June 1643: An Ordinance for the speedy raising of Forces by Sea and Land to reduce the Town of Newcastle to Obedience to the King and Parliament.

Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'June 1643: An Ordinance for the speedy raising of Forces by Sea and Land to reduce the Town of Newcastle to Obedience to the King and Parliament.', in Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660, ed. C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/acts-ordinances-interregnum/pp171-174 [accessed 7 February 2025].

'June 1643: An Ordinance for the speedy raising of Forces by Sea and Land to reduce the Town of Newcastle to Obedience to the King and Parliament.', in Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Edited by C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online, accessed February 7, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/acts-ordinances-interregnum/pp171-174.

"June 1643: An Ordinance for the speedy raising of Forces by Sea and Land to reduce the Town of Newcastle to Obedience to the King and Parliament.". Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Ed. C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online. Web. 7 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/acts-ordinances-interregnum/pp171-174.

June 1643

[5 June, 1643.]

Appointment of Committee of Lords and Commons.

Whereas the greatest part of this Kingdom, and more especially the City of London, and most Maritime towns, are served and furnished with Coals from the town of Newcastle upon Tyne, and the adjacent parts of Northumberland, and the Bishoprick of Durham, which being now kept by Forces consisting of Papists, and other ill-affected persons under the command of the Earle of New-castle: the City of London, and all the greatest part of this Kingdom are like to suffer very deeply in the want of that commodity so absolutely necessary to the maintenance and support of life, and which is like to be of very dangerous consequence in the influence which it may have upon the necessities of the meaner sort. And whereas 'tis also very dangerous to adventure shipping within the command of the Forts there erected, as being subjected to a surprize, and like enough to be made use of against the safetie of the Kingdome, if they should make their voyage onely man'd as usually for trade; And how great use has beene made of the port of Newcastle, to the danger of the Kingdome, since it came into the hands of the said Earle is manifest to all. It is therefore hoped that there are none that will be backward to contribute their best asistance towards the reducing of that place, in the recovery whereof all men are interessed, and the rather for the opportunity which is now given, if it be speedily undertaken, and effectually prosecuted. And whereas in obedience to an Order of the House of Commons the Committee of the Navy communicated their opinions in writing to the Lord Major of London by what means the said City may be furnished with coales, with desire that his Lordship would impart the same to the Aldermen of that City, or such other persons as his Lordship should thinke fit, which Writing, with the Petition and propositions of divers Citizens of London, were read at a Commoncouncell, held at Guild-hall in London, the twentieth of this moneth, where the said Court taking all the premises into their serious consideration did conceive that this great worke might be effected, if both Houses of Parliament should thinke fit to approve of these ensuing Propositions. Wherefore the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, upon mature deliberation had of the Propositions following, and well approving the good affections of the Citie of London to the publique service, and of all such other well-affected persons as shall subscribe and pay in any considerable summe of money according to the ensuing Propositions, for, and towards this great and necessary undertaking, doe Order and Ordaine in manner and forme following: And first the House of Commons doe consent to nominate ten of their own Members, And the Lords and Commons doe Order and Ordaine, that the Common-councell of London shall nominate a like number for the City, to be a Committee joyntly to mannage all affaires touching this adventure, and to call to their assistance in this service such of the out ports, or others, as they shall thinke fit.

Its Powers.

2. That the said Committee so to be nominated shall have power to make Sub-committees among themselves, and to give them such instructions as they shall thinke fit, being pursuant and agreeable to these Propositions, and to prepare bookes for such subscriptions, to appoint persons from time to time in all places to take the same, and to receive all such moneys as shall be subscribed, and paid in according to such subscriptions, and to return or issue out the same to such persons, and in such manner, as the said Committee, or the greater number of them shall direct.

Moneys advanced to be paid to Treasurers and employed only for reducing Newcastle.

3. That all Moneys to bee advanced upon these Propositions shall bee paid to such Treasurers as the said Committee shall appoint, and shall be onely imployed by the said Committee for the reducing of the said Town of Newcastle, and the said parts adjacent till the same be effected and to none other purpose whatsoever.

Tax on Traders in Coal, etc., to Newcastle, Sunderland, or Blith, that do not subscribe half their stock to these Propositions.

4. That they shall be accountable to such persons as shall be appointed by both Houses; that every Owner or Master, of, or in, any ship or ships, trading for Coals, Salt, or Glasse, to the towns of Newcastle, Sunderland or Blith, or to any place adjacent now under the power of the Earle of Newcastle, and not subscribing one halfe of his stock which he hath in any such Ship or ships, to these Propositions, within one moneth after these Propositions shall be agreed upon by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, shall pay to the persons to be appointed by the said Committee to receive the same, for every Chaldron of coals he shall so buy there, the summe of foure shillings, and for every weigh of Salt two shillings, and for every case of Glasse one shilling more then shall be paid by any Adventurer tha shall buy there any of the said commodities of Coals, Salt, or Glasse; The said payments to be made to the use of the Adventurers upon Accounts, and to continue till the said Adventurers shall be reimbursed, according to the ensuing Propositions, and no longer.

Tax on all persons in London, etc., that buy Newcastle coals and do not subscribe proportionably.

5. That every person within the said City of London, or ten miles thereof, or within such of the out-Ports or Cities, or dwelling upon any navigable River, or within five miles of any of them which have or shall have their Coals from any of the said towns of Newcastle, Sunderland, Blith, or places adjacent, which shall not subscribe to these Propositions within one moneth after the same shall be agreed upon by both houses of Parliament, a summe of Money at least proportionable to the Coales he annually expends in his house in the judgement of the said Committee (such as are not Subsidie-men onely excepted) shal pay ten shillings for every chaldron of coals more then others shall pay that doe subscribe, the same payments to bee made and collected to the use of the Adventureres upon accompt, in such manner as the said Committee shall appoint, and to continue untill the said Adventurers shall be reimbursed according to the insuing Propositions, and no longer.

Punishment for fraudulently furnishing coals to nonsubscribers.

6. That if any subscriber shall use any fraudulent or indirect means to furnish any other person with coals, that shall not subscribe within the time before limited, such Subscriber shall forfeit the benefit of his own subscription, and both parties shall be liable to such further punishment as shall be inflicted by both Houses of Parliament.

None to sell Newcastle Coals in London, etc., unless he subscribe proportionably.

7. That no person shall be permitted to sell Coals in London, or any other Port or place, which is or shall be furnished with Coals from the said town of New-castle, Sunderland, Blith, and places adjacent, unlesse such as shall subscribe a sum proportionable to their trade, in the judgement of the said Committee.

Papists' and Delinquents' Estates sequestered for use of Adventurers.

8. That two parts of the estates of Papists, not Delinquents, and all the estates of such as are declared to be Delinquents, by the Ordinance of Sequestration within the County of Northumberland, the County and Bishoprick of Durham, and in the towne and county of New-castle upon Tyne, shall be forthwith sequestred, and all such moneys as shall be raised thereby, shall be also payed to the use of the said Adventurers upon accompt, untill the said Adventurers shall be reimbursed, according to the insuing Propositions, and no longer.

Duties on Coals, etc., in Newcastle, Sunderland, and Blith to be for use of Adventurers.; Committee may propound Officers for Land Service.

9. That all such Customs, Duties, and Imposts as have been usually paid, or shall be thought fit to be paid by any Ordinance of Parliament, for Coals, Salt, and Glasse, within the said Town and County of New-castle, the said town of Sunderland, Blith, and the said parts adjacent, shall be paid to the use of the said Adventurers upon accompt, as aforesaid. That the said Committee shall have power to propound all Officers for the Land service of this Designe to the Lord Generall for his approbation of them, who is hereby desired forthwith to grant Commissions to such Officers so approved of by him, according to the quality of their severall commands.

And Officers for Officers for Sea-service.

10. That the said Committee shall have power to propound all Officers for the Sea-service of this Designe to the Commissioners of the Admiralty, and the Earle of Warwick, for their approbation, and the said Earl of Warwick is desired for the present to give Commissions and Instructions to the severall Sea-Officers so approved of according to the nature of their severall Imployments.

Forces for Expedition to be disposed by Committee. Commanders.

11. That all the Forces that shall be raised by Land and Sea for this Expedition, shall be ordered and disposed by the said Committee, yet so as the said Land-Forces shall bee subject to the command and controll of the Lord Generall and the Lord Fairfax, and the Sea Forces subject to the command and controll of the Earle of Warwick, in such manner as shall most conduce to this present Expedition.

On Reduction of Newcastle, etc., all moneys lent to be repaid with interest.; Adventurers meanwhile to have 8 l. per Cent. Interest.

12. That when the said Towns of Newcastle, Sunderland, and Blith, and the parts adjacent, now under the power of the Earle of New-castle, shall be freed from that grievous oppression, and reduced under the Authority of King and Parliament, then it shall be lawfull for the said Committee to pay or cause to be paid to every Subscriber, for every twenty shillings which he shall have paid in for this service, one pound six shillings and eight pence in such manner as in the ensuing Article is exprest, and so after that rate for a greater sum: And for the further incouragement to this Designe, It is ordered and Ordained, That until the said towns of New-castle, Sunderland, Blith, and the said parts adjacent, be reduced, the Adventurers shall have Interest at 8 l. per Cent. for their principall Adventure.

Repayment to be made in order of Subscriptions.

13. That all such persons as within London, or within five miles thereof, shall subscribe and pay in a third part of the sum subscribed within ten dayes after these Propositions shall be agreed upon by both Houses of Parliament, and another third part within twenty-eight dayes after such Subscription, and the last third part within fifty six dayes after such subscription. And all such persons as in any other Port, City, or Town, shall subscribe and pay in a third part of the sum subscribed, to such persons as shall be appointed by the said Committee to receive the said Subscriptions and Moneys, within ten dayes after these Propositions shall be delivered to the head Officers or headOfficer of such Port, City, or Town, and shall pay in the other two parts as aforesaid, shall be repaid their Moneys, together with their proceed by equall proportions: And all such persons as shall subscribe after the said space of ten dayes, and pay in their Moneys as aforesaid, shall be paid in such order as they shall subscribe.