The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640.
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Richard Cust, Andrew Hopper, 'Index of persons, P-T', in The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640, ed. Richard Cust, Andrew Hopper , British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].
Richard Cust, Andrew Hopper, 'Index of persons, P-T', in The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640. Edited by Richard Cust, Andrew Hopper , British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,
Richard Cust, Andrew Hopper. "Index of persons, P-T". The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640. Ed. Richard Cust, Andrew Hopper , British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.
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Packingham, Edmund
Page (Hart), Joane
Page, Edward
Page, Jane
Page, John
Page, John, lawyer
Page, Mr
Page, Mr, lawyer
Page, Nicholas
Page, Richard the elder, husbandman
Page, Richard the younger
Page, Robert
Page, Robert, gent
Page, Robert, servant
Paget (Pagett), William, esq
Paine, Edmund, husbandman
Paine, Elizabeth
Paine, Fiston
Paine, John the younger
Paine, Leonard
Paine, Margaret
Paine, Mary
Paine, Robert
Paine, Thomas
Paine (Payne), Thomas, attorney
Paine (Peane), William, merchant
Paler, William, notary public
Palfriman, Edward, carpenter
Palmer, Daniel, yeoman
Palmer, Edward
Palmer, Elizabeth
Palmer, George, gent
Palmer, Henry
Palmer, John, gent
Palmer, John, M.A.
Palmer, Margaret
Palmer, Mary
Palmer, Matthew, knight
Palmer, Nicholas, Mr
Palmer, Richard
Palmer, Robert
Palmer, Robert, vicar
Palmer, Thomas
Palmer, Thomas, gent
Palmer, Thomas, vicar
Palmer, William, clerk
Palmer, William, esq
Palmer, William, yeoman
Palmes, Francis, knight
Pancke (Panke), Paul, minister
Panke, Paul, vicar
Pannier, Robert, gent
Paradine, Robert, gent
Pargeter, Margaret
Parkehurst, Alice
Parkehurst, George
Parker, Erasmus, gent
Parker, goldsmith
Parker, Henry, painter stainer
Parker, Mrs
Parker, Richard
Parker, Richard, provost marshal
Parker, Samuel, Mr
Parker, Thomas, yeoman
Parker, William, rector
Parker, William, servant
Parkes, Mr
Parkhurst, William, knight
Parkins, John, vicar
Parkinson, Frances
Parkinson, John, gent
Parkinson, Margery
Parlet, Francis, esq
Parmenter, Thomas, gent
Parr, Mrs
Parr, William, Mr
Parratt, Mary
Parratt, Thomas
Parris, Ambrose
Parrish (Parish, Pares), Robert
Parrish, Robert, yeoman
Parrott, John, knight
Parry, David, esq
Parry, George
Parry, George, lawyer
Parry (Parrey), George, lawyer
Parry, James
Parry, Thomas, gent
Parson, Dorothy
Parson, Thomas
Parson, Thomas, yeoman
Parsons, John, gent
Parsons, John, husbandman
Parsons, John, knight
Parsons, John, yeoman
Partridge, Edmund, mariner
Partridge, Jane
Partridge, Richard, haberdasher
Partridge, Stephen
Parvis, John
Paschall, George, gent
Paschall, Mrs
Pate, Edward, gent
Patricke (Pattricke, Patrick), John, yeoman
Patten, Elizabeth, widow
Patten, Gratian
Pattenden, Edmund, innkeeper
Pattison, Clement, esq
Pattison, Robert, coroner
Pattricke, William, gent
Paule, Henry, esq
Paulet, John, marquess of Winchester
Paulet, John, marquis of Winchester
Paulson, Henry, tailor
Pauncefoot (Pauncefoote), Grimbold, gent
Pauncefoot (Pauncefoote), John, gent
Pauncefoot, Thomas
Pauncefoote, Agnes
Pauncefoote, Grimbold
Pauncefoote, Henry
Pauncefoote, John, gent
Pauncefoote, Mary
Pay, Henry
Pay, John, gent
Pay, Richard
Pay, William
Payne, Eleanor
Payne, Hugh, barber
Payne, Joanna
Payne, Mr
Payne (Pain), Robert, esq
Payne, Thomas
Payne, Thomas, notary public
Payte, John, esq
Payton, Samuel
Peacock, Catherine
Peacock, Edward, knight
Peacock, Marmaduke
Peacocke, Thomas, vicar
Peade, James, esq
Peake, Anne
Peake, John, innkeeper
Peapes, Apollini, gent
Pearse, Katherine
Pearse (Pearce, Peirce), Vincent, D.D.
Pearson, Francis
Pearson, John, yeoman
Pearson, Richard, esq
Pearson, Thomas, yeoman
Peasley, Edmund
Peck, Anne
Peck (Pecke), Henry, esq
Peck, John, gent
Peck, Thomas
Pecocke, Henry, maltster
Pecocke (Peacock), Thomas, esq
Peele, Richard
Peere, Benjamin
Peere, William
Pegge, Thomas
Peirse, Elizabeth, widow
Peirson (Pearson), Richard, esq
Pelham, Judith
Pelham, Thomas, baronet
Pelham, Thomas, knight
Pelham, William, grocer
Pell, Valentine, esq
Pember, Thomas, gent
Pemberton, Elizabeth
Pemberton, John, gent
Pemberton, Roger, gent
Pembridge, Anne
Pembridge, Anthony, esq
Pen, Francis, cordwainer
Pendred, Elizabeth
Pendred, John
Pendred, Robert, gent
Penfield (Addames), William
Penford, William
Penn, Katherine
Penn, William
Penn, William, gent
Pennacott, innkeeper
Pennacott, Sidwell, innkeeper
Pennell, Edward, esq
Penny (Penney), George, gent
Penny (Penney), John, gent
Penson, William, herald
Penticost, George, merchant
Pepper, William
Pepys, Talbot, esq
Percivall, James, esq
Percy, Aldernon, earl of Northumberland [Lord Admiral]
Percy, Algernon, earl of Northumberland
Percy, Edmund
Percy, Henry, esq
Percy, Thomas, gent
Perin, Henry, esq
Perkes (Parkes), Edmund, yeoman
Perkins, Anne
Perkins, Christopher
Perkins, Christopher, clerk of the peace
Perkins, Elinor
Perkins, Francis, esq
Perkins, George
Perkins (Perrkyn, Perkin), Henry, gent
Perkins, Jane
Perkins, Margaret
Perkins (Perkin), William, gent
Perkins (Perrkyn, Perkin), William, gent
Perkinson (Parkinson), John, gent
Perrin, Henry, esq
Perrocke (Perrock), Francis, merchant
Perrocke (Perrock), Herbert, gent
Perrocke (Perrock), Robert, gent
Perrot (Perrott), James, gent
Perrot (Perrott), James, knight
Perrot, Jane
Perrot (Perrott), John, knight
Perrot (Perrott), Owen, knight
Perrot, Richard
Perrot, Robert
Perrot, Thomas
Perrot (Perrott), Thomas, esq
Perry, Henry
Perry (Perrye), James, cooper
Perry, James, gent
Perry, Thomas, servant
Perryman, John, gent
Person, George, gent
Peryam, Clement, innkeeper
Peryman, John
Pescod, Edward, tailor
Pescod, Susan
Petifer, Joseph, chandler
Petley, Thomas, esq
Pett, Peter, gent
Pett, Thomas, gent
Pettett (Pettit), John, vintner
Pettie, Miles
Pettit, Edmund
Pettit, Joanna
Petty, John
Peynon, William
Peyth, Aron
Peyton, Alice
Peyton, Dorothy
Peyton (Payton, Peiton), Dorothy
Peyton (Payton, Peiton), Henry
Peyton (Payton), John, esq
Peyton, John, knight
Peyton (Payton), John, knight
Peyton, Martha
Peyton (Payton, Peiton), Mary
Peyton, Thomas, knight
Peyton (Payton, Peiton), Walter, esq
Phelps, James, yeoman
Philipot (Phillpott), John, herald
Philipot (Philpot, Philpott), John, herald
Philipott, Bartholomew
Philips (Phillips), John, esq
Philips, Philip
Phillippes (Philips), Fabian, esq
Phillippes, Francis
Phillippes, Katherine
Phillipps, Edward
Phillipps, John, gent
Phillipps, Thomas the elder
Phillipps, Thomas the younger
Phillips, Mary
Phillips, Thomas, gent
Phillips, William, esq
Phillpott, John, herald
Philpe, Roger, yeoman
Philpot (Phillpott), John, herald
Philpott, John the younger
Philpott, Mr, herald
Philpott, Peter
Pickering, Elizabeth
Pickering, Gilbert, knight
Pickering, John
Pickering, Mary
Pickering, William
Picton, George, husbandman
Picton, Richard, yeoman
Picton, Thomas, gent
Piddyer, Phi.
Pierrepont (Pierrepoint, Pierpoint, Pierpont), Frances
Pierrepont (Pierrepoint, Pierpoint, Pierpont), Gertrude, countess of Kingston
Pierrepont (Pierrepoint, Pierpoint, Pierpont), Henry, knight
Pierrepont (Pierrepoint, Pierpoint, Pierpont), John
Pierrepont (Pierrepoint, Pierpoint, Pierpont), Robert, earl of Kingston
Pigeon, Giles, gent
Piggot, Thomas
Piggot (Piggott), Thomas, gent
Piggott, Richard
Pike, George, lawyer
Pilkington, Edward
Pilkington, George, gent
Pilkington, Thomas, gent
Pinchbecke (Pinchback), John, esq
Pinchbecke, Thomas, yeoman
Pincombe, Amy
Pincombe, John, esq
Pincombe, Mary
Pinder, John
Pinder, Michael, draper
Pinkney, Edward
Pinner, Hugh, gent
Pinsent, John, innkeeper
Piper, John, grocer
Pitcher, Edward
Pits, Edward, knight
Pits, Joan
Pitt, Bridget
Pitt, Edward, esq
Pitt, Edward, knight
Pitt, Elizabeth
Pitt, Matthew
Pitts, Rowland, gent
Place, minister
Place, Robert, esq
Place, William
Plantagenet, Edward I, king
Plantagenet, Edward II, king
Plantagenet, Edward III, king
Plantagenet, Edward IV, king
Plantagenet, Henry II, king
Plantagenet, Henry III, king
Plantagenet, Henry VI, king
Plantagenet, Richard II, king
Playford, William
Plomer, Anne
Plomer, William, esq
Plomer (Plumer), William, esq
Plomer, William, gent
Plomer, William, knight
Plommer (Plomer), Thomas, gent
Plommer, William
Plowden, Anne
Plowden, Mr
Plummer, William
Plunkett, Thomas, captain
Poley, Edmund, esq
Polhill, Edward, clerk
Polhill, Elizabeth
Polhill, George, esq
Polhill, Jane
Polhill, John
Polhill, Thomas, knight
Polkinhorne, Alice
Polkinhorne (Pulkinhorne), Henry, gent
Polkinhorne, John
Polkinhorne (Pulkinhorne), Roger, gent
Pollard, John, gent
Pollard, Lewis, knight
Pollard, Robert, gent
Polley, Joane
Polley, Mr
Polwhele, John, esq.
Pomeroy, Barbara
Pomeroy, Elizabeth
Pomeroy, Henry
Pomeroy, Hugh, esq
Pomeroy, Hugh, knight
Pomeroy, Thomas, esq
Ponte, Thomas, gent
Ponting (Pantin, Paynting), Richard
Poole, Elinor
Poole, Henry, knight
Poole, Robert
Poole, William, knight
Poore, Francis
Pope, Edmund
Pope, Richard, ostler
Pope, William, innkeeper
Popham, Alexander, gent
Popham, Edward
Popham, Francis, knight
Popham, Jane
Popham, Katherine
Popham, Mr
Popham, Sarah
Popham, William, knight
Porter, Elizabeth
Porter, Endymion
Porter, Endymion, esq
Porter, Gertrude
Porter, John, gent
Porter, Richard
Porter, Richard, esq
Porter, Richard, gent
Porter, Roger, gent
Porter, Stephen
Porter, Walter
Portington, Isabel
Portington, John
Portington, Michael, esq
Portington, Robert the elder, esq
Portington, Robert the younger, esq
Portington, Roger, esq
Portington, Rosamund
Portman, Henry, knight
Portman, Jane
Portsmouth, Richard, blacksmith
Pothan, William, gent
Pottell, Edward
Potter, Ambrose, gent
Potter, Christopher, gent
Potter, Dorothy
Potter, Nathaniel, vintner
Potter, Nicholas
Potts, Thomas, clerk
Poultney, Michael, gent
Poulton, Francis, esq
Poulton, William, gent
Powell, Bridget
Powell, Charles
Powell, David, gent
Powell, John, gent
Powell, Mary
Powell, Morgan
Powell, Philip, gent
Powell, Richard
Powell, Robert
Powell, Thomas, gent
Powell, Walter, gent
Powell, William
Powell, William, knight
Powell, William, vintner
Power, Francis, esq
Power, Margaret
Powle, Adam, yeoman
Powner, Richard, gent
Pownes, William
Pownoll, Israel, gent
Poyer, David, glover
Poyer, John, skinner
Poyntz (Pointz, Poynts), Grizelle, lady
Poyntz (Pointz, Poynts), John, knight
Poyntz (Pointz, Poynts), Nicholas, esq
Poyntz (Pointz, Poynts), Robert, knight
Pratt, Edmond
Prentise (Prentis), Stonard, gent
Prerast, Mr
Prescott, John, gent
Presley, William, yeoman
Presse, Joanna
Presse, William
Prestman, John, innkeeper
Prestwood, George, esq
Prestwood, John, esq
Prewdde, Jenkin Thomas
Price (Reece), John
Price, Ann
Price, Anne
Price, Aron, gent
Price, Benjamin
Price, Edward, gent
Price (Pryce), Edward, innkeeper
Price, John, clerk
Price, John, gent
Price, John, knight
Price, Matthew, esq
Price, Matthew, pointmaker
Price, Richard
Price, Thomas
Price, Thomas, esq
Price, Thomas, gent
Prichard, John, gent
Prichard, Phillip, servant
Prichard, Richard, clerk
Pricklove, John
Priddie, Nicholas, tailor
Prideaux, Edmund
Prideaux, Nicholas, esq
Prideaux, Richard, esq
Prideaux, Sarah
Pridy, George
Priestman, Posthumo, gent
Prince, George, gent
Prince, Richard
Princrose, Mr
Prior (Pryor), John, upholsterer
Priscott, Bulmer, innkeeper
Pritchard, Anthony, Mr
Probart (Probert), Henry, esq
Protherough, William Thomas, gent
Prouz, Henry, gent
Prowde, Searles, esq
Prowde, Thomas, gent
Prowse (Prouse), Henry, gent and servant
Prowse (Prouse), Thomas, gent
Prust, Anne
Prust, Hugh, gent
Prust, Jane
Prust, William, gent
Pryce (Price), John, yeoman
Prydeaux, Humphrey
Prydeaux (Prideaux), Richard, esq
Pudsey, Elizabeth
Pudsey, George, esq
Pudsey, George, gent
Pudsey, Ralph, gent
Pudsey, Thomas
Pudsey, William, esq
Pugh, John, esq
Pugh, Rowland, esq
Purcell, Edward, esq
Purcell, Mary
Purcell, Nicholas, innkeeper
Purefoy, George, gent
Purselowe, Mary
Purselowe (Purslowe), Robert, knight
Pye, George, husbandman
Pye, Joyce
Pye, Robert
Pye, Walter
Pye, Walter, gent
Pye (Pie), Walter, gent
Pye, Walter, knight
Pygott (Piggott, Pigot, Pigott, Piggot), Edward, gent
Pym, John, esq
Pynder (Pindar), Samuel, gent
Pyne, Edward, esq
Pyne, John, clerk
Pynnocke, William, carpenter
Pynsent, John, attorney
Pyott, Richard, alderman
Pyott, Richard, grocer
Pyott, Sarah
Quarles, Anne
Quarles, Hester
Quarles, James
Quarles, John, esq
Quarles, Robert, knight
Quarrell, George
Quarrell, John
Rackster, John, lawyer
Racster (Raxter), John, clerk
Racster (Raxter), Robert, clerk
Radcliffe, Elizabeth
Radcliffe, Francis, earl of Derwentwater
Radcliffe, Ralph
Radley, Henry, knight
Rainford, Edward
Rainshaw, John
Rainshaw, John
Rainshaw, John, notary public
Rainshaw (Rainshawe), John, notary public
Rainshawe, John
Rainshawe, John
Rakes, Francis
Raleigh, Carew, esq
Raleigh, Edward, knight
Ram, Robert, clerk
Rand, Andrew
Rand, John, gent
Rand, Mary
Randall, R.
Randall, Richard, gent
Ranew, Alexander, husbandman
Ransom, George
Ransom, Joseph
Ranson, Jo.
Raper, Elizabeth
Raper, John, gent
Rappaport, John, Mr
Rashleigh, Jonathan, esq
Rashleigh, Mr
Ratcliffe, Hannibal
Raw, Gwil, notary public
Rawcliffe, Henry, notary public
Rawdon, Marmaduke
Rawe, Richard
Rawe, William
Rawe, William, notary public
Rawlins, James
Rawlins, Olive, servant
Rawlinson, Richard, husbandman
Rawlyns, Edward
Rawlyns, Margaret
Rayley, Anna
Raynes, Edward, gent
Raynton, William, esq
Rayson, George, gent
Reade, Elizabeth
Reade, Francis, gent
Reade, Thomas, knight
Reade, Thomas, milner
Reade (Read), William, servant
Reanes, Robert, gent
Reckles, Hatfield, gent
Redhead, Arthur, gent
Redman, John, knight
Redmond, Thomas, Mr
Reece, Elizabeth
Reece, Evans David
Rees (Kelli), David
Rees, Griffin, notary public
Rees, Lawrence ap, yeoman
Rees, Lewis ap, alehouse keeper
Reeve, Anne
Reeve, Gabriel, draper
Reeve, John, gent
Reeve, Mary
Reeve, Richard
Reeve, Robert, esq
Reeve, Roger
Reeve, William
Reeves, John
Reignaldes, Ed.
Reignolds, Edward
Remington, Mr
Remington, Robert, gent
Renshaw, John
Renshawe, John
Reresby (Rearesby), John, esq
Reresby, Tamworth, gent
Reston, Henry
Reston, John
Revel (Revell), Thomas, yeoman
Revell, Henry, shoemaker
Revell, Thomas, shoemaker
Rew, John, fuller
Reynard, Leonard
Reynell, Edmund, gent
Reynell, George
Reynell, Joanna
Reynell, Thomas, knight
Reynold, John
Reynolds, Elizabeth
Reynolds, Obadiah, notary public
Reynolds (Reynoulds), Robert, haberdasher
Reynolds, Thomas
Reynolds, William, clothworker
Reynor, Leonard, yeoman
Rhodes (Rodes), John, knight
Riccard (Rickard, Richard), Philip
Riccard (Rickard, Richard), Thomas, yeoman
Rice, Alban, gent
Rich, earl of Warwick
Rich, Edward, gent
Rich, Henry, earl of Holland
Rich, Lucy
Rich, Ro.
Rich, Robert
Rich, Robert, baron Rich
Rich, Robert, earl of Warwick
Richards, Thomas, gent
Richardson, Frances
Richardson, George, servant
Richardson, John
Richardson, Lambert
Richardson, Margery
Richardson, Mary
Richardson, Mr
Richardson, Mr, lawyer
Richardson, Richard
Richardson, Robert
Richardson, Sarah
Richardson, Stephen, gent
Richardson, Stephen, notary public
Richardson, Thomas
Richardson, Thomas, notary public
Richardson, Tobias, gent
Riche, Robert
Rickard, Gervase, esq
Rickard, Malliverer, gent
Ridcot, John, gent
Ridd, William Thomas
Riddell, Peter, knight
Ridder, Richard, yeoman
Riddle, George, Dr of Law
Rider, Mr
Ridley, Mary
Ridley, Thomas
Ridout, John, gent
Rigby, Anthony, gent
Rigby, Mary
Rigby, Nicholas, Mr
Rigges (Riggs), Robert, gent
Rigges (Riggs), Robert, gent
Rigges (Riggs), Robert, gent
Righton, John, gent
Riley, Catherine
Ringsted (Ringstead), Francis, clerk
Ringsteed, Robert
Risden, Grace
Risden, James, gent
Risden, Philip
Risdon (Risden), Giles, gent
Risher, Thomas
Ritherdon, Henry, gent
Rivers, Alice
Rivers, Dorothy
Rivers, Dulcibella
Rivers, earl of
Rivers (Ryvers), Edward, gent
Rivers, Elizabeth
Rivers, George, knight
Rivers (Ryvers), George, knight
Rivers, George, knight and baronet
Rivers, John, knight
Rivers (Ryvers), John, knight
Rivers (Ryvers), John, knight and baronet
Rivers, Robert, mariner
Rivers, Rose
Rivers, Rose
Rivers, William
Rivers, William, esq
Rivers (Ryvers), William, grocer
Rives (Ryves), Thomas, lawyer
Rivet, Jonas, clerk
Roach, Josias, innkeeper
Roach, Katherine
Roane, William, lawyer
Robartes (Roberts), Frances, lady Robartes
Robartes, Jane
Robartes (Roberts), John, baron Robartes
Robartes, John, baron Robartes of Truro
Robartes (Roberts), Lucy, lady
Robartes (Roberts), Richard, baron
Robbins, John
Robenson (Robinson), William, churchwarden
Robertes, John
Roberts (Vaughan), Florence
Roberts, Cristabel
Roberts, Elizabeth
Roberts, John
Roberts, John, weaver
Roberts, Richard
Roberts, Thomas
Roberts, William, clerk
Roberts, William, notary public
Robins (Robbins), Henry the elder, husbandman
Robins, James, husbandman
Robins, John, royal purveyor
Robins, John, silkman
Robins, Richard
Robinson, Edward
Robinson, Edward, yeoman
Robinson, Henry, mercer
Robinson, Henry, yeoman
Robinson, Hugh
Robinson, Humphrey
Robinson, Humphrey, gent
Robinson, John, gent
Robinson, Mrs
Robinson, Richard
Robinson, Richard, notary public
Robinson, Richard, yeoman
Robinson, Rookwood, esq
Robinson, Thomas, husbandman
Robson, Thomas
Rockley, Robert, esq
Rodes, Anne
Rodes (Rhodes), Anne, lady
Rodes, Dorothy
Rodes (Rhodes), Dorothy, lady
Rodes, Frances
Rodes (Rhodes), Francis, knight
Rodes, John, knight
Rodes (Rhodes), John, knight
Rodgers (Rogers), Richard, gent
Rodney, Edward, esq
Rodney, Jane
Rodney, John, knight
Roe (Row), Anthony, yeoman
Roe, Arthur
Roe, Henry, gent
Roe, Thomas, knight
Rogers, Charles
Rogers, Pelatia
Rogers, Richard, esq
Rogers, Richard, gent
Rogers (Rodgers), Richard, gent
Rogers, Robert, esq
Rogers, Thomas, gent
Rogers, Walter, clerk
Rogers, William
Rogers, William, alderman
Rogerson, John, husbandman / yeoman
Roiston, Robert, deputy steward
Roke, Simon
Rokeby, Ralph, esq
Rookby (Rokeby, Rookeby), William, esq
Rooke, John
Rooke, Lawrence
Rooke, Ursula
Rooke, William, alehouse keeper
Rookely, Nicholas, cordwainer
Rookes (Rooke), George, gent
Rookes (Rooke), George the elder, gent
Rookes (Rooke), George the younger
Rookes, Lawrence
Rookes, Mary
Rookes, Thomas
Rookes, Thomas, gent
Rookes, Ursula
Roper, Christopher, baron Teynham
Roscarrock, Margaret
Roscarrock, Thomas
Rosier, John, yeoman
Rossington, Edward
Rotherham, George
Rothwell, Thomas
Rous (Rouse), Anthony, gent
Rous, Elizabeth
Rous, John, knight
Rouse, Thomas, gent
Rouse, William, husbandman
Rowdon (Townley), Anne
Rowdon (Townley), Anthony, gent
Rowdon (Townley), Edward, gent
Rowdon (Townley), John
Rowdon, Mary
Rowdon (Townley), Richard, Mr
Rowdon (Townley), William
Rowe, George
Rowe, John, gent
Rowe, Richard, gent
Rowe, Richard the elder, merchant
Rowe, Richard the younger, merchant
Rowles, Christopher
Rowlestone, Walter
Rowse, Peter, gent
Rowte, Samuel, husbandman
Rowte, Samuel, yeoman
Royce (Royse), Job, Mr
Royle, John
Rucke, William
Rudd, Mary
Rudd, Matthew the elder, gent
Rudd, Matthew the younger, gent
Rudd, Priscilla
Rudd, Robert
Ruddy (Harper), Thomas
Ruddy, Thomas ap, yeoman
Rugely (Rugeley), Simon, esq
Rumsey, Captain, gent
Rumsey, Henry, gent
Rumsey, John, gent
Rumsey, Justice
Rumsey, William
Rushworth, John, gent
Russell, Edward, notary public
Russell, Francis, earl of Bedford
Russell, Jemina
Russell, John, rector
Russell, Katherine
Russell, Thomas, esq
Rutledge, John
Rutt, William
Ryden, Anna
Ryden, Robert, yeoman
Ryland, William
Ryley, William, gent
Ryley (Riley), William, gent
Ryley, William, pursuivant
Ryves, Thomas, lawyer
Ryves (Rives), Thomas, lawyer
Sachevile, Elizabeth
Sachevile, John
Sackett, John, clerk
Sackville, Edward, earl of Dorset
Sackville, John, knight
Sadler, John
Sadler, John, gent
Sadler, William, gent
Safere, Vincent
Sainthill, Mr
Sainthill, Peter
Sainthill, Peter, esq
Sainthill, Walter, notary public
Salisbury, Elizabeth
Salisbury, Fulk, gent
Salisbury, Fulke, gent
Salisbury, George
Salkeld, John the elder, gent
Salkeld, John the younger, gent
Salmon, Henry, joiner
Salmon, Thomas, gent
Salmon, Thomas, innkeeper
Salter, John, husbandman
Salterne, John, yeoman
Saltmarsh (Saltmarshe), William, gent
Saltren, John, scrivener
Salven (Salveyn, Salvein, Salvin), Anne
Salven (Salveyn, Salvein, Salvin), Dorothy
Salven (Salveyn, Salvein, Salvin), Elinor
Salven (Salveyn, Salvein, Salvin), Elizabeth
Salven (Salveyn, Salvein, Salvin), Francis, knight
Salven (Salveyn, Salvein, Salvin), George
Salven (Salveyn, Salvein, Salvin), Jane
Salven (Salveyn, Salvein, Salvin), John, knight
Salven (Salveyn, Salvein, Salvin), Margaret
Salven (Salveyn, Salvein, Salvin), Mary
Salven (Salveyn, Salvein, Salvin), Ralfe
Salven (Salveyn, Salvein, Salvin), Ralfe, knight
Salven (Salveyn, Salvein, Salvin), William, esq
Salway (Sallie, Sally, Salwaie, Zalway), James, bailiff and glover
Sampson, Alexander, clothier
Sampson, Anthony
Sampson, Anthony, blacksmith
Sampson, Matthew
Sampson, Mr
Samuel, William
Samuell (Samuel), John the elder, gent
Samuell (Samuel), John the younger, gent
Samwell, Anne
Samwell, Anthony, esq
Samwell, Jane
Samwell, Robert, gent
Samwell, William, knight
Sanders, Frances
Sanders, Matthew, warehouse keeper
Sanders, William, esq
Sanderson, Lawrence, clerk
Sanderson, Ralegh, esq
Sanderson, Susan
Sanderson, Thomas, knight
Sanderson, William, gent
Sandford, Henry, gent
Sandford, Matthew, esq
Sands, Henry, esq
Sands, John
Sandys (Sandis), Henry, gent
Sandys, Hester
Sandys, Hester
Sandys, Mary
Sandys (Sandis), Miles, clerk of the crown
Sandys, Miles, esq
Sandys, Miles, knight
Sandys (Sandis), Richard, gent
Sanford (Sandford), Francis, vintner
Sanford, Judith
Sankey, Robert, gent
Sarbert, Charles, Mr
Sarrey, William
Saunder, Isabella
Saunder (Saunders), Nicholas, knight
Saunders, David
Saunders, Edmund, esq
Saunders, James, yeoman
Saunders, Jo.
Saunders, Margaret
Saunders, Mary
Saunders, Richard, gent
Saunders, Richard, yeoman
Saunders, Thomas
Saunders, William, gent
Saunders, William, husbandman
Saunderson, Anne
Saunderson, Anthony
Saunderson, Nicholas, viscount Castleton
Saunderson, Robert, innkeeper
Saunderson, William, gent
Savage, Elizabeth
Savage, John, earl Rivers
Savage, John, knight
Savage, Thomas
Savage, Thomas, esq
Savage, William
Savell, Cordell
Savile, Anne
Savile, Dorothy
Savile, Frances
Savile, George
Savile, Henry, esq
Savile, John, knight
Savile, Thomas, esq
Savile, William, baronet
Savile, William, knight and baronet
Savory, James
Sawle, Oliver, esq
Sawyer, Edmund, knight
Sawyer, Edward
Saxon (Saxton), John
Say, William
Say, William, esq
Say, William, lawyer
Sayer, Dorothy
Scamaden (Scamadyne, Scamadine), Robert, yeoman
Scarburgh (Scarborough), Samuel, gent
Scawen, William, esq
Sciliard, Thomas, esq
Scoell, William, gent
Scoles, Dorothy
Scoles, Edward, gent
Scoles, Jasper
Scoles, John
Score (Scory), John, gent
Scory, John
Scot, Robert
Scott, Alice
Scott, John
Scott, Mary
Scott, Reginald, knight
Scott, Thomas, gent
Scott, Thomas, knight
Scott, Ursula
Scroope (Scrope), Gervase, knight
Scudamore, Elizabeth
Scudamore, Jane
Scudamore, John, esq
Scudamore, John, gent
Scudamore, Philip
Scudamore, Rowland
Scudamore, Sybil
Scudamore, Thomas
Seaborne, Thomas, apothecary
Seabrooke, John, yeoman
Seagar, James
Seagar, William, knight
Searle, Ambrose
Searle (Serle), George, mercer
Searle, Gilbert, gent
Searle, Margaret
Seaward, Humphrey, merchant
Seaward, John, Dr of Law and Professor of Theology
Seaward, Nicholas, gent
Sebrand, John, esq
Seccomb (Thorne), Arthur
Secker, Clement
Sedgwick, William, servant
Seeley, James
Seely, John, gent
Seers (Seares), Edward, yeoman
Segar (Seagar), Frederick, gent
Segar, William, knight
Segar (Seagar), William, knight
Seimour, Edward
Selby, Ralph, knight
Selden, John
Sellacke (Selleck), Henry, gent
Sellacke, Margery
Sellacke (Selleck), William, gent
Selwin (Selwyn), Richard, gent
Selwood, James
Selwood, Samuel, gent
Semely, Matthew
Senior, Thomas
Sennocke, John, clothworker
Senock, Nicholas
Seppens, Robert, rector
Serjeant, Mary
Serjeant, William
Serle, Mr
Sevier, John
Sewell, Richard, yeoman
Sexton, Mary
Seymar, William, gent
Seymour, Anne
Seymour, David
Seymour, Edward, duke of Somerset
Seymour, George, knight
Seymour, Henry, esq
Seywell, Morrice
Shakerley, Anne
Shakerley, Ralph
Shapcott, Jermano, gent
Sharpe, Montague, gent
Sharpe, Thomas, yeoman
Sharpeigh (Sharpey, Sharpie), Elizabeth
Sharpeigh (Sharpey, Sharpie), Robert, knight
Shaw, Elizabeth
Shaw, John, milliner
Shaw, Mrs
Shaw, Robert, vintner
Shaw, William the younger, merchant
Sheffield, Edmund, earl of Mulgrave
Sheffield, Elizabeth
Sheffield, Mrs
Sheffield, Sampson, gent
Shelberry, Anne
Shelberry, Elizabeth
Shelberry, Henry
Shelberry, Isaac
Shelbury, John
Sheldon, Walter, gent
Shelley, Henry, esq
Shepard, Sybil
Shepard, William
Shephard, Ambrose, gent
Sheppard, Mary
Sheppard, Thomas
Sheppard, Thomas
Sheppard, William
Sherard, Anne
Sherard, Francis
Sherard (Sherrard), John, esq
Sherard, lady
Sherard, William, baron of Leitrim
Sheriff, John, gent
Sheringham, Thomas, gent
Sherle, Gabriel, labourer
Sherley, Daniel, warrener
Sherly, Christopher
Sherman, Anne
Sherman, Elizabeth
Sherman, John
Sherman, Margaret
Sherman, Richard
Sherriffe, William
Sherrowe (Sharrowe), William, shoemaker
Shilborne, John
Shipman, Joane
Shirley, Cecily
Shirley, Thomas, knight
Short, Alice
Short, Anthony, Professor of Theology
Short (Shorte), Anthony, Professor of Theology
Short, Richard, husbandman
Shorton (Shorten, Sorten, Sporton), John, mariner
Shrubshall, John
Shrubshall, Ranall
Shrubshall, William
Shrubsole, Edward
Shrubsole, Stephen
Shuckburgh, Edward, esq
Shuckburgh, Mary
Shuttleworth, Leon, attorney
Sibbere, John, cordwinder
Sibthorpe, Henry, esq
Sibthorpe, Robert, Professor of Theology
Sidney, Phillippa
Sidney, Robert, earl of Leicester
Sikes (Sykes), Robert, dyer
Silly, John, gent
Simcotes, John
Simes, William, husbandman
Simpson, Elizabeth, innkeeper
Simpson, George, labourer
Simpson, widow
Sinclair, captain
Singleton, Jane
Singleton, William, esq
Sinnett (Sennett, Synnett, Synott), Michael (Miles Samuel)
Sitwell (Sytwell), George, gent
Sivers, Susannah
Skeffington, Alice
Skeffington, William, baronet
Skenton, Francis, clerk of the assizes
Skerne, John, esq
Skinnard, Henry, yeoman
Skinner, Augustine
Skinner, Augustine, esq
Skinner, Henry, innkeeper / vintner
Skinner, Rose, vintner
Skinner, William, Dr of Law
Skipwith, David, gent
Skipwith, Henry, baronet
Skipwith, Henry, gent
Skipwith, Henry, knight
Skipwith, Jane
Skipwith, John
Skipwith, Samuel, gent
Skipwith, William, esq
Skipwith, William, gent
Skrimshire, Anne
Skrimshire, Thomas, knight
Slack, Richard, clerk
Slacke (Slack), Richard, clerk
Slacke (Slack), William, clerk
Sladden, John, yeoman
Slade, Francis
Slanning, Nicholas, knight
Slape, Richard, gent
Slater (Sclater), Anthony, yeoman
Slater (Sclater), Christopher the elder
Slater (Sclater), Christopher the elder, gent
Slater (Sclater), Christopher the younger, yeoman
Slater, Joshua, clerk
Slater, Pelatia
Slaughter (Stoughton), Chambers, esq
Slaughter, Chambers, esq
Slaughter, John
Slee, Robert, gent
Slingsby, Henry, knight
Sloeman, Thomas
Smallbrook, Thomas, gent
Smallman, Edward
Smallman, Elizabeth
Smalls, Francis, attorney
Smallwood, John
Smallwood, Ralph, yeoman
Smart, Thomas, gent
Smeadley (Smeadly), Robert, painter
Smeathe, Ellenor
Smeathe, Peter
Smith (Pears), Thomas, yeoman
Smith (Ruberry)
Smith, Alice
Smith, Anne
Smith, Benjamin, gent
Smith, Charles, innkeeper
Smith, Christopher, innkeeper
Smith, Edward
Smith, Edward, labourer
Smith, Francis
Smith, Francis, notary public
Smith, George, gent
Smith, Henry
Smith, Henry, gent
Smith, Henry, yeoman
Smith, Jane
Smith, Joanna, widow
Smith, John
Smith, John
Smith, John, clerk
Smith, John, gent
Smith (Smyth), John, gent
Smith, John, rector
Smith, John, yeoman
Smith, Margaret
Smith, Margaret
Smith, Mary
Smith, Micah, vintner
Smith, Mr gent
Smith, Nicholas, husbandman
Smith, Randolph, innkeeper
Smith, Richard, innkeeper
Smith, Robert
Smith, Robert, esq
Smith, Robert, gent
Smith (Smyth), Robert, innkeeper
Smith, Thomas
Smith, Thomas, apothecary
Smith, Thomas, constable
Smith, Thomas, esq
Smith, Thomas, servant and husbandman
Smith, Tobias, tailor
Smith, Valentine, Mr
Smith, William
Smithe, Goodwife
Smithes, George
Smithes, Hester
Smithson, William
Smyth, Anthony
Smyth, John, gent
Smyth, Mr
Smyth, Robert, esq
Smyth (Smith), Robert, gent
Smyth, Thomas
Smyth, Thomas, notary public
Smyth, William
Smyth, William, clerk
Smythson, William
Snape, Nathaniel, esq
Sneade, Ralph, esq
Snell, Richard, yeoman
Snell, Robert
Snelling (Snellinge), John, clothier
Snelling, John, gent
Snow, John
Snow, Thomas
Soags (Sages), Michael, gent
Sole, John, hostler
Solme, John
Solme, Priscilla
Some, Elizabeth
Some, John the elder, yeomn
Some, John the younger, yeomn
Some, Mrs
Some, Susan
Somerfield, John
Somers (Sommers)
Somers, Edmund, apprentice
Somers, Edward
Somers, Lawrence
Somerset (Somersett), Charles, esq
Somerset, Charles, gent
Somerset, Charles, knight
Somerset, Edward, earl of Worcester
Somerset, Francis
Somerset, Henry, earl of Worcester
Somerset, Henry, gent
Somerset, John, knight
Somerville, Edward, esq
Somerville, William, knight
Sone, Paul, gent
Sotherton, Anne
Sotherton, Augustine, knight
Sotherton, Elizabeth
Sotherton, Thomas, gent
South, Frances
South, Francis, knight
South, John, clerk
South, John, labourer
South (Southies), Matthew, gent
South, Warner, gent
Southall, George, yeoman
Southam, John
Southam, Thomas
Southby, John, victualler
Southcote, Thomas
Southcott, Barbara
Southcott, Elizabeth
Southcott, George
Southcott, George, knight
Southcott (Southcote), George, knight
Southcott, Katherine
Southcott, Nicholas
Southcott, Philip
Southcott (Southcote), Popham, knight
Southcott, Thomas
Southcott (Southcote), Thomas, esq
Southcott, Thomazin
Southcott, William, gent
Southgate, William, yeoman
Southill, Peter, gent
Southwell, Thomas, knight
Southwike, Appolina
Southwike, George, merchant
Southwold, Owen
Southwood, Hulbert
Sowerbutts, Richard
Sparkes, Abraham
Sparway, William
Spatchurst, Simon, clerk of the assizes
Specke, Christopher
Speke, Anne
Speke, George, knight
Spelman, Ellinor
Spelman, Frances
Spelman, Henry, esq
Spelman, Henry, knight
Spence (Spens), Alexander, servant
Spencer, Agnes
Spencer, Arnold, gent
Spencer, Edward, gent
Spencer, Israel
Spencer, John
Spencer, Matthew
Spencer, Nicholas, esq
Spencer, Robert
Spencer, Robert, esq
Spencer, Stephen
Spencer, Thomas, yeoman
Spencer, William, sheerman
Spenser (Spencer), Adam, fellmonger
Spensly (Spenceley), Roger, gent
Spice, Robert, weaver
Spicer, William, innkeeper
Spiller, Henry, knight
Spiller, John, mariner
Spiller, John, yeoman
Spittle, Anthony, innkeeper
Spittle, Mrs
Spragg, Thomas, gent
Sprague, Richard, innkeeper
Spratt, Edward, steward
Sprie (Sprye, Spry), Thomas, painter
Sprigg, Robert, yeoman
Sprignall (Sprignell), Richard, gent
Sprignall, Susan
Spring, Edward, gent
Spry, George, gent
Spry, Thomas, gent
Sprye, Ann
Sprye, George
Sprye (Spry), John, gent
Sprye, Thomas
Spuire, Jonas, innkeeper
Spurling (Spurley, Spurlinge), William, husbandman
Spurling (Spurlinge), William, husbandman
Spurway, William, mayor
Squire, Rowland, esq
Squire, Thomas, gent
Squire, William, gent
St George, Henry, knight
St George, Henry, lawyer
St John, John, baron
St John, Margaret
St Jogn, Oliver, baron St John of Bletsoe
St John, Oliver, earl of Bolingbroke
St John, Sybil
St Leger, Anthony, esq
St Leger, Anthony, knight
St Leger, Warham, knight
St Low, Agnes
St Low, Alice
St Low, John, knight
St Nicholas, Thomas, gent
St Ravie, William, knight
Stace (Stacy), Richard, gent
Stacy, Henry
Stacy, Richard, gent
Stadler (Hance), Robert, alehouse keeper
Stafford (Stofford), Richard, gent
Stafford, Thomas, esq
Stafford, William, gent
Stainforth (Stanyforth, Staniforth, Stanforth), William, ironmonger
Stallard, Richard
Stallard, Richard the younger, gent
Stamp, Jane
Stamp, John, gent
Stampe, Lucas, yeoman
Standard, John, Professor
Standish, Ellen
Standish, Ralph
Stanford, Frances
Stanford, Herbert
Stanhope, John, knight
Stanhope, Philip, earl of Chesterfield
Stanley, Ann
Stanley, Edward, earl of Derby
Stanley, Ferdinando, earl of Derby
Stanley, Henry
Stanley, James, baron Strange
Stanley, Jane
Stanley, Richard, notary public
Stanley, Thomas
Stansbury, Henry
Stanton, Dorothy
Stanton, Thomas
Staples, Alexander
Staples, Bowet, husbandman
Staples, Miles
Stapleton, Philip, knight
Stapley, Jane
Stapley, Thomas
Stapley, William, gent
Starkey, Laurence
Starkey, Mary
Starkey, Thomas, gent
Startford, John, esq
Stary, Elizabeth
Stary, William
Staunton, John, gent
Staunton, Thomas
Staunton, William
Stearne, Henry
Steeper, William, tailor
Stephens, Anne
Stephens, Anthony
Stephens (Steevens), John, gent
Stephens, John, notary public
Stephens, Mr
Stephens (Stevens), Nathaniel, attorney
Stephens, Nathaniel, gent
Stephens, Thomas
Stephens, Thomas, gent
Stephenson, Francis, gent
Stephenson, William
Stepkin, John, gent
Stepkin, John, Mr
Stepney, Alban, baronet
Stepney, Alban, esq
Stepney, Catherine
Stepney, Charles, gent
Stepney, Dorothy
Stepney, John, baronet
Stepney, Magdalene
Stepney, Magdalene, dame
Stepney, Mary
Stepney, Paul
Stepney, Priscilla
Stepney, Ralph
Stepney, Thomas, esq
Sterne (Stern), John, gent
Stevens, Mr, curate
Stevenson, Edmund
Stevenson, Prudence
Steward, Augustine, esq
Steward, Elizabeth
Steward (Stewart), Mark, knight
Steward, Mary
Steward, William, gent
Stewkley (Stukeley, Stewkeley), John
Steynton, Richard, husbandman
Stibbins, John, yeoman
Sticklowe (Stricklowe), Philip, bailiff
Stile, Elizabeth
Stile, John
Stile, Mr
Stileman, Anne
Stileman, Bridget
Stileman (Styleman), Robert the elder, gent
Stileman (Styleman), Robert the younger, gent
Stiles (Styles), Thomas, gent
Stirrop (Styrroppe), William, notary public
Stock, John, attorney
Stockdale, Leonard
Stocking, Thomas, servingman
Stockwell, William
Stoddard, Richard
Stokes, John, yeoman
Stopford, Hubert
Story (Storey), Philip, gent
Story, Susan
Stoughton, Anthony, gent
Stouteville, Thomas, esq
Stowell, William, gent
Strachey, William, gent
Stradling, Edward, baronet
Stradling (Stradlyn), John, gent
Stradwick, Susan
Stradwick, Thomas
Strangeways, John, knight
Stratford, Anthony, gent
Stratford, John
Stratforde (Stratford), William, esq
Stratton, Cuthbert, butcher
Streepe, Thomas
Street (Streete), Francis, esq
Street (Streete), George, gent
Street, William
Street (Streer), William, notary public
Strelley, Christopher
Stringer, Anthony, yeoman
Stringer, Ralph, churchwarden
Stringer, Thomas, esq
Strode, Edward, gent
Strode, John
Strode, John, knight
Strode, Richard, knight
Strode, Robert, gent
Stroud, Anthony
Stroud, John
Stroud, Margaret
Strutt, Anne
Strutt, Robert
Stuart, Charles I, king
Stuart, Charles II, king
Stuart, Charles, king
Stuart, Charles, Prince of Wales
Stuart, Esme, duke of Lennox
Stuart, Esmé, duke of Lennox and earl of March
Stuart, Henrietta Maria, Queen
Stuart, Henry, Prince of Wales
Stuart, James I, king
Stuart, Margaret
Stubbing (Stibbens), John, Professor of Theology
Stukeley, Thomas, knight
Stumpe, Anne
Stumpe, Mr
Stutbury, Alexander
Stutevile, Elizabeth
Styche, Ralph, gent
Style (Stile, Styles), Humphrey, knight and baronet
Style (Stile, Styles), Mary
Style (Stile, Styles), Michael, draper
Style (Stile, Styles), Mrs
Style, William
Styrrope, Nathaniel, Mr
Suckling, John, knight
Suckling, Martha
Suffield, William
Sutton, Edward, baron Dudley
Sutton, John, esq
Sutton, Mary
Sutton, Mr
Swan, John
Swayll (Swayle, Swale), Gilbert
Sweit, Giles, lawyer
Sweit (Sweitt), Giles, lawyer
Sweit (Swett), Giles, lawyer
Swetnam, Giles, blacksmith
Swett (Sweit), Giles, Dr
Swinglehurst, Thomas, gent
Swynfen, Arthur
Swynfen, Elizabeth
Sydenham (Sidenham, Siddenham, Syddenham), Hugh
Sydenham (Sidenham, Siddenham), Humphrey, esq
Sydenham (Sidenham, Siddenham, Syddenham), Humphrey, esq
Sydenham (Sidenham, Siddenham, Syddenham), John, gent
Sydenham (Siddenham), Ralph, knight
Sydenham (Sidenham, Siddenham, Syddenham), Richard
Sydenham (Sidenham, Siddenham, Syddenham), Roger
Sydenham (Sidenham, Siddenham), Roger, gent
Sydenham (Sidenham, Syddenham), William
Sydenham (Sidenham, Siddenham), William, gent
Syes (Seyes), Thomas, merchants
Symes, Elizabeth
Symes, John
Symond, Edward, gent
Symonds (Symons)
Symonds, John
Symonds, Thomas
Symonds, William
Symonds, William, yeoman
Symonet, Christopher
Symonet, Mary
Synawbine, John, esq
Synclare, Samuel
Syres, William
Syrick (Syreck, Syrecke, Syred, Syricke), Joseph, yeoman
Tabor, James
Tabor, James, notary public
Tabor (Taber), John the elder
Tadman, Christopher, tailor
Talbot, Clere, lawyer
Talbot, George, earl of Shrewsbury
Talbot, Gertrude
Talbot, Henry, esq
Talcot, Joanna
Talcot, Mary
Talcot (Talcott), Robert, alderman
Talcot (Talcott), Robert, gent
Tanckred, Morgan, gent
Tancred, Ralph, esq
Tancred, Thomasine
Tankard, Charles, esq
Tanner, Barnard, esq
Tanner, Bernard, gent
Tanner, Dr, lawyer
Tanner, John, servant
Tanton, William
Tardman, Richard
Tasburgh, John, knight
Tasburgh, Owin, esq
Tashe, Abel
Tateham (Tatham), Edward, gent
Tateham (Tatham), Thomas, gent
Tatton, John, gent
Tattye, John
Taunt, Susan
Taverner, Francis
Taverner, William, vintner
Tayler, Elizabeth
Tayler, Gideon
Tayler, Jane
Tayler, John
Tayler, John
Tayler, Matthew, esq
Tayler, Samuel
Taylor, Andrew
Taylor, John
Taylor, Mary
Taylor, Syrell
Taylor, Thomas
Taylor, Thomas, alehouse keeper
Taylor, Thomas, ropemaker
Taylor, Thomas, yeoman
Taylour, Alice
Taylour, William
Tayrell, John
Tempest, Henry
Tempest, Margaret
Temple, Anne
Temple, Catherine
Temple, Hester
Temple, Hester, lady
Temple, Margaret
Temple, Peter, knight
Temple, Peter, knight and baronet
Temple, Susan
Temple, Thomas, baronet
Temple, Thomas, clerk
Temple, Thomas, Dr
Temple, Thomas, knight and baronet
Temple, Thomas, lawyer
Terms, William
Terrell, Edward, knight
Terrell (Tirrell, Tyrrell), Edward, knight
Terrell (Tirrell, Tyrrell), Edward, knight and baronet
Terrell (Tirrell, Tyrrell), Elizabeth
Terrell (Tirrell, Tyrrell), Mary
Terrell, Thomas, esq
Terrell, William, merchant
Terrick, Humphrey
Terrick, Humphrey
Terrick, Humphrey, lawyer
Terrick, Humphrey, notary public
Terrick (Terricke), Humphrey, notary public
Terrick, Humphrey, registrar
Terricke (Terrick), Humphrey, proctor
Terricke, Randulph, gent
Terringham, Randall, gent
Theaker, Edward
Theaker, William
Theobald, George, knight
Thewde, Jane
Thimbleby (Thimblebye, Thimblebie)
Thimblethorp, Mr gent
Thirlbie (Thirlby), Henry, gent
Thiursby (Thursby), Christopher, esq
Thomas, David Griffith, tailor
Thomas, John ap Jevan, yeoman
Thomas, John, gent
Thomas, John, husbandman
Thomas, John, yeoman
Thomas, Lewis, gent
Thomas, Maurice John
Thomas, Mellior
Thomas, Richard
Thomas, Rosser, yeoman
Thomas, Walter, gent
Thomas, William
Thomas, William, esq
Thompson, Henry, alderman
Thompson, Stephen
Thompson, Thomas, herald
Thompson, Thomas, notary public
Thompson, Thomas, pursuivant
Thompson, Thomas, registrar
Thomson, Jane
Thomson, Laurence
Thomson, William
Thorne, Dugory, yeoman
Thorne, George
Thorne, Philip, gent
Thorneburne (Thurnbarne), James, gent
Thornehurst, Anne
Thornehurst (Thornhurst), Stephen, knight
Thornehurst (Thornhurst), Thomas, esq
Thornehurst (Thornhurst), William, knight
Thornhaugh, Gertrude
Thornhaugh, John
Thornton, John, gent
Thornton, Nathaniel, clerk
Thorold, Edmund, gent
Thorowgood, George, yeoman
Thorowgood, Thomas
Thorp (Thorpe), William, silk weaver
Thorpe, John, tailor
Thriste, Percival
Throgmorton, Henry, gent
Throgmorton (Throckmorton), Henry, gent
Thurland, Edward, gent
Thurland, Francis, yeoman
Thurloe, William, gent
Thursby, Mr esq
Thwing, Anne
Thwing, George
Thymblethorpe, Anne
Thymblethorpe, Robert
Thymelby, George, gent
Tickeridge, Agnes
Tickeridge, Thomas
Tiler, Walter
Tillett, Titus, notary public
Tillson, Edward
Tint (Tynt), William, gent
Tipper, John, gent
Tipper, Mr
Tirwhit, Edward
Tocketts, Dorothy
Tocketts, Roger
Todd, Grace
Todd, John
Tokeley, Robert
Toler, Edmund, seaweaver
Tomlinson, Christopher, husbandman
Tomlinson (Tomlynson), Edward, gent
Tomlinson, Elizabeth
Tomlinson, George, vintner
Tomlinson (Kingsbury, Thomlinson), Raphael, butcher
Tomlinson, William
Tomlyn, Abraham
Tompkins, Fortun
Tompkins, Richard, esq
Tompson, Robert, notary public
Tompson, Thomas, gent
Tompson, Thomas, pursuivant
Toms, John, clerk
Toms, Mary
Tongue, William
Tookeby, Captain
Tooker, Anne
Tooker, Charles, lawyer
Tooker, George
Tooker, George, lawyer
Tooker, Stephen, gent
Tookfield, Alfred
Tookfield, Mabel
Tothe, William, gent
Tottle, John
Tournay, Robert
Towers, Alice
Towers, John, esq
Townlay, Alice
Townlay, Thomas
Townley (Towneley, Townlay), John
Towns, Samuel, gent
Townsend, Richard
Towse (Towser), Tristram, gent
Towson (Tonson)
Tracy, Ann, lady
Tracy, Anne, lady
Tracy, Humphrey
Tracy, John, knight
Tracy, Lucy
Tracy, Paul, knight and baronet
Tracy, Richard, knight and baronet
Tracy, Robert, knight
Trafford, Thomas, esq
Traherne, Francesca
Traherne, William, victualler
Trapp, John
Travers, John
Treagle, John, scriptor
Treavor, Arthur, esq
Trebarfoote, Nicholas, gent
Tredinham, Jo.
Tredinham, John, gent
Trefusis, John, esq
Trefusis (Trefusys), John, esq
Trefusis, Jonathan, esq
Tregage, John
Tregonwell, John
Tregose, Francis, gent
Treis, Leonard, esq
Trelawney, Francis, Mr
Trelawny, Francis
Tremaine, John, gent
Trenance, Joan
Trenance, Littleton, esq
Trenance, Margaret
Trenance, Thomas
Trenchard, Anne
Trenchard, Elizabeth
Trenchard, George, knight
Trenchard, Jane
Trenchard, John, esq
Trenchard, Thomas, knight
Trender, Robert
Treneyles, John
Treswell, Christopher
Tretheroy, Jonathan, gent
Trethewey, John
Trethewy, John, gent
Trevanion, Charles, esq
Trevanion (Trevannyon), Charles, esq
Trevethicke, William
Trevile (Trevill), Richard, esq
Trevilian, Thomas
Trevor (Treavor), Arthur, esq
Trevor, baron
Trevor, John, knight
Trevor, Margaret
Trevor, Thomas, knight and judge
Trinder, Charles
Trinder, Charles, gent
Tring, Michael
Tripp, Jane
Tripp, John
Trolope, Thomas
Trosse, George
Trotman, William, esq / gent
Trott, Edward
Trott, Matthew, notary public
Troughton, Mr
Troughton, Thomas
Troveil (Trovell), Peter, painter / limner
Trowbridge, John
Trubshawe, James, yeoman
Trumbull, Elizabeth
Trumbull (Trumboll), William, clerk of the privy council
Trumbull (Trumboll), William, gent
Trussell, Elizabeth
Trussell, John, gent
Tubbin, John, gent
Tucker, John
Tuckfield, John, gent
Tuckfield, Thomas, esq
Tuckfield, William
Tudor, Arthur, Prince of Wales
Tudor, Edward VI, king
Tudor, Elizabeth I, queen
Tudor, Henry VII, king
Tudor, Henry VIII, king
Tudor, Mary I, queen
Tudor, Mary, Queen
Tufton, William, knight
Tuke, Edward, gent
Tunstall, Francis, esq
Tunstall, Jane
Tunstall, Thomas, mercer
Tunth, Cole, Mr
Turland, Robert, husbandman
Turner, Abraham
Turner, Charles, gent
Turner, Dominic, vintner
Turner, Dr of Law
Turner, Elizabeth
Turner, Joanna
Turner, John
Turner, John, gent
Turner, merchant
Turner, Richard
Turner, Richard, surgeon
Turner, Thomas
Turner, Thomas, victualler
Turner, William, salter
Turney, Alice
Turney, Catherine
Turney (Tourney), Robert, gent
Turney, Thomas, esq
Turney (Tourney), Thomas, gent
Turvile, Anne
Turvile, Richard
Tutchett (Audley), Raplh, gent
Twittie (Twitty), John, notary public
Twysden, Anne
Twysden, Francis
Twysden, Roger, baronet
Twysden, William, baronet
Tyacke, Nicholas, gent
Tychbourne, Simon
Tydrone, Robert
Tyler, William, clerk
Tyler (Tayler), William, clerk
Tyllot, Thomas
Tynckler (Tinckler), James, yeoman
Tyndall, Raphe
Tynt, William, gent
Tynte, William, gent
Tyons, Elizabeth
Tyrrell (Tirrell), Thomas, esq
Tyrwhit (Tirrwhitt, Tirwhit), Anne
Tyrwhit (Tirrwhitt, Tirwhit), Edward, baronet
Tyrwhit (Tirrwhitt, Tirwhit), Elizabeth
Tyrwhit (Tirrwhitt, Tirwhit), Philip, baronet
Tyte, Walter, gent