Middlesex County Records: Volume 1, 1550-1603. Originally published by Middlesex County Record Society, London, 1886.
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'Middlesex Sessions Rolls: 1581', in Middlesex County Records: Volume 1, 1550-1603, ed. John Cordy Jeaffreson (London, 1886), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/middx-county-records/vol1/pp121-129 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'Middlesex Sessions Rolls: 1581', in Middlesex County Records: Volume 1, 1550-1603. Edited by John Cordy Jeaffreson (London, 1886), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/middx-county-records/vol1/pp121-129.
"Middlesex Sessions Rolls: 1581". Middlesex County Records: Volume 1, 1550-1603. Ed. John Cordy Jeaffreson (London, 1886), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/middx-county-records/vol1/pp121-129.
2 January, 23 Elizabeth.—Recognizances, taken before Robert Harris esq. J.P., of Barnard Poole shomaker and John Thorney boocher, both of Grais Inn Lane co. Midd., in the sum of five pounds each, and of George Pegsworth of Grais Inn Lane surgion, in the sum of ten pounds, for the said George's appearance at the next General Session of the Peace. Note at foot of the bill,—"For Play." G. S. P. R., Easter, 23 Eliz.
10 January, 23 Elizabeth.—True Bill that, at Ratclyff co. Midd. on the said day, William Whytmore late of Stratforde Langthorne co. Essex, William Fayreman late of Ratclyff co. Midd., Henry Gryffyn late of Ratclyff aforesaid, and John Harris late of Lymehouse co. Midd., assaulted Walter Hedd alias Hedley, "one of the yeomen of the Quenes Maiesties garde," then wearing the coat or livery of the same Queen; and That the said William Whytemore with an halberd slew and murdered the same Walter Hedd alias Hedley, giving him therewith on the top of his head a wound, of which he died on the following 13th January 23 Eliz.; and That William Fayreman with a drawn sword, and Henry Gryffyn and John Harris with halberds, were present at the affray, and aiding and encouraging the said William Whytemore to commit the said murder. G. D. R., 28 June, 23 Eliz.
18 February, 23 Elizabeth.—Recognizance, taken before John Haynes esq. J.P., of Robert Swift of London gentleman, in the sum of twenty pounds; For the said Robert Swift's appearance at "the next quarter Sessions att Westminster," to give evidence against Walter Chambers. G. S. P. R., Easter, 23 Eliz.
9 March, 23 Elizabeth.—Recognizances, taken before Humfrey Smithe esq. J.P., of Lewis Floyde servant of Sir Christofer Hatton knt., and William Smith servant of Arthur Gorge esq. one of the Queen's pensioners, in the sum of twenty pounds each, and of Edward ap Thomas, servant of Anthony Myldmay esq., in the sum of forty pounds; For the said Edward ap Thomas's appearance at the next General Session of the Peace. G. S. P. R., Easter, 23 Eliz.
18 March, 23 Elizabeth.—True Bill against Thomas Norwood of Great Stanmore co. Midd. gentleman, and an inhabitant of the said parish, for not going to church in the said parish, nor to any other church, chapel or place of Common Prayer, from 18 March 23 Eliz. to the 1st of October then next following. G. S. P. R., Michaelmas, 23 Eliz.
18 March, 23 Elizabeth.—True Bill that (whereas it is enacted by a certain statute of parliament of 23 Elizabeth, that every person over sixteen years of age, who should refrain from attending at church, chapel or some usual place of common prayer, against the tenor of a certain statute of the first year of her Majesty's reign For Uniformity of Common Prayer, and should be lawfully convicted thereof, should forfeit for each month, after the end of the said session of parliament, in which he or she should so refrain, the sum of twenty pounds of lawful money) Elizabeth Cordell, wife Edward Cordell of Fulham co. Midd. esq., and dwelling in the said parish, from the 18th March 23 Eliz. to 1st Oct. then next following refrained from attending divine service at the church of Fulham, and went to no other church, chapel or usual place of Common Prayer. G. S. P. R., Michaelmas, 23 Eliz.
18 March, 23 Elizabeth.—True Bill against Anne Chapman, wife of William Chapman of Heesse co. Midd. yoman, otherwise styled Anne Chapman of Woxbridge co. Midd. spinster, dwelling at Woxbridge within the parish of Hillingdon, for not going to church at Hillingdon, or any other church, chapel or usual place of Common Prayer from the 18th March 23 Eliz. to the 1st of October then next following. G. S. P. R., Michaelmas, 23 Eliz.
18 March, 23 Elizabeth.—True Bill for not going to church, chapel or any usual place of Common Prayer, from 18 March last past to the 26th of the instant June, against . . . . Lady Metham widow, Edward Palmer yoman, Martin . . . ., Robert Gryndall taylor, all of the parish of St. Giles-in-the-Fields.—Also, similar True Bills for not going to any church, chapel or any usual place of Common Prayer from 20th May 23 Eliz. to the 26th of June then next following, against . . . . Strowde of Hopton co. Midd. yoman; Mary Fowler of the parish of St. Clement Danes co. Midd. spinster; Juliana Birde wife of William Byrde gentleman, and John Reason yoman, of Harlington co. Midd.; . . . . spinster (whose name is no longer legible on the decayed record) of Ruyslippe co. Midd.; and Elizabeth Eden wife of John Eden, and Katherine Eden spinster, both of Ruyslippe. G. D. R., 28 June, 23 Eliz.
20 March, 23 Elizabeth.—Recognizances, taken before Gabriell Goodman, Dean of the Collegiate Church of Westminster and J.P., of Henry Hyndle of Padington co. Midd. wever, Richard Johnson of the same parish wever, Edward Norham of Fulham co. Midd. wever, and Thomas Kynge of Fulham aforesaid taylor, in the sum of twenty pounds each, and of Thomas Dodd yoman, James Hollydaye taylor, and Edward Jones taylor, all three of Westminster, in the sum of ten pounds each; For the appearance of the aforesaid Henry Hyndle, Richard Johnson, Edward Norham and Thomas Kynge, at the next General Session of the Peace.—Signed, Gabriell Goodman. G. S. P. R., Easter, 23 Eliz.
22 March, 23 Elizabeth.—Coroner's Inquisition-post-mortem, taken within Newgate Gaol, on view of the body of John Grene late of London, then and there lying dead: With Verdict that the said John Grene sickened and languished for the space of a month within the said gaol, and died there on the 22nd of March by Divine Visitation, of a disease called "the burnyng of the bellie." G. D. R., 7 April, 23 Eliz.
25 March, 23 Elizabeth.—Recognizance, taken before John Haynes esq. J.P., of Cutbard Wallop of St. Pulchar's parish in London tailour, in the sum of five pounds, "That he do gyve evidence and purswe the Lawe with effect against Judith Griffith and Katherin Hawton at the tyme of their triall." G. S. P. R., Easter, 23 Eliz.
13 May, 23 Elizabeth.—True Bill for not going to divine service in the parish-church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, nor to any other usual place of Common Prayer, from 13th May 23 Eliz. to the 1st of October then next following, against Francis Brygham gentleman, dwelling in the said parish. G. S. P. R., Michaelmas, 23 Eliz.
23 May, 23 Elizabeth.—Recognizances, taken before Humfrey Smythe esq. J.P., of James Dale of Gray's Inne gentleman, and Thomas Skydmore of the Inner (? Temple) gentleman, in the sum of ten pounds each, and Anthony Rone of . . . . gentleman, in the sum of twenty pounds; For the said Anthony's appearance at the next General Session of the Peace. G. D. R., 28 June, 23 Eliz.
26 May, 23 Elizabeth.—True Bill for not going to any church, chapel or any usual place of Common Prayer, from 26th May last past to the 26th June then next following, against Richard Craighe clerk, Thomas Cotham clerk, Thomas Briscoe yoman, Robert Johnson clerk, . . . . Bosgrave clerk, Christopher Tompson clerk, Ralph Sheringe clerk, and Henry Orton . . . ., all of the parish of the church of St. Peter-ad-vincula within the Tower of London co. Midd.; with other persons, whose names have disappeared from the mutilated and decayed bill. G. D. R., 28 June, 23 Eliz.
26 May, 23 Elizabeth.—True Bill for not going to any church, chapel, or any usual place of Common Prayer, from 26th May last past to the 27th of June then next following, against John Towneley gentleman, Thomas Croftes gentleman, Pollidore Morgan gentleman, James Braybrooke gentleman, John Byfflyte gentleman, Anthony Tyrrell clerk, Edward Russheton clerk, Gilbert Tytcheborne gentleman, John Comber yoman, John Gyfford gentleman, Humfrey Comberforde gentleman, Robert Dubdeale yoman, all of St. Margaret's parish in Westminster; Magdalen Heathe wife of Thomas Heathe of Fulham gentleman; and Elizabeth Johnson spinster, Edward Powell yoman, Lawrence Vaus clerk, John Cormorthe clerk, Richard Rosse clerk, Thomas Cotesmore clerk, William Feckenham alias Wyborne gentleman, of the parish of St. Margaret of Westminster; Malina Yate wife of John Yate of Stuffeilde co. Bark.; William Warrine baker, Jane Thompson spinster, William Carter yoman, Ambrose Edmondes gentleman, and John Pynshove gentleman, all of St. Margaret's parish, Westminster. G. D. R., 28 June, 23 Eliz.
31 May, 23 Elizabeth.—True Bill that, at Ratclyff co. Midd. on the said day, Robert Hewes late of London gentleman, Thomas Hopton late of London gentleman, and Margaret Tayler late of London spinster, stole and carried off a woman's gown of black grograyne trimmed with velvet, worth eight pounds, and a red woollen cloth petticoat worth forty shillings, of the goods and chattels of Robert Fyts-Wylliams. G. D. R., 28 June, 23 Eliz.
. . . . 23 Elizabeth.—True Bill that, on a certain day that has disappeared from the decayed bill, Anne Lambe spinster, Margaret Ashe alias Cotton spinster servant of Humfrey Goslyn, . . . . Daldersby spinster servant of John Smarte, Margaret Parsones spinster servant of James Gardener, and Elizabeth Burche spinster, all of the parish of the Stronde co. Midd., assembled riotously and assaulted Alice Goldewell widow, Sara Goldewell, Judeth Goldewell and Mary . . . ., throwing them down and tearing and pulling out their hair. G. D. R., 28 June, 23 Eliz.
6 June, 23 Elizabeth.—Recognizances, taken before Humfrey Smythe esq. J.P., of Richard Knight of Wanborowe co. Wilts, gentleman, and Robert Knight of Balliol College (? Oxon); For their peaceful bearing to Richard Arkell, and their appearance at the next General Session of the Peace. G. D. R., 28 June, 23 Eliz.
26 June, 23 Elizabeth.—True Bill against Juliana Byrd wife of William Byrd of Harlington co. Midd. and John Reason of the same parish yoman, for not going to church in the said parish, nor to any other church, chapel or usual place of Common Prayer, from 26th June 23 Eliz. last past to the 1st of October then next following. G. S. P. R., Michaelmas, 23 Eliz.
26 June, 23 Elizabeth.—True Bill against Martin Trewynyarde of the parish of St. Giles-in-the-Fields gentleman, dwelling in the said parish, for not going to church in the said parish, nor to any church, chapel or usual place of Common Prayer, from 26th June 23 Eliz. to the 1st of October then next following. G. S. P. R., Michaelmas, 23 Eliz.
26 June, 23 Elizabeth.—True Bill against Elizabeth Eden, wife of John Eden of Ruyslippe co. Midd. gentleman, Katherine Eden of the same parish spinster, and John Kytchen of the same parish gentleman and his wife Mary Kytchen, dwelling in said parish, for not going to church in the said parish, or any other usual place of Common Prayer, from 26th June 23 Eliz. to the 1st of October then next following. G. S. P. R., Michaelmas, 23 Eliz.
26 June, 23 Elizabeth.—True Bill against John Bucke of Fulham co. Midd. yoman, for not going to church, chapel or any other place of Common Prayer from 26th June 23 Eliz. to the 1st of October then next following. G. S. P. R., Michaelmas, 23 Eliz.
27 June, 23 Elizabeth.—True Bill for not going to church, chapel or any usual place of Common Prayer from 27th June 23 Eliz. to 26th Sept. then next following, against John Towneley gentleman, James Braybrooke gentleman, Polidor Morgan gentleman, John Moore gentleman, Edward Rushton clerk, Anthony Terrell clerk, Ambrose Edmondes gentleman, Humfrey Cumberford gentleman, Edward Pooley yoman, Laurence Vaus clerk, all of Westminster; Magdalen wife of Thomas Heath of Fulham co. Midd. gentleman, Jane Thompson spinster, Robert Dubdele yoman, John Cormorthe clerk, Thomas Cotesmore clerk, Richard Rosse clerk, William Feckenham alias Wyborne gentleman, and Ralph Collyer clerk, all dwelling at Westminster.—With memorandum at the foot of the bill that, at the Gaol Delivery of 20 December 24 Elizabeth, the aforesaid John Towneley, James Braybrooke, Polidor Morgan, John Moore, Humfrey Comberford, Edward Poole, Laurence Vaus, Jane Thompson, Robert Dubdeale (sic), John Cormorth, Thomas Cotesmore, William Feckenham alias Wyborne and Ralph Collyer, all and each acknowledged (i.e. confessed) the indictment; whereupon it was adjudged that each of them should have the punishment of the statute.—Also, with memorandum that afterwards, at Gaol Delivery of 19 January 24 Eliz., the aforesaid Magdalen, wife of Thomas Heathe, and Richard Rosse confessed the indictment, when it was adjudged that each of them "habeat penam statuti." G. S. P. R., Michaelmas, 23 Eliz.
28 July, 23 Elizabeth.—True Bill that, at Whitechappell co. Midd. on the said day, John Jones and John Brande, late of London yomen, stole " unum vestimentum muliebre vocat' a woman's cassocke of wollen clothe color' rattes coler," worth thirty shillings, of the goods and chattels of Henry Slatter. G. D. R., 6 Oct., 23 Eliz.
29 July, 23 Elizabeth.—Coroner's Inquisition-post-mortem, taken at Clerkenwell co. Midd., on view of the body of Richard Brooke late of Clerkenwell gentleman, then and there lying dead: With Verdict that, on 29 July 23 Eliz. between two and three p.m., a certain Richard Wilton, late of London yoman, was in the dwelling-house of Henry Best at St. John's Streat co. Midd. yoman, having business to do with . . . . of Islington carpenter; and That the said Richard Wilton on the said day walking by himself went from the said house towards Islington, when he was maliciously followed by the said Richard Brooke to Wood Close in the parish of Clerkenwell, lying between St. John's Streat and Islington, on which the same Richard Brooke and Richard Wilton on a sudden drew their swords, each of them being armed with a sword in his right hand and a dagger in his left hand, and made an affray, in which Richard Wilton with his sword gave Richard Brooke in the fore part of his body a mortal blow, of which he died then and there; and That in this way Richard Wilton slew Richard Brooke. On his arraignment in the Justice Hall of the Old Bailey, "Ricus Wilton po se cul ca null petit librum legit vt clericus et deliberatur."
17 [? 18] August, 23 Elizabeth.—Coroner's Inquisition-post-mortem, taken at the parish of St. Giles-without-Criplegate London co. Midd., on view of the body of William Marler an infant of eight years of age, then and there lying dead: With Verdict that William Marler aforesaid and a certain Helen Smythe of St. Giles's aforesaid spinster in the night of 17 August 23 Eliz., viz. between the twelfth and fourth hours, were lying in a certain bed in the house of the said Helen Smythe in the said parish, when with malice aforethought and the intention of murdering him she seized his neck with both her hands and shook and broke it, thereby killing and murdering the said William. At her arraignment Helen Smythe put herself 'Guilty' and was sentenced to be hung. G. D. R., 6 Oct., 23 Eliz.
24 August, 23 Elizabeth.—True Bill that, at the parish of St, Clement Danes co. Midd., Ralph Collyer of Westminster clerk celebrated a mass. G. S. P. R., Easter, 24 Eliz.
4 September, 23 Elizabeth.—True Bill that, at Sowthemymes co. Midd. on the said day, Nicholas Wallewynn alias Poulter late of Shittlington co. Bedford yoman and Thomas Rolff late of Hitchin co. Hertford yoman, stole a grey horse worth five pounds of the goods and chattels of Stephen Danyell, and a brown horse worth forty-six shillings of the goods and chattels of Robert Woodewarde. Against Nicholas Wallwyn's name appears the memorandum "Po se cul ca null sus"; and over Thomas Rolff's name the note "respectuatur per cur'." G. D. R., 6 Oct., 23 Eliz.
13 September, 23 Elizabeth.—Recognizances, taken before Barnard Randolph esq. J.P., of Richard Baker of the parish of St. Giles-without-Cripplegate, in the sum of twenty pounds, and of William Dice of the said parish yoman and Thomas Bradforde of the parish of Christe Church in the ward of Farington, London, citizen and butcher, in the sum of ten pounds each; For the said Richard Baker's appearance at the next Gaol Delivery, "for that hee killed a sheepe of two yeres olde for a lame (sic) and so solde it to the disayte of the Quenes subjectes, and for killinge and sellinge victualls on the sabothe dayes." G. D. R., 6 Oct., 23 Eliz.
19 September, 23 Elizabeth.—True Bill for not going to church, chapel or any other usual place of Common Prayer, from 19th September last past to the 20th December then next following, against Elizabeth Eden wife of John Eden gentleman and . . . . spinster, both of Ruyslippe; Thomas Norwoode of Great Stanmer co. Midd. gentleman; Anne Chapman wife of William Chapman of Heesse co. Midd. gentleman; Robert Brokesbie of Islington co. Midd. gentleman, Juliana Burde wife of William Burde of Harlingeton co. Midd. gentle man, and John Reason of the same last-named parish yoman. G. D. R., 19 Jan., 24 Eliz.
20 September, 23 Elizabeth.—Inquisition-post-mortem, taken at Twicknam co. Midd., on view of the body of Mary Jarvys late of Twicknam spinster, then and there lying dead: With Verdict that, on 18 August last past between four and five a.m., the said Mary Jarvys went from the house of her master, James Heron of Twicknam yoman, into a certain wood called Hamylandes Grove at Twicknam, whither came between the hours of nine and twelve on the night of the same day a certain John Culter. late of Twicknam laborer, who then and there with malice aforethought assaulted the said Mary with the intention of murdering her, and with "a meate kniffe" gave her in the throat a wound, of which she languished till she died on the 19th of the present September, and that in this way John Culter killed and murdered Mary Jarvys. "Et p'dcus Joh'es Culter po se cul ca null, Sus." G. D. R., 6 Oct., 23 Eliz.
16 October, 23 Elizabeth.—True Bill for not going to church, chapel or any other usual place of Common Prayer from 16th October last past to 19th November then next following, against John Townley, gentleman, James Braybrook . . . ., . . . . Morgan gentleman, Humfrey Comberford gentleman, Robert Dubdall yoman, Edward Poule . . . ., Laurence Vaus clerk, Ralph Collyer clerk, Richard Rosse clerk, . . . . Cotesmore clerk, John Cormorthe clerk, William Wiborne gentleman, all of Westminster co. Midd.; Magdalen Heath wife of Thomas Heath of Fulham gentleman; Jane Thompson of Westminster spinster, and Humfrey Eyton of the same city yoman. Bill much decayed. G. D. R., 19 Jan., 24 Eliz.
26 October, 23 Elizabeth.—True Bill for not going to any church, chapel or other place of Common Prayer from 26th October last past to 18th January then next following, against Robert Brennynge of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, . . . . Cragge of the parish of St. Clement Danes gentleman, Henry Wighlie of the same parish; . . . . Morris gentleman and Alice Newton spinster of Knightesbridge within the parish of St. Margaret in Westminster; . . . . Pynchyn gentleman, Susanna wife of Anthony Spencer gentleman, and Edward Taylor bearebrewer, all three of St. Margaret's parish in Westminster. G. D. R., 19 Jan., 24 Eliz.
. . . . 24 Elizabeth.—True Bill that, at Harefeilde co. Midd. on some day no longer legible on the decayed bill, Edward Stafforde gentleman and . . . . Wylson yoman, both of Harefeilde, with divers other disturbers of the peace, armed with swords, bucklers, daggers and other arms, broke into the dwelling-house of George Ashebie esq., and assaulted his servants. G. D. R., 19 Jan., 24 Eliz.
24 December, 24 Elizabeth.—True Bill for not going to any church, chapel or usual place of Common Prayer, from the said day to 31st March then next following, against Juliana Burde wife of William Burde of Harlingeton co. Midd. gentleman, John Raysonne of the same parish yoman, Thomas Norwoode of Great Stanmer co. Midd. gentleman, Elizabeth Eden wife of John Eden of Ruislippe co. Midd. gentleman, Robert Broxbye of Islingeton co. Midd. gentleman, Richard Bayarde of Islington yoman and Thomas Suutherne of Islington cook. G. D. R., 9 April, 24 Eliz.