House of Lords Journal Volume 6: 19 March 1644

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 6, 1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 6: 19 March 1644', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 6, 1643( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 3 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 6: 19 March 1644', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 6, 1643( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed October 3, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 6: 19 March 1644". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 6, 1643. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 3 October 2024.


In this section

DIE Martis, videlicet, 19 die Martii.

PRAYERS, by Mr. Wilson.

Lords present this Day:

Ds. Grey de Warke Speaker.

Comes Pembrooke.
Comes Sarum.
Comes Bolingbrooke.
Comes Stamford.
Comes Lyncolne.
Comes Nottingham.
Comes Rutland.
Ds. Howard.
Ds. Bruce.
Ds. Hunsdon.
Ds. Dacres.
Ds. Wharton.

Ordinance concerning Currants.

An Ordinance concerning Currants was brought into this House, and read Twice, and committed to these Lords following:

Comes Pembrooke.
Comes Stamford.
Comes Lyncolne.
Ds. Hunsden.
Any Three, to meet presently, and report the same to this House.

Message from the H. C. for a Conference on various Subjects;

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Sir Rob't Pye Knight, and others:

1. To desire a Conference, touching somewhat they have received from The States Ambassadors; and touching the Ordinance concerning the Four associated Counties; and concerning the Lord Howard's Ordinance.

and with Ordinances.

2. To desire Concurrence in these Orders following:

1. An Order to pay One Thousand Pounds to Sir Wm. Brereton, out of Habberdashers Hall.

2. An Ordinance touching the Arrears of Captain Guillan, &c.

3. An Ordinance concerning Sir Wm. Brereton to execute several Ordinances for Advance of Money, within the County of Chester, &c.

4. An Ordinance touching the opening the Trade to Sunderland and Blyth.

Paper from The States Ambassadors.

The Lord Grey of Warke, Speaker, acquainted the House, "That The States Ambassadors have been with him, and delivered a Paper to him, to be presented to this House:" And their Lordships deferred the reading of it until the Conference with the House of Commons was reported.

The Answer returned was:

Answer to the H. C.

That this House will give a present Conference, in the Painted Chamber, as is desired; touching the rest of the Particulars, this House will send an Answer by Messengers of their own.

Ordinance concerning Currants.

The Earl of Stamford reported, "That the Committee have considered of the Ordinance concerning Currants, and they think it fit to pass as it is."

And then the said Ordinance was read the Third Time, and Agreed to; and Ordered to be sent down to the House of Commons, to desire their Concurrence therein.

The House was adjourned during Pleasure, and the Lords went to the Conference; which being ended, the House was resumed.

Ordered, That this Report shall be made To-morrow Morning.

Message to the H. C. with it, and the List of the Servants for the King's Children.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Serjeant Whitfield and Mr. Page:

To desire their Concurrence in the Ordinance concerning Currants; and the List and Orders (fn. 1) for the Regulating of St. James House.

The Answer returned was:


That the House of Commons agrees to the Ordinance for Currants, and to the List concerning the Regulating the House at St. James, where the King's Children are.

(Here enter them.)

Ordered, That the Lord Wharton is to make Report of the Conference, which lies in his Hands unreported, To-morrow Morning.

Ordinance concerning Currants.

"Whereas, by an Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament, dated 26 Augusti, 1642, it is Ordained, for the Reasons therein expressed, That from and after the last Day of September, 1642, no Currants should be imported into the Kingdom of England, or Dominion of Wales, by any Merchants or others, by Way of Merchandize, or otherwise, from any Ports beyond the Seas; but the Importation thereof is thereby utterly prohibited and forbidden: Now, forasmuch as, since the making of the said Ordinance, the Enemy is possessed of divers Havens and Port Towns of the said Kingdom, where Currants are daily imported, whereby the Benefit of the said Ordinance cannot be made useful for the Public Good of the Kingdom as was intended: The Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament do Order, Ordain, and Declare, That, from and after the 12th Day of February last, it shall and may be lawful to and for all Merchants of the Levant Company, by Way of Merchandize, or otherwise, to import in English Bottoms any Currants of the Growth of Zant and Cepholonia, and to land them into the Port of London, or any other Port within the Power of the Parliament, within Twelve Months next after the Publication of this Ordinance, from any Ports beyond the Seas, paying Six Shillings per Cent. for every Hundred Weight of the said Currants, over and above the Customs and Excise due for the same, the said Ordinance of Prohibition to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding; and the Commissioners of the Customs are hereby required to take Entries for the said Currants, and to receive of the said Merchants the said Six Shillings per Cent. for every Hundred Weight, over and above the Custom and Excise as aforesaid; and the Proceed of the said Six Shillings per Cent. the said Commissioners are hereby required to pay over to Nathaniell Stephens, Thomas Hodges, and Thomas Pury, Esquires, Members of the House of Commons, for the Use of the Garrison of Gloucester, upon Accompt, taking their Receipt for the same, which shall be to the said Commissioners, and every of them, a sufficient Discharge in that Behalf."

A List of such Servants as are thought fit and appointed to attend His Majesty's Two Youngest Children, the Duke of Gloucester and Princess Elizabeth; videlicet,

List of the Servants for the King's Children.

Lady Governess, the Countess of Dorsett.
Gentlewoman of the Bed-chamber to the Princess, The Lady Southcott. To have Diet with the Lady Governess.
Cofferess, Mrs. Lee. Diet with the Lady Governess.
Mrs. Anne Fawlkonbridge. Diet with the Lady Governess.
"Rockers to the Duke of Gloucester, Susan Fulcher.
Isabella Keire.
Mary Marler.
Mary Marrett.
Margarett Kincade.
"Chambers to the Princess, Margarett Kilvert.
Anne Gwin.
Grace Rottery.
Anne Rouse.
"Laundress for the Body, and Starcher, Sybella Dromond.
Mary Eccleston.
"Necessary Woman, Jane Belcheire.
"Physicians, Sir Theodore Mayerne.
Dr. Collydon.
"Chaplains, Mr. Obadiah Sedgiswicke.
Mr. Joseph Caryll.
Mr. Stephen Marshall.
Mr. Jeremy Whittaker.
Mr. William Greenhill.
Mr. William Spurstow.
"Household Chaplain, Sam'ell Torshell, 200 l. per Annum.
"Gentleman Usher, Goodeere Hopton,
Thomas Harbert, Extra.
"Teacher of French, Phillip Carterett, to have the same Allowance that the late Teacher of French had.
"Apothecary, . . . . . . . . .
"Pages of the Back Stairs, Robert Rosse.
James Dromond. To attend without Charge till further Order (fn. 2) be taken.
"Wardrobe, Clement Kinndesley.
Robes, Walter Chisholme.
Taylor, William Painter.
Capmaker, Renatus Trottier.
Shoemaker, William Creech.
Page of the Back Stairs to the Duke of Gloc. Gabriel Randew.
"Vestry, John Wainsford, Groom.
"Porter at the Back Stairs, Robert Scott.
"Purveyor in the Robes, Wm. Rottery, to attend during the Pleasure of the Committee.

"The Lady Governess, Ladies, and other Servants of Chamber aforementioned, who are constantly to attend, are to have Entertainments of Wages, Livery, Diet, or Board Wages, according to His Majesty's Establishment by His last Book signed, and His Majesty's particular Directions under His Hand, in March, 1641.

Household Officers.
"Paymaster and Clerk of the Green Cloth, Cornelius Holland.
"Clerk Comptrolments, Nicholas Bond.
"Clerks of the Kitchen, Nicholas Downes.
John Humphreyes.
Ra. Jackson.
"Clerk of the Spicery, Bringhest.
"Clerk of the Woodyard, Scullery, &c. John Marre.

"The abovenamed Officers of Household, who are constantly to attend the Service, are to have Entertainment according to His Majesty's Establishment by His last Book signed, and other Directions by special Warrant since, videlicet, in March, 1641.

"Servants in the Bakehouse, Pantry, Buttery, and all other Officers of Household, are to attend in their respective Offices, One Man in each Office every Month, and to have Entertainment for that Month only which he waits, according to the Proportion established by His Majesty's last Book signed, and His Majesty's particular Directions under His Hand, in March, 1641.


Purveyor, Henry Medlicott.
Footmen, James Burrall.
James Jack.
Malcome Carter.
"Chariot-man, Thomas Achinson.

"The abovenamed Servants of the Stable are to have Entertainment according to His Majesty's Establishment by His last Book signed.

"The Names of those Servants that are thought (fn. 3) fit to be removed from their Attendance on the Duke of Gloucester, and Princess Elizabeth:

"Clerk Spicery, Robert Hope. lx l.
Rockers, Martha Conant,
Ellen Newberry,
Anne Bickerton,
iiii xx l.
lx l.
lx l.
"Closet-keeper, John Foxe, xx l.
"Vestry, Hugh Griffith, Yeoman, xx l.
"Physician, Dr. David Ecklyn, l l.
"Teacher of French, Monsieur De Aranjou, xx l.
"A Cook, John Magueire, xx l.
"Taylor, Dominiq; Henry.
"Shoemaker, John Forse.

"Some of the Prince his Highness's Servants that continue in and about London and Westm. but have no Attendance on the Duke of Gloucester and Princess Elizabeth:

Quarter Waiter, Archibald Primrose, xxx l.
Yeoman Messenger of the Compting - house or Household, Henry Morris, to be continued, xxiii l. v s.
"Cooks, Scourers, and Turnbroches, Cooks, 5,
Scourers, 4,
Turnbroches, 8,
xiii l. vis. viii d. &c
viii l. apiece.
vi l. xiii s. iiii d. &c.
"Laundress for the Prince's Board, Mary Austine. xx l.
"Pankeeper, Samuel Vance,
Anne Chase,
vi l. xiii s. iiii d.
Rockers to the late Princess Anne, Anne Ecklyn,
Elliannor Stephens,
Susana Godfrey,
Phillip Andrewes,
xx l. apiece and discharged.

"Orders to be duly observed in the Family of the Duke of Gloucester and Princess Elizabeth.

"1. That there be duly Prayers in the Family, betwixt Ten and Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon, and also betwixt Five and Six of the Clock in the Afternoon; and that, at the same Time, there be Scripture read and expounded by One of the Chaplains appointed to attend that Service; and that the said Chaplains shall wait in their Turns, and shall preach in the Forenoon and Afternoon every Lordsday.

"2. That it shall be in the Power of the Committee of both Houses of Parliament appointed to regulate the said Family upon all Occasions, as they shall find Cause, to suspend from Waiting and Attendance in that Family all such Servants, or others, as do or shall imbezzle or purloin away any the Provisions and Goods that are appointed for, or do belong to the Maintenance of, that Family; or shall speak or act any Thing to the Prejudice of the King and Parliament; or shall be Drinkers, Swearers, or other wise so evilly behave themselves as that they shall be deemed unworthy of that Service; and, according to the Custom of His Majesty's Household, after Two Admonitions given by the Officers there, in case of the abovementioned (fn. 4) Delinquency, and no Reformation therein ensuing, the said Committee shall appoint others to attend the Place.

"3. That the Committee for the King's Revenue, together with the aforesaid Committees, shall see that the ordinary Allowance for the Household Expence, of Eight Hundred Pounds a Month, formerly assigned by the Ordinance of Parliament, be duly paid unto the Pay-master of that Family; and that there be Money provided and paid, for Apparel, and such other necessary Expences as shall be fitting for His Majesty's said Childrens Service; and if the former Assignation of Money for the said Expences, out of the Mint, shall not supply the same, that then the said respective Committees do take Care and Order the same to be supplied and paid as aforesaid, out of such other His Majesty's Revenue as they shall think most fit and convenient for Supply thereof; and that an Accompt of all Receipts and Disbursements be delivered into the Exchequer, to be audited, passed, and allowed of, by the Auditors and other Officers there, in such Manner and Form as the Accompt for the Expence of the Prince his Highness, and the rest of His Majesty's Royal Childrens Household, formerly used to be done; or in such Manner and Form as the Committee beforementioned shall direct.

"4. That the aforesaid Committee for regulating the said Family shall have Power to abate and take off all Breakfast Meats except for His Majesty's Children, Bouches of Court, or other unnecessary Expences, as they shall find fit and convenient, for the better Reducement of that Expence within the Assessment which is or shall be appointed for that Service.

"5. That no Persons be lodged within the House, but such as shall be listed, approved of, and ordered, from Time to Time, by the aforesaid Committee, appointed for regulating the said Family.

"6. That those Household Servants that are in Waiting shall continue in the House; and those that are not in Waiting shall depart the Court, and repair Home to their Dwellings, or Lodgings.

"7. That the Gates be locked up every Night at Sun-set, and not opened upon any Occasion after Ten a Clock at Night, without special Leave of the chief Officers then resident in the House; to whom the Keys are to be delivered every Night, and to remain in their Custody till the next Morning.

"8. That the Committee shall and may, at all Times as they shall find Occasion, put any other good Orders in Execution, for the better Regulating and Government of that Family, and for the Safety of His Majesty's said Royal Children."


House adjourned till 9a cras.


  • 1. Deest in Originali.
  • 2. Origin. to be.
  • 3. Origin. First.
  • 4. Origin. Delinquents.