House of Lords Journal Volume 3: 4 March 1624

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 3, 1620-1628. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 3: 4 March 1624', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 3, 1620-1628( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 3: 4 March 1624', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 3, 1620-1628( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 3: 4 March 1624". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 3, 1620-1628. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


In this section

DIE Jovis, videlicet, 4 die Martii,

Domini tam Spirituales quam Temporales quorum nomina subscribuntur, præsentes fuerunt:

p. Carolus Princeps Walliæ.

p. Archiepus. Cant.
Archiepus. Eborum.
p. Epus. London.
p. Epus. Dunelm.
Epus. Winton.
Epus. Petriburgh.
Epus. Hereforden.
Epus. Wigorn.
p. Epus. Norwicen.
p. Epus. Roffen.
Epus. Glocestren.
Epus. Carlien.
p. Epus. Co. et Lich.
p. Epus. Bath. et W.
p. Epus. Bangor.
Epus. Elien.
Epus. Cicestren.
p. Epus. Oxon.
p. Epus. Cestren.
p. Epus. Landaven.
Epus. Sarum.
Epus. Exon.
p. Epus. Meneven.
p. Epus. Bristol.
p. Epus. Asaphen.
p. Epus. Lincoln, Ds. Custos Mag. Sigilli.
p. Comes Midd. Mag. Thesaur. Angliæ.
p. Vicecomes Maundevill, Præs. Concilii Domini Regis.
p. Comes Wigorn. Ds. Custos Privati Sigilli.
Dux Buck. Magnus Admirallus Angl.
Marchio Winton.
p. Comes Oxon. Magnus Camer. Angliæ.
Comes Arundell et Surr. Comes Maresc. Angliæ.
p. Comes Cantabr. Senesc. Hospitii.
p. Comes Pembroc, Camer. Hospitii.
Comes Northumbriæ.
Comes Nottingham.
Comes Salop.
p. Comes Kanciæ.
Comes Derbiæ.
p. Comes Rutland.
Comes Cumbriæ.
Comes Sussex.
Comes Huntingdon.
Comes Bath.
p. Comes South'ton.
Comes Bedd.
Comes Hertford.
p. Comes Essex.
p. Comes Lincoln.
Comes Suffolciæ.
p. Comes Dorset.
Comes Sarum.
p. Comes Exon.
p. Comes Mountgomery.
p. Comes Bridgwater.
p. Comes Leicestriæ.
p. Comes Northton.
Comes Warwic.
p. Comes Devon.
Comes March.
p. Comes Holdernesse.
Comes Carlile.
p. Comes Denbigh.
Comes Bristol.
p. Comes Anglisey.
Vicecomes Mountague.
p. Vicecomes Wallingford.
Vicecomes Purbeck.
p. Vicecomes Maunsfeild.
Vicecomes Colchester.
p. Vicecomes Rochford.
Vicecomes Andever.
Ds. Abergavenny.
Ds. Audley.
Ds. Zouch.
p. Ds. Willoughby de Er.
p. Ds. Delaware.
p. Ds. Berkley.
Ds. Morley et M.
Ds. Dacres de H.
p. Ds. Stafford.
Ds. Scroope.
p. Ds. Duddeley.
p. Ds. Stourton.
Ds. Herbert de Sh.
p. Ds. Darcy de Men.
Ds. Vaux.
p. Ds. Windsore.
p. Ds. Wentworth.
Ds. Mordant.
Ds. St. John de Bas.
p. Ds. Cromewell.
Ds. Evre.
p. Ds. Sheffeild.
p. Ds. Paget.
p. Ds. North.
p. Ds. St. John de Bl.
p. Ds. Howard de W.
Ds. Wootton.
p. Ds. Russell.
p. Ds. Grey de Groby.
p. Ds. Petre.
Ds. Danvers.
Ds. Spencer.
p. Ds. Say et Seale.
p. Ds. Denny.
Ds. Stanhope de H.
Ds. Carew.
Ds. Arundell de W.
Ds. Haughton.
Ds. Teynham.
Ds. Stanhope de Sh.
p. Ds. Noel.
p. Ds. Brooke.
p. Ds. Mountague.
p. Ds. Cary de Lep.
Ds. Kensington.
p. Ds. Grey de Werke.

Exchange of Lands between the Prince of Wales and Sir Lewis Watson.

HODIE 1a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for Confirmation of an Exchange of Lands between the most Excellent Prince Charles and Sir Lewis Watson, Knight and Baronet.

Jaccbson's Naturalization.

Hodie 1a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for the Naturalizing of Phillipp Jacobson, of London, Merchant.

Establishing Lands to the E. of Oxford, &c. pursuant to Decrees.

Hodie 1a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for the quiet Establishing of the Right and Interest of certain Lands and Tenements of Henry now Earl of Oxford, and his Tenants, according to Two several Decrees in Chancery, and His Majesty's Royal Pleasure, signified under His Highness's Privy Seal exemplified, and One other Decree in His Majesty's High Court of Wards and Liveries.

Report from the Conference, concerning the Advice to His Majesty, touching the Prince's Match and his Journey to Spain.

The Lord Archbishop of Cant. reported the Conference between the Committee of this House and the Committee of the Commons, Yesterday and this Morning, touching the Reasons of the Advice of both Houses to be given to His Majesty concerning the Treaty with Spaine, for the Prince's Match, and the Recovery of the Palatinate; whereof his Grace made but a short Relation, for that the said Committees have agreed to set the same down in Writing, and then to exhibit the same to the House.

His Grace also reported, That it was propounded at this Meeting, that out of this Committee may be settled a Sub-committee of Two of a Bench, to meet with a Sub-committee of the Commons, to set down the said Reasons in Writing.

The House, approving thereof, named these Lords to be of that Sub-committee: videlicet,

The L. Archbp. of Cant.
L. President.
L. Chamberlain.
L. Bp. of Duresme.
The L. Sheffeild.
L. Pagett.
L. Russell.
L. Say and Seale.

Message from the H. C. touching the committing to Writing the Reasons for their Advice to the King.

A Message from the Commons, by Mr. Secretary Calvert and others: That whereas, at a Meeting this Morning of the Committees of both Houses, it was propounded, That a Sub-committee of each House might be appointed, to confer together, and to set down in Writing the Reasons of their Advice to the King for Breach of the Treaty;

The House of Commons doth well approve thereof, and have appointed a Sub-committee of Sixteen of their House, for the same Conference; and humbly desire to know the Time and Place which your Lordships will appoint for the same.


Answered, The Lords do take in good Part this Correspondency of the Commons; and have appointed a Sub-committee of Eight to meet theirs, at Two this Afternoon, in the Painted Chamber.

Support to be offered His Majesty, in Case of a War with Spain.

And it was Agreed, That the Sub-committee of this House shall signify unto the Sub-committees of the House of Commons at this Meeting, That the Lords do think it may be convenient, for the Husbanding of Time (if their House shall so resolve), That, if the King shall object, that the Breach of the Treaty will draw on a War, and the War Maintenance and Support; then to answer His Majesty, That, in the Pursuit of this Advice, we will assist His Majesty with our Persons and Fortunes, according to our Power, as becometh good and well-affected Subjects to do.

Committees for Munitions, &c.

The Committee to take a View of Munitions, etc. are to meet on Saturday next, at Two in the Afternoon, in the Painted Chamber.


Dominus Custos Magni Sigilli declaravit præsens Parliamentum continuandum esse usque in diem crastinum, videlicet, diem Veneris, quintum diem instantis Martii, hora nona, Dominis sic decernentibus.