June 1657: An Act for the preventing the multiplicity of Buildings in and about the Suburbs of London, and within ten miles of the same.

Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'June 1657: An Act for the preventing the multiplicity of Buildings in and about the Suburbs of London, and within ten miles of the same.', in Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660, ed. C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/acts-ordinances-interregnum/pp1223-1234 [accessed 14 March 2025].

'June 1657: An Act for the preventing the multiplicity of Buildings in and about the Suburbs of London, and within ten miles of the same.', in Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Edited by C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/acts-ordinances-interregnum/pp1223-1234.

"June 1657: An Act for the preventing the multiplicity of Buildings in and about the Suburbs of London, and within ten miles of the same.". Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Ed. C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/acts-ordinances-interregnum/pp1223-1234.

June, 1657.

[26 June, 1657.]

Annoyance by Buildings.; Fines for Houses built on new Foundations, within ten miles of the Walls of London, since the 25 of March, 1620.; Fine.

Whereas the great and excessive number of Houses, Edifices, Out-houses and Cotages erected and new built in and about the Suburbs of the City of London, and the parts thereunto adjoyning, is found to be very mischievous and inconvenient, and a great Annoyance and Nusance to the Common-wealth: And whereas, notwithstanding divers Prohibitions heretofore had and made to the contrary, yet the said growing Evil is of late so much multiplyed and increasing that there is a necessity of taking some further and speedy Course for the redress thereof: And whereas by the Law the said Houses and Nusances ought to be abated, and the Builders, Occupiers, Continuers and Tenants thereof ought to make Fines for the same; so that if the severity of the Law should be inflicted in such Cases, it would tend to the undoing of divers persons who have laid out all, or a great part of their Estates in such new Buildings: For the Reformation therefore of the aforesaid Mischief and Nusance for the present, and the prevention of the like for the future, and for the avoiding of Suits, Presentments and Indictments which are, and may otherwise be brought and had against such Builders, Owners, and Tenants of the aforesaid Houses, Edifices, Out-houses, and Cotages so Built and continued as aforesaid; Be it Enacted and Ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector and this present Parliament, and by the Authority thereof, That for every Dwelling-house, Out-house, or any other Building Erected, Built, and Continued upon any New Foundation within the Suburbs of the said City of London, or in any other place or places within Ten Miles of the Walls of the said City, since the Twenty fifth day of March, in the year of Our Lord, One thousand six hundred and twenty, and not having four Acres of Land at least, according to the Statute or Ordinance De Terris mensurandis, being his or her Freehold and Inheritance that have so built, continuyall therewith used, occupied, and enjoyed, there shall be paid unto his Highness the Lord Protector, or to his Successors for the use of the Commonwealth, one Years Rent or Years Value, at the full and improved Yearly Value of every such Dwelling-house, Out house, and other Building; Which said Improved Value or Rent, shall be paid by the immediate Tenant or Tenants, Occupier or Occupiers of such Houses at a Rack-Rent, and he or they to be reimbursed the same out of the Rents or Profits of such Houses, any Covenant, Promise, Contract or Security made or given by such Tenants or Occupiers to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

Fine apportioned for houses not held at a rack-Rent.; Times of payment of the Fines.

And in case the said Houses are not held at a Rack-rent, then the said years Rent or Value shall be divided and severally assessed upon, and paid by the Owners and Tenants thereof in such proportion as to the Commissioners to be appointed for that purpose, or any three or more of them shall seem meet, alwaies having due regard to the quantity, quality and value of the several and respective interests and Estates therein, whose Determination and Settlement thereof shall be a full and final Conclusion to the said immediate Tenant or Tenants and Proprietors, and to all parties therein concerned, which said years balance or profit shall be paid in full satisfaction and Discharge of all and every such Fine or Fines, Forfeiture or Forfeitures, Penalty or Penalties, as such person or persons, Tenant or Tenants were or are lyable to lose or pay for the building or continuing of such Houses, and such Builders, Owners, Tenants and Continuers thereof, and every of them, from and after such payment, by the authority aforesaid, shall be for ever hereafter acquitted, exonerated and discharged of and from such Fine, Penalty, or Forfeiture; Which said years Rent or Value shall be paid in manner and form following; (That is to say) one moyety upon the Nine and twentieth day of September, One thousand six hundred fifty seven, or within three moneths after the setting of the said Fine, and the other moyety upon the Twenty fifth day of March then next following, or within six moneths after the setting of the said Fine.

Commission.; Powers.; Certificates.; Tenants, Occupiers and Owners to give information.; The Commissioners to apportion the Sums.; To be recorded in the Court of Exchequer.; Summons.; Commissioners to issue Warrants to the Receiver for Salaries and contingent charges.; Houses not certified.; Power to fine persons refusing to appear and discover.; Sheriffs to return Juries, &c.; Certificates to be made into the Court of Exchequer.; One to the High Sheriff.; Power to levie the sums Assessed, and Fines

And to the intent that the said years Rent may be Assessed, Levyed, and raised Proportionably and Indifferently upon every Owner, Tenant, and Under-tenant respectively, of every such Dwelling-house, Out-house and new Building, according to their several Estates and Interests therein, and for the better discovery of the said new built Houses and Edifices, and for the more speedy levying of the aforesaid Values and Rents of the said respective Houses and Edifices so Built and Continued as aforesaid; Be it Enacted and Ordained by the authority aforesaid, That a Commission shall be made and directed by the Commissioners of the Great Seal of England, unto such fit persons as his Highness the Lord Protector shall nominate, not exceeding the Number of Fifteen; And likewise to a fit person to be a Receiver of such moneys as shall be assessed by vertue of this Act, and to Three able and fit persons to be Registers to do as it shall be hereafter in this Act directed and appointed: And the Commissioners so constituted, or any three or more of them are hereby required, on or by the First day of July, 1657, to direct their several or joynt precept or precepts to such Inhabitants, Constables, sub - Constables, Bayliffs, Tythingmen, and other like Officers of the respective Parishes, Places, and Counties within the Suburbs of the City of London, and within ten miles of the aforesaid City of London, or to so many of them, or such other person or persons as they shall think fitting, requiring them and every of them to make Certificates fairly written of the several Houses, Edifices, Out-houses, and Cotages within the respective Parishes, Tythings, and Places, in which they dwell or are appointed to inquire, as have been built and continued since the Five and twentieth day of March, in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred and twenty, not having four Acres of Land belonging to them as aforesaid, and of the true yearly improved Value thereof, and the names of such as Built the same, and in whose Possession, Occupation, and Tenure they now are, and what Estate they have therein, and who are Owners of the Inheritance thereof, and of the Place of their respective Habitations and Possessions; of which said Warrants and the Contents thereof, they shall leave notice in writing at the Dwelling Place, with the Owner or Occupier of every Dwelling House in the respective Parishes within the Counties and Places aforesaid: And the Tenants, Occupiers, and Owners of the said Houses are hereby required, at some convenient place by the said Persons, therein imployed, appointed for their meeting, to certifie and inform the said persons accordingly; Which said Certificates they the said persons so imployed, shall deliver to the Commissioners, or any three or more of them, who shall cause the said Certificates so returned to be filed by the Register or Registers, and upon consideration thereof by them had, equally impose and ascertain the respective summe or summes to be charged [upon the Tenant, Owner, or Occupier of such new erected Buildings, Out-houses, or Edifices respectively; Which said summe or summes so charged] and ascertained, shall be fairly written and entred in a Book to be provided for that purpose by the Register or Registers to be appointed as aforesaid, and a Transcript thereof fairly written in Parchment, shall be by him and them Delivered in to the Barons of his Highness Court of Exchequer, in the same Court to be filed and remain upon Record; And the Commissioners, or any three or more of them, after such Entry and Transcript made and Recorded as aforesaid, shall issue out Warrants under their Hands and Seal, to such person and persons as they or any three or more of them shall appoint, to summon the particular Tenants, Owners and Occupiers so charged, to pay in the several and respective Sums assessed upon them, to the Receiver authorized and appointed as aforesaid, upon such Day and Dayes as the Com missioners or any three or more of them shall appoint, according to the times in this Act limited. And the said Commissioners or any three or more of them, shall have power to issue out their Warrant or Warrants, under their Hands and Seals, unto the said Receiver, to pay unto the said Commissioners and every of them, all such Sum and Sums of Money as shall grow due unto them from time to time for their Salaries, according to the Allowances and Limitations in this Act hereafter prescribed, as also all other Sum and Sums of Money as shall grow due for the Salaries of the Receiver, Register, or any the Officers imployed in the Execution of this Act; And for all other contingent Charges expended in the necessary carrying on of the Service; And the said Receiver is hereby authorized, upon the Receipt of the said Warrant or Warrants to issue and pay out the said respective Sums accordingly, and the remainder of all the several Sums of Money by him received, he the said Receiver shall, and is hereby required to pay the same within seven dayes after the Receipt thereof (into his custody into the Receipt of his Highness Exchequer; And in case the said Commissioners, or any three or more of them, in their several and respective Limits, shall have information, knowledge, or just cause of suspicion, that any Houses, Edifices, Out-houses or Cotages so new built or continued as aforesaid, are omitted or left out of the Certificates so to be delivered to them as aforesaid, or that any such Houses comprized in the said Certificates are undervalued, or the Names of the Owners or Tenants thereof, or Estates therein concealed, That then the said Commissioners, or any three or more of them (after discovery thereof, either by Inquiry by Jury; or by examination of any Witnesses upon Oath or otherwise; Which said Oath the said Commissioners or any three or more of them, are hereby Impowred to administer and give to the said Jury and Witnesses) shall insert the number of such Houses and Edifices and the Names of the Owners and Tenants thereof, and their Estates therein, with the places of their Habitation and Possession so omitted in the said Certificates, and rate such Houses and Edifices as shall be so undervalued, or were omitted therein, at the true yearly Value or Rack-rent thereof, and shall have power to send for such person or persons as they shall conceive requisite to inform them in the Premises as aforesaid; And in case of refusal of any person or persons to appear before them, or to discover the truth in the premises upon Oath or otherwise as aforesaid, they shall and have power hereby given them to Fine such person or persons, so as the Fine to be imposed on any such person exceed not the sum of Ten pounds for every such offence: And all Sheriffs, under-Sheriffs and other their Officers, are hereby required to be aiding, assisting, and attending on the said Commissioners, or any of them, for the returning of the Juries or otherwise, in the execution of this Act; and after such Certificates so made and rectified by them as aforesaid the said Commissioners, or any three or more of them are hereby required to make two true Copies or parts thereof, Fairly written in Parchment under their Hands and Seals, and forthwith to certifie one part thereof with the aforesaid Fines and Forfeitures so to be imposed, into his Highness Court of Exchequer, to the intent that the same may be and remain a charge there against the said Sheriffs; As also for the Levying of all such Sums of Money that cannot be Collected by the said Collectors in manner aforesaid, and the other part thereof to deliver forthwith unto the High Sheriffs of the respective Counties where such Houses or Edifices stand; And if any person or persons shall upon demand, refuse or neglect to pay the respective Sums of Money and Values, Forfeitures or Fines so assest and set upon him or them for his or their respective Houses, Out-Houses, or Edifices, or for his or their default, or upon his or their respective Houses, Out-houses, or Edifices, That then it shall and may be lawfull to and for such Receiver or his sufficient Deputy or Deputies, for non-payment thereof, to levy the same by distress of the Goods and Chattels of the person or persons so refusing or neglecting; And the Distress so taken, to carry, lead or drive away, and the same to keep by the space of six dayes at the costs and charges of the Owner thereof; And if the said Owners do not pay the said sum of Money so Assest upon him, and due by this Act as aforesaid, within the said six dayes, That then the same Distress shall be apprized by three or two of the Inhabitants, where such Distress is taken, and then shall be sold by the said Collector or Collectors, for the payment of the said Money so Due and Assest as aforesaid, and the overplus coming by the sale (if any be) ever and above the charge of keeping the said Distress to be immediately restored to the Owner thereof.

For want of distress the person to be committed.; For every building not certified within six moneths, two whole years rent shall be paid.; One third part to the Informer

And be it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any person or persons shall neglect to pay such years Rent or Value, Rate, Fine, Forfeiture, or Proportion, or any part thereof, as is appointed or assessed for him or her to pay, by and according to the tenor and true meaning of this Act, after demand to be made to such person or persons, or in his or her absence at the house or other most usual place of his or her abode or resort, and no sufficient distress can or may be found to levy the same, That then it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Commissionerst or any three or more of them, by their Warrant or Warrants under, their Hands and Seals directed to the Constables, Tythingmen, or other chief Officer or Officers of the Place where such person or persons making default dwells, to require them to apprehend such person or persons so making default as aforesaid, and to carry him or them to the common Goal of the said County, there to lye without Bail or Mainprize, until they have satisfied and paid the said respective sums so assest on him or them, with the Costs and Charges of such Constable or other Officer or Officers sustained in the apprehending and commitment of such person or persons. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That for every Dwelling-house, and out-house, or other Building Erected and Continued as aforesaid, whereof no Return or Certificate is or shall be made in manner aforesaid within six Moneths, from and after the four and twentieth of June, One thousand six hundred fifty seven, unto the said Commissioners, or to the said Parties so Authorized as aforesaid, by the Tenants, Owners, or Occupiers, or by the Guardian of every Infant, Owner, or Tenant of such Houses as aforesaid, there shall be paid and forfeited unto His Highness the Lord Protector and His Successours, for the benefit of the Commonwealth, two whole years Rent, or years Value, of every such Dwelling-house, Out-house, or Building, according to the true Value and improved Rent thereof, to be recovered in His Highness Court of Exchequer, against the Owner, Tenant or Tenants jointly or severally, of every such Dwelling-house, Outhouse, or other Building, according to his and their several and respective Estates, Interest, and Proportion, by any person or persons that will sue for the same, by Bill, Informations, or Action of Debt, wherein no Essoign, Protection, Wager of Law, Composition or License to Compound shall be allowed, one third part to be to the Informer, or person so suing, and the Residue to His Highness the Lord Protector and his Successours, for the use of the Commonwealth.

Persons paying the sums assessed shall be discharged.

And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that all and every Owner and Occupier of any the Houses, Edifices, Out-houses and Cotages, so already built and continued as aforesaid, or by this Act allowed to be built, their Heirs, Executors, Administrators and Assigns, and all and every other person or persons, Bodies Politique and Corporate, which now have, or hereafter shall have any Right, Title or Interest, of, in, or to the said Houses, Edifices, Out-houses and Cotages, shall from and after the payment and satisfaction of such Fines and Fine, so to be set and imposed as aforesaid, be for ever acquitted and discharged of and from all Penalties, Forfeitures, Suits, Informations, Indictments, Prosecutions and Molestations whatsoever, by, for, or in behalf of the Commonwealth, of, for, or concerning onely the Building or continuing the said Houses, Edifices, Out-houses and Cotages; And that the said Houses, Edifices, Outhouses and Cotages, onely as to the Building and continuing thereof, shall not be (after payment as aforesaid) adjudged publique or common Nusances, nor be subject, or be liable to be demolished or abated as such; Any Law, Statute, or Custome, to the contrary notwithstanding.


And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that there shall be allowed in every pound of the monies Collected as aforesaid, the sum of six pence to the Commissioners, Registers, Receiver, and their Deputies, Clerks, and others imployed in this service, to be paid according to these proportions following, (that is to say) to the Commissioners for their Salaries, the sum of three pence, to the three Registers for discharge of their Salaries, the sum of one penny, to the Receiver in discharge of his Salaries and pains, and the Salary and pains of such Deputy or Deputies, as he shall have occasion to imploy in this service, by the approbation of the Commissioners, or any three or more of them, the sum of one half penny, and to the Clerks which shall be assistant to the Registers and other Officers imployed by the Commissioners in this service, and for all other Contingent charges, the sum of three half pence, which said Salaries shall be divided, and proportioned by the order and direction of the Commissioners, or any three or more of them.

Receiver to put in Security.

Provided alwaies, That the Receivor, before he take upon him the execution of his said Office, shall put in security to his Highness the Lord Protector, before the Barons of the Exchequer, for the faithfull execution of his trust therein.

And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that the Commissioners hereby Authorized as aforesaid, shall within six daies after the Receipt of the aforesaid Commission to them directed, meet together in some convenient place, and then and there agree to divide themselves, into several Limits and Divisions, and of the manner of notice to be given, to the aforesaid Owners and Tenants and how to put this Act and the Authorities and Powers aforesaid in present execution.

In actions to be brought for any thing done by vertue hereof the general issue may be pleaded.

And it is further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that if any Action, or Actions shall, at any time hereafter, be sued for and brought against any Commissioner, or Commissioners, or against any Officer or Officers, Minister or Ministers, Person or Persons, for any thing that he or they shall act or do, or cause to be done by vertue of, and according to this Act, that then every such Person or Persons so sued, shall plead the general issue, and give this Act in evidence, and if Judgement be given for such Defendant or Defendants, that then in every such case the Defendant or Defendants so sued, shall have and recover against the Plaintiff double Costs; Any Law to the contrary notwithstanding.

Penalty for building on new foundations after the 29. of September 1657.

And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every person and persons, which from and after the nine and twentieth day of September, One thousand six hundred fifty seven, shall erect or new build any Dwelling house, Out-house, or Cotage, for habitation, in and upon any Lands or Tenements upon a new foundation, and shall not assign or lay four Acres of Ground, as aforesaid, at the least to every such House or Cotage, so to be erected or built, in the Suburbs of the City of London, or within ten miles of the said City, shall forfeit, lose and pay to His Highness the Lord Protector and his Successors, the full and entire sum of One hundred pounds of Lawfull English money for every such Offence, and to and for the use of the Commonwealth; and every person that shall uphold and continue any such new erected House, shall forfeit to His Highness the Lord Protector and his Successors, for the use and benefit of the Poor of the Parish where such Offence shall be committed, the Sum of Twenty pounds for every Moneth, that any such House shall be upheld and continued, to be recovered by Action of Debt in any of his Highness Courts of Record within this Commonwealth, wherein no Essoign, Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed.

All houses hereafter shall be built with brick or stone.; Forfeiture.; Not to extend to Churches, Chappels, Hospitals or Almes-houses

And for the prevention of the burning and firing of Houses, and the preservation and saving of Timber for the future, Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that all and all manner of Houses, Edifices and Cotages hereafter to be built within the Cities of London and Westminster, or the Liberties and Suburbs thereof, or within the Burrough of Southwark, upon any old or new foundation, shall be built with Brick or Stone, or both, and straight up, without butting or jetting out into the Street, Lane or place, where such Houses, Edifices, or Cotages, shall be built; And that every person and persons, that shall hereafter build or erect any House, Edifice, Out-house, or Cotage, within the said Cities of London and Westminster, or the Liberties and Suburbs thereof, or within the Burough of Southwark, and doth not build the same with Brick or Stone or both, as aforesaid, straight up without Jetting or butting out, as aforesaid, every such person shall forfeit, lose and pay to His Highness the Lord Protector and his Successors, the full and entire sum of One hundred pounds of Lawfull money for every such offence, to be recovered by action of debt, in any of his Highness Courts of Record, within this Commonwealth, wherein no Essoign, Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed. Provided alwaies, that nothing herein conteyned shall extend to any Churches, Chappels, Hospitals, or Almes-houses, erected or built since the said five and twentieth day of March, in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred and twenty, or which hereafter shall be built, anything herein conteyned to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.

Action to be brought within a year after the offence.

Provided that every Action to be brought against any person or persons, for any offence within this Act, shall be brought and commenced within one year, from and after such offence committed and not otherwise.

Interest bought from the State.

Provided that this Act shall not extend to fine any person for his interest bought from the State, in such Houses as have been built since One thousand six hundred and twenty, upon Kings, Queens, Princes Lands, or upon Bishops Lands, or Deans and Chapters Lands, or Delinquents Lands, as have been Surveyed, and sold by Authority of Parliament, but that they shall stand and remain and receive the same benefit and advantages, as the rest within this Act, so as this Proviso shall not extend to free any Houses built upon the Lands aforesaid since the purchase thereof, nor to the Interest or Estate in such Houses of any person who bought not nor derives the same from the Commonwealth.

Proviso for the Earl of Bedford.

Provided alwaies, and be it Enacted, That in regard of the great charges that Francis late Earl of Bedford hath been at, in building a Church in Covent Garden in the County of Middlesex, and in the Endowments of the same Church, and other publique charges, in and about the Parish of Covent Garden aforesaid, there be abated unto William Earl of Bedford, John Russel, and Edward Russel Esqs; Sons of the said Francis late Earl of Bedford, out of the Fines which shall be payable by them by force of this Act, in respect of the buildings in the said Parish of Covent Garden, the sum of seven thousand pounds, the same Abatements to be made unto them by the said Commissioners proportionably, accordingly as they shall be severally Chargeable by this Act, any thing to the contrary thereof, in any wise notwithstanding

Lands bought of Sir John Barksteds Regiment.

Provided alwaies, That this Act, or any thing therein conteyned, shall not extend to any Cotage, House or Building, that shall hereafter be built in or upon two hundred and fifty acres, of Meadow ground lying next unto the River of Thames, by the States Dock and Yard, at Deptford, purchased of Sir John Barksted and his Regiment, by Robert Stanton, Samuel Moyer, Charls Harris, and others, upon encouragement for the making therein Harbours and Moulds for the Riding of three Hundred Sail of Ships, without the use of Anchor or Cable, and wherein many Conveniences shall be made for the building, Carening, and repairing many Ships together, towards which much hath been expended already in digging one of the Moulds and Cuts towards the others, and Contracts made for Provisions and workmanship to a great value. So as such Harbours and Moulds, be finished before the first day of July, which shall be in the year One thousand six hundred sixty and seven, and not otherwise; and so as the undertaking of this work be approved of by His Highness the Lord Protector and the Council, so as the said undertakers do within one moneth after the erecting of the said several and respective Houses or Buildings, satisfie and pay unto His Highness the Lord Protector and his Successours, one full years value of all and every the said Houses so to be built.

Proviso for houses erected with the Poor stock by the Governours of several Hospitals in London and Southwark.

Provided also, That nothing conteyned in this Act, shall be extended to charge either the Governours of Christs-Hospital, St. Bartholomews-Hospital, Bridewel, Thomas, and Bethlehem Hospital, in the City of London, and Burrough of Southwark, for any Houses erected by them within the time aforesaid with the Poors stock, and which are for the immediate use and relief of the Poor of the same Hospitals.

Proviso for James Cooper and Robert Henley Esqs.

Provided alwaies, That whereas there is an agreement or contract made between the society of Lincolns-Inne, and James Cooper and Robert Henley, Esqs; and other Owners of certain parcels of Ground in the Fields, commonly called Lincolns-Inne-Fields, for the erecting and finishing certain Houses and new Buildings on three sides of the said Fields, and for the conveying and assuring the rest and residue of the said Fields unto the said Society, and for laying of the same into walks, for common use and benefit, whereby the great Annoyances which formerly have been to the said Fields, will be taken away, and Passengers there for the future better secured; This Act or any thing therein conteyned, shall not extend, or be construed to extend, to any Houses which shall at any time before the first day of October, in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred and fifty nine, be built by the said James Cooper, Robert Henley, or other the respective Owners of the said parcels of Ground, their Heirs and Assigns, in pursuance and according to the said Contract or Agreement, so as the said James Cooper, Robert Henley, and other the Owners aforesaid, their Heirs or Assigns, do, within one moneth after the Erecting of the said several and respective Houses or Buildings, satisfie and pay unto His Highness the Lord Protector and his Successors, one full years value of all and every the said Houses so to be built, and in so doing, the said Owners, their Heirs and Assigns shall have the same benefit and advantage of this Act, as if the said Houses were already built, any Law or Statute to the contrary notwithstanding.

Proviso for Francis Finch Esq.

Provided also, that this Act, or anything therein contained, shall not extend to any Houses or Buildings, which shall at any time before the First day of October, in the year of Our Lord, One thousand six hundred fifty and nine, be built by Francis Finch Esq; his Heirs or Assigns, on his parcel of ground in Lincolns Inne-Fields, in the County of Middlesex aforesaid, so as the said Francis Finch, his Heirs or Assigns, do within one moneth after the erecting of the said several and respective Houses or Buildings satisfie and pay unto His Highness the Lord Protector and His Successors, one full years value of all and every the said houses so to be built, and so as neither the said Francis Finch, his Heirs nor Assigns, shall build upon any part of those Fields, which by Contract between the Society of Lincolns-Inn, and Robert Henley Esq; James Cowper Esq; and others are agreed to be left open and laid into walks, for common use and benefit; And in so doing the said Francis Finch, his Heirs and Assigns shall have the same Benefit and Advantage of this Act, as if the said Houses or Buildings were already built; any Law or Statute to the contrary notwithstanding.

St. Olaves in Southwark.

Provided, That this Act shall not extend to charge the Interest and Estate of the Governours of the Free-School in St. Olaves Parish in Southwark, or of the poor of the said Parish, for any Houses built, or hereafter to be built, upon Horsey-Down for the use of the said Poor, before the four and twentieth of June, One thousand six hundred fifty and nine, but shall extend to charge the several Tenants of the said Houses and Buildings, for their Estates and Interests respectively.


Provided alwaies, and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that it shall and may be lawfull for Sir John Barsted Knight, who did, in the year of Our Lord God, One thousand six hundred fourty seven, purchase of the Trustees for sale of Bishops Lands, the reversion of one Messuage, with the appurtenances, situate in Shoe-lane, in the Parish of Andrews Holborn, within the Suburbs of the City of London, called Bangor-house, after a Term for years yet unexpired, with some waste Ground thereunto belonging, conteining in length One hundred sixty eight Foot of Assize, and in breadth, from East to West, One hundred sixty four Foot of Assize, be the same more or less, with a purpose to build thereupon at the expiration of the said Lease, the Building thereupon being the chief advantage he expected to make by the said Purchase, and in that respect, having given much more than otherwise he would have done, The said Place being at present, both dangerous, and noysome to the Passengers and Inhabitants near adjoyning, to Erect and new Build such Messuages, Tenements, and Houses thereupon, as he shall think fit. The said Sir John Barksted, his Heirs or Assigns, paying for so much of the said Buildings, as shall be Erected upon new Foundations, unto the Receipt of the Exchequer of his Highness the Lord Protector and his Successors, to the use of his Highness and his Successors, within two moneths after such Building or Buildings Erected, One years value at an improved and full Rent.

Buildings in the Minorites.

Provided alwaies, That this Act, or anything therein conteined shall not hinder or be any Impediment, but the President and Governours of the Corporation for the Poor of the City of London, and Liberties thereof, shall or may have liberty to improve a small parcel of Ground lying within the Walls of the Workhouse, in the Minorites without Aldgate London, belonging to the said Corporation, by Building, for the increase of the Revenue to be imployed for the Education of Poor Children, and Imploying and Relieving the Poor belonging to the said Corporation; any thing in this Act to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

Provided alwaies, And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, in respect of the great Charge which John Earl of Clare hath been at in erecting several new Buildings upon His Inheritance in Clements Inn Fields, in the Parish of Clements Danes, in the County of Middlesex, usefull for an open and free Market, That from henceforth for ever hereafter, on every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, in every week, there shall be a common, open and free Market held in Clements-Inn Fields aforesaid, where the said Buildings usefull for a Market are erected, and in the places near thereunto adjoining; And to enjoy all Liberties, Customs, Advantages, and Emoluments, incident usually, and of right belonging and appertaining to Markets.

Interest of Mariners, Ship-carpenters or Calkers exempted.

Provided, That this Act or any thing therein conteyned shall not extend to the Imposing or Levying of any Fine or Penalty upon any House or Cotage below London-Bridge, and within two Furlongs of the River of Thames, which is the proper Interest of any Mariner, Ship-carpenter or Calker, whilst they or any of them, their Wives, Widowes, or Families, shall Dwell and Inhabit within the same, or whilst such Cotage or House shall remain untenanted: But that the said Houses and Cotages, and every of them, for and in respect of the Right and Interest of the said Mariners, Shipcarpenters, or Calkers, their Wives or Widows, or any of them, whilst they retain and Inhabit the same, shall be freed and discharged from all Fines and Penalties by this Act Imposed, or to be imposed, so as nothing in this Proviso extend to the benefit of any other Person or Persons, save such Mariners, Ship-carpenters, and Calkers, their Wives and Widows.

Ground in Stanhop Street.

Provided alwaies, That whereas Edward Hall, John Hall, John Kizlingberry, Henry Sherborn, Roger Adey, Richard Tippin, John Philips, and Mary Thomson Widow, have taken several Leases for one and fourty Years, of a certain parcel of Ground in Stanhop Street, along a dead Wall, from the end of Black-Moor Street to May-pole Lane, in the Parish of Clement-Danes in the County of Middlesex, containing in front in the said Street Two hundred and six Foot, and in depth about sixty Foot, who in their said Leases bind themselves to build upon the said Ground substantial and strong Brick-houses, which will remove many Annoyances there, and make that place more secure for Passengers, and have therefore disbursed great sums of Money, This Act or anything therein conteyned shall not extend or be construed to extend to any Houses which shall fall at time before the first day of October, in the Year of our Lord, One thousand six hundred fifty eight, be built by the said Edward Hall, John Hall, John Kizlingbury, Henry Sherborn, Roger Adey, Richard Tippin, John Phillips, and Mary Thomson, the respective Owners of the said parcel of Ground, so as the said Edward Hall, John Hall, John Kizlingbury, Henry Sherborn, Roger Aday, Richard Tippin, John Philips, and Mary Thomson, the Owners aforesaid, their Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, do within one moneth after the erecting of the said several and respective houses or Buildings, satisfie and pay unto His Highness the Lord Protector, or his Successors, one full years value of all and every the said Houses so to be built, and in so doing, the said Owners shall have the same benefit and Advantage of this Act, as if the said Houses were already built; any Law or Statute to the contrary notwithstanding.