House of Lords Journal Volume 5: 10 April 1643

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 5, 1642-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 5: 10 April 1643', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 5, 1642-1643( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 3 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 5: 10 April 1643', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 5, 1642-1643( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed October 3, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 5: 10 April 1643". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 5, 1642-1643. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 3 October 2024.


In this section

DIE Lunæ, 10 die Aprilis.


Earl of Manchester was appointed to be Speaker this Day.

Sir H. Bruse, a Pass to France.

Ordered, That Sir Henry Bruse shall have a Pass, to go into France.

Mr. Crompton, D°.

Ordered, That Mr. Crompton shall have a Pass, to go into France.

Lord Brudenell's Goods to be restored.

Ordered, That the Goods of the Lord Brudnell shall be restored, which are stayed in London, and the Crucifix to be carried to the next Justice of the Peace.

Ordinance and Orders from the H. C. for Concurrence.

The Ordinance for the associating of the County of Salop with the Counties of Stafford and Warwicke, and the appointing Sir Jo. Corbett to command the Forces of Salop, was read, and agreed to. (Here enter it.)

Next, the Order for the Relief of the Isle of Wight was read, and agreed to. (Here enter it.)

An Order was read, to pay Six Hundred and Fifty Pounds to Wm. Wade and John Parrett, for Wheat, for Ireland. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

An Order was read, for paying Eighty-nine Pounds, Ten Shillings, to Wm. Smarte, for Peas and Oats, for Ireland. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

An Order was read, for paying One Hundred and Twenty-two Pounds to Wm. Hodder, for Wheat and Oats. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

An Order was read, for paying Eighty-seven Pounds, Eighteen Shillings, and Seven Pence, to Gyles Dobbins, for Biscuit, for Ireland. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

An Order was read, for paying Sixty Pounds to Wm. Smarte, for Beef, for Ireland. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

An Order was read, for paying Sixty Pounds to Swithin Walton, for Beef, for Ireland. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

An Order was read, for paying One Hundred Pounds to James Dyer, for Beef, for Ireland. (Here enter.)

Agreed to.

An Order was read, for paying One Hundred Sixtythree Pounds, Two Shillings, and Six Pence, to Charles Walley, for Shoes for Soldiers in Ireland. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

An Order was read, for paying Forty-six Pounds, Eighteen Shillings, to Maurice Tompson, for Captain Brookehaven, for Salt, for Ireland. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

An Order was read, for paying Twenty Pounds to Sir John Browne, for Beef, for Ireland. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

An Order was read, for paying Fifty-six Pounds, Five Shillings, to Peter Mansell, for Beef, for Ireland. (Here nt er it.)

Agreed to.

An Order was read, to pay One Hundred and Sixty Pounds to James Butler, for Herrings, for Ireland.

(Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

An Order was read, to pay One Thousand Eight Hundred Pounds to Michaell Casteele. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

An Order was read, to pay Five Hundred and Twentysix Pounds, to Patricke English, for Rye, for Ireland. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

An Order was read, to pay Twenty-two Pounds to Jo. Marshall, for Beef, for Ireland. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

An Order was read, to pay Fifteen Pounds to Elias Fitz, for Beef, for Ireland. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

An Order was read, to pay Sixty-three Pounds to Rob't Warner, for Beef, for Ireland. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

An Order [ (fn. 1) was read,] to pay Seventy Pounds (fn. 2) to Mr. Buckston, for Herrings, for Ireland. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

Message from the H. C. with Sir John Blagrave's Bill;

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Mr. Wm. Stroude, who brought up the Bill to enable Sir John Blagrave to make his Lady a Jointure; this Bill being passed by their Lordships, and sent down to the House of Commons, they have passed the same without Alterations.

and with an Ordinance to seize the Lord Capell's Estate.

2. He brought up an Ordinance for the Lord General to take and seize the Estate of the Lord Capell, because the King hath seized the Estate of the Lord General, as appears by a Warrant under the Sheriff's Hand.

The Answer returned was:


That this House will send an Answer, by Messengers of their own, in convenient Time.

Charnocke, a Pass.

Ordered, That Richard Charnocke shall have a Pass, to go to Oxford, and return back to London.

Saunders, & al. a Pass.

Ordered, That Mr. Saunders, with Mr. Charles Harris, Mr. Tho. Knowles, shall have a Pass, to go to Madenbeade, and return to London.

Mr. Mountague's Goods in Lord Colerain's House at Totridge, protected.

Ordered, That Mr. Henry Mountague Esquire shall have the Protection of this House, for his Horses, Trunks, and other Necessaries, which are in the House of the Lord Colerayne, at Totridge; and that he and his Servants, with their Necessaries for their Journey, shall be permitted to pass between London and Totridge as often as they shall have Occasion.

Order for 650l. to Wm. Wade and John Parrott, for Wheat.

"Whereas it appeareth, as well by the Certificate of the Lords Justices and Council of Ireland, dated the First of February last past, as by the Certificate of Sir Phillip Percivall Knight, Commissary General of the Victual of His Majesty's Army there, dated the 20th Day of January last, presented to the Committee appointed to take Care of the Affairs of that Kingdom, that Mr. John Cornevill, of Dublin, Merchant (by Order of the Lords Justices and Council, and by virtue of a Contract with them made), hath delivered into His Majesty's Stores there, Five Hundred Barrels of Wheat, at the Price of Six Hundred and Fifty Pounds, to be paid unto Mr. William Wade and John Parrett, of London, Merchants, or their Assignees, within Thirty Days after Sight of the said Sir Phillip Percivall's Certificate (the Second not being paid), according to the Order of Parliament in that Behalf published in Print: It is Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the Receivers of the Adventurers-money for Ireland do forthwith pay unto Mr. Nicholas Loftus, Deputy Treasurer at Wars for that Kingdom, the said Sum of Six Hundred and Fifty Pounds, to be by him paid over to the said William Wade and John Parrett, or their Assigns, in full Satisfaction of the said Wheat so delivered as is certified, and according to the Order of Parliament in that Behalf."

Order for 89l. 10s. to Wm. Smart, for Peas, &c.

"Whereas it appeareth, by the Certificate of John Hodder Esquire, Commissary of Victuals at Corke, dated the 11th Day of November last, testified under the Hand of the Lord Inchiquine, this Day presented to the Committee appointed to take Care of the Affairs of Ireland, that William Smart hath delivered into His Majesty's Stores in Corke Three Hundred Bushels of Peas, at Four Shillings Six Pence per Bushel, amounting to the Sum of Sixty-seven Pounds, Ten Shillings, Sterling, and Eighty Bushels of Oat-meal, at Five Shillings Six Pence per Bushel, amounting to the Sum of Twenty-two Pounds Sterling, in all Eighty-nine Pounds, Ten Shillings, to be paid in London, within Thirty Days after Sight of the said Certificate (the Second not being paid): It is Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the Receivers of the Adventurersmoney for Ireland do forthwith pay unto Mr. Nicholas Loftus, Deputy Treasurer at Wars for that Kingdom, or his Agents here, the said Sum of Eightynine Pounds, Ten Shillings, to be by them paid over to the said William Smart, or his Assigns, in full Discharge of the said Peas and Oats so by him delivered as is certified, and according to the Order of Parliament made in that Behalf."

Order for 122l. to Wm. Hedder, for Wheat, &c.

"Whereas it appeareth, by the Certificate of John Hodder Esquire, Commissary of Victual at Corke, dated the 20th Day of November last, testified under the Hand of the Lord Inchiquine, this Day presented to the Committee appointed to take Care of the Affairs of Ireland, that William Hodder, of Cantorke, hath delivered into His Majesty's Stores in Corke, for His Majesty's Army, Eighty Barrels of Wheat, at Twenty Shillings per Barrel, amounting to Eighty Pounds, and One Hundred and Twenty Barrels of English Oats, at Seven Shillings per Barrel, amounting to Forty-two Pounds, in all, One Hundred Twenty-two Pounds, to be paid in London, to the said William Hodder, or his Assigns, within Thirty Days after Sight of the said Certificate (the Second not being paid): It is now Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the Receivers of the Adventurers-money for Ireland do forthwith pay unto Mr. Nicholas Loftus, Deputy Treasurer at Wars for that Kingdom, or his Agents here, the said Sum of One Hundred Twenty-two Pounds, to be by them paid over to the said William Hodder, or his Assigns, in full Discharge of the said Wheat and Oats so by him delivered as is certified, and according to the Order of Parliament in that Behalf."

Order for 87l. 18s. 7d. to Giles Dobbins, for Biscuit.

"Whereas it appeareth, by the Certificate of Sir Phillip Percivall Knight, Commissary General for the Victual in Ireland, dated the 20th Day of September, 1642, and testified by Sir Adam Loftus Knight, Vice Treasurer and Treasurer at Wars for that Kingdom, that William Dobbins Gentleman hath delivered into His Majesty's Stores in Dublin Ninety-one Bags of Biscuit, weighing Nine Thousand Four Hundred Pounds, at Sixteen Shillings Six Pence per Hundred, with Bags and other Charges, amounting in all to Eighty-seven Pounds, Eighteen Shillings, and Seven Pence, to be paid to Giles Dobins, Ironmonger, in London, or his Assigns, out of the Chamber of London, by those who are or shall be assigned thereunto, within Thirty Days after Sight of the said Certificate (his Second not being paid), according to the Order of Parliament in that Behalf published in Print: It is now Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the Receivers of the Adventurers-money for Ireland do forthwith pay unto Mr. Nicholas Loftus, Deputy Treasurer at Wars for that Kingdom, or his Agents here, the said Sum of Eighty-seven Pounds, Eighteen Shillings, and Seven Pence, to be by them paid over to the said Giles Dobins, or his Assigns, in full Satisfaction of the said Biscuit, so delivered as is certified, and according to an Order of Parliament in that Behalf published in Print."

Order for 68l. to William Smart, for Beef.

"Whereas it appeareth, by the Certificate of John Hodder Esquire, Commissary of Victual at Corke, dated the 2d Day of September last, testified under the Hand of Sir John Powlett Knight, Governor of that City, presented to the Committee appointed to take Care of the Affairs of Ireland, that William Smart, Merchant, hath delivered into His (fn. 3) Majesty's Stores at Corke, for His Majesty's Army, Forty Barrels of Beef, at Thirty Shillings the Barrel, amounting to the Sum of Sixty Pounds Sterling, to be paid in London, to the said Will'm Smart, within Thirty Days after Sight of the said Certificate (the Second not being paid): It is now Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the Receivers of the Adventurers-money for Ireland do forthwith pay unto Mr. Nicholas Loftus, Deputy Treasurer at Wars for that Kingdom, or his Agents here, the said Sum of Sixty Pounds, to be by them paid over to the said William Smart, or his Assigns, in full Discharge of the said Beef so by him delivered as is certified, and according to the Order of Parliament in that Behalf."

Order for 60l. to Swithin Walton, for Beef.

"Whereas it appears, by the Certificate of John Hodder Esquire, Commissary of Victuals at Corke, dated the 8th Day of November last, testified under the Hand of the Lord Inchiquine, that Swithin Walton hath delivered into His Majesty's Stores there, for His Majesty's Army, Forty Barrels of Beef at Thirty Shillings the Barrel, amounting to the Sum of Sixty Pounds Sterling, which is to be paid unto him, or his Assigns, in London, within Thirty Days after Sight of the said Certificate (the Second not being paid): It is Ordered, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That the Receivers of the Adventurersmoney for Ireland do forthwith pay unto Mr. Nicholas Loftus, Deputy Treasurer at Wars for that Kingdom, or his Agents here, the said Sum of Sixty Pounds, to be by them paid over to the said Swithin Walton, or his Assigns, in full Discharge of the said Beef so delivered as is certified, and according to the Order of Parliament in that Behalf."

Order for 100l. to James Dyer, for Beef.

"Whereas it appeareth, by the Certificate of John Fountaine, Commissary of the fixed Magazine of Victuals for the Army in Munster, bearing Date the 13th Day of January last, testified under the Hand of the Earl of Corke, Lord High Treasurer of Ireland, and presented to the Committee appointed to take Care of the Affairs of that Kingdom, that (fn. 4) William Dyer, of Mynehead, Merchant, hath delivered into the Store at Youghall, Seventy-two Barrels of Beef, at the Rate of Twenty-five Shillings the Barrel, and Twenty-eight Hundred of Beef, at the Rate of Ten Pounds, [ (fn. 5) amounting in all to One Hundred Pounds], to be paid in London, to the said (fn. 6) James Dyer, or his Assigns, within Thirty Days after Sight of the said Certificate (the Second not being paid), according to the Order of the Parliament in that Behalf published in Print: It is Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the Receivers of the Adventurers-money for Ireland do forthwith pay unto Nicholas Loftus Esquire, Deputy Treasurer at Wars for that Kingdom, the said Sum of One Hundred Pounds, to be by him paid over unto the said (fn. 6) James Dyer, or his Assigns, in full Satisfaction of the said Beef so delivered as is certified, and according to the said Order of Parliament in that Behalf."

Order for 163l. 2s. 6d. to Charles Walley, for Shoes.

"Whereas it appeareth, by the Letters of the Lords Justices and Council of Ireland, dated the 10th Day of September, 1642, that, upon former Letters sent from them to one Charles Walley, at Chester, desiring that (if it were possible) they might have Credit there for Five Hundred Pounds, towards the buying of Shoes for the Soldiers, the said Mr. Walley hath taken up, and sent to Dublin, so many Shoes as amount to the Sum of One Hundred Sixty-three Pounds, Two Shillings, and Six Pence, for which he hath engaged his Word; and therefore they desire, that Order may be taken for the Payment of that Sum to the said Mr. Walley here in London, that so he may not be a Loser for his good Will in engaging his Credit to advance the Service, and is ready also, upon all Occasions, to further the same at Chester: It is now thought fit, and so Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, That the Receivers of the Adventurers-money for Ireland do forthwith pay unto Mr. Nicholas Loftus, Deputy Treasurer at Wars for that Kingdom, or his Agents here, the said Sum of One Hundred Sixty-three Pounds, Two Shillings, and Six Pence, to be by them paid over to the said Charles Walley, or his Assigns, in full Discharge of the said Shoes so provided by him as aforesaid."

Order for 46l. 18s. to Maurice Thompson, for Captain Brookhaven, for Salt.

"Whereas it appeareth, by the Certificate of John Davis, Commissary at Carickfergus in Ireland, dated the 12th Day of October, 1642, this Day presented to the Committee appointed to take Care of the Affairs of Ireland, That he hath received from Captain John Brookehaven One Hundred Thirty-four Barrels of Salt, at Seven Shillings the Barrel, amounting unto Forty-six Pounds, Eighteen Shillings, Sterling, for the Use of His Majesty's Army, which he desires might (according to the Ordinance of Parliament) be paid here in London, unto Maurice Thomson, Merchant: It is now thought fit and Ordered, by the Lords and Commons, That the said Sum of Forty-six Pounds, Eighteen Shillings, be forthwith paid to Nicholas Loftus Esquire, Deputy Treasurer at Wars for that Kingdom, or his Agents here, to be by him or them paid over to the said Maurice Thomson, or his Assigns, in full Satisfaction of the said Salt so delivered by the said Captain Brookehaven, and according to the Order of Parliament in that Behalf."

Order for 20l. for Beef, to Sir John Browns.

"It is Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the Receivers of the Adventurers-money, upon Subscriptions for Lands in Ireland, do, upon the 20th Day of April next, pay unto Nicholas Loftus Esquire, Deputy Treasurer at Wars for that Kingdom, the Sum of Twenty Pounds, to be by him paid over unto Sir John Browne Knight, or his Assigns, for Twenty Barrels of Beef, by him delivered into His Majesty's Stores at Youghall, at the Rate of Twenty Shillings the Barrel, as appeareth by the Cer tificate of John Fountaine, Commissary of the fixed Magazine for Victual, dated the 30th Day of January last, and testified by the Right Honourable the Earl of Corke, Lord High Treasurer of Ireland, and according to the Ordinance of Parliament in that Behalf published in Print."

Order for 56l. 5s. to Peter Mansel, for Beef.

"It is this Day Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the Receivers of the Adventurers-money, upon Subscriptions for Lands in Ireland, do, out of those Monies, forthwith pay unto Nicholas Loftus Esquire, Deputy Treasurer at Wars for that Kingdom, the Sum of Fifty-six Pounds, Five Shillings, to be by him forthwith paid over unto Peter Mansell, or his Assigns, for Forty-nine Barrels of Beef, by him delivered into His Majesty's fixed Magazine for Victual at Youghall, Twenty of them at the Rate of Twenty Shillings the Barrel, and the other Twenty-nine at the Rate of Twenty-five Shillings the Barrel, as appeareth by the Certificate of John Fountaine Esquire, Commissary for the Victual there, dated the 7th Day of October last, and attested by the Lord Dungarvon, Governor of that Town, according to an Ordinance of Parliament for that Purpose published in Print."

Order for 160l. to James Butler, for Herrings.

"It is this Day Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, That the Receivers of the Adventurers-money, upon Subscriptions for Lands in Ireland, do, out of these Monies, pay unto Nicholas Loftus Esquire, Deputy Treasurer at Wars for Ireland, the Sum of One Hundred and Sixty Pounds, upon the 20th of April next, to be by him forthwith paid over unto James Butler, Merchant, or his Assigns, for One Hundred and Sixty Barrels of Herrings, delivered (fn. 7) into His Majesty's Stores at Dublin, by Mr. Raphaell Hunt, as appeareth by the Certificate of Sir Phillip Percivall Knight, Commissary of Victual there, and testified by Sir Adam Loftus Knight, Treasurer at Wars, and is according to an Ordinance of Parliament in that Behalf published in Print."

Order for 1800l. to Michael Casteele.

"Whereas it appeareth, by a Report made to the House of Commons by the Committee appointed to take Care of the Affairs of Ireland, that certain Letters of Advice, and a Bill of Exchange drawn by the Lords Justices and Council of Ireland, the 28th Day of January last, upon Alderman Warner, and Alderman Towse, Receivers of the Adventurers-money, upon Subscriptions for Lands in Ireland, for Payment, at Twenty Days after Sight, to Michaell Casteele, of London, Merchant, for Value delivered in Beef into the Stores for the Army at Dublin, at the Rate of Two Pence the Pound, by one Raphaell Hunt: It is now Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, That (notwithstanding the said Letters and Bill of Exchange come not in the Way of the Ordinance of Parliament, for delivering of Victual in certain Towns in Ireland, and for Payment to be made for the same at Thirty Days after Certificate returned hither) the Receivers of the Adventurers-money, upon Subscriptions for Lands in Ireland, do forthwith pay, out of those Monies, unto Nicholas Loftus Esquire, Deputy Treasurer at Wars for that Kingdom, the said Sum of One Thousand Eight Hundred Pounds, to be by him paid over unto the said Michaell Casteele, or his Assigns, in full of the said Bill of Exchange so drawn by the Lords Justices and Council of Ireland, remaining with the said Committee, and in Satisfaction of the Beef mentioned therein, to be delivered into His Majesty's Stores, for the Use of the Army, as aforesaid."

Order for 526l. to Pat. English, for Beef.

"It is this Day Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, That the Receivers of the Adventurers-money, upon Subscriptions for Lands in Ireland, do forthwith pay, out of those Monies, unto Nicholas Loftus Esquire, Deputy Treasurer at Wars for that Kingdom, the Sum of Five Hundred Twenty-six Pounds, to be by him paid over unto Patrick English, of Kirkealdy, in Scotland, Merchant, or his Assigns, for Five Hundred and Twenty-six Barrels of Rye, by him delivered into His Majesty's Stores at Dublin, at the Rate of Twenty Shillings the Barrel, as appeareth by the Certificate of Sir Phillip Percivall Knight, Commissary General for the Victual there, dated the 27th of January last past, and attested under the Hand and Seal of Sir Adam Loftus Knight, Vice Treasurer and Treasurer at Wars for that Kingdom, according to an Ordinance of Parliament for that Purpose published in Print."

Order for 22l. to John Marshall for Beef.

"Whereas it apeareth, by the Certificate of John Hodder Esquire, Commissary of Victual at Corke, dated the 14th Day of November last, testified under the Hand of the Lord Inchiquine, this Day presented to the Committee appointed to take Care of the Affairs of Ireland, that Samuell Robinson, Servant to John Marshall, of London, Merchant Taylor, hath delivered into His Majesty's Stores of Corke, Fifteen Barrels of Beef, at Thirty Shillings the Barrel, amounting in the whole to Twenty-two Pounds, Ten Shillings, Sterling, to be paid in London within Thirty Days after Sight of the said Certificate (the Second not being paid): It is Ordered, by the Lords and Commons, That the Receivers of the Adventurers-money for Ireland do forthwith pay unto Mr. Nicholas Loftus, Deputy Treasurer at Wars for that Kingdom, or his Deputy or Agents here, the said Sum of Twentytwo Pounds, Ten Shillings, to be by him or them paid over to the said John Marshall, or his Assigns, in full Discharge of the said Beef so delivered as is aforesaid, and according to the Order of Parliament in that Behalf."

Order for 15l. to Elias Fitz, for Beef.

"Whereas it appeareth, by the Certificate of John Hodder Esquire, Commissary of Victual at Corke, dated the 19th Day of October last, testified under the Hand of the Lord Inchiquine, this Day presented to the Committee appointed to take Care of the Affairs of Ireland, that Elias Fitz hath delivered into His Majesty's Stores in Corke, Ten Barrels of Beef, at Thirty Shillings per Barrel, amounting in the whole to the Sum of Fifteen Pounds Sterling, to be paid to the said Elias Fitz, or his Assigns, within Thirty Days after Sight of the said Certificate (the Second not being paid): It is Ordered, by the Lords and Commons, That the Receivers of the Adventurers-money for Ireland do forthwith pay unto Mr. Nicholas Loftus, Deputy Treasurer at Wars for that Kingdom, or his Agents here, the said Sum of Fifteen Pounds, to be by him or them paid over to the said Elias Fitz, or his Assigns, in full Discharge of the said Beef so delivered as is certified, and according to the Order of Parliament in that Behalf."

Order for 63l. to Robert Warner, for Beef.

"It is this Day Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, That the Receivers of the Adventurers-money, upon Subscriptions for Lands in Ireland, do, out of those Monies, forthwith pay unto Nicholas Loftus Esquire, Deputy Treasurer at Wars for that Kingdom, the Sum of Sixty-three Pounds, to be by him forthwith paid over unto Robert Warner, or his Assigns, for Forty-two Barrels of Beef, at the Rate of Thirty Shillings the Barrel, by him delivered in His Majesty's Stores at Corke, as appears by the Certificate of John Hodder Esquire, Commissary for Victuals there, and attested by the Lord Inchiquine, according to an Order of Parliament in that Behalf published in Print."

Order for 70l. to Mr. Buckstone, for Herrings.

"It is now Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, That the Receivers of the Adventurers-money, upon Subscriptions for Lands in Ireland, do, out of those Monies, pay unto Nicholas Loftus Esquire, Deputy Treasurer at Wars for that Kingdom, or his Agents here, the Sum of Thirty-five Pounds upon the 24th Day of April next, and the like Sum of Thirty-five Pounds more upon the 24th Day of July next ensuing, to be by him or them, at those respective Times, paid over unto Buckstone, the Assignee of Richard Stone, of Dublin, Merchant, for Seventy Barrels of Herrings delivered into His Majesty's Stores at Dublin, by the said Richard Stone, at the Rate of Twenty Shillings the Barrel, to be paid at Three and Three Months after the Sight of the Certificate thereof, dated the 2d Day of January last, and presented to the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland upon the 24th, under the Hand and Seal of Sir Phillip Percivall Knight, Commissary General for Victual in the Kingdom of Ireland, and attested by Sir Adam Loftus Knight, Vice Treasurer and Treasurer at Wars for that Kingdom, and according to the Order of Parliament in that Behalf."

Order for Relief of the Isle of Wight.

"Whereas the Safeguarding of the Isle of Wight is of great Consequence to the whole Kingdom; and whereas we are informed that many of the Inhabitants of the said Isle have chearfully contributed for Defence of the same, upon the Ordinance of Subscriptions lately made, and communicated to them by both Houses of Parliament: Be it therefore Ordained, by the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, That whatsoever Monies, Plate, or Arms, are or shall be raised upon the said Ordinance, within the Island aforesaid, shall be wholly employed for the Defence of the same: And be it likewise Ordered and Ordained, by the Authority aforesaid, That the Treasurers of the said Island, nominated by virtue of the fore-recited Ordinance, shall and may issue forth and deliver, by the Warrant and Direction of Sir Henry Worsley Baronet, John Lisle, Colonel Thomas Carne, and John Bulkley Esquires, Deputy Lieutenants of the said Island, or any Two of them, such Monies, Plate, or Arms, as are or shall be there raised upon the said Ordinance of Subscriptions, to be employed by Order and Direction of the said Deputy Lieutenants, or any Two of them, towards the Safeguard and Defence of the Island aforesaid: And it is further Ordered and Ordained, That a true and prefect Accompt shall be made in Writing, to be subscribed by the said Treasurers, of all such Sums and other Things as shall be issued forth by virtue of this present Ordinance, upon the Warrant and Direction of the said Deputy Lieutentants, or any Two of them, and shall be returned to the Speaker of the Commons House of Parliament, where the said Sir Henry Worsley, John Lisle, Colonel Thomas Carne, and John Bulkley, and all others observing their Commands and Directions herein, are only to be accountable, and shall be protected and saved harmless, in whatsoever they shall do in Pursuance of this Ordinance, by the Authority and Power of both Houses of Parliament."

Ordinance for associating the Counties of Warwick, Stafford, Cheshire and Shropshire.

"Whereas the Lords and Commons now in Parliament assembled, being certainly informed that Papists and other wicked and ill-affected Persons have traiterously combined together, and entered into an Association, and have raised, and daily do raise, great Forces both of Horse and Foot, in several Counties in this Kingdom, and have plundered, spoiled, and destroyed Multitudes of His Majesty's good Subjects, and, if not timely prevented, will utterly subvert and destroy the true Protestant Religion (which is their chief Design), the Laws of the Land, the Privileges of Parliament, and the Liberty of the Subject:

"The Lords and Commons have Declared, That they hold it a Thing fit and convenient for the present State of this Kingdom, and for the better securing of the County of Warwick, and City and County of Coventry, and of the County of Stafford, and City and County of Litchfeild, and the Parts adjacent to the said Counties, and have accordingly Ordered and Ordained, That the Lords Lieutenants and the Committees of Parliament for the said several Counties severally named, and all Colonels, Lieutenant Colonels, Serjeant Majors, and other Captains and Officers, and all other well-affected Persons inhabiting within the said several Counties and Cities, and Parts adjacent, shall and may associate themselves, and actually aid, succour and assist one another, in the mutual Preservation and Defence of themselves, and Peace of the said Cities and Counties, from all Rapine, Plundering, and Spoiling, by the said Papists and ill-affected Persons; and that the said Lords Lieutenants, Committees of Parliament, Colonels, Lieutenant Colonels, Serjeant Majors, Captains, and all other Officers, shall have Power and Authority to raise Forces of Horse and Foot, and to lead them into any Place which shall be fitting and convenient, and to give Battle and to fight with all such as are or shall be raised to levy War against the Parliament, and all other Forces raised without Authority and Consent of both Houses of Parliament, that make any Insurrection, and plunder or destroy His Majesty's good Subjects; and them to invade, resist, suppress, subdue, and pursue, kill, and slay, and put to Execution of Death, and by all Means to destroy, as Enemies to the Kingdom; and to perform all Things else needful for the Preservation of the Safety and Peace of the said Cities and Counties, and Parts adjacent; observing from Time to Time such other Directions and Commands as they shall receive from both Houses of Parliament, or from the Earl of Essex Lord General; and that the said Persons, and other the Inhabitants, for so doing, shall be saved and kept harmless, by the Power and Authority of Parliament: And the said Lords and Commons, taking into their Consideration the Necessity of appointing a Commander in Chief over the Forces which are or shall be raised in the Cities or Counties aforesaid, or any Part of them, for the Service aforesaid, in regard that, by particular Commissions already granted to the Persons in the said several Counties, there was no Power given to lead Forces out of their own Counties, did Order and Ordain, That the Lord General the Earl of Essex was desired to grant Commission to Robert Lord Brooke, to command in Chief, as General of all the Forces raised, or to be raised, in the said Cities, Counties, and Parts adjacent; and to have Power to lead, command, and carry the same to such Places, within the said Cities and Counties, and Parts adjacent, as he should think fit, for the Defence thereof; and also Power to give the same Order and Instructions, in his said Excellency's Absence, for regulating the Soldiers which were or should be under his Command, as his Excellency [ (fn. 8) hath given] to his Army; and to use Martial Law, to compel Obedience thereunto, as Occasion should require; and also Power and Authority to make and appoint all Officers, for levying and conducting and leading the said Forces, as he should think fit:

"And whereas the said Lords and Commons have given and declared Instructions for the Lords Lieutenants, Committees of Parliament, and other Officers and Commanders over the said Cities and Counties, and Parts adjacent, by them to be observed; and whereas the County of Salop is adjacent to the Counties aforesaid; it is now further Ordered and Ordained, by the said Lords and Commons in Parliament, That the Lords Lieutenants of the County of Salop, and the Committee of Parliament for the said County hereafter named (that is to say), William Pierepont Esquire, Sir John Corbett, Sir Gilbert Cornwall, Knights, Sir Marton Briggs Baronet, Richard Moore, Thomas Mitton, Robert Corbett of Stanwardene in the Wood, Andrew Lloyd, Thomas Nicholls, Humfrey Mackworth, John Corbett of Alstone, Lanclott Lee, Robert Talbott, Esquires, Samuell Moore, Thomas Hunt, Hercules Kinersley, Wm. Rowley, Thomas Knight, John Proud, and John Lloyd, Gentlemen, and all Colonels, Lieutenant Colonels, Serjeant Majors, and other Captains and Officers, and other well-affected Persons, inhabiting in the said County of Salop, and Parts adjacent, shall and may, for the Purposes beforementioned, associate themselves with the said Lords Lieutenants and Committees of Parliament, and other Inhabitants, of the said several Counties of Warwick and Stafford, and the Cities and Counties of Coventry and Lichfield, and, with the Lords Lieutenants, Committees of Parliament, and the Officers and Commanders of the said County of Salop, shall and may observe, perform, and execute the said Instructions, Powers, Authorities, and Ordinances, to all Intents and Purposes, within the said County of Salop and Parts adjacent, as are Declared and Ordained by the said Lords and Commons in Parliament, to be executed by the said respective Lords Lieutenants, Committees of Parliament, and other Officers and Commanders, (fn. 9) within the said Counties of Warwick, Stafford, and Cheshire, and Cities and Counties of Coventry, Lichfield, and Chester respectively; and the said Lords and Commons do desire the said Earl of Essex to grant a Commission to the aforesaid Sir John Corbett, to be General of all the Forces in the County of Salop, for the Service aforesaid, with Power and Authority to make, nominate, and appoint all other Commanders and Officers under him, and to raise Soldiers in the said Counties and Cities, for the mutual Aid, Assistance, and Defence of the said Counties and Cities, and for the Preservation of the Peace of them, or any of them: And forasmuch as the said County of Salop is wholly subjected to the Oppression of the Commissioners of Array, Papists, and other ill-affected Persons, who not only impose a Protestation upon such of His Majesty's good Subjects that are well-affected to the King and Parliament, by which they are concluded for yielding any Assistance or Contribution for Maintenance of such Forces as are or shall be raised by Authority of both Houses of Parliament, which hath caused many of them to leave their Habitations, and fly out of the said County; but also have plundered their Houses, spoiled their Goods, and seized their Real and Personal Estates, so that they are utterly disabled to rescue themselves from so great Oppression: It is therefore Ordered and Ordained, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, That, in Case any Person or Persons shall lend any Sum or Sums of Money, for Advancement of the present [ (fn. 10) Service of the said] County of Salop, an Acquittance under the Hands of any Three of the said Committees (whereof the said Sir Jo. Corbett to be One) shall be sufficient to such Person or Persons to require Re-payment thereof, upon the Public Faith, or out of such Money as shall be levied by Assessment to be made in the said County of Salop, by virtue of the Instructions aforementioned; and that Duplicates of Rolls be made, containing the Names and Surnames and Places of Abode (fn. 10) of every Person charged by virtue of this Ordinance, with the particular Sum upon such of them so set and assessed; and that like Duplicates be made of such Sums of Money and other Things as shall be received, disbursed, employed, or expended in this Service, upon just Accompt to be made and allowed by both Houses of Parliament: And it is further Ordered, by the Lords and Commons, That the Committee for the County of Salop, or any Four of them, shall have full Power and Authority, and are hereby authorized, to seize, receive, and take, all Arms, Rents, Monies, Horses, Goods, Debts, and Plate, of all Bishops, Deans, Chapters, Papists, and all and every other Person and Persons, Ecclesiastical or Temporal, which are or shall be in actual War against the Parliament, or have raised, or shall raise, any Arms against the same, or have or shall voluntarily contribute thereunto, within the said County; and the said Arms, Rents, Horses, Goods, Debts, and Plate, to detain for the Public Service and Employment of the Parliament and Kingdom, rendering an Accompt therefor to the Parliament, or to such as shall be by them appointed: And it is further Ordered, That the Tenants of the Persons beforementioned be enjoined and required to pay their Rents accordingly unto the Hands of the said Committee, or any Four of them."


House adjourned till 10a cras.


  • 1. Deest in Originali.
  • 2. Bis in Originali.
  • 3. Deest in Originali.
  • 4. Sic.
  • 5. Bis in Originali.
  • 6. Sic.
  • 7. Origin. unto.
  • 8. Bis in Originali.
  • 9. Origin. with.
  • 10. Bis in Originali.