July 1643: An Ordinance for the encouragement of Adventurers, to make new Subscriptions for Towns, Cities, and Lands in Ireland.

Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'July 1643: An Ordinance for the encouragement of Adventurers, to make new Subscriptions for Towns, Cities, and Lands in Ireland.', in Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660, ed. C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/acts-ordinances-interregnum/pp192-197 [accessed 16 March 2025].

'July 1643: An Ordinance for the encouragement of Adventurers, to make new Subscriptions for Towns, Cities, and Lands in Ireland.', in Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Edited by C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online, accessed March 16, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/acts-ordinances-interregnum/pp192-197.

"July 1643: An Ordinance for the encouragement of Adventurers, to make new Subscriptions for Towns, Cities, and Lands in Ireland.". Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Ed. C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online. Web. 16 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/acts-ordinances-interregnum/pp192-197.

July 1643

[14 July, 1643.]

Declaration, 16th June 1643.; Such as shall pay in a fourth part more shall have double in Land and Irish measure.; Ord. 30 Jan. 1642-3.

The Lords and Commons in Parliament having taken into their serious consideration, the sad Condition of the Realm of Ireland, and of what ill consequence the loss of that Kingdome would be to this, both in respect of Religion and otherwise; Have lately by their Declaration of the sixteenth of June one thousand six hundred forty three, in particulars set forth and declared unto the World the extream wants and necessities thereof: And finding many well-affected persons both Adventurers for Lands in Ireland, and others, very ready and willing to apply themselves by all good means for to bring that great good work unto perfection. And forasmuch as the subscriptions, upon the several Acts of Parliament heretofore made this Session do not ingage a third part of the Land designed to be applied to that work by those Acts, and the times in them limited for under-writing being elapsed, and to make up what was wanting in the former subscriptions, as for to raise considerable sums of mony for maintenance of the Armies there on foot, and relief of the poor distressed Protestants there, the reducing of those Rebels to their obedience, and setling of the state of that Government in peace again, Have now Ordained and declared, That whatsoever person and persons, Corporations, and Bodies Politique, which at any time or times heretofore have subscribed and paid in any sum or sums of mony, for an Adventure of Lands of the said Rebels Lands in Ireland forfeited and to be forfeited, and confiscate, according to all and every, or any the Act and Acts of Parliament as aforesaid, therefore made and Enacted upon the late Ordinance of Parliament of the thirtieth of January, one thousand six hundred forty two, made for new loans and contributions, for the relief of Ireland, And that shall now again subscribe and pay in to Mr. James Bunce, Mr. Thomas Foot, Mr. John Kendrick, of London Aldermen, and to Samuel Avery Esquire, Treasurers appointed for that service, or their Assignes, so much money as shall amount unto a full fourth part of such sum and sums of money, as they or any of them have formerly subscribed and paid in upon any the said former Acts and Ordinance, in manner and form following, viz., One third part thereof within ten dayes next after they shall so subscribe, the said fourth part, one other third part within one moneth then next ensuing, and the other third part thereof within two moneths then next and immediately following, so as the whole adventure is to be paid in within three moneths; And the said sum or sums of money now to be thus underwritten and paid in to the Treasurers aforesaid, as aforesaid, being added to and reckoned up together with the said sum and sums of money which they have so formerly underwritten and paid in upon the said Acts and Ordinance or upon both or either of them shall have a double proportion of Lands for the whole, twice so much Land as he or they were formerly to have had, by and according to the said Acts or Ordinance, and Irish measure, viz. every Acre thereof to consist of eightscore Pearches or Poles, and every Pearch or Pole to consist of one and twenty foot; And under the same rents and services, conditions, limitations and provisions, and in as large and beneficial manner and from, to all intents and purposes whatsoever, as in and by the said Acts of Parliament and Ordinance aforesaid is limited and expressed; And the Acquittance and Acquittances under the hands of the said Treasurers, or any two of them, shall be sufficient and effectual to enable the said Subscribers, and every of them, their heirs or assignes, to demand, have, and enjoy, the full fruit and benefit of their said subscriptions, and shall be a good and sufficient discharge for the receipt of all and every such other payments, sum and sums of money, as shall be made and brought in by and upon any other Propositions, wayes, or means, for the relief or maintenance of the said Army.

Such Subscribers as shall pay a further sum, or other persons as shall now subscribe and pay shall have double.

And if any such person or persons, Corporations, or Bodies politique, who have thus formerly adventured, for Lands in Ireland, and shall underwrite, and pay in any more or other sum or sums of money then the fourth part of his former adventure shall amount unto; or if any other person or persons as well of the English, Scottish, or Dutch Nation, under the Government of the Lords and States of the United Provinces, that shall now de novo subscribe and pay in any sum or sums of money, for Lands, of the Rebels Lands, forfeited and to be forfeited as aforesaid, shall have a like double proportion of Lands for the same, to be assigned and set out unto him and them in manner and form in all things, as the Adventurers aforesaid, in the immediate foregoing Proposition are to have theirs.

An Act to pass for confirmation.

And the said Lords and Commons, for the further content and satisfaction of the said Adventurers, have also ordained and declared, and do hereby ordain and declare, That an Act and Acts of Parliament shall hereafter pass both in England and Ireland, to make all the Lands and Tenements of the said Rebels forfeited and to be forfeited, as aforesaid, or wherein they or their Ancestors, by themselves, their Tenants, and Assignes, have been in the actual seisin and possession, as the very Freeholders and Inheritors, or reputed Freeholders and Inheritors thereof, for the space of sixty yeers before this Rebellion brake out there, being upon the three and twentieth of October, one thousand six hundred forty one, alike liable to the Subscriptions and Plantations of the said Adventurers in every of the four Provinces, of Leinster, Munster, Ulster, and Connaght respectively without exception, and to bar His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, from all Right, Title, Claim, and Demand whatsoever, of and into the same, any Pardon or Pardons, granted or to be granted to the said Rebels; or any of them, either before or after Conviction or Attainder in any manner or sort whatsoever to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

Limerick, Enishcattery, &c. how to be disposed.; Waterford.; Galloway.; Wexford.; Liberties.

And to give encouragement unto those who are Merchants and live on Trades, for to adventure considerable sums of money for Houses and Lands of the Rebels forfeited and to be forfeited there; and for to introduce a better Trade and Manufacture of the Native Commodities of that Kingdome, when, by the blessing of God, that War shall come to be ended, and for the better propagation of Religion, and abolishing of Popery and Superstition out of that Land, and civilizing of that Kingdome, the said Lords and Commons have set out the City and Corporation of Limerick, with the Island of Enishcattery, and the Fishings of the River there, and twelve thousand Acres of confiscated and profitable Lands, Medow and Pasture, lying next contiguoous and adjacent to the said City roundabout, lying and being in the Province of Munster, with Woods, Bogs, and barren Mountains cast in to be hereafter granted and conveyed to such Person and Persons as aforesaid, their Heirs and Assignes, as shall now adventure and disburse money for the same at the rate and valuation hereafter mentioned, viz. That shall disburse the sum of thirty thousand pounds currant money of England for the same, and paying the sum of six hundred and twenty five pounds yearly Rent to the Crown: And have ordained and set out the City and Corporation of Waterford, lying and being in the said Province of Munster, with fifteen thousand Acres of like forfeited and profitable Lands, Meadow and Pasture, Bogs, Woods, and barren Mountaines to be likewise cast in, and lying contiguous and adjacent to the said City, to be hereafter granted and conveyed to such person and persons as aforesaid, their Heirs and Assignes, as shall now adventure and disburse the sum of thirty thousand pounds, and pay the like yearly Rent of six hundred and twenty five pounds unto the Crown for the same. And have Ordained and set out the Town and Corporation of Galloway, lying and being in the Province of Connaught, with ten thousand Acres of like forfeited profitable Land, Meadow and Pasture, with Woods, Bogs, and barren Mountains, to be cast in, and to lye contiguous and adjacent to the said Town and Corporation, to be in like manner granted and conveyed to such person and persons as aforesaid, their Heirs and Assignes, as shall now adventure and disburse the sum of twenty five thousand pounds for the same, and pay the yearly Rent of five hundred and twenty pounds to the Crown for the same. And have Ordained and set out the Town and Corporation of Wexford, lying and being in the Province of Leinster, with six thousand Acres of like escheated profitable Lands, Meadow and Pasture, with Woods, Bogs, and barren Moutains, to be cast in, and to lye adjacent and contiguous to the said Town and Corporation, and to be likewise granted to such person and persons as aforesaid, their Heirs and Assignes, as shall now adventure and disburse the sum of seven thousand five hundred pounds for the same, and pay the yearly Rent and fee-farm of one hundred fifty six pounds four shillings and four pence to the Crown for the same, and all and every the same respectively to be holden of his Majesty in free and common Soccage, as of his Castle of Dublin in the said Realm, and every of them to be incorporated again de novo, and to have such Liberties, Freedomes, and Immunities granted unto them, and every of them respectively, as are now granted to the City of Bristol in this Realm by any Charter and Charters whatsoever, and such other Priviledges and Immunities as be contained and intended to the said Adventurers for Lands in Ireland, in the Acts of Parliament aforesaid, for subscriptions for Lands in that Realm.

And it is further Ordained and Declared by Authority aforesaid, That in case the respective sums whereat the said Cities, Towns, Lands, and premises last mentioned aforesaid, are respectively valued and apprized, shall not be wholly underwritten for, yet then and in such case all and every such underwriter and underwriters, as shall subscribe any sum or sums of money, for to have any part or parcel thereof, shall have granted and conveyed unto him, his Heirs and Assignes, such and so much in proportion thereof, as his and their Adventure and Adventures shall severa ly and respectively amount unto, according to the said respective valuations to be set out unto him and them, by indifferent Commissioners by the Lords and Commons, to be therefore hereafter named and appointed.

Chantry lands and others cast

And the said Lords and Commons do further Ordain and Declare, for a more clear and full Plantation of the said Cities, Towns, and Corporations, That all Chantry Lands, and Lands, and Tenements, given unto superstitious uses, for maintenance of Popish Priests, and Idolatrous Masses, Drentalls, Dirges, and the like; And all Lands and Tenements given for maintenance of Lazors, and Lazarous people, and concealed in possession and Occupation of such, who are now, or hereafter shall be Rebels, and have been by their Ancestors enjoyed by many descents, and which shall not become forfeited by this Rebellion, shall be cast into the Purchase and Purchases of the said Cities and Towns respectively as parcel thereof, and shall by Act and Acts of Parliament hereafter to pass in England and Ireland be made as subject and lyable to the said Plantation; And for satisfying of the said Adventurers, their subscriptions as any other the said Rebels Lands forfeited and to be forfeited, and confiscate therein whatsoever; And all the Adventurers Estates in whatsoever their Adventures for Lands and Tenements herein formerly mentioned, shall be in like manner hereafter secured unto them, and confirmed by Act and Acts of Parliament, to pass both in England and Ireland, for the same end and purpose as aforesaid.

And it is further Ordained and Declared by authority aforesaid, That all and every such person and persons as aforesaid, who have or shall underwrite any sum or sums of money upon the said Propositions for any the Cities, Towns and Corporations aforesaid, and have formerly adventured and subscribed, or shall underwrite and subscribe for Lands in the Kingdome at Large, shall be accommodated to have all his said Lands set out unto him as neer unto these Cities, Towns and Corporations aforesaid, for which he shall so subscribe, as may be.

None to subscribe under 20 pound.

Provided alwaies, that no person or persons shall be admitted to subscribe upon, or for any of the said Cities, Townes and Corporations, for a smaller sum then Twenty pounds.

Officers and souldiers subscribing their pay.

And it is further Ordained and Declared by Authority aforesaid, That all and every Officers and Commanders, in all or any the British Armies in Ireland, that shall and do continue in the said Service, and within six moneths next after the day of the date of this Ordinance, shall subscribe all or any part of such sum and sums of money, as now is, or shall grow due and owing unto him and them, or any of them, for his and their pay and entertainment, the same subscriptions to be either taken and received here, in such way as is formerly directed for other Adventurers, or by and before the several Committee and Committees, to be hereafter chosen and imployed by the House of Common, and this Committee into the several Provinces of that Kingdome, for the better managing of that War, the same subscriptions to be taken and Recorded by them the said Committees respectively in their respective Provinces into which they shall be sent and imployed, to be afterwards returned by both Houses of Parliament, shall have and enjoy such proportion and proportions of Lands or of Cities, Towns and Corporations, for the sum and sums of money to be subscribed, and in manner and form in all things as other the Adventurers herein aforesaid, are for to have theirs granted and set out unto them by and according to the limitation of this present Ordinance.

Election in what County.

And the said Lords and Commons do further Ordain and Declare, That it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Adventurers, and every of them, now at the time of their subscribing for Lands again as aforesaid, or within one moneth afterwards to make his and their respective choice and Election in which of the four Provinces aforesaid, he or they desire to have his and their Adventure and Adventures of Lands to lye, and the said Treasurers receiving the same, declared under his and their hand and hands in writing in a Book as a Record thereof, for that purpose to be kept, shall have the same set out unto him and them, his and their Heirs and Assignes, in such Province accordingly if it may be.

Provided, That such choice and setting forth as aforesaid, do not prejudice the first Adventures, whose lots shall fall in any of those Provinces.

And it is further Ordained and Declared by Authority aforesaid, That all and every such Monies, Wares, Goods, Commodities, Arms, or Ammunition, which either now are, or which at any time hereafter shall be, either lent or given by the English or Dutch Protestant Churches, and Classes in Holland, Zealand, and other parts and places beyond the Seas, to whom this business and affair for the relief of Ireland hath been already or shall hereafter be recommended, shall be brought into the Treasury aforesaid, or otherwise be ordered and disposed of by the said Committee for the service aforesaid, in manner and sort as other the money by them to be received, is herein declared and appointed to be imployed.

And it is further Ordained and Declared by Authority aforesaid, That the Committee of the House of Commons and Adventurers in London aforesaid, or any eight or more of them, shall and may by such Agents and Ministers as they shall therefore intrust and imploy, to communicate this affair into whatsoever other parts and places of this Kingdome, as they shall think fit for taking subscriptions and receiving of money, according to the several propositions aforesaid, and according to all and every such other propositions as for the service aforesaid, shall hereafter by both Houses of Parliament, be made and Ordained; and that the said Committee, or any eight or more of them shall and may reward with fit rewards and salaries, all such as they shall and do thus imploy, for the better proceeding in, and carrying on the said work, and to make, do and perform, whatsoever other matters and things shall conduce and be necessary for the better proceeding of the business, as they the said Committee, or any eight or more of them, shall from time to time order and appoint, being alwaies ready to give an account of their proceedings to both Houses of Parliament, when they shall be thereunto required.