21 Badd v Rigges

The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640.

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Richard Cust, Andrew Hopper, '21 Badd v Rigges', in The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640, ed. Richard Cust, Andrew Hopper , British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/court-of-chivalry/21-badd-rigges [accessed 9 March 2025].

Richard Cust, Andrew Hopper, '21 Badd v Rigges', in The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640. Edited by Richard Cust, Andrew Hopper , British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/court-of-chivalry/21-badd-rigges.

Richard Cust, Andrew Hopper. "21 Badd v Rigges". The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640. Ed. Richard Cust, Andrew Hopper , British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/court-of-chivalry/21-badd-rigges.

In this section


Thomas Badd of Camsoysell, Fareham, co. Hampshire, esq v Robert Rigges the elder of Fareham, co. Hampshire, gent

May 1640 - January 1641


Despite both claiming to be from families that had been established as gentry for 200 years, it was rumoured that the fathers of Badd and Rigges had been tradesmen. Both parties were skilled in the use of the law and the suit in the Court of Honour was but the most recent instance in a history of litigation between the two families and complaints to the privy council about ship money assessments. The twenty-eight year old Badd, who was a captain of a trained band and whose father had been high sheriff, was especially concerned to prove himself a better man than the sixty-year old Rigges, whom he described as 'a most contentious, welthy man, formerly punished for abusing the Justices of Peace.'.

Badd's petition complained that in the evening following a meeting of local officeholders to set the rate for ship money at the Red Lion Inn, Fareham, Hampshire, 27 January 1640, Robert Rigges had sought to disturb the king's service by abusing him as 'a base fellow and the sonne of a Cobler and no gentleman'. Knowing that Badd was well connected with the earl of Dorset, Rigges allegedly also told Badd, 'in a geering and scornfull manner, I know your great friend and names the said Earle saying he was a poore beggarly lord and cared not a jot for what he could do for your petitioner.' Badd thus astutely linked the maintenance of his honour with the earl's reputation, and the king's service and by June 1640 Dorset had also brought a Court of Chivalry case against Rigges [see cause 167].

Depositions were taken at the Red Lion on 3 August 1640. The witnesses for Badd included his brother-in-law John Barton, esq, and Thomas Woolgar, both of whom had been involved in the earlier quarrels with Riggs over ratings for ship money and the poor law. According to the depositions, the initial disagreement was over whether Badd had paid for the purchase of some of Rigges's hay. Rigges implied that Badd was a liar, to which Badd, egged on by John Barton, responded by calling Rigges a 'rogue rascall, noe gentleman and the son of a brewer' The two men traded blows, and at one point Badd reached for his sword and threatened to run Rigges through with it; but Riggs was unarmed and those present stepped in to part the two men, leaving Rigges with a wound to the eye. Depositions for the defence were ordered to be taken at a commission headed by Arthur Bromfield, esq, at the Red Lion, 7-9 January 1641.

The sentence and submission do not survive. This might indicate arbitration, but more likely the suspension of the court's proceedings after 4 December 1640 took effect before the case could be completed. There was also a countersuit in which Rigges complained of Badd's scandalous words [see case 557].

Initial proceedings

5/47, Plaintiff's bond

11 May 1640

To 'appear in the court in the Painted Chamber within the Pallace of Westminster'.

Signed by Thomas Badd.

Sealed, subscribed and delivered in the presence of John Watson.

5/48, Petition

Badd asserted that he was a captain of a trained band and that his father had been high sheriff. He claimed that Rigges was 'a most contentious welthy man formerly punished for abusing the Justices of Peace'. He met Rigges along with other inhabitants of Fareham 'at the signe of the Lyon' on 27 January 1639/40, to set a rate for ship money.

Badd claimed that Rigges held a grudge against him and without provocation, sought to affront him and disturb the king's service, saying to him: 'Thou art a base fellow and the sonne of a Cobler and no gentleman. And knowing that your petitioner hath particular relation to a right honourable Earl of this Kingdome, Knight of the Garter and one of the Privy Councell to his Majestie, he told your petitioner in a geering and scornfull manner I know your great friend and names the said Earle saying he was a poore beggarly lord and cared not a jot for what he could do for your petitioner.'

Badd claimed he could prove his gentility and produce witnesses. He stressed his restraint in having 'forborne to avenge himself for these abuses'.

Prayed for redress and Maltravers granted process on 12 May 1640.

5/65, Defendant's bond

4 June 1640

That he was to 'appear in the Court in the Painted Chamber within the Pallace of Westminster'.

Signed by Robert Riggs, jun.

Sealed, subscribed and delivered in the presence of John Watson.

Acta (4), fo. 219, Libel

Badd claimed his family had been ancient gentry for up to 200 years and that his father had been High Sheriff.

He claimed that Rigges abused him with the words stated in the petition and 'he assaulted me and offered to run at me.'

No date.

Signed by Arthur Duck.

Plaintiff's case

Acta (4), fo. 220, Letters commissory for the plaintiff

Addressed to commissioners William Singleton, esq, and Francis Ringsted, clerk, and also Henry Perrin, esq, and Anthony Clifford, esq. The commission was to meet in a cause of scandalous words provocative of a duel, from 3 to 5 August 1640, at the Lion Inn, in Fareham.

John Watson was made notary public.

No date.

Signed by William Lewin.

Acta (4), fo. 222, First set of defence interrogatories [damaged]

1. Asked whether Mr Badd brought up the previous suit of law between Badd and Rigges in which Badd claimed that Rigges had received the money he owed and given his acquittance to Mr Badd's man, but yet still sued him for the same, Rigges replied that if Badd could 'make that appear to be true he would for five shillings give him and his man one hundred pounds apiece'. 'And did not Mr Badd suddenly strike Mr Rigges in the face, throw him over a joined stoole and fall upon him (Rigges being aged vizt. 60 years of age or thereabouts and Mr Badd about 28)'? 'And did not Mr Badd there pull him by the hair of the head and spurned him in the face with his foot whereby he had almost spoiled one of his eyes as it did appeare by the hurt upon Mr Rigges his face, which you or some of the company perceiving they (though with much adoe) unloosed his hands from Mr Rigges his hair which they or you had no sooner done but this Mr Badd drew or offered to draw his sword (Mr Rigges having no weapon) and swore by the Lords wounds and blood or such like oath that he would runne him through, and had so done if the company had not prevented it'? Had Badd said 'that Riggs was a base rogue and a rascall and no gentleman, and that he was but a brewer's son, using other vilifying words in his disparadgement'? 'And did not Mr Rigges desire or require you to beare witness of the same'?

2. Did Mr Rigges say the words in article 2 of the libel? Had Rigges said that Badd was no gentleman or his father was a shoemaker? Were Badd's father and ancestors gentlemen from an ancient family bearing arms? Was this 'commonly accompted, reputed and taken'? Was Badd's father a shoemaker and a former apprentice or servant to one Barnard in the Isle of Wight 'as you have heard and do know or believe'? Had Badd's father and Barnard 'sold shoes at the fayres or markets in the Isle of Wight and Fareham'? Had Badd's father confessed such at 'his owne table not long before the time that he was high sheriff'? Asked whether 'Bernard his master' was then present and whether Badd's father was 'sitting and using him with good respect at table'. Was this 'common fame and report' in Fareham and the Isle of Wight'?

3. Had Badd said that he had been drinking healths at Lady Norton's on the same day, 'or had drunk much before he came thither, and thereby was much distempered or not himselfe'? Was Badd of 'imperfect sense and not of understanding sufficient well to know and remember what he did say or doe or what he did see and heare... at the time of the pretended speaking of the words; and what was the reckoning or expenses of wine and beere at the meeting aforesaid'?

4. Were there lawsuits pending, or other differences between Mr Barton and Mr Rigges, or between Barton's father, family and friends and Rigges?

5. Was Mr Rigges prosecuting William Penford and Thomas Woollgar, witnesses, for detaining £30 or other money from the poor of Fareham? Had they been pronounced guilty by the Justices of the Peace?

6. Had Woollgar said that it did not matter if Badd abused Rigges because Rigges had troubled him and Penford over the accounts for the poor.

7. Had Badd taken any of the witnesses, in particular Woolgar, to a tavern in Fareham and there made them merry with wine 'and there perswaded intreated or directed you to depose on his behalfe in this cause, of some in what place att what time, ...and what other persons else were then and there present and what wordes did he then and there use either to perswade intreat or direct you or them as aforesaid'?

No date.

Signed by William ?Meike?

Acta (4), fo. 221, Second set of defence interrogatories

1. Had he noticed 'that Mr John Barton did carrie himself very partially on Mr Badd's part'? 'Was not Mr Barton on occasion by his talking to make the difference and falling out between the parties'?

2. 'Did you not heare Mr Barton saie and confess that he had been drinking verie hard and had drunk verie much wine and beare just before you came to the meeting. And did you not conceave and in your conscience are you not perswaded that Mr Barton had drunk very much and was distempered herewith in so much that he could not well sufficiently and truly take notice, understand and remember what was then and there said or done'?

3. Did not Mr Badd 'first beat abuse and vilifie Mr Riggs before Mr Riggs used or uttered anie such words'?

4. Had Badd since the beginning of the suit said to any of the witnesses that Mr Riggs had spoken the words alleged? 'And did you not then replie and say you did not remember the same? Whereupon did not Mr Badd curse and swear, A pox on you all, you are all for Riggs his side or the like in effect'?

No date.

No signatures.

Acta (4), fos. 188r-204v, Plaintiff's depositions

Taken before commissioners William Singleton, esq, Anthony Clifford, esq, Francis Ringsted and Henry Perrin, on 3 August 1640, in Red Lion Inn, at Fareham.

fos.189r-191v (Witness 1), William Bennet of Fareham, co. Hampshire, gent, aged 49

To Badd's libel:

1. He had known Badd for 16 years and Badd's father for 7 or 8 years before his death. Badd and his father had been captains of a trained band and Badd's father had been high sheriff. Both Badds had lived 'in the fashion and qualitie of a gentleman'.

2.In January 1640 in the kitchen of a house in Fareham at a meeting to set a rate for ship money, Rigges told Captain Badd that he was 'a base fellow and a cobbler's son and used divers words to that effect', there being then present Mr John Barton, William Spurlinge, Samuel Rowte, Thomas Woolgar, and Nicholas Hamon, the [binding too tight to read] and Bennet himself.

Signed by William Benett

3. The words 'were spoken in a violent and angrie manne'.

To Rigges's first set of interrogatories:

5. The words were spoken between 6pm and midnight, after Rigges and Badd had been together for 2 or 3 hours. Neither was drunk and the quarrel began when Badd claimed he had paid for hay from Rigges and that he had an acquittance from him. Rigges declared that if Badd 'could make it appear that he had paid for the hay for which he then sued him and could shewe acquittance for the same then he...would give him...one hundred pounds and Mr Badd his man also one hundred pounds more. And afterwards Mr Badd and Mr Rigges struggled together and were [binding too tight to read] together on the ground but whoe offered to strike first he knoweth not.' He also said that Rigges had suffered a bloody eye, but whether Badd was responsible he did not know. Badd also 'put hand upon his sword as if he would draw the same and did then and there call Mr Rigges, base rogue rascall, noe gentelman and the son of a brewer or words to that effect...saveing he saith Mr Rigges had noe weapon the time and place aforesaid.'

6. He had heard reported that Emanuel Badd, Mr Badd's father was 'a shoemaker in the Isle of Wight but hath not heard it from persons of any great credit.'

7. Badd confessed that he had been 'drinking healthes at the Lady Norton's before he came to the company aforesaid but saith he did well understand what he said.'

8. He had heard there had been 'sutes at lawe between Mr John Barton his father and Mr Riggs'...and that Rigges 'did sue or question Penford and Wolgar [for] deteyning money due to the poor of the parish of Fareham.'

To Rigges's second set of interrogatories:

1. 'Barton was 'somewhat forward in his speeches' on this occasion and 'did take parte with Mr Badd against Mr Rigges.'

2. Barton confessed that he had been drinking with his friends two or three quarters of wine at Portsmouth, but Bennett believes that Barton understood what was being said and done.

3. The words were 'spoken after Mr Badd and Mr Rigges were struggling together', but 'whoe gave the first evill words he saith hee knoweth...' [binding too tight to read].

Signed by the four commissioners.

fos.192r-193v (Witness 2), Thomas Woolgar of Fareham, co. Hampshire, yeoman, born there, aged 30

To Badd's libel:

1. He had known Thomas Badd for 7 years and he had always lived 'in the rank and quality of a gentleman... and is so reputed.' He had heard that Badd's father had been high sheriff and a captain of a foot company.

2. Around 27 January 1640 in the kitchen of the Lion Inn in Fareham at a meeting 'for the making of a rate for ship money' there was a disagreement between Badd and Rigges, when Rigges 'told Captain Badd that he was a base fellow and the son of a cobbler or a shoemaker and noe gentleman but whether shoemaker or cobler Rigges then used', Woolgar could not remember. 'Robert Rigges then held up his fist at Captain Badd'. There were present Mr Barton, Mr Bennett, William Spurlinge, Samuel Rowte, Nicholas Hamon, Thomas Woolgar and Mr Badd.

3. Rigges spoke the words 'in a provoking manner by way of disgrace'.

To Rigges's first set of interrogatories:

5. Rigges and Badd quarrelled over the hay between 6pm and midnight, after they had been together drinking for 2 or 3 hours: 'hereupon further words grewe and Captain Badd saying to Mr Rigges amongst other speeches... you served a man whom Captaine Badd then named. Whereto Mr Rigges replied, whosoever sayeth so lyes.' Afterwards Badd and Mr Rigges struggled together but Woolgar did not see any blows struck and afterwards Rigges's eye was hurt, but Woolgar did not know not how it came to be so but thinks it was hurt when he fell against the bench or table. He believes that Badd 'did then and there call Mr Rigges base fellow and noe gentleman...' He also believes that Mr Badd's father 'was a gent.'

Signed by Thomas Woolgar [his mark], and by the above four commissioners.

fos.195r-196v (Witness 3), John Barton of Fareham, co. Hampshire, esq, born there, aged 37

To Badd's libel:

1. He had known Badd's father for 16 years before his death. Badd's father was reputed a gentleman, was high sheriff, and captain of a foot company. He had known Thomas Badd for as long as he could remember and Badd lived 'in the rank and quality of a gentleman' and had been captain of a foot company for 7 or 8 years.

2. On 27 January 1640 at the Lion in Fareham at a meeting to make the rate for ship money, there was a disagreement between Rigges and Badd where Rigges 'used divers injurious speeches' to Badd and told Badd 'that he was a base rascall the son of a cobbler and noe gentleman and held up his fist and offered to strike Captain Badd and some blowes were given between them'. Mr William Bennett, Thomas Woolgar, Samuel Rowte, William Spurley and Badd and Rigges were present.

3. Rigges spoke the words 'in a violent, provoking and malicious manner'.

To Rigges's first set of interrogatories:

1. He had known the parties to the dispute for 20 years.

2. He was married to Captain Badd's sister.

3. He believed Badd's father 'was a gentleman well descended and never heard the contrary.'

4. There had been lawsuits between his father and kindred and Rigges, but 'knoweth not that there are now any suits depending between them.'

Signed John Barton, and by commissioners Perrin, Clifford and Singleton.

fos.198r-200v (Witness 4), Samuel Rowte of Fareham, co. Hampshire, yeoman, born there, aged 26

To Badd's libel:

2. On 27 January 1640 in the kitchen of the Lion Inn in Fareham, he heard Rigges tell Badd 'that he was a base fellow, the son of a cobbler and no gentleman' in front of Mr Bennet, Mr Barton, Thomas Woolgar and Nicholas Hamond.

3. Rigges said these words once or twice.

To Rigges's first set of interrogatories:

4. Captain Badd asked Rowte 'what he could depose in this cause and [Rowte] answered him that he would speak the truth.'

5. The words were spoken in the evening and after all had drunk some wine and beer, except Mr Barton who joined them later. They had been together for 2 or 3 hours before the quarrel. Badd and Rigges struggled together upon the ground, and Rowte saw Badd pull Rigges by the hair and Rowte tried to 'unloose Captain Badd his hand out of Mr Rigges his haire and Captain Badd being gotten upp offered to draw his sword, but did not draw the same Mr Rigges having noe weapon. And Captaine Badd did then and there call Mr Rigges base fellow stinking fellow and said Mr Rigges was no gentleman. Thereupon Mr Rigges badd [Rowte] beare witness.'

6. 'He had heard reported that Captain Badd his father was a shoemaker.'

7. Badd said that he had been drinking at the Lady Norton's, but Rowte believed Badd 'was of good understanding and did well know what he said and did.'

8. He had heard that there had been some suits at law between Mr Rigges and Mr John Barton his father.'

9. He had heard Rigges say that he did 'question or sue William Penford and Thomas Woolgar for money deteyned by them from the poor of the parish of Fareham and hath also heard William Pensford confess and say that Mr Rigges did soe question him.'

To Rigges's second set of interrogatories:

2. Mr Barton confessed that he had been drinking at Gosport before he came to join them but Rowte 'could not perceive that he was distempered with drink.'

3. The words mentioned in his deposition were spoken after Badd and Rigges 'had been struggling and down on the ground together.'

4. Badd told Rowte that he was afraid ofRigges and 'therefore would not speake the truth, whereto [Rowte] made answer that he would speak what he knew when he should come to be examined and feared neither him nor Mr Rigges.'

Signed by Samuel Rowte, and by the above four commissioners.

fos.201r-204v (Witness 5), William Spurling of North Fareham, co. Hampshire, husbandman, lived there for 20 years, born at Overton, aged 40

To Badd's libel:

1. He had known Badd's father for 'divers years' before his death. Badd's father was reputed a gentleman, and served as high sheriff and captain of a foot company. He had known Badd for 6 years and testified that Badd lived 'in the fashion and quality of a gentleman and is so reputed.' Badd had been a captain of a company for 6 years.

2. As witness 4, except the words were spoken before Mr Bennet, Mr Barton, Thomas Woolgar and Samuel Rowte.

3. Rigges spoke the words 'by way of disgrace to Captain Badd and Mr Rigges did then and there wish that he were in another room with Captain Badd and then he should see who should crie out first.'

To Rigges's first set of interrogatories:

5. The words deposed were spoken between 4pm and midnight, and before the falling out Badd, Rigges and the witnesses had 'drank good store of wine, beer and tobacco'. They quarrelled over a payment for hay and Badd suddenly struck Rigges and 'thrust him over a joined stool' and Spurling and the rest of those present struggled to part them and release Badd's hand from Rigges's head. Afterwards Rigges 'swelled with a great bunch and looked redd and his eye was black' and Spurling believed that Captaine Badd 'gave him the same.' And afterwards Badd was down and Rigges was on top of him, and Badd 'as soon as he was up laid his hand upon his sword and swore by the Lords wounds and bloud that he would runne Robert Rigges through.' Thereupon Spurling 'stepped to him and said there should be no such matter and he also saith that Rigges had not then any weapon; andBadd did then and there call Rigges base rogue, rascall, noe gentleman and told him he was the son of a brewer and thereupon Rigges bidd [Spurling] beare witness of the said speeches.'

6. He had heard reported that Badd's father was apprenticed to a cobbler or a shoemaker in the Isle of Wight, and that Badd's father 'hath enterteyned him that was his Master at his house and used him with good respect.'

7. He did not hear Captain Badd use any of the speeches mentioned in the interrogatories and said he believed 'the reckoning...came about ten shillings.'

9. Rigges had questioned Thomas Woolgar and William Penfold before Justices at Southampton Quarter Sessions for detaining money due to the poor of Fareham parish, and 'hath heard Mr Rigges and others say that they were found guilty at the time.'

11. He once met with Badd at the Red Lion in Fareham and there drank with him but did not talk of this suit.

To Rigges's second set of interrogatories:

1. He believed that Barton 'was the occasion of the falling out between the parties... for that Mr Barton did put Mr Badd in mind of some old differences between him and Robert Rigges.'

2. Barton confessed that 'he had been drinking many healthes in wine and beere before he came to the meeting' and in Spurling's judgement 'did sometimes talke verie sensibly but att other times did not talke sensiblie.'

3. 'The words... were spoken after the blows aforesaid and who gave the first evill words, Captaine Badd or Mr Rigges, he knoweth not.'

Signed by William Spurling, and by the above four commissioners.

Acta (4), fo. 205, Notary public's certificate

Certificate in Latin signed by John Watson, notary public that the above examinations had been completed and were now being returned.

Notary public's mark

No date

Summary of proceedings

Dr Duck acted as counsel for Badd and Dr Merrick for Rigges. During Michaelmas term in 1640, Rigges nominated as commissioners to examine the witnesses for his defence Arthur Bromfield, esq, Edward Tuke, gent, and John Allen, gent. Badd nominated William Collyns, esq, Francis Ringstead, bachelor of law, and Thomas Collvet, clerk. They were to meet from 7 to 9 January 1640/1 at the Red Lion Inn at Fareham, co. Hampshire. On 4 December 1640, Dr Merrick related the material for the defence on behalf of Rigges.


There was no pedigree for the Badd family, but Jane, daughter of Emanuel Badd. married Thomas Leigh, mayor of Newport. Emanuel Badd died on 18 August 1632 and Thomas Badd (c. 1607-1683) was created a baronet on 28 February 1643 and knighted at Oxford on 5 March 1643. John Aubrey remarked on the family's meteoric rise: 'The happiness a shoemaker has in drawing on a fair lady's shoe; I know a man the height of whose ambition was to be apprenticed to his mistress's shoemaker on condition he could do so. Sir Thomas Badd's father, a shoemaker, married the brewer's widow of Portsmouth, worth £20,000.' Sir Thomas Badd was fined £470 for his royalist allegiance in December 1647. He died on 10 June 1683, aged 76 years and was buried at Fareham. He had no heirs and the baronetcy became extinct. Emanuel Badd's daughter Joane married John Barton of Fareham, esq, Sergeant at Arms to Charles I and Charles II. The pedigree of the Riggs family of Fareham survives in BL, Harleian MS 1544, fos.135-7.

W. H. Rylands (ed.), Pedigrees from the Visitations of Hampshire, 1530, 1575 and 1622-34 (Publications of the Harleian Society, 64, 1913), pp. 154, 180; G. D. Squibb (ed.), The Visitation of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, 1686 (Publications of the Harleian Society, new series, 10, 1991), p. 112; W. Page (ed.), The Victoria History of the County of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight (London, 1908), vol. 3, p. 214; G. E. Cokayne (ed.), The Complete Baronetage, 1625-1649 (Exeter, 1902), vol. 2, p. 209; John Aubrey, Brief Lives , ed. Richard Barber (Woodbridge, 2004),p. 33.

On 9 July 1640 at the Hampshire assizes in Winchester castle before the judge John Bramston, Robert Rigges brought a bill of indictment against Thomas Badd, esq, of Fareham, who was bound over to the Assizes for speaking scandalous words against the King.

J. S. Cockburn (ed.), Western Circuit Assize Orders, 1629-1648 (Camden Society, 4th series, 17, 1976), p. 200.

CSP Dom. 1635-6 , pp.397-8: John Barton of Fareham informed against Rigges for complaining against the Bishop of Winchester and abusing him when he threatened to complain to the Privy Council in April 1636. Barton also complained that Rigges had made an unfair assessment for ship money, altering an earlier assessment by Badd in April 1636.

CSP Dom. 1636-7 , pp. 139, 163, 185, 343, 352, 387; CSP Add. 1625-49 , p.600: Between September 1636 and January 1637 Rigges was the ringleader in throwing down fences on land being improved in Hampshire by Lady Wandesford under a royal patent.

CSP Dom. 1636-7 , pp. 405, 476: In January 1637 Rigges and his neighbours complained about John Barton's collection of ship money in Fareham.

CSP Dom. 1637 , pp. 251, 276, 277, 291, 294, 295, 298, 303, 309, 474, 496, 528, 558: Between June and November 1637 there werea series of complaints against Rigges for interfering with the king's collection of timber for the navy in the Hampshire. He had allegedly been obstructing John Robins, a royal purveyor, by using abusive speeches and serving warrants on him.

CSP Dom. 1637 , p. 525; CSP Dom. 1637-8 , pp. 126-7: Badd and others petitioned the council to complain about Rigges for unjustly assessing the ship money rate for Fareham. In retaliation for Barton complaining against him, Rigges had allegedly raised Badd's rate by 10s and then persuaded the attorney general to prosecute him in Star Chamber for refusing to pay.


  • Initial proceedings
    • Plaintiff's bond: 5/47 (11 May 1640)
    • Petition: 5/48 (12 May 1640)
    • Defendant's bond: 5/65 (4 Jun 1640)
    • Libel: Acta (4) fo. 219 (no date)
  • Plaintiff's case
    • Letters commissory for the plaintiff: Acta (4), fo. 220 (no date)
    • First set of defence interrogatories: Acta (4), fo. 222 (no date)
    • Second set of defence interrogatories: Acta (4), fo. 221 (no date)
    • Plaintiff's depositions: Acta (4), fos. 188-204 (3 Aug 1640)
    • Notary public's certificate: Acta (4), fo. 205 (no date)
  • Proceedings
    • Proceedings: 1/12 (Mic 1640)
    • Proceedings: 1/11, fos. 56r-64v (10 Oct 1640)
    • Proceedings before Maltravers: 1/11, fos. 79r-87v (4 Dec 1640)

People mentioned in the case

  • Allen, John, gent
  • Aubrey, John
  • Badd, Emanuel (also Bad)
  • Badd, Jane (also Bad)
  • Badd, Joane (also Bad)
  • Badd, Thomas, esq (also Bad)
  • Barnard (also Bernard)
  • Barton, Joane
  • Barton, John, esq
  • Bennet, William, gent (also Bennett)
  • Bramston, John, judge
  • Bromfield, Arthur, esq
  • Clifford, Anthony, esq
  • Collvet, Thomas, clerk
  • Collyns, William, esq
  • Curll, Walter, bishop of Winchester
  • Duck, Arthur, lawyer
  • Hamon, Nicholas (also Hamond)
  • Howard, Henry, baron Maltravers
  • Leigh, Thomas, mayor
  • Lewin, William, lawyer
  • Merrick, William, lawyer
  • Norton, lady
  • Penford, William
  • Perrin, Henry, esq
  • Rigges, Robert, gent (also Riggs)
  • Ringsted, Francis, clerk (also Ringstead)
  • Robins, John, royal purveyor
  • Rowte, Samuel, yeoman
  • Sackville, Edward, earl of Dorset
  • Singleton, William, esq
  • Spurling, William, husbandman (also Spurley, Spurlinge)
  • Stuart, Charles I, king
  • Tuke, Edward, gent
  • Wandesford, Alice, lady
  • Watson, John, notary public
  • Woolgar, Thomas (also Woollgar)

Places mentioned in the case

  • Hampshire
    • Camsoysell
    • Fareham
    • Gosport
    • North Fareham
    • Overton
    • Winchester
  • Isle of Wight
    • Newport
  • Middlesex
    • Westminster
  • Oxfordshire
    • Oxford

Topics of the case

  • allegation of tradesman status
  • assault
  • assizes
  • bishop
  • chivalric order
  • comparison
  • denial of gentility
  • drinking healths
  • drunkenness
  • enclosure
  • giving the lie
  • high sheriff
  • justice of the peace
  • maiming
  • military officer
  • office-holding
  • other courts
  • poor law
  • privy council
  • royal servant
  • royalist
  • sexual insult
  • ship money
  • taxation
  • treasonous words
  • ship money
  • Star Chamber
  • royalist
  • tavern brawl
  • trained band