House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 5 July 1647

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 5 July 1647', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 3 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 5 July 1647', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed October 3, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 5 July 1647". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 3 October 2024.


In this section

DIE Lunæ, 5 die Julii.

PRAYERS, by Mr. Seaman.

Domini præsentes fuerunt:

Comes Manchester, Speaker.

Comes Pembrooke.
Comes Mulgrave.
Comes Rutland.
Comes Lyncolne.
Comes Stamford.
Comes Suffolke.
Comes Northumb.
Comes Denbigh.
Ds. North.
Ds. Dacres.
Ds. Howard.
Ds. La Warr.
Ds. Maynard.
Ds. Hunsdon.
Ds. Willoughby.

E. of Rutl. Leave to be absent.

Ordered, That the Earl of Rutland hath Leave to be absent for a Time.

Propositions for Peace.

The House took into Consideration the Propositions for Peace.

And the House insisted upon such Persons as were fit to stand in the First Exception, and who to be put out.

And these Persons following were thought fit to be exempted:

Prince Rupert.
Prince Maurice.
Earl of Derby.
Earl of Newcastle.
Doctor Bramhall.
Sir Wm. Witherington.
Colonel George Goringe.
Sir Ralph Hopton.
Henry Jermin.
Sir John Byron.
Sir John Strangwayes.
Sir Francis Doddington.
Mr. Endymion Porter.
Sir Marmaduke Langdale.
Sir Henry Vaughan.
Sir John Marley.
Sir Nic. Cole.
Sir Thomas Ryddle, Junior.
Sir John Culpepper.
Sir Ric'd Lloyd.
Sir George Strode.
Ric. Lane.
Sir Edward Nicholas.
John Ashburnham.
Sir Edward Herbert.

Wm. Seldon, of Beely, is respited till this House be further informed.

"Resolved, That all such Persons as are now put out of the First Exception shall be left to such Composition as the Two Houses shall think fit; and that they shall be comprized within the Fourth Qualification, as to be removed from His Majesty's Council, restrained from coming within the Verge of His Majesty's Court, and bearing Office, or having Employment, in State or Commonwealth, without the Consent and Advice of both Houses of Parliament, as it is expressed in the said Qualification."

Message from the H. C. with Orders; and a Letter to L. Inchiquin.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Major Sallawey, &c.; who brought up divers Particulars, wherein they desire their Lordships Concurrence:

1. A Letter to the Lord Inchiquin. (Here enter it.) Agreed to.

2. An Order for Two Thousand Six Hundred Thirtyeight Pounds, for the Lord Ormond. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

3. An Order for Seven Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Pounds, Fourteen Shillings, and Four Pence, for transporting Colonel Ponsonbye's Regiment into Ireland, &c. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

4. An Order that the Commissioners residing in the Army may have Power to treat, as well upon such Votes as shall from Time to Time hereafter be sent unto them, as upon those that are already sent.

Rejected, upon the Question.

5. An Order for explaining the Words ["send the Results"] in the Instructions to the Commissioners residing with the Army. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

6. An Order to (fn. 1) approve of the Commissioners proceeding in the Treaty with such of the Army as the General shall appoint, notwithstanding the General be not always present.

The Question being put, "Whether to agree to this Order?

The Votes were even.

7. A Vote, That Doctor Clerke be Judge of the Admiralty Court.


8. An Order to pay One Hundred Pounds for Captain Freake. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

9. An Order for Twenty Pounds Twelve Shillings for Henry Cleere, Chirurgeon. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

10. An Order concerning Dover Castle. Agreed to, with an Alteration.

The Answer returned was:


That this House agrees to the Letter to the Lord Inchiquin, and the Order for Two Thousand Six Hundred Thirty-eight Pounds for the Lord of Ormond, and to the Order for Colonel Ponsonbie's Regiment; and the Order for explaining the Words ["send the Results"]; and to the Order for One Hundred Pounds to Captain Freake; and to the Order for Twenty Pounds Twelve Shillings for Henry Cleere: To all the rest, their Lordships will return an Answer by Messengers of their own.

Charge against Sir J. Norris.

Ordered, That Sir John Norwich shall have till Thursday next, to put in his Answer to the last Charge.

Message to the H. C. with the Order about Dover.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Doctor Heath, &c.

To deliver to them the Order concerning Dover, with the Amendment; and desire Concurrence therein.

Letter of Thanks to L. Inchiquin; for his Service in Ireland.

"My Lord,

"The Houses hath received your Letters, signifying the good Success it hath pleased God to give you in your last Expedition, when you took in Deammannack, Cappaquin, and Dungarvan. They have commanded us to let you know how acceptable it is to them; and, in their Names, to give you Thanks for the great Service you have done the Public, by your Conduct and Courage in the managing of this and former Actions, and how well they are satisfied with the faithful Performance of the Officers and Soldiers under your Command; which you are desired to signify unto them. This being all we have in Charge, we remain."

Order for 2638 l. for the Marq. of Ormond.

"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That the Sum of Two Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty-eight Pounds, being Part of the Monies charged by former Order upon the Receipts of Gouldsmiths Hall for the Lord of Ormond, be for the present paid out of the Thirty Thousand Pounds, the Remainder of the Forty Thousand Pounds signed for Ireland at Weavers Hall, and repaid forthwith out of the Receipts at Gouldsmiths Hall, according to the former Assignment; and that the said Two Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty-eight Pounds be paid unto such Person or Persons as the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland at Darby House shall appoint to receive the same; and that the Acquittance of the said Persons appointed by the said Committee to receive the same shall be a sufficient Warrant and Discharge to Alderman Bunce and the rest of the Treasurers at Weavers Hall, for the Payment of the said Sum of Two Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty-eight Pounds accordingly."

Order for 7230 l. 14s. 4d. for transporting Col. Ponsonby's Regiment to Ireland.

"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That Alderman Bunce and the rest of the Treasurers at Weavers Hall, out of the Treasure remaining there, do forthwith pay, unto such Person or Persons as the Committee at Darby House for the Affairs of Ireland shall appoint to receive the same, the Sum of Seven Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Pounds, Fourteen Shillings, Four Pence, to be issued, by Order of the said Committee, for the transporting of Colonel Ponsonbye's Regiment of Horse into Ireland, from such Ports as they shall think fit to appoint and direct, and for recruiting and furnishing the said Regiment with One Hundred Case of Pistols with Holsters, One Hundred Saddles, and Two Hundred and Fifty Defensive Arms: And the said Committee is required to take Care and give Order, That the said Regiment may be speedily transported; and that the Quarters be duly paid till their Embarking; and that the Acquittance of the Person or Persons appointed by the said Committee to receive the said Sum of Seven Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Pounds, Fourteen Shillings, Four Pence, shall be a sufficient Warrant and Discharge to the said Treasurers at Weavers Hall, for the Payment of the said Seven Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Pounds, Fourteen Shillings, Four Pence, accordingly."

Declaration to explain to the Commissioners with the Army, about sending up their Proceedings.

"The Lords and Commons do declare, That by these Words ["send the Results"] in the Order to the Commissioners residing with the Army, is meant, That, when Things are debated amongst the Commissioners, and that they are come to a clear Understanding of the Sense and Terms; that then they are to agree, that those Results shall be sent to the Houses, for their Consideration that a speedy Conclusion may be thereupon had."

Order for 100 l. for Capt. Freak.

"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That Captain Freke have an Hundred Pounds paid him, out of the Ten Thousand Pounds assigned for Munster, to be accompted Part of the Arrears due unto him upon his Entertainment in the Service of Ireland."

Order for 20 l. 12s. for Cleare.

"Whereas there rests owing unto Henry Cleare Chirurgeon, employed in the Parliament's Army, an Arrear of Twenty Pounds and Twelve Shillings: It is Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the said Sum of Twenty Pounds and Twelve Shillings be charged upon that Moiety of the Receipts at Gouldsmiths Hall that is not engaged for the last Two Hundred Thousand Pounds, in Course, and paid unto the said Henry Cleare, by the Treasurers at Gouldsmiths Hall, when in Course it shall come due, in full Discharge of the said Debt; and that the Acquittance of the said Henry Cleare shall be a sufficient Warrant and Discharge to the Treasurers at Gouldsmiths Hall, for the Payment of the said Twenty Pounds and Twelve Shillings accordingly."

Order for Sir E. Leach to receive the Tithes in Sawley Soake, and in the Peake.

Whereas, upon a Petition heretofore exhibited unto this House, by Sir Edward Leech Knight, One of the Masters of the Chancery attending this House; shewing, That he is Farmer of Two Rectories and of the Tithes of Wool and Lamb, in some Part of The Peake, in the County of Derby; and that, during these Times, the greatest Part of the Profits have been taken from him by the King's Army, and hath otherwise received much Loss by these Wars; notwithstanding which, the Committee for that County did order, that the Petitioner should pay his Arrears for the said Rectories and Tithes, and appointed Collectors to gather the said Tithes till the said Rents should be paid:" Whereupon it was ordered by this House, the First of September last, "That the Petitioner should receive his Rents, Tithes, and Profits, of the Rectory of Chesterfeild, in the County of Derby, notwithstanding the said Order:"

It is now further Ordered by this House, That the said Petitioner shall likewise receive the Rents, Tithes, and Profits, of the Rectory and Tithes of Sawley Soake, and the Tithes of Wool and Lamb in The Peake, both being within the said County of Derby, notwithstanding any Order of the said Committee to the contrary, until the Pleasure of this House be farther known: And hereof the said Committee and all Sequestrators Collectors and others are to take Notice, and obey this Order accordingly.

Baker to have the Ships Pearl Hoy and Boxtree, &c. from Hunter.

Upon the Affidavit of Francis Symonds, read this Day in the House, exhibited with a Petition of John Baker; shewing, "That the Deponent delivered unto Captain Hunter an Order of the 2d of June, 1647, whereby the said Captain was to deliver to the Petitioner Two Ships, called The Pearle high and The Boxtree, with the Engines and Goods belonging to them; who refused to do any Thing in Pursuance of the said Order, or to obey the same:"

It is Ordered, &c. That the Gentleman Usher attending this House, or his Deputy, shall assist the said Petitioner, to seize upon the said Ships, Engines, and Goods aforesaid, according to the said Order of the 2d of June last, which may be found at Harwich, or London, or elsewhere in any Part of this Kingdom, and deliver them to the said Petitioner, his Assignee or Assigns; and lastly, that this House shall have an Account given touching the Premises, according to the aforesaid Order.


House adjourned till 9a cras.


  • 1. Origin. proceed. Vide Journals of the H. C. Vol. V. p. 233. a.