The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640.
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Richard Cust, Andrew Hopper, 'Index of persons, F-J', in The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640, ed. Richard Cust, Andrew Hopper , British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].
Richard Cust, Andrew Hopper, 'Index of persons, F-J', in The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640. Edited by Richard Cust, Andrew Hopper , British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,
Richard Cust, Andrew Hopper. "Index of persons, F-J". The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640. Ed. Richard Cust, Andrew Hopper , British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.
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Fabian, John
Fairbank, Edward
Fairebeard, Robert, gent
Fairebeard (Fairbeard), Robert, gent
Fairfax, Ferdinando, baron Fairfax
Fairfax, Ferdinando, baron of Cameron
Fairfax, Thomas, knight
Fairfax, William, knight
Faldoe (Faldo), William, gent
Fane, Mildmay, earl of Westmoreland
Fanning, John, gent
Fanshaw, Thomas, knight
Fanshawe, Anne
Fanshawe, Richard, gent
Fanshawe, Susan
Fanshawe (Fanshaw), Thomas, esq
Fanshawe (Fanshaw), Thomas, knight
Farbarne, John, innkeeper
Farburne, John, innkeeper
Farebarne, John, innkeeper
Fareclough, Jane
Fareclough, John
Farer, John
Farewell, George
Farington, Francis, esq
Farington, Mary
Farley, Humphrey
Farley, Thomas
Farley, Thomas, gent
Farman, Marmaduke
Farmer, Bartholomew
Farmer, George, gent
Farmer, Hatton, gent
Farmer, Hatton, knight
Farmer, Joanna
Farmer, Ursula
Farmer (Fermor), William, draper
Farmer, William, gent
Farmerie (Farmery), John, lawyer
Farmery (Farmerie), Edward, notary public
Farnden, Peter
Farnedon, Peter
Farnefold, Dorothy
Farnefold, Elizabeth
Farnefold, Richard
Farnefold, Thomas, knight
Farnefold (Farnifold), Thomas, knight
Farr, William, innkeeper
Farre, John
Farren, Richard
Farror (Farrar), Henry, gent
Farthing, John, gent
Fauconberg, Henry
Fauconberg, John
Faulcon, Simon, yeoman
Faunt, William, esq
Fawcett, James, tailor
Fayth, Thomas
Feilding, John, gent
Felton, John
Fenner, Joane
Fenner, Richard
Fenwick, Anne
Fenwick, Elizabeth
Fenwick, Grace
Fenwick (Fenwicke), John, baronet
Fenwick, Martin
Fenwick, William, knight
Fenwick (Fenwicke), William, knight
Ferburne (Farberne), Edward, gardener
Ferne, Mary
Ferne, Rowland
Ferrand, Eleanor
Ferrand, Mr
Ferreby, Mr
Ferrers, Ambrose, gent
Ferris, John, knight
Fetherstone, Cuthbert
Fetherstone (Fetherston), Henry, gent
Fetherstone, Katherine
Fetherstone, Mary
Fetherstonhaugh, Ralph, esq
Fettiplace, John, gent
Field, John, husbandman
Field, Theophilus, bishop of St David's
Fielder, John
Fielder, Margaret
Fielding, Basil, earl of Denbigh
Fielding, William, earl of Denbigh
Fiennes, Elizabeth, viscountess Saye and Sele
Fige, John
Filcot, Anne
Filcot, Mary
Filcot, Thomas
Filcott (Filioll, Philcott), Peter, gent
Fillioll (Fillyoll, Filyoll), Katherine
Fillioll (Fillyoll, Filyoll), William, esq
Finch, Anne
Finch, John, knight
Finch, Moyle, knight and baronet
Finch (Fynch), William, husbandman
Fincher, Jeremiah, gent
Finney, Robert, yeoman
Fishborne, Mr
Fisher, Edmund, gent
Fisher, Edward, knight
Fisher, William, gent
Fishmore, William, purser
Fitz (Elizabeth), William
FitzGarret, Mr gent
Fitz-Geffrey, George, knight
Fitz-Geffrey, Katherine
Fitzherbert, Anthony, esq
Fitzherbert, Elizabeth
Fitzherbert, Francis, esq
Fitzherbert, John, knight
FitzJames (Fitz-James), Thomas, esq
Fitz-James, Thomas, knight
Fitzrandolph, Edward, gent
Fitzrandolph, John, gent
Fitzwilliam, baron
Fitzwilliams, Brian, gent
Flacke, Robert, yeoman
Flamock (Flammock), John, gent
Fleetwood, Edmund, gent
Fleetwood, Hester
Fleetwood, Jane
Fleetwood, Paul, knight
Fleetwood, William, knight
Fletcher, Henry, tailor
Fletcher, Jane
Fletcher, Nicholas, gent
Flicke (Flick), Nathaniel, clerk
Flower, Henry, gent
Floyd, Edward
Floyer, Anne
Floyer, Anthony
Floyer, Anthony, gent
Floyer, Jane
Floyer, John
Floyer, William, gent
Fogg, Ezechus
Fogg, Margaret
Fogg, Mary
Foliambe (Foljambe), James, gent
Foljambe (Foliambe), Francis, baronet
Foljambe, Francis, knight
Folliott (Foliott), Aylmer, esq
Folliott (Foliott), John, knight
Folliott, Thomas, baron Balshannon
Forbes, James, clerk
Forbes (Forbesse), James, clerk
Forby, William
Ford, Emmanuel, gent
Ford, Jane
Ford, Stephen, tailor
Forde (Ford), Thomas, esq
Forrest, Thomas, merchant
Forster, Claudius, baronet
Forster, Elizabeth, lady
Forster, Grace
Forster, Humphrey, baronet
Forster, Isabel
Forster, Mary
Forster, Thomas, esq
Forster, Thomas, gent
Forster, William, knight
Fortescue, Edmund, knight
Fortescue, Henry, esq
Fortescue, Joanna
Fortescue, John, esq
Fortescue, Ludovick
Fortescue, Mary
Fortescue, Sarah
Forth, Anne
Forth, William, esq
Fortsecue, Edmund
Foster, Edward, innkeeper
Foster, Francis, surgeon
Foster, John, husbandman
Foster, Mr
Foster, Mrs
Foster, Ralph
Foster, Richard
Foster, Richard, gent
Foster, Thomas, esq
Foster, Thomas, knight
Foulk, Dr
Foulk, Mary
Foulkes, Augustine
Foulkes, Francesca
Fountaine (Ryley), Dorothy
Fountaine, Edmund, clerk
Fountaine (Ryley), Elizabeth
Fovery, John
Fowberye, Averill
Fowberye, Averill
Fowberye (Fawbery), George, esq
Fowke, Arthur
Fowke, Charles
Fowke, Elizabeth
Fowke, Gerard
Fowke, John
Fowke (Foulke), Walter, gent
Fowke, William, gent
Fowkes, William, blacksmith
Fowle, Elizabeth
Fowle, Nicholas
Fowler, John, mercer
Fowlkes, John, clerk
Fox, Anne
Fox, Anthony, yeoman
Fox, Edmund
Fox, Edmund, esq
Fox, Edward, vintner
Fox, Humphrey, merchant
Fox, John
Fox, Katherine
Foxall, Elizabeth
Foxall, William
Foxcroft, Isaac, gent
Foyle, Henry, gent
Frampton, Catherine
Frampton, Elizabeth
Frampton, William, esq
Francis, Matthew, esq
Francis, Maurice
Francklyn (Franklin, Franklyn), John, gent
Francklyn, John, labourer
Frank, James, gent, grocer
Franke (Frank), Richard, weaver
Frankish, John, under sheriff
Franklin, Edward
Franklin, Henry, servant
Franklyn, William, esq
Frauncis, Jane
Frayne, John, glover
Freeman, Coningsby, esq
Freeman, Edward
Freeman, Edward, gent
Freeman, Elizabeth
Freeman, Henry, esq
Freeman, John
Freeman, Ralph, knight
Freeman, Thomas
Freeman, Thomas, clerk
Freeman, Thomas, milner
Freeman, Ursula
Freeman, William
Freeman, William the elder, gent
Freeman, William the younger, gent
Freer, William, notary public
Fremtry?, Ralph
French, Alexander, gent
French, George, gent
French, John, M.A.
French, Thomas, M.A.
Fresor, John, tailor
Fretwell, Ralph the elder, gent
Fretwell, Ralph the younger, gent
Frickley, Elizabeth, servant
Friend, John, bailiff
Frier, Edward, gent
Frith, Richard
Frith, Thomas, vintner
Frogmer, Elizabeth
Frogmer (Frogmore), Rowland, gent
Fromont, George, labourer
Frowde, Thomas
Froysell, Philip, yeoman
Fuller, Alice, spinster
Fuller, Dr, lawyer
Fuller, Edward, gent
Fuller, Elizabeth
Fuller, George, mercer
Fuller, John, yeoman
Fuller, Thomas
Fullers, Joseph
Fullsis, Edward, gent
Fulnetby, Vincent
Fulwood, Elizabeth
Fulwood, Joanna
Fulwood, John
Fulwood, Robert
Fulwood (Fullwood), Thomas, gent
Furley, Robert, notary public
Furnace, John
Furnit, John
Fursdon, Bridget
Fursdon, Elizabeth
Fursdon, George, gent
Furse, George
Furseman, George, gent
Furseman, George, tailor
Fursland, John
Fursland, Katherine
Fursland, Margaret
Fursland, Walter, gent
Fussell, John, gent
Futter, James
Gaille, John
Gale (Gael), Charles, clerk
Gale, Gilbert, gent
Gale, Isaack
Gale, John
Gallimore, John, clerk
Games, Thomas, gent
Games, William, gent
Gammon, Hannibal, clerk
Ganns, Mr
Gardener (Gardner), John, gent
Gardener, Richard
Gardiner, Charles, gent
Gardiner, Henry, gent
Gardiner, Nicholas, yeoman
Gardiner, Samuel, Dr
Gardiner, Samuel, Dr of Law
Gardiner, Thomas, esq
Gardiner, Thomas, gent
Gardiner, Thomas, husbandman
Gardiner, William, gent
Gardman, Richard
Gardnar, Richard
Gardner, Joanna
Gardner, John, blacksmith
Garey, Nathaniel, notary public
Garfield, Benjamin, gent
Gargrave, Richard, knight
Gargrave, William, innholder
Garleford, widow
Garnet, Thomas, scrivener
Garnett, Henry, gent
Garnett, Jasper, esq
Garrard (Gerrard, Garrett), Elizabeth
Garrard, James
Garrard (Gerrard, Garrett), John, baronet
Garrard (Gerrard, Garrett), John, esq
Garraway, Henry
Garrett, George, gent
Garter, George
Garter, George, gent
Gartfoote (Garfoote), William, gent
Gartfoote (Garfoote, Gufford), William, gent
Garton, Henry, esq
Garton, Mary
Garton, Peter, knight
Garwell?, H.
Gascoigne, Henry, esq
Gascoigne, Jane
Gascoigne, John
Gascoigne, Margaret
Gascoigne, Richard, esq
Gascoigne, William, gent
Gascoigne, William, knight
Gasson, Robert
Gates, Francis, husbandman
Gates, John
Gaule, John, clerk
Gaunt, Richard
Gaunt, Thomas, gent
Gay, Thomas, knight
Gay, Thomas, Mr
Geare (Gere, Geere), Humphrey, merchant
Gee, Thomas, gent
Geere, William, joiner
Geering (Gearing), John, gent
Geers, Francis, gent
Gell, John, knight
Gendell, John, gent
Gendell, Walter, notary public
George, Thomas, yeoman
German, Daniel, clerk
Gerrard, Elizabeth
Gerrard, John
Gething, Thomas
Ghest, Charles
Ghest, Edmund
Ghest, Joan
Gibbon, Anthony, clothier
Gibbon, George, clothier
Gibbon, Lydia
Gibbon, Thomas
Gibbon, William, clothier
Gibbons, Nicholas, clerk
Gibbons, Thomas
Gibbs, Edward, gent
Gibbs, Margaret
Gibbs, Thomas
Gibbs, Thomas, gent
Gibson, Edward, carpenter
Gibson, John, gent
Gibson, Peter, innholder
Gibson, Thomas, blacksmith
Giffard, George
Giffard, Joane
Giffard, Roger, esq
Gifford, Anthony, M.A.
Gifford, Bartholomew, gent
Gifford, John, gent
Gifford, Robert, D.D.
Gifford, Simon, gent
Gilbert, George, gent
Gilbert, Helen
Gilbert, Humphrey, soapmaker
Gilbert, John, tailor
Gilbert, Nicholas, esq
Gilbert, William, gent
Gilbourne, Edward, knight
Gilby, Emanuel, gent
Giles, Mr
Giles, Robert, gent
Gill, John
Gill, Philip, gent
Gimson (Gymson), William, vicar
Gird, Robert
Girlington, Dorothy
Girlington, John
Glace, Richard, dyer / gent
Glanville (Glanvill, Glanvile), George
Glapthorne, Thomas, gent
Glascock, William
Glasse, Walter
Glemham, Thomas, knight
Glewe, Hankin, yeoman
Glide, John
Glide, John, soapmaker
Glide, Mrs
Glover, Margaret
Glover, William
Glynn, William, esq
Glynne (Glynn), Thomas, esq
Goad, M.
Goad, Mr
Goddard, Humphrey, mercer
Goddard, John, clerk
Godfrey, Thomas, mariner
Godolphin, Francis, esq
Goldingham (Gouldingham)
Goldsborough, John
Goldsmith, Clement, esq
Goldsmith, Francis, esq
Goldsmith, Francis, knight
Goldsmith, Robert, miller
Goldsmith, Thomas
Goldsmyth (Goldsmith), Edward, esq
Goldstone, Abraham
Goldwell, Robert
Good, Henry, gent
Good, Mary
Good, Thomas, esq
Good (Goode), Thomas, esq
Good, William, yeoman
Goode, William, clerk
Goodfellow, Lewis, gent
Goodhand, John
Goodieare, Edmund, esq
Gooding, Mr
Goodrich, Michael the elder
Goodrich, Michael the younger
Goodricke, William, gent
Goodwin, George, yeoman
Goodwin, Vincent, clerk
Goodwyn, Richard
Googe, Robert, maltster
Gookin, John, gent
Gore, Charles, esq
Gore, John, esq
Gore, William
Goreham (Gorham), Robert, innkeeper
Gorge, Ferdinando
Gorge, Mr esq
Goring, George, baron Goring
Goring, George, baron Goring of Hurstpierpoint
Gorton, Robert, gent
Gosnoll, Henry
Gosse, William, yeoman
Goston, Richard
Gough, John, yeoman
Gournay (Gurney), Edward, esq
Gover, James, tailor
Gower, John, gent
Gower, Nicholas, gent
Goyner, William
Grafton, William
Grainge, John, innkeeper
Grainger, Thomas, gent
Grange, Edward, barber surgeon
Grange, Edward, semster
Grantham, Joane, widow
Graunt, Frances
Graunt, John
Grave, Henry, cordwainer
Graves, William
Gray, Anthony
Gray, Edmond
Gray (Grey), Edward, esq
Gray, Francis
Gray (Grey, Greye), Henry, esq
Gray, Henry, gent
Gray, Jane
Gray (Grey, Greye), Mary
Gray, Mrs
Gray, Mrs
Gray (Grey), Philip, esq
Gray, Ralph, esq
Gray, Thomas
Gray, Thomas, esq
Greaves, Edward, gent
Greaves (Graves), Edward, gent
Greaves, George, gent
Greaves, Jane
Greaves, John
Greaves, Nicholas
Greaves, Richard
Greaves, Richard, knight
Greaves, William the elder, clerk
Greaves, William the younger, Mr
Greaves, William, clerk
Green, Alice
Green, John
Green, John, mayor
Green, John, yeoman
Green, Thomas
Green, Thomas
Green (Greene), Thomas, maltster
Green, Tobias, tanner
Green (Greene), William, lawyer
Green, William, mercer
Green (Greene), William, mercer
Green, William, waiter
Greene, Bartholomew
Greene, Edmund, gent
Greene, Florence
Greene, John, barber
Greene, John, esq
Greene, Mary
Greene, Mr
Greene, Sicile
Greene, Thomas, clerk
Greene, William
Greenhill, Robert
Greenhill, William
Greenstead, John
Greenstreet, John
Greenwich, Elizabeth
Greenwich, William
Gregory, Gilbert, esq
Gregson, Henry, gent
Greisley (Gresley), George, esq
Greisley, George, knight
Greisley, Thomas
Grene, John, woollen draper
Grent, John, clerk
Grenvell (Grenville), Richard, esq
Grenville, Richard, knight
Grenville (Greenvill), Richard, knight
Gresham, Edward, baronet
Gresham, Thomas
Gresham (Greetham), William, husbandman
Greswould (Greswold), Humphrey, gent
Grevill, Anne
Grevill, Michael
Grey, Andrew, esq
Grey, Charles, earl of Kent
Grey (Gray), Henry, gent
Grey, Mary
Grey, Mary
Grey, Mary, esq
Grey, Susan, lady
Grice, Henry, esq
Grice, Richard
Griffin, Elizabeth, spinster
Griffith, Abel, gent
Griffith, David, gent
Griffith, Evan, notary public
Griffith, Francis, gent
Gritffith, George William, gent
Griffith, John, gent
Griffith, John, yeoman
Griffith, Mr
Griffith, Owen, esq
Griffith, Richard, gent
Griffith, Robert
Griffith, William, Dr
Griffiths, Jo.M
Griffiths, Roger, notary public
Grigg, Phillip, gent
Grimston, Elizabeth
Grimston, Francis, gent
Grimston, Harbottle, knight and baronet
Grimston, Henry, gent
Grimston, Henry, knight
Grimston, Joane
Grimston, Joane
Grimston, Thomas, esq
Grinder, Mr
Grix, Robert
Grobham, John, Mr
Groom (Groome), John, gent
Groome (Groom), Robert, gent
Gros, Edward, gent
Grosse, Edward, gent
Grosvenor, Fulke, esq
Grothall, William
Grove, Francis, esq
Grove, Henry
Grove, Margaret
Grove, Roger, mariner
Grove, William
Groves (Greaves, Graves), Thomas
Gry, Edward
Gry, Gervase
Gryffin, Cadwallader
Grymes, Audrey
Grymes, George
Gubbes, Anthony, mercer
Guidot, William, gent
Gulley, Samuel, yeoman
Gulley, William, yeoman
Gulwell, Francis, innkeeper
Gunbie (Gunby), Henry, gent
Gunter, Alice
Gunter, Anne
Gunter, Blanch
Gunter, Charles
Gunter, Charles, gent
Gunter, Francis
Gunter, John
Gunter, John, gent
Gunter, Judith
Gunter, Richard
Gunter, Thomas, gent
Gunter, William
Gutch, Clement the younger, mercer
Gwilliam (Gwilliams), Henry, gent
Gwilliam (Gwillin), Richard, mayor
Gwyer, Griffith
Gwyllim (Gwyllin, Gwillim, Gwillin), Margaret
Gwyllim (Gwyllin, Gwillim, Gwillin), Mary
Gwyllim (Gwyllin, Gwillim, Gwillin), Thomas, gent
Gwyn, David, gent
Gwyn, Dr
Gwyn (Gwynn), Dr, lawyer
Gwyn, George
Gwyn, Lewis, gent
Gwyn, Miles, under sheriff
Gwyn, Roger, esq
Gwyn, Thomas, lawyer
Gwyn (Gwynn), Thomas, lawyer
Gwynn (Gwyn), Evan the elder
Gwynn (Gwyn), Jevan, esq
Gwynn (Gwyn), Thomas, lawyer
Gwynne (Gwyn, Gwynn), Thomas, esq
Gwynne (Gwyn, Gwynn), Thomas, lawyer
Gyll, Jonas
Gryd (Giyd, Knight), Henry, yeoman
Haberley, Anthony
Habsbury, Ferdinand II, Emperor
Habsbury, Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor
Habsbury, Philip II, King
Habsbury, Philip IV, King
Hach, Arthur
Hach, Margaret
Hach, Mr
Hach (Hatch), Thomas, esq
Hacher (Hatcher), John, esq
Hacke, William, esq
Haddock, Sibbell
Haddock, Thomas
Hadlie, James
Hagley, John, clerk
Haines, Thomas
Hakewill, John, alderman
Haldanby, Edward, esq
Haldon, William
Hale, Michael
Hale, Robert, gent
Hales, Edward, esq
Hales, John
Hales, Mary
Halfe, John, gent
Halfehide, Jeremy, gent
Halford, William, esq
Hall, Charles, esq
Hall, Christopher, esq
Hall, Galfridus
Hall, Henry
Hall, Jane
Hall, John
Hall, John, clerk
Hall, John, knight
Hall, Mary
Hall, porter
Hall, Robert, tiler
Hall, William, scrivener
Hallowell, Edward
Hallowell, Mary
Halse, John the elder, gent
Halse, John, gent
Hambden (Hampden), Alexander, knight
Hambly, Giles, gent
Hamden (Hampden), John, esq
Hamerlsey, William, gent
Hamerton, Robert
Hamilton, James, marquess of Hamilton
Hamilton, James, marquis of Hamilton
Hammond, Francis
Hamon, Nicholas
Hamon (Hamond), Nicholas, yeoman
Hamond, Edward, husbandman
Hampden, John, esq
Hampshire, John the elder
Hampton, John, clerk
Hancks, Richard
Hancock, Hugh
Hanle, Robert
Hannington, William
Hansby, Elizabeth
Hansby, Elizabeth
Hansby, Ralph
Hansby, Ralph, knight
Hansby, William, clerk
Hanslopp (Hanslope, Hanslap), Thomas
Hanslopp (Hanslop, Hanslap), Thomas, gent
Hanson, Gervase, yeoman
Hanson, Jervase, gent
Hanson, Thomas, grocer
Harbatch, Robert
Harbert, Charles, attorney
Harbert (Herbert), William, esq
Harbert, William, gent
Harbin, Richard, gent
Harby, Edward
Harcourt, Jane
Harcourt, Walter, knight
Hardcastle, Henry
Hardham, William
Hardiman, George
Harding, Amyas, husbandman
Hardwick (Hardwicke), Francis, gent
Hare, Humphrey
Hare, Richard, fisherman
Harecot, William
Harefleet (Harfleete), Christopher, knight
Hares (Hawes), Richard, clerk
Harewell, Alice
Harewell, Dorothy
Harewell, Richard
Harewell, Robert, gent
Harford (Hartford), Bridstock, gent
Harford, Elizabeth
Harford, Ellenor
Harford, Henry
Hargrave, James
Harington (Harrington), James, knight
Harington, Theodocia
Harland, Henry, innholder
Harleston, John, gent
Harley, Humphrey
Harlinge, Christopher, gent
Harman, Mr
Harman, Nicholas, esq
Harmar, William, receiver
Harmewoode, Elizabeth
Harmewoode, William, yeoman
Harper, Alice
Harper, Richard
Harper, Richard, barber
Harper, Thomas, tailor
Harres, Thomas
Harrigate, John
Harrington, Edward, baronet
Harrington, George, gent
Harrington, Henry, gent
Harrington, James
Harrington, Mary, innkeeper
Harrington, Thomas, esq
Harris, Edward, esq
Harris, Giles, gent
Harris, Huddie, gent
Harris, John, esq
Harris, Josias, apothecary
Harris, Margaret
Harris, Mr
Harris, Priscilla
Harris, Richard, merchant
Harris, Richard, notary public
Harris, Richard, servant
Harris, Robert, yeoman
Harris, Rowland, gent
Harris, Vincent, ship's captiain
Harris, Walter, clerk
Harris, William, esq
Harrison, Christopher
Harrison, Joan
Harrison, Michael, gent
Harrison, Richard, knight
Harrison, Thomas
Harrison, Thomas, B.D.
Harrison, Thomas, vintner
Harrison, William, innkeeper
Harry, William
Harry, William
Harse, Thomas, husbandman
Harsnet, John
Hart, Joanna
Hart, John, servant
Hart, Richard, lawyer
Hart, Robert, gent
Harte, Anne
Harte, John
Harte, John, esq
Harte (Hart), Percival, knight
Hartell, Robert
Hartell (Hartwell), Robert, yeoman
Hartnott, George
Harvey, Daniel, merchant
Harvey, Elizabeth
Harvey, Richard, husbandman
Harvey, Simon
Harvie (Harvey), Christopher, weaver
Harward, Alice
Harward, Rowland, knight
Harwood, Thomas
Haselfoot, William, gent
Haselwood, James, shepherd
Haskard, William
Haskett, William, woollen weaver
Haslewood, Edmund
Haslewood, Francis
Haslewood (Haselwood, Hasselwood), Francis, esq
Haslewood (Haselwood), Thomas, esq
Hassall, Jane
Hassall, Margery
Hassall, Ralph
Hassall, William, gent
Hastings, Barbara
Hastings, Edward
Hastings, Elizabeth
Hastings, Ferdinando, baron Hastings
Hastings, George, earl of Huntingdon
Hastings, Henry, baron Loughborough
Hastings, Henry, earl of Huntingdon
Hastings, Henry, esq
Hastings, Hugh, knight
Hastings, Walter, esq
Hatch, John, curate
Hatch, Nicholas, gent
Hatcher (Crowter), Elizabeth
Hatcher (Crowter), Roger, linen weaver
Hatcher (Crowter), Roger, butcher
Hatcliffe, Jane
Hatcliffe, Thomas
Hattersley, Robert
Hatton, Christopher, knight
Hatton, Christopher, Knight of the Bath
Haughton, John the younger, yeoman / leather dresser
Haunce (Stadler), Edward
Haver, Edward
Havers, Edward, esq
Havers, Gilbert
Havers, John, esq
Havers, Mary
Hawes, John
Hawes, Mary
Hawford, Edward
Hawford, Joyce
Hawkes, Edward the elder, skinner
Hawkes, Hammond, cooper
Hawkes, William, skinner
Hawkins, Hieronimus, gent
Hawkins, James, gent
Hawkins, John, esq
Hawkins, John, mariner
Hawkins, Richard
Hawkins, William, gent
Hawkyns (Hawkins), John, clothier
Hawley, Francis
Hawley, Henry, gent
Hawtene, Nicholas, gent
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, yeoman
Hay, Anne
Hay, Dorothy
Hay, Herbert
Hay, James, earl of Carlisle
Hay, Peter, esq
Hay, Thomas
Haydon, Dorothy
Haydon, Francis
Haydon, Thomas, esq
Hayman, John
Hayne (Haines, Haynes), John, seaman
Haynes, Hopton, gent
Hayward, Anna
Hayward (Heyword), James, clothier
Hayward, James, Mr
Hayward, Jane
Hayward, Rowland, knight
Hayward, Thomas, gent
Head, Richard, gent
Head, William
Heale, Thomas
Healon, Nathaniel, gent
Heane (Haine), James
Heane, Walter
Heane, Walter, gent
Heard, John, ploughman
Hearne, William
Heath, Elizabeth
Heath, Francis
Heath, John
Heath, Richard
Heath, Richard, gent
Heath, Thomas, gent
Heath, William, gent
Heathcoat, Nicholas, gent
Heathcote, Godfrey
Heather, John, yeoman
Heathfield, George, yeoman
Heaven, John, gent
Heber, Anne
Heber, Everill
Heber, Thomas
Heber, Thomas, esq
Heeler, Gervase
Heeler, Matthew, the elder
Heeler, Matthew, the younger
Heighmore (Highmore), Abraham, gent
Hele, John
Hele, Phillippa
Helliar, Ralph
Helliard (Hellier), Richard, glover
Hellier, Edward
Hellin (Hellyn, Hillin, Heilin), Hugh, yeoman
Hellow, Mr, clerk
Hellyar, Ralph
Hellyar, Robert
Hellyar, Robert, tallow chandler
Henchpole, Sarah
Hender, Frances
Hender, John
Hendry, Thomas
Heneage, Michael, esq
Henley, Richard
Henn (Henne), Henry, esq
Henrietta, Maria, Queen
Henshaw, John, gent
Heppenstall, Brian, clerk
Herbert, Captain
Herbert, Charles, gent
Herbert, earl of Worcester
Herbert, Elenor, lady Powis
Herbert, John, knight
Herbert, Philip, earl of Pembroke
Herbert, Philip, earl of Pembroke of Montgomery
Herbert, William, baron Powis
Herbert, William, earl of Pembroke
Herbert, William, knight
Hereford, Elizabeth
Hereford, Humphrey, servant
Hereford, John
Hereford, Mary
Hereford, Richard, esq
Hering, William
Heriot, Elizabeth
Heriot, Mary
Heriot, Mr
Heriot, William
Herle, Henry
Herle, Katherine
Herle, Thomas, esq
Herman, Nicholas
Herne, James, gent
Heron, Edward
Heron, Edward, knight
Heron, Jeremy, gent
Heron, Theodosia
Hesketh, Robert, esq
Heskett, Henry
Hewes, Francis
Hewes, Richard
Hewes, Thomas, clerk
Hewett, Francis
Hewster, Merciam
Heyborne (Hiborne), George, mariner and trumpeter
Heydon, John, barber surgeon
Heygate (Highgate), Thomas, attorney
Heylin, Edward
Heylin, Henry, gent
Heylin, Peter, minister
Heyly, John, baker
Heyward, John
Heywood, Raphael
Hibots, George, victualler
Hick (Hicke), Christopher, innkeeper
Hickes, John, clerk
Hickes, John, gent
Hicks, Baptist, knight
Hicks, Mr
Hicks, Robert, mariner
Hide, Edward
Hide, Henry
Hide, Mary
Hide, Richard, gent
Hide, Thomas, gent
Hide, Thomas, M.A.
Hide (Hyde), Thoomas, M.A.
Higbie, Alice
Higbie, William
Higgins, Martin, scrivener
Higham, Edward, M.A.
Higham, Thomas
Highlord, alderman
Hikes, John
Hidiard (Hillyard, Hildyard, Hilliard, Hiliard), Christopher
Hidiard (Hillyard, Hildyard, Hilliard, Hiliard), Frances
Hidiard (Hillyard, Hildyard, Hilliard, Hiliard), Francis
Hidiard (Hillyard, Hildyard, Hilliard, Hiliard), Richard, gent
Hidiard (Hillyard, Hildyard, Hilliard, Hiliard), Robert, gent
Hill, Adam
Hill, Albinia
Hill, Anne
Hill, Edward
Hill, Elizabeth
Hill, Henry
Hill, John
Hill, Katherine
Hill, Leonard
Hill, Richard
Hill, Roger
Hill, Samuel, clerk
Hill, Susan
Hill, William the elder, gent
Hill, William the younger, gent
Hill, William, gent
Hillersdon, Thomas, knight
Hilliard, Edward, clothdrawer
Hillin, Henry
Hills, Hercules
Hills, James
Hillyard (Hilliard, Hildiard, Hiliard, Hildyard), Christopher, knight
Hillyard (Hilliard, Hildiard, Hiliard, Hildyard), Jane
Hillyard (Hilliard, Hildiard, Hiliard, Hildyard), Robert, gent
Hilton, George, gent
Hilton, Jane
Hilton, John
Hilton, John, esq
Hilton, Mary
Hinchman, Daniel, barber surgeon
Hinton, Dr, physician
Hinton, Richard, clerk
Hirdman, Henry, gent
Hitchcocke, Bridget
Hitchcocke (Hitchcock), John, gent
Hitchcocke, Zenobia
Hixwell, Mr, innkeeper
Hoare, Humphrey, notary public
Hobart, Anthony, gent
Hobart, Dorothy
Hobart, Henry, knight and baronet
Hobart, James, esq
Hobart, James, knight
Hobart, John, baronet
Hobart, John, knight and baronet
Hobart, Miles, knight
Hobart, Phillippa
Hobert (Hobart), William, esq
Hoblyn, Dorothy
Hoblyn, Elizabeth
Hoblyn (Hoblin), Thomas, esq
Hobson, Dorothy
Hobson, Thomas
Hobson, William the elder, gent
Hoby, Peregrine, esq
Hoce, Robert, clerk
Hoddinot (Hoddynott), John, yeoman
Hoden, Robert
Hodge (Hodges), Anthony, gent
Hodges, Abel, clerk
Hodges, James
Hodges, William, innkeeper
Hodgescot, Joane
Hodgescot, Thomas
Hodgson, Henry
Hodgson, John, yeoman
Hodgson, Sibilla
Hodson, Daniel, merchant
Hodson, Francis
Hodson, William, vintner
Hogan, Anthony
Hogan, Eleanor
Hogan, Mary
Hogan (Hoogan), Thomas, knight
Hogg (Hogge), Richard, yeoman
Holbatche, Nathaniel, gent
Holbech, Anne
Holbech, William, esq
Holborne, Robert, lawyer
Holbrooke, Alexander, gent
Holbrooke, Alice
Holbrooke, George
Holbrooke, Thomas
Holden, Anthony, yeoman
Holden, Thomas, yeoman
Holdsworth, Edmund, gent
Holgrave, George, clerk
Holgrove, George, clerk
Holiwell (Hallywell), James, grocer
Holland, John
Holland, John, gent
Holland, Richard, gent
Holland, Thomas, knight
Holles, Denzil, esq
Holloway, Henry
Holloway, Mary
Holman, John
Holman, Nicholas
Holme, Thomas, yeoman
Holmes, James, yeoman
Holmes, Thomas
Holmes, Thomas, gent
Holmes, Thomas, yeoman
Holmes, William, innkeeper
Holmes, William, merchant
Holt, Anne
Holt, Charles, gent
Holt, Elizabeth
Holt, George
Holt, John, gent
Holt, Lawrence, gent
Holt, William
Holte, William
Holte, William, esq
Holton, Nicholas, joiner
Honeywood, Thomas, knight
Honeywood, Thomasine
Hooke, Edward, gent
Hooke, Henry, esq
Hooke, Humfrey, Captain
Hooke (Lyon), Humphrey, gent
Hooker (Wise), Catherine
Hooper, John, gent
Hooper, Walter, husbandman
Hooper, William, gent
Hope, Alexander, gent
Hope, Robert, clerk
Hope, Robert, tailor
Hopkin (Hopkins, Hopkyns), Joane
Hopkin, Lynet
Hopkin (Hopkins), Thomas, alehouse keeper
Hopkins, Cobham, mariner
Hopkins, Edmund, yeoman
Hopkins, Mary
Hopkins, William, mason
Hopper, Thomas, husbandman
Hopton, Anne
Hopton, Arthur, knight
Hopton, Christopher, gent
Hopton, Elizabeth
Hopton, Ellinor
Hopton, George, esq
Hopton, Ingram, gent
Hopton, Ingram, knight
Hopton, Joane
Hopton, John
Hopton, John, esq
Hopton, Mary
Hopton, Mary
Hopton, Mr
Hopton, Ralph, esq
Hopton, Ralph, knight
Hopton, Richard
Hopton, Richard, knight
Hopton, William, esq
Hord, Thomas, knight
Hornbie, Gabriel, joiner
Hornbie, William, yeoman
Horner, Christopher
Horner, Edward
Horner, Elizabeth
Horseman, Elizabeth
Horseman, Robert, esq
Horsington, Robert, husbandman
Hort, Edward
Horton, Christopher
Horton, William, yeoman
Horwood, Roger
Hotham, John, baronet
Hough, John, gent
Houghton, John, the elder
Houghton, Robert, esq
Hovell, Hugh, gent
Hoverson, Roger
Howard, Alathea, countess of Arundel and Surrey
Howard, Anne
Howard, Charles, earl of Nottingham
Howard, Charles, knight
Howard, countess of Arundel and Surrey
Howard, Henry, baron Maltravers
Howard, Thomas, earl of Arundel
Howard, Thomas, earl of Arundel and Surrey
Howard, Thomas, viscount Howard of Bindon
Howard, William, baron
Howard, William, baron Stafford
Howard, William, knight
Howberie, John, clerk of the peace
Howe, Thomas
Howe, Thomas, servant
Howell (Powell), David Philip
Howell, John, yeoman
Howell, William
Howes, William
Howlden (Houlden), Edward, clerk
Howlett, Henry, weaver
Howson, William, gent
Hubbard, John, esq
Hubbins, William, tailor
Hubert, Elizabeth
Hubert, John
Hudleston (Huddleston, Huddlestone), Bridget
Hudleston (Huddleston, Huddlestone), Dorothy
Hudleston (Huddleston, Huddlestone), Edward, gent
Hudleston (Huddleston, Huddlestone), Henry, esq
Hudleston (Huddleston, Huddlestone), Henry, gent
Hudleston (Huddleston, Huddlestone), Henry, knight
Hudleston (Huddleston, Huddlestone), Robert, knight
Hudley, Wheathill, esq
Hudson, alderman
Hudson, John
Hudson, William, esq
Huett, Thomas, yeoman
Huffe, Thomas, milliner
Huffett, Robert, maltster
Huggens, Peter
Huggeson, William, innkeeper
Huggins, Thomas, husbandman
Hugh, Christopher, gent
Hugh (ap Rees), Jenkins, gent
Hughes, Andrew, gent
Hughes, Anne
Hughes, Francis, yeoman
Hughes, Henry, gent
Hughes, Henry, physician
Hughes, Richard, bricklayer
Hughes, Rowland, clerk
Hughes, William, clerk
Hugson (Hogeson, Hodson), Robert, gent
Hulker (Houlker), Thomas, gent
Humber, Philip, mariner
Humberston, William, milliner
Humberstone, Edward
Humberstone, William
Humfrey, John
Humfrey, William, gent
Hungate, Henry, knight
Hungerford, Anthony, esq
Hungerford, Anthony, gent
Hungerford, Anthony, knight
Hungerford, Bridget
Hungerford, Edmund
Hungerford, Edward
Hungerford, Edward, esq
Hungerford, John
Hungerford, John, esq
Hungerford, Sara
Hungerford, Thomas, gent
Hungerford, Walter, gent
Hunlocke, Denham, tailor
Hunstone, Thoams, gent
Hunt, Dr, lawyer
Hunt, Edmund
Hunt, James, innkeeper
Hunt, John
Hunt, John, gent
Hunt, Nicholas, gent
Hunt, Roger
Huntbache, John, gent
Huntbache, Margery
Hunter, Dorothy, widow
Hunter, William, gent
Huntley, Richard, yeoman
Hurley, Morice, gent
Hursler (Hustler, Hurslowe), George
Hursler (Hustler, Hurslowe), Rebecca
Hurt, Alice
Hurt, Nicholas
Hurt, Ralph
Hurt, Raphael
Hurt, Robert
Hurt, William, merchant
Hussey, Edward, knight and baronet
Hutchins, John, gent
Hutchins (Hutchinson), Robert, gent
Hutchinson, Edmund
Hutchinson, George
Hutchinson, Henry, gent
Hutchinson, Thomas, knight
Hutton, Abel, shepherd
Hutton, justice
Hyde, Barbara
Hyde, Edward, earl of Clarendon
Hyde, Edward, esq
Hyde, Edward, earl of Clarendon
Hyde, Laurence, knight
Hyde, Leonard, esq
Hyde, Mary
Hyde (Hide), Robert, knight
Hye, Edward, yeoman
Hyett, Henry, gent
Hyett, John, gent
Hynd, John, weaver
Hynde, John, husbandman
Iles, John, gent
Ilsley, John, shoemaker
Ingepen (Inckepen), Francis, gent
Ingepen (Inckepen), Richard, gent
Ingoldsby, Richard, esq
Ingoldsby, Richard, knight
Ingrey, Edward
Ingrey, Elizabeth
Innce, William, baker
Inon (Ivon)
Ipps, Anne
Ipps, Richard
Irish (Mackrory), William, yeoman
Irwin, William
Isaac, Francis, gent
Isaacke, Samuel
Isaacks, Richard
Isaackson, Catherine
Isaackson (Powle Isaccson), Paul, painter and stainer
Isacke (Isaac), Samuel, gent
Iscariot, Judas
Isham, Gregory
Isham, John, baronet
Isham, Mary
Ithell, Mary
Ithell, Peirse
Ithell, Thomas, clothier
Ivat, Thomas, gent
Jackson, Anthony, alderman
Jackson, Barnabas, servant
Jackson, Christopher, yeoman
Jackson, George
Jackson, George, gent
Jackson, John
Jackson, John, dyer
Jackson, Margery
Jackson, William
Jakes, William, constable
James, Anna, spinster
James, Blanch
James, Elizabeth
James, Francis
James, Francis, esq
James, Francis, gent
James, Henry
James, Henry, esq
James, John, esq
James, John, husbandman
James, John, labourer
James, Peter
James, Sarah
James, William
James, William, yeoman
Jefferay (Jefferie), Thomas, esq
Jeffereis, Geoffrey, esq
Jefferies, Francis, the elder
Jeffery, Edward
Jeffery, Elizabeth
Jeffery, Katherine
Jeffery (Jefferies), Leonard, esq
Jeffery (Jefferies), Thomas, esq
Jeffries (Jeffreys), James the elder, gent
Jeffries (Jeffreys), James, gent
Jegoe, Peter
Jenison, Isabell
Jenison, Ralph, merchant
Jenkin, Morgan David, gent
Jenkin, Morris, yeoman
Jenkin, Richard, yeoman
Jenkin, Watkin
Jenkins, William, gent
Jenkinson, Marmaduke, draper
Jenner (Jeynor), Edmund, yeoman
Jennings, Edward, glover
Jennings (Gennins), Thomas, esq
Jennings, Timothy, merchant
Jennings, William, gent
Jennyns (Jennings), John, esq
Jennyns (Jennings), John, knight
Jenson, Matthew
Jeny, John, esq
Jervis, John, yeoman
Jervoise, Thomas, knight
Jett, Alexander, notary public
Jewell, John, gent
Jewell, William, esq
Jeyne, John, gent
Jocelin, Mary
John, David Lloyd, gent
John, Gwenlliana, spinster
John, Piaschoe, gent
John, Thomas, yeoman
John, William Howell
Johns, Hugh, clerk
Johns, Paschoe, gent
Johns, William, clerk
Johnson, Alice
Johnson, Henry, clerk
Johnson, Jane
Johnson, Michael, husbandman
Johnson, Miles
Johnson, Mr
Johnson, Mrs
Johnson, Richard
Johnson, Robert
Johnson, Robert, saddler
Johnson, Robert, yeoman
Johnson, Thomas
Johnson, Thomas, clerk
Johnson, Thomas, saddler
Johnson, William, alderman
Johnson, William, draper
Johnson, William, gent
Johnson, William, mariner
Johnson, William, yeoman
Joliffe (Joyliffe), John, gent
Jolles, Alice
Jolles, John, knight
Jones, Arthur, gent
Jones, Christopher, gent
Jones, Daniel, clerk
Jones, Edmund, gent
Jones, Edward
Jones, Fulk, servant
Jones, Gilbert, Dr
Jones, Gilbert, lawyer
Jones, Griffith, esq
Jones, Henry, baronet
Jones, Henry, gent
Jones, Herbert, gent
Jones, Howell
Jones, Hugh
Jones, Humphrey, notary public
Jones, James, glover
Jones, John, gent
Jones, John, servant
Jones, Lewis
Jones, Lodovick, clerk
Jones, Ludovic, clerk
Jones, Magdalene
Jones, Margaret
Jones, Mary
Jones, Richard
Jones, Richard, gent
Jones, Richard, yeoman
Jones, Roger, gent
Jones, Thomas, gent
Jones, Thomas, girdler
Jones, William, gent
Jones, William, innkeeper
Jones, William, joiner
Jones, William, knight
Jones, Zenobia
Jonnes, John
Jordan, Dr, lawyer
Jorden, Catherine
Jorden, William
Josuah, Mr
Joyce, Thomas, clerk
Joyce, Thomas, husbandman
Joyner (Joiner), Nathaniel, esq
Juckes, John, nailer
Jude, Edward, clerk
Jurdain, Ignatius, alderman
Juxon, Richard, gent
Juxon, William, bishop of London