Accounts: December 1553 - December 1555

St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 1901.

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'Accounts: December 1553 - December 1555', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603, ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online [accessed 5 March 2025].

'Accounts: December 1553 - December 1555', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Edited by J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online, accessed March 5, 2025,

"Accounts: December 1553 - December 1555". St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online. Web. 5 March 2025.

December 1553 - December 1555


Thys ys the Accompte off vs Roger

Lea And Henry Houghton, Churche Wardens of the parryshe off Saynct Martyns in the ffelde besides Charynge Crosse in the Cowntye off Midd', Elect and Chosen, to contynue as wardens ffrom the ffeaste off the Natyvyty (fn. 1) of or lorde god in the year of the same one thowsand ffyeve hundreth ffyftye and thre And in the ffyrst year of the Raigne off or Sofferaign lady Quene Mary, vnto the ffeaste of the Natvy'y of or lorde God in the year of the same one thowsande ffyeve hundrethe ffyfty and ffyeve, And in the Second and thirde years of the Raigns off Phillip and Mary by the grace off god Kynge and Quene off Englond ffraunce Naples Jerusalem and Eyrlond Deffendors off the ffaythe Prynces off Spayne and Cycely Archedukes of Awstridge Dukes of Myllayne Burgundy and Brabant Cowntis of harspurge fflaunders, and Tyroll, That is to say for the Space of two Whole years, to be fully Compleated and endyd off All and Singuler or Receptes and paymentes and other ordynary chardgis, Specefyed, and Conteyned in this or Accompte, As by the Declaratyon hearof more playnely Doethe appere as hearafter ensuethe:—

Fyrste the aforesaide Wardens Do Chardge themselves withe fforty two (fn. 2) shillengs ffyeve pence half penny to them Delyvered by the wardens being in the Roome the last two years before xxxvjs vd ob'
Receaved of Roger lea for a byble (fn. 3) —vjs, of Nedam for a parafrasis (fn. 4) —iiijs xijs
And ffor to Servys books ijs

The Recepts ffor Buryalles and knelles in the ffyrst year off our Saide Chardge.

In primis Receaved ffor breakenge the grownde in the Churche ffor Wyll'm Pettyfer (fn. 5) vjs viijd
Item ffor hys knell withe the great bell xijd
Item ffor the Herse Clothe at his buryall ijd
Item ffor the waste of vj tapers at his buryall xijd
Item ffor the herse Clothe at the buryall of a straunge man iijd
Item ffor the knell off harrolde bynghams wyeffe at her buryall xijd
Item ffor the hearse Clothe at the buryall of his saide wyeff ijd
Item ffor the knell at the Buryall off Rychard Crompton xijd
Item ffor the hearse Clothe at his buryall ijd
Item ffor the waste of viij tapers at his buryall xvjd
Item ffor iiij torchis at the buryall of the same man ijs
(fn. 6) Item ffor the hearse Clothe at the buryall of Alards sonn ijd
Item ffor breakenge the grownde in the Churche for wyll'm ffyndeall vjs viijd
Item ffor his knyll at his buryall xijd
Su'ma pagine—iijli vs jd ob'


Item Receaved more ffor the hearse Clothe at the Buryall of wyll'm ffyndall ijd
It'm ffor the waste of two tapers at his buryall ijd
(fn. 12) It'm ffor a knyll at the buryall of Will'm hayns xijd
It'm ffor the hears Clothe at hys buryall ijd
It'm ffor the waste of fowr staffe torchis at his buryall ijs
It'm ffor breakenge the grownde in the Churche ffor bartons wyeff vjs viijd
It'm ffor her knyll at her buryenge xijd
It'm ffor the waste off fower staffe torchis at her buryall ijs viijd
It'm ffor the hearse Clothe at her buryenge ijd
(fn. 12) It'm ffor the hearse Clothe at the buryeng off partrigis Childe ijd
It'm ffor the hearse Clothe at the buryeng off Spencers Childe ijd
It'm ffor the hearse Clothe at the buryeng off Thymblebes Chylde ijd
(fn. 12) It'm ffor the hearse Clothe at the buryenge of yonges Chylde ijd
It'm ffor the hearse Clothe at the buryenge of larraunce soforthe (fn. 7) ijd
It'm ffor the waste of ffyeve tapers at his buryenge xd
It'm ffor the hearse Clothe at the buryall of John Taylor ijd
It'm ffor breakyng the grownde in the Churche for John Depon A spanyarde (fn. 8) vjs viijd
It'm ffor the waste of fowre tapers at the buryeng of Cycely browne viijd
It'm ffor the hearse Clothe at her buryenge ijd
It'm ffor the hearse Clothe at the buryenge of katheren kerry (fn. 9) ijd
It'm ffor the hearse Clothe at the buryeng of Thomas Spencer ijd
It'm ffor the waste of two tapers at his buryenge iiijd
The Sum of the Receptes ffor Buryalles and knylles in thys ffyrst year is xlvjs viijd
The Receptes ffor Buryalles and knylles in the Seconde year off our Saide Chardge
In primis Receabed ffor the hearse Clothe at the buryeng off Katheryn Best ijd
It'm ffor breakeng the grownde in the Churche for Mr. Wood vjs viijd
It'm ffor the hearse Clothe at his buryall ijd
It'm ffor his knyll at his buryenge xijd
It'm ffor the hearse Clothe at the buryenge of mussages Chylde (fn. 10) ijd
It'm ffor breakeng the grownde in the Churche for newporte vjs viijd
It'm ffor his knyll at his buryall xvjd
It'm ffor the hearse clothe at his buryenge ijd
It'm ffor the hearse Clothe at the buryenge of Dorcas Huyck (fn. 11) ijd
It'm ffor the waste of vj torchis at her buryenge iiijs
It'm ffor the waste of vj tapers at her buryenge xijd
It'm ffor a knyll at the buryall of one of the kynges servauntes xijd
It'm ffor the hearse Clothe at his buryall ijd
It'm ffor the hearse Clothe at the buryall of Annes Case ijd
It'm ffor the hearse Clothc at the buryeng of katheren powle ijd
nott' It'm for the buryall knyll & hears clothe at the buryall of mystres wood vijs xd
Sum' pagine—liiijs ijd


Item Receaved ffor the hearse Clothe at the buryeng of Richard Rogers ijd
Item ffor the herse clothe at the buryenge of Alys Rogers ijd
Item ffor the herse clothe for Richarde goodson at his buryenge ijd
Item ffor the herse clothe at the buryenge off Annys Styele ijd
Item ffor breakenge the grownde in the Churche for a straunger vjs viijd
Item ffor hys knyll at his buryenge xijd
Item ffor the hearse Clothe at hys buryall ijd
Item ffor breakenge the grownde in the Churche for a Dowche woman vjs viijd
Item ffor the hearse Clothe at her buryall iijd
Item ffor the hearse Clothe at the buryenge of Symond Appletre ijd
Item ffor the hearse Clothe at the buryenge of Wylkynson at Saynct gylles iiijd
Item ffor the waste of two torchis at the buryall of John Stoll (fn. 13) xvjd
Item ffor the waste of two tapers at his buryenge iiijd
Item ffor the hearse Clothe at his buryall ijd
Sum' of the Recepts for buryalls and knylls in this second year is xls ixd)Su' 48/-
Su'ma totalis off the Receptes ffor buryalles and knylles in the two years of or Chardge Amowntethe to the Sum off iiijli vijs vd
Gathered at the ffower Quarter Dayes ffor the Clarke and Sextons wagis, and for the pews in thease two yeares off this our Accompte xvli xvs
Item gathered more at the easter of the laste year of the two years Off this or Accompte in tokyn money xxvs
Item Receaved of Mr Doctor Huyck ffor the Rent of the howse in the Churche lane thease two years xiijsiiijd
Item Receaved of Mr Hale (fn. 14) for Sum imparfectyon fownde in his Acco'pte at Suche tyme as he was Churche warden, and so sessed by the Deputys of the Commyssyoners ffor the same xs
Item Receaved of Mr Worley ffor the lyke (fn. 15) vs
Item Receaved of John golightly for the lyke in Mr Wood's tyme (fn. 15) vs
Item Receaved of Randoll kyrby ffor the lyke (fn. 16) iijs iiijd
Item Receaved of John goldhurst ffor the lyke (fn. 16) xs
Item Receaved of Robert Thompson (fn. 17) ffor the lyke vjs viijd
Sum' pagine—xxli xjs jd
The totall Sum off the Receptes of thease two years as apperethe by the partyculers amownte to the Su' of xxvjli iijs ijd ob'


Chargis payed ffor the Churche vse in the ffyrst and Second years off this Accompte, Whearoff thaforesaide Accomptantes Do Demaunde Alowancis As partyculerly hearaffter ffollowethe.

Ordynary Chargis

In primis Paide to the Clerke ffor his two years wagis in the tyme off this Our Accompt and Chardge viijli
It'm paide to the Sexten for his wagis for one year and thre quarters iijli xs
It'm paide to the Clerks wyeff for wasshinge and skowringe the Churche geare Thease two years xvjs

Expencis Donn in or ladys quarter off the ffyrst year.

In primis paide to ffather Cockes ffor mendyng of the bells xd
It'm ffor bread Drynke and Cheese at the Chosynge of the Churchewarde's xd
It'm ffor bread, beer and wyen, when the processyon of westmynster cam to our Churche (fn. 18) xxd
It'm paide to Ryngers at suche tyme as the Quene cam bye (fn. 19) xd
Item ffor herbes to strewe the Churche (fn. 20) ijd
Item ffor halffe a hundrethe of pavynge tyell xviijd
Item ffor browms (fn. 21) this quarter vjd
Item paide to henry Smythe for Covereng pettyfers grave vjd
Item paide to two laborars for makynge evyn the Churche yarde beinge xvjd
occupyed thear a bowtes the Space off one daye
Item paide for two Surplesis xijs iiijd
Item for a Chest to put the Churche gear in vjs viijd
Item for the hyer of A Crosse Clothe the space of three dayes (fn. 22) xijd
Item to the offycyalls Clerk at Saynct Clementes (fn. 23) iiijd
Item to wyll'm hopwood smythe for yron worke for the west gate of the church yarde, and for mendynge of lockes in the Churche & a bande for the chest (fn. 24) at the highe Awlter iiijsviijd
It'm ffor a new bawdryck ffor one of the bells xvjd
It'm paide for mendyng of Another ijd
Item for mendynge of the Seyncers iiijd
Item to Rob't penythorne senior for makyng of ij grates in the Churche yarde and all that thearto belongythe xxvijs
Item paide to A Joyner for mendyng of the Crosse Staffe (fn. 25) iiijd
Item paide for paper iiijd
Item paide for wypeng the Scriptures owte of the Churche (fn. 26) vjs ijd

Mydsomer Quarter in the same year

Item paide for vijlli and D'd' off bellrope at ijd the pownde xvd
Item for a bawdryck for a bell xvjd
Item for iiij Staffe torchis iijs xd
Item for mendyng of A bawdryck of a bell viijd
Sum' pagine—xvjli xxiijd


Item paide to the Ryngar when the kynge & Quene cam to london (fn. 27) xvjd
Item paide to the Clerk for warneng of the parrishe to Cum to the Dean off westmynster at two sondry tymes vjd
Item paide to wyll'm gawdy for Coverynge of the graves of Bartons wyeff and Mr ffyndall xijd
Item paide to Cutberde of grenewiche for CC of pavynge tyell vjs viijd
Item paide for iij quarters of an ell of holland to wrap the Challys in xvd
Item paid to Alarde the glasyer for mendynge all the wyndows in the church xs

Myghelmas Quarter in the Sam year.

Item paide for xiiijlli of bell rope at ijd ob' the ll'i iijs jd ob'
Item paide ffor Paper jd
Item paide to the offycyalls Clarke at Saynct Clementes iiijd
Item ffor thre Staffe torchis iijs
Item to Rychard Best for makynge the booke to delyver to the busshop of [London (fn. 28) iijs
Item for ij Rochetts (fn. 29) for the Sexten conteynenge v ells d'at xjdthell and ffor the makynge of the same vijs viijd ob'
It'm for iiij ells off Hollande to make two surplesis for two boyes at xjd the ell—iijs viijd, and ffor makyng of the same xxd S'um' vs iiijd
It'm to Edw' Humfrey for mendynge the pewis in the Churche one daye xd
It'm paide to hym more for boorde xdob'
It'm paide to hym at the same tyme more for naylles iijd ob'
It'm paide to Wyll'm gawdye for Covereng the grave of a spanysh Chylde (fn. 30) vjd
It'm for holy and yvye (fn. 31) ijd
It'm for greas for the bells ijd
It'm for browms ijd
It'm ffor a matt xijd
It'm ffor a pownde of Candels ijd ob'

Expencys Don in Chrystmas Quarter in the Seconde year of Our Chardge.

In primis to Bevis of Saynct Gyells ffor a bawdryck for a bell and ffor the mendynge of a nother ijs
It'm paide to Edward Humfrey for mendyng of a pewe in the Churche iiijd
It'm paide to hym the same tyme for boorde xdob'
It'm paide more to hym the same tyme for naylls jd
It'm paide to Rob't penythorne iunior for mendynge of the pews one Day xd
It'm paide to barns of Saynct Gyells for xxviijlli of bell rope at iijd the lli vijs
It'm paide to wyll'm gawdy for pavenge of the graves of mr wood & a [spanyard (fn. 32) xijd
It'm paide for a lode of Sande viijd
It'm paide ffor a lode of lyme xdob'
It'm paide ffor ffrankynsence jd
It'm ffor browms this quartar ijd
It'm ffor pallms ijd
It'm paide to John gowghe for writynge of or booke Delyvered to mrchalm ley wth the Rest off the Com'yssyoners (fn. 33) ijs vjd
It'm paide for Coells on Easter evyne (fn. 34) vijd
Sum' pagine—iijli iiijs viijd ob'

Expencys Donn in or ladys Quarter in the Same year.

Item paide to will'm Sothewell Chaundler Dwellyng in the parrishe of Saynct brides in fletstret for makyng of viij tapers off wax wayeng xvjlli D'd' at ijd the lli ijs viijd
It'm paide to hym for makynge of the pascall ijs iiijd
It'm paide to hym for a pownde of Sysis xijd
It'm ffor a Crosse candle for the halloweng of the ffont iijd
It'm paide ffor watchynge of the Sepulchre xijd
It'm paide to Edward Humfrey for D'd' C of boorde to mend the pewis in the Churche—ijs vjd, for x quarters to the same vse—xxjd for CC off naylls—viijd, for ij payre of hengis—xijd, ffor his wages the space off v. Days, beynge occupyed abowte the same at xijd the Day—vs, Sum xs xjd
It'm paide for two Candlestyckes for the highe Awlter ijs viijd
It'm paide for a streamar and a bannar xvjs
It'm paide for two bannar staves xvjd
It'm to John Roue for payntenge of them iijs iiijd
It'm to henry Smythe ffor Carryene of CC of pavynge tyele from Roger leas yarde to the Churche iij
It'm paide for makynge Clene of the grate at the west ende of the Churche yarde iiijd
It'm paide for vnder pynnyng of the pewes the Space of one Daye xd
It'm paide for Dryncke for Westmynster processyon (fn. 35) xiijd
It'm paide to mr Poncherdowne Plom'er for xxijlli of Soulder at vijd the lli to mende the churche gutters wythall—xijs xd, for a worke man ij Days beinge occupyed thearabowte at xijd the Daye—ijs, for ij laborars the space of ij Days at vjd the Day—ijs xvijs xd
It'm paide to the carpenter for his labor a bowte the saide gutters vjd
It'm paide to hym for a plank iiijd
It'm paide to hym for iij pecis of quartars iijd
It'm payde to hym for nayles iijd
It'm paide to a tyler for tyleng in sondry places of the Churche ij Days ijs
It'm paide for a laborar one Daye viijd
It'm paide for two lode of lyme xxjd
It'm paide for a lode of Sande viijd
It'm paide at the same tyme for CC of byllet ijs
It'm paide ffor iiijxx tyell at the same tyme xd
It'm paide for naylls for the plommar iiijd
It'm paide for a corde—jd, ffor Rossyn (fn. 36) —jd, and for byrche (fn. 37) —ijd iiijd
It'm paide for lathe jd
It'm paide for browms ijd
It'm paide for tyell pynn ijd ob'
It'm paide to John gowghe for writinge the Nams off the inhabytants off the parryshe for cessenge to the Roodloft (fn. 38) viijd
It'm paide for a banner staffe viijd

Mydsomer Quarter in the same year.

Item paide for the waste of the pascall lights xxd
Item for xviij lli of Bell Rope at iijd the pownde iiijs vjd
Sum' pagine—iijli xixs viijd ob'


Item pade to the Archedeacons Clerk iiijd
Item paide for a lode of Sande viijd
Item paide to the Ryngers, when the kynge and Quene went by (fn. 39) iiijd

Mighelmas Quartar in the same year

Item paide for iiij bell ropes wayenge xxviijlli at iijd the pownde vijs
Item paide for two bawdricks xijd
Item paide for browms ijs
Item paide for vj yards & D'd' of hear (fn. 40) to laye Vppon thaulter at vijd the yarde iijsixdob'
Item paide for Coverenge of a grave at the quere Doore vjd
Item paide for a booke of the Omelyes (fn. 41) for Mr Vycar iijs viijd
Item paide for pavenge of thre graves xviijd
Item paide for a lode of lyme xijd
Item paide for a lode of Sande viijd
Item for pavynge tyell we lacked viijd
Item paide for boordynge of A pewe vjd
Item paide for holy and yvye iiijd
Item paide for mendyng of a key for the Steple Doore iijd
Item paide for bromes iiijd
Item paide for a boorde to mende the Saunce bell vjd
Item for ij pownde of Candles whearof one of Cotton iiijdob'
Item for ffetchynge of thorgans (fn. 42) viijd
It'm paide to wyll'm Waters Cutler ffor kepeng of the Churche harneys (fn. 43) the two years of our Chardge xs
It'm paide to John gowghe scryvener for engrosseng of this booke, for the p'tchement of the same, for writenge the gatherenge booke, & the ynventorye of the churche goods in p'tchement vjsviijd

Chargis off the Sute for the Churche goods (fn. 44)

In primis to the Busshop of londons Somner for Delyverance of ij scytac'ons xxd
It' paide to the proctor for his ffee in the same Coorte iijs iiijd
It' paide to John gowghe for the makynge of ij letters one to the bushop of london and another to the Co'myssyoners ijs viijd
It'm paide for the Coppy of the wyll of Humfrey Cooke (fn. 45) ijsijd
It'm paide for the makynge of A Supplycation to my lorde Chauncelor (fn. 46) xviijd
It'm paide for a Co'myssyon to sytt on the Churche goods ixs ijd
It'm paide to Henry Styele for a Dynner for Sr Roger Cholmley (fn. 47), Syr Richarde Reade knights, mr Sturton and other masters of the parrysh being the xxij Daye of Marche xxijs
Sum' off the Sute for the Churche goods in Charges amownte to xlijs vjd
Sum' pagine—iiijli iijs vd
The totall Sum that We Roger lea and Henry Houg'ton Churche Wardens; have Receaved in theas ij years of or Chardge as apperethe by this booke off partyc'lers amowntethe to xxvjli iiijs viijd ob'
And the totall Sum that We the saide Churche Wardens have expendyd & layed owte in the saide two years, to and for the vse of the saide Churche, as apperethe allso by this booke of partyc'lers amow' teth to the Sum off xxvijli ixs xd (fn. 48)
So Remaynethe Due to the Saide Churche wardens wch they have layde owte and expendyd in thease two years, over and above theyr Receptes, wchthey Requyer to be Alowed, the Sum off xijs xd ob' (fn. 49)
Guyfftes geven and Receaved by the saide Churche Wardens in the tyme of this Accompte as hearafter foloeth
Item Receabed of the guyft of the Quens moste exelent mate, A payre off Regalls, (fn. 50) A payr of hangyngs for the highe Alter of nedle worke, wraught vppon Sylke, & a payr of hangyngs for the northeside, off the lyke woorke
It'm Receaved of the guyft of Dalahaye A shypp to put ffrankynsens in.
It'm Receaved of the guyft of mr Hale, a Corporas Case of Red velvet wth J'hus (fn. 51) in the mydds, & A table (fn. 52) of or lady and her sonne.
It'm Receaved of the guyft of mystres Hobson a newe Corporas cays
It'm Receaved of the guyft of Thurston mayrs widow iij Alter Clothes one of Dyaper & two of lockeram (fn. 53)
It'm Receaved of the guyft of mr Reade A coorse Alter clothe, and a bannar off tawney taffata (fn. 54)
It'm Receaved of the guyft of mr Worleye A table (fn. 52) of Saynct Gregory.
It'm Receaved of the guyft of mr pyrrye a hangynge for an Alter.
It'm Receaved of the guyft of mr lyzarde, (fn. 55) A streamer of olde whyte Sarcenet.
It'm Receaved of the guyft of the Bachelers of the parryshe a fayr streamar.
It'm R[ec]eaved of the guyft of mr Russell, A Corporas & a corporasse clothe.
It'm R' of the guyft of mr best, ij graylls, (fn. 56) one Antyphone, (fn. 57) a precessyon' & a manuell (fn. 58) [in p'tchmet

Rychard Boyley.
John Russell
Robert pyrry
Jo tyler
Wyl' porter
Rob' penythorne
John Best
John golyghtly
J. Gowgh
Randoff kyrby
Wm Water
thomas. . . . . .Colbrand
p' me Johne' Wylcock [mark] constable.
ut off] wton.
p' me Wyll' Delahaye


  • 1. Dec. 25, 1553—apparently overlaps the accounts of their predecessors (vide n. I, p. 142), but neither receipts nor expenditure begin until Lady Day Quarter.
  • 2. So written—I cannot explain why the mistake of 6s. is made. The 5s. mentioned by the auditors (p. 149) makes it nearly correct.
  • 3. Appears to be the record of a sale of old books.
  • 4. vide n. 2, p. 130.
  • 5. Buried 15 April, 1554 (R.)
  • 6. Not in the Register.
  • 7. Swaffer (R.)
  • 8. Joh'es De Pineda: hisp' (R.)
  • 9. Kyrbye (R.)
  • 10. Joh'es Moswitche (R.)
  • 11. Hewett (R.)
  • 12. Not in the Register.
  • 13. Joh'es Style, Aug 29th 1555 (R.)
  • 14. vide n. 8, p. 20.
  • 15. vide p. 57.
  • 16. vide p. 133.
  • 17. vide p. 126.
  • 18. cf. p. 61, Machyn's Diary "The iij day of May, at the cowrt of sant James, the quen('s) grace whent a prossessyon within sant James...... tuwyse-day to sant Martens in the feldes, [and there] a sermon and song masse, and so thay dronke ther;"
  • 19. Perhaps 29th May, when Mary went from St. James's to Whitehall, and thence to Richmond (Machyn's Diary).
  • 20. Quite a common practice, especially in Summer.
  • 21. Brooms.
  • 22. The Cross Clothe was used to cover up the great cross during Lent, vide n. 2, p. 165.
  • 23. At an archidiaconal visitation.
  • 24. For alms for the poor.
  • 25. The staff of the processional cross.
  • 26. i.e. the Commandments, etc., which had been painted on the walls (instead of the images and pictures) in Edward's time.
  • 27. Philip of Spain arrived at Southampton July 20, 1554; was married to Mary at Winchester on July 25, and made a state entry into London and Westminster, with the Queen, on Aug. 18th.
  • 28. The new bishop (Bonner) was very active in restoring the Roman books, ritual and doctrine. This 'book' may have been a return of all that the parish had or lacked for the due performance of the Roman services.
  • 29. A surplice with narrow sleeves; now part of a bishop's robes. Parish clerks wore rochetts without sleeves—the sexton probably had the same kind.
  • 30. The Register mentions "Nov. 19 Don Fra'ciscus de Arroga': hisp:" and Nov. 24 "Joh'es de Pineda, hisp:" (vide p. 75, Machyn's Diary).
  • 31. Holly and ivy for Christmas.
  • 32. Register gives "March II, Maria Margar: hispa.
  • 33. In 1553 churchwardens were ordered to take certificates of their church's goods to the commissioners—one of whom was "Mr. Chamley," the Chief Justice—at the Guildhall. Mary may have made use of the same body for her own purposes (vide p. 34, Machyn's Diary).
  • 34. vide p. 12, etc.
  • 35. cf. n. l, p. 154. Machyn's Diary mentions many processions of other parishes.
  • 36. For fumigating purposes.
  • 37. "to sweeten the church."
  • 38. For the result, vide p. 162.
  • 39. On Aug. 26, Philip and Mary rode past St. Martin's on their way to Greenwich.
  • 40. Hair cloth, cf. p. 73, Ludlow Churchwardens' Accounts (Camden Society).
  • 41. Tho. Wells was now Vicar. The First Book of Homilies was published in 1547.
  • 42. The gift of the Queen; vide p. 158.
  • 43. i.e. the parish armour.
  • 44. No records of this suit are to be found.
  • 45. vide Appendix A.
  • 46. Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester. He died Nov. 12, 1555.
  • 47. He had been Chief Justice, but was deprived by Mary (National Dictionary of Biography). There is, no doubt close connection between this suit and the entry on p. 155 (n. 7).
  • 48. Another total has been erased.
  • 49. Originally written "xxs iiijd ob."
  • 50. A small portable organ, chiefly used for giving the pitch or note to the singers; derived from 'regula,' a graduated scale of keys. The word 'pair' used as in 'a pair of steps' in the sense of a series of degrees (vide Encyc: Britt: Art: Pianoforte).
  • 51. i.e. Embroidered on the case.
  • 52. A picture.
  • 53. Coarse linen from Locrenan in Bretagne.
  • 54. Plain woven silk stuff.
  • 55. vide n. 1, p. 259.
  • 56. i.e. Graduals—volumes containing the musical parts of the service of the Mass.
  • 57. A service book containing that which was sung by the cantor (precentor) at the lectern in the Choir.
  • 58. vide p. 65.