Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 4, 1629-42. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.
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'House of Lords Journal Volume 4: 26 January 1642', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 4, 1629-42(London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 31 March 2025].
'House of Lords Journal Volume 4: 26 January 1642', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 4, 1629-42(London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed March 31, 2025,
"House of Lords Journal Volume 4: 26 January 1642". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 4, 1629-42. (London, 1767-1830), British History Online. Web. 31 March 2025.
In this section
Die Mercurii, videlicet, 26 Januarii.
The Lord Keeper reported the Effect of the Conference with the House of Commons last Night: videlicet,
Conference of Yesterday concerning the Safety of the Kingdom reported.
"That Mr. Pym said, he was commanded, by the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, assembled for the Commons in Parliament, to present to your Lordships divers Petitions, which they have received from several Parts, concerning the State of the Kingdom, whereunto they are chiefly moved by that constant Affection which they have always expressed of maintaining a firm Union and good Correspondence with your Lordships, wherein they have ever found much Advantage and Contentment, but never held it more important and necessary than at this Time, wherein the Resolutions of Parliament have as many great Dangers and Difficulties to pass through as ever heretofore.
And further he said, That the House of Commons are united in the Public Trust, which is derived from the Commonwealth, in the common Duty and Obligation whereby God doth bind us to the Discharge of that Trust; and the Commons desire to impart to your Lordships whatsoever Information or Intelligence, whatsoever Encouragement or Assistance, they have received from those several Counties, which they present, that so likewise we may be united in the same Intentions and Endeavours of improving all to the Service of His Majesty and the Common Good of the Kingdom.
"The Petitions, he said, he was directed to communicate to your Lordships are Four, from London, Middlesex, Essex, and Hartfordshire; he said, they had received many more; but it would take up too much Time, and be too great a Trouble, to peruse all; and in those Four you may perceive the Effect and Sense of all: First, he said, he was to desire your Lordships to hear them read, and then he would pursue his Instructions, in propounding some Observations out of them.
London Petition.
"To the Honourable the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of the House of Commons, assembled in Parliament.
"The humble Petition and Answer of the Mayor, Aldermen, and the rest of the Common Council of the City of London,
"That the Committee of this Honourable House, upon Saturday the 12th of this Instant January, sent a Message to the Petitioners, for a Loan of One Hundred Thousand Pounds, or of so much thereof as could conveniently be forthwith raised, for levying of Forces to suppress the Rebels in Ireland; to which Message something was then answered, and a further Answer in Writing promised. In Performance whereof, they humbly present the Answer following, together with the Reasons thereof, desiring that the same (being the best that for the present they are able to give) may favourably be accepted, and they shall ever pray, etc.
"The Answer:
Answer, from thence about the Loan of 100,000l. for Ireland.
"The Petitioners are duly and deeply sensible of the great Miseries of their Brethren in Ireland, and of the imminent Danger not only of the total Loss of that Kingdom, but of the Ruin of this also, if that of Ireland should (which God forbid) be lost; and, as they have hitherto shewed themselves ready, even beyond their Abilities, to serve the King and Parliament, so shall they ever continue to the utmost of their Power with all Chearfulness and Duty. But, at the present, they are compelled to repeat their former Answer, that they have no Power to raise any Sums, by Way of Tax, for any Foreign Use; and do further answer, that they have no Means to do it otherwise than by the immediate Personal Consent of every particular Lender, which they cannot hope to obtain, in regard of these Obstructions following, which the Petitioners humbly present, together with this their further Answer, as the Reasons thereof:
"1. That, immediately before the Parliament and sithence, divers great Sums, for the Service of the King and Kingdom, have been already lent by the Citizens of London, besides Fifty Thousand Pounds for the Supply of Ireland in particular; a great Part whereof some of the Lenders were compelled to borrow, and cannot to this Day re-pay.
"2. That such Part of those Monies as are already due to the Citizens from the Parliament, and should have been re-paid out of the Poll-monies and Subsidies, is not yet done, because there is not any considerable Sum come in from the Country, as was expected, to satisfy the same.
"3. That the said Fifty Thousand Pounds lent for Ireland was hastened, and speedily paid within near about Two Thousand Pounds, upon this Ground then urged by the Parliament, that, if it were forthwith lent, it might be of more Use to preserve that Kingdom than the Loan of Two Hundred Thousand Pounds could be if deferred but Six Weeks; yet no considerable Forces are sent thither to this Day, and we find that Men will not be willing to lend any Thing till they be assured that a good Strength be sent thither, with full Commission to relieve Londonderry, and other Parts of that Kingdom.
"4. The general Withholding of very great Sums of Money from the Petitioners and many others, which Monies have been long due, not only from Chapmen and other Debtors in England, but from very many in Ireland (who owe many Hundred Thousands of Pounds to the Citizens of London), doth render divers Persons of good Estates and Credit hardly able to go on with Trade, or to pay their Debts, and maintain their Charge.
"5. The Brotherly Offer of Scotland to send Ten Thousand Men into Ireland, not yet so accepted as to produce any Relief to that bleeding Kingdom, while yet our Brothers are daily massacred there, discourageth most Men from lending any Money, were they never so able.
"6. The not passing the Bill for pressing of Soldiers here, whereby such Forces as are requisite might be timely sent from hence into Ireland, puts many Men into Fears that there may be some Design rather to lose that Kingdom, and to consume this in the losing of Ireland, than to preserve either the one or the other; for that it cannot be conceived that the Rebels (being grown so powerful) will be suppressed by Voluntiers.
"7. The slow issuing of Commissions to those who, being in Ireland, or going thither, are willing to enter the Field against the Rebels, disables them from doing any effectual Execution upon the Enemy, unless in their own Defence; and so all the Monies that have been or may be sent thither are exhausted, to maintain our Forces to do little or nothing worthy of them, rather than employed to chastise the Rebels, and to reduce them to Obedience; by Means whereof, the Number and Power of the Rebels are greatly increased, divers Castles and Towns are by them taken, much Protestant Blood is daily spilt, many Thousand Families destroyed, the malignant Party of Papists and their Adherents here are encouraged, and those Rebels so much emboldened that they boast they will extirpate the British Nation there, and then make England the Seat of War.
"8. The not disarming of Papists here in England, after many Discoveries of their Treacheries and bloody Designs upon the Parliament and Kingdom, the great Decay of Fortifications, Blockhouses, and other SeaForts, the not managing of them, nor furnishing them with Ordnance and Ammunition, the not placing all of them in such Hands in whom the Parliament may confide, and the not settling this Kingdom in a Posture of Defence in Times of so many Fears and Jealousies, of Foreign Invasions and intestine Conspiracies, the not removing the present Lieutenant of The Tower, and putting such a Person into that Place as may be well approved by the Parliament, notwithstanding the earnest Petitions exhibited to this Honourable House for that Purpose, which hath produced a Forbearance to bring Bullion into The Tower in this Time of Scarcity of Monies; all which cannot but overthrow Trading more and more, and make Monies yet more scarce in the City and Kingdom.
"9. The King's Ships, which ought to be a Wall of Defence to this Kingdom, and a Convoy to the Merchants (for which Tonnage and Poundage was granted), are not fitted and employed as the present Condition of this Kingdom and Ireland requires; but some of them for the conveying away of Delinquents, who durst not abide the Test of the Parliament, to the great Encouragement of the rest of (fn. 1) the malignant Party here, who, when the Designs and themselves be detected, know to escape the Hand of Justice, through the Abuse of a Royal Conduct.
"10. The not questioning those many Thousands of unknown Persons, who are sheltered in Coven Garden and thereabouts, which do not employ themselves in any lawful Calling, and, it is very probable, lie in a Readiness to adventure upon some desperate Attempt, to the endangering of the Welfare, Peace, and Safety of the King's Majesty, Parliament, and City.
"11. The Misunderstanding between the King and Parliament, the not vindicating the Privileges of Parliament, the not suppressing of Protections, the not punishing of Delinquents, and the not executing of all Priests and Jesuits legally condemned; while others, contrary to Privilege of Parliament, have been illegally (as the Petitioners conceive) charged with Treason, to the deterring of worthy Members from discharging their Duties, and to the destroying of the very Being of Parliaments, do exceedingly fill the Minds of Men well affected to the Public with many Fears and Discouragements throughout the Kingdom, and so disable them from that chearful Assistance, which they would be glad to afford.
"12. By Means of the Premises, there is such Decay of Trading, and such Scarcity of Money (neither of which can be cured till the former Evils be removed), as it is likely in very short Time to cast innumerable Multitudes of poor Artificers into such a Depth of Poverty and Extremity, as may enforce them upon some dangerous and desperate Attempts, not fit to be expressed, much less to be justified, which they leave to the Wisdom of this House speedily to consider and prevent.
"These are the Evils under which the Petitioners do exceedingly labour and languish, which they humbly conceive to have sprung from the employing of ill-affected Persons in Places of Trust and Honour in the State, and near to the Sacred Person of His Majesty; and that these Evils are still continued, by Means of the Votes of Bishops and Popish Lords in the House of Peers.
"And now that the Petitioners have faithfully represented the true Reasons, which do really enforce them to return this Answer, most of which have been formerly offered to this Honourable House in sundry Petitions, and that they have done all that in them lies (even beyond all Precedent) to serve the King, Parliament, and Kingdom; they humbly crave Leave to protest before God and the High Court of Parliament, that, if any further Miseries befall their dear Brethren in Ireland, or if any Mischief shall break in upon this Kingdom, to the endangering or disturbing thereof, it ought not to be imputed to the Petitioners, but only to such as shall endeavour to hinder the effectual and speedy Cure of the Evils before recited, that so much disable and discourage the Petitioners from doing that which by this Honourable House is desired of them.
Middlesex Petition.
"To the Honourable the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of the House of Commons, in Parliament assembled.
"The humble Petition of Gentlemen, Freeholders, and other Inhabitants of the County of Middlesex distinct from the Suburbs of London,
"That as the heavy Pressures and Grievances under which this Church and Commonwealth were found at your Entrance into Parliament, derive their Beings and Increase from the Prelates and Papists, with their Adherents, and others ill affected in this Kingdom, whose dangerous Practices and Designs had almost ruined our Religion, Laws, and Liberties, even so (lest perfect Reformation should follow) we verily believe there hath not wanted evil Counsels, crafty Devices, desperate Plots, and apparent Opposition, from that malignant Party, to hinder the happy Progress of this Parliament, by continual Troubles and manifold Delays, to weary out and render fruitless your worthy Preparations and Endeavours, and thereby to lay the certain Ruin and Desolation of this Church and Kingdom, as already appears by that cursed Rebellion in Ireland against our Nation and Religion, which heavy Calamity the Petitioners do greatly lament and deplore.
"Forasmuch, therefore, as the flourishing of true Religion, and the Happiness and Prosperity of this Realm, under God, depend chiefly upon the good Success of this Parliament, and for that the noble Endeavours of this Honourable Assembly are, as the Petitioners do with all Thankfulness acknowledge, greatly conducing thereunto, and to the Intent the humble Petitions heretofore exhibited unto you from the Inhabitants of this County may receive the desired Answer;
"The Petitioners humbly pray, that this Honourable Assembly will be Means unto the King's Majesty, and the House of Peers, that perfect Accomplishment may be speedily given to your good Endeavours, by their Concurrence with you in the Punishment of Delinquents, and purging out what is amiss in Church and Commonwealth; and that the Popish Lords and Bishops, whose voting in the House of Peers is found to be a grand Impediment thereto, may be removed thence, and the whole Kingdom put into such a present Posture of Defence, that we may be safe both from all Practices of the malignant Party at home, and the Endeavours of any ill-affected States abroad.
"And the Petitioners, well knowing themselves so far engaged by their late Protestation, shall willingly maintain and defend, to the utmost Hazard of their Lives and Estates, the King's Majesty, and High Court of Parliament, and all your Honourable Proceedings for the common Good, against all contrary Power, Plots, and Oppositions whatsoever; and shall daily pray unto Almighty God for your good Success.
Essex Petition.
"To the Honourable the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of the House of Commons, in the High Court of Parliament.
"The humble Petition of the Knights, Gentlemen, Ministers, and other Inhabitants, of the County of Essex,
"To this Honourable House, that we are truly sensible of your great Care and extraordinary Endeavours to settle our Religion and Peace, and daily bless God Almighty, and the King's Majesty, the Peers, and this Honourable Assembly, for the same; and we do further, in all Humility, represent to your Honourable Consideration, that, notwithstanding your abundant Care and Industry, we still apprehend a great Stop of Reformation in Matters of Religion; and ourselves, together with you and the whole Kingdom, to be in great Danger, from the Papists and other ill-affected Persons, who are every where very insolent, and ready to act the Parts of those savage Blood-suckers in Ireland, if they be not speedily prevented; by Means whereof, our Tradings, especially of Cloathing and Farming, grow apace to so great a Damp as many Thousands are like to come to sudden Want; nor can we expect any Redress thereof, unless the Bishops and Popish Lords be removed out of the House of Peers.
"Therefore we humbly pray, that you would earnestly mediate with His Majesty and the House of Peers, that our Brethren in Ireland may be speedily relieved, the Papists throughout this Kingdom may be disarmed, and the Kingdom be put in such a Warlike Posture for Defence as may be for its Safety; and that the Bishops and Popish Lords, who (as we conceive) have hindered the Success of your Godly Endeavours, may be excluded the House of Peers; not doubting but that then our Petitions formerly presented to this House will receive the more full and speedy Answer.
"And your Petitioners, resolving in all just and honourable Ways (according to our late Protestation) to assist you in your Rights and Privileges, with our Estates and Lives, against the Enemies of God, the King, and State, humbly pray, etc.
Hertfordshire Petition.
"To the Honourable the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of the House of Commons, assembled in Parliament.
"The humble Petition of the Knights, Gentlemen, Freeholders, and other Inhabitants, of the County of Hertford,
"That this Church and Kingdom being by the Prelates, those Multitudes of corrupt and scandalous Ministers (their Creatures), the Popish Party concurring with them on the one Hand, and the wicked Counsellors, evil Ministers of State, and great Swarms of Projectors, and other ill affected to the Peace of this Realm on the other Hand, brought to a sad and almost desperate Condition, and thereby the Splendor of His Majesty's Crown and Dignity dangerously weakened and eclipsed; it pleased His Majesty, having Respect to the Petitions of Nobles and People in that Behalf, to call this present Parliament, the only able Means (under God) to reform the many Pressures and Grievances of the Church and Kingdom, and to remove the Causes thereof; in which Parliament, to the Honour of His Majesty and Comfort of His good Subjects, exemplary Justice hath been executed, arbitrary Courts, Ship-money, Monopolies, and other illegal Impositions removed; the shedding of much Blood prevented, by the late Union between the Two Kingdoms of England and Scotland, and further Hopes given us of perfecting what remains, by the happy Continuance and much-desired Progress of this Parliament.
"And, although that malignant Party of Prelates and Papists and their Adherents (whose present Standings, and the happy Success of this Parliament, as the Petitioners humbly conceive, are inconsistent) have, by their manifold wicked Practices and Designs, endeavoured to hinder all thorough Reformation in Church and Commonwealth, to testify in the Birth and Progress all those good Bills and other Preparations made by this Honourable Assembly for that Purpose, and especially for the Relief of the Kingdom of Ireland (the Ruin whereof will endanger this Kingdom also), to stop the Influence of His Majesty's Royal Favour in giving Life thereto, to divide between His Majesty and this Honourable Assembly, and to render you not only contemptible, but also burthensome to the People; yet the Petitioners, and, as they verily believe, all well affected to His Majesty, and the Peace and Prosperity of this Kingdom, have, and still shall continue, an high and honourable Esteem of this worthy Assembly, and of your great and unwearied Endeavours; do, with the utmost Expressions of their Thankfulness, acknowledge the same, and the perfecting thereof to be of great Consequence, and deep Necessity to the Peace and Welfare of this Church and Kingdom, and such as without which not only a Reflux of the former Calamities, but even utter Ruin and Desolation, like that, being too long continued, in sad and much lamented Ireland, will apparently ensue.
"From the Sense whereof, and the great and unheard-of Breaches lately made upon the Privileges of Parliament, even to the endangering of the Being thereof, wherein your Petitioners and their Posterity are much concerned;
"The Petitioners take upon them the humble Boldness to declare their Readiness and great Engagements, according to their Protestation, to stand to and defend, to the utmost Peril of their Lives and Estates, the King's Majesty and High Court of Parliament, with all the Power and Privileges of the same, and all your honourable Proceedings for the common Good, against all Popish and other malignant Opposers, who endeavoured, either by evil Counsel, secret Plots, or open Force, to hurt or prejudice the same, or make Divisions between His Majesty and the Parliament.
"And the said Petitioners humbly pray, that the Papists may be fully disarmed, the Laws against them executed, the Kingdom, and especially this County, according to their late Petition in that Behalf, put into a Posture of War, for their better Defence; the Forts and Strength of this Kingdom put into safe Hands, which the Parliament may conside and trust in; the Privileges of Parliament repaired, and thoroughly vindicated; and that this Honourable Assembly (as hath been lately desired of you by the Citizens of London) will be Means unto His Majesty and House of Peers, that Life may be speedily given to your good Endeavours, by their Concurrence with you in taking away of the Votes of Popish Lords and Bishops out of the House of Peers, and speedy and strong Relief of Ireland, the further Punishment of Delinquents, the Removal of the Pressures and Grievances in Church and Commonwealth, and reforming of what is therein amiss.
"For all which your Petitioners shall daily pray, etc.
Mr. Pym's Speech.
"These Four Petitions being read, Mr. Pym proceeded. He said, That, in these Four Petitions, your Lordships might hear the Voice, or rather the Cry, of all England; and you cannot wonder if the Urgency, the Extremity, of the Condition wherein we are, do produce some Earnestness and Vehemency of Expression more than ordinary: The Agony, Terror, and Perplexity, in which the Kingdom labours, is universal; all Parts are affected with it; and therefore, in these, you may observe the Groans and miserable Complaints of all.
"Divers Reasons may be given, why those Diseases which are epidemical are more dangerous than others: The Cause of such Diseases is universal and supernal, not from an evil Constitution or evil Diet, or any other Accident; and such Causes work with more Vigour and Efficacy than those which are particular and inferior.
"2. In such Diseases, there is a communicative Quality, whereby the Malignity of them is multiplied and enforced.
"3. They have a converting, transforming Power, that turns other Diseases and evil Affections of Men's Bodies into their own Nature.
Evil Counsels.
"The common epidemical Disease, wherein the Commonwealth lies now gasping, hath a superior and universal Cause, from the evil Counsels and Designs of those who, under His Majesty, bear the greatest Sway in Government. 2. It hath a contagious and mischievous Quality, whereby it is diffused and dispersed through all Parts of the Kingdom. 3. It is apt to take in the Discontents, evil Affections, and Designs, of particular Persons, to increase and fortify itself.
"He said, he should take an Occasion from several Branches of those Petitions which your Lordships have heard, to observe,
"1. The Variety of Dangers, to which this Kingdom is now subject.
"2. The manifold Distempers, which is the Cause of those Dangers.
"3. The Multiplicity of those evil Influences, which are the Causes of that Distemper.
Enemies abroad.
"The First Danger is from Enemies abroad. This may seem a causeless and impertinent Observation at this Time, seeing we are in Peace with all Nations about us: But, my Lords, you may be pleased to consider, that the Safety of the Kingdom ought not to depend upon the Will and Disposition of our Neighbours, but upon our own Strength and Provision: Betwixt States, there are often sudden Changes from Peace to War, according to Occasion and Advantage. All the States of Christendom are now armed; and we have no Reason to believe but that those of greatest Power have an evil Eye upon us in respect of our Religion; and, if their private Differences should be composed, how dangerously, how speedily, might those great Armies, and other Preparations now ready, be applied to some Enterprize and Attempt against us: And, if there were no other Cause, this were sufficient to make us stand upon our Guard; but there are divers more especial Symptoms of Dangers of this Kind.
"We may perceive, by several Advertisements from abroad, that they did foresee our Dangers many Months before they broke out; they could foretell the Time and Manner of them, which is a clear Evidence they held Intelligence with those which were the Contrivers and Workers of the present Troubles.
"We have many dangerous Traitors and Fugitives now in other Parts, who can discover the Weakness and Distemper of the Kingdom, who hold Intelligence with the ill-affected Party here, and, by all cunning and subtle Practices, endeavour to incite and provoke other Princes against us.
Some of the Ministers of our Neighbour Princes may be justly suspected to have had a more immediate Hand and Operation in the Insurrection and Rebellion of Ireland; many of the Commanders, and most of the Soldiers, levied for the Service of Spaine, are now joined with the Rebels there; and those Irish Friars which were employed by the Spanish Ambassador for the making of those Levies, are known to have been chief Incendiaries to this Rebellion, and are still very active in the Prosecution and Encouragement of it.
"The Rebels have a ready and speedy Supply from some of our Neighbours. Two Convoys of Munition and Arms we are certainly informed of; one from Dunkirk; the other from Nantes in Britany; and certainly those that are so forward to enable others to hurt us will not forbear to hurt us themselves, as soon as they shall have Means and Opportunity to do it.
"Another Danger is from the Papists and ill-affected Party at Home. The Papists here are acted by the same Principles (fn. 2) as those in Ireland; many of the most active of them have lately been there; which argues an Intercourse and Communication of Counsels; they have still Store of Arms and Munition at their disposing, notwithstanding all our Endeavours to disarm them; they have a free Resort to the City, and to the Court; they want no Opportunities to consult together; they have the same or greater Encouragements from above and from about them than ever, in respect of the Example and Success of the Rebels in Ireland, and the great Confusions and Divisions, which, by their cunning and subtle Practices, are raised and fomented amongst ourselves at Home.
"3. A Third Danger is, of Tumults and Insurrections of the meaner Sort of People, by reason of their ill Vent of Cloth and other Manufactures, whereby great Multitudes are set on Work, who live for the most Part on their daily Gettings, and will in a very short Time be brought to great Extremity, if not employed; nothing is more sharp and pressing than Necessity and Want; what they cannot buy, they will take; and from them the like Necessity will quickly be derived to the Farmers and Husbandmen, and so grow higher, and involve all in an Equality of Misery and Distress, if it be not prevented; and, at this Time, such Tumults will be dangerous, because the Kingdom is full of disbanded Soldiers and Officers, which will be ready to head and to animate the Multitude to commit Violence with more Strength and Advantage; and, if they once grow into a Body, it will be much more difficult to reduce them into Order again, because Necessity and Want, which are the Causes of this Disturbance, will still increase as (fn. 3) the Effects do increase.
Rebels in Ireland.
"A Fourth Danger is, from the Rebels in Ireland, not only in respect of that Kingdom, but in respect of this; (fn. 4) they have seized upon the Body of that Kingdom already; they abound in Men of very able Bodies; they increase in Arms and Munition; they have great Hopes of Supplies from abroad, of Encouragement here, and are sure of good Entertainment from the Popish Party; so that they begin to speak already of the transporting themselves hither, and making this Kingdom the Seat of the War.
"The Distemper which hath produced these Dangers is various, and exceeding violent. Whensoever Nature is hindered in her proper Operation and Faculties, Distempers will necessarily follow.
"The Obstructions which have brought us into this Distemper are very many, so that we cannot wonder at the Strength and Malignity of it; some of the chiefest of these Obstructions I shall endeavour to remember:
"1. The Obstruction of Reformation in Matters of Religion: No Grievances are sharper than those that press upon the tender Consciences of Men; and there was never Church or State afflicted with more Grievances of this Kind than we have been; and although they are, by the Wisdom of this Parliament, partly eased and diminished, yet many still remain; and, as long as the Bishops and the corrupt Part of the Clergy continue in their Power, there will be little Hope of Freedom, either from the Sense of those which continue, or Fear of those which are removed. And of this Obstruction, my Lords, I must clear the Commons; we are in no Part guilty of it: Some good Bills have passed us, and others are in Preparation, which might have been passed before this, if we had not found such ill Success in the other. Whatsoever Mischief this Obstruction shall produce, we are free from it; we may have our Part of the Misery, we can have no Part in the Guilt or Dishonour.
"2. An Obstruction in Trade: It is the Trade that brings Food and Nourishment to the Kingdom; it is that which preserves and increaseth the Stock of the Whole, and distributes a convenient Portion of Maintenance to every Part of it; therefore such an Obstruction as this must needs be dangerous; the Freedom of Trade being so necessary, the Benefit so important, as that it gives Life, Strength, and Beauty, to the whole Body of the Commonwealth. But, I must protest, the House of Commons hath given no Cause to this Obstruction: We have eased Trade of many Burthens and heavy Taxes, which are taken off; we have freed it from many hard Restraints by Patents and Monopolies; we have been willing to part with our own Privileges, to give it Encouragement; we have sought to put the Merchants into Security and Confidence in respect of The Tower of London, that so they might be invited to bring in their Bullion to the Mint, as heretofore they have done; and we are no Way guilty of the Troubles, the Fears, and public Dangers, which make Men withdraw their Stocks, and to keep their Money by them, to be ready for such sudden Exigences as in these great Distractions we have too much Cause to expect.
Relief of Ireland.
"3. The Obstruction in the Relief of Ireland: It must needs be accounted a great Shame and Dishonour to this Kingdom, that our Neighbours have shewed themselves more forward to supply the Rebels, than we have been to relieve our distressed Brethren and Fellow Subjects: But I must declare that we are altogether innocent of any Neglect herein. As soon as the First News of the Rebellion came over, we undertook the War; not by Way of Supply and Aid, as in former Rebellions the Subjects have used to do, but we undertook the whole Charge of it; and we suffered not Four and Twenty Hours to pass, before we agreed to a great Levy of Money and Men to be employed against the Rebels, even in a larger Proportion than the Lords Justices and Council there did desire; and, from Time to Time, we have done all for the Furtherance thereof, though in the Midst of many Distractions and Divisions; but the Want of Commissions for levying Men, for issuing Arms, and divers other Impediments, have been the Causes of that Obstruction; and I wish we had not only found Impediments to ourselves, but also Encouragements to them. Many of the chief Commanders now in the Head of the Rebels, after we had with your Lordships Concurrence stopt the Ports against all Irish Papists, have been suffered to pass, by His Majesty's immediate Warrant, much to the Discouragement of the Lords Justices and Council there; and this procured, as we believe, by some evil Instruments, too near His Regal Person, without His Majesty's Knowledge and Intention.
"4. The Obstruction in Prosecution of Delinquents: Many we have already brought up to your Lordships; divers others we have been discouraged to transmit, such difficult Proceedings have we met withall; such Terrors and Discountenance have been cast upon ourselves and our Witnesses; and those who have shewed themselves their Friends (fn. 5) and Patrons, have found it the most ready Way to Preferment; yea, His Majesty's own Hand hath been obtained, His Majesty's Ships employed, for the transporting of divers of those who have fled from the Justice of the Parliament.
Proceedings in Parliament.
"5. A general Obstruction and Interruption of the Proceedings of Parliament, by those manifold Designs of Violence (which, through God's Mercy, we have escaped), by the great and frequent Breaches of Privilege, by the subtle Endeavours to raise Parties in our House, and Jealousies betwixt the Two Houses.
The Defence of the Kingdom.
"6. The Obstruction in providing for the Defence of the Kingdom, that we might be enabled to resist a Foreign Enemy, to suppress all Civil Insurrections; and what a pressing Necessity there is of this, the exceeding great Decays in the Navy, in the Forts, in the Power of ordering of the Militia of the Kingdom, and Means of furnishing them with Munition, are sufficient Evidences, known to none better than to your Lordships; and what Endeavours we have used to remove them (but hitherto without that Success and Concurrence which we expected), and where the Stop hath been, and upon what Grounds, we may claim (fn. 5) our own Innocency and Faithfulness; in this, we desire no other Witnesses but yourselves.
"Lastly, I come to the evil Influences, which have caused this Distemper; and I shall content myself to mention some few of those which are most apparent and important:
Evil Counsels.
"1. In the First Place, I shall remember the evil Counsels about the King, whereof we have often complained: Diseases of the Brain are most dangerous, because from thence Sense and Motion are derived to the whole Body. The Malignity of evil Counsels will quickly be infused into all Parts of the State. None can doubt, but we have exceedingly laboured under most dangerous and mischievous Counsels. This evil Influence hath been the Cause of the Preparation of War with Scotland, of the procuring a Rebellion in Ireland, of corrupting Religion, suppressing the Liberty of this Kingdom, and of many fearful and horrid Attempts, to the subverting the very Being of Parliament, which was the only hopeful Means of opposing and preventing all the rest; and this doth appear to be a most predominant Evil of the Time, whereat we need not wonder, when we consider how Counsellors have been preferred and prepared; and I appeal to your Lordships own Consciences, whether the giving and the countenancing of evil Counsel hath not been almost the only Way to Favour and Advancement.
Discouragement of good Counsel.
"2. The Discouragement of good Counsel: Divers honest and approved Counsellors have been put from their Places, others so discountenanced as that the [ (fn. 6) Door of] Favour hath been shut against them, and that of Danger and Destruction only open to them.
Bishops and Popish Lords having Votes.
"3. The great Power that an interested and factious Party hath in the Parliament, by the Continuance of the Votes of the Bishops and Popish Lords in your Lordships House, and the taking in of others, both out of the House of Commons and otherwise, to increase their Strength.
Malignant Party.
"4. The somenting and cherishing of a malignant Party throughout the whole Kingdom.
"5. The manifold Jealousies betwixt the King, His Parliament, and good Subjects, whereby His Protection and Favour hath in a great Measure been with-held from them, their Inclination and Resolution to serve and assist Him hath been very much hindered and interrupted; we have often suffered under the Misinterpretation of good Actions, and false Imputation of evil which we never intended, so that we may justly purge ourselves from all Guilt of being Authors of this Jealousy and Misunderstanding; we have been, and still are, ready to serve His Majesty with our Lives and Fortunes, with as much Chearfulness and Earnestness of Affection as ever any Subjects were; and we doubt not but our Proceedings will so manifest this, that we shall be as clear in the Apprehension of the World as we are in the Testimony of our own Consciences.
"He said, he was now come to a Conclusion, and hath nothing to propound to your Lordships by Way of Request or Desire from the House of Commons; I doubt not but your Judgements will tell you what is to be done; your Consciences, your Honours, your Interests, will call upon you for the doing of it; the Commons will be glad to have your Help and Concurrence in saving of the Kingdom; but, if they should fail of it, it should not discourage them in doing their Duty; and whether the Kingdom be lost or saved (as, through God's Blessing, I hope it will be), they shall be sorry, that the Story of this present Parliament should tell Posterity, that, in so great a Danger and Extremity, the House of Commons should be inforced to save the Kingdom alone, and that the House of Peers should have no Part in the Honour of the Preservation of it, you having so great an Interest in the good Success of those Endeavours, in respect of your great Estates and high Degrees of Nobility."
Debate upon the Report.
This Report being ended, it was debated, whether their Lordships, upon the new Reasons offered in this Report, should not join with the House of Commons, in an humble Petition to His Majesty, "That the Forts and Castles and Militia of this Kingdom might be put into such Hands as both Houses of Parliament may confide in, and be recommended to His Majesty by both Houses, for the Security and Safety of the King and Kingdom."
Exception to Words spoken by the D. of Richmond;
For the better Debate hereof, the House was adjourned into a Committee during Pleasure; and, after a long Consideration, the House was resumed, and some Lords desired that the House might be adjourned. Then the Duke of Richmond said, "Let us put the Question, whether we shall adjourn for Six Months;" which Words the House taking Exceptions to, the Duke of Richmond explained himself, "That he did not speak those Words positively, but meant that the House might be adjourned as well for Six Months as no Time appointed."
whereupon he withdrew.
After this, his Grace withdrew himself; and the House, taking the aforesaid Words into Consideration, conceived they did reflect to the Prejudice of the King and Kingdom. And, after a long Debate, it was put to the Question.
"Whether it shall be sufficient Satisfaction to this House, that the Lord Duke of Richmond shall come into his Place, and make an humble Submission and Acknowledgement that he hath offended the House, in speaking these Words inconsiderately and unadvisedly; and that he had no Intention or Meaning to have the House adjourned for Six Months; and that he craves their Lordships Pardon for it."
And it was Resolved affirmatively.
Satisfaction given by him to the House.
Then the Lord Duke of Richmond was called in, and, standing in his Place, made this Acknowledgement: videlicet,
"That he doth, with all Humility, acknowledge his great Offence in speaking of Words concerning an Adjournment for Six Months, which he confesseth to have uttered unadvisedly and inconsiderately; but professeth he did not intend or mean that any such Adjournment should be; and craves the Pardon of the House for his Offence therein."
These Lords following dissented from the aforesaid Vote; and, before the putting of the Question, demanded their Right of Protestation, which the House granted; and have accordingly entered their Protestation, as followeth:
"The Protestation:
Protest against it as not being a sufficient Punishment.
"That, in respect the Words spoken by the Duke of Richmond, which were these, ["Let us put the Question whether we shall adjourn for Six Months,"] tended much to the Prejudice of the King and Kingdom; I do protest against the Vote, as not a sufficient Punishment for Words of that dangerous Consequence:
Captain Withypool's Recruits for Holland.
Ordered, That Cutbert Newton shall be permitted to entertain and transport (by virtue of this Order) into The Low Countries, for the Supply and Recruiting of the Company of Captain Withipole, for the Service of The States of the United Provinces, the Number of Thirty Men, Voluntiers, by Way of Recruits, according to former Liberty granted by His Majesty.
Paving the Old Palace.
Ordered, That Inego Jones, Esquire, Surveyor General of His Majesty's Works, shall forthwith make a Survey of The Old Palace in Westm. to the End that some speedy Course may be taken for the well and sufficient paving of all the said Palace, for the Service of His Majesty and the Lords assembled in Parliament, and to give Account thereof unto their Lordships; and herein all possible Speed, Care, and Diligence is to be used, as the said Surveyor General will answer the contrary to this House.
Oneale removed to The Tower.
Upon the humble Petition of Daniell Oneale, a Prisoner in The Gatehouse, "desiring, for his Health Sake, either to be bailed, or to go abroad with his Keeper to take the Air;" it is Ordered, &c. That the said Daniel Oneale shall be forthwith removed from the said Prison of The Gatehouse unto The Tower of London, and to have such sitting Liberty there as the Lieutenant of The Tower may be responsible to this House for him; and this to be a sufficient Warrant in that Behalf.
"To the Lieutenant of The Tower of London, and his Deputy."
Elizabeth Manley versus Sir Richard and John Manley.
Upon Information this Day given unto the House, That the Lords Committees for Petitions had made an Order, in the Cause between Eliz. Manley, Wife of George Manley, Esquire, Petitioner unto the Lords in Parliament, against Sir Richard Manley, Knight, and John Manley, Defendants, bearing Date the 15th of July 1641, subscribed by Seven of their Lordships, which was desired to be confirmed by this House;" it is thought fit, and so Ordered, &c. That the said Order, so made by the said Lords Committees for Petitions, shall be hereby ratified and confirmed in all Points.
States Ambassador to be moved again about Depredations.
Ordered, That the Earl of Stamford and the Lord Howard of Charleton shall once more go to The States Ambassador, in the Name of this House, to desire a definitive Answer from him, touching those Depredations that their Lordships had formerly Direction to repair to him about; and afterwards to make Report unto the Lords in Parliament, who will give such further Directions therein as to their Wisdoms shall seem meet.
West Deerham. Malster, Atmeere, et al. dismissed.
Ordered, That Richard Malster, Edward Jones, John Atmeere, Richard Young, William Trollopp, and Thomas Clements, being now in the Custody of the Gentleman Usher, shall be dismissed of their present Restraint, each Man being bound for himself in the Sum of One Hundred Pounds unto the said Gentleman Usher, with Condition that he shall render himself again unto the said Gentleman Usher or his Deputy, to appear before the Lords in Parliament, within Fourteen Days next after he shall be served by any Warrant from this House so to do.
Sir John Blagrave's Bill.
Ordered, That the Committee concerning Sir John Blagrave's Bill shall meet on Monday next, at One of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Painted Chamber.
Message to the H. C. with the Answer to the Scots Propositions about Ireland.
A Message was sent to the House of Commons by Sir Edward Leech and Dr. Bennett:
To deliver the Resolutions of the Lords to the Propositions of the Scotts, which this House approved of; and to desire that the House of Commons would give Expedition to them.
Mr. Smarte versus Dr. Cosens, et al.
It was moved, "That the Business of Mr. Smart, against Doctor Cosens and others, might be put off until Easter Term next:" Hereupon it is Ordered, That the Parties on both Sides do attend this House To-morrow; and then their Lordships will give further Resolution herein.
The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland reported the King's Answer to the Eight Propositions of the Scotts Commissioners: videlicet,
The King's Answer to the Propositions of Scots Commissioners.
"His Majesty, having perused and considered these Eight Propositions presented by the Scotts Commissioners, doth willingly consent to them all, except only the Third, which His Majesty doth not approve of, and wisheth the Houses to take that Article again into Consideration, as a Business of very great Importance, which His Majesty doubts may be prejudicial to the Crown of England, and the Service intended. And, if the Houses desire it, His Majesty shall not be unwilling to speak with the Scotts Commissioners, to see what Satisfaction He can give them therein.
At the Court at Windsor, 26 Jan. 1641.
"Edw. Nicholas."
Petition of the Apprentices and Seamen.
The Earl of Warwicke signified to the House, "That some young Men, Apprentices and Seamen, were at the Door, attending with a Petition, which they desired to present to their Lordships." The (fn. 7) House was pleased to admit them in; and, after they had delivered it, it was read in their Presence, in hæc verba:
"To the Right Honourable the House of Peers, now assembled in Parliament.
"The humble Petition of the young Men, Apprentices and Seamen, in and about the City of London,
"In all humble Submission sheweth,
"That your Petitioners have lain a long Time (as is well known) under unsupportable Pressures; for the Redress of which many Petitions have been exhibited: yet to this Day hath not been obtained that Relief which our Necessities required, and our Hopes did promise; but our Miseries do daily increase and grow upon us. Trading is extraordinarily decayed, and Fears greatly multiplied, by reason of that desperate Height of Malice and Power to which the Rebels of Ireland have attained, and which they go on still to perfect, by those new Supplies of Aid and Strength they do receive, and by reason of the Exposedness of this Kingdom unto Dangers Foreign and Intestine, for Want of a present Posture of Defence, both which threaten Ruin to this Kingdom.
"Wherefore your Petitioners are constrained humbly to supplicate that our poor distressed Brethren of Ireland (according to His Majesty's Commands and the Commons earnest Desire) may be forthwith powerfully aided, to suppress that abominable Rebellion of the bloody Papists; that the Kingdom at Home may be speedily put into such a Posture of War and Defence as may enable them against all Foreign Invasions and Domestic Plots, and Conspiracies of Papists and their Adherents; that the Hindrances thereof, whether Persons or Causes, may be declared, inasmuch as your Petitioners cannot but conceive that Persons are either Factors for or Favourers of the rebellious Rout in Ireland, or of some Foreign Power intending Ruin to His Majesty's Kingdoms; and such Causes as are alledged, can be but feigned Pretences; and that the heavy Pressures lying upon us, and growing insupportable by the Delay of Relief, may be timely removed; your Petitioners greatly fearing, that, if present Remedy be not afforded, from the Hands of this Honourable Parliament (as from wife Physicians), Multitudes will be ready to take Hold upon that Remedy which is next at Hand; Oppression (as Solomon saith) making wise Men mad.
"And your Petitioners shall ever pray, &c."
Thanks given to the Petitioners.
The Lord Keeper, by Directions of this House, gave this Answer to the aforesaid Petitioners, "That their Lordships do give them Thanks for their Care of Ireland; and that their Petition shall be taken into Consideration in due Time."
Sir George Wentworth's Petition concerning Lord Loftus's Cause.
The Petition of Sir George Wentworth, Knight, complained of amongst others by the Lord Viscount Loftus, was read; shewing, "That the Charge of the Declaration of the House of Commons, being very great, consists of divers Particulars concerning several Persons, for sundry Things and Occasions altogether arising in Ireland.
"That the said Lands and Matters of Interest in Question do only concern Anne Loftus, Heir Apparent General to the said Lord Loftus, she being an Infant of about Fourteen Years, and claiming by Descent, to whom, as your Petitioner conceives, Dame Mary Jepson, Widow, now living at Castle Jordans in Ireland, Grandmother of the said Infant, is Guardian, or next Friend; the Father, Mother, and only Brother of the said Infant, being dead since the making of the Decree complained of; and the other Parties appointed to answer were either Judges at making of the said Decree, or Persons no way interested in the Business to their own Use, whereof some are in England, others and the most of them are in Ireland, and of the Council there.
"That the Condition of that Kingdom is perilous, and now dangerous it is to go thither for Evidences to prepare or to make good such Answer or Defence as may be offered on the Behalf of the said Infant, for the Support of the said Decree, which, upon the Appeal of the Lord Loftus himself, hath, upon a solemn and full Hearing, been confirmed by His Majesty and the Council here, although no Mention be made thereof by the Lord Loftus in the Proceedings before your Lordships.
"That, if that Decree so confirmed should be reversed, the said Infant is not (to the Knowledge of your Petitioner) sure to have any Portion or Preferment whatsoever, in Lands, Money, or otherwise, from the said Lord Loftus her Grandfather.
Upon Consideration of the present Distraction in Ireland, the Season of the Year, and other Premises, your Petitioner most humbly prayeth,
"That he or they may not be enforced to answer within Thirty Days, limited by the Order of the 9th of December last; but may have such further and competent Time to prepare and put in his Answer, as the Exigency of the Case requireth, and as (fn. 8) to your Lordships shall seem meet.
"That, until there be Answer and Issue joined, no Witnesses may be examined; and that the Order of the 16th of December, for awarding of a Commission to examine Witnesses, may be discharged, and the rather for that it is directed to Persons named by the Lord Loftus, without Notice thereof formerly given to your Petitioner.
"That, the Scope of this Suit being to reverse a Decree, no Witnesses may be examined, or further Proof used (as to that Purpose), than were at the Time of the Hearing of that Cause.
"And he shall pray, etc.
"G. Wentworth."
Lord Loftus to have Notice of it.
Ordered, That the Lord Viscount Loftus shall have Notice of this Petition.
Dominus Custos Magni Sigilli declaravit præsens Parliamentum continuandum esse usque in diem Jovis, videlicet, 27m diem instantis Januarii, 1641, hora 1a post meridiem, Dominis sic decernentibus.