House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 27 August 1647

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 27 August 1647', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646(London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 12 March 2025].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 27 August 1647', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646(London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed March 12, 2025,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 27 August 1647". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646. (London, 1767-1830), British History Online. Web. 12 March 2025.


In this section

DIE Veneris, 27 die Augusti.


Domini præsentes fuerunt:

Comes Manchester, Speaker.

Comes Pembrooke.
Comes Mulgrave.
Ds. Grey.
Ds. Howard.

Answer from the H. C.

Mr. Page and Doctor Aylett return with this Answer:

That the House of Commons agrees to the Order concerning the King's Children; and Mr. Thomas Smyth to be One of the Commissioners of the Navy; and to the Votes for re-calling the Scotch Forcesin Ulster in Ireland: (Here enter them.) To all the rest, they will send an Answer by Messengers of their own.

Cheselden's Ordinance, to he Rector of Deane.

An Ordinance for the settling of Kenelme Cheseldine Clerk, in the Rectory of Deane, in the County of North'ton, was read, and approved of; and Ordered to be sent to the House of Commons for their Concurrence.

Winter Guard at Sea.

A Report was read, from the Committee for the Admiralty, touching the next Winter's Guard; and approved of, and Ordered to be sent to the House of Commons for their Concurrence. (Here enter it.)

Irish taken in the West.

Another Report concerning the Irish which are taken in the West, was read; and Ordered to be communicated to the House of Commons. (Here enter it.)

L. Bellamount taken.

Another Report from the same Committee was read, concerning the Lord Bellamount, taken in an Irish Frigate, and brought into Plymouth. (Here enter it.)

The Releasing of the Lord Bellamount is respited for a while.

Message from the H. C. for a Conference about the Propositions.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Sir Robert Pye Knight:

To desire a Conference, so soon as it may stand with their Lordships Conveniency, touching the Propositions for Peace.

The Answer returned was:


That this House appoints a present Conference, in the Painted Chamber, as is desired.

Printers of Two Pamphlets to be attached.

Complaint being made to this House of Two Pamphlets lately printed and published; one intituled, "New Propositions from his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairefax;" another, "His Majesty's Declaration to all His loving Subjects, &c."

It is Ordered, That the Printers be found out, and sent for as Delinquents when they are discovered, and brought before this House.

Hall, Minister of Thaxsted, and Gibb, to be attached.

Upon reading the Affidavits of Richard Turner and Andrew Halles: (Here enter it.)

It is Ordered, That Mr. Hall, the Minister of Thaxted, in Essex, and Henry Gibb, of Thaxted, shall be attached, and brought before the Lords in Parliament, to answer their Offences mentioned in the said Affidavit.

Parkhurst to be instituted to S. Shoobery.

Ordered, That Doctor Aylett shall give Institution and Induction to John Parkhurst Master of Arts, to the Rectory of Southshoobery, in the County of Essex; being presented thereunto by the Earl of Warwicke, Earl of Manchester, and others: This to be with a salvo Jure cujuscunque.

Conference about the Propositions.

The House was adjourned during Pleasure, and the Lords went to the Conference; which being ended, the House was resumed.

Message from the H. C. with a Declaration about the Excise.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Mr. Gyles Greene, &c.; who brought up a Declaration concerning the Excise, wherein they desire their Lordships Concurrence.

Ordered, To be taken into Consideration To-morrow Morning.

The Answer returned was:


That this House will take their Message into Consideration, and will send an Answer by Messengers of their own.

Report of the Conference about the Propositions:

The Speaker reported the Effect of the last Conserence; which was, "That the House of Commons agrees to the putting out the Earl of Essex' Name, and putting in the Earl of Sarum' Name, to be a Conservator of the Peace: They agree also in changing the Title of the Lord Herbert, to the Earl of Wor'ster: But to all the rest, they do not agree; but adhere to the Propositions as they came up from them:

1. Because it was the Resolution of both Houses, with the Consent of the Kingdom of Scotland, to send the same Propositions now as were sent to the King at Newcastle.

"2. A great Prejudice will ensue, if they be not speeded; for much Time will be elapsed if there be any Alterations made in them, because they must then be sent to the Kingdom of Scotland. Therefore the House of Commons desire the Propositions may be speeded, in regard of settling the Peace of the Kingdom."

The Question being put, "Whether to agree to those Names in the First Qualification as they were brought from the House of Commons?"

It was Resolved in the Affirmative.

Message to the H. C. that they may be communicated to the Scots Commissioners.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Mr. Page and Doctor Aylett:

To let them know, that this House agrees with the House of Commons to the Propositions, as they now were received from the House of Commons at the last Conference, and according to the Desire of the House of Commons; and to desire that the Members of both Houses that are of the Committee of both Kingdoms may communicate the same to the Scotch Commissioners, that it may be put into a speedy Way, that they may be presented unto the King.

Report from the Admiralty Committee, concerning the Winter's Guard.

Die Martis, 24 Augusti, 1647.

"By the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Admiralty and Cinque Ports.

The Committee did this Day take into Consideration, that the Victualing of the Summer Guard begins to expire, and that it is necessary to have a Resolution taken touching the next Winter's Guard, that the Preparations may be made accordingly: And whereas there were ordered, for the last Winter's Expedition, Forty-one Ships and Vessels, which did bear Two Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy-eight Men: Now, on Consideration of a Report from the Commissioners of the Navy (in Pursuance of a Reference to them made), touching the Ships of the Fleet fittest for the next Winter's Expedition, it is this Day Ordered, That the Ships and Vessels here-under mentioned, bearing in the whole Two Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Men, be presented to the Approbation of both Houses of Parliament, for the making up of the next Winter's Guard, that they may be prepared and furnished accordingly, if they shall in their Wisdom think fit.

Tons. Men. Ordnance.
Leopard, 520 160 38
Lyon, 600 170 40
Bonadventure, 557 170 38
Nonsuch Frig. 400 120 34
Assurance Frig. 350 110 30
Adventure Frig. 370 110 30
John, 400 110 28
Providence, 260 100 22
Maryrose, 321 100 28
Fellowshipp, 300 100 28
President Frig. 220 80 24
Hector, 300 80 20
Expedition, 260 100 18
Warwick Frig. 200 70 22
Tenth Whelpe, 186 60 18
Swan Frigott, 200 60 12
Starr Frigott, 130 60 16
Crescent Frig. 140 50 14
Greyhound Frig. 120 50 12
Weymouth Frig. 120 50 12
Robert Frig. 133 40 12
Pellican Frig. 133 40 10
Increase Frig. 133 40 14
"The Four Frigates now building; (videlicet,)
One at Chatham, about 350 120 30
One at Woolw'ch, about 350 110 30
Two at Deptford, about 700 240 60
"Three Ketches:
Two for the Irish Fleet, 000 40 00
One for The Downes, &c. 000 20 00

For the Guard betwixt the North of Ireland and Scotland, in Pursuance of the Irish Treaty:

Three Vessels, each containing 40 Men, 120.

"W. Jessop, Secretary."

Report from them, about Irish Prisoners at Portsmouth and Plymouth;

Die Martis, 24 Augusti, 1647.

By the Committe of Lords and Commons for the Admiralty and Cinque Ports.

"Whereas Captain Bowen, Commander of The Hart Frigat, hath lately taken at Sea an Irish Frigate, having aboard her, at her Taking, about Forty Irish, who are now Prisoners at Portsmouth; and whereas Captain Beddall, Captain of The Adventure Frigat, hath also taken an Irish Frigate in the West of England, having aboard her at her Taking near Forty Irish, who are Prisoners at Plymouth; and forasmuch as this Committee is informed, that they draw a great Charge upon the State, in the several Places where they are imprisoned, for their Maintenance: Ordered, That Report be made of this Matter to both Houses of Parliament, with a Desire that they will please to declare how the said Prisoners shall be disposed of.

"W. Jessop, Secretary."

and about L. Bellamont, taken in an Irish Vessel, with the following Papers about him:

Die Mercurii, 11mo Augusti, 1647.

"At the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Admiralty and Cinque Ports.

Whereas this Committee is informed, that there is now in Custody at Portsmouth the Lord Henry Bellamont, with his Lady and Servants, lately brought in thither by Captain Beddall, being by him taken, with divers others, in an Irish Frigate, called The Patricke, of Waterford, bound from Nantz to Ireland; and whereas there was found about him a Commission, Instructions, Letter of Recommendation to the French Agent in Ireland, and a Let-pass, all of them from the French King, for the Raising of a Regiment of Horse in Ireland, to be transported to France, for His Service; as also a Pass under His Majesty's Hand, dated at Oxford, in February, 1645; Copies of which Papers (excepting the Instructions and the Let-pass dated at Oxford) have been by the Collectors of Prize Goods represented to this Committee, with their humble Desire for Order to be given for disposing of the said Lord Bellamont, his Lady, &c. for preventing of Charges that will accrue by their long Detention: This Committee doth therefore think fit, and order, That Report be made hereof, and of the said Copies, to both Houses of Parliament, that their Pleasure may be thereupon received.

"W. Jessop, Secretary."

Pass for him, from the French King.

By the King.

To all Our Governors, Lieutenants, Generals; to the Sheriffs of Our Camps, Colonels, Captains, Chief Conductors of Our Men of War, Governors of Our Towns, Cities, or Sea Ports; to all Councils, Inhabitants, and Captains of Guards, established on Our Bridges, Ports, or Passages; and to all other Our Officers, Justices, and Subjects, whom it may concern, Greeting: My Lord Henry Bellamond going for Ireland, endeavouring to raise a Regiment of Horse for Our Service, Our Will and Desire is (by the Advice of the Queen Regent, Our True-honoured Madam and Mother) that you let him to pass them safely, without Molestation; and that you suffer freely to pass, through all your Powers and Jurisdictions, himself, with all his Servants, Horses, and Company, without hindering of him; giving him all Assistance and Favour that he shall need; for such is Our Desire and Pleasure.

Given at Paris, 21th March, 1647.


"By the King, and the Queen Regent His Mother, I seal it."

Letter of Recommendation for him, from the French King, to His Agent in Ireland.

Sir, Mr. Moulin,

My Lord Henry Bellamond going for Ireland, for to labour for the Raising of a Regiment of Horse, Irish or any other Nation, for My Service, I was willing to accompany him with this Letter; and to give you Notice, by the Advice of the Queen Regent, Madam and My Mother, that you do employ yourselves, in My Name, with the Council of Ireland, and other Places where it may concern, to suffer him to raise this Regiment of Horse, and that you give him all the Assistance that lieth in you, for the Raising of it; assuring you, that you will do that which will be well-pleasing unto me. In so doing, I shall pray God to take you, Mr. De Moulin, into His Keeping.

Written at Paris, 21 March, 1647.


"The Sealer."

His Commission from the French King, to raise and command a Regiment of British or Irish.

"Lewis, by the Grace of God, King of France and of Navarr, to Our Dear and Beloved Lord Bellamond, Greeting: Having resolved to increase Our Troops with a Regiment of Horse, English, Irish, or Scotts, of Ten Companies, of One Hundred Men in a Company; and desiring to give the Command of them to some One able Man, to discharge the Place; We do esteem that We could make no better Choice for this End than of you, for the Testimonies which have been declared to Us of your Faithfulness and Affection in Our Service, as also sufficient Proof of your Valour, Courage, and Experience in the Affairs of War; besides your Vigilancy and good Conduct; for which Cause We are encouraged, by the Advice of the Queen Regent Our Very-honourable Madam and Mother: We have committed, ordained, and established, and do commit, ordain, and establish, and by these Presents sign with Our Hand, you Colonel of the said Regiment, and Captain in particular of One Company in the same Regiment, which shall be raised; and that you shall raise the whole Company with all the Expedition that may be, and fill the Regiment with the best Officers and the best skilled in Warlike Affairs that you can procure; and the said Regiment you shall conduct and employ, under Our Authorities, and that of Our Welbeloved Cousin Robert Pallatine Colonel of The Rhyne, General of the English Horse, that Part which shall so be for Us, or Our Lieutenant Generals commanded or ordained for Our Service: And in so doing, We will cause you, with your Officers and Soldiers of the said Regiment, to be paid of the State's Appointment, even to you, according to the Agreement that We have made with you; and the Musters, or Peruses, which shall be made by the Commonalty and Customs of War, upon their Departing, so much, or so long, as the said Regiment shall be standing for Our said Service; so that the Officers and Soldiers of the said Regiment come into good Order and Rank, that we may receive no Complaint. And this for to do, We give you Power and Authority, Commission, and special Command, to give Notice to all whom it shall appertain, that to you in so doing your obedient Cartel is Our Pleasure.

"Given at Paris, 30 of March, 1647, and of Our Sovereign the Fourth Year.


By the King, and the Queen Regent His Mother.

"Present the Sealer."

Propositions to be communicated to the Scots Commissioners.

"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That it is referred to the Members of both Houses that are of the Committee of both Kingdoms, to communicate the Propositions for Peace to the Scotts Commissioners, that it may be put into a speedy Way, that they may be presented unto the King."

Affidavit that Hall would take Possession of the Church of Thaxsted, by virtue of an Order passed while the Speakers, &c. were with the Army, notwithstanding the Ordinance passed to annul all those Proceedings.

"Memorandum, That this 26th of August, 1647, Richard Turner, of the Parish of Thaxted, in the County of Essex, Gentleman, and Andrew Halls, of the same Town and County, Tanner, make Oath, That, upon the 22 of this Instant August (being the Lord's-day), before the Beginning of Morning Prayer, Richard Turner shewed unto Michaell Nightingale, Mayor of the said Town, who was assistant to Mr. Hall in procuring the Key of the Church, whereby he was inducted by virtue of an Order of the House of Lords bearing Date the 3d of August Instant, the Ordinance of Parliament for making null all Orders, Ordinances, and Votes of both or either House of Parliament, from the 26th of July to the 6th of August; and desired Mr. Hall, being then and there present, to take Notice of the same; the Mayor reading the said Ordinance, in the Presence of Mr. Hall, who said, in a slighting Manner, "The said Ordinance did no Ways concern him;" notwithstanding the said Mr. Hall had produced an Order, bearing Date the 3d of August (which never would be granted before, though much laboured for), directed to Doctor Aylett, to give Institution and Induction to the said Mr. Hall to the Vicarage of Thaxted aforesaid, without any Approbation of the Assembly, he being formerly referred and disallowed of by the said Assembly; and the said Mr. Hall, refusing to take Notice of the said Ordinance, went and preached Forenoon and Afternoon, in Contempt thereof; and one Henry Gibb, of Thaxted aforesaid, being present at the Reading of the said Ordinance by the said Mayor, reproved Richard Turner (One of the Sequestrators appointed by Authority of Parliament), and said, "What doth this concern Mr. Hall? Thus you use to trouble us with these frivolous Things."

"Richard Turner.
"Andrew Halles.

Uterque jur. 27 Die Augusti, 1647.

"John Page."

King's Children, Leave to visit Him.

"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the King's Children be permitted to go to His Majesty sometimes, so that they return to the Earl of Northumberland every Night."

Ordinance for Smith to be One of the Commissioners of the Navy.

"Whereas Captain John Morris, lately One of the Commissioners of the Navy, is dead; and for that Thomas Smith Esquire is qualified with very good Experience, and of known Abilities, for executing the Place of One of the said Commissioners: It is Ordered and Ordained, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the said Thomas Smith shall hold and execute the Place of One of the Commissioners of the Navy, in the room of the said Captain Morris deceased; and to have the like Allowance, Power, Privilege, and Authority, in all and every respect, touching the Navy, as is granted to the rest of the Commissioners, or any of them, by the Ordinance of the Fifteenth of September, 1642, or by any other Order or Ordinance whatsoever."