St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 1901.
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'Appendix D: Extracts from the Vestry Minutes', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603, ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Appendix D: Extracts from the Vestry Minutes', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Edited by J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Appendix D: Extracts from the Vestry Minutes". St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
[Extracts from the Vestry Minutes, Vol. I.]
Common Lands 1549
The presentment ffor the Comons wythe in the parishe of Saynt martens in the ffeldes. In the third yere of the Raigne off owre Suffrayne lord Kyng Edward the Syxt in Ano 1549.
1. Syns the ffyrst yere of Kyng henry the vijth There ys a Meadow called Sent martens ffeld by Estimation xlti Acres / Wherof will'm Jenynges hathe In Clossed iij Acres,/ And John Stow hathe in Clossed iij Acres/ wiche owght to be Comen when the Crope ys Awaye As all the Rest of the ffelde is/ And that ffelde ys vssed ffor Archers.
2. Syns the saide ffyrst yere There ys A Closse by hynde sent Gylles in the tenure of Raff marten / by Estimacion 1 ti Acres wiche was Arrable land And now ys Meadow And ys in Clossed but yt owght to be Comen when the Croppe ys Awaye.
3. Syns the saide ffyrst yere There ys A Closse Called the ledstalle being ij Acres And At the end of that Closse ther ys A Meadowe in the Tenure of wyll'm Deport by estimacion iij Acres beinge now In Closed wiche owght to be Comen when the Croppe ys Awaye.
4. Syns the saide ffyrst yere There ys a grett Comen ffeld in the wiche ffeld A great part is Inclossed by . . . . Randall Kyrbye lij acres, by Henry Romans one Acre, And by homes wyff and her p'dycessors iiijor Acres And by John golyghtlye or his p'decessors v Acres, xv Acres in the occupacion of Nycalas Hyll, in the occupacon of Raffe Marten v acres, in the occupacon of Wyll'm Jenyngs x Acres, And ij Acres spoyled by Reason of the Comen hight waye, Condytt Meadowe xiiij Acres, And all these lands owght to be Arrable And Comen as all the Rest of the ffeld ys when the Crope ys Awaye, And now Convertyd to pasture.
5. Syns the saide ffyrst yeare of Kyng Henry the vijth There ys A ffelde lyinge weste Called brookshott All wich ffeld owght to be Comen when the Cropp ys A waye.
6. Syns the saide ffyrst yere There ys A ffeld Called Sent James feld by estimacon xl Acres wiche was Comen / And owght to be Comen And in Clossed by Kyng henry the viijth / And now in the occupacon of mr Cooke wiche was Arrable And now ys Meadowe.
7. It'm syns the saide ffyrst yere There ys A fferme Comenly Called Sent James fferme being Removyd owt of Sent James And now ys Situate And standyng in the Comen ffeld / And there vnto belongyng by Estimacon lijti Acres of Arrable grond / xviij Acres paster / And x Acres of Meadow all wiche owght to be Comen / And in thys fferme Dwellythe one ventres being ffermer paying vnto the Kyngs Matie yerly vijli xs wch ventres hathe the occupacon of the hole howse And halfe the best land And lettythe the other half vnto one button dwellyng in A Cottage there / And plowithe the half land for mr Ventres And sowythe all his Corne and Carry hys hey And payth over that ffor the lands in his occupyinge xij o xvli by yere / And all that ffeld owght to be comon when the Croppe ys A waye.
8. Syns the saide ffyrst yere there ys A fferme Called hyde by Estimacon xxxvti Acres meadowe And vijxx & x Acres of Arrable land being Severall, And iiijxx Acres comen being imparkyd wythe in thys xij yeres ffor the kyng.
9. Syns the saide ffyrst yere Ther ys A fferme Called hayberye of Tow ploughe land and to the same lyith A Comen ffeld Called hayberye feld / And as meny As haue any land in that ffeld when the Crope ys A waye they do lay yt ffor Comen them selfes.
10. Syns the fyrst yere Ther ys A fferme place Called the Net / Buylded by the late Abbett of westmynster ffor his dwellyng howse At pleasure, beinge now in the Tenure of Sir Antony browne kepyng one man ther vpon who hath A leasse ffrom the kyng of lxiij Acres of arrable land / xxijti Acres of meadowe & xiiij Acres pasture / And lettyth the same ground to them that will geve most mony ffor e'ry Acre.
11. Syns the said ffyrst yere every man Myght haue ffermed the best Acre of arrable land for viijd or xijd / And now yt ys Rasyd to iijs iiijd or ijs viijd / And a Acre of meadow ffor ijs And now yt ys Raysed to viijs to viijs every Acre or more.
12. Syns the said ffyrst yere / Ther ys A ffeld Called hyll ffeld in the holding of mr Worley by estimacon lxxx Acres and was arrable grond / And now ys convertyd to meadow / And of Right owght to be Comen.
13. All the p'isheners of Sai'ct Martens A fore said do wyshe that yt Might be the kyngs wyll And pleasure that all the dyches wythe in every Comen feald / And the hedges myght be Cast downe playne not Abuttyng upon any hight waye ffor in the same Dyches and hedges theves and harlotts do lye And resort vnto Dystruction of the kyngs Subietts in wynter season / And in the somer tyme all the harlots do Continew And lye ther.
14. Syns the said ffyrst yere all the ffealdes wythe in the same p'ishe that now be torned in to meadowe and pasture wer arrable grond / And anchyant men saye that ther haue byn vj plowes more then now ys to the Decay of husbandrye.
15. All the Tenants of the Cytie of westmyster / and the p'ishoners of Sent martyns A fore saide owght to enter Comen in these ffelds All the yere.
16. And all the landes in the perishe of Sant Martens A ffore said be longynge vnto the kyngs Matie / And to no other As fferr as we do knowe.
These names of the parsons being Redy to depose ffor all these Artycles A fore said here after ffolowythe.
All these viij parsons be ffore wrytten haue set to there marks in the Coppie wych I wrot this owte.
Anno xvij Regine Elizabeth iij Junij apud Charingcrosse St martins in the fieldes.
[The following are the names and amounts]
Mr Poultney the ffarmar of saint James ffarm .xij Trusses.
Mr Anthony Yelles of Ebru ffarm .xij Trusses.
Mr fflecher of Drurey house .xij Trusses.
John Dawnst of strond .xij Trusses.
Mr Torner ffarmar of Mary boune .x Trusses.
Edward taylor Brewer of westm' .xij Trusses.
Richard Coxshott of St gilles .xij Trusses.
Morgayn ffourd of Westm .ix Trusses.
Mr William Worley of westm. one Lod of Trusse Band heay.
Richard Darlowe of St Martines .x Trusses.
Leonard Smyth of Westm. ix Trusses.
[This is a loose slip in the first volume of the Vestry Minutes, and has the following note on it: "This paper found in the roof above the Record Room in the Church. found by me Henry Simpson."]
Inprymis one Close abuttynge vppon the pound Called Dippens Close in the tenure off widdow golightelye inclosed.
It'm three closes being in the west end of St geylls in the ffeyld Countyd lity akers in the tenure of william bouche & Crouke off St gills & John Daunson of ye stronde.
Item the bryk Close inclosed in the tenure of John bulcher Counte v acres kept inclosed.
Item a close called geldings close in the tenure of mr turner of maribon Counte iiij acres kept inclosed late Kerbyes Close.
Item A Close lieng betwen the bryk Close & the highe way leding vnto tiborne counte 6 acres in the tenur of one mr brysto off St Giles kept enclosed.
Item a pece of grounde counte ij acres Did' p'cel of brokshott in the tenure of mr poltney of S James new inclosed.
It'm a close lienge north of the brykkill & abuttinge vpon brokshott in ye tenure of Jno Jenings of westme'ster Coman Wth in the ij yers & now kept enclosed.
It'm on pece off ground wth the sande pits abuting vpon the high way north & the p'ke wall of S James sowth counte by estimation xxxtie acres in the tenure of tho's poltney of St James being comon in the yere of or Ld god 1572 & now enclosed.
Item the reste off the lande belonginge to the ffarme off St James.
Item a ffeyld Called hebbrye wch was Comon being now enclosed and In the tenure of Antony Calis & mr Wortley of westminster.
The names of the Surueyors
Thomas ffowler
John Colbrande
John ffisher
Johne Jenings
John Sauage
Thomas Kolcrofte
wm browne
Richarde Darlowe
Harold Bingham
Johne Earpe
Humphrey Motle
John hathaway
Henry Russell
John shortrydes
James aunsell
wth others.
[signed] will'm bevan
The mark [mark] of Edward Phippes.
vijo Die ffebruarij 1590 xxxiijo Eliz:
[Signed] Will'm Fisher vicar
Symon Grene
Richard wodlocke
Will'm Beuan
Mathy clercke
Richard [mark] Aucockes m'ke
Jeames [mark] waller
Thom's ffowler
John Colbrand
Wy: Hedworth
Edward Stylkragg
p' me Derr helden
Cornelius [mark] godfrie
John [mark] Kelsey
John [mark] goodcole
xxijo Die Julij 1593 xxxvto Eliz
Plague 1593 | Md that ye Day And yeare abouesaid it was ordered by the maisters hereunder named that theis p'sons hereunder named shall receave weekely As followeth |
& ther Are chosen to be be'ares & Shearchers for men
John Bellowes vjd
william Baylie xijd
theis Are chosen Shearchers for weomen
goodwif Bellowes xviijd goodwif Baylie xviijd
The accountes of the collectours for the howses visited in the tyme of the plage 1593
Die veneris xxvto Die Januarij 1593 Annoq' Regni Regine Elizabeth Tricesimo Sexto.
[Signed] T. Knyght vicarr
Edward Stylkragg
John Colbrande
W. Hedworthe
Richard wodlocke
wyll'm Jespar
Anthony haris
Will'm Beuan
John [mark] kelsey
John [mark] goodcole
Robarte occleson
Hynry Jonson
xxjo Aprilis 1594
[Signed] Will'm Ballett
[Signed] W Ballett
Delivered more to the said William Ballet the xxth day of October towarde the suyte of the said commons 1594 | vli xvs iijd |
[Signed] Will'm Ballett
[Signed] Will'm Ballett
[There is nothing to show where this money came from—unless it was the result of the energy displayed by the collectors appointed in Feb. 1593–4.]