Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.
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'House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 1 December 1647', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646(London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].
'House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 1 December 1647', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646(London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,
"House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 1 December 1647". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646. (London, 1767-1830), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.
In this section
DIE Mercurii, 1 die Decembris.
PRAYERS, by Mr. Warde.
Domini præsentes fuerunt.
Comes Manchester, Speaker.
Comes Kent. Comes Salisbury. Comes Pembrooke. Comes Mulgrave. Comes Rutland. Comes Stamford. Comes Northumb. L. Viscount Say & Seale. Comes Denbigh. |
Ds. Mountagu. Ds. Grey. Ds. North. Ds. La Warr. |
E. of Leic. and Murdock.
Ordered, That the Business of the Earl of Leycester, against Murdocke, shall be heard on Monday Morning next.
Answer from the H. C.
Mr. Hakewill and Mr. Eltenhead return with this Answer from the House of Commons:
That they agree to the Pardon for the Western Prisoners: (Here enter it.) To all the rest, they will send an Answer by Messengers of their own.
Sir C. Hamilton's Childrens Claim on the E. of Antrim.
The Petition of Anne, Alice, and Valentine Hamilton, Son and Daughters of Sir Cloade Hamilton Knight, deceased; shewing, "That the Earl of Antrim is indebted to them Sixteen Hundred Pounds; therefore desires that something may be ordered, for their present Means, out of the said Earl of Antrim's Estate, he being in Rebellion in Ireland."
Respited, till it be made appear that the Debt is true, and what it is.
Petition from the Common Council:
A Petition from the Common Council of the City of London, was presented by Mr. Sheriff Avery and others of the Common Council, and read publicly in their Presence. (Here enter it.)
And then the Messengers withdrew.
And, after Consideration had, they were called in.
Answer to it.
And the Speaker, in the Name of the House, returned them this Answer:
"The Lords have commanded me to let you know, That they return you Thanks for the Acknowledgements you now make for the Benefits received by this Parliament, and for the Care of the Honour and Privileges of Parliament, as the Supreme Court and Judicatory of this Kingdom; together with those good Affections which are very largely and seasonably expressed by this your Petition. They desire you to be assured, that they will improve their utmost Endeavours, for the easing of the Burdens that lie upon the Kingdom, for the procuring of a just and safe Peace; neither will they omit any Means that may restore again the City of London unto a flourishing and happy Condition, in respect of Trade, as a Return for those great and faithful Services that they have done to the Parliament and Kingdom.
"As to the other Particulars in the Petition, which relate to the Power of this House, they shall take them into their Consideration, and do therein what shall be according to Honour and Justice."
Ordinance to augment White's Living at Dorchester.
An Ordinance was brought in, and read, for the Adding an Augmentation to the Living of Mr. John White, at Dorchester, in the County of Dorsett; and committed to these Lords following:
To meet To-morrow Morning, at Nine a Clock.
Message from the H. C. with Orders, &c.;—with a Letter of Thanks to L. Inchiquin;—and to remind the Lords of the Ordinance for Tonnage and Poundage.
A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Sir Rob't Pye Knight, &c.; who brought up divers Things, wherein their Lordships Concurrence is desired:
1. An Order for One Thousand Pounds to be given to the Lord Inchiquin. (Here enter it.)
Read, and Agreed to.
2. A Letter of Thanks to be written to the Lord Inchiquin. (Here enter it.)
Read, and Agreed to.
3. An Order for Ten Thousand Pounds to be raised for Munster. (Here enter it).
Read, and Agreed to.
4. An Order of Indemnity for the Officers of Munster. Respited.
5. An Ordinance for reimbursing and securing to the Eastern Association the Sum of Twenty Thousand Pounds, forborn by them, for the present Service of the Army. (Here enter it.)
Agreed to.
6. An Ordinance for securing and reimbursing to the Fellowship of Merchant Adventurers the Sum of Fifteen Thousand Pounds advanced by them, and the Sum of Eight Thousand Eight Hundred and Four Pounds due upon their Disbursements. (Here enter it.)
Agreed to.
7. An Ordinance for One Thousand Pounds to be paid to Sir Thomas Maleverer, out of the Excise, in Course. (Here enter it.)
Agreed to.
8. To put their Lordships in Mind of the Ordinance for Tonnage and Poundage.
The Answer returned was:
That to the Order of Indemnity for the Officers of Munster, and the Ordinance for Tonnage and Poundage, they will send an Answer by Messengers of their own: To all the rest, they do agree.
E. of Ancram's Protection renewed.
Ordered, That the Protection, to the Earl of Ancram shall be renewed for Six Months longer, from the Second of this Instant December.
Parnacot and Teate.
Ordered, That the Writ of Error between Humphrey Parnacott Plaintiff, and Hester Teate, shall be argued the Tenth of this Month.
Sir R. Spencer, a Pass.
Ordered, That Sir Richard Spencer shall have a Pass, to go into Holland.
Witham to be instituted to Nisby, &c.
Ordered, That Doctor Aylett do give Institution and Induction unto Jo. Witham Clerk, Master of Arts, unto the Rectory of Nisbey, with the Chapel of Manning, in the County of Essex, void by the Resignation of the last Incumbent; salvo Jure cujuscunque: Earl Oxon and John Herbert Esquire, Patrons.
Petition from the Common Council, acknowledging the Supreme Authority of Parliament;—disavowing the late Engagement in the City, which drove the Speakers, &c. to the Army;—desiring the imprisoned Aldermen, &c. may be released;—and that the Army may be provided for, to prevent Free-quarter, and their quartering near the City, &c.
"To the Right Honourable the Lords assembled in High Court of Parliament.
"The humble Petition of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons, of the City of London, in Common Council assembled;
"That your Petitioners do with all Readiness acknowledge the High Court of Parliament to be the Supreme Power and Judicatory in this Kingdom, constituted for the Defence and Contrivement of the Safety and Freedom of this Nation, unto whom all other Powers and Societies of Men ought to submit, and with their utmost Ability to assist and support; in whose Well-being and happy Progress, the peaceable and flourishing Condition of this Nation doth principally consist: the Contempt and Overthrow of whose Power and Authority cannot but be the woeful Inlet to all Tyranny and Confusion, the People's Slavery, and the Law's Subversion.
"And your Petitioners do with all Thankfulness acknowledge and remember the unwearied Pains, uncessant Labour, and constant Endeavours, of this present Parliament, in the common Cause of God and this Kingdom; wherein (though the Enemies have been many and great, their Oppositions strong, their Counsels deep, and your Discouragements not a few), yet (through the good Hand of God upon you) with the united Assistance of our Brethren of Scotland, and the well-affected People of this Kingdom joined together in a solemn League and Covenant, whose Lives and Treasure under God became your Bulwark (among whom this City hath been by you often acknowledged to be Contributors of an ample Share), your Enemies have been dispersed, their Counsels broken, your Endeavours crowned with Honour, and your Armies rest successful.
"And though the long-desired Fruits of Peace, of Freedom, and Common Justice, the Easing of the People's Burthens, and Reforming of Abuses, have been much obstructed and retarded, by the Necessities of long-continued War, the (fn. 1) sad Divisions amongst all Orders and Societies of Men in the Kingdom, the Fears of apparent Dangers and sudden Changes to arise thereby; yet, when your Petitioners look upon their Exemption from Monopolies and other illegal Impositions, the Deliverances they have had from the Power and Tyranny of the Prelates and their vexatious Courts, the Demolishing of the High Commission, Star-chamber, and that unparalleled Benefit and Freedom this Kingdom now enjoys in the Removal of the Court of Wards, whereby the Persons, the Posterities, and Estates of the Subjects were so much incumbered and enthralled (all which by many are ungratefully forgotten and cast out of Mind), and which therefore, out of Duty, your Petitioners have emboldened themselves thus publicly to enumerate; they cannot choose but with renewed Hopes expect ere long to see the Kingdom flourishing, and their Troubles ended.
"And when your Petitioners do consider how, not many Months agone, the whole Kingdom seemed to be reduced to the Obedience of the Parliament, their Brethren of Scotland returned Home with good Content, the City replenished again with Inhabitants, the Exchange of Monies with Foreign Nations brought into a good Medium, Trade in a prosperous Condition, the Excise and Customs increasing thereby, a Way of Settlement agreed upon by the Parliaments of both Nations, and all Things looking with a Face of Quietness and sweet Composure; they cannot but with Grief (fn. 2) of Heart remember the unhappy Disagreement between the Parliament and Army, and that late dangerous Engagement, which, as it was set on-foot in or about this City without their Knowledge or Consent, so they do utterly disavow and abhor it; those many Discontents and great Disturbances, which accompanied the same, and followed thereupon, both to Parliament and City; those unparalleled Outrages and Affronts committed by Reformadoes, and other tumultuous and discontented Persons, upon both Houses; the Army's advancing towards the City; the Common Council hurried into a Declaration, and into divers Military Preparations, intended by them for no other End but the Safety of Parliament and City:
"Whereupon hath followed the Free Quartering of the Army about the City, which hath occasioned the Dearness of Provisions, and given Opportunity to evil-minded Persons to foment Differences and Discontents both in the City and Army; and hath caused Foreign Nations and others to call Home and remove their Stocks to Parts beyond the Seas, to the great Decay of Trade in this City and Kingdom; and, by the Disproportion of Exchange, this Kingdom is not only deprived of Foreign Bullion, but (through the Encouragement taken thereby) have their own Coin transported away.
"That your Petitioners are deeply sensible of the great Displeasure of the Parliament towards this City, manifested in limiting the Extent of their Militia, taking away the Nomination of the Persons intrusted therewith, and of the Lieutenancy of The Tower of London, the Guarding of the Parliament and Tower with Soldiers of the Army, the Imprisoning of their Recorder, several Aldermen, and other Members of this City.
"Wherefore your Petitioners humbly pray, That the Honour, Power, and Privileges of Parliaments may, (fn. 3) by your Wisdom and Justice, be inviolably preserved: That the Army may be so provided for; that they may be enabled to remove their Quarters to a farther Distance from the City, whereby the Price of Provisions may be abated, and Trade encouraged; that Free Quarter may be prevented, and supernumerary Forces disbanded; that a more vigorous Course may be taken, in settling of the Peace and Government of the Kingdom, so long desired; that the Covenant may be fully observed; that all well-affected Persons that have adhered to the Parliament may be effectually protected and defended; that the Recorder, Aldermen, and other Citizens now imprisoned, (so as it may stand with the Honour and Wisdom of Parliament) may be enlarged, which your Petitioners shall esteem a great Favour to this City; and that all the late unhappy Proceedings, as unto this City and Members thereof, may be forgotten and obliterated; that your Petitioners may enjoy the Splendor of your former Favours, and be thereby enabled to be the more serviceable to the Preservation of the Parliament and City, and Reuniting of all that are well affected thereunto; which is their most earnest and hearty Desire.
"And your Petitioners shall pray, &c.
Order for 1000 l. to L. Inchiquin:
"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the Sum of One Thousand Pounds be bestowed, as a Gratuity, upon the Lord Inchiquin, to buy him Horses in Acknowledgement of his good and faithful Services to the Parliament; and that it be referred to the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland, at Derby House, to consider and bring in some Way and Place where this Sum of One Thousand Pounds may be settled and issue."
Letter of Thanks to sent to him.
"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That a Letter of Thanks be sent to the Lord Inchiquin, and he desired to thank the rest of his Officers; and that it be referred to the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland at Darby House, to prepare this Letter, to be sent from both Houses, and signed by the Speakers of both Houses."
Order for 1000 l. for Munster.
"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That, out of the First Monies to be designed for Ireland, the Sum of Ten Thousand Pounds be appointed and assigned for the Province of Munster, in Ireland, to be so settled as may be a Stock of Credit, for a present Supply of the Wants of that Province."
Ordinance to secure to the Eastern Association 20,000l. for born by them for the present Service of the Army.
"Whereas, by Ordinance of the 28th of February, 1645, there is charged upon the Excise in Course the Sum of Twenty Thousand Pounds, with Interest after the Rate of Eight Pounds per Centum, payable to Mr. Toll, or his Assignees, for the Use of the Three Regiments of Horse of Major Le Hunt, Major Gibb, and Captain Wallett's Company of Dragoons, raised, sent out, and maintained, by the Eastern Association; and whereas the Committee of the said Eastern Association is content, and do agree, that the same shall be issued out and disposed of for the present Supply of the Army: Be it Ordained, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That the Twenty Thousand Pounds, and Interest, charged on the Receipts of the Excise as aforesaid, shall be re-paid, by the Commissioners of Excise, unto Sir John Wollaston Knight, Thomas Adams, John Warner, Thomas Andrewes, and George Witham, Aldermen of the City of London, Francis Allen and John Dethick, of London, Merchants, Treasurers at War, or any Two of them, their Assignee or Assigns, whose Receipt or Receipts shall be to the said Commissioners of Excise their sufficient Discharge in that Behalf: And it is further Declared and Ordained, by the Authority aforesaid, That, in Satisfaction of this Agreement of the Committee for the Eastern Association as aforesaid, the said Twenty Thousand Pounds, with the Interest due on the First of March next, shall be re-paid by the said Treasurers at War, or by the Treasurers at War for the Time being, who are hereby required and authorized, without any further or other Warrant, to re-pay the same accordingly, out of the Receipts and Assessments for the Army, upon the First of March next, unto Thomas Toll Esquire, a Member of the House of Commons, or to such Treasurer as the said Committee for the Eastern Association shall appoint, whose Receipt or Receipts shall be to the said Treasurers at War a sufficient Discharge in that Behalf: And it is likewise Ordained, by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Twenty Thousand Pounds, with the Interest thereof, when the same is re-paid as aforesaid, shall be issued forth, by Warrant under the Hands of the said Committee for the Eastern Association, or of any Five or more of them, who have hereby Power to grant their Warrants accordingly, for Payment thereof, to such Uses as in the said Ordinance of the 28th of February, 1645, first abovementioned, are appointed and declared: And it is hereby further Ordained, That an Ordinance formerly passed both Houses, for securing and re-paying the said Twenty Thousand Pounds, of the Nineteenth of Nov'r, 1647, [ (fn. 4) for so much only as concerns the Re-payment of the said Twenty Thousand Pounds unto the Eastern Association, out of the Assessments for the Army, by the Treasurers at Wars] be, and is hereby, vacated, made void, and null."
Order to secure and reimburse to the Merchants Adventurers 15,000 l. advanced by them, and 8,805 l. due to them for Disbursements for the Public Use.
"Whereas the Fellowship of Merchants Adventurers of England have at present advanced and lent the Sum of Fifteen Thousand Pounds, for the Service of the Parliament; and whereas it appeareth, upon Accompt, that the Parliament is indebted to the said Fellowship the Sum of Eight Thousand Eight Hundred and Four Pounds, by them paid, for the Danish Arms taken near Newcastle, which were disposed of to the Service of the Parliament, and for other Disbursements: Be it Ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the said Fifteen Thousand Pounds now advanced, and the said (fn. 5) Eight Thousand Eight Hundred and Four Pounds, formerly disbursed as aforesaid, shall be reimbursed and paid unto the said Fellowship of Merchants Adventurers of England, or their Treasurer for the Time being, in Manner and Form following; videlicet, Ten Thousand Pounds thereof shall, together with Interest, after the Rate of Eight Pounds per Centum, be paid unto the said Fellowship, out of the Receipts of the Excise, in the Course of a former Assignment made by Ordinance of Parliament, dated the Eight and Twentieth Day of February, 1645, for Twenty Thousand Pounds to be paid in Course, with Interest after the Rate of Eight per Centum, for the Use of the Eastern Association; which Sum the Committee of the said Association is contented and do agree that the same shall be issued out and disposed of for the present Supply of the Army; and for the other Five Thousand Pounds now advanced, and the said Eight Thousand Eight Hundred and Four Pounds formerly disbursed as aforesaid, amounting together to the Sum of Thirteen Thousand Eight Hundred and Four Pounds, that the same shall be paid unto the said Fellowship, in Course, out of the Receipts of the Excise, upon the Ordinance of Parliament dated the 11th Day of September, 1643, and hitherto continued; and, in the Interim, that there shall every Six Months be paid Interest, out of the same Receipts of the Excise, after the Rate of Eight Pounds per Centum, unto the said Fellowship, until the said Thirteen Thousand Eight Hundred and Four Pounds and Interest be fully paid and discharged: And the Commissioners of the Excise for the Time being are hereby required and authorized to pay, as well the said Ten Thousand Pounds, with the Interest due thereupon, unto the said Fellowship, in the Course of the said Ordinance of Parliament, dated the Eight and Twentieth Day of February, 1645, as also the said Thirteen Thousand Eight Hundred and Four Pounds, together with Interest after the Rate of Eight Pounds per Centum, every Six Months, according to the true Intent and Meaning of this Ordinance; for which several Payments of Principal and Interest, the Receipt or Receipts of the said Fellowship, by their Treasurer for the Time being, testified under the Common Seal of the said Fellowship, shall from Time to Time be a sufficient Discharge unto the Commissioners of the Excise for the Time being, and every of them: And it is hereby further Declared, That, in case the said Receipts of Excise should cease before the several Sums hereby assigned thereupon be, with the Interest, fully discharged and paid, the said Lords and Commons will otherwise provide for the Payment and Satisfaction of the said Fellowship, of so much Principal and Interest as shall at that Time remain unpaid unto the said Fellowship: And lastly it is hereby Ordained, That the said Fellowship of Merchants Adventurers of England shall pay the said Fifteen Thousand Pounds, now advanced as aforesaid, unto the Treasurers at War, or any Two of them, whose Receipt shall be the said Fellowship's sufficient Discharge in that Behalf."
Order for 1000 l. to Sir T. Maleverer.
"Be it Ordained, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, That the Sum of One Thousand Pounds (in Part of the Pay due unto Sir Thomas Maleverer Knight, upon his Entertainment in the Parliament's Service) be paid to the said Sir Thomas, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, out of the Receipts of the Grand Excise, in Course, with Interest for the same, after the Rate of Eight Pounds per Cent. at the End of every Six Months from the Date hereof, until the Principal become payable: and the Receipt or Receipts of the said Sir Thomas, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, shall be a sufficient Discharge to the Commissioners of Excise for the Time being, for Payment of the said Principal and Interest, and every Part thereof, accordingly."
House adjourned till 10a cras.