The London Eyre of 1244. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1970.
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'Rolls of the eyre: 30 Henry III, Cap. I - Cap. X (nos 269-321)', in The London Eyre of 1244, ed. Helena M Chew, Martin Weinbaum( London, 1970), British History Online [accessed 12 January 2025].
'Rolls of the eyre: 30 Henry III, Cap. I - Cap. X (nos 269-321)', in The London Eyre of 1244. Edited by Helena M Chew, Martin Weinbaum( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed January 12, 2025,
"Rolls of the eyre: 30 Henry III, Cap. I - Cap. X (nos 269-321)". The London Eyre of 1244. Ed. Helena M Chew, Martin Weinbaum(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 12 January 2025.
In this section
30 Henry III: Cap. I - Cap. X (nos 269–321)
Rolls of the eyre, 30 Henry III
Article I. Of the Old Pleas of the crown which were formerly before the king's justices and were not terminated. The City answered that the City ought to be certified by the rolls of the justices and then they could answer correctly according to the laws of the City.
270. Capitulum II. De novis placitis corone que postea emerserunt tempore pacis. Civitas respondit: vicecomites et camerarius respondeant quilibet pro tempore suo.
Article II. Of the New Pleas of the crown which arose afterwards in the time of peace. The City answered: the sheriffs and chamberlain each should answer for his own time.
271. Capitulum III. De illis qui fuerunt in misericordia domini regis et non fuerunt amerciati. Civitas respondit: dicunt quod oportet ut Civitas inde certificetur per rotulos justiciariorum ut in primo capitulo superius continetur.
Article III. Of those who were in the king's mercy and were not amerced. The citizens answer and say that the City ought to be certified by the rolls of the justices as is contained above in the first article.
272. Capitulum IIII. De debitis domino Johanni regi patri domini regis debitis in gwerra et ante gwerram que fuerunt debita et qui fuerunt debitores et si sint defuncti, qui sunt eorum heredes aut eorum bona possidentes. Civitas respondit dicens quod nullum sciunt huiusmodi debitorem nisi solummodo illos qui veniunt per summonicionem scaccarii domini regis. Et justiciarii dixerunt quod Jordanus de Turri (fn. 1) stetit in Curia Romana manifeste contra dominum suum regem Johannem quare ipse rex cepit in manum suam domum suam pro qua Robertus de Turri fecit finem per centum marcas que ad huc non sunt solute que domus capta sit in manum domini regis.
Article IV. Of the debts owing to King John father of the king due in the war and before the war, what was owing and who were the debtors and if they are dead who are their heirs and who possess their goods. The City answers saying that they know no such debtors save only those who come by summons of the king's exchequer, and the justices said that Jordan of the Tower appeared openly in the Roman Court against King John wherefore the king took into his hand his house for which Robert of the Tower made fine of 100 marks not yet paid which house is to be taken into the king's hand.
273. Capitulum V. De illis qui infra libertatem Civitatis domos aliquorum maliciose prostraverunt vel combusserunt contra pacem domini regis, qui illi sunt et quorum domus ille fuerunt et si sine licencia domini regis adinvicem inde pacem fecerint. Civitas respondit dicens quod non recolit de domibus maliciose prostratis in Civitate post ultimum iter justiciariorum nec de combussione domorum contra pacem domini regis.
Article V. Of those who within the liberty of the City maliciously overthrew or burned houses against the king's peace: who they are and whose houses they were and if they have made peace without the king's licence. The City answered that they do not recollect any houses being overthrown or burned against the king's peace since the last eyre of the justices.
274. Capitulum VI. De vallettis et puellis qui sint et esse debeant in custodia domini regis sive maritate sint, sive maritande, et si maritate, quibus et per quos et quantum terre illorum valeant. Civitas respondit dicens quod de huiusmodi demanda nichil sciunt quia ad eos non pertinet talis demanda nec unquam pertinere solebat. Justiciarius obiecit. Immo heres custodis gaole de Flete debet esse in custodia domini regis.
Article VI. Of youths and damsels who are or ought to be in the king's wardship whether they are married or still marriageable and if married by whom and through whom and what their lands are worth. The City answers that they know nothing concerning this question because such matters do not and never have belonged to them. A justice objected saying: not so, the heiress of the keeper of Fleet Prison ought to be in the king's wardship.
275. Capitulum VII. De seriantiis domini regis que sint, et qui illas teneant et per quem et cuiusmodi seriantie sunt et quantum valeant. Civitas respondit dicens quod Radulfus de Grandone tenet custodiam gaole de Flete per serianciam de hereditate uxoris sue que habet plures redditus. Item Otto filius Willelmi tenet custodiam cuney domini regis de moneta per dominum regem ad gravandum eundem cuneum cum opus fuerit, et habet redditus in Civitate ad eandem seriantiam pertinentes, qui valent per annum xlv s. vj d. Item Robertus de Sottebroke tenuit seriantiam ut inveniret carbonem ad aurifabricandam coronam domini regis et ad alia jocalia domini regis, et nescitur quid valet, quam seriantiam modo tenet Laurencius Pannarius.
Article VII. Of the king's serjeanties what they were and who holds them and through whom and of what kind they are and how much they are worth. The City answers that Ralph of Grendon holds the keepership of Fleet Prison by serjeanty through the inheritance of his wife who has various rents. Also Otto fitz William holds the keepership of the die of the king's money by the king's grant on condition of engraving the die when necessary and has rents in the City belonging to the serjeanty which are worth yearly 45s. 6d. Also Robert de Sottebroke held the serjeanty of finding the coal to make the goldsmith's work of the king's crown and other jewels and it is not known what it is worth because Laurence the Draper now holds the serjeanty.
276. Capitulum VIII. De ecclesiis que sunt et esse debent de donacione domini regis, que sint et quis illas teneat et per quem. Civitas respondit dicens quod ecclesia Sancti Pauli Londoniarum et Sancti Martini Magni et Sancti Petri de Ballio et capella Beate Marie in Judaismo sunt in donacione domini regis, et tamen videtur eis quod ecclesia Omnium Sanctorum de Fancherche et ecclesia Sancti Magni Martiris, et ecclesia Sancti Audoeni et ecclesia Sancti Michaelis ubi bladum venditur, et ecclesia Sancti Petri super Thamisiam, et ecclesia Sancti Alphegi, que site sunt in chemino domini regis et ecclesia Omnium Sanctorum super murum Civitatis, et ecclesia Sancti Augustini super eundem, debeant pertinere domino regi et esse in sua donacione.
Article VIII. Of churches which are and ought to be in the king's gift which they are and who holds them and through whom. The City answers saying that the churches of St. Paul London and St. Martin le Grand and St. Peter in the Bailey and the chapel of the Blessed Mary in Jewry are in the king's gift and further it seems to them that the churches of All Hallows Fenchurch and St. Magnus the Martyr and St. Audoen and St. Michael le Querne and St. Peter Paul's Wharf and St. Alphage which are situated on the king's highway and the church of All Hallows London Wall and St. Augustine [Papey] which are situated on the City wall ought to belong to the king and be in his gift.
277. Capitulum IX. De eschaetis domini regis tarn de tenementis judeorum quam christianorum quis illam teneat et per quem et per quod servicium, et quantum valeant. Civitas respondit dicens quod non pertinet ad eos de eschaetis tenementorum judeorum, set ad constabularium Turris Londoniarum et ad justiciarios judeorum assignatos quia judei domini regis sunt, nec aliquo tempore de judeis aliquid Civitati pertinebat, et ideo constabularius Turris et justiciarii judeorum de terris et tenementis judeorum domino regi tenentur respondere.
Article IX. Of the king's escheats as well of the tenements of Jews as of Christians who holds them and through whom and by what service and how much they are worth. The City answers that the escheats of Jews are not their business but of the constable of the Tower of London and the justices assigned to the Jews because the Jews belong to the king, nor has anything to do with them ever belonged to the City and therefore the constable of the Tower and the justices of the Jews are bound to answer to the king for their lands and tenements.
278. Capitulum X. De eschaetis tenementorum christianorum. Civitas respondit dicens quod nulla eschaeta est in Civitate super aliquem qui sit de libertate Civitatis nisi forte usurarius fuerit, vel convictus de felonia vel a fide domini regis discesserit, et de huiusmodi eschaetis habet dominus rex eschaetas omnes per se. Ita quod domini feodorum illorum post annum et diem completum, nichil habere nec clamare possunt de illis nisi tantummodo servicium suum annuale, set si aliquis baronum vel militum vel aliorum quicumque sint terrain in Civitate habeant, et fuerit in fide domini regis, et postea a fide sua discesserit, dominus rex de terris illis placita ad voluntatem suam faciat.
Article X. Of escheats of tenements of Christians. The City answers that escheat does not apply to anyone within the liberty of the City unless by chance he is a usurer or a convicted felon or a traitor and such escheats belong to the king of right so that the lords of the fees after the completion of a year and a day can neither have nor claim any right in them save only the annual service; but if any baron or knight or other person whatever has land in the City and has been of the king's allegiance and withdraws from it the king may at will institute proceedings concerning their lands.
279. Inquisicio per justiciarios a civibus utrum sciant huiusmodi terras et eschaetas in Civitate. Civitas respondit dicens quod Willelmus Martel dum esset in fide domini regis habuit quandam socam in Civitate et postquam a fide domini regis discessit, cepit earn dominus rex in manu sua quam dimisit Willelmo de Wrotham, set nescitur utrum dominus rex ei eam postea donaret vel non. Willelmus vero de Wrotham illam dedit Josceo filio Petri in maritagium cum parente sua quam idem Josceus tenuit per servicium unius (? manchee) de scarleto, per annum, reddendo Henrico de Oylly, qui valuit in ultimo itinere justiciariorum 1 s. et modo tenet eam Nicholaus filius Joscei predicti et nescitur quid valet.
Enquiry by the justices of the citizens whether they know of such lands and escheats in the City. The City answers saying that William Martel was in the king's allegiance and had a soke in the City and afterwards he departed from the king's allegiance and the king took it into his hand. And demised it to William of Wrotham but it is not known whether the king afterwards gave it to him or not, but William de Wrotham gave it to Joce fitz Peter as a marriage portion with his kinswoman and Joce held it by the service of a manche [ ? sleeve or mantle] of scarlet yearly rendering the same to Henry de Oylly which at the last eyre of the justices was worth 50s. and now Nicholas son of Joce holds it and it is not known what it is worth.
280. Item Martinus de Vyrle civis Rothomagensis habuit quandam terram in Melkstrete, et aliam in Bredstrete, et cum a fide domini regis discesserit, rex illam cepit in manu sua, et postea illas donavit Bernerio de Rothomago servienti suo qui illas diu tenuit, unde Leo judeus unam tenet in Melkstrate quam emit de dicto Bernerio et valet per annum xl s. Aliam vero terram in Bredstrete tenuit Josceus Spiciarius de dono domini regis tunc temporis vacuum. Modo autem Christina que fuit uxor eiusdem Joscei in parte hospitatam.
Item Martin de Vyrle citizen of Rouen had some land in Milk Street and some in Bread Street and when he departed from the king's allegiance the king took them into his hand and afterwards gave them to Berner of Rouen, his servant, who held them a long time. Now Leo the Jew holds the land in Milk Street; he bought it of Berner, and it is worth 40s. a year but the other land in Bread Street Joce the Spicer held of the gift of the king but it was vacant at that time but now Christine who was Joce's wife has in part built on it.
281. Item dicunt quod alia terra est in Corveisestrete de qua Hamo Pincerna domini regis habuit per annum ij marcas et dimidiam quas vendidit Willelmo Camerario antequam discessit a fide domini regis quam scilicet terrain Johannes Travers in ultimo itinere justiciariorum tenuit de dimisione Willelmi Camerarii predicti, modo autem Galfridus de Wyntonia per maritagium cum uxore sua.
Item they say that there is another piece of land in Cordwainer Street which Hamo the king's butler held for 2½ marks a year, which he sold to William the Chamberlain before he departed from the king's allegiance, which land in the last eyre of the justices John Travers held by lease from William the Chamberlain but Geoffrey of Winchester now holds it as a marriage portion with his wife.
282. Item dicunt quod alia terra que fuit Russel usurarii ex opposito terre que fuit Martini Boydin quam Andreas Trentemars tenuit de conventu de Mertone que valet j marcam per annum. Modo autem illam tenet conventus de Mertone et venit prior de Mertone et protulit cartam domini regis.
Item they say that other land which belonged to [Richard] Russel the usurer is opposite the lands which belonged to Martin Boydin which Andrew Trentemars held of the convent of Merton and it is worth 1 mark yearly, now however the convent of Merton holds it and the prior comes and proffers the king's charter.
283. Item alia terra est in vico Sancti Laurencii in Judaismo in qua mansit relicta Ricardi Gowel quam rex Johannes dedit Galfrido le Sauser, et idem Galfridus eam tenuit usque ad ultimum iter justiciariorum que tunc temporis valuit per annum xl solidos, modo autem est vacua. Tenet . . . (fn. 2)
Item there is other land in St. Lawrence Street in Jewry, in which lived the relict of Richard Gowel which King John gave to Geoffrey le Sauser and Geoffrey held it at the last eyre of the justices, when it was worth 40s.; but it is now vacant. He holds . . .
284. Item dicunt quod terra est in Vinetria in qua mansit Adam Vinetarius de qua Josceus Vinitarius reddidit per annum domino regi xx solidos quos dominus rex dedit Josceo Speciario.
Item they say that in Vintry is land in which there lived Adam the Vintner for which Joce the Vintner rendered to the king 20s. yearly which the king gave to Joce the Spicer.
285. Item dicunt quod quedam terra est in Colemanstrate que fuit Roberti filii Edithe unde dominus rex habet per annum vij solidos de firma ad scaccarium suum.
Item they say that there is land in Coleman Street which belonged to Robert son of Edith whence the king has 7s. farm at his exchequer.
286. Item terra que fuit Alani Ceyl (fn. 3) quam dominus rex Johannes dedit Huberto de Burgo. Et postea illam gratia sua reddidit heredibus ipsius Alani.
Item the land that belonged to Alan Ceyl which King John gave to Hubert de Burgh and afterwards as an act of grace, he restored the same to the heirs of Alan.
287. Item terre que fuerunt Costantini filii Alulphi et terre que fuerunt Costantini filii Ade reddite fuerunt heredibus illorum per gratiam domini regis sicut in alio itinere ostensum fuit justiciariis.
The lands which belonged to Constantine fitz Alulph and the lands which belonged to Constantine fitz Adam were restored to their heirs as an act of the king's grace, as was shown to the justices at the last eyre.
288. Item domus que fuit Wydonis de Vo in Bassingeshawe est eschaeta domini regis quam dominus rex Johannes dedit Galfrido filio Petri. Et postea dominus Henricus rex tertius dedit eandem Johanni filio Galfridi qui adhuc earn tenet.
Item the house which belonged to Guy de Vo in Bassishaw is the king's escheat which King John gave to Geoffrey fitz Peter and afterwards King Henry III gave the same to John son of Geoffrey who still holds it.
289. Item terre que fuerunt Willelmi Thurstan quas dominus rex dedit Henrico de Burgo et postea Thome de Blunville et postea Radulfo Parmentario. Idem vero Radulfus uxorem suam de terris illis dotavit et mortuo illo Radulfo, uxor eius illas tenuit usque ad gwerram. Et postea Isabella comitissa Glovernie quandam partem terrarum illarum que fuerunt de feodo suo in manum suam cepit et tenuit. Postea vero Gilbertus de Clara comes Glovernie de illa feoffavit Robertum de Basinge, qui illam tenuit usque ad ultimum iter justiciariorum. Modo autem Reginaldus de Bungeye et Radulfus de Ely illam tenent. Aliquas vero terras dicti Willelmi, que non sunt de feodo comitis Glovernie, tenent modo canonici Sancti Pauli et Walterus Buk, per uxorem suam que fuit filia Andree Nevelun et quandam sopam tenet Robertus Auguillun per uxorem suam que scopa est in Westchepe, et venit filia Radulfi Steperang et profert cartam domini regis Johannis.
Item the lands which belonged to William Thurstan which the king gave to Henry de Burgh and after to Thomas de Blunville and afterwards to Ralph the Parmenter; the same Ralph endowed his wife with them, and on his death, his wife held them until the war, and afterwards Isabel countess of Gloucester took into her hand and held part of those lands which were of her fee, and afterwards Gilbert de Clare earl of Gloucester enfeoffed therewith Robert of Basing, who held them at the last eyre of the justices. Now however Reginald of Bungay and Ralph of Ely hold them but other lands of the same William which are not of the fee of the earl of Gloucester are now held by the canons of St. Paul's and Walter Buk' who holds in right of his wife who was the daughter of Andrew Nevelun and Robert Auguillun holds a shop in right of his wife, which shop is in Westcheap, and the daughter of Ralph Steperang comes and proffers a charter of King John.
290. Item dicunt quod terra que fuit Radulfi Borwoldin in vico Sancti Michaelis de Candelwykstrate versus vicum Fullonum postquam idem Radulfus utlagatus fuit, Hugo de Neville cepit earn in manum suam quia est de feodo suo, set nescitur quo warranto illam cepit. Et postea dimisit earn Gilberto de Aquila parmentario [pro] (fn. 4) ij d. vel j libra cimini per annum que valet annuatim xl s. Modo autem illam tenet magister Johannes Romanus de Eboraco.
Item they say that the lands which belonged to Ralph Borwoldin in the lane of St. Michael Candlewick Street [Miles's Lane] near Fullers' Lane Hugh de Neville took into his hand after Ralph was outlawed, because it is part of his fee, but it is not known by what warrant he took it. Afterwards he demised it to Gilbert de Laigle, parmenter, for 2d. or 1 lb. of cumin a year. It is worth 40s. yearly but now master John Roman of York holds it.
291. Item terra que fuit Willelmi Barbatoris que est iuxta ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis ubi venditur bladum est eschaeta domini regis, qui discessit a fide domini regis sicut ostensum est in presenti placito.
Item the land which belonged to William with the Beard which is next the church of St. Michael [le Querne] where they sell corn, is an escheat of the king, because he departed from the king's allegiance as is shown in the present plea.
292. Item quoddam gardinum extra Aldresgate, quedam shopa in Sopereslane.
Item a garden outside Aldersgate and a shop in Soper's Lane.
293. Item quedam terra est in parochia Sancti Petri Parvi super Thamisiam in qua quondam fuit celarium domini regis [ad] (fn. 5) reponenda vina sua, quam vero terram dominus rex dedit Roberto Here fabro unde dominus rex debet habere per annum unam galeam deauratam vel j marcam argenti; modo autem eam tenet Terricus Colonensis de Stanford qui postea tulit cartam domini regis et habuit seisinam suam.
Respice in dorso.
Item some land in the parish of St. Peter the Less upon Thames [Paul's Wharf] in which was formerly the king's cellar for storing his wine which land the king gave Robert Here the smith from whence the king ought to have yearly a gilded helmet or one mark of silver but now Terry, the Colognese, of Stamford holds it who afterwards produced a royal charter and had his seisin.
The remainder on the dorse.
294. [m. 7d] Et memorandum quod omnes terre et redditus de quibus mencio fit in eschaetis exceptis terris Costantini filii Alulphi et Costantini filii Ade precipiente justiciario capte sunt in manu domini regis in crastino per vicecomites donee scitur qui illas teneant et per quem warrantum. Et preceptum est ut vicecomites inquirant quantum valeant per annum. Be it remembered that all the lands and rents of which mention was made in the escheats except the lands of Constantine fitz Alulph and Constantine fitz Adam were by order of the justice taken into the king's hand on the morrow by the sheriffs until it be known who holds them and by what warrant and the sheriffs are ordered to enquire how much they are worth a year.
295. Item (fn. 6) medietas mesuagii quod fuit Joscei Juvenis in parochia Sancti Nicholai Hacun capta est in manum domini regis per preceptum justiciariorum quia datum fuit eis intelligi quod illa medietas fuit aliquando Willelmi cum Barba quam invadiavit Ricardo fratri suo ad peregrinacionem suam versus terram sanctam perficiendam que quidem pars debuit reverti dicto Willelmo eo anno quo suspensus fuit.
The following was not presented by the City. Item half a messuage that belonged to Joce Juvene in the parish of St. Nicholas Acon was taken into the king's hand by order of the justices because they were given to understand that it belonged at one time to William with the Beard, who pledged it to Richard his brother when he made his pilgrimage to the Holy Land and which ought to have reverted to William the year he was hanged.
296. Item (fn. 7) quoddam mesuagium captum est in manu domini regis quod fuit Radulfi Eswy primi in Ismongerlane per preceptum justiciariorum quibus datum fuit intelligi quod quidam judeus nomine Joceus filius David illud tradidit in introitu guerre dicto Radulfo per collusionem ut warrantizaret contra barones. Et sic remansit dictum mesuagium dicto Radulfo. Ita quod judeus illud nunquam postea potuit recuperare quod scilicet mesuagium in tali casu deberet esse domino regi.
The following was not presented by the City. Item a messuage which belonged to Ralph Eswy the first in Ironmonger Lane was taken into the king's hand by order of the justices who were given to understand that a Jew named Joce son of David handed it over to Ralph by collusion at the beginning of the war that he might vouch for him against the barons; and thus it remained to the said Ralph so that the Jew could never afterwards recover it. In this case the messuage ought to belong to the king.
297. Item (fn. 8) preceptum est per justiciarios ut domus que fuit Bernardi de Salet capiatur in manum domini regis quia datum fuit eis intelligi quod ipse obiit intestatus et insuper dicunt justiciarii, quod licet ipse fecisset testamentum, non potuit domos, nec terras suas sicut cives Londoniarum possunt, alicui legare, quia non fuit de libertate Civitatis sicut eis videtur. Maior respondit dicens: Hoc non concedimus per judicium set oportet ut habeamus sufficientem deliberacionem inde loquendi quia casus iste novus est quantum ad nos et spectat ad multos magnates regni qui habent terras in Civitate et revera foranei semper usi sunt sicut et nos usque ad presens tempus ad terras suas vendendas assignandas et etiam legandas cuicumque voluerint.
The following was not presented by the City. Item the justices ordered that the house which belonged to Bernard de Salet should be taken into the king's hand because they were given to understand that he died intestate, and they say that even if he made a testament he could not like the citizens of London devise to anyone his houses or lands because as it seems to them he did not belong to the liberty of the City. The mayor replied: We do not grant this by judgment but it is necessary that we should give the matter sufficient consideration since the case is new as far as we are concerned and affects many magnates of the kingdom, who have lands in the City and in truth many foreigners have always been accustomed like us up to the present to sell, assign or even devise their lands to whomsoever they would.
298. Walterus (fn. 9) Bukerel habuit quandam domum in parochia Sancti Laurencii super Thamisiam quam dedit Ade de Wyntonia in maritagium cum sorore sua antequam abiuravit regnum, et postquam dictus Walterus rediit mortua sorore sua sine herede, reversa est dicta domus eidem Waltero quam vendidit Folbrigto Teutonico et nunc tenet eam relicta eiusdem Folbrigti.
Escheat presented on the feast of St. Barnabas the Apostle [11 June 1244]. Walter Bukerel had a house in the parish of St. Lawrence upon Thames which he gave to Adam of Winchester in marriage with his sister before he abjured the realm and after he returned, his sister being dead without an heir, the house reverted to Walter, who sold it to Folbright the German and now his widow holds it.
299. Item quedam domus capta est in manum domini regis que fuit Ricardi Ruff in vico de Garscherche per preceptum justiciariorum quia datum fuit eis intelligi quod ipsa fuerat aliquando Willelmi cum Barba set non per presentacionem civium.
Item a house which belonged to Richard Rufus in Gracechurch Street was taken into the king's hand by order of the justices because they were given to understand that it belonged at one time to William with the Beard, but not by presentation of the citizens.
300. Memorandum (fn. 10) quod in presentibus placitis proposuerunt justiciarii civibus ut certificarent eos de omnibus eschaetis que fuerunt regi sive patri suo eschaete a tempore quo justiciarii ultimo itineraverunt apud Turrim tempore regis Johannis et dixerunt quod si quid factum fuit ad preiudicium domini regis postea per justiciaries itineraries non deberet esse stabile quia dominus rex fuit infra etatem. Similiter de fugitivis si quis rediit post fugam sine warranto et utlagatis et eorum catallis et si quis ea habuerat. Et de fugitivorum et utlagatorum receptoribus unde cives multum erant gravati semper hoc calumpniantes et dicentes quod quicquid justiciarii itinerantes in preteritis temporibus terminaverint de iure deberet stare. Et videbatur eis quod dominus rex a die quo coronatus fuit semper fuerat rex sicut tune fuit et hoc patens est per datum brevis sui; hac de causa cepit dominus rex Civitatem in manu sua dicens quod cives recettaverunt Walterum Bukerel contra pacem suam qui abiuraverat regnum suum; et dixit si dictus Walterus habuit licenciam redeundi in Angliam per eum, quod ipse tune temporis fuit infra etatem, et oporteret ut cum ipse foret in plena etate quod dictus Walterus adquisisset breve suum de warranto; et cum non fecisset, ipse fuit receptatus per cives contra pacem domini regis, quod maior et cives semper calumpniaverunt, set nichil profuit. Illo tempore, hac de causa, fecit finem Civitas versus dominum regem pro mille libris ad rehabendum Civitatem quam ipse ceperat in manu sua pro predicta causa.
Be it remembered that during the present pleas the justices proposed to the citizens that they should certify them of all escheats which had escheated to the king or his father from the time when the justices last held their eyre at the Tower in the time of King John; and they said that if anything was done to the prejudice of the king it ought not afterwards by the itinerant justices to be held stable because the king was under age; likewise of fugitives who returned after flight without warrant and outlaws and their chattels if they had any and the City was very heavily burdened on account of the harbourers of fugitives and outlaws, always challenging this and saying that whatever the justices itinerant determined in past days should stand. And it seemed to them that the king had always been king since the day of his coronation as was evident from the date of his writ; and for this reason the king took the City into his hand saying that the citizens had harboured Walter Bukerel against his peace, who had abjured his realm. And he said that if Walter had licence to return to England through him he was at that time under age, and it was necessary that when he was of full age Walter ought to have acquired his writ of warrant, and as he did not do it he was harboured by the citizens against the peace of the king, which the mayor and citizens have always challenged but it profited them nothing. At that time, for this cause, the City made fine to the king for £1,000 to have again the City which he had taken into his hand for the said cause.
301. Recapitulacio quorundam capitulorum de placitis corone unde cives responderunt apud Turrim, anno regni regis Henrici filii regis Johannis xxviij° et quorundam aliorum capitulorum que dominus rex preposuit que scilicet capitula terminata fuerunt anno eiusdem regis xxx apud Sanctum Martinum Magnum (fn. 11) in festo Sancti Hillarii coram domino Willelmo de Eboraco, Johanne filio Galfridi justiciariis a domino rege ad hoc assignatis.
Et postea in die Dominica sequenti et in die Martis et Mercurii ante Conversionem Sancti Pauli coram eisdem justiciary's et aliis fidelibus domini regis.
Recapitulation of certain articles of pleas of the crown for which the citizens answered at the Tower in 28 Henry III and of certain other articles which the king proposed which were terminated in the thirtieth year of the same king at St. Martin le Grand on the feast of St. Hilary [13 Jan. 1246] before the lord William of York and John fitz Geoffrey justices of the king assigned for this purpose. And afterwards on the following Sunday [14 Jan.] and on Tuesday and Wednesday before the Conversion of St. Paul [23 and 24 Jan.] before the same justices and other faithful of the king.
302. De omnibus escaetis Civitatis Londoniarum a tempore Henrici regis avi predicti regis tarn de ecclesiis, domibus, redditibus, gardinis, terris et aliis et quod dampnum dominus rex et predecessores sui habuerunt de concelamento ipsarum eschaetarum, tam tempore pacis quam gwerre et qui tenuerunt illas eschaetas, et qui modo illas tenent. Civitas respondit dicens quod in ultimo itinere justiciariorum apud Turrim Londoniarum responsum fuit et irrotulatum in rotulo domini regis de valore nichil sciunt, set inquiratur per censuram ecclesiasticam de terris, gardinis, domibus et redditibus, dicit Civitas quod nichil inde sciunt preter domum que fuit Roberti le Herre sicut presentatum fuit apud Turrim Londoniarum; in illa domo posita fuerunt aliquando vina domini regis quam postea Ricardus rex dedit cuidam Roberto pro servicio suo reddendo inde per annum domino regi unam galeam deauratam vel j marcam argenti. (fn. 12)
Of all the escheats of the City of London from the time of King Henry grandfather of the present king as well of churches, houses, rents, gardens, lands and other things and what damage the king and his predecessors suffered from the concealment of the same escheats, as well in the time of peace as of war, and who held the escheats, and who now holds them. The City answers that in the last eyre of the justices at the Tower of London it was answered and enrolled in the king's roll that they knew nothing of their value, but that there was to be an enquiry by ecclesiastical census of lands, gardens, houses and rents, [about which] the City replies that it knows nothing save concerning the house which belonged to Robert le Herre as was presented at the Tower of London in which house was at one time kept the king's wine, and afterwards King Richard gave the same to Robert for the yearly service of a gilded helmet or one mark of silver.
303. De eschaetis dicunt cives quod quedam domus quam cives presentaverunt apud Turrim quam scilicet Bernerus de Rothomago habuit de dono domini regis Johannis est in Melkstrete quam modo tenet Leo judeus et valet per annum xl solidos. De tempore dicunt quod est circa xxx annos et amplius.
Of the escheats the citizens say that the house which they presented at the Tower as having been given to Berner of Rouen of the gift of King John is in Milk Street, now Leo the Jew holds it and it is worth 40s. yearly. Of the time they say it was about thirty years or more.
304. Item domus que fuit Waited Bukerel que presentata fuit apud Turrim valet per annum ij marcas et dimidiam sine servicio debito; de tempore dicunt quod est circa xvj annos unde Ricardus Renger (fn. 13) et heredes sui receperunt redditum per xj annos scilicet quolibet anno xx solidos et idem Ricardus recepit de Folbricto Estrensio qui dictam domum emit lij m. premanibus.
Item the house which belonged to Walter Bukerel which was presented at the Tower is worth 2½ marks yearly without service due; of the time they say it was about 16 years, since Richard Renger and his heirs received the rent for 11 years to wit 20s. a year and Richard received from Folbright the Easterling 52 marks down for the same house.
305. De domibus que fuerunt Bernardi de Salet fuit responsum apud Turrim et testantur cives quod idem Bernardus fecit fidelitatem domino regi et Edwardo filio eius et obiit in fide domini regis et quod non est eschaeta.
Of the houses which belonged to Bernard de Salet answer was made at the Tower and the citizens testify that Bernard did fealty to the king and to Edward his son and died in the king's fealty and therefore it is not an escheat.
306. De soka Willelmi Martel responsum fuit apud Turrim quod valuit aliquando 1 solidos per annum. Modo autem valet xj solidos et viij denarios quia Fratres Minores hospitaverunt ibidem qui tenent magnam partem illius soke; de tempore dicunt quod est circa xxxv annos et Joceus filius Petri qui illam habuit cum uxore sua et Nicholaus filius eius illam tenuerunt per totum predictum tempus.
Of the soke of William Martel it was answered at the Tower it was once worth 50s. a year and is now worth 11s. 8d. because the Friars Minor built on it who now hold a large part of the soke; of the time they say it is about thirty-five years and Joce fitz Peter who held it with his wife and Nicholas his son held it for the whole of that time.
307. De duabus marcis redditus et dimidia que fuerunt Hamonis Pincerne in Corveisestrete, responsum fuit apud Turrim et omnes aldermanni testantur quod idem Hamo vendidit dictum redditum per quatuor annos antequam recessit a fide domini regis.
Of 2½ marks rent which belonged to Hamo the Butler in Cordwainer Street it was answered at the Tower and now all the aldermen testify that Hamo sold the said rent four years before he left the king's allegiance.
308. De tribus mesuagiis in vico Sancti Laurencii in Judaismo responsum fuit apud Turrim et dicunt aldermanni quod Galfridus Salsarius (fn. 14) tenuit dicta mesuagia de dono domini regis Johannis et cepit inde exitus per novem annos qui obiit sine liberis. Postea vastata fuerunt per ignem. Tune venit Willelmus Salsarius (fn. 14) domine regine et profert cartam domini regis Johannis. Dicunt justiciarii quod ostendat eam domino regi.
Of three messuages in St. Lawrence Street in Jewry it was answered at the Tower and the aldermen now say that Geoffrey the Saucer held the same messuages of the gift of King John and took the issues from them for nine years, who died without heirs; afterwards they were laid waste by fire. Then came William the Saucer of the queen and showed King John's charter, but the justices say that he should show it to the king.
309. [m. 8] De quadam terra que fuit Roberti filii Edithe responsum fuit etc. quam Petrus films Alani et Rogerus filius Rogeri tenent qui reddunt inde per annum vij solidos ad scaccarium domini regis et testatum est per aldermannos quod vix valet tantum.
Of some land which belonged to Robert son of Edith it was answered that Peter son of Alan and Roger son of Roger hold it and render yearly 7s. at the king's exchequer, and it is now testified by the aldermen that it is hardly worth it.
310. De uno mesuagio quod Ricardus Russel tenet in vico de Garscherche, et de medietate mesuagii quod fuit Joscei Juvenis in parochia Sancti Nicholai Hakun responsum fuit etc. et dicunt aldermanni quod ipsa fuerunt Willelmi cum Barba et sunt eschaete domini regis. De tempore dicunt quod est circa 1 annos, set dictum mesuagium integrum tarde fuit hospitatum, scilicet circa x annos, et valet per annum xx solidos; medietatem vero dicti mesuagii tenuit Ricardus filius Osberti frater (fn. 15) Willelmi cum Barba circa xxij annos qui eam vendidit Josceo Juveni qui eam tenuit per xv annos; uxor autem dicti Joscei modo tenet eam nomine dotis que scilicet medietas valet per annum xx solidos; capiantur in manum domini regis, et de alia medietate loquendum, quia Simon filius Marie dixit coram justiciariis quod totum mesuagium illud fuit Willelmi cum Barba.
Of a messuage which Richard Russel holds in Gracechurch Street and of the half messuage which belonged to Joce Juvene in the parish of St. Nicholas Acon, it was answered before and the aldermen now say that they belonged to William with the Beard, and are escheats of the king; of the time they say it was about fifty years but the whole of that messuage was slowly built up to wit about ten years and it is worth yearly 20s. but Richard the son of Osbert the brother of William with the Beard held half of the same messuage for about twenty-two years and sold it to Joce Juvene who held it for fifteen years. The wife of the said Joce now holds it as dower which half is worth 20s. yearly. Let them be taken into the king's hand and let a discussion be held about the other half because Simon fitz Mary said before the justices that the whole of that messuage belonged to William with the Beard.
311. De quadam terra Radulfi filii Burwoldi utlagati responsum fuit etc. et Gilbertus de Aquila hospitavit eam xiij annis elapsis, et tenuit vastam per x annos et vendidit eam magistro Johanni Romano de Eboraco qui nunc eam tenet et valet per annum xl solidos et R. de Burgo dixit quod finis factus fuit pro illa terra ad scaccarium domini regis. Ideo loquendum inde ad scaccarium.
Of certain land of Ralph son of Burwold the outlaw. It was answered: Gilbert de Laigle built it up thirteen years ago and held it waste for ten years and sold it to master John Roman of York who now holds it and it is worth 40s. yearly and R. de Burgh said that a fine had been made at the king's exchequer for that land. Therefore let it be asked at the exchequer.
312. De domo Adriani Eswy responsum fuit apud Turrim et quia datum fuit intelligi justiciariis quod domus illa fuit Joscei judei eo tempore quo ipse judeus fuit in debito regis Johannis de iiijxx libris, preceptum fuit maiori ut verum inquiratur. Facta vero inquisicione per homines de iiij or wardis testatum est quod nunquam dictus Josceus fuit de illa domo vestitus neque seisitus, nec de aliqua parte dicte domus, nec fuit vadium domini regis. Inquiratur ad scaccarium si dicta domus sit onerata in debito an non de iiijxx libris.
Of the house of Adrian Eswy it was answered at the Tower and because the justices were given to understand that the house which belonged to Joce the Jew, when the aforesaid Jew was £80 in the debt of King John, it was ordered that the mayor enquire into the truth of the matter. Indeed, after an inquest made by men of the four wards it was testified that Joce was never vested with that house nor was he seised nor held any part of it nor was he the pledge of the king. Let it be enquired of the exchequer whether the house was burdened with a debt of £80 or not.
313. De aliis eschaetis terminatum fuit apud Turrim.
The other escheats were terminated at the Tower.
314. De usurariis christianis vivis sive mortuis, qui sunt vel qui fuerunt et que catalla habuerunt et ad quorum manus devenerunt, dicunt cives quod inde nichil amplius sciunt quam responsum fuit apud Turrim; set quia dominus rex posuerat eos ad responsum de Gode la Gablere, dicunt quod dicta Goda vixit circa xx annos vel amplius postquam penituit et penitenciam suam cepit a domino Ricardo episcopo Londiniensi (fn. 16) coram canonicis Sancti Pauli et abiuravit peccatum suum et reddidit pluribus de quibus usuram ceperat valorem usure, et postea reddidit se in domum Sancte Marie de Suwerke et ibidem vixit soror in bona vita et honesta per longum tempus et bene obiit ut intelleximus.
Of Christian usurers alive or dead who they are or were and what chattels they had and to whose hands they have come. The citizens say that they know nothing more than they answered at the Tower, but because the king has laid upon them the duty of answering concerning Goda la Gablere they say that the said Goda lived about twenty years or more after she repented and she received her penance from the lord Richard bishop of London in the presence of the canons of St. Paul and abjured her sin and returned to many from whom she had taken usury the value of the usury and afterwards she retired to the house of St. Mary of Southwark, and there lived as a sister a good and honest life for a long time and died a good death as we understand.
315. Capitulum X. (fn. 17) De debitis domino regi sive predecessoribus suis non solutis. Civitas respondit, dicunt quod inde nichil sciunt nisi per magnam summonicionem scaccarii sicut responsum fuit apud Turrim.
Article X. Of debts of the king or his predecessors which have not been paid. The City answered that they know nothing thereof unless by the great summons of the exchequer as answer was made at the Tower.
316. Memorandum quod mille marce accomodate fuerunt Ludowyco filio regis Francie a civibus Londoniarum, quas missas eisdem civibus [sic] Serlo le Mercer tune maior, Salamon de Basinge, Willelmus filius Benedicti, Henricus de Sancto Albano, Willelmus Hardello. Et Henricus de Sancto Albano et Willelmus Hardel inde solverunt c marcas tantummodo, et sic retro sunt dcccc marce. Requisitum fuit utrum dicte mille marce accomodate fuerunt de tota communa sive a separatis. Dicunt quod a personis separatis.
Note that 1,000 marks were lent to Louis son of the French king by the citizens of London which were sent to him by the citizens, Serlo le Mercer then mayor, Solomon of Basing, William fitz Benet, Henry of St. Albans, and William Hardel. And Henry of St. Albans and William Hardel paid 100 marks only and thus they are 900 marks in arrears. Asked whether the 1,000 marks were lent by the whole commune or separately they say by separate persons.
317. Eschaeta. Due marce redditus que fuerunt Marsilie Sperlenge que abiuravit regnum in warda Roberti Hardel quas Radulfus Sperlenge tenuit, capiantur in manum domini regis et dictus Radulfus teneat capitale mesuagium suum in pace.
Escheats. Two marks rent which belonged to Marsilia Sperlenge who abjured the realm in the ward of Robert Hardel [Bridge Ward] which Ralph Sperlenge held are to be taken into the king's hand and Ralph is to hold his capital messuage in peace.
318. De seriantiis. De seriantiis sicut responsum fuit apud Turrim dicunt quod Otto filius Willelmi tenet de domino rege in Civitate xl s. et vj d. assisi redditus et extra Civitatem in comitatu Essexie unum manerium de Lillestone per seriantiam ad gravandum cuneum monetarie in Civitate Londoniarum cum opus fuerit.
Of serjeanties. As was answered at the Tower they say that Otto fitz William held of the king in the City 40s. 6d. rent of assize, and outside the
City in the county of Essex a manor at Lilystone by serjeanty for engraving the die of the money in the City of London when necessary.
319. Robertus de Sotebroke tenuit in Civitate quoddam mesuagium in Garstrate per seriantiam inveniendi carbonem ad fabricandum coronam domini regis et suum regale. Robertus obiit et Laurencius Draperius modo tenet illam, nescitur quo warranto. Ideo capiatur in manu domini regis cum omnibus pertinenciis suis, et maior et vicecomites Londoniarum respondeant de omnibus exitibus serianterie predicte a tempore ultimi itineris usque ad diem istum quia tunc preceptum fuit maiori et vicecomitibus quod serianteriam illam caperent in manum domini regis quia illa vendita fuit sine domino rege.
Robert de Sotebroke held in the City a messuage in Gracechurch Street by the serjeanty of finding coal for making the king's crown and his regalia. Robert has died and Laurence the Draper now holds it, it is not known by what warrant. Therefore let it be taken into the king's hand and all its appurtenances and the mayor and sheriffs of London are to answer for all the issues of the said serjeanty from the last eyre until the present day because then the mayor and sheriffs were ordered that the serjeanty should be taken into the king's hand because it was sold without reference to him.
320. Item heres Roberti de Levelaund quam Ricardus de Grendone desponsavit tenet serianteriam gaole de Flete cum Portsoka (fn. 18) et valet per annum xviij libras.
Item the heiress of Robert de Levelaund whom Richard of Grendon had married holds the serjeanty of Fleet Prison with Portsoken and it is worth £18 yearly.
321. De serianteriis nichil amplius sciunt dicere.
They can say nothing more regarding the serjeanties.