House of Lords Journal Volume 11: 13 June 1660

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 11, 1660-1666. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 11: 13 June 1660', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 11, 1660-1666( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 3 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 11: 13 June 1660', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 11, 1660-1666( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed October 3, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 11: 13 June 1660". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 11, 1660-1666. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 3 October 2024.


In this section

DIE Mercurii, 13 die Junii.

PRAYERS, by Mr. Hodges.

1 D. of Yorke.
2 D. of Gloucester.
3 D. of Bucks.
5 Marq. Newcastle.
6 Marq. Dorchester.
4 Marq. Worcester.
7 L. Chamberlain.
8 Comes Oxon.
10 Comes Derby.
29 Comes Stamford.
35 Viscount Mountagu.
25 Comes Westm'land.
16 Comes Dorsett.
18 Comes Bridgwater.
38 Viscount Campden.
20 Comes North'ton.
15 Comes Nottingham.
27 Comes Monmouth.
39 Viscount Mordant.
12 Comes Bedford.
19 Comes Leycester.
24 Comes Bollingbrooke.
17 Comes Exon.
13 Comes Pembrooke.
31 Comes Carnarvan.
11 Comes South'ton.
36 Viscount Say & Seale.
23 Comes Clare.
21 Comes Warwicke.
14 Comes Lyncolne.
22 Comes Devon.
30 Comes Winchilsea.
33 Comes Scarsdale.
34 Comes Leichfeild.
28 Comes Peterborough.
9 Comes (fn. 1) Shrewsberry.
32 Comes Portland.
37 Viscount Conway.
26 Comes Cleveland.
L. Chancellor, Speaker.
14 Ds. Robertes.
12 Ds. Tenham.
18 Ds. Coventrye.
23 Ds. Leigh.
26 Ds. Culpepper.
1 Ds. (fn. 2) Abergavenny.
9 Ds. Petre.
8 Ds. Hunsdon.
15 Ds. Craven.
24 Ds. Loughborough.
19 Ds. Mohun.
21 Ds. Fynch.
4 Ds. D'acre.
22 Ds. Seymour.
28 Ds. Rockingham.
27 Ds. Bellasis.
5 Ds. Darcy.
11 Ds. Arrundell.
3 Ds. Sandys.
25 Ds. Widdrington.
7 Ds. Willoughby.
20 Ds. Herbert.
16 Ds. Lovelace.
13 Ds. Grey.
2 Ds. De la Warr.
17 Ds. Maynard.
6 Ds. Wentworth.
10 Ds. Gerard.

L. Mountague, Privilege, and his Estate not to be sequestered.

Upon reading the Petition of the Lord Viscount Mountagu; complaining, "That he hath been (fn. 3) under Sequestration as a Recusant, though he hath never been convicted, which is contrary to Law, and the Privilege of a Peer."

It is ORDERED, That he enjoy the Privilege of Parliament, and that there be no Sequestration upon his Estate.

Answer from H. C.

Doctor Bennett and Doctor Childe return with this Answer from the House of Commons to the last Message sent down to them, concerning their Concurrence in the Petition to be presented to His Majesty, touching the issuing out a Proclamation for putting into Execution the Proclamation concerning debauched Persons: To which Petition the House of Commons agrees.

(Here enter it.)

Commission to Sir Orl. Bridgman, as Speaker in the Chancellor's Absence.

The Lord Chancellor acquainted the House, "That His Majesty hath been pleased to grant a Commission, under the Great Seal of England, to Sir Orlando Bridgman, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, to execute his Place in this House as often as the Lord Chancellor shall have Occasion to be absent."

Which Commission was read; and the House adjourned during Pleasure.

The Lord Chancellor went from the Woolsack, having other Public Occasions.

And the House being resumed;

The Lord Chief Baron sat Speaker.

Major Rolph to be apprehended.

ORDERED, That the Gentleman Usher of this House shall forthwith apprehend one Major Rolph, a dangerous Person, and bring him before this House, to answer such Accusations as shall be brought against him; and that Osborne and Dowcett shall attend this House, to give in their Testimonies against him.

ORDERED, That the Committee for Privileges do sit To-morrow in the Afternoon, at Three of the Clock.

F. of Derby's Bill for the Recovery of Lands.

Hodie 1a et 2a vice lecta est Billa, an Act, intituled, "An Act for Recovery of the Manors of Hope, Mole, and Hawarden."

ORDERED, That this Bill be committed to the Committee for Petitions; and that all other Peers that are in the like Case may have Liberty to apply themselves to the said Committee; and, if the Committee sees Cause, that such Lords may be included in this Bill.

D. of Bucks Petition.

Upon reading the Petition of the Duke of Bucks; complaining, "That he hath been put out of his Estate against Law, having never been heard:"

It is ORDERED, That the said Petition be referred to the Consideration of the Committee for Petitions, and make Report thereof to this House.

Marq. Winton and L. St. John.

ORDERED, That the Cause of the Marquis of Winton be put off from Hearing, until Monday next in the Afternoon.

Abjuration and Engagement taken against the King.

ORDERED, That it be referred to the Consideration of the Committee for Privileges, to consider whether any Peers of this House have taken the Abjuration against the King's Majesty, and what Lords have taken the Engagement to be true to a Commonwealth without King or House of Lords; and to report what they find herein.

ORDERED, That the Marquis of Newcastle be added to the Committees for Privileges and Petitions.

Trinity House Petition.

Upon Report made from the Committee for Petitions, concerning the Masters of The Trynity House, &c.

It is ORDERED, That this Report is confirmed by this House.

Doctor Hurst and others, deposed Ministers, Petition.

Upon the Report made from the Committee of Petitions, concerning Doctor Hurst and others:

It is ORDERED, That the said Report is confirmed by this House.

Trustees for Ministers.

Upon Report made concerning the Trustees for Ministers:

It is ORDERED, That the said Report is confirmed by this House.

Finch's Business.

Upon Report of Mr. Fynch's Business:

It is ORDERED, That this House confirms the said Report.

Corporation of Winchester Petition.

Upon reading the Petition of the old Corporation of the City of Winchester:

It is ORDERED, To be referred to the Committee for Petitions, to hear both Sides, and make Report to this House.

E. of Derby to have Possession of his sequestered Lands.

ORDERED, That the Earl of Derby be put into Possession of those Lands of his that are now in Sequestration, and are not passed away to any other by himself.

ORDERED, That the Lord Pawlett and the Lord Culpepper be added to the Committee for Petitions.

Major Rolph to be brought to the Bar.

ORDERED, That Major Rolph be brought in safe Custody before this House To-morrow Morning; at which Time Mr. Osborne and Mr. Dowcett shall attend, to give in their Testimony.

Petition to the King, that His Proclamation against Prophaneness may be read in Churches.

"To the King's Most Excellent Majesty.

"The humble Petition of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled.

"The Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled do bless God, that He hath put it into Your Majesty's Heart to issue out the Proclamation lately made, against vicious, debauched, and prophane Persons; and do humbly thank Your Majesty for Your pious Care therein expressed, for discountenancing and suppressing the said debauched Persons, and the Vices therein mentioned: And, that the same may take the more Effect, they do humbly pray Your Majesty, that You would be graciously pleased to issue out Proclamations, by the Advice of both Your Houses of Parliament, that each Minister, in each Parish and Chapel within this Your Realm of England and Dominion of Wales, and the Town of Berwick upon Tweede, shall and may, Once in a Month, for Six Months next following, in their respective Congregations, read the said Proclamation concerning the said debauched Persons; and may then press the observing of the Duties therein enjoined, and avoiding of the Vices therein forbidden."

Trinity House and Mountjoy, concerning the Ballastoffice.

Upon the Report of the Lords Committees for Petitions, concerning the Titles of the Master, Wardens, and Assistants, of The Trynity House, at Deptford Strand; and of the Executors and Assigns of Wm. Montjoy Esquire, deceased, to the Office of Lastage and Ballastage, and the settling of the Possession thereof:

It is ORDERED, by the Lords in Parliament assembled, That the said Master, Wardens, and Assistants, shall be, and are hereby, settled in the Possession of the said Office of Lastage and Ballastage of all Ships and Vessels whatsoever, lying between London Bridge and the Main Sea Eastwards, according to their Patent, until the Title to the said Office shall be determined by Law; they the said Master, Wardens, and Assistants, having first given Personal Security to John Browne Esquire Clerk of the Parliaments, and Henry Barker Esquire Deputy Clerk of the Crown, to be responsible for the Mean Profits of the said Office, in case the said Master, Wardens, and Assistants, shall be ejected by due Course of Law: And, to the End that no unnecessary Trouble or Delay may be put upon any Ship or other Vessel, it is further ORDERED, That, immediately upon Payment of the accustomed Duty belonging to the Ballastoffice, unto the said Master, Wardens, and Assistants, or their Deputy, the said Master, Wardens, and Assistants, or their Deputy, shall make Certificate that Payment is made accordingly; without which Certificate, it shall not be lawful for the respective Officers in the Customhouse to give forth Cockets, Contents, and other Discharges, unto any Ships or Vessels whatsoever, until the said Title be determined as aforesaid.

Doctor Hurst and other deposed Ministers to have the Fifths of their Livings.

Upon the Report of the Lords Committees for Petitions, concerning the Cases and Petition of Doctor Thomas Hurst, and other Ministers in and about Newarke:

(fn. 4) Memorandum. That a particular Order is to (fn. 2) be delivered to all the Subscribes.

It is ORDERED, by the Lords in Parliament assembled, That Four Parts of Five of the Tithes, Glebes, or Compositions, belonging to the several Parsonages, Vicarages, or Cures, of the said Doctor Hurst and others, Subscribers of the said Petition, be, by Authority hereof, secured in the Hands of the Churchwardens or Overseers of the Poor of the said several Parishes; and that they, the said Doctor Hurst and others, Subscribers to the said Petition, be, and are hereby, authorized to receive the Fifth Part of the said Tithes, Glebes, and Compositions, as formerly they have or should have done, until they shall try their Titles unto their said Parsonages, Vicarages, and Cures, by due Course of Law.

Order to clear Finch's Estate of Sequestration.

Upon the Report of the Lords Committees for Petitions:

It is ORDERED, by the Lords in Parliament assembled, That the Estate of John Finch, of Preston, in the County of Kent, Esquire, be, and is hereby, discharged of and from the Sequestration and Payment of the Rent of Fifty-four Pounds, and the Arrears thereof; and that Mr. Francis Whitwick, Receiver for the said County, and all other Officers concerned therein, are to take Notice hereof, as they will answer the contrary to this House.

D, for L. Mountague's.

Upon reading the Petition of Francis Viscount Mountague this Day in the House; shewing, "That he hath for several Years last past (upon Pretence of his being a Popish Recusant) groaned under the heavy Pressure of Sequestration of more than Two Third Parts of his Estate, to his great Prejudice, although he was never convicted of Recusancy, nor subject by the Laws of the Land to any Sequestration for that Cause:"

It is ORDERED, by the Lords in Parliament assembled, That the Petitioner, being a Peer of the Realm, ought not to have any Monies levied out of his Estate, by any Sequestrators, Receivers, Sheriffs, Bailiffs, or any other Person or Persons whatsoever; and that all such Sequestration and levying of Money out of the Estate of the said Lord Mountague is, by virtue hereof, forthwith suspended and made void, until the Merits of his Cause be fully heard, and determined by due Course of Law; any former pretended Sequestration or Seizure for his Recusancy, or Ordinance for levying any Arrears thereof due, notwithstanding: And hereof all to whom it shall or may appertain are to take Notice, and yield their Obedience hereunto, as they will answer the contrary to this House.


House adjourned till 10a cras.


  • 1. Origin. Shreswberry.
  • 2. Origin. Abergavemy.
  • 3. Deest in Originali.
  • 4. This Marginal Note is in the Original.
  • 5. Deest in Originali.