House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 6 August 1647

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 6 August 1647', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646(London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 15 March 2025].

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"House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 6 August 1647". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646. (London, 1767-1830), British History Online. Web. 15 March 2025.


In this section

DIE Veneris, 6 die Augusti.

PRAYERS, by Mr. Dell.

Domini præsentes fuerunt:

Comes Manchester, Speaker.

Comes Northumb.
Comes Kent.
Comes Sarum.
Comes Nottingham.
Comes Denbigh.
Comes Pembrooke.
Comes Mulgrave.
L. Viscount Say & Seale.
Ds. Grey.
Ds. Wharton.
Ds. Howard.

Thanksgiving, for the Return of the Members to the Houses.

Ordered, That Thursday next shall be kept a Day of Thanksgiving, for God's great Mercy, in bringing the Members of both Houses of Parliament to the Houses again in Safety, and preserving them from Tumults, without Bloodshed; and Mr. Marshall and Mr. Nye are appointed to preach in the Abbey Church, before the Members of both Houses of Parliament.

Commissioners with the King, and for treating with the Army, give an Account of their Proceedings.

The Earl of Nottingham and the Lord Wharton gave an Account to this House, how far they had proceeded in the Treaty with the Army, for settling the Peace of this Kingdom, and the relieving of Ireland: Which both were in a good Forwardness; but, by reason of the late Violence and Force which was put upon the Parliament and the Members of both Houses, the said Treaty was interrupted.

The Earl of Denbigh declared, "That he hath acted as Commissioner with the King; but the Reason why he did not give an Account to those as were here was, in regard of the Violence and Force which was offered of late to the Houses by the Tumult."

Ordered, That this House approves of what the Commissioners have done, in omitting making any Return to this House of their Employment, in regard of the Force and Violence which was put upon both Houses of Parliament the 26th of July last.

Revocation of the late Ordinance for settling the City Militia annulled.

Next, the House made this Vote following:


"That the Ordinance of Monday the 26th July last, for the revoking and making void of the Ordinance of the 23th of the said July, for the settling of the Militia of the City of London, being gained from the Houses by Force and Violence, and all Votes, Orders, and Ordinances, and other Acts, made, or pretended to be made, since the said Ordinance, by any Persons, in either of the Houses, by Colour of Authority of Parliament, or of either of the Houses, before the Return of Edward Earl of Manchester Speaker of the House of Peers, and William Lenthall Esquire Speaker of the House of Commons, are null and void, and are hereby declared so to be: And it is further Declared, That all other Acts, made or done by any Person or Persons whatsoever, in Pursuance of the said Votes, Orders, and Ordinances, have been made and done without the Authority of Parliament, or either of the Houses."

Ordered, That the Concurrence of the House of Commons be desired in this Vote.

Letter, &c. from Sir T. Fairfax;

A Letter from Sir Thomas Fairefax was read, wherein there was a Declaration inclosed.

(Here enter them.)

his bringing up the Army approved of;


That this House approves of this Declaration, set forth by Sir Thomas Fairfax, General of all the Forces raised by Authority of Parliament; and of his Proceedings in bringing up of the Army in Pursuance of those Ends.

to receive the Thanks of the House, and desired to take Care of its Safety.

Ordered, That Sir Thomas Fairfax shall have Thanks returned him, from this House, for this great Service; and that he be desired to take Care for the future, that this House sit in Safety and Freedom, to discharge the great Affairs of the Kingdom, and be protected from Tumults and Disorders: And it is further Ordered, That a Chair shall be set in this House, within the Bar, for Sir Thomas Fairfax to sit on, when he is called in to have Thanks given him.

The Earl of Mulgrave and the Lord Wharton were appointed to go to the General, to desire him to come and receive Thanks.

And accordingly their Lordships brought him to the Chair set for him.

And then the Speaker made a Speech to the General, and gave him Thanks in the Name of the House.

Message from the H. C. about the Thanksgiving;— and to annul the Ordinances made since the Speakers, &c. went to the Army.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Sir Leech and Mr. Page:

1. To desire their Concurrence in the Vote for annulling and making void the Orders and Ordinances, &c. since the 26th July last.

2. In the Order for Thursday next to be kept as a Day of Thanksgiving.

Committee to consider of the Violence of fered to the Houses by the Citizens; and of the Proceedings since then.

Ordered, That a Committee of Lords be nominated, to meet with a Committee of the House of Commons, to examine the Matter of the Force and Violence done to the Two Houses of Parliament, and to find out the Persons that have been Actors in it; and to state the Matter of Fact, and report the same to the House, with their Opinions what they think fit to be done for the Vindication of the Two Houses, and for the future securing of them; and to enquire of all Acts that have been done in Pursuance of it:

Comes Northumb.
Comes Kent.
Comes Nottingham.
Comes Sarum.
Comes Denbigh.
Comes Manchester.
Comes Mulgrave.
L. Viscount Say & Seale.
Ds. Grey.
Ds. Wharton.
Ds. Howard.

Any Three to meet.

Ordinance for Sir T. Faifax to be Constable of The Tower.

An Ordinance was read, to make Sir Tho. Fairefax Constable of The Tower of London, with a Power to make a Lieutenant, and to make such Alterations in The Tower as he shall think fit; which, being agreed upon, was ordered to be sent to the House of Commons for their Concurrence.

Message to the H. C. with it; for Committees to meet about the Violence offered to the Houses; and to sit P. M.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Doctor Heath and Mr. Page:

1. To desire Concurrence in the Ordinance for making Sir Tho. Fairfax Constable of The Tower.

2. To communicate to them the Powers of the Committee to examine the Violation and Force put upon the Parliament; and desire they would appoint a proportionable Number of their own, to join with the Committee of Lords.

3. To let them know, that this House intends to sit this Afternoon, at Six of the Clock.

Declaration to the Army.

Ordered, That these Lords following are appointed to draw up a Declaration, to be read in the Head of every Regiment of the Army:

Comes Denbigh.
Comes Northumb.
L. Viscount Say & Seale.
Ds. Wharton.

Any Two, to meet when they please, and report the same to the House.

Letter from Sir T. Fairfax, with a Declaration.

"For the Right Honourable the Earl of Manchester Speaker of the House of Peers, and the Honourable William Lenthall Esquire Speaker of the House of Commons, or either of them.

"Right Honourable,

"Having resolved on this inclosed, as the Sense of this Army, upon Occasion of the late Violence offered to yourselves, and to both Houses of Parliament; I thought fit to tender the same to you, and desire you would please to communicate it to the Members of both Houses now in the Army. I remain

Colebrooke,Aug. 3, 1647.

"Your humble Servant,
T. Fairefax."

"A Declaration of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairefax and the Council of War, on Behalf of themselves and the whole Army; shewing the Grounds of their present Advance towards the City of London.

Declaration of Sir T. Fairfax, &c. concerning the Violence offered to the Two Houses; and with their Reasons for marching up for their Protection.

"When this Army was formerly led, by the manifold Dispensations of God's Providence, and the Grounds then declared, to advance towards the City of London, we held it our Duty to yield the Kingdom the Sum of those Desires which we had to propose on Behalf of it and ourselves, wherein we should acquiesce; and having received from the Parliament some Hopes of due Satisfaction therein, and some Assurance from the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of the City of London, of their ready Concurrence with us in those Things; and also great Resolution professed by them, of their Care and Tenderness to preserve all the Rights and Privileges of Parliament safe, free, and inviolate, from Attempts of all Kinds: We do appeal to God, to the City, and to all Men, what a speedy Compliance their Desires for our Removal for a further Distance found in this Army, for preventing all Fears, Jealousies, and other Inconveniencies to the City; and to give clear Testimony that we had nothing in our Breasts but Thoughts of Peace, and the Good and Welfare both of Parliament, City, and Kingdom, notwithstanding many false and scandalous Reports raised, that we sought ourselves, that we had vile and wicked Ends, and that nothing could satisfy the Soldier but the Plunder of the City; the contrary whereof did manifestly appear, when they so readily marched back upon Hopes of Satisfaction in their Desires of Public Concernment.

"Having then, upon the aforesaid Confidence, so withdrawn, and, out of a just Sense of the Country's Suffering (by Quartering), removed the Head Quarter of the Army about Forty Miles from London, and dispersed the rest well nigh Two Hundred Miles, for the more Ease of all Parts, and that we might give the better Satisfaction to the Kingdom; and being in this secure Way, and labouring after the sudden Settlement of the Kingdom; we had even brought to Perfection the particular Proposals (included in the Generals of our First Representation), to be sent to the Parliament, for a final Conclusion of all our Troubles; and also had made good Progress towards the present Relief of distressed Ireland, by assigning a competent Force, both of Horse and Foot, forthwith to have advanced for that Service.

"But the Kingdom's and our Enemies being most vigilant and active to prevent and frustrate those good Intentions and Endeavours of ours (that they might carry on their former evil Designs and underhand Practices, and also preserve themselves from the Hand of Justice), they have endeavoured to cast the Kingdom into a new and bloody War; and, for that End, have procured the underhand Listing of several Reformadoes and others; have contrived, promoted, and caused to be entered into by several Persons, a wicked and treasonable Combination, as is sufficiently manifested by a Declaration passed thereupon by both Houses of Parliament the 23th of July last, for the Prevention of the Disturbances that were like to ensue thereupon; from which Kind of Disorders the City had been well preserved during the Space of almost Four Years, whilst the Militia was in the Hands of the old Commissioners; whereby it appears there was Cause for the Army to entreat the Parliament that the Militia might be returned into the Hands it was in before, as also for divers other good Reasons:

"First, The old Commissioners of the Militia (that have been since left out) were not only Persons without all Exception, having been formerly chosen and approved by the Parliament and City; but also Men of whom the City, Parliament, and Kingdom, have had above Four Years Experience in the faithful Discharge of their Trust; Men that ever from the Beginning, in the worst of Times, and in the Occasions of greatest Difficulty, had faithfully and constantly engaged for and with the Parliament in this Cause; Men that were always most desirous of a Peace, but of a safe and well-grounded one; and that had always testified a great Care to prevent all Occasions of embroiling the Kingdom in a new War: Now that, on a sudden, this Trust, which they had faithfully discharged so long, should be taken out of their Hands, and put into the Hands of others, some whereof (at the best) hath been very cool in the Service of the Parliament at the Beginning of this War; that this should be pressed, and in a Manner forced upon the Parliament, with such Importunity from the Common Council, that some out of every Ward should be assigned to solicit the Members of the House of Commons every Day, as they went in and out of the House, with Professions, "That they would never leave the Door of the House until they were satisfied in their Desires; that they would not be contented with the Militia of the City of London only, unless they might have also Power over that of the Suburbs and out Parts;" and all this before the Peace of the Kingdom was settled, or the Propositions sent to the King for that Purpose: These Things ministered great Cause of Suspicion that this Alteration of the Militia was in order to a Design, and to make the Terms of the Peace and Agreement with the King (on which the Security of the whole Kingdom and their Posterity is to be bottomed) more suitable to the private Bargainings and Undertakings of some Men than to the Public Welfare of the whole Kingdom, in its Security and Prosperity for the present and in future Times. But this Design discovered itself more clearly by such Things as accompanied the Pursuit of this Alteration of the Militia, and ensued upon the obtaining thereof: At the same Time that the Alteration of the Militia of London was set on-foot, the same Persons, with as much Earnestness, pressed for the Disbanding of this Army, before any Thing was settled for the Security and Liberties of the Kingdom; at the same Time, the Common Council was new modeled, and a Lord Mayor chosen that might suit with the present Design in Hand; at the same Time (under Colour of Differences in some Circumstances of Church Government) it was earnestly endeavoured, that such as had been constantly true and most faithful to the Interest of this Kingdom should be disabled to have any Employment in Church or Commonwealth, either in England or Ireland; and, without any such Colour or Pretence, divers Persons were left out of the Common Council and Militia of eminent Deserts and Fidelity, and others brought into their Rooms that had either testified an ill Affection or little Affection to the Parliament and their Cause; and such as, seeking to withdraw themselves from all Employment in the Beginning of this War, now, at the Winding-up thereof, are ambitious to thrust themselves into Employment, with a Design (as may justly be suspected) to frustrate and overthrow in the Close of all, the Fruit and Effect of all the Cost and Blood that hath been spent and spilt in this Cause. And after that with Difficulty, and not without Reluctancy in the Houses of Parliament, they had obtained the Power of the Militia in the City of London, and also in the Out Parts, for the Space of One Year, many Chief Officers and Under Officers in the Trained Bands, of known Trust and Fidelity, were displaced, and others of more doubtful Affections placed in their Rooms; little Care was taken of the Honour of the Parliament, which was continually trampled under Foot, and their Authority affronted, by every Rabble of Women, Apprentices, Reformadoes, and Soldiers; which latter Sort of Persons were thereby so encouraged to rise higher and higher in their tumultuous Carriages against the Houses, till at length it is risen to the highest of barbarous and monstrous Violence against the Parliament, that they might set themselves on Work, and the Kingdom on Fire again: And now at length the Design appears open-faced; and though the Militia be made as the principal Ground of the Quarrel, yet, by the late Vow and Engagement set on-foot before any Alteration of the Militia and the pressing so much the Message of the 12th of May, and the King's coming to London to confirm the same, shew, that the Militia is desired but in order to that Design, and to force the Parliament (being wholly in their Power) to such Terms of Peace as they pleased.

"In the next Place, When the Interest of the Common Council in their Change of the Militia shall be claimed as the Birth-right of the City of London (which they had never any Colour to pretend to), saving by the Indulgence of the Parliament unto them since this Parliament, in respect of the great Use they have had of them, and the many good Services they received from them; it is Time for all the Kingdom to look to their Birth-rights; if such a Claim shall be held up against both the Houses of Parliament; that, upon no Occasion whatsoever, nor any Time of Danger and Distraction whatsoever, they may appoint those that shall have the Power of the Militia of London without the Consent of the Common Council, especially when the Houses shall sit under their Power; the late Example may evidence to all the World who shall be Masters of the Parliament's Freedom and Resolutions; and Common Reason will teach every Man who shall be Masters of the Birthrights of the whole Kingdom when there shall be no Army on-foot, when they have the Confidence to dispute for the Mastery notwithstanding such an Army as this to check and balance them in Behalf of the Kingdom and Parliament.

"Lastly, The Army discerning how intimate some of the Militia were with some of the Eleven accused Members; how forward they were to comply and act with them in their Endeavours to raise a new War; how they made Eighteen or Nineteen Votes in order thereunto, together with them, in One Night, all which the Common Council and Parliament disliked and revoked; how notwithstanding, afterwards, they secretly promoted their Designs, by private Listings, which now appears to have been still working under Ground: The Army, we say, observing this, and having nothing more in their Thoughts and Desires than to settle a speedy, safe, and well-grounded Peace, and to prevent a new War, found it necessary to desire that the Militia might be put into the Hands wherein it was formerly, who approved themselves, both to the Army, Parliament, and Kingdom, to be sober-minded Men, and not given to any Practices whereby a new War might be kindled; to the Intent that the Army, being secured by that Means from that Danger, might with the more Confidence retire further from the City, enlarge their Quarter for the greater Ease of the Kingdom, and intend wholly the settling of a sure Peace in this Kingdom, and a speedy and effectual Relief of Ireland; which was almost brought to a Period, and nothing in the Sight of Man could have hindered, but this cursed Practice of Violence upon the Parliament, under Pretence of the Militia; which, according to our Desires, being restored again into the Hands of the old Commissioners, by an Ordinance of both Houses, dated July the 23th, (in Pursuance of the aforesaid treasonable Combination) several Petitions were presented to the Common Council of the City of London, in the Name of the Apprentices and others, importing their Desires that the Militia of the City might continue in the Hands of the former Commissioners, according to the Ordinance of the 4th of May last: Whereupon, Monday, July 26th, the Common Council of the City presents their Petitions to both Houses, for changing the Militia; wherein the House of Lords refuse to alter their Resolutions; the House of Commons answered, "They would take it into Consideration the next Morning."

"Notwithstanding which, the City and Kingdom cannot be ignorant with what Rage and Insolency the Tumult of Apprentices the same Day forced both Houses; they blocked up their Doors, swearing they would keep them in until they had voted what they pleased; they threatened the Houses, if they granted not their Desires; knocking, hooting, and hallowing so at the Parliament Doors, that many Times the Members could not be heard to speak or debate; not suffering the House of Commons to divide, for determining such Questions as were put; crying out, "That those that gave their Votes against them should be sent out to them;" very often and loudly saying, "Agree, agree, dispatch; we will wait no longer:" And in this outrageous Manner they continued at the House Door above Eight Hours together, the City Guards there present nor the City relieving them; by reason whereof, the House was forced to vote what that rude Multitude would demand, and then adjourned the House till next Morning; after which, the House rising, the Speaker and many of the Members going out of the House, they forced them back again into the House, many of the Apprentices pressing in with them, where they stood with their Hats on their Heads, and compelled the Speaker to take the Chair, and the House to vote in their Presence what they pleased; committing many other Insolencies, as is published by the Speaker of the House of Commons in his Declaration, and is too well known by all then present. And during the Time of this execrable Violence done by the said Apprentices, Westm'r Hall and The Pallace Yard was filled with Reformadoes and other ill-affected Persons, designed to back them.

"After this, the House being adjourned until Friday following; upon the Thursday, the Apprentices printed and posted a Paper in several Places of the City, requiring all their Fellows to be early at the Parliament the next Morning, for that they intended to adjourn by Seven of the Clock, and that for a Month.

"That the Speakers, with many of the Members of both Houses, were driven away from the Parliament.

"This being the true State of Things, as they have broke forth within this few Days (which are so contrary to all those Pretences of Peace, and Detestation of a new War, of late so frequently held forth on all Sides); all Men may observe to what Maturity the long-projected Design of some Men (of whom are those that are impeached by us) is now brought, and may be traced in the several Steps thereof, as it hath tended to the Enslaving this Kingdom, and the Destruction of all such well-affected People who would not comply with them therein; so as, by what is now come to Light, the Justness of that Cause this Army had engaged themselves in, and the great and wonderful Mercy of God in continuing them together, we assure ourselves, doth now clearly appear to all Mens Eyes and Apprehensions, and will every Day (fn. 1) be more and more acknowledged even by those that have heretofore made a Question of it.

"And if, when this Kingdom hath spent so much of its Blood and Treasure, hath passed such unheard-of Dangers, and overcome such Difficulties so many Years together, all that they must now hope for, and rest in, must only be what the King grants in His Message of the 12th of May last; and if this must be imposed upon Mens Judgements and Consciences by an Oath and Vow entered into in a tumultuous and unlawful Way, and by Outrage maintained, in Despite and Contempt of the Parliament; if, rather than this should not be accomplished, the Parliament itself must be violated and forced into the Hands of such of the Members thereof as have secretly fomented and abetted these Practices, to that End that these hidden Counsels and Works of Darkness might, when they come to their full Birth, have the Image of highest Authority in the Face of them, the better to gain Credit thereunto, and secure the Authors of them from Punishment; for the Evidence of all which, we refer ourselves to the Particulars in our Charge against the Eleven Members, compared with those Passages of late broke forth, before rehearsed; unto which we shall now only add, and leave it to the Consideration of all wise and good Men, with what Artifice and Boldness these Members have served themselves, (fn. 2) if those horrid Tumults and Violences of their own creating, instead of shewing their Detestation of them, again to intrude themselves into the public Managing of Affairs, and inevitably to embroil the Kingdom into a new War; which their own Revenge, and the compassing of their former Plots and Designs, makes them so greedily thirst after.

"If these Things, we say, must be the End and Upshot of all, what then remains to this poor Kingdom, and all true-hearted Englishmen, but to join together, as One Man, with their Counsels, Estates, and Lives, in this Way, as our last Refuge under God, which He by His wife and gracious Providence hath provided and reserved, by keeping up this Army even to a Miracle; so to prevent the aforesaid Evils, and to procure to this dying Kingdom yet a settled Peace and Happiness, if it be His blessed Will.

"These Things being seriously considered by us; we have thought fit, in the Name of the Army, to declare, That all such Members of either House of Parliament as are already with the Army, or for the Security of their Persons, and for the Ends aforesaid, are forced to absent themselves from Westm'r, that we shall hold and esteem them as Persons in whom the Public Trust of the Kingdom is still remaining, though they cannot for the present sit as a Parliament with Freedom and Safety at Westm'r, and by whose Advice and Counsels we desire to govern ourselves in the managing these weighty Affairs; and, to that End, we invite them to make Repair to this Army, to join with us in this great Cause; we being resolved, and do hereby faithfully oblige ourselves, to stand by them therein, and to live and die with them, against all Opposition whatsoever.

"And in particular we do hold ourselves bound to own that honourable Act of the Speaker of the House of Commons, who, upon the Grounds he himself expressed in his Declaration sent unto us, hath actually withdrawn himself: And hereupon we do further engage, to use our utmost and speedy Endeavours, that he, and those Members of either House that are thus inforced away from their Attendance at Westm'r, may with Freedom and Security sit there, and again discharge their Trust, as a Free and Legal Parliament.

"And in the mean Time we do declare against that late Choice of a new Speaker, by some Gentlemen at Westm'r, as contrary to all Right, Reason, Law, and Custom; and we prosess ourselves to be most clearly satisfied in our Judgements, and are also confident the Kingdom will herein concur with us, that, as Things now stand, there is no Free and Legal Parliament sitting, being, through the aforesaid Violence, at present suspended; and that the Orders, Votes, or Resolutions, forced from the Houses on Monday the 26th of July last, as also all such as shall pass in this Assembly of some few Lords and Gentlemen at Westm'r, under what Pretence or Colour soever, are void and null, and ought not to be submitted unto by the Free-born Subjects of England.

"And that we may prevent the Slavery designed upon us and the Nation, and that the Kingdom may be restored to a happy State of visible Government, now eclipsed and darkened, we hold ourselves bound, by our Duty to God and the Kingdom, to bring to condign Punishment the Authors and Promoters of that unparalleled Violence done to the Parliament, and in that to all the Free-born Subjects of England that are or hereafter shall be: And therefore we are resolved to march up towards London, where we do expect that the well-affected People of that City will deliver up unto us (or otherwise put into safe Custody, so as they may be reserved to a legal Trial) the Eleven impeached Members, that have again thrust themselves into the Managing of Public Affairs by this wicked Design; and that all others will give us such Assistance therein, that the Members of both Houses may receive due Encouragement to return to Westm.; there to sit with all Freedom, and so to perform their Trust as shall conduce to the Settlement of this distracted Kingdom; and to inflict such Punishment upon the Eleven Members, as shall deter any for the future to make the like Attempt.

"Our Lives have not been dear unto us for the Public Good: And being resolved, by the Assistance of our God to bring these Delinquents to their deserved Punishments, as that than which there cannot be any Thing of more Public Concernment to the Kingdom; we trust (if it shall come to that) our Blood shall not be accounted too dear a Price for the Accomplishment of it. And if any in the City will engage themselves against us, to protect those Persons, and so put the Kingdom again into a new and miserable War, the Blood must be laid to the Account of such Persons, as the Authors thereof.

"And lastly; Because it is the main Engine of ours and the Kingdom's Enemy to render us odious, by possessing the Minds of Men that we (fn. 3) gape only after the Plunder of this great and wealthy City; as the Experience of the contrary Carriage in all the Towns we have taken yieldeth unto us a Testimony beyond the Example of any Army, so we do from our Hearts declare, That we abhor the very Thought thereof; and we doubt not but all the World will see our Actions answerable to our Professions; and that we shall not cause any Man to suffer but by his own Default; and that God will manifest we have only in our Eyes that Justice may have a free Course, the Parliament a free Sitting and Voting, and a full Vindication of the late Violation done to them.

"And as for the City of Westm'r, the Borough of Southwarke, the Hamlets, and the rest of the Suburbs and Out Parts; as we are informed that they are not so ready to engage themselves in a new War as some would have them, so we are sensible of the hard Condition they are brought into, even by them that claim a Right against both Houses of Parliament (a strange Claim against a Parliament), though more reasonable against others, not to be subjected to a Militia without their own Consent; and yet will not be contented, unless they may have others subjected unto them, and lay what Burthens they please upon them, without allowing them any Part of Vote or Consent with them; in which Point of Common Right and Equity we shall not be wanting (in a due Way) to assist them, for obtaining of their just Desires and Immunities; it being our chief Aim to settle Peace, with Truth and Righteousness, throughout the Kingdom; and that none may be oppressed in his just Freedom and Liberties, much less the Parliament itself.

"Which Things being duly settled, we shall be as ready also to assure unto the King His Rights and Authority, as any that pretend never so much for the better Upholding of an ill Cause, and the Countenance of tumultuous Violence against the Parliament.

"The which our honest, just, and necessary Undertakings, as we are resolved to pursue with the utmost Hazard of our Lives and Fortunes; so we doubt not but we shall find God's accustomed Goodness and Assistance with us therein, till we have brought them to a good and happy Conclusion for this poor and languishing Kingdom.

"By the Appointment of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairefax and the Council of War.

Colebrooke, Aug. 3, 1647.

"Jo. Rushworth, Secr."

Order for the Thanksgiving.

"It is this Day Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That Thursday next be, and is hereby, appointed for a solemn Day of Thanksgiving to God, by both Houses of Parliament, for His infinite Mercy, in the restoring the said Houses of Parliament to their Honour and Freedom, with so little Effusion of Blood: And it is farther Ordered, That Mr. Marshall and Mr. Nye are hereby desired then to preach before the said Houses, in the Abbey Church, Westm'r."

House adjourned till 6a post Meridiem.

Post Meridiem.

PRAYERS, by Mr. Salwey.

Domini præsentes fuerunt:

Comes Manchester, Speaker.

Comes Pembrooke.
Comes Mulgrave.
Comes Denbigh.
L. Viscount Say & Seale.
Comes Northumberland.
Ds. Wharton.
Ds. Grey.
Ds. Howard.

Message from the H. C. with Orders &c. about the safe Sitting of the Houses.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Sir Thomas Witherington, &c.;

To desire Concurrence in divers Votes:

1. For a Gratuity to the Common Soldiers, &c. and for the General to take Care for the safe Sitting of Parliament. (Here enter them.)

2. For a Committee to examine the Matter of the Force committed upon the Parliament, &c.

(Here enter it.)

Agreed to; and the Time to be To-morrow in the Afternoon, at Two, in the Painted Chamber.

3. The Order for appointing Sir Thomas Fairefax to be Constable of The Tower of London, with some Alterations. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

"The Answer returned was:


That this House agrees to all the Particulars now brought up.

Message to the H. C. with the Ordinance for Reformadoes to leave London; and with the Declaration to the Army.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Doctor Aylett and Mr. Page;

To desire their Concurrence:

1. An Ordinance, That the Reformado Soldiers shall depart this Town by the Tenth of this Instant, and not to continue within Twenty Miles of London.

2. A Declaration for the Vindication of Sir Thomas Fairefax and the Army, for what they have acted in these late Troubles for the Safety of the Parliament.

Message from thence, concerning the Examination of the Violence offered to the Parliament.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by the Lord Grey and others; desiring the Lords Concurrence in additional Power to be given to the Committee formerly appointed to examine the Force offered to the Parliament.

(Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

Order for a Month's Pay to the Soldiers.

"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That a Gratuity, according to the Proportion of One Month's Pay, be forthwith provided, and freely bestowed upon the Non-Commission Officers and Private Soldiers of Horse, Foot, and Dragoons, of the Army."

Order for Sir T. Fairefax to take Care for the safe Sitting of the Houses.

"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That it be recommended unto the General Sir Thomas Fairefax, to take Care for the safe Guarding and secure Sitting of the Parliament, until further Order be taken by both Houses."

Committee to examine the Violence offered to the Houses.

"The House of Commons hath appointed a Committee of their Members, of Two and Twenty; and have given Power to them to join with a Committee of a proportionable Number of the Lords, to examine the Matter of Force and Violence done to the Two Houses of Parliament, on Monday the Six and Twentieth of July last; and to find out the Persons that have been Actors, Abettors, Contrivers, Promoters, or Encouragers of it; and to state the Matter of Fact, and to report the same to the Houses, with their Opinions what they think fit to be done for the Vindication of the Two Houses, and for the securing of them against the like for the future; and to enquire of all Acts that have been done in Pursuance of it; and are to meet at Two of the Clock To-morrow, in the Painted Chamber, and so de Die in Diem; and have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records; and to secure such Persons as upon Examination they shall find Cause, until Report can be made to both Houses."

Ordinance for Sir T. Fairfax to be Constable of The Tower.

"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That Sir Thomas Fairefax, Commander of all the Land Forces within the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Isles of Guernsy and Jersy, under the Pay of the Parliament, is hereby made, constituted, and appointed, Constable of The Tower of London, during the Space of One whole Year, unless both Houses of Parliament do otherwise order in the mean Time; with Power and Authority to substitute and appoint a Lieutenant under him."

Additional Power to the Committee to examine the Violence offered to the Houses.

"Resolved, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That it be referred to the Committee of both Houses, this Day nominated and appointed to examine concerning the Force and Violence offered to the Parliament on the Six and Twentieth of July last, to examine also and find out all such Persons as were, or have been, Promoters, Framers, Abettors, or Contrivers, of the Covenant of Association, declared against by the Houses the Three and Twentieth of July last, or as have been or are engaged by it; and the said Committee have further Power to examine who have raised, or acted, or endeavoured to raise, any Force in Maintenance of the said Covenant of Association, declared against by the Houses the Three and Twentieth of July last, or of the Tumults and Violence offered to the Houses on the Six and Twentieth of July last."


Adjourned, 10 Monday next.


  • 1. Deest in Originali.
  • 2. Sic.
  • 3. Origin. gave.