Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.
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'February 1643: An Ordinance for the speedy raising and levying of Money for the maintenance of the Army Raised by the Parliament, And other great Affaires of the Commonwealth...', in Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660, ed. C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'February 1643: An Ordinance for the speedy raising and levying of Money for the maintenance of the Army Raised by the Parliament, And other great Affaires of the Commonwealth...', in Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Edited by C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"February 1643: An Ordinance for the speedy raising and levying of Money for the maintenance of the Army Raised by the Parliament, And other great Affaires of the Commonwealth...". Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Ed. C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
February 1642/3
[24 February, 1642/3]
Order for Weekly Assessment.
The Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament, being fully satisfied and resolved in their consciences, that they have lawfully taken up Armes, and may and ought to continue the same for the necessary defence of themselves and the Parliament from violence and destruction, and of this Kingdome from forraign invasion, and for the bringing of notorious offenders to condigne punishment, which are the only causes for which they have raised and do continue an Army and Forces, which cannot possibly be maintained, nor the Kingdome subsist without the speedy raising of large and considerable summes of money proportionable to the great expenses, which now this Kingdome is at, for the supporting of the said Army, and for the saving of the whole Kingdome, our Religion, Lawes, and Liberties from utter ruine and destruction; which, that it may be done with as much ease and indifferency to the good subject as the exigent of the times will permit, the said Lords and Commons do Ordaine. And be it Ordained by the said Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, That for the intents and purposes aforesaid, the severall and weekly sums of money hereafter in this Ordinance mentioned, shall be charged, rated, taxed, and levied upon all and every the severall Counties, Cities, Townes, Liberties, Places and Persons hereafter mentioned, according to the proportions, rates, and distributions in this present Ordinance expressed, the same to be paid in weekly to the several Collectors appointed by this Ordinance for the reiving hereof, That is to say, upon the City of London the weekly summe of ten thousand pounds.
The City of Westminster with the liberties thereof, and all the parishes and houses which are now within the weekly Bill of Mortality, within the County of Middlesex, and not within the jurisdiction of the Lord Maior, the sums of twelve hundred and fifty pounds.
The County of Middlesex, besides the City of Westminster, with the other places before mentioned, the weekly summe of seven hundred and fifty pounds.
The County of Kent, with the cities there, the weekly summe of one thousand two hundred and fifty pounds.
The County of Essex, the weekly summe of one thousand one hundred and twenty five pounds.
The County of Surrey, besides the Borough of Southwark, the weekly summe of foure hundred pounds.
The Borough of Southwarke, the parishes of Redderith, Newington-Butts, and Lambeth, at the summe of three hundred pounds.
The County of Sussex, the weekly summe of six hundred and twenty five pounds.
The County of Hertford, the weekly summe of foure hundred and fifty pounds.
The County of Cambridge, the weekly summe of three hundred and seventy five pounds.
The Isle of Ely, the weekly summe of one hundred forty seven pounds ten shillings.
The county of Suffolke, the weekly summe of one thousand two hundred and fiftie pounds.
The county of Norfolke, with the City of Norwich, the weekly summe of one thousand two hundred and fiftie pounds.
The county of Huntington, the weekly summe of two hundred and twenty pounds.
The county of Buckingham, the weekely summe of foure hundred twenty pounds.
The county of Bedford, the weekly summe of two hundred and fifty pounds.
The county of Lincolne, with the City of Lincolne, the weekly summe of eight hundred and twelve pounds ten shillings.
The county of Rutland, the weekly summe of sixty two pounds ten shillings.
The county and toune of Nottingham, the weekly summe of one hundred and eighty seven pounds ten shillings.
The county of Berks, the weekly summe of five hundred and fiftie pounds.
The county of Chester, the weekly summe of one hundred and seventy five pounds.
The county of the city of Chester, the weekly summe of sixty two pounds.
The county of Cornwall, the weekly summe of six hundred and twenty five pounds.
The county of Derby, the weekly summe of one hundred and seventy five pounds.
The county of Devon, the weekly summe of one thousand eight hundred pounds.
The county of the city of Exon, the weekly summe of fiftie pounds ten shillings.
The county of Dorset, the weekly summe of four hundred thirty seven pounds ten shillings.
The toune and county of Poole, the weekly summe of five pounds.
The county of Yorke, the weekly summe of one thousand sixty two pounds ten shillings.
The county of the city of Yorke, the weekly summe of sixty two pounds ten shillings.
The towne and county of Kingstone upon Hull, the weekly summe of twenty five pounds.
The county of Glocester the weekly summe of seven hundred and fifty pounds.
The county of the city of Gloucester, the weekly sum of sixty two pounds ten shillings.
Hampshire, with the city of Winchester, Southampton, the Isle of Wight, the weekly summe of seven hundred and fifty pounds.
The county of Hereford and city, the weekly summe of foure hundred thirty seven pounds ten shillings.
The county Pallatine of Lancaster, the weekly summe of five hundred pounds.
The county of Leicester, the weekly summe of one hundred eighty seven pounds ten shillings.
The county of Monmouth, the weekly summe of sixty two pounds ten shillings.
The county of Northampton, the weekly summe of foure hundred twenty-five pounds.
The county of Oxford, the weekly summe of six hundred and fifty pounds.
The county of Salop, the weekly sum of three hundred and seventy-five pounds.
The county of Stafford, the weekly summe of two hundred and twelve pounds ten shillings.
The county of the city of Lichfield, the weekly summe of five pounds.
The county of Summerset, the weekly summe of one thousand and fifty pounds.
The city of Bristoll, the weekly summe of fifty five pounds fifteene shillings.
The county of Warwicke, the weekly summe of five hundred sixty two pounds ten shillings.
The county and city of Coventry, the weekly summe of thirty seven pounds ten shillings.
The county of Worcester, the weekly summe of five hundred and fifty pounds.
The city and county of Worcester, the weekly sum of sixteen pounds thirteen shillings.
The county of Wilts, the weekly summe of seven hundred and wenty five pounds.
Cumberland, the weekly summe of thirty seven pounds ten shillings.
Durham, the weekly summe of sixty two pounds ten shillings.
Westmoreland, the weekly summe of twenty seven pounds five shillings.
Newcastle upon Tyne, the weekly summe of twenty five pounds.
Northumberland, the weekly summe of fifty pounds.
Anglesey, the weekly summe of twenty five pounds.
Brecknocke, the weekly summe of fifty pounds.
Cardigan, the weekly summe of sixty two pounds ten shillings.
Carmarthen, the weekly summe of fifty pounds.
Carnarvon, the weekly summe of thirty five pounds.
Denbigh, the weekly summe of twenty five pounds.
Flintshire, the weekly summe of sixteen pounds ten shillings.
Glamorgan, the weekly summe of sixty-seven pounds ten shillings.
Merioneth, the weekly summe of twelve pounds ten shillings.
Montgomery, the weekly summe of sixty two pounds ten shillings.
Radnor, the weekly summe of thirty seven pounds ten shillings.
Haverford-west, the weekly summe of five pounds.
All Persons and Corporations whatsoever to be Taxed.; Aliens and Popish Recusants to pay double; Property to be Taxed.; Church Ornaments and Servants Yearly Wages excepted.
And be it further Ordained, That as well every person of the Estate of a Baron or Baronesse, and every estate above, and all, and every other person and persons borne within this Realme of England, Wales, or other the Kings Dominions, as well Ecclesiasticall as Temporall, and every Fraternity, Guild, Corporation, Mystery, Brotherhood, and Cominalty Corporate, or not Corporate, as well Ecclesiasticall as Temporall within the Realme of England, Wales or other the Kings Dominions, for the value of every pound which every such person, Fraternity, Guild, Corporation, Mystery, Brotherhood, and Cominalty Corporate, or not Corporate hath of his or their owne, or that any other hath to his or their use or uses, as well in Coine, in Plate, stocke of Merchandize, any manner of Corne and Graine, Householdstuffe, & of all other goods, movables, as well within this Realme as without, and of all such summe and sums of mony as to him or them is, are, or shall be owing, whereof he or they trust in his or their Conscience, to bee paid (except and out of the premises deducted such sums of mony as he or they owe, and in his or their conscience intend truly to pay; and except also the Apparell of every such Persons, their Wives and Children, belonging to their own Bodies, (saving Jewells, Gold, Silver, Stones, Pearl) shall pay towards the said Weekly sum and sums of money so assessed as aforesaid. And every Alien and Stranger born out of the Kings obeysance, as well Denizens as others, inhabiting within this Realm: And also, every Popish Recusant convict or not convict, shall pay towards the sums aforesaid, a proportion double to those of the like estates being no Aliens or Recusants. And that every person born within the Kings obeysance, as well Ecclesiasticall as Temporall, and every Corporation, Fraternity, Guild, Mysterie, Brotherhood, and Commonaltie, Corporate or not Corporate, as well Ecclesiasticall as Temporall, for every estate that every such Person or Persons, and every Corporation, Fraternity, Guild, Mysterie, Brotherhood, and Cominaltie, Corporate or not Corporate, or any other to his or their use in trust or otherwise, hath in Fee-simple, Fee-tail, for term of life, term of years, by Execution, Wardship, or by copy of Court-Roll, of and in any Honors, Castles, Mannors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Services, Tithes, Oblations, Obventions, Annuities, Offices of Profit, Fees, Corrodies, or other yearly Profits or Hereditaments, as well within Ancient Demesne, and other places priviledged, as elsewhere, shall pay to and towards the said Weekly sums, his and their proportionable part and proportion of such sum or sums of money as are imposed, charged, and set upon each severall County, according as the same shall be divided, distributed, taxed or set upon each severall Town, Hamlet, Parish, or place where such person or persons is or shall be chargeable by this Ordinance, and the true intent and meaning thereof, Except and always foreprised, from the charge and Assessment of the sums aforesaid, All Goods, Chattells and Ornaments belonging to any Churches, or Chappels, which have been ordained and used in any Churches and Chappels for the service of Almighty God; and except yearly Wages due to Servants for their yearly service.
Payments to continue weekly for three months
And the said severall sums so charged, set upon the said severall Counties, Cities, Towns, Liberties, Places and Persons aforesaid, shall by Authority of this Ordinance be taxed, cessed, and rated according to this Ordinance, in every Shire, Riding, Lathe, Wapentake, Rupe, City, Borough, Town, and every other place within this Realm of England and Dominion of Wales, before the Twenty sixth day of February in the year of our Lord, One thousand six hundred forty two; And the first payment of the said Weekly sums so assessed by this Ordinance shall be made at or before the First day of March, One thousand six hundred forty two, and the said weekly Payments to continue Weekly for Three Moneths next ensuing from the said First day of March, unlesse the Kings Army shall be disbanded in the meantime. And for the better expediting of the said service, be it further Ordained by the said Lords and Commons, That, the Persons hereafter named, shall be Committees for the severall and respective Counties and places hereafter mentioned: That is to say;
For the county of Bedford, Sir John Burgoyn, Baronet, Sir Thomas Ashton, Knight and Baronet, Sir Roger Burgoyn, Baronet, Sir Oliver Luke, Knight; Sir Samuel Luke, Knight; Thomas Robart, Thomas Sadler, James Beverley, Hampton Monox; Edward Osborn, Robert Stanton, Samuel Brown, Esquires.
For the county of Berks, Sir Francis Pile, Sir Francis Knollis, junior, Knights, Peregrine Hoby, Roger Knight, Henry Poole, Thomas Fettiplace, Esquiers. For the town of Reading. The Maior of Windsor, Henry Martin, Tanfield Vachell, Esquiers.
For the county of Bucks, Sir Richard Ingleby, Knight; Henry Bulstrode, Thomas Tirrell, Richard Grenevill, Esquiers; Sir Peter Temple, Baronet; Anthony Ratcliffe, Thomas Westall, Esquires; Sir William Andrews; Sir Thomas Sanders, Knights; Bulstrode Whitlock, John Hampden, Arthur Goodwyn, Richard Winwood, Esquiers.
For the county of Cambridge; Sir Dudley North, Sir John Cutts, Sir Thomas Martin, Knights; Captain Symonds, Dudley Cope, Esquires; Sir Miles Sands, Knight; Francis Russell, Oliver Cromwell, William Fisher, Thomas Thompson, Thomas Becket, Walter Clopton, Robert Castle, Thomas Bendish, John Welbore, Robert Clark, Mich. Dalton, junior; Thomas Parker, John Hobard, Thomas Castle, George Clapthorne, John Towers and Edw. Leeds, Esquiers; William Marsh, William March, Esquiers.
For the town and University of Cambridge, The Maior for the time being, Talbot Pepys, Recorder; John Sherwood, Samuel Spauleden, Thomas French, Robert Robson.
For the County of Chester, Sir George Booth, Knight and Baronet; Sir William Brereton, Baronet; Thomas Stanley, Henry Manwaring, Henry Brook, John Bradshaw, Robert Duckenfield Henry Vernon, John Crew, William Marbury, Esquiers.
For the city of Chester.
For the county of Cornwall, Sir Richard Carew, Baronet; Francis Buller, Alexander Carew, John Trefusis, John Saint Aubin, Richard Erisey, John Moyl, Francis Godolphin, Thomas Thewen, John Carter, Thomas Arundell, Esquiers.
For the county of Devon, Sir Peter Prideaux, Sir George Chudleigh, Sir John Pool, Sir John Northcot, Baronets; Sir Edw. Fowell, Knight; Sir Samuel Roll, Sir Shilston Calmady, Sir Nic. Martin, Knights; Sir Francis Drake, Baronet; Robert Savery, Henry Walrond, Esquiers; John Davy, Baronet, Henry Wortley, Hugh Fortescue, Arthur Upton, George Trowbridge, Esquires.
For the city of Exon, Christopher Clark, Maior; Richard Sanders, Tho. Crossing, Adam Bennet, Walter White, and John Hakewill, Aldermen; James Gould, Sheriff.
For the county of Cumberland, Sir George Dalston, Knight; William Lawson, William Briscoe, Thomas Lamplough, Richard Barwis, Esquires.
For the county of Derby.
For the county of Dorset, Sir Thomas Trenchard, Sir Walter Erle, Knight; John Brown, John Fitz James, Thomas Tregnall, John Bingham, John Faunham, John Trenchard, Dennis Bond, Richard Broderop, Esquires.
For the town and county of Poole.
For the county of Durham, Henry Warmouth, George Lilbourn, Thomas Mitford, Robert Hutton, Thomas Shadforth, Clement Falthrop, Richard Lilborn, Francis Wren, John Blackston, Henry Draper, John Brockenbury, Esquires.
For the county of Essex, Sir Thomas Barrington, Sir Henry Mildmay of Wanstead, Sir Martin Lumley Sir Richard Everard, Sir William Hicks, Sir Henry Halcroft, Sir William Rowe, Sir Thomas Honywood, Sir William Martin, Sir John Barrington, Sir William Massam, Knights; William Massam, John Wright, Oliver Raymond, Harbottle Grimston, John Sayer, John Burket, Anthony Luther, Timothy Middleton, Thomas Coke, Deane Tyndall, James Herne, William Goldingham, John Attwood, John Sorrell, Richard Harlachenden.
For Colchester, the Major for the time being, Mr. Henry Barrington.
East Riding.
For East-Riding, Sir John Hotham, Knight, and Baronet; Sir Philip Stapleton, Knight, Sir William Strickland, Baronet, Sir Thomas Rymington, Knight; Richard Rymington, John Hotham, John Anlabey, Richard Darley, Henry Darley, John Allured, Esquires.
North Riding.
For North-Riding, Sir William Sheffield, Knight, Sir Hugh Cholmeley, Sir Henry Fowles, Sir Matthew Boynton, Baronets; Bryan Stapleton, Henry Darley, Henry Anderson, John Wastall, Christopher Perchley, George Trotter, Mathew Smelt, John Legard de Malton, Frances Lassells. Geoffery Gate, John Dent, ThomasRobinson, Francis Boynton, Esquires.
West Riding.
For West-Riding, Ferdinando Lord Fairfax, Sir Thomas Malleverer, Baronet; Sir William Lister, Sir Edward Rodes, Sir William Fairfax, Sir Jervas Cutler, Sir John Savill, Sir Thomas Fairfax, Sir John Reresbey, Knights; Charls Fairfax, Henry Ardington, Master West, John Farrer, William White, Thomas Malleverer, George Harwood, John Robinson, Thomas Stockdale, Thomas Westby, John Bright, Thomas Bossevile, Godfrey Bossevile, Esquires.
York City.
For the City of Yorke, Sir Thomas Fairfax and Sir Thomas Widrington, Knights; Thomas Hodgson, James Hutchinson, and John Vaux, Aldermen.
For the County of Glocester, Sir Robert Coke, Knight, Nathaniel Stephen, John George, Edward Stephens, John Stephens, Thomas Pury, Esquires.
For the County of the City of Glocester,
For the City of Bristoll, Richard Allworth, Maior; Joseph Jackson, and Hugh Browne, Sheriffes; Richard Hallworthy, Alderman; Luke Hodges, and Henry Gibbs.
For the County of Southampton, The Town and County of Southampton, and the Isle of Wight: Sir Henry Worsley, Sir William Lewis, Baronets; Sir Thomas Jervois, Sir William Liste, Sir John Oglander, Sir Henry Clarke, Sir John Compton, Sir Richard Kinsmell, Knights; Robert Dillington, Robert Wallop, Richard Whitehead, Richard Norton, John Doddington, Richard Jervois, John Lisle, Dunch Fuller, John Button, Edward Hopper, Edw: Denny, John Bulkey, Thomas Clerk, John Kemp, Richard Maior, Francis Saintbert, Nich: Love, John Fielder, William Withers, Thomas Chandler, James Tut, John Pittniam, Esquires.
For the County of Hertford, Charles Lord Viscount Cranbourn, Robert Cicell Esquire; Sir John Garrat, Baronet, Sir Thomas Dacres, Sir William Litton, Sir John Whitterounge, Knights; Richard Jennyngs, Ralph Freeman, William Lemon, William Priestley, John Heydon, Alexander Wild, Richard Porter, Adam Washington, Esquires; For Saint Albans, The Maior for the time being, John Robotham, Ralph Pemberton, Esquires.
For the County of Hereford, Sir Robert, Harley, Knight of the Bath, Walter Kirle, Richard Hobson, John Brocket, Master Vaughan, Esquires.
For the City of Hereford. Sir Robt. Harley, Knight of the Bath; Walter Kirle, Richard Hobson, John Brocket, Henry Vaughan, Esquires.
For the County of Huntington, Sir Thomas Cotton, Sir John Hewett, Onslow Winch, Terrill Joselyne, Thomas Templer, John Castle, Oliver Cromwell, Abraham Burwell, Edward Montague, Esquires.
For the County of Kent, Sir Thomas Walsingham, Sir Anthony Weldon, Knights; Thomas Selliard, John Boyes, senior, Esquire; Sir John Sidley, Sir Humphrey Tufton, Knights and Baronets; Augustine Skinner, and Richard Lee, Esquires; Sir Bazill Dixwell, Sir Edward Scot, Knights; Sir Henry Hayman, Knight and Baronet; Sir Henry Vane, junior; Sir Edward Hales, Knight and Baronet; Sir George Sands, Knight and Baronet, Sir John Honywood, Sir William Brooke, Knights, Sir Mich. Lewsy, Baronet; Thomas Blunt, Esquire.
For the City of Rochester, the Maior for the time being, Richard Lee, Esquire.
For the City and County of Canterbury, the Maior for the time being, Sir William Man, Knight, Sir Edward Master, Knight, Thomas Courthope, Esq; Avery Savine, Alderman.
For Kingston super Hull Sir John Hotham, Knight and Baronet, John Hotham Esquire, Thomas Raikes, Mayor, Lancelot Roper, John Barnard, Josua Hall, Nicholas Denman, William Popple, Gentlemen.
For the County of Lancaster, Sir Ralph Ashton and Sir James Stanley, Baronets, Ralph Ashton, Richard Shuttleworth, Alexander Rigby, John Moor, John Atherton, Richard Holland, Edward Butterworth, John Bradshaw, Peter Egerton, George Dodding, Nicholas Cunliffe, and Thomas Fell, Esquires; Robert Cunliff, Robert Curwen, and John Nowell, Gentlemen.
For the County of Leicester, Henry, Lord Gray of Ruthen, Thomas, Lord Gray; Sir Arthur Haslerigg, Baronet; Sir Edward Hartopp, Sir Thomas Hartopp, Knight; William Hewett, John Bembridge, Peter Temple, George Ashby, William Roberts, Richard Bent, Arthur Stareley, William Danvers, John Goodman.
For the Town of Leicester, the Mayor for the time being, William Stanley, Alderman.
Lincoln Lindsey.
For the County of Lincoln, Sir Edward Aiscough, Knight; Sir John Wray, and Sir Samuel Ofeild, Knights; John Wray, Willoughby Hickman, Edmund Hitchcott, Edmond Anderson, Edward Rossiter, and John Broxholme, Esquires; Sir William Armyn, Baronet, Sir Hamond Whitchcot, Knight, Sir John Brownlow Sir Thomas Trollop, Baronets, Thomas Grantham, Thomas Lister, John Archer, Esquiers.
For the City of Lincoln, and the Close of Lincoln, The Mayor for the time being, Thomas Grantham, John Broxholm, Esquires; Robert Moorecroft, William Watson, and Stephen Dawson, Aldermen.
For the City of London, and all within the Jurisdiction of the Lord Mayor, The Lord Mayor and the Aldermen of the said City.
For the County of Middlesex, Sir Guilbert Gerard, Baronet, Sir John Franklyn, Sir Edward Backham, Sir John Hippesley, Sir William Roberts, Sir Richard Sprignall, Knights; Laurence Whittacre, Thomas Wilcox, John Morris, Richard Dunton, Esquiers.
For the County of Monmouth.
For the County of Norfolk, Sir Thomas Woodhouse, Sir John Holland, Sir John Pots, Sir John Hubert, Baronets, Sir Miles Hubert, Sir Thomas Huggen, Knights; John Cooke, John Spetiman, Philip Boddingfield, Samuel Smith, The Sheriffs of Norwich, The Bailiffs of Yarmouth, John Toll, and Thomas Percivall of Lynn, Thomas Windham, Francis Jermy, Robert Wood, Gregory Gausell, John Houghton, Thomas Weld, Martin Sedley, Thomas Sotherton, Esquires; Sir Edmund Muntfort, Knight, William Heveringham, William Cook, Robert Rich, Esquires, Sir Richard Berne, Sir Isaac Ashley, Sir John Palgrave, Knights, and Brigg Fountain, Esquire.
For the County of Northampton, Sir Rowland Saint John, Knight of the Bath; Sir John Norwich, Knight; Sir Gilbert Pickering, Baronet, Sir Richard Samuel, Knight; John Crue, John Barnard, Edward Harvey, John Sawyer, Edward Farmer, John Norton, John Chappole, Esquires; Sir John Drayden, Baronet, and Richard Knightley, Esquire.
For the Town of Northampton, The Mayor for the time being; Thomas Martin, and John Fisher, Aldermen.
For the Town of Newcastle;
Newcastle. Northumberland.
For the County of Northumberland, Sir John Fenwick, Baronet, Sir John Dallewell, Knight; Thomas Middleton, William Shaftoe, Michael Meldon, and Henry Ogle, Esquiers.
For the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne, Henry Warmouth, Ralph Gray, Henry Lawson, John Blackston, Esquiers.
For the Town of Barwick upon Tweed, John Sleigh, Mayor; Sir Robert Jackson, Knight, Ralph Salkfield, Esquire.
For the County of Nottingham, Francis Pierpoint, Esquire, Sir Francis Thornehagh, Knight, Francis Thornehagh, Joseph Widmerpole, Robert Reyns, Gilbert Millington, and Thomas Hutchinson, Esquires; Sir Francis Molinox, Knight; Charles White, and Henry Ireton, Esquiers.
For the County of the Town of Nottingham, The Mayor for the time being, James Chadwick, Esquire, Huntington Plumtrey, Doctor in Physick, John James, Alderman, and John Gregory, Gentleman.
For the County of Oxon.
For the County of Rutland, Sir Edward Harrington, Knight, Evers Armyn, Robert Horsman, John Osborn, Christopher Brown, Robert Horsman, junior, and Thomas Wait, Esquires.
For the County of Suffolk, Sir Nathaniel Barnardiston, Knight; Sir William Spring, Baronet, Sir Roger North, Sir Thomas Barnardiston, Knights; M. Haveningham, Nathaniel Bacon of Freeston, Nicholas Bacon, Henry North, Robert Brewster, Francis Bacon, Theophilus Vaughan, of Beckles, William Cage, Edmund Hervey, John Gurdon, John Basse, Esquires; The Bayliffes of the Town of Ipswich, the Aldermen of the Town, John Sicklemer, Richard Pulpet, John Aldus, Esquires.
For S. Edmunds Bury, M. Samuel Moody, M. Tho. Cole, M. Chaplin, the Bayliffs of the Town of Aldborough.
For the County of Surrey, for the West Division, Sir Richard Onslow, Sir William Elliot, Sir Robert Parkhurst, Knights; Nicholas Stawton, George Evelyn, Henry Weston, Arthur Onslow, Esquires; For the Middle Division, Sir Ambrose Browne, Sir Anthony Vincent, Sir John Dugley, Sir Matth. Brand, Knights; Francis Drake, Thomas Sands, George Myn, William Muschamp, Esquires. For the East Division, Sir John Howland, Sir John Evelyn, Knights; John Goodwyn, Esquire, Richard Wright, and Cornelius Cooke, Gentlemen.
For the County of Sussex, Sir Thomas Pelham, Baronet; Anthony Stapeley, Harbert Morley, Thomas Whitfield, John Baker, Herbert Fay, Esquires. Herbert Springate of the Broyle, Ralph Cooper, Hall Ravenscroft, Edward Apsley, John Downes, William Carlep, George Oglander, George Sympson, James Bachelor.
For the County of Somerset, Sir John Horner, Sir Thomas Wroth, Sir George Farwell, Knights; Christopher Walker, William Strode, Richard Cole, John Harrington, John Hippesley, William Long, John Preston, Henry Henley, Henry Sampford, John Pyre, and James Ashe, Esquires; Roger Hill, George Serle, and Jasper Chaplaine, Gentlemen; M. Capell, M. Bull, Robert Harbin, John Hunt, and Alexander Popham, Esquires.
For the County of Salop, Sir John Corbet, Knight; William Pierpoint, Richard Mare, Thomas Mitton, Walter Barker, Tho. Nicholls, Robert Corbet of Stannerden, Humphrey Mackworth, Andrew Floyd of Aston, and Lancelot Lee, Esquires.
Litchfield City.
For the City of Litchfield, the Bayliffs of the said city for the time being, the Sheriffs of the said city for the time being, Rich. Draffgate, Richard Baxter, and Thomas Barnes, Gentlemen; Mich. Noble, Esquire.
For the county of Stafford, Sir Richard Skeffington, Knight; Richard Pyott, Michael Bedenelph, Edward Manwaring, Matthew Morton, John Birch, Ralph Rudyard, Michael Lowe, and Edward Leigh, Esquires; Sir Walter Wrotesley, Sir Edward Littleton, Baronets.
For the County of Warwick, the now Maior of the City of Coventry, Sir Peter Wentworth, Knight; John Hales, Godfrey Boswell, John Barker, William Purefoy, Anthony Staughton, George Abbot, Thomas Boughton, William Colemore, Thomas Basnet, William Jesson, Gamaliel Purefoy, and Thomas Wil loughby, Esquires.
For the County of Wilts, Sir Edward Hungerford, Sir Edward Bainton, Sir Nevill Pool, and Sir John Evelyn, Knights; Edward Bainton, Edward Tucker, Edward Goddard, Alexander Thistlethwait, junior, Edward Poore, Thomas Moore, Edward Ashe, and Robert Jennour, Esquires.
For the County of Westmorland, Sir Henry Bellingeham, Knight and Baronet; Geo. Gilpin, Edward Wilson, Nicho. Fisher, Thomas Steddall, Rowland Dawson, and Allan Bellingeham, Esquire; Roger Bateman, Richard Branthwaite, Robert Phillipson, and Gervace Benson, Gentlemen.
For the County of Worcester, Sergeant Wilde, Humphrey Sallway, Edward Dingley, Edward Pit, Thomas Greves, William Jeffryes, Ambrose Elton, and Serjeant Cresswell, Esquire.
For the City of Worcester, Henry Foord, Esquire, Major Roger Seaburn and Henry Philipps, Aldermen; John Rea, Gentlemen.
Committees to meet.; And nominate Assessors.
Which said severall Committees of the said severall and respective Counties and Places, or the greatest part of them, shall with all convenient speed after notice of this Ordinance given to them, or any two of them, meet together within the severall Counties and Places respectively, where they are Committees, in some convenient Place within the same Counties or Places, and may there agree to sever and divide themselves for the execution of the said Service, unto such Hundreds, Places and Divisions within their respective Counties and Places, as to them shall seem meet & expedient; and afterwards the said Committees, or any two of them respectively, shall direct their Warrants to such number of Persons as they shall think fit within their severall and respective Divisions, to appear before them, or any two of them, and upon their appearance, the said respective Committees, or any two of them, shall nominate and appoint such persons as they shall think fit, within their respective Divisions: which said persons so nominated, or any two of them, shall have power to assess all and every person or persons, Fraternity, Guild, Corporation, Mystery, Brotherhood, and Comminalty corporate, or not Corporate, chargeable by this Ordinance, according to the weekly rates and proportions in this Ordinance mentioned.
Power to Committees to appoint Collectors.; Moneys to be levied by distress on such as refuse to pay.
And the said respective Committees, or any two of them, shall have full power and authority within their severall and respective Limits, and Divisions, where they shall execute this Ordinance to nominate Collectors for the Money so assessed, and rated, as aforesaid, according to their Ordinance; which said Collectors shall collect the said Moneys so assessed, and pay the same to the Treasurer of the Army raised by the Parliament, for the time being, at Guildhall, London, or at such place or places, and to such person or persons, as the said respective Committees, or any two of them, shall appoint. And if any person or persons, Fraternity, Guild, Corporation, Mystery, Brotherhood or Comminaltie corporate, or not corporate, chargeable by this Ordinance shall refuse to pay the sum or sums upon him or them assessed by virtue of this Ordinance, or shall not pay the same upon demand, at the place of his abode, or where such assessment shall be made, It shall be lawful to, and for, the respective Collectors, or any of them to levy all and every such sum or sums so assessed, by way of distresse, and sale of the Goods of the person or persons so assessed, where ever the same shall be found, and to break open any House, Chest, Trunck, Box, or other thing wherein any such Goods are. And if any person so distrained or other shall make resistance, it shall be lawfull to and for the said respective Collectors, or any of them, as they shall see cause to call to their assistance, any of the Trained-Bands, or Companies or Voluntiers, or of other Forces, of or within the County or Counties, place or places, where such resistance shall be made, or any other person or persons whatsoever, dwelling in or near the place; and the said TrainedBands, Voluntiers or Forces, and the severall officers, Commanders, and Souldiers of the same, or other the persons so to be called, are hereby required to be ayding and assisting to the said respective Collectors in the premisses as they will answer the contrary thereof.
Every person to be rated where his property is.
And be it also ordained, That every person to be rated and taxed as aforesaid, shall be rated and set; and the summe on him rated and set to be levied in every County, for the estate he hath, either in Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, Rents, Annuities, Fees, Offices, Goods, Cattles or Chattels in that County only; and if he have an estate, either in Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Rents, Annuities, Fees, Offices, Goods, or Chattels in severall places in one County, then to be rated in the severall places in each severall County, according to such his said estate in the said severall places, and the summe on him set to be there leavied accordingly.
All Lands, etc., to be taxed.; Tax, how payable when land let for lives or years.; Tenant unjustly charged to deduct same from rent.
And be it further ordained, That all Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments of all and every person and persons whatsoever, of what degree or quality soever, or in whose possession soever the same are, shall be rated, charged and chargeable, for and towards the raising and payment of the said weekly sum or sums of money set and charged by this Ordinance; yet, nevertheless with this limitation, and provision, That if the Land be set or let to or neere the yearly value thereof, in the possession of any Tenant, for life, lives, or years, or at will, such person or persons to whom the rent thereof belongeth, to be solely chargeable therewith; But if the same be let at any easie or small rent or under-value, then the sum taxed to be apportioned betweene the party or parties to whom the rent belongeth; And the Tenant or occupier of the Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, as the Taxers shall thinke meet. And if they or any of them shall doe any injury, the same to be rectified by the said Committees, or any two of them within their severall limits or divisions, according to their discretion: And if any such Tenant or occupier of Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, shall or may be charged with any summe of money contrary to the true intent and meaning of this Ordinance, That it shall and may be lawfull to and for such Tenant or occupier to stop and detaine the same, from and out of his rent due for the same Land, or to take his Lawfull remedy against such person or persons to whom the said rent is or shall be due or belonging, who ought by the true meaning of this Act to be charged therewith by Action of debt, wherein no wager of Law, protection, or Essoyne shall be allowed; And in case that any Lands or Hereditaments in severall Counties, Hundreds, Parishes, or places, shall be let or set for, or charged with one intire rent or rents, the owner of such rent or rents in each County, Hundred, Parish, or place proportionably and according to the value of the Lands or Hereditaments so let in every of the said Counties, Hundreds, Parishes, and places, and for all manner of debts whatsoever for sum or sums of money due, or owing to any person or persons, by any person or persons within this Realme, and also for any debts, goods, or sums of money remaining, or being beyond the Seas out of His Majesties Dominions due or belonging to any person or persons residing within England or Wales, the person or persons to whom such debts shall be due to be charged for the same in the place of his residence or abode, at the time of the taxation onely.
King's Servants and others to be taxed.; All such as unjustly escape taxation to pay treble.
And be it ordained, that no person having two Mansions or places to resort to, being, or calling himself household-servant, or waiting-servant, to the Kings Majesty, or other Lord or Lady, Master or Mistresse be excused from the Taxes of the said payments in any place or places where he may be set or taxed, and if any person that ought to be set and Taxed to the said payment, by his crime or craft, or any words or sayings, or otherwise, happen to escape from the said payments, to be not set and taxed according to the true meaning of this Ordinance, and that proved by presentment, examination, information, or otherwise, before the said Committees, or any two of them, then every such person shall be charged upon the knowledge and proofe thereof, and at the treble value of so much as he should, might, or ought to have beene set or taxed at by virtue of this Ordinance, and the same to be leavied, gathered, and paid of his Goods, and Chattels, Lands and Tenements, towards the said payment, in such manner as is herein limited for others which refuse to pay. And if no distresse be found of the goods or other things of such person or persons, bodies corporate or other chargeable by this Ordinance as shall not pay their weekly rates as aforesaid; then the said Collectors shall respectively have power to enquire of any sum or sums of money due or to be due to the persons so assessed as aforesaid from any person or persons for any Rents, Tythes, Goods, or debts, or other thing or cause whatsoever, and to compound for any of the said Rents, Tithes, Goods, Debts, due to the person so assessed respectively as aforesaid, with any person or persons by whom the said Rents, Tithes, Goods, Debts, or other things due unto the said person so assessed respectively, as aforesaid; as also to give full discharge for the money by them so received upon composition or otherwise, which discharge shall be good and effectuall to all intents and purposes.
Persons over-rated to be relieved on complaint to Committee.
And be it further ordained, That if any person or persons shall find him or themselves agrieved, that he or they is or are overrated, such person or persons at any time before distresse taken of his or their Goods may complaine to the respective Committees who have executed this Ordinance within the division or limit where any such person or persons over-rated shall be assessed, which said respective Committees, or any two of them shall have power, upon examination to relieve such person or persons, as they shall see cause. And for the better encouragement of the Collectors in this said service, It is ordained that three-pence in the pound shall be allowed for every sum of money which shall be collected and paid to the said Treasurers or Receivers, according to the Ordinance, two pence whereof shall be allowed to the Collectors, and the residue to such other persons as shall be employed in the saide service according to the discretion of the respective Committees within their severall divisions or any two of them.
Copies of Assessment Returns to be sent to Treasurer at Guildhall, to whom payment to be made.; Assessor or Collector refusing or neglecting his service, to be imprisoned or fined.
And to the end that all the moneys assessed may be duly collected, Be it ordained that the severall and respective Assessors within the Kingdome of England and dominion of Wales shall within one weeke next after their respective Assessments made, returne their said severall Assessments unto the respective Committees aforesaid for the respective divisions or limits where the said Assessments shall be made, who, or any two of them are hereby respectively required within ten daies after the respective returnes of such severall Assessments to deliver a coppie thereof subscribed with their or any two of their hands to the severall Collectors, within their said respective divisions or limits, and also within the like ten daies to send up another coppie thereof to the said Treasurer of the Army raised by the Parliament for the time being, to the end the said Treasurer may thereby know what he is to receive of every parish or place within this Realme and Wales, and the said severall summes shall be paid to the said Treasurer at Guildhall, London, who shall give an acquittance for the same, which acquittance shall be brought to John Trenchard and William Wheeler Esquires, members of the House of Commons, who are to enter the same in a Booke to be kept for that purpose, and then the said acquittance shall be a sufficient discharge to the party that paid in the said summe and not otherwise. And if any Assessor or Collector shall refuse the said service, or prove negligent or faulty therein, thesaid Committees for the division or limit where such Assessor or Collector shall so refuse, or so negligement or faulty, or any two of them shall have power to commit such Assessor or Collector to prison, or to set such fine upon him or them, as they shall think fit, not exceeding the sum of twenty pounds upon the Assessor; or the sum of five pounds upon the Collector, the same to be leavied by distresse and sale of such offenders goods to the uses herein mentioned, in such sort as is herein before appointed for such as refuse to pay the rates assessed upon him or them, and shall also certifie the said offence to the Lords and Commons in Parliament, and shall have power to nominate other Assessors or Collectors.
Persons concealing goods to escape tax may be imprisoned.
And if any person or persons so assessed and rated as aforesaid shall conceale or convey away his or thier goods, so that no distresse can be taken, or that the said sum or sums so assessed upon him cannot be had or leavied by any the waies or meanes in this Ordinance mentioned, then the said Collectors shall respectively certify the same, in case he be a Peere of the Realme, unto the Lords in Parliament; and if he be under the degree of a Peere, to the Committee of the Commons House of Parliament for Examinations, which said Committee shall hereby have power to send for such person and persons as delinquents, and to commit him or them prisoners to such place or places within this Kingdome, and for so long time as the Committee for Examinations shall think fit.
Assessors and Collectors to have protection of Parliament, and fit allowances.
And be it lastly Ordained that all and every the Assessors and Collectors aforesaid, and all that shall assist them in the premisses shall be protected by both Houses of Parliament, from all dammage that may come to them or any of them by this service, and shall further receive such allowances for their charges and obedience in the execution of this Ordinance, as upon certificate from the severall Committees above named or any two of them shall be thought fit by the Committee of the House of Commons for Examinations.
High rates on London and Westminster not to be a precedent.
Provided, That whereas the rates by this Ordinance set upon the City of London, the city of Westminster and the suburbs thereof, far exceed the proportion of other Counties, the same shall not hereafter be drawen into example or consequence to their prejudice, but shall be understood as a marke of their constant and faithfull service to the Commonwealth.
Assessment on Citizens of London resident within 30 miles and not assessed there.
Provided also, That where any Citizen or Citizen of London, are found to be settled in the Country within thirty miles of the said City, being men of Estate and not assessed in the City, such persons shall be assessed by some Citizens of London appointed by the Lord Maior, and the sums so assessed upon him or them, to be leavied upon them and their Estates, wherever the same shall be found, according to this Ordinance.
Those assessed in London not to be assessed for country property under £50 per annum.
Provided likewise, that no Citizen or Citizens remaining Inhabitants within the City of London, or Suburbs shall be assessed for any Houses, Lands, or other things in the Countrey, unless the same exceed the value of fifty pounds per annum, or that they have not been assessed in the City.
Where no Committees are named in this Ordinance, others appointed by Parliament to execute it.
Lastly, be it ordained, That where no Committees are named in this Ordinance for any County, City, or Place, There such other Committees as shall be appointed by both the said Houses of Parliament, or any two of such Committees shall and may put this present Ordinance in execution within any such County or place respectively, in such manner and forme to all intents and purposes as any the Committees named in this Ordinance, may according to the purport and true meaning thereof.
London to have £3,000 monthly for pay of soldiers.
And it is further ordered, that the City of London shall have allowed unto them the sum of £3000 a moneth during the continuance of this Ordinance, for the discharge of their Watches and Souldiers, raised by them, and now in their pay, out of the weekly sum of 10,000l. to be paid unto the Committee for the Militia of the City of London, who are to be accountable for the same.
Peers to be rated only in House of Lords.
Provided alwaies, that no Peere of this Realm shall by vertue of this Ordinance be rated or taxed at any sum or sums of money whatsoever, for any his mansion house or houses, with the appurtenances in any place whatsoever; but the Assessors, within whose charge such house or houses, with the appurtenances shall happen to be, shall certifie the same into the House of Peeres, to the end that such Peeres may be there rated for the same, according to this Ordinance.