House of Lords Journal Volume 8: 29 January 1647

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 8, 1645-1647. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 8: 29 January 1647', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 8, 1645-1647(London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 12 March 2025].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 8: 29 January 1647', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 8, 1645-1647(London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed March 12, 2025,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 8: 29 January 1647". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 8, 1645-1647. (London, 1767-1830), British History Online. Web. 12 March 2025.


In this section

DIE Veneris, 29 die Januarii.

PRAYERS, by Dr. Gouge.

Domini præsentes fuerunt:

Comes Manchester, Speaker.

Comes Sarum.
Comes Warwicke.
Comes Mulgrave.
Comes Suffolke.
Comes Midd.
Comes Kent.
Comes Lyncolne.
Comes Northumb.
Ds. North.
Ds. Willoughby.
Ds. Bruce.
Ds. Hunsdon.
Ds. Grey.

Message from the H. C. with an Ordinance, &c. for Sir T. Bendish to be Ambassador to Constantinople.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Mr. John Rolls, &c.

That the Merchants have made Choice of Sir Thomas Bendish to be Ambassador at Constantinople: To that Purpose, have made an Ordinance and a Commission, wherein their Lordships Concurrence is desired.

The Ordinance was read, and Agreed to.

(Here enter it.)

The Commission was read.

And the Question being put, "Whether to agree to this Commission now read?"

It was Resolved in the Affirmative.

(Here enter it.)

The Answer returned was:


That this House agrees to the Ordinance and Commission now brought up.

Col. Thompson-and Robinson & al. his Creditors.

This Day Colonel Francis Thompson was brought before this House, upon a Habeas Corpus cum Causa; and it appeared there were many Actions upon him for Debt.

Then a Petition of Sarab Robinson, and another Petition of Henry Stace, Creditors, were read.

Ordered, That Colonel Thompson shall be released forthwith, and his Protection shall be continued: That Colonel Thompson shall, forthwith after his said Releasement, assign over his Arrears owing to him from the State, in Satisfaction to his Creditors in general, to such Person or Persons as he shall think fit.

Nelson & al. sent for, for arresting him.

Ordered, That Porter and Nelson, the Serjeants that arrested Colonel Thompson, contrary to the Protection of this House, shall be summoned to appear (fn. 1) before this House To-morrow Morning, to answer the same.

Answer to the Assembly of the Church of Scotland.

An Answer was presented to the House, and read, being in Answer to a Paper which was sent to the Houses from the Assembly of Scotland: Which being Agreed to, it is Ordered, To be communicated to the House of Commons, and their Concurrence to be desired therein; and that it may be sent to the Assembly of Divines in Scotland.

E. of Strafford to come to London.

Whereas a former Order of this House was granted, for the Earl of Strafford to travel beyond the Seas: It is now Ordered, That the Earl of Strafford is hereby required to come into England, and repair to London.

Walter & Ux.

Upon reading the Report of the Judges, of the Business referred unto them, touching the Cause between Wm. Walter and his Wife: (Here enter it.)

And the Opinion of the House was, "That Wm. Walter had broken the former Orders of this House."

And it is Ordered, That the said Wm. Walter shall pay to his Wise the Money mentioned in the Report; and that he shall for the future obey the former Orders of this House, made in the Cause between him and his Wise, at his Peril.

Morgan's Petition.

Upon reading the Petition of Mr. George Morgan: It is Ordered, That he shall make the Suggestions in his Petition good by this Day Sevennight.

Sir Tho. Bendish's Commission, to be Ambassador at Constantinople.

"CAROLUS, Dei Optimi Maximi, Mundi Conditoris & Rectoris Unici, Clementia, Magnæ Brittanniæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ Rex, veræ Fidei contra Idololatros falso Christi Nomen profitentes Invictus & Potentissimus Propugnator, universis & singulis hasce Literas visuris aut lecturis, Salutem: Cum Augustissimus & Invictissimus Princeps Sultan Ebrahim Han, Turcici Regni Dominator Potentissimus, Imperii Orientis Monarcha, pro mutuâ inter Nostros atque Illius Subditos Utilitate & Commodorum Ratione, Subditis Nostris in omnibus Mussulmanicis Imperii Sui Ditionibus, liberam Commercii exercendi & Negotiorum gerendorum Facultatem tantâ Benignitate tantâque Privilegiorum Amplitudine concesserit, quantâ quibusvis Christianorum Principum Subditis vel ab Ipso vel a Majoribus Suis est concessa, ob eamque Causam Amicitiam Nobiscum habere & colere decreverit; quam À Nobis vicissim grato Animo (præsertim pro illâ Privilegiorum Concessione) parique Voluntate & mutuis Humanitate ac Benevolentiæ Officiis præstari atque observari æquum est, atque in perpetuum Tempus verè sinceréque servandum suscipimus: Sciatis, quod Nos, singulari erga Nos Obsequiumque Nostrum Fide, Probitate, Prudentiâ, & Solertiâ, Fidelis ac Prædilecti Subditi & Ministri Nostri Thomæ Bendish Baronetti plurimùm confisi, eundem Oratorem, Nuncium, Procuratorem, & Legatum Nostrum verum & indubitatum, ordinamus, facimus, & constituimus, per præsentes; dantes ei & concedentes Potestatem & Auctoritatem, Nomine Nostro, & pro Nobis, prædictam Amicitiam confirmandi, Privilegiorum Concessionem in Manus Nostras capiendi, Tractatamque habendi omnibus & singulis Subditis Nostris in Mussulmanicis Oris Terrisque negotiantibus, pro Majestatis Nostræ Auctoritati præcipiendi mandandique, ut sint in omnibus suis Commerciis, quamdiu & quoties cum Mussulmanicis versantur, dictorum Privilegiorum Præscripto obtemperantes in omnibus, ac per omnia ad Obsequia (quæ prædictæ Amicitiæ conveniant) se componentes, ac in Delinquentes contra Amicitiam Nostram prædictam & Privilegiorum Donationem animadvertendi: Quæ Jussa Mandataque Nostra, ut pleniùs & quÀm maximè ad Voluntatem Nostram prædictus Noster Legatus Thomas Bendish exequatur, Potestatem ei damus & Auctoritatem in omnes & singulos Nostros Subditos, in quibuscumque Locis & Partibus Mussulmanici Imperii Dominationi subjectis negotiantes Commerciaque exercentes, constituendi Emporiorum suorum Sedes in quibus voluerit Portubus & Civitatibus, atque in aliis vetandi; in constitutis autem Emporiorum Sedibus Consules creandi, Leges Præceptionesque ferendi condendique, ex quarum præscripto dicti Nostri Subditi, & eorum quilibet, sese publicè & privatim gerant; eorum Violatores corrigendi & castigandi; denique omnia & singula faciendi perimplendique quæ ad dictorum Subditorum Nostrorum honestam Gubernationem & Commercii exercendi in illis Partibus Rationem pertinent; promittentes bonâ Fide & in Verbo Regio Nostro, Nos ratum, gratum, & firmum habituros quæcunque dictus Noster Legatus, Orator, & Nuntius, À Legibus Nostris non abhorrentia, in præmissis aut præmissorum aliquo fecerit.

"In cujus Rei Testimonium, has Nostras Literas fieri fecimus Patentes, & Sigilli Nostri Magni Appensione muniri jussimus.

"Dat. in Palatio Nostro Westmonasteriensi, Die , Anno Regni Nostri vicesimo; verùm À Virginis Partu salutifero supra Millesimo Sexcentesimo & Quadragesimo."

Ordinance for it to pass the Great Seal.

"Be it Ordained, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, and it is hereby Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That, upon the Desire of the Company of Merchants trading the Levant Seas, a Commission do pass, under the Great Seal of England, to authorize and enable Sir Thomas Bendish Baronet, to be Ambassador, Consul, or Agent, for the said Company, at Constantinople; to contract and negotiate the Affairs of the said Company with the Grand Signior and State of the Turkish Empire, according to such Powers, Instructions, Limitations, Conditions, and Articles, as shall be necessary for the better carrying on of the Affairs of the said Company, and as shall be agreed on, limited, and appointed, by the said Company: And the Commissioners for the Great Seal of England for the Time being are hereby required and authorized to pass the said Commission, in Manner as aforesaid, under the said Great Seal accordingly; and for their so doing, this Ordinance, or the Duplicate thereof, shall be their sufficient Warrant."

Report about Walter & Ux.

"Inter Will'm Walter Ar. Querentem.

"Et Eliz'beth Walter Uxorem ejus, Defendentem.

"According to your Lordships Order, of the 18th of this Instant January, we have heard the Parties and their Counsel; and, upon the Proof produced before us by either Part, this appeared to be the Case, touching the Matter referred to us by that Order; that is to say, That, since your Lordships Order of the 28th of November last, Mr. Chappell, by the Direction of Mr. Walters given him since the 28th of November, hath received of the Farmers of the Lands which descended to Mr. Walters from his Grandmother, which was One Part of the Dower of Mr. Chappell's Wife, the Sum of Seventeen Pounds; of which Lands Mrs. Walters was in Possession by the Sequestration to one Mr. Hayward, as he affirmed before us, for his Use, upon the said 28th Day of November.

"Which we humbly leave to your Lordships further Consideration.

28 Janu. 1646.

"Edm. Reve. Edw. Atkins."


  • 1. Deest in Originali.