House of Lords Journal Volume 7: 15 September 1645

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 7, 1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 7: 15 September 1645', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 7, 1644( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 3 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 7: 15 September 1645', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 7, 1644( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed October 3, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 7: 15 September 1645". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 7, 1644. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 3 October 2024.


In this section

DIE Lunæ, 15 die Septembris.

PRAYERS, by Mr. Taylor.

Ds. Grey de Warke, Speaker.

Comes Kent.
Comes Pembrooke.
Comes Sarum.
Comes Nottingham.
Comes Manchester.
Comes Bolingbrooke.
Comes Midd.
Ds. North.

Paper from the Scots Commissioners, for an immediate Supply of Money, Arms, &c.

The Earl of Manchester reported, "That the Scotts Commissioners presented a Paper to the Committee of both Kingdoms, which they thought fit to (fn. 1) report to both Houses."

The Paper was read, as follows:

"As the present Condition of the Affaires of the Kingdome of Scotland, and their Desires, were made knowne in generall the other Day to both Houses, at a Grand Comittee; soe we have now thought fitt to set downe some Particulers, to be represented to the Honorable Houses by your Lordships; videlicet,

"One Monthe's Pay, out of the Arreares due to the Scottish Army, together with the Monthe's Pay already appoynted by the House of Commons upon the 15th of August.

"Five Thousand Musketts, Three Thousand Swords, Two Thousand Pikes, Two Hundreth Barrells of Powder, with Bullett proportionable, and a double Proportion of Match.

"These are the smallest Propositions we can desire for the present; and the Estate of the Kingdome of Scotland being such as cannot admitt Delay, and the Lord Chancelor being to returne thether with all possible Hast, we intreate your Lordships to move the Honorable Houses for a speedy Answere to this and our Two former Papers.

"By Command of the Comissioners for the Parliament of Scotland.

15 Sep. 1645.

"Jo. Cheislie."

Ordered, That this Paper be recommended to the House of Commons.

Letter from The States Ambassador.

The Speaker acquainted this House with a Letter from The States Ambassador,

"A la tres Honnorable Maison des (fn. 2) Pairs, assembles en Parliament d' Angleterre, À Westm."

The Letter, being translated out of French, was read in English. (Here enter it.)

To be referred to the Committee for Foreign Affairs.

Ordered, That this Paper be referred to the Committee for Foreign Affairs; who are to take the same into Consideration, and report their Opinion to the Houses, and to desire the Concurrence of the House of Commons herein.

Message to the H. C. about it; with the Paper about Free Trade to Denmark; and the following Particulars.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Sir Edward Leech and Mr. Page:

1. To desire their Concurrence in the Paper concerning the Merchants to have Free Trade with the King of Denmarke.

2. To put them in Mind of Mrs. Lucretia Barclay's Petition.

3. To put them in Remembrance of the Ordinance concerning Trynity Colledge, in Cambridge.

4. To recommend the Scottish Paper to them.

5. To deliver to them the Paper this Day received from The States Ambassador, and desire it may be referred to the Consideration of the Committee for Foreign Affairs, who are to report their Opinions to the Houses.

Ordinance concerning the First Buyer of exciseable Commodities.

Ordered, That the Ordinance for the First Buyer of Commodities, which are to pay Excise, be referred to the Consideration of these Lords following; and to report their Opinion to this House:

Comes Kent.
Comes Sarum.
Comes Denbigh.
L. Viscount Say & Seale.
Ds. Howard.

Any Two, to meet To-morrow Morning, at Nine a Clock; and some of the Officers of Excise are to attend the said Committee, to inform them of the Business.

Letter to the Committee at Leicester, about the Earl of Hunt.

A Draught of a Letter, to be written by the Speaker, to the Committee of Leycester, was read, and approved of; and Ordered to be sent, by the Speaker, to the said Committee. (Here enter it.)

Ordinance for Sale of Delinquents Estates.

The House was adjourned into a Committee during Pleasure, to consider of the Ordinance for Sale of the Lands of Delinquents, &c.

The House being resumed;

Ordinance for Sale of Bishops, and Dean and Chapter Lands.

The Lord Viscount Say & Seale reported the Sense of the Committee: "That they are of Opinion, that an Ordinance be drawn up, for the Sale of the Lands and Revenues belonging to Archbishops, Bishops, Deans, Deans and Chapters, to be employed for the same Ends and Uses mentioned in the Ordinance for Sale of Delinquents Estates, with an Exception of all Impropriations and Tithes belonging to them, which are fit to be employed for the Encrease of the Maintenance of the Ministry; and that then such particular Delinquents Estates as this House shall think fit to add may be added."

Committee to draw it up.

The House approving of this Report; Ordered, That these Lords following shall take Care that an Ordinance be drawn accordingly, and presented to this House with all convenient Speed.

Comes Kent.
Comes Pembrooke.
Comes Sarum.
Comes Denbigh.
L. Viscount Say & Seale.
Ds. Howard.
Ds. Willoughby.

Any Three, to meet when they please; and have Liberty to make Choice of what Counsel they shall think fit to employ, to draw the said Ordinance; and to bring in the same with all convenient Speed.

Marsh's Petition for a Pass, for a Messenger to Oxford.

Upon reading the Petition of Eliz. Marsh Widow, desiring "Liberty to send a Messenger to Oxford, about some Writing concerning her late Husband's Estate:" It is Ordered, To send the Petition to the House of Commons, to desire their Concurrence therein.

Paper from The States Ambassador, about allowing the Spaniards to raise Men here, and giving them a Convoy to Flanders, who are to serve there against The States General.

"To the Honourable Parliament of England, at Westm.

"Most Noble and Honourable Lords, Knights, and Gentlemen,

"God be pleased to give a speedy End to the Distractions which now vex and torment this Kingdom of England, of late most flourishing, and, by His Goodness all Differences removed, re-establish a good and assured Peace, to the everlasting Good and Content between the King and His Parliament.

"My Lords, The States of The United Provinces wish it in all Sincerity, as their High Mightinesses have witnessed several Times, desiring that the ancient Amity and Alliances between this Kingdom and The State of the said Provinces may be maintained and continued: This may more assuredly and easily be effected, when the Subjects of the one and the other State are held united in Affection; and that each one may be persuaded, that one Nation should be unwilling to do Wrong or the least Prejudice to the other.

"Your Honours and Lordships have several Times, and yet of late, in a Paper to my said Lords The States (of which One original Copy was delivered unto me the 251/5 August last by Commissioners deputed), declared, that they really endeavour, and with good Affection, to maintain all good Correspondence and Amity with my said Lords The States and The United Provinces, according to the Treaties and Alliances ancient and modern. It behoveth not to doubt of the Intentions of the Honourable Assembly of Parliament, declared as is said; yet, since, the most Part of the World believeth of his Friend according to the Actions he perceiveth, or according (fn. 3) as they are reported, were it by evil Information; and that it is certain that, during the Time this Kingdom was quiet, and yet during these present Troubles, many have been, and are, who by divers Means and Ways, have strived to sow Discord between both Nations, I have judged to be my Duty (since my Instructions bear, that I shall procure that good Friendship, Peace, and Concord, be entertained between His Majesty's Kingdoms and The State of the United Provinces) to represent unto your Honours and Lordships;

"First, That it is said (fn. 3) in London, that the Spanish (assured Enemies of the Reformed Religion) make here Two new Regiments of English Soldiers, under Officers who have been in the Service of the Honourable Parliament, to be transported into Flaund'rs; and that already a Part of the said Soldiers is passed into Flanders (fn. 4) in English Bottoms.

"Secondly, That some Men of War are here appointed, to convoy Merchant Ships to Flaund'rs, not withstanding that the Men of War of my Lords The States hold the Ports of that Country blocked up and besieged.

"Most Noble and Honourable Lords, Knights, and Gentlemen,

"Whereas the good Correspondence and Amity between this Kingdom and The States of the United Provinces, and between both Nations, is profitable (if not necessary) to the one and to the other; it shall please your Honours to consider, according to their Wisdoms, whether the Consent to make Levies, and the transporting them into Flanders, against your Neighbours and Friends, is not sufficient to engender in their Courages such Opinions as may alter the said Amity, to the great Content of those who seek the Ruin both of this Kingdom and of The United Provinces of the Netherlands.

"Moreover, how the said Convoy may be justified, notwithstanding the Havens of Flanders are nearly besieged; and that from hence are transported, in English Ships, Soldiers of the same Nation, for the Service of the Enemies, and directly against the Friends of this Kingdom; to whom, at the same Time, is not permitted to trade freely in all Ports and Havens of this Kingdom.

"Your Honours and Lordships shall oblige me, and (in my Judgement) do a Thing worthy their Wisdoms, if I may be speedily cleared and informed of their Intentions in the Premises, whereby I may satisfy my Lords The States Generall, and others whom it shall concern, when I shall be required, and it shall be needful; and I shall rest,

"Most Noble and Honourable Lords, Knights, and Gentlemen,

"The most affectionate to render Service to your Honours and Lordships,

London, the 251/5 of September, 1645.

"Alb. Joachimi."

Letter to the Committee at Leicester, to allow the E. of Huntingdon to reside at Dunnington.


"The Lords assembled in Parliament having been made acquainted with a Letter from the Earl of Huntingdon, signifying that he is resolved to resign himself to the disposing of the Parliament, and to attend the House of Lords whensoever he shall receive their Commands, and desiring that he may be permitted to remain for some Time at his House at Dunington, in the County of Leycester; the Lords have commanded me to let you know, that they think fit to grant him that Liberty, he conforming himself to the Directions and Obedience of the Parliament, and do desire you to give Order that he live there quietly, under your Protection, without any Violence offered to himself, Goods, or Family.

"To the Committee of Parliament residing at Leicester."


House adjourned till 9a cras.


  • 1. Origin. report it.
  • 2. Origin. Paris.
  • 3. Deest in Originali.
  • 4. Origin. into.