Accounts: December 1587 - December 1589

St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 1901.

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'Accounts: December 1587 - December 1589', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603, ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Accounts: December 1587 - December 1589', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Edited by J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Accounts: December 1587 - December 1589". St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

December 1587 - December 1589

The accoumpte of Richarde

Woodlocke and William Bevan Churchwardens of the p'ishe of Sct martine in the feildes in the Countie of Midd' chosen and Appointed by the whole assent and consent of ye maisters of the same p'ishe in vestrie (fn. 1) for the space of Two whole yeares comensinge at the feast of the beirth of our Lord god one Thowsand ffive hundered ffourescoore and seaven and endinge at the like feast in ye yeare of our Lord one thowsand ffive hundered ffourescoore and nyne and in ye two and Thirtith yeare of ye raign of or sou'aign Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god of England ffraunce and Ireland Queene defendor of the faith &c'. Aswell for receiptes as paymtes by them receyved and paid as in this their accoumpt p'ticularly ensueth.

The said accomptantes chardge them selues with the Receipt of—vijli. viijs. vd. which they receyved of Mathewe Clarke and John Goodcole ye last Churchwardens, at their enterance into their office vijli. viijs. vd.
Item Receyved for the Clerke and Sextons wages and for pewes & rep'ac'ons of ye Church as by the gatheringe Booke may more at lardge and p'ticularly appeare xli.
It'm receyved for half of ye Token money in this our ffirst yeare xlvijs iijd
It'm Receyved of mr marcke Styward for one yeares rent for ye howse ou' ye Church lane xiijs iiijd
It'm Receyved of mr Poultney for his fine (fn. 2) for not s'vinge thoffice of Churchwardenshippe in ye Rome of Henry Stevenson whoe deceased in his first quarter xxs
It'm Receyved for ye old Pulpitt ijs
Some—xxjli. xjs.

Receiptes for burialls knelles and sutche like in this or first yeare as followeth.

[.1587. Christmas q'ter December. Inprimis the xxvijth day was buried mr Christoper Hayward (fn. 3) late viccar of this Church for the best cloth xxd, thafternones knell xiiijd, and for ij peales iiijd. iijs ijd
It'm ye last day was buried [Agnes] martine, coffine vjd
January. It'm the xijth day was buried Thom's walthoe for thafternones knell xiiijd, ye best cloth xxd, ye Coffine vjd, ij peales iiijd iijs viijd
It'm ye xvjth was buried one (fn. 4) from knightsbridge ni'll
It'm the xixth was buried John martine for the afternones knell xiiijd, & for ye coffine vjd xxd
It'm ye xxth was buried Agnes Hatton ni'll
It'm the xxvth was buried Agnes meakins, worst cloth ijd
It'm ye xxvjth was buried margarett Chappell for worst cloth ijd. coffine vjd viijd

The firste yeares Receiptes

Burialls in Christmas quarter .1587.

ffebruary. Item ye ijd was buried Agnes Holt ni'll
It'm ye xjth was buried John Pallon (fn. 5) fro ye spittle ni'll
It'm the xvjth was buried Thomas milles from spittle ni'll
It'm the xvth was buried Anne Porter best cloth xxd, ij peales iiijd. ijs
It'm the xvjth was buried [blank] Sop' worst cloth ijd
It'm the xviijth was buried Nicholas Kelley ni'll
It'm the xxviijth was buried mary Price ni'll
Marche. It'm the iiijth was buried Henry Stevenson late Chosen Churchwarden for theis ij yeares followinge, and william Bevan sworne in his place the xvth day of Aprill next. for the ground in ye Church—vjs viijd, for ye best cloth xxd, for thafter nones knell—xiiijd. and for ij peales iiijd. ixs xd
It'm ye same day was buried [blank] a s'u'nt of mr wilsons, for ye worst cloth & coffine viijd
It'm ye same day was buried mr woods Child for the Coffine vjd vjd
It'm the xth was buried m'garet wethered for the worst cloth ijd ijd
It'm the xiijth was buried Joane wills (fn. 6) from spittle ni'll
It'm the xvth was buried Isabell (fn. 7) Hewes ali's Calcott worst cloth ijd, coffine vjd, ij peales iiijd. xijd
It'm ye xxijth was buried Bassill wood, after nones knell xiiijd, best cloth xxd, coffine vjd, ij peales iiijd iijs viijd
Some of the burialls in this or xp'mas q'ter is xxvijs. xd.

Burialls in or Ladie day q'ter .1588.

Marche .1588. Item the xxvth day was buried George woodhowse gent, for ye ground in ye Church vjs viijd, for thafter nones knell xiiijd. ij peales iiijd viijs ijd
It'm ye xxvijth was buried Richard Pettie ni'll
It'm ye xxxjth was buried George Horsman for ye ground in the Church vjs viijd, ij peales iiijd vijs

The first yeares Receiptes .1588.

Burialls in or Ladie day quarter .1588.

Aprill. Item the vth was buried Anthony Brigham for the ground in the Church—vjs viijd, thafter nones knell xiiijd, ye best cloth xxd, ij peales iiijd ixs xd
It'm ye vijth was buried John Nelson best cloth xxd the Coffine vjd, and ij peales iiijd. ijs vjd
It'm ye xth was buried Adam Clementson ni'll
It'm the xvijth was buried Edmond Barton for ye ground in ye Church vjs viijd, ye best cloth xxd, the after nones knell xiiijd, and ij peales iiijd ixs xd
May. It'm ye vijth was buried Rob't garden' gent, for the ground in ye Church vjs viijd, ye best cloth xxd, the after nones knell xiiijd. iij peales vjd xs
It'm ye same day was buried Hester williamson, coffine vjd
It'm ye xvth was buried [blank]. a strang' for the Coffine vjd, for ye worst cloth ijd, j peale ijd xd
It'm ye xviijth was buried John Rivers from spittle ni'll
June. It'm the xiiijth was buried Thomas [blank] ni'll
It'm the xvth was buried mother Browen & a child ni'll
It'm the xvjth was buried Nicholas Jones, best cloth xxd, ye coffine vjd, ye ij peales iiijd ijs vjd
It'm ye xvijth was buried John Garden' ni'll
It'm the xxvijth was buried mother lea, for ye best cloth xxd, ye ij peales iiijd, & ye Coffine vjd ijs vjd
It'm the xxixth was buried John wilson for ye best cloth xxd, ij peales iiijd, & coffine vjd ijs vjd
Some of ye burialls in this or ladie day quarter is lvjs. ijd.

Burialls in Midsom' quarter .1588.

July. Item ye ijd was buried Barbara Goodcole ye daughter of Peter Goodcole a martier, for ye best cloth xxd, ye graue vjd and ye ij peales iiijd ijs vjd
It'm ye vjth was buried A Chrisome of John Knoweldens ni'll
It'm ye vijth was buried a Chrisome of mr Sandes, coffine vjd
It'm the xth was buried Henry zouch gent, for ye ground in ye church vjs viijd. ye best cloth ijs. after nones knell xiiijd, the iij peales vjd xs iiijd

The firste years Receiptes .1588.

Burialls in Midsom' quarter .1588.

July. Item ye xjth was buried Rob't Slater ni'll
It'm ye xijth was buried mrs m'garett Sandes (fn. 8) a moste vertuous & godly gentlewoman for the after nones knell xiiijd, ye best cloth xxd, ye iij peales vjd iijs viijd
It'm the xvjth was buried Anne Russell for the breakeinge ye ground vjs viijd, for ye best cloth xxd, for thafter nones knell xiiijd. ij peales iiijd ixs xd
It'm the xxvth was buried Mighell Palm' the best cloth xxd ye Coffine vjd ijs ijd
It'm ye same day was buried Agnes Arnold, coffine vjd
It'm the xxxth was buried Richard Cooke gent, for ye ground in the Church vjs viijd, ye cloth—ijs, ye after nones knell xxd, the iiijor peales viijd xjs
August. It'm ye ijd was buried a Chrisome of Jeames wallers ni'll
It'm the vijth was buried Elizabeth Allanson for the ground in ye Church vjs viijd, ye cloth xxd, the afternones knell xiiijd, ye iij peales vjd xs
It'm ye ixth was buried margaret Rogers ni'll
It'm the xijth day was buried John Potter for ye best cloth xxd, one peale ijd xxijd
It'm ye xvijth weare buried Ric' Hatton & Edith Edwardes ni'll
It'm the xviijth was buried Edward Saile worst cloth iiijd, ye after nones knell xiiijd, ye iij peales vjd, ye coffine vjd ijs vjd
It'm the same day was buried Richard Palm', for ye Coffine vjd vjd
September It'm ye third was buried Rob't Gibson ye best cloth xxd, ye ij peales iiijd & ye coffine vjd ijs vjd
It'm the vjth was bur': walter Rubbishe. coffine and cloth viijd
It'm ye xiiijth was bur' Henry Taylor ni'll
It'm ye xxth was buried Joane Occleson for ye best cloth xxd, ye coffine vjd, thafter nones knell & peales xviijd iijs viijd
It'm ye xxvijth was buried Sir Amyas Pawlet (fn. 9) knight one of her maties moste hon'able privie counsell for after nones knell xxd, ye cloth ijs & peales viijd iiijs iiijd
Some of ye burialls in this or Midsom' q'ter is iijli. ixs.

The firste years Receiptes .1588.

Burialls in Mighelmas quarter.

October. Item ye first was buried At Set Sepulchres wthout Newgate, Elizabeth Campsall widdowe, for ye forenones knell xiiijd, ye iiij peales viijd, ye coffine ijd ijs
It'm ye iiijth day was buried Henry welshe gent yt was slaine, for ye after nones knell viiijd, ye cloth xxd, ye iiijor peales viijd iijs vjd
It'm ye xth was buried mrs [blank] Houlton for ye ground in ye Church—vjs viijd, for ye best cloth xxd, thafter nones knell xiiijd, for iij peales vjd xs
It'm ye xvth was buried [blank] mrs m'tins maid, cloth ijd
It'm ye xixth & xxth weare buried ij Chrisomes ni'll
It'm ye xxjth was buried Elizabeth ffox, for ye best cloth xxd, & ye coffine vjd ijs ijd
It'm ye xxijth was buried a chrisome of Symon ffrise (fn. 10) ni'll
It'm ye xxixth was buried Rob't Grene worst cloth ijd
November. It'm the ixth was buried [Elizabeth] Bridge, forenones knell xiiijd, ye ij peales iiijd, ye coffine vjd ijs ijd
It'm ye xijth was buried Richard Hounston for ye ground vjs viijd. for ye cloth ijs. for ye forenones knell xiiijd, for ye iij peales xijd xs xd
It'm ye xiijth was buried Elizabeth Bosley worst cloth ijd, ij peales iiijd vjd
It'm ye xxviijth was buried Jesp' Johnson, coffine vjd
It'm ye xxxth was buried wm Spencer thafternones knell xiiijd ye iij peales vjd, ye coffine vjd, the best cloth xxd iijs xd
December. It'm ye xjth was buried Ralf Pitman, worst cloth ijd
It'm ye xijth was buried Charles Smith, worst cloth ijd
It'm ye xiiijth was bur' Richard Drake, worst cloth ijd
It'm ye xviijth was bur' Richard Cullymore, worst cloth ijd
It'm ye xxviijth was bur' Joane Nelson, worst cloth ijd
Some of ye burialls in this or mighelmas q'ter is xxxvjs. vjd.
Some of ye whole receiptes for burialls in this or first yeare is ixli. ixs. vjd.
Some Totall of ye whole Receiptes in this or first yeare Amounteth vnto ye some of xxxjli. vjd.


The said accomptantes demaund allowance for ymploymentes and chardges by them paid and disbursed for ye vse of ye Church & other ordinary and Extraordinary chardges in this their first yeare as p'ticularly ensueth.

Paymentes in Christmas quarter .1587.

Item paid ye xxvjth of January for takeinge of or oathes and or sidmen xijd
It'm paid for or Dynn' & ye sidmens ye same day iiijs ijd
It'm paid for a s'vice booke ye iiijth of ffebruary vjs viijd
It'm paid for mendinge of ye viccars old s'uice booke vjd
It'm paid for a paper Booke xijd
It'm paid for a newe Comunion table to Jeames waller xvs
It'm paid for garnyshinge of ye Church as followeth xlijs iiijd
It'm paid for coullors bought at sondrie tymes
It'm paid for white and red lead xijs ijd
It'm paid for oyle xxxijs
It'm paid for Russett and spanishe whitinge xiijs ijd
It'm paid for iiij sackes of Coales At ixd a sacke to heat ye painters thinges and for pottes to seeth size in and for leather and ffier wood—iiijs ijd, coales iijs. vijs ijd
It'm paid for carvinge of xiiijten fflower deluces (fn. 11) ixs iiijd
It'm paid vnto iiijor seu'all Painters for their workemanshippe in trymmynge of ye Church lvijs viijd
It'm paid for sand lyme and haire xixs iiijd
It'm paid vnto ij Plasterers and their labors xxxvjs iijd
It'm paid vnto Stockedale for vj dayes worke and a half at xvjd a day viijs viijd
It'm paid to his man for v dayes worke & A half At xiiijd a day vs xd
It'm given to ye workemen to Drincke at sondrie tymes xijd
It'm paid vnto Jeames Waller for ij bourdes next ye Chauncell and for his workemanshippe iiijs
It'm paid to Edward ffeverell for iij peeces of tymber at xijd ye peece & for ij oaken bourdes to mend ye west Church dore & for half a C of bourd to mend ye staires xvs xd
It'm pd for lath and nailes vs iiijd
It'm pd for blackeinge fflorey (fn. 12) & Brasell (fn. 13) & vermill'on for ye painters ijs
It'm pd for or q'ter bill & a booke, ye xth of m'che xvjd
It'm ye same day for or drinckinge & ye sidmen ijs ixd
It'm pd for a balrige ye xiiijth of m'che ijs iiijd
It'm pd for paveinge of ij graves & for tile iijs
It'm pd to mother ffuller for her quarteridge ijs
It'm pd vnto ye Clarke for his wages xxs
It'm pd vnto ye Sexton for his wages & other thinges by him laid out as by his bill appeares xiiijs xd
Some of this or Christmas q'ter is—xvijli. vjs. viijd.

The firste yeares paymentes .1588.

Paymentes in or Ladie day q'ter .1588.

Item pd ye xvth of Aprill At ye Archdeacons visitac'on for mr Bevans oath and for a booke of Articles xvjd
It'm pd for or Dynn's & ye sidmens ye same day vjs viijd
It'm pd ye xxvjth of Aprill for a bell rope weyinge vjli at iijd jli xviijd
It'm pd to Bellowes ye viijth of may for makinge vj formes iiijs vjd
It'm pd for a rope for ye ffant (fn. 14) vjd
It'm pd ye xviijth of may for paveinge of ij graues & for tile ijs
It'm pd to John Jones for mendinge of ij pewes ye vijth of June xvjd
It'm pd vnto him for mendinge ye west church yard gate xvjd
It'm pd for hinges for a pewe dore viijd
It'm pd for mendinge of ye locke & for a newe bolt to the East Church yard gate xxiijd
It'm pd ye xxiijth of June to ye Clarke for his wages xxs
It'm pd ye same day vnto ye Sexton for his wages xs
It'm pd for kepeinge ye Clocke xxd
It'm pd for bromes & oyle for ye clocke xd
It'm pd for mendinge of A balrige vjd
It'm pd for ringinge At her maties comynge & goinge from whitehall xxd
It'm pd for washinge of ye Church clothes xvjd
It'm pd to mother ffuller ijs
Some of this or ladie day quarter is—lixs. ixd.

Paymentes in Midsom' quarter.

Item pd ye vijth of July for p'sentinge or bill iiijd
It'm paid for mendinge of A bell wheele ye xiijth of July xijd
It'm paid ye xxth of July for A prayer booke (fn. 15) viijd
It'm pd ye xxjth day for a bell rope weyinge vjli xviijd
It'm pd ye iiijth of August for ringinge At her maties comynge to Set Jeames xijd
It'm pd vnto Symon ye xijth for layinge ij stones on ij gravs viijd
It'm paid for ringinge At her maties goinge & comynge to & from ye Campe at Tilbury in Essex (fn. 16) ijs
It'm pd for ij bell ropes ye xxvth of August ijs
It'm pd for ringinge on ye vijth of September being her maties beirth day ijs
It'm pd ye xxixth day to ye Clarke & Sexton for their wages xxxs
It'm pd for kepeinge ye Clocke xxd
It'm pd for bromes and oyle for ye clocke & bells xd
It'm pd mother ffuller & for washinge ye church clothes iijs iiijd
Some of this or Midsom' q'ter is—xlvijs.

The first yeares paymentes .1588.

Paymentes in Mighelmas quarter.

Item pd ye ijd October vnto John Bellowes for mendinge of the treable bell wheele viijd
It'm pd ye xviijth day of ye same for a newe balrige to yt bell ijs
It'm pd ye xxth for a booke of Articles at ye visitacon xijd
It'm pd for or Dynn' & ye sidmens ye same day vjs ijd
It'm pd for a newe locke to ye east church yard gate ijs vjd
It'm pd ye xxixth of October for mendinge ye Middle gutter vjli of sodder at vijd ye pound iijs vjd
It'm pd to ye workeman for half A dayes worke xvjd
It'm pd for wood & coale to melt ye sodder vjd
It'm pd ye xxxth for ringinge At her maties goinge from Set Jeames to grenewch xijd
It'm pd ye iijd of November to ye Parritor for a warrant to kepe holy ye xixth day At wch tyme her matie should a gone to Powles (fn. 17) iiijd
It'm pd for ringinge ye xvijth & ye xixth day ixs iiijd
It'm pd for a pound of Candles ye xvijth day iiijd
It'm pd for ye x comaundemtes in ye Chauncell iijs iiijd
It'm pd for ringinge ye xxxth at her maties dep'ture xijd
It'm pd vnto Bellowes ye iiijth of December for trussinge of ye third bell & to one yt helpt him ijs ijd
It'm pd ye xth for puttinge in of or q'ter bill vjd
It'm pd for ixc of pavinge tile to A mend the north and Middle Ile xliiijs
It'm pd for C of lyme ixs
It'm pd for iiijor loades of sand iiijs
It'm pd for carriage of ye tile iiijd & for heare ijd vjd
It'm pd to Thomas Bynnes for ij dayes worke ijs viijd
It'm pd to his man for viij dayes xs viijd
It'm pd to his Laborer viij dayes vjs viijd
It'm pd to ye Clarke And Sexton for ther wages xxxs
It'm pd for kepeinge ye Clocke xxd
It'm pd for bromes & oyle for ye Clocke & belles xijd
It'm pd for hollie Ivie Rosemary & bayes xvjd
It'm pd for washinge of ye Church clothes xvjd
It'm pd to mother ffuller ijs
It'm pd vnto mathewe Clarke for kepeinge of ye clocke vjs viijd
Some of this Mighelmas q'ter—vijli. xvijs. ijd.
Some totall of ye paymtes in this our first yeare is xxxli. xs. vijd.

The accoumpte of the said Richarde woodlocke and William Bevan; Churchwardens for their secound yeare of Office haveinge comencement from the feast of the Beirth of our Lord god, 1588, and endinge on ye like feast, 1589. Aswell of Receiptes as paymtes by them receyved & paid as hereafter p'ticularly ensueth.


Item Receyved towardes the Clarke and Sextons wages and for pewes and rep'ac'ons of ye Church as by ye gatheringe booke may Appeare xli.
It'm Receyved for half of ye Token money lijs. iiijd.
It'm Receyved of mr marcke Styward for one whole yeares rent for ye h'owse ou' ye Church lane ended at Christmas last ye some of xiijs. iiijd.
Some — xiijli. vs. viijd.

Receipts At burialls knelles and sutch like as hereafter p'ticularly ensueth.

January. 1588. Item ye first was buried Joane Potter ni'll
It'm ye ixth was buried a Chrisome of william Pearesons ni'll
It'm ye xth was buried mary Slowmans ni'll
It'm ye xixth was buried Andrewe weston for ye ground in ye Church vjs viijd, for ye best cloth xxd, thafter nones knell xiiijd, ye iij peales vjd xs
It'm ye xxixth was buried Lewis Ketcham worst cloth ijd
It'm ye same day was buried Elizabeth Tymewell ni'll
ffebruary. It'm ye ixth was buried Alice Curson ni'll
It'm the xvijth was buried mother Hampden for ye best cloth xxd, coffine vjd, & ij peales iiijd ijs vjd
It'm ye same day was buried widdowe gentle for ye best cloth xxd, ye graue vjd ijs ijd
marche. It'm ye first was buried Richard Rice coffine & peales xijd
It'm ye vijth was buried william Evans for ye best cloth xxd, thafter nones knell xiiijd, coffine & peales xijd iijs xd
It'm ye xiijth was buried John Brooke worst cloth & coffine xd
Some of ye burialls in this or Christmas quarter is xxs. vjd.

The secound yeares Receiptes

Burialls in our Ladie day quarter .1589.

Aprill. Item ye ijd was buried John Elsworth worst cloth ijd
It'm ye xth was buried Thomas martine ye best cloth xxd, ye coffine vjd ijs ijd
It'm the xiijth was buried Susan Austen ni'll
It'm ye xxth was buried mary Hie for thafter nones knell xiiijd, ye cloth xxd, ye graue vjd & ye iij peales vjd iijs xd
may. It'm the ijd was buried Nicholas Carter worst cloth ijd
It'm ye viijth was buried william Paxford, coffine & cloth viijd
It'm ye xth was buried Henry Houlton gent' for ye ground in ye Church vjs viijd, ye cloth xxd, ye after nones knell xiiijd, iiij peales viijd xs ijd
It'm ye xixth was buried mr william Cooke Esquier A moste zealous & vertuous gent, (fn. 18) best cloth xxd, after nones knell xiiijd, for ye iij peales viijd iijs vjd
It'm ye same day was buried m'garett Mudd, for ye best cloth xxd, ye coffine vjd ijs ijd
It'm ye xxth was buried Thomas Edge worst cloth ijd
June. It'm the xxijth was buried Isacke huse coffine vjd
It'm ye xxiijth was buried Dudley Lac'on coffine vjd
It'm ye xxiiijth was buried Lewis Jordain for ye cloth xxd, thafternones knell xiiijd ijs xd
Some in this or Ladie Day quarter is xxvjs. xd.

Burialls in Midsom' quarter .1589.

July. Item ye ixth was buried Samuell [Layghte]. for ye after nones knell xiiijd, for ye best cloth xxd, coffine & peales xijd iijs xd
It'm ye xiijth was buried Pearse Jones for ye best cloth xxd ye coffine vjd iij peales vjd ijs viijd
It'm ye xxxjth was buried Judith ffoster, coffine vjd vjd
August. It'm the secound was buried Henry Darloe for ye best cloth xxd, thafter nones knell xiiijd, ye graue vjd, and the ij peales iiijd. iijs viijd
It'm the xiijth was buried mr [blank] Sparke Chaplyn to ye right hon'able ye Earle of Huntingdon for ye ground vjs viijd. ye best cloth xxd, ij peales iiijd viijs viijd
It'm ye same day was buried Charles wortley ni'll

The secounde yeares Receiptes

Burialls in Midsom' quarter .1589.

August. Item ye xxth was buried Jane Partington for ye coffine vjd vjd
It'm ye xxvth was buried Maudlyn warn' ye best cloth xxd, ye after nones knell xiiijd, cofine & peales xijd iijs xd
September. It'm ye first day was buried Edward ffeverell for ye ground vjs viijd, for ye cloth xxd, after nones knell xiiijd, iiij peales viijd xs ijd
It'm ye xiijth was buried Joane willison cloth ijd
It'm ye xiiijth was buried Thomas Newman for thafter nones knell xiiijd, worst cloth ijd, ye graue vjd xxijd
It'm ye xxiiijth was buried Dudley Lacon cofine vjd
It'm ye xxvth was buried Alice Brett cofine vjd
It'm ye xxixth was buried David Powell for ye ground vs viijd, ye forenones knell xiiijd the cloth xxd, the ij peales iiijd ixs xd
It'm ye same day was buried william Downes (fn. 19) for ye ground vjs viijd, thafter nones knell xiiijd, for ye cloth xxd, and the ij peales iiijd ixs xd
Some of ye burialls in this or Midsom' q'ter is lvjs. vjd

Burialls in Mighelmas quarter 1589.

October. Item ye ijd was buried xp'ofer vincent for the ground vjs viijd, ye after nones knell xiiijd, iiij peales viijd viijs vjd
It'm ye vjth was buried Jeames ffisher for ye best cloth xxd, and coffine vjd ijs ijd
It'm ye xiiijth was buried william Browen, cofine vjd
It'm ye xvth was buried [blank] Burey for the best cloth xxd, & ye graue vjd ijs ijd
It'm ye last was buried Rob't Hardinge for ye best cloth xxd, ye after nones knell xiiijd, grave & peles xd iijs viijd
November. It'm ye third was buried Rob't Jones for ye after nones knell xiiijd, and cofine vjd xxd
It'm ye xxiijth was buried Rob't [blank]. cloth & cofine ijs ijd
It'm ye xxvijth was buried Edward Sare (fn. 20) cloth & cofine ijs vjd
December. It'm ye xxiiijth was buried Joane Ithell worst cloth ijd
Some of ye burialls in this or mighelmas quarter is xxiijs. vjd.
Some totall of ye burialls (fn. 21) is vjli. vijs. iiijd.
Some totall of ye whole receiptes in this our secound yeare is xixli. xiijs.

The said accomptantes demaund allowance for ymploymtes and chardges by ympaid & disbursed for ye vse of ye Church & other ordinary & extraordinary paymentes in this their secound yeare as hereafter more p'ticularly ensueth.

Paymentes in Christmas quarter .1588.

Item pd ye xjth of January for xjli of bell rope at iijd ye pound ijs ixd
It'm pd ye xxxth for ringinge At her maties comynge to white hall xijd
It'm pd ye iiijth of ffebruary for ringinge At her maties goinge to ye p'liament howse xijd
It'm pd ye xxth of ffebrruary to Thomas Bynnes for ye coveringe of a graue wth newe tiles ijs
It'm pd ye xth of march for p'sentinge or quarter bill iiijd
It'm pd ye xxth of m'ch vnto william Partington for mendinge ye frame of ye bells and for Alteringe ye belfrie staires as by his bill may Appeare xxiiijs
It'm pd vnto ye Clarke And Sexton for their wages xxxs
It'm pd for kepeinge ye clocke xxd
It'm pd for bromes and oyle for ye clocke xd
It'm pd for washinge of ye Church clothes xvjd
It'm pd vnto mother ffuller ijs
Some of this or Christmas quarter is—iijli. vjs. xjd.

Paymentes in our Ladie day q'ter .1589.

Item pd ye xjth of Aprill for p'sentinge our bill at ye newe Archdeacons visitac'on xxd
It'm pd for Dynn' and ye sidmens ye same day vs xd
It'm pd vnto John Jones ye xxvijth of Aprill for mendinge of ye store howse doore vjd
It'm pd ye xiijth of maye for a rope weyinge vijli & a q'ter at iijd a pound xxijd
It'm pd the xxvjth and xxviijth dayes of may for ringinge At her maties goinge & comynge from Barne Elmes (fn. 22) ijs
It'm pd vnto Thomas Bynnes for plasteringe of ye belfrie staires xijd
It'm pd for nailes and iij quarters of holland to cou' the comunion cupp vjs iiijd

The secounde yeares paymentes

Paymentes in or Ladie day q'ter. 1589.

Item paid the viijth day of June for xlti foote of bourd for to bottom ye ij pewes in ye Chauncell iijs
It'm paid vnto Bellowes for one dayes worke Aboute ye same and to one yt helpt him to fetch ye bourdes xvjd
It'm pd for ringinge at her maties goinge & comynge from Hie gate and going to Nonesutch ijs
It'm pd for mendinge of ye locke of ye Clarkes chest in ye Chauncell and for a newe key xijd
It'm pd vnto ye Clarke for his quarters wages xxs
It'm pd vnto ye Sexton for his quarters wages xs
It'm pd for kepeinge of ye Clocke xxd
It'm pd for bromes and oyle for ye clocke & bells xd
It'm pd for washinge of the Church clothes xvjd
It'm pd to mother ffuller ijs
Some of this or Ladie Day quarter is iijli. ijs. iiijd.

Paymentes in Midsom' quarter .1589.

Item paid ye xxvijth of June vnto mr Stubbes for p'sentinge of our quarter bill ijs
It'm pd the third of July for a belrope weyinge vjli at iijd the pound xviijd
It'm paid for a balrige ye iiijth xxijd
It'm pd ye xviijth of July vnto mr Plompton for newe Trymmynge of ye Clocke Diall xs
It'm pd ye vjth day of August At ye Lord Bisshopp of London his visitac'on, for a booke of Articles & for or aunswer therunto ijs
It'm pd for or dynn' and ye sidmens ye same day vjs viijd
It'm pd for ringinge on ye vijth day of September for ringinge beinge her maties beirth day ijs

The seconde yeares paymentes

Paymentes in Midsom' quarter .1589.

Item paid to William Partington ye same day for ij Joyces A boute ye frame of ye bells ijs
It'm paid him for a dayes worke xvjd
It'm paid for nailes xd
It'm paid for screwes for ye bells xijd
It'm paid ye xiijth day of September for iij yardes and a quarter of grene cloth for ye comunion Table At vijs vjd a yard xxvs
It'm pd ye same day for A s'uice booke iijs viijd
It'm pd for mendinge of the locke and boult of ye east church gate vjd
It'm pd ye xxiijth day for a shovell ixd
It'm pd vnto ye Clarke for his quarters wages xxs
It'm pd vnto the Sexton for his quarters wages xs
It'm pd vnto him for kepeinge of ye clocke xxd
It'm pd for bromes And oyle for ye clocke and bells xd
It'm pd for a basket iiijd
It'm pd for ij bell roppes weyinge xiijli at iijd a pound iijs iijd
It'm pd for washinge of ye Church clothes xvjd
It'm pd vnto mother ffuller ijs
Some of this or Midsom' q'ter is—vli. vjd.

Paymentes in Mighelmas q'ter .1589.

Item paid the xvijth of October at ye Chauncellors visitac'on for A booke of Articles and for the receipt of or aunswer vnto it ijs
It'm pd ye same day for or dynn's & ye sidmens iiijs viijd
It'm pd ye iiijth of November for pavinge of v graves vnto Thomas Bynnes And for stuf to doe them vs
It'm pd ye xiijth day for A balrige for ye iiijth bell iiijs iiijd
It'm pd ye xvth day for ringinge At her maties comynge to Som'set howse xijd
It'm pd for ij bell ropes weyinge xiiijli At iijd a pound iijs vjd
It'm pd for ringinge ye xvijth day beinge ye Chaunge of her maties raign vjs

The secounde yeares paymentes

Paymentes in Mighelmas quarter .1589.

Item paid ye same xvijth of November for a pound of candels iiijd
It'm paid ye xxviijth of November to ye Clockemaker for newe mendinge of ye Clocke xvs
It'm pd ye ijd of December for ringinge At her maties goinge from Som'set howse to Richmond xijd
It'm pd ye xjth day to mr Stubbes for p'sentinge or quarter bill iiijd
It'm pd more for An order from mr Stubbes iiijd
It'm pd ye xiiijth day for mendinge of iij formes and iiij pewes and for bourdes to it ijs viijd
It'm pd for ye p'clamac'on for waightes vjd
It'm pd for Iron worke to ye great tables of ye x comaundemtes xvjd
It'm pd for a white brushe & for nailes vjd
It'm paid vnto ye Clarke and Sexton for their quarters wages xxxs
It'm pd for kepeinge ye Clocke xxd
It'm pd for bromes and oyle for ye Clocke & belles xijd
It'm pd for washinge of ye Church clothes xvjd
It'm paid vnto mother ffuller ijs
It'm pd for hollie Ivie rosemary and bayes xvjd
It'm pd for writ'ng and ingrossinge of this our Accompte and for writinge ye ij Inventories of ye church goodes and for newe makeinge the gatheringe booke xxs
It'm pd for a supper for ye mrs of ye p'ishe At ye giveinge vpp of this our Accoumpt xxs
Some of this or Mighelmas quarter is vjli. vs. xd.
Some totall of this or secound yeares Receiptes is xixli. xiijs.
Some totall of this or secound yeares paymtes is xvijli. xvs. vijd.
Some gen'all of the Receiptes in theis our two yeares Amounteth vnto ye some of lli. xiijs. vjd.
Some gen'all of the paymtes in theis our two yeares amountes vnto the some of xlviijli. vjs. ijd.
So remaines in or handes for yt we haue receyved more then we haue laid out wch we are redie to deliu' vnto ye new Churchwardens ye some of xlvijs. iiijd.
Examyned and allowed by the maisters of the p'ishe hereunder mencioned the ffiftenth day of ffebruary, 1589, Ao q' R. R. Eliz (fn. 23) xxxijdo. and the chardge by them comitted and deliu'ed vnto the newe Churchwardens Richard Alcocke and Jeames Waller.

[Signed] W: Fisher (fn. 24) vicar ib'm
Thom's ffowler
John Colbrand
Richard [mark] Darloe
Miles lakyn
W. Hedworthe
Thomas pulteney
p' me Derr[ick] heldon
John [mark] Kelseys m'ke
Anthony haris
Edward Stylkragg
mathij clercke
John [mark] Goodcole

vppon the exhibiting of A bill of chardges of vjli. viijs. iiijd. wch ye Aforesaid Richard woodlocke laid out in his tyme of Churchwardenshippe in A sute a gainst ye p'ishe . It is ordered And agreed by vs ye Aforesaid mrs ye same some of vjli shalbe vnto him pd by ye next Churchwardens And their Successors by xs a quarter vntill he be of the said some fully satisfied.


  • 1. The first use of the word in these accounts.
  • 2. Such fines formed a source of very considerable revenue to the parish in the 17th century.
  • 3. vide p. 396.
  • 4. Thomas Younge (R.)
  • 5. Palton (R.)
  • 6. Wilks (R.)
  • 7. Elizabeth (R.)
  • 8. Uxor Mr. Edwyn Sandes, Gent. (R.)
  • 9. vide Dict. Nat. Biog. His body and monument, a recumbent figure in alabaster, were removed in 1728 to the church of Hinton St. George.
  • 10. Rowlandson (R.)
  • 11. Fleur-de-lys.
  • 12. A blue dye (Halliwell).
  • 13. A red dye (Halliwell).
  • 14. For the cover of the font.
  • 15. The "Form of Prayer necessary for the present time and state," which contains the sentence "God......dothe after a sorte threate' us with wars and invasion."
  • 16. Elizabeth went to Tilbury on Aug. 8th for the famous review, and returned to St. James's on Aug. 10th (Nichols Progresses of Elizabeth). The Rate Books record "It'm receyved at ye fast wch was kept on ye xiiijth of August xiijs." This was in accordance with the desire of the Privy Council expressed in a letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury (Acts of Privy Council, 23 July, 1588). The Archbishop had already sent a letter to the Bishops on July 10th (Strype's Whitgift, Bk. III, chap. 19).
  • 17. According to a letter in Nichols' Progresses the Queen was to have gone to St. Paul's on Nov. 18th, and Nichols adds that she intended to go to a sermon at St. Paul's Cross on Nov. 17th. Both these visits fell through. Nov. 19, Tuesday, was a holyday throughout the realm. Elizabeth's State Thanksgiving Service was held on Sunday, Nov. 24th.
  • 18. Ratebook for 1589–90 has "It'm receyved at ye fun'all of m' William Cooke whoe in his life tyme was very librall unto ye poore as by ye records here remayninge may appeare. vjs. viijd." Perhaps the son of Sir Anthony Cooke who, with Sir John Cheek, was tutor of Edward VI. William married Frances, daughter of Lord John Grey. A Mrs. Frances Cooke appears in the Ratebooks for several years, as a benevolent parishioner after this date (1589).
  • 19. There was a monument to his memory in the Church, vide Seymour's History of London, II, 646, for the inscription.
  • 20. Saxe (R.)
  • 21. There are 25 names in the Register which are not in the above list for this year.
  • 22. On a visit to Sir Francis Walsingham (Nichols' Progresses).
  • 23. vide note 1, p. 398.
  • 24. Appointed in April, 1588.