Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840. Originally published by W.S. Maney and Son Limited, Leeds, 1986.
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'A', in Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840, ed. Geoffrey Beard, Christopher Gilbert (Leeds, 1986), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/dict-english-furniture-makers/a [accessed 14 March 2025].
'A', in Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840. Edited by Geoffrey Beard, Christopher Gilbert (Leeds, 1986), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/dict-english-furniture-makers/a.
"A". Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840. Ed. Geoffrey Beard, Christopher Gilbert (Leeds, 1986), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/dict-english-furniture-makers/a.
Aaron, Randolph, Market Ct, Bow St, London, upholder (1706). [GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 4, ref. 11781]
Abbey, Harry C., North St, York, joiner and cm (1787–1810). Died September 1810 aged 38; stock sold March 1811. [D; York Courant, 17 September 1810 and 18 March 1811]
Abbey, Jonathan, Queen St, Seven Dials, London, cm (1775). [GL, Sun MS vol. 242, p. 551]
Abbey, Thomas, 11 Orange St and 15 Crooks Row, St Pancras, London, carver, gilder and joiner (1808–10). [GL, Sun MS vol. 443, ref. 825053]
Abbis, Thomas, Edmonton, London, upholder (1722–78). Son of Nicholas Abbis of Peckham, surgeon. App. to Wall Tidmarsh on 6 July 1715. Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. on 5 September 1722 by servitude. Took app. named Zachariah Clarke in 1728. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Abbot(t), David, Conduit St, Bedford, cm and u (1839). [D]
Abbot, Elizabeth, Park St, Leamington, Warks., cm (1830). [D]
Abbot, John, 4 Wilmot St, Russell Sq., London, cm and u (1829). [D]
Abbot, Joseph, Debenham, Suffolk, carpenter and cm (1824). [D]
Abbot, Mathew & Richard, Uppingham, Leics., chair turners (1790–98). [D]
Abbot, William, Preston, Lancs., u (1781–84). [D]
Abbot & Stidston, 137 Long Acre, London, u (1786–93). [D] See Philip Abbott & William Stidston.
Abbott, Andrin, Off Alley, Westminster, London, cm (1774). [Poll bk]
Abbott, Anthony, Liverpool, upholder (b. 1773/74–d. 1831). Recorded in 1796 at 14 Rainford's Gdn and subsequently at Davies St, Hackins Hey and Bolt St. In 1816 he had a warehouse at 3 Lower Spaling St. Advertised on 30 April 1813 that he had ‘arrived from London with a selection of the newest patterns in upholstery & cabinet goods’. These included paper hangings, Brussels and Kidderminster carpets and ‘Cabinet Goods in Rose, Zebra & other fancy woods’. Declared bankrupt in October 1819, and his stock was sold off by auction in the same month. Died in April 1831, aged 58. [D; Liverpool Mercury, 30 April 1813; 8 and 15 October 1819; 15 April 1831]
Abbot, Anthony & Sons, 32 Nelson St, Liverpool, u (1834–35). [D]
Abbott, Henry, 205 High St, Shoreditch, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Abbot(t), James, Newgate St, Chester, cm (1778–97). Admitted freeman in 1778. Took apps named Edward Turner in 1778 and Thomas Walker in 1782. A cm of the same name is recorded at Watergate St, Chester in 1826. [D; Chester freemen rolls and app. reg.]
Abbott, John, London, carver and gilder (1765–68). Addresses in Dopping Alley, 1765, and Fleet Bridge, 1768. [GL, City Licence bks, vols 4 and 6]
Abbott, John, Cathedral Precincts, Canterbury, Kent, joiner and u (1782–86). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1782 for £300 on his utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 299, p.2; vol. 304, p.585; Canterbury freemen rolls]
Abbott, John, Market Pl., Wellingborough, Northants., cm (1823–30). [D]
Abbott, John, 17 Judd St, Somerstown, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Abbott, Nehemiah, 1 Spring Pl., Brownlow Lane, Chapel Hill, Liverpool, u (1834–37). [D]
Abbott, Philip, Coventry St (?), London, u (1777). See William Norton.
Abbot(t), Philip, St James, Westminster, London, upholder (1780). Declared bankrupt, Gents Mag., November 1780.
Abbott, Philip & Charlton, John, 5 Princes St, Leicester Fields, London, upholders (1778–79). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1778 for £800 on his utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 265, p. 561; vol. 277, p. 133]
Abbott, Philip & Stidston, William, 137 Long Acre, London, u and carpet warehousemen (1781). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1781 for £1,000 on their utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 297, p.283] See Abbot & Stidston.
Abbott, Samuel, London, upholder (1712–c. 1754). Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. in October 1712. Took apps named John Underwood in 1714 and Richard Loveland in 1717. His son, William, admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. on 4 July 1754 by patrimony. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Abbott, Samuel, Liverpool, u etc. (1834–39). Recorded at Birkett St in 1834 and at 34 Nelson St, St James's Sq. thereafter. [D]
Abbott, Stephen, Ramsgate, Kent, cm (1743). Took app. named Hooper in 1743. [S of G, app. index]
Abbott, Stephen, 3 King Ct, Lombard St, London, cm (1759– 61). [D; GL, City Licence bks, vol. 2; Heal]
Abbott, Susanna, 61 Brill Row, Somerstown London, cm and u (1827–28). [D] See William Abbott.
Abbott, Thomas, Liverpool, u (1811–16). Trading at Thompson Ct, Back Bridport St in 1811, and at 28 Duncan St East in 1813. [D]
Abbott, Thomas, 118 Temple St, Bristol, sign and furniture painter (1828–33). [D]
Abbott, W., High St, Kensington, London, u and appraiser (1820). [D]
Abbott, William, 16 Bedford St, Covent Gdn, London, u (1791). [D] See Ann Ravald.
Abbott, William, Stamford, Lincs., chairmaker, cm and turner (1819–26). Trading at St Peter's Hill, 1819–22, and Beastmarket in 1826. [D]
Abbott, William, 60 and 61 Brill Row, Somerstown, London, cm and u (1832–37). [D] See Susanna Abbott.
Abbott, William, High St, Royston, Herts., cm and u (1824–39). His printed bill head decorated with miniature items of furniture states that he traded as ‘Cabinet Maker, Upholsterer, paper hanger & manufacturer of Window Blinds’ and stocked fire grates. [D]
Abbott, William, High St, Kensington, London, u (1826). [D]
Abbott, William, High St, Wem, Salop, joiner and cm (1840). [D]
Abbott & Siddons, 175 Long Acre, London, upholders (1784). [D]
Abegg, John Henry, parish of St Ann, Westminster, London, upholder (1757). Declared bankrupt, Gents Mag., May 1757.
Abel, Anthony, 5 Upper Westwick St, Norwich, cm (1801). [D]
Abel, John, London, upholder (d. by 1748). Daughter Sarah admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by patrimony on 4 March 1748. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Abel, Samuel, Church Gate, Loughborough, Leics., cm, joiner, appraiser and auctioneer (1775–95). Took up auctioneering in 1786. Advertised for journeymen cm and chairmakers in 1775, 1789, 1791. [D; Leicester Journal, April 1775; 16 September 1786; 19 June 1789; 25 March 1791]
Abel, William, Bristol, cm (1818). [Evesham poll bk]
Abel, William, Pitt St, Norwich, cm (1839). [D]
Abell, W. C., 25 Sidmouth St, Gray's Inn Rd, London, u (1835). [D]
Abell, William, London, u and bed and mattress maker (1826– 39). Trading at 22 Gt Eastcheap, 1826–35, and at 43 Fish St Hill in 1839. [D]
Abery, Christopher, Reading, Berks., upholder (1768). [Poll bk]
Abgood, William & Stevens, Edward, Gt Portland St, London, carvers (1783). Declared bankrupt, Leicester Journal, January 1783.
Abington, Leonard, 12 Plumtree St, Bloomsbury, London, carver and gilder (1819–25). [D]
Abraham, Abraham, London, cm (1829–39). Addresses at 142 St John's St in 1829, and at 57 St John's Sq. in 1837. In the latter year his trade is listed as fancy cm. [D]
Abraham, David, Searrett's Lane, Newport, Isle of Wight, Hants., chairmaker (1823–30). [D]
Abraham, Edm., West St, Fareham, Hants., cm, u and appraiser (1830). [D]
Abraham, Edward, High St, Gosport, Hants., appraiser and u (1839). [D]
Abraham, John, Long Acre, London, frame carver and gilder (1709). [Heal]
Abraham, Richard, 8 Bruton St, Bond St, London, carver, gilder and looking-glass frame maker (1835–39). [D]
Abrahams, J., 33 Red Cross St, Bow, London, u (1826). [D]
Abrahams, Nathaniel, Guildford St, Chertsey, Surrey, u (1839). [D]
Abrahams & Davis, 55 St John's Sq., Clerkenwell, London, cm (1837). [D]
Abram, John, ‘The Sun’, Long Acre, London, gilder (1714). [GL, Sun MS vol. 3, p.94]
Abram, William snr, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (1815–40). [PR]
Abram, William jnr, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (b. 1816–41). [PR; 1841 Census]
Abrams, John & Robert, Oldham St, Manchester, with manufactories in Garden St and Major St, cm and u (1828– 40). Recorded at 9 Oldham St in 1836 and 1840; nos 5 and 9, also with premises at Major St in 1838. [D]
Abram(s), William & John, Manchester, cm and u (1825–40). Addresses at 54 Back Piccadilly in 1825; Oldham St until 1840, no. 9 in 1829 and nos 5, 6 and 7 in 1832–33. [D]
Abrey, Henry, High St, Chelmsford, Essex, cm and u (1823–40). In November 1834 suffered a fire at his cabinet warehouse in New St, Chelmsford. [D; Times, 25 November 1834; Oxford RO, Misc. LR 1/9; Essex RO, Q/RJ/2/1]
Absell, James, 1 Cambridge Pl., Hackney Rd, London, chair stuffer (1835–39). [D]
Ackerley, John, Standishgate, Wigan, Lancs., cm (1834). [D]
Ackerman & Co., London, carvers, gilders and general repository of the arts (1796–1840). Trading at 101 Strand in 1796 and at 96 Strand from 1827. [D]
Ackers, James, 157 Dale St, Liverpool, cm and victualler (1780–81). [D; Liverpool RO, 352 CLE/REG 1/1]
Ackery, J., Bristol, cm and chair manufacturer (1834–40). Addresses at West St in 1834 and at 2 Jacob St from 1839. [D]
Ackroyd, Jane & Sons, 44 William St, Brighton, Sussex, French polishers and japanners (1829–39). [D; PR]
Ackworth, William, 86 High Street, Chatham, Kent, u and cm (1802–11). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in January 1802 for £3,200 of which stock and utensils accounted for £1,350. Trade label recorded on several respectable pieces of cabinet furniture including a Pembroke table, a secretaire and a bowfronted chest of drawers sold at Bonham's on 18 October 1979, lot 55. His pictorial label states that he was able to supply ‘Gentlemen of the Army and Navy’ with ‘Beds, Mattresses & Bedding’. Also traded as chairmaker, undertaker, appraiser and auctioneer. [D; poll bk; C. Life, 28 July 1977 (illus.); GL, Sun MS, vol. 43, ref. 728207]
Acres, Edward, 30 Gt Russell St, London, carver and gilder (1806–25). [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 493, ref. 991713]
Acret, John, 44 Wardour St, London, carver, gilder and picture frame maker (1778–93). [D; poll bk; GL, Sun MS vol. 264, p. 519]
Acton, John, Salisbury, Wilts., cm (1759). App. to James Begbie, cm, on 1 June 1759. [Wilts. Apps and their Masters]
Acut, Charles Joseph, 16 Bath St, City Rd, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Adair, John, London, carver and gilder (1749–69). Recorded at St Ann's Ct, Covent Gdn in 1749 but by 1763 was established at Wardour St, Soho. Worked at Shardeloes, Bucks., Croome Ct and the Church of St Mary Magdelene, Croome D'Abitot, Worcs. and Syon House, Brentford. [D; poll bk; Conn., June 1981, p.145] Worked at Audley End, Essex, from September 1767 to February 1768 for Sir John Griffin Griffin, providing picture and mirror frames, mirror plates and gilt architraves, etc. The account of 1767 amounts to £25 18s. [Essex RO, D/ DBy/A27/6] The accounts for work done at Shugborough, Staffs., submitted in 1763, amount to £65 16s 6d, and list carving capitals and making and regilding frames. Work under James Stuart's supervision continued until 1769. [Staffs. RO, Anson papers, D615E (H) 1/1; C. Life, 4 March 1954; C. Life Annual, 1965, p.54] Regarding work at Syon House, Brentford, a letter from the Duke of Northumberland, dated 4 November 1764, complained about ‘those Carved Mouldings which have been so ill executed by Mr. Adair’. [C. Life Annual, 1965, p.54]
Adair, John & William, Wardour St, Soho, London, carvers and gilders (1769–77). The use of the same address and a reference to Adair & Co. show an association between John and William Adair in this period. In 1773 William Adair was described as joiner to HM's Privy Chamber, and Supplied ‘two rich carved and gilded frames for Their Majesty's Pictures in whole Lengths’. [DEF] ‘Adair Carver’ worked at Hartwell House, Aylesbury, Bucks. in 1766 and 1778 supplying the frames for three tables in the drawing room, two mirrors ‘and other ornaments in the room’. Recorded in Sir William Lee's account books. [Hartwell House Lib.; GCM] John Adair carried out carving work at Sir John Griffin Griffin's London house in New Burlington St for which he charged £41 in 1778. [Essex RO, D/DBy/A37/4] For Shelburne House, London, or Bowood, Wilts. Adair & Co. supplied goods and carried out work ‘by order of Mr. Stuart’, being paid between February and July 1775. [Bowood MS accounts bk] B.A.
Adair, William Robert, London, carver and gilder (1777–85). Initially carried on his business from 26 Wardour St, Soho, which had been earlier used by John Adair. In 1799 he was trading from 55 King St, Golden Sq., but by 1802 the business had transferred to 47 Brewer St, opposite Gt Pulteney St. A trade label with this address is attached to the back of a portrait of Ayscough Boucherett by Sir Thomas Lawrence (private coll.). On this label Adair describes himself as ‘CARVER and GILDER to Their MAJESTIES’. In 1777 a policy was taken out with the Sun Insurance Office by Mary Adair of ‘The Golden Head’, Wardour St for £1,000 of which £330 was for ‘utensils and stock in timbershop’. [D; GCM; DEF; GL, Sun MS vol. 256, p. 205; V&Amp;A archives] Supplied picture frames and glass for Sir John Griffin Griffin for Audley End, Essex, amounting to £1 0s 3d in 1777 and was paid the following year. In 1788 an account for Lord Howard amounting to £5 14s 2d was issued in respect of picture and mirror frames, and a further account for 6s exists for 1791. [Essex RO, D/DBy/A36/2, A46/7, A49/4] Adair also supplied items for Sir John Griffin Griffin's London home in New Burlington St. Accounts dated 1779 list picture and mirror frames, glazing, carving and gilding, amounting to £23 19s 9d. In 1789 a further amount of 13s was charged for similar work. [Essex RO, D/DBy/A37/3, A47/3] The Lord Chamberlain's accounts, 1799–1801 and 1805, list payments amounting to £268 for work done at St James's Palace, including repairs, regilding the state chair and two stools and regilding the railing round the throne. [PRO, LCI 1/7–9] In 1799 he supplied for the Queen's House, Buckingham Palace three large and ‘3 small sofas to go between the windows of the Great Saloon’. [H. Clifford Smith, Buckingham Palace, p. 92] His name appears in the Royal Household accounts in 1799, 1801 and 1805 for working at Windsor Castle, carving flowers on a pair of sofas and gilding them, making a large pier glass and repairing carving on a state chair. Plate glasses and chimney frames were supplied for the Duke of Cambridge's apartments. The total charge was £286 6s 6d. [PRO, LC11/7–9]
Adam, James, 16 Brownlow St, Soho, London, cm and plate case maker (1835–39). [D]
Adams, Benjamin, London, upholder (1710–18). App. to Thomas Rogers on 7 February 1710/11 and admitted freeman on 5 March 1717/18. [GL, MS 7142/1]
Adams, Charles, School Lane, Shrewsbury, Salop, cm (1825). Son of James Evan Adams and brother of Henry Adams. [Shrewsbury burgess roll]
Adams, Charles James, High St, Oxford, cm and u (1823–30). [D]
Adams, Daniel, Bury St, Stowmarket, Suffolk, cm, turner and chairmaker (1824–30). [D]
Adams, David, Liverpool, upholsterer's joiner (1724). In 1724 took app. named Wilcocks. [S of G, app. index]
Adams, Francis, Low Park St, Sheffield, Yorks., chairmaker and beer house owner (1837). [D]
Adams, George snr, cm (d. 1773). Small inlaid mahogany cabinet of c. 1750 by this maker belongs to University College, Oxford (on loan to the Museum of the History of Science).
Adams, George, London, u, cm, auctioneer and undertaker (1777–1828). Initially at 42 Haydon Sq., Minories, but from 1788 address changed to 122 Minories. Son of George Adams of Canterbury, innholder. App. to Joseph Merryman on 7 June 1769 and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. on 6 August 1777 by servitude. In that year he took out insurance with the Sun Office for £900 of which £520 accounted for utensils and stock. On 6 May 1801 his son Thomas was admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by patrimony. In 1802 the business is listed as George Adam & Son. Subscriber to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. Several chairs, mostly in sets but including a single Windsor are known stamped ‘ADAMS 122 MINORIES LONDON’, or variants of wording. [D; GL, Upholders’ Co. records; GL, Sun MS vol. 258, p. 28; Sotheby's, 16 April 1971, lot 177; Christie's, 8 May 1980, lot 24; C. Life, 3 December 1981, p. 54] Supplied several pieces of furniture to Uniacke House, Hants. Co., Canada, including a set of 12 mahogany hall chairs bearing George Adams's printed paper trade label inscribed ‘George Adams, Upholder, Cabinet Maker, UNDERTAKER, Sworn Broker & Auctioneer, Corner of John Street MINORIES’. These items were supplied for the house which was built from 1813–15 for the Hon. Richard Uniacke who at the time was Attorney General for Nova Scotia. [Material History Bulletin, 1980, pp. 57–61]
Adams, George, London, cm (1817–32). Trading at 37 Long Alley, Moorfields in 1817. By 1832 the address had changed to 101 Long Alley. [D]
Adams, Henry, Castle Gates, Shrewsbury, Salop, cm (1830). Son of James Evan Adams and brother of Charles Adams. [Shrewsbury burgess roll]
Adams, J., London, cm (1824). Declared bankrupt on 27 November 1824. [London Gazette]
Adams, James, High St, Oxford, upholder (1782–1808). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1782 for £500 on his house. Trading as u and cm in 1808. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 304, p. 27]
Adams, James Evan, Fish St, Shrewsbury, Salop, cm (1806). [Shrewsbury burgess roll]
Adams, James, London, cm, u and appraiser (1817–28). Trading at 49 and 67 Fore St, Cripplegate until 1822 when the address changed to 9 Pulteney St, Golden Sq. Between 1817 and 1823 traded as J. & G. Adams. [D]
Adams, James, Pavement, Moorfields, London, cm and u (1823–28). Declared bankrupt in November 1824. [D; Brighton Gazette, 2 December 1824]
Adams, James, High St, Staines, Middlx, cm (1823–32). Trading also as house agent in 1823 and furniture broker in 1832. [D]
Adam, James, 16 Brownlow St, Long Acre, London, cm (1837). [D]
Adams, James, Clarence St, Staines, Middlx, cm and u (1839). [D]
Adams, Job, London, u (1729). Son of Job Adams of Aldersgate, cooper. App. to William Cowthorpe on 4 August 1721. Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. on 5 March 1729. By 1732 in the United States. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Adams, John, Needham Mkt, Suffolk, chairmaker (1773). [Suffolk RO, FAA: 50/2/94–104]
Adams, John, Daventry, Northants., cm, shopkeeper and carver (1778–80). In 1778 took out a policy with the Sun Fire Office for £100 of which utensils and stock amounted to £20. By 1780 the cover had risen dramatically to £4,300 and £1,610 respectively. [GL, Sun MS vol. 289, p. 20]
Adams, John, Liverpool, cm (1810–23). Originally at 20–22 Tempest Hey but by 1816 had changed his address to 18 Standwick St. [D]
Adams, John, Cambridge, cm and u (1825–40). App. to Joseph Wentworth on 13 April 1825 and admitted freeman on 16 August 1833. Trading in Fair St in 1835, but at Rhadegond Building, Jesus Lane by 1837. Continued to trade from this address until 1850. [D; Cambs. RO, Corp. records]
Adams, John, Tipton, Dudley, Staffs., cm and u (1838–39). [D]
Adams, John, 48 Skinner St, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Adams, John Atlie, Hog Lane, Woolwich, London, cm (1775– 76). Took out insurance with the Sun Fire Office in 1775 for £500 of which utensils, stock and goods accounted for £90. In 1776 these figures were raised to £500 and £150. [GL, Sun MS vol. 242, p. 518; vol. 245, p. 421]
Adams, John & Robert, 5 and 9 Oldham St, Manchester, cm and u (1839). [D]
Adams, John & Son, 197 High St and 14 Market St, Lewes, Sussex, cm and u (1798–1839). In June 1838 the public were invited to ‘inspect their newly erected and extensive showrooms... The Broking Department will be conducted in Market Street, communicating internally with the Premises in High Street’. The business may have continued in some form after 1839 as a Sarah Adams is shown in 1845 trading from School Hill, Lewes. [D; Sussex Agricultural Express, 2 June 1838]
Adams, Nathaniel, 1 Nassau St, London, u (1839). [D]
Adams, R., 169 Tottenham Ct Rd, London, upholder (1812). [D]
Adams, Richard A., 126 Thomas St, Bristol, cm and furniture warehouse owner (1838–40). Late J. & E. Knight. [D]
Adams, Richard James, High St, Chelmsford, Essex, u (1838). [Essex RO, Q/RJ/2/1]
Adams, Robert, Foregate St, Chester, cm and broker (1773–89). App. to Philip Presbury, cm, 29 May 1773 by his widowed mother Martha Adams. Sworn freeman on 3 October 1782. Took apps named John Nailor in 1782, John Henshaw in 1789 and Thomas Davenport. The latter absconded and was advertised for in August 1784. [D; Chester app. reg.; Chester Chronicle, 27 August 1784]
Adams, Robert & Co., 403 Oxford St and 2 Dean St, Soho, London, chair and sofa manufacturers, japanners and gilders (1801–16). Also traded under the style of Adams & Gray from 1801–04, and Adams, Graves & Co. from 1807–08. Had additional premises in Tottenham Ct Rd in 1808. Their trade card [BM] states that ‘every article in the above Branches are Manufactured on the Premises under the immediate inspection of A. G. & Co.’ and that ‘an elegant assortment of the newest Patterns will be constantly kept in their Warerooms from Superb Drawing room & Parlour to the Common Bedroom Chair’. [D]
Adams, Thomas Price, 122 Minories, London, upholder (1801–07). Son of George Adams. Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by patrimony on 6 May 1801. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Adams, Thomas, 8 and 9 Gt Pulteney St, Golden Sq., London, cm and u (1829–39). [D]
Adams, W., High St, Croydon, Surrey, carver and gilder (1822). [D]
Adams, W., 15 North Audley St, London u (1826). [D]
Adams, W., 11 Windmill St, Tottenham Ct Rd, London, u, cm and undertaker (1826–27). [D]
Adams, William, Prince's St, Westminster, London, upholder (1732). Declared bankrupt, Gents Mag., July 1732.
Adams, William, Bridgnorth, Salop, cm (1741). Took app. named Taylor in 1741. [S of G, app. index]
Adams, William, Hampstead, London, upholder (1755–66). Son of William Adams of Welton, Northants. App. to William Parsons, merchant tailor, on 2 March 1742. Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. on 13 June 1755 by redemption. Took apps named Richard Godfree in 1755 and Josiah Turner in 1758. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Adams, William, St Paul's Churchyard, London, upholder (1764). [Essex RO, D/DQ 61/37]
Adams, William, 8 Cumberland St, Goodge St, London, chairmaker, cm and u (1809–39). [D]
Adams, William, 50 and 67 Fore St, Cripplegate, London, u (d. 1811). Death reported on 11 June 1811. [D; Gents Mag.]
Adams, William, 29 (from 1821, 17) New Surrey St, Blackfriars Rd, London, carver and gilder (1809–23). [D]
Adams, William, 34 Windmill St, Tottenham Ct Rd, London, u, cm and undertaker (1816–28). [D]
Adams, William, 9 Trippet Lane, Sheffield, Yorks., cabinet and portable desk manufacturer (1822). [D]
Adams, William, 28 Gt Pulteney St, Golden Sq., London, u and cm (1823–26). [D]
Adams, William, 2 Somerset Pl., Kennington, London, carver and gilder (1829). [D]
Adams, William, 25 Curtain Rd, London, cm (1832). [Shoreditch Ref. Lib., MS M3 545, p. 41]
Adams, William L., 12 St James's Buildings, Clerkenwell, London, cm (1832). [D]
Adamson, H., 38 North Row, Grosvenor Sq., London, cm (1835). [D]
Adamson, John, 63 Fenchurch St, London, u (1803). Son of John Adamson of East Barnet, Herts. App. to Samuel Burton on 1 May 1793, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. on 12 April 1803. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Adamson, Robert, Fenchurch St, London, cm, joiner and mahogany turner (1751–66). His trade card [Heal; MMA; NY] states that he ‘Makes all sorts of Cabinet Looking Glasses and Mahogany Goods at the lowest Prices. NB. Funerals perform'd & Goods Appraised’. On 11 April 1766 supplied to Sir William Robinson of Newby Hall ‘Blinds for windows … curiously painted on canvas, silk or wire’. [Temple Newsam Exhib., 1976, 21; GL, City Licence bks, vols 1 and 2]
Adamson, William, St Sepulchre Gate, Doncaster, Yorks., carver and gilder (1818). [D]
Adamson, William, 2 Upper Dorset Pl., Clapham, London, u and furniture dealer (1822–35). Recorded as cm and u in 1823. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 493, ref. 997354]
Adanall, James, 41 Charing Cross, London, u (1784). [D]
Adcock, William, Catherine St, Birmingham, cm and timber dealer (1767). [D]
Adderley, Samuel, 2 Court, Branstone St, Birmingham, fancy box, case and caddy maker (1835). [D]
Adderton, John, 24 Greyhound Yd, Nottingham, chairmaker (1832–40). Recorded also at Chesterfield St and Derby Rd in 1840. [D]
Addey, William, Hull, Yorks., cm, undertaker and broker (1826–40). In 1826 listed at Valentine's Ct, Robinson Row, but by 1831 was at 13 Blackfriargate. He remained in this street being noted at 28 (1834), 30, and also 29 Queen St (1837) and 17 (1840). [D]
Addicot, Edward, Nottingham, u (1812–20). Trading at New St from 1812–14, but by 1820 had moved to New Yd, Paul St. [D; poll bk]
Addicot, John, Nottingham, cm and joiner (1823–30). App. in 1823 and admitted freeman in 1830. [Notts. RO, indices of apps and burgesses]
Addinall, James, 41 Charing Cross, London, u (1777–99). In 1777 took app. named Edward Cagill. Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1781 for £500 on his house. [D; Westminster Ref. Lib., MS FH 309, p. 25; GL, Sun MS vol. 293, p.439]
Addinet, —, London (?), upholder (1779–98). Recorded in the Longford Castle accounts are payments of £87 in 1779, and £20 14s in 1798. [V&Amp;A archives]
Addington, John, Stamford, Lincs., chairmaker (1840). [D]
Addison, John, Lancaster, cm (1784–1806). Admitted freeman in 1784. Married Mrs Redmayne, widow of Capt. Redmayne, on 25 January 1794. Took three apps between December 1790 and October 1806. [Lancaster app. reg. and freemen rolls; Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 27 January 1794]
Addison, John, Lancaster, chairmaker (1800–06). App. to Isaac Boulton in 1800. Admitted freeman in 1806, when stated ‘of Skipton’. [Lancaster app. reg. and freemen rolls]
Addison, John, Clayton St, Colne, Lancs., chairmaker and turner (1816). [D]
Addison, John, Borwick, Lancs., cm ;1820). On 2 December 1820, at the age of 65, married Margaret Thompson, aged 25, at Warton. [Liverpool Mercury, 22 December 1820]
Addison, John, address unrecorded. Supplied a pair of 36 in. globes ‘elegantly mounted in richly carved mahogany frames and the metallic parts made of mosaic gold’ to George IV in November 1829 at a cost of £157 16s. [Windsor RA, 25447]
Addison, John, Richmond, Yorks., cm (1832). [PR (bapt.) 30 March 1832]
Addison, Richard, Preston, Lancs., u and auctioneer (1754–84). Took apps named Loxam in 1754, Foyle in 1756 and Edmondson in 1763. [D; S of G, apps index; Manchester Mercury, 15 April 1766]
Addison, Robert, London, cm (1774–76). Addresses given at Hanover St in 1774, and North Duke St, Grosvenor Sq., 1775–76. Insured with the Sun Fire Office in 1775 for £800 of which £450 was for utensils and stock. Declared bankrupt, Gents Mag., September 1776. [GL, Sun MS vol. 244, p. 62; poll bk]
Addison, Robert, 21 Fleet Mkt, London, upholder (1780). Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by redemption on 6 December 1780. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Addison, Thomas, Lancster, cm (1753–84). Admitted freeman of Lancaster in 1753, when stated ‘of London’. [Poll bk; Lancaster freemen rolls]
Addison & Davidson, address unrecorded (1772). Received 6s on 31 December 1772 for a looking-glass for Gibside, Co. Durham. [Durham RO, Strathmore MS D/St/V. 995]
Aderne, Ralph Henry, High St, Southwark, London, cm (1830). Declared bankrupt on 30 November 1830. [Chester Courant]
Aderson, Thomas, Erick St, Newcastle, u (1838). [D]
Adey, Walter, Wednesfield, Staffs., cm (1839). [D]
Adin, John, Friar Gate, Derby, cm (1818–23). Trading at Willow Row, 1818–22, and also as a joiner at Friar Gate in 1823. [D]
Adler, George, St Bartholomew St, Newbury, Berks., cm and u (1840). [D]
Adlington, Thomas, Lancaster, joiner, house carpenter and cm (1787–94). Between 11 July 1787 and 26 March 1794 took six apps of whom two, Frederick Byam (18 November 1791) and Jonathan Hall (2 July 1792) were app. cm. [Lancaster app. reg.]
Adnum, John, 13 Dorrington St, Coldbath Fields, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Adron, W. & C., New Rd, Fitzroy Sq., London, marble masons and scagliola workmen (1835). Repaired and polished scagliola and marble table tops and pedestals at Windsor. [RA, Lord Chamberlain's accounts, L56/12/3, 30 September 1835]
Adye, Thomas, London, carver and sculptor (1730–53). Responsible for the carved mahogany ballot box supplied in 1738 to the Society of Dilettanti for whom he had been appointed sculptor. In 1752 when the Mansion House was being furnished he submitted estimates for lamp stands, looking-glasses and carved brackets. [Gunnis; DEF]
Affiter, Thomas, Rochester, Kent, cm (1780). [Poll bk]
Affleck, James, Parliament St, Westminster, London, cm and corn chandler (1744–78). Subscriber to Chippendale's Director, 1754. In 1774 insured his stock in the yard in Derby Ct near his dwelling house for £100, and his house and contents for £600. [Poll bk; London General Advertiser, 15 January 1752; GL, Sun MS vol. 107, ref. 141999; vol. 262, p.283]
Affleck, John, Darby Ct, London, upholder (1774). [Poll bk]
Affleck, Thomas, London, cm (1763–79). Later traded in Philadelphia, USA. [Conn., March 1968, pp. 187–91]
Afflecks, —, Poult St, Westminster, London, cm and auctioneer (1751). [London Advertiser, 3 December 1751]
Agar, Edward, York, cm (1818). Son of Adam Agar, tailor, app. to John Middleton, cm, on 8 December 1807. Admitted freeman of York as a cm by order in 1818. [York freemen rolls]
Agar, P., 11 Old Round Ct, Strand, London, cm (1808). [D]
Agar, Robert, Whitby, Yorks., cm (1834). [D]
Agar, Samuel, London, carver (1747–63). A payment of £11 to a ‘Mr. Agar’ entered in John Cobb's bank account at Drummonds on 1 January 1760 may relate to Samuel Agar. Subscribed to Chippendale's Director, 1754. [Poll bk; GL, Sun MS vol. 110, ref. 145583]
Agar, Thomas, London, carver (1685–87). Surveyor General of Woods to Charles II and James II and carver in ordinary to Queen Catherine, 1685–87. [Survey of London, vol. 24, p. 385]
Agate, Peter, 3 Jewry St, Aldgate, London, cm (1832). [D]
Ager, Josiah, St Mary's St, Northampton, cm (1830). [Poll bk]
Agg, George, Bridge St, Evesham, Worcs., cm and u (1820). [D]
Aggio, Paul, Colchester, Essex, carver and gilder (1823–39). Trading at 12 Head St in the 1820s; at High St, also as a picture dealer, in 1832; and by 1839 at 37 High St. [D]
Agland, William, 4 Brydges Pl., Shoreditch, London, chairmaker (1823). Stock, utensils, goods in trust and dwelling house insured with the Sun Fire Office for £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 494, ref. 1010925]
Agland, William, 49 Old St Rd, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Aglen, George, 410 High St, Cheltenham, Glos., carver and gilder (1830). [D]
Aglen, George William, 26 Hustlegate, Bradford, Yorks., carver and gilder (1834–37). [D]
Aglen, J., 10 Providence Row, Finsbury Sq., London, carver and gilder (1804–08). [D]
Aglen, John jnr, Cheltenham, Glos., carver and gilder (1820–22). Trading at 19 High St and Crescent Pl. in 1820, and 2 Gyde's Terr. in 1822. [D]
Aglen, Thomas, 73 Paul St, Finsbury Sq., London, looking-glass manufacturer and picture frame maker (1817–35). [D]
Aglen & Co., 25 Little Britain, London, carvers, gilders and looking-glass manufacturers (1809). [D]
Agnew, Thomas & Zanetti, Vittore, Manchester, carvers and gilders (1810–40). Thomas Agnew (b. 1794–d. 1871), founder of the present firm of Bond St, London, fine art dealers, was app. to Zanetti in 1810 and made a partner in 1817. In partnership with Zanetti's son from 1825–34. The Dunham Massey papers record a payment on 10 January 1824 to ‘Mr. Agnew carver & gilder £219’. The firm also supplied artists’ materials, pictures, mirrors and barometers. They traded from 94 Market St in 1810, but in 1825 were listed at 25 Gartside St. By the next year the business was in Exchange St where they traded from number 10 and later from 18 (1832–33) and 14 (1836–40). [D; Goodison, Barometers] See Zan(n)etti & Agnew.
Ahrens, John, 37 Throgmorton St, London, dining room furnisher (1835). [D]
Aide, Robert, address unrecorded, chair frame maker (1722–36). Various payments occur in the accounts of the Duke of Northumberland. [V & A archives]
Aigby, Samuel, Liverpool, cm (1722). Took app. named Abbott in 1722. [S of G, app. index]
Aiken, James, 18 King St, Soho, London, carver and gilder (1790–93). [D]
Aikenhead, John, 2 Union Buildings, Leather Lane, London, carver and gilder (1829). [D]
Ainge, William, 5 Berkeley St, Lambeth, London, cm and undertaker (1832). [D]
Ainsley, John, Charlotte St, North Shields, Northumb., cm and joiner (1827). [D]
Ainsley, William, Northgate, Darlington, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1827). [D]
Ainsworth, George, Preston, Lancs., cm (1758). Took app. named Edmondson in 1758. [S of G, app. index]
Ainsworth, John, High St, Stone, Staffs. chairmaker (1822). [D]
Ainsworth, John, Cricket Lane, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancs., joiner and cm (1828). [D]
Ainsworth, Jos., Vauxhall, Lane End, Staffs., carver and gilder (1835). [D]
Ainsworth, Thomas, Colchester, Essex, chairmaker (1805–39). Initially traded from an address in Crouch St but in 1839 in Pelham St. [D]
Ainsworth & Milner, 24 Lichfield St, Soho, London, cm (1790–93). [D]
Airay, John, London, upholder (1712–17). Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. on 1 October 1712. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Airay, John, London, upholder (1724–34). In 1724 his business premises were situated near St Thomas's Hospital Gate, Southwark. On 7 February 1727 he took out cover with the Sun Fire Office for £500. By 1734 he had moved to Clerkenwell. [GL, Sun MS vol. 23, p. 391; Heal]
Airey & Bellingham, 3 Frederick Pl., Hampstead Rd, London, cm, carpenter and undertaker (1832–37). [D]
Aishford, Edmund, London, u (1756). App. to John Jeffries in 1756. [V & A archives]
Aislabie (or Aislaby), Michael, 54 Salthouse Lane, Hull, Yorks., cm and u (1840). [D]
Aitchison, George, 5 Hertford St, Fitzroy Sq., London, cm and u (1827–29). [D]
Aitken, Alexander, Walker's Ct, St Anne's, Soho, London, cm (1778). Declared bankrupt in February 1778. [Gents Mag.]
Aitken, Thomas, Langley St, Long Acre, London, cm (1760). Trade card illustrated in Heal states that he ‘Makes and Sells all Sorts of Cabinet and Chair Work’.
Aitkin, John, 33 Gt Waterloo St, London, carver and gilder (1835). [D]
Aitkin & Son, 153 Swallow St, London, carvers and gilders (1784). [D]
Akam, John, 67 Myton Gate, Hull, Yorks., cm and u (1814–18). [D]
Akers, C., 12 Old Compton St, Soho, London, cm and upholder (1822). [D]
Akers, Edward, Burford, Oxon., carpenter, joiner and cm (1793). [D]
Akers, Edward, 30 Russell Ct, Covent Gdn, London, picture frame maker (1819–25). [D]
Akers, Mark, 12 Old Compton St, Soho, London, u and cm (1820–25). Bankruptcy announced, Brighton Gazette, 31 March 1825. [D]
Akers, William, 59 New Road, Woolwich, Kent, cm (1838–39). [D]
Akitt, John, Gt Dockray, near Penrith, Cumb., cm, joiner and u (1834). [D]
Akrill, George, Commercial Rd, Grantham, Lincs., turner and chairmaker (1835–40). [D]
Aland, John, 34 Little Pulteney St, Golden Sq., London, cm (1829). [D]
Aland, T. & J., 18 Gt Sutton St, Clerkenwell, London, water gilders (1835). [D]
Albert, Thomas, Berwick St, Westminster, London, u (1749). [Poll bk]
Albin, Joseph, Peter St, Bath, Som., cm and upholder (1793). [D]
Albina, Clementi, 14 Union Ct, Holborn, London, picture and looking-glass frame maker (1839). [D]
Albino, E. & Co., 14 Union Ct, Holborn, London, picture frame and birdcage manufacturers (1835). [D]
Albino, John, London, looking-glass and barometer makers (1837–40). Trading at 2 Beauchamp St in 1837, but by 1839 had moved to 47 St John St, West Smithfield where he continued to trade until 1849. [D; Goodison, Barometers]
Alchorne, James, 25 Evesham Buildings, Somerstown, London, carver and gilder (1808). [D]
Alcock, John, High St, Bishop Wearmouth, Co. Durham, u (1796–1827). Shop opened in October 1796. Undertook work for the Marquess of Londonderry at Wynyard Park, Co. Durham. [D; Durham RO, D/LO/E484; Newcastle Courant, 22 October 1796]
Alcock, Linney, Congleton, Cheshire, chairmaker (1744). Took app. named Copeland in 1744. [S of G, app. index]
Alcock, Samuel, Frederick St, Sunderland, Co. Durham, u (1828). [D]
Alcock, William, Chichester, Sussex, joiner and cm (1757). Took app. named Gray in 1757. [S of G, app. index]
Alcock, William Roscoe, 16 Percy St, Liverpool, cm (1822–39). App. to John Price in 1822. [D; Liverpool app. reg.]
Alden, Anne, Below the conduit, Exeter, Devon, u (1717–24). In 1717 took app. named Humphrey Wilcox who continued the business at the same address on her retirement in 1724. Between October and Christmas 1724 he disposed of her stock which consisted of ‘standing beds, common curtains and vallince, Ticks made or unmade, Feathers, quilts, Ruggs, Blankets, Chairs, Fire Screens, fine or ordinary matts, Looking-Glasses, a Book-case, with arch'd Glass doors, mounted on a Buroe, single buroes, Scrutoires, Chests of Drawers, Tea-Tables, of all sorts, Dressing Tables, glass and gilded sconces, very large and fine Corner Cupboards, or ordinary ones, Haratines, China's printed stuffs, plain and striped stuffs, Bed laces and all sorts painted Linnen, Hangings’. [The Post Master or Loyal Mercury, 23 October 1724]
Alder, Brian, Canterbury and London, u and cm (1783–1808). Admitted freeman of Canterbury in 1783. In business at St Dunstan's, Canterbury the following year. Trading at 31 Leward St, Goswell St, London, from 1790; but in 1793, when he took out cover for £300 with the Sun Fire Office, £20 of this was in respect of utensils at the workshop of ‘Mr. Seddon in Aldersgate Street’. By 1808 when he was at 6 Goswell St the insurance cover had been raised to £400. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 397, p. 320; vol. 446, ref. 816360; poll bk]
Alder, Caleb, Newcastle, upholder (1753–87). Trading in 1753 at Burnt-house Entry, The Side, at which address he was receiving supplies of cloth from Philip Magee, linen bleacher. In 1781 he moved from Westgate St to Groat Mkt and in 1787 was trading from Nungate. [D; Newcastle Courant, 17 March 1753 and 30 June 1781]
Alder, John, Albion St, Cheltenham, Glos., cm and u (1820–40). Trading at no. 82 also as a paper hanger, in 1822. [D]
Alder, Joseph, St John's St, Clerkenwell, London, cm (1802). Declared bankrupt, Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 4 January 1802.
Alderman, J., 16 Soho Sq., London, inventor, patentee and manufacturer (c. 1830–40). Folding caned mahogany sedan chair with label [Sotheby's Belgravia, 16 November 1978, lot 25] and mahogany invalid's chair signed on hub caps [Phillips', 19 August 1969, lot 92] known. Label inscribed ‘J. Alderman, Inventor, Patentee & Manufacturer, 16 Soho Square, London’.
Alderney, Daniel, London, cm (1757). Son of William Alderney of St Mary Aldermanbury, London, cm. App. to Henry Draper on 15 March 1749, and then to Thomas Brown, merchant tailor. Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 7 July 1757. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Alderney, William, see Daniel Alderney.
Aldersey, Thomas, London, glass grinder, cm and u (1754–81). In 1754 established at Addle St where he was employing one freeman as a chairmaker and one non-freeman as a glass seller. By 1761 he had moved to 20 Tooley St, Southwark at which address he was to remain until 1770. In 1767–68 the business was listed as ‘Thomas Aldersey & James Cawdell’. From 1771 the address was given as Bridge Yd, Tooley St and from 1773 as 4 Bishopgate Without, when the style of the enterprise was given as ‘Thomas Aldersey & Co.’. From 1779 the address was 17 Broker's Row, Moorfields. A mid 18th-century looking-glass with a mahogany frame is known with this maker's label. [D; GL, City Licence bks, vol. 1; Antiques, May 1968, p. 648]
Aldersmith, James, 27 Bond St, Hull, Yorks., carver and gilder (1831). [D]
Aldersmith, James, 79 Petergate, York, carver and gilder (1837-d. by 1840). Commenced business in January 1837, but dead by October 1840. [D; York Gazette, 28 January 1837; Leeds Mercury, 3 October 1840]
Alderson, John, Low-friar St, Newcastle, cm and carpenter (1790–94). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. In April 1794 was paid £73 14s for household furniture for Gibside. Co. Durham. [D; Durham RO, D/St/V 998]
Alderson, John, Richmond, Yorks., cm (1818). [PR (bapt.)]
Alderson, Joseph, Durham, joiner and cm (1793). [D]
Alderson, Robert, Blackburn, Lancs., cm and joiner (1818–24). Addresses at Millgate in 1818 and Mill Lane in 1824. Continued to be listed in directories until 1834 but only as a joiner. [D]
Alderson, Thomas, 111 Pilgrim St, Newcastle, cm, u, carver and gilder (1827–34). From 1833 the business was styled Alderson & Turnbull and traded from 114 Pilgrim St. [D]
Alderton, Henry, Brighton, Sussex, cm and u (1826–40). Recorded at 12 Preston St in 1826 but by 1839 had moved to 1 Montpellier Rd. [D]
Alderton, J., 15 Upper Russell St, Brighton, Sussex, cm (1824). [D]
Alderton, Thomas, 23–24 St James's St, Brighton, Sussex, u, cm and undertaker (1816–23). [D; E. Sussex RO, PAR 255/1/2/2, 20 March 1816]
Alderton, William, High St, Lewes, Sussex, cm (1790). [Poll bk]
Alderton, William, 6 Little East St, Brighton, Sussex, cm and upholder (1793-d. 1822). Subscriber to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. Death reported, Brighton Gazette, 12 December 1822. [D]
Alderton, William, Wood St, Brighton, Sussex, cm (1820–37). [E. Sussex RO, PAR 255/1/2/3, 6 December 1820; poll bk]
Aldis, J., Pimlico, London. Name stamped on late Regency writing desk.
Aldous, John, Beccles, Norfolk, cm and u (1824–39). Trading at Smallgate St in 1824 and 1839, but also recorded at Gentleman Walk in 1830 and New Market in 1839. [D]
Aldous, William, London, u, cm and undertaker (1816–32). Addresses at 54 Broad St, Golden Sq., 1816–21, and at 371 Oxford St from 1822. [D]
Aldred, John, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, cm (1795). App. to John Sewell. Admitted freeman in 1795. Changed his surname from Sallows. [Calendar of freemen]
Aldred, William, North Quay, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, cm chairmaker (1836–40). [D; poll bk]
Aldrich, Richard, Holton, Suffolk, chairmaker (1800–24). See Richard Aldridge. [Suffolk RO, FE1/32/11; Ipswich Journal, 7 October 1809]
Aldrid, John, West Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (b. 1801–41). Aged 40 at the time of the 1841 Census.
Aldridge, Charles, 85 Bradford St, Birmingham, cm (1835). [D]
Aldridge, John, Beverley, Yorks., cm (1774). [Poll bk]
Aldridge, Richard, Holton, Suffolk, chairmaker (1761). Took app. named Copping in 1761. See Richard Aldrich. [S of G, app. index]
Aldridge, Robert, Reading, Berks., carver (1780–82). Insured his house with the Sun Fire Office for £300 in 1782. [GL, Sun MS vol. 306, p. 125; poll bk]
Aldridge, Simon, Liverpool, u (1704–06) In 1704 and 1705 supplied beds for Crosby Hall, Lancs. for Nicholas Blundell. The ‘blew bed’, ordered on 9 March 1704, was first set up in ‘the Garden Chamber’ and then transferred to ‘the Blew Chamber’. This and a further bed ordered for his mother in February 1705 cost £27 2s 6d. [F. Tyrer (ed.), The Great Diurnal of Nicholas Blundell, vol. 1; Disbursement bk, Crosby Hall]
Aldridge, Thomas, London (?), upholder (1698). Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. on 17 August 1698. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records].
Aldridge, Thomas, High St, Southampton, Hants., cm, u and auctioneer (1783–84). [D]
Aldwinckle, Henry, 18 Exmouth St, Spa Fields, London, bedstead maker and carpenter (1820–35). [D]
Alebon, John, Birmingham, u and cm (1816–35). Trading at Worcester St, 1816–18; Bromsgrove St in 1818; Worcester St in 1822; no. 62 in 1830; and Smallbrook St in 1835. [D]
Alexander, –, address unrecorded (1748). On 13 June 1748 £6 6s was paid by Mrs Bowes to ‘Alexander for a pair of branches lackered’. [Durham RO, D/St/V1488–90]
Alexander, Francis, London, cm and u (1822–35). Trading at 1 Gt Charlotte St, Blackfriars from 1822, and also recorded at 72 Gt Surrey St. [D]
Alexander, Henry, 71 Gt Surrey St, Blackfriars Rd, London, u (1820). [D]
Alexander, J., 12 New Belton St, Long Acre, London, bedstead and chairmaker (1808). [D]
Alexander, James, 6 Prince's St, Drury Lane, London, broker and cm (1821). Took out insurance with the Sun Fire Office on 7 November 1821 for £450 of which £255 was for stock, utensils and goods in trust. [GL, Sun MS vol. 488, ref. 985173]
Alexander, John, Liverpool, cm (1781–1817). Admitted freeman on 4 January 1781. [Liverpool freemen reg.]
Alexander, John, Lancaster, joiner (1785–88). Named in the Gillow records. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow vol. 344/94, p. 351]
Alexander, John, parish of St George Tombland, Norwich, cm (1807–30). App. to William Stevens and admitted freeman on 7 March 1807. [Norwich freemen reg. and poll bk]
Alexander, John, Ipswich, Suffolk, cm (1820). [Poll bk]
Alexander, John, Chelsea St, Haymarket, London, cm and u (1822). [D]
Alexander, John, Camden St, North Shields, Northumb., cm and joiner (1827). [D]
Alexander, John, 32 Newman St, London, cm and u (1829–39). [D]
Alexander, Mat, 10 Paradise St, Manchester Sq., London, cm (1835). [D]
Alexander, Samuel, London (?), upholder (1726–33). Son of Samuel Alexander, tanner of Norwich. App. to John Crouch on 1 August 1726. Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. on 5 September 1733. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Alexander, Thomas, Church St, Staines, Middlx, cm (1826). [D]
Alexander, William, Allend Ct, Westminster, London, cm (1784) [Poll bk]
Alferi, Charles, 31 Tib St, Manchester, picture frame and looking-glass manufacturer (1815). [D]
Alford, Aaron, Exeter, Devon, carver and gilder (1832–40). Trading in Paris St, 1832–39, then Blackboy Rd. Also recorded at 8 Brunswick Pl. in 1836. [Exeter Pocket Journal, 1836; PR (bapt.)]
Alford, J., 4 Redcross St, London, u (1826). [D]
Alford, James, Dale End, Birmingham, u (1767). [D]
Alford, Jock, Back of the Walls, Southampton, Hants., carver and gilder (1823–30). [D]
Alford, Robert jnr, Mint St, Southwark, London, cm (1820). [D]
Alford, Robert, Redcross St, Southwark, London, cm and u (1827). [D]
Algar, John, Cornwall St, Plymouth, Devon, chairmaker (d. 1827). Death reported, The Alfred, 30 October 1827.
Algar, Joseph, 9 King St, Holborn, London, upholder and broker (1821). On 30 May 1821 took out cover for £1,000 with the Sun Fire Office on his dwelling house at which it was stated there was ‘no stove nor cabinet work done therein’. [GL, Sun MS, vol. 488, ref. 980500]
Algar, William & Son, 11 Cornwall St, Plymouth, Devon, Windsor and fancy chairmakers (1814–23). [D]
Alger, Mary, 33 Drury Lane, London, chair and sofa maker (1827). [D]
Alken, M., London, u (before 1785). Advertised in the South Carolina Gazette, 16 February 1785 that he was ‘lately arrived from London’ and was setting up his business at 80 King St. He stated that he was expecting ‘a large assortment of goods from Europe’.
Alken, Martyn, Macclesfield St, Westminster, London, cm (1784). [Poll bk]
Alken, Oliver, London, carver (1766–68). Worked at St Mary's Lutheran Chapel, Savoy, from 1766–68 on architectural carving, brackets at the altar, branches at the altarpiece, etc. This was part of an extensive restoration surveyed by William Chambers. [Westminster Ref. Lib., MS 90/8/12, 14]
Alken, Sefferin, London, carver (1744–83). In 1744 his address was given as St James's, Westminster, and from 1760 he was at Dufour's Ct, Broad St, Golden Sq. Worked in both stone and wood and was active at Stourhead for Sir Richard Colt Hoare as early as 1744. In 1746 took app. named Lawrence (probably Richard Lawrence, 1760–95) who may subsequently have become his partner, as in 1763 the business is referred to as Alken & Lawrence. In 1760 took another app. named Engleheart (probably Thomas Engleheart, b. 1745-d. 1786). Alken subscribed to Chambers's Designs for Chinese Buildings, 1757, and Treatise on Civil Architecture, 1759. He was also a subscriber to Adam's Spalato, 1764. His son Samuel, born 22 October 1756, attended the Royal Academy Schools from 1769 and followed his father's profession as a carver. Sefferin may have died in 1783 as all payments after this date in connection with work being carried out at Somerset House are made to his son Samuel. Apart from these two talented craftsmen the Alken family was also renowned as sporting painters. [D; Gunnis; S of G, app. index; Beard, Georgian Craftsmen] Supplied furniture for Audley End, Essex, invoicing Sir John Griffin Griffin on 30 June 1770. The major part of the £16 total was for ‘A Gothick Chair an Ornament at Top with foliage &c. 2 penicles at the Corners of the back with husks &c. 2 Boys heads at Elbows & Leaves’ for which £13 was charged. The invoice was receipted on 10 April 1771 by Samuel Alken on behalf of his father. [Essex RO, D/DBy/A30/11] On 26 July 1778 ‘Mr. Alking’ is recorded as providing for Blenheim Palace, Oxon., ‘4 Pier Glasses with Carved Frames Gilt in Burnish'd Gold’ and also ‘A large picture frame for the present family picture’. [V&A archives; C. Life, 23 January 1975] Worked as a carver at Cleveland House, London, 1746–52. [Raby Castle MS] In 1761 bills for work at Croome Court, Worcs. were approved by Robert Adam for the carving of garden chairs, the greenhouse pediment, two glass frames, table frames and two glass frames en suite for the dining room. In 1763–64 work involved the carving of bookcases, pediment etc. for the library and in 1765 furniture for the gallery. Sefferin was employed for carved work on chairs supplied by John Cobb and ten scroll end sofas supplied by Bradburn & France in this year. Much of the furniture was to designs by Robert Adam. Furniture from this commission is now at the V&A; the MMA, NY; Philadelphia Museum of Art; and Kenwood, London, Carving bills also exist for work at the Earl of Coventry's London house in Grosvenor Sq. dated 1761, 1767 and 1768 amounting to £39 11s 11d. [V&A archives; Worcs. RO, Coventry papers; Harris, Furniture of Robert Adam; Conn., January 1976 and June 1981] Worked at Kedleston Hall, Derbs., providing in 1759 five gilt picture frames for the Breakfast Room to Robert Adam's design. A letter from Adam to Lord Scarsdale dated 15 May 1761 stated that Alken had nearly finished making frames for the Painted Room. [V&A archives] Supplied to Marston House, Som., in 1754 ‘a richly carved pier-glass’ for Lady Dungarvon, the daughter of Henry Hoare. [Gunnis] Carved work at Normanton Park, Rutland, including a chimney piece for Sir Gilbert Heathcote carried out in 1765– 66. A part of this commission was for Sir Gilbert's London house in Grosvenor Sq. [Lincoln RO, 2 ANC 12/D/25] Carved work at Shardeloes, Amersham, Bucks. for William Drake to designs by Robert Adam. By 21 April 1763 the cost of this work amounted to £543 12s exclusive of the carving to be carried out on the mahogany doors. This additional work ‘answerable to drawings delivered by Mr. Adam’ amounted to £15 17s 2d, while carving ‘one side of door next to drawing room’ was charged at a further £11 13s 6d. [Bucks. RO, D/DR/5/14] Extensive work at Somerset House, Strand, London was carried out from 1777–83 by both Sefferin and Samuel Alken. This included a number of wooden chimney pieces. [PRO, AO 1/2495] A bill for work at Stourhead, Wilts., dated 24 May 1772, records the carving of an oval frame costing £29 10s and a ‘rich flower for ceiling’ at £3. A further charge of £9 9s 6d was made for joinery work. Between 1750 and 1770 no fewer than seven payments to Alken are recorded in Henry Hoare's account book. This included chimney pieces, ‘Lady Boyle's Pier glass’, £60, and a picture frame, £34 11s. Some of this work was in connection with a house that Henry Hoare was having built at Clapham, London. [Wilts. RO, 383/1, 383/6] Carved work at the Villa Marino, Lord Charlemont's seaside villa near Dublin. In a letter sent from Sir William Chambers to Lord Charlemont in 1767 regarding its furnishing it is recorded that ‘Alkin has carved one of the little heads for the corner of the doors of the medal-cases. It is very fine, but as he tells me that he cannot do them under three guineas and a half a head, I have stopped his further progress till I hear from your Lordship’. [Hist. MS Commission, Earl of Charlemont, 1, 283; cabinet sold, Christie's, 21–24 May 1984, lot 843, illus. in colour. See also Burlington, October 1985, pp. 693–94 and Irish Arts Review, summer 1984, pp. 23–7] Carried out work at Woburn Abbey, Beds, by order of William Chambers for the 4th Duke of Bedford and for Francis, Marquess of Tavistock at Houghton. This included a mahogany bookcase with the mouldings and drop ornaments representing music, war, painting and sculpture for which £27 9s 6½d was charged in 1764. Six chimney pieces, cornices, a bedhead and footboard, friezes etc. amounting to £36 3s 8d were paid for in 1769. A further sum of £117 9s 8d was paid in 1771 under the 4th Duke's executorship account for general carver's work at Woburn. [Bedford Office, London] The account of the Duke of Northumberland at Hoare's Bank records payments made to Alken between 1750 and 1768. B.A.
Al(l)kin, Sampson, Cank St, St Martin's, Leicester, cm and u (1815–28). [D]
Al(l)kins, John, Church St, Uttoxeter, Staffs., chairmaker and turner (1818–34). [D]
Allam, James, Dovecot St, Stockton, Co. Durham, cm (1824). [D]
Allam, Joseph, High St, Chatteris, Cambs., cm and u (1830–39). [D]
Allam, Thomas, Maddox St, Westminster, London, u (1749–74). Fellow of the Society of Arts, 1760. [Poll bk]
Allam, Thomas, Market Deeping, Lincs., chairmaker and wood turner (1826–40). [D]
Allam, William, Market Deeping, Lincs., chair turner (1797). [D]
Allan, David, 6 Castle St, Leicester Sq., London, cm (1824). In 1824 took out cover for £100 with the Sun Fire Office in respect of household goods etc. ‘in the now dwelling house of a turner’. [GL, Sun MS, vol. 499, ref. 1016092]
Allan, James, Market St, Chatteris, Cambs., u and carpenter (1839). [D]
Allan, John, Mock St, Wardour St, London, cm (1777–93). In 1777 took out insurance cover with the Sun Fire Office for £200 of which £30 covered utensils, stock and goods. Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. [GL, Sun MS vol. 257, p. 347]
Allan, John, Liverpool, cm (1804–39). Trading at 7 Back Jackson St in 1812 and in same street at no. 1 in 1837. Had moved to 7 Heath St, Toxteth Park by 1839. App. to William Harvey in 1804. Admitted freeman on 12 October 1812 but register which indicates trade as cm also states ‘now mariner’. [D; Liverpool freemen reg.]
Allan, John, Wood St, Maryport, Cumb., joiner and cm (1828– 34). [D]
Allan, Thomas, London, cm (1758). Freeman of York. May be the Thomas Allen, sedan chairmaker to the royal family, who was resident in Maddox St in the mid 1760s. [Poll bk; C. Life, 12 September 1960, p. 615]
Allan, Thomas, 12 Gibraltar Row, Lambeth, London, bedstead maker (1826). [D]
Allan, William, 52 London Rd, London, cm, u and bed and mattress maker (1837–39). [D]
Allard, John, Bristol, cm (1799–1818). Recorded at Old Mkt, 1799–1800, but by 1805 this address had been amplified to 91 Old Market St. [D]
Allanson, Thomas, Blake St, York, u (1777–d. 1784). Admitted freeman in 1777 and in this year he insured his utensils and stock in the Blake St premises for £800 with the Sun Fire Office. The York Minster fabric rolls record that he was paid £4 16s in 1781 for lining pews, and a further £3 1s 6d in 1783. In 1781 he was described as the successor to Joseph Reynoldson. Died in September 1784. [York freemen rolls; York Chronicle, 29 August 1777; York Courant, 7 September 1784; GL, Sun MS vol. 259, p. 111]
Allanson, William, 28 Clare St, Liverpool, cm and u (1839–40). Trading in 1839 but not sworn a freeman until 29 July 1840. [D; Liverpool freemen reg.]
Allars, Henry, London, cm and u (1832–39). Trading at 4 Cannon Pl., Whitechapel Rd in 1832 and at 32 Mile End Rd in 1839. [D]
Allatt, Christopher, 29 Silver St, Golden Sq., London, cm, upholder, turner, appraiser and sworn broker (1775–83). In 1775 insured his utensils, stock and goods with the Sun Fire Office for £200. Trade card in Banks Coll., BM. [GL, Sun MS vol. 243, p. 347]
Allatt, Richard, Barnsley, Yorks., cm and joiner (1793). [D]
Allatt, Thomas, Kirkgate, Wakefield, Yorks., cm and u (1837). [D]
Allatt, William, Kirkgate, Wakefield, Yorks., cm and u (1830). [D]
Allaway, George & James, 58 Minster St, Reading, Berks., cm and u (1803–40). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. William Osmond was a partner in 1823. [D]
Allbritan, Samuel, ‘on east side of Church land at Limehouse in the parish of St. Dunstan at Stepney’, London, upholder (1715). On 25 July 1715 insured his house and another dwelling for £100 each with the Hand in Hand Fire Office. [GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 14, p. 585]
Allcock, Charles, Mill St, Kidderminster, Worcs., cm and u (1822–35). [D]
Allcock, William, Little York St, parish of St Dunstan, Stepney, London, frame smith (1726). On 18 July 1726 insured property to the value of £300 with the Sun Fire Office. [GL, Sun MS vol. 23, p. 116]
Allcock, William, Leicester, cm (1773). App. to Thomas Tippler of Derby, cm. Admitted freeman in 1773. [Leicester freemen reg.]
Allcock, William, Blake Brook, Kidderminster, Worcs., cm and u (1835). [D]
Allden, Charles, 14 Well St, Oxford St, London, picture frame maker (1802–14). [D]
Alldridge, Charles, 85 Bradford St, Birmingham, cabinet case maker (1839). [D]
Alldridge, Edwin, Dean St, Birmingham, cm and clock case maker (1835). [D]
Allen, —, ‘The White Swan’, West Smithfield, London, u (d. 1704). Death reported, Daily Courant, 19 May 1704.
Allen's, —, 21 Little Eastcheap, London, u, cm and lookingglass maker (c. 1800). Trade card in Heal.
Allen, —, 12 Bell's Sq., Foster Lane, London, knife case maker (1809). [D]
Allen, Abraham, 61 Pall Mall, London, u, designer and manufacturer of ‘furniture calicoes’ (1809–21). Trade cards in BM, V&A and MMA, NY. Advertised that ‘Elegant Specimens of made up Drapery for various purposes may be seen at the Warehouse’. In 1815 claimed to be ‘Furniture designer & printer to HRH. the Princess Elizabeth’, and in 1821 ‘Furniture designer and printer to His Majesty’. [D]
Allen, Andrew, St Michael's, Southampton, Hants., chairmaker (1725). On 16 November 1725 took out insurance cover of £300 with the Sun Fire Office for ‘his dwelling house in Rumsey commonly known by the name of Cross Keys now in occupation of victualler’. [GL, Sun MS vol. 19, ref. 35174]
Allen, Anthony & Co., Hotwell Rd, Bristol, cm and u (1805– 21). [D] See Allen & Foster.
Allen, Charles, London, u (before 1771). Advertised in Penn'a Packet, 3 October 1771 that he was lately from London and Paris and that he had learnt his trade from Mr Bradshaw and Mons. Fleuri respectively.
Allen, Charles, Load St, Bewdley, Worcs., u (1830). [D]
Allen, Charles, 32 Wharf St, Birmingham, cm and u (1835). [D]
Allen, Edward, Canterbury, Kent, u (1688). [Canterbury freemen rolls]
Allen, F., Esplanade, Dover, Kent, u (1838). [D]
Allen, Francis, 46 Hans Pl., Chelsea, London, cm and u (1823). [D]
Allen, George, York, u (1764). App. to George Marshall, u, on 19 November 1764. [York app. reg.]
Allen, George, Fenchurch St, London, u, cm and looking-glass manufacturer to the Bank of England (1800–20). Son and successor of John Allen. Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by patrimony on 7 May 1800. For a brief period traded from his father's address at 50 Fenchurch St but by 1802 was at no. 158. Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. Maintained a carpet and paper-hanging warehouse, and acted as auctioneer, appraiser and undertaker. Trade card in BM. [D; GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Allen, George, 6 Bedford PL, Commercial Rd, London, cm and u (1822–27). [D]
Allen, Henry, London (?), cm (1669–73). Supplied fourteen pieces of furniture to William, 5th Earl of Bedford at a cost of £66 16s. The main items were a walnut cabinet ‘for my Lady's cabinet’ supplied in 1669 at £17, a 31″ looking-glass in a walnut frame at £10, and a sleeping chair at £8 5s in 1672, and ten back stools at £6 10s in 1673. [Bedford Office, London]
Allen, Henry jnr, parish of St James, Bristol, carver (1774). [Poll bk]
Allen, J., address unrecorded. Name impressed on a Lancashire pattern spindle-back chair, c. 1840 at Temple Newsam House, Leeds.
Allen, James, Thomas St, Bristol, architect and carver (1777–93). In 1777 insured his house with the Sun Fire Office for £300. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 254, p. 567; poll bk]
Allen, James, Dovecot St, Stockton, Co. Durham, cm and joiner (1828). [D]
Allen, John, Fenchurch St, London, cm and u (1773–1800). Son of James Allen of Hereford, clerk. App. to Samuel Severn on 26 July 1752 and to John Trotter, joiner, on 15 July 1756. Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. on 7 April 1763 and master in 1799. Initially traded from 133 Fenchurch St but by 1782 was at no. 50. In 1780 insured with the Sun Fire Office with total cover of £700 of which £470 was for utensils and stock. Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. His son George took over the business c. 1800 and in 1802 John was recorded living at Greenwich. Supplied furniture to Penrice Castle, Glam. [D; GL, Upholders’ Co. records; GL, Sun MS vol. 287, p. 138; C. Life, 25 September 1975]
Allen, John, Romford, Essex, cm (1784). [D]
Allen, John, Torrington St, London, cm (1790–93). [D]
Allen, John, Dover, Kent, u (1792–93). [D]
Allen, John, Gt Charles St, Birmingham, gilder (1793). [D]
Allen, John, Lancaster, cm (1817–18). Admitted freeman, 1817–18, when stated ‘of Liverpool’. [Lancaster freemen rolls]
Allen, John, Pride Hill, Shrewsbury, Salop, cm etc. (1822). [D]
Allen, John, 93 King Ct, Minories, London, u (1822). On 20 November 1822 took out insurance cover of £100 with the Sun Fire Office. [GL, Sun MS vol. 490, ref. 997891]
Allen, John, Blackheath Hill, Greenwich, London, cm etc. (1824–26). [D]
Allen, John, Hotwell Rd, Bristol, cm, u, appraiser and auctioneer (1828). [D]
Allen, John, London, cm (1829–35). Recorded at 3 King St, Goswell St in 1829 and at 64 Goswell St in 1835. [D]
Allen, John, 18 Gloucester St, Hoxton, London, cm and undertaker (1832–37). [D]
Allen, John, Gravesend, Kent, cm (1830). [Poll bk]
Allen, Joseph, Cheapside, Boston, Lincs., chairmaker and turner (1835). [D]
Allen, Moses, Silver St, Yeovil, Som., cm (1830). [D]
Allen, Nicholas, Bargate, Boston, Lincs., chair and wheel maker (1790–1835). Trading at Wide Bargate, 1819–35, in 1835 as cm. On 6 August 1790 advertised in the Lincoln, Rutland and Stamford Mercury for a ‘journeyman pinchair and spinning wheel maker … A good Hand may have constant Employ, and good wages …’. [D]
Allen, Randolph, Newport Alley, parish of St Ann's, Westminster, London, upholder (1707). On 9 September 1707 took out insurance with the Hand in Hand Fire Office for £150 on his house, £200 on a rented house and £150 on two others. [GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 5, ref. 14308]
Allen, Robert, Back St, Bristol, cm (1793–95). [D]
Allen, Samuel, High Wycombe, Bucks., chair turner (b.c. 1796–1841). Aged 45 at the time of the 1841 Census.
Allen, Samuel, 5 Prince's St, Barbican, London, fancy cm (1835–39). In 1839 trade listed as portable desk, dressing case, work box and cabinet case maker. [D]
Allen, Silas, Rosemary Lane, Nottingham, cm (1832). [D]
Allen, Thomas, parish of St John, Bristol, cm (1721–22). [Poll bk]
Allen, Thomas, address unrecorded, u (1740). In 1740 he submitted an invoice to the Earl of Northumberland for cutting down chairs, mending hangings, etc. [V&A archives]
Allen, Thomas, Liverpool, cm and chairmaker (1810–35). Recorded at 23 Dale St in 1811 but in the next year at no. 32. No further entries appear in directories until 1834 when an address at 26 Heath St is listed, changing in the following year to 1 Red Ct, 57 Pool Lane, and shop at 7 Norfolk St. It is not certain whether the Thomas Allen trading in the 1830s was the same as the one active two decades earlier. [D]
Allen, Thomas, 9 Wandsworth Rd, London, bedstead maker (1829). [D]
Allen, William, London (?), u (1687–92). Supplied goods to the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, between 1687 and 1692 costing £8 14s 8d. [Wren Soc., vol. 19, p. 85] Recorded in the Royal Household accounts in 1689 supplying upholstery work for the household staff rooms at Whitehall at a value of £43 16s. [PRO, LC9/279, pp. 542–56]
Allen, William, London, u (1712). Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. on 1 October 1712. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Allen, William, Saltford, Som., cm (1737–61). Took apps named Baker in 1737, and Thomson in 1761. [S of G, app. index]
Allen, William, Cannon St, London, upholder (1750). Admitted a member of the livery of the Upholders’ Co. in 1750. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Allen (or Allan), William, London, upholder (1777–93). Trading initially at 129 New Bond St but in 1781 moved to 20 David St, and by 1790 was at 24 Davies St. His trade was probably fairly subtantial, for as early as 1777 he carried an insurance cover of £500; by 1781 this had risen to £1,300 and by 1787 to £2,200. In 1785 he had a house on the north side of Berkeley Sq. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 258, p. 522; vol. 328, p. 118; vol. 331, p. 555; vol. 342, ref. 532912]
Allen, William, Clarendon, St (or Rd), Leamington, Warks., cm (1828). [D]
Allen, William, Ludgate Hill, Birmingham, cm, u and broker (1830). [D]
Allen, William, West St, Nottingham, chairmaker (1832). [D]
Allen, William, 31 Ebury St, Pimlico, London, carver and gilder (1837–39). [D]
Allen & Doolan, 174 Borough, London, cabinet and chairmakers (1768–75). [D]
Allen & Foster, Hotwell Rd, Bristol, cm and u (1814–21). Traded before 1809 as Anthony Allen & Co. In 1821 Anthony Allen appears to have been the sole proprietor. [D]
Allett, John, Poland St, Carnaby Mkt, London, cm (1755). [Public Advertiser, 26 June 1755]
Alley, Christian, Moorfields, London, cm (1802). [PRO, C13 599/20]
Alley, H., 102 Goswell Rd, London, u etc. (1837). [D]
Alley, William, 56 St John St Rd, London, u etc. (1826). [D]
Allford, Edward, London, cm and u (1829–39). Addresses at 2 Mount Row, Kent Rd in 1829 and 5 Stafford Row, Pimlico in 1839. [D]
Allice, William, Newark, Notts., cm (1806). Admitted freeman of Lincoln in November 1806. [Lincoln freemen rolls]
Allin, William, Newark, Notts., cm (1770–88). Insured with the Sun Fire Office in 1776 for a total of £1,000 of which £400 was for utensils and stock. On 8 May he advertised his intention to discontinue trading and offered his stock to the public at ‘considerably under Prime cost’. He stated that his stock consisted of ‘a great Variety of large Pier, Chimney, Sconce, and Dressing Glasses, in carved, gilt, machee, japanned, painted, and plain Mahogany Frames; Tea Boards, Chests, Trays, and Caddies, plain or inlaid; Mahogany, Pembroke, Card or Tea Tables, Bason Stands, Knife Cases, Backgammon Tables, Night Tables and Cribbage Boards; several Sets of Mahogany Chairs; Fire-Screens, Umbrellas, &c, &c. Also a large Quantity of Paper Hangings, of the newest Patterns’. [Cambridge Chronicle and Journal, 26 May 1770]
Allinson, John, Sunderland, Co. Durham, cm (1827–28). Recorded at Coronation St, Bishop Wearmouth in 1828, and High St in 1829. [D]
Alinson, Thomas, Briggate, Knaresborough, Yorks., joiner and builder (1828–37). [D]
Allison, John, Hull, Yorks., cm (1803–06). Trading in George St in 1803 but moved to St John's St in 1806. [D]
Allison, John, Mint Yd, York, cm (1823). [D]
Allison, Robert, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.
Allison, Robert, Bridlington, Yorks., cm (1831–40). Trading in Market Pl. in 1831 and High St in 1840. [D]
Allison, Thomas, Southampton St, Camberwell, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Allison, William, Hill's Lane, Shrewsbury, Salop, cm (1796). [Shrewsbury burgess roll]
Alliss, William, Hawton Rd, Newark, Notts., cm (1835). [D]
Allman, John, High St, Staines, Middlx, cm/carpenter (1823). [D]
Allnut, Charles, 193 Piccadilly, London, u and cm (1832–35). [D]
Allnutt, Francis, Southwark, London, cm (1742). Took app. named Hodges in 1742. [S of G, app. index]
Allott, David, May Day Green, Barnsley, Yorks., cm and u (1822). [D]
Allott, Richard, Barnsley, Yorks., cm (1814–30). Trading at Luke's Orchard in 1814 but by 1822 had moved to Clark's Yd, Market Pl. By 1828 he was back at the former address. [D]
Allport, James, High St, Stourbridge, Staffs., cm and u (1828– 35). [D]
Allpress, James, 8 Union Pl., Lower Rd, Islington, London, cm (1832). Still trading from this address in 1835 when he is listed as a furniture broker. [D]
Allpress, John, Crown St, St Ives, Hunts., cm and u (1839). [D]
Allsop, William, George St, Tamworth, Staffs., cm and u (1822). [D]
Allsop, William, High St, Huntingdon, u and cm (1830–39). [D]
Allum, Thomas, London, cm (1832–39). Trading at 27 Arlington St, Clerkenwell from 1832–37, but by 1839 at 10 Upper Rosamon St, Clerkenwell. [D]
Allured, John, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, u (1790–98). App. to William Seaman. Admitted freeman of Gt Yarmouth in 1790. Declared bankrupt in 1798. [D; Gt Yarmouth freemen's calendar; Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 30 April 1798]
Allwood, Thomas, 35 Gt Russell St, London, carver and gilder (1772–93). [D] Carried out work at Bedford House, London for Gertrude, Dowager Duchess of Bedford, 1772–85, during the minority of her son Francis, 5th Duke of Bedford. This work concerned the making, mending and gilding of frames and cost £78 13s 3d. Between October 1792 and April 1793 work was carried out by Allwood for which the 5th Duke paid £594 14s. Allwood was also paid £218 12s 9d for furnishings for the Dowager Duchess's house at 112 Pall Mall, but the items are not specified. [Bedford Office, London] Employed at Carlton House, London, 1783–86, where the work amounted to £4,941 3s 3d and Henry Wood acted as examiner for his bills. [D. Stroud, Holland, p. 72; H. Clifford Smith, Buckingham Palace, p. 103] Worked for Sir Lawrence Dundas, submitting an undated estimate for making a glass frame for either 19 Arlington St, London or Moor Park, Herts. [N. Yorks. RO, ZNK 1/7/79] Carried out work for Lord Monson in April 1782 amounting to £26 15s. [Lincoln RO, Monson 10/1/A/6] Worked for Sir John Nelthorpe, submitting an account on 8 July 1783 for carving and gilding a picture frame costing £4 13s. A further account, dated 8 April 1785, is ‘to carving & gilding two frames for pictures by Mr. Stubbs’, costing £1 4s 6d. [Lincoln RO, NEL 9/57/6, 9/7/29]
Allwood, Thomas, St George's, Tombland Churchyard, Norwich, cm (1830–39). [D]
Almand, Thomas, Hungate, York, cm (1823). [D]
Almond, Joseph, Liverpool, cm (1826). App. to John Armstrong in 1826. [Liverpool app. reg.]
Almond, Joseph, 1 Trentham St, Liverpool, carver (1827). [D]
Almond, Thomas, Castle St, Liverpool, cm (1749–50). On 21 March 1749–50 Thomas Livesley, apothecary, of Liverpool took out insurance amounting to £150 with the Sun Fire Office on a house occupied by Thomas Almond. [GL, Sun MS vol. 89, ref. 120437]
Almond, William, Brownlow St, London, carver and gilder (1739–66). On 16 April 1750 he was paid £5 10s for work carried out for the 3rd Earl of Burlington, £4 10s of this being in respect of Chiswick. A further sum of £4 15s was paid in March 1753 for gilding picture and table frames. [Chatsworth, Burlington papers, account bk] On 22 January 1765 authorisation was given at the weekly board meeting of the Middlx Hospital for payment for ‘repairing and burnishng all over the large picture’. [Gilbert, Chippendale, p. 162] In the following year he acted as an arbitrator in a dispute concerning gilding work in the gallery at Moor Park between Sir Lawrence Dundas and Samuel Norman. [Gilbert, Chippendale, pp. 158–59] Took out insurance on his house in 1776 amounting to £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 253, p. 43]
Alseabrooke, George snr, London, upholder (d. by 1719–20). [GL Upholders’ Co. records]
Alseabrooke, George jnr, London, upholder (1719–20). Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by patrimony on 13 January 1719–20. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Alsford, James, 23 Grove St, Commercial Rd, London, u and cm (1835). [D]
Alsop, Andrew, 28 Bedford St, Covent Gdn, London, upholder (1774–84). Insured with Sun Fire Office in 1783 for £700 cover of which £170 was for utensils, stock and goods. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 319, p. 149; poll bk]
Alsop, Charles, Leeming St, Mansfield, Notts., cm (1832). [D]
Al(l)sop, Peter & Co., Mansfield, Notts., joiner, cm and u (1828–40). Trading at Nag's Head Yd in 1828; Westgate from 1832–40; and as Peter & Sons at Westgate and Cockpit in 1835. [D]
Alston, Thomas, Lancaster, cm (1812–20). App. to Leonard Redmayne in 1812 and admitted freeman in 1819–20. [Lancaster app. reg. and freemen rolls]
Alston, William, Chapel St, Garstang, Lancs., joiner and cm (1824–28). [D]
Alston, William, Ribchester, Lancs., cm and joiner (1825–34). [D]
Alton, John, 37 Piccadilly, Manchester, cm and u (1828–29). [D] John Cressell traded at this address
Alton, John, Market Pl., Bedale, Yorks., joiner and cm (1834). [D]
Alton, Mat(t)hew & John, 15 Piccadilly, Manchester, cm and u (1824–25). [D]
Alton & Atkinson, Masham, Yorks., joiners, cm and timber merchants (1834). [D]
Alvin, Charles, 60 Cromer St, Gray's Inn Lane Rd and Black Horse Yd, London, broker and cm (1821–23)). Insured with the Sun Fire Office for £200 in 1821 of which £40 was for stock and utensils. In 1823 these sums had risen to £350 of which £280 represented stock and utensils. It was stated that no carpenter's or cabinet work was done at the dwelling house but a workshop was mentioned in Black Horse Yd. [GL, Sun MS vol. 489, ref. 985974; vol. 496, ref. 1003518]
Aman, George, Newland, Northampton, cm (1820–30). [D]
Aman, Richard, Northampton, cm (1838). Declared bankrupt, Sussex Agricultural Express, 6 January 1838.
Amber, Francis, Paradise St, Key St, Rotherhithe, London, upholder (1722). Took out a Hand in Hand fire insurance policy in 1722 for £200. [GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 26, p. 199]
Ambler, Thomas, 20 Mt Pleasant, Gray's Inn Rd, London, cm (1835). [D]
Ambridge, Harry, London, fancy cm (1809–32). Trading at 36 Ironmonger Rd, St Luke's in 1809, but by 1832 at 3 Ratcliff Grove, St Luke's. [D]
Ambrosoni, Francis, 4 Albion Pl., Clerkenwell, London, carver, gilder and looking-glass manufacturer (1839). [D]
Amery, Samuel, Liverpool, u (1761–c. 1812). Son of Thomas Amery, grocer. Admitted freeman of Liverpool on 12 March 1761 by patrimony. The 1812–17 freemen reg. listed him as debtor pauper, dead. [Liverpool freemen reg. and committee bk]
Ames, James, 1 Duke St, Manchester Sq., London, cm and u (1829–35). [D]
Ames, Samuel, 1 and 2 Rosamond Buildings, Islington, London, cm, u, furniture broker and appraiser (1822–39]. [D]
Ames, Thomas, 17 Charles St, Goodge St, London, u (1820– 32). [D]
Ames, Thomas, 60 Ellerton St, Hoxton, London, cm and u (1827). [D]
Ames, William, 15 Old Bailey, London, cm (1782). Took out a Sun fire insurance policy in 1782 for £100 on his house. [GL, Sun MS vol. 301, p. 186]
Ames, William, Vine Yd, Tooley St, London, cm (1812). On 20 February 1812 insured his stock and utensils with the Sun Fire Office for £150. [GL, Sun MS vol. 457, ref. 867783]
Amory, Jno., Long Sutton, Lincs., cm and builder (1825). [D]
Amos, John, Little Gonerby, Grantham, Lincs., Windsor chairmaker and turner (1814–d. 1842). Chairs known impressed on the seat edge or bottom near splat ‘AMOS GRANTHAM’. There is an example at Temple Newsam House, Leeds. [D; Furn. Hist., 1978]
Amos, Thomas, 25 Gloucester St, Hoxton, London, cm and undertaker (1832). [D]
Amphlett, Thomas, Worcester, carver and gilder (1830–35). Recorded at Spring Gdns in 1830 and Love's Grove in 1835. [D] See George Sterry.
Amry, George, Newcastle, cm (1827–38). In 1827 his address is given as Percy St, but by 1833 he was at Barrasbridge. In 1839 trading at 10 Pilgrim St. [D]
Anders, James, 32 Limekiln Lane, Liverpool, cm and butcher (1829). [D]
Anders, Jonathan, Liverpool, joiner and cm (1827–37). Addresses at 19 Strickland St in 1827; 39 Rose Pl. and 11 Wellington St in 1829; 26 Bevington Hill in 1834; 82 Limekiln Lane in 1835; and 19 Stanley St and 52 Limekiln Lane in 1837. [D]
Anderson, —, Long Acre, London, cm (1768). Theft of goods from shop reported in Public Advertiser, 2 March 1768.
Anderson, —, Windmill St, Tottenham Ct Rd, London, chairmaker (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.
Anderson, Alexander, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.
Anderson, Alexander, Rothbury, Northumb., cm and joiner (1828–34). [D]
Anderson, Ambrose, 43 Mincing Lane, London, carver and gilder (1809). [D]
Anderson, Andrew, New Claypath Gates, Durham, u (1772). [Newcastle Courant, 4 July 1772]
Anderson, David, 4 Colvell Ct, Rathbone Pl., London, cm (1809). [D]
Anderson, Edward, Beverley, Yorks., cm (1752–90). Took app. named Milburn in 1752. [S of G, app. index; poll bk]
Anderson, George, Moorfields, London, upholder (1755). Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. on 5 April 1755. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Anderson, George, 17 Frith St, Soho, London, carver and gilder (1808). [D]
Anderson, George, 23 Everett St, Brunswick Sq., London, u and undertaker (1813–20). Business described at Anderson & Co. in 1819. [D]
Anderson, George, Witton St, Northwich, Cheshire, cm and chairmaker (1828–34). [D]
Anderson, Henry, 48 Castle St, Oxford Mkt, London, cm (1793–1808). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793, and Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. [D]
Anderson, J., Newcastle, joiner, cm, looking-glass, picture frame and composition ornament maker (1808–24). In 1808 he moved from Bigg-market to Westgate St. [D; Newcastle Courant, 12 November 1808, 17 June 1809]
Anderson, J. jnr, Newcastle, carver and gilder, looking-glass and picture frame maker (1823–33). On 7 June 1823 he announced in the Durham County Advertiser that he had opened a shop in Collingwood St ‘adjoining the general Coach Office’. He claimed to have had experience ‘both in London and Newcastle’ and stated that he also executed ship carving. In 1833 his business address was 17 Mosley St and his house 9 Cumberland Row. He placed an advertisement in Humble's Newcastle Directory, 1824. [D]
Anderson, James, address unrecorded, cm (1754). Subscribed to Chippendale's Director, 1754.
Anderson, James, 96 Eastcheap (or Upper East Smithfield), London, cm (1789–93). [D]
Anderson, James & Robert, 36 Upper East Smithfield, London, brokers of household goods and cm (1808). On 18 July 1808 took out insurance cover on household goods, etc. for £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 443, ref. 819492]
Anderson, James, Stafford St, Wolverhampton, Staffs., joiner and cm (1780). [D]
Anderson, James, Long Acre, London, cm (1808–27). Trade card in Heal Coll., BM. [D]
Anderson, James, 12 Broker's Alley, Drury Lane, London, bedstead maker (1839). [D]
Anderson, James, 71 Thomas St, Manchester, cm (1838–39). [D]
Anderson, John, Warrington, Lancs., cm (1717–24). In 1717 took app. named Okell and in 1724, Mather. [S of G, app. index]
Anderson, John, Liverpool, cm and carver (before 1746). In the Maryland Gazette, 21 October 1746 he announced that he made ‘Chairs, Tables, Desks, Bureaus, Dressing Tables, Clock Cases and all kinds of Furniture’. He stated that he was ‘late from Liverpool’.
Anderson, John, Little White Lion St, Seven Dials, London, cm (1781). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1781 for £100 on his house. [GL, Sun MS vol. 295, p. 602]
Anderson, John, Fanconbergh Ct, Westminster, London, cm (1784). [Poll bk]
Anderson, John, 4 Hanover St, Walworth, London, carver and gilder (1808). [D]
Anderson, John, address unrecorded, cm (1820). Mentioned in accounts for the furnishing of Wynyard Park, Co. Durham for the 4th Marquess of Londonderry. [Durham RO, D/LO/E484]
Anderson, John jnr, 32 Collingwood St, Newcastle, carver and gilder (1827). [D]
Anderson, John, Market St, Newcastle, carver and gilder (1838). [D] Possibly:
Anderson, John, Westgate St, Newcastle, cm and u (1827–38). Trading at Westgate St, 1827–34; 17 Moseley St in 1834; and Market St in 1838. [D]
Anderson, John, Knaresborough, Yorks., joiner, cm and builder (1828–37). Trading at Windsor Lane in 1828 but by 1837 his address had changed to High St. [D]
Anderson, John Wilson, 18 Ivegate, Bradford, Yorks., carver, gilder and artist (1834–37). [D]
Anderson, John, 59 Foregate St, Worcester, carver and gilder (1835–40). Trading as Jno. & Son in 1835. [D]
Anderson, Jonathan & Perry, Joshua, 59 Foregate St, Worcester, paper hangers, decorative house sign and furniture painters, carvers, gilders and frame makers (1820–33). Advertised themselves as successors to Mr Churchill (probably James Churchill, herald painter, of The Tithing, Worcester); and cleaned, repaired and varnished pictures, silvered looking-glasses and supplied paper hangings. An unusual George IV giltwood pier-glass is known with their trade label affixed which came from Elmley Castle, Worcester. [Christie's, 11 June 1981, lot 38] The business was carried on after 1835 under the style ‘J. Anderson and Son’. [D] Carried out work at Westwood Park, Droitwich, Worcs., supplying picture frames to J. S. Pakington amounting to £9 17s 14d in 1828–29, and £19 4s 9d in 1831–32. The receipt for the latter amount indicates that it is due to ‘the estate of Messrs. Anderson and Perry’. [Worcs. RO, 2309/ 705:380/56 and 380–56–V] Account for work done at Powick Court, Worcs., dated 6 April 1830, includes a picture frame supplied to J. S. Russell. This patron changed his name to Pakington on inheriting Westwood Park, near Droitwich, and subsequently became first Lord Hampton. [Worcs. RO, 2309/705 : 380/18(i)]
Anderson, Joseph, 19 George's Ct, Clerkenwell, London, water gilder (1808). [D]
Anderson, Ralph, Houghton-Le-Spring, Co. Durham, joiner, cm and auctioneer (1815–27). [D; Durham County Advertiser, 29 July 1815]
Anderson, Richard, Garratt Rd, Manchester, cm and u (1840). Father probably Robert Anderson of Preston. [D]
Anderson, Robert, Lancaster and Bradford, cm (1772–92). Admitted freeman of Lancaster in 1772, but in 1784 is recorded in the Lancaster poll bk as residing in Bradford. Named in the Gillow records, 1789–92. [Lancaster freemen rolls and poll bk; Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow]
Anderson, Robert, Liverpool, cm (1811–23). Trading at 35 Frederick St in 1811, but by 1813 was at 6 Frederick St. [D]
Anderson, Robert, Preston, Lancs. and Manchester, u (1818–40). Son of Robert Anderson of Preston. Freeman of Preston. Trading at 8 Spring Gdns in 1818, but by 1828 was at 10 Alfred St and in 1834 at no. 19. By 1836 he had moved to Manchester and was trading from 40 Brook St, Chorlton-on-Medlock, and from no. 56 in 1838–40. His six sons included Richard and Robert, both u. [D; Preston Guild records]
Anderson, Robert, Carpenter St, South Shields, Co. Durham, carver and gilder (1827). [D]
Anderson, Robert, Twickenham, London, cm, u and paper hanger (1826–39). Recorded at Church St, 1826–32, and Back Lane in 1839. [D]
Anderson, Thomas, Carlisle, Cumb., u (1793). [D]
Anderson, Thomas, address unrecorded, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.
Anderson, Thomas, 98 Dale St, Liverpool, carver and victualler (1810–11). [D]
Anderson, Thomas, Paradise St, Liverpool, u (1814–24). Successor to Mathew Gregson, u, whose foreman he had been before taking over the business in 1814. He had served Gregson for twelve years prior to this date. His number in Paradise St was 33 in 1814, but subsequently changed to 30 in 1816 and 35 in 1818. [D; Liverpool Mercury, 14 October 1814]
Anderson, Thomas, 10 Duke St, Liverpool, u (1827). [D]
Anderson, W., 44 Redcross St, London, cm (1826). [D]
Anderson, W. S., 22 Portland St, Hull, Yorks., cm (1838–40). [D]
Anderson, William, Louth, Lincs, cm (1754). Took app. named Foster in 1754. [S of G, app. index]
Anderson, William, Lancaster, cm (1779–1807). App. to A. Hudson in 1779. Admitted freeman in 1806–07. [Lancaster app. reg. and freemen rolls]
Anderson, William, 27 Circus St, Marylebone, London, cm and u (1820–39). [D]
Anderson, William, New Rd, Clitheroe, Lancs., joiner, cm and house builder (1824). [D]
Anderson, William, 24 Fleet St, London, writing desk and dressing case maker (1829). [D]
Anderson, William, 18 Bromsgrove St, Birmingham, maker of portable desks and dressing cases (1830). [D]
Anderton, —, Davies St, Liverpool, cm (1790). [D]
Anderton, —, Lancaster, carver (1816). Named in the Gillow records as carving trusses on bookcase. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow vol. 344/100, p. 2006]
Anderton, —, Chesterfield Rd, Nottingham, chairmaker (1835). [D]
Anderton, Charles, 19 Paul St, Finsbury Sq., London, cabinet and chairmaker (1808). [D]
Anderton, Henry, Liverpool, cm and upholder (1811–19). In 1811 traded from 18 Sir Thomas Buildings and in the same year is recorded at 2 Marble St with a partner called Jamieson. An address at 52 London Rd is listed in 1813, but from the following year the Marble St address was used. Retired from business in 1819 and on 9 November that year an auction sale of his stock was held. This consisted of ‘handsome Mahogany Trafalgar & other Chairs, Patent Dining, Card, Loo, Pembroke, Snap & other Tables, Secretaires, Bookcases, Chests of Drawers, Wardrobes, Sideboards, Sofas, Couches, a Spring Clock by Roskell, an Eight Day Ditto, Four-post & Camp Bedsteads, Hangings & Window Curtains, Prime Goose-feather Beds, Hair Mattresses, Paillasses, Children's Cribs, Night Chairs, Brussels, Kidderminster & other Carpets. Chimney Piece & Dressing Glasses, Chamber Articles, Polished Fire Irons etc.’ Also on offer were ‘about 400 Dozen Fancy WALL PAPERS & BORDERS’. On 17 November his stock of timber including ‘fancy Hardwood Veneers’, brasswork, benches, tools and stoves were also auctioned. Despite these sales which indicate a termination of trading, his name continues to be included in local directories until 1823. [D; Liverpool Mercury, 5 and 12 November 1819]
Anderton, John, 10 Elliot St, Liverpool, joiner and cm (1834). [D]
Anderton, Thomas, Liverpool, carver (1806–11). In 1806 in business at Bolton St but by 1811 at 9 New Johnson St. [D; Liverpool Chronicle, 28 May 1806]
Anderton, William, Liverpool, u and cm (b. 1750–d. 1812). Trading on his own account as early as 1777, in which year he was declared bankrupt. Had recommenced business by 1781 when he was trading from 17 Dale St. By 1790 had premises at 18 and 19 Paradise St. In 1796 his addresses are given as Harrington Park Rd, with a cabinet and paper warehouse at 41 Paradise St. In October of that year he was declared bankrupt for a second time and on 25 October his stock was sold by auction. It consisted mainly of upholstery materials, a quantity of timber and veneers and workshop equipment. He is once more recorded in trade in local directories by 1800 with an address at 68 Maguire St, Bevington Bush. This changed in 1803 to 7 Meadow St, Rose Pl., and the following year to Mile End, Scotland Rd, which may have been his house. His final address from 1806 was 3 Haymarket. In August of that year he announced in the press that he was recommencing business from that address. He stated that he had ‘converted the apartment over his warehouse into a spacious room, which is in reserve for the reception of every description of goods intended to be sold by auction or otherwise (where an advance on deposits may be had if required)’. He also offered to use his best endeavours to dispose of land and buildings for clients. He died on 13 June 1812 at Mile End, aged 62. [D; Gents Mag., May 1777; Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 6 June 1777; Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 17 and 24 October 1796, 16 July 1798; Liverpool Chronicle, 6 August 1806; Liverpool Mercury, 26 June 1812, 28 June 1816]
Anderton, William, Bromsgrove St, Birmingham, cabinet case maker (1835–39). Recorded at no. 18 in 1835. [D]
Andre, Edward, Brighton, Sussex, u and cm (1832–40). Recorded at 20 Devonshire Pl. in 1832, but the number had changed to 39 by 1839. [D]
Andre, Percy James, Beverley, Yorks., cm (1799). [Poll bk]
Andrew, Charles, High St, Royston, Herts., ironmonger and u (1838). [D]
Andrew, George, Prospect St, Bradford, Yorks., cm (1837). [D]
Andrew, John, Bourne, Lincs., carpenter, joiner and cm (1798). [D]
Andrew, John, Over, Middlewich, Cheshire, cm (1828). [D]
Andrew, John, Birmingham, cm and u (1828–35). Trading at 55 Edgbaston St in 1828 and Lombard St in 1835. [D]
Andrew, Joseph, Beverley, Yorks., cm (1774). [Poll bk]
Andrew, Nathaniel, Market Lane, Selby, Yorks., joiner, builder and cm (1831–37). [D]
Andrew, Philip, 33 Hart St, Manchester, cm (1808). [D]
Andrew, Thomas, Coggeshall, Essex, cm and u (1777–1824). Between 1777 and 1784 insured goods and stock with the Sun Fire Office for various sums ranging from £160 in 1777 to £300 in 1780. Owner of freehold property, 1780–83. In partnership with Bridge in 1823. Andrew's will is recorded in the following year. [D: GL, Sun MS vol. 254, p. 428; vol. 284, p. 293; vol. 324, p. 152; Essex RO, Q/RJ1/9, 10, 11; Wills at Chelmsford, vol. 3, p. 7]
Andrew, Thomas, 55 Edgbaston St, Birmingham, cm (1823). [D]
Andrew, William,, Spilsby, Lincs., cm and joiner (1835). [D]
Andrewes, Grace, 4 Colston's Pl., Milk St, Bristol, u (1831). [D]
Andrew(e)s, Mary, 25 Baldwin St, Bristol, cm (1819–26). Took over the business of her husband Thomas Andrews on his death. [D]
Andrewes, Thomas, 25 Baldwin St, Bristol, cm and upholder (1781–d. 1819). In 1785 supplied a considerable quantity of fine inlaid furniture for the Mansion House, Queen's Sq. The cost of Andrewes's work amounted to £594 1s 9d. Although this building was destroyed in the riots of 1831 a few pieces of the furniture survive including one of a set of ten shield back chairs inlaid with the city arms now at the Georgian House Museum. Two pier tables from this commission similarly inlaid are in the present Mansion House. A fine inlaid cabinet came on to the market in 1980 with a pencilled inscription indicating that it was made by ‘Josh. N Slade apprentice to Thomas Andrewes’ in 1811. His wife Mary took over the business in 1819 [D; poll bk; Furn. Hist., 1976]
Andrews, —, Ipswich, Suffolk, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.
Andrews, Anthony, 68 Fore St, London, cabinet founder (1784). [D]
Andrew(s), Christopher, Old Meeting Pl., Birmingham, carver and gilder (1828–39). Recorded at no. 13 in 1828; no. 12, 1830–35; and at 29 Exeter Row in 1839, also as picture frame and looking-glass manufacturer. [D]
Andrews, Edwin, West St, Exeter, Devon, cm (1833). On 18 June 1833 a son Edwin was bapt. at St Mary Major. [PR (bapt.)]
Andrews, George, 7 Charing Cross, London, carver, gilder, printseller and looking-glass manufactory owner (1806–15). Recommended in Duncan Macdonald, The New London Family Book, 1812. [D; Wills, Looking-Glasses]
Andrews, George, 36 Worcester St, Birmingham, cm and u (1839). [D]
Andrews, Henry, Norwich, cm (1762). Admitted freeman on 9 November 1762. His father, John Andrews, was a barber. [Norwich freemen reg.]
Andrews, Henry, Gt Castle St, Oxford Mkt, London, chair, sofa and invalid chair maker (1827–29). [D]
Andrews, John, Parish of St Stephen, Bristol, cm (1784). [Poll bk]
Andrews, John, Cambridge, carver and gilder (1808–12). Small payments recorded for gilding in Trinity College accounts.
Andrews, John, Birmingham, cm, u and clothes dealer (1816– 30). Trading at Worcester St in 1816–18 but by 1830 had moved to 55 Edgbaston St. [D]
Andrews, John W., 6 Old Compton St, Soho, London, cm and u (1826–29). [D]
Andrew, Jonathan, Newport St, Worcester, cm (1818–35). Admitted freeman in 1818. [Worcester freemen rolls]
Andrews, Matthew, parish of St Nicholas, Bristol, cm (1774). [Poll bk]
Andrews, S., 3 London St, Fitzroy Sq., London, carver and gilder (1826–29). [D]
Andrews, Thomas, address unrecorded, u (1795). Supplied fabrics, wallpapers and furnished several bedrooms at Ammerdown. [C. Life, 16 February 1929, p. 222]
Andrews, Thomas Ward, Stamford, Lincs., cm and u (1813–34). Recorded ‘opposite the Post Office’, 1813–34, and in High Street, 1822. Admitted freeman in 1813. Trade card in Heal Coll., BM. [D; Stamford freemen rolls]
Andrews, William, 44 Worcester St, Birmingham, cm (1835). [D]
Andrews & Hilliam, High St, Stamford, Lincs., cm (1819). [D]
Angeir, Charles, Long Acre, London, carver (1749). [Poll bk]
Angel, John jnr, Fore St, Totnes, Devon, cm and u (1837–38). [D; poll bk]
Angel, Peter, 28 Gt Prescot St, Goodman's Fields, London, cm (1777). Insured with Sun Fire Office for £700 of which £50 covered utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 256, p. 66]
Angell, Edward, Shoe Lane, London, cm (1792–96). Took out insurance with the Sun Fire Office for £300 on 3 November 1792. Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. Declared bankrupt on 4 April 1795. [GL, Sun MS, vol. 391, p. 343; Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 6 April 1795; 24 August and 5 September 1796]
Angell, Thomas, Red Cross St, Southwark, London, u and cm (1820). [D]
Angier, John, London, cm (1806). [Poll bk]
Angland, William, Star Ct, Westminster, London, chairmaker (1774). [Poll bk]
Angold, George, 7 Bencroft's Pl., Mile End, London, cm (1808). [D]
Angold, Henry, London, cm and u (1827–39). Recorded at 4 John St, Whitechapel in 1827 and 6 Cambridge Rd in 1839. [D]
Angold, John, London, cm, chairmaker and u (1827–35). Trading at 5 John St, Whitechapel in 1827 and at 2 Norfolk St, Goodge St in 1832. [D]
Angold, Samuel, 10 Sarah's Pl., Old St Rd, London, cm and u (1827). [D]
Angrove, William, Cornwall, cm (1783). Residuary beneficiary of William Angrove of St Columb. [Cornwall RO, DD. SHM. 648/1]
Angus, Abraham Cooke, Bigg Mkt, Newcastle, cm (1834). [D]
Angus, James, Shug Lane, Piccadilly, London, cm and upholder (1790–93). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. [D]
Angus, John, 81 Newgate St and Low Friar St, Newcastle, cm (1827–28). [D]
Angus, Joseph, 18 Aldermanbury, London, looking-glass warehouse owner (1790). [Wills, Looking-Glasses]
Angus, Joseph, Strand, London, carver and gilder (1802). Declared bankrupt, Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 10 December 1802.
Angus, William, Groat Mkt, Newcastle, carver and gilder (1833–38). Trading at Fletcher's entry in 1834, and Low Friar St in 1838 as cm. [D]
Ankins, John, French Row, City Rd, London, carver and gilder (1808). [D]
Annely, John, parish of St Stephen, Bristol, upholder (1734). [Poll bk]
Annet, Thomas, Newcastle, joiner and cm (1767–78). In December 1767 moved from Silver St to Pilgrim St. [D; Newcastle Courant, 5 December 1767, 27 February 1773, 2 December 1775, 27 January 1776, 10 February 1776]
Annett, J., 3 George St, Sloane St, London, u (1820). [D]
Anning, John, Broad St, Lyme Regis, Dorset, cm and u (1829– 40). Married a Miss Reader of Lyme in December 1829. Inscription recorded on drawer of mahogany bow-front toilet mirror: ‘Mr. John Anning Cabinet maker Lyme 1833 Dorset’. [D; Exeter Flying Post, 10 December 1829]
Anning, Owen, parish of St Edmund, Exeter, Devon, cm (1829–32). [PR (bapt.), 8 February 1829; poll bk]
Anone, Francis, 26 High Holborn, London, carver, gilder, picture frame, barometer, print and painting dealer (1803). Insured on 10 November 1803 with the Sun Fire Office for £400 of which £200 was for stock and utensils. [GL, Sun MS vol. 430, ref. 754090]
Anott, George & Robert, Highgate, Beverley, Yorks., cm (1840). [D]
Ansell, John, Marylebone, London, carver and gilder (1780). Declared bankrupt in 1780. [Bailey's list of bankrupts]
Ansell, Robert, Edward St, Cavendish Sq., London, carver and gilder (1767–80). In 1777 insured his workshop in Edward St with utensils and stock with the Sun Fire Office for £600. Insured house in Margaret St, Cavendish Sq. in 1775 for £500. Subscribed to James Paine's Noblemen's and Gentlemen's Seats, 1767. Bankrupt November 1780. [GL, Sun MS vol. 243, p. 358; vol. 259, p. 313; Leicester Journal, 16 November 1780] Carried out minor work and supplied a picture frame to Audley End, Essex for Sir John Griffin Griffin, amounting to £2 2s 6d. [Essex RO, D/DBy/A38/21] Carried out work for Blenheim Palace, Oxon., where the account books list the following commissions. In September 1773, ‘sent to Mr. Ansells 2 Octagon Marble Slabs’. In 1774, ‘Sent to Mr. Ansells 2 Table frames came out of Winter Drawing Room to be gilt’. On 23 May 1774, ‘Came from Mr. Ansells in 2 Large Cases 2 table frames Gilt with Burnish'd Gold; 3 Cornices Gold, for the Winter Drawing Room’. On 18 July 1774, ‘Came from Mr. Ansells 2 Large Cases with Pier Glasses, frames for the winter drawing Room. A fine picture frame for Duchs of Richmond's picture’. On 9 December 1776 from Ansells — 5 palm freezes with wreaths of flowers gilt in Burnish'd Gold — 2 Ornaments with Medallions’. On 7 August 1778, ‘Came from Mr. Ansells 4 leather covers for the tables in the Grand Cabintett’. [C. Life, 23 January 1975]
Ansell, Samuel, Birmingham, cabinet, dressing case and portable desk maker (1822–39). Recorded at Gt Charles St in 1822, no. 147, 1828–30; 28 Kenion St in 1835 as leather cabinet case maker; and Kenyon St in 1839. [D]
Ansell, William, Cambridge, cm (1815–40). On 21 April 1815 he advertised his intention of going into partnership with John Bedells, builder, but on 30 June he announced that the partnership was not going ahead and that he would open a shop in Petty Cury on 8 July. After 1834 he traded from Fitzwilliam St and Trumpington St. [D; Cambridge Chronicle, 21 April, 8 July 1815; poll bks]
Ansell, William, Fakenham, Norfolk, cm and u (1830–39). Trading at Norwich St, 1830–36, but by 1839 had moved to High St. [D]
Ansley, Thomas, Cheapside, Birmingham, cabinet case and inkstand maker (1805–08). [D]
Anslow, James, New St, Wellington, Salop, chairmaker (1835). [D]
Anslow, John, New St, Wellington, Salop, chairmaker (1822–28). Trading also as furniture broker in 1822. [D]
Anslow, Thomas, Market Sq., Shrewsbury, Salop, cm and u (1822–40). Recorded also at Wyle Cop in 1822 and Corn Mkt in 1828. A Thomas Anslow, chairmaker, was listed at Corn Mkt in 1822. On 15 February 1833 his wife Jane died aged 34. Declared bankrupt, Chester Chronicle, 11 September 1840. [D; Chester Courant, 26 February 1833]
Anson, G., Broadmead, Bristol, carver and gilder (before 1798). Ceased business in June 1798 when his stock and tools were sold by auction. The stock included ‘a capital painting on plate glass, in a burnished-gold frame’ and ‘looking-glasses, in gilt and mahogany frames of various sizes’. Amongst his equipment was ‘an exceedingly good silvering table complete’. [Farley's Bristol Journal, 16 June 1798]
Anson, George, 17 Bowling Green Lane, Clerkenwell, London, carver and gilder (1808). [D]
Anson, John, ‘The Bell’, Broadmead, Bristol, carver and gilder (1793–94). [D]
Anstel, William, 5 Adam St, West Portman Sq., London, u (1808). [D]
Anstey, George Thomas & Co., (after 1817 Anstey, Pearce & Co.), London, printed furniture warehouse owners (1801–20). Trading at 343 Strand in 1801 and at 24 Old Bond St in 1817. [D]
Anstice, William, Bristol, upholder (1799–1801). Recorded at Johnny Ball Lane, 1799–1800, and Kingstons buildings in 1801. [D]
Anstice, William, Bristol, u and undertaker (1818–26). Trading at Brunswick Sq. Burial Ground from 1818–20; 29 Marlborough St, 1821–22; and 11 Paul St, Kingsdown, from 1823. [D]
Anstie, Samuel, parish of St James, Bristol, cm (1784). [Poll bk]
Anston, Daniel, Sandwich, Kent, cm (1784). [D]
Anthony, Mark, London, cm (c. 1690). [Heal]
Anthony, William, 95 Sparling St, Liverpool, cm (1827). [D]
Antrobus, James, Manchester, cm (1725). Took app. named Dean in 1725. [S of G, app. index]
Anty, Joseph, Southgate, London, rustic chair manufacturer (1838). [D]
Anyon, John & Co., 17 Eaton St, Pimlico, London, carver and gilder (1839). [D]
Apletree, Frederick, 68 Bull St, Birmingham, cm and u (1830– 39). Recorded at no. 68 in 1830, and no. 47, 1835–39, also with a house at Erdington Slade. [D]
Appleby, —, Stockton, Co. Durham, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.
Appleby, John, Newcastle, u (1731–41). Admitted freeman on 30 July 1731 by servitude. [Newcastle freemen reg. and poll bk]
Appleby, John, Thistle Green, Stockton, Co. Durham, u and paper hanger (1827). [D]
Appleby, John, High St, Burton-on-Trent, Staffs., turner and chairmaker (1818–35). Trading in partnership with Joseph Appleby in 1834. [D]
Appleby, Joseph James, High St, Burton-on-Trent, Staffs., turner and chairmaker (1818–34). [D]
Appleby, Joseph jnr, Burton-on-Trent, Staffs., turner and chairmaker (1828–35). Trading at Cat St in 1828 and High St in 1835. [D]
Appleby, Robert, North Shields, Northumb., cm, joiner and u (1817–34). Declared bankrupt, London Gazette, 26 November 1817. Recorded at Clive St, 1817–34, and 66 Camden St in 1834. [D]
Appleby, W., Loft St, Grimsby, Lincs., joiner and cm (1831). [D]
Appleby, William, Lincoln, cm (1837). [Poll bk]
Appleton, C., Halifax, Yorks., cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.
Appleton, John, Oldham Ct, Oldham St with shop at 4 Richmond Row, Liverpool, cm (1829). [D]
Appleton, Samuel, Rock St, Bury, Lancs., joiner and cm (1816– 18). [D]
Appleton, Thomas, 173 Drury Lane, London, turner and bedstead maker (1811–19). [D]
Appleton, William, Hull, Yorks., cm and u (1803–06). At Silver St, 1803–05, but by 1806 had moved to Whitefriarsgate. Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. [D]
Appleton, William, Pilgrim St, Newcastle, joiner and cm (1811). [D]
Appleton, William, Guisborough, Skelton, Yorks., joiner and cm (1828). [D]
Appletree, Charles, St Giles, London, u (1696). Married Jane Haynes at Holy Trinity Church in 1696. [PR]
Appletree, John, 8 Denmark St, Soho, London, cabinet and chairmaker (1809–17). [D]
Appletree, M., Bull St, Birmingham, cm, broker and u (1830). [D]
Appletree, Richard, London, upholder (1703). App. to Michael Brett, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 1 December 1703. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Appley, Robert, Lancaster, cm (1749–54). App. to R. Thorney in 1749, and admitted freeman, 1753–54. Later moved to Leeds. [Lancaster app. reg. and freemen rolls]
Appley, Robert snr, Nottingham, cm (1784). Had a son, Robert, working in London as a cm. [Poll bk]
Appley, Robert jnr, London, cm (1784). Son of Robert Appley snr, cm of Nottingham. [Poll bk]
Appley, William, Lancaster, cm (1749–98). App. to R. Thorney in 1749 and admitted freeman, 1753–54. Moved to Nottingham where he was established by 1784. On 31 July of that year he advertised for a craftsman in Nottingham Journal. [D; Lancaster app. reg., freemen rolls and poll bk]
Appleyard, George, Church St, Conisbrough, Yorks., cm and u, paper hanger and decorator. Mahogany and satinwood Davenport at Cusworth Hall Museum bears this maker's label.
Appleyard, Joseph, Conisbrough, Yorks., joiner and cm (1834). [D]
Appleyard, Thomas, Huddersfield, Yorks., cm etc. (1805). [D]
Appleyard, Thomas, 6 Hunt's Bank, Manchester, joiner, cm and builder (1825). [D]
Arabin, William, 21 Brill Cresc., London, u (1839). [D]
Aray, Robert, Sheffield, Yorks., carver (1755). Took app. named Kirk in 1755. [S of G, app. index]
Arber Stanton, Michael, 12 Little Newport St, London, cm (1785). On 25 June 1785 insured his household goods with the Sun Fire Office for £100 and his utensils and stock for an identical sum. [GL, Sun MS vol. 328, p. 595]
Arbuckle, Charles, St Alban's St, Pall Mall, London, u (1765– 66). Fellow of the Society for Arts and Manufactures.
Arbunot, Jacob, London, cm and looking-glass manufacturer (1709–d. 1722). In 1709 his address is recorded as the south side of Long Acre. He then moved to near Hungerford Mkt, Strand, but in 1715 established himself at ‘The Royal Cabinet’ over against Church Ct, Strand. Almost immediately after moving he suffered a fire at this new premises. It was reported in The Post Man, 27 October 1715, that ‘a great many of his Glasses have been broke, having had not time to move, the Fire being all round him, as well as many of his Household Goods’. He was dead by 21 February 1722 when his son and executor, James, was in charge. The business appears to have closed down in 1727 for an announcement in the Daily Post of 22 March refers to ‘leaving off Trade’ and the disposal of stock including pier-glasses. [Poll bk; GL, Sun MS vol. 5, ref. 6529; Heal; Wills, Looking-Glasses]
Arbuthnot, Philip, Villers St, Strand, London, cm, japanner and looking-glass seller (1702–27). One of the most fashionable furniture suppliers of the first decades of the 18th century. In June 1702 he was undertaking repairs to marquetry furniture and executing gilding at Drayton House, Northants., amounting to £52 9s 6d. In the period May to July of the following year he was engaged in ‘making up an Indian Chest of yr. owne boards, finding locks & hindges and painting the 2 ends’ for the same patron at a cost of £8 10s. His best known commission was probably executed at about the same time, for in 1703 he petitioned to be paid for ‘two large sconces with double branches finely gilded, being three foot deep scoloped, diamond cutt and engraved embollished with crimson and gold Mosaic work with flowers on the bodys of the Glasses’ which were executed as a present from Queen Anne for the Emperor of Morocco. These cost £12 7s. The sum of £500 insurance cover taken out in 1712 is probably indicative of the flourishing state of the business. On 14 January 1716 however an advertisement appeared in the Daily Courant giving notice that he intended to ‘leave off his trade’. His stock included ‘all Sorts of Looking Glasses Glass Pannels and sconces, Cabinets both English and Japan, Scrutores, Tables, Stands, Writing Desks, Book Cases, Card Tables, Dressing Suits and Chests of Drawers both of Japan and Wallnet-tree; likewise carved and Gilded Sconces, and all Sorts of China, Tea Tables, Screens and Fire-Screens, Oyl Pictures, Strong Boxes …’. Despite this announcement he continued to trade and in 1719 was supplying goods on a very grand scale to the Marquis of Annandale. One commission alone came to £222 9s while another account details the supply of mirrors with walnut and glass and gilt frames and ‘a fine large pair of Sconces in glass & gold frames & carved as gold heads’. This latter item cost £24 alone and the total was £97 5s. His death was recorded in April 1727 and it was indicated that the premises that he occupied were available to let. [V & A archives; PRO, LC9/ 282; GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 10, ref. 784; DEF; Heal] B.A.
Arbuthnot, Thomas, King's Lynn, Norfolk, upholder (1723). Took app. named Saffery in 1723. [S of G, app. index]
Archard, Thomas, 6 Windmill St, Tottenham Ct Rd, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Archbald, Adam, 3 Hatton Walk, Hatton St, London, joiner and bedstead maker (1787). On 12 July 1787 insured goods in his house and workshop for £400 with the Sun Fire Office. [GL, Sun MS vol. 346, p. 2971]
Archbald, E., 45 Greek St, London, u (1826). [D]
Archbell, John, Tadcaster, Yorks., joiner and cm (1834). [D]
Archbell, Thomas, Market Pl., Tadcaster, Yorks., joiner and/or cm (1837). [D]
Archer, Charles, Tewkesbury, Glos., cm (1822–39). Trading as cm, u and builder at Barton St in 1822; as cm and u at High St in 1830, and as cm and chairmaker there in 1839. [D]
Archer, Edward, Bradford, Yorks., cm and u (1830–37). In 1830 at 16 Cannon St and in 1837 at Chapel Lane. [D]
Archer, George, Barton St, Tewkesbury, Glos., cm and u (1830). [D]
Archer, Isaac, Without-the-Gate, Scarborough, Yorks., cm (1831). [D]
Archer, Jane, Cheapside, Liverpool, chairmaker (1805–07). At 68 Cheapside in 1805 but by 1807 the number had changed to 69. Successor to Ralph Archer. [D]
Archer, John, Chelmsford, Essex, cm (1826). [Maldon poll bk]
Archer, John, 64 Old Nichol St, Shoreditch, London, cm (1832–35). [D]
Archer, Ralph, Liverpool, chairmaker (1796–1803). At 1 Jewlers Ct, Chapel St in 1796, but by 1800 had moved to 68 Cheapside, Dale St. Jane Archer was his successor at this address. [D]
Archer, Robert, High St, Oxford, carver and gilder (1798–1808). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. [D; poll bk]
Archer, Thomas, parish of St Saviour, York, cm (1808–20). Son of Margaret Archer. App. to Martha Doughty on 10 March 1808, and admitted freeman as a cm in 1820. [York app. reg. and freemen rolls]
Archer, Thomas, 25 St Sepulchre St, Scarborough, Yorks., cm (1830–40). [D]
Archer, Tristram, St Sepulchre St, Scarborough, Yorks., cm and u (1823–31). [D]
Archer, William, London, u (1793–1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793, and Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.
Archibald, Adam, Hatton Wall, Holborn, London, bedstead maker (1795–97). Declared bankrupt, March 1795. [Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 9 March 1795, 6 November 1797]
Archibald, Alex., 10 Little Duke St, Westminster, London, chair and sofa maker (1827). [D]
Ardean, John, Lymm, Altrincham, Cheshire, cm (1828). [D]
Arde(a)n, Thomas, King St, Knutsford, Cheshire, cm (1822–40). [D]
Arderne, Ralph Henry, 147 High St, Southwark, London, cm (1829–30). Declared bankrupt, November 1830. [D; Liverpool Mercury, 3 December 1830]
Ardran, Ann, 7 Lawrence St, Liverpool, u (1839). [D]
Are, Thomas, Oxford Rd, London, u (1809). [D]
Argall, William, Milford St, Salisbury, Wilts., carver and gilder (1839). [D]
Argent, John, 164 Tottenham Ct Rd, London, u and cm (1820– 26). [D]
Arger, George, Philips Pl., Duckenfield St, Liverpool, cm (1834). [D]
Argles, Edward, Maidstone, Kent, then London, u and cm (1795–1813). Son of Thomas Argles. Traded from an address in High St, Maidstone until 1810. On 22 September 1804 took app. named George Johnson for seven years at a premium of £80. In Maidstone Journal, 29 May 1810, however, he asked for offers for his premises described as a ‘freehold messuage with the Yard and Garden’, and on 25 September of the same year an auction sale of his stock was advertised. The reason for selling up was ‘his having taken the business of Dr BUTLER of Catherine-street in the Strand’. He was already in possession of the business of Thomas Butler in the following year. This extensive and fashionable business specialising in patent furniture was at 13 and 14, Catherine St, Strand. Argles must have taken over Butler's patrons who included many persons of consequence. To meet this fashionable demand Argles offered to execute designs ‘in the Egyptian, Etruscan, Greek & Chinese manner’. He described himself as ‘Upholsterer & Cabinet-maker to the King & Queen, their Royal Highnesses Prince, Princess & Princess Charlotte of Wales, Duke of York & Princesses’. While this assertion was probably made on the basis of past custom of Thomas Butler's business, Argles did attract Royal patronage. In 1811 he supplied the Prince of Wales with ‘very elegant Royal Library Writing Tables made in fine Rosewood banded with Satin-wood, supported on brass pillars, fitted with draws, writing materials etc’. For this £38 15s 6d was charged, while a ‘handsome leather cover’ for the table cost £2 2s more. The extensive nature of the manufactory is reflected in the insurance cover of £4,500 taken out on 13 July 1812. This covered ‘Stock & utensils in dwelling house being two houses with workshop, warehouse (no store for drying feathers)’ amounting to £3,400 in value, £100 for the stock of glass and £1,000 for the ‘stock, utensils in his upper woodyard Saxony’. As part of his business he undertook funerals, making his own coffins and shrouds. Argles's success in London was however short-lived. In 1813 he was declared bankrupt. His stock in trade was valued at £8,500 and his initial capital £1,000. [D; poll bk; RA 25328; Maidstone Journal, 29 May, 25 September 1810; S of G, app. index; GL, Sun MS vol. 455, ref. 871839; PRO, B/43] B.A.
Argles, Thomas, Week St, Maidstone, Kent, cm, auctioneer and upholder (1761–95). Father of Edward Argles and in the 1790s the business traded as T. Argles & Son. In the late 1780s employed a Thomas Greenstead as a yearly hired servant and on 1 January 1792 took app. named Samuel Larkin at a premium of £62. In 1784 insurance cover of £1,500 was taken out with the Sun Fire Office, £950 of this being in respect of utensils and stock suggesting a fairly large manufactory by provincial standards. [Poll bk; Maidstone Journal, 6 January 1795; GL, Sun MS vol. 324, p. 644; GL, P83/MRY1/869/1741]
Aris, John, Balscot, Oxon., cane chairmaker (d. 1761). [Bodleian Lib., index of wills, 19 May 1761]
Arkell, John, Burford, Oxon., cm (1802). [Oxford poll bk]
Arkell & Wheeler, 84½ High St, Cheltenham, Glos., cm (1839). [D]
Arkles(s), William, Evesham, Worcs., cm (1818–20). Recorded as joiner and cm at Vine St in 1820. [D; poll bk]
Arkwright, William, Clitheroe, Lancs., joiner, cm and house builder (1822–23). Trading at Wellgate in 1822 and New Rd in 1823. [D]
Arlidge, Abraham, 22 High St, Brompton, Kent, cm and u (1832–40). [D]
Armes, John, Aylsham, Norfolk, cm and u (1822). [D]
Armes, William, Westgate, Grantham, Lincs., cm and u (1819– 28). Trading also as a paper hanger in 1826. [D]
Armes & Cranwell, High St, Grantham, Lincs., cm, u, paper hangers and undertakers (1835). [D]
Armisted, James, Lancaster (1795–99). Named in the Gillow records in connection with a press bed. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow vol. 344/97, p. 1370]
Armitage, George, 175 Chapel St, Salford, Lancs., carver and gilder (1836). [D]
Armitage, John, 48 Long Acre, London, upholder and cm (1773–76). In 1775 insured his house with the Sun Fire Office for £300. Declared bankrupt, November 1776. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 244, p. 57; Sussex Weekly Advertiser, 25 November 1776]
Armitage, John, London, upholder (1784–88). At 9 Poland St in 1784 but by 1786 had moved to 22 Silver St, Golden Sq. On 26 April that year he insured his household goods at the latter address for £200 and his utensils, stock and goods in trust for £500. In December 1788 he was declared bankrupt. [D; poll bk; GL, Sun MS vol. 336, p. 292; Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 29 December 1788]
Armitage, William, Leeds, Yorks., upholder, appraiser and cm (1769–79). In September 1769 announced that he had moved his shop from Kirkgate to ‘the Back of the Shambles where Mr Joseph Wilson, Book seller lately dwells’. From the new address he offered a large assortment of paper hangings, fabrics, carpets and bedding. In May of the year following he stated that he had just returned from London and could offer from his shop ‘Near the Town Hall’ a wide selection of paper hangings, carpets and furniture. By 1773 he had moved once again to the sign of the ‘Chest of Drawers and Chair’ near the ‘New Inn’ in Briggate. Here he was able to offer ‘Italian and Spring Blinds for Windows; Pier Looking Glasses, Mahogany, Rose and Swing ditto, Green and Gold, Blue and Gold and Black and Gold ditto for Ladies Toilets; Paper Machee Ornaments for Rooms and Chimney Pieces, etc. and Girandoles in Gold and ornamented Frames …’. He was patronised by Edwin Lascelles of Harewood House, Yorks., on several occasions. On 2 December 1771 he charged for fabrics, feathers, hair etc., £23 16s 7d; on 20 May 1774 for four stool frames with mahogany feet, £1; and on 6 November 1776 for ‘a couch frame mahog'y with castors’, mahogany pillars, tester ironwork and ‘2 chairs stuffed to Canvas’, £5 4s. Some of the items were utilised by Thomas Chippendale's workmen. Armitage was declared bankrupt in July 1779. [Leeds Mercury, 12 September 1769, 29 May 1770, 11 May 1773, 25 May 1779; Leeds RO, Harewood MS 385, 386; Furn. Hist., 1965; Gents Mag., July 1779]
Armitage, William, Sheffield, Yorks., u (1798). [D]
Armitage, William, Hare St, Woolwich, London, cm (1823–24). [D]
Armitage, William George, Broadway, Deptford, London, cm (1832). [D]
Armitage, William, Heighington, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1834). [D]
Armitrage, —, address unrecorded. Named in the Holkham Hall accounts, 1739, in connection with the supply of a dressing table ‘for my Lord’ at £2 12s 6d, and a mahogany ‘voider & pail’. [V & A archives]
Armour, Henry, 3 Brompton Pl., Brompton, London, cm and u (1826). [D]
Armstrong, —, address unrecorded, u (1719). Received £9 13s from Lady Bowes on 19 February 1719 for upholsterer's work. [Durham RO, D/St/Box 352/1]
Armstrong, —, address unrecorded, u (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.
Armstrong, Charles, Gowthorpe, Yorks., joiner and cm (1826– 37). [D]
Armstrong, Christopher, Church Lane, Selby, Yorks., joiner and cm (1826–37). [D]
Armstrong, Francis, Nottingham, cm (1711). [Notts. RO, index of burgesses]
Armstrong, John, Newcastle, u (1709–41). App. to Robert Webster, and admitted freeman of Newcastle on 12 April 1709. A further John Armstrong, u, was made a freeman of Newcastle in 1741 and may be a son. [Newcastle freemen reg. and poll bk]
Armstrong, John, 35 Piccadilly, London, upholder (1813). [D]
Armstrong, John, Liverpool, cm (1816–27). App. in 1808 to John Mears and sworn freeman on 10 June 1816. At 2 Sawney Pope St in 1824 but by 1827 had moved to 31 Standish St. In 1823 took Thomas Mcbout and in 1816 Joseph Almond as apps. [D; Liverpool app. and freemen regs.]
Armstrong, John, Gowthorpe, Yorks., joiner and cm (1826–34). [D]
Armstrong, John, Market Pl., Wigton, Cumb., joiner and cm (1828). [D]
Armstrong, John, Hailgate, Howden, Yorks., cm (1828–31). [D]
Armstrong, Joseph, 21 Sherrard St, Golden Sq., London, cm and u (1826–40). [D]
Armstrong, Joshua, 12 Union Buildings, Union St, Hackney Rd, London, cm (1809). On 1 May 1809 took out cover with the Sun Fire Office for £300 in respect of goods in his dwelling house. [GL, Sun MS vol. 443, ref. 830518]
Armstrong, Lawson, Newcastle, u (1754). [Newcastle freemen reg.]
Armstrong, Michael, Widemarsh St, Hereford, carver in wood and stone, gilder and picture frame maker (1776). On 4 July 1776 advertised in Pugh's Hereford Journal that he was ‘from London’ and able to make ‘Pier and Chimney-Glass frames, Girandoles, Sconces &c. gilt in oil or Burnish'd Gold, Chimney Piece, Brackets &c. &c.’. He also had barometers for sale, and offered to clean and repair paintings and silver glass.
Armstrong, Thomas, Newsham Pl., Sunderland, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1828). [D]
Armstrong, Thomas, Cawood, Yorks., joiner and/or cm (1837). [D]
Armstrong, William, Bishop St, Stockton, Co. Durham, cm (1832–34). [D]
Armstrong, William, Hencoats St, Hexham, Northumb., joiner and cm (1834). [D]
Arnaboldi, Louis, 7 Watton Pl., Blackfriars Rd, London, carver and gilder (1829–35). Listed at 12 Gt Surrey St in 1832. [D]
Arnald, Mary, St Martin-in-the-Fields, London, upholder (1756). Declared bankrupt, Gents Mag., August 1756.
Arne, Thomas, London, upholder (1690–d. 1730). Initially traded at the ‘George & White Lion’, Great Piazza, Covent Gdn, but in 1698 announced a move to the ‘George’ in Bedford Ct, near Bedford St. By 1707 his address was the ‘Two Crowns & Cushion’ (sometimes referred to as the ‘Crown’) in King St, Covent Gdn, where he was to remain. On 9 May 1712 he took app. named Arthur Harris, son of Thomas Harris of Newport, Salop. He clearly carried on a successful and fashionable business. His house in King St was chosen as a lodging for four ‘Indian Chiefs’ who visited London in the reign of Queen Anne. In 1723 goods and merchandise ‘in his dwelling house only and not elsewhere’ were insured for £1,000. He had fashionable clients and between 1691 and 1710 undertook work at Felbrigg, Norfolk. Also between 1725–27 payments are recorded in the account books of Benjamin Mildmay, Earl Fitzwalter. These payments included arrangements for the funerals of the Lady Dowager Fitzwalter in 1726 and her son ‘Schonberg’ in 1727. Thomas Arne was murdered on 2 March 1730. He is probably best remembered as the father of the composer Dr Arne and ‘Mrs. Cibber’, the actress. [Heal; Felbrigg papers, WKC 6/16, 6/23; A. C. Edwards, The Accounts of Benjamin Mildmay, Earl Fitzwalter; GL, Sun MS vol. 15, ref. 29153; The Post Boy, 15 December 1698; The Monthly Remembrancer, 1730]
Arnold, —, London, u (1680). Records of St Martin's Ludgate indicate payment of £10 8s in 1680. [Wren Soc., vol. 19, p. 30]
Arnold, Daniel, Gloucester St, Cirencester, Glos., cm (1822). [D]
Arnold, David, 6 Cheapside, Dale St, Liverpool, cm (1796). [D]
Arnold, George, Middle St, Norwich, u (1817–36). App. to Charles Martin and Benjamin Row. Admitted freeman on 27 September 1817. In 1830 his address was recorded as Heigham, Norwich. [D; Norwich freemen reg. and poll bk]
Arnold, George W., 1 Michael's Pl., Brompton, London, cm and u (1826–40). [D]
Arnold, James, 16 Webber St, Blackfriars Rd, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Arnold, John, 11 School Lane, Liverpool, cm (1823–24). [D]
Arnold, John, Cosford (or Gosford) St, Coventry, Warks., chairmaker and turner (1822–28). [D]
Arnold, John, Joyce Pool, Warwick, chairmaker and carpenter (1828–30). [D]
Arnold, Joseph, Tamworth St, Lichfield, Staffs., u (1834–35). [D; poll bk]
Arnold, Michael, York Buildings, Westminster, London, u (1739–50). Supplied goods and undertook work for Lord Monson. This included the funeral of Lady Georgina Ann Pierrepon in May 1739, the supply of a mahogany close stool chair costing £1 13s in 1749, and bedding, £8 15s in 1750. [Lincoln RO, Monson 12; poll bk]
Arnold, Richard, Bristol, carver (1715). [Poll bk]
Arnold, Richard, Moorfields, London, cm (1790). Freeman of Lincoln. [Lincoln poll bk]
Arnold, Samuel, Gracechurch St, London, upholder (1707–27). On 2 September 1709 took out insurance cover on a brick house ‘situate on the west side of a yard on the south side of Haggs head Ct on the west side of Gracechurch St.’. In 1724 took out insurance on three further properties in the parish of St Dunstan, Stepney. [GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 7, ref. 18917; vol. 28, ref. 33268; GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Arnold, Sturton, Devonshire St, London, upholder (1725). On 21 November 1725 took out insurance cover for £200 on goods and merchandise in his dwelling house and further cover of £100 for similar property at another house ‘situate 2 doors from his own’. [GL, Sun MS vol. 20, ref. 37183]
Arnold, Thomas, 60 Allerton St, Hoxton, London, cm and u (1826–27). Also declared his trade to be that of a ‘fancy cabinetmaker’. [D]
Arnold, Thomas, 3 King St, Clerkenwell, London, cm (1832– 37). [D]
Arnold, William, 48 Aldermanbury, London, cm (1782–93). In 1782 insured his utensils and stock for £250 out of a total cover of £400. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 298, p. 546]
Arnold, William, Oswestry, Salop, cm (1797). [D]
Arnold, William, Cross St, Oswestry, Salop, cm (1838). [D]
Arnold, William, 10 Gt Helens St, London, cm and u (1822). [D]
Arnold, William, Spon (or Spoon) St, Coventry, Warks., chairmaker and turner (1822). [D]
Arnold, William, High St, Canterbury, Kent, cm and broker (1824). [D]
Arnold, William, 2 Back Rd, St George's Sq., London, bedstead maker (1839). [D]
Arnoll, Eleanor, Southgate St, Exeter, Devon, u (1781). [Exeter Flying Post, 9 November 1781]
Arnot, William, High St, Canterbury, Kent, cm and furniture broker (1826–29). [D]
Arnott, George, Beverley, Yorks., cm (1790–1840). At Wednesday Mkt in 1826, and Highgate, 1831–40. His son, William Prince Arnott, was app. to John Stephenson, cm, in March 1812. From 1826 in partnership with Robert Arnott. [D; poll bk; Hull app. reg.]
Arnould, Robert, Wallingford, Berks., u and milliner (1782). In 1782 insured his utensils and stock for £450 out of a total cover of £500. [GL, Sun MS vol. 300, p. 465]
Arrow, John Henry, 5 Cowley St, Westminster, London, cm and u (1820–39). On 9 March 1820 insured his house and workshop for £210 and stock, utensils and goods in trust for £150. In 1823 took an app. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 483, ref. 964095; Westminster Ref. Lib., MS E3559]
Arrowsmith, —, Green End, Whitchurch, Salop, cm (1822). [D]
Arrowsmith, Henry, William & Arthur (late Henderson), London, carvers and gilders (1838–40). At 113 St Martin's Lane in 1838 but by the next year had moved to 80 New Bond St. Published in 1840 The House Decorator and Painter's Guide. Business continued after 1840, and in the Royal Accounts, 1846–51, they are described as ‘Decorators to Her Majesty’. [D]
Arrowsmith, James, Market Pl., Richmond, Yorks., u (1811–40). On 2 July 1811 supplied wall paper and borders to the value of £2 17s 10d to the Duke of Leeds for Hornby Castle. [D; YAS archives]
Arrowsmith, John, 80 New Bond St, London, cm (d. 1759). Succeeded by John Hatt. [Heal]
Arrowsmith, John, Aldersgate St, London, joiner and cm (1760–61). Recorded 1760–61 employing non-freemen by licence. [GL, City Licence bks, vol. 2]
Arrowsmith, Simon, Manchester, u (1741). Took app. named Harris in 1741. [S of G, app. index]
Arrowsmith, Stephen, London, turner and cm (c. 1730–58). Born 26 December 1701 at Nantwich, Cheshire, his father being a skinner by trade. His address is variously given on trade labels as ‘The Blue-Ball, in St. Martin's-le-Grand, near Aldergate’ and the ‘Blew Ball & Hartichoake in Aldersgate St’. At the former address he advertised that he sells all sorts of Mehogoney Tables, and all Sorts of Turners Work belonging to Joyners’. The other trade label mentions all sorts of Looking Glasses and Coach Glasses Chairs & Teabords’. His trade label is known on a two-door bureau cabinet. In 1758 he is recorded employing three non-freemen [V & A archives; GL, City Licence bks, vol. 2; Heal]
Arrowsmith, Thomas, Greenend, Whitchurch, Salop, cm and chairmaker (1822–35). [D]
Arrowsmith, Thomas, 12 Stanley St, Liverpool, gilder and household broker (1834). [D]
Arrowsmith & Son, Minster Yd, Ripon, Yorks, joiner, cm and u (1828). [D]
Arson, E. & Sons, Wakefield, Yorks., chairmakers (c. 1835). [V & A archives]
Arstall, Joseph, Altrincham, Cheshire, cm (1822–28). At Lymm, near Altrincham, in 1822 and at Well Lane in 1828. [D]
Artand, William, 13 Norton Pl., London, cm (1820). [D]
Artaud, William & Stephen, London, cm and u (1825–39). Between 1825–32 at 18 Queen Ann St, Cavendish Sq., but by 1837 have moved to 79 Wimpole St. [D]
Arthington, Joseph, 7 Cross St, Halifax, Yorks., cm (1837). [D]
Arthur, —, 45 Albany St, Regents Park, London, u and appraiser (1837). [D]
Arthur, John, Fleet St, London, cm (1790–93). [D]
Arthur, John, 68 Gt Queen St, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, cm (1789–1811). Also listed as John Arthur & Co. [D]
Arthur, John, 71 Red Lion St, Holborn, London, cm and upholder (1817). [D]
Arthur, John, Arwinnick (or Arwenack) St, Falmouth, Cornwall, cm and u (1823–d. 1829). Death on 12 April 1829 reported in Exeter Flying Post, 16 April, but named in a directory of 1830. [D]
Arthur, William, 2 Church Lane, near Park Row, Bristol, cm and u (1817–23). [D]
Arthy, William, Lawford, Manningtree, Essex, cm (1826). [D]
Artingstall, J., Boughton, Cheshire, cm (1819). [Chester poll bk]
Arton, Isabella, Anne St, Osborn St, Hull, Yorks., u (1834). [D]
Artus, H., 52 Gt Sutton St, Clerkenwell, London, chair stuffer, etc. (1820). [D]
Arundale, W., 2 Castle St, Hastings, Sussex, carver and gilder (1837–40). Successor to G. Wooll. Arundale had previously been employed by Ackermann & Co., Strand, London. He advertised that he could offer carving and gilding ‘in all its branches by competent workmen — Paintings cleaned and varnished’. The wide range of other goods offered for sale suggest that this business was organised as a general and fashionable repository of the arts. [D; The Strangers Guide to Hastings, c. 1839; The Sussex Agricultural Express, 4 February 1837, 24 March 1838]
Arundel, Charles, York, carver and gilder (1829–40). At Little Stonegate in May 1829 but by 1837 had moved to 5 St Helens Sq., and by 1840 to Ct, 5 St Helen's Sq. [D; York Gazette, 9 May 1829]
Arundel, Hannah, Eldon St, York, u (1837). [D]
Asals, Ann, 230 Whitechapel Rd, London, cm and u (1826–39). Also recorded at 224 Whitechapel Rd in 1827. [D]
Asals, James, Whitechapel Rd, London, cm (1808). [D]
Ash, Charles, Northampton, chairmaker (1820–26). At South Quarter in 1820 and Hobson's Yd in 1826. [Poll bk]
Ash, George, Wheelgate, Malton, Yorks., cm (1828). [D]
Ash, Hugh, Castle Cary, Som., cm (1793). [D]
Ash, James, Malton, Yorks, cm (1740). Took app. named Isherwood in 1740. [S of G, app. index]
Ash, James, 56 Gloucester St, Queen Sq., London, painter, writer and gilder (1812). [D]
Ash, Thomas, near the ‘Thistle & Crown’, Kingsland Rd, London, cm (1777). Insured his utensils and stock for £110 out of a total cover of £200 in 1777. [GL, Sun MS vol. 259, p. 468]
Ashalls, John, West Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (1798). [Militia Census]
Ashbourn(e), Ann, Stourbridge, Worcs., chairmaker (1818–20). Recorded at High St in 1818, and also as basket maker in 1820. [D]
Ashbridge, Thomas, London, looking-glass manufacturer (1815–20). At 72 Hatton Gdns in 1815 but by 1820 had moved to 163 Aldersgate St. Between 1817–19 the business is referred to as Ashbridge & Robertson. [D]
Ashburner, John, Keswick, Cumb., joiner and cm (1828). [D]
Ashburner, John Thomas, Brook St, Ulverston, Lancs., cm and u (1829–34). In 1829 the business is listed as Ashburner & Duke. [D]
Ashburner, Joseph, 11 Barbican, London, firescreen maker (1793). [D]
Ashby, James, Miles & Thomas, 11 Orange St, Red Lion Sq., London, carvers, gilders and joiners (1810). On 25 January 1810 insured stock utensils and glass for £300 out of a total cover of £600. [GL, Sun MS vol. 451, ref. 839652]
Ashby, John, 14 Old Compton St, Soho, London, carver and gilder (1837–39). In 1837 the business traded as Ashby & Sutton, looking-glass manufacturers, carvers and gilders. [D]
Ashby, John, 47 Dean St, Soho, London, carver and gilder (1839). [D]
Ashby, John, 17 West St, Swan Dials, London, u (1839). [D]
Ashby, Richard, Newgate Lane, Mansfield, Notts., joiner and cm (1832). [D]
Ashby, Thomas, 21 Red Lion St, Bermondsey St, London, cm (1776). Insured tenements for £200 in 1776. [GL, Sun MS vol. 244, p. 609]
Ashby, William, Peach St, Nottingham, joiner and cm (1832). [D]
Ashcroft, Joshua, St Ann's Terr., Liverpool, u (1827–39). In 1827 app. to Edward Beckerstaffe and sworn a freeman by servitude on 30 July 1839. In this year he was trading at the address above. [D; Liverpool app. and freemen regs.]
Ashcroft, Richard, Peter St, Chorley, Lancs., cm (1814–16). [D]
Ashelford, Joseph, Southwark, London, u and cm (1820–37). At 1 New St Maze (St Thomas St) between 1820–34, but at Dover St by 1837. [D]
Asher, William, Spilsby, Lincs., chairmaker (1790). [Lincoln poll bk]
Asheton, William, St Ann's Sq., Manchester, u (1781). [D]
Ashford, Charles, Shadwell St, Birmingham, clock case maker (1835). [D] Label giving trade as clock case manufacturer recorded on longcase clock by William Payne of Ludlow, Salop.
Ashford, John, Stockwell-gate, Mansfield, Notts., cm (1819). [D]
Ashford, John, West St, Havant, Hants., chairmaker, cm and shopkeeper (1823). [D]
Ashford, Thomas, Birmingham, chairmaker (1718). [Worcs. RO, 6088/705:739/101]
Ashford & Al(l)dridge, Shadwell St and Bath St, Birmingham, cabinet, dressing case and portable desk makers, clock case makers (1828–30). Trading at 67 Shadwell St in 1830. [D]
Ashforth, George, Duckingfield, Ashton-under-Lyne, Staffs., joiner and cm (1824). [D]
Ashley, George, Norwich, cm (1757–99). Son of Thomas Ashley, worsted weaver; admitted freeman on 25 June 1757. Lived in the following parishes: St Peter per Mountergate 1768; St Ethelbred 1780; St Julian 1784: St Michael at Thorn 1786–97; St Thomas Timberhill 1799. [Norwich freemen reg. and poll bk]
Ashley, John, Gloucester Pl., London, u, cm and paperhanger (1809–29). At 5 Gloucester Pl. and Islington Green in 1809 but by 1820 had moved to 7 Gloucester Pl. and was letting 5 to a stationer. On 8 November 1820 took out insurance cover for £500 of which half was for his dwelling house and workshop. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 487, ref. 972880]
Ashlin, John, Brewer St, London, cm (1790). Freeman of Lincoln. [Lincoln poll bk]
Ashlin, Thomas, 3 Brewer St, London, cm and upholder (1779–90). A freeman of Lincoln. In 1779 insured his stock and utensils for £1,250 out of a total cover of £1,500. His house and workshop were insured in the same year for £1,000. By 1782 the insurance cover on utensils, stock and goods was only £400 out of a total of £1,100. [D; Lincoln poll bk; GL, Sun MS vol. 271, p. 348; vol. 278, p. 336; vol. 306, p. 261]
Ashlin, William, 6 Belton St, Long Acre and 68 Strand, London, carver, gilder and looking-glass maker (1789–1826). Initially trading solely from the Belton St address. By 1796 the Strand address was also in use and the business was referred to as Ashlin & Collings (or Ashlin & Co.). By 1821 the trading style had changed again to Ashlin, Collings & Ashlin. A pair of gilt tables bearing the trade label of Ashlin & Holland, Strand, London, sold at Sotheby's, NY on 13 December 1980 (lot 73) were almost certainly produced by this business. An earlier trade card of 1798 is in the Banks Coll., BM. [D] Submitted an estimate of £2,500 for work done at Carlton House, London, for the Prince of Wales. [H. Clifford Smith, Buckingham Palace, p. 104] Worked at Althorp, Northants., submitting an account on 2 October 1790 for repolishing a French plate, cutting a plate into bookcase door, and insurance amounting to £234 6s. A further sum of £10 12s was charged on 26 March 1791, which included £7 7s for an ebony dress frame inlaid with Prince's metal. [V & A archives] In August 1798 supplied Lord John Russell (later 6th Duke of Bedford) with a looking-glass in a burnished gilt frame at a cost of £28 19s. [Bedford Office, London] On 7 February 1811 an account for £121 9s 6d was submitted to Nicholas Pearse of Loughton, Essex, and Marylebone, London, for a mirror and frame. [Essex RO, D/DHt A1/3] The firm supplied items to the Royal Pavilion, Brighton, receiving £9,054 5s 7d between 1817–23 for plate and looking-glass. This included £701 17s for the chimney-glass in the Music Room, and £976 10s for those in the Banqueting Room. A further payment of £228 was made on 30 June 1826. [Wills, Looking-Glasses; RA, 35606] In 1821 the firm charged £2 12s 6d to Georgiana, Duchess of Bedford, for a lookingglass with a shaped frame with ‘flannel to the back’, for her dressing room at St James's Sq., London. [Bedford Office, London] B.A.
Ashman, John C., Lambeth, London, u (1826–29). At 16 Gibson St in 1826 but by 1829 the number had changed to 41. [D]
Ashmole, Benjamin, Derby, u (1820). Hon. burgess of Nottingham. [Index of burgesses]
Ashmole, David, Nottingham, cm (1820). Freeman. [Index of burgesses]
Ashmole, Richard, Derby, cm (1820). Hon. burgess of Nottingham. [Index of burgesses]
Ashmole, Thomas, Derby, cm (1820). Hon. burgess of Nottingham. [Index of burgesses]
Ashold, Amos, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (b.c. 1811–41). Daughter bapt. 1837. Aged 30 at the time of the 1841 Census.
Ashold, John, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker and victualler (b.c. 1801–41). Three daughters bapt. between 1815 and 1821. Aged 40 at the time of the 1841 Census. [D]
Ashold, John, Oxford, u (1769). Married Elizabeth Hine at St Ebbe's, 13 November 1769. [Bodleian index of Oxf. marriage bonds]
Ashplant, John, Falmouth, Cornwall, cm (1804). Marriage to Mrs Hazlewood of Falmouth reported in Exeter Flying Post, 8 March 1804.
Ashton, A., 116 London Rd, Brighton, Sussex, u (1839). [D]
Ashton, Edward, Parade St, Rochdale, Lancs., cm (1825). [D]
Ashton, George, 3 Fontenoy St, Liverpool, cm and furniture broker (1835–37). [D]
Ashton, James, Liverpool, cm (1812–39). App. to Roger Reed in 1804, and admitted freeman on 6 October 1812. In business at 19 Comus St in 1827, but number subsequently changed to 27 (1829), 29 (1837) and 12 (1839). [D; Liverpool app. and freemen regs.]
Ashton, Jeremiah, Bridge St, Northampton, u (1830). [D; poll bk]
Ashton, John, Spalding, Lincs., chairmaker (1705). [Lincoln RO, INV 199/55]
Ashton, John, Old Horse Fair, Wisbech, Cambs., cm and u (1824). [D]
Ashton, John, Lough, Lincs., chairmaker (1819–28). Trading at Eastgate, 1822–26; and Butcher Mkt, also as a turner, in 1828. [D]
Ashton, John jnr, Bridge St, Warrington, Lancs., cm and u (1828–34). Sarah, his wife, died on 5 October 1828 aged 32. On 16 February married again in Liverpool to Bridget Bates of that town. His father may have still played an active role in the business as late as 1828 as the business in that year was described as John Ashton & Son. [D; Chester Courant and Anglo Welsh Gazette, 23 February 1930]
Ashton, John, Northampton, cm (1823–30). Trading at Gold St in 1823 and Bridge St in 1830. [D; poll bk]
Ashton, John, Bridlesmith-gate, Nottingham, carver and gilder (1825). [D]
Ashton, John, Spilsby, Lincs., chair turner (1835). [D]
Ashton, Joseph, Coventry, Warks., u and cm (1828–35). Recorded at Smithford St, 1828–30, and Hertford St in 1835. [D]
Ashton, Peter, Chester, cm (1818–19). Admitted freeman on 18 May 1818. At William St 1818; and Gorst Stacks and George St, 1819. [Chester freemen rolls and poll bks]
Ashton, Richard, Louth, Lincs., chairmaker and turner (1831–41). At Eastgate in 1831–35 but by 1841 had moved to Maiden Row. [D]
Ashton, Robert, Spilsby, Lincs., chair turner (1828–35). [D]
Ashton, Samuel, Louth, Lincs., chairmaker (1725). Took app. named Sheeles in 1725. [S of G, app. index]
Ashton, Samuel, Spilsby, Lincs., chairmaker (1826). [D]
Ashton, Simeon, Brighton, Sussex, cm and u (1826–27). At 25 Queens Rd in 1826 but by the next year at 28 London Rd. [D]
Ashton, Thomas, 4 Brewer St, Golden Sq., Westminster, London, upholder and cm (1784–93). [D; poll bk]
Ashton, Thomas, Horse Fair, Wisbech, Cambs., chair turner (1801). On 30 March 1801 insured his dwelling house and shop for £50 and his stock for £10. [GL, Sun MS vol. 39, ref. 716873]
Ashton, Thomas, Wormgate, Boston, Lincs., chairmaker (1819). [D]
Ashton, William, Worcester, cm (1758). App. to John Crump snr, cm, and admitted freeman by servitude on 21 August 1758. [Worcester freemen rolls]
Ashton, William, Alford, Lincs., chairmaker (1826–35). [D]
Ashton, William, Spilsby, Lincs., chairmaker (1822–40). Recorded as William & Son, 1826–40. [D]
Ashworth, James, Ulverston, Lancs., cm (1798). [D]
Ashworth, John, 19 Eastcheap, Hull, Yorks., joiner, cm and u (1826–31). [D]
Ashworth, John, Dobroyd, Todmorden, Yorks., cm (1828–37). [D]
Ashworth, T., York, turner and cm (1825). Declared bankrupt, Brighton Gazette, 16 June 1825. Working with D. Stones.
Ashworth, T., 1 Gt Tower St, Commercial Rd East, London, chairmaker, bedstead maker, cm and u (1829). [D]
Ashworth, Thomas, late of Clerkenwell Close, St James, Clerkenwell, London, cm and victualler (1761). Discharged from Debtors’ Prison in 1761. [London Gazette]
Ashworth, Thomas, 2 Booth St, Spitalfields, London, cm and u (1827). [D]
Ashworth, William, Todmorden, Yorks., cm (1822). [D]
Askew, Edward, Lancaster. Named in the Gillow records in 1795 and 1797. [Westminster Ref. Lib.]
Askew, H., Elizabeth St, Workington, Cumb., joiner and cm (1811). [D]
Askew, John, 32 Rathbone Pl., London, carver and gilder (1839). [D]
Askew, Jonathan, Market Pl., Cockermouth, Cumb., cooper, turner and chairmaker (1829). [D]
Askew, William, London, cm (1749). Shown at Gt Pulteney St and also Knave's Acre, Westminster in this year. [Poll bk]
Askew, William, Lancaster. Named in the Gillow records in connection with a wardrobe in 1788. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow vol. 344/94, p. 263]
Askwith, George, Lincoln, cm (1837). [Poll bk.]
Asling, William, Nottingham, joiner and cm (1819–28). App. in 1819, and admitted freeman in 1828. [Notts. RO, indices of app. and burgesses]
Aspinal, John, Otley, Yorks., cm (1798). [D]
Aspinall, Henry, Liverpool, cm (1840). Admitted freeman on 24 July 1840. [Liverpool freemen reg.]
Aspinall, James, 8 Derby St, Liverpool, cm and furniture broker (1821–24). In 1824 lived at a house at Edge Vale. [D]
Aspinall, James, 16 Hanover St, Hanover Sq., London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Aspinall, Robert, 6 Baptist St, Liverpool, chairmaker (1813). [D]
Aspinall, William snr, Liverpool, chairmaker (1806–d. 1826). Admitted freeman on 5 November 1806. At 6 Baptist St in 1811 and continued here until his death in March 1826. [D; Liverpool freemen reg.]
Aspinall, William jnr, Liverpool, chairmaker (1826–34). At 6 Baptist St in 1828 but the next year moved to 41 Harrison St and in 1824 was at 3 Sawney Pope St. [D]
Aspinall & Fearnley, Bradford, Yorks., cm and joiners (1818– 22). [D]
Aspindle, Richard, Friargate, Preston, Lancs., chairmaker (1818). [D]
Aspinwall, James, 21 Princes St, Hanover Sq., London, cm (1825–39). Recorded at 16 Hanover St, Hanover Sq. in 1837. [D]
Aspinwall, John Francis, Manchester, cm and u (1822–40). At 1 Pool-fold in 1822; 14 Oldham St, 1824–33; and 27 Oldham St, 1836–40. [D]
Aspinwall, Thomas William, 152 Long Millgate, Manchester, u (1840). [D]
Aspinwall, Rhodes & Co., Church St, Preston, Lancs., joiners and cm (1818). [D]
Asplen, John, Birmingham, cm, broker, u and carpenter (1822– 30). Trading at 42 John St in 1822 and Newton St, 1828–30. [D]
Asquith, Christopher, Leeds, Yorks., cm (d. 1788). [Leeds Intelligencer, 11 November 1788]
Asquith, James, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, Yorks., cm and joiner (1837–40). Also had dwelling house at Wade St. [D]
Assals, Ann, 230 and 234 Whitechapel Rd, London, cm (1829). [D]
Assenden, Thomas, 8 St Ann's Pl., Commercial Rd, Limehouse, London, u, cm and furniture broker (1820–39). [D]
Assheton, Ralph, Manchester, u (1762–88). Admitted freeman of Preston, Lancs. in 1762. Brother to William Assheton of Preston, u. Had two other brothers, Richard and John, the latter a lawyer. Established at Market St Lane, Manchester by 1772 but in the next year had moved to 5 St Ann's Sq., Manchester at which address he was to remain. [D; Preston Guild records]
Assiter, Thomas, Rochester, Kent, Later London, cm and u (1776–90). In 1776 insured his storehouse, workshop and warehouse at Rochester for £1,050 with an additional £200 cover for utensils and stock. By June 1790 he was in London. [GL, Sun MS vol. 246, p. 267; Rochester poll bk]
Aster, William, Spilsby, Lincs., chairmaker (1790). [Lincoln poll bk]
Astle, Benjamin, 79 Islington Rd, St John's St, u and undertaker (1816–25). In 1819 the business was listed as Benjamin Astle & Co. [D]
Astle, John, Chester, cm (1766). App. to Mayor and admitted freeman, 9 September 1766. [Chester freemen rolls]
Astle, R., Macclesfield, Cheshire, cm (1789). [D]
Astle, Thomas snr, Eastgate St, Chester, cm (1743–d. 1782). Son of Edward Astle of Frodsham, Cheshire, yeoman. App. to John Dutton, joiner, 1738–40 and also to Edward Bromley, cm. Admitted freeman by servitude, 20 January 1745. Held the position of Sheriff, 1754–55, and Mayor, 1766–67. On 25 August 1749 took out insurance cover of £400 which included £100 on a workhouse and stable and £50 for stock. Although these sums appear fairly modest the business was probably substantial judging from the number of apps taken on. These commenced in 1743 with Wright. In 1750 three apps were accepted named Johnson, Bennet and Robert Hankey. Another, Richard Gorse Ogleby followed in 1775. Probably the ‘Alderman Astle’ listed at Eastgate St in 1781. Died on 15 February 1782. [Chester app. bks; freemen rolls; reg. of mayors and sheriffs; GL, Sun MS vol. 86, ref. 117513; S of G, app. index; poll bk]
Astle, Thomas jnr, Eastgate St, Chester, cm (1782–93). Took over the business following the death of his father and in March 1782 declared that ‘He has now on hand a very extensive assortment of the most elegant and useful Mahogany Furniture; which for quality and cheapness, he can with confidence recommend to the attention and preference of the public — All manner of old glasses silvered and framed in the most elegant manner; all kinds of Coach and chaise Glasses sold’. He was sworn a freeman, 6 April 1784 and in this year took as app. Ralph Jackson. [D; Chester app. reg. and freeman rolls; Chester Chronicle, 29 March 1782]
Astley, Abraham, ‘The Rising Sun’, Harp Alley, Fleet Ditch, London, u and cm (c. 1720). Probably related to Isaac Astley who traded at the same address. A trade label has been recorded on a walnut veneered chest on stand of three long and three short drawers. The label states that he ‘Maketh and Selleth all Sorts of Standing-Beds, Feather-Beds, Flock-Beds, Quilts, Rugs, Blankets &c. Also Russia Leather-Chairs, Chests of Drawers, Tables, and Looking-Glasses. He likewise Appraises, Buys and Sells all sorts of Household-Goods’. [C. Life, 13 October 1983]
Astley, Edward, ‘The Clock Case’, Wych St, Strand, London, cm (c. 1730). Trade card in Heal Coll., BM.
Astley, Isaac, ‘The Ship and Rising Sun’, Harp Alley, Fleet Ditch, London, u (c. 1753). Trade card [Heal Coll., BM] has text identical to that of Abraham Astley. Heal dates the card as 1753 and if this date is correct he may be the son of Abraham.
Astley, Thomas, Birmingham, cabinet case maker (1809–18). Recorded at Bordesley and Deritend, near Birmingham, in 1809, and at Cheapside, Birmingham, 1816–18, also as cm. [D]
Aston, Andrew, 90 Adam St, Bermondsey, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Aston, John, 105 Suffolk St, Bimingham, cm (1823). [D]
Aston, John, 62 Navigation St, Birmingham, cm (1823). [D]
Aston, John, Dudley St, Birmingham, cm, broker and u (1828– 30). Recorded at no. 14 in 1828. [D]
Aston, John, North St, Wolverhampton, Staffs., cm and u (1827–30). In 1828–30 listed as John Aston & Son. [D]
Aston, Joseph, bottom of Newhall St, Birmingham, chairmaker, spade and handle maker (1828–30). [D]
Aston, Thomas, 71 Cheapside, Deritend, Birmingham, cabinet case and black wood inkstand maker (1803). [D]
Aston, William, North St, Wolverhampton, Staffs., cm and u (1833–35). Possibly the son of John Aston. Trading also as auctioneer and appraiser in 1833. [D]
Astwick, John, Holme, Yorks., joiner and/or cm (1837). [D]
Astwick, Thomas, Honley, Yorks., cm (1822–37). [D]
Atherley, Francis, London, cm, u, chair and sofa maker, undertaker (1822–39). At 14 Richmond St, St Lukes, 1822– 27 but by 1835 had moved to 64 Banner St. [D]
Atherton, —, A tallboy with secretaire drawer, a fall-front estcritoire, a tea table, and a number of chairs are known stamped ‘ATHERTON’. These can be dated on the basis of style from c. 1780 to c. 1810 and are thought to be of north country origin. [V & A archives]
Atherton, Humphrey, Cambridge, carver (1793). [D]
Atherton, Humphrey, 132 Long Acre, London, carver and gilder (1808). [D]
Atherton, James, 10 Redman's Pl., Liverpool, cm (1780–1811). App. to Roger Reid and sworn freeman, 11 September 1780. [D; Liverpool app. and freemen regs.]
Atherton, James, Warrington, Lancs., cm and u (1814–22). Recorded at Bank (or Back) St, 1814–19, and Bridge St, as cm, in 1822. [D] Declared bankrupt, Chester Guardian, 20 April 1819.
Atherton, Joseph, Liverpool, cm (1835–39). At 18 Blake St, 1835–37, but by 1839 was at 24 Penrith St, Toxteth Park. [D]
Atherton, Thomas, Warrington, Lancs., cm, u and timber merchant (1798–1828). At Old Butter Mkt as cm only in 1808; Butter Market St, 1814–25; but in 1822–28 at Scotland Rd. [D]
Atherton, William, Liverpool, u (1774–77). At 31 Pool Lane in 1774 and 170 Dale St in 1777. [D]
Atherton, William, Liverpool, cm and chairmaker (1814–37). At 65 and 66 Lime St, 1814–23, but by 1827 the numbers are changed to 46, 69 and 70 and in 1829 to 79. By 1835 had moved to 70 Christian St and by 1837 the number had changed to 80. [D]
Athey, John, High St, Rotherham, Yorks., cm (1828). [D]
Athey, Joseph & William, Alnwick, Northumb., joiner and cm (1827–34). At Dispensary Lane in 1827 and Bondgate St from 1828. Recorded at 29 Narrowgate, also as u, in 1832. [D]
Athorn, John, Pontefract, Yorks., joiner and cm (1834). [D]
Atkin, Alexander, Wardour St, Westminster, London, upholder (1784). [Poll bk]
Atkin, Joseph, Louth Park, Louth, Lincs., cm and joiner (1835). [D]
Atkin, Moses, Louth Park, Louth, Lincs., cm and joiner (1835). [D]
Atkin(s), Samuel, Wormgate, Boston, Lincs., cm and chairmaker (1826–35). [D]
Atkins, —, 57 Gildengate, Norwich, cm (1783). [D]
Atkins, G. H., Ordnance Row, Portsea, Portsmouth, Hants., carver and gilder (1839). [D]
Atkins, Henry, ‘The Three Crowns’, St Paul's Churchyard, London, cane chairmaker (1723–24). Trade card in Banks Coll., BM. On 16 January 1723 covered goods and merchandise in his dwelling house only, and not elsewhere, for £500 with the Sun fire office. [GL, Sun MS vol. 16, ref. 30962] In October 1724 supplied to Chicheley Hall, Bucks., twelve chairs at £2 for Sir John Chester. [Bucks. RO, D/C/2/3 (ii)]
Atkins, James, London, upholder (1734). On 4 September 1734 his son Samuel was admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by patrimony. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Atkins, James, Portland St, Brighton, Sussex, cm, u and chairmaker (1832–40). The number in Portland St is variously given as 31, 32 and 33. [D]
Atkins, John, Oxford, cm (1744–68). On 19 May 1744 married Frances Richmond at the Church of St Mary Magdalen, Oxford. [Bodleian index of Oxf. marriage bonds; poll bk]
Atkins, John, Evesham, Worcs., cm (1818). [Worcs. RO, 6088/ 705:739/106]
Atkins, John, Uttoxeter, Staffs., chairmaker and turner (1824). [D]
Atkins, John, High St, St Neots, Hunts., chairmaker and turner (1830). [D]
Atkins, John, Oxford, cm and u (1823–32). Recorded at St Peter-le-Bailey in 1823 and Queen St, also as appraiser, in 1830. Declared bankrupt, 29 May 1832. [D; Liverpool Mercury, 1 June 1832]
Atkins, John, 56 Hill St, Birmingham, chairmaker (1835). [D]
Atkins, John, Paradise St, Birmingham, Windsor chairmaker (1835). [D]
Atkins, Joseph, London, cm and u (1820–39). At 10 Duke St, Spitalfields, 1820–22, but by 1826 had moved to 28 Fort St, Spitalfields, changed in the next year to no. 29. In 1832 the address was 9 Clarence Pl., Hackney Rd and in 1839 28 London Terr., Hackney Rd. [D]
Atkins, Richard, London, u (1820–39). At 51 Foley St, Portland Pl. in 1820 and on 20 December of that year took out insurance cover of £300 of which £250 was for his dwelling house in which it was stated there was ‘no cabinet work nor stove’. Stock and utensils were insured for a mere £20. By 1835 he had moved to 6 Argyll Pl., Regent St at which address he continued in business. Thomas Atkins who traded at the Foley St address in 1817 was probably related. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 483, ref. 974391]
Atkins, Richard, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (1839). Daughter bapt. 1839. [PR (bapt.)]
Atkins, Thomas, 51 Foley St, London, carpenter and upholder (1817). Probably related to the Richard Foley who traded at this address from 1820. [D]
Atkins, Thomas Illiff(e), Leicester and Northampton, u (1820– 30). App. to Joseph Spencer of Belgrave Gate, Leicester, and admitted freeman in 1826. Trading at Mercer's Row, Northampton, 1823–30. A burr elm tripod table is known with a stenciled mark ‘From Atkines, upholstery, paper hangings, cabinetwork house, Northampton’. [Northampton poll bks; Leicester freemen rolls]
Atkins, William, Park St, Westminster, London, carver (1749). [Poll bk]
Atkins, William, London, carver, gilder and picture frame maker (1784–1806). At 294 High Holborn in 1784, in which year his house was insured for £300. By 1790 an address at 41 Fenchurch St was being used in addition, and from 1793 this was the sole trade address. In the following year the business was trading as Atkins & Wallace. By 1799 the trading style had changed to Atkins & Nightingale (later Atkins & Co.) and the address was 143 Leadenhall St. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 321, p. 365]
Atkins, William, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (1825–28). Three sons bapt. between 1825–28. [PR bapt.)]
Atkins, William, Thetford, Norfolk, cm (1836–39). At London Rd in 1836, but by 1839 had moved to St Mary's Lane. [D]
Atkinson, —, Aldersgate St, London, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.
Atkinson, Bartholomew, Hull, Yorks., cm (1784). [Poll bk]
Atkinson, Benjamin, Ellerby Lane, Leeds, Yorks., cm (1822). [D]
Atkinson, Benjamin, Finkle St, Stockton-upon-Tees, Co. Durham, chair, clog and patten maker (1827). [D]
Atkinson, Caleb, address unrecorded. On 13 May 1763 supplied four wheel chairs for Burton Constable, Yorks. [Humberside RO, DDCC (2) vouchers]
Atkinson, Christopher, Gallgate, Barnard Castle, Co. Durham, cm and joiner (1834). [D]
Atkinson, Daniel, High St, Staines, Middlx, cm and u (1832– 39). [D]
Atkinson, Edmund, Lancaster, cm (1774–84). From Kirby, Kendal, Westmld. App. to Wm. Bruce of Lancaster in 1774, and admitted freeman, 1783–84. [Lancaster app. reg., freemen rolls and poll. bk]
Atkinson, Edward, London, chairmaker (1789–1808). At Old Fleet St in 1789 but by 1793 had moved to Old St Rd. In 1808 the address was 1 Crown Ct, Curtain Rd and the trade given as ‘leather bottom chairmaker’. [D]
Atkinson, Edward, Sloane St, Chelsea, London, cm, u and undertaker (1817–35). At 177 Sloane St, 1817–20, but by 1826 at nos 26 and 170. By 1832 the business was styled Atkinson & Mackett and was trading from 26 Sloane St. In 1835 additional premises at 86 were being used. [D]
Atkinson, Francis, Leeds, Yorks., cm (1791). Named in the Leeds Cabinet and Chair Makers’ Book of Prices, 1791, as a journeyman cm in basic sympathy with its contents.
Atkinson, Francis, Mount St, Salford, Lancs., chair bottomer (1818). [D]
Atkinson, Francis, Stricklandgate, Kendal, Westmld, cm and u (1829–34). [D]
Atkinson, George, Beverley, Yorks, cm (1790). [Poll bk]
Atkinson, George, Lancaster. Named in the Gillow records, 1790–1802, constructing various items of furniture, and ‘making & moulding claws for dining tables’. [Westminster Ref. Lib.]
Atkinson, George & Somerville, William, London, cm (1805). Published a supplement with two plates to the 3rd edition of The Cabinet-Makers’ London Book of Prices, 1805.
Atkinson, George, 26 Curtain Rd, Shoreditch, London, cabinet and chair manufacturer (1820). [D]
Atkinson, George, 17 Hackney Rd Cresc., London, cm and u (1822–28). [D]
Atkinson, George, Leeds, Yorks., cm (1826–37). At 2 Copenhagen St, 1826–30, but by 1834 had moved to a court at 4 Lowerhead Row, and was at Birch's Row in 1837. [D]
Atkinson, George, Flag Lane, Sunderland, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1827–28). [D]
Atkinson, George, Lancaster, cabinet carver (1829–30). [Lancaster freemen reg.]
Atkinson, George, High St, Stockton-upon-Tees, Co. Durham, cm (1832). [D]
Atkinson, Henry, 45 Whitechapel, Liverpool, cm (d. by 1776). Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 22 March 1776, announced the sale by auction on 26 March of a ‘Variety of CABINET GOODS of the BEST QUALITY The STOCK of the late MR. HENRY ATKINSON’ at a ‘Ware Room No. 45 White Chapel’.
Atkinson, James, Lancaster, joiner (1788–1820). [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow records, vol. 344/94, p. 459]
Atkinson, James, Back Ducie St, Strangeways, Manchester, cm (1817). [D]
Atkinson, John, Hull, Yorks., carpenter and cm (1790–1803). At Southend, High St in 1790, but by 1803 had moved to George St. [D]
Atkinson, John, Bishop Auckland, Co. Durham, cm (1793). [D]
Atkinson, John, Lancaster, furniture painter and japanner (1797–1801). [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow records]
Atkinson, John, Ledger St, Manchester, chairmaker (1800–02). [D]
Atkinson, John, Dockray, Penrith, Cumb., chairmaker (1811–34). [D]
Atkinson, John, Liverpool, cm (1820–37). App. to William Atkinson in 1812 and admitted freeman, 13 March 1820. In this year his address was recorded as 9 Basnett St, but by 1824 he was at 12 Leigh St. He was at 7 Lawton St between 1825– 27, and from this address on 20 May 1825 advertised for four or five good journeymen cm. In 1827 he moved to 25 Ranelagh St, and the next year took John Jones as app. He remained at this address until at least 1829, but from 1834 is recorded in Gildart St. In 1834 the number was 9, but in the next year this had changed to 24 with an additional address at 9 Leigh St. In 1837 the numbers are 23 Gildart St and 17 Leigh St. [D; Liverpool app. and freemen regs.; Liverpool Mercury, 20 May 1825]
Atkinson, John, Halton, Leeds, Yorks., cm (1822). [D]
Atkinson, John, Chipping, near Preston, Lancs., chairmaker (1834). [D]
Atkinson, John, 4 Chariot St, Hull, Yorks., cm (1838–39). [D]
Atkinson, John, Northallerton, Yorks., cm (1840). [D]
Atkinson, Joseph, 10 Medlock St, Chorlton Row, Manchester, cm (1825). [D]
Atkinson, Matthew, Penny-Bridge, Ulverston, Lancs., cm (1825). [D]
Atkinson, Peter, Liverpool, cm, joiner and umbrella maker (1827–29). At 87 Fontenoy St in 1827 and 9 Parker St in 1829. [D]
Atkinson, R., 1 Tower St, Seven Dials, London, picture frame maker (1802). [D]
Atkinson, R., 10 Rotherhithe St, London, carver (1835). [D]
Atkinson, Richard, Liverpool, cm (b. 1792–d. 1814). Married Miss Jane Hasan on 14 September 1812, and died on 10 February 1814 aged 22. [Liverpool Mercury, 18 September 1812; 18 February 1814]
Atkinson, Richard, York, carver and gilder (1819). Son of Richard Atkinson, musician. App. to Thomas Ferrand on 1 April 1819. [York app. reg.]
Atkinson, Richard, Finkell St, Richmond, Yorks., cm (1828). [D]
Atkinson, Robert, Manchester, chairmaker (1813–19). At 2 Lloyd St, Hulme in 1813, but by 1819 at 1 Mulberry Lane. [D]
Atkinson, Robert, Manchester, joiner and cm (1815–28). At 6 Lloyd St, Hulme in 1815 as chairmaker; Hargrave St, Manchester in 1818; 9 (or 4) Prime St, Hulme in 1825; and Queen St, Hulme in 1828. [D]
Atkinson, Robert, Bigg-market, Newcastle, joiner and cm (1824). [D]
Atkinson, Robert, 13 Queen St, York St, Manchester, cm (1840). [D]
Atkinson, Samuel, Lancaster. Named in the Gillow records in 1786 working on a table. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow vol. 344/93, p. 372]
Atkinson, Thomas, London, cm, u and looking-glass maker (1748–76). Admitted a member of the Joiners’ Co. on 5 July 1748. Subscribed to Chippendale's Director, 1754. Traded from an address at ‘The Sun’ on the south side of St Paul's Churchyard. On his trade card he claimed to be the successor ‘to the late Mr. Belcher’. He offered ‘all sorts of Cabinetwork, Chairs, Looking Glasses, Coach Glasses, Spring Curtains, Window Blinds, and all Sorts of Upholstery Goods’, He is recorded in the City of London Licence bks employing nonfreemen, the number permitted rising to 8 for the period 1764–76. In 1773 he was operating from 3 Broadway, Blackfriars, near Ludgate St while his house was being rebuilt. An account for the supply of two neat night tables costing £5 5s, dated 25 September 1755, is recorded at the BM. [D; V & A archives; Heal; GL, City Licence bks vols 3–9; Landauer Coll., MMA, NY]
Atkinson, Thomas, Beverley, Yorks., cm (1774–90). [Poll bks]
Atkinson, Thomas, Lancaster, cm (1784–1811). App. to William Blackburn in 1784 and admitted freeman, 1795–96. Named in the Gillow records, 1788–1811. [Lancaster app. reg. and freemen rolls; Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow]
Atkinson, Thomas, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.
Atkinson, Thomas, 9 Wynyate St, Islington Rd, London, cm (1808). [D]
Atkinson, Thomas, 38 and 39 Ludgate Hill, London, cm, u and undertaker (1820–24). Initially trading as Loader & Atkinson. The premises were at the corner of the ‘Belle Sauvage’, an important London coaching inn. A mahogany folding leaf table is known with their label. [Advert. in Apollo, February 1961] The practice of labelling furniture continued after 1823 when Atkinson was trading under his own name only, and a dining chair and a pedestal card table with D-shaped top are known (Fig. 18). [D; Furn. Hist., 1978]
Atkinson, Thomas, Rawtenstall., Lancs., joiner and cm (1828). [D]
Atkinson, Thomas, Kirkby Stephen, Westmld, cm (1829). [D]
Atkinson, Thomas, 2 Moor Lane, Fore St, London, cm and undertaker (1832). [D]
Atkinson, Thomas, Staindrop, Co. Durham, cm and joiner (1834). [D]
Atkinson, Thomas, Easingwold, Yorks., cm and joiner (1834). [D]
Atkinson, William, Shoe Lane, London, u (1731–46). Fined in 1731, 1737, 1740 and 1746 for non-service at St Bride's. [GL, MS 6561, p. 54]
Atkinson, William, Grange, Lancs., cm (1752–74). In 1752 took app. named Kirby and two years later another named Clenny. A further app. named Clark was taken in 1774. [S of G, app. index]
Atkinson, William, Ripon, Yorks., cm (1779–93). Advertised in York Courant, 6 April 1779. Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.
Atkinson, William, 10 Little Litchfield St, Portland Chapel, London, cm (1781). Insured his house for £200 in 1781. [GL, Sun MS vol. 295, p. 600]
Atkinson, William, Lancaster (1790–1800). [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow records]
Atkinson, William, Liverpool, cm (1796–1840). App. to Edward Lowe and admitted freeman on 25 May 1796. Trading at 1 Derby St in 1804 and 58 Preston St, 1813–14. By 1818 he had obtained premises in Leigh St. These were numbered 11 (1818), 12 (1821–24 and 1835–37), 27 (1827– 34) and 25 (1839). Addresses are also shown in Peter St (1824–39), Blake St (1834) and Williamson Sq. (1837). He is listed in a supplement to the Liverpool Cabinet and Chair Prices, 1805, on behalf of the journeymen. His apps included William Spencer in 1818 and Henry Harrison and John Hatton in 1825. Amongst his products were billiard tables which were of a sufficient quality for one to be listed by the maker in an auction advertisement in February 1820. His son William Greenhalgh Atkinson was admitted freeman of Liverpool on 28 July 1840. [D; Liverpool app. and freemen regs.; Liverpool Mercury, 4 February 1820]
Atkinson, William, address unrecorded, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.
Atkinson, William, Bishop Lane, Hull, Yorks., cm and undertaker (1803). [D]
Atkinson, William, 336 High St, Lincoln, cm and u (1806–40). Freeman of Lincoln in November 1806. [D; poll bk]
Atkinson, William, Halton, Leeds, Yorks., cm (1822). [D]
Atkinson, Wilson, Priestgate, Workington, Cumb., joiner and cm (1829–34). [D]
Atle, Benjamin, 79 St John St Rd, Islington, London, u and undertaker (1820). [D]
Atlee, John, Windsor, Berks., u (1726). Admitted freeman of the borough on 8 June 1726. [S of G, hall bk]
Atlee, Samuel, Taunton, Som., upholder (1727). Took app. named Marshall in 1727. [S of G, app. index]
Atlee, William, London, u (1722–28). In 1722 he announced his move from ‘York Buildings next to Mrs. Rochford's at the Upper Mews Gate to the corner of Duke Street, York Buildings’. In 1728 his address was given at the King's Arms Warehouse, Lincoln's Inn Pleas, on which he took out insurance cover for £500. [Heal; GL, Sun MS vol. 28]
Atley, William, London, u (1829–35). In 1829 at 2 Frederick Pl., Goswell Rd, and in 1835 at 102 Goswell Rd. [D]
Attenborough, George, Nottingham, joiner and cm (1820). Took William Peet as an app. in 1820. [Nottingham app. reg.]
Attenborough, Job, Rutland St, Nottingham, cm (1828). [D] See Job Atterbury.
Atterbury, James, High St, Burton-on-Trent, Staffs., cm and u (1828–35). Trading at New St in 1828 and High St, 1834–35. [D]
Atterbury, Job, Burton-on-Trent, Staffs., u and appraiser (1791–93). [D] See Job Attenborough.
Atterbury, Job, Rutland St, Nottingham, joiner and cm (1832). [D]
Atterbury, Michael, New St, Burton-on-Trent, Staffs., cm and u (1822). [D]
Atterbury, Michael, 1 St Michael's Cresc., Bristol, u, paper hanger and appraiser (1836). [D]
Atterbury & Dickinson, New St, Burton-on-Trent, Staffs., cm and u (1818). [D] See Michael Atterbury.
Attinwell, Robert, Strand on Green, London, upholder and cm (1808). [D]
Attiram, Francis, 1 Marsham St, London, cm (1782). Insured his utensils, stock and goods in 1782 for £100 out of a total insurance cover of £200. [GL, Sun MS vol. 303, p. 660]
Atto, William, High St, King's Lynn, Norfolk, cm (1793). [D]
Atto, William, High St, King's Lynn, Norfolk, cm (1836–39). At 27 in 1836 but in 1839 at 113. [D]
Atton, James, All Saints St, Stamford, Lincs., cm, u and pawnbroker (1840). [D]
Attree, Henry, Brighton, Sussex, upholder (1791). On 20 June 1791 took out insurance cover for £900, part of which was in respect of a warehouse, utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 376, p. 620]
Attwater, James Thomas, High St, Sheerness, Kent, cm (1826– 39). [D]
Attwater, W., 9 Drake St, Red Lion Sq., London, cm, u and undertaker (c. 1820). His trade card at the London Museum states that he manufactured ‘every description of plain and sarcophagus Tea Chests, Knife Cases, Portable Desks, Dressing Cases, Ladies Work Tables and Baskets, Sofa and Pembroke Tables, Venetian Spring and Roller Blinds made and repaired. Furniture repaired on the most reasonable terms’.
Attwaters, Joseph, app. to James Begbie, cm of Salisbury, Wilts. on 5 August 1755. [Wilts. Apps and their Masters]
At(t)well, Thomas, Newport, Isle of Wight, Hants., cm and u (1823–39). Trading at Upper St James St in 1823, St James St in 1830 and Pyle St in 1839. [D]
Attwood, John, parish of St Philip and St Jacob, Bristol, cm (1781–84). [Poll bk]
Attwood, Thomas, 5 Fields, Chelsea, London, carver and gilder (1784). [Poll bk]
Atwell, Richard, Old Brentford, Middlx, cm (1809). [D]
Atwood, Thomas, Gt Russell St, Bloomsbury, London, carver and gilder to the Prince of Wales (1793). [D]
Aube, Peter, 5 Noel St, London, carver and gilder (1791). Took our insurance cover in 1791 for £200 which included £50 for stock and goods in a workshop behind. [GL, Sun MS vol. 373, ref. 580092]
Auby, —, address unrecorded, carver (1795), Bought bed linen from Kennet & Kidd, cm and u, New Bond St, London, in 1795. [PRO, C114/181, journal 3, p. 340]
Aucock, T., 18 Bond St, Brighton, Sussex, French polisher and japanner (1836–40). In February 1836 at the time of his daughter Jane's baptism he was living in Mulberry Sq. By 1843 his number in Bond St had changed to 13. [D; E. Sussex RO, PAR 255/1/2/10]
Audas, William, Wainfleet, Lincs., cm (1822–26). [D]
Audley, Edward, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, cm (1830). [Poll bk]
Audley, Erasmus, Bail, Lincoln, cm. Will proved in 1741. [Calendar of wills and administration, Lincoln]
Audley, William, London, u (1732–33). Paid £113s in the executors’ accounts of Edward Barkham. [Bethlehem Hospital archives]
Audley, William, Nantwich, Cheshire, upholder and auctioneer (1781–84). [D]
Audley, William jnr & John, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffs., u, cm and auctioneers (1812–39). Initially at Lad Lane but by 1822 had in addition premises in the High St. In the period 1818–22 the business is referred to as William Audley & Sons. In 1834–39 William Audley appears to have been the sole proprietor and was trading from addresses at Iron Mkt and Bridge St. [D; poll bk] Advertised in Cottrill's Directory, 1836, as u, paper hanger and cabinet manufacturer with shop at 5 Ironmarket and manufactory and warehouse in Bridge St. He thanked customers for ‘encouragement received by himself & his late brother over the last 20 years’ and offered ‘Beds and Window Curtains, of every description made and fited up in the neatest manner. Carpets made up; Rooms, Halls and Passages papered in the first style of workmanship; and every article in the Cabinet busines repaired and made upon the most approved principle … He employs none but the best and most experienced workmen.’ Audley offered his present stock at reduced prices, including ‘Paper and Borders, suitable for parlours and bedrooms, Brussels, Kidderminster, Scotch and Venetian Carpeting; figured and plain Oil Cloths, Druggets and Matting; Moreens, Dimities and Chintz Furnitures; Fringes, Trimmings, Tassels, Lines and Bindings, Hair Seating, prime Goose Feathers and Ticking, Blankets and Mattresses of every description; Looking Glasses, Sofas and Chairs, Venetian, Shade, Spring and other Blinds together with a general assortment of Rosewood, Zebra, Mahogany, Oak and Painted Cabinet Furniture, Bedsteads &c. &c. Appraiser & auctioneer’.
Audley, William, Brunswick St, Hanley (or Shelton), Staffs., cm (1834–35). Trading in partnership with John Audley in 1834. [D]
Aughton, Richard, Preston, Lancs., joiner and cm (1818–25). In 1818 at Old Cock Yd, Church St but he moved in this year to William St. The numbers occupied in this street in 1824 were 4 and 19. [D]
Augier, Charles, Long Acre, London, carver (1749). [Poll bk]
Auls(ey)brook, John, King St, Southwell, Notts., joiner and cm (1822–28). [D]
Ault, John, 20 Apollo Buildings, Walworth, London, upholder (1803). Son of John Ault of Melbourne, Derbs., cm. Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. on 10 February 1803. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Ault, John, Melbourne, Derbs., cm (1803). [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Aulton, Abraham, Park St, Walsall, Staffs., cm (1834–35). Recorded also at Bank St in 1834. [D]
Aungier, William snr, Ely, Cambs., turner and chairmaker (1790–1800). Took out insurance cover for £500 in 1790 which included £200 for his new dwelling house, shop and chamber over, £40 for his workshop, stock and utensils and £20 for a second thatched workshop, utensils and stock. In 1800 the business was taken over on his death by his son William. [GL, Sun MS ref. 571220; Cambridge Chronicle, 22 March 1800]
Aungier, William jnr, Ely, Cambs., turner and chairmaker (1800). On 22 March 1800 announced in Cambridge Chronicle and Journal that he was taking over the business of his late father, William.
Austen, —, St George's Spa, St George's Fields, London, chairmaker (1808). [D]
Austen, J., Rochester, Kent, cm (1806–07). In August 1830 living in London. [Poll bk]
Austen, John, 54 Queen St, New Ct, London, cm (1829). [D]
Auster, John, Worcester, upholder (1761). App. to William Ward, upholder, and admitted freeman on 19 March 1761. [Worcester app. and freemen regs.]
Auster, Roger, Birmingham, picture frame maker (1793–1818). At Brick Kiln Lane in 1793 but from 1812 was at Bristol St where the trade of brass founding was being carried on in addition and his son was assisting him in the business. [D]
Austin, Cornelius snr, Cambridge, joiner (c. 1660–1704). Cornelius Austin is better known for the fixed joinery work that is found in many of the Cambridge colleges such as King's Chapel, Emmanuel Chapel and the Wren Library at Trinity. He was employed regularly by St John's College from 1682, mainly for general joinery work but supplied such diverse articles as a candlebox (1697) to ‘a medall case for ye Library £49. 2,’ (1701). Most furniture supplied by him appears to have been part of the contract for the building or rooms he was employed in, as is the case of the Library at Emmanuel College where in 1679, Austin was employed to fit up wainscoting, supply new bookcases and the furnishings of eight tables and sixteen joyned stools. At least a dozen of the stools are still in use in the New Library. From the details given in the payments it is clear that he employed a small workforce. His name appears in the records of the parish of All Saints, although from 1670 he owned a large inn called ‘The Cardinal's Hat’ or ‘Cap’ in Trumpington St. [Archives of St John's College; Willis & Clark, The Architectural History of the University of Cambridge; All Saints’ parish records, Cambs. RO, P20/8/1] R.W.
Austin, Cornelius jnr, Cambridge, joiner (c. 1698–d. 1729). It would appear that he worked for his father, although a few individual payments are recorded in his name, the earliest noted being in 1698 when Trinity College paid ‘young Austin’ for work in the Combination Room. From 1704 the payments made by St John's College are to ‘Cornelius Austin jun’, he presumably having taken over from his father. One of the first in that year was for ‘28 stools for ye scholars to kneel on in chappel …. £3.3.6.’, which were upholstered by Thomas Moulder. Austin continued to work for the College up to his death in 1729 but the later payments give few details of the work undertaken. However in 1711 in partnership with Thomas Billups he altered the bookcases in the Library and supplied stools and tables. From December 1724 Austin was an Alderman of the Cambridge Corporation and on 29 September 1726 was sworn in as Mayor. He was buried in the parish of All Saints on 30 April 1729. [Archives of Trinity College and St John's College; Cambs. RO, Cambridge Corp. day books; All Saints parish records] R.W.
Austin, George, The Precints, Canterbury, Kent, carver and gilder (1823–29). [D]
Austin, J., Chester, chairmaker (1819). [Poll bk]
Austin, John, parish of Christchurch, Bristol, cm (1754). [Poll bk]
Austin, John, James St, Covent Gdn, London, u (1768). Declared bankrupt, Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 18 March 1768.
Austin, John, London, upholder (1773–c.96). Son of John Austin of Sheerness, Kent, victualler. App. to Robert Phipps on 3 June 1762 and admitted freeman of the Upholder's Co. by servitude on 7 April 1773. His addresses were 29 Cannon St (1776–78), Gt Tower St (1781), Redman's Row, Mile End (1786) and ‘The Stag’, Brewhouse St, St Mary, Westminster (1796). [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Austin, John, 46 East St, Portman Sq., London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Austin, Robert, 2 Keynshaw Terr., High St, Cheltenham, Glos., cm (1839). [D]
Austin, Samuel, 67 Charlotte St, Fitzroy Sq., London, portable desk maker (1817). [D]
Austin, Thomas, Petworth, Sussex, carpenter, builder and cm (1832–40). [D]
Austin & Gurney, 4 Old St, Goswell St, London, cm (1802). [D]
Autherton, Humphrey, 132 Long Acre, London, carver and gilder (1809). [D]
Auty, G., Lockwood, Yorks., cm (1823). [D]
Auty, George, Fall Lane Gate, Dewsbury, Yorks., cm (1822). [D]
Auty, Joseph, Southgate, Middlx, chairmaker (1839). [D]
Avant, Thomas, Queen St, Dawlish, Devon, cm and u (1810– 30). On 26 April 1810 advertised in Exeter Flying Post for workmen. Supplied white and gold bookcases for the libraries at Powderham Castle in 1820. [D; C. Life, 18 July 1936]
Aveline, Frederick, High St, Stoney Stratford, Bucks., cm and u (1839). [D]
Avelin(e), George, High St, Leighton Buzzard, Beds., cm and u (1830–39). Trading also as paper hanger in 1839. [D]
Aven, Charles, Liverpool, u (1731–60). Took apps named Samuel Kirks in 1731, John Owen c. 1750 and Campbell in 1755. His son Edward Aven petitioned freedom by patrimony in 1760. [Liverpool app. and freemen regs.; S of G, app. index]
Avery, Edward, Liverpool, chairmaker (1835–37). At 9 Cavendish St with shop in Standish St. The number of this shop was 79 in 1835 and 11 in 1837. [D]
Avery, Henry, address unrecorded, cm and u (1661–64). Account dated 5 January 1664 for the supply of various items of furniture and bedding to H. Morris & Partner at various dates between February and July 1661. [V & A archives]
Avery, John, Newcastle, carver and gilder (1833–38). Trading at Fighting-Cocks Yd with house at Trafalgar St in 1833; Erick St in 1834, and 48 Groat Mkt in 1838. [D]
Avery, William, Eagle and Child Alley, parish of St Andrew, Holborn, London, chairmaker (c. 1750–60). Took app. named Joseph Smith. [GL, P83/MRYI(870/22]
Avery, William, Reading, Berks., upholder (1754). [Poll bk]
Avery & Dangar, 11 Gt Portland St, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Aves, John, 3 Whitelion St, Chelsea, London, carver and gilder (1823–26). [D]
Aveson & Henry, Elland, Yorks., cm (1837). [D]
Aveyard & Buck, Leeds, Yorks., cm and joiners (1791–92). In 1791 took over the business of Isaac Croft by whom they had been employed for a number of years as journeymen. Advertised that they were selling ‘The Cabinet Stock … at Prime Cost and under’. [Leeds Intelligencer, 13 September 1791; 27 February 1792]
Avington & Beckett, Swaffham, Norfolk, chairmaker (1828). Makers of a child's chair at a cost of 11 guineas for Robert John Steggles, son of Robert & Elizabeth Steggles, born on 4 March 1827. [Eastern Daily Press, 29 March 1975]
Avison, William, Carlton St, Nottingham, cm and u (1825). [D]
Avon, Charles, Liverpool, u (1730). Admitted freemen on 15 November 1730. [Liverpool freemen reg.]
Avon, Edward, Liverpool, u (1761). Admitted freemen on 9 February 1761. [Liverpool freemen reg.]
Avon, Margaret, 33 Chorley St, Water St, Liverpool, upholder (1796). [D]
Awty, Richard, 6 Rathbone St, Liverpool, cm (1814–23). [D]
Axton, Thomas, Manchester, carver, etc. (1755). Took app. named Baley in 1755. [S of G, app. index]
Aycliffe (or Ayliffe), George, Newport St, Covent Gdn, London, turner and chairmaker (1742–49). In 1742 he supplied Lord Monson with six Windsor chairs at 7s 6d each. May have been related to Thomas Aycliffe. [Lincoln RO, Monson 11/ 50; poll bk]
Aycliffe (or Ayliffe), Thomas snr, ‘The Bathing Tubb’, Newport St, London, turner (1713–15). Took an app. in 1713. [S of G, app. index; GL, Sun MS vol. 3, ref. 3745; vol. 4, ref. 5167]
Aycliffe (or Ayliffe), Thomas jnr, London, turner and chairmaker (1760–d. 1805). ‘Turner in Ordinary to his MAJESTY’. Originally at the corner of Gt Newport St but by 1762 had moved to 49 Wardour St which he used as ware rooms. He also occupied ‘The King's Arms’, Gerrard St, near Newport Mkt from this date. Married in October 1795 and died in April 1805 at Surbiton, Surrey. From 1767 the business is styled Aycliffe & Webb, and from 1783 Aycliffe & Gee. The term Aycliffe & Co. is used as an alternative name for these partnerships. In 1792 insurance cover of £500 was taken out ‘on their utensils stock & goods in trust in their dwelling house and warehouse’. [D; V&A archives; Gents Mag., October 1795; April 1805; GL, Sun MS vol. 382, ref. 505828] On 8 May 1762 submitted a bill to David Garrick for ‘a Bed Waggon’ costing 16s. [V&A archives] Supplied for Audley End, Essex, to the order of Sir John Griffin Griffin in November 1766 twelve small plain chairs, twelve garrett chairs, mats, etc. In 1775 ‘six forest stools’ were supplied at £1 4s, and 2 clamp tables at 13s 6d. Two years later 12 ‘red moulded open back matted chairs’ were supplied at 7s 6d each, six similar stools at 6s 6d each and two ‘high Joint stools’ at 6s. In 1783 a quantity of garden chairs and ‘forest stools’ were supplied totalling £10 9s. As Lord Howard de Walden, Sir John continued to patronise this firm from 1784. This included 12 further ‘Red open back matted chairs’. An order for ‘12 japanned beach chairs with cane seats’ was received in 1791. This patron also ordered ‘4 Beech matted chairs’ for his London house in New Burlington St. [Essex RO, D/DBy/A27/4; A25/4; A36/3; A41/5; A42/8; A44/10; A49/5; A44/5] Supplied to Heaton Hall, Manchester, chairs costing £49 8s for Baron Grey de Wilton (later 1st Earl of Wilton). Believed to be for the Music Room. [Preston RO, bank deposit and accounts bks, DDEg] Small payments made, 1801–06, for work done at Madingley Hall. [Cambs. RO, 588/A45] B.A.
Ayerst, —, Ashford, Kent, upholder (1803–11). [D]
Ayles, Benjamin, Christchurch, Hants., chairmaker (1756). Took app. named Morris in 1756. [S of G, app. index]
Ayles, Charles, 4 King St, Holborn, London, carver, gilder, looking-glass and picture frame maker and paper hanger (1820–29). Trade card in Johnson Coll., Bodleian Lib., Oxford. In 1820 insured his house for £900, and in 1822 the household goods in it for £100. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 483, ref. 972925; vol. 493, ref. 987900; vol. 498, ref. 1001006]
Aylett, Alfred, 8 Bloomfield St, Finsbury, London, u and cm (1826–27). [D]
Aylett, G., 21 Islington Row, Birmingham, carver and gilder (1823). [D]
Aylett, W., London, cm and u (1804–12). Had premises at 12 Broker Row but from 1807 had in addition addresses in New Bond St. The number was initially 19 but from 1811 25 was also used. [D]
Ayliffe, — See Aycliffe.
Ayling, James, Sloane St, London, cm and u (1808–26). At 151 Sloane St, 1808–09; 162 from 1813–23; and 195 from 1826. [D]
Ayling, James, 24 St George's Pl., Hyde Park Corner, Knightsbridge, London, cm, u, undertaker and carpet warehouseman (1828–39). In 1828 took on the lease of a manufactory at the back of Kinnerton St, St George, Hanover Sq. [D; Marylebone Lib., deed 134/15–16]
Ayling, T., 4 Middle Row, Knightsbridge, London, cm and u (1820). [D]
Ayling, Thomas, Andover, Hants., u (1762). Took app. named Spencer in 1762. [S of G, app. index]
Ayling, Thomas, Hants., u, cm and auctioneer (1784–93). At Farnham, 1784–92, and Gosport, 1793. [D]
Aynsley, John, King St, North Shields, Northumb., cm and joiner (1827). [D]
Aynsley, Robert, Newcastle, cm and mahogany dealer (1801–05). In 1801 moved his yard from Pandon to the Head of Manor Close. In 1805 at Big Mkt. [D; Newcastle Courant, 21 November 1801]
Ayre, George, South Biddick, Houghton-le-Spring, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1827). [D]
Ayres, John snr, London, upholder (1698). On 29 September 1698 his son, John jnr, was admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by patrimony. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Ayres, John, Butcher Row, Exeter, Devon, cm (1822). [D]
Ayres, Mary, 5 Henrietta St, Covent Gdn, London, carver (1780). Insured utensils, stock and goods in 1780 for £50 out of a total cover of £450. [GL, Sun MS vol. 285, p. 351]
Ayres, Philip, 18 Sise Lane, Cannon St, London, writing desk and dressing case maker (1829). [D]
Ayres, Thomas, 28 Gt Bath St, Clerkenwell, London, fancy cm and u (1829–39). [D]
Aytell, Alfred, 8 Lower Moorfields, London, u (1825). [D]
Ayton, Jacob, 73 Berners St, London, carver, gilder and picture frame maker (1777). His trade card announced that he sold ‘all sorts of Green & Gold Dressing Glasses, Pier Glasses, Girandoles, etc.’. Declared bankrupt, Gents Mag., July 1777. [Heal]