Index: S - Z

Middlesex County Records: Volume 4, 1667-88. Originally published by Middlesex County Record Society, London, 1892.

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'Index: S - Z', in Middlesex County Records: Volume 4, 1667-88, ed. John Cordy Jeaffreson (London, 1892), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Index: S - Z', in Middlesex County Records: Volume 4, 1667-88. Edited by John Cordy Jeaffreson (London, 1892), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Index: S - Z". Middlesex County Records: Volume 4, 1667-88. Ed. John Cordy Jeaffreson (London, 1892), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.


Sabbatarians or Fifth Monarchy men, Two entries in Newgate Kalendar touching twenty-seven, 29, 30

Sabbath-breakers, Isaac Bilt bound to answer for warning, and thereby preserving them from apprehension, 165

Sacramental certificates, Mr. Basil Woodd Smith's remarks on, 351, 352

Sadler alias Clarke, Thomas, 76

Sadler, John, 149

St. Bride's parish, Psalsbury Court in, 140

St. Christopher's Island, Master of a ship charged with endeavouring to sell the cook of the same ship at, 155

St. Clement's Danes', Persons indicted for leaving cellar doors open by night as well as day into highways in, 261

St. Clement's Danes', Poule Alley in, 283

St. Dunstan's-in-the-West, Sir Edward Rich, knt., and Joseph Ward, carpenter, indicted for obstructing with rubbish the highway leading from Bell Yard to Lincoln's Inn at, 82

St. Giles's-in-the-Fields, Burglary at the church of, 70

" in-the-Fields, Charles Street in, 137

" in-the-Fields, Dispute touching the office of Raker or General Undertaker for cleansing the streets of, xxxiv, xxxv, xxxvi, 157, 158, 159, 160

St. James's Clerkenwell, Engine - weaving-loomes riot at, 64

" Clerkenwell, New Prison at, broken open by rioters, 9

" Clerkenwell, War levied against Charles II. at, 9

St. John's Street, near the Barrs, Pillory in, 62, 63, 64, 65

St. Katherine's, Pillory at, 22, 276

St. Leonard's Shoreditch, Engine-weaving-loomes riots at, xxx, xxxi, 62, 63

" Shoreditch Pillory near the church of, 266

" Shoreditch, Waites-music during the night at Holland Street in, 189

" Shoreditch, John Wicks the vicar and two other inhabitants of, convicted of making a false certificate in favour of a suspected rebel, 288

St. Margaret's Westminster, Persons indicted for leaving cellar doors open by night as well as by day into highways of, lvi, 261

St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, True bills against butchers for selling victuals in the highway at, when there was no market, 80, 81

St. Martin's - in - the - Fields, Dispute touching the office of Raker or General Undertaker for cleansing the streets of, xxxiv, xxxv, xxxvi, 157, 158, 159, 160

" in-the-Fields, Green Street in, 183

" in-the-Fields, Meeting house of conventiclers in Swallow Street in, 196

" in-the-Fields, Persons indicted for leaving cellardoors open by night as well as day into highways in, lvi, lvii, 261

" in-the-Fields, A pit or vault left open at night in Gerrard Street in, lv, 238

" in-the-Fields, Rider Street in St. James's Fields in, 137

St. Mary's-le-Savoy, Persons indicted for leaving cellar-doors open by night as well as by day into highways in, lvi, lvii, 261, 262

St. Omer's in France, Indictment to be preferred against Dame Katherin Grandison and Dame Hester Webb, for conveying one John Clarke to, 77

St. Paul's Covent Garden, Persons indicted for leaving cellar-doors open by night as well as by day into highways in, lvi, lvii, 261

St. Tules alias St. Olave's Southwark, 283

Salisbury, Samuel, gent., 324

Salter, John, 80

Saltmarsh, Christopher, 32

Salusbury, Thomas, gent., 44

Sampson, John, 32, 33

", Philip, 18

Sanctey, Phillip, 32

Sanders, Anthony, liii, 285

", Joseph, 236

", Leonard, 3

Sanderson, Robert, 7

Sandis, Miles, 326

Sandys, Madam, xxxv, 157, 158, 159

", Thomas, knt., 23, 24

", Winsor, esq., xxxiv, xxxv, 157, 158

Saterwaite, William, 230

Saunders, Elizabeth, 137

Saunders, James, 92

", Mary, 120

Saunderson alias Sanders, William, convicted of high treason and sentenced to death, &c., xii, 269, 270

Savage, Mary, "suspected popish recusant," 128

", Peter, esq., alias Peter Lord Savage, 24, 25

", Thomas, 311

Savagery of the English in the seventeenth century, xxxix et seq. to xlvii

Savery, John, "suspected papist," 110

Savory, Lewis, 108

Sawyer, Sir Robert, attorney-general, 216

Scandalous libel, published and sold by John Herrick, coffee-house keeper, in defamation of Roger Le Strange, esq., 226

Scandalous words, vide Treasonable, seditious, or otherwise scandalous words

Scarborow, Eliza, 211

Scattergood, Thomas, 143

Scharf, George, Director of the National Portrait Gallery, Portrait of Sir Baptist Hicks, knt., attributed to Paul Van Somer by, 348

School for young women at Fulham, Frances Bedingfield indicted for keeping a, without license, 41

Schoolmaster indicted for keeping an unlicensed school, and acquitted, 168

Scott, Joseph, 223

Scriven, Isaac, 238

Scroggs, Sir William, knt., Lord Chief Justice of England, 95, 96, 277, 279, 280

Scroope, Adrian, gent., 4, 141, 142

", alias Coverley, Apolonia, xxxvii, 54

", Jarvase, gent., 54

Scudamore, Rose, "suspected papist," 117

", Stephen, gent., xxxviii, xxxix, 19, 117

Seamer, Clement, 74

", Elizabeth, 74

", Thomas, 137, 138

Sedgewick, Gascoyne, 284

Seditious Publications:—
-, Thomas Palmer, publisher of a scandalous and seditious book, entitled Nehushton, 26, 27
-, Thomas Palmer, publisher and utterer of a scandalous and seditious book, entitled Directions to a Painter for describing our Navall Business, 25
-, Anne Breach alias Roberts convicted of publishing and selling a seditious book called A Letter from a Person of Quality, &c., 69
-, Katherine Knight convicted of publishing and selling a seditious book entitled A Letter from a Person of Quality to his Friends in the Country, 66, 67, 68, 69
-, Andrew Sole, acquitted of printing a seditious and scandalous book entitled Persecuted under Episcopacy, 84
-, Robert Wollenden charged with writing a seditious and scandalous letter, 311
-, William Gates, of Brentford, bound to answer for promoting a seditious petition to the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of London, 172

Seditious words, vide Treasonable, seditious, or otherwise scandalous words

Selling loaves of bread under weight, Convictions of, 211

" victuals in the highway of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, True bills against butchers for, 80, 81

Serjeant, John, 65

"Se retraxit," lxxi, lxxix, 164

"Sese retraxerunt," 218

Serricole, William, 218

Servaile, Edward, "suspected popish recusant," 127

Servant, Ann, convicted of "spiriting" Alice Flax to Virginia and there selling her, xlv, 147

", Ralph, 147

"Setter to Conventicles," Samuel Read charged with being a, 296

Sevier, Thomas, 18

Seymour, Edward, esq., 216

Shadwell, Foxes Lane in, 21

Shadwell, Henry, gent., 17, 18

", Radclife, and Lower Wapping, Constable of Hamlet of, bound to answer for refusing to make a return touching conventicles, &c., in his constabulary, 16

Shaftesbury, Right Hon. Anthony Ashley, Earl, 37

Shaftoe, Ellen, 306

", Elinor, informer against conventiclers, lxi, lxii, lxiii, lxiv, 265, 266

Sham postmen, Fraud of the, xlix, 78

Shanck, Launcelot, 72

Shapcoat, Thomas, gent., 55

Shapwood, William, 318

Shard, Thomas, 35

Sharples, John, xiv, xvii, 8, 271, 272

Sharpless, Peter, 2

Shatter, William, 294

Shaw, William, 100, 120

Sheires, Oliver, 293

Sheldon, Elizabeth, "suspected papist,' 109

", Katherine, "suspected papist," 109

Shelley, Charles, "suspected papist," 112

", Gilbert, 22, 23

Shellotee, Anthony, "a papist," 135

Shepard, Thomas, "suspected papist," 105

Shepheard, John, 320

Shepherd, Jane, 26

Sheppard, John, 80

Shepperton, co. Midd., 318

Sherbet, Unlicensed sellers of a drink called, 36

Sherborn, John, 284

Sherborne, Davenant, 316

Sherby, Charles, 120

Sherwood, William, 12, 36

Shippy, William, 251

Shipwash, Robert, 316

Shirley, Vincent, "suspected papist," 102

Shoreditch, Riots in St. Leonard's, xiii, xiv, xv, xvi, 9, 10

Shreeve, Abigail, "suspected papist," 111

", John, 111

Shudall, William, 236

Sibbett, Goodricke, gent., 88, 89

Sidney alias Stacey, Ann, 316

Side-Lights on the Stuarts. By F. A. Inderwick, Q.C., viii

Sihane, Daniel, 143

Silver Mace, &c., stolen at and carried away from the dwelling-house of Lord Chancellor Heneage Finch by burglars, 76

Silvester, Richard, 122

Simons, James, 55

Simpson, Joan, 107

Sinclare, John, gent., 88, 89

Singleton, Jane, 4

Skelton, John, gent., 34

", Mary, 236

Skingley, Richard, 240

Skinner, Charles, "a reputed Roman catholic," 96

", Edward, "suspected Romish priest," 121

", James, 96, 120

", Richard, 268

Slade, Joan, "suspected papist," 111

Slader, James, 34, 52, 53

Slaughter, Henry, 101

", Samuel, 317

Slingsby, Guilford, transported to Virginia against his will, 22, 276

", Walter, esq., 22

Sly, Ann, 278

Slynehead, Thomas, 42

Smaley, George, 25

Smallbone, John, 79

Smart, John, surgeon, 145

", Martha, wife of John Smart, surgeon, "suspected recusant," 145

", Richard, 152

Smith, Anne, "popish recusant," 113

", F.S.A., Contributions to the present volume by Mr. Basil Woodd, lxxxix, 329, 330 et seq. to 351

", Christopher, 308

", Frances, 284, 285

", George, 214

", Henry, 95

", Henry, gent., bound to answer "for recusancy," 122

", James, 324

", John, esq., clerk of the peace for county of Midd., 246, 304

", John, gent., 219

", John, 24, 70, 90, 120, 236, 296

", Mathew, 281

Smith, Peter, gent., 59, 60

", Samuel, gent., 2

", Samuel, innholder, 2

", Thomas, surgeon, 92

", Thomas, gent., 327

", Timothy, 278

", Sir Wm., 104

", (otherwise Smyth), Sir William, knt., and J.P., for co. Midd., Words spoken in derision and disparagement of, 167, 287

Smithfield (East), Constables of, bound to answer for omitting to make returns touching conventicles at, 16

" Riots in East, xiii, xiv, xv, xvi, 10, 11

Smithsbey, James, gent., 60

Smithson, Bernard, 103

", Dorothy, "suspected papist," 103

Smithwick, John, 139

Smyth, . . . ., gent., 317

", Nicholas, "suspected papist," 109

Snape, Andrew, 284

", Symon, 152

Snelgrove, Edward, "suspected popish recusant," 242, 243

Snell, Michael, xxxi, 63

Snells, Clement, 282

Snushboxes (sic), A gentleman convicted of stealing, 321

Soldiers tried for desertion, Acquittals of, 316

" convicted of desertion, 228, 237, 238, 290, 310, 312, 315, 328

Sole, Andrew, 84

Solivant, Jeremiah, 136

Solman, Francis, 130

Solomon alias Hollomon, Christopher, 323

Somer, Paul Van, portrait painter, 348

Somersett, Edward, 137

", John, 218

", Lady Mary, 137

Soreby, Elizabeth, 293

Soup, David, 313

Southampton, Lord Treasurer, 68

South Myms co. Midd., Constable of, refusing to execute a warrant for levying 20£. by distress and sale of a conventicler's goods and chattels, 183

Southwicke, Mary, 319

Southwicke, Richard, 319

Spalato, Archbishop of, 334

Spanish Ambassador's windows, Rioters charged with breaking the, 310, 311

Spanyard, James, 313

Sparkes, Michael, 1, li, 30

Sparrey, William, gent., 126

Sparrowe, Joshua, 24

Spearman, Nicholas, 147

", William, 147

Spicer, Richard, "suspected papist," 102

", Thomas, 19

Spiriting James Simmons, an apprentice, on board ship in order to transport him to Virginia, Acquittal of Richard Batt for, 55, 56

" Mary Boycoat away and conveying her on board ship, John Boycoat and Elizabeth Russell charged with, 44

" Robert Weston on board ship, transporting him to Antego, and there selling him, True bill against Richard Bridgman for, 232, 233

" Hester Lambert on board ship, with the intention of transporting her to Virginia, True bill against James Buckle for, xlvi, 78, 79

" Sarah Price away and transporting her to Virginia, True bill against Elizabeth Collier for, xlvi, 70, 71

" John Deane and Clement Tallis on board ship with the intention of sending them beyond sea, Thomas Ford of Shadwell, waterman, charged with being a confederate of William Kempthorne and Charles Carter in, 27, 28

" Mary Sunderland on board ship in order to transport her to Jamaica, True bill against Humfrey Gardiner for, xlvi, 72

" Edward Meade on board a ship with the intention of transporting him to Virginia, True bill against Thomas Gore for, xlvi, 72, 73

Spiriting one Alice Deakins on board ship with the intention of transporting her to and selling her in Virginia, Mary Gwyn and Thomas Black convicted of and fined for, xlv, xlvi, xlvii, 245

" Deborah Wilcox on board ship, transporting her to parts beyond sea, and there selling her, Thomas Hands acquitted of, 87

" Thomas Stone on board ship with the intention of transporting him to Virginia, William Haverland convicted of, and sentenced to be fined, imprisoned, and pilloried for, xliii, xliv, 274

" John Cressop aboard a ship, to transport him to Virginia against his will, John Kent bound to answer a charge of, 72

" Susan Gunn on board ship, and transporting her to Virginia, and there selling her, Charles Lattinoe and Katherine Farrendyne acquitted of, 87

" Hannah Wotton away and transporting her to Virginia, True bill against Thomas Middis for, 65, 66

" Mary Hartley and Margaret Towers on board a Virginia ship with the intention of transporting them to parts beyond sea, True bills against Diana Middleton for, xlvi, 155, 156

" Thomas Russell on board ship and transporting him to Virginia, John Morris convicted of, 94

" Mary Holmer and transporting her to Jamaica, Mary Newport convicted of, 38

" one Richard Jackson on board ship with the intention of transporting him to and selling him in Virginia, Jane Price convicted of and fined for, xlv, 245

Spiriting his apprentice Richard Angell on board ship and transporting him to Jamaica, and there selling him, Henry Rogers acquitted of, 87

" John Hewlet away and transporting him to Virginia, True bill against John Rudd for, xlvi, 65

" Joseph Williams on board ship, and transporting him to Mevis, and there selling him, Michael Russell acquitted of, 87

" Alce (? Alice) Flax on board ship and selling her into Virginia, Ann Servant charged with, xlv, 170

" Alice Flax on board ship, transporting her to Virginia, and there selling, Ann Servant convicted of, xlv, 147

" William Turner on board ship with the intention of transporting him to the Barbadoes, John Stewart convicted of, and fined, imprisoned, and pilloried for, 275, 276

" Edward Hanscomb on board ship, transporting him to the Barbadoes, and there selling him to a certain person, True bill against George Story for and verdict of acquittal of, 23

" Elizabeth Atkinson on board ship, with the intention of transporting her to Virginia, Sara Tedder acquitted of, 140

" Guildford Slingsby on board ship and transporting to Virginia, William Thewe convicted of, and fined, imprisoned, and pilloried for, xliv, 22, 276

" Elizabeth Partridge on board ship, transporting her to Virginia, and there selling her, True bill against Mathew Trim and Sarah Falconer for, xlvi, 190, 191

"Spirits," Activity of the, in spiriting people out of the country, xli, xlii et seq, to xlvii

Spittlefields, The inhabitants of, described as disaffected to the King in respect to his government of the Church of England, 240

", in Stepney, Edward Kinns, the constable, and other officers of the hamlet of, indicted and fined for refusing to give information on oath to the justices of the peace for the more effectual discovery and suppression of conventicles, 240, 241

Spittlefeilds Market, The pillory in, 241

Sprague, Edward, knt., 6

Spratt, Joh'es, 95

Springham, John, 317

Squibb, Arthur, gent., 31

Squire, Robert, 138

Stacey, Abraham, 293

", Ann, alias Sidney, 316

Stacy, James, 152

", John, gent., "suspected papist," 110

Stafford, George, gent., 326

", John, gent., 326

", William, gent., 326

Staley, William, the catholic banker, xviii

Stamer, David, gent., 163, 164

Stanbridge, Elizabeth, 169

", Richard, 169

Stanley, John, 137, 224

Starkey, Henry, catholic priest, xxv, xxvi, 121

", Samuel, gent., 219

Staveley, Anne, "suspected papist," 111

", Christopher, "suspected papist," 111

Steele, Ellen, 295

Stephens, Thomas, 257

Stepney, John Ballard "bound to answeare his erecting new buildings in the hamlet of Spittlefields in, contrary to law and His Majesty's proclamation," 28

", The Black Dogg Musick House, near the Hermitage at, 322

", A disorderly booth for "music and other disports," in the fields near the church of, 53, 54

Stepney, A constable of, convicted of uttering seditious words in expressing his disapproval of the law for suppressing conventicles, 191

", Engine-Weaving-Loome riots at, xxix, 63, 65

", True bill against one of the headboroughs of, for neglecting to levy money by distress and sale of a conventicler's goods, etc., 201

", Knockvergis, in the parish of, 25

", The surveyor of the poor of the hamlet of Limehouse in the parish of, convicted of neglecting to do his duty, &c., in respect to a warrant for levying money by distress and sale of a conventicler's goods and chattels, 201, 202

Sterne, John, gent., 161

Stevens, John, gent., 4

Steward, Jane, 282

", John, gent., 88, 89

", John, 22

", Patrick, 262

Stewart, John, 275

Stibbs, John, 142

Stiffe, Thomas, 108

Stilgoe, Elizabeth, 74

", Jeremiah, 74

Stockley, Robert, 62, 63

Stolen goods, True bill against a common receiver of, 231

Stone, Thomas, 274, 318

Storey, Margaret, "suspected papist," 110

Story, George, 23

Stradford, Richard, 242

Strand, A cellar-door left open at night in the, 238

Stratfield, Edward, gent., a catholic, 138

Streete, John, 22

Streeter, Thomas, 238

Stringer, Sir Thomas, knt., 120

Strond, near the Maypoll, Pillory in the, 22, 62, 63, 65, 144, 276

Stronge, Nathaniel, 293

Strongrome, Robert, scrivener, 35

Stubbs, Nicholas, "suspected papist," 110

Sturvill, William, 206

Subtenants, Indictments of householders for entertaining and harbouring lodgers or, 83

Suckley, Francis, "suspected papist," 110

Summers, Robert, 5

Summore, Daniel De, 109

", Mary De, "suspected papist," 109

Sumner, William, 240

Sunderland, False news of Dutch fleet near, 1

", Right Hon. the Earl of, P. C. and Principal Secretary of State, 295, 296, 310, 312

", Mary, 72

Sunders, John, 296

Supremacy and Allegiance, Oaths of, vide Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy

Surtees Society's Three Early Assize Rolls for the County of Northumberland, SÆC XIII, lxxiv, lxxv

Surveyor of the poor of Stepney, The, convicted of neglecting his duty in respect to a warrant for distraining and selling a conventicler's goods and chattels, 201, 202

Sutton, Gervas, gent., 74

Swan, Samuel, gent., 59

Swift, Austin, gent., indicted as an unlicensed schoolmaster, 168, 169

Swindall, Margaret, "reputed papist," 128

", Robert, 128, 153, 222

Swinfen, Samuel, acquitted of high treason, xii, xiii, 269, 270

Symonds, Bazonne, gent., 256

", Frances, 307

Sympson, William, "suspected papist," 110


Taking and carrying away goods unlawfully, Conviction of, 73, 75

Talbott, Henry, "popish recusant," 103

Tallis, Clement, 28

Tallow, John, "suspected papist," 109

"Tamarine stuffes," Woollen cloth called, 5

Tanat, Edward, gent., 218

Tanton, William, 316

Tapping, Job, 165

", Thomas, 92

Tarter alias Coxe, John, 146

Tasborough, William, gent., 183

Tateham, John, 61

Tattoo, John, catholic, 126

Taunton, co. Somerset, Robert Parrott, a suspected rebel, arrested at, 288

Tavernour, John, 106

Tayler, Henry, 187

", Ralph, "suspected popish recusant," 127

Taylor (otherwise Taylour), Bartholomew, 100, 120

", George, 316

", Robert, 60

Tea, Unlicensed sellers of a drink called, 36

Tearing off and taking away lead, Conviction of, 37

Tedder, Sara, 140

Tempest, Charles, gent., a catholic, 138

", Lieut. Robert, 327

Temple Barr, The pillory without, 275

Temple, Edmund, 7, 8

Tenley, Jennett, 316

Tent, John, "suspected papist," 111

Terrell, Margaret, 314

Terry, Katherine, spinster, 57

", William, 135

Thew (otherwise Thewe), William, xliv, xlv, 22, 276

Thieves, Lodging house and school for young, 147

Thinn, John, 42

Thistlethwaite, Joseph, gent., 22

Thody, Benjamin, 215

Thomas, Dorothy, 282

", John, 17, 142

", Lewis, gent., 44

", Morgain, 2, 32

Thompson, Andrew, "a papist," 134

", Francis, gent., 23

", John, of Croley Co. Bedford, gent., 23

", John, 208

Thomson, Rebecka, 296

Thornebury, Mr., 335

Thorneton, Edward, 310

Thornhill alias Thornton alias Greene, Tristram, gent., 298

Thornton alias Thornhill alias Greene, Tristram, gent., 298

Thorpe, Hester, wife of Robert Thorpe, gent., "reputed papist," 128

", Isaac, gent., "suspectedpapist," 112

", Robert, gent., 128

Throckmorton, Sir William, bart., 163, 164

Thunder, Henry, "suspected papist," 112

Thyme, Thomas, esq., 161

Tibballs, William, 289

Tilborne, Cornelius, 314

Tildesley, John, gent., 55

Tiley, Anthony, 278

Tilley, Elianor, "suspected papist," 113

", George, 113

Timberman, Elizabeth, 103, 104

Tindall, William, xxxiii, 64

Tinkers crying aloud in the streets, liii, 285

Tinson, John, 43

Tipping, George, 24

Tirwhit, John, gent., 228

Tisdall, Sara, 297

Tockfield, John, 215

Tod, Michael, gent., 286

Tolderville, Christopher, 140

Tomlingson, Anthony, 108

Tomlinson, John, 155

Tompkins, Henry, senior, 121

", Henry, jun., 121

Tompson, Andrew, "suspected papist," 111

Tomson, Richard, 112

Tonge, John, gent., 31

Tonycliffe, Ralph, gent., slain and murdered by John the Lord Berkeley, 234

Tooley, Charles, 234

", Christopher, 240

Touched for the evil, Edmond Ward's loss of the gold-piece which the King gave him when he was, 36

Tower Hill, Pillory on, 22, 276

Tower of London, Tumult near, 88

Towers, Margaret, 156

Townesend, Amys, 137

Townsend, John, 172

Tracey, John, 310

Tracy, Ellen, 72

Trapp, William, 316

Travers, John, 130

", Thomas, gent., "suspected papist," 110

Treason, vide high treason

", in clipping, filing, and diminishing the money of the realm, Convictions of, 13

", in levying war against the King, Acquittals of, 8, 10

", in levying war against the King, Convictions of, 9, 12

", Trials for, xii, xiii et seq. to xxvii

Treasonable assembly near Gray's Inn Lane, 318

" declaration affixed to marketcrosses and parochial churches, 264

" practices, Henry Ireton, esq., charged with, 296

Treasonable, seditious, or otherwise scandalous words, Speakers of:—
-, Alder, Cornelius, yeoman, 319, 320
-, Alder, Mary, wife of Cornelius Alder, yeoman, 319, 320
-, Annesley, Sara, spinster, 193
-, Austin, John, 295, 296
-, Barrot, Henry, box-maker, 309
-, Bartlett, Thomas, yeoman, 162
-, Bennett, John, yeoman, 299
-, Bennett, Thomas, fisherman, 319
-, Betty, Rowland, petty-chapman, 232
-, Boarne alias Byrne, Gerald, yeoman, 75
-, Botchcraft, Isaac, frameworkeknitter, 298
-, Bracy, William, 2
-, Bryan, Elizabeth, wife of John Bryan, yeoman, 263
-, Burbecke, Benjamin, yeoman, 321
-, Byrt, Samuel, shoemaker, 230, 231
-, Catlin, Francis, 142
-, Child, Thomas, 285
-, Ciprey, Robert, laborer, 20
-, Colborne, William, 327
-, Cope, John, butler, 263
-, Dally, Dionisius, 296
-, Damascene, John Baptista, 29
-, Deeley, Richard, 284
-, Drunes, Richard, 319
-, Foster, John, 289, 290
-, Fry, Henry, overseer of poor, 322
-, Goad, Robert, 140
-, Goodman, Abraham, gent., 12
-, Greene, Theophilus, 19
-, Grove, John, taylor, 153
-, Groves, John, taylor, 153
-, Gunn, Isaac, taylor, 320
-, Hambleton, Margaret, spinster, 315
-, Hawkins, Deborah, wife of Richard Hawkins, yeoman, 285
-, Herrick, John, 237
-, Holby, Joseph, constable, 191
-, Hoss, Thomas, cook, 160
-, How, Thomas, victualler, 300
-, Hughes, Francis, yeoman, 310
-, Humes, Robert, yeoman, 201
-, Hutchins, John, carver, 324
-, Hutchinson, Adam, 153
-, Ireland alias Browne, Anne, 140
-, Ireland, William, victualler, 323
-, Jenkins, Thomas, 327
-, Johnson, Katherine, spinster, 162
-, Johnson, Lewis, 131, 132
-, Jones, John, 284
-, Kennian, John, laborer, 162
-, King, John, yeoman, 70
-, Langley, Henry, 47
-, Lester, John, laborer, 70
-, Longland, Robert, yeoman, 230
-, Ludlam, Thomas, yeoman, 187, 188
-, Malley, Alexander, gent., 47, 48
-, Maynard, John, yeoman, 286
-, Morris, George, 167
-, Morris, Samuel, yeoman, 75
-, Noades, John, yeoman, 287
-, Northit, Henry, yeoman, 2, 3
-, Orpoole, William, laborer, 152
-, Pare, Alexander, bricklayer, 138
-, Pearce, William, 268, 269
-, Phillipps, Bartlet, yeoman, 29
-, Phillips, Elizabeth, 26
-, Pride, Thomas, gent., 313, 314
-, Prime, Thomas, yeoman, 322, 323
-, Read, Richard, gent., 35
-, Richbell, Richard, yeoman, 309, 310
-, Roach, Paul, yeoman, 313
-, Rose, Pascene, laborer, 300
-, Savage, Thomas, laborer, 311
-, Shatter, William, 294
-, Shaw, William, laborer, 100
-, Shepherd, Jane, 26
-, Shippy, William, carpenter, 251
-, Singleton, Jane, 4
-, Smart, Richard, victualler, 152
-, Tunstall, John, 264
-, Vardin, William, yeoman, 312
-, Villers, John, foot-soldier, 163
-, Walden, Susan, wife of Frank Walden, yeoman, 262
-, Walker, Richard, 295
-, Walker, Thomas, yeoman, 78
-, Walton, Hugh, laborer, 148
-, Ward, John, yeoman, 252
-, Warner, Samuel, 288, 292
-, Warren, Edward, apothecary, 77
-, Webb, Mathew, laborer, 227
-, Weeden, John, laborer, 54
-, Withers, Nathaniel, gent., 142
-, Woodfield, Alice, wife of William Woodfield, laborer, 91
-, Worthett, Henry, 7

Treddaway, Henry, 238

Tremarn, Christoper, 236

Tresidder, Giles, 317

Trever, John, 143

Trevethell, William, "suspected papist," 110

Trim, Mathew, xlvi, 190

Trion, Roland, 240

Trotter, John, gent., 40

Trueman alias Johnson, William, 76

Trumble, John, 324

Tucker, Henry, convicted of high treason and sentenced to death, &c., xii, 269, 270

", Reginald, 310

Tue, John, 288

Tufton, Richard, "suspected papist," 112

Tuftone, Jos., 296

Tumult near the Tower, 88

Tumult and rout at a bonfire in King's Street, Westminster, A constable charged with neglect of duty at a, 229

Tunstall, John, 264

Turbeck, William, "reputed Roman catholic," 106

Turke, Richard, 146

Turner, Anthony, catholic priest, sentenced to be executed for high treason, xxvi, 84, 85, 280, 284, 285

", Edward, catholic priest, xxvi, 126

", Elizabeth, "popish recusant," 117

", Francis, 154

", John, gent., 316

", Mary, 37

Turner, Roger, 117

", William, 275, 276

Turners, Company and "Trades" of, 32

Tumor, Anne, "reputed papist," 128

", Charles, gent., 33

", Elizabeth, wife of Roger Tumor, gent., "reputed papist," 128

", Mathew, 128

", Roger, gent., 128

Turnour, Charles, 38

Tymmes, Elizabeth, "suspected conventicler," 303

Tyndale, William, reformer and martyr, 330

Tyson, John, 101


Underwood, Elianor, 125

", Elizabeth, 170

", John, 170

", William, 282

Unlawful Game: Lottery Board, A figured, at Charing Crosse, 29

Utherstone, Jane, 62

", Thomas, 62

Uttering seditious, &c., words, acquittal of, 3


Vagabondage coloured with an affectation of industry, xlix, 1 et seq. to lvi

" in carrying glasses about the country and selling them in private houses, Women indicted for, 30, 31

Vagabonds, Singers and players of interludes indicted for being common, 314

Valkenburgh, George de Hertoye, esq., alias George Lord de, 23

Vanandole, Joseph, 115

Vancove, Augustine, gent., "suspected papist," 111

", Mary, wife of Augustine Vancove, gent., "suspected papist," 111

Vancum, Leonard, merchant, "suspected recusant," 145

Vandercluse, John, "suspected papist," 104

Vander-Huggy alias Hicky, William, "a papist," 135

Vandinee, Ferdinand, 115

Vandursten, Harman, 21

Vanhankerk, Capt. Lawrence, 2

Vanlingden, Adalph, 21

Vanneer, Adrian, "suspected papist," 108, 109

", Mary, "suspected papist," 109

Vanrolph, William, 21

Vardin, William, 312

Varnall, Peter, 24, 25

Vaughan, Edward, 146

", Elizabeth, 54

", Laurence, merchant, "suspected recusant," 145

Vensome, Thomas, 154

Vent, Thomas, 72

Verbal contractions and symbolic letters used in the annotations of indictments and in the minutes of Gaol Delivery Registers, lxiv, lxv et seq. to lxxiii

Vermeren, William, "suspected papist," 115

Vincent, Charles, "suspected papist," 109

", Thomas, 79

Viner, William, 131

Vivion, Charles, " suspected popish recusant," 108

Vuckly, Henry, "suspected papist," 105

Vyner, Sir Robert, knt. and bart., 89

", Thomas, gent., 39

", Thomas, 206


Waade, Richard, 118

Wadsworth, Robert, 153

Waine, David, 240

Wakeman, Sir George, bart., catholic physician, xxvi, 89, 90, 279, 281

Walden, Frank, 262

", Susan, 262

", William, 317

Wales, The Prince of, son of James II., 327

Walford, Edward, gent., 277, 278

", Penelope, "popish recusant," 131

Walker, Charles, 304

", alias Decoyson, Daniel, 253

", alias Decoyson, Katherine, 253

", Richard, 294, 295

", Thomas, 78

Walkins, John, 34

Waller, Thomas, esq., 96

", Sir William, knt., 120

", William, 172

Wallis, Philip, 255

Walmisly, John, "reputed papist," 127

Walsh, Richard, 233

", Thomas, 233

Walsingham, Charles, gent., 323

Walters, John, 293

", Samuel, 62

Walton, Charles, 31

", Hugh, "popish recusant," 148

Wamsley, Roger, 32, 33

Wapping, Fireballs said to have been taken at, 20

", (Lower), Shadwell, Radclife, Constable of Hamlet of, bound to answer for refusing to make a return touching conventicles in his constabulary, 16

Warburton, Richard, gent., 5, 6

Warcupp, Captain, of the King's First Regiment of Foot Guards, 322

", Edward, esq., 153

Ward, Edmond, 35, 75

", George, 76

", Gilbert, 76

", John, 252

", Joseph, 82

Wardman, Martin, 55

Wardner, Abraham, 286

Ware, George, 146

Waring, Richard, 289

Waringe, Robert, 20, 21

Warner, Frances, 95

", Samuel, 288, 292

Warren, Edward, apothecary, 77

Warrum, William, 318

Waters, John, "popish recusant," 131

Watkins, John, gent., "suspected recusant," 145

", Katherine, "suspected papist," 103

Watson, John, gent., 137

", Sir Thomas, knt., 334

Wattkiff, Richard, 26

Watton, Hannah, 65

Watts, James, 251

", William, 32

Wayte, Grace, 137

Weatherley, Ralph, 325

Weavers' Batternes, Rioters breaking into the house of George Harrison at Stepney, and carrying off and destroying ten, 65

Weavers' riots, xxvii, xxviii et seq. to xxxiii, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65

Webb, Lady Hester, 71, 77

", John, 30, 70, 319

", John Bowler, 120

", Mary, "suspected to have been at Mass," 183

", Mathew, 227

", Robert, 183

", Thomas, 223

Webber, John, charged with high treason, 312

Webster, Cecily, "reputed Roman catholic," 106

", John, 154

Weddall, Jane, wife of John Weddall, esq., 299

", John, esq., 299

Weeden, John, 54

", Katherine, 13

", Nathanael, 13

Weekes, Thomas, 120

Welch, Laurence, 43

Weld House, Persons suspected to have been at Mass at, 188

Weldon, Edward, "suspected papist," 112

Weller, Henry, 281

Wells, Margaret, 278

", Samuell, 40

Wemmes, John, 36

", Patrick, 36

Wenham, Edward, 201, 202

West, Arthur, 62

", James, 88

West Smithfield, Pillory in, 20

West, Titus, 16

Westcott, William, convicted of high treason and sentenced to death, &c., xii, 269, 270

Weston, John, "suspected popish recusant," 209

Weston, John, 232

", Robert, 232, 233

Wharton, Lord, 68

", William, esq., 320

Wheeler, . . . ., 60, 95

", Richard, 93, 277, 278

", Samuel, 242

Whiles alias Willis, William, 120

Whistler, Bridget, "suspected papist," 111

", Robert, 111

Whiston, Edward, 222

", Elizabeth, "suspected popish recusant," 222

Whitaker, Edward, 96, 120

Whitcombe, William, xxxv, xxxvi, 158, 159

White, Alexander, 314

", Francis, 53

", George, gent., 33

", Gerrard, 35

", John, 53, 80, 122

", Martha, 314

", Thomas, 124

", William, gent., 291, 292

", William, 284

", alias Whitebread, Thomas, catholic priest, sentenced to be executed for high treason, xxvi, 84, 85, 86, 96, 120, 277, 280

Whitechapel, Booth for rope-dancing, interludes, plays, &c., at 19

", Engine-Weaving-Loomes riot at, xxx, xxxi, 62, 63

", Four inhabitants of, bound to answer for refusing to aid a headborough of, in executing a warrant for distress and sale of a conventicler's goods and chattels, 231

Whitehall, Conspirators committed to Newgate for "conspireing to take away the King Charles II. at," 90

", Jewels and money stolen from the King's dwellinghouse of, 12

", Ellen Tracy bound to answer "for the laying of a young child at the Queenes Back Staires in," 72

Whitehead, Thomas, lv, 238

Whitehouse, John, gent., 170

Whiteing, George, 213

Whitfeild, Elizabeth "suspected papist," 103

", John, 223

", Robert, "suspected papist," 103, 109

Whitley, Colonel, 37

Whytehead, Edward, 296

Wicks, John, vicar of St. Leonard's Shoreditch, 288

Wiggington, Letitia, 149

", William, 149

Wigginton, Leonard, 262

Wilcox, Deborah, 87

", John, 40

", Robert, 75

Wildes, John, "suspected conventicler," 303

Wilkes, William, xvi, xvii, 23, 24, 271, 272

Wilkinson, Edward, xlvii, 156, 157

", Jervase, 211

", John, 118

", Peter, "a suspected papist," 135

Wilks, William, 9, 10

Willard, Mary, "suspected papist," 113

William, Thomas, 171

Williams, Arnold, gent., 44

", Elizabeth, 246, 247

", Henry, 255

", John, gent., "suspected papist," 110

", John, 53, 113

", Joseph, 87

", Percy, 121

", Rowland, gent., 298

", Walter, 12

", William, 206

Willimott, James, physician, "suspected popish recusant," 117

Willis, Mary, 286

", William, 161, 286

", alias Whiles, William, 120

Willoughby, George, 80

", John, 140

Willowbey (otherwise Willoughby), Elizabeth, 70, 140

Willson, Joshua, 155

Wilson, Elizabeth, widow, 104

", Elizabeth, 140, 141

", alias Powell, Mary, 155

Winchester, Charles, Right Hon., Lord Marquess of, 96, 120

Winlowe, Richard, gent., 251

Winn, Francis, gent., 33

", Robert, 143

Winnett, Samuel, 240

Winter, . . . ., 124

Wise, Ellen, wife of John Wise, gent., "suspected papist," 104

", John, gent., 104

", John, 234

Witchcraft, Elizabeth Row suspected of practising, 43

Witherley, Thomas, gent., 76

Withers, Nathaniel, gent., 142

Withington, John, gent., 5

Withrington, George, 13

Withy, Edward, 138

Wollenden, Robert, 311

Wood, Dorothy, "suspected papist," 109

", John, 262

", alias Fryer, Joseph, 64

", Patrick, gent., "suspected papist," 111

", Richard, 146

Woodbourne alias Woodbine, John, 36

Woodcock, James, 114

"Wooden frames of weaveing loomes," Rioters breaking into the house of William Crouch at St. Leonard's Shoreditch, and carrying off and destroying two, xxx, 63, 64

Woodfeild, Alice, 91, 120

", William, 91

Woodman, John, "popish recusant," 128

Woods, Katherine, 320

Woodward, Anne, li, 33

", Richard, xvi, xvii, 271, 272

Woollgar, Arthur, "popish recusant," 131

Woosley, Robert, esq., 320

Worley, Humfrey, esq., 122

Worrall, John, 19

", Mary, 19

Worsley, James, 92

Worseley, John, True bill against, "for endeavouring to withdraw . . . . Wheeler, of St. Giles's-in-the-Fields, from the religion of the English church to "the Roman religion," 60, 93, 120

Worts, Robert, 316

Wren, John, 24

Wright, Christopher, 109

", George, convicted of murdering his infant son, 5

", John, 44

", Mary, "suspected papist," 109

", Rt. Hon. Sir R., knt., a Justice of the King's Bench, 312

", Richard, 227

", Thomas, 113

Wroth, Edward, gent., 23

", Henry, gent., 88, 89

", Henry, 122

Wrothe, John, of Hampstead, 339

", Sir Thomas, 339

Wyatt, Margaret, l, li, 30, 31

", Thomas, 1, li, 30, 31

Wye, Margaret, 18, 19

Wyld, Dorothy, wife of Lawrence Wyld, tobacconist, 112

", Lawrence, 112

", William, gent., 1

Wyrley, Mr., 95

Wythe, William, 160


Yallop, Robert, "suspected recusant," 148

Yard, William, 122

Yarmouth, Robert, the Viscount, robbed on the highway, 61

Yates, Edmund, 74

Yeate, Thomas, esq., 138

Yeates, Sir Charles, of Buckland co. Berks, bart., 138

Yeo, John, 156

York, James, H.R.H. Duke of, xv, 2, 10, 44, 77, 152, 162, 163, 201, 251, 252

", " Thief with false keya convicted of unlawfully entering the dwellinghouse of, 44

", " William Bracy, charged with speaking seditious words against, 2

", " Sir Philip Howard, knt., mistaken for, xv, 10

", " Seditious and scandalous words spoken by Robert Humes against, 201

", " Seditious words spoken by Katherine Johnson against, 162, 163

", " William Orpoole, indicted for speaking malicious words against, 152

", " Seditious and scandalous words alleged to have been spoken by William Shippy against, 251

", " Seditious and scandalous words spoken by John Ward against, 252

", " Seditious and scandalous words spoken by Edward Warren against, 77

Yorke, Charles, gent., 88, 89

Young, Henry, gent., 326

", John, 238, 284, 285

", Thomas, 187

Younge, Ensign Robert, 327