Accounts: December 1569 - December 1571

St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 1901.

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'Accounts: December 1569 - December 1571', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603, ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Accounts: December 1569 - December 1571', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Edited by J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Accounts: December 1569 - December 1571". St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

December 1569 - December 1571

This is thaccompte of ds Robarte Beste (fn. 1) and Androwe Westone Churche Wardens of the p'ryshe of Sct Martyns in the ffeyldes ner Charinge Crosse in the Countye of Mydd' Chossen and appoyntede for the space of towe hoole yers Endinge at the feaste of the Nativitye of our lorde god in anno a thowsande ffyve hundrethe three Score and a leven, and in the fortenthe yere of the Raigne of our soveraigne Ladye Elizabethe by the grace of gode Quene of Englande ffraunce and Irelande Deffendoure of the ffaithe &c' as Weell for the Receiptes as alsoe for the payments and all other Chardges Specyfyede and Conteynede in this our accompte as Here after ffollowethe &c, 1572.

Moneys Receyved of the maisters of the p'ryshe at our fyrste Entrance into our office

Inp'mis Receyuede the xth daye of Januarij in the xijth yeere of the Raigne of our soveraigne Ladye quene Elizabethe by vs Rob'rte Beeste and Androwe [Weston iijli ijs
The Receiptes of all somes of Moneye of the ffyrste yeere of our Charge as well for buryalls knyles and suche lyke as ffoll'
Januarij It'm the xxxt daye of december buryed Ellen Weltone ijs iiijd
It'm the same daye was Buryede Clemente Mores (fn. 2) Nyc'
It'm the same daye was Buryede one (fn. 3) Spencer Nic'
(fn. 5) It'm the fyrste of Januarij was Buryede John Tonge ijd
It'm the vijth of Januarij was Buryede Elyne Bromeleye xiiijd
It'm the xxth daye of Januarij was Buryede John Evans xiiijd
It'm the same daye was buryede John Wylsone & John haden (fn. 4) ijd
ffebrewarii It'm the xvijt of ffebrewarij was buryede Gryffen Evans Nic'
It'm the xviijt daye was Buriede Elizabethe Yewle vijs viijd
It'm the same daye was Buriede Margarette Ethell Nic'
It'm the xxvjt daye was Buryede John Bayle Nic'
Marche It'm the vth of marche was Buryede Rychard Smythe viijs viijd
It'm viijth daye was Buryede Anne Sterne Nic'
It'm the xxth daye was Buryede ffrauncis Wharton Nic'
It'm the same daye was Buriede Oliver Dempen (fn. 6) Nic'
It'm the xxiiijt daye was Rycharde Harmane xijd
It'm the Laste daye was Buryede Ane Corbette ijd
S'm Receyved for burials in or ladye daye Qua'ter—xxijs vjd
Aprell It'm the fyrste of Aprell Receyuede for token moneye xxxiiijs
It'm the same daye was buryede Annys Acselle (fn. 7) iijs iiijd
It'm the same daye was buryede Margarett Ludforde Nic'
It'm the iijt daye was buryede Elizabethe Symsone (fn. 8) ijd
It'm the same daye was buryede Sebbell ffepps ijd
It'm the xxt daye was buryede John Bacone ijd
It'm the xxjt daye was buryede Nycholas Yeomans ijd
It'm the xxvt daye was buryede Margarett warde Nic'
It'm the same daye was buryede Rycharde Stewarde ijd
It'm the xxvijt daye was buryede Rycharde Bevene (fn. 9) Nic'
Maye It'm the iijt of Maye was buryede Nycholas Browne ijd
It'm the iiijt daye was buryede Elizabethe Browne (fn. 10) Nic'
It'm the same daye was buryede Annys Axall (fn. 11) Nic'
It'm the same daye was buryede Jone Swayne Nic'
It'm the same daye was buryede Robarte Sayes ijs iiijd
It'm the xvjt daye was buryede wyll'm Arnolde ijd
It'm the xxjt daye was buryede Petter gyllaboate (fn. 12) ijd
(fn. 18) It'm the xxiijt daye was buryede Marye Jones ijd
(fn. 18) It'm the xxiiijt daye was buryede John fferres iiijd
It'm the same daye Martyne felde was buried beinge a Child found by the p'rishe (fn. 13) Nic'
It'm the laste of maye was Buryede Owen vpphewe ijd
June It'm the seconde of June was buryede Rycharde Gyllabote (fn. 14) ijd
It'm the viijth daye was buryede Wyll'm Sargante (fn. 15) ijd
It'm the same daye Emanewell Beaste was buryede Nic'
It'm the same daye was Buryede ELizabethe Wylsone (fn. 16) ijd
It'm the xvijt daye was Buriede Arthure Roosse (fn. 17) ijd
It'm the xxvt daye was Buryede Joh'n Wylliams ijd
S'm Receyuede for buryals in mydsom' Qua'ter—xlijs vjd
Julye It'm the ffyrste daye was Buryede ELizabethe Harvye Nic'
It'm the ixt daye was Buryede Christopher Torner Nic'
It'm the same daye was Buryede x'ptopher Hayne Nic'
It'm the xxjt daye was Buryede Prewdeaxe stevnsone Nic'
It'm the same daye was Buryed Margarett Savagge Nic'
It'm the xxviijt daye was Buriede John Powell ijs
It'm the laste of Julij was Buried John Moote Nic'
Awguste It'm the fyrste of Awguste was Buryede Marye garrate ijd
It'm the same daye was Buryede Rogger ffooxe ijd
It'm the iijt daye was Buryede Marye Cornellys ijd
It'm the x daye was Buryede Ellen Evans ijd
It'm the xvj daye was Buryede Amye Cornyshe ijd
It'm the same daye was Buryede Lewse Christian ijd
It'm the xxvt daye was Buryed Sewzan Batte Nic'
It'm the xxvjt daye was Buryede John Mowlsene Nic'
It'm the laste of Awguste was buried Edwarde gawen ijd
Septemb'r It'm the viijth of Septemb'r was buryede John Bettye ijd
It'm the same daye was buryede Margerye Bursse Nic'
It'm the xjt daye was buryede Arnolde Johnsone Nic'
It'm the xvijt daye was buryede Mathewe harden (fn. 19) ijd
It'm the xxiiijt daye was buryede John Charsleye xvjd
It'm the xxvjt daye was buryede Edmonde prockter viijs
It'm the laste of Septemb'r was buryede Margerye Nelson (fn. 20) xvjd
S'm Receyuede for buriales in Myghelmas Qua'ter—xiiijs ijd
October It'm the xvt daye of Octob'r was Buriede James Hudsone Nic'
It'm the xxt daye was buryede Nycholas Strangestaffe ijd
It'm the same daye was buryede Jewdethe Bevene Nic'
It'm the xxviijt of October was Buriede Robarte Hoggens ijs iiijd
November It'm the xxth of Novemb'r was Buried Thom's Wackfeylde ijd
It'm the same daye was Buried John Hayne and Nathaniell Beaste Nic'
December It'm the fyrste of Decemb'r was buriede x'ptopher Laconte iijs iiijd
It'm the vijt daye was Buryede Jone Symocke (fn. 21) viijs
It'm the same daye was Buryede Robarte Lagate Nic'
It'm the xvt of Decemb'r was buried Elizabethe Cornyshe Nic'
S'm Receyued for buryals in x'pmas qua'ter—xiiijs
S'm Receyuede for buryalls in this our fyrste yere iiijli xiijs ijd
Gatherede in the ffyrste qrter in the ftyrste yere towardes the newe makinge of the pewes of thes p'sons Hereafter nom'ynated
THom's ffowller xvjd
Edwarde Weltone vjd
Androwe Westone xijd
John Orshawe xijd
Wyll'm Bromleye xijd
Adame ffowle xijd
Rycharde Robinsone xijd
Davye Powell xijd
James Harmane xijd
John Earpe xijd
Rycharde Darlowe xijd
John Basbrowne xijd
George Castell iiijd
Robarte Mortone xijd
Wyll'm Payntone xijd
John Powell xijd
Nycholas Christian xijd
John Whitheede vjd
Humfreye Lovell xijd
Wyll'm Downes xijd
John Butler vjd
Patricke ffyffe xijd
THom's godacres vjd
Robarte galle xijd
Thom' Sleye xijd
John Shortrede xijd
John Colbrande xijd
Mathewe Clarke xijd
Hewghe Hyll vjd
John Martyne iiijd
Wyll'm More xijd
George Irelande xijd
Wyll'm Bevene vjd
Antonye Higgens vjd
Rycharde Alcooke vjd
Edwarde Stelcragge vjd
John Beggarlye vjd
John Nycolsone vjd
THom's Torner vjd
Garrate Johnsone xijd
Bartholomewe Rocabecke xijd
THom's Browne xijd
Harvye Perrowse xijd
Rycharde Teddare xijd
Henrye Howghtone xijd
Reynner Beeke xijd
John Arnolde xijd
John Bryane xijd
Wyll'm Jones xijd
Nycholas Wyer xijd
Cornellis goodfreye ijs
Rowland Robinsone vjd
Wyll'm Jones xijd
ffrauncis Yewle xijd
Harrolde Byngham xijd
Humfreye Moate vjd
ffrauncis Hack' xijd
John Martyne xijd
Antonye Harrys xijd
John Plombe xijd
Robarte Penythorne xijd
James Spyce xijd
John Troote xijd
Wyll'm Stowe xijd
John Petter xijd
Robarte Carleys xijd
Petter Tonneye xijd
Wyll'm Waters xijd
Wyll'm Jesper xijd
John Kelshawe xijd
Robarte Beaste xijd
John Sallette vjd
Robarte Graye xijd
THom's Henshawe xijd
John Sussexe xijd
John Reede xijd
John Whartone iijd
John Roffe xijd
Thom's Puttrell vjd
Robarte Jones xijd
John fforeste xijd
Gathered of Mris ffowler: Mris Penythorn: & Mris Howghton: for Saye for ye pewe—xijs
S'm gathered towardes the Makinge of the newe pewes iiijli iiijs iijd
It'm Receyuede of Mr Brightmane and Mr Downes for a Leggacye dewe by Allis Lee Wyddowe Decessede xxxs
It'm Receyuede of Mrffowler Certayne moneye wche was Remayninge in his handes being gatherede for Longforde bridge (fn. 22) and was not Demanded amontinge to xxxiijs viijd
It'm gatherede in arrearages of thold yere in this fyrste quarter xijs xjd
It'm Receyuede in ffynes iiijs
all theise p'cels was gatherede to paye for the newe castinge of the broken bell It'm Receyuede of John Earpe Constabell xvs iijli xijs ijd
It'm Receyuede of Rycharde Alcooke Constabell xvs iiijd
It'm Receyuede of Robarte Gale Constabell viijs iiijd
It'm Receyuede of James Spyce Constabell xiijs vjd
It'm Receyuede for ijo grave Stones xxs
It'm Receyued and gatherede for the Pewes in the churche this firste q'ter Endinge [at or lady day xijs ixd q'
It'm gatherede for the Clarke and Sextens wages in this firste quarter xxxs

In mydsomer Quarter

It'm Receyvede and gatherede for the Pews in the Churche xijs ixd q'
It'm Receyved and gatherede for the Clarke and Sextens wages xxxs

In Myghelmas Quarter

It'm Receyued and gatherede for the Pews in the Churche xijs ixd q'
It'm Receyued and gatherede for the Clarke and Sextens wages xxxs

In Chrisemas Quarter

It'm Receyued and gatherede for the Pewes in the Churche xijs ixd q'
It'm Receyuede and gatherede for the Clarke and Sextens wages xxxs
It'm Receyuede of Mr Docter Hewicke for the Rente of his chamb'r for one hole yere vjs viijd
S'm Receyuede and gathered in this our fyrste yere for Clarke and Sextens wages & of Mr brightmane Mr ffowler the iiijor Constables and in Rerages and ffynes xvjli xs vjd
S'm Tllis of the hoole Receipte in this our fyrste yers accompte as aperethe is xxviijli ixs xjd


Charges dysbursede and Layde owt for thewse of the Churche by vs thafforesaide Churche Wardens in the fyrste yere of this our accompte Whereof we Dezire to be allowed as hereafter ffolloweth

In our Ladye daye q'ter Endinge the xxvth of Marche

It'm payde to the Clarke and Sextene for ther quarters wages xxxs
It'm payde to Olyver Deppinge for washinge the churche clothes xviijd
It'm payde for xxxviij plankes for the newe pewes in the churche of sundrye scanllyns (fn. 23) and for Sawinge of fyve of them xlixs viijd
It'm payde for Cariage of the same plankes from Londone xxd
It'm payde for a pece of tymber to make groundplates and for sawinge of it iijs ijd
It'm payde for a baskette to occupye in the Churche vjd
It'm payde for a hoole waynscote and sawinge it for Mrisffowlers & Mrspenythorns pewe iiijs
It'm payd to Hubbarde vancollen to make the same pewe vijs
It'm payde for pannels to mende Mris Brydymans Pewe viijd
It'm payd to John Bellows ffor ij Clapbourdes (fn. 24) iiijd
It'm payde for the Carvinge of xxvij poppee heeds (fn. 25) for the lefte side of the church xxxvjs
It'm payde for the Carvinge of xxvti for the Right syde of the Churche xljs viijd
It'm payde to x'ptopter for Settinge the poste to beere the polpette xvjd
It'm payde for nayls and Lace for Mris Brydymans pewe iiijd
It'm payde for iiijor Sackes of Cooles for the Joynners xviijd
It'm payde for Candels for the precher (fn. 26) and Joynners iijs
It'm payde to harvye perowse Joyner for vj daies and one ni'tes worke of his mane viijs ijd
It'm payde to John Bellows Joynn' for xxvij daies and v. nightes worke at xiiijd day xxxvijs iiijd
It'm payde to John Royale Joynn' for xxti daies worke of his mane at xiiijd ye day xxiijs iiijd
It'm payd to John Jons Joynn' for xvj daies worke & v ni'tes at xiiijd the daye xxiiijs vjd
It'm payde to John Powell Joynn' for xj daies worke and iiij ni'tes at xijd the daye xvs
It'm payde to a bricklayer for iiij dayes worke to vnderpyne the pewes and pavinge sundrye places in the Churche wche was broken at xijd the daye iiijs
It'm payde for a hundrethe of Lyme vijs
It'm payde for a loade of Sande and caringe it into the howse viijd
It'm payde to a woman to prove if the churche wyndows wold be mad clene vjd
It'm payde for vj quyers of paper ijs
It'm payde for a newe Com'unyon booke—vs and for an Omelye booke (fn. 27) —viijd, in all vs viijd
It'm payde to the Sexten for the ffetchinge of Rob'rte morton & Neale to churche (fn. 28) ijd
It'm payde to make the olde churchewardens Drincke at the greyhonde xviijd
S'm Layde owte in our Ladye day qua'ter xvli xijs ijd

In Mydsomer quarter Endinge the xxiiijth of June

It'm payde to the Clarke and Sexten for ther quarters wages xxxs
It'm payde for washinge of the Churche Clothes xviijd
It'm payde for torninge a pyller (fn. 29) to Sett the byble one viijd
It'm payde for a bourde to Laye in Mris harmans pewe vjd
It'm payde to John Bellowes for iiij daies worke mendinge of olde pewes iiijs
It'm payde for vj Candelstickes of plate (fn. 30) and towe of woode xd
It'm payde for iiijor payer of Joyntes for olde pewes xvjd
It'm payde to Mr penythorne for dyverse and sundrye kyndes of sawne stoffe for the makinge of the newe pewes in the Churche iijli vjs ixd
It'm payde for nayles of sundrye sortes & broodes (fn. 31) for the saide newe pewes xxxijs
It'm payde for breed and Drynke to make the workmen worke willingly apon [ye pewes vjd
It'm payde for mendinge ijo payer of olde Joyntes viijd
It'm for a looke and towe keyes for the Lyttell Cobbourde (fn. 32) ijs vjd
It'm for ij keys and mendinge the looke (fn. 33) to pute the Com'un'on clothes in xiiijd
It'm paide for alteringe the Ironworke to Sett the byble one ijs vd
It'm paide for mates (fn. 34) for all the newe pewes—xxxs xd, and for a pece of bristo (fn. 35) mate. ijs vjd xxxiijs iiijd
It'm payde to John Begarlye for ijo Dowble casmentes mendinge viijd
S'm Layde owte in mydsomer quarter viijli xviijs xd

In Myghelmas quarter

It'm payde to the Clarke and Sextene for ther quarters wages xxxs
It'm payde for washinge of the Churche Clothes xviijd
It'm payde for a newe Roope for the greate bell xxd
It'm payd to John Beggarlye for a newe casmente for the vestrye iijs iiijd
It'm payd to geyls quarrell for Setinge the scolhowse wyndowe&for vj neweq'rels iiijs ijd
It'm payde to a labowrer to helpe Sett vp the same ijs xjd
It'm payde for ij plankes to laye over the wyndowe xvjd
It'm for a hundrethe of ynche bourdes to make the lattys (fn. 36) vjs
It'm payd for halfe a C of Sellinge bourde to make dores iiijs
It'm payde for nayles ffor the Lattys xxd
It'm paide to John Bellowes Joyn'er for workmanshipe abowte the lattys xjs viijd
It'm payde for v. loades of gravell to laye in the Church waye iijs viijd
It'm payde for iiijor Loades of Lyme iiijs
It'm payde for iiij loades of sande and Cariage of it in xvjd
It'm payde for a newe bell clap'er for the greate bell wth the Exchange (fn. 37) xs
It'm payd to Bellowes wyfe for mendinge of the Church clothes xvjd
S'm Layde owte in Myghelmas quarter iiijli viijs vijd

In Christemas Quarter

It'm payde to the Clarke and Sextene for ther quarters wages xxxs
It'm payde for washinge the Churche Clothes xviijd
It'm payde for cariage of the Clapper of the newe bell iiijd
It'm payde for pavinge of towe graves xvjd
It'm payde for Bromes for the Churche vjd
It'm payde for greesse for the Bells iijd
It'm payde for hollye and Ivye agaynste x'p'mas xvjd
It'm payde for a blooke (fn. 38) to Sett the Vickar one iiijd
It'm for glassinge the wyndowes after the greate wynde iiijs
It'm payde to Mris Jones mane for glassinge vjs
It'm payde to hewghe Mathewe for mendinge the Claper of the greate bell xvjd
It'm payde for a newe baldricke for the thirde bell ijs
It'm payde for mendinge of iije olde baldrickes ijs
It'm payde for nayles occupiede and spente abowte the Churche ijs ijd
It'm payde george Castell for glassinge ijo Casments ijs
It'm paide for thexchange of iije frenche Crowns beinge to light in waighte iijs
It'm payde to the Bell ffownder for the newe castinge of the forthe bell and puttinge more newe metell to it iijli ijs iiijd
S'm Layde owte in Chrisemas q'ter vjli vd
S'm Collis of the hoole Exspences layde owt in this our fyrste yere as well ordinary as extraord'n' amo't' to xxxvli
We have Receyuede in this our fyrste yeers accompte as before apperethe the some of xxviijli ixs xjd
So Rem'
In Surplusage wche we haue layde owt in this our fyrste yere more then we haue Receyuede the some of:—vjli. vs. jd wche we Dezire to be allowed in our seconde yeers accompte vjli xs jd

The Receiptes of the seconde yere of our Chardge for Buryalls knells and suche lyke as ffollowethe &c'

Januarij It'm the xxviijt of Decemb'r was Buryed Robarte from Mris Lightleys ijd
It'm the firste of Januarie was Buryede Annys Evans Nic'
It'm the same daye was Buryede Thom's Byrde ijd
It'm the same daye was Buryed Dorrytye Mane (fn. 39) Nic'
It'm the iiijt daye was Buryede John Lokyer Nic'
It'm the vt daye was Buryede ffrancis phillippes (fn. 40) Nic'
It'm the xiijt daye was Buryede John Wylsone ijs iiijd
ffebrewarij It'm the Seconde of ffebr' was buryede Thom's Myller Nic'
It'm the iijt daye was buryede Robarte Wylsone ijs viijd
It'm the ixt daye was buryede Ellyn Robynsone Nic'
It'm the same daye was buryede Annys Hyll ijd
It'm the xt daye was buryede Thom's Medgatte ixs iiijd
It'm the xijt daye was buryede Robarte Sennowes ixs
It'm the xiijt daye was buryede Edwarde Doruntine (fn. 41) xs
It'm the xv daye was buryede Thom's Cornyshe (fn. 42) ijd
(fn. 44) It'm the xvjt daye was buryed Hayne Markes ijd
It'm the same daye was buryede Henrye Colverte iiijd
It'm the xvijt daye was buryede THoms Clarke ixs viijd
It'm the xxijt daye was buryed Jane quarrell ijd
It'm the xxiiijt daye was buryede Edwarde kingstone xvjd
It'm the xxvijt daye was buryede Alberte Sharpe ijd
It'm the xxviijt daye was buryed Thom's Haywoode ijd
Marche It'm the iiijt of Marche was buryede John Rolleye ijd
It'm the same daye was buryede Thom's Jones Nic'
It'm the vt daye was buryede Nycholas Hollande ijd
It'm the vijt daye was buryede Thom's Medye (fn. 43) ijd
It'm the ixt daye was buryede Thom's potter ijd
It'm the xt daye was buryede Anne preston Nic'
It'm the same daye was buryede Alles browne ijd
It'm the xijt daye was buryede John Androwes ijd
S'm Receyuede for burialls in our ladye daye q'ter xlvijs
Aprell It'm Receyuede the laste of Marche for the halfe of the token moneye xxxiijs
It'm the vth daye of Aprell was buryede Nycholas Lyzarde (fn. 45) ixs
It'm the vjt daye was buryede Margarett Hopwoode ijd
It'm the same daye was buryed Edwarde Bresecombe ijd
It'm the same daye was buryede Jane Weste ijd
It'm the same daye was buryede Jane Mathewe ijd
It'm the xxiijt daye was buryede Nycholas Bowmane Nic'
It'm the xxiiijt daye was Buryede Rogger Partridge xvjd
It'm the xxvt daye was Buryede Arthure Vanne (fn. 46) ijd
It'm the same daye was buryede Petter a Dutchemane Nic'
It'm the xxixt daye was buryede Robarte Sanders Nic'
It'm the same daye was buryede John Tacke Nic'
It'm the laste of Aprell was buryed Olyver Deppen ijd
Maye It'm the xjt of maye was buryede Phillippe Cover ijd
It'm the xijt daye was buried iijde pore folkes wche dyed in the ffeyldes Nic'
It'm the xvt daye was buryede Margarett Trypette ijd
It'm the same daye was buryede one wche dyed in the ffeyldes Nic'
It'm the xxijt daye was buryede Anne Watkynes Nic'
It'm the xxiijt daye was buryede Jane Home Nic'
It'm the xxvt daye was buryede Ellys Berde (fn. 47) Nic'
It'm the xxviijt was buryede Edmonde Lowse (fn. 48) Nic'
June It'm the seconde of June was buryede Deborre Russell Nic'
It'm the ixt daye was buryede Thom's Madder Nic'
It'm the xjt daye was buryede Myles Reade Nic'
It'm the xvt daye was buryede Thom's Maskall Nic'
S'm Receyuede for Burialls in Mydsomer Quarter xliiijs viijd
Julye It'm the vt of Julye was buryede Jone Shorte Nic'
(fn. 49) It'm the vjt of Julij was buryede a Duchemans Childe Nic'
It'm the xjt daye was buryede Elizabethe Rone Nic'
It'm the xxviijt was buried John Jaxson and Robarte Androwes Nic'
It'm the fyrste of Awguste was buryed Edwarde Myles ijs iiijd
It'm the xt daye was buryede Rycharde Moggalston ijd
It'm the xxixt daye was buryede Bartholomewe Alysone Nic'
September It'm the seconde of Septemb'r was buryed Jone Moree ijd
It'm the iiijt daye was buryed Abraham Mone Nic'
It'm the vt daye was buryede Derykson (fn. 50) and Wyll'm panttine Nic'
It'm the ixt daye was buryede Garratt Neale Nic'
It'm the xvt daye was buryede Rycharde Spandell Nic'
It'm the xvijt daye was buryede Katheren Batte Nic'
It'm the xxijt daye was buryede John Powell Nic'
It'm the xxvt daye was buryede Rycharde Christian Nic'
It'm the xxvjt daye was buryede Thom's Rychardsone Nic'
It'm the same daye was buriede Margarete a blakeamore Nic'
It'm the same daye was buryede xp'tofer (fn. 51) Whighthede Nic'
S'm Receyuede for buryalls in Myghelmas Quarter ijs viijd
October It'm the xt of october was buryede xp'topher Chapmane xijd
It'm the xjt daye was buryede Evans Mathewe ijd
It'm the xvt daye was buryede ffrauncis Johnsone ijd
It'm the same daye was buryede Rachaell ffrancis Nic'
It'm the xxt daye was buryede Jewdythe Bellowes Nic'
November It'm the fyrste of Novemb'r was buryede Jone Connesbye vijs
It'm the vijt daye was buryede John Robensone Nic'
It'm the viijt daye was buryede Rycharde Robinson ijd
It'm the xviijt daye was buryede John Darbye xvjd
It'm the same daye was buryede James Meslyke (fn. 52) Nic'
It'm the xviijt daye was buryede John Hassarde Nic'
It'm the same daye was buryede John ffrende Nic'
It'm the xxiijt daye was buryede Edwarde Taylleor Nic'
It'm the xxvt daye was buryede Wyll'm Lewssas (fn. 53) ijd
It'm the same daye was buryede John Wolmane ijd
It'm the same daye was buryede Elizabethe Davies Nic'
It'm the xxvjt daye was buryede ffrancis Maskall Nic'
It'm the laste of Novemb'r was buryede Cane (fn. 54) Hall Nic'
December It'm the fyrste daye of Decemb'r was buried a pore Womane Nic'
It'm the vjt daye was buryede a pore mane Nic'
It'm the xjt daye was buryed srunte of mr Martens brewar Nic'
It'm the xijt daye was buryede Elizabethe bourrowes (fn. 55) ijd
It'm the same da's was buryed Robarte Coode xvjd
It'm the same daye was buryede John Bull ijd
It'm the same daye was buryede Wydowe goustone xvjd
S'm Receyuede for burialls (fn. 56) in Chrismas quartere xiijs ijd
S'm Receyued for burials in this our seconde yere vli vijs vjd
It'm Receyvede for Certayne Churche stoffe Solde by Com'aundmente of the Masters of the parryshe iiijli xvjs
It'm Receyued of Thom's Cole towardes the mendinge of the gotters over the [chansell xiijs iiijd

The Clarke and Sextens wages Receyved by vs in this seconde yeere of our accompte

In our ladye daye quarter Endinge the xxvt of marche

It'm Receyuede and gatherede for the Pewes in the Churche xijs ixd q'
It'm Receyuede and gatherede for the Clarke and Sextens wages xxxs

In Mydsomer quarter

It'm Receyvede and gatherede for the Pewes in the Churche xijs ixd q'
It'm Receyvede and gatherede for the Clarke and Sextens wages xxxs

In Myghelmas quarter

It'm Receyvede and gatherede for the Pewes in the Churche xijs ixd q'
It'm Receyvede and gatherede for the Clarke and Sextens wages xxxs

In Chrisemas quarter

It'm Receyuede and gatherede for the Pewes in the Churche xijs ixd q'
It'm Receyuede and gatherede for the Clarke and Sextens wages xxxs
It'm Rec' of Mr Docter hewicke for one yers rente of his chamb'r Endinge at [xp'mas vjs viijd
S'm Receyuede and gatherede in this our seconde yeres accompte for Clarke & Sextens wagges and for Certayne churche stoffe xiiijli vijs jd
S'm Cotallis of the hole Receipte in this our seconde yeres accompte amowntethe to the some of xixli xiiijs vijd


Chardges dysbursede and payde for thewse of the Churche in this seconde yeres accompte wherof we Dezire to be allowed as here after ffolloweth &c'

In our Ladye daye q'ter Endinge the xxvt of march.

In p'mis fyrste we the sayde Churche wardens dezirethe to be allowede in this Seconde yere of our accom'pte the Surplusage of thexspences wche we haue payde more then we receyuede in the fyrste yere of our accompte as apperethe amowntinge to the some of—vjli xs jd
It'm payde to the Clarke and Sexten for ther quarters wages xxxs
It'm payde for washinge of the Churche Clothes xviijd
It'm payde for a newe keye for the Churche dore xijd
It'm payde for a newe keye for the storehowse dore vjd
S'm Layde owte in our ladye daye Quarter xxxiijs
In Mydsomer quarter.
It'm payde to the Clarke and Sexten for ther quarters wages xxxs
It'm payde for washinge of the churche Clothes xviijd
S'm laide owte in mydsomer quarter xxxjs vjd

In Myghelmas quarter.

It'm payde to the Clarke and Sexten for ther quarters wages xxxs
It'm payde for washinge of the Churche Clothes xviijd
It'm payde for halfe a hundrethe of bourde for the gotter ijs
It'm payde for nayles for the mendinge of the gotters xviijd
It'm payde to towe Carpenters for one daye and a halfes worke ijs xjd
It'm payde to a labowrer for helpinge vpp wth the leade vjd
It'm payde for a thowsande of playne tyles xs
It'm payde for a loade of sande wth the Cariage viijd
It'm payde for a proclamacone (fn. 57) iiijd
It'm payde for Wylliam Russells Dynner when he wente to yslington to the Muster Masters (fn. 58) xd
It'm payde for his Bourde for ij daies after xvjd
It'm payde for makinge the vickar and Sydmen drincke at Sct Clementes at the visitacion iiijs viijd
It'm payde for a booke of Iniuntions (fn. 59) iiijd
It'm for wrightinge of a presente answere xxd
It'm payde for brede and dryncke for the Ringers at the overthrowe of ye tork (fn. 60) vijd
It'm payde for a hundrethe of Lyme to laye the tyles one the Sydes of the gotters and to tryme the gabell Endes vijs
It'm payde for a locke and a keye for the pewe dore nexte to the polpytte (fn. 61) xijd
S'm layde owte in myghelmas Quarter iijli vjs xd

In Chrisemas quarter Endinge the xxvt of Decemb'r

It'm payde to the Clarke and Sextene for ther quarters wages xxxs
It'm payde for washinge of the Churche Clothes xviijd
It'm payde for pavinge of iiijor graves in the churche ijs viijd
It'm payde for layinge of a greate gravestone and mendinge other places in the [churche xijd
It'm payde for caringe of Robbyshe forthe of the Churche iiijd
It'm payde for quarters for a pewe dore one the Northesyde of the churche xd
It'm payde for waynscote pannels for the same dore viijd
It'm payde to Robarte Came for makinge the same dore ijs
It'm payde for mendinge the looke in the Churche Lane viijd
It'm payde to John Kyddye plomber for takinge vpp the olde leade in the gutters abowte thechorwrche (fn. 62) and newe layinge it agayne iijli ijs xd
It'm payde for henges for the same pewe viijd
It m payde for a greate newe byble of the laste translation (fn. 63) xxxs
It'm payde for Parchemente and Yngrossinge this booke of accompte Nic'
S'm layde owte in Chrisemas Quarter vjli xiijs ijd
S'm Cotalls of the holle Receipte in this seconde yere of our accompte amont' to the some of xixli xiiijs vijd
S'm Cotallis of the hole Exspences in this seconde yeere of our accompte as well ordynarye as Extraordin'y amowntethe to the some of xiijli iiijs vjd
S'm Cotallis of all the Receiptes for bothe the yeers of this ther accompte aswell ordynarye as Extra ordynarij Amowntethe to the some of xlviijli iiijs vjd
The haue dysburssede and Layde owte for thewse of the Churche wth in this towe yeres of there accompte as before apperethe the some of xlviijli iiijs vjd xlviijli iiijs vjd
And soe
Remaynethe in ther handes at the geveinge vpp of this ther accompte Nicc'

Sig' Rob'rt [mark] penithor[n] Thom's ffowler
sig' Rychard [mark] Da'lowe (fn. 64)
wyll'm wortlay
wyll'm Jesper
sig' John [mark] Earpe
sig' Davye [mark] powell
John Colbrand
Wyll'm downes
John hill
John forrest


  • 1. Not to be confused with Robert Best, the vicar.
  • 2. Mures (R.)
  • 3. Agnes (R.)
  • 4. 17 Jan. Franciscus Haydon (R.)
  • 5. Not in the Register.
  • 6. Oliva Deepinge (R.)
  • 7. Not in Register; possibly a duplication of 4th May entry.
  • 8. Finson (R.)
  • 9. Edmund Bevys (R.)
  • 10. Eliz: Hoorde (R.)
  • 11. Azell (R.)
  • 12. Gillybott (R.)
  • 13. The parish rate books contain many curious names given to foundlings.
  • 14. s'unt to ye Lo: Keep' (R.)
  • 15. Wm Marys (R.)
  • 16. qy. for Eliz: Wilkinson, June 14 (R.)
  • 17. June 18. Bartholmeus Rolfe (R.)
  • 18. Not in the Register.
  • 19. Martha Harding (R.)
  • 20. qy. for Margeria Nicholson, Oct. 5 (R.)
  • 21. Dymmocke (R.)
  • 22. The threefold obligation (Trinoda necessitas) of repairing bridges, maintaining fortified positions and performing military service, was laid on all landholders as early as the 8th century; collections for the first of these purposes would not find their way into these accounts except as above. Longford Bridge, near West Drayton, in the Hundred of Elthorne.
  • 23. Of sundry sizes, vide scantling and scanteloun (Halliwell).
  • 24. Boards cut to make casks (Halliwell).
  • 25. The finials or other carved ornaments set on the ends of the pews.
  • 26. Preacher.
  • 27. The 2nd Book of Homilies was published in 1563.
  • 28. Perhaps to summon them before a meeting of the "masters" of the parish.
  • 29. To support the desk which held the Bible.
  • 30. i.e. Metal.
  • 31. A kind of nail.
  • 32. Cupboard.
  • 33. Lock of a chest or cupboard.
  • 34. Mats.
  • 35. qy. Bristol.
  • 36. Lattice.
  • 37. i.e. allowing for the exchange of the old clapper.
  • 38. A block, i.e. a wooden stand.
  • 39. Moone (R.)
  • 40. Humfridus Phillipps: in Campis (R.)
  • 41. Dorrantyne (R.)
  • 42. qy. for Tho: Cornewe Jan. 30 (R.)
  • 43. Moodye (R.)
  • 44. Not in the Register.
  • 45. s'jent painter unto the Queenes Maite. (R.)
  • 46. Vanns (R.)
  • 47. Bearde (R.)
  • 48. Lewse (R.)
  • 49. Not in the Register.
  • 50. Dirricke Johnson (R.)
  • 51. Morgan (R.)
  • 52. Meslicke, Sexto' (R.)
  • 53. Irish (R.)
  • 54. Anna (R.)
  • 55. Bonerowse (R.)
  • 56. The Register gives nearly 40 names not in the above list. The total for this year is 50 above the average for the previous 7 years.
  • 57. qy. Concerning money which the Queen had borrowed.
  • 58. The Muster Master had the superintendence of the muster of men armed by the county.
  • 59. Injunctions.
  • 60. Prayers against the Turks had been issued in 1566 (vide p. 229); in 1571 a fleet, commanded by Don John of Austria, defeated, and destroyed many of the vessels of, the Turkish fleet at the battle of Lepanto.
  • 61. Pulpit.
  • 62. Originally written "thechowse," as if the scrivener was undecided between "house" and "church." The small letters seem to have been added in a valiant endeavour to write the latter of the two words.
  • 63. Archbp. Parker wished that one uniform translation should be used throughout the country; the work of revision was carried out by the Bishops and resulted in the "Bishops' Bible" published in 1568; in 1571, Convocation ordered that every Church should be provided with a copy of this edition. The present "Authorised" Bible is a revision of that issued in 1568.
  • 64. i.e. signum (mark) of Richard Darlowe.