House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 7 September 1647

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 7 September 1647', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646(London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 7 September 1647', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646(London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 7 September 1647". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646. (London, 1767-1830), British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.


In this section

DIE Martis, 7 die Septembris.

PRAYERS, by Mr. Carter.

Domini præsentes fuerunt:

Comes Manchester, Speaker.

Comes Northumb.
Comes Pembrooke.
L. Viscount Say & Seale.
Ds. La Warr.
Ds. Grey.
Ds. Howard.

Ordinance to bring in the Arrears out of the Court of Wards.

An Ordinance was this Day presented to the House, for bringing in the Arrears due out of the Court of Wards; and read Twice, and committed to the whole House, and afterwards read, and Agreed.

Paper from the Scots Commissioners.

The Lord Viscount Say & Seale reported a Paper from the Scotts Commissioners, which was read; shewing their Concurrence in sending the Propositions to the King this Day. (Here enter it.)

Message from the H. C. with a Letter to the Commissioners that are to deliver the Propositions to the King, and for them all to attend that Service;—with a Declaration to the Scots Commissioners, about them;— and with an Order.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Sir Wm. Armyn Knight; who brought up divers Particulars, wherein their Lordships Concurrence is desired:

1. A Letter to be sent to the Commissioners that are to deliver the Propositions to the King.

Agreed to, with an Addition.

2. That the House of Commons have commanded all their Members that are Commissioners to be present, to deliver the Propositions to the King; and they desire their Lordships will do the like to their Lordships Members.

3. A Declaration for the better satisfying the Scotts Commissioners in what they scruple concerning the Proviso added to the Propositions. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

4. An Order to continue the late Mayor of Worcester, until both Houses give further Order.

The Answer returned was:


That this House agrees to the Declaration to be sent to the Scotch Commissioners: To the rest, they will send an Answer by Messengers of their own.

Col. Baynes to be removed from Woodstreet Compter to Petre House.

Upon Information, "That there are Two or Three Prisoners dead of the Plague in Wood-streat Counter, where Colonel Baynes is now a Prisoner:"

It is Ordered, by the Lords in Parliament assembled, That the said Colonel Baynes be forthwith removed from Wood-streat Counter, unto the Lord Peter's House, in Aldersgate-streete, there to remain a Prisoner, under like Restraint and Commitment as he now stands committed to Wood-streete Counter.

To the Keeper of the Prison of The Counter in Wood-streat, London.

Message to the H. C. about the Letter to the Commissioners who are to present the Propositions.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Mr. Page and the Clerk of the Crown:

To deliver to them the Letter to be sent to the Commissioners with the King, with some Alterations and Additions, and desire their Concurrence therein.

E. of Portland's Loss of the Government of the Isle of Wight to be admitted as a Composition for his Delinquency.

Upon reading the Petition of the Earl of Portland; (Here enter it.)

The House inclined to do what might be in Favour to the Earl of Portland, that the losing of the Place of Governor of the Isle of Wight may be taken as a full Compensation for his Fine for Delinquency; and that Precedents be searched, whether an Ordinance in the like Case hath been passed in this House, and sent to the House of Commons.

E. of Holland's Order, for Possession of Windsor Park, suspended.

Ordered, That the Order of the 23 June, 1647, commanding the Sheriff of Berkshire to give the Earl of Holland quiet Possession of the Great Park and Lodge at Windsor, is hereby suspended; and that the Committee for Sequestrations for that County be again sent, to sequester Thomas Shemonds and Younge.

Paper from the Scots Commissioners, that they agree to the Propositions being sent to the King.

"To the Papers presented by us to your Lordships, and from you to the Honnorable Houses, wee have received this Answere: That the Lords and Commons ordayne your Lordships to meete with us, and to crave our positive Answere concerninge our joyning to present the Propositions to His Majesty on Tuesday the 7th of this Instant; the Houses not intendinge hereby any Way to prevent or delay the presentinge the said Propositions. There were alsoe read to us Instructions, appointing (as wee remember, for wee gott noe Coppy) the Commissioners of the Houses to present these Propositions; and, if the Commissioners of Scotland were not there at that Day, to present them by themselves. Wee have alwayes been ready, according to the Commaunds wee have received from the Kingdome of Scotland, to promove the Cause wherein both Kingdomes are engaged, and most especially to concurre in every Thinge that may tend to the setling of an happy Peace. Wee did indeed hope (according to all the former Practises) that the Houses would have bin pleased, seeing they have added a new Proviso relating to severall Orders and Ordinances of either or both Houses, to have shewed those Papers to which this new Proviso relates; especially haveing declared, That wee were not to medle with the Fynes or Compositions of the Delinquents of this Kingdome; but only that wee might be sattisfyed that nothing was therein conteyned not agreeable to the former Propositions. And wee earnestly desired that wee might not be astricted to soe peremptory a Day, appointed without our Knowledge or Consent; which was not the Course formerly observed. But wee were soe farre from refuseing to goe, or puttinge the Houses to the appointing their Commissioners to present the Propositions of both Kingdomes without us, that, in our Paper of the Third of this Instant, wee declared that it was not our Mynd, nor cann it bee duly collected from our Papers, that the Injury wee complained off was represented to hinder the sending of the Propositions; but rather, as wee signifyed in that Paper, wee finde ourselves bound to present them; only wee were straightned to adhere to that peremptory Day. But, seeing the Honorable Houses are pleased still to adhere to that Day, without answereing any other Part of our Papers, as appeares by the Instructions and Orders now read to us; that wee may wittnesse our Readines to use all Meanes possible for obtayninge a happy Peace, wee shall, God willing, be at Hampton Court To-morrow (if wee be not againe stopped), and shall concurre in presenting the Propositions to His Majesty, as they were agreed on by both Kingdomes, with the Addition of the Ordinances for abolishing Archbishopps, Bishopps, &c. and selling of their Lands.

6 Septembr. 1647.

"By Commaund of the Commissioners for the Parliament of Scotland,

John Donn."

E. of Portland's Petition, for his Sequestration to be taken off, on account of the Isle of Wight being taken from him.

"To the Right Honourable the Lords in the High Court of Parliament assembled.

"The humble Petition of the Earl of Portland;

"Humbly acknowledging your Lordships Favour, in your gracious Recommendations of him to the House of Commons, by whom he was referred to Gouldsmiths Hall; the Power of which Committee being limited, he was by them set a Fine of Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty-three Pounds, Ten Shillings, Two full Third Parts of his Estate, without Consideration of his Personal Debts, which amount to as much as his Fine, or of his Interest in the Isle of Wight, where he hath a Park, Forest, and other Places of Profit, during his Life, which are Half his Revenue, his Debts being paid; and that he hath now attended almost a Year, to get his Report made in the House of Commons; but, by reason of their great Affairs, cannot: And that, if his Rents, which are only due at Michaelmas, be this Time taken from him, he hath no Means to raise One Penny of Money, for the Subsistence of his Wife and Children; but they must necessarily be exposed to starve or beg.

"He therefore humbly prayeth your Lordships, That, in Consideration of his great Necessity, and your Lordships and the House of Commons having now again thought fit to dispose of the Isle of Wight, and therein so considerable a Part of your Petitioner's Revenue, you will be pleased that the remaining Part of his Estate may be freed from Sequestration; which will not amount to Five Thousand Pounds, his Debts being paid.

"And he shall ever pray for your Lordships, &c.


Declaration to the Scots Commissioners, concerning the new Proviso in the Propositions.

"The Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament do Declare, That there is nothing contained in the new Proviso added to the Propositions to be presented to the King, and mentioned in the Scotts Paper of the Sixth Day of this Instant September, not agreeable to the former Propositions; save only in the Matter that concerns the regulating the Fines and Compositions of the Delinquents of this Kingdom."

Address to the King, on presenting the Propositions.

"May it please Your Majesty;

"I am commanded, by the Lords and Commons assembled, and in the Name of the Commissioners of the Kingdom of Scotland, to present unto Your Majesty these Propositions for a safe and well-grounded Peace; and humbly to desire Your Majesty's positive Answer and Consent to the said Propositions."