House of Lords Journal Volume 6: 14 August 1644

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 6, 1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 6: 14 August 1644', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 6, 1643( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 3 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 6: 14 August 1644', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 6, 1643( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed October 3, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 6: 14 August 1644". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 6, 1643. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 3 October 2024.


In this section

DIE Mercurii, 14 die Augusti.

PRAYERS, by Mr. Hodges.

Ds. Grey de Warke, Speaker.

Comes Northumb.
Comes Kent.
Comes Lyncolne.
Comes Denbigh.
Comes Bolingbrooke.
L. Viscount Say & Seale.
Comes Sarum.
Ds. Wharton.
Ds. North.
Ds. Bruce.
Ds. Howard.

E. of Denbigh's Relation of the State of Affairs in the Counties under his Command, and the Interruptions he has met with, to be communicated to the H. C.

Ordered, That the Relation of the Earl of Denbigh, concerning the State of Affairs of the Counties under his Command, and the Interruptions which he hath had in those Counties, shall be communicated at a Conference with the House of Commons, to desire that the Business may be referred to the former Committee that was appointed to compose the Difference between the Earl of Denbigh and the Committee of Coventry, to prepare the same for the Houses; and the Lord North and the Lord Bruce are added to the said Committee of Lords, who are to meet on Friday Morning, at Nine of the Clock.

Letters from the King and His Generals, and from the Ld. General and Ld. Admiral.

The Speaker acquainted this House, "That he hath received a Letter from the Lord General, dated 8 August, from Listithiell;" which was read, as followeth: (Here enter it.)

Likewise a Letter of the King's to the Lord General was read. (Here enter it.)

Another Letter was read, (fn. 1) from Prince Mauris and Earl Branford. (fn. 2)

The Letter under the Officers Hands was read.

(Here enter it.)

And the Lord General's Answer to it was read.

(Here enter it.)

Next, Prince Maurice's Answer thereunto was read.

(Here enter it.)

Next was read, a Letter from the Lord Admiral.

(Here enter it.)

A Letter to be sent the E. of Essex, thanking him for his great Fidelity.

Upon reading of which Letters, it was thought fit by their Lordships, that they should be forthwith communicated to the House of Commons, at a Conference, with this Sense, "That their Lordships thought fit that a Letter should be sent from both Houses to the Lord General, taking Notice of his great Faithfulness to the Parliament, and to give him Thanks and Encouragement for the same; and to desire the House of Commons to join in a Committee of both Houses, to draw up a Letter to that Purpose."

Report concerning the Reception of the French Minister.

The Earl of Northumb'land made a Report from the Committee, concerning the Reception of the French Resident: videlicet,

"1. That he be received in the Houses respectively.

"2. That he come to his Audience in his own Coaches, accompanied with the Master of the Ceremonies.

"3. That a Chair without Arms be placed for him, in such convenient Place in the Houses as they respectively shall think fit.

"4. That he sit covered; and, at the Time of his Speaking, that he stand up, and be uncovered whilst he speaks."

Unto which this House Agreed; and further Ordered, That the French Resident should have Audience here on Friday next, at Ten of the Clock in the Morning; and that the Speaker send for the Master of the Ceremonies, and appoint him to give Notice hereof unto the French Resident accordingly.

Withipoole and Devereux.

Upon reading of the Petition of Sir William Withipoll Knight; shewing, "That the cross Causes between him and Mr. Devereux being set over for Hearing until the 16th of October next, the said Mr. Devereux endeavoureth in the mean while to receive the Rents belonging to him in Suffolke and Derbyshire; and thereupon prayeth Relief, and that both Sides may be referred to take their several Remedies at Common Law or Chancery, as they should be advised by their Counsel."

Whereupon it was Ordered, That Mr. Devereux, having Notice of this Petition, shall put in his Answer thereunto on or before the 11th Day of September next; and that, in the mean Time, the said Mr. Devereux is to be enjoined from receiving any Rents belonging unto Sir William Withipoll.

Answer from the H. C.

Sir Edward Leech and Mr. Page were sent down to the House of Commons, to desire a present Conference, concerning the said Letters from the Lord General and Lord Admiral, and also concerning the Earl of Denbigh's Business; and they are likewise to signify, that their Lordships have appointed Friday next, at Ten of the Clock in the Morning, for giving Audience to the French Resident.

Which Messengers, upon their Return, returned this Answer from the House of Commons:

That they would give their Lordships a present Conference, in the Painted Chamber, as was desired; and that they had likewise appointed Friday next for Reception of the French Resident.

Message from thence, for a Conference on Ordinance for Martial Law;

Here came a Message from the House of Commons, by Sir Robert Harley and others; desiring Concurrence in these Particulars: videlicet,

A Free Conference, concerning the Ordinance for Martial Law.

Agreed to.

with an Ordinance;

2. An Ordinance for Payment of Twelve Hundred Pounds unto Walter Frost Esquire, to be sent to Colonel William Jepson, to be paid to the Irish Companies, who surrendered the Town of Wareham.

This was Agreed to.

for removing some Committees from Pembroke, &c. and putting others in their Places;

3. That Sir Richard Phillipps, John Langhorne, Arthur Owen, Roger Lort, Lewis Barlow, Captain Richard Swanley, and Captain Smyth, be nominated and approved of, to be added to the Committees for the Three Counties of Pembroke, Carmarthen, and Cardigan; and that Thomas Wogan, David Morgan, and John Lloyd (who are turned to them that are in actual War against the Parliament), are to be put out and discharged from being Committees.

Agreed to.

for the Sheriff of Northampton to come out of the County;

4. That the Sheriff of the County of North'ton may have Liberty to come out of the County.

Agreed to.

Committee for Dorset;

5. That Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper be made One of the Committees for Dorsetshire.

Agreed to.

and to remind the Lords of the Gloucestershire Instructions.

6. And lastly, they put their Lordships in Mind of passing the Glocestershire Instructions.

But their Lordships thought fit to put that Particular off for a further Consideration, and to send them an Answer thereunto by Messengers of their own.

Mr. Thane, Black Rod, Leave to be absent; and Captain Jennings to be his Deputy.

Upon a Motion, on the Behalf of Alexander Thaine Esquire, the Gentleman Usher attending this House: It was Ordered, That the said Mr. Thane should have Leave to go into Wiltshire for a Fortnight; and that, in his Absence, Captain Jennings was allowed to execute his Place as his Deputy; and, to this Purpose, a Pass was granted, for himself and Servants, with their Horses and Necessaries, to go into Wiltshire, and return again hither.

Hellott, a Pass to the King.

Upon reading the Petition of Peter Hellott, French Merchant of Roane, desiring "a Pass for himself and his Guides, with their Horses, to go to His Majesty's Court, for procuring certain Goods of his, which were surprized in a Ship of London, The Anne and Judith, by a Man of War called The Green Knight of Falmouth, by Warrant from His Majesty, as was alledged:" It was granted accordingly.

Witness against Serj. Glanville, &c.

John Searle was this Day sworn at the Bar, against Serjeant Glanvile, and the other Judges impeached at the same Time by the House of Commons.

Vanienden and Godskall.

This Day the Cause of Mrs. Vanenden, against Jous Godskall and others, was heard in Part, at the Bar; but, in regard of other great Occasions intervening, the same was assigned to be further heard at the Bar on Saturday next, at Nine of the Clock in the Morning.

Mrs. Bickley's Cause.

Ordered, That the Cause of Anne Bickley shall be heard at the Bar, on Monday the 20th of this Instant.

The Lords, being ready to go to the Conference, appointed the Lord Viscount Say & Seale to manage that Part of the Conference concerning the Letters aforesaid, the Earl of Denbigh to manage the rest; and so the House was adjourned until Friday Morning, at Nine of the Clock.

E. of Essex's Letter, inclosing One from the King to him.

"1. Right Honourable,

"My Lord Beauchamp, going for France, desired to see me before he went; and, at his coming, brought me this inclosed Letter from the King, to which I answered, That, as I had received my Trust from both Houses of Parliament, so I could not give any Answer without their Direction; and touching that Passage of His Majesty for Preparation by my Lord of Hertford's Letter, I received none; but, when my Sister Hertford wrote to me about her Son's Journey, she sent me the Copy of that which the King sent to the Parliament by the French Agent, and was sent me by my Lord of Forth, which I also sent up to the Committeee of both Kingdoms. I have not Time to write more, we having the Forces of the King, Prince Maurice, and Sir Ralph Hopton, before us; and Sir Rich. Greenvill behind us, and may be joined ere this come to Foy. As there shall any Thing happen, I shall give your Lordships Advertisement.

Listithiell, August, S 1644.

"My Lords, I am,
Your humble Servant,

"I have sent you here inclosed a Letter we cannot decypher."

Letter from the King to the E. of Essex.

"Liskard, 6 Augusti, 1644.

"2. ESSEX,

"I have been very willing to believe, that whenever there should be such a Conjuncture as to put it into your Power to effect that happy Settlement of this miserable Kingdom which all good Men desire, you would lay Hold of it: That Season is now before you; you have it at this Time in your Power to redeem your Country and the Crown, and to oblige your King in the highest Degree; an Action certainly of the greatest Piety, Prudence, and Honour, that may be, and such an Opportunity as perhaps no Subject before you ever had, or after you shall have; to which there is no more required, but that you join with Me heartily and really, in the settling of those Things which we have both professed constantly to be our only Aims. Let us do this; and, if any shall be so foolishly unnatural, as to oppose their King's, their Country's, and their own Good, we will make them happy (by God's Blessing) even against their Wills. To this the only Impediment can be, Want of mutual Confidence. I promise it to you, on My Part; and, as I have endeavoured to prepare it on yours, by My Letter to Hertford from Easam, I hope this will perfect it, when (as I here do) I have engaged to you the Word of a King, That, you joining with Me in that blessed Work, I shall give both to you and your Army such eminent Marks of My Confidence and Value, as shall not leave a Room for the least Distrust amongst you, either in relation to the Public or to yourself, unto whom I shall then be,

"Your faithful Friend,
Charles R.

"If you like of this, hearken to this Bearer, whom I have fully instructed in Particulars: But this will admit of no Delay.

"C. R."

E. of Essex's Letter, with One inclosed from the Officers of the King's Army.

"3. Right Honourable,

"Since my last to your Lordships of the 8th, sent by the Way of my Lord Admiral (wherein I sent you His Majesty's Letter directed to nie), I have the last Night received this inclosed, which likewise I send your Lordships, with my Answer to it; by which your Lordships may perceive, that, what Extremity soever we may be in, I shall never distrust God's Providence towards us, nor neglect my Duty to both Houses. The Armies still lying within a Mile one of another, as yet we have had only Skirmishing with our Horse every; but what they will do now upon this Answer, and Greenvill's Approach, your Lordships will further know hereafter.

Listithiell, August 10th, 1644.

"Your Lordships humble Servant,

Prince Maurice and Marquis of Branford's Letter to the E. of Essex.

"4. My Lord,

"Notwithstanding the small Satisfaction His Majesty hath received from your Lordship to His late Letter, He is yet pleased to give us, and the Commanders and Officers of both Armies, Leave to send to your Lordship this inclosed; with the Assurance, that this shall serve for a Safe Conduct to all such Persons as shall be appointed by your Lordship to meet as is desired.

Borounnock, this 9th of August, 1644.

"Your Lordship's humble Servants,

Letter from the Principal Officers of the King's Armies.

"5. My Lord,

"We, having obtained His Majesty's Leave to send this to you, shall not repeat the many Gracious Messages, Endeavours, and Declarations, which His Majesty hath made, and have been so solemnly protested in the Presence of God and Men, that we wonder how the most scrupulous can make any Doubt of the real and Royal Performance of them: But we must, before this approaching Occasion, tell your Lordship, that we bear Arms for this End only, to defend His Majesty's known Rights, the Laws of the Kingdom, the Liberty of the Subject, the Privilege of Parliament, and the true Protestant Religion, against Popery, or Popish Innovations; and this being the professed Cause of your Lordship's taking Arms, we are confident that, concurring in the same Opinions and Pretences, we shall not by an unnatural War weaken the main Strength of this Kingdom, and advance the Design of our common Enemies, who long since have devoured us in their Hopes. My Lord, the Exigent of the Time will not suffer us to make any laboured Declarations of our Intentions; but only this, that, on the Faith of Subjects, the Honour and Reputation of Gentlemen and Soldiers, we will with our Lives maintain that which His Majesty shall publicly promise, in order to a bloodless Peace; nor shall it be in the Power of any private Person to divert this Resolution of ours; and the same we expect from you. And now we must take Leave to protest, that, if this our Proffer be neglected (which we make neither in Fear of your Power nor Distrust of our own, but only touched with the approaching Miseries of our Nation), that what Calamities soever shall oppress Posterity will lie heavy on the Souls and Consciences of those that shall decline this Overture, which we cannot hope so seasonably to make again, if this Conjuncture be let go; and therefore it is desired that your Lordship and Six other Persons may meet our General To-morrow (at such an indifferent Place as you shall think fit), attended with as many; or, if you shall find that any Way inconvenient to come in Person, that then your Lordship will appoint such, or so many, to meet with the like Number from hence, that may consider of all Means possible to reconcile these unhappy Differences and Misunderstandings, that have so long afflicted the Kingdom. And for the Security of your Lordship, and those which shall come with and be employed by your Lordship, we do engage our Faith and Honour, and do expect the same from your Lordship; desiring withall your very speedy Answer, which must be a Guide to our Proceedings; concluding, that, if this shall be refused, we shall hold ourselves justified before God and Men, whatsoever shall be the Success. So we rest,

From the Army, the 9th of August, 1644.

"Your Lordship's humble Servants,

Geo. Goreing.
Tho. Wentworth.
Raph Hopton.
Jacob Ashly.
Thomas Bassett.
Ric. Cave.
John Wagstafe.
Lewis Dives.
B. Stewart.
Charles Lloyd.
Tho. Blagge.
Theo. Gilby.
Jos. Bamfeild.
Will'm Leighton.
He. Lunsford.
Wm. St. Leger.
Antho. Thelwell.
Bart. Astley.
Geo. Lisle.
John Owen.
William Murray.
Tho. Ashton.
Edward Tirwhitt.
Richard Nevill.
Henry Vaughan.
Rice Hugh.
Francis Godfrey.
Charles Hughes.
Tho. Blackwell.
Bartho. Pell.
Henry Shelley.
Tho. Stradling.
Tho. Powlett.
John Stocker.
Theo. Kirton.
Tho. Bellingham.
Ed. Porter.
Bartho. Inkes.
Antho. Brockett.
Gilb't Armstrong.
Hen. Cary.
Rich. Page.
Henry Mill.
Hen. Leigh.
Ric. Feilding.
Nath. Slingsby.
Tho. Piggott.
John Browne.
Tho. Weston.
David Skimpsheir.
James Mowbrey.
Paule Smith.
Adrian Scroope.
Guy Mouldesworth.
Charles Compton.
Ames Pollard.
Phillip Honywood.
Robert Howard.
Edw'd Nott.
James Hamilton.
Tho. Culpepper.
Ri. Thornhill.
Will. Leake.
John Steuart.
John Sopping.
John Pamlin.
John Greennill.
Giles Strangwayes.
Nicholas Sawell.
Peter Standish.
Jo. Rid.
John Lutley.
John March.
Geo. Dundash.
Cha. Fowke.
Arth. Heveningham.
R. Smith.
James Carr.
James Haswell.
William Maxwell."

E. of Essex's Answer.

"My Lords,

"In the Beginning of your Letter, you express by what Authority you send it. I, having no Power from the Parliament (who have employed me) to treat, cannot give Way to it, without Breach of Trust. My Lords, I am

"Your humble Servant,

Listithlell, August 10, 1644.

"For His Highness Prince Maurice, and the Earl of Forth."

E. of Warwick's Letter, that Commissary General Beheir had encompassed Sir Richard Grenvile's Army.

"May it please your Lordship,

"This Night I received the inclosed Packet from my Lord General, with a Desire to get the same speedily conveyed to the Parliament. I also received a Letter from his Excellency, dated this Day, importing that Commissary General Behere hath, with Three Regiments of Horse and One Company of Dragoons, encompassed Sir Richard Greenvile's Army, being guessed to be betwixt Fifteen Hundred and Two Thousand Foot, and Three Hundred Horse, and Five Drakes; that he had taken a Lieutenant, Ensign, a Foot Colours, and Three or Four Score Foot Soldiers; that his Forlorn Hope had begun to charge the Horse, Colonel Sheiffeild seconding with his Regigiment; and that he hoped to give a good Account of that Army, so he may be secured from an Enemy in the Rear; to which Purpose, his Excellency hath sent Two Regiments of Horse, to secure the Passes. These Particulars his Excellency desired me to signify to the Parliament, he having not mentioned it in the Letter now sent. The Ships in these Parts are employed with as much Advantage as I am able, for preventing Supplies of Arms and Ammunition to the Enemy, he being in much Want thereof, as I hear; and they have lately taken Seven or Eight Prizes in the Western Coast. I myself am yet in this Sound, for the speeding of Supplies for the Army from Plymouth, which is at this Time very serviceable. I hear from good Hands, that the King hath restrained the Lord Willmott, upon Jealousy of his holding Correspondency prejudicial to him. Desiring God to bless all your Councils, with my humble Service presented to their Lordships the House of Peers (to whom your Lordship may please to communicate this Letter) I take my Leave, resting,

"My Lord,
Your Lordship's humble Servant,

Plymouth Sound, 10 August, 1644.

"My Haste denies me Opportunity of writing by this Conveyance to the Honourable House of Commons. I beseech your Lordship to impart to them the Substance of this Letter."

Directed, "To the Speaker, my Lord Gray."

Order for removing some Committees in Pembrooke, &c. and putting others in their Places.

"It is Ordered, by the Lords and Commons, &c. That Sir Rich'd Phillipps, John Langhorne, Arthur Owen, Roger Lort, Lewys Barlow, Captain Rich'd Swanley, and Captain Smith, are hereby nominated and approved of, to be added to the Committees for the Three Counties of Pembroke, Carmarthen, and Cardigan; and that Tho. Wogan, David Morgan, and John Lloyd, (who are turned to them that are in actual War against the Parliament) shall be put out and discharged from being Committees."

Order for 200 l. to Colonel Jephson, to be paid to the Irish Forces who surrendered Wareham.

"Be it Ordained, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That John Towse Esquire, Alderman of the City of London, and the rest of the Commissioners of Excise, do forthwith advance unto Walter Frost Esquire, to be sent unto Colonel William Jephson, Governor of Portsmouth, the Sum of Twelve Hundred Pounds, to be paid to the Irish Companies, who surrendered the Town of Warham for the Use of the King and Parliament, according to the Articles of Surrender of the said Town made with Lieutenant General Middleton: And it is further Ordained, That the said Commissioners of Excise do reimburse themselves the said Twelve Hundred Pounds, with Interest after the Rate of Eight Pounds per Cent. out of such Monies as shall come in to the Receipts of Excise between the Intervals of Time, as other Ordinances of Parliament already assigned shall not fall due; and this Ordinance shall be a sufficient Warrant to the said Commissioners of Excise, for Payment of the said Monies unto the said Walter Frost."


  • 1. Origin. for.
  • 2. After this, in the Original, occurs a Duplicate of the Letter, N° 4. from Prince Maurice and the Marquis of Brainford; which is entered afterwards.