Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.
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'March 1643: An Ordinance for sequestring notorious Delinquents Estates.', in Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660, ed. C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'March 1643: An Ordinance for sequestring notorious Delinquents Estates.', in Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Edited by C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"March 1643: An Ordinance for sequestring notorious Delinquents Estates.". Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Ed. C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
March 1643
[27 March, 1643.]
The Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, taking into their serious considerations the heavy pressures and calamities which now lye upon this Kingdom by this unnaturall warre raised against the Parliament; and that notwithstanding all their faithfull and uncessant Endeavours, for the preserving of His Majesty, and the whole Kingdome from the mischievous and restlesse designes of Papists and ill affected persons (whose aym is the extirpation of our Religion, Laws, and Liberties.) Yet their Councells and practises are still so prevalent with His Majesty and the hearts of many people so misled and beguiled by their false pretences and insinuations, that nothing can be expected, but ruine and desolation unlesse God in mercy prevent it, and incline His Majesties heart to the faithfull advice of His great Councell of Parliament; which hath ever been, and is (under God) the cheif support of His Royall Dignity and the security of all that we have or can enjoy. And for that it is most agreeable to common Justice, that the estates of such notorious Delinquents, as have been the causers or Instruments of the publike calamities, which have been hitherto imployed to the fomenting and nourishing of these miserable Distractions, should be converted and applyed towards the supportation of the great charges of the Common-wealth, and for the easing of the good Subjects therein, who have hitherto borne the greatest share in these Burthens.
Persons whose Estates shall be sequestred.; Powers of Sequestrators and Committees; Power to enter and receive Rents, etc.; Tenants paying to be discharged.; And saved harmless.
Be it therefore Ordained by the said Lords and Commons, That the Estates as well reall, as personall of the severall Bishops hereafter mentioned, That is to say, of William Archbishop of Canterbury, John Archbishop of York, Thomas Bishop of Duresme, Robert Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, Joseph Bishop of Norwich, John Bishop of Asaph, Robert Bishop of Oxford, William Bishop of Bath and Wells, George Bishop of Hereford, Mathew Bishop of Ely, Godfrey, Bishop of Gloucester, John Bishop of Peterburough, Morgan Bishop of Landaff, John Bishop of Worcester. And of all such Bishops, Deans, Deans and Chapters, Prebends Archdeacons, and of all other person and persons, Ecclesiasticall or Temporall as have raised or shall raise Arms against the Parliament or have been, are or shall be in actuall warre against the same; or have voluntarily contributed, or shall voluntarily contribute not being under the power of any part of the Kings Army at the time of such contributing, any Money, Horse, Plate, Arms, Munition, or other Ayd or Assistance, for, or towards the maintenance of any forces raised against the Parliament, or for the opposing of any force or power raised by authority of both Houses of Parliament; or for the robbing spoyling plundering, or destroying of any of the Kings Subjects, who have willingly contributed or yeilded obedience to the Commands of both Houses of Parliament; and of all such as have joyned or shall joyn in any Oath, or Act of Association against the Parliament; or have imposed, or shall impose any Taxe or assessment upon His Majesties Subjects, for or towards the maintenance of any forces against the Parliament; or have, or shall use any force, or power to levy the same, shall be forthwith seized and sequestred into the hands of the Sequestrators, and Committees hereafter in this Ordinance named; and of such other persons as shall at any other time hereafter be appointed and nominated by both Houses of Parliament, for any County, City, or place within the Realm of England, or Dominion of Wales: Which said Sequestrators and Committees or any two or more of them in each severall County, City or place respectively are hereby authorized, and required, by themselves, their Agents and Deputies, to take and seize into their hands and custodies, as well all the Money, Goods, Chattels, Debts, and personall Estate; as also all and every the Mannors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, Rents, Arrerages of Rents, Revenues, and profits of all and every the said Delinquents, or persons before specified, or which they, or any of them, or any other in trust for them, or any of them or to their, or any of their use or uses, have, hath, or shall have; and also two parts of all the Money, Goods, Chattels, Debts, and personall Estate; and two parts of all and every the Mannors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, Rents, Arrerages of Rents, Revenues, and profits of all and every Papist, or which any other person hath in trust for any Papists, or to the use or uses of any Papists, and to let, set, and demise the same, or any part thereof, as the respective Land-Lord or owner thereof, may or might have done from year to year: And shall have power to call before them, or any two of them, all Stewards, Bailiffs, Rent-gatherers Auditors, or other Officers, or servants, as well of the said Archbishops, Bishops, Deans, Deans and Chapters, Prebends, Archdeacons, as of all and every other of the said Delinquents or persons before specified; and to send for, or take any Books, of Accompts, Rentalls, Coppies of Court Roll, or other Evidences, Writings, or Memorialls touching the premisses or any of them and thereby, and by all other wayes and means which to the said severall Delinquents and every of them as of of them shall seem meet and necessary to imform themselves, as well of the said severall Delinquents and every of them as of their severall Estates, and possessions, Rents, Arrerages of Rents, Revenues, and profits, Goods, and Chattels, Estates reall, and personall, and the true value thereof, and of all things concerning the same, or any part thereof; and to appoint any officer or officers, or other person or persons under them, for the better expediting of this service: Which said persons are hereby authorized and enjoyned to perform and execute all and every the Commands of the said Sequestrators, or Committees or any two or more of them respectively, in, and concerning the premisses; and shall have such allowances for their pains and charges in that behalf as the said Sequestrators, or Committees, or any two or more of them shall think fit. And the said Sequestrators, or Committees, or any two or more of them respectively, their Agents, and Deputies, within their severall Limits, shall have power, and are hereby authorized and required to enter into all and every such Mannors, Messuages, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, of all and every the said Delinquents, or persons before specified, and to receive such Rents, Arrerages of Rents, Herriots, Issues, Profits, Sums of Money, Debts, and other duties as aforesaid to them, or any of them, due or payable, by their, or any of their severall and respective Tenants or other person or persons: Which said Tenants and other persons, are hereby required to pay the same to the said Sequestrators or Committees, or any two or more of them accordingly, and not to, or to the use of the said Delinquents, or any of them; Yet so neverthelesse, That in respect of the hardnesse of the times and the great charges, which otherwise lye upon the said Tenants, and others by occasion of this present warre every such Tenant which shall pay to the said Sequestrators or Committees, or any two of them as aforesaid, shall upon their obedience and conformity to this Ordinance, be considered out of the said Rents, Revenues, and Profits, and shall be discharged of his whole Rent against his Land-Lord, or any other, to whom the same is due, being such Delinquents as aforesaid; and as well they the said Tenants, as every other person or persons, which shall pay any Rent, sum of Money, or other thing, according to this Ordinance, shall be protected and saved harmelesse from any forfeiture, penalty, or dammage, which he or they may incurre by not payment of his or their said Rent, sum of Money, or other thing according to his or their Lease, Coppy, or other agreement, by the power and authority of both Houses of Parliament.
Power to distrain on refusal to pay.
And if any such Tenant or Tenants, shall refuse to pay his or their Rent or Rents, The said Sequestrators or Committees, their Agents or Deputies, according to this Ordinance, at such times and places as the same shall become due and payable, the said Sequestrators, or any two or more of them by themselves, their Agents or Deputies shall have power to distrain for the same, and to take all other advantages for non-payment thereof, as the Land-Lord might have done.
To sue for debts owing to Delinquents, and give discharges.; Moneys received to be paid in to the Treasurers.;Assistance
And the said Sequestrators or any two or more of them, shall have power to sue for, and recover any debt summe of money, or other duty owing to the said Delinquents, or persons before specified, or any of them; As also to give discharges and acquittances for any rent, summe of money, debts, duty, or other thing which they shall receive out of the Estates of the said Delinquents or any of them; and shall be accomptable from time to time for the same, and for all such other things as shall be had or taken by them their Agents or Deputies; and for all their receipts and payments and other Acts, for, or in respect of the premisses to both Houses of Parliament, or to such as they shall appoint; and shall pay in, all such summes of Money as they or any of them shall receive out of the said Estates, unto the Treasurers at Guildhall London, and shall keep Books of accompts, and shall be from time to time subject to the further Orders and directions of both Houses of Parliament, for allowance to the said Delinquents, or otherwise as cause shall require, of all their receipts and payments. And the said Sequestrators or Committees or any two or more of them, their Agents and Deputies, shall have power to call to their Aid and Assistance the Trained Bands, Voluntiers, or other forces, of, or within their severall Counties, Cities, or places respectively, or any other person or persons, dwelling in or near the place, to compell obedience to this Ordinance, where any resistance shall be made, or as oft as need shall require. And shall have power to punish such person, or persons, as they shall find refractory, negligent or faulty in the said service, by fine and imprisonment, such fine not exceeding the summe of twenty pounds; or to certifie their names to the Committee of Lords and Commons, appointed for this service; who shall have power to send for them, or any of them, and to commit them to such prisons, and places, and for so long time as they shall think fit. And the said TrainedBands, Voluntiers, and other forces, their Commanders and Officers, and also the severall Constables, Headboroughs, and other Officers, and persons within their limits, are hereby required and enjoyned to be Ayding and Assisting to the said Sequestrators or any two or more of them, as oft as they shall be thereunto required.
To what uses the money shall be imployed.
And it is further Declared and ordained by the Lords and Commons, That all and every of the said summes, Rents, Revenues and profits, Estate, Reall and personall of all and every the said Delinquents or persons before specified shall be imployed to the use, and for the maintaining of the Army and Forces raised by the Parliament, and such other uses as shall be directed by both Houses of Parliament, for the benefit of the Common-wealth.
Allowances to Sequestrators and Committees; Indempnity.; Appeals.
Lastly, it is ordained, That all and every the said Sequestrators and Committees, shall have allowances for their necessary charges and pains in and about the premisses as they shall be allowed by both Houses of Parliament; And that aswell they, as all others who shall be employed in the said service, or shall do any thing in execution or performance of this Ordinance, shall be therein protected and saved harmlesse by the power and authority of both the said Houses. And if any person or persons shall find him or themselves agrieved with any Act done by the said Sequestrators, their Agents of Deputies, or any of them concerning the premisses and shall not therein be relieved by the said Sequestrators upon complaint made to them, or any two or more of them; then upon information thereof given to both Houses of Parliament, or to the said Committee of Lords and Commons before mentioned, such further order shall be taken therein, as shall be agreeable to justice.
Provided that where any former Ordinance hath been made by both houses of Parliament, for the seizing or sequestring of the estates of any of the Delinquents before specified within any Country, City, or place and accordingly executed there, this present Ordinance shall not be put in execution, till further order be taken by both Houses of Parliament.
Said Estates shall be liable to other publique charges, and duties.
Provided also, that all and every the said estates of the said Delinquents shall be chargeable and lyable for their proportionable part of such other publick charges or duties to be set or allowed of by both Houses of Parliament as they ought to pay, if this Ordinance had not been made; and to all such other Charges, Duties, Payments, or other Rights which are or shall be due, or payable, or of right belonging to any other person or persons out of the premisses, other then to such Delinquents as aforesaid, the same to be payed and disbursed by these Sequestrators, or any two of them respectively.
Cities and Townes, being Counties.
Provided also that where no Committees are named by this Ordinance, in any City or Towne, which is a Country of it self, there the Committees for the County at large next adjoyning may execute this Ordinance within every such City, or Town, till other Committees shall be named and appointed for the same by both Houses of Parliament. And that where no Committees are herein named for any County, City, or place, such other persons as shall hereafter be nominated by both Houses shall have the like power to execute this Ordinance within every such County, City or place, as the Committees by this present Ordinance named, have.
Colledges, Hospitals, Schools, etc.
Provided also and be it further Ordained, that all and singular such Revenues, Rents, Issues, Fees, profits, summes of money, and allowances whatsoever, as have heretofore been, and now ought to be paid, disposed unto, or for the maintenance of any Colledge or Hospitall whose Revenues or any part thereof have not been employed for maintenance of the War against the Parliament, Grammar-Schoole, or Schollers or for or towards the reparation of any Church, Chappell, High-way, Cawsey, Bridge, School-house, or other charitable use, payable by any the Corporations or persons whose estates are to be sequestred by this Ordinance, which are chargeable upon or ought to issue out of, or to be paid for or in respect of their Estates, Lands or Possessions, or any of them, other then such Delinquents as aforesaid, shall be, and continue to be paid, disposed, and allowed by the said Sequestrators or any two or more of them, as they were and have been heretofore. Any thing in this present Ordinance to the contrary thereof, in any wise notwithstanding.
For the County of Bedford Sir Beuchamp Saint John, Sir John Burgoyn Baronet, Sir Thomas Alston Knight and Baronet, Sir Roger Burgoyn Knight, Sir Oliver Luke Knight, Sir Samuel Luke Knight, Thomas Rolt, Thomas Sadler, James Beverley, Humphrey Monox, Edward Osborn, Robert Santon, and Samuel Brown Esquires.
For the town of Bedford the Major for the time being.
For the County of Berks, Sir Francis Pile Baronet, Sir Francis Knollis Juniour Knight, Peregrine Hobby, Henry Martin, Roger Knight, Henry Powle, Thomas Fettiplace and Tanfield Vachell Esquires.
For the County of Buckingham, Sir Richard Ingolesby Knight Henry Bulstrode, Thomas Terrall Richard Greenvill, Esquires; Sir Peter Temple Barronet, Sir Thomas Sanders Knight, Anthony Ratcliffe, Thomas Westall, Esquires, Sir William Andrews, Knight, Bulstrode Whitlock, John Hampden, Arthur Goodwin, Richard Winwood Esquires.
For the County of Cambridge, Sir Dudley North, Sir John Cuts, Sir Thomas Martin Knights, Captain Symonds, Dudley Pope Esquires, Sir Miles Sands Knight, Francis Russell, Oliver Cromwell, William Fisher, Thomas Thompson, Thomas Becket, Walter Clopton, Robert Castle, Thomas Bendish, John Welbore, Robert Clark, Michael Dalton Junior, Thomas Parker, Thomas Ducket, John Hobard, Thomas Castle, George Clapthorn, John Towers, Edward Leeds, and William Marsh Esquires.
For the Town and University of Cambridge, the Major for the time being, Oliver Cromwell Esquire, Joh. Lowry, Master William Welbore, Talbot Pepys Recorder John Sherwood, Samuel Spaulden, Thomas French, Robert Robson.
For the County of Chester, Sir George Booth, Knight and Baronet, Sir William Brereton Baronet. Thomas Stanley, Henry Manwaring, Henry Brook, John Bradshaw, Robert Duckenfield, Henry Vernon, John Crew, William Marbury Esquires.
For the City of Chester William Jaunce, Major, John Aldersey, Peter Leigh, William Edwards Merchants.
For the County of Cornwall, Sir Richard Carew Baronet, Francis Buller, Alexander Carew, John Trefusis, John Saint Aubin, Richard Erisey, John Moyl, Francis Godolphin of Tremnehue, Thomas Gewen, John Carter, Thomas Arundell, Esquires.
For the County of Devon, Sir George Chudleigh, Sir John Pool, Sir John Northcot, Baronets, Edmund Fowell Knight, Sir Samuell Roll, Sir Shilston Calmody, Sir Nicholas Martin, Knights; Sir Francis Drake Baronet, Robert Savery, Henry Walrond, Francis Rous, Edmund Prideaux, Henry Worth, Hugh Fortescue, Arthur Vpton, John Yeo, William Frye, George Trobridge, Esquires the Maior of Plimouth for the time being, Master John Waddon.
Exon city.
For the city of Exon, Christopher Clark Major, Richard Sanders, Thomas Crossing, Walter White and John Hakewill, Aldermen, Iames Gould Sheriff.
For the county of Cumberland William Lawson, William Briscoe. Thomas Lamplough, Richard Barwis, John Barwis senior, Esquires.
For the county of Derby, Sir John Curson Baronet, Sir John Gell Baronet, Sir John Coke Knight, Francis Revell, Nathaniel Hallowes, and James Abney, Esquires.
For the County of Dorset, Denzill Hollis, Sir Thomas Trenchard, Sir Walter Erle, Knights; John Brown, Thomas Tregonall, John Bingham, John Hanham, Iohn Trenchard, Dennis Bond, Richard Broderope, William Savadge, Robert Butler, William Sidenham iunior, Esquires, Richard Rose, John Henley, Thomas Ceely, Thomas Erle, Esquires.
For the town and county of Pool, Henry Martin Maior, George Skut, William Skut, Anthony Wait, William Williams, Aron Durell, Richard Mayer, and Haviland Heely, Aldermen.
For the Town of Dorchester, the Maior for the time being, Master John Hill, Master Richard Bury.
For the county of Durham, Henry Warmouth, George Lilborn, Thomas Mitford, Robert Hutton, Thomas Shadforth, Clement Falthrop, Richard Lilborn, Francis Wren, John Blackston, Henry Draper, John Brakenbury, Esquires.
For the County of Essex, Sir Thomas Barington, Knight and Baronet, Sir Henry Mildmay of Wansted, Sir Martin Lumly, Knight and Baronet, Sir Harbottle Grimston, Knight and Baronet, Sir Richard Everard Baronet, Sir William Hicks Baronet, Sir Thomas Cheek, Sir Henry Halcroft, Sir William Rowe. Sir Thomas Honywood, Sir William Martin, Sir John Barrington Knights, Sir William Massam Baronet, William Massam, John Wright, Oliver Raymond, Harbottle Grimston John Sayer, John Burket, Anthony Luther, Timothy Middleton, Thomas Coke, Deane Tyndall, James Herne, William Goldingham, John Atwood, John Sorrell, Richard Harbackenden, Henry Wiseman, Robert Smith, Robert Browne, William Atwood, Nathaniel Bacon, John Meade, Robert Wiseman, of Mayland, Isaac Allen, Haseley, Samuel Friborne, Peter Whitcombe, Robert Young, Jeremy Aylet, William Collard, Robert Crane, Robert Calthrop, Arthur Barnardiston, Esquires.
For Colchester the Maior for the time being, Harbottle Grimston, Henry Barrington, Gent.
East riding.
For the East-Riding of the County of York, Ferdinando, Lord Fairfax, Sir John Hotham Knight and Baronet, Sir William Strickland, Baronet: sir Philip Stapleton, Sir Thomas Rymington, Knights, Richard Rymington, John Hotham, John Anlabey, Richard Darley, Henry Darley, John Alured, Esquires.
North riding.
For the North-Riding, Ferdinando Lord Fairfax, Sir Hugh Cholmley, Sir Henry Foules, Sir Thomas Norcliffe, Sir Mathew Boynton Baronets, Sir William Sheffield Knight, John Hotham, Brian Stapleton, Henry Darley, Henry Anderson, John Wastall, Christopher Perchey, George Trotter, Mathew Smelt, John Legard de Malton, Francis Lassels, Geoffery Gate, John Dent, Thomas Robinson, Francis Bointon Christopher Waters, Esquires.
West riding.
For the West-Riding, Ferdinando Lord Fairfax, Sir Thomas Maleverer Baronet, Sir William Lister, Sir Edward Rodes, Sir William Fairfax, Sir John Savill, sir Thomas Fairfax Knights, John Hotham, Charles Fairfax, Henry Ardington, John Farrer, William White, Thomas Maleverer, George Marwood, John Robinson, Thomas Stockdale, Thomas Westby, John Bright, Thomas Bosevile, Godfrey Bosevile, Captain Edward Briggs, and John Ellis, Esquires.
York city.
For the City of Yorke, Sir Thomas Fairfax, and sir Thomas Widdrington, Knights, Thomas Hodgson, Iames Hutchinson, and John Vaux Aldermen, Sir William Allanson, Thomas Hoyles.
For the Town and County of Kingston upon Hull sir John Hotham Knight and Baronet, Thomas Raikes Maior, John Hotham, and Peregrine Pelham Esquires, Lancellot Roper, John Bernard, Ioshua Hall, Nicholas Denman, and William Popple, Gentlemen.
For the County of Glocester, and County of the City of Glocester, sir Robert Cooke Knight, Nathaniel Stephens, John George, Edward Stephens, John Stephens Esquires, and Thomas Pury Alderman, sir John Seymour Knight, Thomas Hodges, John Caddrington, Esquires.
For the City of Bristoll, Richard Alworth Maior Ioseph Iackson, and Hugh Browne Sheriffs, Richard Hallworthy Alderman, Luke Hodges, and Henry Gibbs.
For the County of Southampton, and the Town and County of Southampton, and the Isle of Wight, sir Henry Worsley, sir William Lewis Baronets, sir Thomas Jervois, sir William Lisle, sir John Leigh, sir Henry Clerke, sir John Compton, sir Richard Kingsmill Knights, Robert Dillington, Robert Wallop, Richard Whitehead, Richard Norton, John Doddington, Richard Iervois, John Lisle, John Button, Edward Hopper, John Bulkley, Thomas Clerke, John Kemp, Richard Major, Francis Saint Barbe, Nicholas Love, John Fielder, William Wither, Thomas Chaundler, Iames Tutt, John Pittman, and John Hooke Esquires, George Gallop, and Edward Oxon, Aldermen of Southampton, and the Maior of Winchester for the time being.
For the County of Hertford, Charles Lord Viscount Cranborne, Robert Cecill Esquire, sir John Garrat, sir John Reade, Baronets, sir Thomas Dacres, sir William Litton, Sir John Whitterong Knights, Richard Iennyngs, Ralph Freeman, William Lemon, William Pristley, John Heydon, Alexander Wild, Richard Porter, Adam Washington Esquires. For Saint Albans, The Maior for the time being, John Robtham, Ralph Pemberton, Graveley Norton Esquires.
For the county of Hereford, sir Robert Harley Knight of the Bath, sir Richard Hopton Knight, Walter Kirle, Edward Broughton, Henry Vaughan, Esquires.
For the City of Hereford, sir Robert Harley Knight of the Bath, Walter Kirle, Richard Hobson, John Flacket, Henry Vaughan, Esquires.
For the County of Huntington, sir Thomas Cotton, Baronet, sir John Hewet Knight, Onslow Winch, Terrill Jocelyne, Thomas Temple, John Castle, Oliver Cromwel, Abraham Burwell, Edward Mountague, and John Bulkley Esquires.
For the County of Kent, sir Thomas Walsingham, sir Anthony Weldon Knights, sir John Sidley, sir Edward Hales, Sir Humphrey Tufton, Sir Henry Heyman, Knights and Baronets, Sir Michael Lewsey Baronet, Sir Henry Vane iunior, Sir Edward Scot, sir Edward Bois, sir William Brook, sir Peter Wroth, Sir George Sands, Sir John Honywood, sir James Oxenden, sir Richard Hardresse, Knights; Augustine Skinner, Richard Lee, Thomas Selliard, John Bois, senior, Thomas Blunt and Samuell Short Esquires.
For the City of Rochester, the Maior for the time being, sir Anthony Welden, sir William Brooke, sir Thomas Walsingham, Richard Lee Esquires; The Maior of Tenderden for the time being, William Bois, William James, Mark Dixwell, Henry Samford, Esquires
For the City and County of Canterbury, the Maior for the time being sir William Man Knight; sir Edward Master Knight, John Nutt, Thomas Courthope Esquires, Avery Savine Alderman.
For the County of Lancaster, sir Ralph Ashton, and sir Thomas Stanley Baronets Ralph Ashton of Downham, Ralph Ashton of Middleton, Richard Shuttleworth, Alexander Rigby, John Moore, Richard Holland, Edward Butterworth, John Bradshaw, William Ashurst, Peter Egerton, George Dodding, Nicholas Cunliff, John Starkey, Thomas Birch, and Thomas Fell Esquires, Robert Cunliff, Robert Curwen, and John Nowell, Gentlemen.
For the County of Leicester, Henry Lord Gray of Ruthin, Thomas Lord Gray of Groby, Sir Arthur Haslerigg Baronet Sir Edward Hartop, and Sir Thomas Hartop Knights, William Thewet, John Bembridge, Peter Temple, George Ashby, William Roberts, Richard Bent, Arthur Stanley, William Danvers, John Goodman, Esquires.
For the Town of Leicester, Richard Ludlam, now Maior, William Stanley Aldermen.
Lincoln, Lindsey parts.
For the County of Lincoln, Sir John VVray Knight and Baronet, Sir Edward Ashcough Knight, sir Samuel Ofeild, Knight; Iohn Wrath, Willoughby Hickman, Edward Whitchcot, Edmond Anderson, Edward Rositer, and Iohn Broxholme, Esquires; Sir William Armyn, Baronet; sir Hamond Whitchcot, Knight: sir John Brownlow, sir Thomas Trollop, Baronets; Thomas Hatcher, sir Christopher Wray, Thomas Grantham, Thomas Lister, John Archer, Esquires; sir William Brownlows.
For the parts of Holland, sir Anthony Irby, William Ellis John Harrington, Esquires; the Maior of Boston for the time being, Thomas Hall, Thomas Welby, Willesby.
For the City of Lincoln, and the close of Lincoln, The Maior for the time being Thomas Grantham, John Broxholme Esquires; Robert Moorecroft, William Watson, and Stephen Dawson, Aldermen.
For the City of London, and all within the Jurisdiction of the Lord Maior, the Lord Maior and the Aldermen, Aldermens Deputies, and Common-councell men of the said City.
For the County of Middlesex, Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Baronet; Sir Edward Barkham, Knight and Baronet; Sir Richard Sprignall, Baronet; Sir John Franklyn, Sir John Hippesley, Sir William Roberts, Sir James Harrington, Sir Robert Wood, Knights; Lawrence Whittacre, Justinian Paget, William Swallow, John Hucksley, Thomas Wilcox, John Morris, Richard Dunton, and John Smith, Esquires.
For the Liberties of Westminster, Sir Robert Pye, Sir William Ashton, Sir John Corbet, Knights; John Glyn, John Trenchard, and William Wheeler, Esquires; John Brigham, George Beverhasset, Anthony Withers, and William Barns Gentlemen; Josias Fendall, William Bell, Esquires; Tuckey, Colchester. Steven Higgons.
For the County of Norfolk, and the City and County of the Citie of Norwich, Sir Thomas Woodhouse, Sir John Holland, Baronet; Sir John Pots, Baronet; Sir John Hubbert, Baronet; Sir Miles Hubbert, Sir Thomas Huggen, Knights; John Cook, John Spelman, Philip Beddingfield, Samuel Smith the Sheriffs of Norwich. The Bayliffs of Yarmouth, Thomas Toll, and John Percivall of Lyn, Thomas Windham, Francis Jermy, Robert Wood, Gregory Causell, John Haughton, Thomas Weld, Martin Sedley, Thomas Sotherton, Esquires, Sir Edmond Mountford, Knight, William Heveningham, William Cook, Robert Rich, Esquires; Sir Richard Berne, Sir Isaac Asley, Sir John Palgrave Knights; and Brigg Fountain, Iohn Tooly, Esquires.
For the County of Northampton, Sir Rowland Saint Iohn, Knight of the Bath; Sir Iohn Norwich, Knight; Sir Gilbert Pickering, Baronet; Sir Richard Samuel, Knight; Iohn Crew, John Barnard, Edward Harvey, Edward Farmer, John Norton, John Chappoole, Esquires, Sir John Drayden, Barronet, and Richard Knightly, Esquire; Sir Christopher Yelverton, Knight and Baronet; Zouch Tate, Esquire; Philip Holeman, Esquire; Thomas Pentlow, Esquire.
For the Town of Northampton, The Maior for the time being, Thomas Martin, and John Fisher Aldermen.
For the Town of Newcastle, John Blakeston, Esquire.
For the County of Northumberland, Sir John Fenwick Baronet, sir Io. Dalevell, Knight; Thomas Middleton, William Shaftoe, Michael Weldon, and Henry Ogle Esquires.
For the Town of Barwicke upon Tweed John Sleigh, Maior, sir Robert Jackson, Knight; Ralph Salkeld, Esquire.
For the Countie of Nottingham, Francis Pierpoint, Esquire, Sir Francis Thornehaugh Sir Thomas Hutchinson, Knight, Francis Thornehaugh, Joseph Widmerpoole, Robert Reynes. Gilbert Millington, and John Hutchinson, Esquires; Sir Francis Molinox, Knight; Charles White, and Henry Ireton, Esquires.
For the County of the Towne of Nottingham, the Maior for the time being, James Chadwicke Esquire, Huntington Plumtrey, Doctor in Physicke, John James, Alderman and John Gregorie, Gentleman.
For the Countie of Oxon.
For the Countie of Rutland, Sir Edward Harrington, Knight, Evers Armyn, Robert Horsman, John Osborne, Christopher Browne, Robert Horsman, iunior, and Thomas Wait, Esquires.
For the Countie of Suffolke, Sir William Pleyters, Knight and Baronet, sir Nathaniel Barnardiston, Knight, sir William Spring Baronet, sir Roger North, sir Thomas Barnardiston, sir William Soame, sir John Wentworth, sir Philip Parker, Knights, William Heveningham, Nathaniel Bacon of Froston, Nicholas Bacon, Maurice Barrow, William Blois, Henry North, Robert Brewster, Brampton Gourdon, Francis Bacon, Theophilus Vaughan of Beckles; William Cage, William River of Bilson, Edmund Hervey, John Gourdon, Thomas Coale, Esquires, John Basse, Francis Brewster, Gentlemen. The Bayliffs of the Town of Ipswich that now are, John Sicklemer, Richard Puplet, Iohn Aldus Gentlemen, Nathaniel Bacon of Ipswich. For Saint Edmunds Bury Samuel Moody, Thomas Cole, Chaplin, the Bayliffs of the Town of Aldborough for the time being, Thomas Gibbs, Alderman, Thomas Iohnson.
For the County of Surry, sir Richard Onslow, sir William Elliot, sir Robert Parkhurst, Knights; Nicholas Stoughton George Evelin of Wotton, Henry Weston, Arthur Onslow Esquires; sir Ambrose Browne, Baronet, sir Anthony Vincent Knight and Baronet; sir Iohn Dingly, sir Mathew Brand, Knights, Edward Sanders, Robert Holman, Robert Houghton, George Evelin, Francis Drake, Thomas Sands, George Myn, William Muscamp, Esquires, sir John Howland, and sir John Evelyn, Knights; Robert Goodwin, George Fairwell and Iohn Goodwyn, Esquires; Richard Wright and Cornelius Cooke, Gentlemen.
For the County of Sussex, sir Thomas Pelham Baronet, Anthony Stapley, Herbert Morley, Thomas Whitfield, Iohn Baker, Harbert Hay, Esquires; Herbert Springate of the Broyle Ralph Cooper, Hall Ravenscroft, Edward Apsley, Iohn Downes, William Cawley, Edward Higgons, Thomas Chate, George Oglander, George Simpson, Iohn Busbridge, Thomas Midleton, Iames Temple, Esquires; Captaine Thomas Collins, Captaine Carleton, Captain Everton.
For the County of Somerset, sir Iohn Horner, sir Thomas Worth, sir George Farwell, Knights; Clement Walker, Alexander Popham, Edward Popham, William Strode, Richard Cole, Iohn Harrington, Iohn Hippesley, William Long, John Preston, Henry Henley, Henry Sampford, Iohn Pyn, Iames Ashe and Iohn Ashe, Esquires; Roger Hill, George Serle and Iesper Chaplayn, Gentlemen; Richard Capell, William Bull, Robert Harbyn, Iohn Hunt, Robert Blake, Esquires; The Maior of Bridgewater that now is.
For the County of Salop, sir Iohn Corbet, Knight; William Peirpoint, Richard Moore, Thomas Witton, Thomas Nichols, Humphrey Mackworth, Andrew Floyd of Aston, Lancelot Lee, Thomas Hunt, and Iohn Corbet, Esquires.
Lichfield City.
For the City of Litchfield, The Bailiffs of the said City for the time being, the Sheriffe of the said City for the time being Michael Noble Esquire; Richard Draffgate, Richard Baxter and Thomas Burnes, Gentlemen.
For the County of Stafford, sir Richard Skeffington, Knight; Richard Pyot, Michael Rydolph, Edward Manwaring, Mathew Morton, Iohn Birch, Ralph Rudyard, Michael Lowe, Michael Noble, and Edward Leigh, Esquires; sir Walter Wrotesley, sir Edward Littleton, sir William Brereton, Baronets.
For the County of Warwicke, the now Maior of the City of Coventry, sir Peter Wentworth Knight of the Bath, sir Edward Peyto Knight; Iohn Hales, Godfrey Boswell, Iohn Barker, William Purefoy, Anthony Staughton, George Abbot, Thomas Boughton, William Colemore, Thomas Basnet, William Iesson, Gamaliel Purefoy, and Thomas Willoughby, Esquires; For the County and City of Coventry, Iohn Barker, Isaac Bromick and Robert Philips, Esquires.
For the County of Wilts, Denzill Hollis, Esquire; sir Edward Hungerford, sir Edward Baynton, sir Nevill Poole, and sir Iohn Evelyn, Knights; Edward Bainton, Edward Tucker, William Wheler, Edward Goddard, Alexander Thistlethwait iunior, Iohn White, Edward Poole, Thomas Moore, Iohn Ashe, and Robert Jennour, Esquires.
For the County of Westmerland, sir Henry Bellingham, Knight and Baronet; George Gilpin, Edward Wilson, Nicholas Fisher, Thomas Sleddall, Rowland Dawson, and Allen Bellingham, Esquires; Roger Bateman, Richard Branthwaite, Robert Phillipson and Gervace Benson, Gentleman.
For the County of Worcester, Iohn Wilde, Richard Creswell Serieants at Law, Humphrey Sallway, Edward Dingley, Edward Pit, Thomas Greves, and William Jeffryes Esquires.