Middlesex Sessions Rolls: 1652

Middlesex County Records: Volume 3, 1625-67. Originally published by Middlesex County Record Society, London, 1888.

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'Middlesex Sessions Rolls: 1652', in Middlesex County Records: Volume 3, 1625-67, ed. John Cordy Jeaffreson (London, 1888), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/middx-county-records/vol3/pp207-212 [accessed 15 March 2025].

'Middlesex Sessions Rolls: 1652', in Middlesex County Records: Volume 3, 1625-67. Edited by John Cordy Jeaffreson (London, 1888), British History Online, accessed March 15, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/middx-county-records/vol3/pp207-212.

"Middlesex Sessions Rolls: 1652". Middlesex County Records: Volume 3, 1625-67. Ed. John Cordy Jeaffreson (London, 1888), British History Online. Web. 15 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/middx-county-records/vol3/pp207-212.


11 February, 1651/2.—Recognizances, taken before John Hoxton esq. J.P., of Walter Horton and Roger Heamon, both of Lymehouse marryners, in the sum of forty pounds each; For the appearance of the said Walter Horton and Roger Heamon at the next Session of the Peace for Middlesex, to give evidence "against Isaak Evans now prisoner in Newgate . . . . for drinking of severall healths to the Confusion of the Parliament of England, and uttering many curses wicked and impertinent wordes and speaches against them, saying they are . . . . doggs and many other opprobrious termes and languages." S. P. R., 17 Feb., 165½.

1 March, 1651/2.—True Bill that, at Sepulchre's parish co. Midd. on the said day, Mary Cotton late of the said parish spinster, stole and carried away "one velvett hatband sett with one hundred and thirty diamondes in collettes of . . . ." worth twenty pounds of the goods and chattels of Thomas Bowden.—Over Mary Cotton's name at the head of the indictment appears this clerical minute, to wit, "She putteth herself &c. Guiltie &c. no goodes, to bee hanged &c., but quicke with childe therefore &c." G. D. R., . . . ., 1652.

12 April, 1652.—True Bill that, at Whitechappell co. Midd. on the said day, Temperance Fossett, wife of Matthew Fossett late of Whitechappell yeoman, practised witchcraft upon and against Elizabeth Peirson wife of Richard Peirson yeoman, so that the said Elizabeth languished from the said 12th of April to the 11th day of October then next following, and is still in great danger of her life. Temperance Fossett was found 'Not Guilty.' G. D. R., . . . ., 1652.

27 April, 1652.—Order, made at G. S. P. held at Westminster, touching William Hide, Master of the Free School at Harrow-Hill co. Midd.—Forasmuch as it appeareth to this Court, That Mr. William Hide of the parish of Harrow-Hill in the said county is a Master of Art and Head Scholemaster of the Free Schole there, and that he is lately chosen at a Court Leete held in the Mannour of Harrow aforesaid to execute the office of Headborough in the same place for the yeare ensueinge, and that the necessary attendance of the said Mr. Hide is for the most part of his tyme required amongst his scholers, by reason whereof he cannot execute the said office, It is therefore (at the desire of the said Mr. Hide) thought fitt and soe ordered by this Court that the said Mr. Hide be absolutely discharged from the execucion of the said office, And that some of the cheif and most discreete inhabitants of Harrowe aforesaid shall forthwith meete together and make choise of some other meete person for the execucion of the said office there for this yeare ensuinge, and to retorne his name to some of the Justices of the Peace of the said county, to the end that he may take his oath for the due execucion of the said office. S. P. Book.

8 May, 1652.—True Bill that, in the common highway in Marybone co. Midd. on the said day, Thomas Ledgingham late of the said parish laborer assaulted Thomas Johnson with violence and then and there robbed him of one payre of brass enameled buttons worth two pence, two hand-kerchiefs worth twelve pence, one payre of gloves worth twelve pence, one cane worth six pence, one tobacco-box worth three pence, one cloath coate worth three shillings and fourleene shillings in numbered moneys. Found 'Guilty,' Thomas Ledgingham was sentenced to be hanged. G. D. R., 2 June, 1652.

. . . ., 1652.—True Bill that, at Martin's-in-the-Feilds co. Midd. on the 14th March 1646, Margery Scott wife of Samuell Scott late of the said parish yeoman practised witchcraft &c. upon and against Cassandra Godwyn the then wife of James Godwyn, so that the said Cassandra henceforth languished of the said devilish witchcraft till she died thereof on the 20th of May then next following, being thus killed and murdered by the said Margery Scott.—Over Margery's name at the bill's head appears this clerical minute, "She putteth herselfe &c. not guiltie &c. noe flienge"=Putting herself on trial, she was found 'Not Guilty' by a jury, who did not withdraw from the verdict. G. D. R., . . . ., 1652.

27 June, 1652.—True Bill that, at Margaret's Westminster on the said day, John Thompson late of the said parish stole and bore away "one gold ring sett with one emerauld stone with two diamonds on each side of the value of three pounds of the goods and chatties of John Evelyn esqr., then and there found."—At the bill's foot appears this clerical memorandum, "Itt appeared upon the evidence to bee a robbery in the highway in the county of Kent." Over John Thompson's name in the bill's second line, appears this unpunctuated interlinear minute, "Hee putteth himself &c. Guiltie &c. it appeareth upon the evidence to be a robbery in Kent to be hanged no goodes &c." G. D. R., . . . . August, 1652.

27 August, 1652.—Order, made at S. P. held at Hicks Hall in St. John's Street co. Midd., touching Lady Elizabeth Slingsby and her maltreated maid-servant.—Forasmuch as it appeareth to this Court, That Mary Burliston was retayned (at Michaelmas last) by Dame Elizabeth Slingsby widowe, the relict of Sir William Slingsby knt. deceased, to serve her as a covenant servant for the wages of 50s. by the yeare, and that the said Lady did violently beate her said servant with a great sticke and offered to strike her said servant with a hammer, and that the said Lady doth retayne the wages due to her said servant, and doth refuse to deliver her said servant her clothes, It is Ordered by this Court that the said Mary Burliston be forthwith discharged from the service of the said Lady Slingsby and left at liberty to goe to another service, and that the said Lady Slingsby shall pay the summe of twenty-and-five shillinges due to her for wages and the summe of two shillinges, disbursed by the said Mary for silke for the use of her said Lady, and alsoe that the said Lady Slingsby shall deliver or cause to be delivered the cloathes and wearinge-apparell left by the said Mary in the house of the said Lady Slingshy into the hands of the said Mary or to such other person or persons as shall be by her appointed to receave the said money and clothes. S. P. Book.

30 August, 1652.—Whereas Phillip Porter of the parish of Clementes Danes' gentleman, Lyonell Earle of Middlesex and William Powell of Westminster &c. gentlemen were bound by recognizance taken the third day of June 1652 before William Steele esq. the Recorder of London and Tobye Lysle esq. one of the Justices of Peace for the county of Middlesex, to wit, the sayd Phillip Porter in 5,000£. and the sayd Earle and William Powell in 2,500£. apeece, that the sayd Phillip Porter should personally appeare at the then next Sessions of the Peace to be holden at the Justice Hall in the Old Baylie to answeare &c. And in the meane tyme to keepe the peace towards his naturall mother Mrs. Olave Porter, At which next Sessions, to wit, at the Sessions of the Peace holden for the Citty of London at Justice Hall in the Old Baylie the fourteenth day of July 1652 the sayd Phillip Porter did not appeere according to the sayd recognizaunce but made default, So that the sayd recognizance became forfeited, And Wheras also the sayd Earle at this Sessions peticioned this Court that the sayd recognizance might be discharged and vacuated, intimating that the sayd recognizance was taken only for keping the peace towards his sayd mother untill the sayd next Sessions after the taking of the sayd recognizance, and not otherwise, And whereas also it did nowe appeare unto this Court by oath taken before the Cheife Justice of the Upper Bench, that the sayd Phillip Porter after the taking of the sayd recognizance and before the sayd next Sessions in a very rude and unnaturall manner and with wicked oathes before her doore did disturbe and threaten her and some of her friends, It is therfore nowe Ordered that the sayd Recognizance shalbe estreated, if the sayd Earle doe not at the next Sessions of Gaole Deliverye to be holden for the citty of London and county of Middlesex bring in the bodye of the sayd Phillip Porter and shewe good cause why the said recognizance should not be estreated, as it ought to be. G. D. Reg.

30 August, 1652.—Ordered that all such prisoners, as shalbe heereafter reprived after judgment, shalbe put to execucion except their friends will mayntaine them in prison, till a pardon be procured or other order be taken for them. By the Court. G. D. Reg.

2 September, 1652.—True Bill that, at . . . . in Holborne in the night of the said day, William Deakins laborer and Richard Dunne yeoman broke burglariously into the dwelling-house of John Drewe, and stole therefrom and carried away one silver tankard worth fifty shillings, one silver . . . . worth three pounds, two silver cupps worth three pounds, six silver spoones worth two pounds, one gold ring set with dyamonds worth three pounds, one gold ring set with a ruby worth thirty shillings, one gold ring "sett with todstone" worth fifteen shillings, divers articles of wearing apparel duly and severally described in the indictment, and forty pounds in numbered moneys, of the goods chattels and moneys of the said John Drewe. William Deakins was found 'Guilty,' but the record of sentence has perished from the parchment. Richard Dunne was ' at large.' G. D. R., . . . ., 1652/3.

13 October, 1652.—Recognizances, taken before John Hooker esq. J.P., of Edward Remington of Andrewes Holborn merchant-taylor and Thomas London of Lyons Inne gentleman, in the sum of ten pounds each, and Ellinor Blayney of Clement's Danes' widow, in the sum of twenty pounds; For the said Ellinor Blayney's appearance at the next S. P. for the City and Liberty of Westminster, to answer &c. she "being suspected to have beene carnallie knowne by John Rowland of the Savoy parish gentleman, for that they were found a-bedd together this day about tenn of the clock in the said Blaney's house."— Also, the Recognizances, taken on the same day, before the same J.P., of the same two sureties in the same sum each, and of John Rowland of Savoy parish gentleman, in the sum of twenty pounds; For the said John Rowland's appearance at the aforesaid S. P. to answer &c, he "being suspected to have had the carnall knowledge of the bodie of Ellinor Blaney widdow, for that they were this day about eleaven of the clock found in bedd together att the said Blaney's house in Maypole Alley." S. P. (West), R., 4 Jan., 1652/3.

13 October, 1652.—Memorandum, That at this Sessions Lyonell Earle of Middlesex brought in the body of Phillip Porter accordinge to an Order of the last Sessions, who is nowe committed to the Gaole of Newgate, ther to remayne untill hee be discharged by due course of lawe: Therefore as to the appearance of the said Mr. Porter, the recognizance of the sayd Earle of Middlesex is to be stayed for being eastreated. G. D. Reg.

13 October, 1652.—Ordered that John Sclater is referred to Sir William Roberts and Mr. Josias Berners to be bayled to appeare at the next Sessions; the principall in 1,500£. and the bayle in 1,000£. a-peece:—For Forgerie.—By the Courte. G. D. Reg.

9 November, 1652.—Recognizances, taken before Sir Jonn Thorowgood knt. J.P., of Thomas Rawson of Hamersmith co. Midd. husbandman and John Allen of Kensington co. Midd. tailor, in the sum of ten pounds each, and of John Maple of Hamersmith aforesaid laborer, in the sum of twenty pounds; For the said John Maple's appearance at the next Session of the Peace for Middlesex, to be held at Hicks Hall, "to answear what by Richard Halloway shalbe objected and informed against him, concerninge his drinking of the pretended King's health" and also "to testify the like against the said Halloway." S. P. R., 6 Dec, 1652.

16 November, 1652.— Recognizance, taken before Laurence Whitaker esq. J.P., of William Bowman of Giles's-in-the-Feildes co. Midd. victualler, in the sum of ten pounds; For the said William Bowman's appearance at the next Session of the Peace for Middlesex, to be held at Hicks Hall in St. John's Street, "to prosecute and frame a bill of indictment against Henry Bolt and Edward Hall for makeinge a tumult in the street, draweinge their swordes and cuttinge him on the head and hand." S. P. R., 6 Dec., 1652.

6 December, 1652.—Order, made at S. P. held at Hicks Hall in St. John's Streete co. Midd., touching Nicholas Bacon of Gray's Inn esq.—Forasmuch as Nicholas Bacon of Grayes Inne in the county of Middlesex esq. is accused to be the reputed father of a bastard child borne of Fraunces Tisdale within the parish of St. Andrewes in Holborne in the said county, which said bastard child is likely to become chargeable to the said parish, It is therefore ordered by this Court, That the said Nicholas Bacon shall stand to abide and performe such order as shalbe made and set downe by Richard Newdigate and James Winstanley esquiers (two of the Justices of the Peace of the said county, whereof one of them beinge of the Quorum and inhabitinge in or next to the lymitts of the said parish in the said county, where the said child was borne) as well for the releife and mainteynaunce of the said bastard child, as discharge of the said parish, And that the said Justices shall certifie their said order therein to be made to this Court at the next Sessions of the Peace to be held for the said county. S. P. Book.