Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 20, 1714-1717. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.
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'House of Lords Journal Volume 20: 21 March 1715', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 20, 1714-1717(London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].
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"House of Lords Journal Volume 20: 21 March 1715". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 20, 1714-1717. (London, 1767-1830), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.
In this section
Die Lunæ, 21 Martii.
Domini tam Spirituales quam Temporales præsentes fuerunt:
Georgius Princeps Walliæ, &c.
Lords take the Oaths.
The Lords following took the Oaths, and made and subscribed the Declaration, and also took and subscribed the Oath of Abjuration, pursuant to the Statutes:
Charles Duke of Shrewsbury, Lord Chamberlain of the Household.
Charles Duke of Somerset.
Charles Duke of Cleveland.
George Duke of Northumberland.
Peregrine Duke of Leeds.
John Duke of Montagu.
Evelyn Marquis of Dorchester.
Thomas Earl of Pembroke.
Scroop Earl of Bridgewater.
James Earl of Berkeley.
Archibald Earl of I'lay.
Lawrence Viscount Say & Seal.
Henry Viscount Bolingbroke.
John Lord Bishop of Litchfield & Coventry.
William Lord Bishop of Oxford.
William Lord Bishop of Lincoln.
Philip Lord Bishop of Hereford.
Richard Lord Bishop of Gloucester.
John Lord Bishop of St. Asaph.
John Lord Colepeper.
Peregrine Lord Osborne.
John Lord Belhaven.
Thomas Lord Montjoy.
Robert Lord Bingley.
The House was adjourned during Pleasure, to robe.
The House was resumed.
King present:
His Majesty, being seated on His Royal Throne, adorned with His Crown and Regal Ornaments, and attended with His Officers of State; the Prince of Wales (in his Robes) sitting in his Chair on His Majesty's Right Hand (the Lords being also in their Robes); commanded the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod to let the Commons know, "It is His Majesty's Pleasure, that they attend Him immediately, in the House of Peers.
Who being come, Mr. Compton said,
Mr. Compton, Speaker of H. C. presented, and approved of.
"May it please Your Majesty,
"The Commons of Great Britain, in Parliament assembled, have, in Obedience to Your Majesty's Command, proceeded to the Choice of their Speaker; and now attend, with all Humility, to present me to Your Majesty, as the Effect of that Choice.
"It must be very surprizing to Your Majesty, that, from amongst so many honourable, learned, and worthy Persons, who are every Way qualified to discharge this great Trust, any Thing could induce Your Commons to present me for Your Majesty's Approbation, who have none of those Endowments necessary for the Execution of this important Charge: I have neither Memory to retain, Judgement to collect, nor Skill to guide, their Debates; nor can I boast of any Thing that could entitle me to the Favour of the Commons, but an unshaken Fidelity to the Protestant Succession. This, Sir, to Your faithful Commons, supplied the Want of all Qualifications: By this First Step, they design to convince the World, that a steady Adherence to the Interest of Your Majesty's Royal House is the only Recommendation to the Favour of the Commons.
"This, Your Commons hope, may be some Excuse for their presuming to present to Your Majesty a Person, whose Insufficiency renders him so improper for them to elect, or for Your Majesty to approve: But though Your Majesty should be graciously pleased to allow this as a Justification for Your Commons; yet I should be unpardonable, did I not, with all Humility, represent to Your Majesty, that, though my Zeal be great, my Infirmities are greater. This Employment requires a Man of better Understanding, and stronger Judgement, than I am Master of: I am therefore an humble Suitor to Your Majesty, to accept my Excuse; and to command the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, to return to their House, and there to make Choice of some fitter Person to discharge this great Trust, on the due Execution whereof the Public Welfare so much depends."
Then the Lord Chancellor, taking Directions from His Majesty, said,
"Gentlemen of the House of Commons,
"I am to acquaint you, by His Majesty's Command, That His Majesty is perfectly well satisfied with the Choice you have made of Mr. Compton to be your Speaker; and therefore His Majesty doth allow of, and confirm you, Mr. Compton, to be Speaker of the House of Commons."
Then Mr. Speaker said,
"Since it is not Your Majesty's Pleasure to admit my Excuse; it is my Duty to submit, and chearfully to undergo this Burden, which Your Majesty and the Commons have been pleased to lay on me; having an entire Confidence in Your Majesty's Goodness for Pardon for my Errors and Infirmities, at least that they may not be imputed to Your faithful Commons: On whose Behalf I lay Claim, by humble Petition to Your Majesty, to all their ancient Rights and Privileges; particularly, That they may have Privilege from Arrests, and Disturbance, for their Persons, Estates, and Servants, Liberty of Speech for the better Management of their Debates, and free Access to Your Majesty's Royal Person, as Occasion shall require."
Then the Lord Chancellor, receiving further Directions from His Majesty, said,
"Mr. Speaker,
"I am commanded by His Majesty to say, That His Majesty, being fully assured of the Prudence, Loyalty, and good Affections, of the House of Commons, does most willingly grant to them all their Privileges, in as full a Manner as they have at any Time been granted or allowed by any of His Majesty's Royal Predecessors.
"And as to what you have prayed in relation to yourself, His Majesty will be graciously pleased to put the best and most favourable Construction upon your Words and Actions, in Execution of this great Trust, as Speaker of the House of Commons; being satisfied, by your past Conduct, of your good Intentions and Zeal for His Service, and the true Interest of your Country, and of your Experience and Abilities in the Business of Parliaments."
Then His Majesty was pleased to say,
"My Lords, and Gentlemen,
"I have ordered My Lord Chancellor to declare to you, in My Name and Words, the Causes of calling this Parliament."
And then the Lord Chancellor, receiving Directions from His Majesty, said,
"My Lords, and Gentlemen,
"His Majesty hath commanded me to declare to you the Causes of His calling this Parliament, as they are contained in this His Majesty's most Gracious Speech, now delivered into my Hands by His Majesty, from the Throne.
His Majesty's Speech.
"My Lords, and Gentlemen,
"This being the First Opportunity that I have had of meeting My People in Parliament, since it pleased Almighty God, of His good Providence, to call Me to the Throne of My Ancestors, I most gladly make Use of it, to thank My faithful and loving Subjects for that Zeal and Firmness that hath been shewn in Defence of the Protestant Succession, against all the open and secret Practices that have been used to defeat it; and I shall never forget the Obligations I have to those who have distinguished themselves upon this Occasion.
"It were to be wished, that the unparalleled Successes of a War, which was so wisely and chearfully supported by this Nation, in order to procure a good Peace, had been attended with a suitable Conclusion: But it is with Concern I must tell you, that some Conditions, even of this Peace, essential to the Security and Trade of Great Britain, are not yet duly executed; and the Performance of the Whole may be looked upon as precarious, until We shall have formed defensive Alliances to guaranty the present Treaties.
"The Pretender, who still resides in Lorrain, threatens to disturb us; and boasts of the Assistance which he still expects here, to repair his former Disappointments.
"A great Part of our Trade is rendered impracticable: This, if not retrieved, must destroy our Manufactures, and ruin our Navigation.
"The Public Debts are very great, and surprizingly increased, even since the fatal Cessation of Arms. My First Care was, to prevent a farther Increase of these Debts, by paying off forthwith a great Number of Ships, which had been kept in Pay when there was no Occasion for continuing such an Expence.
"Gentlemen of the House of Commons,
I rely upon you for such Supplies as the present Circumstances of our Affairs require for this Year's Service, and for the Support of the Public Faith: The Estimates shall be laid before you, that you may consider of them; and what you shall judge necessary for your Safety, I shall think sufficient for Mine.
"I doubt not but you will concur with Me in Opinion, that nothing can contribute more to the Support of the Credit of the Nation, than a strict Observance of all Parliamentary Engagements.
"The Branches of the Revenue, formerly granted for the Support of the Civil Government, are so far incumbered and alienated, that the Produce of the Funds which remain, and have been granted to Me, will fall much short of what was at first designed for maintaining the Honour and Dignity of the Crown: And since it is My Happiness (as I am confident you think it yours) to see a Prince of Wales, who may in due Time succeed Me on the Throne, and to see him blessed with many Children, the best and most valuable Pledges of Our Care and Concern for your Prosperity, this must occasion an Expence, to which the Nation has not of many Years been accustomed, but such as surely no Man will grudge; and, therefore, I do not doubt but you will think of it with that Affection which I have Reason to hope for from you.
"My Lords, and Gentlemen,
"The Eyes of all Europe are upon you, waiting the Issue of this First Session. Let no unhappy Divisions of Parties, here at Home, divert you from pursuing the common Interest of your Country. Let no wicked Insinuations disquiet the Minds of My Subjects. The established Constitution, in Church and State, shall be the Rule of My Government; the Happiness, Ease, and Prosperity, of My People, shall be the chief Care of My Life. Those who assist Me, in carrying on these Measures, I shall always esteem My best Friends; and I doubt not but that I shall be able, with your Assistance, to disappoint the Designs of those who would deprive Me of that Blessing which I most value, the Affection of My People."
Which being ended, His Majesty was pleased to withdraw; and the Commons returned to their House.
The House was adjourned during Pleasure, to unrobe.
The House was resumed.
Poor, to prevent defrauding, Bill.
Hodie 1a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act for preventing of the Poor's being defrauded."
Marq. of Wharton introduced.
Thomas Earl of Wharton, being, by Letters Patents, dat. Decimo Quinto Die Februarii, Anno Primo Georgii Regis, created Marquis of Wharton, was this Day (in his Robes) introduced, between the Lord Great Chamberlain and the Marquis of Dorchester (also in their Robes); the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, and Clarencieux King at Arms in the Absence of Garter King at Arms, preceding.
His Lordship presented his Patent to the Lord Chancellor, on his Knee, at the Woolsack; who delivered it to the Clerk; and the same was read, at the Table.
His Writ of Summons was also read, as follows; (videlicet,)
"Georgius, Dei Gratia, Mag. Britanniæ, Franciæ, & Hib'niæ Rex, Fidei Defensor, &c. Charissimo Consanguineo & Consiliario Nostro Thomæ Marchioni Wharton Custodi Privati Sigilli Nostri, Salutem. Quia, de Advisamento & Assensu Concilii Nostri, pro quibusdam arduis & urgentibus Negotiis, Nos, Statum & Defensionem Regni Nostri Magnæ Britanniæ & Ecclesiæ concernentibus, quoddam Parliamentum Nostrum, apud Civitatem Nostram Westm. Decimo Septimo Die Martii prox. futur. teneri ordinavimus; & ibidem, cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, & Proceribus dicti Regni Nostri, Colloquium habere & Tractatum; vobis, sub Fide & Ligeantia quibus Nobis tenemini, firmiter injungendo mandamus, quod, consideratis dictorum Negotiorum Arduitate & Periculis imminentibus, cessante Excusatione quacunque, dictis Die & Loco personaliter intersitis, Nobiscum, ac cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, & Proceribus præd. super dictis Negotiis tractatur. vestrumque Consilium impensur.; & hoc sicut Nos & Honorem Nostrum, ac Salvationem & Desensionem Regni & Ecclesiæ præd. Expeditionemque dictorum Negotiorum diligitis, nullatenus omittatis.
"Teste Meipso, apud Westm. Decimo Septimo Die Januarii, Anno Regni Nostri Primo.
Trevor. Dauling.
Then his Lordship was placed on the Earls Bench.
E. Uxbridge introduced.
Also Henry Lord Paget and Burton, being, by Letters Patents, dat. Decimo Nono Die Octobris, Primo Georgii Regis, created Earl of Uxbridge, was this Day, in his Robes, introduced, between the Earl of Lincoln and the Earl of Radnor (also in their Robes); the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, Clarencieux King at Arms in the Absence of Garter King at Arms, and the Lord Great Chamberlain, preceding.
His Lordship presented his Patent to the Lord Chancellor, on his Knee, at the Woolsack; who delivered it to the Clerk; and the same was read, at the Table.
His Writ of Summons was also read, as follows:
"Georgius, Dei Gratia, Magnœ Britanniæ, Franciæ, & Hib'niæ Rex, Fidei Defensor, &c. Charissimo Consanguineo & Consiliario Nostro Henrico Comiti Uxbridge, Salutem. Quia, de Advisamento & Assensu Concilii Nostri, pro quibusdam arduis & urgentibus Negotiis, Nos, Statum & Defensionem Regni Nostri Magnæ Britanniæ & Ecclesiæ concernentibus, quoddam Parliamentum Nostrum, apud Civitatem Nostram Westm. Decimo Septimo Die Martii prox. futur. teneri ordinavimus; & ibidem, cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, & Proceribus dicti Regni Nostri, Colloquium habere & Tractatum; vobis, sub Fide & Ligeantia quibus Nobis tenemini, firmiter injungendo mandamus, quod, consideratis dictorum Negotiorum Arduitate & Periculis imminentibus, cessante Excusatione quacunque, dictis Die & Loco personaliter intersitis, Nobiscum, ac cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, & Proceribus præd. super dictis Negotiis tractatur. vestrumque Consilium impensur.; & hoc sicut Nos & Honorem Nostrum, ac Salvationem & Defensionem Regni & Ecclesiæ præd. Expeditionemque dictorum Negotiorum diligitis, nullatenus omittatis.
"Teste Meipso, apud Westmonaster. Decimo Septimo Die Januarii, Anno Regni Nostri Primo.
"Trevor. Dauling."
Then his Lordship was placed on the lower End of the Earls Bench.
E. Carnarvon introduced.
Also James Lord Chandos, being, by Letters Patents, dated Decimo Nono Die Octobris, Primo Georgii Regis, created Viscount Wilton in the County of Hereford, and Earl of Carnarvon, was this Day, in like Manner, in his Robes, introduced, between the Earl of Pembroke and the Earl of Sunderland(also in their Robes).
His Lordship presented his Patent to the Lord Chancellor, on his Knee, at the Woolsack; who delivered it to the Clerk; and the same was read, at the Table.
His Writ of Summons was also read, as follows:
"Georgius, Dei Gratia, Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ, & Hib'niæ Rex, Fidei Defensor, &c. Charissimo Consanguineo Nostro Jacobo Comiti Carnarvon, Salutem. Quia, de Advisamento et Assensu Concilii Nostri, pro quibusdam arduis et urgentibus Negotiis, Nos, Statum et Defensionem Regni Nostri Magnæ Britanniæ et Ecclesiæ concernentibus, quoddam Parliamentum Nostrum, apud Civitatem Nostram Westm. Decimo Septimo Die Martii prox. futur. teneri ordinavimus; et ibidem, cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, et Proceribus dicti Regni Nostri, Colloquium habere et Tractatum; vobis, sub Fide et Ligeantia quibus Nobis tenemini, firmiter injungendo mandamus, quod, consideratis dictorum Negotiorum Arduitate et Periculis imminentibus, cessante Excusatione quacunque, dictis Die et Loco personaliter intersitis, Nobiscum, ac cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, et Proceribus præd. super dictis Negotiis tractatur. vestrumque Consilium impensur.; et hoc sicut Nos et Honorem Nostrum, ac Salvationem et Defensionem Regni et Ecclesiæ præd. Expeditionemque dictorum Negotiorum diligitis, nullatenus omittatis.
"Teste Meipso, apud Westm. Decimo Septimo Die Januarii, Anno Regni Nostri Primo.
Trevor. Dauling.
Then his Lordship was placed on the lower End of the Earls Bench.
E. of Rockingham introduced.
Also Lewis Lord Rockingham, being, by Letters Patents, dat. Decimo Nono Die Octobris, Primo Georgii Regis, created Baron of Throwley in the County of Kent, Viscount Sondes of Lees-Court in the same County, and Earl of Rockingham, was this Day, in like Manner, in his Robes, introduced, between the Earl of Lincoln and the Earl of Radnor (also in their Robes).
His Lordship presented his Patent to the Lord Chancellor, on his Knee, at the Woolsack; who delivered it to the Clerk; and the same was read, at the Table.
His Write of Summons was also read, as follows:
"Georgius, Dei Gratia, Mag. Britanniæ, Franc. et Hib'niæ Rex, Fidei Defensor, &c. Charissimo Consanguineo Nostro Ludovico Comiti Rockingham, Salutem. Quia, de Advisamento et Assensu Concilii Nostri, pro quibusdam arduis et urgentibus Negotiis, Nos, Statum et Defensionem Regni Nostri Magnæ Britanniæ et Ecclesiæ concernentibus, quoddam Parliamentum Nostrum, apud Civitatem Nostram Westm. Decimo Septimo Die Martii prox. futur. teneri ordinavimus; et ibidem, cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, et Proceribus dicti Regni Nostri, Colloquium habere et Tractatum; vobis, sub Fide (fn. 1) et Ligeantia quibus Nobis tenemini, firmiter injungendo mandamus, quod, consideratis dictorum Negotiorum Arduitate et Periculis imminentibus, cessante Excusatione quacunque, dictis Die et Loco personaliter intersitis, Nobiscum, ac cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, et Proceribus præd. super dictis Negotiis tractatur. vestrumque Consilium impensur.; et hoc sicut Nos et Honorem Nostrum, ac Salvationem et Defensionem Regni et Ecclesiæ præd. Expeditionemque dictorum Negotiorum diligitis, nullatenus omittatis.
Teste Meipso,apud Westm. Decimo Septimo Die Januarii, Anno Regni Nostri Primo.
"Trevor. Dauling."
Then his Lordship was placed on the lower End of the Earls Bench.
E. of Halifax introduced.
Also Charles Lord Halifax, being, by Letters Patents, dat. Decimo Nono Die Octobris, Primo Georgii Regis, created Viscount Sunbury in the County of Midd'x, and Earl of Halifax, was this Day, in like Manner, in his Robes, introduced, between the Earl of Lincoln and the Earl of Manchester (also in their Robes).
His Lordship presented his Patent to the Lord Chancellor, on his Knee, at the Woolsack; who delivered it to the Clerk; and the same was read, at the Table.
His Writ of Summons was also read, as follows:
"Georgius, Dei Gratia, Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ, et Hib'niæ Rex, Fidei Defensor, &c. Charissimo Consanguineo et Consiliario Nostro Carolo Comiti Halifax, Salutem. Quia, de Advisamento et Assensu Concilii Nostri, pro quibusdam arduis et urgentibus Negotiis, Nos, Statum et Defensionem Regni Nostri Mag. Brit. et Ecclesiæ concernentibus, quoddam Parliamentum Nostrum, apud Civitatem Nostram Westm. Decimo Septimo Die Martii prox. futur. teneri ordinavimus; et ibidem, cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, et Proceribus dicti Regni Nostri, Colloquium habere et Tractatum; vobis, sub Fide et Ligeantia quibus Nobis tenemini, firmiter injungendo mandamus, quod, consideratis dictorum Negotiorum Arduitate et Periculis imminentibus, cessante Excusatione quacunque, dictis Die et Loco personaliter intersitis, Nobiscum, ac cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, et Proceribus præd. super dictis Negotiis tractatur. vestrumque Consilium impensur.; et hoc sicut Nos et Honorem Nostrum, ac Salvationem et Defensionem Regni et Ecclesiæ præd. Expeditionemque dictorum Negotiorum diligitis, nullatenus omittatis.
"Teste Meipso, apud Westm. Decimo Septimo Die Januarii, Anno Regni Nostri Primo.
"Trevor. Dauling."
Then his Lordship was placed on the lower End of the Earls Bench.
E. of Aylesford introduced.
Also Heneage Lord Gernsey, being, by Letters Patents, dat. Decimo Nono Die Octobris, Primo Georgii Regis, created Earl of Aylesford in the County of Kent, was this Day, in like Manner, in his Robes, introduced, between the Lord President and the Earl of Thanet (also in their Robes).
His Lordship presented his Patent to the Lord Chancellor, on his Knee, at the Woolsack; who delivered it to the Clerk; and the same was read, at the Table.
His Writ of Summons was also read, as follows:
"Georgius, Dei Gratia, Mag. Brit. Franc. et Hib'niæ Rex, Fidei Defensor, &c. Charissimo Consanguineo et Consiliario Nostro Heneag. Comiti Aylesford, Salutem. Quia, de Advisamento et Assensu Concilii Nostri, pro quibusdam arduis et urgentibus Negotiis, Nos, Statum et Defensionem Regni Nostri Mag. Brit. et Ecclesiæ concernentibus, quoddam Parliamentum Nostrum, apud Civitatem Nostram Westm. Decimo Septimo Die Martii prox. futur. teneri ordinavimus; et ibidem, cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, et Proceribus dicti Regni Nostri, Colloquium habere et Tractatum; vobis, sub Fide et Ligeantia quibus Nobis tenemini, firmiter injungendo mandamus, quod, consideratis dictorum Negotiorum Arduitate et Periculis imminentibus, cessante Excusatione quacunque, dictis Die et Loco personaliter intersitis, Nobiscum, ac cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, et Proceribus præd. super dictis Negotiis tractatur. vestrumque Consilium impensur.; et hoc sicut Nos et Honorem Nostrum, ac Salvationem et Defensionem Regni et Ecclesiæ præd. Expeditionemque dictorum Negotiorum diligitis, nullatenus omittatis.
"Teste Meipso, apud Westm. Decimo Septimo Die Januarii, Anno Regni Nostri Primo.
Trevor. Dauling.
Then his Lordship was placed on the lower End of the Earls Bench.
E. of Bristol introduced.
Also John Lord Harvey, being, by Letters Patents, dat. Decimo Nono Die Octobris, Primo Georgii Regis, created Earl of Bristol, was this Day, in like Manner, in his Robes, introduced, between the Lord President and the Earl of Pembroke (also in their Robes).
His Lordship presented his Patent to the Lord Chancellor, on his Knee, at the Woolsack; who delivered it to the Clerk; and the same was read, at the Table.
His Writ of Summons was also read, as follows:
"Georgius, Dei Gratia, Mag. Britanniæ, Franc. et Hib'niæ Rex, Fidei Defensor, &c. Charissimo Consanguineo Nostro Joh'i Comiti Bristol, Salutem. Quia, de Advisamento et Assensu Concilii Nostri, pro quibusdam arduis et urgentibus Negotiis, Nos, Statum et Defensionem Regni Nostri Magnæ Britann. et Ecclesiæ concernentibus, quoddam Parliamentum Nostrum, apud Civitatem Nostram Westm. Decimo Septimo Die Martii prox. futur. teneri ordinavimus; et ibidem, cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, et Proceribus dicti Regni Nostri, Colloquium habere et Tractatum; vobis, sub Fide et Ligeantia quibus Nobis tenemini, firmiter injungendo mandamus, quod, consideratis dictorum Negotiorum Arduitate et Periculis imminentibus, cessante Excusatione quacunque, dictis Die et Loco personaliter intersitis, Nobiscum, ac cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, et Proceribus præd. super dictis Negotiis tractatur. vestrumque Consilium impensur.; et hoc sicut Nos et Honorem Nostrum, ac Salvationem et Defensionem Regni et Ecclesiæ præd. Expeditionemque dictorum Negotiorum diligitis, nullatenus omittatis.
"Teste Meipso, apud Westm. Decimo Septimo Die Januarii, Anno Regni Nostri Primo.
"Trevor. Dauling."
Then his Lordship was placed on the lower End of the Earls Bench.
E. of Clare introduced.
Also Thomas Lord Pelham, being, by Letters Patents, dat. Decimo Nono Die Octobris, Primo Georgii Regis, created Viscount Haughton in the County of Nottingham, and Earl of Clare, was this Day, in like Manner, in his Robes, introduced, between the Earl of Lincoln and the Earl of Sunderland (also in their Robes).
His Lordship presented his Patent to the Lord Chancellor, on his Knee, at the Woolsack; who delivered it to the Clerk; and the same was read, at the Table.
His Writ of Summons was also read, as follows:
"Georgius, Dei Gratia, Mag. Britanniæ, Franc. et Hib'niæ Rex, Fidei Defensor, &c. Charissimo Consanguineo Nostro Thomæ Comiti Clare, Salutem. Quia, de Advisamento et Assensu Concilii Nostri, pro quibusdam arduis et urgentibus Negotiis, Nos, Statum et Defensionem Regni Nostri Magnæ Brit. et Ecclesiæ concernentibus, quoddam Parliamentum Nostrum, apud Civitatem Nostram Westm. Decimo Septimo Die Martii prox. futur. teneri ordinavimus; et ibidem, cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, et Proceribus dicti Regni Nostri, Colloquium habere et Tractatum; vobis, sub Fide et Ligeantia quibus Nobis tenemini, firmiter injungendo mandamus, quod, consideratis dictorum Negotiorum Arduitate et Periculis imminentibus, cessante Excusatione quacunque, dictis Die et Loco personaliter intersitis, Nobiscum, ac cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, et Proceribus præd. super dictis Negotiis tractatur. vestrumque Consilium impensur.; et hoc sicut Nos et Honorem Nostrum, ac Salvationem et Defensionem Regni et Ecclesiæ præd. Expeditionemque dictorum Negotiorum diligitis, nullatenus omittatis.
"Teste Meipso, apud Westm. Decimo Septimo Die Januarii, Anno Regni Nostri Primo.
"Trevor. Dauling."
Then his Lordship was placed on the lower End of the Earls Bench.
L. Vis. Tadcaster introduced.
Also Henry Earl of Thomond in the Kingdom of Ireland, being, by Letters Patents, dat. Decimo Nono Die Octobris, Primo Georgii Regis, created Viscount Tadcaster in the County of York, was this Day, in like Manner, in his Robes, introduced, between the Lord Viscount Townshend and the Lord Viscount De Longueville (also in their Robes).
His Lordship presented his Patent to the Lord Chancellor, on his Knee, at the Woolsack; who delivered it to the Clerk; and the same was read, at the Table.
His Writ of Summons was also read, as follows:
"Georgius, Dei Gratia, Mag. Britanniæ, Franc. et Hib'niæ Rex, Fidei Defensor, &c. Charissimo Consanguineo Nostro Henrico Vicecomiti Tadcaster, Salutem. Quia, de Advisamento et Assensu Concilii Nostri, pro quibusdam arduis et urgentibus Negotiis, Nos, Statum et Defensionem Regni Nostri Mag. Brit. et Ecclesiæ concernentibus, quoddam Parliamentum Nostrum, apud Civitatem Nostram Westm. Decimo Septimo Die Martii prox. futur. teneri ordinavimus; et ibidem, cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, et Proceribus dicti Regni Nostri, Colloquium habere et Tractatum; vobis, sub Fide et Ligeantia quibus Nobis tenemini, firmiter injungendo mandamus, quod, consideratis dictorum Negotiorum Arduitate et Periculis imminentibus, cessante Excusatione quacunque, dictis Die et Loco personaliter intersitis, Nobiscum, ac cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, et Proceribus præd. super dictis Negotiis tractatur. vestrumque Consilium impensur.; et hoc sicut Nos et Honorem Nostrum, ac Salvationem et Defensionem Regni et Ecclesiæ præd. Expeditionemque dictorum Negotiorum diligitis, nullatenus omittatis.
"Teste Meipso, apud Westm. Decimo Septimo Die Januarii, Anno Regni Nostri Primo.
"Trevor. Dauling."
Then his Lordship was placed on the lower End of the Earls Bench.
L. Willoughby de Eresby introduced.
Also Peregrine Bertie de Eresby in the County of Lincoln Chevalier, Eldest Son of Robert Marquis of Lindsey Lord Great Chamberlain of England, having received His Majesty's Writ to summon him to sit in this present Parliament, was this Day, in like Manner, in his Robes, introduced, between the Lord Cornwallis and the Lord Sommers (also in their Robes).
His Lordship presented his Writ to the Lord Chancellor, on his Knee, at the Woolsack; who delivered it to the Clerk; and the same was read, at the Table, as follows:
"Georgius, Dei Gratia, Mag. Britanniæ, Franc. et Hib'niæ Rex, Fidei Defensor, &c. Prædilecto et Fideli Nostro Peregrin. Bertie de Eresby in Com. Nostro Lincoln. Ch'r, Salutem. Quia, de Advisamento et Assensu Concilii Nostri, pro quibusdam arduis et urgentibus Negotiis, Nos, Statum et Defensionem Regni Nostri Mag. Brit. et Ecclesiæ concernentibus, quoddam Parliamentum Nostrum, apud Civitatem Nostram Westm. Decimo Septimo Die hujus instantis Martii, teneri ordinavimus; et ibidem, cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, et Proceribus dicti Regni Nostri, Colloquium habere et Tractatum; vobis, sub Fide et Ligeantia quibus Nobis tenemini, firmiter injungendo mandamus, quod, consideratis dictorum Negotiorum Arduitate et Periculis imminentibus, cessante Excusatione quacunque, dictis Die et Loco personaliter intersitis, Nobiscum, ac cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, et Proceribus præd. super dictis Negotiis tractatur. vestrumque Consilium impensur.; et hoc sicut Nos et Honorem Nostrum, ac Salvationem et Defensionem Regni et Ecclesiæ præd. Expeditionemque dictorum Negotiorum diligitis, nullatenus omittatis.
"Teste Meipso, apud Westm. Decimo Sexto Die Martii, Anno Regni Nostri Primo.
"Trevor. Dauling."
Then his Lordship was placed on the Barons Bench, in his Father's Barony.
L. Lumley introduced.
Also Richard Lumley de Lumley in the County of Durham Chevalier, Eldest Son of Richard Earl of Scarbrough, having received His Majesty's Writ to summon him to sit in this present Parliament, was this Day, in like Manner, in his Robes, introduced, between the Lord Cornwallis and the Lord Carteret (also in their Robes).
His Lordship presented his Writ to the Lord Chancellor, on his Knee, at the Woolsack; who delivered it to the Clerk; and the same was read, at the Table, as follows:
"Georgius, Dei Gratia, Mag. Britanniæ, Franc. et Hib'niæ Rex, Fidei Defensor, &c. Prædilecto et Fideli Nostro Ric'o Lumley de Lumley in Com. Nostro Dunelm. Ch'r, Salutem. Quia, de Advisamento et Assensu Concilii Nostri, pro quibusdam arduis et urgentibus Negotiis, Nos, Statum et Defensionem Regni Nostri Mag. Brit. et Ecclesiæ concernentibus, quoddam Parliamentum Nostrum, apud Civitatem Nostram Westm. Decimo Septimo Die hujus instantis Martii, teneri ordinavimus; et ibidem, cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, et Proceribus dicti Regni Nostri, Colloquium habere et Tractatum; vobis, sub Fide et Ligeantia quibus Nobis tenemini, firmiter injungendo mandamus, quod, consideratis dictorum Negotiorum Arduitate et Periculis imminentibus, cessante Excusatione quacunque, dictis Die et Loco personaliter intersitis, Nobiscum, ac cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, et Proceribus præd. super dictis Negotiis tractatur. vestrumque Consilium impensur.; et hoc sicut Nos et Honorem Nostrum, ac Salvationem et Defensionem Regni et Ecclesiæ præd. Expeditionemque dictorum Negotiorum diligitis, nullatenus omittatis.
"Teste Meipso, apud Westm. Decimo Quarto Die Martii, Anno Regni Nostri Primo.
"Trevor. Dauling."
Then his Lordship was placed on the Barons Bench, in his Father's Barony.
L. Sanderson introduced.
Also James Viscount Castleton in the Kingdom of Ireland, being, by Letters Patents, dat. Decimo Nono Die Octobris, Primo Georgii Regis, created Baron Saunderson of Saxby in the County of Lincoln, was this Day, in like Manner, in his Robes, introduced, between the Lord Boyle and the Lord Montjoy (also in their Robes).
His Lordship presented his Patent to the Lord Chancellor, on his Knee, at the Woolsack; who delivered it to the Clerk; and the same was read, at the Table.
His Writ of Summons was also read, as follows:
"Georgius, Dei Gratia, Magnæ Britanniæ, Franc. et Hib'niæ Rex, Fidei Defensor, &c. Prædilecto et Fideli Nostro Jacobo Saunderson, Ch'r, Salutem. Quia, de Advisamento et Assensu Concilii Nostri, pro quibusdam arduis et urgentibus Negotiis, Nos, Statum et Defensionem Regni Nostri Magnæ Britan. et Ecclesiæ concernentibus, quoddam Parliamentum Nostrum, apud Civitatem Nostram Westm. Decimo Septimo Die Martii prox. futur. teneri ordinavimus; et ibidem, cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, et Proceribus dicti Regni Nostri, Colloquium habere et Tractatum; vobis, sub Fide et Ligeantia quibus Nobis tenemini, firmiter injungendo mandamus, quod, consideratis dictorum Negotiorum Arduitate et Periculis imminentibus, cessante Excusatione quacunque, dictis Die et Loco personaliter intersitis, Nobiscum, ac cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, et Proceribus præd. super dictis Negotiis tractatur. vestrumque Consilium impensur.; et hoc sicut Nos et Honorem Nostrum, ac Salvationem et Defensionem Regni et Ecclesiæ præd. Expeditionemque dictorum Negotiorum diligitis, nullatenus omittatis.
"Teste Meipso, apud Westm. Decimo Septimo Die Januarii, Anno Regni Nostri Primo.
"Trevor. Dauling."
Then his Lordship was placed on the lower End of the Barons Bench.
L. Harborough introduced.
Also Bennet Lord Sherrard in the Kingdom of Ireland, being, by Letters Patents, dat. Decimo Nono Die Octobris, Primo Georgii Regis, created Baron of Harborough in the County of Leicester, was this Day, in like Manner, in his Robes, introduced, between the Lord Cornwallis and the Lord Sommers (also in their Robes).
His Lordship presented his Patent to the Lord Chancellor, on his Knee, at the Woolsack; who delivered it to the Clerk; and the same was read, at the Table.
His Writ of Summons was also read, as follows:
"Georgius, Dei Gratia, Mag. Britanniæ, Franc. et Hib'niæ Rex, Fidei Defensor, &c. Prædilecto et Fideli Nostro Benedict. Sherrard de Harborough, Ch'r, Salutem. Quia, de Advisamento et Assensu Concilii Nostri, pro quibusdam arduis et urgentibus Negotiis, Nos, Statum et Defensionem Regni Nostri Mag. Britanniæ et Ecclesiæ concernentibus, quoddam Parliamentum Nostrum, apud Civitatem Nostram Westm. Decimo Septimo Die Martii prox. futur. teneri ordinavimus; et ibidem, cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, et Proceribus dicti Regni Nostri, Colloquium habere et Tractatum; vobis, sub Fide et Ligeantia quibus Nobis tenemini, firmiter injungendo mandamus, quod, consideratis dictorum Negotiorum Arduitate et Periculis imminentibus, cessante Excusatione quacunque, dictis Die et Loco personaliter intersitis, Nobiscum, ac cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, et Proceribus præd. super dictis Negotiis, tractatur. vestrumque Consilium impensur.; et hoc sicut Nos et Honorem Nostrum, ac Salvationem et Defensionem Regni et Ecclesiæ præd. Expeditionemque dictorum Negotiorum diligitis, nullatenus omittatis.
"Teste Meipso, apud Westm. Decimo Septimo Die Januarii, Anno Regni Nostri Primo.
"Trevor. Dauling."
Then his Lordship was placed on the lower End of the Barons Bench.
L. Carleton introduced.
Also Henry Boyle Esquire, being, by Letters Patents, dat. Decimo Nono Die Octobris, Primo Georgii Regis, created Baron of Carleton in the County of York, was this Day, in like Manner, in his Robes, introduced, between the Lord Carteret and the Lord Boyle (also in their Robes).
His Lordship presented his Patent to the Lord Chancellor, on his Knee, at the Woolsack; who delivered it to the Clerk; and the same was read, at the Table.
His Writ of Summons was also read, as follows:
"Georgius, Dei Gratia, Mag. Britanniæ, Franc. et Hib'niæ Rex, Fidei Defensor, &c. Prædilecto et Fideli Nostro Henrico Boyle de Carleton, Ch'r, Salutem. Quia, de Advisamento et Assensu Concilii Nostri, pro quibusdam arduis et urgentibus Negotiis, Nos, Statum et Defensionem Regni Nostri Magnæ Britanniæ et Ecclesiæ concernentibus, quoddam Parliamentum Nostrum, apud Civitatem Nostram Westm. Decimo Septimo Die Martii prox. futur. teneri ordinavimus; et ibidem, cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, et Proceribus dicti Regni Nostri, Colloquium habere et Tractatum; vobis, sub Fide et Ligeantia quibus Nobis tenemini, firmiter injungendo mandamus, quod, consideratis dictorum Negotiorum Arduitate et Periculis imminentibus, cessante Excusatione quacunque, dictis Die et Loco personaliter intersitis, Nobiscum, ac cum Prælatis, Magnatibus, et Proceribus præd. super dictis Negotiis tractatur. vestrumque Consilium impensur.; et hoc sicut Nos et Honorem Nostrum, ac Salvationem et Defensionem Regni et Ecclesiæ præd. Expeditionemque dictorum Negotiorum diligitis, nullatenus omittatis.
"Teste Meipso, apud Westmonast. Decimo Septimo Die Januarii, Anno Regni Nostri Primo.
"Trevor. Dauling."
Then his Lordship was placed on the lower End of the Barons Bench.
Lords which were introduced take the Oaths.
And then Thomas Marquis of Wharton Lord Privy Seal, James Earl of Carnarvon, Lewis Earl of Rockingham, Charles Earl of Halifax, Heneage Earl of Aylesford, John Earl of Bristol, Thomas Earl of Clare, Henry Viscount Tadcaster, Peregrine Lord Willoughby of Eresby, Richard Lord Lumley, James Lord Saunderson, Bennet Lord Harborough, and Henry Lord Carleton, came to the Table, and took the Oaths, and made and subscribed the Declaration, and also took and subscribed the Oath of Abjuration, pursuant to the Statutes.
Receivers and Triers of Petitions.
Les Recevours des Petitions de la Grande Bretagne et Ireland.
Messire Thomas Parker, Chevalier et Chief Justicer.
Messire Robert Eyre, Chevalier et Justicer.
Messire Jean Hiccocks, Ecuyer.
Et ceux qui veulent delivre leur Petitions, les baillent dedans Six Jours procheinment ensuivant.
Les Recevours des Petitions de Gascoigne, et des autres Terres et Pais de par la Mer et des Isles.
Messire Pierre King, Chevalier et Chief Justicer de Banc Commune.
Messire Samuel Dod, Chevalier et Chief Baron de l'Exchequer du Roy.
Messire Henry Lovibond, Ecuyer.
Et ceux qui veulent delivre leur Petitions, les baillent dedans Six Jours procheinment ensuivant.
Touts eux ensemble, ou Quatres des Seigneurs avantditz; appellant aux eux les Sergeants du Roy, quant sera Besoigne; tiendront leur Place eu la Chambre du Tresorier.
Les Triours des Petitions de Gascoigne, et des autres Terres et Pais de par la Mer et des Isles.
Touts eux ensemble, ou Quatres des Seigneurs avantditz; appellant aux eux les Sergeants du Roy, quant sera Besoigne; tiendront leur Place en la Chambre du Chambellan.
Committee for Privileges.
Lords Committees appointed to consider of the Customs and Orders of the House, and the Privileges of Parliament, and of the Peers of Great Britain and Lords of Parliament:
Their Lordships, or any Seven of them; to meet on Monday next, at Ten a Clock in the Forenoon, in the House of Peers, and every Monday after; and to adjourn from Time to Time as they please.
Committee for the Journals.
Lords Sub-committees appointed to consider of the Orders and Customs of the House, and Privileges of the Peers of Great Britain and Lords of Parliament; and to peruse and perfect the Journals of this and the last Parliament.
Their Lordships, or any Three of them; to meet when, where, and as often as, they please.
Stoppages in the Streets, Order to prevent.
The House taking Notice, "That there is such an Interruption, by Hackney Coaches, Carts, and Drays, in King's Street, and the Passages to The Old Palace in Westminster, that the Lords and others are frequently hindered from coming to this House, to the great Inconveniency of the Members of both Houses:"
It is thereupon Ordered, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That the High Steward of the City of Westminster, or his Deputy, together with the Justices of the Peace for the said City, shall, by their Care and Directions to the Constables and other Officers within the said Limits, take special Order, that no empty Hackney Coaches be suffered to make any Stay, between Whitehall and The Old Palace Yard in Westminster, from Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon until Three of the Clock in the Afternoon of the same Day, during the Sitting of this Parliament; and that no Carriages, Drays, or Carts, be permitted to pass through the said Streets and Passages, between the Hours aforesaid, during the Sitting of this Parliament; and herein special Care is to be taken, by the said Deputy Steward, Justices of the Peace, Constables, and all other Officers herein concerned, as the contrary will be answered to this House.
His Majesty's most Gracious Speech to both Houses of Parliament was read, by the Lord Chancellor.
Address on His Majesty's Speech to be drawn.
Ordered, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty, "To return His Majesty the Thanks of this House, for His Majesty's most Gracious Speech; and also upon the Subject-matter of the said Speech."
Then the Lords following were appointed a Committee, to draw an Address pursuant thereunto; and report to the House; (videlicet,)
Ds. Præses. Dux Somerset. Dux Bolton. Dux Montrose. March. Dorchester. March. Wharton. Comes Sunderland. Comes Scarsdale. Comes Clarendon. Comes Abingdon. Comes Greenwich. Comes Halifax. Comes Clare. (fn. 2) Viscount Townshend. |
Ds. Carteret. Ds. Sommers. Ds. Trevor. |
Their Lordships, or any Five of them; to meet, at the Rising of the House, in the Prince's Lodgings; and to adjourn as they please.
Dominus Cancellarius declaravit præsens Parliamentum continuandum esse usque ad et in diem Martis, vicesimum secundum diem instantis Martii, hora undecima Auroræ, Dominis sic decernentibus.