October 1650: An Act for Sale of the Manors of Rectories and Gleab-Lands, late belonging to Archbishops, Bishops, Deans, Deans and Chapters.

Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'October 1650: An Act for Sale of the Manors of Rectories and Gleab-Lands, late belonging to Archbishops, Bishops, Deans, Deans and Chapters.', in Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660, ed. C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/acts-ordinances-interregnum/pp429-439 [accessed 17 March 2025].

'October 1650: An Act for Sale of the Manors of Rectories and Gleab-Lands, late belonging to Archbishops, Bishops, Deans, Deans and Chapters.', in Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Edited by C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online, accessed March 17, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/acts-ordinances-interregnum/pp429-439.

"October 1650: An Act for Sale of the Manors of Rectories and Gleab-Lands, late belonging to Archbishops, Bishops, Deans, Deans and Chapters.". Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Ed. C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online. Web. 17 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/acts-ordinances-interregnum/pp429-439.

October, 1650

[16 October, 1650.]

Ord. 9 Oct. 1646.; Act 30 April, 1649.

Whereas by an Ordinance of Parliament of the Ninth of October, One thousand six hundred forty six, Entituled, An Ordinance of this present Parliament, for Abolishing of Archbishops and Bishops within the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales, and for setling their Lands and Possessions upon Trustees for the Use of the Commonwealth; And by one Act of this present Parliament, Entituled, An Act of the Commons of England in Parliament assembled, for the Abolishing Deans, Deans and Chapters, Canons, Prebends, and other Offices and Titles of or belonging to any Cathedral or Collegiate Church or Chappel within England and Wales (amongst other things in the said Ordinance and Act mentioned) the Parsonages appropriate, Tythes, Oblations, Obventions, Pensions, Portions of Tythes, Parsonages, Vicarages, Churches, Chappels and Donatives in the said Ordinance and Act mentioned, are vested and setled in the Trustees in the said Ordinance and Act named, their Heirs and Assigns, upon such Trust and Confidence as in and by the said Ordinance and Act is Declared.

Act 8 June, 1649.

And whereas by an Act of this present Parliament, Entituled, An Act for providing Maintenance for Preaching-Ministers, and other Pious Uses, all Tythes appropriate, Oblations, Obventions, Pensions, Portions of Tythes appropriate, Offerings, Fee-Farm Rents issuing out of Tythes in the said Act mentioned, are setled and vested, from and after the Sixth day of January, in the year One thousand six hundred forty and nine, in and upon Sir Henry Holcroft Knight, and other the Trustees in the said Act named, in such maner, and upon such Trust and Confidence as in the said Act is contained.

5 April 1650.; Trustees

And whereas by one other Act of this present Parliament, Entituled, An Additional Act for providing Maintenance for Ministers, and other pious Uses, all Parsonages appropriate, Tythes, Oblations, Obventions, Pensions, Portions of Tythes appropriate, Vicarages, Churches, Chappels, Donatives and Fee-farm Rents issuing out of Parsonages, Vicarages and Tythes in the aforesaid Ordinance and Acts mentioned or contained, were and are thereby discharged of all and every Trust of and concerning the same; And the said Sir Henry Holcroft, and other the Trustees in the said Act named, their Heirs, and Assigns, and the Survivors and Survivor of them and their Heirs, stand seized of all Appropriations, Tythes appropriate, Donatives, Oblations, Obventions, Pensions, Portions of Tythes, Gleabs appropriate, and Fee-farm, and other Rents issuing out of Parsonages, Vicarages or Tythes of or belonging to the said Archbishops and Bishops, or to any Deans, Sub-deans, Deans and Chapters, Archdeacon, Prior, Chancellor, Commissary, Chanter, Sub-chanter, Treasurer, Sub-treasurer, Succenter, Precenter, Sacrist, Prebend, Canons, Canons Resident or non-Resident, Petty Canons, Vicars, Chorals, Choristers, Old Vicars and New, or any other Officer or person of or belonging to the said Hierarchy, with their and every of their Rights, Members and Appurtenances, or which they or any of them had, held or enjoyed, or ought to have had, held or enjoyed in Right of his or their said Dignity, Office, Function or Imployment at any time by the space of Ten years before the beginning of this present Parliament, or at any time since.

Doubts upon former Acts. Manors of Rectories, Gleab-lands &c. setled in Trustees.; Contractors impowered to sell and convey.

And whereas sithence the passing of the said Ordinance and Acts of Parliament, some Doubts and Questions have been made and risen, Whether any Manors of Rectories, Messuages, Tenements, Gleab-Lands, Pastures, Meadows, Marshes, and Fee-farm Rents issuing out of Manors or Rectories, joyntly or severally charged therewith, lately appertaining to any late Archbishop, Bishop, Dean, Dean and Chapter, Prebend, or any other person or persons, or Bodies Politique, formerly mentioned in the said Ordinance or Acts of Parliament to be abolished, may be contracted for and conveyed, by the Contractors and Trustees respectively, in the said Ordinance and first recited Act of Parliament named: For the better avoiding of all Scruples and Questions that may arise by colour of the general words in the said Ordinance and Acts of Parliament, the Parliament doth now Enact and Declare, and be it by Authority of this present Parliament Enacted and Declared, That all Manors of Rectories impropriate, Messuages, Tenements, Gleab-Lands, Pastures, Meadows, Marshes, belonging to any Rectory impropriate, and Fee-Farm Rents issuing out of Manors or Rectories impropriate, joyntly or severally charged therewith; late belonging, or appertaining, or reputed and taken to be belonging or appertaining to any Rectory impropriate, Parsonage, Church, Chappel or Donative, lately appertaining or belonging, or reputed and taken to be belonging or appertaining to any late Archbishop, Bishop, Dean, Dean and Chapter, Prebend, or other person or persons, or Bodies Politique, mentioned in the said Ordinance and Acts of Parliament to be abolished, in Right of his or their said Office or Function, shall be, and are hereby setled in the full Seisin and possession of the respective Trustees in the said recited Ordinance and first recited Act of Parliament, their Heirs and Assigns, and not in the Seisin or possession of the said Sir Henry Holcroft, and the other Trustees, their Heirs or Assigns in the last recited Act of Parliament mentioned, nor subject to the Trusts and Uses in the said last recited Act mentioned: And the respective Trustees in the said Ordinance and first recited Act named, their Heirs and Assigns, shall be, and by Authority of this present Parliament are Declared to be in the full Seisin and possession of the said Manors of Rectories, Messuages, Tenements, Gleab-Lands, and all Pastures, Meadows, Fee-Farm Rents issuing out of Manors or Rectories, joyntly or severally charged therewith, and Marshes abovesaid, for the Use of the Commonwealth, freed, acquitted and discharged of and from the payment of Tythes, as fully as the said Archbishops, Bishops, Deans, Deans and Chapters, and other the persons abovesaid did hold the same at any time during the time of ten years before the beginning of this present Parliament; and of and from all and every Trust and Trusts in the said Ordinance, Acts, or any or either of them declared and appointed: And the said respective Contractors and Trustees, or any five or more of them respectively, shall and may, and are hereby required and authorized to Contract, Bargain, Sell, Alien and Convey all and every the last mentioned premises; and to execute all Powers and Authorities in the sale thereof, as they mayor might have done in the sale of any the Honors, Manors or Lands in the said Ordinance and first recited Act mentioned.

Thirty days pre-emption allowed the Tenant.; The premises shall be discharged of all Trusts and Accompts,; and of all In cumbrances.

Provided, That the said Contractors shall not treat or contract with any person or persons, Body Politique or Corporate, other then the immediate Tenant or Tenants of the premises hereby appointed to be sold, for the respective Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments which he or they so held, for the space of Thirty days, to be accompted from the first day of November, One thousand six hundred and fifty; And in case such Tenant or Tenants do not agree, contract and subscribe his or their Contract within the said Thirty days, that then the said Contractors may proceed to the sale thereof to any other person or persons, Body Politique or Corporate whatsoever: And that all and every Bargains of Sale, Conveyances and Assurances to be made of any Estate or Estates in Fee-simple of any the premises by this Act appointed to be sold, according to such Contracts as shall be agreed upon between the Purchaser or Purchasers and the said Contractors, or any five or more of them respectively, shall be good and effectual in Law, to all intents and purposes; And all and every Purchaser and Purchasers of the premises, or any part thereof, his and their Heirs, Successors and Assigns, shall have, hold and enjoy the premises that shall be by him or them so purchased, discharged of all Trusts and Accompts whereunto the said Trustees in the said Ordinance and Acts before recited, or in an Ordinance of the Sixteenth of November, One thousand six hundred forty and six, in this Act mentioned, or any or either of them, are or may be lyable by vertue of the said Ordinances or Acts, or any or either of them; and of all Suits and Questions that may arise or be moved upon pretence of Sale at Under-values, and all other Claims and Demands whatsoever (other then the Rents and Interests saved by the said Ordinances and Acts before recited, or any of them) and of all Incumbrances made by the said Trustees, or any claiming under them, or any of them; And that the same shall not be lyable unto, but freed and discharged of and from all and all maner of Statutes, Judgements, Recognizances, Dowers, Joyntures, and other Acts and Incumbrances whatsoever, had, made, done or suffered, or to be had, made, done or suffered, by, from or under the said Trustees, or any of them respectively, other then such Conveyances and Assurances as shall be had, made, done, or suffered in performance and pursuance of the Sales and Contracts respectively made, according to the meaning of this present Act (Saving all such Right, Title and Interest as in and by the said Ordinances and first recited Act, or any or either of them, is saved and excepted.)

Trustees, if sued, may plead the general issue.

And if any Action shall be brought against the said Trustees, Contractors, Treasurers, or other Officer, or any of them, for any act done by them or any of them in the execution of this Act, or any former Act, Ordinance, Orders or Instructions whereunto it relates, That then he or they are hereby enabled to plead the General Issue, and to give this Act in Evidence; and if Judgement shall be had for the Defendant or Defendants in such Action, he and they shall recover double costs.

None of the Trustees, Treasurers, &c. to contract for any of the premises without leave.

And be it also Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That none of the said Trustees, Treasurers, Contractors, Registers, Registers Accomptant, Surveyor-General, or any of their Clerks, or other person or persons imployed under them or any of them, in or about the premises, shall be admitted to treat or contract for any part of the premises, without leave first had and obtained from the Com mittee for removing Obstructions in the Sale of the premises; and in case any the persons aforesaid shall directly or indirectly purchase any part of the premises, and the same shall be made to appear to the said Trustees, Every such person and persons shall forfeit the premises so by him or them purchased; And the said Trustees are hereby authorized and required to seize the same, and to convey the one moyety therof to such person and persons as shall discover the same, and his Heirs, and the other moyety thereof the said Contractors, upon such Certificate thereof, are hereby impowered to expose to Sale for the benefit of the Commonwealth.

120000 l. to be borrowed upon security of the premises.

And whereas there is a Necessity of raising a considerable sum of Money for the maintaining of the Army and Forces in England, Scotland and Ireland, and towards the maintenance of the Navy, the Parliament doth therefore Enact and Ordain, and be it Enacted and Ordained by Authority thereof, That (over and above the Sum of Three hundred thousand pounds formerly appointed to be Borrowed upon the Security of the said Lands of the said Deans and Chapters, and other persons in the said first recited Act mentioned) the Sum of One hundred and twenty thousand pounds shall be Borrowed (upon the Security as well as of all and every the premises by this Act appointed to be sold, as also of so much of the Honors, Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, by the said first recited Act appointed to be sold, as shall amount to the value of One hundred thousand pounds) by way of Doubling the like Sum as shall be due to any person or persons, Body Politique or Corporate, which by the said first recited Act for Sale of the Lands of the said late Deans, Deans and Chapters, or by any additional Act, Instructions or Votes of Parliament might have been doubled upon the Security of the said Lands; together with such Interest, and in such maner, as in and by the said Acts, Instructions and Votes respectively is and ought to have been allowed.

Liberty to grant publique faith moneys to any person; and to assign double moneys.

And be it further Enacted, That it shall and may be lawful to and for any person and persons, Body Politique and Corporate, to grant such his and their publique Faith Moneys, or other Moneys so admitted to be doubled as aforesaid, and the Bills, Certificates or Receipts for the same, and the Interest due and to be due thereupon, unto any other person or persons; and all and every such Assignee or Assignees shall have the like benefit and advantages, to all intents and purposes as the first Lender or Owner might have had within the intent of this Act; And that it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons, Body Politique or Corporate, who shall advance by way of Doubling as aforesaid, any Sum or Sums of Money towards the raising of the said One hundred and twenty thousand pounds, upon the Security of the premises, to assign the Moneys which shall be due unto him or them upon such Doubling, and the Interest and Benefit thereof, to any other person or persons; And that in case such Original Creditor or Assignee shall become a Purchaser of any part of the premises, all and every Sum and Sums of Money due by or upon such Doubled Bills, shall be accepted, reputed and taken in Satisfaction of the whole, or any part of the Moneys contracted for upon such Purchase, as if the same had been paid in ready Moneys; And all Officers concerned therein, are hereby authorized and required to admit and allow the same, and to proceed accordingly.

In what time lenders shall pay in their money, to Double.

And it is further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That every person and persons, Body Politique or Corporate, who shall lend any Moneys on the said Security as aforesaid, and shall have his or their Debt and Interest stated by the Registrar-Accomptant named in the first recited Act, shall pay in to the Treasurers in this Act named, the Moneys wherewith he ought to Double as aforesaid, within Ten days next after the Certificate thereof made to the said Treasurers, or otherwise shall lose his Moneys due upon the Publique Faith, unless he or they shew good cause to the Treasurers or any two of them, to be allowed by them or any two of them for his or their neglect.

Sequestration for not perfecting Conveyance within two Moneths after Contract.

And be it further Enacted, That the Commissioners for the Sequestring the Estates of, and Compounding with Delinquents, shall have, use and exercise, and hereby have and may use and exercise all such and the like Powers and Authorities, as any former Committee or Committees for Sequestration had, did or might use by any Ordinance or Act of this present Parliament, for the Sequestring of the Estate of any person or persons which hath been, or should have been certified by the foresaid respective Treasurer or Treasurers unto the said Committee, Committees or Commissioners, not to have perfected, or hereafter shall not have perfected their Conveyance or Conveyances of any of the premises by them contracted for, or to be contracted for within two Moneths after the respective Contracts; which Certificate or Certificates the said Treasurer or Treasurers are hereby required to make and transmit from time to time unto the said Commissioners; and the said Commissioners are hereby enjoyned and required from time to time to proceed accordingly.

Treasurers named.

And it is further Enacted, That Thomas Noel, Stephen Estwick and William Hobson, Esqs; shall be Treasurers for the said service; and that they or any two of them are hereby impowered and authorized to receive the said One hundred and twenty thousand pounds; and all other such Sum and Sums of Money as from time to time ought to be paid into the Treasury by vertue of this Act, which shall be issued out and paid, according to such Orders, Warrants, Directions or Instructions as they shall from time to time receive from the Parliament or Council of State.

Former Treasurers to accompt to the Trustees.

And for the better enabling the said Trustees in the execution of the Trust in them reposed, Be it Enacted and Ordained, and it is Enacted and Ordained by this present Parliament, and the Authority thereof, That the respective Treasurers in the said Ordinance and first recited Act named, be required and enjoyned by or before the First day of November, One thousand six hundred and fifty, to deliver unto the respective Trustees in writing, a true and perfect Accompt of all Moneys which have been by them received or paid forth, and of what remaineth in their hands respectively, and shall likewise weekly deliver unto the said Trustees a perfect Accompt of all Receipts and Payments by them had or made respectively; Which Accompt and Accompts the said Trustees or any five of them, other then the said Treasurers, are hereby authorized to receive and examine: And in case the said Trustees shall finde any Sum or Sums of Money charged in or by the said Accompts, or any of them, not warranted by Order from the Parliament or Council of State, or by Warrant from the said Trustees, That then every such Sum and Sums of Money shall be disallowed upon the said Accompt, and shall stand charged as Moneys in Cash remaining in the hands of the said Treasurers respectively; and that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Trustees, or any five or more of them, and they are required to issue out Warrants for the payment of all and every such Sum and Sums of Money, in such sort as they are enabled to do for any other Moneys in the hands of the said Treasurers, in pursuance of the Trust in them reposed; and the said respective Treasurers are hereby enjoyned and required to make payment thereof accordingly.

Surveyor-General to apportion Rents.; The Office of Register.

And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Surveyor-General named in the first recited Act, be, and is hereby authorized and impowered, where any Rent or Rents is and are reserved upon any Lease or Leases of Tythes, together with any the premises hereby appointed to be sold, to apportion all and every such Rent or Rents, according to the respective values of the said Tythes and premises so joyntly demised: And the said Rent to be apportioned, shall stand charged upon the said Tythes and premises respectively, and shall be held and enjoyed by the Owners and Proprietors of the Reversion, according to their respective Interest therein: And the respective Registers in the said Ordinance and first recited Act named, and their Deputies respectively, are hereby authorized and required, upon a Warrant or Warrants from the respective Contractors, to make out, rate and sign one or more Particulars of all and every the premises hereby appointed to be sold, charged onely with so much Rent as shall by such apportionment be charged upon the same: And that the respective Contractors do upon such Particular proceed to contract with any Purchaser or Purchasers for the same, and to make sale thereof accordingly.

Reprizes allowed.

And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That where any Reprizes have been made to any Purchaser or Purchasers of any the Lands of the said Archbishops, Bishops, Deans, Deans and Chapters, or other the persons in the said Ordinance and first recited Act, or either of them, mentioned, for or in respect of any Duty or Charge payable out of all or any the premises by the said Ordinance and Act, or either of them, appointed to be sold, for or in respect of any pious, charitable, or other use or uses, and such duty or payment hath been fixed or settled upon any particular Manor, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments aforesaid, by the Surveyors, Surveyor-General and Contractors respectively, mentioned in the said Ordinance or first recited Act, or by any of them, or by the Committee of Parliament appointed for Removing Obstructions in the sale of the said Lands; All and every the said Reprizes are hereby allowed, and all and every such Manor, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments so charged respectively, shall be, and are hereby Declared to stand and be absolutely charged with such Duty and Payment, according to such settlement respectively, from the time of such sale; And that all and every other Manor, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments aforesaid, formerly lyable unto, or charged with such Duty or Payment, be, and are hereby declared to be from the time of such sale, absolutely freed, exonerated and discharged of and from such Duty and Payment, as if the same had never been charged therewith.

Charitable uses charged on the premises, how to be satisfied.; The premises discharged thereof

And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every Rent, Sum, and Sums of Money, Payment or Duty, for or in respect of any pious, charitable, or other use or uses, charged or chargeable upon all or any the premises by this Act, or by the said Ordinance or first recited Act, or any or either of them appointed to be sold, and yet remaining unsold, be, and are hereby charged upon the Rents, Issues and Profits of thes said Appropriations, Tythes appropriate, Donatives, Oblations, Obventions, Pensions, Portions of Tythes, and other the premises by the said Act, Entituled, An Act for providing Maintenance for Preaching Ministers, and other Pious Uses, or by the said Act, Entituled, An Additional Act for providing Maintenance for Ministers, and other Pious Uses, or either of them, setled and vested in the Trustees therein named (except the said Gleab-Lands and other the premises by this Act appointed to be sold) And that the Trustees in the said last mentioned Acts named, shall from time to time make payment in the first place of all and every such Rent, Sum and Sums of Money, or other Duty, out of the said Rents, Issues and Profits, unto such person and persons, for such Pious, Charitable, or other use and uses, as ought to receive the same; And that all and every the premises by this Act appointed to be sold, or by the said Ordinance or first recited Act appointed to be sold, and yet remaining unsold, be, and are hereby freed, exonerated and discharged of and from all and every such Rent sum and sums of Money Payment and Duty: And that all and every Purchaser and Purchasers of the permises, or any part thereof, shall hold and enjoy the Land and premises so by him or them to be purchased, freed and discharged of and from all and every such Rent, Sum and Sums of Money, Payment and Duty, as if the premises so by him to be purchased, had never been lyable thereunto, or charged therewith.

Two pence in the pound allowed to the Treasurers.; Other Officers, their power and Salaries.

And be it further Enacted by Authority aforesaid, That the said Treasurers shall have allowed unto them for their pains, and the payment of their Clerks and Tellers, Two pence in the pound for all and every sum and sums of money which shall be paid in to the Treasury by force of this Act in ready money, or satisfied by Bills, which by this Act are and ought to be admitted in payment for the purchase of the premises or any of them: And that the respective Trustees, Contractors, Registers, Registers-Accomptant, and Surveyor-General in the said Ordinance and first recited Act named respectively, shall do, execute, observe, and keep all and every the like Powers, Authorities. Orders, Directions and Instructions in relation to the premises hereby appointed to be sold, or any of them, as they and every of them ought to do, or to have done in reference to other the Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments of the said Archbishops, Bishops, Deans, Deans and Chapters, and other the persons in the said first recited Act mentioned, and shall have and receive such and the like Salaries and Fees for them and their Clerks respectively, and in such sort and maner as they and every of them respectively are and ought to have and receive for their respective Services and Imployments, touching other the Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments by the said Ordinance and first recited Act, or either of them, appointed to be sold.

The forfeiture for taking anything above Fees allowed.

And be it further Enacted by authority aforesaid, That if any of the said Trustees, Contractors, Treasurers, Registers, or any other Officer or Officers in the said Ordinance of the Sixteenth of November, One thousand six hundred forty six, or the said first recited Act, or either of them named, or any of their Clerks, or any other person or persons imployed under them or either of them, in or about the Lands or Revenues of the said Archbishops, Bishops, Deans, Deans and Chapters, and other the persons aforesaid, shall from and after the First day of October, One thousand six hundred and fifty, demand, ask, take or receive of any person or persons whatsoever, who shall be or desire to be a purchaser of any part of the premises, for or by colour of, or upon Pretence for Expedition, Preference, Salary, Gratuity or Reward, any Sum or Sums of money, further or other then the Salaries and Allowances setled and appointed by the said Ordinance and first recited Act, or any, other Act of Parliament, unto the respective Trustees and Contractors aforesaid, and other then the Fees appointed and allowed by the said Ordinance, the first recited Act, or either of them or by the Committee for Removing Obstructions in the sale of the premises, for and unto the respective Registers therein named and their Clerks, All and every such Officer and Officers, person and persons so offending, shall for every such Offence lose and forfeit treble the value of such Sum and Sums of Money as he shall so demand, ask, take or receive, the one moyety thereof to the use of the Commonwealth, and the other moyety to the party grieved, or that will sue for the sale in any Court of Record.

Surveys to be delivered to the Registers.

And for the better expediting the sale of the premises, Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Trustees named in the said Act, Entituled, An Additional Act for providing Maintenance for Ministers, and other Pious Uses, be authorized and required to deliver, or cause to be delivered back unto the respective Registers in the said Ordinance and first recited Act named, all and every such Original Surveys as have been by them or either of them delivered unto the said Trustees, in obedience unto the said Act; and that the said respective Registers shall keep and retain the Original Surveys, The said last recited Act, or any thing therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding: And that the said respective Registers be authorised and required, by warrant from the said Trustees, to make forth and deliver unto the said Trustees, or such person or persons as they shall appoint, true Copies of such Surveys, or so much of any Survey to them returned, as doth or shall concern Tythes, or any other the premises vested in the said Trustees, and not appointed by this Act to be sold, He or they paying for such Copies after the Rate of Two pence for every sheet.

Committee for removing Obstructions.

And be it further Enacted, That the Committee of Parliament appointed for Removing Obstructions in the sale of the Lands of the late Deans, Deans and Chapters, and other the persons in the said first recited Act mentioned, shall be, and are hereby appointed to be a Committee for Removing Obstructions in the sale of all and every the premises hereby appointed to be sold; and shall have, use and exercise all and every the like Powersand Authorities in reference to the premises hereby appointed to be sold, as the said Committee may or ought to do, in relation to the sale of any other the Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments of the said late Deans, Deans and Chapters, and other the persons in the said first recited Act mentioned.

Ord. 9. Oct. and 16. Nov. 1646, confirmed.; Security for Purchasers.

And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Ordinance of the Ninth of October, One thousand six hundred forty six, Entituled, An Ordinance of Parliament, for the Abolishing of Archbishops and Bishops within the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales, and for Setling of their Lands and Possessions upon Trustees, for the use of the Commonwealth, and also an Ordinance of the Sixteenth of November, One thousand six hundred forty six, Entituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, For appointing the sale of the Bishops Lands for Use of the Commonwealth, and all and every additional and other Ordinance, Orders and Instructions of Parliament, touching the sale of the said Lands and Possessions, and now in force, be, and are hereby Declared to be of as full force and strength, as if the same had been Enacted, Settled and Established by Act of Parliament, and shall so remain and continue: And that every person and persons, Bodies Politique or Corporate, that have purchased, or hereafter shall purchase any of the Honors, Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments of any of the said late Archbishops or Bishops, and have or shall have the same conveyed unto them or any of them, their Heirs or Assigns, by the Trustees appointed by the said Ordinance of the Ninth of October, One thousand six hundred forty six, his and their Heirs, Successors and Assigns shall have, hold and enjoy the same, and every part and parcel thereof, so by him or them purchased or to be purchased, with all and singular the Profits, Commodities, Advantages and Emoluments thereunto belonging or appertaining, to all intents and purposes, and in as full and ample manner, and as firmly as if the same had been setled by Act of Parliament upon such Purchaser and Purchasers.

Former Proviso's reserved.

Provided always, That this Act, or any thing therein contained, shall not extend, or be construed to extend unto any Messuage, House, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments lately belonging to any Archbishop, Bishop, Dean, Dean and Chapter, or other the persons in the first recited Act mentioned, or any of them, in Right of his or their said Title, Office or Function, which is or are in express words, and by particular name saved out of, or concerning which any Proviso or Proviso's are contained in, the said Ordinance of the Sixteenth of November, One thousand six hundred forty six, or the before recited Acts, or any of them, or which are or have been setled or disposed of by any Act, Ordinance or Order of Parliament, to or upon any particular person or persons, or to or for any particular use or uses, other then the uses mentioned in the said before recited Acts for Maintenance of Preaching Ministers, and other Pious uses; Nor to any Augmentation heretofore granted or setled by any Ordinance or Order of Parliament, unto or upon any Preaching Minister or Ministers, out of any Rectory or Parsonage impropriate, late belonging to any Archbishop, Bishop, Dean, Dean and Chapter, or other the persons in the said first recited Act mentioned.

Royalty of Westminster reserved.

Provided also, That this Act, or any thing therein contained, shall not extend, nor be taken or construed to extend to the sale of the Royalties of or belonging to the City of Westminster and Liberties thereof, or of any Office or Offices thereunto appertaining, or any the Issues or Profits thereof.

Gleab-lands and Fee-farm Rents of Bishops, &c. confirmed to Purchasers.

Provided, That this Act, or any thing therein contained, shall not extend to any Gleab-Lands or Fee-farm Rents issuing out of Manors or Rectories, or out of Manors and Rectories joyntly, late belonging to any the said Archbishops, Bishops, Deans, Deans and Chapters, &c. which be already sold by the Trustees for sale of the Lands of the said Archbishops, Bishops, Deans and Chapters respectively, or setled by Act or Order of Parliament; but that the Purchaser and Purchasers, their Heirs and Assigns, shall hold and enjoy the same, according to their respective Conveyance and Conveyances.

Not to extend to Churches, or Churchyards.

Provided, That this Act, or any thing therein contained, shall not extend to the sale of any Church or Publique Chappel, or to any Church-yard or Ground used for a common Burial-place, Any thing in this Act contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.