September 1649: An Act For the continuance and maintenance of the School and Alms-houses of Westminster.

Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'September 1649: An Act For the continuance and maintenance of the School and Alms-houses of Westminster.', in Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660, ed. C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online [accessed 19 March 2025].

'September 1649: An Act For the continuance and maintenance of the School and Alms-houses of Westminster.', in Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Edited by C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online, accessed March 19, 2025,

"September 1649: An Act For the continuance and maintenance of the School and Alms-houses of Westminster.". Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Ed. C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online. Web. 19 March 2025.

September 1649

[26 September 1649]

The estimate of the charge for the School and other uses, £1,929 12s per annum; The Governors named.; The habitation and succession of the Governors.; The Encorporation and title of the Governors; The buildings, premises and Rents vested in the Governors; viz. The Abbey of Westminster, the Cloysters, the late Dean's house, and the late Prebends houses, etc.; Tuthil fields.; The Schoolhouse in Chiswick.; To govern according to the Statutes of the Colledge, not being superstitious.; Governors to place the Almsmen.; Weekly allowance to the poor.; Doctor Williams foundation.; Trustees for maintenance of Ministers to pay the Preachers in the Abbey.; Governors to remove and place ministers in the Abbey.; The Governors to repair the Abbey and other necessary servants there.; The Governors upon examination of the statutes,;

Whereas the Commons of England assembled in Parliament, having ever been zealous to continue and establish all Works and Foundations tending to the advancement of learning, or any other charitable and pious use or uses whatsoever; and more particularly the ancient Free-School and Alms-houses in the City of Westminster, part of, or belonging unto the late Cathedral or Collegiate Church of Westminster, or under the Government of the late Dean and Chapter of the same, Did therefore in the late Act of Parliament for abolishing (amongst other things) of Deans and Chapters, and setling all their Honors, Manors and Hereditaments whatsoever, in Sir John Wollaston and other Trustees and their Heirs, except out of the same the Foundation of Westminster School, and all Revenues, Issues, Fees, Profits, sums of Money and allowances whatsoever, which before the first of December, One thousand six hundred forty one, have been, and then ought to be paid, disposed and allowed unto, and for the maintenance of any Grammar School or Schollars, or for or towards the reparation of any Schoolhouse, Alms-house, or for any other charitable use, payable out of any of the said premises, as in and by the said Act (amongst other things) more at large it doth and may appear: Since which Act the Commons of England being informed, and fully satisfied, that the said School is not any distinct foundation of it self, but part of the Corporation and Foundation of the said late Dean and Chapter of Westminster, so that all the Revenues of the said Dean and Chapter are by vertue of the said Act vested in the said Trustees, yet still charged and chargeable with the said School and Almshouses, and such other charitable uses, as the said premises stood charged with, in the hands of the said Dean and Chapter, until some reasonable proportion thereof be particularly set forth for those charitable ends and purposes, and the annual charge of the said School, of the said Alms-houses, of the weekly allowances to several poor people, reparations of the Structure of the Abbey Church of Westminster, with the Cloysters and other Buildings thereunto belonging, and of some necessary servants in the said Abbey (all which the Revenues of the said late Dean and Chapter stood chargeable with) being computed and found to amount unto One thousand nine hundred twenty nine pounds twelve shillings per annum: And the Parliament of England resolving to settle and establish for ever, a plentiful Revenue for defraying of the same; And likewise certain Governors for the better ordering, managing and disposing of the said Revenues to those charitable ends and purposes, Have Enacted and Ordained, and be it Enacted and Ordained by the Commons of England assembled in Parliament, and by the Authority of the same, That Sir William Masham Baronet, Sir John Danvers Knight, Sir John Trevor Knight, Francis Rous, Nicholas Love, John Gourdon, Humphrey Salaway, John Fielder, Esquires; Lord Commissioner Whitlock, Lord Commissioner Lisle, Sir William Strickland Baronet, Sir Henry Vane jun. Knight, Sir James Harrington Knight, Edmund Ludlow, Thomas Lister, John White, Luke Hodges, John Weaver, John Dove, Augustine Garland, John Carew, Henry Smith, William Cawley, Esqs; Edmund Prideaux, Esq; Attorney-General, John Downs, John Ven, Esqs; Thomas Atkin Alderman of London, Edward Lord Howard, Nathaniel Rich, William Masham, Michael Oldsworth Esqs; John Bradshaw Sergeant at Law, Lord President of the Councel of State, Daniel Blagrave, Humphrey Edwards, Esqs; Philip Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, William Earl of Salisbury, Charles Fleetwood, Luke Robinson. Cornelius Holland, Esqs; Sir William Armyn, Henry Marten, Algernon Sidney, George Thompson, Robert Wallop, Richard Salaway, Gilbert Millington, William Leaman, Sir John Hippesley, Sir Richard Lucy, John Moor, Thomas Challoner, Thomas Toll, William Stephens, Laurence Whittacre, Esqs; Isaac Pennington Alderman of London, and Rowland Wilson Alderman of London, or any five of them, and such others (whose usual places of habita tion shall be in the Cities of Westminster and London, or within Thirty miles of the same) as shall from time to time for ever hereafter be nominated and chosen in and to the places and steads of such of them as shall decease, or for just cause be removed by the most part of them which then shall be Governors, to be and succeed in the place and places of them deceasing; or being so removed, shall and may be Governors of the said School and Almshouses, and of the Members, Goods, Lands, Revenues and Hereditaments of the same, at all times for ever hereafter: And the said Governors, School and Almshouses, shall for ever hereafter stand and be incorporated, established and founded in name and in deed a Body Politique and Corporate, to have continuance for ever by the name of the Governors of the School and Almshouses of Westminster. And that the said Governors may have a perpetual Succession for ever, and that they and their Successors may for ever hereafter have, hold and enjoy, and to all intents and purposes shall henceforth for ever stand and be actually seized and possessed of the Structures, Messuages, Lands, Rents, Revenues, Profits, Tenements and Hereditaments hereafter mentioned, The said Act for abolishing of Deans and Chapters, or any other Law or Statute to the contrary notwithstanding; that is to say, the Structure called the Abbey of Westminster, with the Cloysters and Buildings, part of, or belonging to the said Abbey and Cloysters; All such Rooms as have been imployed for Workhouses, or Storehouses for the Buildings aforesaid; All advantages and profits whatsoever, as shall or may any way arise or grow by reason of the Monuments or Funerals in the said Abbey, Church or Cloysters; The Messuage or House in the said Colledge, called The Deans House, with all the Buildings, Stables, Outhouses, Orchards and Gardens thereunto belonging, the Gardens and common Orchard belonging to the said Colledge, the Schoolhouse and Library, the Lodgings for the Schollars, Ushers, Auditor, and Library-keeper; All those Messuages or Houses now or lately belonging to the Schoolmaster, Receiver or Launder, with all Outhouses, Gardens, Orchards, and other appurtenances to them or any of them appertaining; All those Buildings called The Grainery, Bakehouse, and Brewhouse, and all other Buildings and Rooms belonging to the said School, Library, or to any of the premises before-mentioned, with their and every of their appurtenances in Westminster aforesaid, All those Almshouses lately belonging unto the said Colledge, with all and every of their Rights, members and appurtenances whatsoever, to them or any of them belonging, scituate in Westminster aforesaid; All those several Messuages or Tenements belonging to the Prebends of the said Collegiate Church, with all Stables, Outhouses, Yards, Gardens, Orchards, and other appurtenances whatsoever, to them or any of them belonging in Westminster aforesaid; Except that House, with the appurtenances, wherein Doctor Steward lately lived, and is now setled by Act of Parliament on the Sergeant at Arms attending the House; All that Common, called or known by the name of Tuthil Fields, with all its Rights, members and appurtenances whatsoever, in the County of Middlesex, which of Right did formerly belong to the late Dean and Chapter of Westminster; All that Messuage called The Schoolhouse, and all Outhouses, Gardens, Orchards, Yards, and other appurtenances thereunto belonging in Cheswick, in the said County of Middlesex; And all Profits, Commodities, Emoluments and Hereditaments whatsoever, to the said premises or any of them belonging, or with them or any of them heretofore occupied or enjoyed, in as large and ample maner, to all intents and purposes whatsoever, as the said late Dean and Chapter, or any person or persons claiming by, from or under them did or might enjoy the same; And all those several yearly Rents, sums of Money, and other annual Revenues, to be issuing out of, or payable for the several Manors, Messuages, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments hereafter particularly nominated; viz.

Com. Middlesex.

Andrew Durdand, for the Manor of Yeovenny, Rent Seventeen pounds, and Six pounds thirteen shillings four pence for Beeves, and one Boar, or Ten shillings in money, Twenty four pounds three shillings four pence.

The Lady Anne Wade, for the Manor of Belzeez, Nineteen pounds two shillings ten pence, and ten Loads of Hay, and five Quarters of Oats, Nineteen pounds two shillings ten pence.

William Kerby, for Hodford and Beachamp Grove, Thirteen pounds four shillings, two Capons, thirteen shillings four pence.

John Marsh, for Cowhouse in Hodford, etc., Twenty pounds.

Arthur Duck for the Manor of Cheswick, Seventeen pounds nineteen shillings eleven pence, ten Quarters of Mault, five Quarters of Wheat, or an Ox or Thirteen pounds, Thirty pounds nineteen shillings eleven pence.

Sir William Roberts, Farmer of Lands in Willesden, One pound seventeen shillings ten pence.

Com. Berks.

The Bayliwick of Bagnor Poughley, and Priors Court, Eleven pounds nineteen shillings three pence.

The Bayliwick of Stephington, Thirty five pounds nineteen shillings two pence farthing.

The Manor of Stephington, forty three Quarters of Mault.

John Read, for a Fulling Mill in Bagnor, One pound sixteen shillings four pence.

Edmund Wiseman Esq; for the Manor and Demeasn Lands of Stephington, ten Quarters of Mault, Twenty seven pounds.

John Fettiplace Esq.; Farmer of the Manor of Letcomb Regis, Sixty pounds; the same, forty Quarters of Mault.

Richard Jordan, for a parcel of meadow in the Parish of Spine, Six shillings eight pence.

William Price, for five parcels of Meadow in the Parishes of Offington and Parisford, One pound one shilling.

Margaret Stephens, for two Acres of Land and a Water Mill near Stephington, Three pounds.

John Collins, Farmer of the Manor of Westbetterton, cum Membr', Fourteen pounds sixteen shillings eight pence.

John Parker, for the Manor of Bagnor, Eleven pounds.

William Bury, for certain Tucking-Mills in Bagnor, Four pounds.

Thomas Earnley, Farmer of the Manor of Cowridge, alias Priors Court, Four pounds six shillings eight pence.

Com. Bedford.

Solomon Swail Esq.; Farmer of the Manor of Holm and Langford, Eight pounds and two pence,

Com. Bucks.

Henry Heins, Farmer of the Manor of Thurveston, Thirteen pounds six shillings eight pence.

Com. Essex.

Robert Harrington, Farmer of the Manor of Bonvills, Five pounds six shillings eight pence.

Katherine Lady Owfield, for certain Marshes in Bemfleet, called Mansweek, Shoarweek and Hopesweek, Eighteen pounds six shillings eight pence.

Thomas Bleach, for certain Crofts in great Waltham, One pound six shillings eight pence.

Com. Huntington.

Henry Iles, Farmer of the Manor of Osford Cluny, Twenty two pounds.

John Glover Esq.; Farmer of the Manor of Waternewton, Twenty four pounds.

Com. Hartford.

The Bayliwick of Whethamsteed and Harpenden, per annum Fifty one pounds seventeen shillings four pence half peny.

Sir John Garrard Knight, for the Demeasn Lands of the Manor and Mill of Whethamsteed, Ninety Quarters and four, Bushels of Wheat, two Quarters of Oats, and two Quarters of Oatmeal.

Edward Bosden Esq; Farmer of the Manor of Kennesbarn, Fourteen Quarters of Wheat, and fourteen pounds.

Robert Newel, for two Woods in Whethamsteed, called Marshals and Butlers Wood, Twelve shillings.

Sir George Kemp Knight, for Woods in Kennesbarn, called Hedge Grove, per annum One pound sixteen shillings.

Com. Lincoln.

Nightingale Kime Esq.; Farmer of the Manor of Fan and Strange, alias Rochford Tower, Thirty-three pounds six shillings eight pence.

Anne Nichols and Thomas Hunt, for the Manor of Bourton and Halton Blechford, Forty one pounds.

Com. Northampton.

The Earl of Peterborough, for the Fee-farm Rent of the Manor of Sudbury, Seven pounds.

The Lady Brudennel, for the Manor of Dean, Eighteen pounds.

Com. Oxon.

John Banks and Thomas Gilder, for the Manor of Islip, Fifty four pounds nineteen shillings four pence.

Richard Oakley Esq.; Farmer of the Manor of Launton, Forty pounds thirteen shillings four pence; the same, for encrease of Rent, Eleven pounds six shillings eight pence.

The Lord William Burley late Treasurer of England, for Land in Finchstock and Fowler, for the use of the Schol to buy Books, in the Tenure or occupation of Thomas Marten, William Preddy, and William Hodges, thirteen pounds six shillings eight pence.

Com. Rutland.

William Whaley, for two Mills in Barlithorp, two pounds six shillings eight pence.

The Bayliwick of the Manor of Oakeham, per annum Twenty two pounds two shillings peny half peny.

Com. Glouc. and Wigorn.

Richard Dowdeswell Esq.; Farmer of Deerhurst and Longdon, Ninety eight pounds twelve shillings nine pence half peny.

William Hancock, Farmer of the Manor of Hardwick; Twenty four pounds.

James Powel, for the Manor of Deerhurst, twelve pounds.

Henry Bret Esq,; Farmer of the Manor of Cowley, Twenty pounds eighteen shillings.

Miles Corney, for the Manor of Courney and Burton, thirteen pounds ten shillings.

John Wrenford, Farmer of the Manor of Longdon, eight pounds.

Richard Tirret, Farmer of the Manor of Chadley, ten pounds.

Sir William Russel, Farmar of the Manor of Castle—Morton, Fourteen pounds sixteen shillings eight pence.

William Lamb, Farmer of the Manor of Longley, two pounds.

Miles Corney, Farmer of the Manor of Bourton and MortonHenmarsh, Twenty four pounds three shillings six pence.

Com. Wigorn.

Doctor William Steed, Farmer of the Manor of Eckington, Peasham, Pinfin, Wykenigh, Parshore, Brighampton, Compton and Elmly, Binholm, Parshore, Portsmouth, Pendock and Harwell Wood, Tydsley Park, and Atlinch, One hundred seventeen pounds, eighteen shillings ten pence half penny; the same Farmer of the Manor of Church-Homborn, Ten pounds nine shillings four pence.

Sir Robert Heath, Farmer of the Manor of Castle-Norton, Sixty pounds.

Westminster and Knightsbridge.

Within the Close half-yearly.

Within the close half yearly, Richard Blower, one Tenement, One pound.

Sir Robert Pye Knight, one Tenement, Three pounds six shillings eight pence.

Robert Newel, one Tenement, Six shillings eight pence.

Thomas Kequick, one Tenement, Ten shillings.

Thomas Lidcot, one Tenement, Two pounds thirteen shillings four pence; the same for water to it, One shilling.

Anne Frost, Three shillings four pence.

William Gawen, one Tenement, Three shillings four pence.

Anne Frost, Four shillings.

Anne Frost, a little slip of ground, Eight pence.

William Ivat, one Tenement, Garden, Stable and Hayloft, Twelve shillings.

Edmund Palmer, one Stable, Coach-house and Hayloft, Two shillings six pence.

John Whistler, one plot of Ground, Buildings and Water, Five shillings four pence.

Sir Arthur Ingram, one Tenement, Garden and Water, Six shillings eight pence; the same, a Stable, Coach-house and Hayloft, Two shillings six pence.

John Parker, Esq; a Stable, Coach-house and Hayloft, Five shillings.

Margaret Jackson, &c., one Tenement, Six shillings eight pence.

Executors to the Countess of Dorchester, one Tenement, One pound; the same, one plot of ground, Two shillings; the same, one Tenement, Three shillings four pence.

Francis Lord Daincourt, one Tenement, Six shillings eight pence; the game, a Stable, Coach-houses, Hayloft, Two shillings six pence.

Sir Thomas Ailsbury Knight, one Coach-house, Two shillings.

Sir Edward Powel Knight, one Tenement, Garden, Stable, &c., Three pounds six shillings eight pence; the same, a Coach-house, and Woodhouse, Three shillings four pence.

Sir Henry Seaward, one Tenement, Five shillings; the same, a Backside, and water to it, One shilling eight pence.

Aquila Wykes Esq.; for the Gatehouse, five pounds.

Richard Maddison, one Tenement and Shop, Thirteen shillings four pence.

Sir Randal Crew Knight, and John Crew Esq.; one Tenement, One pound three shillings four pence; the same, one little part and piece of Ground, One shilling.

Edward Pit Esq; one Tenement, One pound three shillings four pence.

Sir Robert Philmore Knight, one Tenement, One Pound.

The Close and Bowling Alley quaterly.

The Close and Bowling Alley Quarterly.

Sir Thomas Ailsbury Knight, one Tenement, four pounds.

John Packer Esquire, one Tenement, Four pounds.

Thomas Day Gentleman, one Tenement, ten shillings.

Finch her Children, one Tenement, ten shillings.

Mary Hooper Widow, one Tenement, five shillings.

Bridget Mintern, one Tenement, thirteen shillings four pence.

John Packer Esq.; and Wooley Leigh, one Tenement, two pounds.

Sir Thomas Ailsbury, one little addition, one shilling.

John Packer Esq; one little addition, one shilling.

Certain Lodgings in the Cloysters.

Henry Cook, certain Lodgings in the Cloysters, five shillings.

Thomas Faldoe Esq; divers Tenements and Gardens, five pounds thirteen shillings four pence; more for the same Tenements to the singingmen, five pounds.

Roger Lloyd and Anne his wife, divers Tenements one pound six shillings eight pence.

Edward Wright Esquire divers Tenements and Gardens, one pound six shillings eight pence.

Tuthil Street South.

Tuthil street South.

William Antrobus Gent., five Tenements, four pounds six shillings eight pence.

James Parcal, one Tenement, thirteen shillings four pence.

Robert Newport, one Tenement, one pound.

John Grauntane, Elizabeth his wife, one Tenement, one pound.

Sir Richard Manley Knight, one Tenement, one pound.

Henry Graunt, one Tenement, thirteen shillings four pence, the same one other Tenement, one pound.

John Brigham Gent., six Tenements, two pounds six shillings eight pence.

James Hooper and Margaret his wife, two Tenements, sixteen shillings.

Robert Percival and his wife, one Tenement, one pound.

Elizabeth, Brugg, two Tenements, one pound twelve shillings.

James Chapman, one Tenement, one pound.

Laurence Gibson, two Tenements, two pounds two shillings eight pence.

Leassees for the poor, two Tenements, one pound thirteen shillings four pence.

Elizabeth Brugg, Widow, one Tenement more, one pound.

Edward Evered, one Tenement, twelve shillings.

Foulk Roberts, one Tenement, sixteen shillings.

Leassees for the poor, four Tenements, two pounds four pence.

Francis Page, eight Tenements, one pound eight shillings eight pence.

Elizabeth Brugg widow, two Tenements and Gardens, nineteen shillings four pence.

William Antrobus Gent, one Tenement, nine shillings eight pence; the same seven Tenements, one pound eight shillings.

William Ivat, eleven Tenements, fifteen shillings four pence.

Leassees for the poor, two pieces of ground, one shilling two pence.

Tuthil street North Quarterly.

Tuthill Street North Quarterly

James Marten, for a piece of ground, Five shillings.

Gregory Bambury and Ux', and Jame Guy, divers Tenements, Twelve shillings.

William Antrobus Gent., divers Tenements and Gardens, Six shillings.

Robert Boys, six Tenements, One pound.

James Parcal, one Tenement, Sixteen shillings eight pence.

William Antrobus Gent., one Tenement, Two pounds.

Humfrey Dethick and Elizabeth his wife, three Tenements, One pound ten shillings.

Charles Tinder the Cook, Three pounds.

William Man, one Tenement for Mr. Edmund Doubledays Children, One pound eleven shillings four pence.

Adoniah Fox, two Tenements, Thirteen shillings four pence.

William Awbrey, and Jone his wife, one Tenement, One pound.

John Drinkwater, one Tenement, One pound.

Nicholas Banister, and Susan his wife, one Tenement, Ten shillings.

Nicholas Burnel, one Tenement, Six shillings eight pence

William Antrobus, one Tenement, One pound ten shillings; the same, two Tenements, One pound sixteen shillings.

Tuthil Street South and North half yearly.

Charls Ireland, five Tenements, Six shillings eight pence.

John Breawpar, one Tenement, six shillings.

St. Armins Hill, divers Tenements for the poor, One shilling two pence.

Richard Pagget, St. Martins Tythes, and eight Tenements, Four pounds six shillings eight pence; more for the Singingman Nine pounds.

William Appleford, and Dowsable his wife, eight Tenements, Thirteen shillings four pence.

John Wilson Widow, two Tenements and Gardens, one pound.

Thomas Wytham Esq.; one Tenement, sixteen shillings.

Christopher Birkhead, one Tenement, ten shillings.

Two Tenements for the poor, six shillings eight pence.

Michaelmas Tantum.

Michaelmas Tantum.

Robert Boys, one Garden-plat, one shilling.

Robert Eyre Esq; one Tenement, one pound five shillings.

Tuthil Street quit Rent, Michaelmas Tantum.

Tuthil street Quit Rents, Michaelmas Tantum.

William Lord Maynard, divers Tenements, three shillings two pence.

David Clark, Esq; two Tenements, one shilling eight pence.

Robert Newport, one Tenement, ten pence.

Alice Davenport widow, one Tenement, two shillings six pence.

Daniel Clark, one other Tenement, eight pence; Hicholas Burnel, five Tenements six pence.

Thalmery quarterly.

Thalmerly quarterly

John Marcal, one Tenement, one pound four shillings eight pence.

John Elston, one Tenement, one pound.

James Church, one Tenement, one pound; the same, one Tenement for two Singingmen, eight pounds.

Edward Fulham, one Tenement, one pound.

Sir Robert Pye, one Garden and Buildings thereon, ten shillings; the same for a Coachhouse, four pence.

Thomas Morrice and Edward Stapleton, one Tenement, one pound.

James Creamer and Edward Knatchbul, two Tenements, two pounds.

John Allen, one Tenement, one pound.

Matthew Beck, one Tenement, one pound.

William Web, six Tenements, five pounds six shillings.

Margery Patrick, divers Tenements and Gardens, three shillings and four pence; the same, divers other Tenements and Gardens, two shillings eight pence.

Bartholomew Overa, two tenements, two pounds.

Thomasin Moulton widow, one tenement, one pound.

Laurence Gibson, one pound sixteen shillings and four pence; the same one other Tenement, six shilling eight peace.

Thomas Hazard Singingman; vacat.

Richard Hunt, one Tenement, thirteen shillings four pence.

Margaret Stockdale, one Tenement, thirteen shillings four pence.

James Try Singingman, one Tenement, thirteen shillings four pence

John Clark, Singingman, vacat.

Mr. Thomas Moor, thirteen shillings four pence.

Josias Broom and Anne his wife, one Tenement, thirteen shillings four pence.

Thomas Kequick, one Tenement, one pound twelve shillings.

Bevil Winberley Esq.; for the Singingmens Rents, eight pounds.

Bartholomew Overa, one Tenement, one pound twelve shillings.

Leonard Brasford, one Tenement, one pound ten shillings; the same, more for the Singingmen, two pounds.

Elizabeth Heywood Widow, one Tenement, one pound thirteen shillings four pence.

Thomas Hesbeth, and Anne his wife, five Tenements, Three pounds four shillings eight pence.

William Antrobus, one Garden and Buildings, Six shillings eight pence.

Josias Broome, one Tenement, Thirteen shillings four pence.

Francis Page, six Tenements, One pound.

Joan Wilson Widow, one Tenement, Thirteen shillings four pence.

Francis Page, divers Tenements, Two pounds eight shillings.

Henry Haslefoot, five Tenements, One pound one shilling eight pence.

Richard Stanlake, four Tenements and a Garden-plat, Two pounds six shillings eight pence; the same, nine Tenements and a Garden, Fifteen shillings.

Quit Rents.

Quit Rents.

Elioner Ireland, four Tenements, One shilling six pence.

Late Joseph Bradshaw, three Tenements, One shilling six pence.

Humphrey Warnor, five Tenements, Ten pence.

Thomas Tyro, nine Tenements, Nine pence.

Thomas Roch Esq.; divers Tenements, Two shillings.

Sanctuary Quarterly.

Sanctuary Quarterly.

Dorothy Osborn, four Tenements, Ten pounds ten shillings.

Francis Burgess and Ux' Elizabeth, one Tenement, One pound six shillings eight pence.

William Lloid, one Tenement, One pound thirteen shillings four pence; the same, one other Tenement, One pound.

Mary White, one Tenement, Three pounds.



William Ethridge, divers Tenements, Four pounds.

Harcourt Leighton Esq; one Tenement, Two pounds. William Antrobus, one Tenement, Two pounds thirteen shillings four pence; the same, one other Tenement, Two pounds.

Sir Richard Manley Knight, one Tenement, Three pounds: the Assigns of Sir Richard Manley, Thomas Barrard, One pound.

Sir Richard Manley Knight, one Tenement, One pound.

Love Lane.

Love Lane.

The Company of Armorers, for Tenements, one pound one shilling.

Robert Bullock five Tenements, Seven pounds.

Nicholas Butler, two Tenements, One pound eight shillings; the same, three other Tenements, by several Leases, Three pounds.

Jane Barebone, one Tenement, One pound.

Richard Hunt, one Tenement, One pound.

James Chapman, One Tenement, One pound three shillings, four pence.


George Hurlock, two Tenements, One pound six shillings eight pence.

Julian Eliot, one Tenement, One pound six shillings eight pence.

Elizabeth Huxley, one Tenement, Two pounds.

Tobias Norton, one Tenement, One pound five shillings four pence.

Christopher Birkhead, one Tenement, Two pounds.

William Lingham, one Tenement, One pound: the same one Tenement, Two pounds.

John Gardiner, one Tenement, One pound six shillings eight pence.

James Meddon, one Tenement, One pound; the same, one other Tenement, One pound thirteen shillings four pence.



Thomas Manley, five Tenements, two pounds two shillings.

John Gardiner, one Tenement, one pound eleven shillings four pence.

Symon Gibons, by several Leases, one pound six shillings eight pence.



William Antrobus, two Tenements, three pounds; the same, two other Tenements, two pounds six shillings eight pence; the same, two other Tenements, two pounds thirteen shillings four pence.

James Hooper, three Tenements, three pounds, ten shillings ten pence.

Edward Evered, three Tenements, four pounds.

William Antrobus, the Castle-Tavern, and nine Tenements, eleven pounds four pence.

James Chapman, three Tenements, two pounds.

John Newport, one pound twelve shillings.

Francis Burgins and Elizabeth Ux', four Tenements, three pounds five shillings.

Mr. Willis and alias, for the Three Tuns, three pounds six shillings eight pence.

John Newport Esq.; one Tenement, two pounds six shillings eight pence,

Dorothy Osborn, one Tenement and shed, four pounds two shillings.

William Ireland, one Tenement, one pound.

Matthew Walbank, two Tenements, thirteen shillings four pence.

Edward Rogers, a piece of ground, one shilling.

Jane Lancaster Widow, one Tenement, two pounds.

John Brown Esq; one Tenement, two pounds.

George Medborn, one Tenement, one pound thirteen shillings four pence.

Divers Leassees for the poor, one Tenement, one pound.

Thomas Manley Esq.; and Alley edifice and Ground, ten shillings: the same, a Cellar, a Loft, and piece of Ground, six shillings eight pence.

Aquila Wykes, one Garden-plat, five shillings.

Mistress Elizabeth Newel, a Stable, one pound.

Laurence Gibson, three Tenements, two pounds.

Thomas and Anne Smithes, Feeoffees for Mistress Hardings Grand-children, two pounds eight shillings.

Laurence Gibson, four Tenements, three pounds six shillings eight pence.

Thomas and Anne Smith, Feoffees for Mistress Hardings Grand-children, one shilling eight pence; the same for a piece of ground, six pence.

Kings-street West.

Kings street West.

George Perry, for the Black-Eagle, three pounds six shillings eight pence.

Jone Wilson widow, two Tenements, six pounds thirteen shillings four pence.

James Chapman, the Bell Tavern, six pound thirteen shillings four pence.

Dame Katherine Baskerville, the Boars-Head, eight pounds thirteen shillings four pence.

Mr. Sharo and Ux', one Tenement, two pounds.

Jane Swetnam widow, one Tenement, one pound six shillings eight pence.

Robert Mawer and Sarah Ux', the Swan Tavern, six pounds thirteen shillings four pence.

James Parcal, one Tenement, two pounds thirteen shillings four pence.

Humphrey Dethick and Ux', one Tenement, two pounds.

Robert Price, one Tenement and Garden, two pounds.

Divers Feoffees for the poor, one pound fourteen shillings.

John Clark, divers Tenements, Five pounds.

John Cholmley and William Turner, one Tenement, Seventeen shillings ten pence.

George Marten, one Tenement, Seventeen shillings ten pence.

Thomas and Henry Smithes, Feoffees for Mistris Hardings Grand Children, Eighteen shillings.

William Antrobus, three Tenements, one pound eighteen shillings four pence.

Elizabeth Hampden, one Tenement, Two pounds.

William Bell, four Tenements, Three poundssix shillings eight pence.

John Plucknet, three Tenement, One pound eight pence.

Adam Acton, one Tenement, One pound.

Nicholas Butler, one Tenement, One pound six shillings eight pence.

Francis Beal and Ux', one Tenemant, Six shillings eight pence.

William Huntley, diver Tenements, Three pounds.

Howard Strachy, one Tenement, Three pounds.

John Brigham, one Tenement, Thirteen shillings four pence.

Francis and Robert White, one Tenement, One pound ten shillings.

Richard Scut, one Tenement, One pound ten shillings.

Thomas Marrice and Edward Stapleton, divers one Te[ne]ments, Three pounds.

Christopher Bennel, divers Tenements, Three pounds.

Francis Ireland, the Sarasens Head, Four pounds.

Nicholas Butcher, two Tenements, Four pounds.

Francis Ireland, three Tenements, Six pounds; the same, one Tenement, Two pounds.

Quit Rents.

Quit Rents.

Francis Townley, for the George, Six shillings eight pence.

William Huntley, Fourteen pence, and Nicholas Butler, Ten pence; Two shillings.

Stephen Boreman, Two shillings.

William Bell, for the Black Bell, One shilling.

Sir Henry Fines, for the Three Conies, Three, shillings four pence; the same, other Tenements, late Henderbies, One shilling eleven pence.

Sir Edward Powel, for the Kings Head, Seven shillings.

Nicholas Burnel, for the Antilope, One shilling two pence.

Mr. Leigh, for one Tenement, Five shillings.

Late Andrew Bright, six Tenements, One penny.

Charing-Cross Street.

Charing-Cross Street.

Bridget Mintern, Nine Tenements, two pounds thirteen shillings four pence.

Simon Green, One Tenement, one pound.

Agnes Harris Widow, one Tenement, three shillings four pence; the same, one other Tenement, ten shillings.

John Thorp, four Tenements, one pound.

Sir Richard Wynne Knight, one Tenement, two pounds thirteen shillings four pence.

Dame Martha Atcheson, three pounds three shillings.

Thomas Cardiff, the Lyon Tenements, two pounds thirteen shillings four pence.

Thomas Sheaf Doctor of Physick, two shillings.

Quit Rents.

Quit Rents.

William Downs, for the Bell, one shilling eight pence.

Sir George Moor, one Tenement, one shilling four pence.

Mr. Moor, two Tenements, four pence.

Earl of Suffolk. for the Cross-keys, one shilling.

Thomas Baldwyn Esq.; four Tenements, eight pence.

William Lord Harvey, two Tenements, four pence.

Sir William Wade, for the Hermitage, two pence.

St. Clements within Temple-Bar.

St. Clements within Temple-Bar.

William Prescot, four Tenements, one pound.

Edward Somerford, part of the Plough, eight pence; the same one other Tenement, Eight pence.

Richard Brome, one Tenement, eight pence.

Savoy Parish.

Savoy Parish.

George Kequide, for the Bear, paid by Edward Kirkham Gent. four shillings.

St. Giles in the fields.

St. Giles in the Fields.

Henry Level, and Thomas Goodwyn, for a piece of Croft and certain Tenements, two shillings.

William Short, for another Croft, with other Tenements, three shillings.

William Barber, a parcel of the said Croft, with other Tenements, one shilling.



Sir George Stonehouse Knight, certain Lands, three pounds thirteen shillings and four pence.

Sir Robert Fen, Copyhold Land, two pounds.

James Winter, for the Lazer-house, four shillings; more in the same Lease for a piece of ground, four pence.

John Glassington, for a Garden-Plat by Copy, eight pence; more for a Sign-Post, four pence.

Agnun Dosham, Meuschamp for his free Land, seven shillings and a peny.

Lady Blague, for Land, late Hill and Fry, one peny.

Bartholomew Puttock Gent. in part of Dr. Laurence his Free Land, two shillings three pence half peny; the same, more for a Croft holden by Copy, one shilling four pence; the same, more for a piece of Ground taken out of the Common, six pence.

Chidwick Roe Gent. for a third part of Doctor Hussies free Lands, two shillings three pence half peny.

Edward Skipper Gent. for one third part, two shillings three pence half peny.

Elizabeth Sharp, for a Sign-post, four pence.

Richard Callaway, for a Sign-post, four shillings four pence.

London and Martins Le Grand.

London and Martins Le Grand.

Humphrey Hide, one Tenement, called the Sign of the Crown, four pounds eight shillings eight pence.

Thomas Hunt, One Tenement, four pounds.

Mr. Frances Manning, one Tenement, three pounds.


Matthew Jumper, for divers Tenements in Bell-Alley, five pounds five shillings; the same, for a Shop in Bell-Alley, one pound six shillings eight pence.

Mistress Francis Manning, one Tenement, eight pounds.

Abraham Cullen, one Tenement, and two Capons, five pounds six shillings eight pence.

Harry Harriot & Ux', for one Tenement, two pounds eleven shillings four pence; the same, for one Tenement, four pounds.

Edward Frank, one Tenement, two pounds.

Matthew Jumper, one Tenement, two pounds.

John Mort, and Mistress Mary Fielder, one Tenement, two pounds three shillings four pence.

Henry Hastings, for one Tenement, two pounds four shillings.

Henry Johnson, one Tenement, two pounds thirteen shillings four pence.

James Heams, one Tenement, three pounds.

Robert Davenport, for a parcel of Tenements, one shilling.

Mary Petchal, one Tenement, one pound six shillings eight pence.

John Highlard and Susan Ux', for divers Tenements, twenty one pounds.

John Trot, one Tenement, and two Capons, three pounds six shillings eight pence; the same, for a Shop and two Capons, two shillings; the same, for a parcel of Land, one shilling.

An Entry at the Three Kings.

Robert Parmeter, an Entry at the three Kings, ten shillings.

Francis Hurdman, one Tenement in Aldermanbury, two pounds.


Thomas Peak, one Tenement, and two Capons, two pounds thirteen shillings four pence.

Bazil Foster and Henry Mills, one Tenement, three pounds sixteen shillings.

Company of Broyderers, for one Tenement, three pounds six shillings eight pence.

Thomas Paget, one Tenement, three pounds six shillings eight pence.

Randal Brisco, one Tenement, three pounds six shillings eight pence.

Anthony Johnson, one Tenement, three pounds six shillings eight pence.

Susanna Farrer, one Tenement, called the Tigars head, two pounds.

Thomas Hurdman, divers Tenements, three pounds fifteen shillings four pence.

Mistress Katherine Mitchel, divers Tenements, twenty pounds two shillings four pence.

Robert Valence, one Tenement, four shillings.

John Trot, for the Deans Hall, four shillings.

Robert Valence, for divers Tenements, three pounds.

Thomas Sallows, divers Tenements, and four Capons or twelve shillings Seven pounds ten shillings.

Andrew Hall and John Spencer, divers Tenements, ten pounds.

John Trot, for John Hills Shed, Eight pence.

Simon Greenhill, for two Tenements, Six shillings eight pence

Robert Childe, for a Tenement and two Capons, two pounds thirteen shillings four pence.

Gutter Lane.

William Symonds, for divers Tenements in Gutter Lane, four pounds sixteen shillings eight pence.

John Lightboon, for two Tenements, Two pounds eight pence.

Arthur Juxton, for a Tenement and two Capons, One pound three shillings four pence.

John Lightboon, one Tenement and two Hens, One pound.

Nathaniel Pike, a Tenement in Mary Somerset, One pound thirteen shillings four pence.


John Huxley, two Tenements in Milk street, One pound thirteen shillings four pence.

Mary Mount halt.

Michael Hirons, for two Tenements in Mary Mounthalt, Three pounds.

St. Alphage within Cripplegate.

St. Alphage within Cripplegate.

John, Thomas, Randal and Charls Wallinger, for one Tenement two Capons or Five shillings, One pound six shillings eight pence.

Mary Wakefield, one Tenement within Cripplegate, One pound nine shillings four pence.

Morgan Johnson, one Tenement, and two Capons, One pound.

Grub-street and Moor Lane.

Elizabeth Waller, and divers Tenants in Grub-street and Moor Lane, two pounds thirteen shillings four pence.

Fetter Lane.

William Megs, for divers Tenements in Fetter Lane, One pound ten shillings.

Noble street

Henry Prat, one Tenement in Noble-street, two pounds six shillings eight pence.


Gabriel Newman, for the Cross-Keys in Wood-street, and two Capons or five shillings, seven pounds six shillings eight pence.

Alice Heylein, a Tenement there, two shillings.

St. Leonard in Eastcheap; St. Martins Outwich. St. Olivers. St. Johns in Walbrook.

The Company of Mercers, for a yearly rent payable out of the Greyhound, in the Parish of St. Leonards in Eastcheap, four shillings; the Company of Mercers, for an Annual Rent out of a Tenement in the Parish of St. Martins Outwich, twenty shillings; out of a Tenement in the Parish of St. Olivers, twenty shillings; out of a Tenement in St. Johns in Walbrook, three shillings; two pounds three shillings.

St. Mary in Staning Lane.

The Company of Haberdashers, for a Tenement in the Parish of St. Mary in Staning-Lane, twelve shillings.

Frickey street*

Samuel Chaplin, for the Bell in Friday-Street, one pound five shillings.

St. Leonards in Eastcheap; Fridaystreet. St. Martins in the Vintry Wool-church Parish.

Charles Harris, for a Pension payable out of the Rose and Noble, &c., in St. Leonards in Eastcheap, fourteen shillings eight pence; the Company of Merchant Taylors, for a Rent out of the Sarasens-Head, in Friday-Street, twenty shillings; out of a Tenement in the the parish of St. Martins in the Vintry, twelve shillings; and out of a Tenement in the Parish of Wool-Church, nine shillings; one pound six shillings and six pence and fourteen shillings and six pence.

St. Zachary's Bread Street Fridaystreet.

The Company of Goldsmiths, for a Tenement in the Parish of St. Zachary's, three shillings four pence; a Tenement out of All-Saints in Bread-street, fifteen shillings; and a Tenement in Saint Matthews in Friday-street, twelve shillings; two pounds four pence; the same, for a Tenement in Silver-street, in the Parish of St. Albans, twelve shillings.

St. Albans Parish. Fryday street. Bread-street.

The Company of Salters, for the Angel in Fryday-street, Twenty shillings; and for their Hall in Bread-street, six shilling eight pence, One pound six shillings eight pence.

Bow-Lane. Breadstreet.

Lionel Daniel, at the White Bull in Bow Lane, for the Black Bell, in the Parish of St. Margarets in Breadstreet, One pound seventeen shillings and eight pence.


George Day, for the Princes Arms in Birchin Lane, in the Parish of St. Michael in Cornhil, Six shillings eight pence.

St Michael in Cornhil. Birchin-Lane.

Abraham Hedge, for the Looking Glass in Birchin Lane, in the Parish of St. Michaels in Cornhil, One shilling three pence.

John Pease, for the Swan there, Two shillings six pence.

Francis Dryhurst, for the Lute there, One shilling three pence.

Sir William Cowper, for the Rainbow, One shilling three pence.

John Macrow for the Star, One shilling three pence.

George Dawson, for the White Bear, Two shillings six pence.

St. Magnes and Newfish Street.

The Chamber of London, for a Rent out of the Crown, in the Parish of St. Magnes, Four shillings; and for the Dragon in Newfish-street, four shillings Eight shillings.

The Tenure of the Houses and Revenues.; The Revenues and premises acquitted and exempted from Rents, seizures and Taxes.; The Governors impowered with the like authority as any other Corporation.; The Governors to make and use a common Seal.; The Tenants of the Manors, Messuages, and premises herein mentioned, and the Trustees to stand charged with the several Rents before expressed.; The Rents to be paid to the Governors or such as they shall appoint in the Hall of the Deans house at the usual times of payment.; Nomire pen.; The governors or such as they shall appoint to enter and distrain for the Rent, Arrear, and the nomine pen.; The Governors to bring an action of debt, for Rent, Arrear and Nomine pen.; Costs and damages allowed.; The Governors to receive all Rents due since 28 of March, 1649. Tenements and Accomptants of the whole Denary since 1641, to accompt, The Governors to sue for arrears of the whole Denary, wherin the statute of Limitations to be no bar.; Committees of Sequestrations to pay the Governors what they have received.; The Governors out of the Revenues to maintain the school,; to agree upon additions and alteration, to be presented to the Parliament for confirmation; The Governors to set Leases not exceeding forty years.

To be held for ever hereafter by the said Governors and their Successors, of the Keepers of the Liberties of England, in free and perpetual Alms, absolutely acquitted, and for ever hereafter, discharged of and from all Rents, Annual Tenths, and all sums of money whatsoever, and All Arrerages thereof, and of and from all charges, Seizures and Proces whatsoever; and all Assessments Taxes, and all other Payments whatsoever, ordinary or extraordinary, heretofore granted by Parliament, or by or upon any other pretence demanded or claimed: And that the said Governors and their Successors, by the same Name, shall and may have power, and are hereby authorized, To Demise, Lease and Grant, and to take, acquire and purchase, and to sue and be sued, and to do, perform and execute all and every other lawful act and acts, thing and things, good, necessary or profitable for the said Incorporation, and the Charitable Uses aforesaid, in as full and ample maner and form, to all intents, constructions and purposes, as any other Incorporation, or Body Politique or Corporate, fully and perfectly Founded and Incorporated may do: And that the same Governors and their Successors for the time being, and they or any five or more of them, may make, have and use one Common Seal, such as they shall think fit, for the doing and confirming all and every thing and things touching, or in any wise concerning the said Incorporation, or the Charitable Uses aforesaid, And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every Tenant and Tenants of the said Manors, Messuages, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments herein mentioned, or of any of them, out of which the said yearly Rents, Sums of Money, and other Annual Revenues are issuing, or for which they shall be paid, and every person and persons claiming by, from or under them, or any of them: And the said Trustees, and their Heirs, and every person and persons having or claiming the said Manors, Messuages, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments herein mentioned, or any part thereof, shall hold the same charged and chargeable with such several yearly Rents, sums of money, and other annual Revenues and Profits respectively, as are herein expressed; and shall henceforth pay the same unto the said Governors and their Successors, or unto such person or persons as they shall appoint, in the Hall of the said house called the Deans house, at such days and times as the Tenants of the said Manors, Messuages, Lands, Tenements & Hereditaments respectively, used heretofore to pay the said yearly Rents, sums of money, and other annual Revenues and Profits, unto the said late Dean and Chapter, or such as they did appoint; And if it happen at any time hereafter, that any of the said yearly Rents, sums of money, or other annual Revenues or Profits, or any part or parcel thereof be behinde and unpaid for the space of forty days, at any of the days or times at which the same ought to be paid, Then every such person and persons which ought to have paid the same, shall forfeit the sum of six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence, unto the said Governors and their Successors, Nomine penæ, and also the like sums for every other twenty days that the same shall be behinde and unpaid: And it shall and may be lawful to the said Governors and their Successors, or unto such person or persons as they or any five or more of them shall appoint, to enter into such of the said Manors, Messuages, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments mentioned, out of which the yearly Rent, sum of money, or other annual Revenue or Profit so behinde is issuing, or for which it ought to be paid, and to distrain for the same; and also for every sum and sums of money so as aforesaid forfeited Nomine penæ; or it shall and may be lawful for the said Governors and their Successors, at their election from time to time, to bring an Action of Debt in any of the Courts at Westminster, or elsewhere, against every such person and persons, for such arrerages of Rent, and sums of money due, Nomine penæ, and recover the same, together with their costs and damages. And be it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said Governors and their Successors, shall have, receive, and take all such of the said yearly Rents and sums of money and other annual Revenues and Profits, as became due and payable at any time since the eight and twentieth of March last, and shall and may have the like remedy for the same, by distress or Action of Debt as aforesaid; And shall and may call to accompt all and every the Tenant and Tenants of the said late Dean and Chapter; and all and every person and persons, who at any time since the year One thousand six hundred forty and one, have received any of the Rents, Revenues, Monevs, Provisions, or other annual profits, belonging to the said late Dean and Chapter; and if any the Tenants refuse to pay such their arrerages, or any other person or persons do refuse to pay such Rents, or other annual profits as he or they have so received, unto the said Governors and their Successors, or unto such person or persons as they shall appoint, Then the said governors and their successors, shall and may bring an Action of debt against every such tenant and tenants, person and persons, his and their Heirs, Executors or Administrators, in any the Courts at Westminster, or elsewhere, and recover the same with costs and damages; in which said last mentioned actions of debt, no defendant or defendants shall be admitted to plead any Statute or Statutes of limitation of actions, any Law, Statute or Statutes to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding: And all Committees whatsoever, and their Receivers and Collectors, are hereby required forthwith upon demand, to pay unto the said Governors and their Successors, or unto such person or persons as they shall nominate and appoint, All such Rents, Revenues, Moneys, and other profits belonging unto the said late Dean and Chapter, as any of them have received at any time since the said year, One thousand six hundred forty one. And be it Enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said Governors and their Successors shall for ever hereafter out of the said Revenues hereby established, maintain the said School and Almshouses and the Members of every of them, and shall order, rule, and govern the same, according to such Statutes (not being superstitious nor derogatory to the Government now established) as are to be found amongst the Statutes of the said late Colledge, touching or concerning the said School and Almshouses, and other charitable uses; and are authorized and hereby enabled from time to time, to place such poor men in the said Almshouses when any place shall become void, as they think most deserving; and shall for ever hereafter make such weekly allowance unto poor people, as the said late Dean and Chapter used or ought to have done; and are hereby authorized and enabled, to order, rule and govern the Rents herein mentioned, heretofore granted by Doctor Williams unto the said late Dean and Chapter of Westminster, for maintenance and education of four poor Schollars in the said School, in such manner and form as the said late Dean and Chapter stood bound to have done; and shall and may henceforth for ever execute all Powers and trusts whatsoever, which by a certain Deed bearing date the six and twentieth of April, One thousand six hundred twenty four, for establishing the said Rents, were committed unto the said Dean and Chapter. And for a constant supply of able and learned Preachers on the Lords Day, and daily morning Lecturers in the said Abbey Church, according to an Ordinance of Parliament, of the Eighteenth of November, One thousand six hundred forty five (a work tending much to the glory of God, and the comfort of the Inhabitants of Westminster and the parts adjacent) Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Trustees for the maintenance of Ministers, shall annually pay unto Preachers and Lecturers, such Stipends and Allowances as by the Committee for the said Colledge were heretofore setled upon them, and hitherto accordingly paid: And the said Governors and their Successors, are hereby enabled and authorized to remove any that now are, or hereafter shall be Preachers or Lecturers, for Scandal or other just cause; and within three Moneths next after any of them so removed, or after the decease of any of them, to elect in the place of him so removed or deceasing, such an able, learned and godly Minister, as they shall think most deserving. And the said Governors and their Successors, out of the yearly Revenues hereby established for ever hereafter, shall keep and maintain in good and sufficient repair, the said Structure, called The Abbey of Westminster, with the Cloysters and other Buildings adjoyning, and all other Houses and Buildings hereby established on them, and shall keep such Servants and Officers as shall be necessary for the same; and shall do all such other pious and charitable works as the said late Dean and Chapter stood bound to do, out of the Revenues; and shall order, govern and dispose all the said yearly Revenues, and other the premises hereby established, to the best advantage of the said School, Almshouses, and other the Charitable Uses aforesaid, according to the true intent and meaning of this Act: And the said Governors and their Successors, are hereby enabled to examine and take into Consideration, the Statutes, Orders and Laws touching or concerning the said School, Almshouses, and other the said Charitable Uses, and to alter and change the same, and make new ones in their steads, for the better governing and regulating of the said School, Almshouses, and other the Charitable Uses before mentioned; and to present the same unto the Parliament, to be first allowed by them, before they be put in execution; and after they shall be so allowed, all persons concerned, are hereby bound to take notice of, and to observe the same. And be it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to the said Governors and their Successors, or any five of them, to Demise and Lease all or any of the said Messuages or Houses, wherein the said late Dean or any of the Prebends lived; and all Stables, Outhouses, Buildings, Yards, Gardens and Orchards, with their appurtenances established by this Act, and which now are not appointed, or hereafter shall not be found necessary for the Schollars, Officers, and Servants belonging to the said School, and Almshouses, for any term not exceeding forty years, with such Covenants and Conditions, and under such yearly Rent or Rents, as the said Governors and their Successors shall conceive to be most advantagious for the Charitable uses aforesaid.

Mr. Osboldstons proviso.

Provided alway, That the said Governors be authorized and required, to pay unto Lambert Osboldston Clerk, the yearly sum of One hundred pounds, out of the Profits of the Lands herein mentioned, for and during the term of his natural life.