Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.
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'House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 22 September 1647', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646(London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].
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"House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 22 September 1647". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646. (London, 1767-1830), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.
In this section
DIE Mercurii, 22 die Septembris.
PRAYERS, by Mr. Bridge.
Domini præsentes fuerunt:
Comes Manchester, Speaker. Comes Northumb. Comes Salisbury. Comes Pembrooke. L. Viscount Say & Seale. Comes Nottingham. Comes Denbigh. |
Ds. Grey. Ds. Howard. Ds. Wharton. |
Governor of Christ's Hospital, late Hawes's, Cause.
Upon reading the Petition of the Governors of Christ's Hospitall, of London:
It is Ordered, That the Order of the 12th of December, 1645, shall be renewed; and the Trial to be in the Name of the Governors, as it was in the Name of Anne Hawes Widow, who is lately dead.
Prince's Order for Money.
The Order for paying Eight Hundred Ninety-nine Pounds, Seventeen Shillings, and Eight Pence, to Thomas Prince, was read, and Agreed to. (Here enter it.)
Crow's Ordinance to be Vicar of Ashwell.
An Ordinance was presented to the House, for putting in Mr. John Crowe into the Vicarage of Ashwell, in the County of Hertford; which was read, and Agreed to.
Earl of Arundel's Timber in Sussex not to be cut down.
Upon reading the Petition of Henry Earl of Arrundell and Surrey; complaining, "That the Committee for the County of Sussex do cut down his Timber Trees at Arrundell:"
It is Ordered, That an Order be sent down to the said Committee, to inhibit them from cutting any more Timber of his Lordship's.
Ordinance to continue the Army Committee, &c.
The Ordinance for the Committee for the Army and Treasurers at Wars, was read Twice; and Ordered to be committed to the Consideration of these Lords:
Any Two, to meet presently.
The Earl of Northumb, reported the said Ordinance as fit to pass, putting out the Name of ["Mr. Recorder,"] and in the Place putting in the Name of ["Nath. Fiennes Esquire];" to which Alteration the House Agreed, and to the Ordinance with the said Alteration; and to be sent to the House of Commons for their Concurrence.
Letters from Ireland.
The Earl of Manchester reported from the Committee at Darby House, divers Letters sent out of Ireland, concerning Colonel Sterlinge; &c. with Letters to be sent to the Lord Inchequin.
Letters to Lord Inchiquin.
Die Martis, 21 Septembris, 1647.
"At a Committee of Lords and Commons for the Assairs of Ireland, at Derby House.
"Ordered, That the Draughts of the Letters to be sent from both Houses to the Lord Inchequin be reported to both Houses.
"That it be reported to both Houses, That the Letters to be sent from both Houses to the Lord Inchequin may be sent by Lieutenant Colonel Phome Bechen: and that he do return, to give the Houses an Account of the Effect of those Letters; and that he may have a Pass from both Houses, for his Going and Returning, which may be also a Warrant to any of the Parliament's Ships to transport him thither and back again.
"Gualter Frost."
Letter from General Stirling, and Remonstrance from his Army in Ireland.
Then a Letter from Major General Sterlinge, to the Lord Wariston, was read. (Here enter it.)
Another Letter from Major General Sterling, to Major General Monro, was read. (Here enter it.)
The Remonstrance to the Parliament, was read. (Here enter it.)
Letters to Ld. Inchiquin.
Two Letters to be sent to the Lord Inchiquin (fn. 1) were read. And the Question being put, "Whether to send these Letters to the Lord Inchequin?"
It was Resolved in the Negative.
The Lord Viscount Say & Seale and the Lord Wharton were appointed to draw a new Letter, to be sent to the Lord Inchequin.
Votes about the Army and Garrisons.
The several Votes concerning the Army and Garrisons, were read, and Agreed to. (Here enter them.)
Order about Evidences for Sale of Bishops Lands.
The Order for the Evidences, and Writings, and Records, to be delivered into the Hands of the Register for the Sale of Bishops Lands, was read, and Agreed to.
(Here enter it.)
Order for Commissioners to go to Ireland.
The Order for Mr. Chaloner, Colonel Jepson, and Colonel James Temple, to go Commissioners into Ireland, was read, and Agreed to. (Here enter it.)
Letter to Ld. Inchiquin.
The Lord Viscount Say & Seale reported the Draught of a Letter to be sent to the Lord Inchequin; which was read, and approved of, and Ordered to be sent to the House of Commons for Concurrence.
E. of Denbigh, Leave to be absent.
Ordered, That the Earl of Denbigh hath Leave to be absent from his Attendance in this House for Three Weeks.
Message to the H. C. with Ordinances;— about the Letter to Ld. Inchiquin; and for the E. of Cleveland's Leave to be prolonged.
A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Mr. Page and Doctor Aylett:
1. To desire their Concurrence in the Ordinance for the Committee of the Army and Treasurers at Wars, with the Alteration.
2. To desire Concurrence in the Alteration in the Ordinance concerning Bishops Lands.
3. To desire Concurrence in the Letter to be sent to the Lord Inchequin.
4. To desire Concurrence, that the Earl of Cleaveland may have Liberty, for Four Months longer, upon the same Security as formerly he did.
5. To deliver to them the Ordinance for putting Mr. Crow into the Vicarage of Ashwell, in the County of Hertford, and desire their Concurrence therein.
Middlemore and Fox.
Upon reading the Petition of Rob't Middlemoore: It is Ordered, That Colonel Fox shall have a Copy of it, and return his Answer within Fourteen Days after the Sight of it.
Ld. Wharton, Leave to be absent.
Ordered, That the Lord Wharton hath Leave to be absent from attending this House, for Ten or Twelve Days, after the next Week.
Order for 889 l. 17s. 8d to Prince, for Provisions.
The humble Petition of Thomas Prince, Citizen and Cheesemonger of London, was this Day read; shewing, That there is due unto the Petitioner the Sum of Eight Hundred Ninety-nine Pounds, Seventeen Shillings, and Eight Pence, for Cheese and Butter, delivered for the Use of the State Four Years past, as likewise by Orders annexed appears.
"It is Ordered, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That Payment be made of his just Debt, with Interest after Eight Pounds per Centum, which amounts to Eleven Hundred Seventy-five Pounds; (videlicet,) Eight Hundred Ninety-five Pounds out of the Moiety of Fines and Composition-monies of Delinquents at Gouldsmiths Hall, not engaged for Security, in Course, with Interest for the same; payable every Six Months from this Time, till it be paid; and the Residue thereof, being Two Hundred and Eighty Pounds, out of the Hands of such Person or Persons as the Petitioner shall make appear to have been Twice paid out of the State's Money for One and the same Debt; and that the Acquittance of the said Thomas Prince, or his Assigns, shall be a sufficient Warrant and Discharge to the Treasurer at Gouldsmiths Hall, for the Payment of the said Sum of Eight Hundred Ninety-five Pounds, and growing Interest, accordingly."
Letter from Gen. Sterling to L. Wariston, that his Army are determined to maintain the Covenant, and desiring Advice how to act.
"For the Right Honorable Sir Archibald Johnston, Lord Wariston, at Ed'r. This present.
"My Lord,
"Since I see you last, I might say much for the short Tyme, which I have bin very much troubled with; yet whatsoever Tyme I could spend in the Publique Service, according to the Covenant, I shall not thinke that Thinge troublesome unto me. If I should write every Passage of the said Tyme, I must be mighty troublesome unto you: I therefore, as the mayne Thinge, must of Necessity lett you knowe what has bin acted for the Publique, amongest us here in this Army; all of us now in One intire Mynd, and willing to serve the Publique according to the Nationall Covenant; which all of us has intirely tyed ourselves unto by a new Oath, That wee shall, with the Hazard of our Lives and Fortunes, maintayne that Covenant of the Two Nations, as wee have sett forth in a Declaration and Protestation to the Parliament of England, the Coppy whereof I have sent with a Letter to the Generall, to be made knowne to the State of Scotland, desireing to heare from his Excellency Advise, which wee shall not faile accordingly to doe our best Endeavors. This I am desired by our Generall Counsell of Warr here to signify soe much unto Scotland, beinge assured of their best Advise; and therefore, my Lord, you, as One of them; who I hope is One of those who is a faithfull Man to the Publique, and One who is well acquainted with both Kingdomes. Upon the same Confidence, and Knowledge of you, I was comaunded to lett you here of, and to desire you to conferre with the Generall herein, who has the publique Letter from us altogether, signed only by me, I being best knowne to Scotland. To this End, I have sent this Bearer, my Servaunt, to bring me the Generall's Advise and Answere upon it, with yours, which I humbly desire to bee dispatched with all the Hast may bee. I have writt to this Effect to Dublin, and to Monro, whom I humbly desire may know your Mynd herein, that I may heare from him. I shall not doubt of your Answere suddainly, that I may comunicate it to those who has intrusted me with soe greate a Message; and shal be very faithfull in comunicateing the same, according to your Directions. My Lord, I pray, present my humblest Service to the Marquesse of Argyle, to the Chancellor, to the Earle of Loudaine, and to my worthy Freind the Lord Humby, and to your worthy Lady, with my Wive's Respects unto your Lady. My Lord, I have much more to say; but the rest I leave to the Bearer, who will informe your Lordship soe neere as he can: I could have noe trustier Messinger. With my Respects unto you, I humbly take Leave, and rests
Corke, the 31th of Aug. 1647.
"Your Lordship's
Most humble Servaunt,
Robert Sterling."
Letter from him to Gen Munro, that they may act in Concert for the Support of the Covenant, and concerning the late Proceedings of Sir T. Fairfax and his Army.
"To his Much-honnored and Worthy Freind, Major Generall Monroe. This present, with my best Respects.
"Honnored Sir,
"This Bearer, my Servaunt, I have sent for Scot land, with a Letter to the Generall, to signify unto him, that all the Officers of this Army has declared themselves for King and Parliament, accordinge to the Nationall Covenant in a Remonstrance to the Parliament of England, the Coppy whereof you have here inclosed, which wee all of us in this Army have signed, and resolves to maintayne, with the Hazard of our Lives and Fortunes, against all Sectaryes, or any newmodelled Parliament of such. The of our Declaration is upon good Intelligence that Sir Thomas Fairefax, a Fox indeed, marched to London, and there with his Sectary Army has possest himselfe and them, in the Towne and Forts thereof; and therefore I am desired to lett you knowe soe much by our Counsell of Warre; desireinge you would bee pleased to lett me knowe by your Letter how you mynd to steere your Course soe neere as you may, since wee are soe resolved to bee your faithfull Freinds; which I shall faithfully comunicate unto them, accordinge to your Direction. I humbly intreate your Honnor, be pleased to dispatch this Bearer away for Scotland. The Shipp is to stey untill his Retourne to you againe. This I have made knowne alsoe to Sir Patrick, to signify soe much to Colonell Jones and his Army, if he finde them to that Way. Sir, I should desire, that when any Occation offers, to heare from you, that wee may be the more serviceable to the good Cause wee have in Hand. Sir, I must not forgett to tell you, that wee have bin most Part in the Feild this Summer, and have done very good Service, and much. The Particulers I leave to the Bearer's Relation, and of any other Particulers; who you may trust, as I am informed he is a of your owne, and is a very honest Man. This is only by the Way. Sir, be assured that if there be any Service here wherein I may be serviceable either to Scotland or yourselfe, there shal be none more ready and willing then he who is
"Your Honnor's
Most affectionate and humble Servaunt,
Corke, 30th August, 1647.
"Rob't Sterling."
Remonstrance from the Scots Army in Munster, to preserve the Authority of Parliament;— and that they may have their Arrears paid, and other reasonable Security, and Requests granted.
"Our humble Remonstrance to the High and Honnorable Court of Parliament, from the Officers and Souldiers of the Army in Munster;
"That wee haveing received late Advertisement out of England of greate Distractions and Distemper, and sundry of us haveinge the former Experience that dureing the Lord Lieutenant's Aboade here diverse Persons of Place of Trust and Confidence were, under Pretence of New-modelling the Army, turned disgracefully out of their Employments, some ruined in their Fortunes, and others persecuted for their Lives, notwithstanding the apparant Services performed by them in Preservation of the State's Interest here, with the Hazard of their Lives, and Losse of their Estates, which they sacrificed to that End; and that for noe other Reason then because he sought to maintayne the Interest of the Authority of the Parliament of England, according to their Ordinances and the Nationall Covenant. Wee, therefore, being sadly apprehensive how much the Interest of the Parliament may be prejudiced, both in that and this Kingdome, by such as indeavor the Inovation of Government; and alsoe sensible of what is requisite to be acted by us in order to our owne Preservation, doe hould it our Duty to preserve the Authority of the Parliament, accordinge as it is now established here, untill wee receive Assurance that our Submission (fn. 2) to any other Power shal be consonant to their Pleasure, whereunto wee shall alwayes readily subscribe: But, for the Reasons before expressed, wee desire that, before any other Power or Government be established over us, they wil be pleased to secure us against the Scorne and Practise in our Adversaryes, by whose Meanes many of us will otherwise undoubtedly be exposed to Contumely and unworthy Usage, and not only the Memory of our best Services defaced, but wee alsoe deprived of future Hope of Imployment or Sustinance. And therefore wee humbly desire that it may receive noe sinister Interpretation, if wee expect and desire, in Pursuance of the like Course held with the Army in England, that the High and Honnorable Court of Parliament would be pleased, before they make any such Alteration in the Government here, to cause first Payment, or other Sattisfaction or Assurance, to bee past, for all the Arreares due unto the Officers and Souldiers of this Army, for their present and past Services, either in England or this Kingdome; together with such further Assurance and Security, for our Indempnity, the Preservation of our common Interest, in relation as well to ourselves as to the rest oppressed and distressed Inhabitants of this Province, and for the secureing unto our Clergy the Exercise of their Functions, and Enjoyment of their Liveings, according to the Ordinance (fn. 3) of Parliament, with a Concession of such other reasonable and moderate Requests and Proposalls as may be consistant with Justice, upon an indifferent Debate of our Desires, without which wee may in noe wise account ourselves secured against the Practise of our Adversaryes, of whose Oppression, Fury, and Rigor, some of us have had severall Examples. And because wee may not leave any just Grounds for our Adversaryes to asperse us, which they will earnestly indeavor, as wee have Reason to beleeve by the Sight of severall printed Pamphletts fomented by them, with a Suspition that wee intend any other Thing then a dutifull Obedience to the lawfull Authority of Parliament, and a carefull and Christian Regard to our owne just Preservation; wee doe hereby manifest and declare, That wee shall not in the least Measure declare or retard the vigorouse Prosecution of the Warre here against the bloody Rebells, to the best and uttermost of our Power and Ability; but will constantly imploy all our Indeavors to advance the same, unlesse extreame and irresistable Necessity restraine us, which wee hope will be the Piety and Care of the Honnorable Houses to prevent, by seasonable Supplyes, wherefore, if they shal be afforded unto us, wee doe faithfully promise, by God's Blessing, to give a good Account; and doubt not but to yeild such cleere Testimony of our Integrity and candid Intentions, as will fully refute the Scandalls and Calumnyes of our unjust Adversaryes, which be presented to the High and Honnorable Court of Parliament, &c.
"Wee humbly desire may be."
Votes for sending over Forces to Ireland.
"Resolved, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That, for the present Relief of Ireland, there be Five Regiments of Foot, of Twelve Hundred apiece, drawn together.
"Resolved, &c. That Four Regiments of Horse, of Six Hundred apiece, be drawn together.
"Resolved, &c. That there be drawn together Five Companies of Dragoons, of a Hundred apiece, Four of them to be applied to the Four Regiments of Horse, and commanded, together with those Four Regiments of Horse, by the Commanders of those Four Regiments; and the other Company of Dragoons to be joined to Colonel Jones' Regiment, and commanded by him.
"Resolved, &c. That the Commissioners of the Army do confer and debate with the General, or such as he shall appoint, how these Forces designed by these Votes for Ireland may be fitted and put in a Readiness to be speedily transported into Ireland.
"Resolved, &c. That the Field Officers and Captains, that shall command these Forces for Ireland in a Regimental Way, shall be presented to the Houses, for their Approbation; and that it be referred to the Commissioners of the Army, to confer with the General, or such as he shall appoint to this Purpose.
Votes for Forces and Garrisons to be maintained in England.
"Resolved, &c. That, for the present Security of this Kingdom, until Affairs be better settled, and in order to the future Relief of Ireland, Seven Thousand Two Hundred Horse be kept up in England.
"Resolved, &c. That, for the Purposes aforesaid, One Thousand Dragoons be kept up in England.
"Resolved, &c. That, for the present Security of this Kingdom until Affairs be better settled, and in order to the future Relief of Ireland, there be kept up within this Kingdom Eighteen Thousand Foot.
"Resolved, &c. That, for the Purposes aforesaid, Two Hundred Firelocks be kept up within this Kingdom.
"Resolved, &c. That the whole Matter concerning the Settlement of the Garrisons of the Kingdom be referred to the Consideration of the General and the Commissioners appointed to reside with the Army, to confer and debate with him, or whom he shall appoint, upon the same; and that such Gentlemen of the House of Commons that desire to represent any Thing concerning the Garrisons in their several Counties may have Notice, to be there present if they shall think fit.
Pay for the Forces going to Ireland.
"For all these Forces designed for Ireland; it is agreed, That there be One Month's Pay, by Way of Advance, paid them, at the Water Side; and for their Arrears, the Proportions following; (videlicet,)
"For such of the Two Thousand before mentioned as left the Army, Two Months Arrears; and for the rest of that Number, that were not of the Army, but have since joined to them, One Month's Arrears.
"For Colonel Birch's Foot, One Month's Arrears to what they have had already.
"For the Three Thousand out of Wales, Devonsheir, Chesheir, Yorkesheir, and Lancasheir, Two Months Arrears.
"And for the Horse and Dragoons, Two Months Arrears.
"For stating the Accompts, and settling the Certainty of the Arrears of all these Forces, it is agreed;
"For those of the Army to go for Ireland, and such of the Train as are to be reduced, it is agreed, That the Committee of the Army and Treasurers at Wars do state their Accompts, deducting for Free Quarter of Private Soldier and Troops; One Half is offered to be abated.
"For the rest, it is agreed, That Letters be written to the several Committees of the Counties under which they served, upon a List signed by the Colonel under whom they shall now go for Ireland, to require the several Committees, with all Diligence, to state the Accompts of the Persons mentioned in such Lists according to the late Instructions of both Houses, and give Debentures.
Remainder of the Forces to be disbanded.
"For the rest of the Forces that remain in the Kingdom after these Two Bodies for England and Ireland be compleated; it is agreed, That they be forthwith disbanded, by the respective Committees of the Counties, upon Advice with the General; and that they do pay them Two Months Arrears, and they to be re-paid again by the Parliament, if the said Counties be not already enabled by the Parliament thereunto."
Establishment for the Forces in England.
"Heads of an Establishment of Pay for such Forces as are to be kept up in England, Seven Thousand Two Hundred Horse, One Thousand Dragoons, Eighteen Thousand Foot, and Two Hundred Firelocks.
"All Pay upon Public Faith to be taken off while they remain in England; and (if they go into Ireland, then to be under the Irish Establishment;) and the Officers and Soldiers to have the Pays following; (videlicet,)
"The General Officers of Horse and Foot, and General Train (except the Scout-master, from whom Three Pounds per Diem is to be deducted), to be paid as in the present Establishment for the Army, Public Faith being deducted; only an Entertainment to be inserted for a Lieutenant General of the Army, at Three Pounds per Diem, as formerly hath been allowed to the Field Marshal.
"The Pay General Officers of Regiments to be as followeth; (videlicet,)
"For the Horse. | The Colonel, Serjeant Major, and Provost Marshal, As in the Vote of the 13th of April last. | |||
Preacher, 6s. 8d. per Diem. | ||||
Chirurgeon and his Mates, As in the last Establishment; nothing being settled for them by the Vote of the 13th of April last. | ||||
per Diem. | ||||
The Colonel, | 12s. | For these there was no Provision made by the Vote of the 13th of April last; and therefore it is agreed as proportionable with the Pay of the like Officers for Horse then voted. | ||
Lieutenant Colonel, | 7s. | |||
Serjeant Major, | 5s. | |||
Preacher; 6s. per Diem. | ||||
(fn. 4) Zuere respited, | Quarter master, Provost-marshal, Carriage-master, Chirurgeon and his Mate, As in the last Establishment, nothing being settled for them by the Vote of the 13th of April last. |
"For the Pay of the Officers of Private Companies.
"For the Horse, As in the Vote of the 13th of April last: with the Addition of One Horse to the Captain, Respituat'r of 8d. per Diem to the Cornet, and One Horse to the Quarter-master.
For the Foot; videlicet, For | Captains, Lieutenants, Drummers, Corporals, As in the Vote of the 13th of April last. | ||||
For | Ensigns, Serjeants, and Drum Major, As in the late Establishment; the Difference being very little. | ||||
s. | d. | ||||
For Dragooners; videlicet, | Colonels, | 12 | |||
Lieutenant Colonels, | 7 | ||||
Major, | 5 | ||||
Captain, 8s. and 3 Horses 3s | 11 | ||||
Preacher, | 6 | 8 | |||
Provost Marshal, 3s. 4d. (fn. 5) and 2 Men and 2 Horses, 3s. | 6 | 4 | |||
Lieutenant, 4s. and 2 Horses, | 6 | ||||
Cornet, 3s. and 2 Horses, | 5 | ||||
Serjeants, Corporals, and Drummers, As in the last Establishment. | |||||
The Pay to a Trooper, at | 2s | per Diem. | |||
Of Private Soldiers, at | 8d. | ||||
Of Dragoons, at | 18 d. |
"For an Establishment for such Forces as go for Ireland; Six Thousand Foot, Two Thousand Four Hundred Horse, and Five Hundred Dragoons, being agreed to be sent over, the same to be as followeth:
"The same for present Pay, according to the old Establishment for the Army now under Sir Thomas Fairefax, and for the Monies respited on Public Faith to be paid them in Rebels Lands in Ireland, at the End of the War, and when the Adventurers are satisfied their Shares.
"Ordered, &c. That it be referred to the Commissioners with the Army, to confer and debate with the General, or whom he shall appoint, touching the Proposition concerning some few of the Garrisons now to be settled; in which it is propounded as needful, that Governors be made that cannot be of the Army; for whom it is desired that some Entertainment may be settled for them when the Particulars shall be offered; and to make Report to the Houses.
"Resolved, &c. That it be left to the General, to retain here One of the Regiments of Horse designed for Ireland till the Spring, if he shall see Occasion, and the Service of Ireland will permit.
"Ordered, &c. That it be referred to the Commissioners of the Army, to communicate the Votes passed upon the Report concerning the Forces for England and Ireland, and Garrisons; and what remains yet undetermined of that Report, to perfect and return it to the Consideration of the Houses."
State of the Garrisons.
"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That it be referred to the Commissioners appointed to reside with the Army, to confer and debate with the General, or such as he shall appoint, concerning the State of all the Garrisons; and offer some Course to the Houses for their Relief, in relation to their present Condition, and for their future Settlement and Establishment."
Order for Evidences, &c. to be delivered to the Register for Sale of Bishops Lands.
"Be it Ordained, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That all the Books, Evidences, Records, and Writings, sequestered, within the Cities of London or Westm'r, that are come to the Hands of the Committee of Lords and Commons appointed by Ordinance of Parliament, of 18 November 1643, or of any of them, or of any Person or Persons by any of their Direction or Appointment, or which should by the said Ordinance be delivered to the said Committee, or any of them, to be by the said Committee preserved for such Uses as should be appointed by the Houses of Parliament, be forthwith delivered unto, and placed in the Custody, Care, and Charge, of Henry Elsing Esquire, Register appointed for the Sale of Bishops Lands; and that the said Register be hereby authorized, by himself or his Deputies, to deliver out any of the said Books, Evidences, Records, and Writings, according as from Time to Time he or they shall receive Order from both or either of the Houses of Parliament, or from the Committee of Lords and Commons for Sequestrations, or from the Commissioners of Lords and Commons sitting at Gouldsmiths Hall, respectively."
Mr. Challoner to be a Commissioner in Munster:
"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That Mr. Thomas Challoner be employed as a Commissioner from both Houses, into the Province of Munster, in Ireland, for the Term of Three Months.
Committee for Irish Assairs to give them Instructions, and supply them with Money.
"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That it be referred to the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland at Darby House, to take Care that Colonel Jepson and Mr. Thomas Challon'r may be speedily dispatched into Munster; and may be furnished and supplied with Monies and other Necessaries for the present requisite, and likewise prepare Instructions for the Commissioners.
Col. Temple to be a Commissioner in Munster.
"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That Colonel James Temple be employed as a Commissioner from both Houses, into the Province of Munster, in Ireland."
House adjourned till Friday Morning next, 10a.