In partnership with Joseph Cliff, 1828–34. Three daughters bapt. 1834–36. Possibly the son of Washington Cliff and if so born 1801. [D; PR (bapt.)]

Cliff, James, Hanley, Staffs., cm (1828–35). Trading at Tontine St in 1828, Miles Bank in 1834 and Piccadilly, Shelton in 1835. [D]

Cliff, Joseph, High St, Nantwich, Cheshire, u (1828–34). In partnership with George Cliff. Possibly the son of Washington Cliff and if so b. 1797. [D; PR (bapt.)]

Cliff, J. Needham, Nantwich, Cheshire, u (1799–1802). A son born 1799 and a daughter 1802 to his wife Mary. [PR (bapt.)]

Cliff, Washington, High St, Nantwich, Cheshire, u (1797–1823). Married to Mary who gave birth to a son Joseph Dutton in 1797, daughter Mary in 1799 and son George in 1801. Supplied furniture and furnishings to Lord Crewe of Crewe Hall 1822–23. These included three ‘Handsome Mahogany Biddets with turned legs’ at £1 3s each on 18 August 1822 and a ‘A Handsome piece of Mahogany Furniture with 6 deep drawers, wardrobe cupboard, sliding shelves in centre, large turned black feet’ at £9 10s on 27 August 1822. In June of the following year £30 13s 3d was paid for various items including a carpet. [D; PR (bapt.); Cheshire RO, DCR/47/11a]

Cliffe, Charles, 34 Watergate St Row, Chester, cm and u (1822–d. 1833). Died on 24 November 1833. [D; Chester Courant, 26 November 1833]

Cliffe, John, Harp Alley, near Fleet Mkt, London, u (1780). Declared bankrupt, Gents Mag., November 1780.

Cliffe, Joseph, Chester, u, cm, auctioneer and appraiser (1823– 33). in 1818–19 recorded at Bold St but at this period he was probably employed in the business of his uncle Samuel Davies in Foregate St. He was in his uncle's employ for 17 years. In 1829 he set up his own business in Bridge St Row which he described as an upholstery warehouse. Here he offered ‘an assortment of CARPETS, PAPER HANGINGS, FLOOR CLOTHS and every other article in the UPHOLSTERY BUSINESS’. An unusual commission came his way in June 1829 when he provided ‘A bed of peculiar construction’ which enabled Chief Justice Warren, who had been detained at the Judge's Lodgings by an indisposition, to ‘return by easy stages to London … without experiencing any inconvenience’. Joseph Cliffe also appears to have specialised at this stage in the disposal of carriages and equipment. The death of his uncle in 1829 gave him the chance of taking over his premises in Foregate St and he opened there on 25 March 1830. His stock included a ‘new assortment of Brussels, Kidderminster and Venetian carpets, printed druggets, floor cloths, paper hangings, chimney and dressing glasses, sofas, chairs and every other article of the upholstery business’. He did not carry on the upholstery business for very long and in December 1833 he advised the public that he had gone into partnership with his brother C. Cliffe and was going to concentrate on the auctioneering and appraising side of the business. He disposed of his stock in the upholstery and cabinet-making lines to Churton & Sons whom he named as his successors. [D; poll bks; Chester Chronicle, 26 June 1829, 28 August 1829, 25 September 1829, 2 October 1829, 16 October 1829, 30 March 1830, 9 December 1833] B.A.

Clifford, Mrs, 25 College Green, Bristol, u (1831–36). Successor to Mrs Green. [D]

Clifford, Francis, 15 John St, Oxford St, London, u (1839). [D]

Clifton, Joseph, Galegate, Barnard Castle, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1827–28). [D]

Clifton, Thomas, Market Pl., Bingham, Notts., joiner and cm (1832). [D]

Clifton, William, Gt St Helen's, near Bishopsgate, London, u (1729). [Heal]

Clifton, William jnr, Minories, London, u (1795). [D]

Climpson, Edward, Wilden St, Amersham, Bucks., chairmaker (1830). [D]

Clinch, John, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, cm (1836). On 10 February 1836 baptism of Emma Daughter of John and Philadelphia Clinch. [PR (bapt.)]

Clinch, Thomas, ‘The Clock Case’, Long Alley, Moorfields, London, clock case maker and japanner (c. 1730). A handwritten label on the door of a longcase clock states that he ‘sells all sortes of lackquard work for clock cases, all sortes of varnish’. The existence of a longcase clock in a black lacquer case with ‘Thomas Clinch, London’ on the dial might suggest that he also sold complete clocks. [Antique Collector, June 1952, p. 113]

Clipsham, John, Westgate, Sleaford, Lincs., joiner, builder and cm (1826). [D]

Clipsham, William, Kettering, Northants., cm and u (1823–30). Recorded near Market Pl. in 1823 and at Park-Stile Lane in 1830. [D]

Clipsham, William, Spilsby, Lincs., cm and joiner (1835). [D]

Clive, —, London, cm (?) (c. 1680). In a letter from the East India Co. to ‘The Chief and Factors of Tonquin’ dated 26 September 1684 concerning ‘some quantity of Joyners ware to be Lackred there’, it was suggested that the advice be sought of a Mr Clive, the purser of the ‘Dragon’. It was stated that he had formerly been a cabinetmaker ‘and kept a great Shop of Such Wares in this City’. [Conn., May 1934, p. 287]

Clive, Mr, Oxford(?) (mid 1740s). Supplied ‘Two Oriental Jasper Tables’ to Sir James Dashwood of Kirtlington Park. [Apollo, January 1980]

Cloak, Elizabeth, 24 Old Bethlem, London, carpenter, cm and upholder (1808–10). Also listed as a dealer in shop fittings and a japanner. Took out insurance cover of £1,650 in October 1808 of which £320 was for stock and utensils at 24 Old Bethlem and £400 for a warehouse, workshop and stock and tools kept there. In 1809 the total cover was £1,600 but in the next year it fell to £1,400. [GL, Sun MS vol. 446, ref. 821916; vol. 444, ref. 836274; vol. 449, ref. 852193]

Cloak, Jacob, London, upholder and broker (1771–94). Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by redemption by an order of the Court of Alderman 3 April 1771. His address at this date was Moorfields. In 1780 he was at 30 Old Bethlem where he took out insurance cover of £200, half of which was for utensils and stock. By 1786 the insurance cover had risen to £500 of which £200 was for utensils and stock. In this year he was at 24 Old Bethlem, the address subsequently occupied by Thomas and Elizabeth Cloak. In 1794 at 87 Old Bethlem. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records; Sun MS vol. 282, p. 530; vol. 335, p. 235]

Cloak, James, York, looking-glass maker (1812). Son of Nicholas Cloak of Penzance, Cornwall. App. to David Doeg, looking-glass maker on 7 April 1803. Free 1812. [Freemen reg.]

Cloak, Thomas, London, u, cm, u, undertaker, appraiser and auctioneer (1784–1809). The addresses given for this maker in trade directories and cards may well be variations of the same location. Initially 4–6 Lower Moorfields is used but later this becomes 4–6 Broker's Row, Moorfields. In the 1790s 24 and 30 Old Bethlem are used. Existing trade cards suggests that the business was concerned as much if not more in the buying and selling of secondhand furniture as new items. New items were available ‘Ready-Made’. Thomas was the son of Jacob Cloak and was admitted a member of the Upholders’ Co. by patrimony 3 January 1798. He is included in the list of master cabinet makers in Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. [D; Heal; GL Upholders’ Co. records]

Clode, William, Exeter, Devon, cm (1825–40). The baptism of six sons and one daughter are recorded in the registers of St Sidwell's between 1835–40. In 1829 an address in Spiller's Lane is given, but he was trading from an address in Sidwell St, 1838–40. [D; PR (bapt.)]

Close, William, Kirkby Stephen, Westmld, cm (1829–34). [D]

Closs, Thomas, opposite ‘The Drum’ in Snowfields, London, cm and broker (1775). In 1775 took out insurance cover of £300 of which £100 was for stock and utensils. [GL, Sun MS vol. 236, ref. 350203]

Closs, Thomas, London, u, cm, auctioneer and appraiser (1808–22). At 68 Tooley St in 1808 but from 1820 at 9 Borough High St. On 25 September 1822 took out insurance cover of £700 in respect of this address which was stated to be a ‘dwelling house and warehouse (no cabinet work done therein) or pipe stove or store for drying feathers’. Stock, utensils and goods in trust accounted for £400. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 491, ref. 995893]

Closson, Joseph, Portsea, Portsmouth, Hants., cm (1760). In 1760 took app. named Struggnell. [S of G, app. index]

Closson, Josiah, Portsmouth Common, Hants., cm (1774). Declared bankrupt, Gents Mag., March 1774.

Clough, Jemima, 68 Gt George Pl., Liverpool, u (1839). [D]

Clough, Ralph Burnell, 25 North St, Hull, Yorks., cm (1831). [D]

Clover, Edward, 110 Rotherhithe, London, carver (1793). [D]

Clow, Alexander, Hemming's Row, Westminster, London, cm (1774). [Poll bk]

Clow, Mark, 40 Goodge St, London, picture and looking-glass manufacturer (1839). [D]

Clowes, Daniel & Samuel, Paradise St, Birmingham, hardwood and bone turners, brush and cm (1816–23). Recorded at no. 37 in 1823. [D]

Clowes, John, London, u (1822). Son of John Clowes. Freeman of Preston, Lancs. [Preston freemen reg.]

Clowes, Joseph, London, upholder (1783–1802). Son of Richard Clowes of Fenchurch St, Gent. App. to Robert Hernig 5 June 1776 and free by servitude 2 July 1783. From this date until 1795 at 13 Winchester St but in 1802 at 15 Pentonville Row, Walworth. In 1786 took out insurance cover for £100 solely for household goods and clothes. [D; GL, Upholders’ Co. records; GL, Sun MS vol. 339, p. 435]

Cloyde, John, St Pancras, Chichester, Sussex, cm and u (1826). [D]

Clubb, John, Richmond, Surrey, chairmaker (1798). [D]

Clubbe, Robert, Chester, cm (1791–1819). Son of John Clubbe. App. on 1 March 1787 to William Henderson, cm, and free 21 May 1791. At Foregate St in 1818 and Cross St the following year. On 11 August 1818 his son George Taylor Clubbe was app. to John Moss, cm. The boy was described as ‘a poor boy of St. Michael's parish’. [Freemen records]

Clube, Ann, Romford, Essex, cm (1832–39). Recorded as cm and u at Market Pl. in 1832. [D]

Club(s), John, Market Pl., Romford, Essex, cm (1823–26). [D]

Cluderay, John, 12 Aldwark, York, joiner and cm (1830–38). [D]

Clugston, James, 18 Rose Pl., St Anne's, Liverpool, chairmaker (1800–03). [D]

Cluit, William, 10 Rose St, Soho, London, cm (1785). On 18 June 1785 took out insurance cover not exceeding £25 on utensils. [GL, Sun MS vol. 329, p. 503]

Cluley, —, Sheffield, Yorks., maker of patent bedsteads (1811). In partnership with a man named Parker. Their Liverpool agents were Chew & Sons. [Liverpool Mercury, 22 November 1811]

Clunes, Duncan, 44 Goodge St, London, cm and u (1811–25). On 12 December 1824 his wife Betty took out insurance cover amounting to £2,700 on 26 houses in Lambeth, Locks Fields, Bedford St, Nelson Pl., Newington Butts etc. In 1825 Duncan Clunes declared bankrupt. [D; GL, Sun MS ref. 1014131; Brighton Gazette, 26 May 1825]

Clutterbuck, Obadiah, Gloucester, cm (1828–32). Children bapt. at St Michael's 1828–32. Trading at Barton St, also as an u, in 1830. [D; PR (bapt.)]

Clyatt, Henry, New Rd, St George's in the East, London, upholder (1791). Son of Henry Clyatt of St Paul's Shadwell, London, Gent. App. to Henry Clyatt 7 January 1784 and Mark Dawes 11 May 1784. Free by servitude 8 January 1791. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Clyma, Catherine, 55 Kenwyn St, Truro, Cornwall, u (1830). [D]

Coade, Eleanor and her successors, London (1769–c. 1840). Eleanor Coade (b. 1733–d. 1821) made an artificial stone at Narrow Wall, Lambeth, which so successfully imitated natural limestone that it has been mistaken for it ever since. The firm began in 1769, and it is possible that her mother, also called Eleanor (d. 1796) was involved, but as she was over 60 in 1769 it seems probable that the daughter ran the firm from the beginning. Daniel Pincot, who also made some form of artificial stone, was her manager at first, but he was sacked in 1771, and John Bacon, the sculptor, then at the beginning of his career, was appointed manager a few weeks later. The firm owed much to his elegant figure designs and, no doubt, to the admiration shown by George III for his sculpture, which led to a number of royal Coade commissions.

At first, Coade pieces were stamped ‘COADE’, or, for a period in the 1780s to 1790s, ‘COADE'S LITHODIPYRA’. In 1799 she took on as partner her cousin John Sealy, and the firm became Coade & Sealy until his death in 1813. She then appointed William Croggon, a remote relation, to be her manager. His work books from 1813–21 survive. [PRO, C.111/106] The firm's stamp, which had been ‘COADE & SEALY’, reverted to being ‘COADE’. On Eleanor's death in 1821, William Croggon bought the business and traded successfully, doing much work for Buckingham Palace, until 1833. He then went bankrupt, probably through £20,000-worth of work left unpaid by the Duke of York, and died in 1835. His son Thomas John refounded the firm which survived until the early 1980s. Very little more Coade stone was made, however, and no pieces dated later than 1840 have been found, though the moulds were not sold until 1843. Mark Blanchard, of Blackfriars Rd advertised as late as 1855 that he had been trained at the Coade factory and was their successor, using the Coade formula. Several pieces of Coade design and apparently of the Coade medium, but marked Blanchard, are known; but he later followed the Victorian fashion for red and yellow terracotta.

In 1784, a catalogue of more than 700 items was published. Engravings were made of these from time to time, and booklets of prints were assembled, probably after 1784, of which three in various formats exist. [British Library, GL, and Sir John Soane's Museum] Further information about the firm's designs comes from the handbook, published in 1799, of the exhibition gallery opened by Coade and Sealy at Pedlar's Acre, near the Surrey end of Westminster Bridge.

After he took over, William Croggon opened premises in the New Rd (Euston Rd—Marylebone Rd). These must have been showrooms to take advantage of the well-to-do public now establishing itself in the New Regent's Park residential district. The Pedlar's Acre gallery must have closed as its elaborate sculptured frontispiece seems to have been taken to the New Rd. The factory remained on the old site, but changed its address as the winding lane of Narrow Wall was straightened to become Belvedere Rd.

The main part of Mrs Coade's production took advantage of the fact that her material was weatherproof, and therefore particularly suitable for gardens. In 1784 she offered a garden seat for £3 10s. But she also made a number of pieces suitable for interior use; the catalogue offers a clock stand and a dining room group consisting of a pair of pedestals surmounted by urns, and a wine cooler to go underneath a table between them. She also had a very large range of swags, festoons, griffins, urns, flowers, paterae etc. in low relief (many of them costing only a few pence) which could be stuck on a wood background for chimney-pieces and furniture. When painted in with the background, these motifs successfully imitated hand carving, and offered an alternative to the metal or composition ornaments sold by other manufacturers.

No furniture decorated in this way has been traced so far, but a fine pair of seats, or more properly thrones, in Coade stone survives at Parham Park, Sussex. These copy exactly a Roman throne drawn by C. H. Tatham in the Vatican in 1799. The arms of these thrones are sphinxes whose wings sweep up to meet the tops of the backs. Thomas Hope's Household Furniture, 1807 portrays an identical pair of thrones in his Picture Gallery in Duchess St. In the text, they are described as being of stone; unfortunately the provenance of the Parham seats is not known, so it is not possible to be certain if these are Hope's own seats, or duplicates. In the same illustration there is a tripod table consisting of three lion-faced monopodia, copied from a table in the House of the Cervi, Herculaneum. Mrs Coade had already made a copy of this classical piece for Sir John Griffin Griffin at Audley End, Essex, in 1783, and it still survives there. If Hope had wanted another, the moulds would have existed at Lambeth, and Mrs Coade could have made him another copy of this catalogue number: unfortunately we have no evidence that his tripod table was made by her and not by his regular cabinetmaker.

Pedestals for lamps or sculpture were also made, and a fine set of four, consisting of three classically draped girls linked by garlands, survives at West Wycombe Park, Bucks. In an inventory of 1781 they are described as ‘4 Composition therms Designed and Executed in a Masterly Stile’. They hold round tables or abaci on their heads which now support a set of four sculptures by Delvaux. Another similar pair, though with the figures having their arms raised, were sold from Godmersham Park, Kent, in June 1983 for £32,000. Candelabra were also made in the style of the great Classical pieces several feet high in the Vatican collection. One example, bronzed, is at Tatton Park, Cheshire, and another, with the Coade stone left in its natural state, and thought to have come from the house of Sir George Beaumont, is now in a private collection. These could be used to hold candelabra or lamps. The range of Coade classical figures, mainly designed for ornament, could also make themselves useful by holding candle-branches in their hands. A number of orders for them appear in Croggon's order book, and they were made earlier as well, as a set of ten Sibyls, holding lamps in their hands, survive in the Chapel at Burghley House, Northants., and were in situ before 1799.

The bulk of Mrs Coade's pieces were based on Classical models, but she sometimes worked in a Gothic style. For the conservatory of Carlton House, Thomas Hopper in 1810 ordered a set of ten great Gothic candelabra. They are strange pieces, 7ft high with their bases consisting of bat-winged creatures perhaps supposed to be Welsh dragons. The shafts and tops are decorated with pointed arches and other Gothic details. Plate 1 of Pyne's Royal Residences, 1819 shows these pieces, described in the text as being ‘enriched with devices most tastefully designed and curiously modeled which support elegant lamps of six burners each’. (The lamps are not shown on the plate). These candelabra were taken to Windsor and then lost sight of. In the 1970s some of them, or a duplicate set, were sold at Christie's. Another specimen is now in the garden at Athelhampton, Dorset.

During the Regency period, Mrs Coade and Croggon embarked on the manufacture of scagliola. Most of the pieces were columns, but a number of slabs were made for furniture dealers or individual customers, and details of them are in Croggon's work books. They were usually narrow, and their front and side edges were polished, suggesting that they were for console tables. Such slabs were supplied to Seddon of Aldersgate St, Ferguson of Oxford St and John Mullane of Palace Row, New Rd. A similar slab was supplied to Miss Johnes of Portman Sq. Scagliola pedestals were made for General Phipps of Mount St, Mr Blacquier of Dublin and Earl Grosvenor of Upper Grosvenor St. Sir John Langham, of Langham House, Portland Pl. had a set of pedestals with his arms on them, though how this was contrived in the scagliola is not clear. Eight small pedestals, perhaps the bases for clocks, were made for Justin Vulliamy of Pall Mall. Most of these orders date from 1820–21, and as Croggon's work books end in that year and he went on making scagliola through the 1820s, it is likely that there were other examples of which no information survives. A. A. K

Coake, John, Chester, cm (1786). Took app. named Griffith in 1786. [Chester app. bk]

Coape, —, address unknown, cm (1691). On 16 January 1691 the Earl of Rockingham paid £9 3s to ‘Mr Coape’ for a chest of drawers. [Lincoln RO, Monson 10/1/A/19]

Coates, Daniel, King's Lynn, Norfolk and Southampton, Hants., cm (1817–26). App. to James Oldmeadow of King's Lynn, cm, and free by servitude, 1817–18. Recorded at King's Lynn (1822) and South Lynn (1824) but by 1826 had moved to Southampton. [King's Lynn freemen records; King's Lynn poll bks]

Coates, Edward, Newcastle, u (1738–81). Free 1738. Took apps Henry Marr (free 17 June 1774), William Jopling (free 11 October 1774), Joseph Henry Spooner (free 11 October 1774), William Story (free 5 July 1771) and Joseph Lamb (free 15 January 1781). His son John was made free by patrimony 13 January 1777. [Freemen reg.]

Coates, Edward, Rake St, Hull, Yorks., cm (1817). [D]

Coates, George, 4 King's Head Yd, Salford, Lancs., u (1824). [D]

Coates, Henry, Hull, Yorks., cm (1768). [Poll bk]

Coates, John, Skipton, Yorks., cm (1839). [PR Holy Trinity]

Coates, John, Stokesley, Yorks., joiner and cm (1840). [D]

Coates, William jnr, parish of St Lawrence, Norwich, cm (1808–18). Free 24 February 1808 (not by servitude). [Freemen reg.; poll bks]

Coates, William, Tanner Row, York, joiner and cm (1816). [D]

Coates & Girdley, Swaffham, Norfolk, upholders and cm (1784). [D]

Coats, J., London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Coatsforth, John, Newcastle, u (1722). Free 16 March 1721/22 by servitude. [Freemen reg.]

Coatsworth, Hugh, Newcastle, u (1741). [Poll bk]

Coatsworth, John, Newcastle, and Chester-le-Street, Co. Durham (1734–80). At Newcastle 1734 but subsequent Newcastle poll bks give the addresses W. Bowden (1774), Whitehouse (1777) and Scot's House (1780). His name appears in the Bowes estate accounts, Barnard Castle, Co. Durham 1745–66 where his address is given as Whitehouse near Chester-le-Street. His son John was made freeman of Newcastle 12 October 1774 and another son Ralph 20 April 1784, both by patrimony. [Newcastle freemen reg.; Newcastle poll bks; Durham RO, D/St/239]

Coatsworth, Robert, Newcastle, u (1741). [Poll bk]

Cobb, Henry, London, ‘joyner’ (1697–1703). On 28 September 1697 he was paid £14 15s in connection with the furnishing of Chatsworth, Derbs. This was for ‘cases for ye japan chests, china … pictures, Tables, Stands, Glasses, carved works, statues, beds etc. sent to chatsworth’. His name appears in the Duchess of Norfolk's account (Drayton 2452) for work in connection with Drayton House for which £13 was paid. [V & A archives]

Cobb, John, 72 St Martin's Lane, London, u and cm (c. 1715– 78). John Cobb was presumably the one of that name put app. in 1729 to Tim Money, a Norwich u, for £45. [GL, Boyd's app. lists, vol. VI, p. 1155] Some support for a Norfolk origin appears in Cobb's will [PRO, Prob. 11/1044, f. 314] in which, in a codicil of August 1778 he leaves interest on money to ‘William Cobb, infant boy, grandson of William Cobb at Wallingford in Norfolk’. Nothing further is known of John Cobb until he entered into partnership with William Vile in 1751. Having come out of his apprenticeship about 1736 he may have continued as a journeyman until some chance brought the contact with the slightly older Vile.

It has been usual to assume that as Cobb trained as an u he cared for this side of the business, and Vile dealt with the cabinet making. This may well be part of the pattern, but late in life Cobb showed himself to be a very capable cm, or more correctly of having the knowledge to oversee cabinet work of very high quality. In later years, when he was renowned especially for marquetry furniture, Hester Thrale (Mrs Piozzi) describing, in 1775, the inlaid floors at Sceaux for her journal (Observations and Reflections … through France, Italy and Germany, 1789) noted that ‘the floor of every Chamber is finished like the most high prized Cabinet which Mr Cobb can produce to captivate the Eyes of his Customers’.

Apart from the participation in the successful partnership with Vile, John Cobb was also a son-in-law of the very competent maker Giles Grendey. On 31 March 1755 he had married Sukey Grendey. [General Evening Post, 1 April 1755] At Sukey's death it is true that he married again: his second wife, Mary, outlived him, and also married again. [Gents Mag., I, 111, pt 2, p. 804] There was perhaps some advantage in the connections the first marriage brought, but little to condone the ‘singularly haughty character’ as ‘one of the proudest men in England’ which Cobb assumed. J. T. Smith in Nollekens and his Times, 1829, 11, p. 243, recorded how Cobb ‘in full dress of the most superb and costly kind, strutted ‘through his workshops giving orders to his men’. Smith also relates George III's placing of Cobb in second place through annoyance at his pomposity and imperious delegation of duties to his man Jenkins. [GCM]

When Vile retired in 1764 (three years before his death) Cobb continued in business for a further thirteen years. He had long since abandoned any work at the bench and concerned himself, presumably, with design, quality control, and administration of the business. In this he was served ably on the large Croome commission by his foreman Samuel Reynolds. Mindful of the upsurge in Neo-classical taste he introduced work in woods other than mahogany. This is apparent in particular in a series of commodes and other pieces, veneered, and incorporating marquetry of excellent quality. There was probably a need to do this to withstand the competition from, in particular, Ince & Mayhew.

Seminal to this late style is the inlaid commode and pair of satinwood pedestals, 1772–74 supplied to Paul Methuen (still at Corsham Court, Wilts.). In 1772 Cobb was implicated with others, including James Cullen, in the smuggling of furniture from France by the use of the diplomatic bag of the Venetian Resident, Baron Berlindis and the Neapolitan Minister, Count Pignatelli, thereby intending to evade import duty. [G. Wills, Apollo, August 1965, pp. 112–17; Journal of the House of Commons, 1773, vol. 34, p. 297; Report and Appendix, pp. 349–59] It is however unwise to speculate if this furniture (which was seized by the Customs) gave him ideas about style and technique. He had in any case started several years previously to design in a French way, making the lower drawer or part of his commodes to form the apron, rather than in the usual English way of incorporating the apron as part of the carcase. This feature can be noted on a wide group of commodes attributed to Cobb (e.g. GCM, pls 70–71; Sotheby's, 6 October 1967, lot 227), including that at Alscot Park (Commissions, 1766), and one similar to that at Corsham (Conn., September–December 1964, illus.).

They usually incorporate tulipwood banded in kingwood, inlaid with natural and green-stained fruitwoods, and having gilt-metal mounts including cabochons and berried leaves continuing in twisted ribbon to pierced scroll and cabochon feet. We may never know the respective roles Cobb and Vile took in the firm. There is some evidence of Cobb taking apps to himself within the partnership years, and he may have had the arrangement to deal with some kinds of furniture, particularly upholstered items, for certain customers. We would need to know much more about the terms of the arrangement made for backing from William Hallett snr, although this was offered to Vile as the principal partner.

There is some parallel in stylistic outlook and the seizing of opportunity, between Vile & Cobb and their successful rival, and near-neighbour, Thomas Chippendale. However with great acumen Chippendale both took on board the prevailing Rococo and Chinese styles for the first edition of the Director 1754, changing to Neo-classical observance by the 3rd edition 1762, when of the two partners it was only the younger Cobb who then had the energy and flair to follow. Vile was a superb craftsman at creating carved mahogany furniture. However could the inlays of Queen Charlotte's jewel cabinet (1762) have been incorporated at Cobb's suggestion presaging his own development? In any case Vile was about to retire in 1764, the year Cobb created the important early Neo-classical chairs for the 6th Earl of Coventry. In these later years Cobb was assisted by the experienced Samuel Reynolds and by John Graham (?–1808) who went on to receive money on his master's behalf at Audley End (1772). He also signed an affidavit at his master's death (together with William Hallett snr) that he knew him well. Graham then entered into partnership with one Litchfield, as ‘Litchfield and Graham’ and continued to supply furniture from Cobb's old address at 72 St Martin's Lane to Croome Court until c. 1785.

In 1777 Cobb had insured this property together with stock, utensils and goods for £6,550 in a total insurance of £9,000. [GL, Sun MS vol. 259, p. 617; see also vol. 236, p. 511 and vol. 239, p. 508] However the best guide to his success is his will noted above. He had his dwelling house in St Martin's Lane, a house at Highgate, a chariot, horses, and a large fortune to leave to Mary Cobb. Probate was granted to his wife on 21 August 1778, and as noted, Hallett snr and John Graham signed to their knowledge of the deceased. A subsequent notice in the Gents Mag., 6 September 1783 recorded that Cobb was ‘formerly partner with the late Mr Hallett of Cannons’, a fact well attested by the financial arrangement between himself, Vile and the third partner of ‘for Self & Co.’

Commissions by Vile and Cobb are listed under Vile. The following are in Cobb's name only, and normally date from about 1764 onwards. Exceptions are the first two entries. BOYNTON HALL, Yorks. (Sir George Strickland) 1754 and 1767–73. (a) 1 March 1754, a bill to Mr Cobb £3 2s. 17 November 1754, a bill to Mr Cobb £6 6s. (b) In 1767–73 a further three payments were made to Cobb, that of 4 May 1767 being for £251 17s. Some of this furniture may be at Temple Newsam House, Leeds, through acquisition at the Boynton Hall sale, November 1950, e.g. No. 327, sideboard table, almost identical one at National Gallery of Australia; No. 347, sideboard pedestal and urn; both illus. Gilbert, Leeds Furn. Cat., pls 337, 347.
MADINGLEY HALL, Cambridge (Sir John Hinde Cotton). 1757 28 May: ‘upholder, Cobb, on account £200’. [Cambs. RO, S88/A 33]
UPPARK, Sussex (Sir Matthew Featherstonhaugh). 1764 1 January ‘Paid Mr Cobb in full for Gouty Chairs £5. 13s. 0d.’. [Conn., November 1967, p. 160]
HOLME HALL, Yorks. (Lord Langdale) 1765 7 November: ‘For Repairing the frames of three Arm'd Chairs with an Addition of new Canvas, Brass Nails &c. 3 Setts of Strong Brass Castors to Ditto Compleat £1. 11.
For Repairing the frame of a french arm'd chair Putting a new Back to Ditto and new Burnish'd Nailes &c Compleat – 4s. 6d.
[Reverse of bill] Lord Langdale, Golden Square £1. 15. 6.

Receipted on Cobb's behalf on 9 December 1765 by George Day. [V & A Lib., 86 N.N. Box II]
BURTON HALL, Lincs (2nd Lord Monson) 1765–66 and 1769–71. (a) 3 pp. bill including hanging India paper; painting papier-mache border ‘gilt in burnish'd gold’; repairing window frames; ‘For a large pier Glass in a pediment gilt frame, and fixing Do Compleat £14’; ‘… For 4 men's Time taking down Glasses & Gerrondoles and Sundry other jobs …’. (b) 8 pp. bill totalling £730 13s 11d including: ‘A Large handsome frontispiece for a Chimney Carv'd & Gilt in Burnish Gold with Borders in Compartmts with Double branches for Candles Wrot leaf Nossels & pans’, (£47 5s); ‘For 2 Paper Mache Girandoles Gilt in Burnish'd Gold with branches for Candles wrot leaf Nossels & Pans, brass plates &c Compleat’ (£5 10s); ‘For 2 Large Handsome Oval Glasses Carvd & Gilt in Burnish'd Gold with Ribbons & Husks at Top Brass plates Screws &c Compleat’ (£41); ‘For 2 Mahog Circular Tables Cross banded with Carved Bracketts &c Compleat’ (£13); ‘For 4 India Pictures of basketts & flower Potts for Chimney Boards’ (£4 4s). [Lincoln RO, Monson MS 7/45; 11/58]
AUDLEY END, Essex (Sir John Griffin Griffin Bt) 1 May 1765–74: ‘For 2 Large Mahogony night tables the top parts made to open with Catch Locks and the one with a Biddoc [bidet?] all Compleat made to turn out on Castors and the other with a Close Stool all Compleat & brass handles to the sides. £11
For 2 Cases, Battens, Screws, nails & paper Cover &c to pack Ditto 10s.
1776: ‘Feby 18. For a Solid Mahogony Dineing Table, the top made to fold as a Card Table £3. 16s.
Bill amounting to £29 7s 6d receipted 29 November 1766 by Samuel Reynolds (see Croome Court, below).
Further bills 1769–72 including: 1769 3 October, ‘For a large Book Backgammon table’, £1 5s; 24 January 1772, ‘For a Mahog Clothes Horse’, 10s; 16 September, ‘For a neat Inlaid table on a Mahog frame. 6. 6s. Packing 6s. 6d.’ Bill receipted 20 November 1772 by John Graham (one of the executors of Cobb's will). [Essex RO, D/DBy A24/11; A30/ 11; A32/2; A34/2; A205 p. 229]
CROOME COURT, Worcs. (6th Earl of Coventry). 1765–73 Vile and Cobb's most extensive commission (cf. Vile). However the following bills are in Cobb's name only (numbers in parentheses relate to the xerox copy of the Croome archive, V & A archives).
(29) 1765: 16 items (£202 9s 6d) including: July, ‘For 8 Mahogony Armd Chairs the Seats Stuffd & Coverd with blue Morrocco Leather and finishd with burnish'd nails and Carving, all the Arms and 2 front feet, all the rest Carvd by Mr Alkin, £30’. (The chairs are owned by the Croome Court Trustees, and are a fascinating example of collaboration between Cobb and the carver Sefferin Alken who did the splats; illus. Musgrave, Adam and Hepplewhite Furniture, pl. 58; Coleridge, Chippendale, pl. 38).
(29) 1766 26 February: ‘For a Large Mahogony Wardrobe, 26 Drawers and 13 Sliding Shelves in the middle part with Pannel Doors before the Drawers and Shelves in bottom and top part, a Dental Cornice and 4 Terms in front and a frett in the Attic part, and fixing on all the Carv'd Ornaments on the pannel &c. Extra good Locks to lock twice, and a Master Engrav'd Key and fixing up the whole in the Roome Compleate 129 – –
For Lineing the shelves with Baize and Baize Flaps to ditto 3 12 –
(The money was received on Cobb's behalf on 23 June 1766 by Samuel Reynolds.)
(34) 1766–67 25 July: ‘For a Extra neate & Large Mahogony Shaveing Stand with a Glass to rise & 2 Drawers and on Castors 4 15 –
For a Mahogoney Child's Chairs, the seate Stuff'd and Coverd with Hair Cloth 1 5 –
Aug. For a neate India Cedar work Box with a brass handle at Top & a Good Lock & Key to Do. – 16 –
Oct. For a neate Mahogony Carv'd Pillar & Claw Table on Castors 115 –
(40) 1767–68
1767 24 June: For an Hovanah wood Cloths press, with 6 shelves with Baize Flaps and Drawers at Bottom 9 10 –
23 July: For Carving a pattern Top and Rail, for a Chair – 6 –
12 Sept.: For Wood, Holdfasts, Screws, Nails, & 2 Men's Time putting Batterns round the doors & Chimneys in three Rooms in Order to fasten the Hangings too 115 –
For 329 yds of strong Cloth, thread and sewing do to go under the damask Hangings of the Dressing Room, Drawing and antichamber at 6d 846
For 40 Quires of Carteridge Paper, tax [tacks], paste and Men's Time putting up the Canvas and paper 11 – –
For strong Waintscott downrights, screws, nails and Men's time Making and putting up do in the Corners of the 3 rooms to fasten the Damask hangings too 4 15 –
To Men & Women's Time Cutting making and putting up the Crimson silk damask hangings in the 3 rooms 24 – –
For Making your Crimson Silk damask into 2 festoon Window Curtains lin'd and Fring'd &c 1 8 –
(The account included various charges for fringes, brackets, thread, tape etc.)
1768 January: For 8 french pattern arm'd Chairs Carv'd and gilt in burnish'd gold, with hollow backs, stuff'd & quilted in Linnen, finding stuff to the backs, gilt nails, all small Materials & Covering do Compl. with your Crimson silk Damask 46 – –
For 7 Sattinwood arm'd Chairs on Castors with fluted arms, varnish'd and stuff'd in Linnen … Covering do with your Crimson silk Damask 25 11 –
For 7 red & white Turkey Cotton Check Cases to the Sattinwood Chairs, thread, tape &c. 4 11 –
For 8 do Cases to the Gilt Chairs to hang to the ground 6 8 –
(Money received for Cobb ‘by a draft on Mr Child’ by Samuel Reynolds, 2 July 1768.)
(50) 1768–69 January: For the use and double porteridge of the mahogy Cloaths press 18 months 2 2 –
24 Dec For two french Sofas, stuff'd and quilted in Linnen with a Bolster at each end, the frame Carvd and gilt in burnish'd gold 23 8 –
For Covering the 2 Sofas with the Crimson silk Damask finish'd Compleat with ye gilt nails 2 – –
For 2 Check Cases to do. 5 4 –
For Carteridge paper Covers to the Gerrondoles & Vauses and Serge Bags to the bell Tossells – 5 6
(Money received by Samuel Reynolds, 13 June 1769.)

(57) 1769: For the use and porterage of a Mahog Dineing table – 4 – Mar. For a Crimson Silk tossell and a Man's time putting Do to a bell – 5 6
Apr For 3 brown Damask'd Leather Spotts for Candlesticks – 3 –
(Money received by Samuel Reynolds, 2 July 1770.)
(62) 1770–72 July 7: For 4 brown Damaskd Leather Covers to 4 tables (Various other small tasks of hanging, repairs, hiring ‘Lew tables’, mahogany bowls etc. £37 14s 6d received by Samuel Reynolds, 4 July 1772.) 4 18 –
(66) 1773: One item only, a breakfast table, £4 7s. [The Croome commission, overall is described by J. Parker and others, Decorative Art in the Metropolitan Museum…, 1964.]
ALSCOT PARK, Warks. (James West) 1766: For an ‘Extra fine wood Commode chest of drawers with large Handsome wrought Furniture, good brass locks &c to do’. £16. [C. Life, 15 May 1958, fig. 5] An almost identical commode was sold Sotheby's, 5 March 1971, lot 165 [Burlington, 1971, p. 283, fig. 60]. [Warwick RO, Box 42/8, Alscot Park MS, copies V & A archives]
1769: Includes, 24 March, ‘For 2 extra neat carv'd Pillars and Claws, and straining Frames, and mounting yr 2 Pieces of Tapstry & Silk for fire screens’, £6 10s; ‘For a neat Japann'd Teaboard’, £1 1s; he also charged for the use of a ‘Lew Table’ and 2 mahogany card tables. Bill receipted 9 May 1771 by Samuel Reynolds. [Alscot Park MS]
HAMPTON, Middlx (David Garrick). 1766–72: An explanation of Garrick's patronage of Chippendale and others at Hampton, 5 Royal Adelphi Terr, and 27 Southampton St, London is given in Gilbert, Chippendale, pp. 236–48. Cobb provided brass lanterns, a ‘manilla wood Tea Chest with 3 Tinn Canisters’, £1 15s; in 1768 a plate warmer, bottle tray and dish tray, £11 8s 6d; and in 1772 a ‘Box to Contain 8 Bottles with Ground Stoppers and 4 Glass Tumbers with a Lock Comp’, £22. [V & A archives, 86 NN 4(1), xerox copies]
CAMPSALL HALL, Doncaster, Yorks. 1768: Cobb wrote on 28 July 1768 to say that he was ‘much put to it for money at this time’ and asking for settlement of his account for unspecified work. [Sheffield archives dept, MS BFM 1322/35]
CANNON HALL, Yorks. (John Spencer). 1768: Spencer refers in his diary to visiting Cobb's workshop or showroom. There are a number of payments for unspecified work. [Sheffield archives dept, MS 60633–19. Diary vol. 3]
COBHAM HALL, Kent. 1768: An account was closed in September in the 3rd Earl of Darnley's account book. [C. Life, 10 March 1983, p. 570]
SAXMUNDHAM, Suffolk (Charles Long). 1769 11 June:

a mahogy flowerstand 12s.
a mahogy Candlestand 6s.
a Dressing Glass in a mahogy frame 18s.
Discount £1. 16s.
£1. 15s.
[Suffolk RO, HA 18/EC/5]
SANDON HALL, Staffs. (1st Lord Harrowby):
1 June 1769. To Cobb Cabt maker £1. 4. 6.
26 July 1770. To Cobb Cabinet maker £9. 8. 6.
23 July 1774. To Cobb Cabt maker for a Present to Mr de l'Andre £9. 14. 6.

[Harrowby MS Trust, Sandon, vol. 334]
CORSHAM COURT, Wilts. (Paul Methuen): ‘30 April 1770. Pd Cobb's bill for a Screen etc. £3. 8. 8.’. 1772: ‘Extra neat Inlaid Commode … with brass Ornaments, your Coat of Arms inlaid in the ends … £63. 5. 3’. 1774: Two vase stands. The commode and stands are among Cobb's finest achievements. The pieces are veneered in satinwood, and the side panels of the commode as indicated in the bill have Methuen's arms quartered with that of his wife Catherine Cobb (seemingly no relation to John Cobb). At Corsham they stand beneath and flank an Adam pier mirror. The Adam drawing at Corsham (almost identical to one at the Soane Museum, see E. Harris, Furniture of Robert Adam, p. 80) has the pencil outline of the Cobb commode and stands substituted for the table. [Wilts. RO, Corsham archives, Paul Methuen's Day Book; furniture illus. GCM, pls 71–72 and in situ, C. Life, 7 October 1954, p. 1156; C. Hussey, English Country Houses: Early Georgian, pl. 424] For a similar commode and related items see E. T. Joy, Conn., September/December 1984; GCM, p. 56; C. Streeter, Furn. Hist., 1974, pp. 52–53; Christie's, NY, 30 January 1982, lot 170 etc.
CUSWORTH HALL, Yorks. (John Battie). 1770: ‘Mr Cobb upholster £31. 9. 0.’ was recorded following a bill of 19 November 1768 for £21 19s. The ‘Cusworth suite’ of 2 arm and 6 side chairs with original upholstery, water-gilt nailing and silk fringeing was illus., Apollo, December 1971 and attributed c. 1760 to Vile & Cobb on the basis of the later payments (above) to Cobb. The similarity to the work of Paul Saunders was however noted. The usual hazards of attribution are ever-present. [Leeds archives dept, Battie Wrightson MS A165, 166]
SOUTH AUDLEY ST, London (Hon. Mrs Henrietta Howard). 1770: One page bill including: ‘For a Mahog Cabriole Settee with arms, made with Back & Seat loose to take out, stuf'd in Linnen & Cover'd with your Needlework, finding Tammy Back & All Materials, to make do Compleat, £8. 16s.’. The bill (£1716 3d) was receipted 26 March 1772 by Wm. Eversley (who had been mentioned in Vile's will). [Essex RO, D/DPA. 189]
STRAWBERRY HILL, Middlx (Horace Walpole). 1770: ‘Cobb's bill for furnishing the Round Room, Tapestry chairs for the Cottage, carpet for ditto. £99. 8s. 6d.’. [Paget Toynbee (ed.), Strawberry Hill Accounts, 1927, pp. 129–30, 133]
FOREMARK HALL, Derbs. (Sir Robert Burdett). 1771 21 June: ‘To Mr Cobb for a japan tea tray, £1. 12. 0. and a Mahogy —£1. 7. 0.’ (£2 19s) — ‘for ye countrey’. [Berks. RO, D/E BU A/8/2]
9th VISCOUNT IRWIN. 1773 1 April:

For 3 Mohogy Pole Glasses at 8/6 1. 5. 6.
Discount 0. 1. 0.
£1. 4. 6.

Rec'd May 7, 1773 the Contents in full for Mr Cobb, — Joseph Dennison. [Leeds archives dept, TN/EA/12/5]
HATFIELD PRIORY, Essex (John Wright). 1774 Paid £26 to ‘Mr Cobb’. [Hoare's Bank, London, vol. 90, f. 287] G. B.

Cobb, Nathaniel, 19 Head St, Colchester, Essex, cm, u and undertaker (1839). [D]

Cobb, Samuel jnr, High St, Newport, Salop, cm, u and carpet warehouseman (1835–40). In 1891 it was stated that the business had been in the hands of the family for sixty years and that the trade had been carried on in the same premises for 100 years. [D; Industries of Shropshire Business Review, 1891]

Cobb, Thomas, Strand, London, u (1749). [Westminster poll bk]

Cobb, Thomas, Hull, Yorks., cm, u, joiner and builder (1823– 31). At 21 George Yd, 170 High St, 1823–26. In 1826 his residence was at Providence Pl., Drypool and he was still living there in 1831. [D]

Cobb, W., St Martins Lane, London, cm (1776). In 1776 Samuel Reynolds took out insurance cover of £300 for items at W. Cobb's and William Richardson £100 for items at W. Cobb's ‘timbershop, Round Court’. [GL, Sun MS vol. 244, p. 512]

Cobb, William, York, cm (1784–d. 1813). In Hungate in 1784, Great Shambles in 1798 and Peter Lane in 1800. [D; poll bk; York Herald, 17 May 1800; York Courant, 25 October 1813]

Cobb & Ellisdon, Head St, Colchester, Essex, cm and u (1832). [D]

Cobbett, Edward, 21 Gt Newport St, London, carver and gilder (1835–39). [D]

Cobbett, Pitt & Son, address unknown, japanners (1833). In June 1833 carried out work at the Stud House, Hampton Court, Middlx, which included japanning 43 wash-handstands and dressing tables and painting and staining a large Gothic sideboard. [PRO, LC11/80]

Cobbett, William, 72 Drummond St, Euston Sq., London, cm (1835–37). [D]

Cobley, J., 6 Carlisle St, Soho, London, glass frame maker (1835). [D]

Cochran, William, 20 Nassau St, Middlx Hospital, London, cm (1823). On 30 April 1823 took out insurance cover of £2,100 of which £2,000 was for utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 498, ref. 1003754]

Cock, J., 11 Grange St, Bloomsbury, London, carver and gilder (1816). [D]

Cock, J., 23 James St, Devonport, Plymouth, cm (1830). [D]

Cock, James, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancs., cm (1816–28). At 14 Old St, 1816–24 but by 1828 had moved to Mill Lane. [D]

Cock, James, Norwich, u (1823). Son of Joseph Cock, cooper. Admitted freeman 26 May 1823. [Freemen reg.]

Cock, Samuel, Brentford, Middlx, cm (1793). [D]

Cock, William, 9 Berwick St, Soho, London, upholder (1790– 1820). Mentioned in Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803 as a master craftsman. [D]

Cock, William, 77 Wood St, Cheapside, London, cm (1792). Took out insurance cover of £200 on 16 April 1792. [GL, Sun MS vol. 386, p. 348]

Cock, William, Hillgrove St, Bristol, cm (1792–93). [D]

Cock, William, Marsh Lane, Leeds, Yorks., cm (1793). On 30 May 1793 took out insurance cover for £900 of which £250 was in respect of utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 395, p. 249]

Cock, William, Bristol, cabinet and clockcase maker, camp writing desk inventor and manufacturer (1816–40). At Hillgrove St, 1816–17, when clockcase making was the main activity. Between 1818–19 at Bush St, Hillgrove St and 1820–39 at Cock's Buildings, Hillgrove St. In 1840 at Lower Cheltenham Pl. A brass-bound mahogany folding desk with this maker's label is known. [D]

Cock, Wiltshire, 23 James St, Devonport, Plymouth, Devon, cm and u (1823). [D]

Cockbain, Joseph, Keswick, Cumb., joiner/cm (1829–34). [D]

Cockcroft, John, Hebden Bridge, Yorks., joiner/cm (1834). [D]

Cocke, George, Town St, Thaxted, Essex, cm and u (1839). [D]

Cockerell, G. W., 59 Blackman St, Southwark, London, u and auctioneer (1817–20). [D]

Cockerell & Clarke, 47 Blackman St, Southwark, London, u (1837–39). [D]

Cockerill, Edward & James, 1–3 Curtain Rd, Finsbury Sq., and 203 Oxford St, London, japanned chairmakers (1790–1804). It is not clear whether a partnership existed in connection with this business. Directories in some years list Edward and in others James with very considerable overlap. The business may well have been commenced before 1790 for in an advertisement of 1797 it was claimed that it had been carried on ‘upwards of 40 years at No 1, Curtain-road’. They had on sale ‘the greatest variety of Drawing, Parlour, and Bedroom Japanned chairs; sofas, Bed and Window Cornices to match, and, Pembroke, and Toilet Tables, and every other article in the Japanned Line’. They claimed to sell at 30% below their rivals and offered to renovate japanned furniture. The business was carried on at the same address in Curtain Rd after 1804 by Mary Cockerill. Both James and Edward Cockerill are included in the list of master furniture makers in Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. [D; Heal; Times, 22 November 1797]

Cockerill, Henry, Ambrosden, Oxon., u and paperhanger (1765). Son of the late Rev. Thomas Cockerill, vicar of Ambrosden. In June 1765 announced the commencement of his business. [Jackson's Oxford Journal, 8 June 1765]

Cockerill, John, North Bar Without, Beverley, Yorks., cm and u (1814–40). [D]

Cockerill, Mary, 1–4 Curtain Rd, Finsbury Sq., London, japanned chairmaker (1806–08). [D]

Cockerill, Robert, Parson's St, Banbury, Oxon., cm and u (1839). [D]

Cockering, Francis, 17 Gresse St, Rathbone Pl., London, cm (1808). [D]

Cockersole, Sampson, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffs., cm (1812). [Poll bk]

Cocket, Nicholas, 33 Chapel St, Curtain Rd, London, bedstead maker (1807–08). On 12 October 1807 took out insurance cover for £500 all but £20 of which was in respect of utensils and stock in a workshop, warehouse and yard. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 442, ref. 806996]

Cockfield, George, Finkle St, Ripon, Yorks., cm (1822–37). [D]

Cockhill, John, West Side Old Dock, Hull, Yorks., turner and carver (1840). [D]

Cockin, —, near ‘The Golden Fleece’, Pavement, York, mercer, draper and u (1748). Announced a sale of stock in York Courant, 12 January 1748.

Cockin, William, Middlegate, Penrith, Cumb., cm (1798–1811). [D]

Cockin, John, Middlegate, Penrith, Cumb., joiner and cm (1828–34). [D]

Cocking, Joseph, Cannon St, Taunton, Som., cm (1822–39). [D]

Cocking, Robert, Norfolk St, Sheffield, Yorks., cm and u (1828–37). At 30 Norfolk St in 1828 but by 1830 at 23 Norfolk St and Watson Walk. [D]

Cocking, William & Robert, Hartshead, Sheffield, Yorks., cm (1822–25). [D]

Cocking, William, Sheffield, Yorks., cm and u (1828). Shown at both Furnival St and Union St in 1828. [D]

Cockney, Mary, Liverpool, u (1827). Married John Cannon, painter, at St Philip's Church. [Liverpool Mercury, 2 March 1827]

Cockrell, Edward, Withy Grove, Manchester, chairmaker (1773). [D]

Cockrill, Mark, Rake Foot, Rossendale, Lancs., joiner and cm (1834). [D]

Cocks, Francis, 16 Charles St, Manchester Sq., London, carver and gilder (1835–39). [D]

Cocks, George C., Bristol, portable desk maker (1825–35). At 3 Lower Montague St, 1825–29, 2 Denmark St, 1830–32, and Upper Maudlin St, 1833–35. In 1832 declared himself to be the ‘manufacturer of the Beautiful Polyanthus Wood and all other kinds of British Woods, also Manufacturer of Portable Desks, Dressing & Travelling Cases, Bagatelle Tables, Beer Engines, Clock and Spring Cases, Fire Screens &c. Manufacturer of Tea Caddies and other Fancy articles in Tortoiseshell, Hard Wood & Ivory turner, Glass bender &c.’. His label is pasted to the inside of a clock case in Bristol Art Gallery collection. [D]

Cocks, James, Gloucester, cm (1818–27). Children bapt. 1818 and 1827 at the church of St John the Baptist. [PR (bapt.)]

Cocks, John, Dog Lane, Shrewsbury, Salop, cm (1812). [Freemen rolls]

Cocks, John, New Rd, Gravesend, Kent, carver and gilder (1826–29). [D]

Cocks, John, St Augustine St, Norwich, cm and u (1830). [D]

Cocks, Thomas, Gloucester, cm (1822). Child bapt. 1822 at church of St John the Baptist. [PR (bapt.)]

Cocksedge, H., 8 Chapel St, Holywell Mt, London, carver (1829). [D]

Cockshut, Martin, Bradford, Yorks., cm and joiner (1805–08). [D].

Cod(d)ington, John, Church Lane, Gainsborough, Lincs., chairmaker (1819–31). In 1831 listed as a cm and furniture broker. [D]

Code, A., Harford St, St James's, Bristol, cm (1837–40). Successor of Richard Code. [D]

Code, Richard, Bristol, cm (1817–36). At Lewin's Mead 1817– 19, Harford St, St James's 1820–35 and 36 Redcliff St in 1836. [D]

Codlin, Thomas, 7 Junction Dock St, Hull, Yorks., cm (1840). [D]

Codlin, William, Hull, Yorks., cm (1818–38). At Milk St, 1818; 11 Bond St Mews, 1823; 28 Bond St, 1826; 7 Paragon Pl, 1831; and 2 Wellington Mart, 1834–38. [D]

Codlin & Hick, 7 Junction Dock St, Hull, Yorks., cm etc. (1840). [D]

Codling, George, Swift Ct, 11 Castle St, Liverpool, joiner and cm (1839). [D]

Coe, Anthony Stephen, Ipswich, Suffolk, u (1790). [Poll bk] Coe, Charles, Southwark, London, chairmaker and japanner (1820–39). At 5 Redcross St, 1820; 46 Lant St, 1835; and 124 Gt Suffolk St, 1839. [D]

Coe, David, Bridgegate, Rotherham, Yorks., cm (1818–37). [D]

Coe, John, Middle Westwick, near St Laurence's Church, Norwich, cm (1810). [D]

Coffee, George, 181 High Holborn, London, carver and gilder (1793). [D]

Coffin, Edmund, Holloway St, Exeter, Devon, carver (1761–91). In 1761 took app. named Reynell. [D; S of G, app. index]

Cogan, John, Bath, Som., cm (1774). [Bristol poll bk]

Cogger, John George, Clapham Rise, Clapham, London, cm, u and furniture broker (1832). [D]

Coghlan, John, Gt Crosshall St, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1810). [D]

Coghlan, T., Liverpool, carver and gilder (1808). In March 1808 he announced his intention of declining his business ‘on or before the 12th of April’. He declared that he was selling off his stock which consisted of ‘fashionable Pier & Chimney Looking Glasses, Convex Mirrors, Engravings, framed & unframed etc at considerably reduced prices’. He also had available ‘Glasses, Composition Beads, Strap Leaf, Corinthian & Ionic Capitals etc. etc.’. At this stage he was trading from an address at 39 Whitechapel. On 25 May 1808 an auction sale was advertised to take place on 30 May which included ‘An Elegant Assortment of fashionable PIER & CHIMNEY LOOKING GLASSES, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, consisting of Chairs, Tables, Beds, Bedding etc.’. His retirement from the trade was however short for on 17 June he advertised that he was once more setting up in the same trade at 45 Gt Crosshall St with the addition of an auctioneering department. [Liverpool Courier, 23 March 1808, 4 May 1808, 25 May 1808, 17 June 1808]

Cohen, Alexander, 120 Gravel Lane, Houndsditch, London, clock case maker (1839–40). [D]

Cohen, J., Middlx, u and picture dealer (1826). Declared bankrupt, Liverpool Mercury, 25 August 1826.

Cohen, Jacob, London, chairmaker (1808–28). At 9 Little Somerset St, Whitechapel in 1808 and 45 Gt Prescott Rd, Goodman's Fields, 1817–28. From 1822 he added the trades of u, cm and appraiser to his existing business. [D]

Cohen, Jacob, Chelmsford, Essex, cm etc. (1826–39). At Conduit St, 1826–32 and King St in 1839. [D]

Coke, T. & J., 2 Colonnade, Cheltenham, Glos., cm and u (1820). [D]

Colbatch, George, Bristol, cm (1781). [Poll bk]

Colbatch, Harry, St Philip Out-parish, Bristol, cm (1784). [Poll bk]

Colbeck, John, 4 Holdgate, York, cm (1830). [D]

Colbeck, William, York and London, cm (c. 1795–1818). Son of Christopher Colbeck of Askham Bryan, Yorks., labourer. App. to John Sanderson, 26 June 1787. Granted freedom of York as a cm 1818 and at that date in Cavendish Sq., London. [York app. and freemen reg.]

Colborn, W., London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Colborne, Benjamin, Walcot, Som., carver and gilder (1832). Bankrupt 15 May 1832. [Liverpool Mercury, 18 May 1832]

Colborne, Joseph, 26 Worcester St, Birmingham, cm and u (1830). [D]

Colbourne, James, Twyford, Berks., cm (1830). [D]

Colbourne, Thomas, 47 Worcester St, Birmingham, cm and u (1830). [D]

Colbron, William, 10 New St, Brighton, Sussex, u (1799–1805). Recorded in the Royal archives seven times between July 1801 and January 1804 in connection with the supply of goods and services for the Royal Pavilion. The total amounts paid to the firm were £98 2s 3d. In the Royal archives the business is referred to as ‘Corbron & Co.’. [D; Windsor Royal Archives, RA, 88883, 88886, 88894, 88898, 88902, 88912, 88919]

Colby, James, Norwich, u (1799). App. to James Sudbury and free 5 May 1799. [Freemen reg.]

Colby, Rouse, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, cm (1826–38). [Poll bks]

Colchester, Benjamin Russel, Needham Market, Suffolk, u (1814). Married 1814. [Suffolk RO, FAA: 50/2/117, pp. 89– 90]

Colclough, James, Scotch Common, Sandbach, Cheshire, cm and joiner (1828). [D]

Colder, James, 76 New Summer St, Birmingham, u (1835). [D]

Coldicott, —, address unknown, u (1834). In March 1834 he was paid £1 2s 3d in connection with the 3rd Lord Baybrooke's London house (or Billingbear, Berks.). [Essex RO, D/DBy/A363]

Coldwell, Benjamin, Wadsley, Sheffield, Yorks., cm (1834). [D]

Coldwell, Robert, 15 Gt Mays Building, London, portable desk, dressing case, work box and cabinet case maker (1839). [D]

Cole, Charles, 270 High St, Exeter, Devon, carver and gilder (1816–40). The business was also styled Cole & Co. from 1816–20, and from 1830 was in partnership with John Gendall. On 3 August 1819 they announced their appointment as agents for the sale of Crease & Co.'s washable paper hangings. Charles Cole appears to have had a house in Eastgate, Exeter, and this address is given in connection with the baptism of his two sons, James Henry on 26 April 1823 and James Jarvis on 29 April 1825. A curtain rod at Moditonham House, Cornwall has been noted with a label of this maker stating: ‘LOOKING GLASS, MIRRORS, MOULDINGS, etc. executed in the neatest manner’. The partnership with Gendall was unsuccessful and the bankruptcy of the partners was announced in August 1832. [D; PR (bapt.); election squibs, 1816; Western Luminary, 3 August 1819, 28 September 1819; Liverpool Mercury, 17 August 1832]

Cole, Cornelius, address unknown, cm to William III (c. 1690). [Harris, Old English Furniture, p. 11]

Cole, Edward, Reading, Berks., u (1731–68). In 1731 took app. named Bartholomew and in 1737 another named Shirley. [S of G, app. index; poll bks]

Cole, George, Golden Sq., London, u (1747–74). Supplied goods and carried out work at Corsham Court, Wilts. between 1761 and 1774. Some of the sums paid were substantial, such as £130 14s on 10 March 1761 and £101 8s on 30 April 1763. In 1773 alone £505 5s was paid in the first six months. There is little indication of the nature of the goods supplied and work done, but the payment of £34 11s 6d made on 17 April 1769 was stated to be ‘for upholstery goods sent to Corsham House being furniture for the Great Room’ (i.e. the Picture Gallery). On 29 April 1773 £5 5s was paid for ‘Mr West's small ebony cabinet’. Both a Cole snr and jnr are mentioned in the accounts. Commissions were also carried out for the Duke of Atholl's Scottish houses. In 1761 a pierglass was supplied to Dunkeld House and two years later three pier-glasses and associated tables were provided for Blair Castle. The three tables were charged at £43 and the glasses at £168. A resemblance between these items and the designs of Thomas Johnson has been noted, and it has been speculated that Cole may have employed Johnson to supervise these Scottish commissions for him. [Heal; poll bks; Wills, Looking-Glasses; Conn., December 1960, pp. 252–56]

Cole, James, Market Pl., and Long Causeway, Peterborough, Northants., u, cm, chairmaker and appraiser (1768–92). In 1770 he advertised that he could supply furniture in mahogany, walnuttree and wainscot; and three years later, when seeking two journeyman chairmakers, stated that ‘none need apply but what are good hands, as their work will be chiefly in mahogany’. Total insurance cover was £600 in 1779, £700 in 1782 and £1,400 in 1792 of which utensils, stock, goods, warehouse and workshop accounted for £320, £400 and £500 respectively. [Cambridge Chronicle, 24 September 1768, 24 February 1770, 13 November 1773; GL, Sun MS vol. 271, p. 497; vol. 299, p. 565; vol. 388, p. 552]

Cole, James, Kemp's Ct, Berwick St, London, chairmaker (1774). [Poll bk]

Cole, James, James St, Golden Sq., London, upholder (1774). [Poll bk]

Cole, James, Merchant St, Bristol, broker and bed joiner (1799–1801). [D]

Cole, James, Narrow Lane, Bristol, clock case maker (1806–13). [D]

Cole(s), James, Wendover, Bucks., chairmaker (1823–30). Trading at Aylesbury St, also as a timber dealer, in 1830. [D]

Cole, James, Blackheath Hill, Lewisham, London, cm and u (1832). [D]

Cole, John, St James's, Westminster, London, cm (1706). [London Gazette, 3 March 1706]

Cole, John, Exeter(?), carver and gilder (1825). Lay-vicar at the Cathedral. Victim of an assault by a labourer residing in the College. [The Alfred, 31 May 1825]

Cole, John, Marske, Yorks., joiner/cm (1834). [D]

Cole, Jonathan, London, u (1777–92). In 1777 at 52 Chiswell St but in 1786 the number is shown as 32. By 1792 at 29 Windmill St, Moorfields. Total insurance cover in 1777 was £300 of which half was for utensils and stock. This would suggest a small scale of operation but nevertheless he could insure five houses in Southwark for £700 in 1786 and £1,000 in 1792. [GL, Sun MS vol. 255, p. 582; vol. 336, p. 4; vol. 386, p. 221]

Cole, Thomas, parish of St Sidwell, Exeter, Devon, carver and gilder (1814–18). Son Thomas bapt. 4 November 1814 and daughter Louisa 23 July 1818. [PR (bapt.)]

Cole, Thomas, Bartholomew Ct, Birmingham, chairmaker (1835). [D]

Cole, W., Middle St, Yeovil, Som., cm (1839). [D]

Cole, William, Newark, Notts., chairmaker and turner (1712–15). In 1712 took app. named Hilton and in 1715 one named Shackleton. [S of G, app. index]

Cole, William, Newbiggin, Thaxted, Essex, chairmaker (1798–1839). Recorded as William Cole jnr, cm, in 1832. [D]

Cole, William, 206 Whitechapel Rd, London, cm (1826). [D]

Cole, William, Market Hill, Cambridge, u (1830–32). [D; poll bk]

Cole, William, Worcester, cm and u (1830–37). Trading at 11 Pump St in 1835 and 11 Mealcheapen St in 1837. [D]

Cole, William, 60 St Peter's St, Derby, cm and u (1835). [D]

Cole, William, London, carver and gilder (1835–39). Between 1835–37 he was at 25 St John St Rd, Clerkenwell but by 1839 had moved to 16 Pierpont Row, Islington. [D]

Cole, William, 40 Park St, Birmingham, chairmaker (1839). [D]

Coleborne, Thomas, Bennet St, Bath, Som., u, auctioneer and undertaker (1783). [D]

Coleburn, Isaac, West Hampton, carver (1762). In 1762 took app. named Morris. [S of G, app. index]

Coleby, James, The Close, Norwich, u (1812). [Poll bk]

Coleclough, William, Nine Houses, Chester, cm (1812). Son of John Coleclough. App. 30 June 1790 and 24 February 1792 to William Henderson, cm. Free 20 October 1812. [App. bks; freemen reg.; poll bk]

Coleman, —, Middlx, upholder (1755). In May 1755 imprisoned for debt. [London Gazette, 27–31 May 1755]

Coleman, —, 65 Davies St, Bulkeley St, London, cm etc. (1820). [D]

Coleman, Edward, 9 Upper Maudlin St, Bristol, cm (1835). [D]

Coleman, Francis, Millgate, Newwark, Notts., u (1835). [D]

Coleman, James, Wymondham, Norfolk, cabinet and chairmaker (1830–39). At Bridewell St in 1830 and Fairland St in 1839. [D]

Coleman, John, 9 King St, Derby, carver and gilder (1828–35). Trading at no. 9, 1828–29, and no. 3 in 1835. [D]

Coleman, Robert, ‘The King's Arms’, Houndsditch, Aldgate, London, cm and undertaker (1714–27). In 1723 insured house in Woolsack Alley in Houndsditch, divided into three tenements, for £300. [GL, Sun MS vol. 4, ref. 427; vol. 16, p. 252; vol. 23, p. 320]

Coleman, Robert, Blackheath Hill, London, carver and gilder (1826). [D]

Coleman, Thomas, ‘The Ship’ on London Bridge, London, u and appraiser (1733–37). Son of Thomas Coleman of White Chappell, Middlx, Gent. App. to Ambrose Pearman 7 April 1725 and admitted a freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude 5 December 1733. On his trade card he stated that he made and sold ‘all Sorts of Upholstery Goods wholesale or retail viz. Fashionable Beds, Feather Beds, Quilts, Ruggs, Blankets, Coverlets, Flanders & English Ticking, also Leather, Cane & Matted Chairs’. He was made bankrupt early in 1737. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records; Banks Coll., BM; Gents Mag., May 1737]

Coleman, William, 45 Curzon St, Mayfair, London, u (1804–25). Subscribed to and included in the list of master cabinet makers in Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. On 30 April 1808 Sir John Geers Cotterell of Garnons near Hereford and Hertford St, London settled an account amounting to £8 17s. [D; Herefs. RO, W69/III/182]

Coleman, William, 4 Haymarket, London, writing desk and dressing case maker (1829). [D]

Coleman, William, 42 St Paul's Sq., Birmingham, cm (1835). [D]

Coleman, William, Caudwell St, Bedford, cm and u (1839). [D]

Colemark, —, St Martin's Lane, London, u (1768). [V & A archives]

Coleridge, James, Bitten St, Teignmouth, Devon, cm and u (1838). [D]

Coles, Benjamin, parish of St Mary Redcliffe, Bristol, carver (1834). [Poll bk]

Coles, Charles, 3 Gt Minster St, Winchester, Hants., carver and gilder (1830). [D]

Coles, David, 67 Charlotte St, Tottenham Ct Rd, London, upholder (1777). In 1777 insured his house for £500. [GL, Sun MS vol. 256, p. 348]

Coles, David, 91 Aldersgate St, London, cm (1785). On 14 February 1785 took out insurance cover of £300 which included £50 for utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 327, p. 326]

Coles, F. E., Assembly Rooms, Blandford, Dorset, cm (1840). [D]

Coles, Francis, Hendford, Yeovil, Som., cm and u (1830). [D]

Coles, G., 15 Gt Mays Buildings, St Martin's Lane, London, dressing case maker (1835). [D]

Coles, John, parish of St James, Bristol, cm (1784). [Poll bk]

Coles, John, Market Pl., Chard, Som., u (1830). [D]

Coles, Robert, Cross House, Southampton, Hants., cm (1811). [Poll bk]

Coles, Roger jnr, Ansford, Som., cm (1763–64). Worked for Rev. James Woodforde 3 November 1763 on ‘a small writing Table with a Drawer & Lock’ for which 8s was charged. On 19 and 23 December 1764 working with his boy, Bob Chaffin making a ‘Desk Table’ and a ‘new round Table for common uses’. [R. L. Winstanley, ed., The Ansford Diary of the Revd. James Woodforde, vol. 2, p. 78]

Coles, William, Watlington, Oxon., cm (1791). On 8 December 1791 married Diana Barnett of Brightwell. [Bodleian index of Oxf. marriage bonds]

Collambell, Thomas, 2 River St, Derby, cm and u (1835). [D]

Collens, George, Maidstone, Kent, cm (1832–37). In 1832–35 at Week St, but in 1837 at Market St. [Poll bks]

Collet, R., Wakefield, Yorks., joiner and cm (1798). [D]

Collett, James, 138 High Holborn, London, u (1811–19). [D]

Collett, James, King's Rd, Chelsea, London, cm and u (1823). [D]

Collett, John, 138 High Holborn, London, cm and u (1808–23). In August 1810 took out insurance cover of £2,000 which included £1,200 for his dwelling house and workshop behind and £500 for stock and utensils. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 452, ref. 848112]

Collett, John, Liverpool, cm (1829–39). From 1829–34 at 9 Tyren St but thereafter at 21 Leigh St. [D]

Collett, Jonas, 19 Maiden Lane, Covent Gdn, London, carver and gilder (1808). [D]

Collett, Jonathan, ‘The King's Arms’, opposite Pall Mall, Charing Cross, London, glass cutter (1769–86). On 18 May 1769 supplied a ‘pair of two light Girandolles, richly ornamented’ at £9 9s for Alscot Park, Warks. A payment of £3 19s 6d to ‘COLLETT Glass man’ is recorded in the account book of Sir George Cornewall of Moccas Court, near Hereford. [V & A archives; Herefs. RO, Moccas papers, J56/ IV/4]

Collett, Samuel, Upper Slaughter, Glos., builder and carpenter(?) (1765–66). In 1766 made a bookcase including drawers for James Leigh for which £4 0s 6d was charged.
[Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Leigh receipts, household accounts box 2, bundle 2 DR 18/8/5]

Collett, Thomas, Gloucester(?), carpenter (1761–62). In 1761 made a bookcase for James Leigh for his study at a cost of £18 5s. In March of the following year a table with one leaf was charged at 18s and 3s charged for ‘2 men making a sideboard for the parlour at the Parsonage’. [Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Leigh receipts, household accounts, box 2, bundle 2 DR 18/8/5]

Colley, James, Cartway, Bridgnorth, Salop, chairmaker (1822). [D]

Colley, John, 21 Fleet St, Liverpool, joiner and cm (1790). Also had workshop at 5 Manesty's Lane. [D]

Colley, Joseph, Broseley, Salop, chairmaker (1840). [D]

Colley, Richard, address unknown, cm and u (1830–32). Work undertaken for J. S. Russell (changed name to J. S. Pakington on inheriting property) 1830–32 for High Park and Westwood House, near Droitwich, Worcs. The work was mainly furniture repairs, removal work, carpentry but did include upholstery work such as fixing curtains, moving and remaking bedsteads. [Worcs. RO, 2309/705:3 80/56/ii and iv]

Colley, Thomas, Dudley, Worcs., chairmaker (1820). [D]

Collier, Brooks, Queen St, Oxford, cm and u (1823). [D]

Collier, Francis, Stafford, cm (1778). A Queen Anne style walnut chair with a solid splat back and cabriole legs with a drop-in seat is known stamped ‘F. COLLIER’. Bankruptcy announced, Leicester Journal, 7 March 1778.

Collier, Francis, 7 Artillery St, Bishopsgate St, London, cm (1808). [D]

Collier, George, parish of St Matthew, Ipswich, Suffolk, u (1810). Married in 1810. [Suffolk RO, FAA: 50/2/115, pp. 83–84]

Collier, James, 9 Cable St, Ratcliff, London, cm (1808). [D]

Collier, John, 4 Gerrard St, London, carver and gilder (1792). On 10 October 1792 took out insurance cover of £300. [GL, Sun MS vol. 389, ref. 606726]

Collier, Joseph, 188 Chapel St, Salford, Lancs., carver and gilder (1821). [D]

Collier, Stephen, High St, Romford, Essex, cm and u (1823–39). [D]

Collier, Thomas, 3 Eldon Pl., Liverpool, cm (1827). [D]

Collin, George, 43 Upper Marylebone St, London, picture frame maker (1840). [GL, Sun MS ref. 1333459]

Colling, Edward, 28 Basnett St, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1827). [D]

Colling, George, Ryton, near Gateshead, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1827). [D]

Colling, William K., 33 Phythian St, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1829). [D]

Colling & Hargreaves, 106 Bold St, Liverpool, carvers and gilders (1829). [D]

Collingridge, Thomas, Buckingham, cm (1760). In 1760 took app. named Finch. [S of G, app. index]

Collings, John, 12 George St, Gt Portland St, London, chair and sofa maker (1805–39). Insurance records show a cover of £300 in 1805, £550 in 1808 and £600 in 1810 of which utensils, stock and goods in trust accounted for £100, £300 and £500 respectively. There is mention of a ‘workshop behind’ and in 1810 of ‘the open shed under workshop behind 74 Great Titchfield St’. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 434, ref. 779797; vol. 445, ref. 819983; vol. 453, ref. 844420]

Collings, William, Plymouth, Devon, cm (1762). Took app. named Sluggett in 1762. [S of G, app. index]

Collings, William, address unknown, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Collings, William, Belton St, Long Acre, London, carver and gilder (1809). Mortgage of 3 Chapel St, St Anne, Soho. [Marylebone Lib., deed 10/287]

Collingwood, Robert, 26 Grafton St, Liverpool, chairmaker (1823). [D]

Collins, —, Red-Cross St, Southwark, London, cm (1738). Reported to have died ‘in an odd frightful manner’. [Daily Post, 13 July 1738]

Collins, Aaron, Market Pl., Boston, Lincs., cm and u (1835). [D]

Collins, Caleb Welch, 119 Fleet St, London, horse hair weaver and cm (1782–91). Son of George Collins of St Martin le Grand, knife case maker. App. to Richard Thurgood, cutler 31 December 1782. Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by order of the Court of Assistants 7 July 1790. On 14 September 1791 took out insurance cover of £2,200 of which £2,000 was for utensils and stock. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records; Sun MS vol. 379, p. 547]

Collins, Charles, London, upholder (c. 1725–54). Son of John Collins of London, yeoman. App. to Jeremiah Poole, freeman upholder for seven years on 17 August 1715. No premium paid. [V & A archives]

Collins, Edward, 9 Regent Hill, Brighton, Sussex, cm and u (1823–26). Sons William Alfred and Henry bapt. 15 June 1823. [D; PR (bapt.)]

Collins, Edward, Palace St, Canterbury, Kent, cm and broker (1824). [D]

Collins, Edward, 38 Bond St, Brighton, Sussex, cm (1832–40). Son Edwin Albert bapt. 3 March 1833. [D; PR (bapt.)]

Collins, Francis, Wokingham, Berks., upholder (1745–61). Took app. named Martin in 1745 and one named Jewer in 1761. [S of G, app. index]

Collins, George, Molemaker Row, Westminster, London, cm (1774). [Poll bk]

Collins, George, St Martin's le Grand, London, knife case maker (1790). His son Caleb admitted a freeman of the Upholders’ Co. 7 July 1790. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Collins, George, Whickham, Co. Durham, joiner/carpenter/cm (1834). [D]

Collins, H., 31 Cockspur St, Charing Cross, London, carver, gilder and picture dealer (1820–29). [D]

Collins, Hn., Northumberland House Repository, 147 St Martin's Lane, London, picture frame maker, carver and gilder (1808). Trade card in Banks Coll., BM. Stated to be late of 45 Old Compton St, Soho. Card shows royal coat of arms but no claim of royal patronage made in the text.

Collins, Isaac, 23 White Queen St, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, carver and gilder (1826). [D]

Collins, James, Queen St, Ipswich, Suffolk, cm and u (1839). [D; poll bk]

Collins, James, Downley, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (b. c. 1821–41). Aged 20 at the time of the 1841 Census.

Collins, John, 18 Frogmore St, Bristol, cm, u and undertaker (1837). [D]

Collins, Joseph, Littleworth, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (b. c. 1821–41). Aged 20 at the time of the 1841 Census.

Collins, Matthew, ‘Ye Half Moon’, Cheapside, corner of Soper Lane, London, u (c. 1669). [Heal]

Collins, Pendlebury, Chester and Liverpool, cm (1732). Son of Pendlebury Collins of Chester, wet glover. Sworn freeman of Chester 9 September 1732. [Chester freemen rolls]

Collins, Philip Alford jnr, Chard, Som., casemaker (1777). Insured house in 1777 for £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 254, p. 117]

Collins, Richard, London (1774). Supplied Sir Watkin Williams Wynn at 20 St James's Sq., London, in 1774 with ‘two Bookcases Extraordinary to a design of Messrs. Robt and James Adam £15.18.7¼’. They were of ‘rich mahogany’ with ‘12 ovall Patterae let into the Legs’ and ‘130 Small (Patterae) let into the Pannells of the Doors’. [Nat. Lib. of Wales, Wynnstay MS 115/17/10; designs at the Soane Museum]

Collins, Robert, 1 Brook St, New Rd, Marylebone, London, cm and bedstead maker (1835–39). In 1839 listed as Collins & Son. [D]

Collins, Samuel, late of King St, St Anne, Westminster, London, u (1761). In August 1761 discharged from Debtors’ Prison. [London Gazette, 22 August 1761]

Collins, Samuel, 131 Tooley St, London, cm (1793). [D]

Collins, Samuel, Downley, West Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (b. c. 1795–1834). Born c. 1795 at Chargrove, Oxon. Married on 5 August 1816 at West Wycombe. Son Samuel born in 1834 and subsequently chairmaker. Daughters Sarah and Ann born in 1832. Not in 1841 Census. [PR (bapt. and marriage)]

Collins, T., High St, Southwark, London, bedstead maker (1829). [D]

Collins, Thomas, Bread St, London, upholder (1719). Son of Thomas Collins of St Ives, Hunts., clerk. App. to Thomas Phill, freeman upholder, 22 June 1709. Free of the Upholders’ Co. 4 November 1719. [V & A archives]

Collins, Thomas, 17 Cannon St Rd, St George's in the East, London, cabinet and chairmaker (1817). [D]

Collins, William, Lichfield, Staffs., carver and gilder (1802). At Shugborough, Staffs, in 1802 where he charged £4 16s for gilding a large window cornice. [Staffs. RO, Anson papers, D615 E(H)/2/6]

Collins, William, Tothill Fields, London, (1812–23). The suite of gilt furniture presented to Greenwich Hospital in 1813 by John Fish of Kempton Park, Middlx, in memory of Nelson includes a lamp or torchère, the plinth of which is signed ‘William Collins, London fecit’. This has led to speculation that Collins was a cabinet-maker and responsible for the entire suite which is currently on display at the Royal Pavilion, Brighton. A pair of gilt bronze five branch gas lights originally made for Bath House, Piccadilly by William Collins and dated 1823 in the Bowes Museum collection would however suggest that Collins was a supplier of lighting equipment not a cabinet-maker. [V & A archives]

Collin(s), William, Kensington, London, u (1823–26). Listed at Newland Terr. in 1823 and 5 Newland Pl. in 1826. [D]

Collins, William, Tenterden, Kent, u (1838). [D]

Collins, William, 3 Gloucester St, St John's St Rd, London, u (1839). [D]

Collins, William, Downley, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (b. c. 1796–1841). Aged 45 at the time of the 1841 Census.

Collins & Clearson, 125 Strand, London, frame makers and glass grinders (1789–94). Also listed in some directories from 1790 as carvers and gilders. [D]

Collins & Co., Sun St, Bishopsgate, London, cm (1800). [D]

Collinson, Benjamin, Bridlington, Yorks., joiner and cm (1793). [D]

Collinson, David, Gt George St, Pocklington, Yorks., cm and joiner (1834). [D]

Collinson, Enoch, London, carver and gilder (1829–39). In 1829 at 82 Curtain Rd and in 1839 at 2 New Rd, Whitechapel. [D]

Collinson, George, 53 Frith St, Soho, London, cm (1808). [D]

Collinson, George Croyson, London, cm and u (1820–37). Initially in business at Kendrick Pl., Chenies St, Bedford Sq., and this address appears to have been retained for the whole life of the concern. In 1833 however their billheads gave an address at 61 Conduit St, Regent St and stated ‘From Chenies House, Bedford Square’. In the early 1820s the firm traded as Collinson, Potts & Collinson but by 1826 was listed in directories as George Collinson & Son, suggesting the departure of Mr Potts. In 1837 the business is listed as G. Collinson jnr, indicating the death or retirement of the father. The enterprise was in 1820 on a substantial scale with a fire insurance cover of £4,000. There was a counting house, warehouse and workshop in which was a stove (not for drying feathers), sheds and a coach house and stables. All the insurance cover was in respect of utensils, stock and goods in trust. The only known commission was in 1833 and contained in a bill in the Stowe archives. The sum was £6 0s 6d and was in respect of hanging curtains and carrying out repairs to furniture (some in servants’ rooms). [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 483, ref. 968249; vol. 498, ref. 1001378; Huntington Lib., California, ST Box 148]

Collinson, John, Nottingham, u (1689–d. 1705). [Freemen records; Notts. RO, probate inv. 12/9/1705]

Collinson, Leonard, Grimsby Lane, Hull, Yorks., cm (1790–91). [D]

Collinson, William, Tonge's Building, Chorlton Row, Manchester, cm (1824–28). [D]

Collip, John, London, upholder and undertaker (1803–29). At 122 Gt Portland St from 1803–07, though also recorded at John St, Oxford Rd in 1803 only. From 1816–29 at 75 Titchfield St, Fitzroy Sq. Subscriber to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803 and included in his list of master cabinet makers. [D]

Collis, Barnard, 32 Brownlow St, Drury Lane, London, carpenter and cm (1807). On 21 August 1807 took out insurance cover of £200. [GL, Sun MS vol. 440, ref. 806251]

Collis, George, 2 North St, Bristol, ornamental screen and card rack manufacturer (1827–31). By 1828 trading also as a stationer; and in 1830 also as a varnisher. [D]

Collis, Mrs H., 2 North St, Bristol, ornamental screen and card rack manufacturer (1826). [D]

Collis, William, London, upholder (1724). Son of Joseph Collis of Cambridge, tallow chandler. App. to William Hayes on 3 June 1713 and free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 6 May 1724. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Collishaw, Charles, Wyche St, St Clement Danes, London, cm (1802). Declared bankrupt, Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 19 July 1802.

Collison, George, 8 Cambridge St, Soho, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Collison, Sarah, 2 Junction Dock St, Hull, Yorks., cm etc. (1840). [D]

Collison, Thomas, 55 Southampton Row, Bloomsbury, London, u (1811). [D]

Collison, William, Canterbury, Kent, cm (1805–30). At Jewry Lane, 1805–26 but in 1830 at St Mary Bredman. [D; poll bks]

Collison, William Gilbank, 2 Junction Dock St, Hull, Yorks., cm and u (1834–40). App. to George Chapman of Hull July 1813. In 1835 listed as a broker. Succeeded by Sarah Collison. [D; Hull app. reg.]

Collumbell, Thomas, 2 River St, Derby, cm and u (1835). [D]

Collyer, –, 44 Fore St, near Moorgate, London, u. Late 18thcentury trade card in the Landauer Coll., MMA, NY, states that Collyer offered not only ‘all sorts of Upholstery Goods’ wholesale and retail, but also ‘Cabinet Furniture’ and ‘Paper Hangings &c.’.

Collyer, John, London, carver and gilder (1811–39). At 8 Constitution Row, Gray's Inn Rd, 1811–15 but by 1827 at 63 Frith St at which address he continued to trade until 1839. [D]

Colman, William, Oak St, Fakenham, Norfolk, cabinet and chairmaker (1822–30). [D]

Colombine, Paul, Norwich, u (1721–86). Son of Francis Colombine of Norwich, physician. App. to William Braithwaite of London 8 April 1714 and admitted a freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 2 August 1721. Admitted a freeman of Norwich 19 June 1727 but was already trading in Norwich before this date. An insurance policy taken out on 8 October 1726 for £500 included £400 in respect of stock. The address on the policy is listed as parish of St Simon though by 1735 he had moved to the parish of St Peter Mancroft. In 1745 he took an app. named Richer; in 1751 another named Withers; and in 1754 one named Marks. Other apps were Isaac Hoyle (free 3 May 1753), William Notloy (free 3 May 1760) and William Bracey (free 14 April 1781). Hoyle was taken app. jointly with Woodhouse Harmer which might suggest some form of business relationship at this period. Colombine is mentioned in the Holkham Hall, Norfolk accounts. In 1743 he was paid £1 8s for a mahogany chair with leather seat, £1 1s for a dressing glass and also supplied another mahogany chair, rush seated, and some curtains. In 1757 he was again involved at Holkham on upholstery work. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records; GL, Sun MS vol. 22, p. 377; Norwich freemen reg.; S of G, app. index; V & A archives; C. Life, 14 February 1980, p. 427; poll bk]

Colsey, William, London, cm (1802–29). In 1802 at 19 Hatton Wall where he took out insurance cover for £300. In 1808 he was at 18 Charles St, Hatton Gdn, and in 1817 at 28 Charlotte St, Old St Rd. His trade at this period was mainly in small case furniture, and his trade card described him as a ‘Knife case, portable desk and tea caddy maker’. From 1825– 29 he was at 11 George St, Mansion House and in 1829 was simply described as a cm. [D; Hackney archives dept, 332 TDE/22]

Colsey, William, ‘The Three Jolly Butchers’, Boot St, Hoxton, London, victualler and cm (1812). Took out insurance cover of £2,000 on 13 October 1812 of which £450 was for stock, utensils and goods in trust. [GL, Sun MS vol. 455, ref. 875158]

Colshaw, Thomas, Great White, Ramsey, Hunts., carpenter, joiner and cm (1839). [D]

Colson, William, Southampton, Hants., cm (1811–23). Trading at ‘Above Bar’ in 1811 and Orchard St in 1823. [D; poll bk]

Colston, Daniel Edward, London, cm and u (1822–39). At 8 Edward Pl., St John's St Rd in 1822 and at Peel Pl., Kennington in 1839. [D]

Colston, David, 1 Duncan Pl., City Rd, London, u (1820). [D]

Colter, Thomas, Windsor, Berks., upholder (1780). [Poll bk]

Coltman, George, High Wycombe, Bucks., japanner (b. c. 1816–1841). Aged 25 at the time of the 1841 Census.

Coltman, Robert, Blackheath Hill, Greenwich, London, carver and gilder (1824). [D]

Coltman, Thomas, Bottlebank, Gateshead, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1790–95). [D]

Colton, Arthur, London, upholder (d. by 1717). Son Thomas admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. 1717. Father already dead by this date. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Colton, Richard, Newark, Notts., cm (1790–98). [D; poll bk]

Colton, Thomas, London, upholder (1700–07). Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. 23 April 1700. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Colton, Thomas, London, upholder (1707–17). Son of Arthur Colton, London, upholder. App. to Jonathan Halley 29 July 1707 and free by servitude 9 January 1716/17. [Upholders’ Co. records]

Colton, William, 4 Heston Pl., King's Cross, London, furniture broker, carver and gilder (1839). [D]

Columbani, Placido, 33 Dorset St, Portman Sq., London, carver and gilder (1795). Supplied two gilt frames, one new, for 11s to Lord Howard of Audley End. Also seems to have carried out architectural design work and surveying for this patron; also did plasterwork at Mount Clare, Surrey; Ickworth, Suffolk; and Downhill, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland. [Essex RO, D/DBy/A53/12; Hussey, English Country Houses: MidGeorgian, p. 240; C. Life, 6 January 1950]

Colwell & Co., 33 Leicester Sq., London, u (1811). [D]

Combe, John, ‘The Bunch of Grapes’, Silver St, parish of St Olave, Silver St, London, upholder (1704–14). Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. 1 November 1704. On 30 May 1714 insured his ‘goods & merchandize’ in his ‘dwelling house’, amount of cover not specified. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records; GL, Sun MS vol. 3, ref. 3974]

Combee, Peter, St Giles without Cripplegate, London, carver (1712). Took an app. in 1712. [S of G, app. index]

Comber, George, 35 Ratcliff Highway, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Comery, James, ‘The Golden Eagle’, Castle St, Long Acre, London, cm and broker (1749–74). His trade card [Heal coll., BM] states that he ‘Appraiseth and Buyeth & Selleth all manner of Household Goods at Reasonable Rates’. Also owned a property in Brownlow St, Drury Lane on which he paid insurance cover of £400 from 1760–74. [Heal; poll bk; GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 94, p. 28; vol. 106, p. 36; vol. 116, ref. 23693]

Comfort, H., 20 St Stephen's St, Tottenham Ct Rd, London, chair caner (1835). [D]

Comfort, John, 8 Wells Row, Islington, London, u (1835–39). [D]

Comings, Matthew, Dorchester, Dorset, joiner and cm (1732). On 9 December 1732 insured his dwelling house, outhouse, shop, workshop, ‘timber house’ and cellar with his household goods and stock therein for £200. [GL, Sun MS vol. 37, ref. 59502]

Commell, George, Newport, Salop, cm (1797). [D]

Commins, Richard, St Mary St, Weymouth, Dorset, cm and u (1830–40). At no. 85 in 1830 and no. 95 in 1840. [D]

Compston, John, Abbey St, Carlisle, Cumb., chairmaker (1810). [D]

Compton, Richard, Barton St, Tewkesbury, Glos., cm and chairmaker (1839). [D]

Compton, Robert W., Greenwich Rd, Greenwich, London, cm (1838–39). [D]

Compton, William, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (b. c. 1779–1841). Aged 62 at the time of the 1841 Census.

Comroy, John, Bentford St, Exeter, Devon, cm (1819). Daughter Harriet Caroline bapt. at St Stephen's, 11 July 1819. [PR (bapt.)]

Comte, Henry, 176 Church St, Shoreditch, London, cabinet and chairmaker (1820–22). [D]

Compte, Henry, 41 Union St, Whitechapel Rd, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Conder, Samuel, Sutton Ct, Threadneedle St, London, upholder (1714–27). App. to Robert Roades of York, upholder. Admitted freeman of the London Upholders’ Co. 3 February 1713/14 by purchase. On 14 December 1714 took out insurance on his house for £450. Took app. John Goodchild 1719 (free 1726–27). [GL, Upholders’ Co. records; Hand in Hand MS vol. 13, p. 622]

Conder, Samuel, Market Pl., Biggleswade, Beds., cm and u (1830–39). [D]

Conigrave, James, London, cm (1817–37). At 3 St John's St Rd, St John's St, 1817–29. From 1823–26 traded as Conigrave & Son and in 1829 as B., J. & J. Conigrave. From this year they also advertised themselves as upholsterers. One directory in 1829 however lists James Conigrave at 13 Whiskin St, Spitalfields. By 1835 the business had moved to 33 Aldersgate St but still retained premises in St John's St Rd. The business was in this year described as B. & J. Conigrave, u, undertakers, house estate agents. On 13 August 1821 insurance cover of £700 was taken out on a ‘dwelling house and workshops (no pipe stove therein)’ at 3 St John's St Rd. Another policy for £600 was taken out in respect of household goods (£100) and stock, utensils and goods in trust, some of which was kept at 44 Upper St, Islington. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 487, ref. 983176]

Coningsby, Bennet & Barnes, Elizabeth, Duke St, Bloomsbury, London, cm (1725). On 8 October 1725 took out insurance cover of £500 most of which was in respect of property at ‘Weberly in Hereford’ (i.e. Weobley). Elizabeth Barnes was described as a spinster. [GL, Sun MS vol. 20, ref. 36927]

Conk, John, 4 Bartholomew Close, London, cm and u (1827). [D]

Conkerton, Alexander, 29 Bishop Lane, Hull, Yorks., joiner and cm (1838–39). Also listed in 1838 as a printer and in 1839 as a machine ruler. [D]

Conlan & Nicholson, 2 Hilton St, Manchester, carvers and gilders (1834). [D]

Conley, John, 9 Bridge Pl., Haggeston, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Conn, P., Stockton-on-Tees, Co. Durham, cm (1827–37). In August 1837 advertised for sale ‘a large quantity of WHITE & GREY GOOSE FEATHERS & FEATHER BEDS. Also Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Drawers, Sofas & Loo Tables, Gilt Pier & Dressing Glasses, 8 Days’ & 30 Hours’ Clocks, Hearth Rugs, Yard-wide & Stair Carpets etc’. [D; Durham County Advertiser, 18 August 1837]

Connard, Edward, 21 East St, Brighton, Sussex, ‘Brighton ware manufacturer’ and fancy japanner (1822). [D]

Connell, James, 55 Roper St, Whitehaven, Cumb., joiner and cm (1828). [D]

Connell, William, Virgil St, Liverpool, cm (1823). [D]

Conner, Michael, address unknown, carver and gilder (d. 1819). Died 24 April 1819 at Wigan ‘of a decline’. [Liverpool Mercury, 30 April 1819]

Connibeare, George, Gloucester, u (1784). [D]

Con(n)ibeare, R., Lower North St, Gloucester, u (1802). [D]

Connop, John, London, carver, gilder, looking-glass and picture frame maker and undertaker (1808–25). At 10 St Ann's Lane, Aldersgate St, 1808–20, and his trade card from this period is in the Banks Coll., BM. In 1825 at 6 Lombard St. [D]

Connor, Daniel, Liverpool, cm (1837–39). At 34 Hodson St, in 1837 and 11 Pellew St in 1839. [D]

Connor, James, Smithford St, Coventry, Warks., carver and gilder (1835). [D]

Consilt, John, York, joiner and cm (1772). In 1772 moved from Thursday Mkt to Pavement. [York Courant, 7 July, 22 November 1772]

Constable, Henry, address unknown, u (1754). Subscriber to Chippendale's Director, 1754.

Constable, John, London, upholder (1758–1802). Son of John Constable, freeman harberdasher of London. App. to William Boulter, freeman basket maker 26 October 1750. Free of the Upholders’ Co. under the 1750 Upholders’ Act, 29 December 1758. At Gravil Lane, Houndsditch in 1772 and Bell-alley, Coleman St in 1778. He is first recorded in directories in 1782 at 14 Cullum St and continued at this address until 1788. In 1794 and 1802 recorded at Northampton. Took apps Thomas Brown (1772–87) and Thomas Peirson (1778–94). [D; GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Constable, Thomas, London, u (1761). Said to be formerly of Turnagain Lane, Snow Hill and late of Lombard St. Discharged from Debtors’ Prison, August 1761. [London Gazette, 22 August 1761]

Constance, William, Fakenham, Norfolk, cm and ironmonger (1794). Bankrupt August 1794. [Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 18 August 1794; Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 29 March 1796, 4 April 1796]

Constantine, Benjamin, New Shop, Stansfield Township, Todmorden, Yorks., joiner/cm (1837). [D]

Constantine, William, Salford, Lancs., cm (1817–40). At 22 Booth St in 1817 and 89 Greengate in 1840. [D]

Constantine, William & Co., 3 South Parade, Leeds, Yorks., cm and u (1834–40). The autobiography of Thomas Wilkins records that his brother was employed as foreman carver by Constantine from the mid 1830s at 28s a week. By the early 1840s the firm was employing about a hundred workers including fifteen carvers. On 27 January 1837 they supplied for the Oxford Pl. Methodist Chapel, Leeds a pair of ‘Handsome Ottoman Stools for Altar Table, covered with Brussels Carpets, on Spanish Mahogany Frames’. These with their brown Holland covers were charged at £4. [D; Leeds archives dept, OP/35]

Consterdine, William, 135 Chapel St, Salford, Lancs., cm (1797–1802). [D]

Conty, David, 92 Ratcliff Highway, London, broker and cm (1808). [D]

Conway, C., London, carver and gilder (1820–39). At 41 Kennington Lane in 1820, 20 White Hart Pl., Kennington in 1829 and 12 Commerce Pl., Brixton 1837–39. [D]

Conway, Charles, 16 West St, Seven Dials, London, carver and gilder (1835–39). [D]

Conway, Henry, 24 Waterloo Rd, Lambeth, London, carver and gilder (1832). [D]

Conway, John, see Fletcher & Conway.

Conway, Phillip, Fore St, Wellington, Som., cm and u (1822). [D]

Conyeare, Joseph, address unknown, cm (1754). Subscribed to Chippendale's Director, 1754.

Conyer, George, address unknown, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Cook, —, 17 John St, Gt Portland St, Oxford St, London, carver, gilder, printseller, glass and girandole supplier (1801). Trade card in Banks Coll., BM.

Cook, Absalom, London, carver, gilder and looking-glass manufacturer. (1826–39). In 1826 at 12 Brook St, New Rd, Marylebone where he was carrying on the trade of chairmaker. In 1829 at 20 Marylebone St, as a looking-glass manufacturer. In 1839 the number changed to 54. [D]

Cook, Betsey, 17 Little Common St, Birmingham, u (1835). [D]

Cook, Daniel, Halesworth, Suffolk, cm (1804). [Ipswich Journal, 29 September 1804]

Cook, Edward, Cow Cross, Smithfield, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Cook, Elizabeth, Cannon St, Birmingham, u (1828–30). Trading at no. 28 in 1828 and 29 in 1830. [D]

Cook, Frederick, Heavitree, Exeter, Devon, cm and u (1838). [D]

Cook, G., 7 Wellington Buildings, Bath, Som., chairmaker (1819). [D]

Cook, George, Debenham, Suffolk, chairmaker and cooper (1718). In 1718 took app. named Reeve. [S of G, app. index]

Cook, George, Cirencester, Glos., cm (1827). Birth of child 1827. [PR (bapt.)]

Cook, Gregory, Norwich, u (1724). App. to Robert Osborn and admitted freeman 3 May 1724. In the same year himself took an app. [Freemen reg.; S of G, app. index]

Cook, Harriet, 8 Denmark St, Soho, London, bedstead maker (1823). Took out insurance cover of £150 of which £50 was in respect of utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 498, ref. 1005370]

Cook, Henry, Russell St, Covent Gdn, London, patent furniture maker (1790–93). [D]

Cook, Henry, 8 Denmark St, Soho, London, cm (1826). Successor to Harriet Cook at the same address. [D]

Cook, Henry, Painswick, Glos., chairmaker (1839). [D]

Cook, Isaac, Walket, Glos., u (1757). Took app. named Austin in 1757. [S of G, app. index]

Cook, Isaac, 24 Charlotte St, Blackfriars, London, cm, u, portable desk maker and undertaker (1813–39). [D]

Cook, J., 53 Gt Marylebone St, London, u (1819). [D]

Cook, J., London, looking-glass and picture frame maker (1829–39). At 10 Mitchell St, St Luke's 1829–35. In 1835 moved to 2 Feather Lane, Holborn and in 1839 was at Eyre St Hill. [D]

Cook, James, Camomile St, London, carver (1766–67). Member of the Blacksmiths’ Co. In 1766 licenced to employ three non-freemen for three months and in the following year held a licence to employ two to five freemen. [GL, City Licence bks, vol. 5]

Cook, James, 85 Old Market St, Bristol, looking-glass manufacturer (1805–09). [D]

Cook, James, Clipston St, Fitzroy Sq., London, cm (1828). Bankruptcy of James Cook and Zachariah Banister announced in Chester Chronicle, 1 August 1828.

Cook, Jeremiah, Colchester and London, u and chairmaker (1793–1839). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. In London by 1806 when he was living in Lambeth. In 1828 at 230 Kent Rd, Southwark as a chair and sofa maker and in 1839 at 26 Church Rd, St George's in the East. [D; Colchester poll bks]

Cook, John, Stamford, Lincs., u (1735–d. 1762). Freeman of Stamford by purchase 1735. In 1762 it was announced by Robert Tymperon, cm of Stamford, that he had purchased the stock of Cook, deceased. [Freemen records; Cambridge Chronicle, 24 December 1762]

Cook, John, Mortlake, Surrey, shopkeeper and cm (1785–90). On 1 August 1785 took out insurance cover of £230 on his utensils and stock. In 1790 the figure was £150 out of a total sum insured of £500. [GL, Sun MS vol. 330, p. 387; ref. 570212]

Cook, John, Marsh (or March) Lane, Leeds, Yorks., joiner and cm (1798). [D]

Cook, John, Cirencester, Glos., u (1826–35). Children born 1826, 1828 and 1835. [PR (bapt.)]

Cook, John, Wincolmlee, Hull, Yorks., cm (1834–35). At 26 Wincolmlee in 1834 and no. 30 in 1835. [D]

Cook, John, 48 Kent St, Southwark, London, chair and sofa maker (1839). [D]

Cook, Joseph, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Cook, Joseph, 59 Margaret St, Cavendish Sq., London, u (1813). [D]

Cook, Jos., Northgate, Sleaford, Lincs., joiner, builder and cm (1826). [D]

Cook, Robinson, High St, near the Exchange, Liverpool, u (1746–67). Free 2 May 1746. On 19 September 1747 took out insurance cover of £600 which included stock in trade. In 1754 subscribed to Chippendale's Director. Took an app. John Wood in 1757, and two other of his apps are recorded as petitioning for freedom: William Litherlad in 1761 and William Woods in 1767. [Freemen rolls; GL, Sun MS vol. 81, ref. 109496; S of G, app. index]

Cook, S., Star Corner, Bermondsey, London, bedstead maker (1820). [D]

Cook, Samuel, 19 Martletts Ct, Bow St, Covent Gdn, London, portable desk maker (1809). Took out insurance cover of £150 on his household goods, stock and utensils on 20 March 1809. [GL, Sun MS vol. 448, ref. 828684]

Cook, Samuel, 27 Little Alie St, Goodman's Fields, London, u (1814–29). Until 1827 traded with a number of partners. Between 1814–17 the business is listed as Cook, Jenkins & Howard and in 1816 as Cook & Goring. In 1826 the title was yet again different with Cook & Judson being adopted. In June 1829 Cook was declared bankrupt. [D; London Gazette, 26 June 1829]

Cook, Samuel, Bennett's Ct, Bridewell Lane, Bristol, bedstead maker (1828). [D]

Cook, Samuel, 39 Aldermanbury, London, cm (1835). [D]

Cook, Thomas, Liverpool, chairmaker (1816). Married Miss Margaret Bentley, Vauxhall Rd, at St Nicholas Church 2 September 1816. [Liverpool Mercury, 6 September 1816]

Cook, Thomas, 6 Twisters Alley, Bunhill Row, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Cook, Thomas Aquilas, 90 Hatton Gdn, London, carver and gilder (1839). [D]

Cook, Thomas, Adam & Eve St, Market Harborough, Leics., turner and chairmaker (1840). [D]

Cook, Vincent, Lowesmoor, Worcester, cm and u (1840). [D]

Cook, Walter, Close, Newcastle, joiner and cm (1811–27). [D]

Cook, William, Lancaster, gilder (1785–92). Named in Gillow records in 1785, 1787 and 1792. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow vol. 344/96, p. 829; 344/94, p. 101]

Cook, William, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Cook, William, Chelmsford, Essex, cm (1798). Baptism of son Richard 13 June 1789. [PR (bapt.)]

Cook, William, 28 Berwick St, Soho, London, cm and tea-chest maker (1808–20). [D]

Cook, William, 8 Denmark St, St Giles, London, cm and u (1822). [D]

Cooke, Charles, Nantwich, Cheshire, chairmaker (1756). Baptism of daughter Catherine 31 October 1756. [PR (bapt.)]

Cooke, Charles, Cirencester, Glos., cm (1829–36). Children bapt. 1829, 1831, 1833, 1836. [PR (bapt.)]

Cooke, Edward, Carlisle St, Soho Sq., London, chair and cabinet-maker (1809–28). Listed at 5 Carlisle St except for 1822 when number is given as 6. In 1822 trade listed as chair and sofa maker. [D]

Cooke, George, London, upholder (1739). Son of Thomas Cooke, freeman upholder. Free of the Upholders’ Co. by patrimony on 5 April 1739. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Cooke, George, Lincoln, cm (1806). Free November 1806. [Freemen rolls]

Cooke, George, London, chair and sofa maker (1829–37). At 17 Cleveland St, Fitzroy Sq. in 1829. At this date also bedstead maker, and appears to have been in partnership with Thomas Cooke. By 1835 had moved to 5 Upper Marylebone St. [D]

Cooke, George, Town St, Thaxted, Essex, cm (1832). [D]

Cooke, Henry, High St, King's Lynn, Norfolk, cm and u (1822). [D]

Cooke, Henry, 36 New St, Birmingham, carver and gilder (1835). [D]

Cooke, Isaac, London, upholder (1722–38). Son of Abraham Cooke, freeman blacksmith. App. to George Friend 18 November 1715. Free by servitude 5 December 1722. Took app. John Holmes 1727 (free 1738). [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Cooke, Isaac, Bath, Som., u and cm (1765–1778). Employed by John, 4th Duke of Bedford. Presented account for £30 in June 1765 in respect of work carried out for the Duke at Bath. Between June and August 1765 supplied goods and carried out work amounting to £578 2s 9d. Included in the bill were bedsteads, ash chairs, deal tables, night tables, toilet tables, mattresses, pillows, blankets, two dining tables, twelve French chairs, six French elbow chairs, a walnut bureau, cherry tree chairs and frames, and glasses for two pictures. Another bill dated November 1766 was for cherry tree chairs and deal stools and tables amounting to £86. Between 1766– 70 Cooke continued to carry out work for the Duke, repairing furniture and textiles but on a much reduced scale with only £16 being charged for the whole period. [Bedford Office, London] In 1777–78 he supplied Bath Town Hall with a pattern table, three dozen chairs, two armchairs and set of thirty chairs. [Bath Corp. records]

Cooke, Isaac, Norwich, u (1766). Son of John Cooke, worsted weaver. Admitted freeman 30 November 1766. [Freemen reg.]

Cooke, J., Lancaster, trade unknown (1789). Named in the Gillow records. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow vol. 344/95, p. 510]

Cooke, J., 4 Broad St, Bath, Som., u and auctioneer (1819–26). [D]

Cooke, Jacob, ‘The Three Chairs’, Little Tower Hill, London, u (d. 1748). Death of ‘Mr Cooke, an eminent Upholsterer in the Minories, near Tower-Hill’ reported in General Advertiser, 21 November 1748. His widow, ‘Mrs Mary Cooke at the Three Chairs on Little Tower Hill … Mr Jacob C. being deceased’, advertised in the same paper on 31 January 1749, stating: ‘a good Upholsterer's shop, that has been so for nearly sixty years’ was to be let and stock to be sold. [Heal]

Cooke, John, Chester, cm (1765–89). Free 18 February 1765 after serving as app. under Philip Prestbury of Chester, cm. By 1771 had set up in business in Eastgate St. Took apps named John Formstone and Thomas Latchford (free 1784) and James Gardner (free 1790); also Edward Williams from 1775. The business continued at the Eastgate St address until March 1782 when John Cooke announced that his shop had been disposed of to a person in a different line of trade necessitating the sale of his stock. This was disposed of in a three day sale at ‘The Mitre’ in Eastgate St. The stock to be auctioned without reserve consisted of ‘Mahogany Wardrobes, Desks and Book-cases with Glass & Inlaid Doors; double chests with and without Desk-drawers; Mahogany Bureaus and Chests-of-drawers; neat inlaid commode Side-boards; Cisterns upon frames with brass hoops and handles; Mahogany Dining Tables in sets, with round and square ends; Single ditto; Card Tables, lined and plain; Tea Tables and Kitchen Stands; Ladies’ Toilets; Gardevines of different sizes, with white square bottles; Neat inlaid Caddies and Tea-chests; Mahogany Knife-cases; Fire-Screens of different sorts; Bason-stands; Mahogany and japanned Tea-trays; Gentlemen's shaving-tables; Mahogany Night-tables and Chairs; Large Exercise Chairs, in Mahogany Frames and Springs; Tent, Camp and Settee Bedsteads with check furniture; Large easy Chairs; a large quantity of Mahogany Chairs with strip'd and plain bottoms; ditto Sofas; all kinds of Pier and Dressing Glasses, in oval and square frames; Clocks in Mahogany Cases; and a compleat Electrical Machine’. In October 1782 a further sale was held at Cooke's timber yard at the upper end of Werburgh Lane, where he also appears to have had a ‘ware room’. Apart from mahogany in planks and veneers he had supplies of oak, elm and cherry wood. Other items offered included ‘Bed-posts and Coffin Boards’ and ‘several Benches and Working tops’. A quantity of finished furniture was included in the sale, presumably the residue of the March auctions. Despite these sales Cooke did not retire from the trade but continued to carry on his business from his house in St John's St. He was already back in business in 1782 and continued for a further seven years. He also retained his yard and workshop in Werburgh Lane. In September 1789 the sale of his household furniture and goods ‘consisting of every useful article essential for a large house’ was announced, together with the yard and workshop. [D; poll bks; app. bks; freemen rolls; Chester Chronicle, 8 March 1782, 4 October 1782, 25 September 1789] B.A.

Cooke, John, 20 New St, Birmingham, carver, gilder, lookingglass and picture frame maker (1816–30). Listed also at 36 New St in 1828. [D]

Cooke, Joseph, Nantwich, Cheshire, cm (1806). Daughter Ann bapt. on 23 January 1806. [PR (bapt.)]

Cooke, Joseph, 40 Lower Brook St, London, u (1816). [D]

Cooke, Joseph, 53 Gt Marylebone St, London, u etc. (1820). [D]

Cooke, Joseph, 26 Major St, Manchester, cm (1825). [D]

Cooke, Joseph, 40 Manchester St, London, u (1835). [D]

Cooke, Joseph, 1 New St, Dorset Sq., London, cm (1837–39). [D]

Cooke, Joseph, Cambridge, cm (1839–40). At York St in 1839 but by the next year in King St. [D; poll bks]

Cooke, Joshua, London, cm and u (1762–79). Son of Caleb Cooke of Compton, Dorset. App. to Thomas Cooke, skinner, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. under the 1750 Upholders’ Act on 5 August 1762. His address in 1762 is given as Holborn but in the next two years he was in Shoe Lane. In 1766 at Little Moorgate which may be the same address as 3 Broker's Row, Moorfields which he occupied from 1769–75. In 1773 however an alternative address of 21 Pavement, Moorfields is listed. Moved in 1775 to 22 Cheapside and in 1778 was at 80 Holborn Bridge. Between 1762 and 1769 licenced to employ non-freemen. In 1763 and 1764 he held licences to employ fourteen nonfreemen for six weeks each, but for other periods the number was fewer and from 1766 only two non-freemen were licenced. Took as app. Charles Morgan 1767–74. The business was ultimately unsuccessful and in November 1779 he is recorded as a poor Member’ of the Upholders’ Co. and a pensioner. [D; GL, Upholders’ Co. records; City Licence bks, vols 3–6]

Cooke, Richard, Humberstone Gate, Leicester, cm (1828–29). [D]

Cooke, Robert, Gt Sutton St, Clerkenwell, London, cm (1780). In 1780 took app. named Mary Walker. [Westminster Ref. Lib., MS F 4309]

Cook(e), Robert & Thomas, Haymarket, Leicester, cm and u (1815–22). [D]

Cooke, Robert jnr, High St, Guildford, Surrey, cm and u (1818–26). [D; poll bk]

Cooke, Robert, Humberstone Gate, Leicester, u (1828). [D]

Cooke, Samuel, Manchester, timber dealer and cm (1832). Bankrupt 6 March 1832. [Liverpool Mercury, 9 March 1832]

Cooke, Samuel, Shambles, Worcester, chairmaker (1840). [D]

Cooke, Thomas, Fletching, Sussex, chairmaker (1673). Supplied two rush-bottomed chairs to Giles Moore, Rector of Horstead Keynes, Sussex on 29 March 1673. [R. Bird, ed., The Journal of Giles Moore, 1971, p. 16]

Cooke, Thomas, ‘The Golden Key’, Fleet Ditch, St Andrews, Holborn, London, u (1700–17). Free of the Upholders’ Co. on 1 May 1700. Took apps named John Clarkson 1705–14 and John Heath 1706–17. He took another app. in 1713. Father of George Cooke (free 1739). [GL, Upholders’ Co. records; S of G, app index]

Cooke, Thomas, Bewdley, Worcs., joiner and cm (1742). Took an app. in 1742. [S of G, app index]

Cooke, Thomas, London, cm and u (1746–64). In 1746 at ‘The Crown & Cushion’, Gt Queen St, Lincoln's Inn Fields. From this address he announced his intention of selling up his stock and going into partnership with ‘Mr Nash at the Royal Bed, Holbourn-Bridge’. His stock and household furniture, sold by auction in September 1746, consisted of a ‘Variety of Work in Walnut Tree and Mahogany, viz. Desks and Bookcases, Buroes, Chests of Drawers, a large Sortment of Tables, Chairs, Cloaths Chests, Pier-Glasses, Sconces and Chimney Glasses, Turky Carpets, Feather beds, Blankets etc.’. By 1753 he was trading on his own behalf at the Holborn Bridge address but from 1759–63 the business is listed as Thomas Cooke & Co. and from 1763 as Thomas & Joshua Cooke. The Joshua Cooke was probably a relative. He came from Compton in Dorset and was app. to Thomas Cooke. Thomas Cooke was licenced to employ five non-freemen for five months in 1762. He was one of two cm employed 1752–53 to furnish the new Mansion House. His billhead, used to invoice ‘a neat square mahogany fly table’, £1 12s to a Mrs Hucke, is in the Museum of London collection. In 1764 T. & J. Cooke were declared bankrupt. Thomas Cooke's name continues to appear at the Holborn address in London directories until 1768 but this may be an oversight of the publishers. Joshua Cooke established his own business and traded from various London addresses in the 1760s and 70s. [D; General Advertiser, 5 September 1746; GL, City Licence bks, vol. 3; Conn., December 1952, p. 181; Museum of London, A15191; Gents Mag., May 1764]

Cooke, Thomas, Cheltenham, Glos., cm and u (1818–30). In 1818 advertised that he had warerooms at Portland Passage and declared himself ‘cabinet & upholstery manufacturer to his Highness, Duke of Gloucester’. His trade card [Banks Coll., BM] also makes this claim but lists the address as 2 Colonnade. By the 1820s he was in partnership with John Cooke but the business was declared bankrupt on 21 December 1824. Trading again in 1830 at 1 Bedford Buildings, also as ‘manufacturer of patent elastic stuffing’. [D; Liverpool Mercury, 31 December 1824]

Cooke, Thomas & John, 2 Colonnade, Cheltenham, Glos., cm and u (1822). [D]

Cooke, Thomas, Hereford, carver and gilder (1822–35). At Wye Bridge St in 1822 and in St John St, 1830–35. A receipt exists for £1 8s, dated 23 August 1826 paid by Capt. N. L. Pateshall RN, for ‘framing etc. a carved Picture’. [D; Herefs. RO, F60/33]

Cooke, Thomas, Manor Row, Tower Hill, London, cm (1826– 28). [D]

Cooke, Thomas, 5 Duke St, Brighton, Sussex, chairmaker and turner (1826–27). [D]

Cooke, Thomas, Leicester, cm and u (1828–35). Trading at Eastgate in 1828 and Cank St in 1835. [D]

Cooke, Thomas, Liverpool, chairmaker (1829–35). At 53 Marylebone in 1829 and 1 Musker Ct, Bevington Bush in 1835. [D]

Cooke, Thomas, St Marygate North, Grimsby, Lincs., joiner and cm (1835). [D]

Cooke, William, ‘The Two Trees’, the lower end of Devonshire St, near St George's Chapel, London, u (1712). [Heal]

Cooke, William, London, upholder (1726–33). Son of John Cooke of Warwick, weaver. App. to Purbeck Savage 2 December 1718 and turned over to J. Sanderson, freeman draper, 11 May 1720. Free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 5 October 1726. Probably the William Cooke concerned in a Chancery suit against Thomas Jobber of Aston, Salop, in 1732–33. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records; Furn. Hist., 1979]

Cooke, William, Oxford, cm and u (1802–30). In 1802 listed in the parish of St Peter's in the East. From 1805–30 trading in the High St. In the accounts of Lincoln College are recorded payments of £99 in 1815, £50 on account in 1815–16 and £50 as the final balance on furnishings for the Common Room in 1816–17. [D; poll bk]

Cooke & Co., Albion St, Cheltenham, Glos., cabinet turner (1839). [D]

Cooke & Sutton, 40 Lower Brook St, London, u (1814–15). [D]

Cookes, William, Warwick and Leamington, cm and u (1816– 35). In business at Warwick in 1816 and in 1828 his address is recorded as Low Church St. From 1822–30 at Ranelagh St, Leamington. Trading as Cookes & Sons at 34 Warwick St, Leamington, in 1834. [D]

Cookman, —, Ashen Tree Ct, Whitefriars, London, u (1689–90). In February 1690 it was stated that he had ‘a Colonel's Tent and a Captain's Tent to be sold’. [Heal; London Gazette, 27 February 1690]

Cookman, Giles, Castle St, Salisbury, Wilts., cm and u (1839). [D]

Cookman, Henry, Parkstone, Poole, Dorset, cm and u (1840). [D]

Cooknall, John, London, chairmaker and victualler (1761). Said to be formerly of Tothill Fields, Westminster and late of Mint St, Southwark at the time of his discharge from Debtors’ Prison on 18 April 1761. [London Gazette]

Cooks, James, St Aldgate's St, Gloucester, cm and chairmaker (1820). [D]

Cooks, Thomas, Gloucester, cm (1820). Child bapt. in 1820. [PR (bapt.)]

Cooks & Sons, 34 Warwick St, Leamington, Warks., cm and u (1837). [D]

Cookson, James, Blackpool, Lancs., joiner and cm (1834). [D]

Cookson, John, Liverpool, cm (1827–39). Son of Thomas Cookson, clockmaker. Free 16 October 1827. At 18 Upper Pitt St in 1835 but in 1837 the number is recorded as 26 with additional premises at 23 Lambert St. In 1839 only the Lambert St address is listed. [D]

Cookson, Richard, Lytham, Lancs., joiner and cm (1825). [D]

Cooling, William, Holywell, Oxford, upholder (1802). [Poll bk]

Coolridge, William, Windsor St, Chertsey, Surrey, cm and paperhanger (1839). [D]

Coombe, J., Butcher Row, Exeter, Devon, cm (1791). [D]

Coombes, J. J., 49 Holywell St, Strand, London, carver and gilder (1839). [D]

Coombes, Stephen, James St, Southampton, Hants., cm (1839). [D]

Coombes, William, Load St, Bewdley, Worcs., cm (1822). [D]

Coomes & Son, 15 Charlotte St, Fitzroy Sq., London, u, appraiser and undertaker (1811–27). [D]

Cooper, —, Chatsworth, Derbs., u (1699–1704). The Chatsworth accounts show an u named Cooper working on an extensive scale from 1699–1704. The accounts mention an annual wage of £30 in 1704 suggesting that Cooper was probably resident during this period and concentrating all his efforts on the Chatsworth commissions. The earliest entries are for 28 September 1699 when Cooper was paid £35 for a ‘skreen’ and £43 14s for ‘2 bills for the new bed’. In 1701 several payments were made for making and altering furniture and he is recorded working in conjunction with other craftsmen. Payment was made in July 1702 to ‘Mr Buxton for Silk thread, galloone etc. for Mr Cooper upholsterer’ and Cooper's expenses for travelling to London were met. Matthew and Robert Carver were paid for 59 days at 9d per day for assisting ‘Mr Cooper to make up furniture’. The next year Cooper travelled to Manchester at the Duke of Devonshire's expense ‘to buy Manchester goods’ which included 300 yards of baize for covering for chairs costing £15 5s 9d. In 1704 he was varnishing and gilding chair frames, cleaning and mending locks and supplying blue and red silk lace ‘to finish Chapel closet’. [Chatsworth papers, account bks]

Cooper, —, address unknown, cm (1754). Subscribed to Chippendale's Director, 1754. The identification with Joseph Cooper at ‘The Crown & Bowl’, Snow Hill, London, would seem unlikely as he was a turner and not involved with cabinet or upholstery work.

Cooper, —, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. Might be either Benjamin Cooper of Warner St, Cold Bath St or John Cooper of 3 St Michael's Alley.

Cooper, Mrs, Plymouth, Devon, cm (1798). [D]

Cooper, Benjamin, London, cm etc. (1789–93). In 1789 at 6 Little Warner St, Cold Bath St where he was described as a cm and fret cutter. Between 1792 and 93 he was at 101 Goswell St but is also shown in 1793 at 1 Warner St, Cold Bath St. [D]

Cooper, C., Lancaster, trade not recorded (1827). [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow vol. 344/102, p. 3618]

Cooper, Daniel snr, London, upholder (1706–23). Father of Daniel Cooper jnr, who served under him as an upholder, 1716–23. In 1714 took out insurance cover of £300 on his newly built dwelling house situated on the west side of Littlewood St in the parish of St Alban, Wood St. In July 1721 however he was insuring for a similar sum a house on the south side of Cornhill. He was paid £16 10s in 1706 for repairs at St Michael's, Queenhithe, London. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records; Hand in Hand MS vol. 13, p. 215; vol. 24, p. 56; Wren Soc., Vol. xix, p. 43]

Cooper, Daniel jnr, London, upholder (1723). Son of Daniel Cooper snr, freeman and member of the Upholders’ Co. App. to his father 25 March 1716 and free by servitude 2 October 1723. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Cooper, Edward, London, clock case maker (1776–90). In 1776 at Sun Ct, Cloth Fair and in this year insured his utensils and stock for £50 out of an entire insurance cover of £300. Between 1779 and 1790 at Gt Sutton St, Clerkenwell. Here in 1779 he took out insurance cover of £500 of which £150 was in respect of utensils and stock and £50 for his workshop. [GL, Sun MS vol. 279, p. 311]

Cooper, Edward, Lancaster, cm (1799–1836). Free 1799–1800. Named in Gillow records between 1812–36. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow]

Cooper, Edward jnr, Lancaster, trade not known (1835). Named in Gillow records. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow vol. 344/103, p. 5009]

Cooper, Francis, Wolverhampton, Staffs., joiner and cm (1833–38). Listed at Lichfield St in 1833. [D]

Cooper, Francis, Woodridge Rd, Ipswich, Suffolk, cm and u (1839). [D]

Cooper, George, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warks. (1759). Mulberry wood tea caddy commemorating Shakespeare, signed and dated sold by Christie's, NY, 31 January 1981, lot 74.

Cooper, George, London, carver and gilder, glass grinder and looking-glass manufacturer (1784–1839). At 8 Lombard St in 1784 but by 1785 the number had changed to 82. In 1809 moved to 12 George Ct, Piccadilly and subsequently shown at 42 Piccadilly 1811–14, 43 Piccadilly 1815–20 and 36 Piccadilly 1821–39. In 1811 referred to as Cooper & Co. and it is likely because of the long duration of the business that more than one George Cooper was involved. The firm's trade label is known [Symonds papers, Winterthur, Delaware] from the 82 Lombard St address. This states, ‘Looking glasses and all sorts of frames with carving and gilding by George Cooper, real manufacturer … Coach and sash glasses on the shortest notice, old looking glasses new silvered, or the full value given for them’. A pair of shield-shaped gilt mirrors, one labelled, was included in the Parke-Bernet sale 13 May 1954, lot 481. During the 1830s the firm was involved with work at Windsor Castle. This commenced in 1831 when re-japanning, graining and varnishing several items of furniture was charged at £9 19s 9d. In September 1832 the gilding of a large chimney glass and the painting and varnishing of old bedsteads ends and further furniture renovation is listed. In December 1837 a payment of £30 10s is recorded for two composition and gold screens to display pieces of needlework. A further payment was made on 30 June 1839 for staining and varnishing oak furniture, preparing, painting and varnishing chiffoniers, bookcases, a press and bedsteads. Cooper also supplied goods and carried out work at Panshanger, Herts., 1835–36. Amongst the items supplied was a ‘richly ornamented gilt chimney glass frame’ costing £30. He was also paid £7 10s 6d by the 3rd Lord Braybrooke of Audley End, Essex in December 1833. [D; Wills, Looking-Glasses; PRO, LC11/77, 11/98; RA, box 1/2; Herts. RO, Panshanger papers, box 56; Essex RO, D/DBy/A358, A363]

Cooper, George, Blackfriargate, Hull, Yorks., cm (1790–91). [D]

Cooper, George, 32 Brick Lane, Old St, London, cm (1820–29). In 1820 listed as a caddy maker. [D]

Cooper, George, Carlisle St, St Anne, Soho, London, u (1834). [Marylebone Lib., deed 15/45]

Cooper, H. W., address unknown, (c. 1785). A Hepplewhitestyle oval backed mahogany armchair at Temple Newsam House, Leeds, has this name impressed on the seat rail. [Gilbert, Leeds Furn. Cat., vol. 1, pp. 93–95; V & A archives]

Cooper, Henry, London and Canterbury, Kent, u (1818–30). In London in June 1818, but in the parish of St Martin, Canterbury, June 1830. Freeman of Canterbury. [Canterbury poll bks]

Cooper, Henry, East St, Horsham, Sussex, chairmaker and turner (1832–39). [D]

Cooper, Henry, Parliament St, Nottingham, carver and gilder (1835). [D]

Cooper, Henry, 14 Grindlegate, Sheffield, Yorks., cm and broker. (1837). [D]

Cooper, Henry L., 93 Bishopsgate St Within, London, cm, u, carver and gilder, estate agent and undertaker (1828–30). An ambitious maker whose advertisements in the local press matched his claim to wait upon families ‘in any part of the United Kingdom’. His advertisements have been recorded in London, Brighton, Chester, Southampton and Liverpool newspapers. His stock and skills appear to have embraced every field of house furnishing and other fields as well. His upholstery department featured ‘the improved Elastic Steel Stuffing for Carriage Cushions, Chairs, Sofas, Mattresses &c. in addition to a handsome assortment of Bedstead Furniture, Window Cornices, Curtains &c.’. Cabinet goods were produced of ‘the first quality and Materials’ and ‘Solid Furniture’ supplied ‘for Foreign Climates’. Cabins of ships were fitted up ‘with Elegance and Despatch’. Carpets, looking-glasses, carving and gilding, paper hanging and painting all came within Henry Cooper's sphere. Services offered included funerals, a house agency, sales and appraisements, the collection of rents and the warehousing of furniture. He claimed the patronage of ‘some of the first Families in the Kingdom’ and stated that ‘for style and price’ his stock ‘challenges competition with any respectable establishment’. The short duration of the business might however suggest that it was not the great success that its proprietor assumed. [D; Brighton Herald, 23 February, 19 August, 3 May, 28 June, 12 July 1828; Liverpool Mercury, 17 October 1828; Chester Chronicle, 9 May 1829; Southampton Advertiser, October 1829; Court Guide to London, 1830]

Cooper, J., Sevenoaks, Kent, chairmaker (1803). [D]

Cooper, J., Chester, upholder (1819). [Poll bk]

Cooper, J., 1 Lucklom Buildings, Bath, Som., chair and couch maker (1826). [D]

Cooper, J., 23 Little Russell St, Bloomsbury, London, carver (1829). [D]

Cooper, James, London, upholder (1710). Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co., 1 March 1709/10. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Cooper, James, Shrewsbury, Salop, cm and u (1786–1835). At Wyle Cop from 1786 to 1814. In 1835–36 at Princes St. The long span of trading might suggest that there was more than one James Cooper. [D; freemen rolls]

Cooper, James, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (b. c. 1796–1841). Two sons and three daughters bapt. 1825–34. Aged 45 at the time of the 1841 Census. [PR (bapt.)]

Cooper, James, Market Pl., Hitchin, Herts., carver and gilder (1839). [D]

Cooper, James Winter, 30 West St, Hull, Yorks., cm (1838–40). Listed also at no. 82 in 1840. [D]

Cooper, John, Bedford St, London, picture frame maker (1723). A receipt exists for the supply of sixteen peartree frames with gold edges which were charged at 7d a foot for the 112 ft of framing used. Possibly for Montrose. [Scottish RO, GD 129/ Box 10/35/25]

Cooper, John, London, upholder and cm (1768–1798). Son of Cooper of St Clement, East Cheap, freeman joiner. App. to Charles Greenwood on 1 December 1768 and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 6 December 1775. In 1776 he is recorded at 20 Gt East Cheap and in 1778 at Rood Lane. The following year his address was Clements Lane. He first appeared in London directories in 1784 at 3 St Michael's Alley, Cornhill and traded at this address until his bankruptcy in April 1798. In 1802 he was shown living at 38 Cornhill. Insurance records show a business of moderate size with £500 cover (£250 stock and utensils) in 1777 and £700 (£400 stock and utensils) in 1780. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 255, p. 75; vol. 285, p. 130; Upholders’ Co. records]

Cooper, John, Boston, Lincs., cm and u (1786–87). In December 1786 he announced that he had just opened his business after a period in the trade in London. He claimed to have ‘a large quantity and great variety of mahogany, satin, purple, king and tulip woods: all kind of stain'd woods, stringing and shells’. He also advertised for ‘Three or Four Hands’ and an app. In July 1787 he once more advertised for staff stating that he required immediately ‘Six Journeyman CABINET MAKERS and CHAIR CARVERS’ who were offered permanent employment at London rates. He also needed an app. and a turner ‘who is handy at making Chairs and Wheels, and everything in that Branch’. Next month he advertised that he required immediately ‘Eight Journeymen Cabinet-makers’ and ‘A Pair of SAWYERS, that is used to Sawing Mahogany Veneers &c.’. [Lincoln, Rutland and Stamford Mercury, 22 December 1786, 20 July, 17 August 1787]

Cooper, John, parish of St Mary, Bungay, Suffolk, cm (1787). Married in 1787. [Suffolk RO, FAA: 50/2/107]

Cooper, John, Maidenhead, Berks., carpenter and cm (1791). On 21 February 1791 took out insurance cover for £800. [GL, Sun MS vol. 374, ref. 580403]

Cooper, John, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (1798). [Militia Census]

Cooper, John, Lancaster, cm (1813–18). Named in Gillow records 1813 and 1815. Free 1817–18. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow; freemen rolls]

Cooper, John, Brook(e) St, Derby, cm and u (1818–22). [D]

Cooper, John, 11 Cross St, Newington, London, bedstead maker (1820–26). [D]

Cooper, John, Stoney St, Nottingham, cm and u (1822). [D]

Cooper, John & Son, Bell St, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon., cm and u (1823–30). [D]

Cooper, John, Nottingham, carver and gilder (1828–32). Listed at Parliament St in 1828 and 19 Broad St in 1832. [D]

Cooper, John, 3 London Rd, Southwark, London, u (1835). [D]

Cooper, Joseph, Cornhill, London, u (1728–31). Received £6 in March 1729, £95 in November 1729 and £23 12s in July 1730 for ‘upholsterer's work’ at East India House, London. [Heal; Apollo, November 1965, p. 405]

Cooper, Joseph, ‘The Crown & Bowl’, facing St Sepulchre's Church, Snow Hill, London, wood and ivory turner (c. 1760). Trade Card in Heal Coll., BM. Included amongst his wares were ‘Powder Boxes, Tea Boards, Dressing Boxes & Tea Chests of the most Curious English & Foreign Woods’. [Heal]

Cooper, Joseph, London, carver, gilder, looking-glass maker, cm and u (1761–1828). From 1761 to 1797 at 20 Noble St, Foster Lane. In 1761 he was licenced to employ three nonfreemen for three months and took out further licences to employ two non-freemen in 1762–63 and 1767. First mentioned in directories in 1763. In 1777 shown to have additional premises at 9 Fitchet Ct. Up to 1795 appears to have been solely a carver and gilder and as such concerned with the manufacture of looking-glasses. In 1795 for the first time cabinet wares are mentioned. In 1802 moved to 107 Bishopgate Within and after 1820 the number changed to 93. It was in this period that the trading style of the business changed. From 1814 the business was called Cooper & Co. and certainly by 1817 he had a partner called Elliott, hence the use of the name Cooper, Elliott & Co. The partnership may not have lasted long for by 1822 the business was trading as Joseph Cooper & Son. A trade card from the 93 Bishopsgate address is in the Towneley papers. Their stock included a ‘Variety of Solid Portable Furniture, Improved Light Beds for the East & West Indies, An elegant assortment of Brussels and Turkey Carpeting, Floor Cloth etc.’. They also advertised themselves as Appraisers, Undertakers and Paper-hangers. The trade card shows an engraving of their business premises consisting of a double fronted shop with central doorway and above three stories. [D; GL, City Licence bks, vols 2, 3 and 5; Preston RO, Towneley papers, box 10]

Cooper, Joseph, Birmingham, cm (1761–93). At 26 High St, 1764–80 and in Summer Lane, 1770 and 1793. In 1761 took app. named Lemon. [D; S of G, app. index]

Cooper, Joseph, 37 Bishopsgate Within, London, u and cm (1786–96). Free of the Upholders’ Co. under the 1750 Upholders’ Act, 22 November 1786. Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. [D; GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Cooper, Joseph, Derby, cm, joiner and u (1783–95). In 1783 in the parish of St Peter where he took out insurance cover for £200 of which £100 was in respect of utensils and stock. In April 1795 announced that he had moved from this address and was now at St Mary's Gate in the parish of All Saints. He was also adding upholstery to the work that he undertook and in this connection had ‘engaged a person from London, duly qualified to execute that business in all its branches’. In 1793 he is recorded as a subscriber to Sheraton's Drawing Book. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 313, p. 170; Derby Mercury, 16 April 1795]

Cooper, Osborn, Guanock Terr., King's Lynn, Norfolk, cm (1836). [D]

Cooper, Philip, Chester, carver (1704). Son of Richard Cooper of Chester, gardener. App. to Thomas Davies, carver, and free 6 May 1704. [Freemen rolls]

Cooper, Richard, Trippet, Hull, Yorks., joiner, cm and victualler (1826). As a victualler maintained the ‘Wellington’, Witham. [D]

Cooper, Richard, William St, Stockton-on-Tees, Co. Durham, cm (1832). [D]

Cooper, Robert, Lancaster, cm (1779–84). App. to J. Wakefield in 1768 and free 1779–80. [Lancaster app. reg.; freemen reg.; poll bk]

Cooper, S., 9 Knightsbridge, London, carver, gilder and looking-glass maker to His Majesty. Early 19th-century trade card in Banks Coll., BM.

Cooper, Samuel, Cox and Stoole Row, Nottingham, haberdasher and cm (1732). On 24 November took out insurance cover of £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 37, ref. 59431]

Cooper, Samuel, Lancaster, trade not known (1787–1822). Named in Gillow records 1787–1811 and 1816–22. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow]

Cooper, Samuel, 55 Lothbury, London, carver, gilder and looking-glass maker (1819–20). [D]

Cooper, Samuel, Ringwood, Hants., cm (1839). [D]

Cooper, Stephen, 10 Grindlegate, Sheffield, Yorks., cm and furniture broker (1833). [D]

Cooper, T., Arundel, Sussex, cm and auctioneer (1839). [D]

Cooper, Thomas, London, upholder (1733–41). Son of John Cooper of Holmes Chapel, Chester, ‘finer of iron’. App. to William Spurreet on 18 October 1733 and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 4 March 1741. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Cooper, Thomas, address unknown, u (1750–d. by 1754). On 15 July 1754 the Countess of Oxford paid £260 9s to the executors of Thomas Cooper, deceased, for wages and upholsterer's work. Payments in 1750 of £48 6s 1½d and £14 8s 6d by the same patroness are recorded. [Notts. RO, DD 5P, 14/1–2]

Cooper, Thomas, Chandos St, Westminster, London, cm (1774). [Poll bk]

Cooper, Thomas, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (1798–1817). Recorded in the Militia Census, 1798. Daughter bapt. in 1817. [PR (bapt.)]

Cooper, Thomas, Gildengate, Norwich, cm and house broker (1805). [D]

Cooper, Thomas, King's Lynn, Norfolk, u (1810). App. to James Oldmeadow, u, and free 1810–11. [Freemen reg.]

Cooper, Thomas, 25 Russell St, Bloomsbury, London, carver (1820). [D]

Cooper, Thomas, Broad St, Reading, Berks., cm (1820). [Poll bk]

Cooper, Thomas, Helmsley Gate, Yorks., joiner and cm (1823). [D]

Cooper, Thomas, High St, Halstead, Essex, cm (1823–39). [D]

Cooper, Thomas, Lancaster, carver (1824–25). [Freemen reg.]

Cooper, Thomas, 4 Haddon Pl., Gt Waterloo St, London, bed and mattress maker (1827). [D]

Cooper, Thomas, address unknown, japanner (1831–32). Employed at Windsor 1831–32. In June 1831 received payment for re-japanning old chests of drawers, wash hand stands, sundry old chairs and painting and graining shelves for which £10 18s 6d was paid. For similar work £21 17s 6d was paid on 30 September 1831. On 31 December 1832 he received 3s 6d for painting and varnishing a flower stand. Also employed at Hampton Court varnishing and cleaning walnut stools, chairs, fire screens etc. for which £2 3s was paid. [Windsor Royal Archives]

Cooper, Thomas, Newport, Salop, cm (1835). [PR (bapt.)]

Cooper, Thomas, London Rd, near the Blind School, London, bed and mattress maker (1837). [D]

Cooper, William, Lancaster (1801–35). Named in Gillow records 1801, 1806–07, 1810, 1812–29 and 1831–35. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow]

Cooper, William, Dyer St, Blackfriars Rd, London, cm (1808). [D]

Cooper, William, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (b. c. 1791–1841). Three daughters and two sons bapt. 1814–23. Aged 50 at the time of the 1841 Census. [PR (bapt.)]

Cooper, William, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffs., cm (1823–32). [Poll bks]

Cooper, William, 6 Gt Shaw St, Preston, Lancs., cm (1825). [D]

Cooper, William, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon., u (1834). [Oxford RO, Mercer III/iii/10–11]

Cooper & Son, Wyle Cop, Shrewsbury, Salop, cm etc. (1822). [D]

Coopland, Richard, Liverpool, cm (1759). In 1759 took app. named Breckett. [S of G, app. index]

Cooqus, John, address unknown, u (c. 1670–80). Worked for the court. Maker of Nell Gwyn's bed, the largest piece of silver furniture made in England. [Conn., November 1934]

Coote, Benjamin, 104 Tottenham Ct Rd, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Coote, John, Cheping (or Chipping) Hill, Witham, Essex, cm and u (1832–39). [D]

Coote, R., Petworth, Sussex, turner and chairmaker (1729). An inventory of his shop stock included sixteen chairs valued at 15s 4d. [Sussex Arch. Collections, 1960, p. 102]

Coote, William, parish of St Giles, Cambridge, clockcase maker (d. 1831). [Cambridge Univ. Lib., WR 19:410]

Cootes, I. C., 104 Tottenham Ct Rd, London, u and house agent (1837). [D]

Cope, Edward, Market St, Lane End, Staffs., cm (1822). [D]

Cope, Francis, 3 Cope St, Oxford Mkt, London, u and undertaker (1817). [D]

Cope, Henry, Crown St, St Ives, Hunts., u (1839–40). [D]

Cope, James, Milton St, Nottingham, cm (1832–40). [D]

Cope, Joseph, Husband St, Westminster, London, cm (1784). [Poll bk]

Cope, Richard & Gray, Alexander, 10 King St, Bloomsbury, London, upholders and cm (1782–1811). In 1782 took out insurance cover for £300 of which £200 was in respect of utensils, stock and goods in trust. Four years later the figures were £700 and £500 respectively. Listed by Sheraton amongst the master cabinet makers in his Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 298, p. 389; vol. 338, p. 470]

Cope, Thomas, 3 Norris St, Liverpool, cm (1834). [D]

Cope, William, London, upholder (1712–25). Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co., 13 February 1711/12. Took app. also named William Cope, on 2 February 1725. Master of the Upholders’ Co. 1750. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records; S of G, app. index]

Cope, William, London, upholder (1735–86). Son of Henry Cope of Langer, Notts., grazier. App. to William Cope 2 February 1725 and free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude 4 February 1735. Took as apps Thomas Scott, 1746–54; Samuel Garton 1756–69; James Porter, 1761–86; and Thomas Williams in 1761. Master of the Upholders’ Co. 1770. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Cope, William, Market St, Lane End, Staffs., cm (1822). [D]

Copeland, Charles, York, carver and gilder (1756–84). Son of Charles Copeland, paver. App. to Charles Mitley, carver and gilder, 26 March 1749. Shown at Beddern in 1758, Newby in 1774 and Monk Bar in 1784. [York app. reg.; poll bks]

Copeland, James, Upgate, Louth, Lincs., cm, joiner and builder (1826–28). [D]

Copeland, Joseph, Whitehaven, Cumb., (1798). [D]

Copeland, Richard snr, Liverpool, cm (1741–54). In 1741 took app. named Southworth and in 1754 another named Marsh. [S of G, app. index]

Copeland, Richard jnr, Liverpool, joiner and cm (1761–d. 1779). Free on 9 February 1761. Took apps Thomas Battersby (free 1768) and Samuel Holland (free 1768), both from London. Died 1779 and his stock was sold by auction on 29 September at ‘BANNER'S GREAT ROOM, the Fleece in Dale-Street’. A total of 108 lots were put up for sale, many of which were sets of chairs both walnut and mahogany. Some case furniture was included comprising dressing chests, desks and night tables etc. Many small cabinet wares were also on offer with a range of ‘beautiful MACHEE Square and Oval TRAYS, WAITERS, TEA CADIES, &c.’. [Freemen reg. and committee bk; Liverpool RO, Gregson papers, 920 GRE 3/1 13]

Copeland, Robert, Liverpool, cm (1766–d. 1796). Initially traded from an address in High St but by 1772 had moved to 36 Lord St. The number in Lord St from 1781 was 32. He was probably associated for part of the period that he was trading with a Richard Copeland. In 1772–73 he is shown living also at 36 Lord St and trading as a house painter. A directory of 1781 lists the business as Richard & Robert Copeland and another in 1783 as Robert Copeland & Co. Robert Copeland took as apps Thomas Brown (free 1780) and William Hughes (free 1786). In January 1780 advertised that he was receiving details of outstanding debts of the late Richard Copeland to whom he must have been closely related. A month later he advertised for letting a house at 37 Lord St together with ‘a large timber yard, saw-pit, & work shops at the back thereof, convenient for a Joiner or Cabinet-maker, now occupied by R. Copeland. Likewise the HOUSE, No. 36, next adjoining the above mentioned House’. The reason for letting is not clear, for although in the next year he is found at 31 and 32 Lord St, this may be a re-numbering rather than an actual move. The business continued to trade until 1791 when Robert Copeland announced that he was ‘declining business’. An auction sale was arranged for 5 and 6 May 1791 at the Great Room at the Hotel, Lord St, where there was on sale ‘A LARGE and CAPITAL ASSORTMENT OF Inlaid and Plain MAHOGANY FURNITURE’. A few pier and other glasses were included. On 23 May an auction sale of his timber stock and equipment was held at his yard in Lord St. Amongst the items offered were ‘MAHOGANY in planks & boards; a great variety of valuable Veneers; Oak & Deal Boards of different thicknesses; Maple Plank & Boards, Bed-stuff of Different sorts; Some Cardivines & Chests for the Guinea trade, Windsor Chairs ready to put together; Some new & old six & four panelled Doors, some old sash frames & sashes with glass; framed saws etc. belonging to the saw pit; Work Benches, Iron Cramps, Screws etc’. Died December 1796. [D; freemen's committee bks; Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 28 January 1780, 18 February 1780, 2 May 1791, 16 May 1791; Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 19 December 1796; Liverpool RO, Gregson papers, 920 GRE 3/1, 14] B.A.

Copeland, Thomas, Burslem (or The Potteries), Staffs., cm and chairmaker (1818–28). Listed at Market Pl., 1818–22, and Queen St in 1828. [D]

Copeland, William, Darwen's Wient, Liverpool, cm (1767–69). [D]

Copeland, William, Queen St, Burslem, Staffs., chairmaker (1834–35). [D]

Copini, Gatini, London, carver, gilder and looking-glass and barometer maker (1829–40). At 217 High St, Shoreditch, 1829–39 but in 1839 took additional premises at 280 High Holborn. [D; Goodison, Barometers]

Copland, Henry, Gutter Lane, Cheapside, London, engraver and designer (1720–d. 1753). Trained as a silver engraver. App. to goldsmiths in 1720 and 1724. His engraved work popularised the Rococo style. In 1746 he published in conjunction with Bucksher A New Book Of Ornaments. Much better known is his liason with Matthias Lock, the carver and designer. In 1752 they co-operated in the publication of an important design book under the same title as that used for the 1746 book. The only subsequent publication known of interest to furniture historians is the inclusion in Robert Manwaring's The Chair-Maker's Guide, 1776, of designs by Copland for hall chairs (pls 58A–59C). [Furn. Hist., 1979; V & A, Rococo Exhib., 1984, D29, p. 323, fn.20]

Coplep, John, Burton-upon-Trent, Staffs., u (1839). Declared bankrupt, Liverpool Mercury, 13 February 1829.

Copley, Charles, 33 Hatton Wall, London, cm and u (1827). [D]

Copley, John, Burton-upon-Trent, Staffs., u and cm (1828–29). Trading at High St in 1828. Declared bankrupt, Chester Chronicle, 13 February 1829.

Copley, Samuel, Leicester, cm (1782–90). App. to John Shipley in 1782, and admitted freeman, 1790. [Freemen reg.]

Copley, William, 20 Storey St, Southwark, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Coppard, Lawrence, Brighton, Sussex, carver, gilder and looking-glass maker (1832–40). At 143 North St, 1832–39, then at 160. Daughter, Fanny, bapt. on 23 October 1833, and son Charles Lawrence on 18 May 1836. [D; PR (bapt.)]

Coppell, James, 19 Ben Jonson St, Liverpool, chairmaker (1821). [D]

Coppell, John, 44 Addison St, Liverpool, chairmaker (1816). [D]

Coppell, Richard, Liverpool, cm (1780–c. 1820). App. to John Eden and free 13 September 1780. [Freemen reg.]

Copple, Richard, Penketh, Warrington, Lancs., cm (1825). [D]

Corben, John, 8 Little James St, Bedford Row, London, chair and sofa maker (1826–27). [D]

Corben, Thomas, Broad St, Brighton, Sussex, cm (1837). [Poll bk]

Corbett, Alexander, High St, Southwark, London, cm (1784). [Bristol poll bk]

Corbett, Edward, Cooken St, Worcester, cm (1818–35). Free 1818. [Freemen rolls]

Corbett, George, London, upholder (1742). Son of George Corbett of the parish of St Martin-in-the-Fields, London, Gent. App. to Thomas Dobyns on 5 February 1734 and free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 2 June 1742. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Corbett, John, Chetwynd End, Newport, Salop, cm and u (1828). May also have kept the Bridge Tavern, Newport. [D]

Corbett, Thomas, 198 St John St, Clerkenwell, London, cm (1803). [D]

Corbett, Thomas, Bye St, Hereford, u (1830). Admitted freeman 1 February 1830. Married Ann, widow of James Woakes of Hereford, u and freeman. [D; freemen reg.]

Corbett, William, London, upholder (1771). Son of Matthias Corbett of Hampton, Middlx, baker. App. first to John Francklin and then to Thomas Silk, upholder and freeman. Free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 5 June 1771. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Corbett, William, West St, Oundle, Northants., cm and joiner (1823). [D]

Corbet(t), William, 8 Garratt Rd, Manchester, cm (1836–38). [D]

Corbin, John, Brighton, Sussex, cm (1827–39). At Cavendish Sq., in 1827, Meeting House Lane in 1831 and 21 Russell Sq., in 1839. By November 1839 had moved again to Union Pl. Son Henry bapt. on 26 August 1827 and Charles, 13 November 1831. [D; PR (bapt.)]

Corbitt, John, Bilston, Staffs., joiner and cm (1793). [D]

Corcorine, Philip, 43 Lumber St, Liverpool, joiner and cm (1834). [D]

Cordell, Thomas, Stamford, Lincs., u (late 17th century). Freeman of Stamford by servitude. [Freemen reg.]

Cordelle, Thomas, 111 Houndsditch, London, broker and cm (1785). Took out insurance cover of £130 on his utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 330, p. 401]

Corden, John, Duck Lane, Edward St, Westminster, London, bed-joiner (1791). Took app. named Sarah Banham. [Westminster Ref. Lib., MS F4309, p. 72]

Cording, J. & W., 231–32, Strand, London, writing desk makers and jewellers (1801–03). [D]

Cordingley, David, Skircoat, near Halifax, Yorks., joiner and cm (1822). [D]

Cordon, J., Parliament St, Nottingham, joiner and chairmaker (1814). [D]

Cordy, William, London, carver and gilder (1790–93). In 1790 moved from 24 Cannon St to Bride Lane, Bridge St, Blackfriars and in that year declared bankrupt. In January 1791 he was living in Cornhill but by 1792 had re-commenced business at 3 Essex St, Strand. [D; Heal; Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 3 January 1791]

Corfield, B., 10 Mount St, Grosvenor Sq., London, cm (1825). [D]

Corfield, John, 10 Mount St, Grosvenor Sq., London, writing desk and dressing case maker (1829–35). A Regency rosewood artist's table with an envelope top enclosing a leather tray, lidded boxes, a palette and drawing instruments, on a fluted stem and four cornered base (15/?/ sq.) was included in auction by Christie's, 1 November 1976, lot 66. This table had Corfield's trade label affixed. [D]

Corfield, Mary, 10 Mount St, Berkeley Sq., London, dressing case maker (1837). Successor to John Corfield. [D]

Cork, John, 17 Stephen St, Tottenham Ct Rd, London, chairmaker (1808–20). [D]

Cork, Joseph, Ling Yd, Magdalen St, Norwich, cm (1826). [D]

Cork, William, Warwick St, Golden Sq., London, cm (1803). Included by Sheraton in the list of master cabinet makers in his Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Cork & Goring, Gt Alice St, Goodman's Fields, London, cm and u (1818). Bankrupt 1818 and their stock sold by auction October 1818. This consisted of ‘rose wood sofa card and loo tables, mahogany chests of drawers, dressing stands, bed steps, ship sideboard, sets of dining, card and Pembroke tables, mahogany and japanned chairs of various descriptions, fire screens, numerous 4-post tent and other bedsteads, with mahogany pillars, cornices &c., feather beds, matresses and blankets, Brussels and Kidderminster carpets, mahogany in boards and veneers, a large assortment of brass work, ten work benches, unfinished cabinet work and other effects’. [Times, 10 October 1818]

Corke, William, Tonbridge, Kent, chairmaker (1832). [D]

Corkham, Joshua, Canterbury, Kent, u (1700). [Freemen reg.]

Corkhill, Thomas, 5 Brunswick St, Liverpool, joiner and cm (1835–37). [D]

Corkwell, William, Nantwich, Cheshire, cm (1837). Daughter Mary bapt. 3 July 1837. [PR (bapt.)]

Corlass, John, 5 Low St, Keighley, Yorks., joiner/cm (1837). [D]

Corless, James, Crosshall St, Liverpool, cm (1806–39). Free on 31 October 1806. At 20 Crosshall St in 1829, 19 in 1835 and 35 in 1839. [D; freemen reg.]

Corless, John, Copperas Hill, Liverpool, u and cm (1816–d. 1819). At 25 Copperas Hill in 1816 but at 24 in 1818. Died in 1819 but business insolvent at time of death. [D; Liverpool Mercury, 14 January 1820]

Corless, Joseph, 22 Trueman St, Liverpool, cm (b. 1791–c. 1830). Son of Roger Corless, cm, and born on 15 September 1791. Free, 5 October 1812. Lived at the same address as Samuel Corless, clockmaker. [Freemen reg.]

Corless, Roger, Dale St, Liverpool, cm (1784–d. c. 1818). App. to Roger Reid and free by servitude, 1 April 1784. Father of Roger Corless, born 15 September 1791 and free as cm in 1812; and Samuel Corless, born 3 January 1802 and free as clockmaker, 1823. At 115 Dale St in 1804 but in the next year at 125. At 122 Dale St in 1800, 115 in 1804, 125 in 1805, 132 in 1807, 3 Wykes Ct, Dale St in 1810 and 5 Wykes Ct in 1811. Died c. 1818. [D; freemen's committee bks]

Corlett, Edward, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Corlett, Edward, 4 Macquire St, Liverpool, cm (1818–d. 1819). Died on 6 January 1819 ‘after a long and painful illness’. [D; Liverpool Mercury, 22 January 1819]

Corlett, Edward, 2 Newington Bridge, Liverpool, cm (1823–24). In 1823 also a tea dealer and in 1824 also a small ware dealer. [D]

Corlett & Owen, 1 Hood St, Lord St, Liverpool, cm (1805–11). [D]

Corley, Roger, Liverpool, cm (1790–96). In 1790 at 61 Highfield St, Liverpool but in 1796 shown at both 26 Fairhurst St, Cheapside as a cm and victualler and 48 Dale St as a cm and broker. [D]

Cormel, —, address unknown, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Corner, Mat., Chester-le-Street, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1793). [D]

Corner, William & Son, Newcastle and Gateshead, Co. Durham (1790–1803). In 1790 at the West end of High-bridge, Newcastle, but in 1801 at High Church St, Gateshead. In 1803 subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary when their address is given as Newcastle. [D]

Corner, William, Dovecot St, Stockton-on-Tees, Co. Durham, cm (1832). [D]

Corney, William & Hodson, Richard, 4 Broad St, Soho, London, cm and u (1791–93). [D]

Cornfoot, John, Morpeth, Northumb., cm (1784). [D]

Cornforth, William, London, cm (1808–20). At 19 Elder St, Norton Falgate in 1808 but by 1813 had moved to 24 White Lion St. He stayed at this address until 1819 but in the next year the business was styled William Cornforth & Son and was trading from 15 Broker Rd, Moorfields as cm and u. [D]

Cornish, Charles, Southampton, Hants., cm (1805–36). At East St, 1805–08, but from 1811 at 3 St Georges Pl. [D]

Cornish, Samuel, French St, Southampton, Hants., cm (1792–1808). [D]

Cornish, Thomas, Kingston, Yeovil, Som., cm and u (1830). [D]

Cornish, William, Bristol, cm, u and undertaker (1834–40). From 1834–36 at 24 Philadelphia St but in 1837 moved to St Augustine's Back. [D]

Cornish & Monday (or Mondey), Bridge St, Southampton, Hants., cm and u (1823–30). Listed at 10 Bridge St in 1823 and no. 106 in 1830. [D]

Cornock, Thomas, Bristol, carver (1715). [Poll bk]

Corns, Joseph, 19 Smallbrook St, Birmingham, cm (1835). [D]

Cornthwaite, George, Milnthorpe, Westmld, cm (1829). [D]

Cornwell, James, London, joiner and u (1782). Freeman of Preston, Lancs. [Preston freemen rolls]

Corp, William, Weymouth, Dorset, joiner and cm (1775–98). In 1775 occupied premises in the Melcombe Regis part of the borough, on which he took out insurance cover for £200, half of which was for utensils and stock. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 239, p. 100]

Corral, Charles Prow, St Margaret's Bank, Rochester, Kent, carver and gilder (1824–28). Declared bankrupt, London Gazette, 7 March 1828. [D]

Corrall, Charles, 44 Lamb's Conduit St, London, carver and gilder (1835–39). [D]

Corran, Henry, Liverpool, cm (1816). App. to William Longworth Walker and free by servitude on 6 June 1816. [Freemen reg.]

Corran, John, 36 Ormond St, Liverpool, cm (1796). [D]

Corrin, Robert, Liverpool, cm (1806). App. to Isaac Marsh and free by servitude 31 October 1806. Addresses shown are Hanover Ct, Finch St, and Bakehouse Lane, Stanley St. [Freemen reg.]

Corrin, Robert jnr, Bartock St, Liverpool, cm (1830). Son of Robert Corrin. Free 19 November 1830. [Freemen reg.]

Corrington, John, Church St, Gainsborough, Lincs., cm and u (1834). [D]

Corrington, William, Ormskirk, Lancs., cm (1813). In August 1813 married Miss Mary Meadows of Ormskirk. [Liverpool Mercury, 6 August 1813]

Corroll, Richard, 20 Bishop Lane, Hull, Yorks., cm (1828). [D]

Corry, William, Preston, Lancs., joiner, cm and builder (1801– 02). Freeman of Preston. In August 1801 married a Mrs Parker, widow and proprietor of the ‘George Inn’. [Freemen reg.; Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 17 August 1801]

Corvall, Charles, 31 Gt Ormond St, Queen Sq., London, carver and gilder (1840). [GL, Sun MS ref. 1333477]

Cory, George, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk and London, u (1802–10). Bankrupt June 1802. By 1807 in London and in 1810 at 148 High Holborn where he took out insurance cover for £500 of which £300 was in respect of stock, utensils and goods in trust. [Gt Yarmouth poll bk; Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 28 June, 13 September, 23 October 1802; GL, Sun MS vol. 453, ref. 839930; Monthly Magazine, 1803, p. 480]

Cory, Thomas, Hartland, Devon, cm (1830). [D]

Corzens, John, London, upholder (1709). Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co., 21 November 1709. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Cosens, Hannah, Bristol, clock case finisher (1818–30). From 1818–29 at Temple back but in 1830 at Charles St. [D]

Cosham, William, Ringmer, Sussex, cm (1839). [D]

Cosier, Henry, High St, St Albans, Herts., cm and u (1823–39). [D]

Cosier & Seager, High St, Chatham, Kent, u and cm (1838–40). At 104 High St in 1838 but in the next year the number was 85. [D]

Cosins, William, Newark, Notts., chairmaker (1790). [Poll bk]

Cosser, Andrew, 22 Bridge Rd, Lambeth, London, cm, u, builder and carpenter (1820). [D]

Cossway, George, Milverton, Som., cm (1839–40). Listed at Sand St in 1840. [D]

Cossway, Philip, High St, Wellington, Som., cm and u (1839). [D]

Cost, Warneris, London, cm (1778). In 1778 took out insurance cover of £200 on utensils, stock and goods kept at W. W. Duffs, cm at 4 Husband St. [GL, Sun MS vol. 265, p. 27]

Costar, Henry, Salisbury, Wilts., organ builder, harpsichord and cabinet maker (1784–1803). The Longford Castle, Wilts. accounts record payments of £2 2s in 1798, £6 15s 6d in 1799, £20 6s 6d in 1801 and £9 in 1803. [D; V & A archives]

Cotesforth, Hugh, Newcastle, u (1740). [Freemen reg.]

Cotesforth, John, Newcastle, u (1740). [Freemen reg.]

Cottesforth, Robert, Newcastle, u (1740). [Freemen reg.]

Cotman, Robert Sargent, Blackheath Hill, Lewisham, London, carver and gilder (1832–39). [D]

Cottam, John, West Bradford, near Clitheroe, Yorks., joiner and chairmaker (1822). [D]

Cottam, William, Hull, Yorks., cm (1784). Freeman of Lancaster. [Lancaster poll bk]

Cotte(e), Benjamin, Witham, Essex, cm and u (1823–39). Trading as Benjamin & Son in 1832. [D]

Cotte, James, Maldon, Essex, cm (1839). [D]

Cotte(e), John & Co., Witham, Essex, cm and u (1823–39). In 1839 the business is styled John & George Cotte. [D]

Cottee, Joseph, Witham, Essex, cm (1798–d. 1814). Probate granted on will 1814. [D; Wills at Chelmsford]

Cottee, William, Maldon, Essex, cm and u (1832). [D]

Cotten, Henry, 3 Whitcomb St, London, cm and box maker (1808). On 8 November 1808 took out insurance cover of £300, half of which was in respect of stock and utensils. [GL, Sun MS vol. 445, ref. 821842]

Cotter, William, 24 Burr St, Wapping, London, cm (1790–1808). From 1790–92 trading as Cotter & Morton. Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793 and included in the list of master cabinet makers in his Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. [D]

Cotterell, Richard, London, cm, u and undertaker (1808–28). In 1808 he moved from Essex St, Whitechapel to 19 Primrose St, Shoreditch at which address he stayed until at least 1822. In 1827 at 51 Charlotte St, Whitechapel Rd. No mention of an upholstery or undertaking side to the business until 1822. [D]

Cotterell, Samuel & Co., Manchester, cm (?) (1762). In 1762 took app. named Barlow. [S of G, app. index]

Cotterell, Thomas, Birmingham, cm (1731–54). In 1731 took app. named Clement; in 1735, Hodgkins; in 1752, Chamberlain; and in 1754, Masefield. On 16 January 1734 he was paid £3 4s by William, Baron Dudley, Ward of The Grange, Halesowen, Salop (now Worcs.) for ‘three Close Stools and two Dressing Glasses’. Another receipt exists dated 3 September 1751 for ‘a Mahogany Table and silvering and repairing a Glass’ for a Mrs Rock at a cost of £1 1s. [S of G, app. index; Worcs. RO, 2422/705:122/26]

Cottingham, Richard, Bridge St, Chester, cm (1730–71). Took apps named Nicholls in 1730, Richards in 1742 and Lindsey in 1753. [S of G, app. index; poll bks]

Cottle, J., 12 Hampton Row, Bath, Som., cm (1833). [D]

Cotton, Anne, 32 Corn St, Bristol, upholder (1792–99). [D]

Cotton, Benjamin, Bristol, u (1774–84). Shown in 1774 in the parish of St Philip and St Jacob and in 1775 in the parish of St Werburgh. By 1775 at 33 Corn St. [D; poll bks]

Cotton, Joseph, Leg Alley, Westminster, London, carver (1749). [Poll bk]

Cotton, Mary, 32 Corn St, Bristol, u (1793–94). [D]

Cotton, Samuel, George St, Tamworth, Staffs., cm and u (1822–28). [D]

Cotton, Thomas Barnett, 42 Fenchurch St, London, carver, gilder and picture frame maker (1773–1808). Freeman and member of the Joiners’ Co. in 1773 licenced to employ a nonfreeman for three months and in 1779 a similar licence was issued. In 1782 took out insurance cover of £1,900 of which £850 was in respect of utensils, stock and goods. His trade card [Landauer Coll., MMA, NY] states that he made and sold ‘all sorts of Gold, Black & Oval Frames for Prints, Drawings, Paintings &c, Looking Glass Frames & Girandoles Carved & Gilt in the modern taste, Cleans, lines & repairs Old Paintings & new Gilds old Frames on the shortest notice … N.B. Mouldings of different Patterns & lengths for conveniency of Cabinet Makers in the Country, likewise Buys & Sells all sorts of Pictures, also Paintings, for Chimney Pieces. Printseller. Wholesale, Retail & for Exportation’. [D; GL, City Licence bks, vols 8 and 9; Sun MS vol. 301, p. 541]

Cotton, William, Lancaster and Birmingham, cm (1767–68). Free 1767–68. By 1768 living in Birmingham. [Freemen rolls; Lancaster poll bk]

Cotton, William, 32 Corn St, Bristol, cm and upholder (1799– 1800). [D]

Cotton, William, London, u and cm (1806–23). At 80 Stones End (or Newington Causeway), Southwark 1806–15 but from 1817 at 52 Blackman St, Southwark. The cm side of the business first mentioned 1809, and between this date and 1811 the business was styled Cotton & Cobb. [D]

Cotton, William, Worcester St, Bromsgrove, Worcs., cm (1820). [D]

Cottrell, J. F., 21 Barton St, Bristol, cm and u (1840). [D]

Cottrell, Richard, Worcester, joiner and cm (1776). App. to William Dawson, joiner and cm, and free by servitude 1 April 1776. [Freemen reg.]

Cottrell, Richard, 13 Crosbie St, Liverpool, cm (1810). [D]

Cottrell, Samuel, Birmingham, cm (1823–30). Listed at Bradford St in 1823 and at Alcester St, also as a dressing case and portable desk maker, in 1830. [D]

Cottway, —, London(?), u (1703). On 6 March 1703 he was paid 6s for assisting in making the Duke of Leeds's ‘easy chair’. [YAS, DD5/39]

Couch, William, 30 Crouch St, Colchester, Essex, cm and u (1839). [D]

Couchman, Edward, 109 Goswick St, London, cm (1820). [D]

Couchman, Henry, Montpelier Rd, Blackheath, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Couchman, Richard, 23 Gabriel's Hill, Maidstone, Kent, cm (1837–39). [D; poll bks]

Couchman, William, High Wycombe, Bucks., cm (1837). Son and daughter bapt. in 1837. [PR (bapt.)]

Coulam, Henry, Eastgate, Louth, Lincs., cm, u and joiner (1835). [D]

Coulam, Richard & Henry, Eastgate, Louth, Lincs., cm, joiners and builders (1826–40). [D]

Coulam (or Cowlam), William, Water Lane, Louth, Lincs., cm/ joiner (1819–22). [D]

Coulam (or Cowlam), William, Eastgate, Louth, Lincs., cm, joiner and u (1819–40). [D]

Coulbourn, Richard, Freckleton, Lancs., joiner and cm (1828). [D]

Couldwell, Roger, Bartholomew Close, London, u (1709). Said to have removed from his lodgings in Bartholomew Close with ‘8 yards of Rich Sky-colour'd Red Damask, large Figure, cut out for use, with Silk lace’. John Mitchell offered to redeem the goods if they had been pawned and offered in addition a reward of 10s. [Daily Courant, 8 January 1709]

Coules, Marmaduke, Bristol, upholder (1754–81). In the parish of St Augustine in 1754 and at both 13 St Augustine's back and 31 Clifton Hill in 1775. Took app. named Cottle in 1756. Bankrupt 1777. His trade card is in the Leverhulme Coll., print dept, MMA NY. [D; poll bks; S of G, app. index; Gents Mag., March 1777]

Coulling, Robert, 253 Oxford St, London, u (1808). [D]

Coulsher, Thomas, Ramsey, Hunts., cm (1839). [D]

Coulson, Joseph, Kirkgate, Thirsk, Yorks., chairmaker (1823–40). [D]

Coulson, Ralph, 30 Duke St, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, cm (1832). In 1832 took app. named Bruce Gillchrist. [Westminster Ref. Lib., MS 4310]

Coulson, Thomas, Pilgrim St, Newcastle, glazier, japanner, house-painter and gilder (1802–05). Included in his stock were japanned chairs ‘in gold or colours’, fire-screens, bed and window cornices and flower pot stands. In August 1802 advertised that he had taken into his employ a new foreman who was ‘a proper Herald Painter and Japanner, and who has been employed in the first Shops in the Metropolis’. Apart from the japanning of chairs, tea trays and other items of furniture Coulson claimed that he could japan ironwork ‘as at the Birmingham manufactories’. He also dealt in old paintings, drawings and portraits. In November 1805 he claimed that there was a conspiracy amongst his rival tradesmen to ruin his business by bribing his workmen to neglect their duty and pass trade information on their techniques to them. He threatened to prosecute should further action of a similar nature take place. [Newcastle Courant, 6 January, 21 August 1802, 20 August 1803, 11 November 1805]

Coulson, Thomas, Horse Mkt, Northampton, chairmaker and turner (1830). [D]

Coulsting, James, parish of St Mary Redcliffe, Bristol, cm (1754). [Poll bk]

Coulstone, Richard, Lancaster, cm (1756–58). App. to R. Gillow of Lancaster ‘joyner and cabinet maker’ and free 1756–57 by servitude. In November 1758 took an app. [App. reg.; freemen rolls]

Coultart, Francis, Liverpool, cm (1810–35). At 16 Cuncliffe St in 1810 and 18 Cuncliffe St, 1813–18. At 9 Lawrence St in 1827 but two years later the number is given as 8. In 1834–35 was at 9 Garden Lane (or Limekiln Lane) with a shop at 2 Poynton St. [D]

Coultart, Richard, London, carver (1767–78). In parish of St George's Hanover Sq., in 1767 and in 1774 at Park St, Grosvenor Sq., Westminster. By the next year however he had moved to 14 John St, Tottenham Ct Rd where he took out insurance cover of £400 of which £100 was in respect of utensils and stock. [Marylebone Lib., deed 1249; poll bk; GL, Sun MS vol. 264, p. 496; vol. 240, p. 548]

Coulthirst, Robert, address unknown, joiner and chairmaker (1691). On 1 July 1691 supplied four beds and six chairs for Temple Newsam House, Leeds at a cost of £8 5s. [Furn. Hist., 1967]

Counsel, —, London, u (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Counzes, Vidall, 6 New Lisle St, London, carver and gilder (1809). On 7 February 1809 took out insurance cover of £700 which included £200 for stock and utensils and £100 for timber in a workshop. [GL, Sun MS vol. 448, ref. 828310]

Coupland, Charles, Newby, Yorks., carver (1774). [York poll bk]

Coupland, James, Up-gate, Louth, Lincs., cm/joiner (1819). [D]

Coupland, Richard, Lancaster, u (1829–30). [Lancaster freemen rolls]

Coupland, Robert, Leeds, Yorks., u (1777–80). App. to Thomas Bradford of Doncaster, Yorks. In 1777 advertised that he had recently returned from London ‘with all kinds of Most Fashionable upholstery goods’ which he intended to make up and sell from his shop in Briggate, formerly occupied by the late John Lambert. In the following year the address is given as ‘near the Cross’, at the shop formerly occupied by Messrs Horsfell & Richardson. Also in this year he advertised for a journeyman u to assist him in his business. In 1780 he described himself as an appraiser and distiller. [Leeds Intelligencer, 18 March 1777; 9 January 1778, 25 August 1778, 22 April 1780]

Coupland, Thomas, 11 Sewer Lane, residence Anne St, Osborne St, Hull, Yorks., furniture painter (1831). [D]

Coupland, William, Up-gate, Louth, Lincs., cm/joiner (1822). [D]

Coupland, William, Spilsby, Lincs., joiner and cm (1826). [D]

Courrant, Peter, ‘The Cabinet’, Wardour St, Westminster, London, cm and joiner (1728). On 27 December 1728 insured his dwelling house for £200 and his household goods and stock in trade for £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 27, ref. 46392]

Court, Charles, Under the Bank and Host St, Bristol, cm (1812– 20). Formerly a partner of William Court but from 1812 trading on his own account. Supplied furniture etc. to Col. Henry Knight of Tythegston Court, Glam., in 1818. In 1820 the business is shown at the addresses above but was being conducted by Esther Court. [D; Furn. Hist., 1976; C. Life, 5 October 1978, p. 1029]

Court, David snr, Redmans Row, Mile End, London, upholder (1782). Insured his house for £100 in 1782. [GL, Sun MS vol. 302, p. 618]

Court, Esther, Under the Bank and Host St, Bristol, cm (1820). Probably the widow of Charles Court. [D; Furn. Hist., 1976]

Court, George, 9 Adam St East, Portman Sq., London, u, carver and gilder (1839). [D]

Court, James, 53 Castle St, Bristol, cm and u (1799–1807). [D]

Court, James, High St, Godalming, Surrey, cm (1838–39). [D]

Court, John, Bristol, joiner and cm (1759–d. 1806). In 1775 had a cabinet warehouse at 12 Horse St but in 1784 recorded at Back Horse St. In 1759 took app. named Evans. Retired in 1791 and passed the business to his sons William and Charles. [D; poll bks; S of G, app. index; Furn. Hist., 1976]

Court, Philip, 31 Wincolmlee, Hull, Yorks., cm (1828). [D]

Court, William & Charles, Under the Bank and Host St, Bristol, cm (1791–1812). Sons of John Court whose business they continued. Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. On 21 May 1791 supplied a white and gold communion table with a mahogany top to Christchurch, Bristol, for which £21 was charged. In 1791–92 they supplied furniture for John Pinney for his house at 7 Gt George St, Bristol (now the Georgian House Museum) for which £360 was charged. Pinney paid a further sum of £7 8s for a ‘Mahy bason’ in 1795. After 1812 the business was continued by Charles Court alone. [D; Furn. Hist., 1976]

Courtenay, Hercules, London, carver and gilder (before 1769). App. to Thomas Johnson and in August 1769 in Front St, Philadelphia, USA. He stated that he was ‘from London’. [Penn'a Chronicle, 14 August 1769; M. Heckscher, American Furniture in the MMA, 1985, p. 24]

Courthope, William, London, upholder (1700–29). Freeman 4 September 1700. Took apps named Thomas Smith, 1710– 21, and Job Adams, 1721–29. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records] Possibly:

Courthorp, William, London, upholder (1724–37). Freeman. At the ‘Rose & the Star’, Paternoster Row, 1724–30, but in 1734 at Newgate St. [Heal]

Courtnay, J., 54 Gt Wild St, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, cm (1829). [D]

Cousens, Cooper William, London, cm (1826–31). Freeman of Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk. [Gt Yarmouth poll bks]

Cousens, Thomas, London, cm and u (1820–29). At 7 Gt Russell St, Bloomsbury, 1820–28. In 1820 the business was described as a sofa and chair manufactory. In 1829 moved to 14 Little Charlotte St, Rathbone Pl. [D]

Cousin, Peter, address unknown, picture and mirror frame maker (1690–1701). Possibly a relative of Antonio Verrio's gilder, René Cousin. In 1690 he supplied a picture frame for Petworth House, Sussex; and in 1701 produced ‘four large looking glass frames guilt in gold’ for the new building, Hampton Court, Middlx. [PRO, S/32; Wren Soc., vol. XVIII, pp. 160–61; C. Life, 4 September 1980]

Cousin, René, address unknown (1675–94). A French carver and gilder in England by 1675. Antonio Verrio's chief gilder at Burghley, Stamford, Lincs., and Windsor. Also worked at Petworth House, Sussex. [Croft-Murray, Decorative Painting in England, I, p. 246; Apollo, May 1977]

Cousins, John, Bethlem St, Grimsby, Lincs., turner and chairmaker (1822). [D]

Cousins, John, Ambleside, Westmld, cm (1834). [D]

Coussins (or Cossins), Robert, Crewkerne, Som., cm (1830–40). Listed at Orchard St in 1830 and Market Pl. in 1840. [D]

Couty, David jnr, London, upholder, cm, undertaker, appraiser and auctioneer (1823–35). At 4 Nassau Pl., Commercial Rd, 1823–28. Insurance cover amounted to £600 in 1823 and £650 in the following year of which utensils and stock amounted to £220 and £180 respectively. By 1835 had moved to 16 Alfred Pl., Newington Causeway. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 490, ref. 1001556; vol. 494, ref. 1012579]

Couzens, Thomas, 8 Woburn Ct, Bloomsbury, London, cm and u (1827). [D]

Couzins, George, Wardour St, Westminster, London, cm (1784). [Poll bk]

Covell, John, 11 Harrow Rd, Edgware Rd, London, bedstead maker (1835). [D]

Coventon, Joseph, 60 Red Lion St, Clerkenwell, London, clock case maker (1837–40). [D]

Coventry, Edward jnr, Liverpool, cm (1802–d. 1824). Free 5 July 1802. At 10 Brooke's St in 1810 but in the following year at St Paul's Sq. Also acted as clerk of St Paul's Church and ‘looker’ in the Customs. Died 8 April 1824. In 1825 when his son Edward Coventry, watchmaker tried to gain freedom by patrimony this was refused as his father was not free at the time of his son's birth. [D; freemen reg.]

Coventry, John, 9 Wycombe Pl., Kent St, Southwark, London, chairmaker (1800). On 19 June 1800 took out insurance cover on his own newly built dwelling house and five others totalling £300. [GL, Sun MS vol. 418, ref. 704012]

Coventry, John, London, chair and sofa maker (1826–40). At 134 Kent St, Southwark, 1826–29, but by 1832 at 8 Parogem Pl., New Kent Rd and in 1840 at ‘Three Colts’, Old Ford, Middlx. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 575, ref. 1341185]

Coventry, Thomas, Liverpool, chairmaker (1812–d. by 1835). Son of Hugh Coventry, sailmaker. Free 5 October 1812. [Freemen reg.]

Cowan, Alexander, Plymouth Dock, Devon, u (1789–98). In 1789 leased a house at Fowey, Cornwall for a year. [D; Devon RO, DDTF. 1383/1–2]

Cowan, David, 63 Close and New Rd, Newcastle, joiner and cm (1824–33). [D]

Coward, Henry, Green Hammerton, York, joiner and cm (1834). [D]

Coward, John, 4 Tower St, Seven Dials, London, carver (1766– 89). On 1 November 1766 he received £88 10s from the Duke of Portland for work at Burlington House, London and in July of the following year received £88 10s for work undertaken at Welbeck Abbey, Notts. He modelled shapes and supplied drawings for Josiah Wedgwood, c. 1768–69. In 1789 Joseph Richards, cm, took out insurance cover of £60 on household goods kept at Coward's house in Tower St. [Notts. RO, DD5P 3/1, DD5P 3/4; Finer & Savage, Wedgwood, Selected Letters, p. 71; GL, Sun MS vol. 363, ref. 555671]

Coward, John, Tottenham Ct Rd, London, carver and gilder (1808–23). At 13 Tottenham Ct Rd 1808 but from 1816 at 253. Also owned or used 245 Tottenham Ct Rd which was empty in 1821 when he took out insurance cover of £700 on it with a further £100 for the stable behind. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 485, ref. 976388]

Coward, Michael Godman, Swaffham, Norfolk, cm and u (1822–d. 1823). Will proved at Norwich in 1823. [D; Norfolk Record Soc., index of wills]

Coward, William, Coward's Yd, Highgate, Kendal, Westmld, joiner/cm (1829). [D]

Cowd, Joseph, Salterton, Devon, cm (1830). [D]

Cowdall, Samuel, 5 Little Cheapside and Sun St, Finsbury Sq., London, chair stuffer (1808). [D]

Cowderay, William, parish of St Clement, Oxford, cm (1768). [Poll bk]

Cowdry, Richard, Farnham, Surrey, cm (1740–48). In 1740 took app. named Barnard and in 1748 another named Cook. [S of G, app. index]

Cowdry, Samuel, 78 Leather Lane, Holborn, London, chair and bedstead manufacturer (1820). [D]

Cowell, Daniel, 95 High St, Worcester, cm and u (1817–37). Admitted freeman 1817 and by 1820 was already trading from the High St address. He declared himself to be the successor of Mr Timings, and was agent for the Phoenix Fire Assurance Co. of London. He also appears to have had a partner, for the business is described as Cowell & Cartwright (late Timings) in an 1820 directory though an advertisement placed in the same publication is in the name of Daniel Cowell only. From 1828–37 the business was named Daniel & William Cowell, though William Cowell was not a freeman of Worcester until 1831. In 1834 John Henry Hall, app. to Daniel Cowell, was admitted a freeman. Between 1829–31 this business supplied various items and carried out work for J. S. Packington of Westwood, near Droitwich, Worcs. amounting in total to £80 7s 5d. Payment was however slow in coming and on 4 January 1833 a request was made for payment of this sum and interest on £73 13s 5d being the amount owing since Christmas 1830. The debt was settled in April 1833 but without the payment of the interest requested. [D; freemen rolls; Worcs. RO, 2309/705; 380/56/iii, vi]

Cowell, William, 95 High St, Worcester, cm and u (1840). [D]

Cowen, David, New Rd, St Ann's, Newcastle, cm (1834–38). Trading also at 66 Close in 1834. [D]

Cowen, Thomas, 30 Townhead St, Sheffield, Yorks., cm, u and furniture broker (1833). [D]

Cowham & Clark, Hull, Yorks., carvers and gilders (1787). Both partners were app. to Jeremiah Hargrave. In August and September 1787 supplied two oval and two square gilt frames to Burton Constable, Yorks, at a total cost of £1 3s 6d. [Humberside RO, DDCC vouchers]

Cowie, John, Bedford Ct, Bedford St, Covent Gdn, London, cm and broker (1776–77). In 1776 took out insurance cover of £600 of which £350 was in respect of utensils, stock and goods. Bankrupt early in 1777. [GL, Sun MS vol 245, p. 533; Gents Mag., May 1777]

Cowin, J., London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Cowles, David, Howland St, London, cm (1777). In 1777 insured a house in Grafton St. for £500. [GL, Sun MS vol. 262, p. 259]

Cowley, —, Liverpool, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Cowley, J., Whitby, Yorks., u (1798). [D]

Cowley, William, address unknown, joiner (1736). In November 1736 received £11 15s for work carried out at Chatsworth, Derbs., which included making two bedsteads and a leaf for a dining room table. [Chatsworth vouchers]

Cowling, T., Townsend St, Cheltenham, Glos., carver and gilder (1839). [D]

Cowparthwaite, William, Bullstake, Sheffield, Yorks., cm (1774). [D]

Cowper, John, ‘The Three Blackbirds’, Cornhill, London (1693). [Heal]

Cowper, Simon, parish of St Martin, Ludgate, London, cm (1687). [PCC Wills]

Cowper, William, ‘Angel’, Grove St, London, cm (1784). [Westminster poll bk]

Cowperthwaite, William, Manchester, cm (1797–1817). At 21 Back Water St, 1797–1813 but by 1817 at 7 Christchurch Sq., Hulme. [D]

Cowsthorpe, William, London(?), u (1713). In 1713 took an app. [S of G, app. index]

Cowthron, William, Mardol, Shrewsbury, Salop, cm and u (1835). [D]

Cowx, John, Liverpool, cm (before 1819). On 24 August 1819 the widow of John Cowx died aged 35. [Liverpool Mercury, 10 September 1819]

Cowx, Thomas, Liverpool, cm (1804–29). At 15 Charles St, Whitechapel 1804–07 and in 1804 had a shop at 13 Pool Lane. From 1810 shown in Whitechapel at no. 32 (1810), no. 29 (1811) and from 1812 at no. 30 with a shop at 2 Dawson St. [D]

Cox, Cabel, High St, Chesham, Bucks., cm (1839). [D]

Cox, Comfort, 39 Adam St West, London, u (1839). [D]

Cox, Edward, Rood Lane, parish of St Gabriel's, Fenchurch St, London, u (1722). Jointly with Thomas Gardiner took out insurance cover on goods and merchandise in his dwelling house for £500 on 6 November 1722. [GL, Sun MS vol. 14, ref. 26792]

Cox, Edward, St James's, Westminster, London, carver (1745). Declared bankrupt, Gents Mag., November 1745.

Cox, Edward, Northampton, carpenter and cm (1776–98). In 1776 took out insurance cover of £55 for his stock and in 1779 insured his house for £400. Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 247, p. 494; vol. 274, p. 293]

Cox, Edward, Brentwood, Essex, auctioneer and cm (1801). Probate granted on will, 1801. [Wills at Chelmsford]

Cox, Edward Treslove, London, u and cm (1807–21). At 104 St Martin's Lane, 1807–11, 13 Haymarket St 1811–20 and 6 Northumberland Ave., 1821. In July 1819 he advertised that he was in a position to manufacture oak furniture for gentlemen ‘having curious specimens’. He stated that ‘this novel article … brought to a degree of perfection by the late Mr Bullock’ could now be manufactured by him into ‘various beautiful articles of furniture, according to the late Mr Bullock's designs some of which may be seen at E. T. Cox's cabinet-maker 13, Haymarket, who has engaged several of the late Mr B's workmen.’ [D; Times, 1 July 1819]

Cox, Francis, Hampstead Marshall, Berks., u (d. 1698). Will proved 1698. [Berks. RO, W Inv 58/34]

Cox, George, London, cm, broker and appraiser (1808–11). At Old St Rd in 1808 and 2 City Rd and 89 Old St, 1809–11. [D]

Cox, George, London, u (1835–39). At 58 Cirencester Pl., 1835–39, but in 1839 moved to Little Portland St. [D]

Cox, James, Gloucester and Tetbury, Glos., cm and u (1820– 40). In 1820 living in the parish of St Aldgate, Gloucester where a child was baptised. By 1822 at Market Pl., Tetbury at which address the business continued, and was listed at Cirencester St in 1839. [D; PR(bapt.)]

Cox, James Valentine, Norwich, upholder (1835). Son of John Cox of Norwich, u. Admitted freeman of Norwich 29 April 1835. [Freemen reg.]

Cox, James, Wellington Ct, Hastings, Sussex, chairmaker, turner and town crier (1835–40). [D]

Cox, James, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (b. c. 1814–41). Aged 27 at the time of the 1841 Census.

Cox, John, London, u (1713–49). In the period 1713–18 at the ‘Iron Balcony’, next door to Lord Craven's in Drury Lane, but by 1734 had moved to The Piazza, Covent Gdn. As early as 1713 he took an app. and by the 1730s had built up a substantial business serving influential and wealthy clients. In 1734 he is recorded subscribing two guineas annually to St George's Hospital, Hyde Park Corner, London. His earliest known commission was in 1728 when he was paid £10 16s 6d for papering ‘corniches’, lining curtains and making covers for chairs. The client was possibly the Duke of Montrose. In 1734 he was paid £200 for a state bed and a matching set of backstools for Belhus, Essex (now at Christchurch Mansion, Ipswich). On 5 November 1735 Earl Fitzwalter paid Cox £5 16s for a large Turkey carpet for Moulsham Hall, Essex, and in 1738 six mahogany chairs costing £4 19s were supplied to Holkham Hall, Norfolk. Various small amounts for taking down beds, hanging curtains and making a wainscot bedstead (£2 5s) were paid, 1739–41, by Robert and Anne Nugent of Gosfield Hall, Essex, the work being for their London house in Dover St. Cox also manufactured tents and one costing £23 15s was supplied to Lord Charles Gordon 1748–49. [D; poll bk; GL, Sun MS vol. 4, ref. 4066; Heal; S of G, app. index; St George's Hospital Minute bk, p. 117; Scottish RO, GD 220/6/1373, GD 44/51/288/1/46; V & A archives; A. C. Edwards, The Accounts of Benjamin Mildmay, Earl Fitzwalter, p. 106; Essex RO, D/DU 502/2]

Cox, John, Stratford, London, u (1763). Fellow of the Society of Arts in this year only.

Cox, John, London, cm (1776–85). At 32 Oxford St in 1776 when he took out insurance cover of £100 on his utensils and stock. In 1785 at 21 Rupert St and on 18 July of that year took out cover of £200 ‘on his utensils & stock in his timberyard in the Savoy’. [GL, Sun MS vol. 246, p. 103; vol. 330, p. 326]

Cox, John, Clare, Suffolk, cm, u, appraiser and auctioneer (1796–1803). On 4 May 1796 advertised that he had moved to ‘a more comodious situation near the Cock Inn, where he has enlarged his stock, and added thereto a fashionable assortment of Register and Pantheon Stoves, Kitchen Ranges, polished Fender and Fire-irons, Tea Urns, Steel Patent and other Snuffers, Prince's Metal Candlesticks, &c.’. He also advertised that he received ‘a regular assortment of new Paper Hangings twice a year,’ and offered to install house bells. [Bury and Norwich Post, 4 May 1796; Ipswich Journal, 26 February 1803]

Cox, John, Oxford, cm (1798). [D]

Cox, John, 6 Queen St, Bank Pl., Tombland, Norwich, u and cm (1812–40). App. to William Burt, upholder, and free by servitude, 21 March 1812. His apps Henry Broitehall and William English, were made free on 6 June 1829 and 24 February 1835 respectively. His two sons John Edmund Cox, an under-graduate of All Souls, Oxford, and James Valentine Cox were made freemen 29 April 1835. [D; freemen reg.]

Cox, John, Garland St, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, cm (1824). [D]

Cox, John, 8 Adam St West, Bryanston Sq., London, cm (1826). [D]

Cox, Joseph, London, upholder (1755). Son of Japez Cox of Moorfields, broker. App. to William Guidot 4 May 1748 and free by servitude 5 June 1755. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Cox, Joseph, Round Ct, St Martin le Grand, London, frame maker and gilder (c. 1760). Trade card [Heal Coll., BM] states that he made and sold ‘all Sorts of Carv'd and Gilt Frames for Looking Glasses; Also Lacker'd and Black Frames for Paintings or Prints; Likewise Old Glasses New Silver'd & put into the Newest Fashion, Gilt Sconces.’ [Heal]

Cox, Joseph, from London, u (1756). Traded in New York, 1756–73. [M. Heckscher, Antique Furniture in the MMA, 1985, pp. 137–38]

Cox, Joseph, London, u and cm (before 1773). On 27 September 1773 advertised from the ‘Royal Bed and Star’, Wall St, New York USA, a long list of articles in the cabinet and upholstery branches and claimed to be ‘from London’. [New York Gazette, 27 September 1773]

Cox, Joseph, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (1798). [Militia Census]

Cox, Joseph, Birmingham, cm and u (1820 or 28–35). Listed at Deritend Bridge in 1820 or 28 and Cheapside in 1835. [D]

Cox, Joseph, Colmore Row, Birmingham, cabinet, dressing case and table desk maker, u (1830). [D]

Cox, Philip, High St, Ledbury, Herefs., cm (1830–35). [D]

Cox, Robert, London, upholder (1719–23). Son of Richard Cox of Westminster, baker. App. to Henry Heasman on 2 June 1708 and free by servitude, 26 October 1719. In 1720 at the ‘Three Pillars’, Piccadilly but in 1723 moved to Maddox St, near Hanover Sq. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records, Sun MS vol. 12, ref. 19044]

Cox, Samuel, 39 Gray's Inn Lane, London, u etc. (1819–23). [D]

Cox, Samuel, Worcester St, Birmingham, chairmaker (1830). [D]

Cox, Stephen, 10 and 11 Gt Portland St, London, u (1803–15). Included in the list of master cabinet makers in Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. Supplied furniture to Caldecott Hall in 1806. [D; V & A archives]

Cox, Thomas, Liverpool, chairmaker (1790–96). At 4 Wright Ct, Batchelor St in 1790 and back of 19 Orange St in 1796. [D]

Cox, Thomas, Sherborne, Dorset, builder and cm (1809–30). In Sherborne Mercury, 25 December 1809 advertised for a cm and a joiner. [D]

Cox, Thomas Jupeth, 5 Hatton Gdn, Liverpool, cm (1816–18). On 26 August 1816 married Miss Elizabeth Reilly. [D; Liverpool Mercury, 30 August 1816]

Cox, Thomas, Cheap St, Frome, Som., cm (1822). [D]

Cox, Thomas, Worcester, cm and u (1830–40). Trading at Lowes Moor in 1830 and 25 High St, 1835–40. [D]

Cox, Thomas, Tipton, Staffs., cm and u (1838). [D]

Cox, William, Northampton and Daventry, Northants., carver and painter (b. 1717–d. 1793). Born 29 June 1717. Worked in London for part of his early career but most of his recorded work is in the county of Northants. In 1768 at Cock Lane, Northampton but also had property at Cow Lane, Daventry where he insured utensils and stock for £20 out of a total of £100 cover in 1778. Most of his work was probably in stone. [Gunnis; Northampton poll bk; GL, Sun MS vol. 265, p. 48]

Cox, William, Bordesley and Deritend, Birmingham, upholder and cm (1800–09). Trading at 1 Warwick St, Deritend, also as an umbrella maker, in 1800. [D]

Cox, William, High St, Warminster, Wilts., cm and u (1822). [D]

Cox, William, 50 Union St, City Rd, London, cm (1826). Freeman of Maldon, Essex. [Maldon poll bk]

Cox, William Farmer, Birmingham, cm, u and chairmaker (1828–39). Listed at 52 Worcester St in 1828; nos 51 and 52 in 1830; 12 Exeter Row in 1835, and 6 Court, Bromsgrove St in 1839. [D]

Cox, William, High St, Berkhampstead, Herts., French polisher and painter (1839). [D]

Cox, Zachariah, Tonbridge, Kent, cm and Tunbridge-ware maker (1815–23). Daughters Harriet and Eliza bapt. 19 July 1815 and 26 October 1817 respectively. Father's trade stated to be cm but by 1823 listed as Tunbridge-ware maker. [D; PR(bapt.)]

Cox & Abbott, Wilmot St, Brunswick Sq., London, cm and u (1825–26). At 5 Wilmot St in one 1825 directory but another gives the number as 4. [D]

Coxbrooke, —, address unknown, cm (1803). Subscriber to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Coxed, John and G., and Woster, Thomas, cm of ‘The White Swan’, St Paul's Churchyard, London, (1700–36). A number of desks, bureaux, bureau cabinets, secretaire cabinets and chests of drawers dating from the period 1700–30 have been found with the trade labels of John Coxed and G. Coxed & T. Woster (e.g. Colonial Williamsburg). Typically, they are veneered in walnut, mulberry or burr elm (sometimes stained to resemble tortoiseshell), and some pieces are embellished with kingwood crossbanding and pewter stringing. This metal line inlay was almost certainly due to the influence of Gerrit Jensen who introduced such fashionable Continental habits into England in the late 17th century. The earliest examples — all bureau or secretaire cabinets dating from c. 1700–10 — are labelled ‘John Coxed, At the Swan in St Paul's Church-Yard, London, makes and sells Cabinets, Book Cases, Chests of Drawers, Scrutoires and Looking-glasses of all sorts’. John Coxed was the second in a long succession of cm known to have occupied ‘The Swan’ in St Paul's Churchyard. By c. 1710 he seems to have been replaced at this address by G. Coxed and T. Woster, whose fullest known trade label reads ‘G. Coxed and T. Woster At the White Swan, against the South-Gate in St Paul's Church Yard, London, Makes and Sells Cabinets, Scrutoires, Desks and Book-Cases, Buro's Chests of Drawers, Wisk, Ombre, Dutch and Indian Tea-Tables; All sorts of Looking-Glasses, Large Sconces, Dressing Sets and Wainscot-Work of all sorts, at Reasonable Rates. Old Glasses New polished and Made up fashionable.’

The distinctive nature of this furniture has naturally led to speculation that other, similar, pieces were the products of the same workshop. As well as these important burr-veneered cabinet pieces, Coxed & Woster clearly made other types of furniture and carried out more ordinary ‘Wainscot-Work’. In 1723 Thomas Woster was paid £2 5s by ‘Madme Rudge’ for a writing table, and in 1725 the same lady paid £2 12s 6d for a card table [Lincoln RO, Monson, 12], while in April 1735 Woster sent a bill to Richard Hoare of Barn Elms (later of Stourhead) for a ‘strong wainscot table’ and a ‘large wainscot press’ at a total cost of £9 12s 6d. In December the same year he sent a bill to Hoare for strong wainscot tables at a total cost of £1 12s 6d. [V & A Lib., English Manuscripts, 147] In September 1724 Thomas Woster, cm, had taken out insurance on three houses in Chiswell St and two in Sword Bearer Alley with two sheds, to the value of £800. [GL, Sun MS vol. 19] His death was recorded in Daily Post, 14 December 1736: ‘Mr. Woster, a Cabinet-maker in St Paul's Church-yard, the Foreman of the London Jury, dy'd suddenly in the Session-house about Twelve o’ clock the same day: He complain'd of a Pain in his Stomach and drank a Glass of Mountain, and afterwards desired a Glass of Sack, but expir'd before it could be brought to him’. [Apollo, January 1936, p. 22] Coxed & Woster were followed at ‘The White Swan’ by Henry Bell and his successors. [GCM; Heal; Apollo, November 1941; C. Life, 20 August 1948, pp. 384–85] N. R.

Coxeter, Charles, 73 St Paul's Churchyard, London, upholder (1771–72). Bankrupt 1772. [D; Gents Mag.]

Coxeter, William, London and Oxford, u and cm (1767–81). Son of John Coxeter of Witney, Oxon., blanket maker. App. to Charles Westwood of London, upholder, 3 July 1760 and free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 6 August 1767. In the following year he was living in the parish of St Michael's, Wood St and on 2 November 1768 married Elizabeth Marriatt of Witney at that town. By September 1774 he had established himself in Oxford and had a cabinet manufactory in New Inn Hall Lane. On 5 July 1776 he announced from this address the sale of the furniture and instruments of Richard Church. In October of that year a serious fire occurred at his workshop which was partially burnt down. His foreman had to be sent to the Radcliffe Infirmary with burns, and Coxeter estimated the loss of goods and tools at £300. In addition, property owned by a London victualler, Thomas Dawson, to the value of £254 was also destroyed. Neither were insured and a subscription list was opened which by the end of November had brought in £185 9s 3d. With this Coxeter was able to reimburse his workmen, William Whitmore, Daniel Shepherd, Edward Evans, Lewis Lewis and George Breakspear for their personal losses. The partially burnt out property was sold by auction in February 1777. Coxeter obviously learnt a lesson from this disaster and immediately took out insurance on his new premises in the High St near the New Market. In both 1776 and 1777 cover of £500 was taken out of which £350 and £450 respectively were in respect of utensils, stock and goods. In August 1778 he moved his workshops back to New Inn Hall Lane, and gave up the High St premises. Apart from his furniture manufacturing he appears to have been involved with the sale of house property. Bankrupt in late 1781. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records; Sun MS vol. 253, p. 337; vol. 259, p. 573; Bodleian index of Oxf. marriage bonds; Jackson's Oxford Journal, 3 September 1774, 5 July 1776, 21 October 1776, 7 February 1777, 7 January 1778, 26 August 1778, 10 April 1779, 16 April 1780; Gents Mag., December 1781]

Coxford, William, Wendover, Bucks., cm (1839). [D]

Coxhead, Robert, Bath, Som., cm (1771). The Bath Corporation Furnishing Committee ordered in June 1771 6 mahogany round tables, chairs, tea and card tables, screens, trays, teaboards, knife boxes, a toilet/glass, etc. from this maker [Bath Corp. records]

Coxhead, William, Hungerford, Berks., cm and haberdasher (1779). Took out insurance cover of £200 of which £170 was in respect of utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 270, p. 571]

Cozens, James, Gt Yarmouth and Sustead, Norfolk and London, cm (1807–31). Freeman of Gt Yarmouth but shown at Sustead, near Cromer in 1812 and in 1830–31 in London. [Gt Yarmouth poll bks]

Cozens, John jnr, 6 York St, Queen Ann St East, London, carver and gilder (1809). [D]

Cozens, William, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, cm (1818–40). [Poll bks]

Crabb, B., 15 King St, Southwark, London, coach and lookingglass manufacturer (1804–25). [D]

Crabb, Isaac, 4 Baldwin's Gdns, Gray's Inn Lane, London, cm (1808). [D]

Crabb, John, parish of St Maurice, Winchester, Hants., upholder (1778). In 1778 insured a house for £500. [GL, Sun MS vol. 267, p. 238]

Crabb, T. R., Gt Suffolk St, Southwark, London, carver and gilder (1820–37). At 49 Gt Suffolk St, 1820–21. From 1823– 25 the number was 2½ and after 1829 it was 140. [D]

Crabb, Thomas, 74 Redcross St, Southwark, London, carver and gilder (1808). [D]

Crabtree, Benjamin, Bradford, Yorks., u (1834–37). Listed at Bowling Lane in 1834 and Halifax Rd in 1837. [D]

Crabtree, Edward, Charlotte St, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, cm (1818–36). [D; poll bks]

Crabtree, James, London(?), u (1775–77). Account for small upholstery jobs totalling 8s 6d settled by Mrs Howard for either her London house in South Audley St or Thorndon Hall, Essex. [Essex RO, D/DPA 189/6]

Crabtree, John, Mill Lane, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancs., cm and joiner (1828). [D]

Crace, Frederick & Son, London, painters, gilders and japanners (1821–40). Listed in the Royal Household accounts as early as 1821 when an account for £223 was settled. At this period the firm was described as Frederick & Henry Crace and was trading from an address at 60 Gt Queen St, presumably that used by their father's firm. To what extent they had taken over their father's business by this date is not clear as payments were still being made to John Crace as late as 1826. Henry appears to have left the business and by the late 1830s Frederick was in sole charge. At this period they were trading from 14 Wigmore St. From 1838 furniture was being supplied to Buckingham Palace which included ten rosewood chairs ‘inlaid with ornaments in gold and varnished’ charged at £15. Tables of various kinds and pole screens were also supplied. In the quarter to December 1839 goods supplied and work carried out amounted in total to £359 18s 11d. Work here continued on into the early 1840s. [PRO, LC11/31; Windsor Royal Archives]

Crace, John & Sons, London, painter, gilders and decorators (1802–26). Initially at 158 Drury Lane but by 1808 had moved to 59 Gt Queen's St, Lincoln's Inn Fields. The firm is particularly associated with materials provided, and work carried out, at the Royal Pavilion, Brighton, both for the original Chinoiserie interior scheme from 1802 and the later extensions and re-decoration under John Nash from c. 1815. Detailed accounts and designs exist covering the period 1802–23. In 1802 and 1803 Crace & Son supplied many pieces of oriental furniture imported from China including ‘Japan lacquer’ cabinets, ‘very handsome Sophas’ and chairs and stools of bamboo. Large quantities of porcelain, banners, models of junks and costumes were also supplied to provide an ‘authentic’ decor. In January 1803 an account for £317 16s 6d was submitted and in 1804 a further one for £441. The greatest expense, however, was for the large collection of oriental ware specially purchased in China by Dr James Garrett for which £2,090 was asked. Chinese items were also purchased for Carlton House. For the work carried out from c. 1817 the principal designer was John Crace's son Frederick. He received the assistance of artists of talent like Robert Jones and a man named Lambelet who executed Frederick's grand concepts with great talent. Payments were again substantial amounting to £440 2s on account in 1824 and £173 in 1836. [D; Musgrave, Royal Pavilion; Windsor Royal Archives, RA25135, RA25131, RA25158, RA25181, RA25184, RA25186, RA25172, RA35583, RA 35606] B.A.

Crackerode, John, ‘The Tea Table’, Henrietta St, Covent Gdn, London, cm (1722–24). On 6 October 1722 took out insurance cover of £500 on goods and merchandise in his dwelling house. This would seem to suggest a business of considerable proportions but its life may well have been short. In December 1724 his stock was sold by auction. It was said to be all new and consisted of ‘Peer-Glasses, Chimney-Glasses, and Sconces, India Skreens and Chests, Tea-Tables, HandBoards, Bottle-Stands, Burows, Tables of several Sorts both Wallnut-tree and Mahogany, Lanthorns for Halls and StairCases.’ [Heal; GL, Sun MS vol. 14, ref. 26583; Daily Courant, 3 December 1724]

Crackles, John, 64 West St, Hull, Yorks., cm and u (1814). [D]

Crackles, Richard, Hull, Yorks., cm and broker (1803–31). In 1803 at Steeple Entry with a shop in Trippett St but in 1806 at Myton Walls. By 1810 at 16 Blackfriargate and in 1816 at 7 Waterworks St. From 1823 addresses in Chariot St are used, first no. 28 and from 1826 no. 27. The last recorded address in 1831 is Garden Pl., Sykes St, the same location as Robert Crackles who was probably his successor. [D]

Crackles, Richard Slack, 28 Humber St, Hull, Yorks., carver and gilder (1834–40). [D]

Crackles, Richard, 4 Dorset St, Manchester Sq., London, u and cm (1835–37). The dates allow the possibility that this is the Richard Crackles previously recorded as working in Hull. [D]

Crackles, Robert, 13 Garden Pl., Sykes St, Hull, Yorks., cm (1839). Possibly the successor of Richard Crackles recorded at this address in 1831. [D]

Cracknell, George, Witham, Essex, upholder (1712–34). Son of Aawron Cracknell of Witham, Gent. App. to Edward Warren of London, upholder, 26 September 1705 and free of the London Upholders’ Co. by servitude 9 October 1712. In 1734 recorded as a freeholder at Witham. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records; Essex RO, Q/RJ 1/1]

Cracknell, William Francis, Eden St, Cambridge, cm (1840). [Poll bk]

Cradleton, Thomas, Whitecross St, Barton-on-Humber, Lincs., joiner and cm (1835). [D]

Cradock, Robert, Canterbury, Kent, u (1691–1716). Freeman of Canterbury in 1691. Took app. named Juss in 1716. [Freemen reg.; S of G, app. index]

Craft, William, Hexham, Northumb., joiner and cm (1827–34). At Hall Garth, 1827–28, but in 1834 in Fore St. [D]

Crafter, Edward, London, bedstead maker (1835–39). In 1835 at Horton Old Town and in 1839 at 51 Kingsland Rd. [D]

Crafter, Richard, 2 Booth St, Spitalfields, London, bedstead maker (1839). [D]

Cragg, James, London, cm (1793–1835). Recorded as a subscriber to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793 but not listed in directories until 1808. In that year he is shown at 1 Holland St, Soho, but before the end of the year had moved to 88 Tottenham Ct Rd. He stayed here until at least 1811 but in 1813 was at no. 188. The business continued here until 1825 but in the next year was at 27 Francis St, Tottenham Ct Rd, where the trade is listed as u. Last recorded in 1835 but by 1837, John Cragg was trading from the same address. [D]

Cragg, John, 27 Francis St, Tottenham Ct Rd, London, u (1837–39). [D]

Cragg, Leonard, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Cragg & Maxwell, Duke St, Whitehaven, Cumb., joiner/cm (1811). [D]

Craggs, John, 2 Maxwell Ct, Old Brokers Row, Moorfields, London, carver, gilder and chandler (1779). In 1799 insured his house for £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 277, p. 76]

Craggs, Thomas, 5 Feasgate, York, baker and cm (1830). [D]

Craig, Andrew, Newcastle, cm and bellows maker (1801–38). From 1801–06 at Postern. At this stage bellow making was an important part of the business and in 1803 he advertised ‘bellows for forgers, smelt-mills, anchor-smiths, black and white smiths’. At the same time however he advertised for a turner and four cm, suggesting that this side of the business was also very active. In 1811 at Old Flesh Market and from 1824–38 at Forth St. From 1824 the business is described as cm and mahogany merchant. By 1833 his son had joined him in the business and it is described as Andrew Craig & Son. [D; Newcastle Courant, 23 April 1803, 29 March 1806]

Craig, Colton, parish of SS Philip and Jacob, Bristol, carver (1754). [Poll bk]

Craig, James, 9 Gt Saffron Hill, London, clock-case and cabinet makers. Late 18th-century trade card [Banks Coll., BM] states that he made ‘all sorts of Dial Cases and Stands for Time Pieces’ but illustrates no furniture.

Craig, John, address unknown, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Craig, John, 45 Groat Mkt, Newcastle, cm and joiner (1838). [D]

Craigall, Francis, 2 Rose St, Soho, London, cm (1808). [D]

Craister, William, Court, 123 Kirkgate, Leeds, Yorks., cm (1837). [D]

Crake, —, 21 South Molton St, Oxford Rd, London, carver and gilder. Card, c. 1800, recorded by Heal. May be the John Crake trading in Oxford St as a painter and gilder in 1807.

Crake, John, Lower Brook St, Westminster, London, carver (1774). [Poll bk]

Crake, John, 18 Quebec St and 258 Oxford St, London, painter and gilder (1807–08). [D; Heal]

Crakeplace, Henry, Wilson St, Workington, Cumb., cm and joiner (1828–34). [D]

Cramp, Enoch, Deal, Kent, cm, upholder and auctioneer (1784–93). On 25 January 1787 insured household goods for £500. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 343, p. 2]

Cramp, James, Strand, London, u (1830). Freeman of Canterbury. [Canterbury poll bk]

Cramp, Thomas, 6 Duke St, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, upholder (1776). In 1776 took out insurance cover of £600 of which £400 was in respect of utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 246, p. 430]

Cramp & Tolputt, 115 Long Acre, London, upholders (1790– 93). Subscribers to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. [D]

Crampton, Ellis, 130 Digbeth, Birmingham, u (1828). [D]

Crampton, James, Aswell Lane, Louth, Lincs., cm, joiner and builder (1826–40). [D]

Crane, Benjamin, 19 Glanville St, Rathbone Pl., London, cm (1786). On 2 August 1786 took out insurance cover of £300 of which £20 was in respect of utensils and stock in shop. [GL, Sun MS vol. 338, p. 239]

Crane, Benjamin, 68 Tottenham Ct Rd, London, u, cm, broker and appraiser (1803–15). On 2 December 1807 took out insurance cover of £1,000 of which £450 was in respect of utensils and stock. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 440, ref. 809908]

Crane, Edward, 43 London Lane and repository 127 Pottergate St, Norwich, upholder and auctioneer (1775–98). Freeman of Preston, Lancs, where he probably spent his early life. App. to Henry Withers of Norwich and free by servitude 3 May 1775. In 1780 insured his house for £600. [D; Preston freemen rolls; Norwich freemen reg.; GL, Sun MS vol. 280, p. 547]

Crane, George, 32 Glanville St, London, upholder (1783). In 1783 insured his house for £300. [GL, Sun MS vol. 313, p. 392]

Crane, Joseph, 55 Southampton Row, Russell Sq., London, cm, upholder, appraiser and undertaker (1817–29). Trade card in Landauer Coll., MMA, NY. [D]

Crane, Peter, Bristol, cm (1781–1801). At Cathay, 1792–95, and Lawrence Hill 1799–1801. [D; poll bks]

Crane, William, address unknown, cm (1757). On 27 May 1757 received £5 5s for stands made for Felbrigg, Norfolk. [Norfolk RO, Felbrigg MS WKC 6/454]

Crane, William, Brighton, Sussex, carver and gilder (1822–40). At 1 Milton Pl., Upper Russell St in August 1822 when his daughter Rose Falmer was bapt. He remained at this address until 1824 but in the next year was at Cottage Gdns. From 1839 his address was 21 Portland St. [D; PR(bapt.)]

Crane, Jeremiah, Shipwright St, Rotherhithe, London, carver (1762–74). In 1762 took app. named Porter. On 12 December 1774 took out insurance cover of £300 of which £150 was in respect of houshold goods in his house and timber. [S of G, app. index; GL, Sun MS vol. 235, ref. 347289]

Cranford, William, High Holborn, London, upholder (1779). Insurance cover of £500 taken out in 1779 with Jacob Fletcher, in trust for creditors of William Cranford. [GL, Sun MS vol. 274, p. 567]

Crankshaw, Edward, Windy Bank, Colne, Lancs., carpenter, joiner and cm (b. 1792–1841). Son Richard aged 21 at the time of the 1841 Census. [D]

Cranston, George, Christchurch, Hants., u (1839). [D]

Cranston, George, Ringwood, Hants., u (1839). [D]

Cranston, John C. snr, Ringwood, Hants., u and ironmonger (1767–82). In 1767 appointed guardian of Ann Cranston, his wife, for the administration of her former husband's will. In 1775 took out insurance cover for £300 which was increased to £500 in 1778 and £800 in 1782. Of this utensils and stock accounted for £80 in 1775, £250 in 1778 and £300 in 1782. [S of G, Winchester Guardianships; GL, Sun MS vol. 242, p. 143; vol. 267, p. 315; vol. 306, p. 214]

Cranston, John jnr, Ringwood, Hants., u, cm and auctioneer (1823–39). In 1823 the business was described as Cranston & Sons but thereafter as John Cranston jnr. Listed at High St and West St in 1830. He appears to have adopted a policy of labelling his furniture and examples are known of a mahogany extending dining table, a rosewood table with a penwork top and a pair of rosewood card tables, all of Regency date, so marked, and of good quality. [D; V & A archives; Antique Dealer's and Collector's Guide, January 1956]

Cranston, John, Castle St, Christchurch, Hants., u (1830). [D]

Cranwell, Robert, 33 Edward St, Portman Sq., London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Crasby, —, 33 Clerkenwell Close, London, chairmaker (1809). [D]

Craske, James, Norwich, u (1826). Admitted freeman 19 August 1826. [Freemen rolls]

Craskel, John, Lancaster, cm (1799). Named in the Gillow records in connection with the making of a wardrobe. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow vol. 344/98, p. 1520]

Crastay, —, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Craven, Ambrose, Calverley-cum-Farsley, Yorks., cm (1837). [D]

Craven, George, Hull, Yorks., cm (1774–80). [Poll bks]

Craven, John, Northgate, Blackburn, Lancs., cm and joiner (1814). [D]

Craven, John, Leeds, Yorks., cm and u (1834–39). At 8 Commercial Rd (or St), in 1834, 1 Central Market Buildings and Lands Lane in 1837 and 3 Bank St in 1839. [D]

Craven, John, Skyeshead, Keighley, Yorks., joiner/cm (1837). [D]

Craven, Joseph, Hull, Yorks., cm (1774). [Poll bk]

Craven, William, Finkle St, Hull, Yorks., cm (1792–93). In 1793 took out insurance cover on his house and household goods for £300. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 392, p. 548]

Craven & Smith, Leeds, Yorks., cm and u (1834). [D]

Craven & Worswick, Ebenezer St, Leeds, Yorks., cm and u (1798). [D]

Craw, Thomas, 57 Thomas St, Manchester, cm and chairmaker (1834–40). [D]

Crawford, George, 1 King St, Westminster, London, carver and gilder (1820). [D]

Crawford, George, 129 Queen St, Whitehaven, Cumb., cm (1828–29). [D]

Crawford, James, 22 Bridge St, Westminster, London, carver and gilder (1823–29). [D]

Crawford, John, Sunderland, Co. Durham, cm (1827–28). At 3 George St in both 1827 and 28, but shown also at High Villers St in 1828. [D]

Crawford, W., Chester, cm (1812–19). At Handbridge St in 1812 but by 1818 at Northgate St. [Poll bks]

Crawford, William, 228 High Holborn, London, cm and u (1768–83). In 1778 with William Bond, carver and gilder, and Thomas Noble, proprietors of the Casino in Marlborough St, took out insurance cover for £800. In 1770 supplied furniture to Sir Edward Knatchbull of Mersham le Hatch, Kent. This included a mahogany Gothic four post bedstead at £24, a ‘common’ mahogany clothes press at £5, a mahogany commode table with a dressing drawer at £5, a basin stand at 10s 6d and a dressing table at £11 5s. An account for £62 for ‘Bed, bedding & other furniture for ye Girls room’ was settled in October 1770. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 267, p. 256; Kent RO, U951 A18/66, A19/2]

Crawley, Gerard, ‘The Coffee Mill and Nimble Ninepence’, Cornhill, London, turner (1743–68). Although a turner he dealt with and made items of furniture. In 1743 he supplied to Sir James Dashwood of Kirtlington Park, Oxon., ‘a pair of Roman tables’ costing £43. His trade card [Heal Coll., BM] indicates that he made ‘Tea Chests, Mahogany Waiters, Tea Boards, Voiders, Tables &c.’ Other items of stock included floor coverings, coffee mills, nine pins, bottle and ink stands and washball boxes. [Heal; Apollo, January 1980]

Crawshaw, Charles, Sheffield, Yorks., cm (1756–58). In 1756 took two apps named Hildyard and Wood, and in 1758 another named Emborough. [S of G, app. index]

Crawson, William, Sedgford Lane, King's Lynn, Norfolk, cm (1839). [D]

Crawston, William, North Walsham, Norfolk, cm (1798). [D]

Cray, T., address unknown, chairmaker (c. 1805). A pair of beechwood japanned chairs in the Indianapolis Museum of Art and a set of twelve mahogany dining chairs sold by Phillips on 29 March 1983, lot 64, were stamped ‘T CRAY’.

Crayer, Benjamin, 132 Golden Lane, London, carver (1777). In 1777 took out insurance cover of £400 of which £200 was in respect of utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 257, p. 376]

Crayne, Thomas, Derby, joiner and cm (1793–1806). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. On 27 April 1806 suffered from a fire. [Gents Mag., May 1806]

Crayton, William, King St, St Ann's, London, cm (1791). Took out insurance cover of £100 in 1791. See James Nelson.

Creak, William, 48 Northampton St, Clerkenwell, London, cm (1809). [D]

Creasy, James, Exe Lane, Exeter, Devon, cm (1839). Daughter Jane bapt. on 1 September at St David's Church. [PR (bapt.)]

Creasy, Thomas, Bargate, Boston, Lincs., cm (1805–08). [D]

Creech, James, London, upholder (1710). Free of the Upholders’ Co., 19 October 1710. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Creed, John & Co., Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, cm (1755). In 1755 took app. named Cooper. [S of G, app. index]

Creed, Samuel, Beccles, Suffolk, upholder (1784). [D]

Creed, William, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, joiner and cm (1777). In 1777 insured his house for £500 with Thomas Davy, Gent. and mortgager. [GL, Sun MS vol. 257, p. 500]

Creed, William, address unknown, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Creed, William, Albion St, Cheltenham, Glos., cm (1839). [D]

Creer, Gilbert B., 18 Lime St with shop at 71 Lime St, Liverpool, u and cm (1835). [D]

Creighton, Adam, Liverpool, japanner and cm (1835–37). In 1835 at Hill St with a shop at 18 Park Pl., but in 1837 shown at 19 Park Pl. only. [D]

Creighton, James, Carlisle, Cumb., joiner/cm (1811–34). In 1811 at Keay's Lane, Scotch St but from 1829 at 40 Lowther St. [D]

Crellin, John, shop at 4 Riding St, Liverpool, cm (1837). [D]

Cremer, John, London, upholder (1714–27). Son of John Cremer of Grimston, Norfolk, clerk. App. to Bladwell Peyton on 6 October 1714 and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 4 January 1726/27. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Crerar, John, 25 Gt New St, Fetter Lane, London, cm and timber merchant (1792). On 12 July 1792 took out insurance of £800 on the utensils and stock in his open yard, millhouse, sheds and sawpits communicating. [GL, Sun MS vol. 387, p. 267]

Cressall, John, 5 Whitechapel Rd, London, upholder and undertaker (1791). On 15 April 1791 took out insurance cover of £1,800 of which £400 was in respect of utensils and stock in his workshop. [GL, Sun MS vol. 376, p. 203]

Cresshall (or Cresshull), James, Birmingham, cm and u (1818– 30). in 1818 at the Square; in 1828 at 2 Coleshill St; and in 1830 shown at both Coleshill St and 18 Back St. [D]

Cresswell, Henry, Huddersfield, Yorks., cm and u (1822–37). At Cross Church St, 1822–30 but from 1830 shown at 39 New St. [D]

Cresswell, James, Steelhouse Lane, Birmingham, cm and u (1818). [D]

Cresswell, John, Manchester, cm and u (1829–40). At 37 Piccadilly in 1829, 25 Abrahams Ct, also as carver and gilder, in 1832–33; 6 Blackfriars, 1834–36; and 83 Portland St, 1836–40. Bankrupt 26 June 1829. [D; Liverpool Mercury, 3 July 1829] See John Alton, carver and gilder at 37 Piccadilly.

Cressy, George, 6 Gt Earl St, Seven Dials, London, bedstead maker (1826–29). [D]

Cressy, Sarah, 6 Gt Earl St, Seven Dials, London, bedstead maker (1837–39). Successor to George Cressy and probably his widow. [D]

Crew, Arthur, Plymouth, Devon, upholder (1719). In 1719 took app. named Treffry. [S of G, app. index]

Crew, Edward, Abingdon, Berks., upholder (1718–34). Insured his dwelling house in 1718 the premium being paid through a Mr Crew of St Clements Lane, Lombard St, London. Freeman of Abingdon. [GL, Sun MS vol. 8, ref. 11184; poll bk]

Crew, Milburn, Silver St, Tetbury, Glos., cm and u (1822). [D]

Crew, Robert, Abingdon, Berks., u (1752–84). In 1752 took app. named Davis. [D; poll bk; S of G, app. index]

Crew, Samuel, Falmouth, Cornwall, u (1709). In December 1709 advertised that he made ‘all sorts of Field-Beds, Where all Gentlemen that go by the Packets for Portugal or Spain may be furnish't as in London’. [The Post Boy, 21 December 1709]

Crew, Samuel, High St, Congleton, Cheshire, cm (1822–28). [D]

Crew, William snr, 6 Christmas St, Bristol, cm and broker (1817–27). [D]

Crew, William jnr, Bristol, cabinet and chairmaker (1823–34). Operated from various addresses in Thomas St, 1823–31, these being no. 118 (1823), no. 129 (1824–25), no. 25 (1826–28) and no. 140 (1829–31). In 1833 at 25 Temple St and in 1834 at 3 Merchant St. [D]

Crews, C., Newton Abbot, Devon, cm (1814). Agent for Swift & Co.'s state lottery. [Exeter Flying Post, 6 January 1814]

Creyghton, Matthew, London, u (1749–61). In 1749 at Bedford St, Westminster. Announced in General Advertiser, 31 March 1750 that he had ‘removed from Bedford-street, Covent Garden to Duke-street, York Buildings, the house that was late general Barrel's, a Busto of King Charles is in the Front’. Discharge from Debtors’ Prison reported in London Gazette, 26 September 1761, when stated as ‘late of St Mary's parish, Lambeth’. [Poll bk]

Cribb, Robert, High Holborn, London, carver, gilder and print seller (1790–1834). Virtually all sources record his address as 288 High Holborn, near Gt Turnstile, but in 1790 an insurance policy gives the number as 200 and one directory entry for 298 occurs. These may be errors. After 1806 his son was assisting him in the business and the trading style changed to Robert Cribb & Son. In 1790 insurance cover of £1,000 was taken out, half of which covered goods and utensils in his dwelling house, counting house and workshops used in connection with the business. In 1785 however cover on utensils, stock and goods in trust was only £300. His trade card [Heal Coll., BM] indicates that he made looking-glass and picture frames, offered to re-gild old frames and re-silver mirror plates. Pictures were cleaned, lined and repaired and Venetian window blinds and paper hangings stocked. A different card in the Banks Coll., BM displays the Prince of Wales’ feathers and reads: ‘Carvers and gilders to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales’. Royal commissions were received and in July 1810 £6 11s 10d was paid to the firm for work undertaken. Other important clients were served. Sir Joshua Reynolds used a frame maker by the name of Cribb who may be this maker. A gilt side table in the manner of William Kent at Chatsworth is signed and dated ‘R. Cribb fecit 1834’. Three other tables of the same type, although not signed, are undoubtedly from the same source. Some of his furniture was marked by the application of paper trade labels. A pair of painted pier glasses so labelled and dated in manuscript 21 June 1805 were included in the Sotheby's sale of 2 June 1967, lot 118. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 370; vol. 328, p. 576; Heal; Windsor Royal Archives, RA 89007]

Cribb, William, London, carver and gilder (1812–40). At 13 Tavistock St, Covent Gdn, 1812–20, but by July 1820 at 34 King St, Covent Gdn at which address he remained. On 4 November 1812 took out insurance cover of £1,600 on his dwelling house alone. This amount of cover was repeated at his new King St house with an addition of £400 for stock and utensils and £100 for pictures, prints and glass. His trade cards [GL and Westminster Ref. Lib.] indicate that he undertook house painting, the manufacture of lookingglasses, the framing of pictures and prints, which he also sold. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 459, ref. 875619; vol. 483, ref. 970065]

Crichton, David, 28 King St, Soho, London, cm and lookingglass maker (1774–81). Appears to have attracted important patrons. In July 1777 submitted an account to the Duke of Dorset for goods supplied and work carried out in connection with his London house at 38 Grosvenor Sq. The total sum involved came to £520 0s 5d of which the most expensive item was ‘a very large pier glass with a Top plate in a neat carved & gilt frame’ which was charged at £45. In January 1781 John Parker of Saltram, Devon paid him £40 for a looking-glass and in October of the same year £42 for a pier glass. In 1782 for the same house he supplied sheets for the servants and china dessert dishes. Succeeded at this address by William Crichton. [Heal; V & A archives]

Crichton, Jeremiah, London, cm, u, auctioneer, appraiser, house and estate agent (1820–28). At 2 High St, Newington Butts (opposite the Church) 1820–28, but one directory of 1826 gives the address as Norwood, Surrey. [D]

Crichton, Joseph, 17 Kennington Lane, Lambeth, London, upholder and undertaker (1817). An u of the same name was in 1841 trading from an address at 7 Keppel Terr., King's Rd, Chelsea, London and could be the same man. [D; V & A archives]

Crichton, William, 28 King St, Soho, London, u (1784–1808). Successor of David Crichton at this address. In 1795 supplied furniture including cabinets, screens, beds and a sofa, to the Rt Hon. Lord Grenville, amounting to £400 16s 7d. His name is included in the list of master cabinet makers in Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. [D; Heal; Cornwall RO, Fortescue papers]

Crichton, William jnr, 3 George's Buildings, Old St Rd, London, chair and sofa maker (1839). [D]

Crichton & Pitchford, address unknown, cm (1759). Submitted accounts in 1759 for work carried out for Kedleston, Derbs. [V & A archives]

Crickmar, Robert, King's Quay St, Harwich, Essex, cm (1823– 39). Listed at King St in 1832. [D]

Crine, John, 87 Bartholomew Close, London, upholder and cm (1803–09). In July 1803 took out insurance cover of £1,900 of which £1,050 was in respect of utensils and stock. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 427, ref. 750321]

Crine, John Henry, 25 Cannon St Rd, London, carver, gilder and looking-glass and picture frame maker (1839). [D]

Cripps, John, address unknown, garden furniture supplier (1838–40). Recorded from February 1838 supplying rustic furniture and metalwork for the gardens at Buckingham Palace. In the quarter to September 1839 he supplied ‘two Swiss Pattern Garden Chairs’ at £1 1s, a rustic garden table with drawers and varnished at £2 12s 6d, and eight ‘Improved Pattern Windsor Chairs’ for which £2 16s was charged. Also prepared a mahogany parrot stand, supplied flower stands and boxes and firescreens. [Windsor Royal Archives, RA, box I, item 2; Lord Chamberlain's accounts]

Crish, Jos., Silver St, London, cm (1743). Advertised that his app. Samuel Higgs had absconded and warned other makers not to employ him. [Daily Advertiser, 29 January 1743]

Crisp, Samuel, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, cm (1777–95). App. to Samuel Bream and free by servitude 1777. At this date or before may have lived at Bungay, Suffolk. [Poll bk; freemen records]

Crisp, Samuel, Colchester, Essex, cm (1793). [D]

Crisp, Samuel, London, cm (1796–1807). Freeman of Gt Yarmouth and probably the same cm who was resident in that town 1777–95. [Gt Yarmouth poll bks]

Crisp, Thomas, King's Lynn, Norfolk, u and cm (1777–80). In 1777 took out insurance of £900 of which £500 was in respect of utensils and stock. By 1780 the insurance cover was only £300 of which £100 was for a kitchen and workshop. [GL, Sun MS vol. 256, p. 138; vol. 281, p. 47]

Crisp, Thomas, London, upholder (1781–83). In 1781 at 3 New Bond St which he insured for £300. Two years later he was at 19 Castle St, Leicester Fields, and took out a similar amount of insurance cover of which £30 was in respect of utensils, stock and goods. [GL, Sun MS vol. 291, p. 167; vol. 314, p. 549]

Crisp, William, London, portable desk and dressing case manufacturer (1817–37). At 34 Cockspur St, Charing Cross, 1817–20 but by 1823 had moved to 49 New Bond St. [D]

Crispe, Edward, 22 Southampton Buildings, London, upholder (1799). Son of John Crispe of Sutton Valence, Kent, Gent. App. to Henry Blaxland on 5 October 1791 and free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 2 October 1799. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Crispe, John, Maidstone, Kent, cm (1832–39). At High St in 1832–35 but by 1837 had moved to King St. [D; poll bks]

Crispin, William, 12 Spicer St, Spitalfields, London, cm and u (1827). [D]

Criswick, J. jnr, London, carver, gilder and picture and looking-glass frame makers (1829–39). At 46 Greek St, Soho 1829–37 but by 1839 at 6 New Compton St, Soho when the firm was trading as Criswick & Ryan. [D]

Critchell, John, Kingstone, Yeovil, Som., cm and u (1822–30). [D]

Critchley, Cornelius, Shropshire St, Market Drayton, Salop, cm (1835). [D]

Critchley, George, 3 Carlton Pl., Ardwick, Manchester, u (1836–40). [D] See George Critchlow.

Critchley, Hugh, Preston, Lancs. and Liverpool, u (1780–82). In 1780 at Liverpool where he insured a house for £100. He was described as a u and mortgager. He was however a freeman of Preston and probably worked for some time in that town. [GL, Sun MS vol. 283, p. 283; Preston freemen records]

Critchley, John, Chester, u (1687). Free 26 October 1687. [Freemen rolls]

Critchley, John, 38 Cock St, Wolverhampton, Staffs., cm and u (1818). [D]

Critchley, John, Liverpool, cm (1835–37). At 6 Brown St, Rupert St in 1835 and 14 Back Blake St in 1837. [D]

Critchley, Richard, Rochester, Kent, carver (1743). In 1743 took app. named Batten. [S of G, app. index]

Critchley, Thomas, 1 Cow Lane, Liverpool, cm (1818–21). [D]

Critchlow, Esther, 4 Carlton Pl., Manchester, u (1825). [D]

Critchlow, George, 3–4 Carlton Pl., Downing St, Ardwick, Manchester, u (1832–36). Successor to Esther Critchlow. [D] See George Critchley.

Critchlow, Henry, 4 Brook St, Chorlton Row, Manchester, u (1825). [D]

Critchlow, John, 25 London Rd, Manchester, u (1808). [D]

Crocker, John, North Parade, Penzance, Cornwall, cm etc. (1823–30). [D]

Crockett, Charles, London, cm (1793–1809). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. At 42 Berwick St, Oxford St in 1802 when he took out insurance cover for £100. By 1809 he was at 2 Norton St where the insurance on the house contents was £170 out of a total of £200. It was stated that no work was carried out there. [GL, Sun MS vol. 423, ref. 730118; vol. 448, ref. 830826]

Crockett, John, 7 Snow Hill, London, water gilder (1766–79). Received £60 in 1766 for work carried out for the Duke of Northumberland. In 1775 insured his house for £200 which was increased to £300 in 1779. [GL, Sun MS vol. 276, p. 379; vol. 240, p. 602; V & A archives]

Crockett, Joseph, Market Pl., Devizes, Wilts., cm and u (1830– 39). Trading as Joseph & Son in 1839. [D]

Crockett, William, Wolverhampton, Staffs., cm (1818–22). Recorded at High-green in 1822. [D]

Crockford, Jon., 12 Hammond Pl., Chatham, Kent, cm and u (1824–40). In 1832 the directory entry is in the name of John Crockford jnr, and it is possible that this indicates the transfer of the business from father to son. [D]

Croft, —, London(?), u (1676). Received £8 for beds and bedding in 1676. [Lincoln RO, Monson 10/1/A/14 — C. Wren's account bk]

Croft, Isaac, Leeds, Yorks., cm and joiner (1791–93). Succeeded by Aveyard & Buck in 1792. They had previously been employed by him as journeymen. Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. [Leeds Intelligencer, 13 September 1791]

Croft, James, Sheffield, Yorks., cm and u (1828–37). In 1828 at 19 Burgess St, in 1833 at 47 Rockingham St and from 1837 at Hereford St and Porter St. [D]

Croft, John, 17 Pall Mall, Tithebarn St, Liverpool, chairmaker (1796). May have moved to 11 Pownall St in 1796. [D]

Croft, Joseph, Lancaster and Preston, Lancs, cm (1762–84). App. to W. Blackburn and R. Bateman of Lancaster 1762 and free by servitude, 1772–73. Recorded trading in Preston, 1781–84. [D; Lancaster app. reg. and freemen rolls]

Croft, Joseph, Downe St, Richmond Row, Liverpool, u and cm. App. to Mathew Gregson in 1795 and free by servitude, 7 September 1806. In partnership with another craftsman named Lowe he undertook work on behalf of Mathew Gregson, 1807–08. [Freemen reg.; Liverpool RO, Gregson papers, 920 GRE 1/27]

Croft, Joseph, St George St, Sheffield, cm (1838). [D]

Croft, Nicholas, Lancaster and London, cm (1768). App. to G. Rawes in 1749 and free by servitude, 1767–68. Then moved to London. [Freemen rolls; Lancaster poll bk]

Croft, Robert, Liverpool, chairmaker (1781–90). Recorded in 1781 at 6 East Side, St Peter's Church, and in 1787 at Lord St. In 1790 once again at 6 Church Alley, St Peters. [D]

Croft, Samuel, Battle, Sussex, carpenter, joiner, cm and looking-glass maker (1773–77). In October 1773 Croft described his business as ‘old-accostomed’ and he may well have been trading for several years before this date. The object of the advertisement he issued in that month was to obtain a foreman for the carpentry and joinery side of the business and he stated that if the applicant was well-qualified he would have no objection to taking him as a partner. He stated that he could undertake all sorts of cabinet making and could resilver glasses. In April 1777 Croft declared that he was retiring from business and offered to let his carpenter's and joiner's shop, dwelling house, gate-way, yard and large garden. He had in stock at this time a quantity of cabinet and upholstery goods that could be taken at ‘a fair Appraisment’. [Sussex Weekly Advertiser, 25 October 1773, 14 April 1777]

Croft, Samuel & Son, 4 Water Lane and Meadow Lane, Leeds, Yorks., cm and joiner (1837). [D]

Croft, Simon, Liverpool, cm (b. 1755–d. 1833). At 11 Pownall Sq., Highfield St, in 1803 and at 7 Pownall Sq., 1805–10. In 1811 Croft moved to Richmond Row which he used as his address up to the time of his death in 1833. He signed the Supplement to the Liverpool Cabinet and Chair Prices, 1808, on behalf of the masters. His wife died in December 1818 in her sixtieth year and Simon Croft died on 5 February 1833 aged 78. [D; Liverpool Mercury, 25 December 1818; 22 February 1833]

Croft, William, Bath, Som., cm and joiner (1753–61). App. to George Davis in 1753, free 1761. [Bath app. reg. and freemen rolls]

Croft, William, Little Queen St, Holborn, London, cm (1784). [D]

Croft, William, 27 Chapel St, Liverpool, cm (1821). [D]

Crofton, J. S., 145 Aldersgate St, London, u (1837). [D]

Crofton, Philip, London, cm and u (1823–28). In 1823 at 1 Joseph St, Brunswick Sq. where he took out insurance cover for £300 of which £160 was in respect of utensils and stock. In 1826 at 113 Cromer St, Brunswick Sq. as a cm and broker. Although directory entries at this address continue until 1829 it is likely that trading ceased a year earlier for Crofton was listed as a bankrupt in August 1828. He appears to have also acted as an appraiser and house agent. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 498, ref. 1005087; Liverpool Mercury, 29 August 1828]

Crofts, Dudley, Princes St, Leicester Sq., London, u (1779–93). Between 1786 and 89 listed as an ‘upholstery & carpet warehouse’. In 1779 took out insurance cover of £2,000 of which £1,400 was in respect of utensils, stock and goods. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 279, p. 378]

Crofts, Henry, London. In 1718 supplied four marble tables costing £10 to the Duke of Montrose for his London house in Bond St. [Scottish RO, GD 220/6/28/P85]

Crofts, John, New Bridge, Exeter, Devon, carver (1827). Daughter Mary Eliza bapt. at St Edmund's Church on 13 May 1827. [PR (bapt.)]

Crofts, William, Stamford, Lincs., u (late 17th century). Freeman of Stamford by purchase. Two William Crofts appear to be recorded on the freemen rolls at this period.

Crofts, William, Chester, cm (1747). [Poll bk]

Crohan, Edward, 18 Kings-gate St, High Holborn, London, bed and mattress maker (1822). [D]

Cromack, John, Gowthorpe, Selby, Yorks., cm (1822). [D]

Crompton, Ellis, 3 No. 2 Court, Lomax St, Manchester, u (1817). [D]

Crompton, John, Liverpool, u (1714). Free 3 September 1714. [Freemen reg.]

Crompton, John, London, upholder (1773–1804). Son of Benjamin Crompton of Cockspur St. In 1773 admitted a freeman of the Upholders’ Co. under the terms of the 1750 Upholders’ Act. He recorded his address as Cockspur St in 1778 and 1781 and was probably at this period assisting in the family business. Between 1786 and 1794 living at Church St, St Ann's, Soho and in 1802 at Percy St. On the death of his father, his brother James appears to have succeeded to the business in Cockspur St and it is possible that John decided to retire from active participation in the trade. He was however made master of the Upholders’ Co. in 1804. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Crompton, John, 41 Digbeth, Birmingham, u (1835–39). [D]

Crompton, Joseph, 32 Worcester St, Birmingham, u (1830). [D]

Crompton, Robert, 17 Johnson St, Salford, Lancs., u, mattress and cushion maker by machinery (1832–33). [D]

Crompton, Ellis, 15 Snow Hill, Birmingham, u (1822–30). Listed at 80 Digbeth, also as a mattress maker, in 1822; and at 15 Snow Hill in 1830. [D]

Crompton, James, Cockspur St, Charing Cross, London, paper hanging manufacturer and u (1795–d. by 1799). Successor to Benjamin Crompton at the same address. James Crompton was probably dead by 1795, and certainly was by 1799 at the time of his wife's death. [D; Gents Mag., March 1799]

Crompton, Samuel, London, u (1753–93). First associated with a partnership named Crompton & Spinnage trading from Charles St, St James's Sq., in 1753. This business described itself as upholders and paper hangings manufacturers. About 1753 the partners moved to Cockspur St, Charing Cross, an address which was to be used until the termination of the business in the 1790s. In the late 1760s the original partnership appears to have broken up. The business continued at the Cockspur St address as Benjamin Crompton & Son. Benjamin Crompton had two sons, John and James, both u. The matter is, however, complicated by the appearance at about the same time of a partnership calling itself Crompton & Hodgson, and trading from Castle St, corner of Bear St, Leicester Sq., as paper stainers. Its life appears to have been brief. Crompton & Son, however, appear to have flourished, trading as upholders, paper hangings manufacturers and carpet dealers. In 1782 they took out insurance cover on their utensils, stock and warehouses of £6,000, and although this dropped to £3,800 in 1784 the sum is still substantial. The firm comes to notice supplying the household of the 6th Earl of Coventry at Croome Court, Worcs., in 1761. They were paid £60 14s 3½d for items supplied to the Earl of Egremont at Petworth, Sussex, in 1774–75. Also in 1775 they received payments in connection with Chevening, Kent, which included work on a green and white bed for the house. They also appear to have taken commissions in connection with the Stanhope's town house. Total payments were £148 17s 4½d. The firm also supplied to the Royal Household of George IV. An interesting side line appears to have been the supplying of chamber horses and stands. As many as three of these appear to have been supplied to Charles Long of Saxmundham, Suffolk, 1768–69, and another to William Constable at Burton Constable, Yorks., in 1772. [D; Heal; GL, Sun MS vol. 298, p. 363; vol. 324, p. 281; V & A archives; Kent RO, U590 A 61/7; Suffolk RO, HA18/EC4–5; Nat. Lib. of Wales, Wynnstay MS, 115/7 (wallpaper only); H. Clifford Smith, Buckingham Palace, p. 277; C. Life, 6 May 1982]

Crompton, Thomas, 49 and 50 Essex St, Strand, London, cm and u (1800–13). In 1803 took out insurance cover of £999 and in 1810, £900. In the latter year £750 was in respect of stock, utensils and goods in trust. No. 50 Essex St is never recorded in trade directories and is not mentioned initially in the fire insurance records. He was however using both addresses by 1810. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 427, ref. 747707; vol. 453, ref. 850160]

Crompton, William, London, turner (1735). Supplied Frederick, Prince of Wales in 1735 with a ‘Windsor Chair Civer'd [Covered] with Royal Mat’ for which 18s 6d was charged. The chair was for the Prince's house in St James's Park. [Furn. Hist., 1979]

Cronk, John, 4 Bartholomew Close, Little Britain, London, u and appraiser (1809–39). In 1820 took insurance cover of £1,400 of which £400 was in respect of stock and utensils. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 484, ref. 968720]

Crook, Benjamin snr, ‘The George & White Lyon’, south side of St Paul's Churchyard, London, joiner and cm (1732–50). Although he was not elected freeman of the Joiners’ Co. until 13 September 1734 it is clear that he was trading earlier than this date. On 30 December 1732 he took out insurance cover of £300 which included not only his household goods but also his stock in trade. On 2 May 1748 he announced an auction of his stock without reserve, the reason being his wish to retire from the trade. The stock on offer consisted of ‘Pier and Chimney Glasses, Sconces and Dressing Glasses, in carv'd, gilt, Mahogany and Walnut Tree Frames, great Variety of Desks and Bookcases with Glass Doors, and Buroes, several sorts of Chairs, Mahogany Tables, Cloathes Chests, Chests of Drawers, and all other sorts of Cabinet Work in Mahogany and Walnut Tree, and other Woods’. A further advertisement of 5 May 1748 added ‘Dining Tables, Card Tables, Buroes Tables, Dressing Tables and Claw Tables, Dumb Waiters, Bason Stands, Beaufets and Corner Cupboards, Tea Boards, Tea Chests’. Despite the finality of this announcement a ‘Mr Crooke, Cabinet maker in St. Paul's Church yard’ was concerned in a court case involving stolen property in December 1750. It is possible however that this was his son, Benjamin Crook jnr, who appears to have continued his father's business at the same address. After his retirement Benjamin Crook snr, appears to have been active still in the affairs of the Joiners’ Co. and in 1757 he was elected Upper Warden.

Crook's only patron to have been identified is the Duke of Montrose who in 1733 paid £7 15s 6d for some chairs and a table for Cley. Crook did however follow a policy of labelling his furniture and this enables an estimate to be made of the type and quality of his wares. The labelled pieces recorded include a walnut card table on cabriole legs with ball and claw feet (Percival Griffiths Coll., sold Christie's 10 May 1939, lot 202; Sotheby's, 16 May 1952, lot 128 — illustrated Heal, p. 239; R. W. Symonds, English Furniture from Charles II to George II, figs 25, 139, 217; Wills, English Furniture, 1550– 1760, p. 208). Other items noted are a wainscot bureau (Heal, p. 238), a walnut bureau, a walnut bureau cabinet with mirror fronted doors (advertisement Jeremy Ltd., Conn., November and December 1973) and a walnut tea caddy (Harrogate Antiques Fair, 1977). [GL, Joiners’ Co. records; Sun MS vol. 36, ref. 59662; General Advertiser, 2 May 1748; London Evening Post, 25 December 1750; Scottish RO, GD 220/6/31/647]

Crook, Benjamin jnr, ‘The George & White Lyon’, south side of St Paul's Churchyard, London, cm (1752–71). Free of the Joiners’ Co. by patrimony on 3 October 1752. In 1771–72 together with Henry Banner and John Horne signed a protest against the legality of the election of officers. [GL, Joiners’ Co. records]

Crook, Charles, High St, Newport, Isle of Wight, Hants., u (1839). [D]

Crook, James, High St, Portsmouth, Hants., cm and upholder (1793–1803). In February 1793 took out insurance cover of £500 which included £170 in respect of utensils and stock. Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. [GL, Sun MS vol. 392, p. 400]

Crook, James, 125 High St, Gosport, Hants., u (1823–30). Polled at Petersfield, Hants, in 1830. [D]

Crook, Joseph, Princes Risborough, Bucks., chairmaker (1839). [D]

Crook, Richard, Exeter and Barnstaple, Devon, cm and u (1815–38). Daughter Matilda bapt. at St Paul's Church, Exeter in 1815. Left Exeter soon after and by 1823 was trading from Boutport St, Barnstaple. [D; PR (bapt.)]

Crook, Robert, Newport, Isle of Wight, Hants., cm and u (1823–39). Trading at High St, 1823–30 and Pyle St in 1830. [D]

Crook, William, Liverpool, cm etc. (1834–39). At 6 Roscoe Lane with a shop at 26 Duke St in 1834. In 1839 at 4 Houghton St. [D]

Crookall, John, Lancaster, cm (1785–99). Free 1785–86. Named in Gillow records 1787–99. [Freemen rolls; Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow]

Crookbain, Henry, 13 Bell Lane, Spitalfields, London, cm (1808). [D]

Crookham, John, Gage St, Lancaster, cm (1834). [D]

Crool, David, Newcastle, u (1763). App. to William Charnley and free by servitude, 6 October 1763. [Freemen reg.]

Cropland, Richard, Scotland St, Sheffield, Yorks., cm (1817). [D]

Cropper, James, Sleaford, Lincs., joiner and cm (1798). [D]

Crosby, Benjamin, address unknown, (1808). Patentee of a revolving bookcase 1808. [DEF]

Crosby, John, Spofforth, Yorks., cm (1759–76). In 1759 took app. named Smith. Probably the craftsman who made furniture for Harewood House, Yorks, in the 1770s, including two tables and a mahogany stand for which £2 was charged; and in 1776 twenty-four rout chairs which cost with carriage £8 8s. [S of G, app. index; Furn. Hist., 1965; Leeds archives dept, Harewood MS 248, 249, 383]

Crosby (or Crosbie), John, The Calls, Leeds, Yorks., cm (1834– 40). May perhaps be identified with the John Crosby app. to Martha Doughty of York on 20 April 1812. His father, John was a coachmaker. [D; York app. bk]

Crosby, Robert, Case St with shop in Lime St, Liverpool, cm, u and joiner (1829–39). The address in Case St is given as 15 (1829 and 37), 16 (1835) and 8 (1839). The Lime St number is listed as 52 (1835), 34 (1837) and 66 (1839). [D]

Crosby, Samuel, Chester, cm (1831). Free 23 April 1831. [Freemen rolls]

Crosby, Thomas, Newcastle and London, u (1765–74). App. to William Hudson of Newcastle, u, and free 24 August 1765. In London in 1774. [Freemen reg.; Newcastle poll bk]

Crosby, Thomas, 4 Princes Sq., Wilson St, Moorfields, London, painter and japanner (1821–25). In 1821 took out insurance cover of £300 which included £100 in respect of stock and utensils in a workshop in the yard behind his dwelling house. A stove was allowed. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 486, ref. 976582]

Crosby, Thomas, Cow fair, Banbury, Oxon., chairmaker (1830–41). [D]

Crosby, William, Birmingham, chairmaker (1830–35). Listed at 6 Court Rea St in 1830 and 100 Rea St in 1835. [D]

Crosier, —, Leadenhall St, London, cm (1740). His app. was drowned in July 1740. [London Evening Post, 24 July 1740]

Crosier, John, Pickering, Yorks., cm (1834). [D]

Croskell, Thomas, Liverpool, u, cm and window blind manufacturer (1806–39). Freeman of Lancaster 1806–07, but moved to Liverpool almost immediately. In business by 1811 as an u and victualler at 27 Upper Milk St. In 1813 the number changed to 31 and in June he advertised the opening of a cabinet, chair and upholstery warehouse at 25 Shaw's Brow. In the advertisement he claimed to have had experience in the trade ‘in London and other towns’. The number in Shaw's Brow was subsequently listed as 27 (1821–28), 30 and 31 (1827–29), 30 only (1834–37) and 63 (1839). In 1837–39 he had an additional address at Bootle Marsh, probably his dwelling house. In the late 1820s he seems to have specialised in window blinds and in October 1828 advertised that his were superior not only because of the use of the best materials but because of the advantageous prices achieved by ‘the saving of labour by the use of steam’. Croskell also reminded the public of his cabinet wares ‘manufactured from the best seasoned wood’. [D; Lancaster freemen rolls; Liverpool Mercury, 18 June 1813, October 1828]

Croskey, John, Rye, Sussex, turner and chairmaker (1826–32). At Mermaid St in 1826 and Market St 1832. [D]

Crosland, Andrew, Silver St, Thorne, Yorks., joiner and cm (1828–34). [D]

Crosland, Mess(?), Leen Side, Nottingham, joiner and cm (1799). [D]

Crosland, Richard, Sheffield, Yorks., cm (1798–1816). At Grindlegate in 1814 and 108 Scotland St in 1816. [D]

Crosley, James, Newark, Notts., chairmaker (d. 1815). Probate on will granted 21 June 1815. [Notts. RO, probate records]

Crosoer, Francis, Strand St, Sandwich, Kent, cm (1823–38). [D; poll bks]

Cross, Adam, Liverpool, cm (1780–1827). App. to Lloyd Baxendale and free by servitude, 12 September 1780. At this date living in Gill St. Trading by 1790 at Hakins Hay and remained at this address until 1804. In the period 1823–27 at 14 Richmond Row. [D; freemen reg.]

Cross, Aubery, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Cross, Charles, Bridge St, Northampton, cm and u (1820–26). [Poll bks]

Cross, Edmund, Colchester, Essex, joiner and cm (1742–72). Took apps named Fridge in 1750, Thomas in 1755 and Holland in 1761. Examples of patronage to him by the local gentry are known. He supplied furniture and undertook repairs and alterations for Peter Creffield of Ardleigh, Essex 1742–47. The new items included a looking-glass in a carved frame on 19 October 1747 for which £3 13s 6d was charged and a wainscot chest supplied on 15 March of the same year which cost £4 4s. In 1772 Peter du Cane of Braxted Park, Essex, settled an account for a table and four chairs charged at £2 7s. [S of G, app. index; Essex RO, D/DRc F23, D/DDC A22 folio 15]

Cross, Edmund, Thorofare, Woodbridge, Suffolk, cm (1803). In Ipswich Journal, 8 January 1803 announced that he was taking over the shop of William Buckingham.

Cross, Edmund, Magdalene St, Colchester, Essex, cm (1829). [D]

Cross, Edward, London, cm and upholder (1806–26). With exception of the last year of its trading life this business operated from 123 Aldersgate St. Initially it was a partnership known as Cross & Wood but nothing is heard of the latter after 1807. In 1826 the business was at 6 Rose & Crown Ct, Finsbury Circus, and described as that of cabinet making and broking. In 1810 the 2nd Lord Braybrooke of Audley End, Essex paid £9 7s to the firm of Cross & Co., which is probably this business. [D; Essex RO, D/DBy/A376]

Cross, Edward, 57 Barbican, London, cm, upholder, auctioneer, appraiser and undertaker (1808–09). Trade card in Heal Coll., BM. [D]

Cross, George, Gainsborough, Lincs., and Newark, Notts., cm and u (1767–70). In March 1767 Cross announced that he had set up in Little Church Lane, Gainsborough in succession to the late Mr Silverwood. In May 1770 he indicated that in addition he had set up a warehouse in the Shambles, Newark. [Cambridge Chronicle, 21 March 1767, 19 May 1770]

Cross, George, Hull, Yorks., cm (1784). Freeman of Beverley, Yorks. [Beverley poll bk]

Cross, James, Shrewsbury, Salop, u (1712–19). Freeman of Shrewsbury. Took apps named Norgrave in 1712 and Ekin in 1717. [S of G, app. index; freemen rolls]

Cross, James, Grange Ct, Cary St, London, cm (1774–80). Took out insurance cover of £700 in 1780 of which £330 was in respect of utensils, stock and workshop. [GL, Sun MS vol. 281, p. 275; Westminster poll bk]

Cross, James, 19 Bell Alley, Goswell St, London, carpenter and cm (1820). On 16 August 1820 took out insurance cover of £100 which included £20 for stock and utensils. [GL, Sun MS vol. 486, ref. 970689]

Cross, James, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (1837). Witness at his daughter's wedding in 1837. [PR (marriage)]

Cross, John, parish of St James, Bristol, picture frame maker (1774). [Poll bk]

Cross, John, 18 Warwick St, Golden Sq., London, upholder and undertaker (1808). [D]

Cross, John, Exeter, Devon, cm (1830–32). Living in the parish of All Hallows on the Walls when his son Charles Henry was bapt. at St Sidwell's Church on 25 December 1830. Two years later Cross was living in Fore St when on 29 July 1832 a further son, Frederic John, was bapt. at St George's [PR (bapt.)]

Cross, John Wainwright, 107 High St, Colchester, Essex, cm and u (1839). [D]

Cross, Joseph, St Helen's Lane, Colchester, Essex, cm and u (1790). On 16 August 1790 took out insurance cover of £300 on his house, shop, warerooms and office. [GL, Sun MS ref. 572773]

Cross, Joseph, 149 Goswell St, London, cm and u (1802). On 28 January 1802 took out insurance cover of £400 of which £250 was in respect of utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 424, ref. 727475]

Cross, Joseph, 87 Bartholomew Close, London, u and cm (1793–1803). Probably the Joseph Cross who subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. In 1802 took out insurance cover of £999 of which £549 was for utensils and stock. In 1803 the insurance cover rose substantially to £1,900 of which £1,050 was for utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 426, ref. 740181; vol. 427, ref. 750321]

Cross, Nathaniel, 23 Gt Bell Alley, Coleman St, London, upholder (1773–75). [D]

Cross, Nicholas, 10 Pool Lane and 4 Thomas's St, Liverpool, cm (1754–d. 1780). In 1762 also referred to as a glass grinder. Took apps named Mosson in 1754, Thomas Holmes 1755 (free 1762), William Rigby and Edward Bispham (free 1759), Robert Wilding (free 1761), James (app. 1761), and James Ackers (free 1780). His son John was made free by patrimony 1777 when he was trading as a timber merchant. At the time of his death in 1780 Nicholas Cross was also in partnership with a Joseph Harling operating as timber merchants, and it is probable that John was assisting in this side of the business. After 1780 this part of the enterprise was continued with Harling in partnership with John Cross. They had yards in Pack Lane and Redcross St and were able to offer ‘FIR TIMBER, of all kinds, MAHOGANY, OAK, WALNUT, BEECH etc’. This part of the business was still trading in 1790 from 37 Park Lane and Mercer's Ct, Redcross St. John Cross and his partner attempted to sell the cabinet-making business and stock as a whole in February 1780, but failing to find a buyer they offered the goods in March for retail sale at much reduced prices. The stock was stated to be of ‘the best Jamaica or Hispaniola mahogany’ and consisted of ‘dining tables; piece, fly, snap & round tables; side-board table; writing desks; desk & bookcase; wardrobes, cloths press; chests of drawers; tea chests; butler & knife trays; cardivines, lookingglasses etc’. [D; S of G, app. index; freemen's committee bks; Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 17 November 1775, 18 February 1780; 10 March 1780]

Cross, Peter, Colchester, Essex, cm (1793). [D]

Cross, Ralph, Uttoxeter, Staffs., clock case maker and cm (1834–35). Listed at Bridge St in 1834 and Spiceal St in 1835. [D]

Cross, Richard, Exeter, Devon, cm (1821–26). From 1821–23 at Paris St but in 1826 Friernhay St. The baptisms of a daughter Caroline Reed on 12 April 1821, and sons Henry on 1 November 1824 and Frederick on 25 June 1822, are recorded. [D; PR (bapt.)]

Cross, Richard, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (1821–40). Sons bapt. 1821, 1831, 1837 and daughters 1838 and 1840. [PR (bapt.)]

Cross, Simon, 90 Richmond Row, Liverpool, cm (1814). [D]

Cross, T., near the Foundry, Rugeley, Staffs., chairmaker (1818). [D]

Cross, Thomas, Liverpool, furniture painter (1818). App. to Richard Nickson, painter, and free 11 June 1818. Addresses at Upper Frederick St and 4 Berry St are recorded. [Freemen reg.]

Cross, William, Nottingham, u (1693). [Nottingham freemen reg.]

Cross, William, Chester, cm (1747). Son of John Cross of Chester, barber. Free 13 June 1747. [Freemen rolls]

Cross, William, Porters Block, St John St, London, cm (1782). Took out insurance cover of £300 of which £260 was in respect of utensils, stock, workshop and a shed. [GL, Sun MS vol. 299, p. 367]

Cross, William, Milsom St, Bath, Som., upholder, auctioneer and undertaker (1771–84). A reference in the Massingberd account bks mentions a payment to a Mrs Cross, upholder at Bath in 1782. [D; Lincoln RO, MM 9110] In 1771–72 supplied Bath Corporation with furnishings costing £280 and in January 1778 with a mahogany library table £12 12s. [Bath Corp. Records]

Cross, William, 17 Gt Surrey St, Blackfriars Rd, London, cm and upholder (1790–97). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. His trade card [Heal and Banks Colls, BM] shows a lady mourning by an urn flanked by a chair in the Sheraton style and a dressing chest. In 1795 the business was listed as Cross & Sons. [D]

Cross, William, Birmingham, cm and u (1803–30). At Smallbrook St, 1803–18; Horse fair in 1822, no. 36 in 1823; and Constitution Hill, 1828–30. [D]

Cross, William, Exe Island, Exeter, Devon, cm (1837–40). [D]

Crossgrove, Barnard, 26 Hosier Lane, West Smithfield, London, chairmaker (1789). [D]

Crosshawe, John, Leadenhall St, London, looking-glass maker (1738). [D]

Crosskey, William, Rye, Sussex, chairmaker and turner (1832– 40). At Cattle Mkt in 1832 and Market St, 1839. [D]

Crossland, Richard, Sheffield, Yorks., cm (1818–22). At 108 Scotland Rd in 1818 and 20 Grindlegate in 1822. [D]

Crossley, John Mather, Manchester, cm and u (1825–40). In 1825 at Windmill St, St Peter's but by 1828 at 50 Bridge St. From 1822–33 at 14 Police St. By 1834 at 22 St Ann's St though from 1836–40 the number is 14. Also listed at 23 Old Millgate in 1840. [D]

Crossley, William, Manchester, cm (1794–1817). At 29 Toad Lane 1794; 5 Back Irwell St, 1800–04; White Cross Bank, Salford, 1808; 115 Chapel St, Salford, 1811; 12 William St, Salford, 1813; and Broker Bank, Salford, 1817. [D]

Crosthwaite, Jonathan, Market Pl., Whitehaven, Cumb., cm (1811). [D]

Crosty, James, Blackheath Rd, Greenwich, London, cm and u (1823–38). [D]

Crosty, Robert, Blackheath Rd, Greenwich, London, cm (1839). Successor to James Crosty at the same address. [D]

Crouch, Ceasar, ‘The Black Swan’, south side of St Paul's, London, trade unknown (1754–67). Free of the Joiners’ Co. by consent, 3 October 1755. Had already subscribed to Chippendale's Director in the previous year and when in 1755 the latter's workshops were damaged by fire he helped to organise an appeal for funds to replace the workmen's tools. Thomas Chippendale designed an engraved invitation card for him. In 1767 he subscribed to Paine's Plans … of Noblemen's and Gentlemen's Seats. His connection with the furniture trade is however uncertain. [Gilbert, Chippendale, 2, pl. 12]

Crouch, George, Salisbury, Wilts., carver and gilder (1798). [D]

Crouch, John, Crown Ct, Gracechurch St, London, upholder (b. 1668–d. 1748). Free of the Upholders’ Co., 1698 and master, 1732. His dwelling house was insured for £350 in 1706 and £600 in 1718, falling to £200 in 1721. He also appears to have owned other properties in Hoxton and Stepney. He died in 1748 aged 80 and was described as a wholesale upholder who had acquired a plentiful fortune and had retired some years previously. By religious persuasion Crouch was a Quaker. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records; Sun MS vol. 4, ref. 4498; Hand in Hand MS vol., ref. 11663; vol. 17, ref. 33350; vol. 19, ref. 7418; vol. 12, p. 479; vol. 23, ref. 7420 11663; London Evening Post, 20–23 February 1748]

Crouch & Jones, 31 Old Compton St, London, u and warehousemen (1811). [D]

Crouchley, Henry, Liverpool, joiner and cm (1790). Son of William Crouchley, shipwright. Free by patrimony 1790. [Freemen's committee bk]

Croughton, John, Bridge St, Chester, cm (1747–84). Son of Henry Croughton of Chester, Glover. Free 15 July 1747. Took apps Charles Chester (free 1759), Thomas Johnson (free 1767) and John Key (free 1784). [Freemen rolls; poll bk]

Crouzet, Joseph, Gt Titchfield St, Fitzroy Sq., London, carver and gilder (1817–37). At no. 107 in 1817 but by 1820 at no. 11. On 5 February 1823 Crouzet took out insurance cover on this latter address for £1,000 of which £300 was for stock. In 1827 carried out work in the Gallery or New Corridor at Windsor Castle. He submitted an estimate of £719 13s for work on picture frames and was employed to broaden and enrich the frames of seventy-two Italian paintings which had been acquired in 1762 by George III. [D; Furn. Hist., 1972; GL, Sun MS vol. 498, ref. 1001090]

Crow, Augustin, Bartholomew Close, near Smithfield, London, u (d. by 1689). Successor to Alderman William Crow. Augustin Crow was already dead by April 1689 when his stock was disposed of. This consisted of ‘all manner of rich Household Goods … as Damask, Mohair and Camlet Beds, Tapestry Hangings, Feather beds, Chairs, Carpets and other Furniture’. [Heal; London Gazette, 25–29 April 1689]

Crow, Charles, London, cm (1793). Subscriber to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Crow, Charles, King St, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, cabinet and chairmaker (1805–d. 1834). Will proved 1834. [D; probate (Norwich)]

Crow, Edward, Boar Lane, Newark, Notts., cm and u (1822). [D]

Crow, James, Newcastle, u (1674). Free 1674 as an u. [Freemen reg.]

Crow, John, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, cm (1805–38). At Broad Row in 1805, Charlotte St in 1822 and Howard St, 1830–38. [D; poll bks]

Crow, John, Norwich, cm and u (1838–40). In 1839 moved from Lower St, Lawrence St to 2 Surrey St. Might be the John Crow working at Gt Yarmouth prior to 1838. [D]

Crow, John, 2 Crown Terr., Mile End Rd, London, carver and gilder (1835–39). [D]

Crow, Robert, London, u (1784–1820). Not shown in any of the directories. On 10 December 1784 paid £18 14s 7d in connection with work at Mount Stewart, Ulster, Ireland. In 1820 working on the furnishing of Wynyard Park, Co. Durham for Charles William Vane, Marquess of Londonderry. [Mount Stewart papers, D654/41/59; Durham RO, D/ LO/E 484]

Crow, Robert, High St, Bishop Wearmouth, Sunderland, Co. Durham, cm (1827). [D]

Crow, William, St Bartholomew's, Bartholomew Close, London, u (1659–68). Alderman of the City of London. Mentioned in Samuel Pepys's Diary no fewer than ten times between 1660–68. Pepys records purchasing from him in 1668 a set of tapestries featuring the Apostles for £83. These were probably based on the famous Raphael cartoons of the Acts of the Apostles which were reproduced by the Mortlake factory. The low price paid might suggest that the set purchased by Pepys were either secondhand or painted or stained cloths in imitation of tapestries. Crow died in 1668 and was succeeded by Augustin Crow, probably at the same address. [Heal]

Crow, William, Broad Row, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, carver, gilder, chairmaker and cm (1776–98). In 1776 advertised that he was ‘from London’ and had engaged the services of a John Smethurst to assist in the business. He mentioned his ability at ship carving and the framing of looking-glasses ‘in the newest Taste’. In 1777 he insured jointly with Thomas Wright, Gent. a house for £200. In 1786 the same cover was taken out ‘on a house & shop’ in his tenure. In the policy he is named as William Crow jnr. He was succeeded at the Broad Row address by John Crow. [D; Norfolk Chronicle, 18 May 1776; GL, Sun MS vol. 258, p. 297; vol. 336, p. 276]

Crow, William, Newark, Notts., cm, appraiser and auctioneer (1789–98). An advertisement of 1789 concentrates on the auctioneering and estate agency side of the business. In it Crow also offers to buy household furniture at a fair appraisement. This might suggest that actual cabinetmaking was a small part of the business. [D; Lincoln, Rutland and Stamford Mercury, 12 June 1789]

Crowcroft, John, Finkle St, Thorne, Yorks., joiner and cm (1830). [D]

Crowder, James, Chapel St, Marlow, Bucks., chair manufacturer (1839). [D]

Crowder, Samuel, Loft St, Grimsby, Lincs., joiner and cm (c. 1823–31). Originally from Hull. App. to Joseph Scholey of Grimsby March 1816. In business by 1831. [D; Hull app. reg.]

Crowder, William, Hull, Yorks., cm and broker (1817–23). At 1 Dagger Lane in 1817 and 10 New Dock St, 1821–23. [D]

Crowder, William, 32 King Cross Lane, Halifax, Yorks., cm and u (1830). [D]

Crowdson, John, Lancaster, joiner and cm (1779–99). Free 1779–80 and stated to be of Haslingden, Lancs. Named in the Gillow records as a joiner, 1785–99. [Lancaster freemen rolls; Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow vol. 344/94, p. 459]

Crowdy, Richard, 78 Leather Lane, Holborn, London, cm and u (1808–29). In 1821 took out insurance with James and Charles Leigh of £400 with stock and utensils separately listed at £300. The property was declared to be a dwelling house and it was stated that no work was done there. In the next year the same house was insured for £250 with stock and utensils therein additionally insured for £300. Items in a workshop were seperately listed at £100. A separate policy for £450 in the name of Crowdy and James Henry and Charles Leigh mentions Richard Crowdy's dwelling house at £350 and a workshop at £100. A Samuel Crowdy listed in one directory in 1817 at this address is probably an incorrect entry. [D; GL Sun MS vol. 489, ref. 985962, 985963; vol. 489, ref. 999239, 999240]

Crowley, John, 5 Liman St, Goodman's Fields, London, cm (1812). In 1812 took out insurance cover of £500, of which £300 was in respect of stock and utensils. [GL, Sun MS vol. 455, ref. 875742]

Crowley, Thomas, 22 Vere St, Clare Mkt, London, carver, gilder and looking-glass and picture frame maker (1817–37). [D]

Crowshaw, John, Leadenhall St, London, looking-glass maker (1736–45). [D]

Crowson, Elizabeth, 71 High St, King's Lynn, Norfolk, cm and u (1836–39). [D]

Crowson, John, 71 High St, King's Lynn, Norfolk, cm and u (1822–30). Succeeded by Elizabeth Crowson at this address, probably his widow. [D]

Crowson, William, King's Lynn, Norfolk, cm and u (1830–36). At 41 Norfolk St in 1830 and 116 Norfolk St in 1836. [D]

Crowther, Ely, Skinner Lane, Leeds, Yorks., cm and joiner (1837). [D]

Crowther, Hannah, 35 Bull Green, Halifax, Yorks. See William & Hannah Crowther.

Crowther, Joseph, Bennet Thorp, Doncaster, Yorks., cm and u (1830). [D]

Crowther, William & Hannah, Halifax, Yorks., cm, turner, watch and clock maker (1793–1840). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. Regularly recorded in directories from 1822 initially at Kings Cross Lane and after 1830 Bull Green and/or 32 Hopwood Lane as cm and u. Their trade card offered ‘All kinds of Framing for Samplers, Pictures &c. in Oil or Burnish'd Gold’ and stated that ‘Boarding Schools supplied with Cases for Filligree Work’. [D; Bodleian Lib., Johnson Coll.]

Croxford, Francis, London, chair and cabinetmaker (1733). Croxford was described in 1733 as a furniture maker ‘eminent in his profession for his many new and beautiful designs, neatness of workmanship, etc.’. The only firm fact known about his career is that in July 1733 his stock was advertised for sale by Jeremiah Surman at his salerooms in Soho Sq. No reason is given for the sale but it would appear likely that Croxford gave up the cabinetmaking business in this year. The stock was said to consist of ‘magnificent large and noble glass sconces, and chimney glasses in rich carved and gilt Frames, made after his own design, and several fine walnut-tree, mahogany, mehone and other desks and bookcases with glass doors, and several fine mahogany clothes chests ornamented with brass, mahogany, walnut-tree and pigeon wood quadrille tables, fine mahogany dining tables of all sizes, and dressing glasses and dressing tables of several sorts, walnut-tree, mahogany and other desks, fine walnut-tree chests upon chests and about one hundred dozen of chairs of several sorts’. [Daily Post, 12 July 1733]

Croxton, George, 27 Smithy Door, Manchester, cm, joiner and builder (1825). [D]

Croxton, Thomas, Chester, u (1661). Free 10 July 1661. [Freemen rolls]

Croxton, William, Chester, (1687–d. 1727). Free 11 April 1687. On 12 May 1690 received 19s 3d for five days work at Chirk Castle, Clwyd, for ‘setting up ye bedds & furniture att the Castle which came from Newhall &c’. At the time of his death in 1727 he was living in St Oswald's parish, Chester. [Myddelton, Chirk Castle Accounts, 1931, p. 245]

Croydon, Elizabeth, Fore St, Totnes, Devon, carver and gilder (1838). [D]

Croydon, William N., Ashburton and Totnes, Devon, carver and gilder (1830–38). In 1830 at West St, Ashburton but in 1838 at Fore St, Totnes, an address at which Elizabeth Croydon is also recorded in that year operating in the same trade. [D]

Crozier, James, 1 City Rd, London, carver and gilder (1809). [D]

Crozier, John, 14 Air St, Piccadilly, London, u (1787). On 19 June 1787 took out insurance cover of £100 on goods. [GL, Sun MS vol. 342, ref. 531494]

Cruden (or Crunden), Thomas, 21 New Rd, Brighton, Sussex, cm, u and furniture broker (1839–40). [D]

Crudge, Thomas, Exeter and Exmouth, Devon, cm and u (1813–38). On 7 October 1813 Crudge was married at Littleham Church, Devon to Miss Floyde, the daughter of a brandy merchant. In March 1821 he announced that he had commenced business in Friernhay St, Exeter, and was also acting as an undertaker, general auctioneer and appraiser. In the same year his only daughter Elizabeth died of burns when her clothes caught fire. Her father also suffered from burns through his attempts to try to save his child by extinguishing the flames. His address was given as North St, Exeter. The following year was marked in May by the baptism of a son, Charles at St Mary Steps. He was then living in Bridge St, Exeter. Later in life he appears to have returned to the area in which he lived in his youth for in 1838 he is recorded trading at Johnson's Walk, Exmouth. [D; Exeter Flying Post, 7 October 1813, 6 September 1821; The Alfred, 13 March, 20 March 1821; PR (bapt.)]

Crump, Benjamin, High St, Kington, Herefs., turner and cm (1830). [D]

Crump, Charles Collins, Worcester, cm (1812). On 6 October 1812 admitted freeman by patrimony. Eldest son of Richard Crump, cm. [Freemen rolls]

Crump, Daniel, Stone Cutter St, St Bride's, London, chairmaker (1749–52). In 1749 and 1752 fined for non-service at St Bride's. [GL, MS 6541, p. 83]

Crump, Edward, Pentonville, London, cm (1798). [D]

Crump, Ely, High St, Worcester, cm and upholder (1776–d. 1782). Took apps William King, free 1776, Thomas Phillips, free 1777 and William Barret, free 1781. Took his son, Robert, as app., but died soon after on 22 April 1782 of ‘asthmatic consumption’. Robert Crump was however declared free in October 1786 by servitude. Crump had taken out insurance cover of £1,100 in 1779 of which £300 was in respect of ‘workshops, utensils & stock’. [Freemen rolls; GL, Sun MS vol. 277, p. 24; Berrow's Worcester Journal, 22 April 1782]

Crump, Francis, 4 Tower St, Seven Dials, London, upholder (1820). [D]

Crump, J., 5 Goswell St Rd, London, u etc. (1820). [D]

Crump, James, King St, Westminster, London, cm (1749). [Poll bk]

Crump, James, Worcester, u and cm (1784–1808). App. to John Crump snr, and free by servitude 29 March 1784. He was already in business by that year. In 1803 subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary. Took John Crump III as app. and he was made free by servitude 1808. [D; freemen reg.]

Crump, John snr, parish of St Swithin, Worcester, cm (1747– 84). Took the following apps: William Ashton (free 1758), Nicholas Field (free 1760), John Crump jnr (free 1773), Finch Collins (free 1776), Richard Crump (free 1780), William Crump (free 1780) and James Crump (free 1784). Undertook commissions for the Lechmere family of Severn End, Hanley Castle, Worcs. [Poll bk; freemen reg.; Worcs. RO, 1531/705: 134/65]

Crump, John jnr, Worcester, upholder and cm (1773–77). Free by servitude to John Crump snr, 22 March 1773. In 1775 took out insurance cover of £700 of which £500 was in respect of utensils and stock. In 1777 insured tenements and a stable for £400 and a house for the same sum. [Freemen reg.; GL Sun MS vol. 236, p. 291; vol. 259, p. 383; vol. 260, p. 12]

Crump, John III, Worcester, cm (1808). App. to James Crump of Worcester and free by servitude 6 June 1808. [Freemen reg.]

Crump, Richard, High St, Worcester, cm and u (1780–1820). Listed at no. 83, 1794–97. App. to his father John Crump snr, and free by servitude, 11 September 1780. Took as apps Thomas Mason (free 1802), and Charles Collin Crump (free 1812). About 1802 a bill of complaint was issued by Richard Crump against Ann Lyle and Elizabeth Lyde, defendants, relating to the ‘Sign of the Three Neats Tongues’, Strand, London. [D; freemen reg.; Marylebone Lib., deed 152–103]

Crump, Richard, Walsall, Staffs., u (1798). [D]

Crump, Robert, Worcester, cm and u (1786–96). Trading at Bridge St in 1794. App. to his father Ely Crump (d. 1782) and free by servitude 23 October 1786. Took as app. John Vernal, free 27 June 1796. [Freemen reg.]

Crump, William, Worcester, u (1796). Bankrupt 1796. [Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 18 April, 4 July 1796, 7 July 1797]

Crump, William, Guiting, Glos., cm (1747). [Worcester poll bk]

Crump, William, Ledbury, Herefs., cm (1757–62). Took apps named Yarnold in 1757 and Hill in 1762. [S of G, app. index]

Crump, William, Worcester, cm (1780). Free 13 September 1780 by servitude to John Crump snr. [Freemen reg.]

Crump & Timmings, High St, Worcester, cm, u and auctioneers (1788–94). Listed at no. 94 in 1794. [D]

Crumpton, —, Liverpool, u (1718–26). Supplied goods and carried out work for Nicholas Blundell of Crosby Hall, Lancs, between 1718–26. On 1 April 1718 he went there to dine and to discuss the work needed, and on the 21st his man was undertaking work to repair the cornice of the bed in the ‘Parlour Chamber’. Work in 1718 amounted to £8 4s and included the supply of curtains and vallances for the windows in the Gallery, and covering ten cushions and a squab and repairing beds. In the following year an easy chair was covered at a cost of 18s. No further work is recorded until late in 1722 when making up furniture for the Parlour was charged at £10 13s. In 1723 work centred round a new Red Bed for the Garden Chamber and ‘new vamping’ the Green Bed in the Parlour Chamber. A sum of £67 4s 11d was paid to Crumpton for work in this year. New green curtains and a valance for the Back Parlour are mentioned in December 1725 and this with other work was settled in the next year for £4 with a further 10s 4d for a window curtain for his daughter's room and covering a cushion. [Tyrer, Great Diurnal of Nicholas Blundell, 2 and 3; Disbursement bk at Crosby Hall]

Crumpton, Aaron, Broadwall, Gt Surrey St, London, carver and cornice maker (1826). [D]

Cruse, Catherine, Newark, Notts., u and cm (1793–98). Successor and probably the widow of William Cruse. [D]

Cruse, Daniel, Exeter, Devon, carver and gilder (b. c. 1804–d. 1838). In 1837 at North Bridge but in 1838 moved to St David's Hill and there died in that year aged 34. [Exeter Pocket Journal, 1837–38; Exeter Flying Post, 4 October 1838]

Cruse, Gabriel, Devizes, Wilts., u and cm (1752–79). Took as apps Sarah Sulivan 8 April 1752, James Stockham 23 July 1752, John Sullivan 11 July 1754 and John Holdenby Langley 5 December 1758, two as u and the others as cm. In 1779 insured his house with Thomas Cripps for £300. In August and October 1766 undertook work and supplied goods to the 2nd Earl of Shelburne for Bowood Park, Wilts, amounting to £62 10s 9d. Of the items supplied the most significant were six mahogany chairs, ‘Stuff'd Backs and seats in canvis’ at £7 10s and 99 yds of Wilton Carpet and ten bedside carpets which together came to £29 14s. [App. bks; GL, Sun MS vol. 272, p. 159; Bowood MS]

Cruse, William, Newark, Notts., cm (1790–92). Probate granted on his will April 1792. [Poll bk; Notts. RO, probate records]

Cruse, William, East St, Newton Abbot, Devon, cm (1830). [D]

Crusoe, Charles, King's Lynn, Norfolk, upholder (1782–1811). Son of Robinson Crusoe of King's Lynn, upholder. Made freeman of Norwich 29 November 1782. His sons John M., a mariner, and Robinson, an auctioneer were made free of Norwich on 23 November 1809 and 14 December 1811 respectively. [Norwich poll bks; Norwich freemen reg.]

Crusoe, Robinson, High St, King's Lynn, Norfolk, upholder and cm (1754–86). App. to Asty Hardwick u, and free 1754–55. Took as apps George Mathyson Vincent (free 1770–71), James Oldmeadow (free 1778–79) and Charles Crusoe (free 1782–83). Charles, his son, was also admitted freeman of Norwich on 29 November 1782. In 1781 he insured his house for £300 and in 1783 took out insurance amounting to £700 of which £300 was for utensils and stock. [D; poll bks; King's Lynn freemen rolls; Norwich freemen reg.; GL, Sun MS vol. 291, p. 519; vol. 317, p. 287]

Crussett, James, 27 East St, Red Lion Sq., London, u (1809). [D]

Crutchley, Cornelius, Shropshire St, Market Drayton, Salop, cm (1828). [D]

Crutchley, Henry, Stafford, joiner and cm (1737–52). Took apps named Brett in 1737, Hatton in 1741 and Bull in 1752. [S of G, app. index]

Crutchley, John, Bewdley, Worcs., cm (1761). Discharged from Debtors’ Prison on 31 October 1761 and said to be ‘late of Bewdley’. [London Gazette]

Crutchley, John, High Green, Wolverhampton, Staffs., u and auctioneer (1780–1820). Listed also at Cock St, as cm and u, in 1816. [D]

Crutchley, Sarah, 8 Cock St, Wolverhampton, Staffs., u (1802). [Rate bk]

Crye, Robert, 57 Stanley St, Liverpool, furniture broker, appraiser and cm (1839). [D]

Cryer, Anthony, 32 Moor Lane, Bolton, Lancs., cm (1824). [D]

Cryer, John, Chapel Lane, Bingley, Yorks., joiner/cm (1837). [D]

Cryer, John, Millgate, Selby, Yorks., joiner/cm (1837). [D]

Crystall, Alexander, 27 Wardour St, Soho, London, cm (1809). [D]

Crystall, William, London, cm (1793). Subscriber to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793

Cubett, Benjamin, see Christopher Carberry & Benjamin Cubett.

Cubbin, William, 35 Fishergate, Preston, Lancs., carver and gilder (1825–30). [D]

Cubit, Thomas, parish of All Saints, Norwich, cabinet and chairmaker (1780–d. 1804). Will proved at Norwich 1804. [Poll bks; Norfolk Record Soc., index of wills]

Cubitt, —, London, cm (1793). Subscriber to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Cubitt, Jonah, Mill's Pl., Milk St, Bristol, upholder (1801). [D]

Cubitt, Richard, Norwich and London, cm (1804–18). Son of Samuel Cubbitt, woolcomber and made free 26 May 1804. In 1818 in London. [Freemen reg.; Norwich poll bk]

Cubitt & Pettitt, 4 Archer St, Gt Windmill St, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Cuckson, Francis, 78 West Bar Green, Sheffield, Yorks., cabinet and chairmaker (1822). [D]

Cudbart, John, Whitby, Yorks., cm (1793–8). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. [D]

Cudden, James, Olland St, Bungay, Suffolk, cm, chairmaker, paper hanger and ironmonger (1813–39). Married at St Mary's Church, Bungay, 1 February 1813. [D; Suffolk RO, FAA: 50/2/116]

Cudden, John, Beecles, Suffolk, chairmaker (1782). Married 8 June 1782. [Suffolk RO, FAA: 50/2/105]

Cuddon, John, Beecles, Suffolk, chairmaker (1757). Took app. named Fletcher in 1757. [S of G, app. index]

Cuddy, Joseph, 15 Turner's Buildings, St James St and shop 7 and 13 Norfolk St, Liverpool, u (c. 1834–39). App. to William Bickerstaff 1827. Had opened his own business at the addresses above by 1827. [D; app. bk]

Cudworth, Thomas, London, upholder (1775). Son of William Cudworth of Marylebone, London, schoolmaster. App. to Robert Fowler on 3 October 1765 and free by servitude, 1 February 1775. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Cuenot, John Antoine, Warwick St, Golden Sq., London, carver (1744–62). Although included in Mortimer's London Directory of 1763 he had probably died the year previously and the John Cuenot at this address in 1763 was his son. Employed at Cleveland House in 1752 and in the same year provided a picture frame for the Duke of Northumberland costing £4 13s 9d. His best known commission is in connection with Norfolk House, St James's Sq., London for the Duke of Norfolk between 1753–56. Although the house no longer survives several interior features do. The most significant of these is the Music Room now displayed at the V & A. Cuenot was involved with the production of the carved work in connection with this interior (some of it to the design of G. B. Borra), and employed both French and English craftsmen to assist him. Work on the Music Room alone came to £645 7s 3d, the most expensive item being ‘6 Trophies to go in the pannels with laurels & oak branches’ for which £60 5s was charged. Two of the ‘monkey’ doors from the Great Drawing Room still exist, one in the V & A and the other in the Untermyer Collection in New York. The four doors of this room were charged by Cuenot at £104 15s 1d. One of the doorcases from the Green Damask or Flowered Velvet Room is now in the Art Institute of Chicago. Cuenot's account for this amounted to £12 11 3½d. Apart from wall panelling and door cases Cuenot also produced a pair of lanterns for the staircase hall at £29 17s 6d, four pier tables ‘decorated with masks of Mercury’ to be placed between the windows of the Green Damask Room at £48 12s and pier glasses and overmantels for the same room. On 25 October 1756 Cuenot received £1,000 in payment as ‘part of the money due … from his Grace’, the total cost eventually amounting to £2,643 3s 8½d. A carved diptych by him survives at Arundel Castle, Sussex. Further small commissions of 1759 from the Duke of Northumberland and the Duke of Montagu, are known. Another John Cuenot is recorded in connection with a carved model for a cornice for the Duchess's dressing room at Chatsworth, Derbs., in the mid 1770's. This could not be John Cuenot jnr as he is known to have died in 1764. [D; V & A archives; Fitz-Gerald, The Norfolk House Music Room; Arundel Castle Records, MD 18, pt. II; Burlington, June 1980, p. 403; J. Martin Robinson, The Dukes of Norfolk] B.A.

Cuer, —, Haymarket, London, u (1733). In 1733 the death of the wife of Cuer occurred. She was the daughter of Sir George Hampton. [Gents Mag., November 1733]

Cuff, Thomas, 4 Curzon St, London, sadler (1804–08). Described as sadler to their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales and the Dukes of York, Clarence, Cumberland and Cambridge. In 1804 supplied twenty six skins of Russian leather for lining wardrobes at Brighton, the cost being £44 6s 6d. Carried out similar commissions in 1805, 1807 costing £96 18s 11d and 1808 at £22 18s 4d. [Windsor Royal Archives, RA 25162, 88941, 88956, 88968]

Cuffians, John, 102 High St, Marylebone, London, u (1815). [D]

Cugnett, Peter, 1 Thorney St, Bloomsbury, London, upholder (1781). In 1781 took out insurance cover of £200 for his house. [GL, Sun MS vol. 290, p. 281]

Cuisset, James, address unknown, u (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Cuisset, John, 28 East St, Red Lion Sq., London, u (1809). [D]

Cull, James, High St, Ramsgate, Kent, cm, u, auctioneer and undertaker (1807–29). His trade card [Banks Coll., BM] shows a bed in the Sheraton style, a broken branch and mourners. From 1826–29 the business is described as James Cull & Son and was trading from 60 High St. The son was almost certainly Thomas Cull who is shown trading from this address in 1832. [D]

Cull, James, Church St, Tewkesbury, Glos., cm and u (1830). [D]

Cull, Robert, 60 High St, Ramsgate, Kent, cm and undertaker (1838–39). Successor of Thomas Cull trading at this address in 1832. [D]

Cull, Thomas, 60 High St, Ramsgate, Kent, cm and undertaker (1832). Successor of James Cull trading at this address from 1807 and almost certainly his son. In partnership with his father from 1826. [D]

Cullen, Daniel, 30 Gt Albert St, Goswell St, London, cm (1811). Took out insurance cover of £200 on 19 September 1811, half of which was for stock and utensils and the other half for household goods in his residence. [GL, Sun MS vol. 455, ref. 860972]

Cullen, James, 56 Greek St, Soho, London, u and cm (1754–79). Listed in London directories between 1765 and 1779. Nothing is known of his background before 1754 when, together with ‘several of the principal wrights in Edinburgh’ he advertised the formation of the Edinburgh Upholstery, Joiner and Mirror Glass Co., which offered upholstery, cabinet joinery, mirror glass work and all the necessaries for funerals, plus many textiles, quilts, blankets, carpets, wallpapers, leather and mattresses. [Edinburgh Evening Courant] A few pieces of furniture inscribed with his name have been recorded, but it is likely that he retailed the work of other tradesmen as a middleman rather than maintaining a major workshop. He appears in fact to have operated as a high level entrepreneurial interior decorator and house furnisher who supplied textiles, designs, furnishings and advice on a consultancy basis. Presumably his reputation and livelihood was made on the services he provided for clients which included Earl Waldegrave, the Duke of Abercorn and Mr Launderdale (besides those listed below). He was energetic in travelling to solicit custom, commissioned drawings from leading designers such as Matthias Lock, placed orders with elite craftsmen such as Samuel Norman and obtained competitive estimates. For the convenience of Lord Hopetoun he supplied a pattern chair with different enrichments on the seat rails for local tradesmen to copy His Lordship's choice of fashionable patterns. [F. Bamford, A Dictionary of Edinburgh Furniture Makers, pl. 30] Like other cm of the time, Cullen accepted law-breaking as a legitimate risk. He was involved in selling textiles illegally imported by foreign diplomats. [Apollo, August 1965 and September 1970] Cullen was declared bankrupt in 1777, not through his furnishing business, but as a result of having assumed management of The Ladies’ Club, or Coterie, in Arlington St, London.
HOPETOUN HOUSE, West Lothian (Earl of Hopetoun). James Cullen's accounts for furniture supplied to Hopetoun have virtually all disappeared, but numerous letters, memoranda and lists of items required exist showing that he provided drawings, estimates and advice to his patron between 1753 and 1773. Cullen appears to have co-ordinated the furnishing schemes, obtaining designs and co-ordinating the commission rather than actually making the furniture which was probably sub-contracted; Matthias Lock and Samuel Norman were certainly involved in the project. The following selective abstract of the documentation indicates his role.
1 February 1755: Note of dimensions of marble tables for the dining room and drawing room.
3 December 1755: Calculation of damask required for the North Apartments estimated to cost £348.
13 October 1758: Memo of furniture needed for the great apartments. February 1763: Payment of £198 for furniture.
4 & 18 February 1766: Letters from Cullen re-damask.
22 May 1766: Letter and estimate about enclosing a new design for Drawing Room glasses (finally despatched 26 June 1768).
13 February 1767: Letter concerning papier-maché borders for damask hangings.
January/February 1768: Letters concerning the state Bed and a looking-glass state enclosed drawings are ‘designed by Mr Matt Lock, lately deceased’ and refer to ‘Mr Norman’. They also allude to designs for commodes and a toilet table.
1773: Bill for a travelling bottle case £2 4s a crib bedstead £1 3s and a mahogany tea box £1 4s.
The documentation permits a fair number of pieces surviving at Hopetoun House to be associated with Cullen including the state bed, a pair and a set of four looking-glasses, three commodes, a pair of pier tables and several suites of seat furniture. [Scottish RO, Hopetoun papers; A. Coleridge, Chippendale Furniture, pp. 160–69; A. Coleridge, ‘James Cullen, cabinet maker at Hopetoun House’, Conn., November and December 1966]
FLAP TABLE, mahogany with frieze drawer and fluted legs. The back rail is inset with a boxwood plaque inscribed: ‘Jas Cullen Londini, Soho, fecit 1769’. Now at Temple Newsam House, Leeds (Fig. 6).
BLAIR CASTLE, Perthshire (3rd Duke of Atholl). An account dated 20 December 1770 totalling £116 16s includes entries for the following: ‘Men putting 2 large plates of glass in the piers in the Drawing Room; 2 elegant pier glass frames carved and gilt with 3 light branches; cabinet in 3 parts, the middle part shaped, with drawers and writing conveniences; polishing … a temple cabinet; 4 carved settees with Chinese backs; 2 elbow chairs to match the above; 6 cushions’. None of these pieces appears to have survived. [Blair Castle archives]
CARLISLE HOUSE, Soho Sq., London. ‘James Cullen, upholsterer’ was named as one of the principal creditors of the estate of Madame Cornelys proprietor of a fashionable assembly room in Soho Sq. in bankruptcy proceedings, 1773. [C. Gilbert, Chippendale, p. 161]
NORTHUMBERLAND HOUSE, London (1st Duke of Northumberland). In the mid 1770s Cullen supplied a suite of gilt seat furniture comprising armchairs and settees in the newlyfashionable French Style for the Glass Drawing Room at Northumberland House. The set is now at Syon House; one chair is signed inside the rear rail in a copper plate hand ‘J. Cullen.’ [Apollo, September 1970, pp. 206–09] P. A.

Cullen, James, Nottingham, joiner and cm (1818–25). Son of James Cullen of Nottingham, joiner. App. 1818 to Thomas Cullen of Parliament St, Nottingham, and free by 1825. [App. and freemen regs.]

Cullen, Thomas, parish of St Paul, Canterbury, Kent, cm and upholder (1782–94). [Poll bks]

Cullen, Thomas, 4 Parliament St, Nottingham, joiner and cm (1784–1832). Advertised in July 1784 for craftsmen to assist him in his business. Took as apps John Barker (1807), James Cullen (1818), Samuel Cullen (1820–22), John Cullen (1823) and Charles Cullen (1826). Signed the Nottingham Cabinet and Chair Makers’ Book of Prices, 1791 on the behalf of the masters. [D; Nottingham Journal, 31 July 1784; app. reg.]

Cullen, William, parish of St Paul, —, Kent, cm (1803). On 14 March 1793 took out of insurance cover of £1,000 of which £100 was in respect of utensils and stock kept in a hop oast and stable. [GL, Sun MS vol. 392, p. 475]

Culler, Thomas, 8 Dove Lane, Norwich, upholder (1802). [D]

Culley, John, London Lane, Norwich, cm and chairmaker (1801–03). Admitted freeman of Norwich on 24 February 1803, not by servitude. Traded from 43 London Lane, 1801– 02, but in 1802 moved to 10 London Lane. [D; freemen reg.]

Culligan, Mary, 12 Sparling St, Liverpool, u (1839). [D]

Cullimore, Daniel, 9 Orchard St, Bath, Som., u (1819). [D] Probably same as:

Cullimore, Daniel, London, u (1822–39). At 2 John's Pl., Gray's Inn Rd, 1822–24, where he took out insurance cover of £300, half this sum being in respect of stock, utensils and goods in trust. In 1824 he moved to 22 Ray St, Clerkenwell and on 8 April of that year took out insurance cover of £600 of which £350 was in respect of stock, utensils and goods in trust. He was still at this address in 1827. By 1835 however he had moved to 63 North Pl., Gray's Inn Rd. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 490, ref. 989228; vol. 497, ref. 1014088; vol. 494, ref. 1016264]

Cullimore, Thomas, Exeter, Devon, cm (1777). [Freemen rolls]

Cullingford, William, 40 George St, Portman Sq., London, invalid chair etc. maker (1829). [D]

Cullington, Robert, parish of St Lawrence, Norwich, upholder (1818). [Poll bk]

Cully, David, High St, Marlborough, Wilts., carver and gilder (1839). [D]

Culm, John jnr, Eastgate St, Chester, cm (1771). [Poll bk]

Culverwell, Charles, 70 Union St, Stonehouse, Plymouth, Devon, carver and gilder (1823–38). Death of his wife recorded in August 1826. [D; The Alfred, 29 August 1826]

Culverwell, Robert, 204 Tooley St, Southwark, London, cm (1778). In 1778 insured his utensils, stock and goods for £100 out of a total cover of £300. [GL, Sun MS vol. 271, p. 137]

Culverwell, Robert, Bridgwater, Som. and Exeter, Devon, carver (1774–81). In 1774 at Bridgwater and in 1781 at Exeter. [Bristol poll bks]

Culyer, Thomas, Lakenham, Norwich, chairmaker (1818–30). Son of Henry Cullyer, worsted weaver. Free 25 April 1818. [Freemen reg; poll bk]

Culyer, William, Norwich, cm and chairmaker (1811–18). Son of Henry Culyer, worsted weaver. Free 16 February 1811. [Freemen reg.; poll bks]

Cumber, Peter, ‘The Golden Boy’, Chiswell St, parish of St Giles, Cripplegate, London, picture frame maker, dealer in pictures and undertaker (1724–28). Insurance cover on goods and stock amounted to £300 in 1728. [GL, Sun MS vol. 16, ref. 31719; vol. 29, ref. 47080]

Cumine, Francis, 2 Bowling Green, 63 King St, Snowfields, London, cm (1779–80). Insured his utensils and stock for £100 out of a total of £200 cover. [GL, Sun MS vol. 274, p. 545; vol. 285, p. 310]

Cumming, Alexander, London, cm (1765–75). Shown at Bartholomew Close for the entire period of operation, though in 1770 an address at Maiden Lane, Covent Gdn is recorded. It was in December of that year that his bankruptcy was announced and he was said to be of Covent Gdn. [D; Gents Mag., December 1770]

Cumming, John, 8 Nicholas St, Liverpool, u (1835). [D]

Cummings, James, London, chair and bedstead maker (1792–1808). In July 1792 at 3 Calender Yd, Long Alley, Moorfields where he took out insurance cover of £200 which included £40 for utensils and goods in stock and £60 for utensils and goods in yard. In 1808 at 10 Little Cheapside, Sun St, Finsbury Sq. [D: GL, Sun MS vol. 388, p. 245]

Cummings, John, Redcross St, Bristol, looking-glass manufactory (1792–1806). [D]

Cummings & Barrow, Prussia St, Liverpool, joiners and cm (1810). [D]

Cummins, Andrew, 7 Gt Pulteney St, Westminster, London, cm (1784). [Poll bk]

Cummins, Charles, parish of St James, Bristol, cm (1784). [Poll bk]

Cummins, Charles, 1 Pithay, Bristol, cm and u (1825–30). [D]

Cummins, Peter, London, carver and gilder (1820–35). In 1820 at 5 Hertford St but when in 1822 he took an app. he was in Titchfield St, Marylebone. From 1829 his address is recorded as 55 Upper Marylebone St, Portland Pl. [D; Westminster Ref. Lib. MS E3559]

Cummins, Philip, 55 Upper Marylebone St, London, carver, wood and cabinet etc. (1839). [D]

Cummins, R., 55 Upper Marylebone St, London, carver (1835). Successor to Peter Cummins at this address. [D]

Cummins, Thomas, Bristol, carver and gilder (1812–40). In 1812–13 at Ellbroad St and from 1814–18 at 6 Syms's Alley. After this period remained at 13 Broadmead and from 1838 also claimed to be a cm. [D]

Cummins, William, Liverpool, cm (1810–14). In 1810 at Hurst Pl. and 1813–14 at 14 Harrington St. [D]

Cummins, William, Liverpool, cm (1812). App. to John Gaston of Liverpool and free by servitude, 5 October 1812. [Freemen's committee bk]

Cumpston, John, Carlisle, Cumb., chairmaker (1810–34). At Abbey St, 1810–11, but by 1829 at Old Grapes Lane. By 1834 had moved again to 70 Castle St. [D]

Cumpsty, Thomas, Lancaster, (1784–1824). Named in the Gillow records 1784–86, 1807, 1809, 1816, 1818, 1821–24. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow]

Cumpsty, William, Lancaster (1784–86). [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow records]

Cundale, Thomas, Kirkgate, Ripon, Yorks., cm (1822–37). [D]

Cundall, William, Ogleforth, York, cm and auctioneer (1823). [D]

Cundall, William, Otley, Yorks., joiner, cm and builder (1828– 37). At Northgate in 1828–34 but by 1827 had moved to Bridge St. [D]

Cundell, Joseph, Northgate, Darlington, Co. Durham, cm and joiner (1828). [D]

Cunliffe, Henry, Siddal's Lane, Derby, cm and u (1828–35). [D]

Cunningham, John & James, Bridge St, Warrington, Lancs., u (1828–34). In 1834 only John Cunningham is recorded. [D]

Cunningham, Vincent, Stratford, London, upholder (1736). Recorded as bankrupt, Gents Mag., June 1736.

Cure, George, London, upholder (1691–1718). In 1709 in Hay market but in 1718 in King St, St Ann, Westminster. Recorded in the Royal Household accounts for 1691 working on a substantial order. This was for ‘20 caned bottom chairs with banister backs and carved, 20 cushions of crimson damask for the chairs, squabs, valences, floor mats for St. James's House’. These goods were charged at £43 9s 8d. In 1718 took out insurance cover of £400 on his rented house in King St. [Heal; GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 19, p. 94; PRO, LC9/280]

Cure, George, the ‘Three Golden Chairs’, Haymarket, London, u (1721–d. 1759). Probably the son and successor of the George Cure working in London in the same trade, 1691– 1718. The business operated by George Cure jnr was of a substantial nature. As early as June 1725 he took out insurance cover for the goods and merchandise in his dwelling house for £1,000. His recorded commissions appear to be entirely for Frederick Louis, Prince of Wales, and he may well be entitled to a place with other better known craftsmen such as Benjamin Goodison who were similarly employed at this period. Between 1731 and 1747 he provided bedding, bolsters, blankets, cushions etc. for his royal patron and was responsible for moving furniture between the various places of residence of the Prince such as Kew, Norfolk House, Carlton House and Leicester House. On 13 November 1738 it was announced in the press that ‘Mr Cure, upholsterer to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has received orders from Bath to get Norfolk House in St James's Square in readiness by the beginning of December’. In 1740 he was referred to as Keeper of the Wardrobe with responsibility for disbursements for repairs, cleaning and porterage. When in 1737 the Company of Upholders at Exeter Exchange furnished mourning at Norfolk House at a cost of £191 11s it was George Cure who appears to have been responsible on behalf of the Company. He appears to have played a part in the decoration and fitting out of the state barge designed by William Kent for the Prince of Wales and built 1731–32. On 12 December 1737 he supplied for the barge chintz window curtains with the necessary rods, green cloth for the table in the cabin and carpets for which £42 14s 4d was charged. In this year alone £132 16s 2d was paid to Cure.

In 1739 the Prince of Wales leased Cliveden, Bucks., from Lady Orkney and lived there in great style until his death in 1751. Cure was frequently employed to undertake work and after the Prince's death his position in the household continued with his appointment as Wardrobe Keeper to Her Royal Highness Princess Augusta, wife of the Prince. For this position he received a salary of £50 a year.

Typical entries for Clivedon recorded in the Duchy of Cornwall records include:

‘7 May 1742 For 2 Green Lutestring curtains for a Night Table 17s
For 2 Large Wainscott table bedsteads with Double Sack bottoms for the footmen £3.10s
For a half Canepy hoop tester, with a compass rod, nutts & screws & plates £1
For 17 yds ½ blew harrateen for a Curtain & Cover the Teaster £1.15s
For blew lace to trim it, Rings, thread, silk & tape 11s. 6d
Making the Curtain Gathered with a head and cover the canepy 12s
May 21 1743 For a Windsor Chair for Lord Carnervon 11s
For a fine large Turkey Carpitt for the Rooms where the young Princes Dine in, by Ordr £7.7s
For a fine Large Hanin blankitt bound with white Ribbon for Prince George £1.7s
For 3 Large Green Sherge coushions fil'd with flox for the Doggs £1.3s
For cuttong out & Makeing 2: crimson Lutstring cases for 2: Easy Chairs & Coushions for their Royall Highness to Dine on £1.4s
Oct 1744 Payd a man to go to Cliffden to mend furnetr aboutt the House, mend 2 paper skreens, and Doe severall things about the House, Passage ther & Back £2.
Aug 18 Payd a cart to carry the large Couch & top etc to Cliffden £1
Payd a Man to Goe to Cliffden to put up the Couch, umbrellas & other things, Expenses etc 19.6d’

George Cure died in 1759 and letters of administration concerned with the goods and chattels were issued to John Cope guardian to George and Capel Cure who were minors at the time of the death. [Heal; poll bk; GL, Sun MS vol. 21, ref. 36144; Duchy of Cornwall Office LX(2), p. 29, p. 159, vouchers vi(i) 1735–37, p. 264, vp. 262, household accounts, I to XX; London Daily Post, 13 November 1738; V & A archives] B.A.

Curle, Thomas & Son, carpenters (1800–03). Undertook work for the Royal Family. Accounts for work amounted to £69 9s 9d in 1800 and in 1803 £18 14s. The latter work consisted of supplying mahogany boxes, painting and japanning basin stands and a table, the making of an elm confectionery block and ‘Painting & fitting 4 brass castors & 2 glass eyes to Horse in Armoury and making the figure of a man for the horse’. [Windsor Royal Archives, RA 88867, 25137]

Curles & Harris, 4 Clare St, Bristol, carvers and gilders (1830– 40). [D]

Curme, Charles, High St, Dorchester, Dorset, cm, u, auctioneer and builder (1823–30). In 1830 recorded in partnership with John Acres at High West St. [D]

Curme, H., Bridport, Dorset, cm (1837–40). In 1837 listed as insolvent but by 1840 back in business at West St. [D; Exeter Flying Post, 23 May 1837]

Curme, Thomas, Dorchester, Dorset, cm (1786–93). In July 1786 insured his house for £60 and his utensils and stock for £260. In 1791 insured his goods, utensils and wearing apparel for £1,400. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 339, p. 103; vol. 376, p. 657]

Curnock, Thomas, London, carver (1754). Freeman of Bristol. [Bristol poll bk]

Curr, Samuel, London, upholder (1730). Son of William Curr of ‘Adbury’, Hants., yeoman. App. to Nathaniel Spindler 22 July 1723 and James King, freeman and draper 18 February 1725. Free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 7 October 1730. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]

Curran, Robert, Liverpool, cm (1804–35). At 4 Little Harford St, Mount Pleasant in 1804 and Carver Ct, 28 Stanley St in 1835. [D]

Currer, Thomas, Madeley, Salop, cm (1840). [D]

Currey, William, Norwich, cabinet and chairmaker (1836–39). At Field Sq. in 1836 and St Stephen's Gate in 1839. [D]

Currie, Archibald, 24 Denmark St, Soho, London, cm (1786–1813). On 3 April 1786 took out insurance cover of £200 of which £50 was for utensils etc. Executor of the will of James Reid, cm, proved 6 March 1800. Not recorded in trade directories until 1808. On 18 April 1809 took out insurance cover on a house at 14 Gloster Pl., Camden Town for £200 with a further £200 for household goods. The house was said to be in ‘his own tennure’. Despite this the business continued to operate from the Denmark St premises. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 448, ref. 830691; vol. 336, p. 108]

Currie, Samuel, 9 Bakehouse Lane, Stanley St, Liverpool, cm (1790). [D]

Currie, William, Longtown, Cumb., cm and ironmonger (1811). [D]

Currie & Gibson, Westgate, Newcastle, cm and joiners (1838). [D]

Curry, —, Lancaster, u (1798–1803). [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow records]

Curry, Abraham, 32 Theobald's Rd, Red Lion Sq., London, upholder and undertaker (1789–93). Some directories record the Christian name as Andrew and in 1792 the address is stated to be 30 Theobalds Rd. Bankrupt 1791, a dividend being paid in 1795. [D; Bailey's list of bankrupts; Derby Mercury, 29 January 1795]

Curry, John, 87 Leather Lane, Holborn, London, u (1812). In 1812 married Elizabeth Lucy, late wife of John Clark, late of Kingston, Surrey, Gent. [PRO, C13/139/12]

Curry, Joseph, Butcher Bank, Newcastle, u (1778). [D]

Curry, Joseph, Turner's Pl., St James’ St, Liverpool, cm (1834). [D]

Curry, Robert, Newcastle, u (1723–41). Free 30 October 1723. [Freemen reg.; poll bks]

Curry, Robert, Darlington, Co. Durham, u (1774–77). Freeman of Newcastle. [Newcastle poll bks]

Curry, Robert, Newcastle, u (1782–88). At Scale Cross in 1782 but by 1787 at the foot of Side where he had a shop. Thomas Eden, u, took over the business at this address in March 1788. [D; Newcastle Courant, 22 March 1788]

Curry, William, Union St, Cheltenham, Glos., cm (1839). [D]

Curtis, Anthony, Essex, cm (1832–39). Recorded at Manningtree in 1832 and Misterley in 1839. [D]

Curtis, Augustine snr and jnr, Norwich, carvers (1661–1732). Augustine Curtis snr was born 1661 and died 1731. His son, born 1701, was his app. and made free, 18 August 1722. The nature of their work is uncertain and Gunnis records only their own memorial in St John Maddermarket, Norwich, the son only surviving his father by a year. [Gunnis; freemen rolls]

Curtis, Benjamin, 3 St James’ St, Liverpool, cm and broker (1834). [D]

Curtis, C. W., address unknown. A George IV pollard elm pedestal table with the label of this maker included in Christie's sale of 16 July 1981, lot 41.

Curtis, Cornelius, Wells, Som., cm (1784). Freeman of Bristol. [Bristol poll bk]

Curtis, Henry, Norwich, chairmaker (1753–55). Took apps named Bartell in 1753 and Yeomans in 1755. He was however not free himself until 3 May 1755 (not by servitude). [Freemen reg.; S of G, app. index]

Curtis, Henry, parish of St John Maddermarket, Norwich, cm (1779–80). Son of John Curtis, joiner. Free 11 December 1779. [Freemen reg.; poll bk]

Curtis, Hipsley, Chewton, Som., u (1734). Freeman of Bristol. [Bristol poll bk]

Curtis, James, Lewes, Sussex, cm, u and furniture broker (1823–40). Initially in South St but by 1832 had moved to 39 High St, Cliffe. [D; poll bks]

Curtis, James, 113 Wardour St, Soho, London, carver and gilder (1835). [D]

Curtis, John, Wisbech, Cambs., cm, u and chairmaker (1768– 1824). An advertisement in the Cambridge Chronicle and Journal of 8 October 1768, gives details of property for sale in Wisbech, including ‘a Shop or Shed … near to Roper's Fields, now in the Occupation of John Curtis, chairmaker’. The poll bks of 1780 and 1802 also record him in Wisbech. Advertised for a chair turner and an u, Lincoln, Rutland and Stamford Mercury, 12 March 1790. The Cambridge Chronicle and Journal, 14 May 1796 carried an advertisement for two experienced journeymen cm to apply ‘to John Curtis at his Chair, Cabinet and Upholstery Manufactury in the Beast Market, Wisbech’. There was also a vacancy for an app. and ‘A spinning wheel maker … who can do the Job Turning in a cabinet shop’. Another advertisement appeared in the Cambridge Chronicle and Journal, 17 April 1812, addressed to journeymen chair and cm: ‘Two or three good workmen in the above branches may have constant employ, by the Norwich book of prices, and the late advances theron, by applying immediatly to Mr. John Curtis's Chair, Cabinet and Upholstery Manufactory near the Corn Exchange, Wisbech St. Peters, Cambridgeshire’. Curtis again advertised in Cambridge Chronicle and Journal, 26 April 1818 for two further workmen. Pigot's directory of 1823–24 lists the firm of John Curtis & Son in Wisbech. The business was probably fairly substantial and as early as 1777 utensils, stock and workshop were insured for £400. Some furniture appears to have been labelled and one piece inscribed in manuscript ‘John Curtis/Fecit 1774/Wisbich’ is known. The label is on the inner carcase of a 17th-century marquetry cabinet which had been extensively rebuilt and altered in the 18th century to form a chest of drawers. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 263, p. 97] R. W.

Curtis, John, Wisbech, Cambs., cm and u (1839). Recorded at North Brink, Wisbech, and possibly the ‘son’ from John Curtis & Son above. [D]

Curtis, John, London Lane, Reigate, Surrey, cm, turner and u (1826–39). [D]

Curtis, John, 11 Oxford St, Leeds, Yorks., cm (1839–40). [D]

Curtis, Joseph, 23 Pithay, Bristol, carpenter and cm (1775). [D]

Curtis, Joseph, Otley, Yorks., cm (1822–37). At Rotten Row in 1822, Westgate in 1830, but in 1837 at Kirkgate. [D]

Curtis, Joseph Digby (or Digley), Newark, Notts., carver, gilder and painter (1805–35). Trading at Castlegate in 1805–08, and Lombard St, 1828–35. [D]

Curtis, P., 17 Peter St, Bishopsgate, London, cm and u (1835–39). [D]

Curtis, Robert, London, cm (1830–31). Freeman of Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk. [Gt Yarmouth poll bk]

Curtis, Thomas, Wisbech, Cambs., chairmaker, cm and u (1798–1830). Recorded in a 1798 directory as an u. From 1806–19 the address is given as ‘near the Church’ but from 1830 as Market Pl. Advertised for an app. in August 1806 and March 1819. [D; Cambridge Chronicle, 30 August 1806, 5 March 1819]

Curtis, William, Worcester, upholder (1775–98). Trading at 6 Goose Lane in 1797. App. to Richard Meredith and free by servitude 6 March 1775. [D; freemen rolls]

Curtis, William jnr, Billericay, Essex, cm, u, appraiser and house agent (1823–38). At the time of his death in 1853 he was also listed as a farmer, brickmaker and carpenter but the date on which he added these activities is not known. [D; Maldon poll bk., jurors’ bk; Wills at Chelmsford]

Curtis, William, High St, St Mary's, Lincoln, cm and u (1835). [D]

Curtis, William, Dorking, Surrey, cm (1826–39). [D]

Curtis & Drake, 2 Elm Hill, Norwich, cm (1783–84). [D]

Curtois, Charles, Lincoln, cm (1805–22). Trading at New St, 1805–06, New Rd in 1819 and Silver St in 1822 also as an u. [D; poll bk]

Curtois, Mary, New Rd, Lincoln, u and cm (1819). [D]

Curtois, William, bottom of New Rd, Lincoln (1805). Trade card [Banks Coll., BM] shows three pieces of furniture in the Sheraton style and two looking-glasses. [D]

Curwin, John, Leeds, Yorks., cm (1791). Listed in the Leeds Cabinet and Chair Makers Book of Prices, 1791 as a journeyman in sympathy with the intentions of its compilers.

Cushen, Edward, East St, Tichfield, Hants., cm and u (1830). [D]

Cushen, William, 55 Paradise St, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1794). [D]

Cushing, Charles, Lawrence Lane, St Laurence, Norwich, carver and gilder (1835–40). Son of John Cushing, bookbinder and free 10 January 1835. In business by 1839. [D; freemen reg.]

Cushing, James M., Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, cm (1774). Took as app. John George (free 1774). [Freemen rolls]

Cushing, John William, Norwich, cm (1827). Son of John Cushing, bookbinder. Free 3 February 1837. [Freemen reg.]

Cushing, Robert Harley, Norwich, carver and gilder (1799). Son of Samuel Cushing, carver and gilder. Free 26 October 1799. [Freemen reg.]

Cushing, Samuel snr and jnr, Norwich, carvers and gilders (1770–1840). Samuel snr was app. to Benjamin Jagger and free by servitude, 21 September 1770. Already trading on his own behalf by 1776 at St Giles Broad St, the number being initially 10 but was changed to 9 about 1800. In 1776 advertised that he could execute articles ‘as cheap as in London’ and specified his products as ‘Ornaments for Chimney Pieces, Glass Frames, Girandoles and Picture Frames of all Kinds, in the present Taste, Prints fram'd and glaz'd. oval or square, and every other Article in the Carving Business’. He also pointed out that his wood carvings were 25% cheaper than work carried out in lead; and three years later claimed in an advertisement that he had devised ‘a Method of strengthening light Ornaments, which renders them free from any Danger of breaking’. His only recorded app. was William Dansie who was free 24 February 1793 but as he had two sons to assist in the business outside assistance was probably less necessary. His eldest son Samuel was made free by 1796 and Robert Harley on 26 October 1799. Samuel Cushing snr probably died between 1812 and 1818 and after that his eldest son continued the business at the same address. By 1830 however the address was changed to Bethel St and from 1836 to Surrey St. [D; freemen reg.; poll bks; Norfolk Chronicle, 3 August 1776, 17 July 1779]

Cushing, T. jnr, Marylebone, London, cm (1830). Freeman of Norwich. [Norwich poll bk]

Cussans, John, 102 High St, Marylebone, London, u (1812–14). [D]

Cussans, Leonard, 47 Gray's Inn Rd, London, mattress and bed maker (1820). [D]

Cussons, George, 115 Wardour St, London, cm (1781). In 1781 insured his utensils and stock for £100 out of a total cover of £200. [GL, Sun MS vol. 292, p. 55]

Cust, George & Cox, John, Strand, parish of St Clement Danes, London, upholders (1741–48). Insured the Upholders’ Co. building, as above, in their own possession for £2,000. [GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 62, ref. 4332]

Custance, John Miles, London, broker, upholders and undertaker (1786–1802). At 40 Brewer St, Golden Sq. in 1786 when he took out insurance cover of £800 on his house and workshop and £300 on his utensils, stock and goods in trust. In 1793 the number is recorded as 41. He also appears to have had additional premises at 32 Bishopsgate 1790–93. He was admitted a member of the Upholders’ Co. by redemption on 5 May 1802. At the time he was living at 31 Bow Lane, Cheapside and declared his trade as ‘auctioneer & appraiser’. [D; Heal; GL, Sun MS vol. 337, p. 154; Upholders’ Co. records]

Custance, King's Lynn, Norfolk, u (1787–88). On 9 February 1787 insured his goods for £500. In January of the following year his marriage to Miss Holman of Downham Market, Norfolk was announced. [GL, Sun MS vol. 343, p. 103; Gents Mag., January 1788]

Custance, William, Fakenham, Norfolk, cm (1794). Bankruptcy announced in 1774, and from 6 October of that year his stock was sold by auction. It consisted of ‘several very handsome mahogany double and single chests of drawers, two mahogany bureaus, wardrobes, several mahogany voiders, set of dining tables, with circular ends, handsome secretary and bookcase, with glazed gothic doors, staircase and other carpets, pier and dressing glasses in burnished gold and mahogany frames, tea caddies, very handsome bason stands, wardrobe bedstead, about 12 dozen mahogany chairs with hair and other seats and a great variety of other articles of useful furniture’. His stock of timber was also offered for sale consisting of ‘upwards of TEN THOUSAND FEET of FINE DRY MAHOGANY, in boards and planks, 6000 feet of wainscot in boards, a very large quantity of fine dry deals, dyed woods, veneers, walnuttree and elm planks, two fine cedar logs’ together with ‘a good timber drug, and two carts’. [Bury and Norwich Post, 24 September 1794]

Custance, William, parish of St Michael at Plea, Norwich, upholder (1788–90). App. to Henry Withers, upholder, and free by servitude 3 May 1788. [Freemen reg.; poll bk]

Cutbush, Edward, Rochester, Kent, carver (1771). [Poll bk]

Cuthbert, James, London, upholder (1780–97). Free of the Upholders’ Co. under the 1750 Upholders’ Act on 7 June 1780. It is probable that at this date he was already trading as his address is shown as 123 Fleet St which was used for the business up to 1793. In 1780 he took out insurance cover for £600, half of which was in respect of utensils and stock. In 1790 he was declared bankrupt and in the same year fined £9 for non-service at St Bride's Guildhall. Business was not interrupted for long however, for by 1792 Cuthbert was once again trading from the Fleet St address in partnership with his son. In 1795 the address was changed to 79 Islington Rd. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 284, p. 104; Upholders’ Co. records; MS 6561, p. 118; Bailey's list of bankrupts]

Cuthbertson, Daniel, Newcastle, u (1746). Free 1746. His son John was also declared free on 14 January 1762 by patrimony. [Freemen reg.]

Cuthbertson, J. W., 86 Percy St, Newcastle, u (1838). [D]

Cuthbertson, John, Brighton, Sussex, u and cm (1822–26). At 10 Cumberland Pl. in 1822 but from the next year at 46 Edward St. [D]

Cuthey, Samuel, Regent St, Newark, Notts., carver and gilder (1835). [D]

Cutler, Richard, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (1798). [Militia Census]

Cutler, Samuel, 11 Clarence St, Liverpool, u etc. (1837). [D]

Cutler, Thomas, Norwich, u and paper hanger (c. 1790–1830). His trade card in the Norwich Lib. gives his address as St Andrew's and shows a draped shield with the Prince of Wales's feathers. This must be dated by style to c. 1790. Cutler is first mentioned in local directories in Rampant Horse St. Took an app. Ambrose Gedge who was made free, 7 December 1818. In 1822 the business was listed as Cutler & Tomlinson but no mention of Tomlinson occurs in an 1830 directory entry. [D; poll bks, freemen reg.]

Cutler, William, Market Pl., Warminster, Wilts., cm and u (1839). [D]

Cutsforth, Thomas, Hull, Yorks., u and cm (1790–1823). At Land of Green Ginger, 1790–99, but from 1803 at 57 Whitefriargate. [D]

Cuttell, Stephen, 99 Berwick St, London, cm (1779–84). In 1779 insured his house for £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 271, p. 355, poll bk]

Cutter, Charles, Warwick St, Golden Sq., London, carver and gilder and painter (1805–18). Trading from 22 Warwick Sq. by July 1806 when he took out insurance cover of £550 which included £250 in respect of stock, utensils and goods in trust. The cover for stock was the same in 1810 though that on his house rose to £700 with an additional cover of £650 for household goods. In 1817 Cutler was in partnership with a man named Brown, but this must have been the last year of trading, for in January 1818 his stock was sold by auction ‘by the direction of trustees’. The Warwick St premises were described as being a ‘Leasehold dwelling house, and a large shop’ and was said to have been used for the trade of carver and gilder for ‘upwards of Thirty Years’. The stock offered for sale consisted of ‘A NOBLE PIER GLASS 62 by 31, ONE 42 by 24, AND SEVENTY OTHER PLATES OF GLASS, ORIGINAL DRAWINGS, By Hogarth, Walmsley, Craig, Gainsborough &c. PICTURES, STAINED GLASS AND PAINTINGS ON GLASS, Elegantly carved and gilt Pier Tables, with Marble Tops; carved Brackets, pair of beautifully carved Dogs, Antique carved and Modern Picture Frames, A BUHL CLOCK, Marble Slabs, 5 feet by 2 feet, Eight richly carved Chairs, covered with Damask, and a variety of carved Work’. Several of Cutter's customers are known and indicate a flourishing and fashionable trade. In 1805 five gilt picture frames and three others in black and gold were supplied to James Brogden, MP, costing £17 17s 6d. At the same period he was working for Edward Lascelles of Harewood House, Yorks. supplying items mainly for his London house in Hanover Sq. On 24 April 1805 £2 10s was paid to ‘J. Cutler framemaker’ and on 15 July 1806 a further payment of £85 was made. In March 1806 he charged £7 14s for gilding the cornice in the Library at Gorhambury, near St Albans, Herts. A further £13 0s 6d was paid in March of the following year for ‘gilding and bronzing the border in the Drawing Room’. The 2nd Lord Braybrooke paid him £7 7s in 1810 for picture frames etc. and in June and December 1813 £2 11s for picture frames and £5 5s for carving and gilding. These commissions were for Audley End, Essex and his London house. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 437, ref. 792102; vol. 453, ref. 846764; vol. 453, ref. 839489; V & A archives; Essex RO, D/D Se 8; D/DBy/A376, Leeds archives dept, Harewood MS 192; Herts. RO, accounts bk XI 77] B.A.

Cutter, William Biggs, London St, Reading, Berks., carver and gilder (1820). [Poll bk]

Cutting, John, 42 London St, Tottenham Ct Rd, London, cm and u (1839). [D]

Cutting, William, Smallgate St, Beccles, Suffolk, u (1839). [D]

Cymington, James, address unknown, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.